

棉花买卖合同书6篇篇1棉花买卖合同书本合同书于_______年____月____日签订,由甲方(卖方)和乙方(买方)共同商定以下买卖事宜:一、商品信息:1.1 乙方同意购买甲方位于_______地区的_______号仓库内的棉花,数量约为_______吨。
1.2 棉花的品质标准应遵循国家相关规定,并由双方共同确认。
1.3 交付时间:甲方将在签订合同后_______日内将商品交付乙方。
二、价格及支付:2.1 本次交易的总价格约为_______万元人民币,具体按照实际交易数量计算。
2.2 乙方应在签订合同后的_______日内支付商品的_______%作为定金,剩余金额应在货物交付当日支付清楚。
2.3 支付方式:乙方支付定金的方式为_______,支付尾款的方式为_______。
三、交付及验收:3.1 甲方应当将棉花按照约定的时间交付乙方,并确保商品的数量与品质符合约定。
3.2 乙方有权对收到的商品进行验收,如发现商品质量不符或数量有误,应当在_______日内向甲方提出退换货要求,并由双方协商解决。
四、违约责任:4.1 如果因丙方原因导致合同无法履行,甲方应承担相应违约责任。
4.2 如果因乙方原因导致合同无法履行,乙方应承担相应违约责任。
五、其他事项:5.1 本合同未尽事宜由双方协商解决。
甲方(签名):_________ 乙方(签名):_________以上为本次棉花买卖合同书的内容,双方均已充分了解并同意以上事项。
篇2棉花买卖合同书合同编号:__________甲方(供货方):_____________________________乙方(购货方):_____________________________经双方友好协商,就乙方购买甲方所生产的棉花达成如下合同:一、货物描述及规格1. 乙方购买甲方生产的____________(品种)棉花,具体规格为_________________。

棉花购买合同6篇第1篇示例:棉花购买合同甲方:(下称“卖方”)乙方:(下称“买方”)鉴于,甲方是一家具有合法生产和销售棉花产品资质的公司,拥有充足的棉花资源和生产能力;乙方是一家有意向购买棉花的公司,希望通过合作获得优质的棉花原料;双方经友好协商,依据平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,达成如下协议:一、货物描述:1. 甲方同意向乙方销售以下商品:优质长绒棉花。
2. 商品规格:纤维长度28mm-32mm,纤维强度29.5g/dtex,垫纹度最大11.5mg/100g。
3. 商品数量:乙方同意购买甲方所提供的棉花数量为XX吨。
4. 商品价格:本次交易的价格为XX元/吨。
二、交货时间:1. 甲方承诺在乙方支付合同价款后,按照协商的交货时间及数量要求,及时将货物送至乙方指定的地点。
2. 乙方应在收到货物后核对数量和质量,并在签收后的72小时内提出任何质量瑕疵或数量差异的异议,否则视为买方已经接受。
三、支付方式:1. 乙方应在签订合同后XX天内向甲方支付合同总金额的XX%作为订金,余款应在货物送达后XX天内支付清楚。
2. 乙方应按照本合同的规定支付合同价款,不得以任何理由拖延或拒绝支付应付款项。
四、质量标准:1. 甲方销售的棉花应符合国家相关标准和行业规范。
2. 如果乙方收到的货物存在质量问题,乙方有权利拒收,并要求甲方进行退换货;如货物已使用或拆封,视为乙方已接受货物,并不得再要求退换。
3. 乙方若对货物有质量疑义,应在签收后的72小时内提出,否则视为买方已经接受。
五、违约责任:1. 若一方未按照合同约定的条件履行义务,构成违约,应承担违约责任。
2. 若买方未能按时支付货款,卖方有权要求买方支付每日XX%的违约金。
3. 若卖方未按时交付货物,买方有权取消合同,并要求卖方支付违约金。
4. 其他违约行为,按照国家有关法律法规处理。

协议编号:LX-FS-A94154 棉花买卖合同(中英文版)标准范本After Negotiation On A Certain Issue, An Agreement Is Reached And A Clause With Economic Relationship Is Concluded, So As To Protect Their Respective Legitimate Rights And Interests.编写:_________________________审批:_________________________时间:________年_____月_____日A4打印/ 新修订/ 完整/ 内容可编辑棉花买卖合同(中英文版)标准范本使用说明:本协议资料适用于经过谈判或共同协商的某个问题,在取得一致意见后并订立的具有经济或其它关系的契约条款,最终实现保障各自的合法权益的结果。
棉花买卖合同范本买方: 卖方:Buyer: Seller:地址: 地址:Address: Address:电话: 电话:Tel: Tel:传真: 传真:Fax: Fax:电子邮件:电子邮件:E-mail: E-mail:本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买、卖方同意出售下述商品: This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following commodity:1 商品名称1 Commodity产地:Origin:生产年度:Crop year:类别:(细绒棉,长绒棉)Category: _____ (upland cotton, long-staplecotton)加工方式:ÿ锯齿棉ÿ皮辊棉Ginning: ÿ saw ginned ÿ roller ginned2 规格/质量2 Specifications/Quality级别: ÿUSDA通用棉花标准Grade: ÿUSDA Universal Cotton Standardsÿ凭小样(小样型号)ÿby type:长度: (英寸,毫米)Staple Length: (inch/mm)马克隆值: NCLMicronaire: NCL断裂比强度值: 最小值克/特克斯,平均值克/特克斯以上Strength: minimum grams/tex,average above grams/tex3 数量3 Quantity净重:(吨,磅,包)Net Weight: (ton/pound/bale)溢短装率: %(默认值为1.5%) ÿ 不允许多装Weight Tolerance Ratio %( If not specified here, 1.5% will be applied)ÿ Excess not allowed吨与磅的换算公式:1吨=2204.62磅Conversion between ton and pound: 1 ton=2204.62 pounds4价格4 Price单价:(美分/磅,人民币元/吨)Unit Price: (USC(cent)/pound orRMB(Yuan)/ton)价格条件:(CIF,CFR,FOB,其它)Terms: (CIF, CFR, FOB or others)总价: (美元,人民币元)Total Value: (USD/RMB)5付款方式ÿ 信用证ÿ 凭单托收ÿ 其它5 Payment Terms ÿ Letter of Credit ÿ D/Pÿ Others6重量、质量检验:CIQ检验证书为结算和索赔的依据6 Weight and Quality Inspection: CIQInspection Certificate shall be the basis for settlement and compensation7装运/交货日期:从——(年月日)到——(年月日),或按月等量装运/交货(每月数量) (吨,磅,包)7 Shipment / Delivery: shipment /delivery from_____(mm/dd/yy) to_____(mm/dd/yy) Or equal monthly shipment/delivery as follows: _____( ton, pound, bale)8目的地:8 Destination:9一般条款9 General Terms一般条款为本合同不可分割的一部分。
