
初中英语常见短语与固定搭配(一)由be构成的词组1)beback/in/out回来/在家/外出2)beathome/work在家/上班3)begoodat善于,擅长于4)becarefulof当心,注意,仔细5)becoveredwith被……复盖6)bereadyfor为……作好准备7)besurprised(at)对……感到惊讶8)beinterestedin对……感到举9)beborn出生10)beon在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着11)beabletodosth.能够做……12)beafraidof(todosth.that…)害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)beangrywithsb.生(某人)的气14)bepleased(with)对……感到高兴(满意)15)befamousfor以……而著名16)bestrictin(with)(对工作、对人)严格要求17)befrom来自……,什么地方人18)behungry/thirsty/tired饿了/渴了/累了19)beworried担忧20)be(well)worthdoing(非常)值得做……21)becoveredwith被……所覆盖……22)bein(great)needof(很)需要23)beintrouble处于困境中24)begladtodosth.很高兴做……25)belatefor……迟到26)bemadeof(from)由……制成27)besatisfiedwith对……感到满意28)befree空闲的,有空29)be(ill)inbed卧病在床30)bebusydoing(with)忙于做……(忙于……)(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组1)comeback回来2)comedown下来3)comein进入,进来4)comeon快,走吧,跟我来5)comeout出来6)comeoutof从……出来7)comeup上来8)comefrom来自……9)doone'slessons/homework做功课/回家作业10)domorespeaking/reading多做口头练习/朗读11)doone'sbest尽力12)dosomeshopping(cookingreading,cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)13)doagooddeed(gooddeeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)domorningexercises做早操15)doeyeexercises做眼保健操16)dowellin在……某方面干得好17)getup起身18)geteverythingready把一切都准备好19)getreadyfor(=bereadyfor)为……作好准备20)geton(well)with与……相处(融洽)21)getback返回22)getridof除掉,去除23)getin进入,收集24)geton/off上/下车25)getto到达26)getthere到达那里27)givesb.acall给……打电话28)giveatalk作报告29)givealecture(apianoconcert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)giveback归还,送回31)give……someadviceon给……一些忠告32)givelessonsto给……上课33)givein屈服34)giveup放弃35)givesb.achance给……一次机会36)giveamessageto……给……一个口信37)goahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)gotothecinema看电影39)gogobed睡觉(makethebed整理床铺)40)gotoschool(college)上学(上大学)41)goto(the)hospital去医院看病42)goover过一遍,复习/gooverto朝……走去43)gofishing/skating/swimming/shopping去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西44)gohome(there)回家去(去那儿)45)goround顺便去,绕道走46)goup上去47)gooutforawalk外出散步48)goon(doing)继续(做……)49)goonwithone'swork继续某人的工作50)goupstairs/downstairs上/下楼51)(thelights)goout(灯)熄了52)havealesson(lessons)/ameeting上课/开会53)haveafootballmatch(basketballmatch)举行一场足球(蓝球)赛54)havedictation听见55)haveatry试一试56)haveagood/wonderfultime玩得很高兴57)havealecture(apianoconcert)听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)58)haveareport(talk)on听一个关于……的报告59)haveaglassofwater(acupoftea)喝一杯水,(一杯茶)60)havebreakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61)haveameal(threemeals)吃一顿饭(三餐饭)62)haveadinner吃正餐63)havebreadandmilkforbreakfast早饭吃面包和牛奶64)have(havegot)aheadache头痛65)haveafever发烧66)haveacough(acold)咳嗽(感冒)67)havealook(at)看一看……68)havearest(abreak)休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)69)haveatalk谈话70)haveaswim/walk游泳/散步71)havesports进行体育锻炼72)haveasportsmeet(meeting)开运动会73)havesomethingdone让人(请人)做……74)haveatest/anexam测验/考试75)haveanidea有了个主意76)hadbetterdosth.(notdosth.)最好做……(最好不要做……)77)haveawordwith与……谈几句话78)helpsb.withsth.helpsb.dosth.在……方面帮助……帮助……做79)helponeselftosomechicken/fish/meat请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)helpeachother互相帮助81)keepupwith跟上……,不落后于……82)keepsilent/quiet保持沉默/安静83)keepsb.doingsth.使……一直做……84)keepone'sdiary记日记85)makeanoise(alotofnoise,muchnoise,noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)86)makealiving谋生87)makesb.dosth.迫使某人做……88)makefaces(aface)做鬼脸89)makefriends(with)与……交朋友90)makeamistake(mistakes)犯错误91)makeroom/spacefor给……腾出地方92)makeasentence(sentences)with用……造句93)makeafire生火94)bemadefrom/of由……制成95)bemadein在……地方制造96)lookoutof(outside)往外看(看外面)97)lookupaword(inthedictionary)查字典98)lookup往上看,仰望99)lookafter照管,照看,照顾100)lookfor寻找101)looklike看上去像102)lookfine/well/tired/worried看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103)lookout当心,小心104)lookon…as…把……当作……看待105)lookaround朝四周看106)lookat看着……107)puton穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)108)putup建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖109)putinto使进入,输入110)putone'sheartinto全神贯注于111)put…down…把……放下112)put…into…把……译成113)setup竖起,建起114)setoff出发,动身115)setout出发116)setanexamplefor为……树立榜样117)sendfor派人去请(叫)118)sendout放出,发出119)endup把……往上送,发射120)takeone'sadvice听从某人劝告121)takeout拿出,取出122)takedown拿下123)takeplace发生124)takeone'splace坐……的座位,代替某人职务125)taketheplaceof代替……126)takeawalk/rest散步/休息127)takeiteasy别紧张128)takesth.withsb.随身带着129)takesb.toapark/Londonforone'sholidays带某人去公园/伦敦度假130)takecareof关心,照顾,保管131)takealook(alastlook)at看一看(最后看一眼)132)takeanexam参加考试133)takeaway拿走134)takeback收回,带回135)takeholdof抓住……136)takeoff脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉137)take(anactive)partin(积极)参加(活动)138)takephotos拍照139)takesomemedicine服药140)takeabus/train,boat/乘公共汽车,火车/船141)turnon开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)142)turnoff关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turnin交出,上交144)turn…into…变成145)turnto翻到,转向146)turndown(把音量)调低147)turn…over把……翻过来148)playbasketball打篮球,football踢足球,volleyball打排球149)playgames做游戏150)playthepiano(theviolin)弹钢琴(拉小提琴)151)playwithsnow玩雪152)playajoke(on)对……开玩笑(三)由其他动词构成的词组153)thinkover仔细考虑154)arriveat/inaplace到达某处155)eatup吃完,吃光156)dowellin在……干得好157)enjoydoingsth.likedoingsth.喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158)findout发现,查出(真相等)159)finishoff吃完,喝完160)stopdoingsth.停止做某事161)stoptodosth.停下来去做某事162)holdameting举行会议163)holdup举起164)hurryup赶快,快点165)enterfor报名参加166)langhtat嘲笑167)beusedto习惯于168)usedto过去常常169)wake…up唤醒170)workout算出二、动词短语、介词短语和其他词组1)askfor向……要……,请求2)askforleave请假3)sendfor派人去请(叫)4)payfor付……的款5)waitfor等候6)thankfor为……感谢7)apologizetosb.forsth.为某事向某人道歉8)lookfor寻找9)leave…for离开……去……10)falloff跌落11)catchcold着凉,伤风12)catchupwith赶上13)agreewithsb.赞成,同意某人的意见14)filled……with把……装满15)tellsb.aboutsth.告诉某人某事16)talkabout谈论……17)thinkabout考虑……18)worryabout担忧……19)lookafter照料20)runafter追赶,跟在后面跑21)readafter跟……读22)smileat对……微笑23)knockat敲(门、窗)24)shoutat对……大喊(嚷)25)throwaway扔掉26)workhardat努力做……27)waitinline排队等候28)change…into…变成29)hurryinto…匆忙进入30)runinto…跑进31)hearof听说32)thinkof认为,考虑33)catchholdof抓住34)insteadof代替……35)handin交上来36)stayinbed卧病在床37)hearfrom收到……来信38)atonce立刻39)atlast最后40)atfirst起先,首先41)att heageof…在……岁时42)attheendof…在……之末43)atthebeginningof…在……之初44)atthefootof…在……脚下45)atthesametime同时46)atnight/noon在夜里/中午47)withone'shelp在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助48)withthehelpof…在……的帮助下49)withasmile面带笑容50)withone'sowneyes亲眼看见51)afterawhile过了一会儿52)fromnowon从现在起53)fromthenon从那时起54)farexample例如55)farawayfrom远离56)frommorningtillnight从早到晚57)byandby不久58)byairmail寄航空邮件59)byordinarymail寄平信60)bytheway顺便说61)bythewindow在窗边62)bytheendof…到……底为止63)littlebylittle逐渐地64)inall总共65)infact事实上66)inone'stwenties在某人二十几岁时67)inahurry匆忙68)inthemiddleof在……中间69)innotime(inaminute)立刻,很快70)intime(ontime)及时71)inpublic公众,公开地72)inorderto为了……73)infrontof在……前面74)inthesun在阳光下75)intheend最后,终于76)insurprise惊奇地77)inturn依次78)ofcourse当然79)abit(of)有一点儿80)alotof许多81)onone'swayto某人在去……的路上82)onfoot步行,走路83)atalkonspace一个关于太空的报告84)ontheotherhand另一方面85)at/ontheweekend在周末86)ontheleft(right)在左(右)边87)ontheothersideof在……另一边88)ontheradio通过收音机(无线电广播)89)toone'sjoy使……高兴的是90)toone'ssurprise使……惊讶的是三、量词词组和其他词组(一)量词词组1)abit一点儿2)afew(of)一些(可数),几个……3)alittle一些(不可数)4)alotof(lotsof)许多5)apieceof一张(一片,块)6)acupof一茶怀7)aglassof一玻璃杯8)apileof(pilesandpilesof)一堆(一堆堆的)……9)aboxof一盒10)acopyof一份,一本11)abowlof一碗12)abasketof一篮13)aplateof一盘14)abottleof一瓶15)abasinof一脸盆16)asetof一套17)akindof一种18)atypeof一种类型的19)agreatdealof非常多,大量的(不可数名词)20)alarge(great)numberof非常多,大量的(可数名词)21)agreatmany大量,许多(可数名词)22)adifferenttypeof一种不同型号的23)agroupof一队,一组,一群(二)其他词组1)allkindsof各种各样的2)allovertheworld/thecountry全世界/全国3)allover遍及每一部分,浑身4)allone'slife一生5)oneafteranother顺次6)theChildren'sPalace少年宫7)dayafterday日复一日8)upanddown上上下下9)thedayaftertomorrow后天10)thedaybeforeyesterday前天11)thelast/pasttwoyears(orso)最近两年(左右)12)thewholecountry/thewholeworld全国/全世界13)amomentago刚才14)justnow/then刚才/那时15)halfanhour'swalk步行半小时的路程16)lateon过后,后来初中英语新教材95个习惯用语和固定搭配1.a few2.a little3.a lot of4.a pair of5.after class6.all kinds of7.all over the world 8.as well9.as…as 10.be able to11.be good at 12.be interested in 13.be proud of 14.by air15.by bus e frome true 18.depend on19.be different from 20.do one’s homework 21.do some shopping 22.each other23.even if 24.even though25.fill…with 26.first of all27.for example 28.get back29.get on 30.get together31.get up 32.give up 33.go home 34.go out35.go shopping 36.go swimming 37.go to bed 38.go to school 39.grow up 40.have to41.help sb.with sth. 42.how many 43.how much 44.how old45.hundreds of 46.in class47.in fact 48.in front of 49.in order to 50.in the end 51.in the future 52.in the middle of 53.instead of 54.heep fit55.listen to 56.look after57.look at 58.look for59.look forward to doing sth. 60.lots of=a lot of 61.make friends with 62.make mistakes 63.next to 64.not any more 65.not at all 66.of course67.on time 68.out of69.pay for 70.pick up71.play with 72.put on73.put up 74.right now75.run away 76.set up77.so far 78.take a photo79.take off 80.take place81.talk about 82.the day after tomorrow 83.think about 84.think of85.thousands of 86.throw away87.too…to 88.turn down89.turn on 90.turn off91.turn up 92.turn to93.turn left 94.turn intoed to do ed to be97.be used to doing 98.wait for99.wake up 100.work out101.worry about 102.write down初中英语所有重要的固定搭配、词组1. put down 放下shut down 把…关上cut down 砍掉come down 下来、落下slow down 减缓、放慢sit down 坐下write down 写下get down 下来,降落2. after all 毕竟.终究after that 于是.然后day after day 日复一日地one after another 相继.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. come up with 找到、提出catch up with 赶上wake up 弄醒、醒来send up 发射open up 开设、开办grow up 长大pick up 拾起、捡起hands up 举手eat up 吃光clean up 打扫干净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事4. arrive at/in + n. 到达get to +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv. 到达5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回give back 归还come back 回来at the back of 在…的后面on the way (back)home 在回家路上6. at least 至少at breakfast 早餐时at desk 在桌前at once立刻,马上at school 在上学at the same time 同时at work 在工作be good at=do well in 擅长laugh at 嘲笑not…at all 一点也不at first 起初at night 在晚上at noon 中午at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初at the end of 在…终点、结尾at the moment // now现在at the foot of 在…脚下at Christmas 在圣诞节at any moment 任何时候at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长7. for example 例如for ever 永远be good for 对…有益be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期for short 简称be short for 是…的简称TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现come down 下来come from=be from 来自,出生于come in/into 进入,进来come on 赶快come over 过来come along 走吧,过来,快点come and go 来来去去come up 上来come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管10. be pleased with 对…感到满意be covered with 被…覆盖be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事be proud of 以…自豪speak highly of 称赞be afraid of 害怕hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信) of course=certainly 当然可以plenty of= a lot of 许多11. by the way 顺便说by oneself 单独,独自by the end of 到…为至by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one 依次by air / plane 乘飞机by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/火车/轿车catch a bus 赶公交车get on / off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去12. do / try one’s best 尽力do one’s homework 做家庭作业do (the/some) shopping 购物do the cooking 烹饪do some cleaning 打扫do the / some washing 洗衣服do sport 做运动do with sb / sth. 处理well done 干得好13. early in the morning 一大早in the early spring 初春in my early days 我幼年时期early bus 早班车14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call // phone sb.给某人打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to 靠近(某地)give birth to 生(孩子)lose to sb 输给sb .15. either…or…或者…或者…on either side of the street 街道任何一边on each side of the street 街道每一边on both sides of the street 街道两边16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表示状态继续)keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行)practise doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth. 做完某事go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另一事)go straight along 沿着…一直往前走go down 下降go for a walk 散步go over 复习go shopping 买东西go to the cinema 去看电影go well 进展顺利go off to 动身前往go out 外出go to work 去上班go up 上升want a go 想试一试18. think about 考虑think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over 仔细考虑think out 想出talk about 谈论worry about 担心How / What about…?…怎么样?19. borrow…from …从…借…lend…to…把…借给…from door to door 挨家挨户from time to time 时时from now on 从今以后from then on 从那以后be different from 与…不同learn…from…向…学习20. get dressed 穿衣get into 进入get / be lost 丢失get off / on下/ 上车get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好get out of 从…出来get ready for +n. 为…做准备get ready to do sth. 准备做某事get / go to sleep (fall asleep) 入睡be asleep 睡着get warm 变暧get well 康复get a chance 有机会、得到机会21. look for 寻找wait for 等候look after=take care of 照看look like 看起来像look over 检查,复习look out 小心,从里向外看look the same 看起来一样look up 向上看,查单词look around 环视look forward to 期望look through 温习,检查22. set off 出发、动身put off 推迟keep off 避开、不靠近…drop off 放下(某物)turn off 关jump off 跳离take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞23. half a kilo 半千克half an hour 半小时in half 分成两半half of the day 半天24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操do morning exercises 做早操 take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book 练习本25. take part in 参加hand in 上交in hospital 住院in surprise 吃惊地in the sun 在阳光下in trouble 处于困境in a minute / moment马上26. leave for…动身去某地27. feed on 以…为主食live on 继续活着base on 以…为根据carry on 坚持、继续下去and so on 等等on the other hand 另一方面on foot 步行28. be famous for 以..著名be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋be interested in 对…感兴趣be born 出生be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…be amazed at 对..感到惊讶29. move away 移开move to (搬)移到30. search the Internet 上网31. make sure 确信make a dialogue 编对话make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 由于疏忽make a noise 吵闹make faces 做鬼脸make friends (with) 和..交朋友make room for 给..让地方make tea 沏茶make money 赚钱make a decision 作出决定32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事33. leave sth+介词短语“把……忘记在某处”34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某人做某事36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事with one’s help 在某人的帮助下with pleasure 乐意37. the summer holiday(s) 暑假the winter holiday(s) 寒假38. step into 走进pour into 倒入…39. in the first 第一for the first time 第一次at first 起初a firs t language 母语first of all 首先40. leave a message for sb. 给某人留条give / take sb. a message 给某人捎口信41. take photos / pictures 照像take away 拿走take out 取出work out 算出take care 当心take medicine 服药take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s time 别着急take a walk 散步take place 发生42. learn by oneself / teach oneself 自学learn by heart 背熟43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半44. have a try 尝试,努力try out 尝试、试验find out / about 找出,查明have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开心have a (bad) cold (重)感冒have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/比赛have sports 进行体育活动have nothing / sth. to do with 与..无(有)关have no idea 不知道have (one’s) medicine 服药45. offer sb sth. 给某人提供某物46. win first prize 获一等奖47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界48. all kinds of 各种各样的49. neither… nor 既不…也不….50. not only … but also …不但…而且both… and ……和…都51. the more , the better 越多越好52. all one’s life 一生53. as soon as 一…就…as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也as much as 至多as little as 至少regard …as 把…当作…as if 好像54. no matter 无论…55 ever since 从那以后,此后一直56. so far 到目前为止or so大约57. another two hours (=two more hours ) 又(再) 2个小时58. three times a week 一周三次59. the number of…的数量a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多60. less than少于 , less and less 越来越少61. …is another way of saying…什么是..的另一说法 Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.62. not…until…直到…才…63. be like 像feel like +n./V-ing 想要like best 最喜欢 , would like to 想要64. the 24 hour clock 24 小时制65. wash away 冲走run away 逃跑take away 带走66. before long 不久long before / ago 很久以前for long =for a long time 长期no longer = not. .any longer 不再67. more or less = about 或多或少,大约more than = over 多于,超过68. every year 每年every four years 每隔四年every other day 每隔一天everyday English / life 日常英语/生活69. next to 紧挨着next door 隔壁,邻居next year 明年next time 下次70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信71. on show = on display 展览72.be filled with / be full of 充满…73. thank to =because of 由于74. some day =one day (将来)某一天all day 终日day and night 日日夜夜in a day or two 一两天内in the old days 从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day) 日复一日the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Women’s Day 妇女节75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,非常77. a place (places) of interest 名胜78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特网上四分之三的信息two thirds of the books 三分之二的书79. credit card 信用卡80. the increasing population 增长着的人口81. a path of travel 旅行路线82. point at / to 指向83. by sea = by ship 乘船by the sea = on the sea 在海边at sea在海上84. set one’s mind to do sth. 一心想做某事85. multiply…by…乘以…86. See you! 再见You see. 你知道,你明白,你瞧Let me see. 让我想想see sb. off 给某人送行see a / the doctor 看病see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某人做某事87. some…others 一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another 一个..另一个(三者或以上 )one…the other 一个…另一个(总数二个)88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏check out 核实,检查write out 写出take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物89. in this way 用这种方法in a few year’s time 几年以后in space 在太空in and out of class 在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes 在最后十五分钟里in the second half 在下半场later in one’s life 在某人后半身in the air 在空中in the open air 在户外90. give sb. an injection给某人打针 , get an injection打针91. have been to 去过某地have gone to 到某地去了92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某人 ( Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信.)93. be far behind +某人 (He is far behind others. 他落后于别人)94. one of + adj. 最高级+复数名词95. take +某物+with +某人 (You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上雨伞)96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).Would / should 等情态动词 + prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事)prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词(v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球)prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式, (I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里, 而不愿乘车)prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)97. 人+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.)人 + spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机)人 + pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there bybus.乘车去那里只花你10分钟)物+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些肉你怎么处理了?)99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?) 101. need + 名词 (v-ing), (The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被用来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.) “be used as+名词”, 被作为…使用 (English is used as the first language in noneof these countries. )“be used by+动作执行者”, 被…使用,103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是木制的)be made from由…制成 (This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是用木材制成的)be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made byKate . )104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家, developing countries发展中国家105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is wellworth reading.这本书很值得一读.106. the Summer Palace 颐和园Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Great Green Wall 绿色长城PLA 中国人民解放军PRC 中华人民共和国the Party 中国共产党the League 共青团Peking Opera 京剧107. a digital camera 数字照相机a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医生108. so + 形/副+that 从句 (The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)so + many / few+ 复数名词 +that从句 (He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句 (She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不到.)so+ 形容词 +a / an +单数名词 +that从句 (This is so good a book that all of us like reading it )such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ that从句 (This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句 (It is such fine weather today that many children are playing outside)109. tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事 , tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某人做某事tell a lie说谎 , tell a story讲故事 , thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…而不能, toomuch(修饰名词)太多,过分 , much too(修饰adj./adv.)太110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?。

