无冲突矿产宣告书Declaration of mineral Conflict-FreeHerein confirm minerals used in Products sold to 【】 Co., Ltd. and its affiliated parties are “DRC Conflict-Free”.公司(下称“本公司”)特此声明所有提供给公司及其关联方(下称“贵方”)之产品皆为无冲突金属之产品.We are taking and will take due diligence within our supply chain to assure“DRC Conflict-Free”for the minerals of gold(Au),tantalum(Ta),tungsten(W), tin(Sn) and Cobalt(Co) are notderived from Or sourced from mines in conflict areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC),Or illegally taxed on trade routes, either of which are controlled by non-governmentalmilitary groups, or unlawful military factions. Trade routes not confi rmed to be “ConflictFree” include direct exports from the DRC, as well as exports through Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi,Tanzania and Kenya (countries of whom the U.N. Security Council note are global export routesfor DRC-mined minerals).本公司亦正或将致力于详实调查供应链确保金(Au)、钽(Ta)、钨(W)、锡(Sn)、钴(Co)这类金属并非透过无政府军团或非法集团,由刚果民主共和国冲突区域之矿区开采或是循非法走私途径取得。
Vol. 30 ! No. 1Jan 2021第30卷第1期2021年1月中国矿业CHINA MINING MAGAZINE矿业管理与经济新时代我国保护性开采特定矿种管理政策分析与研究王建忠,许书平,陈志广,孔 宁(自然资源部油气资源战略研究中心,北京100860)摘要:国家高度重视稀土等重要战略矿产资源,尤其在近期中美贸易争端加剧背景下,更加凸显其特殊性和重要性。
按照新时代新发展理念,提出了四条政策建议:明确保护性开采特定矿种的法律地位,加快建立动态调整机制;完善监管机制,促进全产业链协调发展;突出绿色发展,提高开发利用水平,更加注重生态安全;完善重要矿产地的储备,保障资源安全等%关键词:保护性开采特定矿种;矿产资源;管理政策;生态安全;资源保障中图分类号:F205文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4051(2021)01-0024-05Analysis and research on managementpolicy of theprotective minerals in the new eraWANG Jianzhong , XU Shuping , CHEN Zhiguang , KONG Ning(Strategic Research Center of Oil and Gas Resources, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100860, China)Abstract : The state attaches great importance to strategic mineral resources such as rare earths , especially inth@cont@xtofth@r@c@ntSino-UStrad@disput@s !whichfurth@rhighlightsitsparticularityandimportanc@.The article systematically sorts out the specific mining management policies for protective minerals ? and analyzesEour existing problems including :the dynamic adjustment mechanism has not yet been established !thedevelopmentandutilizationoEsupervisionandimplementationisnotinplacetheindustrialconcentration isrelatively low !and the resource reserves are continuously declining.In accordance with the newdevelopmentconceptoEthenewera !Eourpolicyrecommendationsareproposedincluding :deiningthelegal status of specific mining for specific mining , accelerating the establishment of a dynamic adjustment mechanism , improving the regulatory mechanism , promoting the coordinated development of the entireindustrial chain, emphasizing the concept of green development , and improving the level of development and uilizaCion.Pay morea C enionCoecologicalsecuriyimproveChereservesofimporCanCmineraldeposiCsand ensureChesafeCyofresourcessupply.Keywords : protective mineral ; mineral resource , management policy , ecological security ; resourcepBotection保护性开采的特定矿种鸨、锡、铸、稀土是我国重要的战略性矿产资源,也是我国优势矿产资源,多 年来储量、产量、岀口量居世界 &11%国重视保护性开采的特定矿种的保护和合理开发利用,自20世纪80年 来,针对生产能力过剩、资源利、产业结构失衡、环境污染、岀口 ;混收稿日期:2019-08-02责任编辑:赵奎涛基金项目:"矿业权管理筒政放权改革研究”项目资助(编号"019KYQSP03)第一作者简介:王建忠(1984 — ),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事矿业权审批登记管理、矿产资源政策法规、油气资源信息化建设和信息分析研究等方面的工作,E-mail :wangjz@sinooilgas. org. cn%引用格式:王建忠,许书平,陈志广,等.新时代我国保护性幵采特定矿种管理政策分析与研究中国矿业,2021,30(1):24-28. doi : 10.12075/j. issn. 1004-4051. 2021 01 002第1期王建忠,等:新时代我国保护性开采特定矿种管理政策分析与研究25乱等问题,先后出台了一系列政策文件在加强管理与维护秩序、促进合理开发与高效利用取得了显著成效%在新时代生态文明建设和国家总体安全观,以及中美贸易争端背景下,对保护性开采特定矿种管理提出了新的要求,全面审视现有管理政策,深入剖析问题,总结经验做法,提出进一步健全完善管理政策意见建议,对促进资源高效利用、保护生态环境、保障资源安全具有重要意义%1保护性开采特定矿种管理有关规定《矿产资源法》规定,对保护性开采的特定矿种实行有计划的开采%《矿产资源法实施细则》对保护性开采的特定矿种进行了定义,指国务院根据国民经济建设和高科技发展的需要,以及资源稀缺、贵重程度确定的,由国务院有关主管部门按照国家计划批准开采的矿种%1988年和1991年国务院分别将黄金、鹄、锡、铢、离子型稀土确定为保护性开采的特定矿种%自然资源部(原国土资源部)、工业和信息化部、商务部、国家发展和改革委员会等有关部门对国实保护采的特矿种后台管理政策措施,从管理的目的和角度来看,总体上可归纳为以下四个方面%1.1规划调控,总量控制111矿产资源规划是落实国家资源安全战略、加强矿产资源宏观管理的重要手段,是依法审批和监管矿产资源开发利用的重要依据%自2001年《全国矿产资源规划》开始持续要求加强对优势矿产资源的保护和开采管理,实行规划调控、限制开采%2005年,国务院要求按控制总量、节约资源、合理布局等原则,制订鹄、锡、铢工业发展规划。
【矿产资源】贵州安龙笃山饰面用白云质灰岩矿(白木纹)矿床地质特征及开发利用浅析罗召珉1,吕天权2,3,柏苏晋2(1.贵州省普安县自然资源局,贵州 普安 561500;2.贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院,贵州 兴义 562400;3.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队,贵州 遵义 563000))【摘 要】贵州安龙笃山饰面用白云质灰岩矿为中型规模饰面用白云质灰岩矿床。
【关键词】饰面用白云质灰岩矿;地质特征;开发利用;贵州安龙【中图分类号】P619.225 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1007-9386(2023)06-0056-04Geological Characteristics and Development Utilization of Mineral Deposits about Dolomitic Limestone Ore (White Wood Grain) for Decorative Use of inAnlong Dushan, GuizhouLUO Zhao-min 1, LV Tian-quan 2,3, BAI Su-jin 2(1.Natural Resources Bureau of Pu'an County, Guizhou Province, Puan 561500, China; 2.Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration Institute of Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Xingyi 562400, China; 3.106 Geological Brigade ofGuizhou Geological and Mineral Exploration and Development Bureau, Zunyi 563000, China)Abstract: The dolomitic limestone deposit for decorative purposes located in Anlong Dushan, it’s a medium-sized scale dolomitic limestone deposit. Base on collecting and organizing data of existing exploration and development in the mining area, and combined with on-site investigation and sample collected work, the geological characteristics and processing technology performance of the dolomite limestone deposit were analyzed for decorative purposes in the area, and its development and utilization prospects were evaluated. The purpose of the work is to provide reference for the search for similar white wood grain decorative limestone deposits in the region.Key words: dolomitic limestone ore for decoration; geological characteristics; development and utilization; Anlong, Guizhou木纹石是石灰石类饰面石材矿,是以碳酸盐岩为主形成的沉积型矿床,具有质均且稳定、矿物成分较简单、规模大等特点[1-2]。
Screamin' Blues
Owner’s ManualScreamin’ Blues ™Overdrive/DistortionWARRANTY:We at DigiT ech are proud of our products and back-up each one with the following warranty:1.The warranty registration card must be mailed within ten days after purchase date to validate this war-ranty.2.DigiT ech warrants this product,when used solely within the U.S.,to be free from defects in materialsand workmanship under normal use and service.3.DigiT ech liability under this warranty is limited to repairing or replacing defective materials that showevidence of defect,provided the product is returned to DigiT ech WITH RETURN AUTHORIZATION, where all parts and labor will be covered up to a period of one year (this warranty is extended to a period of six years when the product has been properly registered by mail or through our website).A Return Authorization number may be obtained from DigiT ech by telephone.The company shall notbe liable for any consequential damage as a result of the product's use in any circuit or assembly.4.Proof-of-purchase is considered to be the burden of the consumer.5.DigiT ech reserves the right to make changes in design,or make additions to,or improvements uponthis product without incurring any obligation to install the same on products previously manufactured.6.The consumer forfeits the benefits of this warranty if the product's main assembly is opened and tam-pered with by anyone other than a certified DigiT ech technician or,if the product is used with AC volt-ages outside of the range suggested by the manufacturer.7.The foregoing is in lieu of all other warranties,expressed or implied,and DigiT ech neither assumes norauthorizes any person to assume any obligation or liability in connection with the sale of this product.In no event shall DigiT ech or its dealers be liable for special or consequential damages or from any delay in the performance of this warranty due to causes beyond their control.NOTE:The information contained in this manual is subject to change at any time without notification.Some information contained in this manual may also be inaccurate due to undocumented changes in the product or operating system since this version of the manual was completed.The information contained in this version of the owner's manual supersedes all previous versions.The Screamin’ Blues Overdrive / Distortion is designed for guitarists who need a pedal that responds to playing dynamics.Blues players in particular will love how the Screamin’ Blues gives them total control of their tone.Playing lightly gives you a mild overdrive,but dialing up the gain and digging in hard will make the Screamin’ Blues sing with ultra-rich harmonics and sustain.1.Level KnobControls the effect output level.T urn this knob clockwise to increase the output level,and counter-clockwise to decrease output level. When using an amplifier with moderate gain,the Level knob can be turned up to drive the input harder and increase your amp's own natural distortion.Be sure to turn down the Gain knob when using it in this manner.2.Low KnobControls the boost or cut of low frequencies.T urn this knob clockwise to increase the low frequency content,and counter-clockwise to decrease the low frequency content.3.AC Adapter JackConnect a DigiT ech PS200R power supply to this e the proper supply for your area’s Mains line voltage.4.High KnobControls the boost or cut of high frequencies.T urn this knob clockwise to increase the high frequency content,and counter-clockwise to decrease the high frequency content.5.Gain KnobControls the amount of distortion.T urn this knob clockwise to increase the amount of distortion,and counter-clockwise to decrease the amount of distortion.6.Input JackConnect your instrument to this jack.Connecting a guitar cable to this jack engages battery power even though the Indicator LED may not be lit.T o prolong battery life,disconnect all cables from the pedal when not in use.7.Pedal Release PinsThese two pins are spring-loaded hinges that hold the pedal in place. Push these pins in to release the pedal from the chassis exposing the battery compartment.