environmental policy
新标准大学英语综合教程3课后翻译答案Unit1英译中(也是背诵段落)1 。
We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here,that we would never get a chance like this again,and we became determined not to waste it。
我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴.Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year。
当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要.No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class,so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong。
Libraries which were once empty after five o'clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning.以前每天下午五点以后,图书馆就空无一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座。
Guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride,like medals proving their diligence。
小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章.2 Tomorrow?It's all a lie;there isn’t a tomorrow。
environmental policy and governance投稿经验
environmental policy and governance投稿经验摘要:一、引言1.环境政策和治理的重要性2.投稿经验的背景和意义二、环境政策和治理的现状1.我国环境政策的演变2.环境治理体系的构建3.当前环境政策和治理面临的问题三、投稿经验分享1.选定目标期刊2.文章结构与内容3.投稿过程中的沟通与修改4.投稿经验的总结与反思四、对环境政策和治理领域研究的建议1.加强政策制定与执行的协同2.促进跨学科研究与合作3.提高研究成果的实践应用价值正文:一、引言环境政策和治理是推动我国环境保护和可持续发展的重要手段。
environmental policy and governance投稿经验
environmental policy and governance投稿经验环境政策和治理是解决当今全球环境问题的重要手段。
这些节能政策的实施使得美国的能源利用效率不断提高。据统计,与上世纪相比,美国的能源消耗强 度下降了约40%,能源利用效率的提高对于减少环境污染、降低温室气体排放和应对气候变化具有重 要意义。
美国在应对气候变化方面制定了明确的 减排目标,并采取了一系列措施以实现 这些目标。例如,通过提高能效、推广 可再生能源、实施碳捕捉和储存技术等 手段,美国成功地减少了温室气体的排 放。
汇报人: 日期:
• 引言 • 美国环境保护政策的历史演变 • 美国环境保护政策的主要领域 • 美国环境保护政策的实施效果 • 美国环境保护政策的挑战与对策 • 美国环境保护政策的国际比较与借鉴 • 结论与展望
全球气候变化问题日益严峻,美国作为全球最大的经济体 之一,其环保政策对于减缓气候变化具有重要影响。
美国采取了一系列适应措施,以应对气候变 化带来的影响。
美国通过减少温室气体的排放,以应对气候 变化。
美国积极参与国际合作,共同应对气候变化 问题。
美国环保政策实施以来,空气污染物如二氧化硫、一氧化碳、氮氧化物等的排放 量明显减少。这一方面是由于环保政策的严格监管和减排措施的落实,另一方面 也归功于清洁能源的推广和工业技术的改进。
美国作为全球最大的经济体之一,其减排 行动对于全球气候变化具有重要影响。通 过减少温室气体排放,美国为全球应对气 候变化做出了积极贡献,也为其他国家树 立了良好的榜样。
中国环保政策英文作文高中英文:China's environmental policies have undergone significant transformations over the years, reflecting the nation's growing awareness of environmental issues and its commitment to sustainable development. 。
One of the key initiatives in China's environmental policy is the promotion of renewable energy sources. In recent years, China has made substantial investments in wind, solar, and hydroelectric power, aiming to reduce its reliance on coal and other fossil fuels. This shift towards cleaner energy not only helps in mitigating air pollution but also contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.For instance, the Chinese government has implemented various incentive programs to encourage the adoption of solar panels among households and businesses. Theseprograms offer subsidies and tax breaks to those who invest in solar energy systems, making it more financially viable for people to embrace renewable energy.Furthermore, China has also introduced strict regulations to curb industrial pollution. Factories and manufacturing plants are required to adhere to stringent emissions standards, and those failing to comply may face hefty fines or even shutdowns. By enforcing these regulations, China aims to improve air and water quality, safeguarding the health of its citizens and preserving its natural resources.Additionally, China has been actively promoting eco-friendly practices in transportation. The government has been incentivizing the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by providing subsidies and building charging infrastructure across the country. As a result, the adoption of EVs has been steadily increasing, reducing emissions from conventional vehicles and alleviating urban air pollution.In summary, China's environmental policies encompassvarious measures aimed at promoting sustainable development and mitigating the adverse impacts of pollution. Through investments in renewable energy, enforcement of pollution control regulations, and promotion of eco-friendly technologies, China is making strides towards building a greener and healthier future.中文:中国的环保政策经历了多年的变革,反映了国家对环境问题日益增强的认识以及对可持续发展的承诺。
