DUAL HIGH GAIN PNP TRANSISTORS IN A HERMETICALL Y SEALEDCERAMIC SURFACE MOUNT PACKAGE FOR HIGH RELIABILITY APPLICATIONSFEATURES• HERMETIC CERAMIC SURFACE MOUNT PACKAGE• CECC SCREENING OPTIONS• SPACE QUALITY LEVELS OPTIONSAPPLICATIONS:Suitable for use in high gain, low noise differential amplifier applications.V CBO Collector – Base Voltage V CEO Collector – Emitter Voltage 1V EBO Emitter – Base Voltage I C Collector CurrentP D Total Device Dissipation Derate above 25°CT STGStorage Temperature Range–60V –60V –5V –50mA 500mW 600mW 2.9mW / °C 3.4mW / °C–65 to 200°CMECHANICAL DATADimensions in mm (inches)LCC2 PACKAGEUnderside ViewABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated)PAD 1 – Collector 1PAD 2 – Base 1PAD 3 – Base 2PAD 4 – Collector 2PAD 5 – Emitter 2PAD 6 – Emitter 1NOTES1. Base – Emitter Diode Open Circuited.EACH SIDE TOT AL DEVICELABParameterTest Conditions 1Min.Typ.Max.UnitVnA µA nA—V V k Ω—µmho—pF–60–60–5–10–10–2010015045075150450150450125–0.7–0.7–0.8–0.2–0.2533015060025 x 10-456011548V (BR)CBO Collector – Base Breakdown Voltage V (BR)CEO*Collector – Emitter Breakdown Voltage V (BR)EBO Emitter – Base Breakdown Voltage I CBO Collector Cut-off Current I EBOEmitter Cut-off Currenth FEDC Current GainV BEBase – Emitter VoltageV CE(sat)Collector – Emitter Saturation Voltage h ie Small Signal Common – Emitter Input Impedanceh fe Small Signal Common – Emitter Current Gainh re Small Signal Common – Emitter Reverse Voltage Gainh oeSmall Signal Common – Emitter Output Admittance|h fe |Small Signal Common – Emitter Current GainC obo Common – Base Open Circuit Output CapacitanceC ibo Common – Base Open Circuit Input CapacitanceI C = –10µA I E = 0I C = –10mA I B = 0I E = –10µA I C = 0V CB = –50VI E = 0T A = 150°CV EB = –4V I C = 0I C = –10µA V CE = –5V I C = –100µAV CE = –5V T A = –55°C I C = –500µA V CE = –5V I C = –1mA V CE = –5V I C = –10mA V CE = –5V *I C = –100µAV CE = –5V I B = –10µA I C = –100µA I B = –100µAI C = –1mA I B = –10µA I C = –100µA I B = –100µAI C = –1mAV CE = –10VI C = –1mA f = 1kHzV CE = –5VI C = –500µAf = 30MHz V CE = –5V I C = –1mA f = 100MHz V CB = –5V I E = 0f = 100kHz V EB = –0.5V I C = 0f = 100kHzELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated)NOTES* Pulse Test: t p = 300µs, δ≤2%.1) Terminals not under test are open circuited under all test conditions.INDIVIDUAL TRANSISTOR CHARACTERISTICSLABELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated)NOTES1) Terminals not under test are open circuited under all test conditions.2) The lower of the two readings is taken as h FE1.3) Average noise figure is measured in an amplifier with response down 3dB at 10Hz and 10 kHz and a high frequency rolloff of 6dB / octave.ParameterTest ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit—mVmV 0.91530.81h FE1Static Forward Current Gain h FE2Balance Ratio|V BE1– V BE2|Base – Emitter Voltage Differential|∆(V BE1– V BE2)∆T A |Base – Emitter Voltage DifferentialV CE = –5V I C = –100µASee Note 2.V CE = –5VI C = –10µA to –10mA V CE = –5V I C = –100µA V CE = –5V I C = –100µA T A1= 25°C T A2= –55°C V CE = –5V I C = –100µA T A1= 25°CT A2= 125°CTRANSISTOR MATCHING CHARACTERISTICS OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C unless otherwise stated)ParameterTest Conditions 1Min.Typ.Max.UnitdBdB732.53.5FSpot Noise Figure_FAverage Noise FigureV CE = –10VI C = –100µA R G = 3k Ω f = 100Hz Noise Bandwidth = 20HzV CE = –10VI C = –100µA R G = 3k Ω f = 1kHz Noise Bandwidth = 200HzV CE = –10V I C = –100µA R G = 3k Ω f = 10kHz Noise Bandwidth = 2kHzV CE = –10VI C = –100µAR G = 3k ΩNoise Bandwidth = 15.7kHz See Note 3.INDIVIDUAL TRANSISTOR CHARACTERISTICSLABTHERMAL INFORMATION2550751001251501752000. Free Air Temperature (˚C)AP M a x i m u m C o n t i n u o u s D i s s i p a t i o n (W )T TOTAL DEVICEEACHTRANSISTOR。
关于ZS-3810/10 (12脉冲6相桥式全波整流变压器)使用说明一、技术要求本技术规范书所列之技术条件经双方共同协商,达成的如下技术规范,为本工程最基本技术要求,供方应根据本技术要求向需方推荐成熟、可靠、技术先进的产品和系统方案。
