2014-05-16 V1.10 2014-06-04
修改装置接线端子定义 定值按保护型号定义 合位 系统定值的“操作回路选择”控制字决定
保护逻辑中的跳、合位使用 DSP 开入的跳、 王宝锋
版权所有:西安西瑞保护控制设备有限责任公司 本说明书适用于 XRE-200 系列电动机保护测控装置(V3.3)版本程序。 本说明书和产品今后可能会有小的改动,请注意核对实际产品与说明书的版本是否相符。 更多产品信息,请访问:。 商务电话:029-68590758 技术支持电话:029-68590751 传真:029-68590758
文件编号:OST/XR 3005 第 1 页 共 66 页 版本:V3.3
XRE-200 系列电动机保护测控装置说明书
XRE-200 系列 电动机保护测控装置( V3.3)说明书
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XRE-200 系列 电动机保护测控装置( V3.3) 说明书
1 适用范围及特性........................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 适用范围............................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 主要特性............................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 型号及功能配置 .................................................................................................................... 2 2 技术参数 ..................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 机械及环境参数 .................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 额定电气参数........................................................................................................................ 3 2.3 过载能力............................................................................................................................... 3 2.4 功率消耗............................................................................................................................... 3 2.5 机械性能............................................................................................................................... 3 2.6 电气绝缘性能........................................................................................................................ 3 2.7 电磁兼容性能........................................................................................................................ 4 2.8 输出接点容量........................................................................................................................ 4 2.9 通信接口............................................................................................................................... 4 2.10 故障记录 ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.11 主要技术指标 ...................................................................................................................... 5 3 保护工作原理 .............................................................................................................................. 9 3.1 差动保护............................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 电流速断保护.......................................................................................................................12 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 负序电流保护.......................................................................................................................12 零序电流保护(不接地) .....................................................................................................13 零序电流保护(接地).........................................................................................................14 堵转保护..............................................................................................................................14
施耐德TM200CE40R一体型M200可编程逻辑控制器 集成1个以太网口 继电器输出数据表
Product data sheetCharacteristicsTM200CE40R一体型M200可编程逻辑控制器,集成1个以太网口,40点IO,继电器输出主要信息产品系列Easy Modicon M200产品类型可编程控制器额定电源电压 [Us]100...240 V AC 离散量I/O编号40离散量输入数量I2...I5: 4 快速输入I0, I1, I6, I7: 4 高速输入 I8...I23: 16 正常的输入离散量输出数量16 继电器离散量输入电压24 V 离散量输入电压类型直流离散量输入电流7 MA 适用 输入离散量输入逻辑阱或源 (正/负) 类别1 符合 IEC 61131-2离散量输出电压24 V 直流 220 V 交流离散量输出电流 2 A 固态输出类型继电器常开功耗 VA59…69 VA 在…上 100...240 V AC (最大输入/输出)补充信息I/O 拓展模块数 4 和 128 离散输出 适用 晶体管输出 4 和 80 离散输出 适用 继电器输出电源电压范围85…264 V 电网频率50/60 Hz 瞬间峰值电流50 A电压状态1担保>= 15 V 适用 输入电压状态0担保<= 5 V 适用 输入输入阻抗 3.3 kOhm 适用 离散量输入响应时间5 µs 关, I0, I1, I6, I7 端子 适用 高速输入 5 µs 开, I0, I1, I6, I7 端子 适用 高速输入 100 µs 关, I2...I5 端子 适用 快速输入 35 µs 开, I2...I5 端子 适用 快速输入100 µs 关, I8...I13 端子 适用 正常的输入 35 µs 开, I8...I13 端子 适用 正常的输入 10 ms 关, Q0...Q15 端子 适用 继电器输出 10 ms 开, Q0...Q15 端子 适用 继电器输出 125 µs 关, I14...I23 端子 适用 正常的输入 55 µs 开, I14...I23 端子 适用 正常的输入可配置滤波时间0 ms 适用 输入 3 ms 适用 输入 12 ms 适用 输入T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .输出电压限制30 V DC250 V AC连接类型-端子连接4 A电气寿命100000 次 AC-12, 240 V, 480 VA, 阻性(负载)100000 次 DC-12, 24 V, 48 W, 阻性(负载)开关频率0.1 Hz 带有最大负载机械寿命20000000 次 适用 继电器输出最小负荷10 MA 在…上 5 V 直流 适用 继电器输出存储容量512 byte 内部 闪存 存储 适用 程序备份数据存储设备32 GB micro SD 卡 (可选)电池类型BR2033 Li-CFx (锂氟化石墨), 电池寿命: 5 年累计运行时间 3 年 在…上 25 °C (通过中断电源)1K指令的执行时间0.3 Ms 适用 事件和周期性任务_0.2 µs _每个任务执行时间60 µs 响应时间时钟误差<= 90 s/月 在…上 25 °C调节回路可调的PID调节器 多达14个同步循环控制信号类型正交 (x1, x2, x4) 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)脉冲/方向 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)单相 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)CW/CCW 在…上 100 kHz 适用 快速输入 (高数计数模式)计算输入数 4 快速输入 (高数计数模式) 在…上 100 kHz 32 位集成连接类型USB 端口 和 mini B USB 2.0 连接器非隔离的串行链接 串行 1 和 端子模块 连接器 和 RS485 界面非隔离的串行链接 串行 2 和 端子模块 连接器 和 RS232/RS485 界面以太网Modbus TCP / IP 以太网 和 RJ45 连接器 和 1 以太端口 10/100BASE-T 界面独立串行连接 串行 2 和 端子模块 连接器 和 RS485 界面传输率 1.2...115.2 kbit/s (默认115.2 kbit/s ) 用于总线长度为… 15 m 适用 RS4851.2...115.2 kbit/s (默认115.2 kbit/s ) 用于总线长度为… 3 m 适用 RS23212 Mbit/s 适用 USB10/100 Mbit/s 用于总线长度为… 100 m 适用 以太网 Modbus TCP/IP通讯协议USB 端口: USB 协议 - SoMachine-Network非隔离的串行链接: 串口Modbus 协议 主/从 - RTU/ASCII 或 SoMachine-Network以太网Modbus TCP / IP: Modbus TCP/IP 协议 客户端/服务器本地信号指示 1 个LED (绿色) for PWR:1 个LED (绿色) for RUN:1 个LED (红色) for 模块错误 (ERR):1 个LED (绿色) for 可访问 SD卡 (SD):1 个LED (红色) for BAT:1 个LED (绿色) for SL1:每通道1 LED (绿色) for I/O 状态:2 LED (绿色) for 通信 (LK/ACT 10/100):电气连接Mini B USB 2.0 连接器对一个编程终端RJ45 连接器用于连接以太网络可拆卸 螺钉接线端子用于输入可拆卸 螺钉接线端子用于输出可拆卸 螺钉接线端子, 4 端子 用于串行连接可拆卸 螺钉接线端子, 3 端子 用于连接 100-240 V 交流电源Maximum cable distance between devices非屏蔽电缆: <50 m 适用 输入屏蔽电缆: <10 m 适用 快速输入屏蔽电缆: <10 m 适用 高速输入非屏蔽电缆: <150 m 适用 输出隔离输入之间无隔离输出与内部逻辑之间 在…上 1780 V AC输出组之间 在…上 1780 V AC供电与内部逻辑之间 在…上 1780 V AC输入与内部逻辑之间 在…上 500 V AC快速输入与内部逻辑之间 在…上 500 V AC输入组之间 在…上 500 V AC传感器电源24 V 直流 在…上 300 mA 由控制器供给标识CE安装方式顶帽类型TH35-15 导轨安装 符合 IEC 60715顶帽类型 TH35-7.5 板或有固定套件的板 符合 IEC 60715高度90 Mm深度70 Mm宽度175 Mm净重0.512 Kg环境IP 保护等级IP20 保护盖就位产品认证RCM[RETURN]IACS E10[RETURN]CSA[RETURN]cULus符合标准IEC 61010-2-201IEC 61131-2电磁兼容性静电放电抗干扰 - test level: 8 kV (空气放电) conforming to IEC 61000-4-2静电放电抗干扰 - test level: 6 kV (接触放电) conforming to IEC 61000-4-2抗辐射 - test level: 10 V/m (80 MHz...3 GHz) conforming to IEC 61000-4-3电源频率磁场抗扰试验 - test level: 30 A/m conforming to IEC 61000-4-8抗快速瞬变 - test level: 2 kV (电源线) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗快速瞬变 - test level: 2 kV (继电器输出) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗快速瞬变 - test level: 1 kV (E/S) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗快速瞬变 - test level: 1 kV (串行链接) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (电源线 (DC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 2 kV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 2 kV (继电器输出) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (E/S) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (屏蔽电缆) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 0.5 kV (电源线 (DC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗浪涌 - test level: 1 kV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 61000-4-5抗导电 - test level: 10 V (0.15...80 MHz) conforming to IEC 61000-4-6传导辐射 - test level: 79 dBμV/m QP/66 dBμV/m AV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 55011传导辐射 - test level: 73 dBμV/m QP/60 dBμV/m AV (电源线 (AC)) conforming to IEC 55011传播辐射 - test level: 40 dBμV/m QP A类 (10 m) conforming to IEC 55011传播辐射 - test level: 47 dBμV/m QP A类 (10 m) conforming to IEC 55011抗快速瞬变 - test level: 1 kV (Ethernet线) conforming to IEC 61000-4-4抗冲击15 gn 适用 11 ms30 gn 适用 6 ms抗瞬时断电10 Ms抗振动 3.5 mm 在…上 5…8.4 Hz 在…上 均匀导轨1 gn 在…上 8.4…150 Hz 在…上 均匀导轨3.5 mm 在…上 5…8.7 Hz 在…上 面板安装2 gn 在…上 8.7…150 Hz 在…上 面板安装相对湿度10…95 %, 无凝结 (操作中)10…95 %, 无凝结 (存储期间)环境温度0…55 °C (垂直安装)贮存环境温度-25…70 °C污染等级<= 2工作海拔0...2000 m存储高度0…3000 M包装单位Unit Type of Package 1PCENumber of Units in Package 11Package 1 Height9.498 CmPackage 1 Width13.66 CmPackage 1 Length18.72 CmPackage 1 Weight771 GUnit Type of Package 2S03Number of Units in Package 212Package 2 Height30 CmPackage 2 Width30 CmPackage 2 Length40 CmPackage 2 Weight9773 GUnit Type of Package 3P12Number of Units in Package 3288Package 3 Height95 CmPackage 3 Width80 CmPackage 3 Length120 CmPackage 3 Weight243552 G可持续性产品类型Green Premium 产品REACh法规REACh 声明欧盟ROHS指令主动合规性(超出欧盟 RoHS 法定范围的产品)Mercury free支持中国 ROHS 管理办法中国 ROHS 声明RoHS exemption information支持环境披露产品环境文件流通资料产品使用寿命终期信息WEEE该产品必须经特定废物回收处理后弃置于欧盟市场,绝不可丢弃于垃圾桶中。
得捷电子 保温热交换器系列说明书