(See battery replacement diagram.)8.PedalPress the pedal to turn the effect on and off.9.Out 1(Amp) JackConnect this output to your guitar amplifier.10.Indicator LEDThis LED indicates when the effect is turned on.If the LED becomes dim or does not light when the cables are connected,the battery needs to be replaced.11.Out 2 (Mixer) JackThis output features DigiT ech’s speaker cabinet compensation,that lets you run the pedal directly into a mixer or recorder input without having to use a guitar amplifier.ConnectionsThe Screamin’ Blues has a single input (INPUT) and a pair of outputs (AMP and MIXER).The two outputs give you the following options: running into a guitar amplifier,running directly to a mixing console or recording device,or both.The MIXER output uses DigiT ech’s speaker cabinet compensation for an authentic guitar amplifier sound without using an amp.Follow these setup directions before use:1.T urn the volume down on the amplifier/mixer you are connecting to.2.Connect the pedal output to the amplifier/mixer input.3.Connect the guitar to the pedal input.4.Connect the power supply to the pedal (optional).5.T urn the level control on the pedal to the minimum position.6.T urn up your amplifier/mixer level to the desired listening level.7.T urn on the pedal by pressing the pedal switch and gradually turn up the level to the desired listening level.Battery Replacementing the tip of a 1/4” guitar cable,push one of the release pins in on either side of the pedal,and remove the pedal from the pedal chassis.2.Remove the battery from the battery compartment and disconnect the battery cable.3.Connect a new battery to the battery cable and put it back in the battery compartment.Make sure the battery cable does not interfere with the spring or pedal switch arm.4.Place one hole of the pedal over its corresponding pin.5.Push the opposite pin in and lower the other side of the pedal into place over the depressed pin.Release the pin.When the pedal is properly fastened,both released pins are flush with the outer side of the pedal.DigiT ech 8760 South Sandy Parkway Sandy,Utah 84070PH (801) 566-8800 FAX (801) 566-7005DigiT ech is a registered trademark of the Harman Music Group Inc.Copyright - Harman Music Group Printed 5/2004Manufactured in the USA Screamin’ Blues Owners Manual 18-1865-A Please visit DigiT ech on the World Wide Web at: SPECIFICATIONS:• Controls - Level,Low,High,Gain,On/Off Pedal• Jacks - Input,Amp Out,Mixer Out • Input Impedance - 1 MOhms • Output Impedance - 100 Ohms• Power Supply - 9V Alkaline Dry Battery • Current Draw ~ 23mA (at 9VDC)• Power Consumption - 4.8Watts (w/optional PS200R power supply)• Battery Life - Approximately 18 hours (with continuous usage)• Dimensions - 4 15/16”(L) x 3 1/8”(W)x 2 1/8”(H)• Weight - 1.38 lbs.• Optional Power SupplyPS200R - 100 (100V ~ 50/60Hz)PS200R - 120 (120V ~ 60Hz)PS200R - 230 (230V ~ 50Hz)PS200R - 240 (240V ~ 50Hz)。
冲突矿物 (Conflict Mineral)调查回答手册
Conflict Minerals
Part③ 关于企业规章管理关联调查的问答
关于“调查是否使用冲突矿物”的问答 ② 部分
2013年基础上的变更 点 ー
回答选项发生变化 ー
新加提问 ー
新加提问 新加提问 新加提问
ー ー ー ー ー
Conflict Minerals
Part② 关于调查是否使用冲突矿物(调查结果)的问答
② 关于“调查是否使用冲突矿物”的问答 部分
③ 关于“企业规章管理关联调查” 的问答部分
冲突矿物 (Conflict Mineral) 调查回答手册
Conflict Minerals
近几年,刚果⺠主共和国(DRC),以及周边9个国家所开采的矿物资౺ୗਛവয㤷૩岝 环境破坏,并成为武装势力的资金来源,令人担忧。
因为上述原因,在美国金融监管改革法(2010年7月)中,制定了以下的条款: ① 将「钽、锡岝স岝钨(简称:3TG)」定义为冲突矿物( Conflict Mineral ) ② 要充分的掌握使用于本公司产品中的冲突矿物,是否成为这些地区的武装势力的资 金来源,并且以年度为单位进ষਁ䍂岞
请填写贵公司的正式名称。 关于贵公司的调查范围,清幽下拉菜单中的A〜C选项中进行选择。
A. 关于贵公司所有产品的回答时 B. 关于贵公司产品的回答时(这种情况下,把产品名称记入到Product List) C. 关于贵公司所规定产品的回答 在回答上述申报范围时,如选择了C,请对于贵公司所规定的范围进行填写。 如委托方有进行具体指示,请按照指示填写。 如委托方有进行具体指示,请按照指示填写。 请正确填写贵公司的总公司所在地。 请填写在调查回答中的窗口代表着的姓名。 请填写上述代表者的电子邮箱。 请填写上述代表者的联系电话。 请填写在本次调查回答中贵公司的回答负责人姓名。 请填写上述调查回答负责人的职位。 请填写上述调查回答负责人的电子邮箱。 请填写上述调查回答负责人的联系电话。 请填写调查回答单据的回答日期。
Select Language Preference Here:请选择你的语言:사용할 언어를 선택하시오 :表示言語をここから選択してください:Sélectionner la langue préférée ici:Selecione Preferência de idioma Aqui:Wählen sie hier die Sprache:Seleccione el lenguaje de preferencia aqui:English #VALUE!Revision 2 August29th 2012Company Name (*):Declaration Scope (*):Company Unique Identifier:Address:Authorized Company Representative Name (*):Representative Title:Representative Email (*):Representative Phone:Date of Completion (*):1) Are any of the following metals necessary to the functionality or production of yourcompany's products that it manufactures or contracts to manufacture? If no for all metals, youare done with this survey. (*)Answer Comments Tantalum (Ta) (*)Tin (Sn) (*)Gold (Au) (*)Tungsten (W) (*)2) Do the following metals (necessary to the functionality or production of your company'sproducts) originate from the DRC or an adjoining country? (*)Answer Comments Tantalum (Ta) (*)Tin (Sn) (*)Gold (Au) (*)Tungsten (W) (*)3) Do the following metals (necessary to the functionality or production of your products) comefrom a recycler or scrap supplier? (*)Answer Comments Tantalum (Ta) (*)Tin (Sn) (*)Gold (Au) (*)Tungsten (W) (*)4) Have you received completed Conflict Minerals Reporting Templates from all of yoursuppliers? (*)Answer CommentsTantalum (Ta) (*)Tin (Sn) (*)Gold (Au) (*)Tungsten (W) (*)5) For each of the following metals, have you identified all of the smelters your company and itssuppliers use to supply the products included within the declaration scope indicated above? (*)Answer Comments Tantalum (Ta) (*)Tin (Sn) (*)Gold (Au) (*)Tungsten (W) (*)6) Have all of the smelters used by your company and its suppliers been validated as compliantin accordance with the Conflict-Free Smelter (CFS) Program and listed on the Compliant SmelterList for the following metals? (*)Answer CommentsTantalum (Ta) (*)Tin (Sn) (*)Gold (Au) (*)Tungsten (W) (*)QuestionAnswer A. Do you have a policy in place that includes DRC conflict-free sourcing? (*)B. Is this policy publicly available on your website? (*)C. Do you require your direct suppliers to be DRC conflict-free? (*)D. Do you require your direct suppliers to source from smelters validated as compliant to a CFS protocolusing the CFS Compliant Smelter List? (*)E. Have you implemented due diligence measures for conflict-free sourcing? (*)F. Do you request your suppliers to fill out this Conflict Minerals Reporting Template? (*)G. Do you request smelter names from your suppliers? (*)H. Do you verify due diligence information received from your suppliers? (*)I. Does your verification process include corrective action management? (*)J. Are you subject to the SEC Conflict Minerals disclosure requirement rule? (*)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Answer the Following Questions at a Company LevelLink to "CFS Compliant Smelter List"Company InformationAnswer the following questions 1 - 6 based on the declaration scope indicated aboveConflict Minerals Reporting TemplateMandatory fields are noted with an asterisk (*). The information collected in this template should be updated annually. Any changes within the annual cycle should be provided to your customersDescription of Scope:The purpose of this document is to collect sourcing information on tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold used in products Link to Terms & Conditions© 2011 Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition, Incorporated and Global e-Sustainability Initiative. All rights reserved.Comments and Attachments。
塔里木油田拥有广阔的以沙漠、戈壁、荒漠地貌为主的矿权区域,矿区范围内太阳能资源均在“B 级”以上,优质的光资源适合发展以光发电为主的新能源项目。
1项目背景和意义1.1项目背景集团公司积极落实国家战略部署,将绿色新能源、炼化销售和新材料、支持和服务、资本和金融分布式光伏在油田单井的应用杨萌赵庆文向欢张平李丽娜曾海刚(中国石油天然气股份有限公司塔里木油田分公司)摘要:塔里木油田按照集团公司清洁替代、战略接替和绿色转型的发展战略要求,利用油井现有土地资源和矿区范围内太阳能资源均在“B 级”以上的自然禀赋,积极建设油井分布式光伏。
关键词:分布式;光伏发电;减碳DOI :10.3969/j.issn.2095-1493.2023.05.005Application of distributed photovoltaic in the single well of oilfieldYANG Meng,ZHAO Qingwen,XIANG Huan,ZHANG Ping,LI Lina,ZENG Haigang Tarim Oilfield Company,CNPCAbstract:In accordance with the strategic requirements of the Group's clean substitution,strategic succession and green transformation,Tarim oilfield actively builds oil well distributed photovoltaics by utilizing the natural endowments of the existing land resources of oil wells and the solar energy resources within the mining area above the “B level”.Through on-site investigation and actual situation ac-counting,the principles and requirements of photovoltaic power generation system configuration are reasonably formulated to ensure the stability and safety of the power grid.The low-voltage of oil well is connected to distributed photovoltaic for self-generation and self-consumption,which can maximize the utilization efficiency of photovoltaic power generation and reduce transmission loss.The distributed photovoltaics,as a useful supplement to oilfield centralized photovoltaic power stations,will effectively increase the proportion of new energy power generation in oilfields,reduce carbon emissions,and achieve a more ideal rate of return.Keywords:distributed;photovoltaic power generation;carbon reduction 第一作者简介:杨萌,工程师,2013年毕业于中国石油大学(华东)(热能与动力工程专业),从事油田电网运维及新能源,151****7411,****************,新疆库尔勒石化大道中国石油塔里木油田油气生产技术部,841000。
FYI: The Production Function• Y = A F(L, K, H, N)• Y = quantity of output• A = available production technology• L = quantity of labor• K = quantity of physical capital• H = quantity of human capital• N = quantity of natural resources• F( ) is a function that shows how the inputs are combined.