环保政策英文作文Environmental protection policy is crucial for thewell-being of our planet. It's important for governments to implement strict regulations to reduce pollution andprotect natural resources.Many countries have already taken steps to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. For example, some have implemented carbon taxes to discourage the use of fossil fuels, while others have invested in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.In addition to government action, it's also importantfor individuals to do their part in protecting the environment. This can include simple actions like recycling, using public transportation, and reducing water and energy consumption.Education is also a key aspect of environmental protection policy. By teaching future generations about theimportance of sustainability and conservation, we canensure that these values are carried forward and implemented in the years to come.It's essential for businesses to be held accountablefor their environmental impact. This can be achievedthrough regulations that require companies to reduce their emissions, minimize waste, and use eco-friendly production methods.In conclusion, environmental protection policy is a multifaceted issue that requires action at the governmental, individual, educational, and corporate levels. By working together to implement and enforce these policies, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for our planet.。
The Environmental Policies of the United States
The Environmental Policies of theUnited States美国的环境政策近年来,随着全球气候变化和环境问题的日益严重,各国纷纷加强环境保护意识,并制定了一系列环境政策。
clean technologies and environmental policy 投稿经验目录1. 引言1.1 背景和意义1.2 结构概述1.3 目的2. 清洁技术的定义与分类2.1 清洁技术的概念2.2 清洁技术的分类方法2.3 清洁技术在环境保护中的重要性3. 环境政策与清洁技术发展的关系3.1 现行环境政策对清洁技术的要求与支持措施3.2 清洁技术发展对环境政策产生的影响和推动作用3.3 环境政策对清洁技术创新和应用的挑战与机遇4. 清洁技术在不同领域中的应用案例分析4.1 清洁能源领域中的应用案例分析4.2 节能减排领域中的应用案例分析4.3 循环经济领域中的应用案例分析5. 结论与展望5.1 清洁技术对环境保护和可持续发展的贡献总结5.2 现有环境政策的不足与改进建议5.3 未来清洁技术发展的前景和挑战展望引言1.1 背景和意义在当今社会,环境问题已经成为全球共同面临的挑战。
1.2 结构概述本文将从以下几个方面对清洁技术与环境政策之间的关系进行探讨。
environmental policy and governance投稿经验
environmental policy and governance投稿经验摘要:一、引言1.环境政策和治理的重要性2.投稿经验的背景和意义二、环境政策和治理的发展1.我国环境政策的历史演变2.当前环境政策和治理的挑战与机遇三、投稿经验分享1.投稿前的准备a.选题与定位b.文献综述和分析c.创新点和研究方法2.投稿过程中的注意事项a.选择合适的期刊b.遵循投稿流程c.稿件修改与完善3.投稿后的经验总结a.稿件接受与发表b.学术交流与反馈四、对环境政策和治理领域研究的展望1.未来研究趋势和热点问题2.青年学者在环境政策和治理领域的发展机会正文:一、引言随着全球环境问题的日益严重,环境政策和治理已成为我国乃至全球关注的焦点。
环境政策的英文作文Environmental policy is crucial for the protection of our planet. It sets the guidelines and regulations for businesses and individuals to follow in order to minimize their impact on the environment.We need to take action to reduce our carbon footprint. This can be achieved by using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, and by reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.Another important aspect of environmental policy is the protection of natural habitats and wildlife. This can be done through the establishment of protected areas and the implementation of laws to prevent habitat destruction and poaching.Waste management is also a key component of environmental policy. We need to reduce, reuse, and recycle in order to minimize the amount of waste that ends up inlandfills or polluting our oceans.Environmental policy also plays a role in addressingair and water pollution. Regulations can be put in place to limit emissions from factories and vehicles, as well as to ensure that water sources are kept clean and safe for both humans and wildlife.Overall, environmental policy is essential for ensuring the long-term health and sustainability of our planet. It requires cooperation and commitment from governments, businesses, and individuals in order to be effective.。