H EAT R ECOVERY F OR P ROCESS E FFICIENCY. E ven when fuel prices are low, companies in energy-intensive industries can see a benefit and enjoy a relatively short payback from utilizing some type of heat recovery system to improve the efficiency of their process. A uthored by Jessica Irons, Product Marketing Manager,Honeywell Thermal SolutionsTABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Abstract 4 Introduction 5 Basic Heat Recovery Methods for Process Heating 6 Heat Exchanger Types 7 Air-to-Air Heat Exchanger Selection Guide 8 F low Configurations for Air-to-Air HeatExchangers 9 T hings to Consider Before Selecting a Heat Exchanger10 P lug In for Energy Savings11 C onclusion12 A bout the AuthorABSTRACTIn many industrial applications, the waste heat in the form of heated air or steam is unused and allowed to escape up the stack. Implementing ways to capture waste heat can improve efficiency while helping processors save money. This article talks about how installing an effective air-to-air heat exchanger helps you recover this resource and increase energy efficiency of the plant.INTRODUCTIONWith an ever-increasing focus on energy efficiency and improving system performance, industrial processors are looking for ways to achieve these goals while reducing costs and material usage wherever possible.One proven way to increase energy efficiency and reduce fuel usage is to recover heat from industrial processes. Waste heat is unused heat given off by a process or equipment in the form of thermal energy -- that is, heat which is not being captured to heat some other product or process. Waste heat can be thought of as free energy. Though, of course, there is a cost to create it, waste heat is thermal energy you would otherwise let escape up the stack rather than using in your process. Implementing ways to capture waste heat can improve efficiency while helping processorssave money.Even when fuel prices are low, companies in energy-intensive industries can see a benefit and enjoy a relatively short payback from utilizing some type of heat recovery system to improve the efficiency of their process.1Plate Type Heat ExchangerThe exchanger uses the properties of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics to heator cool one medium to the desired temperature. A basic schematic of a process oven with heat recovery demonstrates the general process (figure 1).In many industrial applications, the waste heat will be in the form of a gas. Usually, itis heated air or steam. Thus, air-to-air heat exchangers are quite common in industrial applications. (Air-to- air heat exchangers are also found in many commercial buildings, HVAC systems, and even in some modern houses.)Air-to-air heat exchangers are used for many industrial applications:• H eat recovery for preheating the same process or other processes• C ombustion air pre-heating• O ven/furnace makeup air preheating• F ume preheat on catalytic/recuperative thermal oxidizers• S econdary heat recovery on regenerative oxidizers• H eat exchange and recovery for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) concentrators One of the benefits of using a heat exchanger to recover waste heat is that they are designed and built such that the air containing the waste heat does not come into contact with the new, clean process air. This is particularly helpful when the exhaust has excess dirt or dust particles that could contaminate products or equipment elsewhere in the process.2BASIC HEAT RECOVERY METHODS FOR PROCESS HEATINGThe most straightforward method of capturing waste heat energy is a heat exchanger. Aheat exchanger is a device used to transfer heat from one medium — typically air, gas, or fluid — to another medium. The two media are separated by solid wall, a plate or tube.Figure 1. The most straightforward method of capturing waste heat energy is through the use of aheat exchanger. Shown here is a basic schematic of a process oven with heat recovery.3HEAT EXCHANGER TYPES The most common types of air-to-air heat exchangers are tubular type and plate type.Tubular: Tubular type heat exchangers use a series of tubes to allow the exchange of heat between the two media. The waste stream passes over the tubes, pre-heating the process stream flowing inside the tubes. Depending on the needs of the application, the configuration can be reversed such that the waste stream flows through the tubes and the process air flows over the tubes. For ease of cleaning, make sure the dirty stream flows through the inside of the tubes.Tubular-type heat exchangers are not as effective at transferring heat as plate types. However, they can withstand higher temperatures, can be made out of exotic materials, and take a lower pressure drop. They tend to weigh more than plate types, and improper install and consistent high-low temperature cycling can promote cracking of the tubes. Additionally, due to the reduced effectiveness of the tubular type, the exchangers end up being big and long, taking up additional space in the plant. The size can also increase the stress on the tube end welds.Plate: Plate-type heat exchangers use a series of nested plates to allow the exchange of heat between the two media without the two air streams coming into contact with each other.Dimple and Sinusoidal: The two most common plate styles are dimple plate and wave/sinusoidal plate. Dimple-plate types are better for process steams that are dirty and could potentially cause clogging between the plates. Sinusoidal- or wave-plate types offer the best heat transfer effectiveness. The basic premise behind the plate technology is to have a pattern in the plate that causes a lot of turbulence in the air asit flows around the plates, which increases heat transfer. (Figures 4a and 4b)Figure 2: Tubular-type heat exchangers use a series of tubes to allow exchange of heatbetween the two media.Figure 3: Plate-type heat exchangers use a series of nested plates to allow the exchange of heat between the two media without the two airstreams coming into contact with each other.Figure 4a: Example of Dimple Plate Heat ExchangerFigure 4b: Sinusoidal or wave-plate exchangers offer the best heat transfer effectiveness.4AIR-TO-AIR HEAT EXCHANGERSELECTION GUIDETubularSinusoidal Plate Dimple Plate Table 1: When considering a heat exchanger design, plate or tube spacing is a key factor in heat exchanger performance.5FLOW CONFIGURATIONS FOR AIR-TO-AIR HEAT EXCHANGERS Another important consideration when selecting a heat exchanger is what type of flow configuration makes most sense for the process. Given that each exchanger will carry two flowing media, transferring heat between them, four flow configurations are available for plate-type heat exchangers.IU —One vertical stream and one in a “U” patternLL — Both flows in an “L ” patternIZ — One vertical stream and one in a “Z” patternLU — One “L ” flow and one in a “U” flowEach configuration has its pros and cons. One thing to be aware of when selecting a flow configuration is any potential “ineffective zone.” In those areas, hot and cold spots are created by the airflow pattern, and limited heat exchange is taking place.In any given flow configuration, there are two things going on:1. S eparate ineffective zones exist for each side (pass) of the exchanger. Certain ineffective zones are created in each of the flow patterns except for the (I) pattern.2. T he ineffective zones can change location depending on flow rate. For example, in a “U” flow pattern, at low flow rates, the ineffective zone is on the far side of the exchanger. With high flow rates, the ineffective zone is on the near side of the exchanger.For air-to-air heat recovery in waste heat applications, a vertical flow pattern (IU) is best the configuration for heat transfer. It heats the process air most evenly and has fewer ineffective zones. It also is easiest to clean for applications such as food, where washdown is required. Water or cleaning solutions can literally be pumped into the top of the exchanger, and the solution will flow down in the direction of gravity without concern of getting caught in the exchanger.The LL Flow pattern where each stream flows in an “L ” shape — is the most common for heat recovery applications. It transfers heat less effectively and the air to be heated will be a little hotter on the far side of the exchanger. The ineffective zones are on either side of the L flows, creating two ineffective zones instead of just one.The IZ flow pattern - one vertical pattern and one in a Z pattern - is less common. It can be useful to help fit in an existing space. It also creates two ineffective zones on either side of the exchanger.The LU flow pattern — one in an L pattern and one in a U pattern -- also has two ineffective zones. Depending on the orientation of the heat exchanger, debris orcondensation can collect in the bottom.Figure 5: A vertical flow pattern (IU) is the best configuration for heat transfer. It is the most effective, heats the process air most evenly, and has fewer ineffective zones. The potential ineffective zone is shown in yellow inthis diagram.Figure 6: Flow configurations and associated potential ineffective heat transfer zones.6 THINGS TO CONSIDERBEFORE SELECTING AHEAT EXCHANGERWhen selecting an appropriate heatexchanger for your process, consider thingssuch as durability, exchanger life expectancy,ease of installation, maintenance required,ease of cleaning, and space available toinstall the exchanger.Dimple-plate type heat exchangers tend to be the most durable of the three typesbecause thick plates are used, and they are designed to withstand dirty processair streams. Tubular heat exchangers have a shorter life expectancy because theexpansion and contraction of the tube material -- due to temperature changes overtime -- makes the tubes more susceptible to wear and breakage. Sinusoidal- plate-type exchangers tend to be more fragile, with thinner plates. They must be monitoredclosely to ensure they do not overheat. Overheating could cause failure of the plate,and lose heat transfer effectiveness, and compromising cleanliness of the processair stream.It is also important to ensure that the filter for the air intake to the process andexchanger is replaced on a regular basis. Excess debris in the filter could cause airflowto the exchanger to be compromised, reducing the effectiveness and performance ofthe unit. Additionally, if the filter is dirty or not properly installed, dirt and dust couldmake its way into the equipment and cause plate failures.Lastly, it is important to remember that when considering a heat exchanger design,plate or tube spacing is a key factor in heat exchanger performance. (Table 1) Tubesor plates packed more closely can offer more heat transfer surface area