初中英语常见固定搭配(一)加-ingenjoy / like doing sth 喜欢做---- spend....(in) doing sth 在做---花费--- try doing 试着做------ be busy doing sth 忙于做------finish doing sth 完成做---- look forward to + doing sth 期待做---- (现在进行时)be doing 正在做--- Thank you for (doing) sth 为了--感谢你(二)加-todecide to do sth 决定去做----- ask (sb)to do 要求(某人)去做---- It’s+adj +to do sth . 做---(怎么样) would like / want to do 想要做----- It takes sb sometime to do sth在做----花费----(三)加原形let / make sb do sth 让某人做某事be going to / will do sth (一般将来时态)(四)加-to 或-ing意思不同forget doing 忘记做过了-----(已做) remember doing记得做过了-----(已做) forget to do 忘记去做------(还没做) remember to do记得去做------(还没做)(五)加-to 或-ing意思相同begin / start to do sth = begin / start doing sth开始做------(六) (A)动词+ 介词agree with同意....的意见(想法);符合help ... with ...帮助(某人)做(某事) listen to听... ..get to到达.... . .fall off (从......)掉下base on以....(为)根据knock at /on敲(门、窗) laugh at嘲笑learn.. from 向...学习live on继续存在;靠...生活look after照顾,照看look at看;观看look for寻找look like看起来像pay for (sth.)付钱;支付point at指示;指向point to指向.... prefer to ...宁愿(选择);更喜欢quarrel with (和某人)吵架regard...as ...把....当作....;当作stop...from阻止.....做..... talk about说话;谈话;谈论talk with与......交谈think about考虑think of认为;想起B)动词+ 副词ask for请求;询问carry on坚持下去;继续下去cut down砍倒clean up清除;收拾干净come down下来;落come along来;随同come in进来come on来吧;跟着来;赶快come over过来;顺便来访come out出来;出现;(花)开;发(芽) drop off放下(某物);下车eat up吃光;吃完fall behind落在......后面;输给别人fall down跌倒;从......落下find out查出(真相) get back回来;取回get down下来;落下;把......取下来get off下来;从......下来get on上(车) get up起床give up放弃go on继续go out出去go over过一遍;仔细检查grow up长大;成长hand in交上来hurry up赶快hold on (口语)等一等;(打电话时)不挂断look out留神;注意look over (仔细)检查look up向上看;抬头看pass on传递;转移到....pick up拾起;捡起put away放好;把....收起来put on穿上;戴上;(戏剧等)上演;放(唱片等put down把(某物)放下来put up掛起;举起run away流失;逃跑;逃走rush out冲出去set off出发;动身;启程send up发射;把......往上送shut down把......关上sit down坐下slow down减缓;减速take off脱掉(衣服) take out取出throw about乱丢;抛撒trip over (被......)绊倒try on试穿(衣服、鞋等);试戴(帽子等) try out试验;尝试turn down关小;调低turn on打开(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等turn off关(电灯、收音机、煤气、自来水等) turn over (使)翻过来wake up醒来wear out把......穿旧;磨坏work out算出;制订出write down写下....C) be + 形容词+ 介词be angry with对(某人)发脾气be interested in对......感兴趣be able to能;会be afraid of害怕be amazed at对......感到惊讶be excited about对......感到兴奋be filled with用......充满be full of充满......的be good at =do well in在....方面做得好;善于be late for迟到be made in在......生产或制造be made of由....组成;由....be pleased with对......感到满意be proud of以......自豪/高兴be used for用于D)动词+ 名词/ 代词beg one´s pardon请原谅;对不起do morning exercises做早操do one´s homework做作业enjoy oneself =have a good time过得快乐;玩得愉快give a concert开音乐会go boating去划船go fishing去钓鱼go hiking去徒步旅行go skating去滑冰go shopping (去)买东西have a cold (患)感冒have a cough (患)咳嗽have a headache (患)头痛have a try尝试;努力have a look看一看have a rest休息have a seat (= take a seat ) 就坐;坐下have sports进行体育活动have supper吃晚餐hear of听说hold a sports meeting举行运动会make a decision作出决定make a mistake犯错误make a noise吵闹make faces做鬼脸make friends交朋友make money赚钱take one´s place坐某人的座位;代替某人的职务teach oneself (=learn by oneself ) 自学watch TV看电视take photos照相take time花费(时间)take turns轮流E)动词+ 名词/ 代词/ 副词+ 介词catch up with赶上come up with找到;提出(答案、解决办法等) get on well with与......相处融洽give birth to生(孩子) help yourself / yourselves to自取;随便吃make room for给.....腾出地方play a joke on戏弄人;对人恶作剧speak highly of称赞say good bye to告别;告辞take an active part in积极参加take care of照顾;照料;注意F)其他类型be awake醒着的be born出生be busy doing忙着做come true实现do one´s best尽最大努力fall asleep睡觉;入睡go home回家go on doing (sth.)继续做某事;尽力get married结婚get together相聚go straight along沿着...一直往前走had better (do)最好(做...) keep doing sth.一直做某事make sure确保;确认;查明make up one´s mind下决心初中英语常见短语与固定搭配(一)由be构成的词组1)beback/in/out回来/在家/外出2)beathome/work在家/上班3)begoodat善于,擅长于4)becarefulof当心,注意,仔细5)becoveredwith被……复盖6)bereadyfor为……作好准备7)besurprised(at)对……感到惊讶8)beinterestedin对……感到举9)beborn出生10)beon在进行,在上演,(灯)亮着11)beabletodosth.能够做……12)beafraidof(todosth.that…)害怕……(不敢做……,恐怕……)13)beangrywithsb.生(某人)的气14)bepleased(with)对……感到高兴(满意)15)befamousfor以……而著名16)bestrictin(with)(对工作、对人)严格要求17)befrom来自……,什么地方人18)behungry/thirsty/tired饿了/渴了/累了19)beworried担忧20)be(well)worthdoing(非常)值得做……21)becoveredwith被……所覆盖……22)bein(great)needof(很)需要23)beintrouble处于困境中24)begladtodosth.很高兴做……25)belatefor……迟到26)bemadeof(from)由……制成27)besatisfiedwith对……感到满意28)befree空闲的,有空29)be(ill)inbed卧病在床30)bebusydoing(with)忙于做……(忙于……)(二)由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组1)comeback回来2)comedown下来3)comein进入,进来4)comeon快,走吧,跟我来5)comeout出来6)comeoutof从……出来7)comeup上来8)comefrom来自……9)doone'slessons/homework做功课/回家作业10)domorespeaking/reading多做口头练习/朗读11)doone'sbest尽力12)dosomeshopping(cookingreading,cleaning)买东西(做饭菜,读点书,大扫除)13)doagooddeed(gooddeeds)做一件好事(做好事)14)domorningexercises做早操15)doeyeexercises做眼保健操16)dowellin在……某方面干得好17)getup起身18)geteverythingready把一切都准备好19)getreadyfor(=bereadyfor)为……作好准备20)geton(well)with与……相处(融洽)21)getback返回22)getridof除掉,去除23)getin进入,收集24)geton/off上/下车25)getto到达26)getthere到达那里27)givesb.acall给……打电话28)giveatalk作报告29)givealecture(apianoconcert)作讲座(举行钢琴音乐会)30)giveback归还,送回31)give……someadviceon给……一些忠告32)givelessonsto给……上课33)givein屈服34)giveup放弃35)givesb.achance给……一次机会36)giveamessageto……给……一个口信37)goahead先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38)gotothecinema看电影39)gogobed睡觉(makethebed整理床铺)40)gotoschool(college)上学(上大学)41)goto(the)hospital去医院看病42)goover过一遍,复习/gooverto朝……走去43)gofishing/skating/swimming/shopping去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西44)gohome(there)回家去(去那儿)45)goround顺便去,绕道走46)goup上去47)gooutforawalk外出散步48)goon(doing)继续(做……)49)goonwithone'swork继续某人的工作50)goupstairs/downstairs上/下楼51)(thelights)goout(灯)熄了52)havealesson(lessons)/ameeting上课/开会53)haveafootballmatch(basketballmatch)举行一场足球(蓝球)赛54)havedictation听见55)haveatry试一试56)haveagood/wonderfultime玩得很高兴57)havealecture(apianoconcert)听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)58)haveareport(talk)on听一个关于……的报告59)haveaglassofwater(acupoftea)喝一杯水,(一杯茶)60)havebreakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61)haveameal(threemeals)吃一顿饭(三餐饭)62)haveadinner吃正餐63)havebreadandmilkforbreakfast早饭吃面包和牛奶64)have(havegot)aheadache头痛65)haveafever发烧66)haveacough(acold)咳嗽(感冒)67)havealook(at)看一看……68)havearest(abreak)休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)69)haveatalk谈话70)haveaswim/walk游泳/散步71)havesports进行体育锻炼72)haveasportsmeet(meeting)开运动会73)havesomethingdone让人(请人)做……74)haveatest/anexam测验/考试75)haveanidea有了个主意76)hadbetterdosth.(notdosth.)最好做……(最好不要做……)77)haveawordwith与……谈几句话78)helpsb.withsth.helpsb.dosth.在……方面帮助……帮助……做79)helponeselftosomechicken/fish/meat请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80)helpeachother互相帮助81)keepupwith跟上……,不落后于……82)keepsilent/quiet保持沉默/安静83)keepsb.doingsth.使……一直做……84)keepone'sdiary记日记85)makeanoise(alotofnoise,muchnoise,noises)吵闹(十分嘈杂,响声)86)makealiving谋生87)makesb.dosth.迫使某人做……88)makefaces(aface)做鬼脸89)makefriends(with)与……交朋友90)makeamistake(mistakes)犯错误91)makeroom/spacefor给……腾出地方92)makeasentence(sentences)with用……造句93)makeafire生火94)bemadefrom/of由……制成95)bemadein在……地方制造96)lookoutof(outside)往外看(看外面)97)lookupaword(inthedictionary)查字典98)lookup往上看,仰望99)lookafter照管,照看,照顾100)lookfor寻找101)looklike看上去像102)lookfine/well/tired/worried看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103)lookout当心,小心104)lookon…as…把……当作……看待105)lookaround朝四周看106)lookat看着……107)puton穿上(衣服),戴上(帽子),上演(戏剧)108)putup建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖109)putinto使进入,输入110)putone'sheartinto全神贯注于111)put…down…把……放下112)put…into…把……译成113)setup竖起,建起114)setoff出发,动身115)setout出发116)setanexamplefor为……树立榜样117)sendfor派人去请(叫)118)sendout放出,发出119)endup把……往上送,发射120)takeone'sadvice听从某人劝告121)takeout拿出,取出122)takedown拿下123)takeplace发生124)takeone'splace坐……的座位,代替某人职务125)taketheplaceof代替……126)takeawalk/rest散步/休息127)takeiteasy别紧张128)takesth.withsb.随身带着129)takesb.toapark/Londonforone'sholidays带某人去公园/伦敦度假130)takecareof关心,照顾,保管131)takealook(alastlook)at看一看(最后看一眼)132)takeanexam参加考试133)takeaway拿走134)takeback收回,带回135)takeholdof抓住……136)takeoff脱下(衣,帽,鞋等)拿掉137)take(anactive)partin(积极)参加(活动)138)takephotos拍照139)takesomemedicine服药140)takeabus/train,boat/乘公共汽车,火车/船141)turnon开,旋开(电灯,收音机等)142)turnoff关上(电灯,收音机等)143)turnin交出,上交144)turn…into…变成145)turnto翻到,转向146)turndown(把音量)调低147)turn…over把……翻过来148)playbasketball打篮球,football踢足球,volleyball打排球149)playgames做游戏150)playthepiano(theviolin)弹钢琴(拉小提琴)151)playwithsnow玩雪152)playajoke(on)对……开玩笑(三)由其他动词构成的词组153)thinkover仔细考虑154)arriveat/inaplace到达某处155)eatup吃完,吃光156)dowellin在……干得好157)enjoydoingsth.likedoingsth.喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158)findout发现,查出(真相等)159)finishoff吃完,喝完160)stopdoingsth.停止做某事161)stoptodosth.停下来去做某事162)holdameting举行会议163)holdup举起164)hurryup赶快,快点165)enterfor报名参加166)langhtat嘲笑167)beusedto习惯于168)usedto过去常常169)wake…up唤醒170)workout算出二、动词短语、介词短语和其他词组1)askfor向……要……,请求2)askforleave请假3)sendfor派人去请(叫)4)payfor付……的款5)waitfor等候6)thankfor为……感谢7)apologizetosb.forsth.为某事向某人道歉8)lookfor寻找9)leave…for离开……去……10)falloff跌落11)catchcold着凉,伤风12)catchupwith赶上13)agreewithsb.赞成,同意某人的意见14)filled……with把……装满15)tellsb.aboutsth.告诉某人某事16)talkabout谈论……17)thinkabout考虑……18)worryabout担忧……19)lookafter照料20)runafter追赶,跟在后面跑21)readafter跟……读22)smileat对……微笑23)knockat敲(门、窗)24)shoutat对……大喊(嚷)25)throwaway扔掉26)workhardat努力做……27)waitinline排队等候28)change…into…变成29)hurryinto…匆忙进入30)runinto…跑进31)hearof听说32)thinkof认为,考虑33)catchholdof抓住34)insteadof代替……35)handin交上来36)stayinbed卧病在床37)hearfrom收到……来信38)atonce立刻39)atlast最后40)atfirst起先,首先41)attheageof…在……岁时42)attheendof…在……之末43)atthebeginningof…在……之初44)atthefootof…在……脚下45)atthesametime同时46)atnight/noon在夜里/中午47)withone'shelp在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助48)withthehelpof…在……的帮助下49)withasmile面带笑容50)withone'sowneyes亲眼看见51)afterawhile过了一会儿52)fromnowon从现在起53)fromthenon从那时起54)farexample例如55)farawayfrom远离56)frommorningtillnight从早到晚57)byandby不久58)byairmail寄航空邮件59)byordinarymail寄平信60)bytheway顺便说61)bythewindow在窗边62)bytheendof…到……底为止63)littlebylittle逐渐地64)inall总共65)infact事实上66)inone'stwenties在某人二十几岁时67)inahurry匆忙68)inthemiddleof在……中间69)innotime(inaminute)立刻,很快70)intime(ontime)及时71)inpublic公众,公开地72)inorderto为了……73)infrontof在……前面74)inthesun在阳光下75)intheend最后,终于76)insurprise惊奇地77)inturn依次78)ofcourse当然79)abit(of)有一点儿80)alotof许多81)onone'swayto某人在去……的路上82)onfoot步行,走路83)atalkonspace一个关于太空的报告84)ontheotherhand另一方面85)at/ontheweekend在周末86)ontheleft(right)在左(右)边87)ontheothersideof在……另一边88)ontheradio通过收音机(无线电广播)89)toone'sjoy使……高兴的是90)toone'ssurprise使……惊讶的是三、量词词组和其他词组(一)量词词组1)abit一点儿2)afew(of)一些(可数),几个……3)alittle一些(不可数)4)alotof(lotsof)许多5)apieceof一张(一片,块)6)acupof一茶怀7)aglassof一玻璃杯8)apileof(pilesandpilesof)一堆(一堆堆的)……9)aboxof一盒10)acopyof一份,一本11)abowlof一碗12)abasketof一篮13)aplateof一盘14)abottleof一瓶15)abasinof一脸盆16)asetof一套17)akindof一种18)atypeof一种类型的19)agreatdealof非常多,大量的(不可数名词)20)alarge(great)numberof非常多,大量的(可数名词)21)agreatmany大量,许多(可数名词)22)adifferenttypeof一种不同型号的23)agroupof一队,一组,一群(二)其他词组1)allkindsof各种各样的2)allovertheworld/thecountry全世界/全国3)allover遍及每一部分,浑身4)allone'slife一生5)oneafteranother顺次6)theChildren'sPalace少年宫7)dayafterday日复一日8)upanddown上上下下9)thedayaftertomorrow后天10)thedaybeforeyesterday前天11)thelast/pasttwoyears(orso)最近两年(左右)12)thewholecountry/thewholeworld全国/全世界13)amomentago刚才14)justnow/then刚才/那时15)halfanhour'swalk步行半小时的路程16)lateon过后,后来初中英语所有重要的固定搭配、词组1. put down 放下shut down 把…关上cut down 砍掉come down 下来、落下slow down 减缓、放慢sit down 坐下write down 写下get down 下来,降落2. after all 毕竟.终究after that 于是.然后day after day 日复一日地one after another 相继.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. come up with 找到、提出catch up with 赶上wake up 弄醒、醒来send up 发射open up 开设、开办grow up 长大pick up 拾起、捡起hands up 举手eat up 吃光clean up 打扫干净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事4. arrive at/in + n. 到达get to +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv. 到达5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回give back 归还come back 回来at the back of 在…的后面on the way (back)home 在回家路上6. at least 至少at breakfast 早餐时at desk 在桌前at once立刻,马上at school 在上学at the same time 同时at work 在工作be good at=do well in 擅长laugh at 嘲笑not…at all 一点也不at first 起初at night 在晚上at noon 中午at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初at the end of 在…终点、结尾at the moment // now现在at the foot of 在…脚下at Christmas 在圣诞节at any moment 任何时候at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长7. for example 例如for ever 永远be good for 对…有益be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期for short 简称be short for 是…的简称TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现come down 下来come from=be from 来自,出生于come in/into 进入,进来come on 赶快come over 过来come along 走吧,过来,快点come and go 来来去去come up 上来come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管10. be pleased with 对…感到满意be covered with 被…覆盖be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事be proud of 以…自豪speak highly of 称赞be afraid of 害怕hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信)of course=certainly 当然可以plenty of= a lot of 许多11. by the way 顺便说by oneself 单独,独自by the end of 到…为至by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one 依次by air / plane 乘飞机by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/火车/轿车catch a bus 赶公交车get on / off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去12. do / try one’s best 尽力do one’s homework 做家庭作业do (the/some) shopping 购物do the cooking 烹饪do some cleaning 打扫do the / some washing 洗衣服do sport 做运动do with sb / sth. 处理well done 干得好13. early in the morning 一大早in the early spring 初春in my early days 我幼年时期early bus 早班车14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call // phone sb.给某人打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to 靠近(某地)give birth to 生(孩子)lose to sb 输给sb .15. either…or…或者…或者…on either side of the street 街道任何一边on each side of the street 街道每一边on both sides of the street 街道两边16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表示状态继续) keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行) practise doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth. 做完某事go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另一事)go straight along 沿着…一直往前走go down 下降go for a walk 散步go over 复习go shopping 买东西go to the cinema 去看电影go well 进展顺利go off to 动身前往go out 外出go to work 去上班go up 上升want a go 想试一试18. think about 考虑think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over 仔细考虑think out 想出talk about 谈论worry about 担心How / What about…?…怎么样?19. borrow…from …从…借…lend…to…把…借给…from door to door 挨家挨户from time to time 时时from now on 从今以后from then on 从那以后be different from 与…不同learn…from…向…学习20. get dressed 穿衣get into 进入get / be lost 丢失get off / on下/ 上车get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好get out of 从…出来get ready for +n. 为…做准备get ready to do sth. 准备做某事get / go to sleep (fall asleep) 入睡be asleep 睡着get warm 变暧get well 康复get a chance 有机会、得到机会21. look for 寻找wait for 等候look after=take care of 照看look like 看起来像look over 检查,复习look out 小心,从里向外看look the same 看起来一样look up 向上看,查单词look around 环视look forward to 期望look through 温习,检查22. set off 出发、动身put off 推迟keep off 避开、不靠近…drop off 放下(某物)turn off 关jump off 跳离take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞23. half a kilo 半千克half an hour 半小时in half 分成两半half of the day 半天24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操do morning exercises 做早操 take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book 练习本25. take part in 参加hand in 上交in hospital 住院in surprise 吃惊地in the sun 在阳光下in trouble 处于困境in a minute / moment马上26. leave for…动身去某地27. feed on 以…为主食live on 继续活着base on 以…为根据carry on 坚持、继续下去and so on 等等on the other hand 另一方面on foot 步行28. be famous for 以..著名be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋be interested in 对…感兴趣be born 出生be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…be amazed at 对..感到惊讶29. move away 移开move to (搬)移到30. search the Internet 上网31. make sure 确信make a dialogue 编对话make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 由于疏忽make a noise 吵闹make faces 做鬼脸make friends (with) 和..交朋友make room for 给..让地方make tea 沏茶make money 赚钱make a decision 作出决定32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事33. leave sth+介词短语“把……忘记在某处”34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某人做某事36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事with one’s help 在某人的帮助下with pleasure 乐意37. the summer holiday(s) 暑假the winter holiday(s) 寒假38. step into 走进pour into 倒入…39. in the first 第一for the first time 第一次at first 起初a firs t language 母语first of all 首先40. leave a message for sb. 给某人留条give / take sb. a message 给某人捎口信41. take photos / pictures 照像take away 拿走take out 取出work out 算出take care 当心take medicine 服药take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s time 别着急take a walk 散步take place 发生42. learn by oneself / teach oneself 自学learn by heart 背熟43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半44. have a try 尝试,努力try out 尝试、试验find out / about 找出,查明have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开心have a (bad) cold (重)感冒have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/比赛have sports 进行体育活动have nothing / sth. to do with 与..无(有)关have no idea 不知道have (one’s) medicine 服药45. offer sb sth. 给某人提供某物46. win first prize 获一等奖47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界48. all kinds of 各种各样的49. neither… nor 既不…也不….50. not only … but also …不但…而且both… and ……和…都51. the more , the better 越多越好52. all one’s life 一生53. as soon as 一…就…as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也as much as 至多as little as 至少regard …as 把…当作…as if 好像54. no matter 无论…55 ever since 从那以后,此后一直56. so far 到目前为止or so大约57. another two hours (=two more hours ) 又(再) 2个小时58. three times a week 一周三次59. the number of…的数量a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多60. less than少于 , less and less 越来越少61. …is another way of saying…什么是..的另一说法 Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.62. not…until…直到…才…63. be like 像feel like +n./V-ing 想要like best 最喜欢 , would like to 想要64. the 24 hour clock 24 小时制65. wash away 冲走run away 逃跑take away 带走66. before long 不久long before / ago 很久以前for long =for a long time 长期no longer = not. .any longer 不再67. more or less = about 或多或少,大约more than = over 多于,超过68. every year 每年every four years 每隔四年every other day 每隔一天everyday English / life 日常英语/生活69. next to 紧挨着next door 隔壁,邻居next year 明年next time 下次70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信71. on show = on display 展览72.be filled with / be full of 充满…73. thank to =because of 由于74. some day =one day (将来)某一天all day 终日day and night 日日夜夜in a day or two 一两天内in the old days 从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day) 日复一日the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Women’s Day 妇女节75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,非常77. a place (places) of interest 名胜78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特网上四分之三的信息two thirds of the books 三分之二的书79. credit card 信用卡80. the increasing population 增长着的人口81. a path of travel 旅行路线82. point at / to 指向83. by sea = by ship 乘船by the sea = on the sea 在海边at sea在海上84. set one’s mind to do sth. 一心想做某事85. multiply…by…乘以…86. See you! 再见You see. 你知道,你明白,你瞧Let me see. 让我想想see sb. off 给某人送行see a / the doctor 看病see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某人做某事87. some…others 一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another 一个..另一个(三者或以上 )one…the other 一个…另一个(总数二个)88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏check out 核实,检查write out 写出take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物89. in this way 用这种方法in a few year’s time 几年以后in space 在太空in and out of class 在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes 在最后十五分钟里in the second half 在下半场later in one’s life 在某人后半身in the air 在空中in the open air 在户外90. give sb. an injection给某人打针 , get an injection打针91. have been to 去过某地have gone to 到某地去了92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某人 ( Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信.)93. be far behind +某人 (He is far behind others. 他落后于别人)94. one of + adj. 最高级+复数名词95. take +某物+with +某人 (You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上雨伞)96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).Would / should 等情态动词 + prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事)prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词(v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球)prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式, (I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里, 而不愿乘车)prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)97. 人+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.)人 + spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机)人 + pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there bybus.乘车去那里只花你10分钟)物+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些肉你怎么处理了?)99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?) 101. need + 名词 (v-ing), (The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被用来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.) “be used as+名词”, 被作为…使用 (English is used as the first language in none of these countries. )“be used by+动作执行者”, 被…使用,103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是木制的)be made from由…制成 (This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是用木材制成的)be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made byKate . )104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家, developing countries发展中国家105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is wellworth reading.这本书很值得一读.106. the Summer Palace 颐和园Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Great Green Wall 绿色长城PLA 中国人民解放军PRC 中华人民共和国the Party 中国共产党the League 共青团Peking Opera 京剧107. a digital camera 数字照相机a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医生108. so + 形/副+that 从句 (The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)so + many / few+ 复数名词 +that从句 (He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句 (She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不到.)so+ 形容词 +a / an +单数名词 +that从句 (This is so good a book that all of us like reading it )such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ that从句 (This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句 (It is such fine weather today that many children are playing outside)109. tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事 , tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某人做某事tell a lie说谎 , tell a story讲故事 , thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…而不能, toomuch(修饰名词)太多,过分 , much too(修饰adj./adv.)太110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?。