第三条质量异议: 乙方在交货地点现场抽样验收,第四条验收办法: 甲方通知乙方人员现场验收, 并对检验证书与皮棉批次是否相符进行核对验收。
第五条交提货地点: 甲方仓库第六条运输方式和费用承担:公路、铁路运输由甲方负责办理发运, 所产生的费用由乙方承担。
第七条重量计算方式: 按公定重量结算。
第八条皮棉款支付: 乙方在验收合格后于60 日日按公定重量向甲方支付全额皮棉款, 批款批货, 批货批清, 并开据增值税票。
本合同一式二份, 甲乙双方签字盖章后生效。
甲方(公章):________ 乙方(公章):________法定代表人(签字):______________ 法定代表人(签字):_________ 年 ___ 月____ 日__________ 年____ 月 ___ 日棉花购销合同范文2供方:(以下简称甲方)签订年月日需方:(以下简称乙方)根据《国家合同法》及现行棉花政策, 经双方协商一致签订本合同, 共同遵守执行。
第三条质量异议: 乙方在交货地点现场抽样验收, 如对质量问题产生异议, 应当现场向甲方提出, 否则视为验收合格, 在甲方生产过程中乙方发现皮棉质量不符合要求,应在当日通知甲方, 否则视为皮棉质量符合乙方要求。
第四条异议处理: 对于乙方上述质量异议, 交货验收时提出的,甲方应当场核实。
生产期间提出的, 甲方应在当日核实,确定甲方原因导致皮棉质量不符合要求的, 甲方负责无条件更换。
第五条验收办法: 甲方通知乙方人员现场验收, 并对检验证书与皮棉批次是否相符进行核对验收。
第六条交提货地点: 甲方仓库提货第七条运输方式和费用承担:公路、铁路运输由甲方负责办理发运, 所产生的费用由乙方承担。

棉花买卖合同(中英文版)6篇篇1Cotton Trading ContractThis Agreement is made and entered into on [date], by and between [Seller], located at [address], and [Buyer], located at [address], collectively referred to as the “Parties”.1. Subject Matter of ContractThe Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to purchase, the following goods: cotton of a certain grade and quantity as specified in the attached schedule.2. PriceThe price of the goods shall be [amount] per unit, totaling [total amount]. Payment shall be made in [currency] upon delivery of the goods.3. DeliveryThe Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer's specified location on [date]. The Buyer shall be responsible for all shipping and delivery costs.4. Inspection and AcceptanceUpon delivery, the Buyer shall have [number] days to inspect the goods and notify the Seller of any defects. If the Buyer fails to notify the Seller within this timeframe, the goods shall be deemed accepted.5. Title and Risk of LossTitle and risk of loss for the goods shall transfer from the Seller to the Buyer upon delivery and acceptance of the goods.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].7. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.In witness whereof, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.Seller: [Signature]Buyer: [Signature]【棉花买卖合同(中英文版)】本合同于[日期]由位于[地址]的卖方和位于[地址]的买方签署。

棉花买卖合同(中英文版)5篇篇1买方:______________ (以下简称甲方)卖方:______________ (以下简称乙方)鉴于甲、乙双方同意进行棉花交易,为明确双方的权利和义务,保障交易双方的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方在平等、自愿、公平的基础上,就有关事宜达成如下协议:一、棉花的基本信息甲方购买乙方销售的棉花,具体数量、质量、规格、单价等详见附件。
【英文版】Cotton Purchase ContractBuyer: _______________ (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Seller: _______________ (hereinafter referred to as Party B)I. Basic Information of CottonParty A purchases cotton sold by Party B. The specific quantity, quality, specifications, unit price, etc. are detailed in the appendix.II. Delivery Method and TimeParty B shall deliver the cotton in accordance with the time, place and manner agreed in the contract. The specific delivery time and place shall be negotiated by both parties.III. Price and PaymentBoth parties shall pay the goods according to the price agreed in the contract. The specific price is subject to mutual negotiation. The payment method is agreed by both parties and may be made by cash, bank transfer, etc.IV. Quality Assurance and InspectionV. Confidentiality AgreementBoth parties shall keep confidential matters involving business secrets and confidential information, and shall not disclose them to any third party without the consent of the other party.VI. Liability for Breach of ContractIf any party breaches the contract, it shall bear the corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for the losses incurred.VII. Settlement of DisputesIf any dispute arises between Party A and Party B during the performance of the contract, they shall first协商解决through negotiation; if no settlement can be reached, they may initiate litigation in the people's court of the place where the contract is signed.VIII. Modification and Termination of ContractAny modification or termination of this contract must be agreed upon by both parties in writing.IX. Other AgreementsBoth parties may stipulate other matters in the contract according to actual needs.