in a smallerfootprint. The tradeoff is they are more difficult to clean, and you may experience ahigher pressure drop across the exchanger. Tubes or plates packed less closely are lesseffective but easier to clean. The tradeoff is you may have a smaller pressure drop acrossthe exchanger.7PLUG IN FOR ENERGY SAVINGSAnother type of tubular heat exchanger is known as a plug-in recuperator. As the name implies, it is plugged into the exhaust stream, paired with an eductor, and uses waste heat to preheat the combustion air. Table 2 shows the potential fuel savings that can be achieved when using preheated combustion air (PCA) from any heat exchanger like the plug in recuperators. This data is calculated based on the difference of available heat with and without a recuperator. Keep in mind this data is for preheatedcombustion air only, not for process air.FUEL SAVINGS ACHIEVED USING A PLUG-IN RECUPERATOR WHOLE SYSTEM THINKINGWhen a heat exchanger such as a sinusoidal plate type is paired with a complete system — which includes a burner, controls, recirculation fans, and all system components — it can be inserted into a process where it is critical to have a supply of clean, indirectly heated process air.Recirculating heaters are designed to prevent the products of combustion from getting into the process airstream. This is especially important in applications such as food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and automotive paint finishing.Figure 8 shows a schematic of a burner/heater system.Figure 9 shows an Indirect Air Heater, which combines an ultra-low NOx burner with asinusoidal plate heat exchanger for low emissions, highly effective process air heating.Figure 7: Types of plug-in recuperators Figure 9: An indirect air heater, which combines an ultra-low NOx burner with a sinusoidal-plate heat exchanger can provide low emissions andeffective process air heating.Figure 8: Process Flow Diagram for heater systemCONCLUSIONEnergy equals money, and waste heat is essentially free energy. If you are looking for ways to improve the overall efficiency of your process, improve fuel savings and, ultimately, save money, consider installing a heat exchanger to recover process heat in almost any application.ABOUTTHE AUTHORJessica Irons, HoneywellJessica Irons is a Product Marketing Manager at Honeywell Thermal Solutions, Rockford, IL and can be reached at (815) 877-3031. The Honeywell Thermal Solutions family of products includes Honeywell Combustion Safety, Honeywell Combustion Service, Eclipse, Exothermics, Hauck, Kromschröder and Maxon. To learn more, visit .For More InformationThe Honeywell Thermal Solutions family ofproducts includes Honeywell CombustionControls, Honeywell Combustion Safety,Honeywell Combustion Service, Eclipse,Exothermics, Hauck, Kromschröder andMaxon. To learn more about our products,visit orcontact your Honeywell Sales Engineer.Honeywell Process Solutions:1250 West Sam Houston ParkwaySouth Houston, TX 77042Honeywell House, Skimped Hill LaneBracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB UKBuilding #1, 555 Huanke Road,Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Industrial Park,WP-20-04-ENG | 02/20。
Parker Hannifin 公司 C Series 两阶段四路喷嘴式服务阀说明书
General DescriptionSeries SE05, SE10 and SE15 are two stage, 4-way, flapper and nozzle style servovalves. These valves have high performance spool and sleeve designs. A special jewel feedback design enhances durability and prevents ball glitch problems, which can occur in other types of servovalves. These valves are rated for 315 Bar (4500 PSI) service.FeaturesSpecifications30101515Flow vs. Pressure Dropat 100% commandFlow Path: P →C1→C2→Rgo to .• Lapped spool and sleeve • Jewel feedback ball fordurability • Aluminum body• Medium and Highperformance• SE05 15.88 mm(0.625 in.) port circle • SE10 19.81 mm(0.780 in.) port circle • SE15 23.80 mm (0.937 in.) port circleSeries Wiring Seal SpecialOptionsFactory Code forSpecial OptionsFlowsWeight: 1.0 kg (2.2 lbs.)Cable with mating connector: EHC154SMating connector: MS3106E-14S-2SElectronics: BD101, 23-5030, 23-7030, PMC10, BD90, or BD95SE05Bolt kit: 4 of M5 x 60 mm, or 4 of #10-32x2.25"Flushing valve: 11-0500Metric Subplate: DS02SPS8M (M18x1.5 ISO 6149 side ports)SAE Subplate: DS02SPS8S (#8 SAE side ports)SE10Bolt kit: 4 of M5 x 60 mm, or 4 of #10-32x2.25"Flushing valve: 11-0500Metric Subplate: DS71SPS8M (M18x1.5 ISO 6149 side ports)SAE Subplate: DS71SPS8S (#8 SAE side ports)SE15Bolt kit: 4 of M6 x 60 mm, or 4 of 1/4-20x2.25"Flushing valve: 11-0500Metric Subplate: DS72SPS8M (M18x1.5 ISO 6149 side ports)SAE Subplate: DS72SPS8S (#8 SAE side ports)PilotSourceInternalMaterialAluminumCoils OperatingPressure209 Bar(3032 PSI)VersionAA ACode Connector over Flow P to C2 with:B Port C2 (+) signal to A, CA Port C1 (+) signal to A, C1)Only available up to40 LPM (10 GPM)Code DescriptionH High Performance 1)S StandardCode DescriptionSE05 15.8 mm (0.625 in.)SE10 19.8 mm (0.780 in.)SE15 23.8 mm (0.937 in.)Code Description Parallel SeriesA 40 ohms 60 mA 30 mAB 300 ohms 30 mA 15 mAC 800 ohms 30 mA 15 mAD 22 ohms 80 mA 40 mAF 80 ohms 40 mA 20 mAG 22 ohms 200 mA 100 mAH 200 ohms 15 mA 7.5 mAL 1200 ohms 20 mA 10 mAM 27 ohms 100 mA 50 mAT 1000 ohms 10 mA 5 mA2)Consult factory forprice and availabilityof special options.Code Description1 4 LPM (1.0 GPM) SE05 Only2.5 10 LPM (2.5 GPM) SE05 Only5 20 LPM (5.0 GPM) SE10 Only10 40 LPM (10.0 GPM) SE10 Only15 60 LPM (15.0 GPM) SE15 OnlyCode DescriptionOmit StandardS (Specify) 2)Code DescriptionV Fluorocarbon (std.)N NitrileSeries SE05, SE10 and SE15Performance CurvesFrequency Response at 210 Bar (3000 PSI)High ResponseSE05: 4 – 20 LPM (1 – 5 GPM)Standard ResponseSE05: 4 – 20 LPM (1 – 5 GPM)102040601002004005P h a s e l a g (d e g r e e s )A m p l i t u d e r a t i o (dB )P ha s e l a g (d e g r e e s )A m p l i t u d e r a t i o (dB )1020406010020040050Frequency (Hz)102040601002004005P h a s e l a g (d e g r e e s )A m p l i t u d e r a t i o (dB )Frequency (Hz)10-42040601002004005-6-80-2P h a s e l a g (d e g r e e s )A m p l i t u d e r a t i o (dB )Frequency (Hz)1020406010020040050P h a s e l a g (d e g r e e s )A m p l i t u d e r a t i o (dB )High ResponseSE10: 40 LPM (10 GPM)Standard Response SE10: 40 LPM (10 GPM)Standard ResponseSeries SE05, SE10 and SE15Technical InformationInstallation Wiring OptionsThis servovalve has two coils. When connecting the valve to a drive amplifier, the user’s external wiring may put the coils either in parallel or in series as needed. Refer to the illustrations below and to the mounting pattern for this valve to insure proper control phasing.Polarity shown connects flow from P to C2 port.+-+-Performance CurvesStep Response at 210 Bar (3000 PSI)Standard ResponseSE05, SE10 & SE15: 4 – 40 LPM (1 – 10 GPM)100755025Inputsignal[%]time [ms]02468High ResponseSE05, SE10 & SE15: 4 – 40 LPM (1 – 10 GPM) 100755025time [ms]Inputsignal[%]05101520SE05,SE10SE15SE05 use Parker 2011V-9 (7.66 mm I/D x 1.78 section)SE10 use Parker 2012V-9 (9.25 mm I/D x 1.78 section)SE15 use Parker 2013V-9 (10.82 mm I/D x 1.78 section)4. Null adjust requires 10 A/F ring spanner (10 mm boxend wrench) and 2.5 hexagon key. Flow out of C1 willincrease with clockwise rotation of key.5. See mounting dimensions for port size and locations. SE05SE10SE15Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**)SE05 Mounting Surface1. The recommended full-thread depth is 16 mm (0.630 in.).2. The minimum depth of hole G is 4 mm (0.157 in.).3. Surface roughness Ra < 0.8 µm [N6], as specified inISO 468 and ISO 1302.4. Surface flatness: 0.025 mm (0.001) as specified inISO 1101.SE10 Mounting Surface1. The recommended full-thread depth is 16 mm (0.630 in.).2. The minimum depth of hole G is 4 mm (0.157 in.).3. Surface roughness Ra < 0.8 µm [N6], as specifiedin ISO 468 and ISO 1302.4. Surface flatness: 0.025 mm (0.001) as specified inISO 1101.SE15 Mounting Surface1. The recommended full-thread depth is 18 mm (0.709 in.).2. The minimum depth of hole G is 4 mm (0.157 in.).3. Surface roughness Ra < 0.8 µm [N6], as specified inISO 468 and ISO 1302.4. Surface flatness: 0.025 mm (0.001 in.) as specified inISO 1101.15.88 (0.625) port circle19.81 (0.780) port circle23.80 (0.937) port circleMetric Dimensions (mm) (± 0.1 mm)P C1 R C2 G F1 F2 F3 F4Axis Ø 8 max Ø 8 max Ø 8 max Ø 8 max Ø 3.5 M6 M6 M6 M6 x 21.4 9.5 21.4 33.3 11.5 0 42.8 42.8 0y5. Dimensions (mm) (± 0.1 mm)P C1 R C2 G F1 F2 F3 F4Axis Ø 5 max Ø 5 max Ø 5 max Ø 5 maxØ 3.5 M5 M5 M5 M5 x 21.4 13.5 21.4 29.3 11.5 0 42.8 42.8 0y9. 034.234.2Metric Dimensions (mm)(± 0.1 mm)P C1 R C2 G F1 F2 F3 F4Axis Ø 7.5 max Ø 7.5 max Ø 7.5 max Ø 7.5 max Ø 3.5 M5 M5 M5 M5 x 21.4 11.5 21.4 31.3 11.5 0 42.8 42.8 0 y7. Dimensions (inches)(± 0.004 in.)P C1 R C2 G F1 F2 F3 F4Axis Ø 0.195 max Ø 0.195 max Ø 0.195 max Ø 0.195 max Ø 0.136 # 10 -32 # 10 -32 # 10 -32 # 10 -32 x 0.843 0.531 0.843 1.153 0.453 0 1.685 1.685 0 y0.362 0.673 0.984 0.673 0.1730 1.347 1.347U.S. Dimensions (inches) (± 0.004 in.)P C1 R C2 G F1 F2 F3 F4Axis Ø 0.312 max Ø 0.312 max Ø 0.312 max Ø 0.312 max Ø 0.14 1/4 - 20 1/4 - 20 1/4 - 20 1/4 - 20 x 0.843 0.374 0.843 1.311 0.453 0 1.685 1.685 0 y0.201 0.673 1.142 0.673 0.1730 1.347 1.347U.S. Dimensions (inches) (± 0.004 in.)P C1 R C2 G F1 F2 F3 F4Axis Ø 0.290 max Ø 0.290 max Ø 0.290 max Ø 0.195 max Ø 0.14 # 10 - 32 # 10 - 32 # 10 - 32 # 10 - 32 x 0.843 0.453 0.843 1.232 0.453 0 1.685 1.685 0 y0.283 0.673 1.063 0.673 0.1730 1.347 1.347SE05SE10SE15。
EN4SD202410SS中文资料(hammond)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
•UL 508类型3R,4,4X和12 •CSA类型3R,4,4X和12 •使 用 符 合
• NEMA 3R, 4, 4X, 12 and 13 •IEC 60529,IP 66
•成立14或16号304或316 不锈钢.
•连续焊缝地面 流畅.