© 2007 Thomson South-Western
ECONOMIC GROWTH ANDPUBLIC POLICY• Government policies that raise productivity and living standards– Encourage saving and investment.– Encourage investment from abroad.– Encourage education and training.– Establish secure property rights and maintain political stability.– Promote free trade.– Promote research and development.
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How Productivity Is Determined• Technological knowledge includes society’s understanding of the best ways to produce goods and services.• Human capital includes the resources expended transmitting this understanding to the labor force.
人们怀疑可持续产品英语作文英文回答:As a consumer, I have also had doubts about the sustainability of products on the market. It seems like every company is jumping on the "green" bandwagon, claiming their products are eco-friendly and sustainable. But how do we really know if these claims are true?One example that comes to mind is the trend of "greenwashing", where companies use misleading marketing tactics to make their products appear more environmentally friendly than they actually are. For instance, a clothing brand may advertise their clothes as being made from "recycled materials", but in reality, only a small percentage of the fabric is recycled. This can be misleading to consumers who are trying to make more sustainable choices.Another issue is the lack of transparency in supplychains. Many companies claim to source their materials ethically and sustainably, but it can be difficult toverify these claims. For example, a beauty brand may say their products are cruelty-free, but without access to information about their suppliers, it's hard to know ifthis is actually the case.中文回答:作为一个消费者,我对市场上产品的可持续性也有疑虑。
1、The rise of e-commerce has significantly impacted traditional retail by ________.A. decreasing foot traffic in physical storesB. increasing the cost of goods soldC. limiting the variety of products availableD. enhancing the complexity of supply chains (答案:A)2、In the realm of cybersecurity, "phishing" refers to ________.A. a legitimate email request for personal informationB. the process of encrypting sensitive dataC. a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information through disguised communicationD. a software designed to protect computers from viruses (答案:C)3、The implementation of telemedicine has primarily aimed to ________.A. replace face-to-face medical consultationsB. increase healthcare costs for patientsC. provide remote medical services and adviceD. reduce the need for specialized medical training (答案:C)4、Which of the following is a key driver of global economic growth in recent years?A. Decreased international tradeB. Technological advancements and innovationC. Reduction in foreign investmentsD. Limitations on resource extraction (答案:B)5、The term "sustainable agriculture" emphasizes ________.A. maximizing short-term crop yieldsB. using environmentally friendly farming practicesC. relying heavily on synthetic fertilizersD. ignoring long-term soil health (答案:B)6、The primary goal of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives is to ________.A. maximize profits at the expense of the environmentB. ensure compliance with legal minimumsC. integrate economic, social, and environmental concerns into business operationsD. limit corporate engagement with local communities (答案:C)7、The concept of "the gig economy" refers to ________.A. a traditional employment model with fixed hours and benefitsB. a flexible labor market characterized by temporary or freelance workC. a system where only high-skilled jobs are availableD. an economy driven solely by technology companies (答案:B)8、In the field of marketing, "segmentation" involves ________.A. dividing a market into distinct groups based on shared characteristicsB. selling products at the lowest possible priceC. promoting a single product to all consumersD. ignoring customer preferences in advertising campaigns (答案:A)9、The shift towards renewable energy sources is driven by concerns over ________.A. the abundance of fossil fuelsB. the stability of oil pricesC. environmental degradation and climate changeD. the efficiency of traditional energy infrastructure (答案:C)10、In the context of business strategy, "blue ocean strategy" focuses on ________.A. competing in existing market spaces with rivalsB. creating new market spaces and demand through innovationC. reducing costs by copying competitors' strategiesD. maintaining the status quo in the industry (答案:B)。
Dissolved Organic Matter Biogeochemistry, Dynamics, and Environmental Significance in Soils
C H A P T E R O N EDissolved Organic Matter:Biogeochemistry,Dynamics,and Environmental Significance in SoilsNanthi S.Bolan,*,†Domy C.Adriano,‡Anitha Kunhikrishnan,*,†Trevor James,§Richard McDowell,}and Nicola Senesi #Contents1.Introduction32.Sources,Pools,and Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils 53.Properties and Chemical Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils133.1.Structural components133.2.Fulvic acid—The dominant component 153.3.Elemental composition204.Mechanisms Regulating Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils204.1.Sorption/complexation 234.2.Biodegradation 274.3.Photodegradation 284.4.Leaching295.Factors Influencing Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils 305.1.Vegetation and land use 315.2.Cultivation325.3.Soil amendments 335.4.Soil pH366.Environmental Significance of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soils 376.1.Soil aggregation and erosion control 376.2.Mobilization and export of nutrients386.3.Bioavailability and ecotoxicology of heavy metals43Advances in Agronomy,Volume 110#2011Elsevier Inc.ISSN 0065-2113,DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-385531-2.00001-3All rights reserved.*Centre for Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation (CERAR),University of South Australia,Australia {Cooperative Research Centre for Contaminants Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE),University of South Australia,Australia {University of Georgia,Savannah River Ecology Laboratory,Drawer E,Aiken,South Carolina,USA }AgResearch,Ruakura Research Centre,Hamilton,New Zealand }AgResearch,Invermay Agricultural Centre,Mosgiel,New Zealand #Department of Agroforestal and Environmental Biology and Chemistry,University of Bari,Bari,Italy 12Nanthi S.Bolan et al.6.4.Transformation and transport of organic contaminants506.5.Gaseous emission and atmospheric pollution587.Summary and Research Needs607.1.Macroscale(landscape to global)617.2.Microscale(water bodies and soil profile)617.3.Molecular scale(carbon fractions,organic acids,andmicroorganisms)61 Acknowledgments62 References62“Dissolved organic matter comprises only a small part of soil organicmatter;nevertheless,it affects many processes in soil and water includ-ing the most serious environmental problems like soil and waterpollution and global warming.”(Kalbitz and Kaiser,2003)AbstractDissolved organic matter(DOM)is defined as the organic matter fraction in solution that passes through a0.45m m filter.Although DOM is ubiquitous in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,it represents only a small proportion of the total organic matter in soil.However,DOM,being the most mobile and actively cycling organic matter fraction,influences a spectrum of biogeochemical pro-cesses in the aquatic and terrestrial environments.Biological fixation of atmo-spheric CO2during photosynthesis by higher plants is the primary driver of global carbon cycle.A major portion of the carbon in organic matter in the aquatic environment is derived from the transport of carbon produced in the terrestrial environment.However,much of the terrestrially produced DOM is consumed by microbes,photo degraded,or adsorbed in soils and sediments as it passes to the ocean.The majority of DOM in terrestrial and aquatic environ-ments is ultimately returned to atmosphere as CO2through microbial respira-tion,thereby renewing the atmospheric CO2reserve for photosynthesis.Dissolved organic matter plays a significant role in influencing the dynamics and interactions of nutrients and contaminants in soils and microbial functions, thereby serving as a sensitive indicator of shifts in ecological processes.This chapter aims to highlight knowledge on the production of DOM in soils under different management regimes,identify its sources and sinks,and integrate its dynamics with various soil processes.Understanding the significance of DOM in soil processes can enhance development of strategies to mitigate DOM-induced environmental impacts.This review encourages greater interactions between terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemists and ecologists,which is essential for unraveling the fundamental biogeochemical processes involved in the synthesis of DOM in terrestrial ecosystem,its subsequent transport to aquatic ecosystem, and its role in environmental sustainability,buffering of nutrients and pollutants (metal(loid)s and organics),and the net effect on the global carbon cycle.Dissolved Organic Matter31.IntroductionThe total organic matter(TOM)in terrestrial and aquatic environ-ments consists of two operationally defined phases:particulate organic matter(POM)and dissolved organic matter(DOM).For all practical purposes,DOM is defined as the organic matter fraction in solution that passes through a0.45m m filter(Thurman,1985;Zsolnay,2003).Some workers have used finer filter paper(i.e.,0.2m m)in an effort to separate “true”DOM from colloidal materials,but0.45m m filtration appears to be standard(Buffle et al.,1982;Dafner and Wangersky,2002).In some litera-ture,the term dissolved organic carbon(DOC)is used,which represents total organic carbon in solution that passes through a0.45m m filter (Zsolnay,2003).Since carbon represents the bulk of the elemental compo-sition of the organic matter(ca.67%),DOM is often quantified by its carbon content and referred to as DOC.In the case of studies involving soils,the term water-soluble organic matter(WSOM)or water-extractable organic matter(WEOM)is also used when measuring the fraction of the soil organic matter(SOM)extracted with water or dilute salt solution(e.g.,0.5 M K2SO4)that passes through a0.45m m filter(Bolan et al.,1996;Herbert et al.,1993).Recently,the distinction between POM and DOM in the marine environment is being replaced by the idea of an organic matter continuum of gel-like polymers,replete with colloids and crisscrossed by “transparent”polymer strings,sheets,and bundles,from a few to hundreds of micrometers—referred to as oceanic“dark matter”(Dafner and Wangersky,2002).Dissolved organic matter is ubiquitous