本合同所签订的油浸式变压器完全符合IEC及GB有关标准,遵循的主要标准如下:二、变压器的使用环境条件1、周围空气温度:最高气温不高于+40℃、最低气温低于-20℃、最大日平均温差 25K2、最大相对湿度:95%(250C),月平均不大于90%3、最大风速: 35m/s, 风压:不大于 700Pa4、海拔高度:1000 米以下5、环境温度:-20℃—+50℃6、雷暴日天数 (日/年):67.47、抗震能力:地面水平加速度 0.3G、地面垂直加速度0.15G,同时作用持续三个正弦波、安全系数≥1.678、设备具有防尘、防污、防水的能力三、运行条件及电气参数1、高压额定电压: 22kV2、接地方式:无中性点接地系统3、额定电压比: 22kV±3X2.5%4、额定频率:50Hz5、调压方式:无载调压6、容量:3810KVA,低压侧每组含有各次谐波电流如下:(5次17.5%,7次11%,11次4.5%,13次2.9%,17次1.5%,19次1.0%,23次0.9%,25次0.8%)7、相数:3相输入6相输出8、阻抗电压:5.5 - 7 .5%9、接线组别:Dy11,DD12 (Δ/ Y ,Δ)10、变压器油:25 号11、冷却方式:油浸自冷式(ONAN)12、工频耐压: 85/35kV/1min13、雷电冲击耐压(峰值):200/75kV14、绝缘油耐压:耐压≧40kV15、线圈及导体材料:铜线16、噪声水平:60dB 以下(距变压器 1 米处)油面温升:小于50 K17、绕组温升:小于60K18、绝缘水平:初级工频耐压:45KV初级全波冲击耐压:95KV次级工频耐压、次级全波冲击耐压:参照国标次级任何时候必须承受对地3300V19、初级和次级绕组之间设置静电屏蔽层保护20、进出线用套管固定在变压器的顶盖上四、变压器主要材料及加工工艺要求1、变压器散热器为片式散热器,结构为不吊芯检修,变压器的结构使其在现场的安装工作简单。
+SP20B/SP20F/SP20X/SP20P编程器使用手册2022-12-20 Revision A6深圳硕飞科技有限公司SHENZHEN SFLY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.目录第一章简介1.1 性能特点 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31.2 SP20系列编程器参数表----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4第二章编程器硬件2.1 编程器主机------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52.2 附件------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5第三章快速使用3.1 软件安装 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63.2 烧录芯片步骤 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63.3 读取芯片数据并写入新的芯片----------------------------------------------------------------------- 83.4 联机模式指示灯状态 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9第四章脱机烧录4.1下载脱机数据 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------104.2 脱机烧录操作----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11手动方式 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 自动控制方式(通过ATE接口控制)---------------------------------------------------------------124.3 脱机模式指示灯状态 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12第五章ISP模式烧录5.1选择ISP烧录模式 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------135.2 ISP接口定义----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135.3 连接目标芯片 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.4 选择ISP供电方式----------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.5 烧录操作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14第六章多机模式烧录6.1 编程器硬件连接 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------156.2 烧录操作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16附录一常见问题解答 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17附录二免责声明------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18附录三修订记录-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19第一章简介SP20系列(SP20B/SP20F/SP20X/SP20P)编程器是深圳硕飞科技最新推出的一款SPI FLASH专用高速量产型编程器,是SP16系列的升级版,全面支持国内外各厂商的SPI NOR FLASH、I2C/MicroWire 等EEPROM的高速量产烧录。
Technical Data SheetBRADY WORLDWIDE, INC. TDS No. B-342Effective Date: 02/21/2000BRADY B-342热缩套管标识技术性能表概述: B-342热缩套管标识是专为线缆标识和用于绝缘用途的可热缩(比例为:3:1〕的柔软聚烯烃套管。
为达到较好的打印效果,建议使用Brady R4300进行针式打印,使用R4502银色色带进行热转移打印黑色套管。
B-342热缩套管满足MIL-DTL-23053、5C(1类〕对绝缘套管的要求,采用Brady R5000针打和R4300和R4502S系列色带进行热转移打印的B-342标签符合 MIL-M-81531电力绝缘材料标识标准要求。
细则:套管尺寸线缆直径(in)线缆直径(mm)0.58-2.03 3/32"3PS-094 0.023-0.0801.17-2.79 1/8"3PS-125 0.046-0.1101.57-3.81 3/16"3PS-187 0.062-0.1502.39-5.46 1/4"3PS-250 0.094-0.2153.18-8.13 3/8"3PS-375 0.125-0.3204.75-11.43 ½"3PS-500 0.187-0.450性能:收缩方法:可用任何工业级热封枪对B-342贝迪热缩套管标识进行收缩。
测试方法:用Brady R5000针打色带和R4300型热转移色带打印白色和黄色的标签样本,用 Brady R4502S银色色带热转移打印黑色标签样本。
溶液A:1份异丙基酒精,3份无机酒精溶液C:BIOACT-EC-7R™萜烯溶剂溶液D:42份水,1份丙二醇单甲醚,1份70ºC 的单乙醇胺物理特性测试方法典型测试结果最高适应温度 260ºC(500ºF)下5分钟180ºC(350ºF)下24小时130ºC(267ºF)下1000小时套管稍有褪色,但对打印内容无影响最低适应温度 -40ºC(-40ºF)下1000小时无影响抗老化性按美国测试及材料协会ASTMG 26测试,在弧形氙气天气计里放置1000小时白色套管稍有褪色,黄色套管中等程度褪色,打印内容稍微褪色,对黑色套管无影响。
Medium power transistor (-32V, -2A)2SB1182 / 2SB1240●Features1) Low V CE(sat).V CE(sat) = -0.5V (Typ.) (I C /I B = -2A / -0.2A)2) Complements 2SD1758 / 2SD1862.●StructureEpitaxial planar type PNP silicon transistor●Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25︒C)∗1 Single pulse, Pw =100ms∗2 Printed circuit board, 1.7mm thick, collector copper plating 100mm 2or larger.ParameterV CBO V CEO V EBO P C Tj Tstg−40V V V A(DC)W (Tc =25°C )W°C °C−32−5−2I CA (Pulse)−3101∗1∗22SB11822SB1240150−55 to 150Symbol Limits Unit Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-base voltage Collector currentCollector power dissipationJunction temperature Storage temperature●Electrical characteristics (Ta=25︒C)∗ Measured using pulse current.ParameterSymbol BV CBO BV CEO BV EBO I CBO I EBO h FE V CE(sat)f T CobMin.