

LABOM 德国制造的压力和温度测量仪器说明书

LABOM 德国制造的压力和温度测量仪器说明书

LABOM insidePressure and temPerature measuringmade in germany. since 1968. Pressure temperature Level signal ProcessingCOnTenTCompany profile 4Applications / industries 6 Quickfinder 9Pressure MeasurementPressure transmitters – digital 10Pressure transmitters – analog 14mechanical pressure measurement 16diaphragm seals 18Level Measurement 20 Customized solutions 21Temperature Measurementresistance thermometers 22transmitters for head mounting 26dial thermometers 27thermowells 28 signal Processing 29Reply form 3023Standard and Custom SolutionsLABOM is one of the leading suppliers of controls and instrumentation for the process industries. The main focus of our activities is on pressure and temperature measurement and monitoring; and on processing deri-ved variables such as level and flow.In addition to a wide range of standard product, we of-fer custom-built instruments. We work closely with our customers to provide tailor-made solutions.What challenges do you face in your industry?LABOM pressure and temperature measuring devices are developed exclusively to meet the most stringent quality requirements. Hygienic design is a requirement of users in foodprocessing, pharmaceutical and bio-technology.Our customers from the shipping and pet-rochemical industries expect robust casings that can withstand rough service environments. Aggressive me-dia, high process temperatures and the highest safety requirements are typical standards in the chemical in-dustry, in the field of water / waste water and in power generation.You can attach smart communication systems to our electronic instruments and put them to work in any pro-cess environment. A high degree of accuracy coupled with reliability over many years service are the primary quality requirements that every LABOM process instru-ment must satisfy.a WeaLtH OF eXPerienCe and eXPertiseFlexibility with our own Manufacturing andWarehousing FacilitiesMeeting the high demands of our customers is bothresponsibility and motivation for us. We’ve been in thisbusiness for over 40 years: this gives us confidence;and we use the most advanced technologies to ensureour future. We serve our customers as partners at homeand abroad. We have your processes and control chal-lenges at heart and we will look to find the best solutionfor you!Diaphragm seals with compensating membrane Almost everything we offer our customers is producedin our manufacturing works in Hudeburg). Many of our staff have been with us for years;they are highly qualified. We are a vertically integratedmanufacturer with high inventory levels, sophisticatedquality standards and a large number of variants withshort lead times.Inside view of high-bay warehouseinstruments FOr FOOd / PHarmaCeutiCaL / BiOteCHnOLOgy ... FOr CHemiCaL and PetrOCHemiCaL industryManufacturers in food-processing, the pharmaceutical industry and bioengineeringrequire a quality standard that can be combined under the collective name …hygienicdesign“. LABOM devices for hygienic service are manufactured according to GMPguidelines (Good Manufacturing Practice) and comply with the standards of the FDA(Food and Drug Administration), as well as the EHEDG (European Hygienic Equip-ment Design Group).Measuring devices for applications in the chemical / petrochemical industry are sub-ject to high requirements in relation to exterior service conditions as well as in relationto the medium to be measured. Typically, we use stainless steel or high-grade materi-als (for example tantalum, hastelloy, nickel, PTFE). These materials provide excellentprotection against corrosive media. Transmitters for pressure and temperature fromLABOM are almost entirely …intrinsically safe to ATEX”: therefore, they can also beused in hazardous plants in the chemical / petrochemical industry.76 ... FOr Water / Waste Water PLant... FOr POWer engineeringLABOM measuring instruments in water supply plants and in clarification plants aremaking a contribution to the protection of environment. Correct measurements notonly cut costs, but serve to promote more economical use of fresh water resources andto reduce the use of chemicals in wastewater treatment. The LABOM standard devicein stainless steel and in robust construction with a high degree of protection againstmoisture is usually combined with special materials such as titanium and specialcoatings to avoid damage by corrosion. LABOM measuring instruments are used underextreme conditions to monitor process parameters in sea water desalinization plants.Or for level measurement in swimming baths, when levels have to be monitored withhydrostatic pressure measurement.Our measuring instruments carry out a host of different measurement tasks in thebroad field of power engineering: They monitor underground gas accumulators, takemeasurements reliably on offshore platforms under extreme environmental conditionsand ensure adherence to safety process parameters in gas turbines and nuclear powerplants. Pressure gauges with electrical contact devices are used for pressure monito-ring in oil- and gassupply plants subject to prior authorization. A conformity certificateis required for connection to systems in Zone 0.... FOr serviCe in sHiPPingFor service in shipping LABOM´s metrological devices have been designed as robustand reliable measuring facilities. These devices have been …travelling“ the high seasfor many years now: They perform reliable measurement tasks in passenger ships,on tankers and in container vessels. A special ship design – cases with liquid fillingor with capillary – protects measuring instruments from vibrations or aggressive en-vironments. Many of LABOM´s devices for service in shipping are approved by …GL“(Germanischer Lloyd).... FOr tHe Paints industryA separate product family for the particular requirements of the paints industry hasbeen established by LABOM. The trend towards water-soluble paints, especially inthe automotive industry, has given rise to new concepts for pressure and temperaturemeasurement. Besides the standard requirements such as dead-zone free measuring,special system fills and silicone-free designs have been developed by LABOM. Electri-cal measuring instruments for spraying plants have been designed to ATEX for servicein hazardous systems.98petrochemical industry PasCaL deLta p PasCaL deLta pswitching Profibus indicating Hart®PAsCAL CVPressure transmitter with …smart” module technologiegeneral applicationsCV3100general applicationsFood / Pharmaceut. / Biotechnology Chemistry / PetrochemistryField housing or right angle plugCB1(2)02 / CEFor diaphragm seals thin film dmsPressure gauge for specialabsolute pressure gauge supervisiondiAPHRAGM seALs varietyFor every process in question the appropriate connectionCell typeDC4680diaphragm seals for F ood / Pharma / Biotechnology diaphragm seals for general applicationsdiaphragm seals for special applicationsvarivent in-line acces unitDL8080HygieniC tubusDL8140screw-in threadHygieniCDE2130neumO BiocontrolDL8110Flange-typeDA1420screw-in threadDE1180variable connectionsDDD1100saddle flangeDD4200ፚOutput signal: 4…20 mA, 2-wire technology HART ® protocolፚMeasuring ranges 0…0.16 mWS to 0…160 mWSፚAccuracy linearity / hysteresis 0.2 %, optional 0.1 %ፚE xplosion protection for gases Pressure and level transmitterP AsCAL LeVeLtHe LeveL eXPerts ፚL TC-technologyፚOutput signal: 4…20 mA, HART ® protocolor PROFIBUS PAፚVarious function modulesፚAccuracy ≤ 0.15 %ፚ Explosion protection for gases, Classification per SIL2ፚDigital design of the electronic unitፚMeasuring ranges 0…160 mbar to 0…2500 mbar, each intermediate value adjustableፚImmersion case: stainless steel, coated ፚAccuracy 0.15 %ፚCan be parameterized via PCsUBMeRsiBLe PRessURe TRAnsMiTTeRፚLimit detection for the fill level of liquidsፚParticularly suitable as a substitute for vibrating fork sensor systemsፚ7 base settings for several mediasፚSuitable for medias with a permittivity > 2 ፚHygienic installation as per EHEDGፚVarious process connections via adapterL iMesCI1200CG2010LV1110CV3110LP AsCAL CV LeVeLPressure and level transmitterFor hydrostatic level measurementLimit detection switchinstruments-made tO measureminitherm gsGS2700minitherm gsminitherm gsGA2650 GE4100With circular connector m12 PA2430gas expansion thermometerBimetall thermometer gas expansion thermometerthermowell thermowell measured mediumLed on-site indication such as...inTeResTed?Local Agent: Our agent will contact you immediately (please fill-in the form below)Phone:Export Sales Department: + 49 (0) 4408 – 804 460Internet: E-Mail : info@Fax: LABOM Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH+ 49 (0) 4408 – 804 404τPressure measurement τDiaphragm sealsτTemperature measurement τHygienic brochure τShort form catalog τThermowell calculationτOtherPlease contact us for more informationτby E-Mailτby courierτyes τnosubscripton to LaBOm newsletter:Name Company DepartmentStreet CityCountryPhone E -Mail:Please send further information on:rePLy FOrm31 30。

海林自控温控器HL8102 安装使用说明说明书

海林自控温控器HL8102 安装使用说明说明书

北京海林自控科技股份有限公司第1页 共3页服务热线:400 101 0003HL8102系列温控器安装使用说明HL8102系列温控器适用于工业、商业及家庭居室的温度控制,适用于控制信号为DC 0-10V (或0-20 mA )及浮点控制的电动调节阀及变风量系统中的风门执行器,并能选择控制单速或三速风机,具有网络控制功能(N 型,MODBUS 协议)。

HL8102系列温控器采用电子控制技术,绿色背光液晶显示,液晶显示状态有:工作模式(制冷 ,制热 ,通风 ,自动 )、风机风速(低速 ,中速 ,高速 ,自动 )、室内温度、设置温度等。

按键有:启停 、模式转换 、风速选择 及温度调整 和 。

该温控器外壳为PC ﹢ABS 阻燃材料,外型尺寸为86×86 mm ,厚度为23 mm 。

基本功能室内温度测量并显示室内温度设定一路(或两路)浮点或比例积分输出 可选择控制单速或三速风机可选择内部或外部传感器 华氏或摄氏温度显示 定时睡眠功能控制制冷与供热设备的开与关产品选型表型 号 输 出 信 号风 机 (单速/三速)网络通信(MODBUS协议)干触点输入外置传感器浮点式比例积分式 HL8102D 制冷或制热 √ √ √ HL8102DN 制冷或制热 √ √ √ √ HL8102K 制冷和制热 √ √ √ HL8102KN制冷和制热√√√√备注:风机:可通过设置参数选择单速风机或三速风机。

干触点输入:可通过设置参数选择输入信号的功能:0:输入无效;1:制冷制热转换(HL8102C 至HL8102D 有效); 2:当没有输入信号时,温控器进入睡眠状态;3:当没有输入信号时,温控器关闭。


技术指标温度设定范围:0~99.5℃(默认范围5~35℃) 温度显示精度:0.1℃ 测温精度: ±1℃ 调节精度: 0.5℃ 自耗功率: < 2 W 温度传感器: NTC 显 示: LCD工作环境: 温度0~50℃,湿度5~95%RH电源电压:AC 24V±10%,50Hz/60Hz 输出信号:AC 24V×2(0.5 A )0~10VDC (10KΩ)/0~20mA (600Ω)继电器负载:< 2A (阻性负载),< 1A (感性负载) 输入信号:常开干触点外形尺寸:86×86×23 mm (宽×高×厚) 安装孔距:60 mm (标准)操作说明✍ 开/关机:按“”键一次开机,再按一次关机,同时关闭风机盘管、电动阀或电动风阀。