in terrestrial and aquatic ecosys-tems,but represents only a small proportion of the total organic matter in soil(McGill et al.,1986).However,it is now widely recognized that because DOM is the most mobile and actively cycling organic matter fraction,it influences a myriad of biogeochemical processes in aquatic and terrestrial environments as well as key environmental parameters (Chantigny,2003;Kalbitz et al.,2000;McDowell,2003;Stevenson, 1994;Zsolnay,2003).Dissolved organic carbon has been identified as one of the major components responsible for determining the drinking water quality.For example,DOM leads to the formation of toxic disinfection by-products(DBPs),such as trihalomethanes,after reacting with disinfectants (e.g.,chlorine)during water treatment.Similarly,DOM can be related to bacterial proliferation within the drinking water distribution system.There-fore,the control of DOM has been identified as an important part of the operation of drinking water plants and distribution systems(Volk et al., 2002).In aquatic environments,the easily oxidizable compounds in the DOM can act as chemical and biological oxygen demand compounds, thereby depleting the oxygen concentration of aquifers and influencing4Nanthi S.Bolan et al. aquatic biota(Jones,1992).Dissolved organic carbon can act as a readily available carbon source for anaerobic soil organisms,thereby inducing the reduction of nitrate(denitrification)resulting in the release of green house gases,such as nitrous oxide(N2O)and nitric oxide(NO),which are implicated in ozone depletion(Siemens et al.,2003).Organic pesticides added to soil and aquifers are partitioned preferentially onto DOM,which can act as a vehicle for the movement of pesticide residues to groundwater (Barriuso et al.,1992).Similarly,the organic acids present in the DOM can act as chelating agents,thereby enhancing the mobilization of toxic heavy metals and metalloids[metal(loid)s](Antoniadis and Alloway,2002).The release and retention of DOM are the driving forces controlling a number of pedological processes including podzolization(Hedges,1987).Biological fixation of atmospheric CO2by higher plants during photo-synthesis is the primary driver of global carbon cycle.A major portion of the carbon in aquatic environments is derived from the transport of carbon produced on land.It has been estimated that worldwide about210Mt DOM and170Mt POM are transported annually to oceans from land. Carbon in the ocean is recognized as one of the three main reservoirs of organic material on the planet,equal to the carbon stored in terrestrial plants or soil humus(Hedges,1987).The terrestrially produced DOM is subject to microbial-and photodegradation and adsorption by soil and sediments.The majority of DOM in terrestrial and aquatic environments is returned to the atmosphere as CO2through microbial respiration,thereby ultimately replenishing the atmospheric CO2reserve for photosynthesis and reinvi-gorating the global carbon cycle.Dissolved organic carbon can be envisioned both as a link and bottle-neck among various ecological bined with its dynamic nature,this enables DOM to serve as a sensitive indicator of shifts in ecological processes,especially in aquatic systems.Recently,the significance of DOM in the terrestrial environment has been realized and attempts have been made to extend this knowledge to DOM dynamics in aquatic envir-onments.However,DOM dynamics on land are fundamentally different from those in water,where biomass of primary producers is relatively small, allochthonous sources of DOM are dominant,the surface area of reactive solid particles(i.e.,sediments)is smaller,and the fate of DOM is strongly influenced by photolysis and other light-mediated reactions.In contrast,the dynamics of DOM on land are largely controlled by its interactions with abiotically and biotically reactive solid components.Although there have been a number of reviews on the individual components of DOM in soils(e.g.,sources and sink—Kalbitz et al. (2000);microbial degradation—Marschner and Kalbitz(2003);sorption by soils—Kaiser et al.(1996)),there has been no comprehensive review linking the dynamics of DOM to its environmental significance.This chapter aims to elaborate on the production and degradation of DOM inDissolved Organic Matter5 soils under different landscape conditions,identify its sources and sinks,and integrate its dynamics with environmental impacts.Understanding the long-term control on DOM production and flux in soils will be particularly important in predicting the effects of various environmental changes and management practices on soil carbon dynamics.Improved knowledge on the environmental significance of DOM can enhance the development of strategies to mitigate DOM-induced environmental impacts.It is hoped that this chapter will encourage greater interaction between terrestrial and aquatic biogeochemists and ecologists and stimulate the unraveling of fundamental biogeochemical processes involved in the synthesis and trans-port of DOM in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.2.Sources,Pools,and Fluxes of DissolvedOrganic Matter in SoilsNearly all DOM in soils comes from photosynthesis.This represents the various C pools including recent photosynthates,such as leaf litter, throughfall and stemflow(in the case of forest ecosystems),root exudates, and decaying fine roots,as well as decomposition and metabolic by-pro-ducts and leachates of older,microbiologically processed SOM(Figure1) (Guggenberger,et al.,1994a;McDowell,2003;McDowell,et al.,1998). The majority of DOM in soils and aquifers originates from the solubilization of SOM accumulated through vegetation and the addition of biological waste materials(Guggenberger,et al.,1994b;McDowell,2003;McDowell, et al.,1998;Tate and Meyer,1983).The addition of biological waste materials,such as poultry and animal manures and sewage sludges,increases the amount of DOM in soils either by acting as a source of DOM or by enhancing the solubilization of the SOM.Most biological waste materials of plant origin contain large amounts of DOM(Table1)and the addition of certain organic manures such as poultry manure increases the pH and thereby enhances the solubilization of SOM(Schindler et al.,1992).The concentrations of DOM in soils and aquifers are highly susceptible to changes induced by humans,such as cultivation,fire,clear-cutting, wetland drainage,acidic precipitation,eutrophication,and climate change (Kreutzweiser et al.,2008;Laudon et al.,2009;Martinez-Mena et al.,2008; Mattsson et al.,2009;Yallop and Clutterbuck,2009).Dissolved organic matter in environmental samples,such as soils and manures,is often extracted with water or dilute aqueous salt solutions.Various methods have been used to measure the concentration of DOM in extracts (Table2).These methods are grouped into three categories(Moore, 1985;Sharp et al.,2004;Stewart and Wetzel,1981;Tue-Ngeun et al., 2005).The most frequently used method involves the measurement ofabsorption of light by the DOM using a spectrophotometer (Stewart and Wetzel,1981).The second method involves wet oxidation of samples containing DOM and the subsequent measurement of the CO 2released or the amount of oxidant consumed (Ciavatta et al.,1991).This method is often referred to as chemical oxygen demand (COD).Dichromates or permanganates are the most common oxidizing agents used in the wet oxidation of DOM,and the amount of oxidant consumed in the oxidation of DOM is measured either by titration with a reducing agent or by calorimetric methods.The third method involves dry oxidation of DOM to CO 2at high temperature in the presence of a stream of oxygen.The amount of CO 2produced is measured either by infrared (IR)detector or by titration after absorbing in an alkali,or by weight gain after absorbing in ascarite (Bremner and Tabatabai,1971).The most commonly used dry combustion techniques include LECO TM combustion and total organic carbon (TOC)analyzer.B horizonA horizonDOMDOMLitter layer Crop residueC horizonAquiferAgricultural soilForest soil 1111101099886677CO 2CO 2PhotosynthesisPhotosynthesis554433212Parent/geologicmaterialFigure 1Pathways of inputs and outputs of dissolved organic matter (DOM)in forest and agricultural soils.Inputs:1,throughfall and stemflow;2,root exudates;3,microbial lysis;4,humification;5,litter/and crop residue decomposition;6,organic amendments;outputs;7,microbial degradation;8,microbial assimilation;9,lateral flow;10,sorp-tion;11,leaching.6Nanthi S.Bolan et al.Plant litter and humus are the most important sources of DOM in soil,which is confirmed by both field and laboratory (including greenhouse)studies (Kalbitz et al.,2000;Kalbitz et al.,2007;Muller et al.,2009;Table 1Sources of dissolved organic matter input to soilsSourcesTotal organic matter (g C kg À1)Dissolvedorganic matterReference(g C kg À1)(%of total organic matter)Pasture leys Brome grass 13.30.0410.31Shen et al .(2008)Clover 15.10.0390.26Shen et al .(2008)Crowtoe10.40.0360.35Shen et al .(2008)Lucerne Cv.Longdong 11.40.0380.32Shen et al .(2008)Lucerne Cv.Saditi 10.90.0360.33Shen et al .(2008)Sainfoin 13.80.0400.29Shen et al .(2008)Sweet pea 10.20.0340.33Shen et al .(2008)SoilForest soil—litter leachate 60.00.0260.04Jaffrain et al.(2007)Arable soil12.00.150 1.25Gonet et al.(2008)Soil under bermuda grass turf 8.100.300 3.70Provin et al.(2008)Pasture soil 32.0 1.02 3.18Bolan et al.(1996)Pasture soil82.5 3.12 3.80Bolan et al.(1996)Organic amendments Sewage sludge 420 2.420.58Hanc et al.(2009)Sewage sludge 321 6.00 1.87Bolan et al.(1996)Paper sludge 2817.19 2.56Bolan et al.(1996)Poultry manure 4258.18 1.92Bolan et al.(1996)Poultry litter a37775.720.1Guo et al.(2009)Mushroom compost 3857.10 1.84Bolan et al.(1996)Fresh spent mushroom substrate28813346.2Marin-Benito et al.(2009)Composted spentmushroom substrate 27443.415.8Marin-Benito et al.(2009)Separated cow manure 4569.80 2.15Zmora-Nahuma et al.(2005)Poultry manure 4258.18 1.92Bolan et al.(1996)Pig manure2966.132.07Bolan et al.(1996)aBisulfate amended,phytase-diet Delmarva poultry litter.Dissolved Organic Matter 7Table2Selected references on methods of extraction and analysis of DOM in environmental samplesSamples Extraction of DOM Measurement of DOM ReferenceVolcanic ash soils Soil solutions collected by centrifugation ofcores at7200rpm;filtration(0.45m mfilters)DOC by Shimadzu TOC-5000analyzerKawahigashi et al.(2003)Peat—moorsh soil Soil samples were crushed an passed througha1mm sieve,then heated in a redistilledwater at100 C for2h under a reflexcondenser;filtration(0.45m mfilters)DOC by Shimadzu TOC5050A analyzerSzajdak et al.