中国环保政策英文作文初中英文:China's environmental protection policies have been a hot topic in recent years. With the increasing awareness of environmental issues, the Chinese government has been implementing various policies to protect the environment and promote sustainable development.For example, the "Green Fence" policy, which was introduced in 2013, aimed to restrict the import of low-quality recyclable materials into China. This policy has greatly improved the quality of imported recyclables and reduced environmental pollution caused by the improper disposal of these materials.In addition, the Chinese government has also been promoting the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. Subsidies and incentives are provided to encourage the development and utilization of these cleanenergy sources. As a result, China has become a global leader in renewable energy production, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution.Furthermore, the "polluter pays" principle has been widely adopted in China's environmental protection policies. Companies that pollute the environment are required to pay for the environmental damage they cause, which serves as a deterrent for irresponsible industrial practices.Overall, China's environmental protection policies have made significant progress in recent years, and the government's efforts in this area are commendable.中文:中国的环保政策近年来备受关注。
4.2 环境方针 Environmental Policy
承诺:1 向市场提供具有卓越价值的产品和服务,并遵守及符合适用的环保法律法规;2 加强研究,实现质量要求的最高标准,合理利用资源,开展废旧产品的回收及循环利用活动,减少对环境的影响;3 建立相关的生产,质量和环境标准流程;4 教育所有员工,提高质量环保意识;5通过有效的内部和外部沟通,保持开放性和建设性对话;6通过适当的认证的质量和环境管理,促进和提高供应商的商品和服务。
Natuzzi China Ltd Environmental PolicyEnvironmental Policy:Natuzzi China is committed to protect and conserve the environment by pollutions prevention, energy saving and continuous improvement.Strategies:Natuzzi China’s Environmental policy will help ensure sustainable development and a long-term economic viability of our operations through pollution prevention, energy saving, efficiency improvements and customer preferences. Natuzzi China implements an integrated environmental management system that is consistent with the ISO14001 International Standards. Designed to Identify, evaluate and control significant environmental aspects, it is the foundation for continuous improvement in our products and services. This improvement includes achieving excellence through systematic environmental processes in the areas of raw material selection, product design, development and manufacturing.Our commitment:1 While providing excellent products and services, Natuzzi China will comply with all national and local laws, regulations and other requirements related to protection of the environment;2 Reducing, reusing and/or recycling waste, decrease the environmental impact by strengthening researching and properly using environmental resources;3 Establish an excellent standard on production, quality and environmental procedures;4 Gradually raising environmental awareness among workers through delivering valid trainings;5 Continuously seek opportunities to improve environment through internal and external communication;6 Continuously improve our products, activities and services on the environment through obtaining appropriate environmental certification.。
clean technologies and environmental policy投稿经验
clean technologies and environmental policy投稿经验"Clean technologies" and "environmental policy" are two important topics in sustainable development. If you want to submit a paper on this topic, here are some suggestions:1. Choose a reputable journal: When selecting a journal, you should consider the journal's reputation, impact factor, and whether the journal covers your research field. You can search for relevant journals on the Web of Science or Scopus website.2. Read the journal's guidelines: Each journal has its own submission guidelines, including paper format, length, and content requirements. Make sure you understand these guidelines before submitting your paper.3. Prepare your paper: When preparing your paper, make sure your paper is clear, concise, and well-structured. Use a clear introduction to explain the background and significance of your research, and provide a literature review to show thecurrent research status. Then, describe your research methods, results, and discussions in detail. Finally, provide a conclusion to summarize your research findings and suggest future research directions.4. Pay attention to the review process: After submitting your paper, you will need to