Eclipse的系列,不锈钢 - NEMA 4X
304 S.S.
EN4SD12126SS EN4SD16126SS EN4SD16166SS EN4SD16206SS EN4SD20166SS EN4SD20206SS EN4SD24206SS EN4SD16128SS EN4SD16168SS
A B C Gauge Qty
12.00 12.00 6.00 16
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阿尔法冷 Eisbaer 200 CPU 黑色水暖器说明书
What is it?Alphacool Eisbaer 200 CPU - BlackHighlightsThe Alphacool Eisbaer is an expandable, refillable CPU all-in-one watercooler with a pure copper radia-tor. The Eisbaer can be expanded with additional Eisbaer Ready products such as the Eiswolf GPX-Pro graphics card cooler, among others.•Quick connectors make it easy to expand and upgrade with Eisbaer Ready• Pure copper radiator for maximum cooling performance• DC-LT 2 Ultra Low Noise ceramic pump for whisper-quiet operation •Refillable via the fill port on the reservoirArticle textWith the “Eisbaer”, Alphacool is fundamentally revolutionizing the AIO cooler market. Where traditional AIO CPU-coolers are disposable products which are neither upgradeable nor refillable, the Alphacool “Eisbaer” is modularly built and can be upgraded, rebuilt or refilled at any time. This means that the “Eisbaer” is not only an AIO, but also fully built on classic water cooling components. That means it is quieter and more powerful than the average AIO solution.RadiatorAlphacool depends on a radiator made of pure copper. The base of the radiator is the popular Alphacool NexXxoS series, which is well-loved around the world. The pure copper construction raises the cooling performance enormously compared to the usual aluminium radiators used in classic AIOs. The slight thickness of the fins ensures enormous cooling power in fans with low rotational speed. This ensures that the performance of the “Eisbaer” when adjusting the fans down decreases much more slowly than in radi-ators with higher fin thickness.HosesThe flexible PVC hoses make installing the “Eisbaer” easy. These hoses are easier to arrange and move into the right position. So the hoses don’t bend and stop the flow of the water, both hoses have been fit-ted with anti-kink springs. The 11/8 mm size is also a standard in the water cooling field, alongside the13/10 and 16/10.Quick-lock closureThe “Eisbaer” was designed with expandability directly in mind. This is why you’ll find a quick-lock closure on one of the hoses. This quick-lock mechanism is compatible with Alphacool HF quick-lock closures (1010383, 1010394, 1010395, 1010442), with which the circuit can easily be expanded to include anything from a radiator to a graphics card cooler. Furthermore, the “Eisbaer” is compatible with the upcoming Alphacool GPX-Pro graphics card AIO, which will use identical quick-lock closures.ConnectorsAll connectors are based on the classic G1/4 inch thread, the standard thread in the water cooling field. This way, all attachments can be switched out for others any time as desired. This also means that, for example, you could later decide to switch to thicker hoses or even HardTubes and set your system uniquely apart.All these features make the “Eisbaer” cooler into something extraordinary. Its enhanced appearance from the illuminated logo and the illuminated reservoir, which also contains the pump, lets the interior of your PC shine in a whole new way. The soft-touch surface of the pump case is a further visual highlight.With the “Eisbaer”, you get an all-around perfect product that is not only extremely high-powered but also works very quietly.PumpsThe basis of the pumps is the Alphacool DC-LT 2 Ceramic, also available separately. The pump runs ex-tremely quietly and can be regulated to between 7 and 12V. It can also be regulated through the mother-board. If the “Eisbaer” is being run alone, the 7V setting will still have next to no performance loss, as shown in diverse test results. The insulated pump case further perfects the noise generation and ensures that vibrations are almost completely absorbed.The smooth and shiny polished copper base of the cooler ensures optimal heat absorption and can relay the heat over the fine slit structure of the cooler to the water quickly and efficiently.To operate the Alphacool Eisbaer 200 CPU - Black at least one 200 mm fan is required. There are NO fans included in delivery!。
CSE Automatic or Manual Butterfly ValveConcept概念:The butterfly valve is a simple regulating valve. The butterfly valve that can be used for the on-off control of low-pressure pipeline media refers to a valve whose closing part (disc or butterfly) is a disc, which rotates around the valve shaft to achieve opening and closing. It mainly plays the role of cutting off and throttling on the pipeline. The butterfly valve opening and closing part is a disc-shaped butterfly plate, which rotates around its own axis in the valve body to achieve the purpose of opening and closing or adjustment.蝶閥是一種結構簡單的調節閥,可用於低壓管道介質的開關控制的蝶閥是指關閉件(閥瓣或蝶片)為圓盤,圍繞閥軸旋轉來達到開啟與關閉的一種閥。
Working principle工作準則:The butterfly valve is a valve that uses a disc-type opening and closing member to reciprocate about 90˚ to open, close or adjust the flow of the medium. The butterfly valve is not only simple in structure, small in size, light in weight, low in material consumption, small in installation size, small in driving torque, simple and fast in operation, but also has good flow regulation and closing and sealing characteristics at the same time. It has been developed in the past ten years. One of the fastest valve varieties. The use of butterfly valves is very extensive. The variety and number of its use continues to expand, and it is developing towards high temperature, high pressure, large diameter, high sealing performance, long life, excellent adjustment characteristics, and one valve with multiple functions. Its reliability and other performance indicators have reached a high level.蝶閥是用圓盤式啟閉件往復迴轉90˚左右來開啟、關閉或調節介質流量的一種閥門。
复位 复位 复位 技术支持 技术支持 复位 技术支持 技术支持 复位
红灯亮 红灯亮 红灯亮 红灯闪烁 红灯闪烁 红灯亮 红灯闪烁 红灯闪烁 红灯亮 黄灯亮
水平烟道 60/100 24 kW: 0,8 至 4 m 30 kW: 0.8 至 3 m 竖直烟道 60/100 24 kW: 0.8 至 5 m 30 kW: 0.8 至 4 m
24 kW:
1 m ≤ L≤ 2m L>2 m L<1m
46 不需安装烟道环 44
L-N = 220 V
1 2 3
生活热 水接线 端子 公共接 线端子 采暖接 线端子 当锅炉接受到生活 热水请求时,此处 供应 230 V电压 零线 当锅炉接受到采暖 请求时,此处供应 230 V电压 红线连接 至电路板 白线连接 至电路板 黑线连接 至电路板
75 78
燃气从喷嘴高速喷出后,引射(也称卷吸)四周的静止空气(一次空气) 一起进入引射器,在引射器内燃气与引射进入的一次空气实现完全混合, 并经减速扩压后进入燃烧器头部,燃气与空气的混合气从头部火孔喷出后 被点燃。在燃烧过程中,燃烧器周围的空气(二次空气)不断补充进来, 以保证燃气充分燃烧。
电气连接 印刷标签 负压连接口 正压连接口 工作位置(常开) C-NO 静止位置(常闭) C-NC 工作数据印刷在这个有 色部位 连接白色硅胶管 连接红色硅胶管
锅炉型号对应的标签颜色 灰色: Bella 18-24 F 橙色: Lebo 24 F 黄色: Lebo 30 F
MICROMASTER 420变频器的系统参数简介“参数说明”的编排格式如下:1.参数号是指该参数的编号。
这些缩写字母的意义如下:BI = 二进制互联输入,即是说,该参数可以选择和定义输入的二进制信号源。
BO = 二进制互联输出,即是说,该参数可以选择输出的二进制功能,或作为用户定义的二进制信号输出。
CI = 模拟量互联输入,即是说,该参数可以选择和定义输入的模拟量信号源。
CO = 模拟量互联输出,即是说,该参数可以选择输出的模拟量功能,或作为用户定义的模拟量信号输出。
CO/BO = 模拟量/二进制互联输出,即是说,该参数可以作为模拟量信号和/或二进制信号输出或由用户定义。
3.Cstat是指参数的调试状态可能有三种状态:调试: C运行: U准备运行: T这是表示该参数在什麽时候允许进行修改。
For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded ResistorsDESCRIPTIONUXA 0204, UXB 0207 and UXE 0414 high precision leaded thin film resistors combine the proven reliability of the professional products with an exceptional level of precision and stability. Therefore they are perfectly suited for applications in the fields of precision test and measuring equipment and particularly for the design of calibration references and standards.FEATURES•Superior thin film technology•Exceptional low TCR: ± 02 ppm/K to ± 10 ppm/K •Super tight tolerance: ± 0.01 % to ± 0.25 %•Exceptional overall stability: class 0.02•Wide resistance range: 22 Ω to 1 M Ω•Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts•Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes•Compatible with “Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances” (RoHS) directive 2002/95/EC (issue 2004)APPLICATIONS•Precision test and measuring equipment•Design of calibration references and standardsMETRIC SIZEDIN:020*********CECC:ABDTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDESCRIPTION UXA 0204UXB 0207UXE 0414CECC size AB DResistance range 22 Ω to 221 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω22 Ω to 511 k ΩResistance tolerance ± 0.25 %; ± 0.1 %; ± 0.05 %; ± 0.01 %± 0.1 %; ± 0.05 %Temperature coefficient ± 10ppm/K; ± 05ppm/K; ± 02ppm/K ± 10ppm/K; ± 05ppm/KOperation modeprecision precision precision Climatic category (LCT/UCT/days)20/125/5620/125/5620/125/56Rated dissipation:P 850.05W 0.125 W 0.25 W P 700.1 W 0.25W 0.5W Operating voltage, U max AC/DC 200 V 250 V 300 V Film temperature125°C 125°C 125°C Max. resistance change at P 70for resistance range, ΔR /R max., after:100 Ωto 100 k Ω100 Ωto 250 k Ω100 Ωto 100 k Ω2000h≤ 0.05 %≤ 0.05 %≤ 0.05 %Max. resistance change at P 85for resistance range, ΔR /R max., after:100 Ωto 100 k Ω100 Ωto 250 k Ω100 Ωto 100 k Ω1000h ≤ 0.02 %≤ 0.02 %≤ 0.02 %8000h ≤ 0.04 %≤ 0.04 %≤ 0.04 %225000h≤ 0.12 %≤ 0.12 %≤ 0.12 %Specified lifetime225 000h225 000h225 000hPermissible voltage against ambient :1 minute 300V 500V 800V continuous75V 75V 75V Failure rate≤ 0.7 x 10-9/h≤ 0.3 x 10-9/h≤ 0.1 x 10-9/hDocument Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay Beyschlag12NC INFORMATIONComponents may be ordered by using either a simple clear text ordering code, see “Type Description and Ordering Code” or Vishay BCcomponents’ unique 12NC.Numeric Ordering Code (12NC)•The resistors have a 12-digit Part Number starting with 2312.•The subsequent 4digits indicate the resistor type,specification and packaging; see the 12NC Part Number table.•The remaining 4digits indicate the resistance value:–The first 3digits indicate the resistance value.–The last digit indicates the resistance decade in accordance with the 12NC Indicating Resistance Decade table.Last Digit of 12NC Indicating Resistance Decade12NC ExampleThe Part Number of a UXA 0204 resistor, value 47 k Ω and TCR 10 with ± 0.1 % tolerance, supplied on bandolier in a box of 1000 units is: 2312 662 34703.Note:(1) Readable 12NC coding of resistance values is restricted to values with three significant digits. For resistance values with more than three significant digits, a non readable sequential number will be issued by the factory for each requested combination of resistance value and tolerance.RESISTANCE DECADELAST DIGIT10 Ωto 99.9 Ω9100 Ωto 999 Ω11 k Ω to 9.99 k Ω210 k Ωto 99.9 k Ω3100k Ω to 999 k Ω412NC PART NUMBER - resistor type and packagingDESCRIPTIONORDERING CODE 2312........BANDOLIER IN BOX BANDOLIER IN BOX BANDOLIER ON REEL BANDOLIER ON REEL BANDOLIER ON REEL TYPETCRTOL.CU 100 units C1 1000 units R1 1000 units R2 2500 units RP 5000 units UXA 0204± 10 ppm/K± 0.25 %562 2....662 2....462 2....