−40−32−5−−120−−−−−−−−10050−−−−1−1390−0.8∗∗−−V I C = −50μA I C = −1mA I E = −50μA V CB = −20V V EB = −4V I C /I B = −2A/ −0.2A V CE = −5V, I E =0.5A, f =100MHz V CB = −10V, I E =0A, f =1MHzV VμA μA −−V CE = −3V, I C = −0.5AV MHz pFTyp.Max.Unit Conditions−0.5Collector-base breakdown voltage Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Emitter-base breakdown voltage Collector cutoff current Emitter cutoff currentCollector-emitter saturation voltage DC current transfer ratio Transition frequency Output capacitance●Packaging specifications and h FEPackage CodeBasic ordering unit (pieces)TapingTL 2500h FE QR 2SB1182−TV22500−QR2SB1240Typeh FE values are classified as follows :Item h FEQ 120 to 270R 180 to 390●Electrical characteristic curvesFig.1 Grounded emitter propagationcharacteristicsBASE TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V BE (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )−−−−−−−−−−Fig.2 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics−−−−−C O L LE C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)Fig.3 DC current gain vs.collector curren ( )D C C U R RE N T G A I N : hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.4 DC current gain vs.collector current ( )D C C U R RE N T G A I N : hF ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.5 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current ( )C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (m V )−−−−Fig.6 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current ( )−−−−−C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (m V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.7 Base-emitter saturation voltagevs. collector currentCOLLETOR CURRENT : I C (mA)B A S E S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V B E (s a t )(V )−−−−−Fig.8 Gain bandwidth product vs.emitter currentEMITTER CURRENT : I E (mA)T R A N S I T I O N F R E Q U E N C Y : f T (M H z )Fig.9 Collector output capacitance vs.collector-base voltageEmitter input capacitance vs. emitter-base voltageCOLLECTOR TO BASE VOLTAGE : V CB (V)EMITTER TO BASE VOLTAGE : V EB (V)C O L L E C T O R O U T P U T C A P AC I T A N C E : C o b (p F )E M I T T E R I N P U T C A P A C I T A N C E : C i b (p F )Fig.10 Safe operation area(2SB1182)−−−−−−−−−−C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)NoticeN o t e sNo copying or reprod uction of this d ocument, in part or in whole, is permitted without theconsent of ROHM Co.,Ltd.The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice.The content specified herein is for the purpose of introd ucing ROHM's prod ucts (hereinafter"Products"). If you wish to use any such Product, please be sure to refer to the specifications,which can be obtained from ROHM upon request.Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained hereinillustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions mustbe taken into account when designing circuits for mass production.Great care was taken in ensuring the accuracy of the information specified in this document.However, should you incur any d amage arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of suchinformation, ROHM shall bear no responsibility for such damage.The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of andexamples of application circuits for the Prod ucts. ROHM d oes not grant you, explicitly orimplicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM andother parties. ROHM shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising from theuse of such technical information.The Products specified in this document are intended to be used with general-use electronicequipment or devices (such as audio visual equipment, office-automation equipment, commu-nication devices, electronic appliances and amusement devices).The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant.While ROHM always makes efforts to enhance the quality and reliability of its Prod ucts, aProduct may fail or malfunction for a variety of reasons.Please be sure to implement in your equipment using the Products safety measures to guardagainst the possibility of physical injury, fire or any other damage caused in the event of thefailure of any Product, such as derating, redundancy, fire control and fail-safe designs. ROHMshall bear no responsibility whatsoever for your use of any Product outside of the prescribedscope or not in accordance with the instruction manual.The