(2007)Soils(medial,amorphic thermic,Humic Haploxerands)Extraction with0.5mol LÀ1K2SO4solution1:5(w/v);filtration(AdvantecMFS Nº5C paper).TOC by combustion at675 Cin an analyzer(Shimadzu—model TOC-V CPN)Undurraga et al.(2009)Moss,litter and topsoil (0–5cm)Aqueous samples were estimated for DOCby oxidation of the sample with asulfochromic mixture(4.9g dmÀ3K2Cr2O7and H2SO4,1:1,w/w)withcolorimetric detection of the reduced Cr3þColorimeter KFK-3at590nm Prokushkin et al.(2006)Soil solutions from forested watersheds of North Carolina Samples werefiltered through a WhatmanG/F glassfiberfilters.Wet combustion persulfatedigestion followed byTOC analyzerQualls and Haines(1991)Organic fertilizer Extracted DOC by0.01M CaCl2solutionwith a solid to solution ratio of1:10(w/v),mixed for30min at200rpm;filtration(0.45m mfilter)Shimadzu TOC-5000ATOC analyzerLi et al.(2005)Soil solution and stream waters along a natural soil catena Soil solution collected by tension-freelysimetersDOC by infrared detectionfollowing persulfateoxidationPalmer et al.(2004)Liquid and solid sludge,farm slurry,fermented straw,soil, and drainage water Water extraction followed by centrifugation(40,000Âg)andfiltration(0.45m mfilter)Dry combustion(DhormannCarbon Analyzer DC-80)Barriuso et al.(1992)Soils,peat extract,sludge,pig and poultry manure and mushroom compost Extracted with water(1:3solid:solution ratio);centrifugation(12,000rpm)andfiltration(0.45m mfilter)Wet chemical oxidation withdichromate followed byback titrationBaskaran et al.(1996)Soil(Entic Haplothord)Extraction with deionized water(1:10solid:solution ratio);filtered through0.45m mpolysulfore membrane Dry combustion(TOCanalyzer Shimadzu5050)Kaiser et al.(1996)Pig manure Extracted with water(1:3solid:solution ratio);shaken at200rpm for16h at4o C;centrifugation(12,000rpm)andfiltration(0.45m mfilter)DOC by Shimadzu TOC-5000A TOC analyzerCheng and Wong(2006)Cow manure slurryfiltered through0.45m m polysulforemembrane TOC analyzer using UVabsorbanceAguilera et al.(2009)Sewage sludge DOC was extracted in a soil:water ratio of1:10(w/v)after1h agitation.Wet combustion withchromate followed by backtitrationGasco´and Lobo(2007)River water Natural water from riverfiltered by0.22m mfilter DOC by wet oxidation TOCanalyzerKrachler et al.(2005)Peat water Peat waterfiltered through0.45m mmembranefilters DOC was analyzed using ahigh-temperature catalyticoxidation method(Dohrman DC-190analyzer)Rixen et al.(2008)River water Filtered through0.7m m glassfiberfilter In situ optical technologyusingfluorescenceSpencer et al.(2007)(continued)Table2(continued)Samples Extraction of DOM Measurement of DOM ReferenceSea water Filtered through0.45m m polysulforemembrane High-temperaturecombustion instrument tomeasure isotopecomposition of DOCLang et al.(2007)Freshwater Filtered through0.7m m glassfiberfilter Acid-peroxydisulfatedigestion and high-temperature catalyticoxidation(HTCO)withUV detectionTue-Ngeun et al.(2005) Effluent water–In situ UV spectrophotometer Rieger et al.(2004)Groundwater,lake water, and effluent –High-performance liquidchromatography-sizeexclusion chromatography-UVAfluorescence systemHer et al.(2003)Sea water and effluent Filtered through0.7m m glassfiberfilter Measurement of carbonatomic emission intensity ininductively coupled plasmaatomic emissionspectrometry(ICP-OES)Maestre et al.(2003)Lake water Water samplesfiltered using precombustedGF/Ffilters TOC analyzer(TOC5000;Shimadzu)Ishikawa et al.(2006)Soil solution and stream water from forested catchments Samples werefiltered through0.45m mfiltersDOC by Shimadzu TOC5050A analyzerVestin et al.(2008)Dissolved Organic Matter11 Sanderman et al.,2008).In forest ecosystems,which are the most intensively studied with regard to C cycling and its associated DOM dynamics,the canopy and forest floor layers are the primary sources of DOM(Kaiser et al., 1996;Kalbitz et al.,2007;Park and Matzner,2003).However,it is still unclear whether DOM originates primarily from recently deposited litter or from relatively stable organic matter in the deeper part of the organic horizon(Kalbitz et al.,2007).In a temperate,deciduous forest,the source of DOM leaching from the forest floor(O layer)is generally a water-soluble material from freshly fallen leaf litter and throughfall(Kalbitz et al.,2007;Qualls et al.,1991).Appar-ently all of the DOM and dissolved organic N(DON)could have origi-nated from the Oi(freshly fallen litter)and Oe(partially decomposed litter) horizons.They further observed that,while about27%of the freshly shed litter C was soluble,only18.4%of the C input in litterfall was leached in solutions from the bottom of the forest floor.Virtually all the DOM leached from the forest floor appeared to have originated from the upper forest floor,with none coming from the lower forest floor—an indication of the role of this litter layer as a sink.The role of freshly deposited litter as DOM source was further corroborated by laboratory studies(Magill and Aber, 2000;Moore and Dalva,2001;Muller et al.,2009;Sanderman et al.,2008). Michalzik and Matzner(1999)found high fluxes of DOM from the Oi layer than from the Oe and Oa layers and indicated that the bottom organic layers acted instead as a sink rather than as a source of DOM.Logically,however, because of the more advanced state of decomposition,the bottom litter layers could produce more DOM than the surface layer.Indeed,Solinger et al.(2001)measured greater DOM fluxes out of the Oa than out of the Oi layer.Recently,Froberg et al.(2003)and Uselman et al.(2007)confirmed with14C data that the Oi layer is not a major source of DOM leached from the Oe layer.In a comprehensive synthesis of42case studies in temperate forests, Michalzik et al.(2001)observed that,although concentrations and fluxes differed widely among sites,the greatest concentrations of DOM(and DON)were generally observed in forest floor leachates from the A horizon and were heavily influenced by annual precipitation.However,somewhat surprisingly,there were no meaningful differences in DOM concentrations and fluxes in forest floor leachates between coniferous and hardwood sites. The flux of soluble organic compounds from throughfall and the litter layer could amount to1–19%of the total litterfall C flux and1–5%of the net primary productivity(Froberg et al.,2007;McDowell and Likens,1988; Qualls et al.,1991).Nearly one-third of the DOM leaving the bottom of the forest floor originated from throughfall and stemflow(Qualls et al.,1991; Uselman et al.,2007).Values for the potential solubility of litter in the field and in laboratory studies are in the5–25%range of the litter dry mass and 5–15%of the litter C content(Hagedorn and Machwitz,2007;McDowell12Nanthi S.Bolan et al. and Likens,1988;Muller et al.,2009;Sanderman et al.,2008;Zsolnay and Steindl,1991).In typical soils,DOM concentrations may decrease by50–90%from the surface organic layers to mineral subsoils(Cronan and Aiken,1985;Dosskey and Bertsch,1997;Worrall and Burt,2007).Similarly,fluxes of DOM in surface soil range from10to85g C mÀ2yrÀ1,decreasing to2–40g C mÀ2 yrÀ1in the subsoils(Neff and Asner,2001).In cultivated and pastoral soils,plant residues provide the major source of DOM,while in forest soils,litter and throughfall serve as the major source (Ghani et al.,2007;Laik et al.,2009).In forest soils,DOM represents a significant proportion of the total C budget.For example,Liu et al.(2002) calculated the total C budgets of Ontario’s forest ecosystems(excluding peat lands)to be12.65Pg(1015g),including1.70Pg in living biomass and10.95 Pg in DOM in soils.Koprivnjak and Moore(1992)determined DOM concentrations and fluxes in a small subarctic catchment,which is composed of an upland component with forest over mineral soils and peat land in the lower section.DOM concentrations were low(1–2mg LÀ1)in precipita-tion and increased in tree and shrub throughfall(17–150mg LÀ1),the leachate of the surface lichens and mosses(30mg LÀ1),and the soil A horizon(40mg LÀ1).Concentrations decreased in the B horizon(17mg LÀ1)and there was evidence of strong DOM adsorption by the subsoils.Khomutova et al.(2000)examined the production of organic matter in undisturbed soil monoliths of a deciduous forest,a pine plantation,and a pasture under constant temperature(20 C)and moisture.After20weeks of leaching with synthetic rain water at pH5,the cumulative values of DOM production followed:coniferous forest>deciduous forest>pasture,the difference being attributed to the nature of carbon compounds in the original residues.The residues from the coniferous forest were found to contain more labile organic components.Among ecosystems types,Zsolnay(1996)indicated that DOM tends to be greater in forest than agricultural soils:5–440mg LÀ1from the forest floor compared with0–70mg LÀ1from arable soils.Other studies have also indicated greater concentrations of DOM and concentrations in grasslands than in arable soils(Ghani et al.,2007;Gregorich et al.,2000;Haynes, 2000).In general,DOM concentration decreases in the order:forest floor> grassland A horizon>arable A horizon(Chantigny,2003).The rhizosphere is commonly associated with large C flux due to root decay and exudation(Muller et al.,2009;Uselman et al.,2007;Vogt et al., 1983).Microbial activity in the rhizosphere is enhanced by readily available organic substances that serve as an energy source for these organisms (Paterson et al.,2007;Phillips et al.,2008).Because of their turnover,soil microbial biomass is also considered as an important source of DOM in soils (Ghani et al.,2007;Steenwerth and Belina,2008;Williams and Edwards, 1993).Thus,microbial metabolites may represent a substantial proportionDissolved Organic Matter13 of the soil’s DOM.It may well be that the rate of DOM production and extent of DOM dynamics in soil is regulated by the rate of litter/residue incorporation in soils,kinetics of their decomposition,and various biotic and abiotic factors(Ghani et al.,2007;Kalbitz et al.,2000;Michalzik and Matzner,1999;Zech et al.,1996).In summary,the various C pools in an ecosystem represent the sources of DOM in soils.Due to their abundance,recently deposited litter and humus are considered the two most important sources of DOM in forest soils. Similarly,recently deposited crop residues and application of organic amendment such as biosolids and manures are the most important sources of DOM in arable soils.However,the role of root decay and/or exudates and microbial metabolites cannot be downplayed in both forested and arable ecosystems.3.Properties and Chemical Composition ofDissolved Organic Matter in Soils3.1.Structural componentsBecause DOM is a heterogeneous composite of soluble organic compounds arising from the decomposition of various carbonaceous materials of plant origin,including soluble microbial metabolites from the organic layers in the case of forest ecosystem,DOM constituents can be grouped into “labile”DOM and“recalcitrant”DOM(Marschner and Kalbitz,2003). Labile DOM consists mainly of simple carbohydrate compounds(i.e., glucose and fructose),low molecular weight(LMW)organic acids,amino sugars,and LMW proteins(Guggenberger et al.,1994b;Kaiser et al.,2001; Qualls and Haines,1992).Recalcitrant DOM consists of polysaccharides (i.e.,breakdown products of cellulose and hemicellulose)and other plant compounds,and/or microbially derived degradation products(Marschner and Kalbitz,2003)(Table3).Soil solution DOM consists of LMW carbox-ylic acids,amino acids,carbohydrates,and fulvic acids—the first comprising less than10%of total DOM in most soil solutions and the last(i.e.,fulvic acid)being typically the most abundant fractions of DOM(Strobel et al., 1999,2001;Thurman,1985;van Hees et al.,1996).Dissolved organic matter is separated into fractions based on solubility, molecular weight,and sorption chromatography.Fractionation of DOM by molecular size and sorption chromatography separate DOM according to properties(hydrophobic and hydrophilic)which regulate its interaction with organic contaminants and soil surfaces.The most common technique for the fractionation of aquatic DOM is based on its sorption to non-ionic and ion-exchange resins(Leenheer,1981).。