wait for the review process. The reviewers will evaluate your paper and provide feedback onits quality and relevance. If your paper is accepted, youwill need to make some modifications based on the reviewers' feedback.5. Communicate with the journal editor: If you have any questions or concerns about the review process or journal's guidelines, you can communicate with the journal editor. They will help you solve any problems and ensure that your paperis submitted correctly.6. Consider the impact of your research: When submitting your paper, you should consider the impact of your research onboth the scientific community and society. Try to make your research relevant to current environmental issues andpolicies to attract more attention and interest.。
环保政策介绍英文作文Environmental protection policy is a crucial aspect of government action. It aims to address the pressing issues of pollution, resource depletion, and climate change. Through the implementation of various regulations and incentives, the government seeks to promote sustainable practices and reduce the negative impact of humanactivities on the environment.One of the key components of environmental protection policy is the regulation of industrial emissions. By setting limits on the amount of pollutants that industries can release into the air, water, and soil, the government aims to minimize environmental damage and protect public health. Additionally, incentives for the adoption of cleaner technologies and renewable energy sources are also part of the policy framework.Another important aspect of environmental protection policy is the conservation of natural resources. Thisincludes measures to protect forests, wildlife, and marine ecosystems, as well as efforts to promote sustainable land use and responsible water management. By safeguardingnatural resources, the government aims to ensure their availability for future generations and preventirreversible environmental degradation.In addition to regulatory measures, environmental protection policy also includes public awareness and education initiatives. By informing and engaging the public, the government seeks to foster a sense of environmental responsibility and encourage individuals to adopt eco-friendly behaviors in their daily lives. This may involve campaigns, educational programs, and partnerships with schools, businesses, and community organizations.Furthermore, international cooperation is an essential aspect of environmental protection policy. Given the global nature of environmental challenges, collaboration withother countries is crucial to address issues such asclimate change, biodiversity loss, and transboundary pollution. Through agreements, partnerships, and diplomaticefforts, the government works to promote collective action and shared responsibility for environmental stewardship.Overall, environmental protection policy encompasses a wide range of measures aimed at safeguarding the planet and promoting sustainable development. By addressing issues such as pollution, resource conservation, public awareness, and international cooperation, the government seeks to create a healthier and more sustainable environment for current and future generations.。
The solutions of Water pollution
• 1.Strict control of pollutant emissions through legislation.
The Channel Law. Public Health Law, Capital Management Action. Eliminate The Pollution Harm
Noise pollution is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life
—The reasons of Air Pollution
1.The weather:Temperate zone marine climate.(温带海洋气候) 2.The use of coal and other fuel :in industry for production / in homes for domestic heat/Automobile exhaust and others. 3.The overexploitation of resources and the degradation of vegetation. 4.The development of urbanization and industrialization.
Air Water Noise White
Pollution Pollution Pollution Pollution
Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological molecules(分子), or other harmful materials into Earth's atmosphere, causing diseases, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as animals and food crops.