Product BriefMay 1998Ambassador TM T8102H.100/H.110 Interface and Time-Slot InterchangerFeaturess Complete solution for interfacing board-level circuitry to the H.100/H.110 telephony buss H.100/H.110 compliant interface; all mandatory signalss Includes 2 CT_NETREF pinss Programmable connections to any of the 4096 time slots on the H.100/H.110 buss Up to 16 local serial inputs and 16 local serial outputs, programmable for 2.048 Mbits/s,4.096 Mbits/s, and 8.192 Mbits/s operation per CHI specificationss Programmable switching between local time slots and H.100/H.110 bus, up to 512 connectionss Choice of frame integrity or minimum latency switching on a per-time-slot basis:— Frame integrity to ensure proper switching of wideband data— Minimum latency switching to reduce delay in voice channelss On-chip phase-locked loop (PLL) for H.100/H.110, MVIP*, or Dialogic’s† SC-bus clock operation in master or slave clock modess Serial TDM bus rate and format conversion between most standard busess Optional 8-bit parallel input and/or 8-bit parallel output for local TDM interfacess High-performance microprocessor interface:— Provides access to device configuration regis-ters and to time-slot data— Supports both Motorola‡ nonmultiplexed and Intel§ multiplexed/nonmultiplexed modess Subrate switching of nibbles, dibits, or bitss Programmable GPIOs Local-to-local switching through the H-bus content addressable memories (CAMs)s T wo independently programmable groups of up to 12 framing signals eachs 3.3 V local I/O with 5 V tolerant inputs and TTL-compatible outputs s Boundary-scan testing supports208-pin, plastic SQFPs217-pin BGA packageApplicationss Computer-telephony systemss Enhanced service platformss WAN access devicess PBXsDescriptionThe Ambassador T8102 is an H.100/H.110-compli-ant device that provides a complete interface between the H.100/H.110 bus and a wide variety of telephony interface components, processors, and other circuits. The bus interface provides all signals needed for the H.100/H.110 bus, the H-MVIP and MVIP-90 buses, or the SC-bus. Local interfaces include sixteen serial inputs and sixteen serial out-puts based on the Lucent concentration highway interface (CHI). One built-in time-slot interchanger is included. It supports up to 512 programmable con-nections between any time slot on the H.100/H.110 bus and any time slot in the local switching domain. The Ambassador T8102 is configured via a micropro-cessor interface. This interface can also read and write time-slot and device data.*MVIP is a trademark of Natural MicroSystems Corporation.†Dialogic is a registered trademark of Dialogic Corporation.‡Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.§Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.2Lucent Technologies Inc.Product BriefMay 1998H.100/H.110 Interface and Time-Slot InterchangerAmbassador T8102Description (continued)Onboard clock circuitry , including a digital phase-locked loop, supports all H.100/H.110 clock modes including MVIP and SC-bus compatibility clocks. The local CHI interfaces support PCM rates of 2.048 Mbits/s,4.096 Mbits/s, and 8.192 Mbits/s. The Ambassador T8102 has internal circuitry to support either minimum latency or multi-time-slot frame integrity. Frame integrity is a requisite feature for applications that switch wideband data (ISDN H-channels). Minimum latency is advantageous in voice applications.5-6101(F)bFigure 1. Block Diagram of the Ambassador………H.100, H.110, H-MVIPINTERNAL CLOCKS ANDSTATE COUNTERS/P AND P/S CONVERTERS512LOCATION DATA SRAMTHREE 512LOCATION CONNECTIONCAMsOUTPUT LOGIC AND P/S CONVERTINPUT LOGIC AND S/P CONVERT TIMING AND CONTROLMICROPROCESSORINTERFACEFRAME GROUP INTERFACE LOGICFRAME GROUPSADDR[1:0]DATA[7:0]µP CONTROLSMISC. I/OCLOCKS AND REFSINTERNAL DATAINTERNAL ADDRESS AND CONTROLLOCAL OUTLOCAL INProduct BriefMay 1998H.100/H.110 Interface and Time-Slot InterchangerAmbassador T8102Application OverviewThe integration of computers and telecommunications has enabled a wide range of new communications applications and has fueled an enormous growth in communications markets. A key element in the devel-opment of computer-based communications equipment has been the addition of an auxiliary telecom bus to existing computer systems. Most manufacturers of high-capacity, computer-based telecommunications equipment have incorporated some such telecom bus in their systems. T ypically, these buses and bus inter-faces are designed to transport and switch Nx64 kbits/s low-latency telecom traffic between boards within the computer, independent of the computer’s I/O and mem-ory buses. At least a half dozen of these PC-based telecom buses emerged in the early 1990s for use within equipment based on ISA/EISA and MCA com-puters.With the advent of the H.100/H.110 bus specification by the Enterprise Computer T elephony Forum, the com-puter-telephony industry has agreed on a single tele-com bus for use with PCI and compact PCI computers.H.100/H.110 facilitates interoperation of components, thus providing maximum flexibility to equipment manu-facturers, value-added resellers, system integrators, and others building computer-based telecommunica-tions applications.Subrate switching is the ability to switch part(s) of one byte from one stream/time slot to another stream/time slot. The parts are the following:s Nibbles (4 bits)—representing a 32 kbits/s subrates Dibits (2 bits)—representing a 16 kbits/s subrates Bits—representing an 8 kbits/s subrateH.100/H.110 data transfers are always bytes. If subrate switching is used, the T8100A constructs a byte con-sisting of the subrate samples. The constructed byte may contain any combination of nibbles, dibits, or bits. In addition, individual data bits can be placed within a byte along with don’t care bits.5-6099FFigure 2. CTI Call Center Application DATABASEETHERNETCTI SERVERUSER EXTENSIONSASRFAXT1/E1ISDNPCIBUSH.100/H.110 BUSTO PSTNT1E1ISDNLucent Technologies Inc.3Lucent T echnologies Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the product(s) or information contained herein without notice. No liability is assumed as a result of their use or application. No rights under any patent accompany the sale of any such product(s) or information. Ambassador is a trademark of Lucent T echnologies Inc.Copyright © 1998 Lucent T echnologies Inc.All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.May 1998PN98-143NTNBFor additional information, contact your Microelectronics Group Account Manager or the following:INTERNET:/micro E-MAIL:docmaster@ N. AMERICA:Microelectronics Group, Lucent T echnologies Inc., 555 Union Boulevard, Room 30L-15P-BA, Allentown, P A 181031-800-372-2447, FAX 610-712-4106 (In CANADA: 1-800-553-2448, FAX 610-712-4106)ASIA P ACIFIC:Microelectronics Group, Lucent T echnologies Singapore Pte. Ltd., 77 Science Park Drive, #03-18 Cintech III, Singapore 118256Tel. (65) 778 8833, FAX (65) 777 7495CHINA:Microelectronics Group, Lucent T echnologies (China) Co., Ltd., A-F2, 23/F , Zao Fong Universe Building, 1800 Zhong Shan Xi Road,Shanghai 200233 P . R. China Tel. (86) 21 6440 0468, ext. 316, FAX (86) 21 6440 0652JAP AN:Microelectronics Group, Lucent T echnologies Japan Ltd., 7-18, Higashi-Gotanda 2-chome, Shinagawa-ku, T okyo 141, JapanTel. (81) 3 5421 1600, FAX (81) 3 5421 1700EUROPE:Data Requests: MICROELECTRONICS GROUP DA T ALINE: Tel. (44) 1189 324 299, FAX (44) 1189 328 148T echnical Inquiries:GERMANY: (49) 89 95086 0 (Munich), UNITED KINGDOM: (44) 1344 865 900 (Bracknell),FRANCE: (33) 1 48 83 68 00 (Paris), SWEDEN: (46) 8 600 7070 (Stockholm), FINLAND: (358) 9 4354 2800 (Helsinki), IT AL Y: (39) 2 6608131 (Milan), SP AIN: (34) 1 807 1441 (Madrid)Product BriefMay 1998H.100/H.110 Interface and Time-Slot InterchangerAmbassador T8102T8102 Selection GuideFeaturesT8100T8100A T8102T8105Subrate switching —√√√Local-to-local connections 1,0241,024—1,024Local-to-H.100 connections256256512512CT_NETREFs1222。



Agilent HLMP-40xx, HLMP-08xx T-1 3/4, 2 mm x 5 mm Rectangular Bicolor LED LampsData SheetDescriptionThe T-1 3/4 HLMP-40xx and 2 mm by 5 mm rectangular HLMP-08xx are three leaded bicolor light sources designed for a variety of applications where dual state illumination is required in the same package. There are two LED chips, mounted on a central common cathode lead for maximum on-axis viewability. Colors between the two chips can be generated by independently pulse width modulating the LED chips.Features•Two color operation•Three leads with one common cathode•Option of straight or spread leads configuration•Diffused, wide visibility rangeSelection GuideMin. Luminous Intensity Iv (mcd)Package Part Number Color Green Red Yellow I F (mA) T-1 3/4HLMP-4000Green/HER 4.2 2.110 HLMP-4000#xxx 4.2 2.110HLMP-4015Green/Yellow20.02020 Rectangular HLMP-0800Green/HER 2.6 2.120 HLMP-0805Green/Yellow 2.6 1.420Part Numbering System HLMP - X X X X # X X XMechanical Options002:Tape & Reel, Straight Leads010:Right Angle Housing, Even LeadsColor Options 00:High Efficiency Red (HER) / High Efficiency Green 05/15:Yellow / High Efficiency Green Package Options 40:T-1 3/4 (5 mm)08:RectangularPackage DimensionsHLMP-40xx Straight Leads HLMP-08xx Straight Leads2.23 (0.088) 1.98 (0.078)GREEN ANODENotes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches).2. Epoxy meniscus may extend about 1 mm (0.040") down the leads.Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25˚CParameter HER/Green Yellow/Green UnitsPeak Forward Current9060mAAverage Forward Current[1,2] (Total)2520mADC Current[2] (Total)3020mAPower Dissipation[3] (Total)135135mWOperating Temperature Range–20 to +100–20 to +100˚CStorage Temperature Range–55 to +100–55 to +100˚CReverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA)55VTransient Forward Current[4]500500mA(10 µsec Pulse)Solder Dipping Temperature260 for 5 seconds˚C(1.6 mm (0.063 inch) below seating plane)Notes:1.See Figure 5 to establish pulsed operating conditions.2.The combined simultaneous current must not exceed the maximum.3.The combined simultaneous current must not exceed the maximum.4.The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring current that can be applied to the device without damaging the LED die and wirebond.It is not recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the peak forward current listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25˚CHigh Efficiency Red Green YellowSymbol Parameter Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Condition λPEAK Peak635568583nm20 mA Wavelengthλd Dominant626570585nm20 mA Wavelength[1]τs Speed of9026090nsResponseC Capacitance111815pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz V F Forward 1.9 2.6 2.2 3.0 2.1 2.6V20 mA VoltageV R Reverse555V I R = 100 µA VoltageRθJ-PIN Thermal210210210°C/W Junction-to-Resistance Cathode Lead 2θ1/2Included Anglebetween halfluminousintensity points[2]HLMP-40xx656565degreeHLMP-08xx100100100ηV Luminous145595500lm/W Efficacy[3]Notes:1.The dominant wavelength, λd, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device.2.θ1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is half the axial luminous intensity.3.Radiant intensity, le, in watts steradian, may be found from the equation le = Iv/ηV, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηV is the luminousefficacy in lumens/watt.Figure 1. Relative intensity vs. wavelength.Figure 2. Forward current vs. forward voltage characteristics.Figure 3. Relative luminous intensity vs. DC forward current.I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VHIGH EFFICIENCY RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, AND HIGH PERFORMANCEGREEN, EMERALD GREEN R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )0I DC – DC CURRENT PER LED – mA10201.60.80.4515301.2250., ORANGE, YELLOW, AND HIGH PERFORMANCE GREEN, EMERALD GREEN WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.00.50Figure 4. Relative efficiency (luminous intensity per unit current) vs. peak LED current.Figure 5. Maximum tolerable peak current vs. pulse duration. (I DC Max. as per maximum ratings.)R A T I O O F M A X I M U M T O L E R A B L E P E A K C U R R E N T T O M A X I M U M T O L E R A B L E D C C U R R E N Tt P – PULSE DURATION – µs13462I P E A K M A X .I D C M A X .ηP E A K – R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )I PEAK – PEAK SEGMENT CURRENT – mA0., ORANGE, YELLOW, HIGHPERFORMANCE GREEN, EMERALD GREEN 6. Relative luminous intensity vs. angular displacement for HLMP-40xx.Figure 7. Relative luminous intensity vs. angular displacement for HLMP-08xx.Mechanical Option MatrixMechanical Option Code Definition002Tape & Reel, straight leads, minimum increment 1300 pcs/bag010Right Angle Housing, even leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagNote:All categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your local Agilent representative for further clarification/information./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152 (Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280 (Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2003 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5988-3775ENMay 30, 20035988-9672EN。



Week of manufacture (01 for the first week of the year, continuing up to 52 or 53)
Year of manufacture (The last digit of the calendar year)
Repetitive avalanche energy (Note 4)
Channel temperature
Storage temperature range
± 12
-7.2 A
−1.7 −1.8 −2 −3 −5
Common source Ta = 25°C Pulse test
−2 −1.4
−1 VGS = −1.3 V
Drain−source voltage VDS (V)
Drain current ID (A)
Turn-off time
Total gate charge (gate-source plus gate-drain) Gate-source charge 1 Gate-drain (“Miller”) charge
Test Condition
Min Typ.

8102BN pH 复合电极

8102BN pH 复合电极

8102BN pH 复合电极中文说明书一、注意事项注意:①PH电极和附件的型号会随制造商的配置而改变,请以到货时的为准.②8102BN PH电极测量的温度范围为0-100℃(详见电极英文手册指标),最佳工作温度范围建议为:0-80℃,适于质量控制、科研、生物技术、血液和纯水等溶液的精密测量③电极与主机连接时,电极(若已选购)上接头的凸槽与主机接口处的凹槽对准后才能用力将电极推入,不可拧转电极,否则会把温度接头的针头插坏而不能使用.④pH电极平时不用期间,也不需将电极拔下,以防经常拔插容易损坏电极接口⑤标准缓冲溶液和样品的PH值随温度的变化而改变.pH温度补偿是将标准缓冲液或样品的pH值补偿到实际温度下的pH值⑥若连接主机的电源变压器与主机断开或连接变压器的电源插座关闭电源后,先前电极标定或主机设置的信息将不存在,此时须对电极重新标定二、pH电极预处理注意:若电极头和填充孔附着有白色结晶物质,属于电极填充液渗透所致,用蒸馏水冲洗电极头和用湿纸巾擦干填充孔即可1.从电极盒中取出8102BN,手握电极后端,像甩温度计一样轻轻用力甩电极,以将电极中环状细管内的黄色内填充液甩到电极前端.2.(1)如果电极内已填充有外填充液(810007):将电极微微斜倒立,先用注射器或移液枪将PH电极内的填充液从电极上端的填充孔中吸出,然后拧下电极外填充液(810007)瓶上的黑色胶盖和红塞子,套上白色尖嘴盖,再掰直尖嘴,然后将填充液通过填充孔注入电极中,填充液的高度距填充孔 1.5cm.电极填充了填充液后,要保证电极内时刻都有填充液,不能干燥,否则将影响电极寿命(2) 如果电极内是干燥的,没有外填充液(810007):拧下电极外填充液(810007)瓶上的黑色胶盖和红塞子,套上白色尖嘴盖,再掰直尖嘴,然后将填充液通过填充孔注入电极中,填充液的高度距填充孔 1.5cm.电极填充了填充液后,要保证电极内时刻都有填充液,不能干燥,否则将影响电极寿命3. 用手指轻轻弹击电极外壳,排除电极外填充液在电极头附近的气泡4. 电极第一次使用前,需将电极浸泡于910001电极储存液(须选购)或3M KCl溶液中2小时至1个晚上,千万不可浸泡在蒸馏水中5. ROSS pH电极标准配置的填充液订货号为810007是3M的KCl。



T-1 3/4 (5 mm) Oval Precision Optical Performance LED Lamps Technical DataSun Power SeriesHLMP-ABxx HLMP-BBxx HLMP-ADxx HLMD-BDxx HLMP-AGxx HLMP-BGxx HLMP-ALxx HLMP-BLxx HLMP-AMxx HLMP-BMxxCAUTION: The Blue and Green LEDs are Class 1 ESD sensitive. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Agilent Application Note AN-1142 for additional details.Features• Smooth, Consistent Spatial Radiation Patterns • Wide Viewing Angle Major Axis 70˚Minor Axis 35˚• High Luminous Output • Two Red and AmberIntensity Levels Available:AlInGaP (bright) and AlInGaP II (brightest)• Colors:472 nm Blue 526 nm Green590/592 nm Amber 626/630 nm Red• Superior Resistance to Moisture• UV Resistant Epoxy• Choice of Package OptionsApplications• Full Color/Video Signs • Variable Message Signs Passenger Information AdvertisingTime/TemperatureBenefits• Viewing Angle Designed for Wide Field of View Applications• Red, Green, and BlueRadiation Patterns Matched for Full Color Signs • Superior OutdoorEnvironmental PerformanceDescriptionThese Precision Optical Performance oval LEDs are specifically designed for Full Color/Video and Passenger Information signs. The oval shaped radiation pattern (35˚ x 70˚) and high luminous intensity ensure that these devices are excellent for wide field of view outdoor applications where a wide viewing angle and readability in sunlight are essential. Theselamps have very smooth, matched radiation patterns ensuring consistent color mixing in full color applications, and message uniformity across the viewing angle of the sign.High efficiency LED materials are used in these lamps: Aluminum Indium Gallium Phosphide(AlInGaP) for amber and red, and Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN)for blue and green. There are two families of red and amber lamps,AlInGaP and the higherperformance AlInGaP II. Each lamp is made with an advanced optical grade epoxy offering superior high temperature and high moisture resistance in outdoor applications. The package epoxy contains both UV-a and UV-b inhibitors to reduce the effects of long term exposure to direct sunlight.Designers can select parallel (where the axis of the leads is parallel to the wide axis of the oval radiation pattern) or perpendicular orientation.Designers can also choosebetween lamps with or without standoffs. The red and amber lamps are available in tinted versions.Package DimensionsNOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES). 2. LEADS ARE MILD STEEL, SOLDER DIPPED. 3. TAPERS SHOWN AT TOP OF LEADS (BOTTOM OF LAMP PACKAGE) INDICATE AN EPOXY MENISCUS THAT MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm (0.040 IN.) DOWN THE LEADS. 4. RECOMMENDED PC BOARD HOLE DIAMETERS: – LAMP PACKAGES A AND C WITHOUT STAND-OFFS: FLUSH MOUNTING AT BASE OF LAMP PACKAGE = 1.143/1.067 mm (0.044/0.042 IN.). – LAMP PACKAGES B AND D WITH STAND-OFFS: MOUNTING AT LEAD STAND-OFFS.MIN.8.71 ± 0.20 2.54 ± 0.380.50 ± 0.10SQ. TYP.MIN. 2.54 ± 0.38 SQ. TYP.1.50 ±0.15 MIN.8.71 ± 0.20 2.54 ± 0.38 0.50 ± 0.10 SQ. TYP.MIN. 2.54 ± 0.38 SQ. TYP.1.50 ±0.15 ABCDPart Numbering Scheme HLMP-(1)(2)(3)(4)where (1) = Leadframe Orientation“A” = Parallel“B” = Perpendicularwhere (2) = Color Option“L” = 590/592 nm Amber“G” = 626 nm Red“D” = 630 nm Red“M” = 525 nm Green“B” = 472 nm Bluewhere (3) = Standoff Option“0” = Without“1” = Withwhere (4) = Tint Option“1” or “6” =Matching ColorTintsRefer to selection guides for available combinations.AlInGaP Device Selection Guide (Amber, Red)Color and Luminous LuminousTypical Intensity IntensityDominant I V(mcd) at I V(mcd) at Leads LeadWavelength20 mA20 mA Tinting with Frame Package Part Numberλd(nm)Min.Typ.Type Stand-Offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-AL01Amber 590270600Amber No Parallel A HLMP-AL11Amber 590270600Amber Yes Parallel B HLMP-BL01Amber 590270600Amber No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL11Amber 590270600Amber Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-AG01Red 626270600Red No Parallel A HLMP-AG11Red 626270600Red Yes Parallel B HLMP-BG01Red 626270600Red No Perpendicular C HLMP-BG11Red 626270600Red Yes Perpendicular DNotes:1.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.2.The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis.3.The dominant wavelength λd, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp.AlInGaP2 Device Selection Guide (Amber, Red)Color and Luminous LuminousTypical Intensity IntensityDominant I V(mcd) at I V(mcd) at Leads LeadWavelength20 mA20 mA Tinting with Frame Package Part Numberλd(nm)Min.Typ.Type Stand-Offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-AL06Amber 5925901300Amber No Parallel A HLMP-AL16Amber 5925901300Amber Yes Parallel B HLMP-BL06Amber 5925901300Amber No Perpendicular C HLMP-BL16Amber 5925901300Amber Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-AD06Red 6305901300Red No Parallel A HLMP-AD16Red 6305901300Red Yes Parallel B HLMP-BD06Red 6305901300Red No Perpendicular C HLMP-BD16Red 6305901300Red Yes Perpendicular DInGaN Device Selection Guide (Blue, Green)Color and Luminous LuminousTypical Intensity IntensityDominant I V(mcd) at I V(mcd) at Leads LeadWavelength20 mA20 mA Tinting with Frame Package Part Numberλd(nm)Min.Typ.Type Stand-Offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-AM01Green 5265901300Green No Parallel A HLMP-AM11Green 5265901300Green Yes Parallel B HLMP-BM01Green 5265901300Green No Perpendicular C HLMP-BM11Green 5265901300Green Yes Perpendicular D HLMP-AB01Blue 472205400Blue No Parallel A HLMP-AB11Blue 472205400Blue Yes Parallel B HLMP-BB01Blue 472205400Blue No Perpendicular C HLMP-BB11Blue 472205400Blue Yes Perpendicular D Notes:1.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.2.The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis.3.The dominant wavelength λd, is derived from the CIE Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp.Absolute Maximum Ratings at 25˚CAmber and RedBlue and GreenDC Forward Current 50 mA 30 mA Peak Pulsed Forward Current70 mA 100 mA Average Forward Current (Pulsed Operation)30 mA [1]30 mAReverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA) 5 VReverse Voltage (I R = 10 µA) 5 V Power Dissipation 120 mW 120 mW LED Junction Temperature 130˚C 100˚C Operating Temperature Range –40˚C to +100˚C –40˚C to +80˚C Storage Temperature Range –40˚C to +120˚C –40˚C to +100˚C Soldering Temperature260˚C for 5 sec.260˚C for 5 sec.Bin Name Min.Max.G 140180H 180240J 240310K 310400L 400520M 520680N 680880P 8801150Q 11501500R 15001900S19002500Intensity Bin Limits (mcd at 20 mA)Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 15%.Bin Name Min.Max.1584.5587.02587.0589.54589.5592.06592.0594.5HLMP-xLxx Color Bin Limits (nm at 20 mA)Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 0.5 nm.Note:1.Bin categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all bin categories. Please contact your Agilent representative for information on currently available bins.Note:1. Higher pulsed average currents can be used under certain conditions. Refer to Agilent Application Brief I-024.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25˚CParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Typical Viewing AngleMajor2θ1/270˚CMinor35Forward VoltageAmber (λd = 590 nm)V F 2.02 2.4V I F = 20 mAAmber (λd = 592 nm) 2.15 2.4Red (λd = 626 nm) 1.90 2.4Red (λd = 630 nm) 2.00 2.4Blue (λd = 472 nm) 3.5 4.0Green (λd = 526 nm) 3.5 4.0Reverse VoltageAmber, Red V R520V I F = 100 µABlue, Green5–I F = 10 µAPeak WavelengthAmber (λd = 590 nm)592Peak ofAmber (λd = 592 nm)λpeak594nm Wavelength of Red (λd = 626 nm)635SpectralRed (λd = 630 nm)639Distribution at Blue (λd = 472 nm)470I F = 20 mAGreen (λd = 526 nm)524Spectral Halfwidth Wavelength Amber (λd = 590/592 nm)∆λ1/217nm Width atRed (λd = 626/630 nm)17SpectralBlue (λd = 472 nm)35DistributionGreen (λd = 526 nm)471/2 Power Pointat I F = 20 mA Capacitance V F = 0, F = 1 MHz Amber, Red C40pFBlue, Green43Thermal Resistance LED Junction-Amber, Red RθJ-PIN240˚C/W to-Cathode Lead Blue, Green240Luminous Efficacy Emitted Amber (λd = 590 nm)480LuminousAmber (λd = 592 nm)ηV500Im/W Power/Emitted Red (λd = 626 nm)150Radiant Power Red (λd = 630 nm)155Blue (λd = 472 nm)75Green (λd = 526 nm)520Notes:1.2θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis intensity.2.The radiant intensity, I e in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v/ηv where I v is the luminous intensity incandelas and ηv is the luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.Figure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength.Figure 2. Blue, Green Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage.Figure 3. Amber, Red Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage.Figure 4. Blue, Green Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current.Figure 5. Amber, Red Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward Current.Figure 6. Blue, Green Maximum Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature.Figure 7. Amber, Red Maximum Forward Current vs. Ambient Temperature.WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.00.500. U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V1.50.5I N T E N S I T Y N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m AI F – FORWARD CURRENT – mA 01020301.051525R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 10 m A )00I F – DC FORWARD CURRENT – mA20402.01.0603. F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m A0T A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C40804020102060301005152535I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C30251510F O R W A R D C U R R E N TFORWARD VOLTAGE2.0 2.63.0 3.8520 2.2 2.8 3.42.4 3.2 3.6Figure 8. Spatial Radiation Pattern – 35 x 70 Degree Lamps.R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %1000VERTICAL ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES8060507020501030404020-10-30-50903010-20-40R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y – %1000HORIZONTAL ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES8060507020501030404020-10-30-50903010-20-40Data subject to change.Copyright © 2000 Agilent Technologies, Inc.Obsoletes 5967-5678E 5980-0672E (6/00)。



Agilent HLMP-CxxxT-13/4 (5mm) Extra Bright Precision Optical Performance InGaN LED Lamps Data SheetDescriptionThese high intensity blue and green LEDs are based on the most efficient and cost effective InGaN material technology. The 470 nm typical dominant wave–length for blue and 525 nm typical wavelength for green is well suited to color mixing in full color signs. The 505 nm typical dominant wavelength for cyan is suitable for traffic signal application.These LED lamps are untinted, non-diffused, T-13/4 packagesFeatures•Well defined spatial radiationpattern•High luminous output•Available in blue, green, and cyancolor•Viewing angle: 15°, 23°and 30°•Standoff or non-standoff leads•Superior resistance to moistureApplications•Traffic signals•Commercial outdoor advertising•Front panel backlighting•Front panel indicator incorporating second generationoptics which produce well-definedspatial radiation patterns atspecific viewing cone angles.These lamps are made with anadvanced optical grade epoxy,offering superior temperatureand moisture resistance inoutdoor signal and signapplications. The high maximumLED junction temperature limitof +110°C enables hightemperature operation in brightsunlight conditions.HLMP-CB11, HLMP-CB12, HLMP-CM11, HLMP-CM12, HLMP-CE11,HLMP-CE12, HLMP-CB26, HLMP-CB27, HLMP-CM26, HLMP-CM27,HLMP-CE26, HLMP-CE27, HLMP-CB36, HLMP-CB37, HLMP-CM36,HLMP-CM37, HLMP-CE36, HLMP-CE37CAUTION: Devices are Class I ESD sensitive. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Application Note AN-1142 for additional details.Package DimensionsPackage APackage B5.80 ± 0.20(0.228 ±∅ CATHODEFLATMIN.SQ. TYP.NOTES:1. MEASURED JUST ABOVE FLANGE.2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).3. EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm (0.040") DOWN THE LEADS.4. IF HEAT SINKING APPLICATION IS REQUIRED, THE TERMINAL FOR HEAT SINK IS ANODE.Device Selection GuideTypicalViewing Angle,Intensity (cd) at 20 mA PackagePart Number Color2q1/2 (Degree)Min.Max.Standoff Dimension Lens HLMP-CB11-TW0xx Blue15 2.57.2No A Clear HLMP-CB11-UVAxx Blue15 3.2 5.5No A Clear HLMP-CB12-TW0xx Blue15 2.57.2Yes B Clear HLMP-CM11-Y20xx Green159.327.0No A Clear HLMP-CM11-Z1Cxx Green1512.021.0No A Clear HLMP-CM12-Y20xx Green159.327.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE11-X10xx Cyan157.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CE12-X10xx Cyan157.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CB26-SV0xx Blue23 1.9 5.5No A Clear HLMP-CB26-TUDxx Blue23 2.5 4.2No A Clear HLMP-CB27-SV0xx Blue23 1.9 5.5Yes B Clear HLMP-CM26-X10xx Green237.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CM26-YZCxx Green239.316.0No A Clear HLMP-CM27-X10xx Green237.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE26-WZ0xx Cyan23 5.516.0No A Clear HLMP-CE27-WZ0xx Cyan23 5.516.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CB36-QT0xx Blue30 1.15 3.2No A Clear HLMP-CB36-RSAxx Blue30 1.5 2.5No A Clear HLMP-CB37-RU0xx Blue30 1.5 4.2Yes B Clear HLMP-CB37-RSDxx Blue30 1.5 2.5Yes B Clear HLMP-CM36-X10xx Green307.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CM36-XYCxx Green307.212.0No A Clear HLMP-CM37-X10xx Green307.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CM37-XYCxx Green307.212.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CM37-XYDxx Green307.212.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE36-WZ0xx Cyan30 5.516.0No A Clear HLMP-CE37-WZ0xx Cyan30 5.516.0Yes B ClearNotes:1.Tolerance for luminous intensity measurement is ±15%.2.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.3.The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis.4.LED light output is bright enough to cause injuries to the eyes. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the LED without propersafety equipment.5. 2q1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis intensity.Part Numbering SystemHLMP-x x xx-x x x xxMechanical Options00: BulkDD: Ammo PackColor Bin Options0: Full Color Bin DistributionA: Color Bin 1 and 2C: Color Bin 3 and 4D: Color Bin 4 and 5Maximum Intensity Bin0: No Maximum Intensity Bin LimitationOthers: Refer to Device Selection GuideMinimum Intensity BinRefer to Device Selection GuideViewing Intensity Bin11: 15° Without Standoff12: 15°With Standoff26: 23°Without Standoff27: 23°With Standoff36: 30°Without standoff37: 30°With StandoffColorB: Blue 470 nmM: Green 525 nmE: Cyan 505 nmPackageC: T-13/4 (5 mm) Round LampAbsolute Maximum Rating at T A = 25°CParameters Value UnitDC Forward Current [1]30mAPeak Pulsed Forward Current[3]100mAAverage Forward Current30mAPower Dissipation120mWLED Junction Temperature110°COperating Temperature Range–40 to +85°CStorage Temperature Range–40 to +100°CWave Soldering Temperature[2]250 for 3 secs°CNotes:1.Derate linearly as shown in Figure2.2.1.59 mm (0.060 inch) below body.3.Duty factor 10%, frequency 1 KHz.Electrical/Optical CharacteristicsT A = 25o CBlue Green CyanParameters Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Condition Forward Voltage V F 3.5 4.0 3.6 4.0 3.5 4.0V I F = 20 mA Reverse Voltage[1]V R 5.0 5.0 5.0V I R = 10 µA Thermal Resistance R q J-PIN240240240o C/W LED Junction toAnode Lead Dominant l d460470480520525540490505510nm I F = 20 mA Wavelength[2]Peak Wavelength l PEAK464516501nm Peak of Wavelengthof Spectral Distribu-tion at I F = 20 mA Spectral Half Width Dl1/2233230nm Wavelength Widthat Spectral Distribu-tion Power Pointat I F = 20 mA Luminous Efficacy[3]h v74484319lm/W Emitted LuminousPower/EmittedRadiant Power Notes:1.The reverse voltage of the product is equivalent to the forward voltage of the protective chip at I R = 10 µA.2.The dominant wavelength, l d, is derived from the Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp.3.The radiant intensity, Ie in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/h v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and h v is theluminous efficacy in lumens/watt.Figure 5. Relative intensity vs. DC forward current.Figure 4. Relative dominant wavelength vs. DC forward current.DC FORWARD CURRENT – mAR E L A T I V E D O M I N A N T W A V E L E N G T H (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )1020301.0250.9901.0151.0201.0101.0051.0000.995GREENBLUER E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )FORWARD CURRENT – mAFigure 1. Relative intensity vs. wavelength.Figure 3. Forward current vs. forward voltage.Figure 2. Forward current vs. ambient temperature.WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.0000.800.600.400.20030103.0202.01.0F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AFORWARD VOLTAGE – V 4.0CYANGREENBLUEI F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VOLTSFigure 6. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx11 and Cx12.R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090Figure 7. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx26 and Cx27.Figure 8. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx36 and Cx37.R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090Intensity Bin Limit TableIntensity (mcd) at 20 mA Bin Min MaxN680880P8801150Q11501500R15001900S1*******T25003200U32004200V42005500W55007200X72009300Y930012000Z1200016000 11600021000 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±15%.Blue Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1460.0464.00.14400.02970.17660.09660.18180.09040.13740.0374 2464.0468.00.13740.03740.16990.10620.17660.09660.12910.0495 3468.0472.00.12910.04950.16160.12090.16990.10620.11870.0671 4472.0476.00.11870.06710.15170.14230.16160.12090.10630.0945 5476.0480.00.10630.09450.13970.17280.15170.14230.09130.1327 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Cyan Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1490.0495.00.04540.29450.11640.38890.13180.3060.02350.4127 2495.0500.00.03450.41270.10570.47690.11640.38890.00820.5384 3500.0505.00.00820.53840.10270.55840.10570.47690.00390.6548 4505.0510.00.00390.65480.10970.62510.10270.55840.01390.7502 7498.0503.00.01320.48820.10280.52730.10920.44170.00400.6104 8503.0508.00.00400.61040.10560.60070.10280.52730.00800.7153 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Green Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1520.0524.00.07430.83380.18560.65560.16500.65860.10600.8292 2524.0528.00.10600.82920.20680.64630.18560.65560.13870.8148 3528.0532.00.13870.81480.22730.63440.20680.64630.17020.7965 4532.0536.00.17020.79650.24690.62130.22730.63440.20030.7764 5536.0540.00.20030.77640.26590.60700.24690.62130.22960.7543 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2004 Agilent Technologies, Inc. December 7, 20045989-1022EN。



V8.2.09.2013 • 资料如有改动,恕不另行通知
额定压力: 三通, 4140kPa (DN15...25), 2760kPa (DN32...50) 二通, 2500kPa (DN15...50), 1600kPa (DN65...150)
DC (0)2...10V TR24-SR TRF24-SR LRQU24-SR
TR24 TR230-3 TRF24-2
连接 Kvs[m3/h] DN[mm] 二通 调节型
弹簧复位 快速运行
连接 Kvs[m3/h] DN[mm]
法兰连接 PN16
0.63 1.0 1.6 2.5 4.0 4.0 6.3 6.3 10.0 10.0 16.0 16.0 25.0 25.0 40.0 63 100 140 230 320
5 不锈钢阀球、阀轴 12
6 配流盘产生等百分比特性
7 内螺纹连接(ISO7/1)
8 镀镍锻造黄铜阀体 5
9 排水孔,避免结露聚积
10 执行器与阀体之间可以加装隔热垫片
11 法兰(ISO7005-2)



Features•Well-defined spatial radiation pattern •Viewing angles:Major axis 120˚Minor axis 60˚•High luminous output •AlInGaP II (brightest) intensity level•Colors:472 nm blue 526 nm green 630 nm red 592 nm amber•Superior resistance to moisture •UV resistant epoxy Benefits•Viewing angle designed for wide field of view applicaion •Superior performance in outdoor environments Applications •Full color signsCAUTION: The Blue and Green LEDs are Class 1 ESD sensitive. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Agilent Application Note AN-1142 for additional details.Agilent HLMP-SL11, HLMP-RL11,HLMP-SD11, HLMP-RD11, HLMP-RB11,HLMP-RM11 4 mm Oval Precision Optical Performance Best Value AlInGaP and InGaN LampsData SheetHigh efficiency LED materials are used in these lamps: Higherperformance of Aluminum Indium Gallium Phosphide (AlInGaP II)for Red and Amber color and Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN)for Blue and Green. Each lamp is made with an advanced optical grade epoxy offering superior high temperature and high moisture resistance in outdoor applications. The package epoxy contains both UV-A and UV-B inhibitors to reduce the effects of long term exposure to direct sunlight.Designers can select parallel or perpendicular orientation. Both lamps are available in tinted version.DescriptionThese Precision Optical Performance Oval LEDs arespecifically designed for Full Color/Video and Passenger Information signs. The Oval shaped radiation pattern (60˚ x 120˚) and highluminous intensity ensure that these devices are excellent for wide field of view outdoor applications where a wide viewing angle and readability in sunlight are essential. These lamps have very smooth, matched radiation patterns ensuringconsistent color mixing in full color applications, message uniformity across the viewing angle of the sign.Selection Guide for AlInGaP IIColor and Luminous DominantIntensity,Wavelength λd I v (mcd)Leads with Leadframe Package Part Number(nm) Typ.Min.Stand-Offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-SL11-H0000Amber 592180Yes Perpendicular A HLMP-RL11-H0000Amber 592180Yes ParallelB HLMP-SD11-J0000Red 630240Yes Perpendicular A HLMP-RD11-J0000Red 630240YesParallelBPackage DimensionsSelection Guide for InGaNColor and Luminous DominantIntensity,Wavelength λd I v (mcd)Leads with Leadframe Package Part Number(nm) Typ.Min.Stand-Offs Orientation Drawing HLMP-RB11-D0000Blue 47265Yes Parallel B HLMP-RB11-H0000Blue 472180Yes Parallel B HLMP-RM11-H0000Green 526180Yes Parallel B HLMP-RM11-M0000Green 526520Yes Parallel BA∅B∅(0.016+0.004–0.000)(0.018+0.004–0.002)DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25˚CParameter Blue and Green Red and AmberDC Forward Current[1]30 mA50 mAPeak Pulsed Forward Current100 mA100 mAAverage Forward Current30 mA30 mAReverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA) 5 V 5 VPower Dissipation120 mW120 mWLED Junction Temperature100˚C110˚COperating Temperature Range–40˚C to +80˚C–40˚C to +100˚CStorage Temperature Range–40˚C to +100˚C–40˚C to +120˚CWave Soldering Temperature250˚C for 3 sec.250˚C for 3 sec.Note:1. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 6 and 7.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25˚CParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test ConditionsTypical Viewing AngleMajor2θ1/2120degMinor60Forward Voltage V F I F = 20 mAAmber (λd = 592 nm) 2.15 2.5VRed (λd = 630 nm) 2.00 2.5Blue (λd = 472 nm) 3.5 4.0Green (λd = 526 nm) 3.5 4.0Reverse VoltageAmber, Red V R520V I R = 100 µABlue, Green5—I R = 10 µAPeak Wavelength Peak of WavelengthAmber (λd = 592 nm)λpeak594nm of Spectral Distribution Red (λd = 630 nm)639at I F = 20 mABlue (λd = 472 nm)470Green (λd = 526 nm)524Spectral Halfwidth Wavelength WidthAmber (λd = 592 nm)∆λ1/217nm at Spectral Distribution Red (λd = 630 nm)171/2 Power Point atBlue (λd = 472 nm)35I F = 20 mAGreen (λd = 526 nm)47Capacitance V F = 0, F = 1 MHzAmber, Red C40pFBlue, Green43Luminous Efficacy Emitted LuminousAmber (λd = 592 nm)ηv500lm/W Power/Emitted Radiant Red (λd = 630 nm)155Power at I F = 20 mABlue (λd = 472 nm)75Green (λd = 526 nm)520Thermal Resistance RθJ-PIN240˚C/W LED Junction-to-CathodeLeadNotes:1. 2θ1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis intensity.2.The radiant intensity, I e in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = I v/ηv where I v is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηv isthe luminous efficacy in lumens/watt.3.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.Figure 1. Relative intensity vs. wavelength.Figure 2. Amber, red forward current vs.forward voltage.Figure 3. Blue, green forward current vs.forward voltage.Figure 4. Amber, red relative luminous intensity vs. forward current.Figure 5. Blue, green relative luminous intensity vs. forward current.Figure 6. Amber, red maximum forward Figure 7. Blue, green maximum forward WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.00.5I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V03015I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – V E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )00I F – FORWARD CURRENT – mA 20402.01.0500.51.52.53010R E L A T I V E L U M I N O US I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )I F – FORWARD CURRENT – mAI F – F O R W A R DC U R R E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °CI F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AT A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °CFigure 8a. Representative spatial radiation pattern for major axis.Figure 8b. Representative spatial radiation pattern for minor axis.R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.00ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.80.60.2-900.4-60-30154590-1530-7575-45600R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T YANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREESIntensity Bin Limits (mcd at 20 mA)Bin Name Min.Max.Bin Name Min.Max.D6585J240310E85110K310400F110140L400520G140180M520680H180240Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 15%.Note:1.Bin categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available inall bin categories.Color Bin Limits (nm at 20 mA)BlueColor Range (nm)Bin ID Min.Max.1460.0464.02464.0468.03468.0472.04472.0476.05476.0480.0Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 2 nm.GreenColor Range (nm)Bin ID Min.Max.1520.0524.02524.0528.03528.0532.04532.0536.05536.0540.0Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 0.5 nm.AmberColor Range (nm)Bin ID Min.Max.1584.5587.02587.0589.54589.5592.06592.0594.5Tolerance for each bin limit is ± 0.5 nm.Note:1.All bin categories are established forclassification of products. Products may not beavailable in all bin categories. Please contactyour Agilent representatives for further/semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152 (Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280 (Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2004 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5988-3135ENAugust 12, 2004。