FDA警告信:瑞士日内瓦LaboratoireSintylS.A.(节译)翻译:Julia朱玉姣来自:蒲公英Warning Letter 320-16-37Via UPS Return Receipt RequestedSeptember 29, 2016Mr. Rémy PfennigerCEO/OwnerLaboratoire Sintyl S.A.Route Des Jeunes 23Carouge Ge, Geneva, 1227SwitzerlandDear Mr. Rémy Pfenniger:The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspected your drug manufacturing facility, Laboratoire Sintyl S.A. at Route Des Jeunes 23, Carouge Ge, Geneva, from June 20 to 23, 2016.FDA于2016年6月20-23日检查了你们位于瑞士日内瓦的工厂。
This warning letter summarizes significant violations of current good manufacturing practice (CGMP) regulations for finished pharmaceuticals. See 21 CFR, parts 210 and 211.本警告信总结了你们制剂生产中严重违背CGMP的情况。
Because your methods, facilities, or controls for manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding do not conform to CGMP, your drug product is adulterated within the meaning of section 501(a)(2)(B) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act(FD&C Act), 21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B).由于你们生产、加工、包装和存贮药品的方法、场所或控制不符合CGMP,你们的药品根据FDCA,21 U.S.C. 351(a)(2)(B)第501(a)(2)B)的规定被认定为掺假药品。
套期保值旳基本特征:在现货市场和期货市场对同一 种类旳商品同步进行数量相等但方向相反旳买卖活动,即 在买进或卖出实货旳同步,在期货市场上卖出或买进同等 数量旳期货,经过一段时间,当价格变动使现货买卖上出 现旳盈亏时,可由期货交易上旳亏盈得到抵消或弥补。从 而在“现”与“期”之间、近期和远期之间建立一种对冲 机制,以使价格风险降低到最低程度。
• 假 如 出 现 “ β>1” 旳 情况,阐明1%幅度 旳商品价格波动,
会对企业旳股票价 格形成超出1%幅度 旳影响。这时,商
企业造成旳影响不 小于该企业旳经营
该进行套期保值业 务。
• 假如出现“β<1”旳 情况,阐明1%幅度 旳商品价格波动, 会对企业旳股票价 格形成不大于1%幅 度旳影响。这时, 该企业旳经营能力 能够抵抗目前旳商 品价格波动,无需 进行套期保值业务。
(3)当主营业务出现短期旳、瞬间旳无法克服旳波动时, 企业能够对产成品价格进行套期保值,以实现连续经营 旳目旳,但应该使用期权,而不是期货。确保现金资产 旳降低换取了相当价值旳期权资产。
(4)企业对于生产经营活动无法克服旳原材料价格波动, 应该以期货进行套期保值,以便降低经营成本,确保企 业拥有“以拟定旳价格取得不拟定性资产旳权利”。
紫金矿业英文口语聊天内容Sorry, as an AI language model, I can't generate personalized speech for individuals or companies. However, I can provide you with some general examples of English conversations related to the mining industry or specific terms you may use to communicate with clients, colleagues, or investors.Example 1:Investor A: Hello, what's your opinion on the current trend of gold mining stocks?Investor B: Well, based on my analysis of the market and the financial reports of companies like Zijin Mining Group, I think the gold sector is showing signs of growth and stability. As you may know, Zijin Mining is one of the leading gold mining companies in China, with strong production capacity and promising expansion plans both domestically and globally.Investor A: That's interesting. Do you also think that the price of gold will rise in the near future?Investor B: It's hard to predict the exact fluctuations of the gold price, but given the current economic uncertainties and geopolitical tensions, gold remains an attractive asset for investors looking for a safe haven.Zijin Mining's sound financials and strategic partnerships make it a viable option for long-term investment in the gold sector.Example 2:Mining Engineer A: Hi, have you checked the progress of the new underground mine design for the copper deposit?Mining Engineer B: Yes, I've been working on it with our geologists and surveyors. We've conducted some new geological models and simulations to optimize the ore body distribution and access routes. The initial results are quite promising, but we still need to fine-tune some parameters and evaluate the feasibility of using automated mining equipment.Mining Engineer A: That sounds like a challenging task. How do you plan to ensure the safety and efficiency of the underground mining operations?Mining Engineer B: Well, we've implemented a comprehensive safety management system that involves regular inspections, training programs, and risk assessments. We alsouse advanced technologies such as remote monitoring, ventilation control, and telematics to enhance operational visibility and real-time decision-making. Moreover, we work closely with our contractors and suppliers to maintain a high standard of quality and environmental responsibility.Example 3:Mining Manager A: Good morning, I'd like to discuss the latest production report of our gold mine in Mali. It seems that we've encountered some issues with the leaching and recovery processes.Mining Engineer B: Yes, we've identified some variations in the ore characteristics and the chemical composition of the cyanide solution that affect the extraction efficiency. We've conducted some lab tests and field trials to optimize the leaching parameters, but we still need to verify the results on a larger scale and evaluate the impact on the operating costs and revenue.Mining Manager A: I see. Have you also considered the social and environmental impacts of our mining operations in the local communities and ecosystems?Mining Engineer B: Absolutely. We've implemented a stakeholder engagement and monitoring program that involvesregular meetings with the community leaders, the authorities, and the NGOs. We also conduct environmental and social impact assessments and audits to ensure compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, we invest in community development projects and environmental conservationinitiatives to foster a sustainable relationship with our host communities.。
conflict minerals certification模板
conflict minerals certification模板[Company Logo]Conflict Minerals Certification[Company Name] is committed to responsible sourcing of minerals to ensure that our products do not contain minerals sourced from conflict-affected or high-risk areas. We adhere to the principles outlined in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative, and continuously strive to ensure transparency and accountability in our supply chain.Certification Details:Certification Number: [Insert Certification Number]Validity Period: [Insert Validity Period]Product Categories Covered by Certification:- [Product Category 1]- [Product Category 2]- [Product Category 3]- [Product Category 4]- [Product Category 5]Certification Statement:[Company Name] hereby certifies that the products listed above have been evaluated and found to be free of conflict minerals originating from conflict-affected or high-risk areas. We have conducted a thorough due diligence process to trace the origin of the minerals used in our products and have verified that they do not come from mines or smelters linked to human rights abuses,funding of armed groups, or environmental damage. Acknowledgement:By signing this certification, [Company Name] acknowledges that any misrepresentation of information provided in this document may lead to legal consequences and reputational damage. We understand the importance of maintaining a conflict-free supply chain and are committed to ongoing due diligence efforts to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and industry standards. Authorized Representative:__________________________________________[Name][Title][Company Name]Date: [Insert Date]Please keep this certification on file and make it available for review by interested parties, regulatory authorities, and customers upon request.Note: This template is only a guide and should be customized to meet the specific requirements and regulations applicable to your company and industry. Make sure to consult with legal and compliance professionals to ensure accuracy and compliance with local laws.。
多发性肌炎/皮肌炎心脏损害的影像学研究进展王茸1,2,李周乐3,王永乐1,王海军1*,谢萍2,4*作者单位:1.甘肃省人民医院核医学科,兰州730000;2.兰州大学第一临床医学院,兰州730000;3.甘肃中医药大学第一临床医学院,兰州730000;4.甘肃省人民医院心内科,兰州730000*通信作者:王海军,E-mail:谢萍,E-mail:中图分类号:R445.2;R685.2;R593.26文献标识码:A DOI :10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2022.11.028本文引用格式:王茸,李周乐,王永乐,等.多发性肌炎/皮肌炎心脏损害的影像学研究进展[J].磁共振成像,2022,13(11):141-144.[摘要]多发性肌炎(polymyositis ,PM)/皮肌炎(dermatomyositis ,DM)是一种自身免疫性疾病,心脏损害是其主要死亡原因。
多模态功能影像在PM/DM 患者心脏受累的早期诊断及疗效评估中的价值不断被发现。
本文就多模态影像在PM/DM 患者心脏损害的早期诊断及定量评估方面的应用及研究进展进行综述。
[关键词]多发性肌炎;皮肌炎;特发性炎性肌病;心脏;早期诊断;疗效评估;磁共振成像;心脏磁共振;单光子发射断层显像Progress of imaging studies of the patients with cardiac involvement in polymyositis/dermatomyositisWANG Rong 1,2,LI Zhoule 3,WANG Yongle 1,WANG Haijun 1*,XIE Ping 2,4*1Department of Nuclear Medicine,Gansu Provincial Hospital,Lanzhou 730000,China;2The First Clinical Medical College of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China;3First Clinical Medical College of Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730000,China;4Department of Cardiology,Gansu Provincial Hospital,Lanzhou 730000,China *Correspondence to:Wang HJ,E-mail:Xie P,E-mail:Received 28Oct 2021,Accepted 13Oct 2022;DOI:10.12015/issn.1674-8034.2022.11.028ACKNOWLEDGMENTS National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.81860047);Gansu Natural Science Foundation (No.21JR1RA025);Science Foundation of Gansu Provincial Hospital (No.20GSSY4-17).Cite this article as:Wang R,Li ZL,Wang YL,et al.Progress of imaging studies of the patients with cardiac involvement in polymyositis/dermatomyositis[J].Chin J Magn Reson Imaging,2022,13(11):141-144.Abstract Polymyositis (PM)and dermatomyositis (DM)are autoimmune diseases.Cardiac involvement has become the leading cause of death in patients with PM/DM.The onset of cardiac involvement is usually hidden.Early diagnosis is helpful to start effective treatment and improve prognosis.At present,the application value of conventional imaging for subclinical cardiac involvement is limited,and functional imaging has potential value.Multimodal functional imaging plays an important role in the early diagnosis and efficacy evaluation of cardiac involvement in PM/DM.This article reviews the application and research progress of multimodal imaging in the early diagnosis and quantitative assessment of cardiac damage in patients with PM/DM.Key words polymyositis;dermatomyositis;idiopathic inflammatory myopathy;heart;early diagnosis;efficacy evaluation;magnetic resonance imaging;cardiac magnetic resonance;single photon emission tomography 多发性肌炎(polymyositis ,PM)/皮肌炎(dermatomyositis ,DM)是一种影响骨骼肌、关节和内脏器官的炎症性疾病[1-2]。