Title: Environmental Protection Policy TemplateIntroduction:This Environmental Protection Policy Template is designed to provide organizations with a framework for developing and implementing an effective environmental protection program. The policy outlines the commitment of the organization to protect the environment, comply with relevant laws and regulations, and minimize the impact of its operations on the environment.1. Purpose:The purpose of this Environmental Protection Policy is to:- Ensure compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations.- Minimize the environmental impact of the organization's operations.- Promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.- Establish guidelines for employees and contractors to follow in order to achieve these objectives.2. Scope:This policy applies to all activities, operations, and facilities of the organization, including but not limited to:- Waste management and disposal.- Energy consumption and conservation.- Water usage and conservation.- Use of environmentally friendly products and materials.- Pollution prevention and control.- Environmental emergencies and incident response.3. Responsibilities:The organization is committed to ensuring that all employees and contractors are aware of and responsible for their environmental obligations. The following individuals or groups have specific responsibilities under this policy:- Senior management: Responsible for providing leadership and direction in environmental protection efforts, establishing goals and objectives, and ensuring compliance with this policy.- Environmental management team: Responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the organization's environmental management system, monitoring performance, and reporting to senior management.- Employees and contractors: Responsible for adhering to this policy and implementing environmental protection measures in their daily work.4. Environmental Objectives and Targets:The organization will establish and implement environmental objectives and targets to achieve the following goals:- Compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.- Continuous improvement in environmental performance.- Minimization of resource consumption and waste generation.- Promotion of recycling and reuse of materials.- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants.5. Environmental Management System:The organization will develop and maintain an effective environmental management system that includes the following components:- Environmental policy and objectives.- Planning and implementation of environmental protection measures.- Monitoring and measurement of environmental performance.- Reporting and communication of environmental information.- Management review and continuous improvement.6. Training and Awareness:The organization will provide training and awareness programs to ensure that all employees and contractors are knowledgeable about the organization's environmental protection policies and procedures. Training will be provided on topics such as:- Environmental laws and regulations.- Waste management and disposal.- Energy and water conservation.- Use of environmentally friendly products and materials.- Incident reporting and emergency response.7. Compliance:The organization will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, and will work to exceed minimum requirements whenever possible. The organization will:- Stay informed of changes in environmental laws and regulations.- Monitor compliance with legal requirements and internal policies.- Take corrective actions to address non-compliance issues.8. Monitoring and Reporting:The organization will establish and maintain a system for monitoring and measuring its environmental performance. The following activities will be included:- Regular monitoring of key environmental indicators.- Annual reporting on environmental performance.- Management review of environmental performance and implementation of improvement measures.9. Emergency Response:The organization will develop and implement an emergency response plan to address environmental incidents and spills. The plan will include:- Procedures for responding to environmental incidents.- Contact information for relevant regulatory agencies and emergency response services.- Training and drills to ensure preparedness.10. Review and Update:This Environmental Protection Policy will be reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure its continued effectiveness and relevance. The policy will be reviewed at least annually or following significant changes in the organization's operations or environmental regulations.Conclusion:This Environmental Protection Policy Template provides a comprehensive framework for organizations to develop and implement an effective environmental protection program. By adopting and adhering to this policy, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility and minimize their impact on the environment.。