七年级上册英语短语归纳总结一、动词短语1. be动词短语:be going to + 动词原形,如:We are going to learn a new song.2. have动词短语:have to + 动词原形,表示“不得不”,如:I have to get up early in the morning.3. 介词短语:in + 时间/地点,表示“在某个时间/地点”,如:in the morning / in the classroom4. with 介词短语:with + 名词/代词/形容词等,表示“带有/具有”,如:She comes to school with a beautiful smile on her face.二、名词短语1. 人称代词名词化后的短语:如he, she, we, they等,在句中作主语或宾语。
例如:He is my best friend. (主语) ,We are studying hard. (宾语)2. 形容词短语:形容词+名词,构成名词短语,如:a beautiful sunny day (一个美丽的晴天)3. 介词短语:固定介词+名词,构成介词短语,如:on theleft/right (在左边/右边) ,in the front of (在……前面)三、其他短语1. 副词短语:副词+动词/形容词,构成名词短语,如:very well (很好地)2. 介词+副词+动词,如:out playing (在外面玩)3. 动词+副词+介词,如:look at the blackboard (看黑板)四、重点短语举例1. get up:起床,固定搭配 be late for school:上学迟到2. have breakfast:吃早饭,固定搭配 go to bed early:早睡3. on weekends:周末,固定搭配 usually常用频率副词,表示通常情况4. after school放学后,常用介词短语5. play soccer踢足球,play + 球类运动,表示参加某项球类运动6. finish doing sth:完成某事,finish是及物动词,后直接加宾语和宾语补足语构成复合谓语。

七年级英语上册---动词短语固定搭配归纳总结want to do sth想要做某事【例句】He wants to have milk for breakfast. want sb to do sth想要某人做某事【例句】My mother wants me to clean the room. want sth想要某物【例句】I want an apple.like doing sth喜欢做某事【例句】I like playing football.like to do sth喜欢做某事【例句】He likes to go shopping with his friends. like sth喜欢某物【例句】 I like apples.enjoy doing sth喜爱做某事【例句】My brother enjoys playing football. enjoy sth喜爱/某物【例句】I enjoyed my winter vacation.have fun doing sth愉快地做某事【例句】I had great fun playing in the water. have a good time doing sth 愉快地做某事【例句】 I had a good time playing in the water.enjoy oneself to do sth 喜欢做某事【例句】 I enjoyed myself to play in the water.let sb do sth让某人做某事【例句】Lucy lets me go shopping with her.let sb not do sth让某人不做某事【例句】My mother lets me not play on the road.tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事【例句】Tom tells me to work hard.tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事【例句】Tom tells me not to play every day.tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事【例句】My math teacher tells us about the exam.tell sb sth告诉某人某事【例句】My friend told me the traffic accident.hope to do sth希望去做某事【例句】I hope to go to Beijing on summer vacation.It’s+形容词+for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说……【例句】It’s good for you to have vegetables every day.hope +从句希望……【例句】I hope you have a good trip.It’s +形容词+of sb to do sth某人做某事真是太……【例句】It’s kind of you to help me.be interested in doing sth对做某事很感兴趣【例句】Lucy is interested in dancing.be interested in sth做某事/某物很感兴趣【例句】My parents are interested in Beijing Opera.be friendly to sb对某人很友好【例句】My classmates are friendly to me.be friendly with sb和某人很友好【例句】My classmates are friendly with each other.wait for sb等待某人【例句】Jeff often waits for his sister after school.can’t wait to do sth迫不及待去做某事【例句】Summer is coming , I can’t wait to go to swim.work for为……而工作【例句】Do you want to work for a magazine?work as从事……职业【例句】My father works as a doctor.work with和……一起工作【例句】Do youlike to work with other young people?be busy doing sth忙于做某事【例句】My mother is busy doing housework every day.be busy with sth忙于某事/某物【例句】Every student is busy with study.teach sb to do sth教某人做某事【例句】My English teacher teaches me to study English.teach sb sth教某人某事/某物【例句】My English teacher teaches me study.thanks for doing sth感谢你做了某事【例句】Thanks for helping me.thank sb for doing感谢某人做了某事【例句】Thank Tom for helping me.thank sb for sth因某事感谢某人【例句】Thank Tom for his help.be surprised to do sth做某事感到惊讶【例句】I’m surprised to hear the news.be surprised at sth对某事/某物感到惊讶【例句】I’m surp rised at the news.be surprised +that从句对……而惊讶【例句】I’m surprised that he passed the exam. stop doing sth停止做某事【例句】The teacher is coming, please stop talking. stop to do sth停下来做某事【例句】I’m tired, so I stop to have a rest. remember doing sth记得做过某事【例句】I remembered cleaning the room. remember to do sth记住去做某事【例句】Remember to close the door when you leave. forget doing sth忘记做过某事【例句】I forgot telling him about Mary.forget to do sth忘记去做某事【例句】I forget to tell you to close the door. would like to do sth想要去做某事【例句】I would like to have milk for breakfast. would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事【例句】I would like him to tell me the story. would like sth想要某物【例句】I would like an apple.practice doing sth练习做某事【例句】My sister practices playing the pianoeveryday.practice sth练习某事【例句】My sister practices the piano every day.spend +时/钱 (in) doing sth花多少时/钱做某事【例句】I spent 2 yuan buying the clothes.spend +时/钱 on sth花多少时/钱在某物上【例句】I spent 2 yuan on the clothes.ask sb to do sth叫某人去做某事【例句】My mother ask me to buy some vegetables after school.ask sb not to do sth叫某人不要去做某事【例句】The teacher asks the students not to play on the road.ask sb about sth问某人关于某事/某物【例句】My father asks me about the exam.ask sb for sth问/找某人要某物【例句】I often ask my parents for money.It’s time to do sth该做某事了【例句】It’s time to have dinner.It’s t ime for sb to do sth某人该做某事了【例句】It’s time for me to have dinner.It’s time for sth某事的时间到了【例句】It’ time for dinner.watch sb/sth doing sth看见某人/某物正在做某事【例句】Henry often watches Jim playing the balls.watch sb/sth do sth 看见某人/某物做过某事【例句】I watched him do his homework.suggest doing sth建议做某事【例句】I suggest going to the park not the zoo.suggest sth建议某物/某事【例句】He suggests the plan.suggest +从句建议……【例句】I suggest that we should go to the park this weekends.find sb/sth doing sth发现某人/某物正在做某事【例句】I found it playing the ball.find sb/sth do sth发现某人/某物做过某事【例句】I found it play the ball.help sb do sth帮助某人做某事【例句】He often helps me do the housework.help sb with sth帮助某人某事【例句】He often helps me with the housework.make sb do sth使/让某人做某事【例句】It made me feel happy.decide to do sth决定去做某事【例句】We decided to go to the park this weekend.decide not to do sth决定不去做某事【例句】We decided not to go to the park this weekend.decide sth决定某物/某事【例句】We decided the plan.discuss sth with sb和某人讨论某事【例句】I often disscuss my study with my teacher。