Prod ucts are not d esigned or manufactured to be used with any equipment, d evice orsystem which requires an extremely high level of reliability the failure or malfunction of whichmay result in a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury (such as a medicalinstrument, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controller, fuel-controller or other safety device). ROHM shall bear no responsibility in any way for use of anyof the Prod ucts for the above special purposes. If a Prod uct is intend ed to be used for anysuch special purpose, please contact a ROHM sales representative before purchasing.If you intend to export or ship overseas any Product or technology specified herein that maybe controlled under the Foreign Exchange and the Foreign Trade Law, you will be required toobtain a license or permit under the Law.Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations.More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us.ROHM Customer Support System/contact/。
诺曼筛门阀 TF24-3 技术数据表说明书
TF24-3Actuador rotativo con función de seguridadpara el ajuste de compuertas en serviciostécnicos de edificios• Compuerta de aire de tamaño hastaaprox. 0.5 m²• Par de giro del motor 2.5 Nm• Tensión nominal AC/DC 24 V• Control 3 puntosDatos técnicosDatos eléctricos Tensión nominal AC/DC 24 VFrecuencia nominal50/60 HzRango de tensión nominal AC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 VConsumo de energía en funcionamiento 2.5 WConsumo energía en reposo 1 WConsumo de energía para dimensionado 4 VAConexión de la alimentación / control Cable 1 m, 4x 0.75 mm²Funcionamiento en paralelo Si (tenga en cuenta los datos defuncionamiento)Datos de funcionamiento Par de giro del motor 2.5 NmPar de giro de la función de seguridad 2.5 NmSentido del movimiento del motor se puede seleccionar con el interruptor L/Rseleccionable según montaje L/RSentido de movimiento de la función deseguridadAccionamiento manual NoÁngulo de giro Máx. 95°Nota de el ángulo de giro Ajustable a partir del 37% en incrementos de2,5% (con tope mecánico)Tiempo de giro del motor150 s / 90°Tiempo de giro con función de seguridad<25 s / 90°Nivel de potencia sonora, motor50 dB(A)Interfaz mecánica Accionador del eje, abrazadera universal6...12.7 mmIndicador de posición MecánicosVida útil Mín. 60 000 posiciones de seguridadDatos de seguridad Clase de protección IEC/EN III, Tensión extra-baja de seguridad (SELV)Grado de protección IEC/EN IP42CEM CE según 2014/30/UECertificación IEC/EN IEC/EN 60730-1 y IEC/EN 60730-2-14Prueba de higiene De conformidad con VDI 6022 parte 1 / SWKIVA 104-01, limpiable y desinfectable, bajasemisionesTipo de acción Tipo 1.AATensión de resistencia a los impulsos0.8 kVGrado de polución3Humedad ambiente Máx. 95% de RH, sin condensaciónTF24-3Datos de seguridadTemperatura ambiente-30...50°C [-22...122°F]Temperatura de almacenamiento -40...80°C [-40...176°F]Mantenimientosin mantenimiento PesoPeso 0.64 kgDatos técnicos••••••Notas de seguridadEste dispositivo ha sido diseñado para su uso en sistemas estacionarios de calefacción,ventilación y aire acondicionado y no se debe utilizar fuera del campo específico de aplicación, especialmente en aviones o en cualquier otro tipo de transporte aéreo.Aplicación en exterior: sólo es posible en el caso de que el dispositivo no esté expuestodirectamente a agua (de mar), nieve, hielo, radiación solar o gases nocivos y que se asegure que las condiciones ambientales se mantienen en todo momento dentro de los umbrales de acuerdo con la ficha de datos.Sólo especialistas autorizados deben realizar la instalación. Durante la instalación, deberán cumplirse todas las regulaciones de instalación legales o institucionales que correspondan.El dispositivo sólo se puede abrir en el centro del fabricante. No contiene piezas que el usuario pueda reemplazar o reparar.No se deben retirar los cables del dispositivo.El dispositivo contiene componentes eléctricos y electrónicos y no se puede desechar con los residuos domésticos. Deben tenerse en cuenta todas las normas y requerimientos locales vigentes.Modo de funcionamientoMontaje directo y sencillo Ángulo de giro ajustable Alta fiabilidad funcionalCaracterísticas del productoEl actuador se activa con una señal a 3 puntos. El actuador mueve la compuerta hasta la posición de funcionamiento al mismo tiempo que tensa el muelle de retorno. Cuando se interrumpe la alimentación, la fuerza del muelle hace girar de nuevo la compuerta hasta la posición de seguridad.Montaje directo y sencillo en el eje de la compuerta con una abrazadera universal, suministrada con un dispositivo antirrotación para impedir que el actuador gire.