环境方针英语翻译 Environment Policy TranslationIntroduction The environment policy is a set of rules and guidelines that aim to protect and preserve the natural surroundings. It ensures sustainable development and promotes responsible utilization of resources. This document aims to provide a translation of the environment policy from Chinese to English. Environmental Values and Principles1. Harmony with Nature The company aims to achieve a harmonious relationship between human activities and nature. This involves minimizing the negative impact on the environment, conserving natural habitats, and preserving biodiversity.2. Resource Conservation Efficient resource utilization is a key principle of the environment policy. The company will strive to reduce waste, promote recycling and reuse, and adopt energy-efficient practices to minimize resource depletion.3. Pollution Prevention The company is committed to preventing pollution and reducing emissions. We will implement state-of-the-art technology to minimize air, water, and soil pollution.Efforts will be made to comply with relevant environmental regulations and standards.4. Sustainable Development Sustainable development is crucial to the environment policy. We will balance economic growth with environmentalpreservation, ensuring that present actions do not compromise the needs of future generations.5. Continuous Improvement The company will continuously evaluate and improve its environmental performance. Regular assessments and auditswill be conducted to identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with environmental objectives. Adopting Environmental Management System 1. Environmental Policy Implementation The company will ensure that the environment policy is communicated to all employees, stakeholders, and suppliers. Regular training sessions will be conducted to educate and create awareness about environmental responsibilities and practices. 2. Risk Assessment and Monitoring A comprehensive risk assessment will be conducted to identify potential environmental hazards and risks. Monitoring programs will be established to track and measure the company's environmental performance against set objectives. 3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations The company will comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards. We will ensure that permits and licenses are obtained as required, and all environmental obligations are met to avoid legal implications.4. Stakeholder Engagement Engaging with stakeholders is important for effective environmental management. The company will actively listen to the concerns and suggestions of stakeholders, promoting transparency and trust. 5. Communication and Reporting The company will maintain open communication channels with employees, stakeholders, and the public regarding environmental issues. Regular reports will be issued to monitor progress, share achievements, and address potential challenges.Conclusion This translated document outlines the environment policy, highlighting the core values and principles, as well as the implementation strategies. The company is committed to upholding its environmental responsibilities, promoting sustainability, and constantly improving its environmental performance. By following this policy, the company aims to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.。
clean technologies and environmental policy 投稿经验
clean technologies and environmental policy 投稿经验对于"clean technologies and environmental policy"这个话题,以下是一些投稿经验和建议:1、了解当前的环保政策:了解各个国家和地区的环境法规和政策,包括对清洁技术的支持和鼓励。
环保政策英文作文英文:Environmental protection policies play a crucial rolein preserving our planet for future generations. These policies are designed to regulate and control human activities that have a negative impact on the environment, such as pollution, deforestation, and habitat destruction. By enforcing these policies, governments can ensure that natural resources are used sustainably and that ecosystems are protected.For example, in my own country, there are strict regulations on industrial emissions to reduce air and water pollution. Companies are required to install pollution control equipment and regularly report their emissions to the environmental protection agency. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines and even closure of the business. This not only incentivizes companies to adopt cleaner production methods but alsoprotects the health of the local community.Furthermore, environmental protection policies also aim to promote the use of renewable energy sources and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Incentives such as tax credits and subsidies are often provided to individuals and businesses that invest in solar panels, wind turbines, and other forms of clean energy. This not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also creates job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.中文:环保政策对于保护我们的地球,确保子孙后代能够生存下去起着至关重要的作用。
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Yufu WangDr. SchoolmanPolitics of Environmental IssuesInsight: Presidential Candidates’ Positons of Energy Regulation While people worldwide celebrate the success of the climate summit in Paris—both China and the United States committed to cut carbon emission, and together with other nations pledged to cover 69% of the global climate pollution—new energy policies are under heated debates in America. The heat of presidential campaign in the air, candidates are all in full swing to position themselves about what climate change and new energy mean to American. Martin O’Malley, democratic presidential candidate, believes in the benefits of government regulation on the environment. Being a strong supporter of EPA, he advocates zero-tolerance regulation in pipe fracking and methane leaking (The Des Monies Register, 2016). O’Malley also claims that renewable energy sources is going to become “the biggest business and job creation opportunity we’ve seen in a hundred years” (Concord Monitor, 2015).On the other side of the debate, republican candidate Rand Paul argues that EPA’s “ambitious overreach”impairs individual