Weir Minerals Netherlands-corporate brochure-EN
Although times have changedconsiderably since Weir MineralsNetherlands foundation in 1916,the innovative force of our companyhas remained constant. We developsolutions for the most extremeapplications and produce the largestpiston diaphragm pumps in theworld.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.2Right:Australia, autoclavefeeding of 200°C nickel slurryThe force of innovation The search for new solutions, new markets and newproducts has made us a market leader with a focusnot only in this country, but world-wide.The basis of the success of Weir Minerals Netherlandswas established in 1916. In this year the Holthuisfamily bought the ‘Johan Hillen’ iron foundry andmachine factory in Blerick. Brothers Rudolf andJoost manufactured foundry castings for the parentcompany in Groningen. However, due to theeconomic crisis, they also decided to produce pumpsin addition to the foundry castings. The name GEHOwas established (GEbroeders HOlthuis). During theSecond World War, the factory was almost completelydestroyed and during the reconstruction, times werealso difficult. Fortunately, the production of pumps asan additional product, meant the business survived.Left: API centrifugal pumpsfor the oil and petrochemicalindustryRight:China, digester feedingof bauxite slurryIn 1963, the foundry was sold and the companyconcentrated entirely on the development and production of pumps. The first pumps were intendedfor groundwater transport and further developed for the transport of sewage and sludge and eventually evolved into the well-known Geho piston diaphragmpumps, used for pumping of ores and minerals.The company was then bought by the American concern Baker Hughes Inc. in 1991, and incorporated into a much larger international network.In 1992 Baker Hughes acquired Begemann Pumps in Helmond and concentrated all activities in Venlo.Begemann was founded in 1871 and has been selling high-quality pumps since 1900. With Begemannpumps added to our range of products, we focus alsoon the oil, petrochemical and processing industry.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.3Bottom left: Dewateringof construction sites at homeand abroadTop right:Producer of the world’slargest piston diaphragm pumpsManaging Director,Cees Zaalberg:“Oil, coal, iron ore and other raw materials: the demand is increasing worldwide.In countries such as Brazil, Russia, India and China especially, industry is doingovertime. To be able to keep up with the demand for raw materials, newtechnologies are applied and new locations are exploited. This makes greatdemands on our knowledge, ability and flexibility. Each application is different:other pressures, other temperatures. Due to Weir Minerals Netherlands innova-tion, we endeavour to keep our customers satisfied, whether 3000 metres highin the Andes or on the sand plains of Australia!”We continually adjust our productsto adapt to the demands of theworldwide market. We are thereforeable to offer a broad package ofquality products and a wide rangeof applications.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.4A broad package of quality productsTop: Geho hydraulic pistonpumpBottom left:Geho pistondiaphragm pumpBottom right: Begemanncentrifugal pump Geho pumps for dewateringThe piston pumps for dewatering of constructionsites satisfy all modern demands and are distributedin The Netherlands and international markets.Geho industrial pumpsThe first piston diaphragm pump was marketed in 1974 for the transport of industrial slurry. Since then, we have been able to offer a broad package of pumps for pumping ores and minerals such as coal,zinc, copper, silver, iron ore and bauxite. Moreover,we offer a range of hydraulic piston pumps which can be regulated very accurately for the transport ofcoarse materials. These pumps enable the pumpingof slurry containing coarse material and concrete.geman ntrifugal pumps are developed and produced der the name Begemann. These pumps are sold rldwide for the oil and petrochemical industry.emann pumps comply with the latest edition ofAPI standard and have been applied successfully more than one hundred years for pumping ids, varying from clean water to very aggressive stances.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.5Managing Director,Cees Zaalberg:“We want to stay ahead of our competitors with our pumps. This demands dedicationand knowledge; and this is exactly that what our engineering excels in. Besides thefact that we guarantee an extremely technically high-quality product, we realise alltoo well that our customers are interested in the integral solution. The pump is impor-tant, but forms only a part of the complete pipeline system. Continuous innovationensures an efficient pump.Global supply, local support; this is the strength of our service department. We installpumps all over the world and can rely on the support of one of our sister companieswithin the Weir Group for replacement of a part, maintenance and repair. They speakthe language, know the local customs and are quickly available on the job. This means shorter waiting time for our customers.”Warman propeller pumpsWeir Minerals Netherlands developed a special typeof propeller pump for the process and salt industry.These Warman pumps are used, for example, for thecirculation of brine.Roto-Jet pumpsThe high-pressure Roto-Jet pump with a stationarypick-up tube and rotating rotor is produced by oursister company in Salt Lake City, USA. We maintainthe worldwide distribution rights for this type ofpump in the API market.ServicesA strong service organisation supports the successful Geho and Begemann pumps. This service is providedworldwide and is well equipped to work anywhereunder any circumstances. A team of highly-qualifiedservice engineers are responsible for the worldwidecommissioning of the Geho industrial pumps. Wealso carry out a ‘Total Pump Care’ programme:maintenance and repair of our own brands and allother brands and types of pumps are embraced bythe expertise of our service organisation. In addition,Venlo acts as the West European regional servicecentre for Warman pumps.Top:Warman propeller pump Middle:Roto-Jet high-pressure pump Bottom:Geho dewatering pump Bottom left:maintenance and repair of all brands and types of pumpsTo become and remain a market leader,a company has to offer added value.Weir Minerals Netherlands addedvalue is knowledge. Experience of thepossibilities and difficulties of pumpsand the knowledge of the variouspiping systems.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.6s Application engineering and material research in ourown laboratory ensures that we can develop a pumpfor each system under all circumstances. A reputation which we have built up, from years of experience and in-house knowledge. Our specialised pumpsare applied to new and pioneering applications and sold on the basis of solid research and advicerelating to the desired application. A thorough soilanalysis can determine the most economical and functional drainage system to lower the level of theboratory testing is performed on industrialapplications to determine the pumping capability of a slurry and in order to choose the correct typeof pump. In our laboratory we determine the abrasiveness of slurries and carry out viscosity researchthat determines the optimum working pump system.Left:Rheology examinationRight:Coal slurryAdded value:application-engineering andModern well-equipped teststand for pump tests inreal operating conditionsOur excellently qualified engineering department usesCAD and CAE programs (3D modelling). To optimise the pumps we also use CFD analysis (computationalfluid dynamics). In addition we developed the expertise to supply turn-key projects for transport and storage of fly ash and red mud, a waste productderived from the production of alumina. Before thepumps leave our factory, we test them extensivelyin our modern test stand in real working conditions,often with the client present.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.7Managing Director,Cees Zaalberg:“In order to supply the correct quality pump, we perform researchinto the material which has to be pumped. In-house experts carry outthis research and with their knowledge of application engineering wealways come up with the solution. Moreover, we also work togetherwith engineering bureaus for pipeline systems.”Left: Gold slurryRight:India, red muddisposalresearch & developmentTesting of centrifugal pumpsAs market leader, we have a brandname and reputation to maintain. Inorder to deliver quality products, wemake use of an efficient productionprocess. We work according to theWeir Production System, based onLean manufacturing or the continuouselimination of waste.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.8Top: Automated vertical liftfor tool storageBottom right:Modernmachining shop Our pumps are produced in a clean working environment. Everything which is superfluous isremoved, each bottleneck cleared up, leading tooptimum production flow.Tuning the p roduction process t o qualityThis leads to:• Short turnovertimes •Short delivery times • Low costs• High quality• Efficient use of space• Safe working• A better resultA well planned quality management system testsand improves the process continuously. The ISO andEnvironmental certificate issued by Lloyds underlinesthe professional manner of working. The system isdesigned so that all employees can work continuously.Computers ensure that sufficient materials and partsare present at the correct locations.