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第一章绪论 (1)

1.1概述 (1)

1.2 工程条件 (1)

1.2.1 气象 (1)

1.2.2 水文 (1)

1.2.2 工程地质 (2)

1.3 工程任务和规模 (3)

1.3.1 工程建设任务 (3)

1.3.2 工程建设规模 (3)

1.4 工程选址、工程布置及建筑物设计 (3)

1.4.1 工程等别和标准 (3)

1.4.2 工程选址和基本坝型选择 (4)

1.4.3 工程总布置及主要建筑物 (4)

1.5 工程施工 (5)

1.6 经济评价结论 (5)

第二章水文 (7)

2.1 流域概况 (7)

2.2 气象 (7)

2.3 水文站基本情况 (7)

2.4 设计径流 (7)

2.4.1 多年平均径流量 (7)

2.4.2 设计径流及其年内分配 (10)

2.4.3 枯水径流 (15)

2.4.4 生态基流 (15)

2.5 设计洪水 (15)

2.5.1 暴雨特性 (15)

2.5.2 历史洪水调查 (15)

2.5.3 洪水资料插补延长 (15)

2.5.4 设计洪水成果 (16)

2.5.5 拟建电站坝址处设计洪水 (17)

2.5.6 拟建电站坝址处设计洪水过程线 (17)

2.6 泥沙 (21)

2.7 冰情 (21)

第三章地质 (23)

3.1区域地质 (23)

3.1.1地形地貌 (23)

3.1.2地层岩性 (23)

3.1.3地质构造与地震 (24)

3.2水库工程地质条件 (25)

3.2.1基本地质条件 (25)

3.2.2主要工程地质问题及评价 (27)

第四章导流建筑物总体布置 (29)

4.1导流建筑物工程地质条件 (29)

4.2导流隧洞布置的基本原则 (30)

4.3导流洞布置 (30)

4.3.1导流明渠段 (30)

4.3.2隧洞进口段 (31)

4.3.3洞身段 (31)

4.3.4隧洞出口段 (31)

4.3.5出口明渠段 (31)

4.4上游围堰布置 (31)

4.5下游围堰布置 (31)

第五章围堰的设计 (33)

5.1平面布置 (33)

5.1.1上游围堰的平面布置及设计 (33)

5.1.2下游围堰的平面布置及设计 (33)

5.3围堰的防渗 (34)

5.4围堰的接头处理 (35)

5.5围堰的防冲 (35)

5.6围堰的拆除 (35)

第六章导流洞的设计 (37)

6.1导流洞的断面形式 (37)

6.2衬砌计算 (39)

6.2.1洞身衬砌截面形式及尺寸 (39)

6.2.2设计荷载 (39)

6.2.3衬砌材料 (39)

6.2.4计算简图及基本结构 (39)

6.2.5钢臂长度C的计算 (40)

6.2.6形常数计算 (40)

6.2.7载常数计算 (40)

6.2.8各截面弯矩值计算 (43)

表6-4 截面M值计算 (45)

6.2.9各截面轴向力计算 (45)

6.2.10内力计算校核 (46)

6.2.11截面应力计算 (47)

6.2.12截面应力验算 (47)

第七章消力池计算 (49)

7.1下游消能计算 (49)

7.1.1检查闸下水流衔接状态 (49)

7.1.2试求池深 (49)

7.2消力池池长计算 (50)

7.3消力池厚度 (50)

结论 (51)

附录 (53)

参考文献 (55)

致谢信 (57)







Yushu Charlon Through The Design Of

Hydropower Station Diversion Tunnel


Diversion tunnel is a temporary construction of diversion tunnel, is one of the characteristics of its time limit for a project is often very urgent, if can not be completed on schedule, it will cause prolonged the duration of the whole project. The reservoir operation using steel discharge for irrigation, drinking water supply to the downstream, and taking into account theecological base flow water reservoir

emptying. Therefore, we must according to the geology and topography of the site, the hub of the planning task, in accordance with the principle of a multi hole, proper use of the building layout. This can reduce the engineering quantity, reduce the cost, is beneficial to the whole project of water do the job, but also greatly enhance the progress of the project.

According to the design of Yushu state Chalon sur pass hydropower station on both sides of the geological, geomorphological, hydrological data of the research summary, in the right bank of the reservoir will guide hole and a discharge hole close arrangement, temporary diversion tunnel partially blocked reconstruction is a permanent drainage tunnel. In the whole process of engineering construction in diversion tunnel as the diversion task, after the completion of the dam in both washed sand dredging, the emptying of the reservoir and other tasks.

Chalon sur pass hydropower station right bank diversion tunnel design process for: hydrological and meteorological and on both sides of the geological conditions of the study, summary design in the required basic data and reference design specification, diversion tunnel section design, drainage hole part of the design, energy dissipation downstream scour protection design. The design includes instructions for calculating, the necessary hydrauliclining computing etc.. Finally a complete set of water diversion tunnel and downstreamcofferdam.

Keywords:Water diversion tunnel, Hydraulic calculation, Lining calculation, Shape design