七年级动词短语固定搭配want to do sth想要做某事I want to be a teacher./ He wants to have milk for breakfast.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事My mother wants me to clean the room.want sth想要某物I want an apple.like doing sth喜欢做某事I like playing football.like to do sth喜欢做某事He likes to go shopping with his friends.like sth喜欢某物I like apples.enjoy doing sth喜爱做某事My brother enjoys playing football.enjoy sth喜爱/某物I enjoyed my winter vacation.have fun doing sth愉快地做某事I had great fun playing in the water.=have a good time doing sth = I had a good time playing in the water.=enjoy oneself to do sth = I enjoyed myself to play in the water.let sb do sth让某人做某事Lucy lets me go shopping with her.let sb not do sth让某人不做某事My mother lets me not play on the road.tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事Tom tells me to work hard.tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事Tom tells me not to play every day.tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事My math teacher tells us about the exam.tell sb sth告诉某人某事My friend told me the traffic accident.hope to do sth希望去做某事I hope to go to Beijing on summer vacation.hope +从句希望……I hope you have a good trip.形容词+of sb to do sth某人做某事真是太……It’s kind of you to help me.It’s +形容词+for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说……It’s good for you to have vegetables every day. It’s+be interested in doing sth对做某事很感兴趣Lucy is interested in dancing.be interested in sth做某事/某物很感兴趣My parents are interested in Beijing Opera.be friendly to sb对某人很友好My classmates are friendly to me.be friendly with sb和某人很友好My classmates are friendly with each other.wait for sb等待某人Jeff often waits for his sister after school.can’t wait to do sth迫不及待去做某事Summer is coming , I can’t wait to go to swim.work for为……而工作Do you want to work for a magazine?work as从事……职业My father works as a doctor.work with和……一起工作Do you like to work with other young people?be busy doing sth忙于做某事My mother is busy doing housework every day.be busy with sth忙于某事/某物Every student is busy with study.teach sb to do sth教某人做某事My English teacher teaches me to study English.teach sb sth教某人某事/某物My English teacher teaches me study.thanks for doing sth感谢你做了某事Thanks for helping me.=thank you for doing sth = Thank you for helping me.thank sb for doing感谢某人做了某事Thank Tom for helping me.thank sb for sth因某事感谢某人=Thank Tom for his help.be surprised to do sth做某事感到惊讶I’m surprised to hear the news.be surprised at sth对某事/某物感到惊讶=I’m surprised at the news.be surprised +that从句对……而惊讶I’m surprised that he passed the exam.stop doing sth停止做某事The teacher is coming, please stop talking.stop to do sth停下来做某事I’m tired, so I stop to have a rest.remember doing sth记得做过某事I remembered cleaning the room.remember to do sth记住去做某事Remember to close the door when you leave.forget doing sth忘记做过某事I forgot telling him about Mary.forget to do sth忘记去做某事I forget to tell you to close the door.would like to do sth想要去做某事I would like to have milk for breakfast.would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事I would like him to tell me the story.would like sth想要某物I would like an apple.doing sth做某事怎样What about going to the park this weekend?What about sth某物/某事怎样What about a cup of tea?=How about +代词……怎样What about him?practice doing sth练习做某事My sister practices playing the piano every day.practice sth练习某事=My sister practices the piano every day.practice+代词练习……Practice it more.spend +时/钱(in) doing sth花多少时/钱做某事I spent 2 yuan buying the clothes.spend +时/钱on sth花多少时/钱在某物上I spent 2 yuan on the clothes.ask sb to do sth叫某人去做某事My mother ask me to buy some vegetables after school.ask sb not to do sth叫某人不要去做某事The teacher asks the students not to play on the road. ask sb about sth问某人关于某事/某物My father asks me about the exam.ask sb for sth问/找某人要某物I often ask my parents for money.It’s time to do sth该做某事了It’s time to have dinner.It’s time for sb to do sth某人该做某事了It’s time for me to have dinner.It’s time for sth某事的时间到了It’ time for dinner.watch sb/sth doing sth看见某人/某物正在做某事Henry often watches Jim playing the balls. watch sb/sth do sth 看见某人/某物做过某事I watched him do his homework.suggest doing sth建议做某事I suggest going to the park not the zoo.suggest sth建议某物/某事He suggests the plan.suggest +从句建议……I suggest that we should go to the park this weekends.find sb/sth doing sth发现某人/某物正在做某事I found it playing the ball.find sb/sth do sth发现某人/某物做过某事I found it play the ball.help sb do sth帮助某人做某事He often helps me do the housework.help sb with sth帮助某人某事He often helps me with the housework.make sb do sth使/让某人做某事It made me feel happy.decide to do sth决定去做某事We decided to go to the park this weekend.decide not to do sth决定不去做某事We decided not to go to the park this weekend.decide sth决定某物/某事We decided the plan.decide +从句决定……We decided that we will go to the park this weekend.discuss sth with sb和某人讨论某事I often disscuss my study with my teacher.discuss sth讨论某物/某事We often discuss it.mind doing sth介意做某事Do you mind my opening the door?mind sth介意某事/某物I mind the score.mind +代词介意……I don’t mind it.mind +从句介意……I don’t mind that you open the window.agree to do sth同意去做某事I agreed to go to the park this weekend.agree with sb (about sth)同意某人(关于某事)Do you agree with me (about the plan). agree +从句同意……Her mother agrees that she can go shopping with me.buy sth from sb/sw从某人/某处买来某物I bought some apples from the shop/ him.sell sth to sb/sw卖某物给某人/某处He sold some apples to me.show sb sth= show sth to sb给某人看某物=把某物给某人看give sb sth= give sth to sb给某人某物=把某物给某人pass sb sth= pass sth to sb传给某人某物=把某物传给某人sell sb sth= sell sth to sb卖给某人某物=卖某物给某人buy sb sth= buy sth for sb买给某人某物=买某物给某人make sb sth= make sth for sb为某人做某物=做某物给某人fight for sth/sb为某事/某物/某人而战We Chinese people fight for peace.fight with sth/sb和某物/某人打架Don’t fight with your sister.fight against sth/sb为反对某事/某物/某人而战We fight against the war.Why not do sth为什么不做某事Why not go shopping with me?=Why don’t you do sth =Why don’t you go shopping with me?be good at doing sth擅长做某事He is good at playing the piano.be good at sth擅长某事/某物=He is good at piano.be good with sb和某人相处融洽I’m good with my classmates.be good for sb/sth对某人/某物有益Apples are good for your health.be good to sb对某人好My mother is always good to me.start to do sth开始做某事=start doing sthstart sth开始某事/屋finish to do sth完成做某事=finish doing sthfinish sth完成某事/某物be strict with sb对某人严格My teacher is strict with us.be strict in sth对某事/某物严格My teacher is strict in teaching.be tired of doing sth厌倦做某事I’m tired of playing football every day.be tired of sth厌倦某物/某事Some students are tired of study.take sth to sb/sw把某物带去某处/给某人Please take the books to him/ the library. bring sth to sb/sw把某物带来某处/给某人Please bring the books to me.be afraid of doing sth担心/害怕做某事I’m afraid of learning the piano.be afraid of sth担心/害怕某物/某事I’m afraid of the dog.be afraid of sb担心/害怕某人I’m afraid of him.take turns to do sth轮流去做某事We take turns to clean the classroom.have to do sth不得不/必须做某事He has to wear a uniform.。

初中英语动词和动词短语固定搭配& prefer to do rather than do (宁愿……而不喜欢)= would rather do than do& make oneself done 使某人被……I couldn’t make myself understood/heard/seen…& have sth. done 请,让某人做什么I have my hair cut. I had my bike repaired yesterday. & please don’t sth. 对比would/could/ you please〕(not)do sth.Please don’t spit in public! =Would you please not spit in public!专门练习:A组:考查_________________ 知识1.That old man enjoys (讲)stories to children.2.He stayed in England for two years, but he isn’t good at 说English.3.I don’t feel like 吃anything.4. Would you mind ______(close) the window=(Would you mind my (me)closing the window)5. When she heard the news. She couldn’t help _______(cry)6. You have worked for a long time. What about _________(have) a rest.7. He does well in English. He practices_________(speak) English every day.8. He is busy________(do) his homework, Turn down the TV.9. He used to get up late, but now he is used to ______(get)up early.10. The book is well worth ________(read).11. He’s considering_________(go) abroad.B组:考查_________________ 知识1. It’s necessary (take)medicine on time.2.I t’s not easy so much homework in one day.A. for him to doB. of him to doC. for him doing3. It’s you to catch the thief.A. bad forB. nice ofC. easy of4. It’s very cold outside. Please tell the boy the coat.A. not to take offB. take offC. don’t put onD. not take off5. We were poor then we had no room .A. to liveB. living inC. to live inD. to stay6. I can’t drive the car, can you show me first.A. what to doB. how to doC. where to goD. what do I do7.There is a room (居住)8.He is n’t rich, he can’t afford _______(buy) the car.9. Our teacher asked us __________(not swim) in the river.10. It is not allowed __________(swim) in the river.11. ---Let’s go for a picnic! --- Sorry, I have a lot of homework______(do)C组:考查_________________ 知识1.Tom wanted to make his brother (哭),but this time he is made_______(哭)by his brother.2.Finish your homework first, or I won’t let you . A. to go out B. go out C. going out3.It’s too noisy. You’d better the radio or others will be unhappy.A.to turn downB. turn onC. turn down4.I’m very tired today. –Why a rest . A. don’t take B. not to take C. not take5. You had better __________here.A. not smokeB. don’t smokeC. not to smoke6. He dare not ________(speak) English in public.7. You needn’t ________(worry) about the final exam.8. Could you please______(open) the window.9. Would you please_______(help) me.10.* He preferred______ (stay) at home rather than______ (go) out.*He would_______(stay) at home than______(go)outC组:考查_________________ 知识1.When you leave the room, remember________(turn) off the lights.2.I remembered ______(turn)off the lights when I left the room.3.It’s cold outside, don’t forget ________(put)on the coat.4.After doing the housework, she went on __________(do)her homework.5.After two-hour walk, he stopped __________(have) a rest.6.She likes__________(read),but he doesn’t like________(read)now.7.Listen! Can you hear her ________(sing) in the room.8.We can see bees and butterflies _______(dance) among the flowers9.I often find him_______(copy)homework from others.10. When our teacher came in, we all stopped_______(talk).11.He can’t help _______ (clean)the house because she’s busy making a cake.。

一、常见动词短语1. Look after:照顾例句:My sister is looking after my pet dog while I am on vacation.2. Take care of:照顾例句:I need to take care of my younger brother when my parents arenot at home.3. Get up:起床例句:I usually get up early in the morning to prepare for school.4. Wake up:醒来例句:She woke up late and missed the bus to school.5. Go on:继续例句:After a short break, the teacher asked the students to go on with their presentation.6. Carry on:继续例句:We should carry on learning even when facing difficulties.7. Put on:穿上例句:She put on her favorite dress for the party.8. Take off:脱下例句:He took off his hat as a sign of respect.9. Pick up:拾起例句:Please pick up the toys and put them in the toy box.10. Turn on:打开例句:I turned on the TV to watch my favorite show.二、常见固定搭配1. Make a decision:做出决定例句:It is not easy for me to make a decision about which college to attend.2. Take a break:休息一下例句:Let's take a break and have a cup of tea.3. Have a good time:玩得开心例句:We had a good time at the amusement park yesterday.4. Give up:放弃例句:Don't give up when facing challenges. Keep trying!5. Get along with:与……相处例句:I get along very well with my classmates.6. Look forward to:期待例句:I am looking forward to the summer vacation.7. Catch up with:赶上例句:I need to study harder to catch up with my classmates.8. Put off:推迟例句:The meeting has been put off until next week.9. Make progress:取得进步例句:She has made great progress in learning English.10. Keep in touch:保持联系例句:Although they live in different cities now, they still keep in touch with each other.以上是初中英语知识点归纳常见动词短语和固定搭配的内容。

初中英语260条固定搭配1.see、hear、notice、find、feel、listen to、100k at (感官动词)+ sb/sth do eg:I like watching monkeys jump.我喜欢看猴子跳。
2.比较级and比较级表示越来越……3. a piece of cake 二easy 小菜一碟(容易)4.agree with sb 赞成某人5.all kinds of 各种各样的.6.all over the world 在全世界7.along with 同.. 一道,伴随....eg : Iwill go along with you我将和你一起去。
8.as soon as —.... 就..9.as you can see 如你所知10.ask…for…向…要•…11.ask sb to do sth 让某人做某事12.ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事13.at the age of 在.. 岁时eg:I am sixteen=I am at the age of sixteen.我16岁了。
14.at the beginning of ..... 在.... 的起初/的开始15.at the end of +地点/时间最后;尽头;末尾eg : at the end of the day16.at this time of year 在每年的这个时候17.be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句对. 有信心eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English.我对我的英语口语有信心。
18.be + doing表:(1)现在进行时⑵将来时19.be able to (+ v 原)= can (+ v 原)能够.eg : She is able to sing.二She can sing.它会唱歌。

初中英语动词、介词词组固定搭配一、31组动词固定搭配actact as 担任...职务起....作用act out 表演(对话、故事等)act for 代理(某人职务);代为(处理某事)act up 捣乱;出毛病breakbreak away from 脱离,逃离break down破坏,粉碎;瓦解;出故障,抛锚break in 闯进,打断;使顺服;插嘴(不及物)break into 闯入;强行进入(及物,后加进入的地点);突然开始break out (战争,疾病,火灾等)爆发,发生;准备使用;起锚break off 打断,中断(break the law 违反法律)(break the record 破记录)(break one’s promise 失言)break through 冲破break up 开垦,破碎;解散,分开,分解bringbring about 引起,实现,导致(bring (a)round 使改变观点或看法;使苏醒;顺便把某人带来串门)bring back 送还;使想起,使恢复bring down 击落;打死,打伤;使倒下;降低(bring forth 产生,引起,结果)bring in收获;获利;介绍,引进;聘请;逮捕bring off 从船上救出;成功地做bring on促使生长;帮助提高bring out 取出,拿出;显示出,使出来;出版(bring over 说服,使改变(思想等))(bring through 使度过(困难,危机等))(bring together 使和解)bring up 提出,提起;抚养,培养;呕吐Callcall at (a place) 访问某地call in 叫某人进来,邀请call back 回电话call for 请求,为……喊出,(接)找某人call on (upon) 号召,拜访call out大声叫call up 打电话给……;召唤,召集,回忆起catchbe caught doing 被发现做某事be caught in the rain 淋雨catch abus/train 赶汽车/火车catch a cold 伤风,感冒catch one’s word 听懂某人的话catch sight of 发现,瞥见catch up with 赶上,追及,追上carryCarry out 贯彻,落实(计划,命令……)Carry off夺走 =carry awayCarry on 继续,坚持下去Carry through 完成,渡过难关comecome about 产生,发生come across “偶遇”come along 一道来,陪伴;进步,进展;出现come at 达到,求得,得到;扑向,袭击come back 回来;恢复,复原come down 倒下;降落;跌落;病倒come from 来自,起源于,从~~产生,生于come in 进来,进入;流行起来;获名次(come into being 发生,产生,出现,形成)(come into use 开始使用,获得应用)come on 上演;开始;赶快;发展;登台;(问题)被提出come out出来,传出;出版;结果是;褪色;(秘密)泄露come to 苏醒,复原;共计;达到;归结于(come to an end 终止,结束)(come to know 开始了解到)(come true 实现,成为现实;证实)come up 长出,发芽;升起;(被)提出cutcut down 砍倒,减少cut in 插嘴cut off 切除,断绝cut out 删去,略去,戒除cut up 切碎diedie away 消失die down 逐渐平息die of 死于(外因)比如车祸die from 死于(内因)比如心脏病,伤心die out 绝种dobe done in 精疲力竭be done with 完全结束do a good deed 做一件好事do away with 去掉,废除;弄死;浪费do good to (=do sb. good) 有益于do harm to (=do sb. good) 有害于do its work 有效,有作用do much 极有用do wrong to 做错do one’s best 尽某人最大努力do one’s homework 做作业do one’s utmost 尽力而为do proud 足以使~~骄傲do sb. justice 公平对待某人do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.) 搞卫生do sb. a favor 帮助某人do well in 学得不错,干得漂亮do with 和~~相处,忍受,处理do without 不需要,不用do wonders 创造奇迹have much to do with 和~~很有关系have nothing to do with 与~~无关have something to do with 和~~有关in doing so=in so doing 这时,在这种情况下getget about 徘徊,走动,旅行;(消息)流传(get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常)get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解get ahead of 胜过,超过get along 前进,进步;同意;离去get along with 与~~相处get at 发现,了解;掌握;攻击get away 离开,逃脱get back 取回,回来;报复get behind 落后;识破get down 咽下;写下;使沮丧,使抑郁get down to 认真对待,静下心来(get familiar with 熟悉)get in 进入,陷入;牵涉get off送走;脱下(衣服);下车;动身get on 上车;穿上;get on with进展;相处get out of 由~~出来,从~~得出;避免;退休get over 越过;恢复,痊愈;克服;完成(get ready for 为~~作准备)(get rid of 除去,去掉;免除,摆脱)get through 到达,完成,通过;及格get together 积聚,积累;商谈,取得一致意见get up 起床,起立;研究,钻研;致力于;安排,组织(get used to 习惯于)givebe given to 沉溺于,癖好give about 分配;传播give away 赠送;牺牲;泄露;颁发give back 归还(give cause 给予~~的理由)(give ear to 侧耳倾听)(give forth 发出,放出;发表)give in 屈服,让步,投降give in to 同意,接受;向~~让步give off 发出(烟,气味)give out 分发,公布(give place to 让位于,被~~所替代)(give rise to 引起,导致;使~~发生)give up 放弃;停止give way to 让步,退却;屈服于gogo after 追求,设法得到go about 着手处理,忙于go away 走开,离开go against 违反,反对go ahead 进行,进展,干吧,说吧,先走(用于回答别人的请求比如“我能开窗户吗?”)go along 开始,进展,赞同go around 流传,四处走动(go bad (食物等)变坏,坏掉)go by 走过,经过go for 去请……,努力获取go in for 从事(某种事业或活动),喜爱,参加go on 发生,继续go off 走开,离开,去世go out (灯)熄灭,过时go over 审阅,检查,研究go through审阅,检查,学习,练习,经历,经过go up上涨,上升go wrong 出毛病go into 调查,研究,加入handhand down留住,把……传下去hand in交上,交付hand in hand手拉手,联合,和……一起hand out分发,施舍hand over移交(by hand用手工)(at hand在手头,即将到来)holdhold …back 阻止(经常是眼泪)hold on 等一等(电话用语)hold out伸出hold up举起,阻挡,停顿KeepKeep away from 避开,不接近(keep a record 作记录)keep back 阻止,隐瞒不讲,留下keep off 使……不接近Keep on (doing sth.) 继续(反复)做某事keep…out of…使……不进入,挡住keep up 坚持,不使(斗志)低落,保持,维持,继续keep up with 跟上(keep in touch with 与……联系)(keep fit 保持健康)looklook about 四下环顾;查看look after 照顾,看管look around 东张西望look at 注视,着眼于look back 回顾look for 寻找;期待,期望look down on 俯视;轻视look forward to 盼望,期待look into 窥视;调查;浏览look like 看起来象look on 旁观;面向look out向外看;注意;当心,堤防look over 从上面看过去;检查look through 透过~~看去;看穿;浏览look up to仰望,尊敬makebe made from 由~~原料制成be made of 由~~材料制成be made up of 由~~组成(make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗)(make a mistake 弄错)(make advantages/use of 使用,利用)make after 追求,追赶make into 把~~制成,使~~转变为(make oneself at home 随便,别拘束)make out 理解;辨认出;填写;开支票(+that:声称,假称)(make the best of 尽量利用;极为重视=make full use of)make off 匆匆离开make up 弥补,修理;赔偿,补偿;起草;编造;化妆make up for弥补make way for 为~~让路,让路于passpass away 去世,死(委婉说法)pass by 通过,从旁边经过pass down 传下来,流传,使世代相传 ,一代一代传下去pass on (to sb)转交给(某人),传给(某人)pass out 失去知觉,昏厥pass through 穿过,越过(pass the examination 通过考试)pullpull down拆毁pull in车停下,车进站pull off完成,扯下pull out拔出,抽出,车、船驶出,摆脱困境pull oneself up 立起身来pull through 渡过难关,恢复健康putput aside 把~~放在一边;搁置;排除put away 把~~放好,把~~收拾;储藏;吃喝,吃掉put back 把~~放回原处;驳回put down放下;镇压;制止;记下;削减;降落put forward 提出;拨快;建议,推荐;提倡,倡议put ~~ into 把~~放入;插入;翻译成put off 推迟,延期;消除;推脱,推辞put on 上演;穿上,带上(put one’s heart into 全神贯注,专心致志)put up 举起,挂起;提名,推荐;陈列put up with 忍受,容忍put through 电话接通run(in the long run终究,到最后)run across偶遇run after追捕,追求run against 违反,不利于run away逃跑,花掉run into偶遇,撞上,跑进,插进run off逃走,流畅地写run out用完(主语是被用的那个物)run out of用完(主语是用东西的那个人)seesee about负责处理(弄到、安排)see after=look after照顾see through看穿,识破see too注意,照料,负责,修理sendsend away 把……打发走send for 派人去请(医生什么的)send out 派遣,发出(光亮等)send up 发射(火箭等)send off 寄出,派遣;给……送行,邮寄setset about 着手干set aside存蓄,留出set down放下set in设置(小说戏剧等)背景于……set forth陈述,提出set off动身出发,引起set out出发(to do)set up创立showshow…in 带……进来show off炫耀show up暴露,露面standstand by和……一起,坚持、支持stand for代表stand up起立,(观点等)站得住脚satnd out显眼,引人注目taketake away拿走,减去;夺去,消除take after长得像,性格来自于take back取回,带回,归还,取消,撤回take down拿下,取下;拆毁,拆卸;记下take in吸收,吸取,摄取;包括;接受,收容;理解,领悟;受骗take it easy放轻松啦啦~慢慢来~take off飞机起飞;匆匆离开;脱去,拿去,取消take on承担;从事;呈现;具有take out拿出,取出,拔去take over继承,接管,最终取代take up开始从事,着手处理;拿起;占据;消耗;接纳(take a seat 就坐)(take a shower 淋浴,洗澡)(take care of 当心,注意;照顾;提防;谨慎;处理,对付;负责)take ~~ for 把~~当作(take one’s place 就坐,入坐)(take one’s temperature 量体温)(take part in 参与,参加)(take place = happen 发生,举行)(take the place of 代替)throwthrow about乱扔(东西)throw at投向throw away抛弃;浪费throw off扔掉,摆脱掉;匆匆脱掉衣服throw up举起,抛起;吐出,呕吐turnturn on 打开(自来水,电器开关);反对;依靠,依赖,取决于turn off 关上(自来水,电器开关);解雇,辞退;避开(问题);制造;生产turn up 出现,露面;音量调高;寻找,查阅,参考turn down 音量调小;折叠,翻下,驳回,拒绝考虑turn upside down 颠倒过来,翻过来;使陷入混乱turn into 变成,变为;翻译成turn out 培养,生产;证明是;制成;实际情况是turn out to be 原来是,证明是,结果是turn to变成;着手于,求助于turn to ~~for help 求助于(in one’s turn 轮到某人做某事)turn (a)round 使变好;旋转,转过身来;改变意见;采取新政策turn over翻身(take one’s turn to do 轮到做)(take turns 轮流)(turn a blind eye to 对~~视而不见)WorkWork at(on)致力于,从事于Work out 算出,制定出,想出(At work 在工作,在运转)(Out of work失业)二、17组介词短语一. at 短语be angry at sth. 对某事生气arrive at 到达……(小地方)knock at/on 敲……at last 最后,终于laugh at 嘲笑look at 看,注视at the moment 现在,此时point at/to 指向at times 不时after 短语look after 照看,照顾name after 以……的名字命名run after 追赶;追求on 短语agree on (通过协商)达成共识call on 拜访,看望come on 快点儿;加油on display 在展出hang on 稍等,别挂断on holiday 度假,休假play a joke on 和……开玩笑,戏弄……keep on 继续live on 以……为食,靠……生活put on 穿上;戴上turn on 打开,旋开(收音机、电灯、煤气等)work on 从事于,致力于to 短语agree to 同意,答应,接受(计划、建议、条件、安排等)go to bed 上床睡觉compare...to... 把……与……作比较from...to... 从……到……get to 到达do harm to 对……有害处lead to 通往;导致pay attention to 注意to one’ssurprise 使某人吃惊的是take...to... 把……带到/给……write to...写信给……in 短语arrive in 到达……(大地方)in danger 在危险中drop in 顺便拜访hand in 交上,上交join in 参加in a moment 马上,立即take part in 参加take pride in 以……为荣in surprise 吃惊地,惊讶地of 短语be afraid of 害怕take care of 照顾;处理make fun of 嘲笑……instead of 代替;而不是hear of 听说……speak of 谈到,提起think of考虑;想出;认为about 短语care about 担心;关心be worried about 担心think about 考虑for 短语call for 需要,要求;提倡,号召care for 关怀,照顾except for 除了……之外fight for 为……而战leave for... 前往……,去……look for 寻找for a moment 一会儿pay for sth. 为……付款send for 派人去请away 短语give away 分发;赠送put away 收好,放好take away 拿走,带走throw away 扔掉out 短语break out (火灾、战争等)突然发生,爆发out of breath 上气不接下气find out 发现give out 分发go out 出去make out 理解,明白point out 指出run out 用完sell out 卖完send out 发出set out 动身,出发;开始,着手take out 取出,拿出turn out 证明是,结果是work out 算出;解决with 短语agree with sb. 同意某人be angry with sb. 生某人的气keep up with 赶上catch up with 赶上,追上come up with 提出,想出be covered with 被……覆盖deal with 处理;对待be filled with 充满......make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友get along/on (well) with sb. 与某人相处(融洽)help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事over 短语come over 顺便来访fall over 跌倒go over 复习,温习;检查look over 检查think over 仔细考虑turn over 把……翻过来;移交,转交down 短语break down 损坏;中断cut down 砍倒;削减,压缩get down 下来go down 下落,下降pull down 拆毁put down 放下;写下set down 放下;记下shut down 把……关上,关闭take down 记下,拆卸turn down 关小,调低write down 写下,记下from 短语across from... 在......的对面break away from... 脱离......be different from... 与......不同hear from... 收到......的来信learn from... 向......学习tell...from... 区分/辨别......和......up 短语bring up 提出,呕吐,养育,教育call up 打电话;想起cheer up 使……振奋fill up 填满,装满fix up 修理:安装go up 上升,上涨grow up 长大(成人)hurry up 赶快,赶紧look up 查阅,查找;向上看make up one’s mind 决定,决心pick up (sb.) 拾起;搭载/接载(某人)put up 举起,挂起:张贴:搭建save up 存钱,积蓄set up 创立,建立show up 出席,露面sit up 坐起来stay up 不睡,熬夜shut up 住嘴speak up 大声说think up 想出tidy up 整理turn up 开大,调大(音量)off 短语fall off 从……跌落get off 下车give off 发出(光、热、气味等)hurry off 匆匆离去put off 推迟see sb. off 为某人送行set off 出发,启程show off 显示;夸耀take off 脱下turn off 关掉(收音机、电灯、煤气等) 重叠式短语again and again 再三地,反复地arm in arm 臂挽着臂bit by bit 一点一点地,逐渐地day after day 日复一日from door to door 挨家挨户face to face面对面here and there 到处,处处from house to house 挨家挨户less and less 越来越少all day and all night 整日整夜neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下one by one 一个接一个地side by side 肩并肩;一个接一个step by step 逐步。

(完整版)初中英语所有重要的固定搭配、词组1. put down 放下shut down 把…关上cut down 砍掉come down 下来、落下slow down 减缓、放慢sit down 坐下write down 写下get down 下来,降落2. after all 毕竟.终究after that 于是.然后day after day ⽇复⼀⽇地one after another 相继.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. come up with 找到、提出catch up with 赶上wake up 弄醒、醒来send up 发射open up 开设、开办grow up 长⼤pick up 拾起、捡起hands up 举⼿eat up 吃光clean up 打扫⼲净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事4. arrive at/in + n. 到达get to +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv. 到达5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回give back 归还come back 回来at the back of 在…的后⾯on the way (back)home 在回家路上6. at least ⾄少at breakfast 早餐时at desk 在桌前at once⽴刻,马上at school 在上学at the same time 同时at work 在⼯作be good at=do well in 擅长laugh at 嘲笑not…at all ⼀点也不at first 起初at night 在晚上at noon 中午at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初at the end of 在…终点、结尾at the moment // now现在at the foot of 在…脚下at Christmas 在圣诞节at any moment 任何时候at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长7. for example 例如for ever 永远be good for 对…有益be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期for short 简称be short for 是…的简称TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现come down 下来come from=be from 来⾃,出⽣于come in/into 进⼊,进来come on 赶快come over 过来come along ⾛吧,过来,快点come and go 来来去去come up 上来come out 出来,(花)开,(照⽚)冲洗出来9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管10. be pleased with 对…感到满意be covered with 被…覆盖be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事be proud of 以…⾃豪speak highly of 称赞be afraid of 害怕hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某⼈的来信) of course=certainly 当然可以plenty of= a lot of 许多11. by the way 顺便说by oneself 单独,独⾃by the end of 到…为⾄by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one 依次by air / plane 乘飞机by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/⽕车/轿车catch a bus 赶公交车get on / off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去12. do / try one’s best 尽⼒do one’s homework 做家庭作业do (the/some) shopping 购物do the cooking 烹饪do some cleaning 打扫do the / some washing 洗⾐服do sport 做运动do with sb / sth. 处理well done ⼲得好13. early in the morning ⼀⼤早in the early spring 初春in my early days 我幼年时期early bus 早班车14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call // phone sb.给某⼈打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to 靠近(某地)give birth to ⽣(孩⼦)lose to sb 输给sb .15. either…or…或者…或者…on either side of the street 街道任何⼀边on each side of the street 街道每⼀边on both sides of the street 街道两边16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表⽰状态继续)keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表⽰动作反复进⾏)practise doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth. 做完某事go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同⼀件事)17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另⼀事)go straight along 沿着…⼀直往前⾛go down 下降go for a walk 散步go over 复习go shopping 买东西go to the cinema 去看电影go well 进展顺利go off to 动⾝前往go out 外出go to work 去上班go up 上升want a go 想试⼀试18. think about 考虑think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over 仔细考虑think out 想出talk about 谈论worry about 担⼼How / What about…?…怎么样?19. borrow…from …从…借…lend…to…把…借给…from door to door 挨家挨户from time to time 时时from now on 从今以后from then on 从那以后be different from 与…不同learn…from…向…学习20. get dressed 穿⾐get into 进⼊get / be lost 丢失get off / on下/ 上车get on well with sb. 与某⼈相处得好get out of 从…出来get ready for +n. 为…做准备get ready to do sth. 准备做某事get / go to sleep (fall asleep) ⼊睡be asleep 睡着get warm 变暧get well 康复get a chance 有机会、得到机会21. look for 寻找wait for 等候look after=take care of 照看look like 看起来像look over 检查,复习look out ⼩⼼,从⾥向外看look the same 看起来⼀样look up 向上看,查单词look around 环视look forward to 期望look through 温习,检查22. set off 出发、动⾝put off 推迟keep off 避开、不靠近…drop off 放下(某物)turn off 关jump off 跳离take off 脱(⾐),(飞机)起飞23. half a kilo 半千克half an hour 半⼩时in half 分成两半half of the day 半天24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操do morning exercises 做早操 take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book 练习本25. take part in 参加hand in 上交in hospital 住院in surprise 吃惊地in the sun 在阳光下in trouble 处于困境in a minute / moment马上26. leave for…动⾝去某地27. feed on 以…为主⾷live on 继续活着base on 以…为根据carry on 坚持、继续下去and so on 等等on the other hand 另⼀⽅⾯on foot 步⾏28. be famous for 以..著名be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋be interested in 对…感兴趣be born 出⽣be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…be amazed at 对..感到惊讶29. move away 移开move to (搬)移到30. search the Internet 上⽹31. make sure 确信make a dialogue 编对话make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 由于疏忽make a noise 吵闹make faces 做⿁脸make friends (with) 和..交朋友make room for 给..让地⽅make tea 沏茶make money 赚钱make a decision 作出决定32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事33. leave sth+介词短语“把……忘记在某处”34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事encourage sb. to do sth. ⿎励某⼈做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某⼈做某事35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某⼈做某事36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某⼈做某事with one’s help 在某⼈的帮助下with pleasure 乐意37. the summer holiday(s) 暑假the winter holiday(s) 寒假38. step into ⾛进pour into 倒⼊…39. in the first 第⼀for the first time 第⼀次at first 起初a firs t language 母语first of all ⾸先40. leave a message for sb. 给某⼈留条give / take sb. a message 给某⼈捎⼝信41. take photos / pictures 照像take away 拿⾛take out 取出work out 算出take care 当⼼take medicine 服药take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s time 别着急take a walk 散步take place 发⽣42. learn by oneself / teach oneself ⾃学learn by heart 背熟43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) ⼀年半44. have a try 尝试,努⼒try out 尝试、试验find out / about 找出,查明have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开⼼have a (bad) cold (重)感冒have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/⽐赛have sports 进⾏体育活动have nothing / sth. to do with 与..⽆(有)关have no idea 不知道have (one’s) medicine 服药45. offer sb sth. 给某⼈提供某物46. win first prize 获⼀等奖47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界48. all kinds of 各种各样的49. neither… nor 既不…也不….50. not only … but also …不但…⽽且both… and ……和…都51. the more , the better 越多越好52. all one’s life ⼀⽣53. as soon as ⼀…就…as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也as much as ⾄多as little as ⾄少regard …as 把…当作…as if 好像54. no matter ⽆论…55 ever since 从那以后,此后⼀直56. so far 到⽬前为⽌or so⼤约57. another two hours (=two more hours ) ⼜(再) 2个⼩时58. three times a week ⼀周三次59. the number of…的数量a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多60. less than少于 , less and less 越来越少61. …is another way of saying…什么是..的另⼀说法 Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.62. not…until…直到…才…63. be like 像feel like +n./V-ing 想要like best 最喜欢 , would like to 想要64. the 24 hour clock 24 ⼩时制65. wash away 冲⾛run away 逃跑take away 带⾛66. before long 不久long before / ago 很久以前for long =for a long time 长期no longer = not. .any longer 不再67. more or less = about 或多或少,⼤约more than = over 多于,超过68. every year 每年every four years 每隔四年every other day 每隔⼀天everyday English / life ⽇常英语/⽣活69. next to 紧挨着next door 隔壁,邻居next year 明年next time 下次70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某⼈的来信71. on show = on display 展览72.be filled with / be full of 充满…73. thank to =because of 由于74. some day =one day (将来)某⼀天all day 终⽇day and night ⽇⽇夜夜in a day or two ⼀两天内in the old days 从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day) ⽇复⼀⽇the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Women’s Day 妇⼥节75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防⽌(阻⽌)…做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停⽌做某事76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,⾮常77. a place (places) of interest 名胜78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特⽹上四分之三的信息two thirds of the books 三分之⼆的书79. credit card 信⽤卡80. the increasing population 增长着的⼈⼝81. a path of travel 旅⾏路线82. point at / to 指向83. by sea = by ship 乘船by the sea = on the sea 在海边at sea在海上84. set one’s mind to do sth. ⼀⼼想做某事85. multiply…by…乘以…86. See you! 再见You see. 你知道,你明⽩,你瞧Let me see. 让我想想see sb. off 给某⼈送⾏see a / the doctor 看病see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某⼈做某事87. some…others ⼀些(⼈,物)…其他(⼈,物)one…another ⼀个..另⼀个(三者或以上 )one…the other ⼀个…另⼀个(总数⼆个)88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏check out 核实,检查write out 写出take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物89. in this way ⽤这种⽅法in a few year’s time ⼏年以后in space 在太空in and out of class 在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes 在最后⼗五分钟⾥in the second half 在下半场later in one’s life 在某⼈后半⾝in the air 在空中in the open air 在户外90. give sb. an injection给某⼈打针 , get an injection打针91. have been to 去过某地have gone to 到某地去了92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某⼈ ( Here is a letter for you. 这⼉有你的⼀封信.)93. be far behind +某⼈ (He is far behind others. 他落后于别⼈)94. one of + adj. 最⾼级+复数名词95. take +某物+with +某⼈ (You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上⾬伞)96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢⾃⼰做那件事).Would / should 等情态动词 + prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿⾃⼰做那件事)prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词(v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语⽽不愿踢⾜球)prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式, (I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢⾛着去那⾥, ⽽不愿乘车)prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)97. ⼈+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多⼩时完成家庭作业.)⼈ + spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了⼀千元买电视机)⼈ + pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there bybus.乘车去那⾥只花你10分钟)物+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些⾁你怎么处理了?)99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?) 101. need + 名词 (v-ing), (Thestudents need some help.学⽣们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被⽤来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.) “be used as+名词”, 被作为…使⽤ (English is used as the first language in none of these countries. )“be used by+动作执⾏者”, 被…使⽤,103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是⽊制的)be made from由…制成 (This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是⽤⽊材制成的)be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+⼈, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made byKate . ) 104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家, developing countries发展中国家105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is well worth reading.这本书很值得⼀读.106. the Summer Palace 颐和园Tian’anmen Square 天安门⼴场the Palace Museum 故宫the Great Hall of the People ⼈民⼤会堂the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Great Green Wall 绿⾊长城PLA 中国⼈民解放军PRC 中华⼈民共和国the Party 中国共产党the League 共青团Peking Opera 京剧107. a digital camera 数字照相机a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医⽣108. so + 形/副+that 从句 (The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地⽅太冷,冬天什么都不长)so + many / few+ 复数名词 +that从句 (He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不知道借哪⼀本)so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句 (She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不到.)so+ 形容词 +a / an +单数名词 +that从句 (This is so good a book that all of us likereading it )such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ that从句 (This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句 (It is such fine weather today that many children are playing outside)109. tell sb about sth.告诉某⼈关于某事 , tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某⼈做某事tell a lie说谎 , tell a story讲故事 , thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…⽽不能, toomuch(修饰名词)太多,过分 , much too(修饰adj./adv.)太110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?。

初中英语所有重要的固定搭配、词组1. put down 放下shut down 把…关上cut down 砍掉come down 下来、落下slow down 减缓、放慢sit down 坐下write down 写下get down 下来,降落2. after all 毕竟.终究after that 于是.然后day after day 日复一日地one after another 相继.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. come up with 找到、提出catch up with 赶上wake up 弄醒、醒来send up 发射open up 开设、开办grow up 长大pick up 拾起、捡起hands up 举手eat up 吃光clean up 打扫干净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事4. arrive at/in + n. 到达get to +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv. 到达5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回give back 归还come back 回来at the back of 在…的后面on the way (back)home 在回家路上6. at least 至少at breakfast 早餐时at desk 在桌前at once立刻,马上at school 在上学at the same time 同时at work 在工作be good at=do well in 擅长laugh at 嘲笑not…at all 一点也不at first 起初at night 在晚上at noon 中午at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初at the end of 在…终点、结尾at the moment // now现在at the foot of 在…脚下at Christmas 在圣诞节at any moment 任何时候at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长7. for example 例如for ever 永远be good for 对…有益be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期for short 简称be short for 是…的简称TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现come down 下来come from=be from 来自,出生于come in/into 进入,进来come on 赶快come over 过来come along 走吧,过来,快点come and go 来来去去come up 上来come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管10. be pleased with 对…感到满意be covered with 被…覆盖be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事be proud of 以…自豪speak highly of 称赞be afraid of 害怕hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信)of course=certainly 当然可以plenty of= a lot of 许多11. by the way 顺便说by oneself 单独,独自by the end of 到…为至by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one 依次by air / plane 乘飞机by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/火车/轿车catch a bus 赶公交车get on / off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去12. do / try one’s best 尽力do one’s homework 做家庭作业do (the/some) shopping 购物do the cooking 烹饪do some cleaning 打扫do the / some washing 洗衣服do sport 做运动do with sb / sth. 处理well done 干得好13. early in the morning 一大早in the early spring 初春in my early days 我幼年时期early bus 早班车14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call // phone sb.给某人打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to 靠近(某地)give birth to 生(孩子)lose to sb 输给sb .15. either…or…或者…或者…on either side of the street 街道任何一边on each side of the street 街道每一边on both sides of the street 街道两边16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表示状态继续)keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行)practise doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth. 做完某事go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另一事)go straight along 沿着…一直往前走go down 下降go for a walk 散步go over 复习go shopping 买东西go to the cinema 去看电影go well 进展顺利go off to 动身前往go out 外出go to work 去上班go up 上升want a go 想试一试18. think about 考虑think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over 仔细考虑think out 想出talk about 谈论worry about 担心How / What about…?…怎么样?19. borrow…from …从…借…lend…to…把…借给…from door to door 挨家挨户from time to time 时时from now on 从今以后from then on 从那以后be different from 与…不同learn…from…向…学习20. get dressed 穿衣get into 进入get / be lost 丢失get off / on下/ 上车get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好get out of 从…出来get ready for +n. 为…做准备get ready to do sth. 准备做某事get / go to sleep (fall asleep) 入睡be asleep 睡着get warm 变暧get well 康复get a chance 有机会、得到机会21. look for 寻找wait for 等候look after=take care of 照看look like 看起来像look over 检查,复习look out 小心,从里向外看look the same 看起来一样look up 向上看,查单词look around 环视look forward to 期望look through 温习,检查22. set off 出发、动身put off 推迟keep off 避开、不靠近…drop off 放下(某物)turn off 关jump off 跳离take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞23. half a kilo 半千克half an hour 半小时in half 分成两半half of the day 半天24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操do morning exercises 做早操 take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book 练习本25. take part in 参加hand in 上交in hospital 住院in surprise 吃惊地in the sun 在阳光下in trouble 处于困境in a minute / moment马上26. leave for…动身去某地27. feed on 以…为主食live on 继续活着base on 以…为根据carry on 坚持、继续下去and so on 等等on the other hand 另一方面on foot 步行28. be famous for 以..著名be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋be interested in 对…感兴趣be born 出生be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…be amazed at 对..感到惊讶29. move away 移开move to (搬)移到30. search the Internet 上网31. make sure 确信make a dialogue 编对话make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 由于疏忽make a noise 吵闹make faces 做鬼脸make friends (with) 和..交朋友make room for 给..让地方make tea 沏茶make money 赚钱make a decision 作出决定32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事33. leave sth+介词短语“把……忘记在某处”34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某人做某事36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事with one’s help 在某人的帮助下with pleasure 乐意37. the summer holiday(s) 暑假the winter holiday(s) 寒假38. step into 走进pour into 倒入…39. in the first 第一for the first time 第一次at first 起初a firs t language 母语first of all 首先40. leave a message for sb. 给某人留条give / take sb. a message 给某人捎口信41. take photos / pictures 照像take away 拿走take out 取出work out 算出take care 当心take medicine 服药take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s time 别着急take a walk 散步take place 发生42. learn by oneself / teach oneself 自学learn by heart 背熟43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半44. have a try 尝试,努力try out 尝试、试验find out / about 找出,查明have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开心have a (bad) cold (重)感冒have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/比赛have sports 进行体育活动have nothing / sth. to do with 与..无(有)关have no idea 不知道have (one’s) medicine 服药45. offer sb sth. 给某人提供某物46. win first prize 获一等奖47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界48. all kinds of 各种各样的49. neither… nor 既不…也不….50. not only … but also …不但…而且both… and ……和…都51. the more , the better 越多越好52. all one’s life 一生53. as soon as 一…就…as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也as much as 至多as little as 至少regard …as 把…当作…as if 好像54. no matter 无论…55 ever since 从那以后,此后一直56. so far 到目前为止or so大约57. another two hours (=two more hours ) 又(再) 2个小时58. three times a week 一周三次59. the number of…的数量a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多60. less than少于 , less and less 越来越少61. …is another way of saying…什么是..的另一说法 Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.62. not…until…直到…才…63. be like 像feel like +n./V-ing 想要like best 最喜欢 , would like to 想要64. the 24 hour clock 24 小时制65. wash away 冲走run away 逃跑take away 带走66. before long 不久long before / ago 很久以前for long =for a long time 长期no longer = not. .any longer 不再67. more or less = about 或多或少,大约more than = over 多于,超过68. every year 每年every four years 每隔四年every other day 每隔一天everyday English / life 日常英语/生活69. next to 紧挨着next door 隔壁,邻居next year 明年next time 下次70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信71. on show = on display 展览72.be filled with / be full of 充满…73. thank to =because of 由于74. some day =one day (将来)某一天all day 终日day and night 日日夜夜in a day or two 一两天内in the old days 从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day) 日复一日the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Women’s Day 妇女节75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,非常77. a place (places) of interest 名胜78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特网上四分之三的信息two thirds of the books 三分之二的书79. credit card 信用卡80. the increasing population 增长着的人口81. a path of travel 旅行路线82. point at / to 指向83. by sea = by ship 乘船by the sea = on the sea 在海边at sea在海上84. set one’s mind to do sth. 一心想做某事85. multiply…by…乘以…86. See you! 再见You see. 你知道,你明白,你瞧Let me see. 让我想想see sb. off 给某人送行see a / the doctor 看病see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某人做某事87. some…others 一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another 一个..另一个(三者或以上 )one…the other 一个…另一个(总数二个)88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏check out 核实,检查write out 写出take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物89. in this way 用这种方法in a few year’s time 几年以后in space 在太空in and out of class 在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes 在最后十五分钟里in the second half 在下半场later in one’s life 在某人后半身in the air 在空中in the open air 在户外90. give sb. an injection给某人打针 , get an injection打针91. have been to 去过某地have gone to 到某地去了92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某人 ( Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信.)93. be far behind +某人 (He is far behind others. 他落后于别人)94. one of + adj. 最高级+复数名词95. take +某物+with +某人 (You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上雨伞)96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).Would / should 等情态动词 + prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事)prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词(v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球)prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式, (I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里, 而不愿乘车)prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)97. 人+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.)人 + spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机)人 + pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there bybus.乘车去那里只花你10分钟)物+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些肉你怎么处理了?)99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?) 101. need + 名词 (v-ing), (The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被用来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.) “be used as+名词”, 被作为…使用 (English is used as the first language in none of these countries. )“be used by+动作执行者”, 被…使用,103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是木制的)be made from由…制成 (This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是用木材制成的)be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made byKate . )104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家, developing countries发展中国家105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is wellworth reading.这本书很值得一读.106. the Summer Palace 颐和园Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Great Green Wall 绿色长城PLA 中国人民解放军PRC 中华人民共和国the Party 中国共产党the League 共青团Peking Opera 京剧107. a digital camera 数字照相机a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医生108. so + 形/副+that 从句 (The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)so + many / few+ 复数名词 +that从句 (He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句 (She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不到.)so+ 形容词 +a / an +单数名词 +that从句 (This is so good a book that all of us like reading it )such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ that从句 (This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句 (It is such fine weather today that many children are playing outside)109. tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事 , tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某人做某事tell a lie说谎 , tell a story讲故事 , thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…而不能, toomuch(修饰名词)太多,过分 , much too(修饰adj./adv.)太110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?初中英语所有固定搭配1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+ doeg :I like watching monkeys jump2 (比较级and 比较级)表示越来越怎么样3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)4 agree with sb 赞成某人5 all kinds of 各种各样a kind of 一种6 all over the world = the whole world 整个世界7 along with 同……一道,伴随……eg : I will go along with you 我将和你一起去the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样9 as you can see 你是知道的10 ask for ……求助向…要…(直接接想要的东西)eg : ask you for my book11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事13 at the age of 在……岁时eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始15 at the end of +地点/+时间最后;尽头;末尾eg : At the end of the day16 at this time of year 在每年的这个时候17 be /feel confident of sth /that clause +从句感觉/对什么有信心,自信eg : I am / feel confident of my spoken English I feel that I can pass the test18 be + doing 表:1 现在进行时2 将来时19 be able to (+ v 原) = can (+ v 原)能够…… eg : She is able to sing She can sing20 be able to do sth 能够干什么eg :she is able to sing21 be afraid to do /of sth 恐惧,害怕…… eg : I'm afraed to go out at night I'm afraid of dog22 be allowed to do 被允许做什么eg: I'm allowed to watch TV 我被允许看电视I should be allowed to watch TV 我应该被允许看电视23 be angry with sb 生某人的气eg : Don't be angry with me24 be angry with(at) sb for doing sth 为什么而生某人的气25 be as…原级…as 和什么一样eg : She is as tall as me 她和我一样高26 be ashamed to 对…感到难为情27 be away from 远离28 be away from 从……离开29 be bad for 对什么有害eg : Reading books in the sun is bad for your eyes 在太阳下看书对你的眼睛不好30 be born 出生于31 be busy doing sth 忙于做什么事be busy with sth 忙于……32 be careful 当心;小心33 be different from…… 和什么不一样34 be famous for 以……著名35 be friendly to sb 对某人友好36 be from = come from 来自eg :He is from Bejing He comes from Bejing Is he from Bejing ? Does he come from Bejing ?37 be full of 装满……的be filled with 充满eg: the glass is full of water the glass is filled with water38 be glad+to+do/从句39 be going to + v(原)将来时40 be good at(+doing) = do well in 在某方面善长, 善于……41 be good for 对什么有好处eg : Reading aloud is good for your English42 be happy to do 很高兴做某事43 be helpful to sb 对某人有好处eg : Reading aloud is helpful to you 大声朗读对你有好处Exercising is helpful to your bady 锻炼对你的身体有好处44 be in good health 身体健康45 be in trouble 处于困难中eg : She is in trouble They are in tronble46 be interested in = take interest in 对某方面感兴趣47 be late for = come late to 迟到eg: Be late for class 上课迟到48 be like 像…… eg : I'm like my mother49 be mad at 生某人的气50 be made from 由……制成(制成以后看不见原材料1. put down 放下shut down 把…关上cut down 砍掉come down 下来、落下slow down 减缓、放慢sit down 坐下write down 写下get down 下来,降落2. after all 毕竟.终究after that 于是.然后day after day 日复一日地one after another 相继.挨次soon after 不久以后the day after tomorrow 后天3. come up with 找到、提出catch up with 赶上wake up 弄醒、醒来send up 发射open up 开设、开办grow up 长大pick up 拾起、捡起hands up 举手eat up 吃光clean up 打扫干净give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事4. arrive at/in + n. 到达get to +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv. 到达5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回give back 归还come back 回来at the back of 在…的后面on the way (back)home 在回家路上6. at least 至少at breakfast 早餐时at desk 在桌前at once立刻,马上at school 在上学at the same time 同时at work 在工作be good at=do well in 擅长laugh at 嘲笑not…at all 一点也不at first 起初at night 在晚上at noon 中午at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初at the end of 在…终点、结尾at the moment // now现在at the foot of 在…脚下at Christmas 在圣诞节at any moment 任何时候at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长7. for example 例如for ever 永远be good for 对…有益be bad for 对…有害for long=for a long time 长期for short 简称be short for 是…的简称TV is short for “television”8. come true 实现come down 下来come from=be from 来自,出生于come in/into 进入,进来come on 赶快come over 过来come along 走吧,过来,快点come and go 来来去去come up 上来come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管10. be pleased with 对…感到满意be covered with 被…覆盖be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事be proud of 以…自豪speak highly of 称赞be afraid of 害怕hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信) of course=certainly 当然可以plenty of= a lot of 许多11. by the way 顺便说by oneself 单独,独自by the end of 到…为至by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候one by one 依次by air / plane 乘飞机by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/火车/轿车catch a bus 赶公交车get on / off the bus上/下车take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去12. do / try one’s best 尽力do one’s homework 做家庭作业do (the/some) shopping 购物do the cooking 烹饪do some cleaning 打扫do the / some washing 洗衣服do sport 做运动do with sb / sth. 处理well done 干得好13. early in the morning 一大早in the early spring 初春in my early days 我幼年时期early bus 早班车14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call // phone sb.给某人打电话connect…to…把…与…连接起来be close to 靠近(某地)give birth to 生(孩子)lose to sb 输给sb .15. either…or… 或者…或者…on either side of the street 街道任何一边on each side of the street 街道每一边on both sides of the street 街道两边16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表示状态继续)keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行) practise doing sth. 练习做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事finish doing sth. 做完某事go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另一事)go straight along 沿着…一直往前走go down 下降go for a walk 散步go over 复习go shopping 买东西go to the cinema 去看电影go well 进展顺利go off to 动身前往go out 外出go to work 去上班go up 上升want a go 想试一试18. think about 考虑think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到think over 仔细考虑think out 想出talk about 谈论worry about 担心How / What about…?…怎么样?19. borrow…from … 从…借…lend…to… 把…借给…from door to door 挨家挨户from time to time 时时from now on 从今以后from then on 从那以后be different from 与…不同learn…from… 向…学习20. get dressed 穿衣get into 进入get / be lost 丢失get off / on下/ 上车get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好get out of 从…出来get ready for +n. 为…做准备get ready to do sth. 准备做某事get / go to sleep (fall asleep) 入睡be asleep 睡着get warm 变暧get well 康复get a chance 有机会、得到机会21. look for 寻找wait for 等候look after=take care of 照看look like 看起来像look over 检查,复习look out 小心,从里向外看look the same 看起来一样look up 向上看,查单词look around 环视look forward to 期望look through 温习,检查22. set off 出发、动身put off 推迟keep off 避开、不靠近…drop off 放下(某物)turn off 关jump off 跳离take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞23. half a kilo 半千克half an hour 半小时in half 分成两半half of the day 半天24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操do morning exercises 做早操take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise book 练习本25. take part in 参加hand in 上交in hospital 住院in surprise 吃惊地in the sun 在阳光下in trouble 处于困境in a minute / moment马上26. leave for… 动身去某地27. feed on 以…为主食live on 继续活着base on 以…为根据carry on 坚持、继续下去and so on 等等on the other hand 另一方面on foot 步行28. be famous for 以..著名be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋be interested in 对…感兴趣be born 出生be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…be amazed at 对..感到惊讶29. move away 移开move to (搬)移到30. search the Internet 上网31. make sure 确信make a dialogue 编对话make a mistake 犯错误by mistake 由于疏忽make a noise 吵闹make faces 做鬼脸make friends (with) 和..交朋友make room for 给..让地方make tea 沏茶make money 赚钱make a decision 作出决定32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事33. leave sth+介词短语“把……忘记在某处”34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事decide to do sth. 决定做某事allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某人做某事36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事with one’s help 在某人的帮助下with pleasure 乐意37. the summer holiday(s) 暑假the winter holiday(s) 寒假38. step into 走进pour into 倒入…39. in the first 第一for the first time 第一次at first 起初a firs t language 母语first of all 首先40. leave a message for sb. 给某人留条give / take sb. a message 给某人捎口信41. take photos / pictures 照像take away 拿走take out 取出work out 算出take care 当心take medicine 服药take one’s temperature 量体温take one’s time 别着急take a walk 散步take place 发生42. learn by oneself / teach oneself 自学learn by heart 背熟43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半44. have a try 尝试,努力try out 尝试、试验find out / about 找出,查明have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开心have a (bad) cold (重)感冒have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/比赛have sports 进行体育活动have nothing / sth. to do with 与..无(有)关have no idea 不知道have (one’s) medicine 服药45. offer sb sth. 给某人提供某物46. win first prize 获一等奖47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界48. all kinds of 各种各样的49. neither… nor 既不…也不….50. not only … but also … 不但…而且both… and ……和…都51. the more , the better 越多越好52. all one’s life 一生53. as soon as 一…就…as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快as well = too也as much as 至多as little as 至少regard …as 把…当作…as if 好像54. no matter 无论…55 ever since 从那以后,此后一直56. so far 到目前为止or so大约57. another two hours (=two more hours ) 又(再) 2个小时58. three times a week 一周三次59. the number of… 的数量a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多60. less than少于, less and less 越来越少61. …is another way of saying… 什么是..的另一说法Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.62. not…until… 直到…才…63. be like 像feel like +n./V-ing 想要like best 最喜欢, would like to 想要64. the 24 hour clock 24 小时制65. wash away 冲走run away 逃跑take away 带走66. before long 不久long before / ago 很久以前for long =for a long time 长期no longer = not. .any longer 不再67. more or less = about 或多或少,大约more than = over 多于,超过68. every year 每年every four years 每隔四年every other day 每隔一天everyday English / life 日常英语/生活69. next to 紧挨着next door 隔壁,邻居next year 明年next time 下次70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信71. on show = on display 展览72.be filled with / be full of 充满…73. thank to =because of 由于74. some day =one day (将来)某一天all day 终日day and night 日日夜夜in a day or two 一两天内in the old days 从前,旧社会from day to day (day after day) 日复一日the day before yesterday 前天the day after tomorrow 后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Women’s Day 妇女节75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防止(阻止)…做某事stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事stop doing sth. 停止做某事76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,非常77. a place (places) of interest 名胜78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特网上四分之三的信息two thirds of the books 三分之二的书79. credit card 信用卡80. the increasing population 增长着的人口81. a path of travel 旅行路线82. point at / to 指向83. by sea = by ship 乘船by the sea = on the sea 在海边at sea在海上84. set one’s mind t o do sth. 一心想做某事85. multiply…by… 乘以…86. See you! 再见You see. 你知道,你明白,你瞧Let me see. 让我想想see sb. off 给某人送行see a / the doctor 看病see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某人做某事87. some…others 一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)one…another 一个..另一个(三者或以上)one…t he other 一个…另一个(总数二个)88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏check out 核实,检查write out 写出take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物89. in this way 用这种方法in a few year’s time 几年以后in space 在太空in and out of class 在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes 在最后十五分钟里in the second half 在下半场later in one’s life 在某人后半身in the air 在空中in the open air 在户外90. give sb. an injection给某人打针, get an injection打针91. have been to 去过某地have gone to 到某地去了92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某人( Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信.)93. be far behind +某人(He is far behind others. 他落后于别人)94. one of + adj. 最高级+复数名词95. take +某物+with +某人(You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上雨伞)96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).Would / should 等情态动词+ prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事)prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词(v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球)prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式, (I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里, 而不愿乘车)prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)97. 人+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.)人+ spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机)人+ pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there bybus.乘车去那里只花你10分钟)物+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些肉你怎么处理了?)99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?)101. need + 名词(v-ing), (The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被用来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.)“be used as+名词”, 被作为…使用(English is used as the first language in none of these countries. )“be used by+动作执行者”, 被…使用,103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是木制的)be made from由…制成(This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是用木材制成的)be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made byKate . )104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家, developing countries发展中国家105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is wellworth reading.这本书很值得一读.106. the Summer Palace 颐和园Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂the Temple of Heaven 天坛the Great Green Wall 绿色长城PLA 中国人民解放军PRC 中华人民共和国the Party 中国共产党the League 共青团Peking Opera 京剧107. a digital camera 数字照相机a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医生108. so + 形/副+that 从句(The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)so + many / few+ 复数名词+that从句(He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句(She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不到.)so+ 形容词+a / an +单数名词+that从句(This is so good a book that all of us like reading it )such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ that从句(This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句(It is such fine weather today that many childrenare playing outside)109. tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事, tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某人做某事tell a lie说谎, tell a story讲故事, thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…而不能, toomuch(修饰名词)太多,过分, much too(修饰adj./adv.)太110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?初中英语新教材95个习惯用语和固定搭配。