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.9Jan Peter van Leeuwen,Director Operations & Technology:“Our customers do not only buy a pump, but also quality. In order toguarantee that quality now and in the future, we continue investing inour people, in our machines and in our work ethic. Therefore, we makeoptimal use of our capital assets and keep our stocks as low as possible.Real time delivery based on the Weir Production System.Top:Quality products in aclean working environmentLeft:Working accordingto the Weir ProductionSystem based on LeanmanufacturingRight: In-house patternshopThe Weir Group PLC is a leading globalengineering company, founded inScotland in 1871, with more than 8000employees worldwide. The company,listed on the Stock Exchange, concentratesespecially on energy exploitation/powerplants, the oil and gas industry, waterand sewage treatment, the mineralsprocessing industry and the nuclear anddefence industry.Weir Minerals Netherlands b.v.10s The Weir activities are divided into five divisions:Minerals, Clear Liquid, Valves & Controls, Defence,Nuclear & Gas and Services. Weir MineralsNetherlands is a part of the Weir Minerals divisionwhich accounts for approximately 2800 employeesworldwide, spread over twelve production companieson all continents.Top: Poland, Patnow PowerPlant, transport of fly ashBottom right:Argentina,copper concentrate pipelinePart of a worldwide market leader"%'%-!..7!2-!.'%(/2/4/ *%4#ENTRIFUGAL 0ROCESS 0UMPS#ENTRIFUGAL 3LURRY 0UMPS0OSITIVE $ISPLACEMENT 3LURRY 0UMPS(IGH PRESSURE 0UMPS)3/'!4%3LURRY 6ALVESWeir Minerals Netherlands b.v.11Managing DirectorCees Zaalberg:“With the support of The Weir Group we are ready to advance as an individual company, but making use of the synergy of our sister companies, we move into markets which play an ever increasing role in our society. The many new installations must also dispose of their tailings. We focus on the disposal of tailings with our pumps, such as red mud and fly ash. It all comes down to one thing: all products must be of topquality and reach our customers on time!”Top left:The Netherlands,propeller pumps for brinecirculation Bottom left: Nigeria,Begemann pumps forAPI application As an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)Weir Minerals Netherlands has a worldwideresponsibility for the primary sales and serviceof Geho and Begemann pumps. For service andmaintenance, the company also makes use ofthe worldwide infrastructure of the Weir MineralsDivision.Top right:Mexico,iron ore pipeline Bottom right:Switzerland,Roto-Jet high-pressure application at a refinery7EIR -INERALS .ETHERLANDS B V 0。
acknowledgment of group audit instructions -回复
acknowledgment of group audit instructions -回复关于小组审计指示的确认尊敬的审计小组负责人,我在此确认收到了您提供的小组审计指示,并感谢您给予我们这次重要任务的机会。
五篇american mineralogist -回复
五篇american mineralogist -回复Title: Unveiling the Gems of American Geology: A Journey into the World of American MineralogistsIntroduction:American mineralogists are at the forefront of uncovering the hidden treasures of the Earth. With expertise in studying minerals and their properties, their discoveries contribute to the fields of geology, materials science, and even space exploration. This article explores five fascinating topics within American mineralogy, shedding light on their contributions and the impact they have had on scientific research.1. Tremendous Minerals: The Subterranean Wealth of the United StatesThe United States is endowed with abundant mineral resources. From the gold rush in the 19th century to the modern extraction of rare earth elements, American mineralogists have played an integral role in the exploration, extraction, and utilization of these resources. Through careful analysis and classification, thesescientists have discovered various mineral deposits across the country. Examples include the rich copper mines in Montana, the iconic gemstones in North Carolina, and the bountiful coal reserves of West Virginia, not to mention the vast oil and gas resources in Texas.2. Industrial Minerals: The Cornerstones of Modern ManufacturingAn indispensable aspect of American mineralogy is the study of industrial minerals. These minerals, including limestone, gypsum, silica, and clay, are the backbone of many industries. American mineralogists have been instrumental in understanding the extraction, processing, and utilization of these resources. Their research has led to the development of innovative methods for their extraction while focusing on sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact. This has driven industrial growth in sectors such as construction, ceramics, and automotive manufacturing, contributing significantly to the American economy.3. Unraveling the Mysteries of Gems: American GemologyAmerican mineralogists have long been captivated by the beauty and rarity of gemstones. With a focus on gemology, these scientists explore the complex world of precious and semiprecious stones. From diamonds to emeralds, from rubies to sapphires, they delve into the geology, formation, and characteristics of these gemstones. Through meticulous examination, cutting-edge laboratory techniques, and collaborations with jewelers, they unravel the microscopic secrets hidden within these precious stones. Their findings have enhanced gem identification, grading, and authentication, benefiting both the jewelry industry and consumers worldwide.4. Extraterrestrial Exploration: Minerals beyond EarthMineralogy extends beyond the Earth's boundaries, with American mineralogists at the forefront of extraterrestrial exploration. They study cosmic minerals found in meteorites, lunar samples, and even interstellar dust. By analyzing these extraterrestrial specimens, scientists gain insights into the formation and evolution of our solar system. Additionally, these studies provide valuable information for space missions, as mineralogists help identify potential resources on other celestial bodies, such as Mars. Theirwork enables the advancement of space exploration and paves the way for future human colonization of other planets.5. Environmental Mineralogy: Preserving the PlanetAs sustainability becomes increasingly important, American mineralogists have embraced the study of environmental mineralogy. This field focuses on understanding how minerals interact with the environment and finding solutions to environmental challenges. Mineralogists examine the behavior of minerals in contaminated areas, such as abandoned mining sites, and identify methods to mitigate their negative impact. Through advanced analytical techniques, including spectroscopy and electron microscopy, they uncover new strategies for environmental remediation. Furthermore, their research contributes to the development of cleaner energy technologies, sustainable agriculture, and waste management practices.Conclusion:From the tremendous wealth beneath the surface to the exploration of outer space, American mineralogists have madesignificant contributions to various fields of study. Their work in mineralogy, gemology, industrial minerals, extraterrestrial exploration, and environmental mineralogy has enhanced our understanding of the Earth, improved industrial processes, fueled space exploration, and provided solutions to environmental challenges. As we continue to uncover the gems of American mineralogy, we can anticipate further advancements and discoveries that will shape our future.。
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Two people made the book possible and worked with me(JAF)throughout and thus deserve to be noted first: Dr.Jarrett Quinn who handled much of the correspon-dence,as well as managing most of Chapters6,8,and 14as well as the first draft of Chapter3and the “Flotation Machine”section of Chapter12;and Dr. Yue Hua Tan who contributed all the artwork,redraw-ing the originals and creating the new,and organized the supporting documentation and spreadsheets.My sin-cere thanks to both individuals,who never doubted we would finish.
It was apparent from the start that assistance from experts in the various aspects covered by the book was going to be required for it to be brought up to date.Most of my requests for assistance were enthusi-astically met and knowing the time and effort involved I am most grateful for the help,and the book has benefitted accordingly.The contributions were edited to bring some conformity to style,and any errors thus incurred are mine alone.In alphabetical order the con-tributors are:
Bittner,J,Dr(Separation Technologies):Chapter13, review of material
Boucher,D(PhD candidate,McGill University): Chapter17,“Machine Design”section
Brissette,M(Corem):Chapters5and7,editing and adding new material
Bulled,D(SGS Canada):Chapter17,“Geometallurgy”section
Cappuccitti,F(Flottec):Chapter12,editing the “Collector”section;Chapter15,supplying chemical data
Cunningham,R(Met-Chem):Chapter7,“Stirred Milling”section
Demers,I,Prof(Universite´du Que´bec en Abitibi-Te´miscamingue):Chapter16
Doll,A(Alex G Doll Consulting):Chapters5and7, editing and adding new material Emad,M,Dr(Post-doctoral student,McGill University):Chapter2
Flament,F(Triple Point Technology):Chapter3,“Mass Balancing”section
Gilroy,T(student,McGill University):Chapter4, first draft
Grammatikopoulos,T(SGS Canada):Chapter17,“Applied Mineralogy”section
Hart,B,Dr(Surface Science Western):Chapter12,“Diagnostic Surface Analysis”section
Jordens,A(PhD candidate,McGill University): Chapter13
Krishnamoorthy,N,Dr(Research assistant,McGill University):Chapter15,first draft
Lotter,N,Dr(XPS Consulting&Testwork Services): Chapter12,“High Confidence Flotation Testing”section
Major,K(KMW Consulting):Chapters6and8,ini-tial review
Maldonado,M,Prof(Universidad de Santiago): Chapter3,“Control”section
Marcuson,S,Dr(Marcuson and Associates): Chapter1,“Sustainability”section
McIvor,R,Dr(Metcom Technologies):Chapters5, 7,and9,initial review
Mitri,H,Prof(McGill University):Chapter2,review of material
Morrell,S,Dr(SMC Testing):Chapter5,review of material
Nesset,J,Dr(NesseTech Consulting Services): Chapter2,“Self-Heating”section;Chapter3,“Sampling”section;Chapter17,“Design of Experiments”section
O’Keefe,C,Dr(CiDRA):Chapter3,contribution to “On-Line Analysis”section
Pax,R,Dr(RAP Innovation and Development): Chapter3,“Mineral/Phase Analysis”section Robben,C,Dr(TOMRA Sorting):Chapter14, review of material
Schaffer,M(Portage Technologies):Chapters6and 7,“Control”sections
Singh,N(Research assistant,McGill University): Chapter1,first draft
Sosa,C,Dr(SGS Canada):Chapter17,“Geometallurgy”section
Sovechles,J(PhD candidate,McGill University): Chapter9
Smart,R,Prof(University of South Australia): Chapter12,“Diagnostic Surface Analysis”section Waters,K,Prof(McGill University):Chapters10 and11,initial review
Williams-Jones,A,Prof(McGill University): Appendices I and II,update
The book could not have been completed without financial and logistical support.Thanks go to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)for the funding to support the McGill team;and to McGill University for the time to devote to the book and the use of the facilities.
Last but never least,JAF would like to thank his wife, Lois,of42years for her support with what grew to occupy most of my time over the past24months.
xiv Acknowledgments。