篇2甲方(买方):________________地址:________________联系方式:________________乙方(卖方):________________地址:________________联系方式:________________鉴于甲乙双方同意进行棉花交易,为明确各方权利和义务,达成如下协议:一、产品描述甲方向乙方购买棉花,具体数量、质量、规格、单价等详见附件《订单》。

二、价格及支付方式1. 棉花价格按照市场行情及双方协商确定。
2. 甲方应在收到货物后XX天内完成验收,经验收合格后XX天内支付货款。
七、其他约定1. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
2. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
3. 本合同未尽事宜,可由甲乙双方协商补充。
甲方(买方):______________________(盖章)乙方(卖方):______________________(盖章)签订日期:______________________Cotton Purchase Contract (中英文版)Party A (Buyer): ______________________Party B (Seller): ______________________In accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, both parties, on the basis of equality,自愿, fairness and good faith, have reached the following agreement on the purchase of cotton by Party A from Party B:I. Commodity and SpecificationsParty A purchases cotton from Party B, with specific quantity, specifications, and quality detailed in the appendix of the contract.II. Price and Payment1. The price of the cotton shall be determined based on market conditions and mutual consultation between both parties.2. Party A shall complete the acceptance within XX days after receiving the goods, and pay the goods within XX days after the acceptance is qualified.III. Delivery Time and MethodParty B shall deliver the goods at the agreed time, place and method. If it is unable to deliver on time due to force majeure, Party B shall notify Party A promptly and discuss solutions.IV. Quality AssuranceParty B shall ensure that the cotton sold meets the relevant national quality standards. If any quality problems cause lossesto Party A, Party B shall bear corresponding compensation responsibility.V. Liabilities for Breach of ContractIf any party breaches the contract, it shall bear corresponding liability for breach of contract and compensate the other party for the losses incurred.VI. Settlement of DisputesAny disputes arising from this contract shall be settled through friendly consultation between both parties; if consultation fails, the parties may initiate a lawsuit in the people’s court with jurisdiction.VII. Other Agreements1. This contract is made in two copies, with each party holding one copy.2. This contract becomes effective from the date of signature and seal by both parties.3. Any matters not covered in this contract can be supplemented by mutual consultation between both parties. 以下是合同正文。


第二条产品质量标准1. 棉花的品质必须符合相关国家标准及乙方的要求。
2. 交货的棉花应干净、无杂物、无病虫害。
3. 如发现交货的产品不符合质量标准,乙方有权拒绝收货,并要求甲方承担相应的违约责任。
第三条价格及支付方式1. 棉花的销售价格为____元/吨,合计金额为____元。
2. 乙方应在签订本合同后的____天内支付货款。
3. 付款方式为__(电汇/现金支付/其他方式)__。
4. 若乙方延迟支付货款,甲方有权要求乙方支付迟延支付的违约金。
第四条交货方式及时间1. 甲方应在签订本合同后的____天内将货物交付给乙方。
2. 交货地点为______。
第五条运输方式1. 甲方应负责安排货物的运输事宜,保证货物按时送达交货地点。
2. 如因不可抗力等原因造成货物交货延迟,甲方应及时通知乙方并协商解决方案。
第六条售后服务1. 在货物交付后,如乙方对货物的质量有异议,可在____天内向甲方提出,双方将协商解决。
2. 在合同履行过程中如遇问题,双方应以友好协商的方式解决,共同维护合同的有效性。