Ángulo de giro ajustable mediante topes mecánicos.El actuador se encuentra protegido contra sobrecargas, no necesita ningún contacto limitador y se detiene automáticamente cuando alcanza el final de carrera.AccesoriosAccesorios mecánicosDescripciónModelo Palanca para actuadorAH-TF Extensión del eje 170 mm ø10 mm para eje de la compuerta ø6...16 mm AV6-20Rótula Adecuado para palanca de transmisión de compuerta KH8 / KH10KG10A Rótula Adecuado para palanca de transmisión de compuerta KH8KG8Palanca de transmisión Ancho de la ranura 8.2 mm, rango de nuez ø10...18 mm KH8Kit de sujeciónSB-TF Limitador de ángulo de giro, con tope final ZDB-TF Adaptador para ejes cuadrados 8x8 mmZF8-TF Kit de montaje para acoplamiento para montaje plano o lateral ZG-TF1Mecanismo antirrotación 180 mm, Multipack 20 uds.Z-ARS180TF24-3Colores de los hilos:1 = negro 2 = rojo 3 = blanco 4 = blancoInstalación eléctricaAlimentación del transformador de aislamiento de seguridad.Es posible realizar una conexión en paralelo de otros actuadores. Respete los datos de funcionamiento.Esquema de conexionadoAC/DC 24 V, 3 puntosDimensionesLongitud del ejeMin. 84Min. 20Rango de nuez。
本手册由9个章节和4个附录组成。 纸张操作................................................................................................. 2-2 介质规格................................................................................................. 2-2 2.1.3 可打印区域...............................................................................................................2-5 PCL5e/EPSON/IBM 㟩ਅ ...................................................................... 2-5 PCLXL, PS (BR-Script 3) ...................................................................... 2-8 2.1.4 各种设定下的打印速度...........................................................................................2-9 2.1.5 墨粉盒重量信息.....................................................................................................2-10 2.2 规格表 ............................................................................................................ 2-11
常用塑料注塑工艺参数表:常用塑料注塑工艺参数(2)2010-06-16 20:02:13| 分类:个人日记| 标签:|字号大中小订阅聚甲醛加工参数聚甲醛的成型收缩率聚甲醛的后收缩九、PC注塑工艺特性与工艺参数的设定1、聚集态特性属于无定型塑料,Tg为149~150℃;Tf为215~225℃;成型温度为250~310℃; 2、热稳定性较好,并随分子量的增大而提高。
PC的典型干燥曲线台湾奇美典型牌号加工参数:十、PA及玻纤增强PA注塑工艺特性与工艺参数设定 1、常用品种及其熔点:q 品种:尼龙-66;尼龙-610;尼龙-1010;尼龙-1212;尼龙-46尼龙-6;尼龙-7;尼龙-9;尼龙-11;尼龙-12;尼龙-66/6、尼龙-66/610;尼龙-6∕66∕1010;尼龙-66/6/610q 熔点:尼龙n系列:尼龙-6 215~220℃;尼龙-12为178℃;尼龙m,n系列:尼龙-46 295 ℃;尼龙-66 255~265℃;尼龙-610 215~223℃;尼龙-1010 200℃;共缩聚尼龙:由于分子链的规整性较差,结晶性和熔点一般较低,如尼龙-6∕66∕1010的熔点仅为155~175℃,但其有较好的透明性和弹性。
HFBR-3810Z and HFBR-3810MSZShort Fiber Optic Transmission Links for 10 MBdApplication Note 5489IntroductionHFBR-3810Z and HFBR-3810MSZ are short fiber optic transmission links providing galvanic insulation up to 12kV transient voltage. Both components are identical with the exception that the HFBR-3810MSZ has an additional metal shield cover for improved EMI performance.In both fiber optic links the light signal travels from TX to RX through a tube made of highly reflective material, which helps in coupling the light to the receiver’s photodiode.HFBR-3810Z HFBR-3810MSZMarkingFigure 1. Product Label InformationFigure 2. Cavity Number InformationHousing HolesBottom ViewTop ViewFigure 3. Housing HolesHoles are placed at various locations on the housing to prevent the creation of a microclimate inside the housing. These holes ensure the temperature outside and inside of the housing are the same. The hole on the top of the housing at the TX side also provides visual access to a red LED which, when lit, indicates that the transmitter is on.Guide PostFigure 4. Guide Post (Bottom View)A guide post situated at the bottom of the TX side ensures proper orientation of the unit on the PCB board.Dry packingThe HFBR-3810Z and HFBR-3810MSZ are placed in antistatic blister packing and shipped in a Moisture Barrier Bag (MBB) together with desiccants and a humidity indicator in accordance with the JEDEC J-STD-33B specifications. In this fashion, protection against humidity in the environment is ensured. Labels similar to the one in Figure 5 are used to clearly indicate that the devices are moisture sensitive.Figure 5. Moisture Warning LabelTop Tray (Top View)Bottom Tray (Top View)Units on Bottom Tray (Top View)Close Up View of Metal Shield Part (Top View)Figure 6. Anti-static Blister Pack (20 devices per pack)Floor life and maximum storage time (shelf life)The moisture sensitivity classification for these links is MSL3 according to JEDEC J-STD-020D.Unopened moisture-barrier-bagged devices can be stored up to 12 months in an environment with a temperature between 5°C and 40°C and a relative humidity (RH) not exceeding 90%.Unpacked devices can be kept in a production environ-ment up to 168 hours, provided the temperature does not exceed 30°C and the relative humidity (RH) does not exceed 60%.BakingWhen the devices are inserted and soldered to a PCB within 48 hours from the time they are removed from the MBB, the moisture level in the mold material is low enough to ensure minimum mechanical stress while soldering.If the devices are kept on the production floor for more than 48 hours after removal from the MBB, it is advisable to bake the modules before soldering.Baking is done by removing the devices from the storage tube and placing them in a shallow container in such a way that the package bodies do not touch each other. Then the devices are placed in a bake oven and heated to 75°C for 20 hours. After this procedure, the moisture content of the devices will be low enough to prevent excessive moisture-induced stress during soldering. As a general guideline, baking is recommended before every soldering procedure, and can be done as often as necessary. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protectionThese devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge and must therefore be handled with appropriate care in an ESD protected area which should be clearly indicated as shown in Figure 7.Figure 7. Warning Sign for ESD Protected Area An ESD event may damage or degrade device perfor-mance. Therefore, in accordance with DIN 61340-5-1 standard procedures, the following ESD preventive measures should be adhered to at all times when handling, transporting and/or storing these devices. An ESD preven-tative program that overlooks or circumvents any of these procedures, materials and facilities may prove insufficient to prevent ESD damage.• ESD floors• ESD tables, ESD work surfaces and ESD storage facilities(e.g., trolleys and carts)• ESD wrist straps/connectors for wrist straps• ESD footwear and garments (cotton or special approved materials)• ESD gloves or finger cots• ESD chairs• ESD tools (e.g., nippers)• ESD prevention at equipment parts – equipment parts that may directly contact the device leads must be made of dissipative materials wherever possible.If dissipative materials cannot be used for technical reasons, metals whose natural non-conductive surface layer are sufficiently thin (breakdown voltage <10 V) must be used. Conductive machine parts that may contact the device leads directly must be connected to ground without a series resistor.• ESD packing materialsESD classificationThese devices have passed the following ESD test:Human Body Model (HBM) with U = ±800 V in accordance with the JEDEC standard JESD22-A114 (ESD Sensitivity). Device mountingThe devices are designed for through-hole mounting on a PCB. The minimum distance from the package to the PCB is mechanically established by the design of the device housing.Solderability/soldering processThe qualification test “Resistance to soldering heat – Standard soldering technique (RSH-ST)” was performed with a solder temperature of 260° C for 10 seconds (distance to package: 3 mm) in accordance with JEDEC standard JESD22-B106D. Only a wave soldering process is recommended for this part.WashingThe washing process must be done using easily va-porizing materials like methyl, isopropyl or isobutyl. After washing, it is mandatory to provide sufficient drying time at high temperature.Recommended chemicals:• Alcohols like methyl, isopropyl, isobutyl• Aliphatics like hexane or heptane• Soap solutions• Naphtha• De-ionized waterDo not use chemicals like:• (Partially) halogenated hydrocarbons• Ketones (eg. MEK)• Acetone• Chloroform• Ethyl acetate• Phenol• Methylene chloride• Methylene dichloride• N-methylpyrrolidoneIn general, it is sufficient to use simple cleaning agents like alcohols or soap solutions. More aggressive chemicals like halogenated hydrocarbons are detrimental to the en-vironment and hazardous to human health, and should therefore be avoided whenever possible.Galvanic insulationHFBR-3810Z and HFBR-3810MSZ are designed to provide galvanic insulation up to 12 kV transient voltage between the TX and RX sections, in accordance with IEC60664-1-{ed1.2}.Part Number Insulation Voltage(Transient)Maximum AltitudeHFBR-3810Z12 kV3000 m abovesea levelHFBR-3810MSZ12 kV2000 m abovesea level Flammability classificationThe Flammability class for these devices is UL94-V0Eye safetyThe devices emit light with a wavelength of 650 nm (red). These products are designed to avoid damage to the unprotected eye. To indicate the classification of the light source, a label as depicted in Figure 8 can be used, however these labels are not mandatory on the product according to IEC 60825 version 1.2 paragraph 1.1.Figure 8. LED Eye Safety LabelTable 1. Regulatory Compliance OverviewFeature Test Standard Performance Classification Moisture Sensitivity Classification JEDEC J-STD-020D MSL 3Human Body Model (HBM)JESD22-A114Class 1BGalvanic Insulation IEC60664-1{ed1.2}12 kVFlammability Classification UL94-V0Eye Safety IEC 60825 version 1.2Class 1For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries.Data subject to change. Copyright © 2005-2010 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. AV02-2702EN - November 24, 2010Design considerationFigure 9 shows the typical electrical connection for HFBR- 3810Z and HFBR-3810MSZ. An SN75451 IC is used to sink the LED forward current from the cathode (pin 2). As the SN75451’s output is an open collector, R1 is used to connect pin 2 to VCC. This helps to turn off the LED faster when the SN75451’s output is switched off.R2 connects the anode (pin 1) and VCC in order to control the amount of forward current flowing through the LED. Avago has characterized and verified that an R2 of 47ohms provides the optimum performance.The receiver output (pin 8) is a push-pull output stage that can be connected directly to an FPGA or DSP with a TTL/CMOS input stage.PCB layout rules• Decoupling caps C1, C2 and C3 should be placed as close as possible to the device’s VCC. Tantalum or ceramic chip capacitors are recommended.• TX GND and RX GND, TX VCC and RX VCC should be separated to eliminate noise coupling to the VCC and GND plane.• To achieve the high-voltage isolation specified in the datasheet there should not be any copper between the TX and RX pins underneath the device.• The GND pins of the transceiver need to be directly connected to a contiguous ground plane provided in the circuit board to provide a low-inductance power supply ground.• The dimensions of the conductors on the PCB, especially the VCC and GND traces, must be maximized to reduce parasitic inductance and to increase heat transfer from leads to the PCB plane. Other heat generating devices must not be placed near the devices.Figure 9. Electrical Application Circuit (Values for R1 and R2 are mandatory)。
注塑机参数与注塑工艺参数注塑成形技术系统培训教材SANSEI精密注塑成形蔡军注塑机装置的技术参数1.螺杆直径mm2.螺杆长径比L/D3.螺杆压缩比4.螺杆行程cm5.理论注射容积cm36.最大注射重量(以PS计算)g7.螺杆最大转速r/min8.最大塑化能力kg/h9.注射压力MPa10.注射速率g/s11.注射时间s12.注射座推力及喷嘴推力kN13.喷嘴行程cm14.喷嘴伸出量(即伸出模具安装平面的长度)cm 进一步的技术参数:15.注射速度mm/s16.螺杆最大扭矩N/m17.螺杆驱动功率kW18.喷嘴球半径mm19.螺杆驱动方式(如油压马达、电动马达等)20.回复率。
Digi-Star D3810 指示器电源线选项说明书
SCALE INDICATOR POWER CORDOPTIONSTable of Contents INDICATOR POWER CORD CONNECTORS (3)BARE WIRE TRACTOR CONNECTION (4)PINNED TRACTOR CONNECTION (5)ACCESSORIES (6)CONNECTOR REPAIR KITS FOR DIGI-STAR INDICATOR CABLES (7)Digi-Star LLCW5527 Hwy 106Fort Atkinson, WI 53538USATel: 800-225-7695E-mail:*******************Digi-Star InternationalDigi-Star Europe B.V.J.F. Kennedylaan 235NL-5981 WZ PanningenThe NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)77 462 92 64E-Mail:********************D3810-EN Indicator Power Cord Options Rev GAll rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without Digi-Star’s express written permission is forbidden. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. All efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of the contents of this manual. However, should any errors be detected, Digi-Star would greatly appreciate being informed of them. The above notwithstanding, Digi-Star can assume no responsibility for errors in this manual or their consequence.© Copyright 2016 Digi-Star Fort Atkinson (U.S.A.)Indicator Power Cord ConnectorsINDICATOR POWER CORD CONNECTORSItem No.Item DescriptionQty Order Part # 1 Conn-Pin/F Series (Reel) 24-20 4 840746 2 Conn-Body/F 4-Pin1 841046 3 Conn-Hood Amp 206358-1 1 841047 4 Conn-Male 7-Pin Tractor1 405421 5 Conn-Male 2-Pin (Cole Hersee) 1 404279 6 2-Pin SAE Connector 405107 7 Conn-Body Amp 26037-2 1 409256 8 Conn-Socket 2 409257 9 Conn-Hood Amp 1 408495 10 Pack-3-Pin Tractor410041 11Pack-Repair J901(Power)403455KEY 3 CONTACTFUNCTION1 + 12 VDC 2 Ground3 Remote Alarm, Relay/Alarm Output, + 12V (Scale Specific) 4Remote Zero, Remote Input, Ground SignalBare Wire Tractor Connection BARE WIRE TRACTOR CONNECTIONItem Description Cable Length Order Part # ItemNo.1 2-Bare Wire 6 Ft 4060722-Bare Wire 17 Ft 403335 2-Bare Wire 36 Ft 406073 2-Bare Wire 65 Ft 4062762 4-Bare Wire (Remote Alarm & Remote Zero)3 Ft 40800510 Ft 14669815 Ft 14668420 Ft 14811930 Ft 4075653 4-Bare Wire (Remote Alarm at Connection) 17 FT 4036264 2-Bare Wire with 2 Pin SAE Connector & Remote Zero12 FT 148210(can be used with p/n 145401 Pack-Alarm Light with Bracket & 145398Pack-Horn Assy with Cable)Pinned Tractor Connection PINNED TRACTOR CONNECTIONItem No. Item Description CableLengthOrder Part #1 7-Pin Tractor Connection (SAE J560) 10 FT 4032382 2-Pin Tractor Connection (Cole Hersee Brand) 25 FT 4096462-Pin Tractor Connection (Cole Hersee Brand) 30 FT 405079 3 2-Pin Tractor Connection with 2-Pin SAE Remote Alarm 27 FT 1453944 2-Pin Tractor Connection with Alarm Wires 15 FT 146150 2-Pin Tractor Connection with Alarm Wires 16 FT 4085015 2-Pin Tractor Male Extension 10 FT 8243526 Socket Tractor Assemble (Used with Keys 2-5) 20 FT 1418267 3-Pin Tractor Connection with Alarm Wires 17 FT 4084938 3-Pin Tractor Connection 10 FT 409260AccessoriesACCESSORIESItem No. Item Description Cable Length Order Part #1 Alarm with 2-Pin SAE Connector 10 FT 1453982 Alarm Light with 2-Pin SAE Connector Includes Bracket &Cable Clips10 FT1454013 Alarm Light with 2-Pin SAE Connector 10 FT 1454024 120V AC to 12V DC Converter with Bare Wire5 FT (Output: 12V DC, 1.5 Amp,Input: 100-240V AC, 47-63 HZ)1460305 120V AC to 12V DC Converter with Amp IndicatorConnector5 FT (Output: 12V DC, 1.5 Amp,Input: 100-240V AC, 47-63 HZ)1481566 120V AC to 12V DC Converter for SW300 Indicator 6 FT (Output: 12V DC, 1.5 Amp,Input: 100-240V AC, 47-63 HZ)4065077 Regulated Power Supply 120V AC to 13.8V DC 5 FT 8238728 12V DC with Battery Clips 9 FT 404777 12V DC with Battery Clips 17 FT 4086699 Lighter Power Connector 40669310 12V DC Plug to Amp Indicator Connector 4 FT 40983311 Universal Plug Adaptors (works with power cubes 4,5,6) 40650812 120VAC to 12VDC Converter with AMP Connector and 2-Wire for Remote Alarm5 FT (Output: 12V DC, 1.5 Amp,Input: 100-240V AC, 47-63 HZ)410397Connector Repair Kits For Digi-Star Indicator Cables CONNECTOR REPAIR KITS FOR DIGI-STAR INDICATOR CABLES。
汉柏PE 3810
01 基本参数
03 其它参数 05 环境参数
02 端口参数 04 电气参数
支持络协议单播路由:静态路由、直连路由、默认路由 RIPv1/v2,OSPFv2,BGPv4,IS-IS PBR策略路由 FastSwitch、Load-Balance组播路由: IGMP PIM-DM、PIM-SM、DVMRP IP功能: ICMP、TCP、UDP,IP Option NAT、PAT、Port-MAP、Private-Service、ALG Ping、TraceRoute、Nslookup IP ACL、IMP filter、 Fast-Access DHCP Client/Serv/Relay DNS、DNS host,DNS Proxy、DDNS(PeanutHull/DynDNS/CTC) Helper-Address,UDP Helper IP unnumber、DDR Keepalive、PDP(兼容CISCO) NetFlow、IP Accounting TFTP Client/Serv、FTP Client SNTP,job/schedule PNP ALIAS反向telnet、VTY捆绑 MPLS: AToM、VPLS、MP-BGP、VRF L2VPN、L3VPN MPLS TE IPv6: IPv6 ND、IPv6 PMTU、IPv6 FIB、IPv6 ACL(通 过IPv6 PhaseII认证) IPv6过渡:NAT-PT、IPv6隧道 IPv6隧道:手工隧道、自动隧道、GRE隧道、6to4、 ISATAP IPv6路由:IPv6静态路由、RIPng、OSPFv3、IS域接口类型标配1个Console口,1个AUX口,2个10/100M快速以太口,2个高速通用串口,1个FIC络/语音 接口卡插槽,1个SIC扩展接口卡插槽
分体式钢带铁扣打包机 质量都一样吗
产品型号:KGL KGC(16—32mm)
产品商标:TNZC28429934D01T181222 使用气压:0.49-0.63Mps