《Seeing a Doctor》优质课件


《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件【优秀课件PPT】

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件【优秀课件PPT】

Read the text and then act it out.
—How do you feel, Jim? Are you OK? —See my arm? It hurts! —It looks bad! Let’s go and see a doctor.
—Are you OK, Wang Mei? —Aaah, I feel sick. I have a stomachache. —You’d better go and see a doctor, Wang Mei.
—Nothing much. A little cold. 4. I have a headache. I want to _s_t_ay__h_o_m_e__(呆在家里) and __h_a_v_e_a__g_o_o_d_r_e_s_t __(好好休息).
5. You’d better go and see a doctor.(译成中文) _你__最__好__去__看__看__医__生__。_________________
a headache
What’s the matter?
I have a …
1. I have too much ice cream and I have a s_to_m__a_c_h_a_c_h_e_. 2. Take the m_e_d_ic_i_n_e__ and you will feel b_e_tt_e_r __(good) than before. 3. —What’s the _m_a_t_te_r___(问题) with your father?
有时候,人太清醒反而觉得累,觉得不快乐,但是想要学会装糊涂还真是难。不要等到人生垂暮,才想起俯拾朝花,且行且珍 面前一文不值,却在另一个人面前是无价之宝。谨记自己的价值所在。路再远,也有尽头;苦再深,也会结束,只要不放弃, 漫漫的长途中跋涉,在深深的痛苦中挣扎,我们常常为环境所迫,被困难所迷惑,放弃了希望,厌倦了生活,觉得路越走越窄 窄的不是路,是思想与感情,深的不是苦,是感受与心情,路边是路,苦中有甜,看得是你自己。许多人,不是擦肩,就是 事,不是无能,就是无情,总是无缘。人生,就是一次艰辛的旅行,得意时,顿生许多豪情,期盼着,浏览更多美好的风景 心,渴望着,走出困境摆脱愁情。人生所有的一切,得意也好,失意也罢,圆满很少,完美不多,人如此,事这样,如意很少 好多人或事,明明喜欢,偏偏不能;明明热爱,恰恰不能;生活,有许多无能,好多事情,明明讨厌,常常不做不行;明明厌倦, 的不能,想说的不行;不愿做的,却又不能,不想说的,就是不行。我们就是这样无奈,无能。何时,能随心如愿,给心身最大 这个世界有两件事我们不能不做:一是赶路,二是停下来看看自己是否拥有一份好心态。好心态是人们一生中的好伴侣,让人 悟:要有阳光般的心态。没有爱的生活就像一片荒漠,赠人玫瑰,手有余香“学会爱别人,其实就是爱自己”,让爱如同午后阳 房。人生感悟:学会爱别人多去尊重理解别人,常怀宽容和感激之心,宽容是一种美德,是一种智慧,海纳百川才有了海的广 是他们给了你帮助:感激你的敌人,是让你变得坚强。人生感悟:懂得宽容和感恩。管好自己的嘴,讲话不要只顾一时痛快 三冬暖,伤人一语六月寒”说话要用脑子。不扬人恶,自然能化敌为友。人生感悟:切记祸从口出!人情、人情,人之常情, 往,“平时多烧香,急时有人帮”,所以,“人情要多储存,就像银行存款,存的越多,时间越长,红利就越大。人生感悟:多储 躁!不要急于下结论特别是生气的时候做决断,要学会换位思考,或者等一等,大事化小,小事化了。把复杂的事情尽量简单 单的事情复杂化。人生感悟:遇事莫急躁!真正学会知足。人生最大的烦恼是从没有意义的比较开始,大千世界总有比如你 我哭泣没鞋穿的时候,我发现有人却没脚”。人生感悟:真正学会知足。如果敌人让你生气,那说明你还有胜他的把握,根本 的人是谁。如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬它一口吗?人生感悟:不和小人生气计较。别把工作当负担,既 没有更好的选择,与其生气埋怨,不如积极快乐的去面对。当你把工作当做生活和艺术时,你就会享受到生活的乐趣。人生感 人活着一天就是福气,就该珍惜,人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下更多的遗憾。日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇 舒坦,心也舒坦。人生感悟:珍惜自己的生活。1.人生就像蒲公英,看似自由,却往往身不由己。生活没有如果,只有结果, 就好。有的人像WIFI热点,即使远了,但是只要你没改密码,再相见的时候也会自动连上,只是改不改密码,也是人家的事了 人生,要么没心每肺扮傻到底,别让自己活成了那种,懂得很多道理却过不好这一生的人。成大事的人,往往做小事也认真, 往往也做不成大事。看别人不顺眼,其实是自已的修养不够。人生在世,顺少逆多,一辈子不容易,千万不要总是跟别人过不 不去。如果是一堆苹果,有好有坏,你就应该先吃好的,把坏的扔掉,如果你先吃坏的,好的也会变坏,你将永远吃不到好的 总爱跟别人比较,看看有谁比自己好,又有谁比不上自己。而其实,为你的烦恼和忧伤垫底的,从来不是别人的不幸和痛苦, 学习中经常取得成功可能会导致更大的学习兴趣,并改善学生作为学习的自我概念。为了成功地生活,少年人必须学习自立, 在家庭要教养他,使他具有为人所认可的独立人格。劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵我们的事业就是学习再学习,努力积累 了知识,社会就会有长足的进步,人类的励志语录未来幸福就在于此。青年是整个社会力量中的一部分最积极最有生气的力量 少保守思想,在社会主义时代尤其是这样。必须记住我们学习的时间有限的。时间有限,不只由于人生短促,更由于人事纷繁 手勤脑勤,就可以成为有学问的人。聪明在于学习,天才在于积累。所谓天才,实际上是依靠学习。天才不能使人不必工作, 展天才,必须长时间地学习和高度紧张地工作。人越有天才,他面临的任务也就越复杂,越重要。诺夫对所学知识内容的兴趣 12、要建设,就必须有知识,必须掌握科学。而要有知识,就必须学习,顽强地耐心地学习。向所有的人学习,不论向敌人或 是向敌人学习。学习专看文学书,也是不好的。先前的文学青年,往往厌恶数学理化史地生物学,以为这些都无足轻重,后来 只有让学生不把全部时间都用在学习上,而留下许多自由支配的时间,他才能顺利地学习,这是教育过程的逻辑。游手好闲地 手好闲好。学习的敌人是自己的满足,要认真学习一点东西,必须从不自满开始。对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“诲人不倦” 钢是在烈火和急剧冷却里锻炼出来的,所以才能坚硬和什么也不怕。我们的一代也是这样的在斗争中和可怕的考验中锻炼出来

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT免费下载[优秀课件]

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT免费下载[优秀课件]

2.当别人向你道歉/道 —I'm sorry.对不起。 谢时,可用That's —That's OK.没关系。 OK.来回答。
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公开课课件优质课课件PPT优秀课件PP T免费 下载《S eeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT免费下载
1)Are you OK? Jenny:How do you feel,Jim?
Are you OK?❶ Jim:See my arm?It hurts! Jenny:It looks bad!Let's go and
4 You'd better go and see a doctor.你最好 去看医生。
此句是用来提出建议的句式。其结构为:Sb.+ had better+动词原形+其他。 eg:You'd better buy the book.你最好买那本书。
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Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
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I have got a headache/toothache. I have got a bad cold/cough/high fever. I hurt my leg. I feel tired/dizzy all the time. I don’t feel like eating. I am quite well. Thank you.
toothache stomachache
ache all over
Listen, repeat and tick
• • • • • kill / feel √ fire / tired √ wrong / gone √ gather / matter √ hurt √ / skirt
• Role B: Tell A about his/her trouble.
• I feel tired/dizzy/sleepy… • I have a headache/toothache/ • fever/cough/bad cold. • I’m not quite myself.
• What’s the trouble with • I am quite well. Thank you? you.
Ask and answer
• How do you feel?
• I feel too tired. • I feel sleepy all the time.
• How are you feeling?
trouble, headache, cough, fever, feel, tired, dizzy, examine, medicine, worry…
• 2. Ask and describe someone’s health conditions using the sentence patterns:

Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor Part B 3PPT课件

Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor Part B  3PPT课件
Unit 3 Seeing a Doctor
Part B
a lot of 许多
open 打开
What’s wrong with you? I broke my leg.
What’s wrong with you? I have a headache.
What’s wrong with you? I have a toothache.
What does the doctor ask Ben to do?
You mustnห้องสมุดไป่ตู้t go to school. You must drink a lot of water.
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with you?
Sentence Learning I have a __h_e_a_da_c_h_e________.
Exercise: Sentence Making
I. Make sentences according to the pictures.
Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
I have a fever.
Exercise: Group Discussing
II. Discuss in groups and practice the dialog with your friends.

Unit 3 Seeing a doctor第三课时课件

Unit 3 Seeing a doctor第三课时课件

A: I have a toothache.
B: What’s the matter, my king?
C: Ouch! Ouch! My teeth hurt! D: Don’t worry. I can help you.
Many animals come to help too. They pull out all the tiger’s teeth.
The fox gives the tiger a large packet of sweets. The tiger likes the sweets very much! He eats them every day.
The tiger ________________. has a toothache
The tiger is… All the other animals are … The animals have a …
The fox gives the tiger … The tiger …
The tiger … The animals …
the king of the forest
a toothless tiger
Reading Report
I read the story ‘A Toothless Tiger’ ___________.
the tiger
I want to say to _________.
the king of the forest
You are ________________. brush teeth twice You should ______________ a day _______. eat too Remember! Don’t _________ many sweets ___________.

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings ppt【完美版课件】

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings ppt【完美版课件】

(要求:合上书,听第一部分听力材料,判 断正误T/F)
1. Jim’s leg hurts.( F )
2. Wang Mei has a headache.( F )
1. see a doctor 看医生 Eg;Let’s go and see a doctor.
Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings
Seeing a Doctor
Teaching Aims (教学目标)
1. 能正确朗读单词“stomachache, headache , better , matter , medicine, stay, rest” 并能说出 他们的汉语意思。
2. 掌握重点短语“You’d /You had better do sth; have a /an +病痛 ; see a doctor; stay home;have a rest”等重点短语的意思和用法。
3. 掌握一些用英语看病的常用语,并能与同伴 用英语组织一个医生与病人之间的对话。
What’s the matter ? You may tell the doctor :
Are you OK ?
I hurt my …..
I have a headache/
I feel sick / cold
The doctor may say :
Take this medicine
Danny has a headache
2. What does Dr.Green tell Danny to do?

Unit 3 Lesson 17 Seeing a doctor课件 冀教版七年级英语上册

Unit 3 Lesson 17 Seeing a doctor课件  冀教版七年级英语上册

Language points
Are you OK? 你还好吗?
OK是okay的缩写形式,意为“好的,指身体好,健康的”, 常用在口语中;=How are you today? 其回答有两种情况: 肯定回答用“Yes,I’m OK. Thanks.”; 否定回答用“No, I feel sick.” /No, I have a headache/ …
Words: stomachache, better, matter, headache, medicine, stay Phrases: go and see, see a doctor, have a stomachache, take this medicine, have a good rest Sentences: 1. Are you OK? 2. You’d better go and see a doctor. 3. Stay home and have a good rest. 4. Take this medicine.
Language points
You’d better go and see a doctor. 你最好去看医生。
“’d better” 是 had better 的缩写形式,用来给别人提建议,意为 “最好……”,后跟不带“to”的动词不定式(动词原形); e.g. You’d better drink some water. 否定形式:had better not do sth. e.g. You’d better not eat too much sweets.
Pair work
What’s the matter? I hurt my foot.
Pair work

Seeing a Doctor-Body Parts and Feelings 完美课件PPT

Seeing a Doctor-Body Parts and Feelings 完美课件PPT

You may tell the doctor: I hurt my... I have a headache/ stomachache. I feel sick/cold.
1. —What's the matter with you?
—I feel sick. 2. His head hurts.He has a headache . 3. Laughter(笑) is the best medicine .
( F)
3.Li Ming tells Wang Mei to go and see a doctor. (T)
Conversation Jenny: How do you feel, Jim? Are you OK? Jim: See my arm? It hurts! Jenny: It looks bad! Let’s go and see a doctor. Li Ming: Are you OK, Wang Mei? Wang Mei: Aaah, I feel sick. I have a stomachache. Li Ming: You’d better go and see a doctor, Wang Mei.
headache. Doctor:Do you feel cold?
1.Do you have a headache? 2.Hmm...I think you have a
cold. 3.What's the matter? 4.Yes,I feel very cold.
1.Do you have a headache? 2.Hmm...I think you have a

seeing a doctorPPT

seeing a doctorPPT
Unit 7 Seeing a doctor
Lesson 13
c old
head ache toothache
[tu:0 eik]
[k uld] ['hedeik]
weak matter [wi:k] ['mæt ]
虚弱 毛病
feel [fi:l]
better [bet ]

感觉 感冒 头疼 牙疼
tootheache headache cold feel
have a toothache have a headache have a cold
牙疼 头疼
感冒 重感冒
have a bad cold
feel weak feel bad
完成《活动手册》 lesson 13 第二题
eeBiblioteka medicine['medisin]

c old
head ache toothache
[k uld] ['hedeik]
wea k matter [w i: k] ['mæt ]
虚弱 毛病
fee l [f i:l]
be tter [bet ]
take medicine
1.What’s the matter with you?

《Seeing a Doctor》PPT课件

《Seeing a Doctor》PPT课件

What’s the matter ? You may tell the doctor :
Are you OK ?
I hurt my …..
I have a headache/
I feel sick / cold
The doctor may say :
Take this medicine
Have a good rest
Stay home
再见 Good bye
2. 掌握重点短语“You’d /You had better do sth; have a /an +病痛 ; see a doctor; stay home;have a rest”等重点短语的意思和用法。
3. 掌握一些用英语看病的常用语,并能与同伴 用英语组织一个医生与病人之间的对话。
(要求:合上书,听第一部分听力材料,判 断正误T/F)
1. Jim’s leg hurts.( F )
2. Wang Mei has a headache.( F )
1. see a doctor 看医生 Eg;Let’s go and see a doctor.
A. closing B. not close
C. to close D. close
3.have a/an +病痛 have a stomachache
/headache /toothache /cold
诵读课文 以读促知
1. What’s the matter with Danny?
n. 头痛
3. medicine n. 药

Seeing a Doctorppt.

Seeing a Doctorppt.

I have a(n) +部位+ache. I have a headache.
I have a toothache. I have a stomachache .
I have an earache .
You had better go and see a doctor. You’d better do your homework first. 注意:变成否定句,直接在better 后面加上not. You’d better not sleep in class. You’d better not laugh at others.
front of the class
Now 2 mins to test your spelling.
1. English-Chinese
stomachache, matter, headache,
2. Chinese-English
我肚子痛。 出什么事了?
你最好...... 感冒
You may tell the doctor: I hurt my... I have a headache/stomachache. I feel sick/cold.
The doctor may say: Take this medicine. Have a good rest. Stay home.
HDWoi, eyDlola,unlefnetyem.lWceohlda?t’s thseeem...aYttoeur?have a cold. Take thive a good rest.
Fill in the blanks.
Dr. Green: Hi, Danny. What’s the _____ ?matter Danny: I feel _s_ic_k_. I have a headache. Dr. Green: Do you feel cold? Danny: Yes! I feel very cold. Aachoo!! Dr. Green: Well, Let me see… You have a cold. Take this m__e_d_i_c_in_e_. Stay home and have a good _r_e_s_t. Danny: OK. Thank you! Doctor Green.

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件

《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT教学课件

Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
3 You'd better go and see a doctor… 你最好去看医生……
[探究] had better用来给别人提建议,意为“你最 好”,后面跟不带 to的动词不定式,即动词原形。
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
1. 肚子痛;胃痛['stʌməkeɪk] _st_o_m__a_c_h_a_c_h_e_ 单 2.药['medsn] _m__ed__ic_i_n_e 词 3.停留;留下;待一段时间[steɪ] __s_ta_y____ 闯 4. 休息[rest] __r_e_st____ 关
Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings
Lesson 17: Seeing a Doctor
What’s wrong with you? I have a backache.
What’s wrong with her? She has a cold.
a headache
What’s the matter?
I have a …
1. I have too much ice cream and I have a s_to_m__a_c_h_a_c_h_e_. 2. Take the m_e_d_ic_i_n_e__ and you will feel b_e_tt_e_r __(good) than before. 3. —What’s the _m_a_t_te_r___(问题) with your father?

新版英语Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor-课件

新版英语Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor-课件
[探究] (1)stay home与stay at home的意思都是“待在家里”, 但前者的home是副词,后者的home是名词。stay在此处译 为“停留;留下;待一段时间”。 (2)have a rest相当于take a rest,意为“休息一下”。
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
3 You'd better go and see a doctor… 你最好去看医生……
[探究] had better用来给别人提建议,意为“你最 好”,后面跟不带 to的动词不定式,即动词原形。
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
她还好吗? ___I_s____ ___s_h_e___ __O__K____?
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
2 I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。
[探究] (1)stomachache是由“身体部位+ache”构成的名词, 意为“胃痛”。类似的词还有headache, toothache等。 (2)表示身体某部位疼痛的结构:“sb.+has+a(n)+身体部 位+ache”,其中has在句中是“__患__有__;__得__病__”的意思。
Lesson 17 Seeing a Doctor
(1)根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 我头痛。 I __h_a_v_e___ ___a_____ __h_e_a_d_a_c_h_e_. (2)单项填空 —Are you OK? —No, I ____B____. A. have toothache B. have a toothache C. have the toothache D. have a tooth
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1. Practise the dialogues in this lesson. 2. Make sentences with the
new words in this lesson. 3. Preview Lesson 18.
I. 根据图片回答问题。
His arm hurts. He has a toothache.
He has a stomachache.
1.Wang Mei __h_a__s_(have) a stomachache. 2.You’d better_n__o_t__d_o_( not do) it like this.
You may tell the doctor: I hurt my... I have a headache/stomachache. I feel sick/cold.
The doctor may say: Take this medicine. Have a good rest. Stay home.
YAorue’dyobuetOteKr ,go aWndansegeMa edio?ctor, Wang Mei.
I feel sick. I have a stomachache.
I YOfeeKesl!.sITicfhkeae.nlIkvheyarovyue,a hecaDodlodac.ctAhorea.cGhroeoe!n! .
front of the class
Now 2 mins to test your spelling.
1. English-Chinese
stomachache, matter, headache,
2. Chinese-English
我肚子痛。 出什么事了?
你最好...... 感冒
have a headache
have a heart problem
haቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe a nosebleed
Work in pairs.What's the matter?Make up a dialogue.
The doctor may ask: What's wrong? What's the matter? Are you OK?
medicine n. 药 stay v. 停留; 留下
rest n. & v. 休息 had better 最好 have a cold 感冒 have a rest 休息一下 stay home 待在家里 What’s the matter? 出什么事啦? Are you OK? 你还好吗? see a doctor 看医生
待在学校__s_t_ay__a_t _sc_hool
take this medicine_吃__这___种__药___
你怎么了?_W__h_at_’__sw_r_o_n_g_w_ith youhave a good rest__好__好__休__息_____
让我看看__L_e_t__m__e_s_e_e_____ see a doctor _看__医__生____________
read and answer
Q1:How dose Jim’s arm look? Q2:How does Wang Mei feel? Q3:What ’ s the matter with Danny?
Answer1:It looks bad. Answer2: She feels sick Answer3:He has a cold
我头痛。 I have a headache.
我感冒了。 I catch a cold.
我胳膊疼。 My arm hurts.
Now, close your HAgroIoetwalyodnoooudkysOsoebKeuaa?dfbe!dsoepLoold,eckeaJittaokai’mlsrno.odg?uuttert.ySIhteetheoumryts!arm?
p43 1
I. Read and write true (T) or false (F). 1. Jim’s legs hurts. 2. Wang Mei has a headache. 3. Li Ming tells Wang Mei to go and
see a doctor.
II. Look at the pictures and fill the blanks.
I have a(n) +部位+ache. I have a headache.
I have a toothache. I have a stomachache .
I have an earache .
You had better go and see a doctor. You’d better do your homework first. 注意:变成否定句,直接在better 后面加上not. You’d better not sleep in class. You’d better not laugh at others.
Post---reading What’s the matter?
have a fever
have a sore throat
have a sore back
What’s the matter?
have a cough
have a toothache
cut myself
What’s the matter?
My _a_r_m_ hurts.
I _h__a_v_e a stomachache.
You _h_a_v_e_ a cold, Danny. You’d better _t_a_k_e this medicine and satay home.
Le1t.’Rsolseepelawygthrhoeiuccphosn;vgerrosautipon in do2e.sRotlheeplbayetshte.conversation in
HDWoi, eyDlola,unlefnetyem.lWceohlda?t’s thseeem...aYttoeur?have a cold. Take this medicine. Stay home and have a good rest.
Fill in the blanks.
Dr. Green: Hi, Danny. What’s the _____ ?matter Danny: I feel _s_ic_k_. I have a headache. Dr. Green: Do you feel cold? Danny: Yes! I feel very cold. Aachoo!! Dr. Green: Well, Let me see… You have a cold. Take this m__e_d_i_c_in_e_. Stay home and have a good _r_e_s_t. Danny: OK. Thank you! Doctor Green.
Language points
1. 表示“患病”的两种表达方式: The first way of having a problem. 表达方式之一: My ___ hurt(s).
The second way of having a problem. 表达方式之二 : I have a(n) +部位+ache.
1. To learn to express discomfort 2. To learn to use the sentence patterns:
What’s the matter? I have a headache/stomache.
Look and Say
我肚子痛。 I have a stomachache.
Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings
Seeing a Doctor
Words and expressions
stomachache n. 肚子痛; 胃痛 better adj. & adv. 更好的 matter n. 问题
headache n. 头痛 aachoo adj. 啊嚏(象声)