国际棉花销售合同范本卖方:公司名称:______________________法定代表人:____________________地址:______________________联系电话:__________________________________________电子:____________________买方:公司名称:______________________法定代表人:____________________地址:______________________联系电话:__________________________________________电子:____________________鉴于卖方愿意出售,且买方愿意购买棉花,双方经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、商品名称、规格、数量及价格1. 商品名称:棉花2. 规格:______________________3. 数量:______________________4. 单价:______________________5. 总价:______________________二、质量标准棉花的质量应符合______(国际标准/行业标准),具体质量指标如下:1. ______________________2. ______________________3. ______________________三、包装及标识1. 棉花应采用______(包装材料)进行包装,确保货物在运输过程中的安全。
2. 包装上应标明商品名称、规格、数量、产地、生产日期等信息。
四、交货地点及时间1. 交货地点:______________________2. 交货时间:______年____月____日五、运输及保险1. 运输方式:由______(卖方/买方)负责安排运输。
2. 保险:由______(卖方/买方)负责购买货物运输保险。
六、付款方式1. 买方应在合同签订后______天内,向卖方支付合同总价的______%作为预付款。

合同编号:YT-FS-7314-57棉花买卖合同(中英文版)Clarify Each Clause Under The Cooperation Framework, And Formulate It According To The Agreement Reached By The Parties Through Consensus, Which Is Legally Binding On The Parties.互惠互利共同繁荣Mutual Benefit And Common Prosperity棉花买卖合同(中英文版)备注:该合同书文本主要阐明合作框架下每个条款,并根据当事人一致协商达成协议,同时也明确各方的权利和义务,对当事人具有法律约束力而制定。
棉花买卖合同范本买方: 卖方:Buyer: Seller:地址: 地址:Address: Address:电话: 电话:Tel: Tel:传真: 传真:Fax: Fax:电子邮件:电子邮件:E-mail: E-mail:本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买、卖方同意出售下述商品:This Contract is made and entered into byand between the Buyer and the Seller; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following commodity:1 商品名称1 Commodity产地:Origin:生产年度:Crop year:类别: (细绒棉,长绒棉)Category: _____ (upland cotton, long-staple cotton)加工方式:ÿ锯齿棉ÿ皮辊棉Ginning: ÿ saw ginned ÿ roller ginned2 规格/质量2 Specifications/Quality级别: ÿUSDA通用棉花标准Grade: ÿUSDA Universal Cotton Standardsÿ凭小样(小样型号)ÿ by type:长度: (英寸,毫米)Staple Length: (inch/mm)马克隆值: NCLMicronaire: NCL断裂比强度值: 最小值克/特克斯,平均值克/特克斯以上Strength: minimum grams/tex,average above grams/tex3 数量3 Quantity净重: (吨,磅,包)Net Weight: (ton/pound/bale)溢短装率: %(默认值为1.5%) ÿ 不允许多装Weight Tolerance Ratio %( If notspecified here, 1.5% will be applied)ÿ Excess not allowed吨与磅的换算公式: 1吨=2204.62磅Conversion between ton and pound: 1 ton=2204.62 pounds4价格4 Price单价: (美分/磅,人民币元/吨)Unit Price: (USC(cent)/pound or RMB(Yuan)/ton)价格条件: (CIF,CFR, FOB,其它)Terms: (CIF, CFR, FOB or others)总价: (美元,人民币元)Total Value: (USD/RMB)5付款方式ÿ 信用证ÿ 凭单托收ÿ 其它5 Payment Terms ÿ Letter of Credit ÿ D/P ÿ Others6重量、质量检验:CIQ检验证书为结算和索赔的依据6 Weight and Quality Inspection: CIQ Inspection Certificate shall be the basis for settlement and compensation7装运/交货日期:从——(年月日)到——(年月日),或按月等量装运/交货(每月数量) (吨,磅,包)7 Shipment / Delivery: shipment /delivery from_____(mm/dd/yy) to_____(mm/dd/yy) Or equal monthly shipment/delivery as follows: _____( ton, pound, bale)8目的地:8 Destination:9一般条款9 General Terms一般条款为本合同不可分割的一部分。


棉花买卖合同(中英文版)5篇篇1Cotton Trading ContractThis Cotton Trading Contract ("Contract") is entered into by and between Seller and Buyer on [date], regarding the sale and purchase of the following cotton products:1. Product Description: The Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer the following cotton products: [description, quantity, quality specifications].2. Price: The purchase price for the cotton products shall be [price] per unit.3. Delivery: The Seller shall deliver the cotton products to the Buyer's designated location on the agreed-upon date. The Buyer shall bear all transportation costs associated with the delivery.4. Inspection: The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the cotton products upon delivery and reject any products that do not meet the agreed-upon quality specifications. The Seller shall bear the costs of any rejected products.5. Payment: The Buyer agrees to pay the Seller the full purchase price within [number] days of delivery. Payment shall be made in [currency] through [payment method].6. Warranty: The Seller warrants that the cotton products are of satisfactory quality and conform to the agreed-upon specifications. The Seller shall be liable for any damages caused by defective products.7. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].8. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations between the parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, the parties agree to submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of [arbitration organization].In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above mentioned.SELLER BUYERSignature: Signature:Print Name: Print Name:Date: Date:This Cotton Trading Contract is hereby accepted by both parties as of the date first above mentioned.[Company Name] [Company Name]Signature: Signature:Print Name: Print Name:Date: Date:End of Document.篇2Cotton Purchase and Sale ContractThis Cotton Purchase and Sale Contract is entered into on [date] (the "Effective Date") by and between [Seller], with a registered address at [address] (the "Seller") and [Buyer], with a registered address at [address] (the "Buyer").1. Subject of Agreement1.1 The Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer the following quantity of cotton:- Type of Cotton: [specify]- Quantity: [specify]- Quality: [specify]- Price: [specify]1.2 The Buyer agrees to purchase the above-stated quantity of cotton from the Seller under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.2. Terms of Delivery2.1 The Seller shall deliver the cotton to the Buyer at the following location: [specify delivery location].2.2 The Seller shall bear all costs and expenses related to the delivery of the cotton to the Buyer.3. Terms of Payment3.1 The Buyer shall make payment for the purchased cotton in the following manner:- Payment in full shall be made in [currency] to the Seller within [number] days after the delivery of the cotton.3.2 The Seller shall provide an invoice to the Buyer for the purchased cotton, detailing the quantity, quality, and price of the cotton.4. Inspection and Acceptance4.1 The Buyer shall have the right to inspect the quality of the delivered cotton within [number] days after the delivery.4.2 If the Buyer is not satisfied with the quality of the delivered cotton, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing within [number] days after the inspection.5. Representations and Warranties5.1 The Seller represents and warrants that:- The Seller has the legal right and authority to enter into this Agreement.- The Seller has good and marketable title to the cotton.- The cotton is of the quality specified in this Agreement.5.2 The Buyer represents and warrants that:- The Buyer has the legal right and authority to enter into this Agreement.- The Buyer has the financial ability to make payment for the purchased cotton.6. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [state/country].7. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the purchase and sale of cotton and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Cotton Purchase and Sale Contract as of the Effective Date.