freedom and suffocates job creation, which, as he claims, costs more than 5 percent of the US annual gross domestic product(The Washington Times, 2011). Increasing exploration of domestic oil, gas and mining, according to Paul, will improve nation energy security (Rand Paul Web, 2015). The distinctive perspectives of these two candidatesseem both supported by solid data and evidences, but a closer peek reveals the underlying values and political motivations. Just as Andrew Dessler and Edward Parson argue in The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change, “political actors are rewarded for succeeding in various ways where one’s gain is another’s loss, such as gaining andholding power, enacting policies consistent with their political principles, and delivering the benefits of governm ent action to their supporters and constituents” (Dessler & Parson, 2010). To win the hardest job interview in the world, candidates camouflage their incentives with seemly concrete supports, which introduces even more difficulties for voters to understand the game of throne. Today we are going to dig into O’Malley’s and Paul’s statement s about government regulation on energy, and take on the aspect of their values, associatedinterest groups and future votersto revel why they adopt their political positions.Political positions and one’s career path are very often closely connected, so a sense of the candidates’ political background would be rather beneficial to understand their positons. Martin O’Malley served as the governor of Maryland from Jan. 2007 to Jan. 2015. In recent ranking, Crowdpac ranked O’Malley as 6.7L on a scale of 10L to 10C, making him the second most liberal presidential candidate (Crowdpac, 2015). Rand Paul is a Republican member of the Senate from Kentucky. Crowdpac ranked Paul as a 10+C, making him the most conservative candidate (Crowdpac, 2015).C andidates’ positions on energy regulation reflex their values on the economy and the environment, inheritedfrom the values of their strongest supporters. Values are views about what is right or wrong. Judith Layzer believes that the cores of many political debates lay on the difference in values. She argues in The Environmental Case, “Nearly all environmental policy disputes are, at heart, contests over values”, and these values are usua lly masked “in terms of science, economic and risk”(Judith Layzer, 2011). The urgency of economic growth and the importance of environmental health are two main conflicting values in today’s environmental debates.On one side of the debate, MartinO’Malley advocates a stronger regulation on natural gas and fracking, and promises to adopt zero-tolerance policy for methane leaking (The Des Monies Register, 2016).O’Malley’s service as Maryland governor tells us the insight of his position. Having 3,100 mile of tidal shore, Maryland is one of the states most vulnerable to the effect of sea level rise, the consequence of global climate change. Experts estimate Maryland costal sea level to rise 1-2 feet by mid-century and 2-6 feet by 2100. Facing the rising tide, Maryland city planners, experts and social groups have been calling for preparation for this thread (The Washington Post, 2013). University of Maryland has been taking multiple measures to reduce carbon footage in campus (University of Maryland, 2009). Maryland Senate recently passed a bill, with 38 to 8 votes, to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 2006 levels by 2030 (The Washington Post, 2016). Such participations and movementsrepresent Maryland’s dedication to combat climate change. O’Malley is in the same front. During his 8-year career in Maryland, O’Malley initiated seve ral environmental organizations and engaged himself in the movement. Running presidential campaign, he carries on these environmental values and apply them to broader, national and global issues.Rand Paul, on the other hand, accuses EPA of over regulations, which as he claims cost 5 percent of USGDP and increase unemployment by 33 percent (The Washington Times, 2011). As a Senator from Kentucky, Paul’s position is closely connected to Kentucky residents’values. Kentucky is the nation’s most productive coalfield, but employment in the coal industry has been in a 30-year decline (Herald Leader, 2015). Even though this decline is due to many factors including cheap natural gas, Kentucky politician, industry executives and residents, especially in EasternKentucky, blamed environmental safety regulation and emission limits (Herald Leader, 2015). Rand Paul represent Kentucky’s best benefits in the Senate, and onpresidential campaign his positions are hand in hand with the values of the coal-mining communities. The policy he advocates would give Kentucky coal industry a boost.Besides, Paul’s hatred of government regulation and favor of economic freedom can be from his father Ron Paul’s influence. Ron Paul is a former politician, and a critic of federal government’s regulation and participation in the free market. He is the first chairman of CSE, an organization that fight for less government and less regulation. As a free-market environmentalist, Ron Paul promote what John Locke considers as the fundamental function of the government—protecting property right(The Atlantic, 2012). The father and the son have similar stand ground about environmental regulations. Ron Paul’s ideology and its influence partially explain why Rand Paul become an anti-regulation advocate.Presidential candidates’ positions can also be interpreted as attempt to gain support from interest groups. Interest groups are non-government organizations that work to influence policy; interest groups express the values of their members (World Bank, 2013). Winning support from different interest groups will give candidates invaluable resources for their campaign, including potential voters, cultural impact, people power, and money. O’Malley’s and Paul’s ties to interest groups provide another explanation for their position on energy regulation. During his career in Maryland and presidential campaign, Martin O’Malley has been a perseverant advocate for reducing carbon emission and adopting clean energy (, 2014). He also signed Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to regulate Maryland’s carbon emission. Such effortsare highly appreciated by Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN), a grassroots organization that promotes clean energy and has over 80,000 supporters from the east coast. In 2009, CCAN named O’Malley the recipient of the “Climate Leadership Award” for his contribution in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act (, 2009). During campaign season, the director of CCAN Mike Tidwell recognized O’Malley the most committed governor for climate change policy (grist, 2015).Considering CCAN has many allies, such as the S ierra Club, their backing will help O’Malley to gain wider support among pro-environment voters. The tie to CCAN will also give him advantages against other democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders, who also call for clean energy but not as strong. Simil ar to O’Malley, Rand Paul’s champion for less regulation and “allowing businesses and ideas to compete on the free market” can be interpreted as an effort to earn support from interest groups that advocate less taxing and more economic freedom, such as the Club for Growth. As a conservative non-profit organization, the Club for Growth gives support and donation through the Club for Growth PAC to several republican candidates who stand for economic freedom, including Rand Paul (The Hill, 2015).So for Paul, to combat energy regulation and send a strong message about a free market is to win himself resources from the Club for Growth and the likes.Furthermore, candidates use their positions on energy regulation to assemble future voters for a broader coalition. Politician try to gather support from diverse groups not just by putting on a charming smile, but by carefully position themselves to promise benefits.O’Malley’s and Paul’s the statements that highlight the advantages of their proposed environmental policy can be interpreted as an effort to attract more voters. In a r ecent interview, O’Malley stated that renewable energy creates job opportunities and“re presents the biggest business and job creation opportunity we’ve seen in a hundred years” (Concord Monitor, 2015). By emphasizing the economic potential of clean energy, O’Malley promised new jobs and the training programs to blue-collar workers and the long-term unemployed. Such a move would gather him wider support from the working-class. Contrary to O’Malley, Rand Paul attack ed energy regulation by stating that it causes energy bill “on the rise”. Paul argued that anti-regulation policies will give us the “most affordable and abundant forms of energy”(Rand Paul, 2015). Affordability has been a popular topic among consumers, and Paul’s argument will be rather persuasive for those who are most concerned about their energy bill. A 2013 survey shows that more than 8 out of 10 people in the US were concerned about energy prices (The Guardian, 2013).By promising a lower energy price through less regulation, Paul suddenly became an ally with these people.The debate of climate change and energy regulation have been going on, and it will certainly not stop in the presidential campaign. To truly understand why candidates adapt their positions regarding the issue, it is important to look at their statements carefully and critically. Very often, these statements rev eal candidates’ values, their support groups, and the voters they try to assemble.Reference1.The Des Moines Register. (January 24, 2016). "O'Malley supports fracking, butwith tough regulations"2.Concord Monitor. (December 8 2015). "My Turn: A clean-energy future is withinour reach"3.The Washington Times. (August 31, 2011). "PAUL: EPA regulations violateconstitutional rights"4.Rand Paul, United States Senator for Kentucky. (May 25, 2015). "AdvancingEnergy Security"5. A. E. Dessler, E. Parson. (2010). The Science and Politics of Global ClimateChange.6.Crowdpac. (July 27, 2015). "2016 Presidential Election"7.Judith Layzer. (2011). The Environmental Case8.The Washington Post. (2013). Vulnerable Maryland weighs threat of sea-levelrise9.University of Maryland. (2009). 10.The Washington Post. (2016). Maryland sets bolder target for cutting greenhousegas emissions11.Herald Leader. (2015). "Year in Kentucky business saw Toyota expand, bourbonboom, coal decline"12.Herald Leader. (2015).Kentucky coal jobs continue their record-breaking decline13.The Atlantic. (2012). "The Tea Party's Brain"., “O'Malley Applauds EPA Carbon Emission Cuts, Say s MarylandAhead of Curve," June 3, 201415.Chesapeake Climate Action Network. (2009). GOV. O’MALLEY RECEIVES“CLIMATE LEADERSHIP AWARD” FROM CCAN16.Grist. (May 31, 2015). Martin O’Malley could try to out-green Bernie Sanders17.The Hill. (August 11, 2015). "Club for Growth to direct money to five GOPpresidential contenders"18.The Guardian. (Nov. 16, 2013) Energy bills rise by 37% in three years。