HL8102 Series Digital Thermostat ManualHL8102 series thermostats are used to control room temperature in industrial, commercial and residential environment via controlling electric modulating valve with 0-10VDC (4-20mA) control signal or floating control as well as damper actuator of VAV system.Electronic control technology is adopted, with green backlit LCD display of: working mode(cooling “”, heating “”, ventilating “”, auto “” ); fan speed (low “”, med “”, high “”,auto“”); room temperature;setting temperature etc. push button: On/Off “”; modechangeover “”; fan speed choose “” and temperature adjustment “” and “”.Shell: PC + ABS retardant material.Function :Detect and Display room temperature Room temperature settingFahrenheit or Celsius degree displayTiming sleepControl On/Off of cooling and heating equipment Selectable single speed or three speed fan controlOrder Guide:Model Output signalFan (Single/3-speed)RS485 NetworkInput ControlRemote Sensor Floating ModulationHL8102A Cooling/Heating √ √ HL8102AN Cooling/Heating√ √ √ HL8102B Cooling/Heating √ √ HL8102BNCooling/Heating√ √ √ HL8102C Cooling/Heating √ √ √ HL8102CN Cooling/Heating√ √ √ √ HL8102D Cooling/Heating √ √ √ HL8102DN Cooling/Heating√ √ √ √ HL8102E Cooling Heating √ √ √ HL8102EN Cooling Heating √ √ √ √ HL8102F Heating Cooling √ √ √ HL8102FN Heating Cooling√ √ √ √ HL8102I Cooling&Heating √ √ √ HL8102IN Cooling&Heating√ √ √ √ HL8102K Cooling&Heating √ √ √ HL8102KNCooling&Heating√√√√Fan: thermostat with fan functions, can be selected with single speed fan or three speed fan by setting parameter. Remote Control: input signal can be selected by setting parameter.Specification :Set temperature range: 0 - 99.5℃ adjustable Accuracy displayed: 0.1℃ Accuracy: ±0.5℃ Rated Power: < 1 W Sensor type: NTC Display: LCDPower: AC 24V ±10%, 50Hz/60Hz Output signal: AC 24V ×2 (0.5A resistive ) ,0 - 10VDC(5mA) / 4 - 20mA (600Ω)Input signal: dry contact (NO)Dimensions: 86×86×23mm (W ×H ×D) Fixing screw width : 60mm (Standard)Operations:✍On/Off: Press “” buttons to turn on; press “” again to turn off.✍ Setpoint:With thermostat on, press “” to reduce the setpoint, press “” to increase the setpoint, the setpoint step is0.5℃, the setpoint will be confirmed automatically after 5 seconds, and then return to dispay status, press “” or “” to check setpoint.✍Mode:With thermostat on, press “” to change the working mode – Cooling “”,Heating “”, Vent "", Auto “”( Auto is available from HL8102E to HL8102K).✍Fan Speed:With thermostat on, press “” to select the desired speed – low speed “”, Med speed “”, High speed“”, auto “”. If single speed fan available, there’s only med speed “”.Under auto speed fan, the fan speed will be changed automatically as below: in low speed when room temperatureis 1℃ difference with setpoint;in med speed when room temperature is 2℃ difference with setpoint; in High speed when room temperature is 3℃ difference with setpoint.✍Sleep: Thermostat will get into sleep function after programming.The set Temperature should to be.To set:Press “” button for 3 seconds till “” display, there’s a number of count down in the center of LCD, Use “” or“” to adjust the desired sleep time: the max. = 48 hours; thermostat will return to the working status after 5 seconds, “” is flashing to start counting down. The setpoint should be replaced by the sleep setpoint.To quit: When thermostat get into Sleep function, “” will flash, press “” or “” to quit.✍ Keypad lock:press “” and “” for 10 seconds till to “” display to activate, under this function, any keypad is locked.Press “” and “” for 10 seconds till “” disappear to quit the function.✍Set Parameters: With thermostat off, press “” for 10 seconds to enter menu to set the parameters. Parameter table:Paramete Description Default Range Step1 Power on status (0: Off; 1: On; 2: Hold)2 0 - 22 Fan speed (0: Single Speed; 1: Three Speed) 1 0 - 13 Fan mode (DA; DB) 04 Sensor selection (0: Internal; 1: Remote) 1 0 - 15 Temperature format (0: Celsius; 1: Fahrenheit) 0 0 - 1 0.16 Temperature calibration 0 -20.0 -﹢20.0 0.17 Minimum setpoint 5℃/41℉0 - 99.5 0.58 Maximum setpoint 35℃/960 - 99.5 0.59 Dead band (from HL8102E to HL8102K) 2 0 - 10 0.510 Heating & Auto sleep setpoint 7℃/45℉0 - 99.5 0.511 Cooling sleep setpoint 28℃/820 - 99.5 0.512 Comms# (HL8102XN) 1 1 - 32 113 Input Signal Mode0: Invalid1: Changeover(from HL8102A to HL8102D)2: thermostat will be sleep without input signal3: thermostat will be Off without input signal0 0 - 314 Heating reset time 90 sec. 10 - 300 sec. 10 sec.15 Cooling reset time 90 sec. 10 - 300 sec. 10 sec.16 Ports mode (0: Modulation & Floating; 1: On/Off) 0 0 - 117 Valve status as turn off (0: Close; 1:Hold; 2: Open ) 0 0 - 218 Port1 Modulation direction(0:10V Open; 1:10V Close) 0 0 - 119 Port1 Modulation minimum signal 0Bit 0-128Bit(5V/10mA) 0.04V/Bit(0.08mA/Bit)20 Port1 Modulation proportional 2 1 - 20 0.521 Port2 Modulation direction(0:10V Open;1:10V Close) 0 0 - 122 Port2 Modulation minimum Signal 0 Bit 0-128Bit(5V/10mA) 0.04V/Bit(0.08mA/Bit)23 Port2 Modulation proportional 2 1 - 20 0.524 Port1 Floating minimum time 1 sec. 1 - 9 sec. 1 sec.25 Port1 Floating maximum time 30 sec. 10 - 300 sec. 10 sec.26 Port1 Floating minimum time 1 sec. 1-9 sec. 1 sec.27 Port1 Floating maximum time 30 sec. 10 - 300 sec. 10 sec.28 Disable / Enable bypass PID control( 0: Disable; 1: Enable )0 0 - 129 Override output value when bypass PID controlDisplay output value when enable PID control0 - 25530 Override output value when bypass PID controlDisplay output value when enable PID control0 - 25531 Input signal management:0: Input valid1: Override Input: open2: Override Input: close0 0 - 232 Display room temperature or set-point0: Room temperature 1: Set-Point0 0 - 133 Configuration external sensor0: B = 3950; 1: B = 3450; 2: B = 39003: User define (via network. default B = 3950)0 0 - 334-38 N/A39 Start temperature of Low temperature protection 5℃/42℉0-15℃/42-62℉1℃/2℉40 Stop temperature of Low temperature protection 7℃/46℉2-17℃/46-66℉1℃/2℉It will confirm itself 20 seconds later after setting and return to Off state.Switch:There is a 5 poles switch on PCB. The meaning is below:Location ON OFF1 120 ohm Resistance between AB wires No Resistance between AB wires2 Port 1 Modulation 0 - 20mA Off3 Port 1 Modulation 0 - 10VDC Off4 Port 2 Modulation 0 - 20mA Off5 Port 3 Modulation 0 - 10VDC OffMounting:1. Open the back panel withscrewdriver.2. Connect the wires follow thediagram.3. Fix the base with screw.4. Fix the front panel and finishthe installation.Wiring diagram :Note: Be sure to connect all the wires as per the wiring diagrams and keep it away from water, mudand other material so as to prevent the unit being spoiled!24VACHL8102A/ANLNOPENCLOSE Floating Control Cooling/HeatingRS┴Input B A ┴~COM VOVCTRModbusA B Input Remote Sensor24VACHL8102B/BNLNModulating Control Cooling/HeatingRS┴InputB A ┴~TRModbusA B InputRemote SensorM0-10V /4-20mAV+┴~24VACHL8102C/CNLNOPENCLOSE Floating Control Cooling/HeatingRS┴Input B A ┴~COM LOW MEDHI L VO VCTRFanModbusA B Input Remote Sensor24VACHL8102D/DNLNModulating Control Cooling/HeatingRS┴Input B A┴~LOWMEDHI L TRFanModbusA B InputRemote SensorM0-10V /4-20mAV+┴~24VACHL8102E/ENLNOPENCLOSE Modulating ControlHeatingFloating ControlCoolingRS┴Input B A ┴~COMLOWMEDHI L CO CC TRFanModbusA B InputRemote SensorM0-10V /4-20mA H+┴24VACHL8102F/FNLNOPENCLOSE Modulating ControlCoolingFloating ControlHeatingRS┴Input B A ┴~COM LOWMED HIL HCTRFanModbusA B Input Remote SensorHO M0-10V /4-20mAC+┴24VACHL8102I/INLNOPENCLOSE OPEN CLOSE Floating ControlHeatingFloating ControlCoolingRS┴Input B A ┴~COM LOWMEDHI L CO CC HO HCTRFanModbusA B Input Remote Sensor24VACHL8102K/KNLNModulating ControlHeatingModulating ControlCoolingRS┴Input B A ┴~LOWMEDHI L TRFanModbusA B InputRemote SensorMM0-10V /4-20mAC+┴0-10V /4-20mAH+┴~。



Agilent HLMP-CxxxT-13/4 (5mm) Extra Bright Precision Optical Performance InGaN LED Lamps Data SheetDescriptionThese high intensity blue and green LEDs are based on the most efficient and cost effective InGaN material technology. The 470 nm typical dominant wave–length for blue and 525 nm typical wavelength for green is well suited to color mixing in full color signs. The 505 nm typical dominant wavelength for cyan is suitable for traffic signal application.These LED lamps are untinted, non-diffused, T-13/4 packagesFeatures•Well defined spatial radiationpattern•High luminous output•Available in blue, green, and cyancolor•Viewing angle: 15°, 23°and 30°•Standoff or non-standoff leads•Superior resistance to moistureApplications•Traffic signals•Commercial outdoor advertising•Front panel backlighting•Front panel indicator incorporating second generationoptics which produce well-definedspatial radiation patterns atspecific viewing cone angles.These lamps are made with anadvanced optical grade epoxy,offering superior temperatureand moisture resistance inoutdoor signal and signapplications. The high maximumLED junction temperature limitof +110°C enables hightemperature operation in brightsunlight conditions.HLMP-CB11, HLMP-CB12, HLMP-CM11, HLMP-CM12, HLMP-CE11,HLMP-CE12, HLMP-CB26, HLMP-CB27, HLMP-CM26, HLMP-CM27,HLMP-CE26, HLMP-CE27, HLMP-CB36, HLMP-CB37, HLMP-CM36,HLMP-CM37, HLMP-CE36, HLMP-CE37CAUTION: Devices are Class I ESD sensitive. Please observe appropriate precautions during handling and processing. Refer to Application Note AN-1142 for additional details.Package DimensionsPackage APackage B5.80 ± 0.20(0.228 ±∅ CATHODEFLATMIN.SQ. TYP.NOTES:1. MEASURED JUST ABOVE FLANGE.2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES).3. EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm (0.040") DOWN THE LEADS.4. IF HEAT SINKING APPLICATION IS REQUIRED, THE TERMINAL FOR HEAT SINK IS ANODE.Device Selection GuideTypicalViewing Angle,Intensity (cd) at 20 mA PackagePart Number Color2q1/2 (Degree)Min.Max.Standoff Dimension Lens HLMP-CB11-TW0xx Blue15 2.57.2No A Clear HLMP-CB11-UVAxx Blue15 3.2 5.5No A Clear HLMP-CB12-TW0xx Blue15 2.57.2Yes B Clear HLMP-CM11-Y20xx Green159.327.0No A Clear HLMP-CM11-Z1Cxx Green1512.021.0No A Clear HLMP-CM12-Y20xx Green159.327.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE11-X10xx Cyan157.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CE12-X10xx Cyan157.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CB26-SV0xx Blue23 1.9 5.5No A Clear HLMP-CB26-TUDxx Blue23 2.5 4.2No A Clear HLMP-CB27-SV0xx Blue23 1.9 5.5Yes B Clear HLMP-CM26-X10xx Green237.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CM26-YZCxx Green239.316.0No A Clear HLMP-CM27-X10xx Green237.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE26-WZ0xx Cyan23 5.516.0No A Clear HLMP-CE27-WZ0xx Cyan23 5.516.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CB36-QT0xx Blue30 1.15 3.2No A Clear HLMP-CB36-RSAxx Blue30 1.5 2.5No A Clear HLMP-CB37-RU0xx Blue30 1.5 4.2Yes B Clear HLMP-CB37-RSDxx Blue30 1.5 2.5Yes B Clear HLMP-CM36-X10xx Green307.221.0No A Clear HLMP-CM36-XYCxx Green307.212.0No A Clear HLMP-CM37-X10xx Green307.221.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CM37-XYCxx Green307.212.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CM37-XYDxx Green307.212.0Yes B Clear HLMP-CE36-WZ0xx Cyan30 5.516.0No A Clear HLMP-CE37-WZ0xx Cyan30 5.516.0Yes B ClearNotes:1.Tolerance for luminous intensity measurement is ±15%.2.The luminous intensity is measured on the mechanical axis of the lamp package.3.The optical axis is closely aligned with the package mechanical axis.4.LED light output is bright enough to cause injuries to the eyes. Precautions must be taken to prevent looking directly at the LED without propersafety equipment.5. 2q1/2 is the off-axis angle where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis intensity.Part Numbering SystemHLMP-x x xx-x x x xxMechanical Options00: BulkDD: Ammo PackColor Bin Options0: Full Color Bin DistributionA: Color Bin 1 and 2C: Color Bin 3 and 4D: Color Bin 4 and 5Maximum Intensity Bin0: No Maximum Intensity Bin LimitationOthers: Refer to Device Selection GuideMinimum Intensity BinRefer to Device Selection GuideViewing Intensity Bin11: 15° Without Standoff12: 15°With Standoff26: 23°Without Standoff27: 23°With Standoff36: 30°Without standoff37: 30°With StandoffColorB: Blue 470 nmM: Green 525 nmE: Cyan 505 nmPackageC: T-13/4 (5 mm) Round LampAbsolute Maximum Rating at T A = 25°CParameters Value UnitDC Forward Current [1]30mAPeak Pulsed Forward Current[3]100mAAverage Forward Current30mAPower Dissipation120mWLED Junction Temperature110°COperating Temperature Range–40 to +85°CStorage Temperature Range–40 to +100°CWave Soldering Temperature[2]250 for 3 secs°CNotes:1.Derate linearly as shown in Figure2.2.1.59 mm (0.060 inch) below body.3.Duty factor 10%, frequency 1 KHz.Electrical/Optical CharacteristicsT A = 25o CBlue Green CyanParameters Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Condition Forward Voltage V F 3.5 4.0 3.6 4.0 3.5 4.0V I F = 20 mA Reverse Voltage[1]V R 5.0 5.0 5.0V I R = 10 µA Thermal Resistance R q J-PIN240240240o C/W LED Junction toAnode Lead Dominant l d460470480520525540490505510nm I F = 20 mA Wavelength[2]Peak Wavelength l PEAK464516501nm Peak of Wavelengthof Spectral Distribu-tion at I F = 20 mA Spectral Half Width Dl1/2233230nm Wavelength Widthat Spectral Distribu-tion Power Pointat I F = 20 mA Luminous Efficacy[3]h v74484319lm/W Emitted LuminousPower/EmittedRadiant Power Notes:1.The reverse voltage of the product is equivalent to the forward voltage of the protective chip at I R = 10 µA.2.The dominant wavelength, l d, is derived from the Chromaticity Diagram and represents the color of the lamp.3.The radiant intensity, Ie in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation Ie = Iv/h v, where Iv is the luminous intensity in candelas and h v is theluminous efficacy in lumens/watt.Figure 5. Relative intensity vs. DC forward current.Figure 4. Relative dominant wavelength vs. DC forward current.DC FORWARD CURRENT – mAR E L A T I V E D O M I N A N T W A V E L E N G T H (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )1020301.0250.9901.0151.0201.0101.0051.0000.995GREENBLUER E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )FORWARD CURRENT – mAFigure 1. Relative intensity vs. wavelength.Figure 3. Forward current vs. forward voltage.Figure 2. Forward current vs. ambient temperature.WAVELENGTH – nmR E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T Y1.0000.800.600.400.20030103.0202.01.0F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AFORWARD VOLTAGE – V 4.0CYANGREENBLUEI F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV F – FORWARD VOLTAGE – VOLTSFigure 6. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx11 and Cx12.R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090Figure 7. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx26 and Cx27.Figure 8. Spatial radiation pattern for Cx36 and Cx37.R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y10ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT – DEGREES0.5-90-600-30306090Intensity Bin Limit TableIntensity (mcd) at 20 mA Bin Min MaxN680880P8801150Q11501500R15001900S1*******T25003200U32004200V42005500W55007200X72009300Y930012000Z1200016000 11600021000 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±15%.Blue Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1460.0464.00.14400.02970.17660.09660.18180.09040.13740.0374 2464.0468.00.13740.03740.16990.10620.17660.09660.12910.0495 3468.0472.00.12910.04950.16160.12090.16990.10620.11870.0671 4472.0476.00.11870.06710.15170.14230.16160.12090.10630.0945 5476.0480.00.10630.09450.13970.17280.15170.14230.09130.1327 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Cyan Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1490.0495.00.04540.29450.11640.38890.13180.3060.02350.4127 2495.0500.00.03450.41270.10570.47690.11640.38890.00820.5384 3500.0505.00.00820.53840.10270.55840.10570.47690.00390.6548 4505.0510.00.00390.65480.10970.62510.10270.55840.01390.7502 7498.0503.00.01320.48820.10280.52730.10920.44170.00400.6104 8503.0508.00.00400.61040.10560.60070.10280.52730.00800.7153 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Green Color Bin TableBin Min Dom Max Dom Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax 1520.0524.00.07430.83380.18560.65560.16500.65860.10600.8292 2524.0528.00.10600.82920.20680.64630.18560.65560.13870.8148 3528.0532.00.13870.81480.22730.63440.20680.64630.17020.7965 4532.0536.00.17020.79650.24690.62130.22730.63440.20030.7764 5536.0540.00.20030.77640.26590.60700.24690.62130.22960.7543 Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2004 Agilent Technologies, Inc. December 7, 20045989-1022EN。



最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
20 µVrms
REV 1.2

2.3 内置参考电压
基准电压 温漂
高频脉冲 CF1,可配置成为输出电流有效值或者电压有效值,在 500:1 范围内达到±0.5%的 精度。
内置电源监控电路,当电源电压低到 4V 时,芯片进入复位状态。 内置 2.43V 的电压参考源。 5V 单电源供电,工作电流小于 3mA。 主要应用领域:需要测量电压、电流和功率的场合,例如单相多功能电能表、智能插座、
最小值 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -40 -65
典型值 -
最大值 +6.0 +6.0 +6.0 +2
VDD+0.3 VDD+0.3 VDD+0.3
85 150
单位 V V V V V V V °C °C
REV 1.2

REV 1.2



AgilentT-13/4 (5 mm), T-1 (3 mm),High Intensity, Double Heterojunction AlGaAs Red LED LampsData SheetHLMP-D101/D105, HLMP-K101/K105DescriptionThese solid state LED lamps utilize newly developed doubleheterojunction (DH) AlGaAs/GaAs material technology. This LED material has outstanding lightoutput efficiency over a wide rangeFeatures• Exceptional brightness • Wide viewing angle• Outstanding material efficiency • Low forward voltage • CMOS/MOS compatible • TTL compatible • Deep red colorApplications• Bright ambient lighting conditions • Moving message panels • Portable equipment • General useof drive currents. The color is deep red at the dominantwavelength of 637 nanometres.These lamps may be DC or pulse driven to achieve desired light output.Package DimensionsA B CSelection GuideLuminous IntensityIv (mcd) at 20 mA2θ1/2[1]Package Package Description Device HLMP-Min.Typ.Max.Degree Outline T-1 3/4 Red Tinted Diffused D10135.270.0–65AD101-J00xx35.270.0–65AD101-JK0xx35.270.0112.865AT-1 3/4 Red Untinted Non-diffused D105138.0240.0–24BD105-M00xx138.0240.0–24BD105-NO0xx200.0290.0580.024BT-1 Red Tinted Diffused K10122.045.0–60CK101-100xx22.045.0–60CK101-IJ0xx22.045.070.460CT-1 Red Untinted Non-diffused K10535.265.0–45CK105-J00xx35.265.0–45CK105-KL0xx56.4110.0180.445CNote:1. θ1/2 is the off axis angle from lamp centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis value.Part Numbering SystemHLMP - x x xx - x x x xxMechanical Option00: Bulk01: Tape & Reel, Crimped Leads02: Tape & Reel, Straight LeadsA1: Right Angle Housing, Uneven Leads, T1A2: Right Angle Housing, Even Leads, T1B1: Right Angle Housing, Uneven Leads, T-1 3/4B2: Right Angle Housing, Even Leads, T-1 3/4DD, UQ: Ammo PackColor Bin Options0: Full Color Bin DistributionMaximum Iv Bin Options0: Open (no max. limit)Others: Please refer to the Iv Bin TableMinimum Iv Bin OptionsPlease refer to the Iv Bin TableLens Type01: Tinted, Diffused05: Untinted, NondiffusedColor Options1: AlGaAs RedPackage OptionsD: T-1 3/4K: T-1Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25°CParameter ValuePeak Forward Current[1,2]300 mAAverage Forward Current[2]20 mADC Current[3]30 mAPower Dissipation87 mWReverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA) 5 VTransient Forward Current (10 µs Pulse)[4]500 mALED Junction Temperature110°COperating Temperature Range-20 to +100°C Storage Temperature Range-55 to +100°C Wave Soldering Temperature [1.59 mm (0.063 in.) from body]250°C for 3 seconds Lead Solder Dipping Temperature [1.59 mm (0.063 in.) from body]260°C for 5 seconds Notes:1.Maximum I PEAK at f = 1 kHz, DF = 6.7%.2.Refer to Figure 6 to establish pulsed operating conditions.3.Derate linearly as shown in Figure 5.4.The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current the device can withstand without damaging the LED die and wire bonds. It isnot recommended that the device be operated at peak currents beyond the Absolute Maximum Peak Forward Current.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°CSymbol Description Min.Typ.Max.Unit Test ConditionV F Forward Voltage 1.8 2.2V I F = 20 mAV R Reverse Breakdown Voltage 5.015.0V I R = 100 µAλp Peak Wavelength645nm Measurement at Peakλd Dominant Wavelength637nm Note 1∆λ1/2Spectral Line Halfwidth20nmτS Speed of Response30ns Exponential TimeConstant, e-t/T SC Capacitance30pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHzRθJ-PIN Thermal Resistance260[3]°C/W Junction to Cathode Lead210[4]290[5]ηV Luminous Efficacy80Im/W Note 2Notes:1.The dominant wavelength, λd, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the color of the device.2.The radiant intensity, I e, in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e = l V/ηV, where I V is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηV isluminous efficacy in lumens/watt.3.HLMP-D101.4.HLMP-D105.5.HLMP-K101/-K105.Figure 3. Relative luminous intensity vs. dc forward current.Figure 4. Relative efficiency vs. peak forward current.Figure 7. Relative luminous intensity vs. angular displacement. HLMP-D101.Figure 8. Relative luminous intensity vs. angular displacement. HLMP-K101.Intensity Bin LimitsIntensity Range (mcd)Color Bin Min.Max.Red I24.839.6J39.663.4K63.4101.5L101.5162.4M162.4234.6N234.6340.0O340.0540.0P540.0850.0Q850.01200.0R1200.01700.0S1700.02400.0T2400.03400.0U3400.04900.0V4900.07100.0W7100.010200.0X10200.014800.0Y14800.021400.0Z21400.030900.0Maximum tolerance for each bin limit is ± 18%.Mechanical Option MatrixMechanical Option Code Definition00Bulk Packaging, minimum increment 500 pcs/bag01Tape & Reel, crimped leads, minimum increment 1300 pcs (T-1 3/4)/1800 pcs (T-1) 02Tape & Reel, straight leads, minimum increment 1300 pcs (T-1 3/4)/1800 pcs (T-1) A1Right Angle Housing, uneven leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagA2Right Angle Housing, even leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagB1Right Angle Housing, uneven leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagB2Right Angle Housing, even leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagDD Ammo Pack, straight leads in 2K incrementUQ Ammo Pack, horizontal leads in 2K incrementNote:All categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your local Agilent representative for further clarification/information./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152 (Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280 (Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2004 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5968-1440ENovember 12, 20045988-2230EN。



SOP8E中的1A线性锂离子电池充电器一般说明FP8102是一个独立的线性锂离子电池充电器,带有暴露的pad SOP8封装。





特征●单电池锂离子电池的独立线性充电器●无需外部MOSFET、感测电阻或阻断二极管●高达1A可编程充电电流●预设充电电压,精度为±1%●自动充值● 2.9V涓流充电电压●C/10充电终止●55uA备用电源电流●无电池充电状态指示灯和充电失败显示●软启动限制涌流●热防护应用芯片135代2845理8039 Mr。












当BAT 引脚接近最终浮充电压(4.2V),FP8102进入恒压模式充电电流开始减小。






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业务规则既可强制通 用,又可按需定制
Hyperion Planning的业务 规则可以自动生成维护 文档便于用户管理。
业务 模型
计划 预算
报告 分析
目标 设定
业务 模型
•销售预测 •生产计划 •成本中心预算
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另附CRC16的C语言算法于下(代码来源于互联网,具体出处记不清楚了):void CheckCRCModBus(const BYTE* pDataIn, WORD iLenIn, WORD* pCRCOut){WORD wHi = 0;WORD wLo = 0;wCRC = 0xFFFF;for (int i = 0; i < iLenIn; i++){wCRC = CalcCRCModBus(*pDataIn, wCRC);pDataIn++;}wHi = wCRC / 256;wLo = wCRC % 256;*pCRCOut = (wHi << 8) | wLo;;}WORD CalcCRCModBus(BYTE cDataIn, WORD wCRCIn){WORD wCheck = 0;wCRCIn = wCRCIn ^ cDataIn;for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){wCheck = wCRCIn & 0x01;wCRCIn = wCRCIn >> 1;wCRCIn = wCRCIn & 0x7fff;if(wCheck == 1){wCRCIn = wCRCIn ^ 0xa001;}wCRCIn = wCRCIn & 0xffff;}return wCRCIn;}HL8102数字温度控制器通信协议通信功能:物理层:RS485通信形式:modbus协议RTU波特率:4800 BPS数据格式:1位起始位+8位数据位+1位奇校验+1位停止位默认地址:1数据格式:地址(1byte)+功能码(1byte)+寄存器地址(2byte)+数据(2byte)+CRC(2byte)一般温控面板出厂后默认地址0101命令报文信息:命令发送:01 01 00 00 00 00 XX XX命令返回:01 01 01 04 50 4B 01不知道作何解释,04字节为风机状态,bit0为风机低开,bit1为风机中开,bit2为风机高开。

乐诚 LCE8102 电压电流采集存储器 用户手册说明书

乐诚 LCE8102 电压电流采集存储器 用户手册说明书

LCE8102 电压电流采集存储器用户手册广州乐诚电子科技有限公司 TEL:QQ:493743672 562643211感谢您使用广州乐诚电子科技有限公司提供的LCE8102 电压电流采集存储器。




一、综述LCE8102 电压电流采集存储器是一款工业级超大容量的模拟量采集存储设备。







2、产品特征采用工业级高速微处理器,性能稳定,处理能力强;内部看门狗,防止死机及程序跑飞;8路模拟量输入,高精度,转换速度250K/S,可采集0-20mA电流、0-5V、0-10V、0-15V、0-20V、0-30V电压,适用于大多数工业传感器和变送器,抗干扰能力强;具有过压过流保护,在0-5V电压模式下,可以耐24V电压,具有RC滤波;12V-24V宽范围电源电压输入,具有反接保护;RS485/232通讯接口,用于将采集到的数据远程输出;采用原装进口的芯片,板子上集成TVS管,可防止600W雷击浪涌电流;存储系统采用FA T32文件系统,最大支持32G容量的SD卡;采用独特的动态内存分配管理算法,提高数据的处理能力,确保不丢失一个字节;时钟功能:以当时的年月日命名,自动创建文件夹;每隔一个小时创建一个“TXT”存储文档,方便用户了解数据获取的准确时间;同时避免大容量数据存储于同一个TXT文档而造成无法打开;根据用户的具体需要对接收到的每帧数据加入实时时间,方便后期数据处理;超低功耗设计,支持锂电池供电适用野外和移动状态下的数据存储环境。

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1-44HT-13/4 (5 mm) High Performance TS AlGaAs Red LED Lamps Technical DataPackage DimensionsHLMP-8100HLMP-8102/-8103HLMP-C100/-C110NOTES:1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS/INCHES.2. THE LEADS ARE MILD STEEL, SOLDER DIPPED.3. AN EPOXY MENISCUS MAY EXTEND ABOUT 1 mm (0.040") DOWN THE LEADS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.NOM.Features• Exceptional Brightness • Outstanding LED Material Efficiency• High Light Output Over a Wide Range of Drive Currents• Viewing Angle: Narrow or Wide• Low Forward Voltage • Low Power Dissipation • CMOS/MOS Compatible • Red ColorDescriptionThese T-13/4, untinted,nondiffused lamps utilize a highly optimized LED material technology, transparentsubstrate aluminum gallium arsenide (TS AlGaAs). ThisLED technology has a very high luminous efficiency, capable of producing high light output over a wide range of drive currents (500 µA to 50 mA). The color is deep red at a dominant wave-length of 644 nm. TS AlGaAs is a flip-chip LED technology, die attached to the anode lead and wire bonded to the cathode lead.HLMP-810X Series HLMP-C100HLMP-C1105964-9291EAxial Luminous Intensity and Viewing Angle at T A = 25°CTypical Radiant Part Number Minimum Intensity Typical Intensity Intensity2θ1/2[1] HLMP-(mcd) @ 20 mA(mcd) @ 20 mA(mW/sr) @ 20 mA Degrees81032000300035.3781021400200023.578100290100011.819C1002907508.830C110200400 4.740Note:1. θ1/2 is the off axis angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the on-axis value.Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25°CPeak Forward Current[2]..........................................................300 mAAverage Forward Current (@ I PEAK = 300 mA) [1,2]...................30 mADC Forward Current[3]...............................................................50 mAPower Dissipation....................................................................100 mWReverse Voltage (I R=100 µA)...........................................................5 VTransient Forward Current (10 µs Pulse)[4]............................500 mAOperating Temperature Range......................................-55 to +100°CStorage Temperature Range..........................................-55 to +100°CLED Junction Temperature.......................................................110°CLead Soldering Temperature[1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from body]..........................260°C for 5 secondsNotes:1. Maximum I AVG at f = 1 kHz, DF = 10%.2. Refer to Figure 6 to establish pulsed operating conditions.3. Derate linearly as shown in Figure 5.4. The transient peak current is the maximum non-recurring peak current the devicecan withstand without damaging the LED die and wire bonds. It is notrecommended that the device be operated at peak currents above the AbsoluteMaximum Peak Forward Current.1-451-46Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°CDescription Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Units Test Conditions Forward Voltage V F 1.85 2.4V I F = 20 mA Reverse Voltage V R 5.020.0V I R = 100 µAPeak Wavelength λPEAK 654nm Dominant Wavelength [1]λd 644nm Spectral Line Halfwidth ∆λ1/218nm Speed of Response τS 45ns Exponential Time Constant, e -t/τCapacitance C 20pF V F = 0, f = 1 MHz Thermal Resistance HLMP-810X R θJ-PIN210°C/WJunction-to-Anode Lead HLMP-C1X0237Luminous Efficacy [2]ηv 85lm/WNotes:1. The dominant wavelength, λd , is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the color of the device.2. The radiant intensity, I e , in watts per steradian, may be found from the equation I e =I V /ηV , where I V is the luminous intensity in candelas and ηV is luminous efficacy in lumens/wattFigure 1. Relative Intensity vs. Wavelength.Figure 2. Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage.101010R E L A T I V E I N T E N S I T YWAVELENGTH - nmV - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V FI - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T - m AF 20010050201052100.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0300 3.51-47Figure 7. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-8103and HLMP-8102.θ– ANGLE FROM OPTICAL CENTERLINE – DEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLE)R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y1.°Figure 4. Relative Efficiency vs. Peak Forward Current.Figure 3. Relative Luminous Intensityvs. DC Forward Current.η - R E L A T I V E E F F I C I E N C Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )V I - PEAK FORWARD CURRENT - mA PEAK2. E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y (N O R M A L I Z E D A T 20 m A )I - DC FORWARD CURRENT - mA F 0.0150403020100I - F O R W A R D C U R R E N T - m A FT - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE - °C A 504020100I = A V E R A G E F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m A AV G I – PEAK FORWARD CURRENT – mA PEAK30Figure 6. Maximum Average Current vs. Peak Forward Current.Figure 5. Maximum Forward DCCurrent vs. Ambient Temperature.Derating Based on TJMAX = 110°C.1-48Figure 9. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-C100.Figure 8. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-8100.θ – ANGLE FROM OPTICAL CENTERLINE – DEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLE)R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y1.°θ – ANGLE FROM OPTICAL CENTERLINE – DEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLE)R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y1.°θ – ANGLE FROM OPTICAL CENTERLINE – DEGREES (CONE HALF ANGLE)R E L A T I V E L U M I N O U S I N T E N S I T Y1.°Figure 10. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular Displacement. HLMP-C110.。