[Seller Signature] [Buyer Signature][Print Name] [Print Name][Date] [Date]篇3Cotton Trading ContractSeller: [Seller's Name]Address: [Seller's Address]Contact: [Seller's Contact Information]Buyer: [Buyer's Name]Address: [Buyer's Address]Contact: [Buyer's Contact Information]This agreement is made on [Date], between the Seller and the Buyer for the sale of cotton according to the following terms and conditions:1. Commodity: The Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase a quantity of [Quantity] of cotton, with a grade of [Grade] and a price of [Price] per pound.2. Quality: The cotton must meet the quality standards agreed upon by both parties. Any deviation from the agreed quality may result in penalties or cancellation of the contract.3. Payment: The Buyer agrees to make payment in full within [Number] days of receiving the invoice. Late payments will incur interest at a rate of [Rate]% per day.4. Delivery: The Seller is responsible for delivering the cotton to the Buyer's specified location at the agreed upon time. Any delay in delivery must be communicated in advance and agreed upon by both parties.5. Inspection: The Buyer has the right to inspect the cotton upon delivery and reject any shipment that does not meet the quality standards agreed upon.6. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performance under this agreement due to forcemajeure events such as natural disasters, strikes, or government actions beyond their control.7. Dispute Resolution: Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through negotiation between the parties. If an agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be settled through arbitration.8. Governing Law: This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country].The Seller and the Buyer hereby agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this contract and affix their signatures below:Seller's Signature: ____________________ Date:_______________Buyer's Signature: ____________________ Date:_______________篇4Cotton Trading ContractThis Cotton Trading Contract is entered into on [insert date] by and between [insert Seller's name], with a registered address at [insert Seller's address], hereinafter referred to as "Seller", and[insert Buyer's name], with a registered address at [insert Buyer's address], hereinafter referred to as "Buyer".1. Product: Seller agrees to sell and deliver to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase and accept delivery from Seller, the following products:- Commodity: Cotton- Grade: [insert grade]- Quantity: [insert quantity]- Delivery Location: [insert delivery location]- Price: [insert price per pound/kilo/ton/etc.]- Payment Terms: [insert payment terms]2. Quality Standards: The cotton delivered under this Contract shall meet the following quality standards:- Moisture content: not more than [insert percentage]- Trash content: not more than [insert percentage]- Fiber length: [insert specifications]- Color grade: [insert grade]- Other quality specifications: [insert any other quality specifications]3. Delivery Schedule: The delivery of the cotton shall be made in [insert number] installments on the following dates: [insert delivery dates].4. Inspection: Before delivery, the cotton shall be inspected by a mutually agreed-upon third-party inspection agency to verify that it meets the quality standards set forth in this Contract. The cost of the inspection shall be borne by [insert who is responsible for the cost of inspection].5. Force Majeure: Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing its obligations under this Contract if such failure or delay is due to a force majeure event, including but not limited to acts of God, natural disasters, war, riots, strikes, and government actions.6. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert governing law].7. Dispute Resolution: Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiations. If the parties are unable to reach a mutually agreeable resolution, the dispute shall be referred to mediationin accordance with the rules of [insert mediation rules] before resorting to litigation.In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Seller: [insert Seller's signature]Buyer: [insert Buyer's signature][insert Date]篇5Cotton Trading ContractThis Cotton Trading Contract ("Contract") is entered into on this _____ day of _____, 20__, by and between:Seller: [Name of Seller]Address: [Address of Seller]Contact Number: [Contact Number of Seller]Buyer: [Name of Buyer]Address: [Address of Buyer]Contact Number: [Contact Number of Buyer]Whereas, the Seller is the owner of ____________ metric tons of raw cotton ("Cotton") of good quality, ready for sale; andWhereas, the Buyer is interested in purchasing the said Cotton from the Seller;Now, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties hereto agree as follows:1. Quantity and Quality:1.1 The Seller agrees to sell and deliver to the Buyer, and the Buyer agrees to purchase from the Seller, the quantity of_____________ metric tons of Cotton, as per the specifications and quality agreed upon by both Parties.1.2 The Seller warrants that the Cotton to be delivered under this Contract shall be of good quality, free from any defects, and shall meet the specifications agreed upon.2. Price:2.1 The total purchase price for the quantity of Cotton shall be _________________, payable by the Buyer to the Seller in the following manner: [Specify payment terms, e.g., 50% upon signing this Contract, and 50% upon delivery of the Cotton.]2.2 All payments shall be made in [Currency] and shall be made to the Seller's designated bank account.3. Delivery:3.1 The Seller shall deliver the Cotton to the Buyer at [Delivery Location] on or before the agreed-upon delivery date of _____________.3.2 The Seller shall bear all costs related to the transportation and delivery of the Cotton to the Buyer.4. Inspection:4.1 Upon delivery of the Cotton, the Buyer shall have the right to inspect the quality and quantity of the Cotton.4.2 If the Cotton does not meet the specifications and quality agreed upon, the Buyer shall have the right to reject the delivery, and the Seller shall replace the non-conforming Cotton at its own cost.5. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], and any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be resolved through arbitration in [Arbitration Location].6. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the purchase and sale of the Cotton and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, between the Parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Cotton Trading Contract as of the date first above written.Seller: ______________________ Buyer:_______________________[Signature][Signature][Printed Name][Printed Name]。

棉花买卖合同(中英对照)合同编号:[合同编号]本合同由买方(简称“甲方”)和卖方(简称“乙方”)根据平等互利的原则,自愿达成协议:一、产品说明1.产品名称:棉花2.规格:按国际质量标准3.数量:[购买数量]4.品质要求:新鲜、干燥、无霉变、无异味5.包装:按国际出口标准包装二、交货方式1.交货地点:[交货地点]2.交货时间:在本合同生效之后的 [交货时间]个工作日内完成交货3.运输方式:[运输方式]4.运费负责方:[运费负责方]三、价格和支付方式1.单价:[单价]2.总价:[总价]3.支付方式:[支付方式]4.首次支付:在本合同签署之日起 [签署日起多少天]天内,买方须支付总价的 [首次支付比例] 作为定金给卖方5.尾款支付:买方应在交货之前 [交货日期前多少天]天内将剩余款项支付给卖方四、验收标准1.买方和卖方应共同按照国际质量标准对棉花进行验收。
2.如买方对交货的棉花质量有任何异议,须在签收货物的[验收期限] 内书面通知卖方,并提供充分的证据。
五、违约责任1.若甲方违反合同约定未按时支付货款,乙方有权要求甲方支付违约金,违约金金额为应支付货款总额的 [违约金比例]。
2.若乙方违反合同约定未按时交付货物,甲方有权要求乙方支付违约金,违约金金额为货物总价款的 [违约金比例]。
2.本合同自双方签署后生效,有效期为 [合同有效期]。

第一条货物描述1.1 货物名称:棉花1.2 规格型号:_________________1.3 数量:_________________1.4 质量标准:_________________1.5 包装方式:_________________1.6 交货地点:_________________1.7 交货时间:_________________第二条价格条款2.1 单价:_________________2.2 总价:_________________2.3 价格条款:根据国际贸易术语解释通则(Incoterms)_________________年版规定。