--± 0.1 %562 3....662 3....462 3....--± 0.05 %562 4....662 4....462 4....--± 0.01 %562 7....662 7....462 7....--(1)562 91...662 91...462 91...--± 05 ppm/K± 0.25 %563 2....663 2....463 2....--± 0.1 %563 3....663 3....463 3....--± 0.05 %563 4....663 4....463 4....--± 0.01 %563 7....663 7....463 7....--(1)563 91...663 91...463 91...--± 02 ppm/K± 0.25 %564 2....664 2....464 2....--± 0.1 %564 3....664 3....464 3....--± 0.05 %564 4....664 4....464 4....--± 0.01 %564 7....664 7....464 7....--(1)564 91...664 91...464 91...--UXB 0207± 10 ppm/K± 0.25 %572 2....672 2....472 2....-577 2....± 0.1 %572 3....672 3....472 3....-577 3....± 0.05 %572 4....672 4....472 4....-577 4....± 0.01 %572 7....672 7....472 7....-577 7. (1)572 91...672 91...472 91...-577 91...± 05 ppm/K± 0.25 %573 2....673 2....473 2....-578 2....± 0.1 %573 3....673 3....473 3....-578 3....± 0.05 %573 4....673 4....473 4....-578 4....± 0.01 %573 7....673 7....473 7....-578 7. (1)573 91...673 91....473 91...-578 91...± 02 ppm/K± 0.25 %574 2....674 2....474 2....-579 2....± 0.1 %574 3....674 3....474 3....-579 3....± 0.05 %574 4....674 4....474 4....-579 4....± 0.01 %574 7....674 7....474 7....-579 7. (1)574 91...674 91...474 91...-579 91...UXE 0414± 10 ppm/K± 0.1 %592 3....692 3....-597 3....-± 0.05 %592 4....692 4....-597 4....-(1)592 91...692 91...-597 91...-± 05 ppm/K± 0.1 %593 3....693 3....-598 3....-± 0.05 %593 4....693 4....-598 4....-(1)593 91...693 91...-598 91...- For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded ResistorsNotes:(1) Please refer to table PACKAGING, see next page.Products can be ordered using either the Product Description or the 12NC. The PART NUMBER is shown to facilitate the introduction of a unified part numbering system.DIMENSIONSPART NUMBER AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UX SERIESPart Numbering: UXB02070F1001AC100MODEL/SIZE SPECIAL CHARACTERTCRVALUETOLERANCE PACKAGINGSPECIALUXA0204UXB0207UXE04140 = neutralH = ± 2 ppm/K G = ± 5 ppm/K F = ± 10 ppm/K3 digit value 1 digit multiplier MULTIPLIER 9 = *10-1 2 = *1020 = *100 3 = *1031 = *1014 = *104T = ± 0.01 %A = ± 0.05 %B = ± 0.1 %C = ± 0.25 %C1CU R1R2RPup to 2 digits 00 = standardProduct Description: UXB 0207-10 0.05 % C1 1K0UXB 0207100.05 %C11K0MODEL SIZE TCR TOLERANCE PACKAGING (1)RESIST ANCE VALUEUXA UXB UXE020*********± 2 ppm/K ± 5 ppm/K ± 10 ppm/K± 0.01 %± 0.05 %± 0.1 %± 0.25 %C1CU R1R2RP1K0 = 1.0 k Ω47K = 47 k Ω50R5 = 50.5 ΩDIMENSIONS - leaded resistor types, mass and relevant physical dimensionsTYPE D max (mm)L max (mm)d nom (mm)I min (mm)M min (mm)MASS (mg)UXA 0204 1.6 3.60.529.0 5.0125UXB 0207 2.5 6.30.628.07.5220UXE 04144.011.90.831.015.0750SCRIPT MARKING - printed resistance value and letter coding for TCR and toleranceRESISTANCE VALUETOL.(%)LETTER CODETCR (ppm/K)LETTER CODEClear text code for value± 0.25C ± 10B ± 0.1B ± 05A ± 0.05A ± 02T ± 0.01T−−B 0200F 17UX 00A C 110Document Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay BeyschlagNotes:(1) Resistance values to be selected from the E192 series, for other values please contact the factory.(2) TCR 10 and TCR 05 are specified over the temperature range from - 20°C to + 85°C.(3) TCR 02 is specified over the temperature range from 0°C to + 60°C.DESCRIPTIONProduction is strictly controlled and follows an extensive set of instructions established for reproducibility. A homogeneous film of metal alloy is deposited on a high grade ceramic body (85 % Al 2O 3) and conditioned to achieve the desired temperature coefficient. Nickel plated steel termination caps are firmly pressed on the metallized rods.Special laser devices are used repeatedly to achieve the target value by slowly and smoothly cutting a helical groove in the resistive layer without damaging the ceramics. A further conditioning is applied in order to stabilise the trimming result. Connecting wires of electrolytic copper plated with pure tin are welded to the termination caps. The resistors are covered by protective coating designed for electrical, mechanical and climatic protection.The terminations receive a final pure tin on nickel plating. Script marking designates the resistance value plus coded TCR and tolerance.The result of the determined production is verified by an accelerated ageing (burn-in) and extensive testing procedure performed on 100 % of the individual resistors.Only accepted products are stuck directly on the adhesive tapes in accordance with IEC 60286-1.ASSEMBLYThe resistors are suitable for processing on automatic insertion equipment and cutting and bending machines.E xcellent solderability is proven, even after extended storage. They are suitable for automatic soldering using wave or dipping. The encapsulation is resistant to all cleaning solvents commonly used in the electronics industry,including alcohols, esters and aqueous solutions. The suitability of conformal coatings, if applied, shall be qualified by appropriate means to ensure the long-term stability of the whole system.APPROVALSWhere applicable, the resistors are tested in accordance with CECC 40101-806 which refers to EN 60115-1 and EN 140100.Vishay B EYSCHLAG has achieved "Approval of Manufacturer" in accordance with EN 100114-1PACKAGINGMODEL REELBOXBANDOLIER ON REELCODE PIECES/BOXCODE UXA 1000R11001000CU C1UXB 10005000R1RP 1001000CU C1UXE2500R21001000CU C1TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT AND RESISTANCE RANGEDESCRIPTIONRESISTANCE VALUE (1)TCRTOLERANCE UXA 0204UXB 0207UXE 0414± 10 ppm/K (2)± 0.25 %22 Ω to 221 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω-± 0.1 %43 Ω to 221 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω22 Ω to 511k Ω± 0.05 %100 Ω to 180 k Ω24 Ω to 301 k Ω100 Ω to 301k Ω± 0.01 %200 Ω to 150 k Ω24 Ω to 301 k Ω-± 05 ppm/K (2)± 0.25 %47 Ω to 150 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω-± 0.1 %47 Ω to 150 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω47 Ω to 301k Ω± 0.05 %100 Ω to 150 k Ω24Ω to 221 k Ω100 Ω to 301k Ω± 0.01 %200 Ω to 150 k Ω24 Ω to 221 k Ω-± 02 ppm/K (3)± 0.25 %100 Ω to 100 k Ω100 Ω to 150 k Ω-± 0.1 %100 Ω to 100 k Ω100 Ω to 150 k Ω-± 0.05 %150 Ω to 100 k Ω150 Ω to 150 k Ω-± 0.01 %200 Ω to 100 k Ω200 Ω to 150 k Ω- For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded ResistorsFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONDerating - Precision OperationTemperature RiseDocument Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay BeyschlagTESTS AND REQUIREMENTSE ssentially all tests are carried out in accordance with the following specifications:E N 140000/IE C 60115-1, Generic specification (includes tests)E N 140100/IE C 60115-2, Sectional specification (includes schedule for qualification approval)CECC 40101-806, Detail specification (includes schedule for conformance inspection)Most of the components are approved in accordance with the uropean CE CC-system, where applicable. The Test Procedures and Requirements table contains only the most important tests. For the full test schedule refer to the documents listed above. The testing also covers most of the requirements specified by EIA/IS-703 and JIS-C-5202.The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC 60 068 and under standard atmospheric conditions in accordance withIE C 60068-1, 5.3. Climatic category LCT/UCT/56 (rated temperature range: Lower Category Temperature, Upper Category Temperature; damp heat, long term, 56 days) is valid.Unless otherwise specified the following values apply:Temperature: 15 °C to 35 °C Relative humidity: 45 % to 75 %Air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar).For testing the components are mounted on a test board in accordance with IE C 60115-1, 4.31 unless otherwise specified.In the Test Procedures and Requirements table only the tests and requirements are listed with reference to the relevant clauses of IEC 60115-1 and IEC 60068-2; a short description of the test procedure is also given.TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSIEC 60115-1CLAUSEIEC 60068-2TEST METHODTESTPROCEDUREREQUIREMENTSPERMISSIBLE CHANGE (ΔR )Stability for product types:UXA 0204100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100Ω;> 100 k Ω to 221 k Ω -UXB 0207100 Ω to 250 k Ω40.2Ω to < 100 Ω;> 250k Ω to 301 k Ω10Ω to < 40.2 Ω;> 301 k Ω to 1 M ΩUXE 0414100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100 Ω;> 100k Ω to 511 k Ω-4.5-resistance (ΔR /R )± 0.25 %; ± 0.1 %; ± 0.05 %; ± 0.01 % coefficientat 20/LCT/20 °C and 20/UCT/20 °C± 10 ppm/K; ± 05 ppm/K; ± 02 ppm/K4.25.1-enduranceroom temperature;U = orU = U max ;1.5 h on; 0.5 h off 70°C; 2000 h ± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)85°C; 1000 h ± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.03 %R +0.01Ω)±(0.04 %R +0.01Ω)85°C; 8000 h± (0.04 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.08 %R +0.01Ω)P 70 x R For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded Resistors4.25.3-endurance atupper category temperature 125°C; 1000 h ± (0.04 % R +0.01Ω)± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.08 %R +0.01Ω)4.24 3 (Ca)damp heat,steady state (40± 2)°C; 56days; (93 ± 3) %RH± (0.04 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)4.23climatic sequence:4.23.22 (Ba)dry heat 125°C; 16h 4.23.330 (Db)damp heat, cyclic55°C; 24h;90% to 100%RH;1 cycle4.23.4 1 (Aa)cold - 55 °C; 2h 4.23.513 (M)low air pressure 8.5kPa;2h;15 °C to 35°C 4.23.630 (Db)damp heat, cyclic55°C; 5days;95% to 100%RH;5 cycles ± (0.04 %R +0.01 Ω)no visible damage± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.13-short time overload room temperature;U = 2.5 x or U = 2x U max ; 5 s ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.1914 (Na)rapid change of temperature 30minutes at LCT and 30minutes at UCT;5cycles ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.02 % R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.2945 (XA)component solvent resistanceisopropyl alcohol + 23 °C; toothbrushmethod marking legible;no visible damage4.18.220 (Tb)resistance to soldering heat unmounted components; (260± 5)°C; (10± 1)s ± (0.01 % R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.1720 (T a)solderability + 235°C; 2 s solderbath methodgood tinning (Š 95 % coverage, no visible damage)TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSIEC 60115-1CLAUSEIEC 60068-2TEST METHODTESTPROCEDUREREQUIREMENTSPERMISSIBLE CHANGE (ΔR )Stability for producttypes:UXA 0204100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100Ω;> 100 k Ω to 221 k Ω -UXB 0207100 Ω to 250 k Ω40.2Ω to < 100 Ω;> 250k Ω to 301 k Ω10Ω to < 40.2 Ω;> 301 k Ω to 1 M ΩUXE 0414100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100 Ω;> 100k Ω to 511 k Ω-P 70 x RDocument Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay Beyschlag4.226 (B4)vibration6 h; 10 Hz to 2000 Hz 1.5 mm or 196 m/s 2± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)4.1621 (Ua 1)21 (Ub)21 (Uc)robustness ofterminations tensile, bending andtorsion ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)±(0.02%R +0.01Ω)4.7-voltage proofU RMS = 100 V; 60 sno flashover or breakdownTEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSIEC 60115-1CLAUSEIEC 60068-2TEST METHODTESTPROCEDUREREQUIREMENTSPERMISSIBLE CHANGE (ΔR )Stability for product types:UXA 0204100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100Ω;> 100 k Ω to 221 k Ω -UXB 0207100 Ω to 250 k Ω40.2Ω to < 100 Ω;> 250k Ω to 301 k Ω10Ω to < 40.2 Ω;> 301 k Ω to 1 M ΩUXE 0414100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100 Ω;> 100k Ω to 511 k Ω-Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishay Document Number: NoticeSpecifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies.Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。
SYSTEM 1 161. 系统简介本报警器是一款无线远距离的报警系统,由报警主机和1-98个无线大功率探测器(发射机)组成,构成一套完整的无线区域报警系统。
当报警发生时,加密的无线电信号在特定条件下能够传输5-10KM ,主机声光报警,显示警情方位,自动锁存报警时间;同时通过电话线,将警情上报到管理处、派出所、110指挥中心。
2. 性能特点⏹ 1~98路为无线防区⏹ 00为紧急防区,99为有线防区 ⏹ 采用无线自动学习对码,简单快捷 ⏹ 万年时钟显示,报警时钟记忆 ⏹ LED 锁定显示,警情清晰可查 ⏹ 人性化功能设计,操作简单明了 ⏹ 空旷无线发射距离可达5-10KM ⏹ ISD 10秒录音功能,电话接警自动播放 ⏹ 常开输入、输出,DC12V 报警输入、输出 ⏹ 100dB 报警音量,警音00~99分钟可调 ⏹ 2组定时布防、撤防设置,并显示当前状态 ⏹ 电话模块选配,预设6组报警电话拨号功能 ⏹ 可充电池组选配,停电24小时待机工作 ⏹ 60条报警信息记录,滚动显示,方便查询⏹远程红外、远程烟感探测器,远程有线转无线转发器⏹电脑联网模块选配,电脑实时显示和管理报警信息和电子地图3. 系统构成固定电话接警中心移动电话电话网络SYSTEM1 164. 主机简介⏹ [1]布/撤防键:用于对报警器布防/撤防操作。
⏹ [2]布防指示灯:主机布防指示灯亮,主机撤防指示灯熄。
⏹[4]状态显示:平时为布防ON 、撤防OF 显示;报警时为防区号显示;在进入功能设置时为功能地址码显示。
警报系统 警报在以下情况启动: • 过滤器压降过高 • 热交换器出现故障 • 送风温度过低 • 烟雾探测器被触发 • 热盘管过冷保护被触发
将无线遥控器放在合适的位置以便于监控HERU ® 的状态。 HERU ® 不仅为房屋提供过滤,干净,新鲜的冷热空气,
大部分公寓和房间的通风状况都不好。室内空气的质量与过敏等身体反应之间有着直接的 关系,这些都将会影响到我们精力的集中和工作的效率。 如今室内制冷和制热通常是家庭的最大开支之一,正因为如此,在过去的几十年间,建 设法规强行规定,新建房屋必须密封以降低能量消耗,单这些又导致室内过度潮湿和霉变的发 生。
H E R U® 7 0 T
静 压
电压 , V/Hz
230/50 230/50 230/50
风机电流 , A
0,52 0,52 0,52
5,8 3,23 0,62
风机输入功率 , W
120 120
总功率 , W
HERU ® S 是右式配置,但是也可以改装为左式配置。
奥斯博格是欧洲第一家研发小型能量回收装置的公司,以最具有竞争力的价格为公寓和住宅提供转轮式热交换器。 瑞典政府能源署选择HERU ®作为他们在能量回收装置方面的全国性竞赛中的获胜者。 HERU ® 在节能和以低成本创造舒适度方面有很大的优势。
ESE00040EN1 2004-052Table of contents The information contained herein is correct at the time of issue but may be subject to change without prior notice.1. Introduction (4)1.1 Important information (4)1.2 Check list (5)2. Installation (6)2.1. General installation (6)31.1 Important information 1. Introduction Unsafe practices and other important information are emphasized in this manual.This documnet is to be read as a guideline when making clusters and other types of installations.If in doubt, please contact Alfa Laval for advise.41. Introduction 1.2 Check List562. InstallationStep 1Avoid stress on the pipe system when installing the valve clus-ter.Secure free end from expansion.Stress can come from load, misalignment or thermal expansion and can be induced both vertically and horizontally.2.1. General Installation Step 2It is important that no load is applied directly to the valve bodies.In installations with more levels the upper pipe must rest in an open support on the upper bridge allowing thermal expansion to move upwards.The lower pipe must be supported as to avoid the load ten-sion from the vertical pipe causing stress.Step 3Apart from being properly supported, the area on which the valves rest must be straight and even to allow for thermal movement.The load from the cluster may not cause deflection of the frame. Pipe supports must be placed in intervals avoiding deflection.Step 4It is important to compensate for thermal expansion as this can lead to malfunction of valves.Pipes should be kept as short as possible as long pipes present a potential risk of problems with thermal expansion.The wide temperature range in the parallel lines in a cluster causes an uneven heat expansion from line to line. There-fore the cluster should be designed as compact as pos-sible.72. Installation 2.1. General InstallationStep 4, cont.Distance pipes should be avoided in the cluster lines as this increases the pipe length and with the combination of hot and cold pipes the heat expansions can cause tremendous forces on the individual valve body.Thermal expansion in straight stainless steel tubes Temp. rise, °C510 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Thermal expansion in mm per 10 m 0.9 rise, °C6570 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Thermal expansion in mm per 10 m 11.111.912.813.614.515.316.217.017.918.719.620.4If long pipes cannot be avoided, compensation must be introduced. U-bends are the simplest and most cost effective way to break the pipes into short lengths. These will absorb the thermal expansion.supplier documentation.The thermal expansion must be allowed unhindered movement, but from pre-decided points in the system. These points are called fixed points. A fix point holds the pipes in position regardless of temperature. The thermal expansion is allowed to move away from the fix point into a more flexible area (compensation).A: Compensation by U-bends B: Fixed support C: Fixed supportA: Compensation by rubber bellows compensators B: Fix point (ridgid)C: Fix point (ridgid)82. Installation2.1. General installation Step 4, cont.Please be aware that some compensator types need spe-cially designed fix points. Please refer to manuals for specific compensators.Compensation achieved by bends.These bends vary in shape depending on available space and demand.“L” (or L1 or L2 respectively” should be min. 3 x D.“X” should be min. 6 x D, however it is recommended to make “L” (or L1 or L2 respectively) longer than “X”.Main focus has to be on:1. Length of thermal expansion to be compensated for (same direction as the arrows above). The thermal expansion can be found in the table “Thermal expansion in straight stainless steel tubes” or can be calculated using the following formula: Thermal expansion = Increase in temp x 17 x 10-6 x length of actual pipe between fix points.2. L is the length necessary to obtain the generated thermal expansion without harming the pipe work andcan be found in the curve next page.92. Installation2.1. General InstallationPressure drop/capacity diagram10Step 5Supports for thermal expansionUse mainly loose pipe supports and place those in the direc-tion of the longest pipe only (thermal direction). If supports are needed in the other direction (in order to eliminate loads from surrounding equipment), make these as supports which can slide on the frame.Ensure that the surrounding plant is prepared to absorb the thermal expanion from the cluster. In the example shown in step 2 on of the two supports shown on the valve cluster should be fixed and the other should be loose. If this valve cluster would have been longer but with the same surroundings it is recommended to make a row of fixed supports in the centre of the cluster and the other ones loose.Step 6Be aware of welding shrinkage.Step 7All legs must touch the floor at all times and the lock nuts must be tightened. This is to avoid possible deformation of valve cluster due to deflection caused by the frame not being properly supported.2. Installation2.1. General InstallationA: Service accessStep 8In large valve clusters service access after max. every 4th row is recommended. The service access ways should be max. 500 mm wide.Step 9When constructing a pipe system keep in mind that liquid can-not be compressed.Therefore blocking the pipes should be avoided as constriction of liquid can cause malfunction of the valves.Likewise increasing hydraulic pressure as a result of rise in tem-perature combined with block filled pipe can cause problems when not allowed for in design.2.1. General Installation2. InstallationA = Water/productOpen V01 before V02Close V02 before V01Open V03 before V04Close V04 before V0311How to contact Alfa Laval Contact details for all countries are continually updated on our website. Please visit to access the information direct.。
Siemens SCALANCE X200-4PIRT 产品说明书
Product data sheet6GK5200-4AH00-2BA3 Product-type designation SCALANCE X200-4P IRTSCALANCE X200-4PIRT MANAGED IE IRT SWITCH,4 X 100MBIT/S POF SC RJ PORTS,FAULT SIGNAL CONTACT WITH SET BUTTON,REDUNDANT POWER SUPPLY,PROFINET-IO DEVICE, NETWORK MANAGEMENT,RED.- MANAGER INTEGRATED,INCL. ELECTRON. MANUAL ON CD,C-PLUG OPTIONALTransfer rate / 110 Mbit/sTransfer rate / 2100 Mbit/sNumber of electrical/optical connections• for network components or terminal equipment / maximum4Number of electrical connections• for signaling contact1• for power supply1• for redundant power supply1Design of electrical/optical connections / for network components orSC RJterminal equipmentDesign of the electrical connection• for signaling contact2-pole terminal block• for power supply4-pole terminal blockNumber of optical interfaces / for optical waveguide / at 100 Mbit/s4Design of optical interface / for optical waveguide / at 100 Mbit/s SC-RJ/POF portConnectable optical power relative to 1 mW• of the transmitter output-8 … -2 dBOptical sensitivity relative to 1 mW / of the receiver input / minimum-25 dBAttenuation / of fiber-optic cable transmission link / minimum0 dBnecessaryRange / at the optical interface / depending on the optical fiber used0 … 0.05 kmdesign of the removable storage / C-PLUG YesOperating voltage / of signaling contacts / at DC / rated value24 VOperating current / of signaling contacts / at DC / maximum0.1 AType of / supply voltage DCSupply voltage / external24 V• minimum18 V• maximum32 VProduct component / fusing at power supply input YesType of fusing / at input for supply voltage1,1 A / 33 VConsumed current / maximum0.4 AActive power loss / at 24 V / for DC9.6 WAmbient temperature• during operating-25 … +40 °C• during storage-40 … +70 °C• during transport-40 … +70 °CRelative humidity / at 25 °C / without condensation / during operating95 %/ maximumProtection class IP IP30Design compactWidth60 mmHeight125 mmDepth124 mmNet weight0.78 kgMounting type• 35 mm DIN rail mounting Yes• wall mounting Yes• S7-300 rail mounting Yes50Cascading in the case of a redundant ring / at reconfiguration time of<\~0.3\~sCascading in cases of star structuring Any (depending only on signal propagation time) Product function• CLI Yes• web-based management Yes • MIB support Yes • TRAPs via email Yes • Configuration with STEP 7Yes • Port mirroring No • for IRT / PROFINET IO switch Yes • PROFINET IO diagnosis Yes • switch-managed Yes Protocol / is supported• Telnet Yes • HTTP Yes • HTTPS Yes • TFTP Yes • FTP Yes • BOOTP No • SNMP v1Yes • SNMP v2Yes • SNMP v3Yes • DCP Yes • LLDP Yes Identification & maintenance function• I&M0 - device-specific information Yes • I&M1 – higher level designation/location designation YesProduct function• Port diagnostics Yes • Statistics Packet Size Yes • Statistics packet type Yes • Error statistics YesProduct function / DHCP client YesProduct function• Ring redundancy Yes • Redundancy manager Yes • Standby redundancy Yes • High Speed Redundancy Protocol (HRP)Yes • Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP)Yes • Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP)No• Passive listening YesProtocol / is supported / PRP YesProtocol / is supported / SSH YesProduct function / SICLOCK support YesProtocol / is supported• NTP No• SNTP YesStandard• for EMC / from FM FM3611: Class 1, Division 2, Group A, B, C, D / T4, CL.1, Zone 2,GP. IIC, T4• for hazardous zone EN 60079-0 : 2006, EN 60079-15: 2005, II 3 G Ex nA II T4 KEMA 07ATEX 0145X• for safety / of CSA and UL UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1• for hazardous area / of CSA and UL ANSI / ISA 12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987, CL. 1 / Div. 2 /GP. A, B, C, D T4, CL. 1 / Zone 2 / GP. IIC, T4• for emitted interference EN 61000-6-4:2001• for interference immunity EN 61000-6-2:2001Verification of suitability EN 61000-6-2:2001, EN 61000-6-4:2001• CE mark Yes• C-Tick Yes• KC approval Yes• Railway application in accordance with EN 50155No• Railway application in accordance with EN 50124-1NoMarine classification association• American Bureau of Shipping Europe Ltd. (ABS)No• Bureau Veritas (BV)No• Det Norske Veritas (DNV)No• Germanische Lloyd (GL)No• Lloyds Register of Shipping (LRS)No• Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK)No• Polski Rejestr Statkow (PRS)NoInternet-Link• to website: Industry Mall /industrial-controls/mall• to website: Industrial communication /simatic-net• to website: Information and Download Center /automation/net/catalog• to website: Image database /bilddb• to website: CAx Download Manager /cax• to website: Industry Online Support letzte Änderung:Aug 6, 2014。
Siemens SCALANCE X204IRT 产品说明书
10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s
1 1 2-pole terminal block 4-pole terminal block Yes
24 V 0.1 A
DC 24 V 4.8 W 18 ... 32 V 0.14 A 4-pole terminal block Yes 0.6 A / 60 V
ambient conditions ambient temperature ● during operation ● during storage ● during transport relative humidity ● at 25 °C / without condensation / during operation / maximum protection class IP
-40 ... +70 °C -40 ... +85 °C -40 ... +85 °C 95 % IP30
6GK52040BA102BA3 Page 1/4
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
● I&M1 – higher level designation/location designation Yes
product functions / diagnostics
product function
● port diagnostics
● statistics Packet Size
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For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded ResistorsDESCRIPTIONUXA 0204, UXB 0207 and UXE 0414 high precision leaded thin film resistors combine the proven reliability of the professional products with an exceptional level of precision and stability. Therefore they are perfectly suited for applications in the fields of precision test and measuring equipment and particularly for the design of calibration references and standards.FEATURES•Superior thin film technology•Exceptional low TCR: ± 02 ppm/K to ± 10 ppm/K •Super tight tolerance: ± 0.01 % to ± 0.25 %•Exceptional overall stability: class 0.02•Wide resistance range: 22 Ω to 1 M Ω•Lead (Pb)-free solder contacts•Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes•Compatible with “Restriction of the use of Hazardous Substances” (RoHS) directive 2002/95/EC (issue 2004)APPLICATIONS•Precision test and measuring equipment•Design of calibration references and standardsMETRIC SIZEDIN:020*********CECC:ABDTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSDESCRIPTION UXA 0204UXB 0207UXE 0414CECC size AB DResistance range 22 Ω to 221 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω22 Ω to 511 k ΩResistance tolerance ± 0.25 %; ± 0.1 %; ± 0.05 %; ± 0.01 %± 0.1 %; ± 0.05 %Temperature coefficient ± 10ppm/K; ± 05ppm/K; ± 02ppm/K ± 10ppm/K; ± 05ppm/KOperation modeprecision precision precision Climatic category (LCT/UCT/days)20/125/5620/125/5620/125/56Rated dissipation:P 850.05W 0.125 W 0.25 W P 700.1 W 0.25W 0.5W Operating voltage, U max AC/DC 200 V 250 V 300 V Film temperature125°C 125°C 125°C Max. resistance change at P 70for resistance range, ΔR /R max., after:100 Ωto 100 k Ω100 Ωto 250 k Ω100 Ωto 100 k Ω2000h≤ 0.05 %≤ 0.05 %≤ 0.05 %Max. resistance change at P 85for resistance range, ΔR /R max., after:100 Ωto 100 k Ω100 Ωto 250 k Ω100 Ωto 100 k Ω1000h ≤ 0.02 %≤ 0.02 %≤ 0.02 %8000h ≤ 0.04 %≤ 0.04 %≤ 0.04 %225000h≤ 0.12 %≤ 0.12 %≤ 0.12 %Specified lifetime225 000h225 000h225 000hPermissible voltage against ambient :1 minute 300V 500V 800V continuous75V 75V 75V Failure rate≤ 0.7 x 10-9/h≤ 0.3 x 10-9/h≤ 0.1 x 10-9/hDocument Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay Beyschlag12NC INFORMATIONComponents may be ordered by using either a simple clear text ordering code, see “Type Description and Ordering Code” or Vishay BCcomponents’ unique 12NC.Numeric Ordering Code (12NC)•The resistors have a 12-digit Part Number starting with 2312.•The subsequent 4digits indicate the resistor type,specification and packaging; see the 12NC Part Number table.•The remaining 4digits indicate the resistance value:–The first 3digits indicate the resistance value.–The last digit indicates the resistance decade in accordance with the 12NC Indicating Resistance Decade table.Last Digit of 12NC Indicating Resistance Decade12NC ExampleThe Part Number of a UXA 0204 resistor, value 47 k Ω and TCR 10 with ± 0.1 % tolerance, supplied on bandolier in a box of 1000 units is: 2312 662 34703.Note:(1) Readable 12NC coding of resistance values is restricted to values with three significant digits. For resistance values with more than three significant digits, a non readable sequential number will be issued by the factory for each requested combination of resistance value and tolerance.RESISTANCE DECADELAST DIGIT10 Ωto 99.9 Ω9100 Ωto 999 Ω11 k Ω to 9.99 k Ω210 k Ωto 99.9 k Ω3100k Ω to 999 k Ω412NC PART NUMBER - resistor type and packagingDESCRIPTIONORDERING CODE 2312........BANDOLIER IN BOX BANDOLIER IN BOX BANDOLIER ON REEL BANDOLIER ON REEL BANDOLIER ON REEL TYPETCRTOL.CU 100 units C1 1000 units R1 1000 units R2 2500 units RP 5000 units UXA 0204± 10 ppm/K± 0.25 %562 2....662 2....462 2....--± 0.1 %562 3....662 3....462 3....--± 0.05 %562 4....662 4....462 4....--± 0.01 %562 7....662 7....462 7....--(1)562 91...662 91...462 91...--± 05 ppm/K± 0.25 %563 2....663 2....463 2....--± 0.1 %563 3....663 3....463 3....--± 0.05 %563 4....663 4....463 4....--± 0.01 %563 7....663 7....463 7....--(1)563 91...663 91...463 91...--± 02 ppm/K± 0.25 %564 2....664 2....464 2....--± 0.1 %564 3....664 3....464 3....--± 0.05 %564 4....664 4....464 4....--± 0.01 %564 7....664 7....464 7....--(1)564 91...664 91...464 91...--UXB 0207± 10 ppm/K± 0.25 %572 2....672 2....472 2....-577 2....± 0.1 %572 3....672 3....472 3....-577 3....± 0.05 %572 4....672 4....472 4....-577 4....± 0.01 %572 7....672 7....472 7....-577 7. (1)572 91...672 91...472 91...-577 91...± 05 ppm/K± 0.25 %573 2....673 2....473 2....-578 2....± 0.1 %573 3....673 3....473 3....-578 3....± 0.05 %573 4....673 4....473 4....-578 4....± 0.01 %573 7....673 7....473 7....-578 7. (1)573 91...673 91....473 91...-578 91...± 02 ppm/K± 0.25 %574 2....674 2....474 2....-579 2....± 0.1 %574 3....674 3....474 3....-579 3....± 0.05 %574 4....674 4....474 4....-579 4....± 0.01 %574 7....674 7....474 7....-579 7. (1)574 91...674 91...474 91...-579 91...UXE 0414± 10 ppm/K± 0.1 %592 3....692 3....-597 3....-± 0.05 %592 4....692 4....-597 4....-(1)592 91...692 91...-597 91...-± 05 ppm/K± 0.1 %593 3....693 3....-598 3....-± 0.05 %593 4....693 4....-598 4....-(1)593 91...693 91...-598 91...- For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded ResistorsNotes:(1) Please refer to table PACKAGING, see next page.Products can be ordered using either the Product Description or the 12NC. The PART NUMBER is shown to facilitate the introduction of a unified part numbering system.DIMENSIONSPART NUMBER AND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UX SERIESPart Numbering: UXB02070F1001AC100MODEL/SIZE SPECIAL CHARACTERTCRVALUETOLERANCE PACKAGINGSPECIALUXA0204UXB0207UXE04140 = neutralH = ± 2 ppm/K G = ± 5 ppm/K F = ± 10 ppm/K3 digit value 1 digit multiplier MULTIPLIER 9 = *10-1 2 = *1020 = *100 3 = *1031 = *1014 = *104T = ± 0.01 %A = ± 0.05 %B = ± 0.1 %C = ± 0.25 %C1CU R1R2RPup to 2 digits 00 = standardProduct Description: UXB 0207-10 0.05 % C1 1K0UXB 0207100.05 %C11K0MODEL SIZE TCR TOLERANCE PACKAGING (1)RESIST ANCE VALUEUXA UXB UXE020*********± 2 ppm/K ± 5 ppm/K ± 10 ppm/K± 0.01 %± 0.05 %± 0.1 %± 0.25 %C1CU R1R2RP1K0 = 1.0 k Ω47K = 47 k Ω50R5 = 50.5 ΩDIMENSIONS - leaded resistor types, mass and relevant physical dimensionsTYPE D max (mm)L max (mm)d nom (mm)I min (mm)M min (mm)MASS (mg)UXA 0204 1.6 3.60.529.0 5.0125UXB 0207 2.5 6.30.628.07.5220UXE 04144.011.90.831.015.0750SCRIPT MARKING - printed resistance value and letter coding for TCR and toleranceRESISTANCE VALUETOL.(%)LETTER CODETCR (ppm/K)LETTER CODEClear text code for value± 0.25C ± 10B ± 0.1B ± 05A ± 0.05A ± 02T ± 0.01T−−B 0200F 17UX 00A C 110Document Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay BeyschlagNotes:(1) Resistance values to be selected from the E192 series, for other values please contact the factory.(2) TCR 10 and TCR 05 are specified over the temperature range from - 20°C to + 85°C.(3) TCR 02 is specified over the temperature range from 0°C to + 60°C.DESCRIPTIONProduction is strictly controlled and follows an extensive set of instructions established for reproducibility. A homogeneous film of metal alloy is deposited on a high grade ceramic body (85 % Al 2O 3) and conditioned to achieve the desired temperature coefficient. Nickel plated steel termination caps are firmly pressed on the metallized rods.Special laser devices are used repeatedly to achieve the target value by slowly and smoothly cutting a helical groove in the resistive layer without damaging the ceramics. A further conditioning is applied in order to stabilise the trimming result. Connecting wires of electrolytic copper plated with pure tin are welded to the termination caps. The resistors are covered by protective coating designed for electrical, mechanical and climatic protection.The terminations receive a final pure tin on nickel plating. Script marking designates the resistance value plus coded TCR and tolerance.The result of the determined production is verified by an accelerated ageing (burn-in) and extensive testing procedure performed on 100 % of the individual resistors.Only accepted products are stuck directly on the adhesive tapes in accordance with IEC 60286-1.ASSEMBLYThe resistors are suitable for processing on automatic insertion equipment and cutting and bending machines.E xcellent solderability is proven, even after extended storage. They are suitable for automatic soldering using wave or dipping. The encapsulation is resistant to all cleaning solvents commonly used in the electronics industry,including alcohols, esters and aqueous solutions. The suitability of conformal coatings, if applied, shall be qualified by appropriate means to ensure the long-term stability of the whole system.APPROVALSWhere applicable, the resistors are tested in accordance with CECC 40101-806 which refers to EN 60115-1 and EN 140100.Vishay B EYSCHLAG has achieved "Approval of Manufacturer" in accordance with EN 100114-1PACKAGINGMODEL REELBOXBANDOLIER ON REELCODE PIECES/BOXCODE UXA 1000R11001000CU C1UXB 10005000R1RP 1001000CU C1UXE2500R21001000CU C1TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT AND RESISTANCE RANGEDESCRIPTIONRESISTANCE VALUE (1)TCRTOLERANCE UXA 0204UXB 0207UXE 0414± 10 ppm/K (2)± 0.25 %22 Ω to 221 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω-± 0.1 %43 Ω to 221 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω22 Ω to 511k Ω± 0.05 %100 Ω to 180 k Ω24 Ω to 301 k Ω100 Ω to 301k Ω± 0.01 %200 Ω to 150 k Ω24 Ω to 301 k Ω-± 05 ppm/K (2)± 0.25 %47 Ω to 150 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω-± 0.1 %47 Ω to 150 k Ω10 Ω to 1 M Ω47 Ω to 301k Ω± 0.05 %100 Ω to 150 k Ω24Ω to 221 k Ω100 Ω to 301k Ω± 0.01 %200 Ω to 150 k Ω24 Ω to 221 k Ω-± 02 ppm/K (3)± 0.25 %100 Ω to 100 k Ω100 Ω to 150 k Ω-± 0.1 %100 Ω to 100 k Ω100 Ω to 150 k Ω-± 0.05 %150 Ω to 100 k Ω150 Ω to 150 k Ω-± 0.01 %200 Ω to 100 k Ω200 Ω to 150 k Ω- For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded ResistorsFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONDerating - Precision OperationTemperature RiseDocument Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay BeyschlagTESTS AND REQUIREMENTSE ssentially all tests are carried out in accordance with the following specifications:E N 140000/IE C 60115-1, Generic specification (includes tests)E N 140100/IE C 60115-2, Sectional specification (includes schedule for qualification approval)CECC 40101-806, Detail specification (includes schedule for conformance inspection)Most of the components are approved in accordance with the uropean CE CC-system, where applicable. The Test Procedures and Requirements table contains only the most important tests. For the full test schedule refer to the documents listed above. The testing also covers most of the requirements specified by EIA/IS-703 and JIS-C-5202.The tests are carried out in accordance with IEC 60 068 and under standard atmospheric conditions in accordance withIE C 60068-1, 5.3. Climatic category LCT/UCT/56 (rated temperature range: Lower Category Temperature, Upper Category Temperature; damp heat, long term, 56 days) is valid.Unless otherwise specified the following values apply:Temperature: 15 °C to 35 °C Relative humidity: 45 % to 75 %Air pressure: 86 kPa to 106 kPa (860 mbar to 1060 mbar).For testing the components are mounted on a test board in accordance with IE C 60115-1, 4.31 unless otherwise specified.In the Test Procedures and Requirements table only the tests and requirements are listed with reference to the relevant clauses of IEC 60115-1 and IEC 60068-2; a short description of the test procedure is also given.TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSIEC 60115-1CLAUSEIEC 60068-2TEST METHODTESTPROCEDUREREQUIREMENTSPERMISSIBLE CHANGE (ΔR )Stability for product types:UXA 0204100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100Ω;> 100 k Ω to 221 k Ω -UXB 0207100 Ω to 250 k Ω40.2Ω to < 100 Ω;> 250k Ω to 301 k Ω10Ω to < 40.2 Ω;> 301 k Ω to 1 M ΩUXE 0414100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100 Ω;> 100k Ω to 511 k Ω-4.5-resistance (ΔR /R )± 0.25 %; ± 0.1 %; ± 0.05 %; ± 0.01 % coefficientat 20/LCT/20 °C and 20/UCT/20 °C± 10 ppm/K; ± 05 ppm/K; ± 02 ppm/K4.25.1-enduranceroom temperature;U = orU = U max ;1.5 h on; 0.5 h off 70°C; 2000 h ± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)85°C; 1000 h ± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.03 %R +0.01Ω)±(0.04 %R +0.01Ω)85°C; 8000 h± (0.04 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.08 %R +0.01Ω)P 70 x R For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@Document Number: 28726UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414Vishay BeyschlagHigh Precision Leaded Resistors4.25.3-endurance atupper category temperature 125°C; 1000 h ± (0.04 % R +0.01Ω)± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.08 %R +0.01Ω)4.24 3 (Ca)damp heat,steady state (40± 2)°C; 56days; (93 ± 3) %RH± (0.04 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)4.23climatic sequence:4.23.22 (Ba)dry heat 125°C; 16h 4.23.330 (Db)damp heat, cyclic55°C; 24h;90% to 100%RH;1 cycle4.23.4 1 (Aa)cold - 55 °C; 2h 4.23.513 (M)low air pressure 8.5kPa;2h;15 °C to 35°C 4.23.630 (Db)damp heat, cyclic55°C; 5days;95% to 100%RH;5 cycles ± (0.04 %R +0.01 Ω)no visible damage± (0.05 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage± (0.06 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.13-short time overload room temperature;U = 2.5 x or U = 2x U max ; 5 s ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.1914 (Na)rapid change of temperature 30minutes at LCT and 30minutes at UCT;5cycles ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.02 % R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.2945 (XA)component solvent resistanceisopropyl alcohol + 23 °C; toothbrushmethod marking legible;no visible damage4.18.220 (Tb)resistance to soldering heat unmounted components; (260± 5)°C; (10± 1)s ± (0.01 % R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage ± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)no visible damage4.1720 (T a)solderability + 235°C; 2 s solderbath methodgood tinning (Š 95 % coverage, no visible damage)TEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSIEC 60115-1CLAUSEIEC 60068-2TEST METHODTESTPROCEDUREREQUIREMENTSPERMISSIBLE CHANGE (ΔR )Stability for producttypes:UXA 0204100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100Ω;> 100 k Ω to 221 k Ω -UXB 0207100 Ω to 250 k Ω40.2Ω to < 100 Ω;> 250k Ω to 301 k Ω10Ω to < 40.2 Ω;> 301 k Ω to 1 M ΩUXE 0414100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100 Ω;> 100k Ω to 511 k Ω-P 70 x RDocument Number: 28726For technical questions, contact: ff3cresistors@UXA 0204, UXB 0207, UXE 0414High Precision Leaded ResistorsVishay Beyschlag4.226 (B4)vibration6 h; 10 Hz to 2000 Hz 1.5 mm or 196 m/s 2± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.02 %R +0.01Ω)4.1621 (Ua 1)21 (Ub)21 (Uc)robustness ofterminations tensile, bending andtorsion ± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)± (0.01 %R +0.01Ω)±(0.02%R +0.01Ω)4.7-voltage proofU RMS = 100 V; 60 sno flashover or breakdownTEST PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTSIEC 60115-1CLAUSEIEC 60068-2TEST METHODTESTPROCEDUREREQUIREMENTSPERMISSIBLE CHANGE (ΔR )Stability for product types:UXA 0204100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100Ω;> 100 k Ω to 221 k Ω -UXB 0207100 Ω to 250 k Ω40.2Ω to < 100 Ω;> 250k Ω to 301 k Ω10Ω to < 40.2 Ω;> 301 k Ω to 1 M ΩUXE 0414100 Ω to 100 k Ω22Ω to < 100 Ω;> 100k Ω to 511 k Ω-Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishay Document Number: NoticeSpecifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies.Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Vishay's terms and conditions of sale for such products, Vishay assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Vishay products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.。