初中英语常用词组一由b e构成的词组1be back/in/out 回来/在家/外出2be at home/work 在家/上班3be good at 善于,擅长于4be careful of 当心,注意,仔细5be covered with 被……复盖6be ready for 为……作好准备7be surprised at 对……感到惊讶8be interested in 对……感到举9be born 出生10be on 在进行,在上演, 灯亮着11be able to do sth. 能够做……12be afraid of to do sth. that…害怕……不敢做……,恐怕……13be angry with sb. 生某人的气14be pleased with 对……感到高兴满意15be famous for 以……而著名16be strict in with 对工作、对人严格要求17be from 来自……,什么地方人18be hungry/thirsty/tired 饿了/渴了/累了19be worried 担忧20be well worth doing 非常值得做……21be covered with 被……所覆盖……22be in great need of 很需要23be in trouble 处于困境中24be glad to do sth. 很高兴做……25be late for ……迟到26be made of from 由……制成27be satisfied with 对……感到满意28be free 空闲的,有空29be ill in bed 卧病在床30be busy doing with 忙于做……忙于……二由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组1come back 回来2come down 下来3come in 进入,进来4come on 快,走吧,跟我来5come out出来6come out of 从……出来7come up 上来8come from 来自……9do one's lessons/homework 做功课/回家作业10do more speaking/reading 多做口头练习/朗读11do one's best 尽力12do some shopping cooking reading, cleaning买东西做饭菜,读点书,大扫除13do a good deed good deeds做一件好事做好事14do morning exercises 做早操15do eye exercises 做眼保健操16do well in 在……某方面干得好17get up 起身18get everything ready 把一切都准备好19get ready for =be ready for 为……作好准备20get on well with 与……相处融洽21get back 返回22get rid of 除掉,去除23get in 进入,收集24get on/off 上/下车25get to 到达26get there 到达那里27give sb. a call 给……打28give a talk 作报告29give a lecture a piano concert作讲座举行钢琴音乐会30give back 归还,送回31give……some advice on 给……一些忠告32give lessons to 给……上课33give in 屈服34give up 放弃35give sb. a chance 给……一次机会36give a message to……给……一个口信37go ahead 先走,向前走,去吧,干吧38go to the cinema 看电影39go go bed 睡觉make the bed 整理床铺40go to school college 上学上大学41go to the hospital 去医院看病42go over 过一遍,复习/ go over to 朝……走去43go fishing/skating/swimming/shopping 去钩鱼/滑冰/游泳/买东西44go home there 回家去去那儿45go round 顺便去,绕道走46go up 上去47go out for a walk 外出散步48go on doing 继续做……49go on with one's work 继续某人的工作50go upstairs/downstairs 上/下楼51the lights go out 灯熄了52have a lesson lessons/a meeting 上课/开会53have a football match basketball match 举行一场足球蓝球赛54have dictation 听见55have a try 试一试56have a good/wonderful time 玩得很高兴57have a lecture a piano concert 听讲座听钢琴音乐会58have a report talk on 听一个关于……的报告59have a glass of water a cup of tea 喝一杯水,一杯茶60have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭61have a meal three meals 吃一顿饭三餐饭62have a dinner 吃正餐63have bread and milk for breakfast 早饭吃面包和牛奶64have have got a headache 头痛65have a fever 发烧66have a cough a cold 咳嗽感冒67have a look at 看一看……68have a rest a break 休息一会儿工间或课间休息69have a talk 谈话70have a swim/walk 游泳/散步71have sports 进行体育锻炼72have a sports meet meeting 开运动会73have something done 让人请人做……74have a test/an exam 测验/考试75have an idea 有了个主意76had better do sth. not do sth. 最好做……最好不要做……77have a word with 与……谈几句话78help sb. with sth. help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助……帮助……做79help oneself to some chicken/fish/meat 请随便吃点鸡/鱼/肉80help each other 互相帮助81keep up with 跟上……,不落后于……82keep silent/quiet 保持沉默/安静83keep sb. doing sth. 使……一直做……84keep one's diary 记日记85make a noise a lot of noise, much noise, noises吵闹十分嘈杂,响声86make a living 谋生87make sb. do sth. 迫使某人做……88make faces a face做鬼脸89make friends with与……交朋友90make a mistake mistakes犯错误91make room/space for 给……腾出地方92make a sentence sentenceswith 用……造句93make a fire 生火94be made from/of 由……制成95be made in 在……地方制造96look out of outside 往外看看外面97look up a word in the dictionary 查字典98look up 往上看,仰望99look after 照管,照看,照顾100look for 寻找101look like 看上去像102look fine/well/tired/worried 看起来气色好/健康/疲劳/忧虑103look out 当心,小心104look on …as…把……当作……看待105look around 朝四周看106look at 看着……107put on 穿上衣服,戴上帽子,上演戏剧108put up 建造,搭起,挂起,举起,张帖109put into 使进入,输入110put one's heart into 全神贯注于111put…down…把……放下112put…into…把……译成113set up 竖起,建起114set off 出发,动身115set out 出发116set an example for 为……树立榜样117send for 派人去请叫118send out 放出,发出119end up 把……往上送,发射120take one's advice 听从某人劝告121take out 拿出,取出122take down 拿下123take place 发生124take one's place 坐……的座位,代替某人职务125take the place of 代替……126take a walk/rest 散步/休息127take it easy 别紧张128take sth.with sb. 随身带着129take sb. to a park/London for one's holidays 带某人去公园/伦敦度假130take care of 关心,照顾,保管131take a look a last look at 看一看最后看一眼132take an exam 参加考试133take away 拿走134take back 收回,带回135take hold of 抓住……136take off 脱下衣,帽,鞋等拿掉take an active part in 积极参加活动take photos 拍照take some medicine 服药140take a bus/train, boat/ 乘公共汽车,火车/船141turn on 开,旋开电灯,收音机等142turn off 关上电灯,收音机等143turn in 交出,上交144turn…into…变成145turn to 翻到,转向146turn down 把音量调低147turn…over把……翻过来148play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球149play games 做游戏150play the piano the violin 弹钢琴拉小提琴151play with snow 玩雪152play a joke on 对……开玩笑三由其他动词构成的词组153think over 仔细考虑154arrive at/in a place 到达某处155eat up 吃完,吃光156do well in 在……干得好157enjoy doing sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事喜欢干某事158find out 发现,查出真相等159finish off 吃完,喝完160stop doing sth. 停止做某事161stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事162hold a meting 举行会议163hold up 举起164hurry up 赶快,快点165enter for 报名参加166langht at 嘲笑167be used to 习惯于168used to 过去常常169wake…up唤醒170work out 算出二、动词短语、介词短语和其他词组1ask for 向……要……,请求2ask for leave 请假3send for 派人去请叫4pay for 付……的款5wait for 等候6thank for 为……感谢7apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉8look for 寻找9leave…for离开……去……10fall off 跌落11catch cold 着凉,伤风12catch up with 赶上13agree with sb. 赞成,同意某人的意见14filled……with把……装满15tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事16talk about 谈论……17think about 考虑……18worry about 担忧……19look after 照料20run after 追赶,跟在后面跑21read after 跟……读22smile at 对……微笑23knock at 敲门、窗24shout at 对……大喊嚷25throw away 扔掉26work hard at 努力做……27wait in line 排队等候28change…into…变成29hurry into…匆忙进入30run into…跑进31hear of 听说32think of 认为,考虑33catch hold of 抓住34instead of 代替……35hand in 交上来36stay in bed 卧病在床37hear from 收到……来信38at once 立刻39at last 最后40at first 起先,首先41at the age of…在……岁时42at the end of…在……之末43at the beginning of…在……之初44at the foot of…在……脚下45at the same time 同时46at night/noon 在夜里/中午47with one's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助48with the help of …在……的帮助下49with a smile 面带笑容50with one's own eyes 亲眼看见51after a while 过了一会儿52from now on 从现在起53from then on 从那时起54far example 例如55far away from 远离56from morning till night 从早到晚57by and by 不久58by air mail 寄航空邮件59by ordinary mail 寄平信60by the way 顺便说61by the window 在窗边62by the end of…到……底为止63little by little 逐渐地64in all 总共65in fact 事实上66in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时67in a hurry 匆忙68in the middle of 在……中间69in no time in a minute 立刻,很快70in time on time 及时71in public 公众,公开地72in order to 为了……73in front of 在……前面74in the sun 在阳光下75in the end 最后,终于76in surprise 惊奇地77in turn 依次78of course 当然79a bit of 有一点儿80a lot of 许多81on one's way to 某人在去……的路上82on foot 步行,走路83a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告84on the other hand 另一方面85at/on the weekend 在周末86on the left right 在左右边87on the other side of 在……另一边88on the radio 通过收音机无线电广播89to one's joy 使……高兴的是90to one's surprise 使……惊讶的是三、量词词组和其他词组一量词词组1a bit 一点儿2a few of 一些可数,几个……3a little 一些不可数4a lot of lots of 许多5a piece of 一张一片,块6a cup of 一茶怀7a glass of 一玻璃杯8a pile of piles and piles of 一堆一堆堆的……9a box of 一盒10a copy of 一份,一本11a bowl of 一碗12a basket of 一篮13a plate of 一盘14a bottle of 一瓶15a basin of 一脸盆16a set of 一套17a kind of 一种18a type of 一种类型的19a great deal of 非常多,大量的不可数名词20a large great number of 非常多,大量的可数名词21a great many 大量,许多可数名词22a different type of 一种不同型号的23a group of 一队,一组,一群二其他词组1all kinds of 各种各样的2all over the world/the country 全世界/全国3all over 遍及每一部分,浑身4all one's life 一生5one after another 顺次6the Children's Palace 少年宫7day after day 日复一日8up and down 上上下下9the day after tomorrow 后天10the day before yesterday 前天11the last/past two years or so 最近两年左右12the whole country/the whole world 全国/全世界13a moment ago 刚才14just now/then 刚才/那时15half an hour's walk 步行半小时的路程16late on 过后,后来。

- go to: 去某个地方(一般是到一个特定的地点)- go at: 去到某个时间或地点2. take/give + advice- take advice: 接受建议- give advice: 给予建议3. make/do + a decision- make a decision: 做出决定- do a decision: 错误用法,应改为 "make a decision"4. look/watch/see + a movie- look at a movie: 错误用法,应改为 "watch a movie" - see a movie: 看电影5. need/want/require + help- need help: 需要帮助- want help: 想要帮助- require help: 需要帮助(通常指特定的要求)6. listen/hear + to- listen to: 听某个声音或音乐- hear: 听到某个声音7. take/give + a test- take a test: 参加一次考试- give a test: 发布一次考试8. do/make + your best- do your best: 尽力而为- make your best: 错误用法,应改为 "do your best"以上是初中英语常用的一些动词搭配以及它们的辨析。

复习时应分类处理:一、动词+介词1.look at…看…, look like …看上去像……, look after …照料…2.listen to…听……3.welcome to…欢迎到……4.say hello to …向……问好5.speak to…对……说话此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。
二、动词+副词“动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类:A.动词(vt.)+副词1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。
1.come on赶快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家4.come in进来 5.sit down坐下 6.stand up起立此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。
三、其它类动词词组1.close the door2.1ook the same3.go to work/class4.be ill5.have a look/seat6.have supper7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games10. play games[介词短语聚焦]“介词+名词/代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。
2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示“在……排/队/班级/年级”等。
3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/ 表示“在上午/下午/傍晚”等一段时间。
4.in the desk/ pencil-box/bedroom 等表示“在书桌/铅笔盒/卧室里”。

1. Set off: 出发We should set off early if we want to avoid traffic.2. Break up: 分手They broke up last month, but now they are back together.3. Catch up: 赶上I need to catch up on my homework before the test.4. Bring up: 提出He brought up a very interesting point during the discussion.5. Look forward to: 期待I am looking forward to meeting you next week.6. Carry out: 执行We need to carry out the plan as soon as possible.7. Pick up: 捡起I picked up some trash on the beach yesterday.8. Put up with: 忍受I can’t put up with his bad behavior any longer.9. Run out of: 用光We ran out of milk, so I need to buy some more.10. Turn down: 拒绝He turned down the job offer because the salary was too low.11. Get along: 相处They get along really well with each other.12. Look up to: 尊敬I have always looked up to my parents.13. Give up: 放弃Don’t give up, you can do it if you try.14. Point out: 指出He pointed out the mistake in my essay.15. Run into: 偶遇I ran into an old friend at the supermarket.16. Bring about: 导致The new policy brought about a lot of changes in the company.17. Come across: 偶然遇到I came across an interesting book while browsing the library.18. Put off: 推迟The meeting has been put off until next week.19. Make up: 编造I had to make up an excuse for being late.20. Look after: 照顾She looks after her younger brother every day.掌握这些固定搭配,可以让我们的英语表达更加准确地表达我们的意思。

1. To do 构造ask sb. to do sth.请(叫)某人做某事 tell sb to do sthhelp sb ( to) do sth. 辅助做某事want sb to do sth. 想要做某事wish sb to do sth. 希望做某事invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事drive sb. to do sth . 驱遣某人做某事expect sb. to do sth. 希冀某人做某事forbid sb. to do sth. 遏止某人做某事force sb. to do sth. 逼迫某人做某事hope to do sth. 希望做某事offer to do sth.自动提出做某事plan to do sth. 方案做某事prepare to do sth. 预备做某事pretend to do sth. 假装做某事promise to do sth. 允许做某事refuse to do sth. 谢绝做某事fail to do sth.未能做某事happen to do sth. 刚巧做某事need sb to do sthneed doing =need to be doneadvise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事advise doing sth. 建议做某事allow sb. to do sth. 同意某人做某事allow doing sth2. ing 构造consider doing sth. 考虑做某事enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事escape doing sth. 逃走做某事finish doing sth.达成做某事give up doing sth.保持做某事imagine doing sth. 想象做某事mind doing sth.介怀做某事practice doing sth. 练习做某事prevent doing sth. 阻挡做某事put off doing sth.推迟做某事risk doing sth.冒险做某事forbid doing sth.遏止做某事forgive doing sth.谅解做某事3. 既to 又ing(1)remember to do sth.remember doing sth.(2)forget to do sth.forget doing sth.(3)regret to do sth.regret doing sth.(4)try to do sth.try doing sth.(5) stop to dostop doing(5)mean to do sth. 计划做某事mean doing sth. 意味着做某事(6)can ’ t help to do sth不.能辅助做某can ’ t help doing sth.忍不住做某事(7)go on to do sth. 做完某早先接着做go on doing sth. 连续做不停在做的事4.do 动词原形let sb. do sth.让某人做某事make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事make sth donehave sb. do sth. 使某人做某事have sth donesee sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事see sb doinghear sb. do sth. 听见某人做某事hear sb doinglisten to sb. do sth. 听着某人做某事listen sb doing sthlook at sb. do sth. 看着某人做某事watch sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事feel sb. do sth. 感觉某人做某事Had batter do sth5.双宾语give sb sth = give sth to sbtell sb sth = tell sth to sbborrow sth from sblend sth to sbbuy sth for sb =buy sb sthshow sb sth=show sth to sb6.Be 动词构造be at home = stay at homebe in troublebe careful ofbe late forbe free 安闲的,有空be busy doing/with sthbe covered with 被复盖be ready for 为作好准备be surprised (at) 对感觉吃惊be interested in 对感觉举be excited aboutbe angry withbe mad atbe friendly tobe pleased withbe satisfied withbe famous forbe famous asbe strict withbe strict inbe afraid ofbe afraid to dobe worried about =be anxious about be glad to dobe from = come frombe good forbe bad forbe good at = do well inbe able to do7. Go , get构造go go bed睡觉go to sleepgo to schoolgo homego fishing /swimming/shoppinggo over复习get over 战胜get in 进入,采集get on/off上/下车get to抵达reacharrive in/athave a lesson /a meeting 上课 /开会have a try试一试have a good time玩得很快乐have funhave breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早餐 /午餐/晚餐have a meal (three meals) 吃一顿饭have a fever 发热have a coldb 感冒have a look (at) 看一看have a rest 歇息一会儿have a talk 讲话have a walk =take a walk漫步make friends (with) 与交朋友make a living糊口make a mistake (mistakes)出错误make a sentencebe made from/of 由制成be made in 在地方制造look after =take care of 照料,照看,look for 找寻look like看上去像look out当心,当心look around朝周围看look at看着put on 穿上 (衣服 ),戴上 (帽子 )put up 张帖set up 竖起,建起set off出发,起程set out出发send for派人去请take one's advice 遵从某人劝说take out取出,取出take down拿下take place发生take the place of取代take it easy别紧张take away拿走take off脱下,腾飞,休假day off / have off休假take photos摄影take some medicine服药turn on 开,旋开 (电灯,收音机等 ) turn off 关上 (电灯,收音机等 ) turn down (把音量 )调低 turn upturn in 交出,上交turn into变为turn over 把翻过来at once 马上at last 最后at first 起初,第一at the age of 在岁时at the end of 在之末by the end of 究竟为止at the beginning of 在之初at night/noon 在夜里 /正午in the dayin all 总合in fact 事实上in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时in a hurry 仓促in timeon timein public 民众,公然地in order to 为了in front of 在前面in the front ofin the end 最后,终于in turn 挨次of course 自然from now on 从此刻起from then on 从那时起for example 比如far away from 远离by the way 趁便说in the wayin this wayon one's waya piece of一张(一片,块)a cup of一茶怀a glass of一玻璃杯a box of一盒a bottle of一瓶a set of一套a group of一队,一组,一群a kind of一种all kinds ofkind ofa type of一种种类的a different type of一种不一样型号的a great deal of 特别多,大批的 (不行数名词 )a large (great) number of 特别多,大批的 (可数名词 )a great many 大批,很多 (可数名词 ) all over the world/the country 全球 / 全国the whole country/the whole worldday after day日复一日day by dayup and down上上下下the day after tomorrow后天the day before yesterday前天8.其余固定搭配langht at嘲讽be used to doing 习惯于used to过去经常use sth to do sthbe used to dobe used for doingwake up 唤醒work out算出hurry up赶忙,快点think aboutthink ofworry about = be worried about= be anxious aboutthrow awayhear ofhear frominstead ofwith one's helpwith the help ofto one's surpriseup and downjust now/then/late onwork /study hardcome outwait fordo morning exercisesdo eye exercisesget on/along (well) with(In the hospitalIn hospitalkeep up withbe different fromthree minutes' walkso farcatch the early busIt takes sb some time to do sthsb spend some time/money in doing /on sthhundreds / thousands /millions of。

七年级上册英语固定搭配归纳总结以下是七年级上册英语的一些固定搭配归纳总结:1.be from = come from 来自2.in English 用英语3.write to 写信给4.ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求某物5.call sb. at + 电话号码拨打号码6. a set of keys 一串钥匙7. a photo of a classroom 一张教室的照片8.have a look 看一看9.on the wall 在墙上10.have fun = have a good time 过得开心11.be fun 令人开心12.in the next picture 在下一张照片里13.the next day 第二天14.next to 紧挨着15.next year 明年16.on the left 在左边17.on the right 在右边18.in the middle 在中间19.in front of 在前面20.at the back of 在后面21.in the front of 在前部22.behind sb. 在某人后面23.on the phone 在电话里24.in a blue shirt 穿蓝色衬衫25.in a black hat 戴黑色帽子26.turn left/right 向左/右转27.take a photo = take photos 照相28.have a rest 休息一下29.go to the zoo 去动物园30.go to the beach 去海滩31.go to the mountains 去山里32.go to the park 去公园33.go to the cinema 去电影院34.be open 开着的,营业的35.be closed 关着的,停业的36.be ready 准备好的,可用的37.be closed on weekends and holidays周末和节假日休息38.be open on weekends and holidays周末和节假日营业39.stay in bed 呆在床上40.stay at home 呆在家里。

初中英语短语固定搭配及用法大全一、动词短语1.go to school 上学2.have breakfast 吃早餐3.do homework 做作业4.go shopping 去购物5.watch TV 看电视6.play sports 做运动7.take a shower 洗淋浴8.make friends 结交朋友9.take care of 照顾10.get up 起床二、名词短语1. a piece of cake 一块蛋糕2. a cup of tea 一杯茶3. a lot of 许多4. a little 一点5. a pair of 一双6. a few 几个三、形容词短语1.be good at 擅长2.be interested in 对…感兴趣3.be tired of 对…厌倦4.be afraid of 害怕15.be surprised at 对…感到惊讶6.be happy with 对…满意四、副词短语1.at the same time 同时2.by the way 顺便说一下3.in the end 最后4.in a hurry 匆忙地5.on time 准时地6.for example 例如以上是一些常见的初中英语短语固定搭配及用法。
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七年级动词短语固定搭配want to do sth想要做某事I want to be a teacher./ He wants to have milk for breakfast.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事My mother wants me to clean the room.want sth想要某物I want an apple.like doing sth喜欢做某事I like playing football.like to do sth喜欢做某事He likes to go shopping with his friends.like sth喜欢某物I like apples.enjoy doing sth喜爱做某事My brother enjoys playing football.enjoy sth喜爱/某物I enjoyed my winter vacation.have fun doing sth愉快地做某事I had great fun playing in the water.=have a good time doing sth = I had a good time playing in the water.=enjoy oneself to do sth = I enjoyed myself to play in the water.let sb do sth让某人做某事Lucy lets me go shopping with her.let sb not do sth让某人不做某事My mother lets me not play on the road.tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事Tom tells me to work hard.tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事Tom tells me not to play every day.tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事My math teacher tells us about the exam.tell sb sth告诉某人某事My friend told me the traffic accident.hope to do sth希望去做某事I hope to go to Beijing on summer vacation.hope +从句希望……I hope you have a good trip.It’s +形容词+of sb to do sth某人做某事真是太……It’s kind of you to help me.It’s+形容词+for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说……It’s good for you to have vegetables every day.be interested in doing sth对做某事很感兴趣Lucy is interested in dancing.be interested in sth做某事/某物很感兴趣My parents are interested in Beijing Opera.be friendly to sb对某人很友好My classmates are friendly to me.be friendly with sb和某人很友好My classmates are friendly with each other.wait for sb等待某人Jeff often waits for his sister after school.can’t wait to do sth迫不及待去做某事Summer is coming , I can’t wait to go to swim.work for为……而工作Do you want to work for a magazine?work as从事……职业My father works as a doctor.work with和……一起工作Do you like to work with other young people?be busy doing sth忙于做某事My mother is busy doing housework every day.be busy with sth忙于某事/某物Every student is busy with study.teach sb to do sth教某人做某事My English teacher teaches me to study English.teach sb sth教某人某事/某物My English teacher teaches me study.thanks for doing sth感谢你做了某事Thanks for helping me.=thank you for doing sth = Thank you for helping me.thank sb for doing感谢某人做了某事Thank Tom for helping me.thank sb for sth因某事感谢某人=Thank Tom for his help.be surprised to do sth做某事感到惊讶I’m surprised to hear the news.be surprised at sth对某事/某物感到惊讶=I’m surprised at the news.be surprised +that从句对……而惊讶I’m surprised that he passed the exam.stop doing sth停止做某事The teacher is coming, please stop talking.stop to do sth停下来做某事I’m tired, so I stop to have a rest.remember doing sth记得做过某事I remembered cleaning the room.remember to do sth记住去做某事Remember to close the door when you leave.forget doing sth忘记做过某事I forgot telling him about Mary.forget to do sth忘记去做某事I forget to tell you to close the door.would like to do sth想要去做某事I would like to have milk for breakfast.would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事I would like him to tell me the story.would like sth想要某物I would like an apple.doing sth做某事怎样What about going to the park this weekend?What about sth某物/某事怎样What about a cup of tea?=How about +代词……怎样What about him?practice doing sth练习做某事My sister practices playing the piano every day.practice sth练习某事=My sister practices the piano every day.practice+代词练习……Practice it more.spend +时/钱(in) doing sth花多少时/钱做某事I spent 2 yuan buying the clothes.spend +时/钱on sth花多少时/钱在某物上I spent 2 yuan on the clothes.ask sb to do sth叫某人去做某事My mother ask me to buy some vegetables after school.ask sb not to do sth叫某人不要去做某事The teacher asks the students not to play on the road. ask sb about sth问某人关于某事/某物My father asks me about the exam.ask sb for sth问/找某人要某物I often ask my parents for money.It’s time to do sth该做某事了It’s time to have dinner.It’s time for sb to do sth某人该做某事了It’s time for me to have dinner.It’s time for sth某事的时间到了It’ time for dinner.watch sb/sth doing sth看见某人/某物正在做某事Henry often watches Jim playing the balls. watch sb/sth do sth 看见某人/某物做过某事I watched him do his homework.suggest doing sth建议做某事I suggest going to the park not the zoo.suggest sth建议某物/某事He suggests the plan.suggest +从句建议……I suggest that we should go to the park this weekends.find sb/sth doing sth发现某人/某物正在做某事I found it playing the ball.find sb/sth do sth发现某人/某物做过某事I found it play the ball.help sb do sth帮助某人做某事He often helps me do the housework.help sb with sth帮助某人某事He often helps me with the housework.make sb do sth使/让某人做某事It made me feel happy.decide to do sth决定去做某事We decided to go to the park this weekend.decide not to do sth决定不去做某事We decided not to go to the park this weekend.decide sth决定某物/某事We decided the plan.decide +从句决定……We decided that we will go to the park this weekend.discuss sth with sb和某人讨论某事I often disscuss my study with my teacher.discuss sth讨论某物/某事We often discuss it.mind doing sth介意做某事Do you mind my opening the door?mind sth介意某事/某物I mind the score.mind +代词介意……I don’t mind it.mind +从句介意……I don’t mind that you open the window.agree to do sth同意去做某事I agreed to go to the park this weekend.agree with sb (about sth)同意某人(关于某事)Do you agree with me (about the plan). agree +从句同意……Her mother agrees that she can go shopping with me.buy sth from sb/sw从某人/某处买来某物I bought some apples from the shop/ him.sell sth to sb/sw卖某物给某人/某处He sold some apples to me.show sb sth= show sth to sb给某人看某物=把某物给某人看give sb sth= give sth to sb给某人某物=把某物给某人pass sb sth= pass sth to sb传给某人某物=把某物传给某人sell sb sth= sell sth to sb卖给某人某物=卖某物给某人buy sb sth= buy sth for sb买给某人某物=买某物给某人make sb sth= make sth for sb为某人做某物=做某物给某人fight for sth/sb为某事/某物/某人而战We Chinese people fight for peace. fight with sth/sb和某物/某人打架Don’t fight with your sister.fight against sth/sb为反对某事/某物/某人而战We fight against the war.Why not do sth为什么不做某事Why not go shopping with me?=Why don’t you do sth =Why don’t you go shopping with me?be good at doing sth擅长做某事He is good at playing the piano.be good at sth擅长某事/某物=He is good at piano.be good with sb和某人相处融洽I’m good with my classmates.be good for sb/sth对某人/某物有益Apples are good for your health.be good to sb对某人好My mother is always good to me.start to do sth开始做某事=start doing sthstart sth开始某事/屋finish to do sth完成做某事=finish doing sthfinish sth完成某事/某物be strict with sb对某人严格My teacher is strict with us.be strict in sth对某事/某物严格My teacher is strict in teaching.be tired of doing sth厌倦做某事I’m tired of playing football every day.be tired of sth厌倦某物/某事Some students are tired of study.take sth to sb/sw把某物带去某处/给某人Please take the books to him/ the library. bring sth to sb/sw把某物带来某处/给某人Please bring the books to me.be afraid of doing sth担心/害怕做某事I’m afraid of learning the piano.be afraid of sth担心/害怕某物/某事I’m afraid of the dog.be afraid of sb担心/害怕某人I’m afraid of him.take turns to do sth轮流去做某事We take turns to clean the classroom.have to do sth不得不/必须做某事He has to wear a uniform.。