第三条付款方式3.1 买方应在本合同签订后____天内支付____%的预付款。
3.2 余款应在货物装运后____天内支付,支付方式为:_________________。
第四条装运4.1 卖方应按照合同规定的时间、地点和方式装运货物。
4.2 装运时,卖方应提供装运单据,包括但不限于提单、商业发票、装箱单等。
第五条保险5.1 卖方应为货物投保运输保险,保险金额不得低于货物价值的____%。
5.2 保险费用由____方承担。
第六条质量检验与索赔6.1 买方有权在收到货物后____天内对货物进行检验。

第一条产品名称、型号、单价、数量1. 产品名称:棉花2. 型号:根据乙方的要求,甲方提供符合国际标准的一级棉花。
3. 单价:本合同的棉花价格为每公吨美元(CIF价格,即成本加保险费加运费)。
4. 数量:乙方订购的棉花数量为公吨。
第二条交(提)货时间1. 乙方应提前天通知甲方所需货物的数量和交货时间。
2. 甲方应在合理生产运输的时间内,按照乙方的要求交货。
3. 如因不可抗力或其他意外情况导致甲方不能按时供货,甲方应提前通知乙方,并尽力解决问题,以保证合同的履行。
第三条交货地点1. 交货地点为甲方仓库。
2. 甲方可以根据乙方的要求,将货物送货上门。
第四条质量标准1. 甲方向乙方提供的棉花应符合国际标准,质量优良。
2. 棉花的重量、长度、颜色、杂质等指标应符合乙方要求的标准。
第五条检验和异议期限1. 乙方对甲方向其提供的棉花质量、数量、外观、颜色、杂质等有异议的,应在收货后天内提出,并附上相关书面的依据。
2. 乙方对棉花内在性能有异议的,应在收货后天内提出,并附上相关书面的依据。
第六条货款结算方式及期限1. 付款方式:款到发货。
2. 乙方应通过银行与甲方结算(转账或汇票),不得支付现金。
3. 若乙方因客户特殊情况确实需用现金支付,应在付现时,传真通知甲方营销会计处(传真:),征得甲方书面同意回执后,方可支付。
4. 乙方支付货款时若要求甲方出具收款凭证,甲方应在收到货款后及时出具收款凭证。
第七条违约责任1. 如甲方不能按照约定时间、数量交货,甲方应向乙方支付违约金,违约金为合同金额的%。
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In the case of disputes between the two parties, the legitimate rights and interests of the partners should be protected. In the process of performing the contract, disputes should be submitted to arbitration. This paper is the main basis for restoring the cooperation scene.
买方: 卖方:
Buyer: Seller:
地址: 地址:
Address: Address:
电话: 电话:
Tel: Tel:
传真: 传真:
Fax: Fax:
E-mail: E-mail:
This Contract is made and entered into by and between the Buyer and the Seller; and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the following commodity:
1 商品名称
1 Commodity
Crop year:
Category: _____ (upland cotton, long-staple cotton)
Ginning: ÿ saw ginned ÿ roller ginned
2 规格/质量
2 Specifications/Quality
级别: ÿUSDA通用棉花标准
Grade: ÿUSDA Universal Cotton Standards
ÿby type:
长度: (英寸,毫米)
Staple Length: (inch/mm)
马克隆值: NCL
Micronaire: NCL
断裂比强度值: 最小值克/特克斯,平均值克/特克斯以上
Strength: minimum grams/tex,
average above grams/tex
3 数量
3 Quantity
Net Weight: (ton/pound/bale)
溢短装率: %(默认值为1.5%) ÿ 不允许多装
Weight Tolerance
Ratio %( If not specified here, 1.5% will be applied)
ÿ Excess not allowed
Conversion between ton and pound: 1 ton=2204.62 pounds
4 Price
Unit Price: (USC(cent)/pound or
Terms: (CIF, CFR, FOB or others)
总价: (美元,人民币元)
Total Value: (USD/RMB)
5付款方式ÿ 信用证ÿ 凭单托收ÿ 其它
5 Payment Terms ÿ Letter of Credit ÿ D/P ÿ Others
6 Weight and Quality Inspection: CIQ Inspection
Certificate shall be the basis for settlement and compensation
7装运/交货日期:从——(年月日)到——(年月日),或按月等量装运/交货(每月数量) (吨,磅,包)
7 Shipment / Delivery: shipment /delivery from
_____(mm/dd/yy) to_____(mm/dd/yy) Or equal monthly
shipment/delivery as follows:
_____( ton, pound, bale)
8 Destination:
9 General Terms
The General Terms shall constitute an integral part of the Contract. Amendment to or deletion of any general terms shall be specified in the Remarks.
10 仲裁:凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方同意提交:(ÿ中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会[CIETAC];ÿ 国际棉花协会[ICA]; ÿ 其它仲裁机构),按照申请仲裁时该仲裁机
10 Arbitration: Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Contract shall be referred to ( ÿ CIETAC ,ÿICA ,ÿ OTHERS )for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules effective at the time of application.
11 本合同采用书面形式,由买卖双方授权代表签字。
11 This Contract shall be made
in written form and signed by the authorized representatives of the parties. The signed or stamped contract shall verify the terms and conditions of the contract previously agreed to at an earlier date in other written communications including mail, telegraph, fax, or e-mail.
12 备注
12 Remarks
买方签字: 卖方签字:
Signature of the Buyer: Signature of the Seller: