


型号 Y92F-49 注: 数字温控器均附带该型号的安装适配器。
类型 硬质前盖 软质前盖
型号 Y92A-48H Y92A-48D
型号 Y92F-52 注: 在将E5CC装在DIN导轨上时使用。
规格 额定值
电源电压 允许电压变动范围 功耗
输入阻抗 控制方式 控制输出
*3. 设定值:4(上限和下限范围)
ৰ् ‫ݼ‬ጻ˝0/
) 41 -
) - 41 41 ) -
) -
) - ])]Ĺ]-] ) - ])]ĸ]-]
- ) 41 ) - ])]]-]
41 - ) ) - ])]]-]
*5 OFF
PV *4
6 加入待机时序的上限
PV 为上限报警(2)加入待机时序。*6
7 加入待机时序的下限
PV 为下限报警(3)加入待机时序。*6
15 SP绝对值下限
X 0
SP 当设定值(SP)小于报警值(X)时,该报警类型将报警置ON。
16 MV绝对值上限*9
X 0
MV 当被控变量(MV)大于报警值(X)时,该报警类型将报警置ON。

上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron使用维护说明书

上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron使用维护说明书

使用维护说明书Audi Q5 e-tron Audi 突破科技 启迪未来Audi Q5 e-tron使用维护说明书版本编号:89D00104122出版日期:04.2022文档编号:KBA89D00121上汽奥迪本说明书适用于下列表中各种型号的上汽奥迪Q5e-tron。








上汽大众汽车有限公司公司地址:中国上海安亭于田路邮政编码:201805企业标准号:Q/JQAB 363-2021关于本用户手册上汽奥迪对所有产品和车型都在不断进行后续开发。









ICH Q5E(R4)生物技术产品和生物制品在生产工艺变更前后的可比性

ICH Q5E(R4)生物技术产品和生物制品在生产工艺变更前后的可比性

在质量特性评估过程中,生产商可能会得到如下的结果,包括: ③ 虽然变更前后的产品看起来高度相似,并观察到质量特性比较中的一
些差别,但根据生产商的经验、相关资料和数据,可以证明对安全性 和有效性没有不利影响。这些情况下,可以认为变更前后的产品具有 可比性; ④ 虽然变更前后的产品看起来高度相似,并确定质量特性中存在一些差 别,但并不排除可能对产品安全性和有效性产生不利影响。在这种情 况下,有关质量特性的数据及分析,并不能确认生产工艺改变前后的 产品是否具有可比性,生产商应考虑进行非临床/临床研究;
1. 可比性试验的考虑
可比性研究的验证范围依赖于: • 发生变更的具体生产步骤; • 对产品纯度以及理化和生物特性方面产生潜在影响的变更,特别
考虑到复杂性和对产品的认识程度(如杂质、产品相关物质); • 检测潜在的产品修饰物的适宜分析技术的可获得性及其研究结果; • 以全面的非临床和临床经验为基础的质量特性和安全性及有效性
1. 可比性试验的考虑
除了评估数据之外,生产商还应考虑: • 生产工艺中能够影响产品特性的关键控制点; • 充分的过程控制,包括关键控制点和过程检验;为保证产品质量
的一致性,应对工艺变更后的生产过程进行适当地确证、改进或 创新; • 产品的非临床或临床特性和它的治疗说明。
2. 质量的考虑
Q Q5E (R4)生物技术产品和生物制
生物技术产品/生物制品在开发和获得批准后,其生产商经 常会变更产品的生产工艺,变更的原因包括改进生产工艺、增 大规模、提高产品稳定性、以及根据法规要求进行变更。变更 生产工艺时,生产商应总体评估产品的有关质量特性,从而证 明此改变没有对制剂的安全性和有效性产生不利影响。这样一 份评估应该说明:是否还需要进行非临床和临床研究。



58-CHINA ·October文/山东 刘春晖2022款奥迪Q5 e-tron纯电动汽车(接2023年第6期)三、R744空调系统组成部件1.空调压缩机V454R744空调系统组成部件如图12所示。


空调压缩机控制单元J842的作用是将来自高电压蓄电池1 AX2的直流电压转换为三相交流电压。

用于R744的压缩机的不同之处在于:壁厚明显更厚,排量仅为5.3cm 3,制冷剂管路的接口几何形状适用于带有轴向密封块连接器的特殊R744连接技术,R744循环回路中的所有连接点均相同。

重新加注制冷剂至循环回路后,必须使用汽车故障诊断仪重置CO 2制冷剂损耗计数器。




图12 R744空调系统组成部件2.高电压加热器(PTC)Z130空调系统内部通过热泵功能(如已安装)和高电压加热器(PTC)Z130(图14)加热。





高电压加热器从右侧(副驾驶员侧)被推入到空调装置中并固定,PTC加热器的工作功率为0~6kW,通过空调控制单元以图13 空调压缩机V454图14 高电压加热器(PTC)Z130592023/10·汽车维修与保养1%的步幅逐步控制。




ICHQSEM指导原则有哪些?马上给您列出来一、总目录类别主要内容ICH指导原则数量Quality Guidelines 质量指导原则化工、医药、质量保证相关指导原则44Safety Guidelines 安全性指导原则实验室动物实验等临床前研究相关指导原则16Efficacy Guidelines有效性指导原则人类临床研究相关指导原则30Multidisciplinary Guidelines多学科指导原则内容交叉涉及以上三个分类,不可单独划入任何一类的指导原则59总数149二、分目录2.1质量(Quality Guidelines)编号英文题目中文译文发布时间Q1 Stability/稳定性Q1A(R2): Stability Testing ofNew Drug Substances andProductsQ1A(R2):新型原料药和药品的稳定性测试2003.2.6Q1B: Stability Testing:Photostability Testing of NewDrug Substances and ProductsQ1B: 稳定性测试: 新型原料药和药品的光稳定性测试1996.11.6Q1C: Stability Testing for NewDosage FormsQ1C:新剂型的稳定性1996.11.6测试Q1D: Bracketing and MatrixingDesigns for Stability Testingof New Drug Substances andProductsQ1D :新型原料药和药品稳定性测试的交叉和矩阵设计 2002.2.7Q1E: Evaluation for StabilityDataQ1E :稳定性数据的评价2003.2.6Q1F: Stabilitiy Guidelines_WHO Q1F :WHO 稳定性指导原则2009Q2 Analytical Validation/分析方法验证 Q2(R1): Validation of Analytical Procedures Text and Methodology Q2(R1): 分析过程和方法的确证2005.11 Q3A - Q3DImpurities/杂质Q3A(R2): Impurities in New Drug Substances Q3A(R2): 新型原料药中的杂质问题 2006.10.25Q3B(R2): Impurities in New DrugProductsQ3B(R2): 新型药品中的杂质问题2006.6.2Q3C(R6): Impurities Guideline for Residual Solvents Q3C(R6):杂质:残留溶剂的指导原则2016.10.20Q3D: Guideline for Elemental Impurities Q3D :元素杂质的指导原则2014.12.16Q4 - Q4BPharmacopoeias/药典 Q4B: Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use in the ICH Regions Q4B :ICH 区域所用药典文本的评价和建议2007.11.1Q4B Frequently Asked Questions Q4B :常见问题与解答2012.4.26Q4B Annex 1 (R1): Residue onIgnition/Sulphated Ash General ChapterQ4B 附录1(R1): 关于灼烧残渣/灰分 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 2 (R1): Test for Extractable Volume of Parenteral Preparations General Chapter Q4B 附录2(R1): 关于注射剂可提取容量测试2010.9.27常规篇Q4B Annex 3 (R1): Test for Particulate Contamination: Sub-Visible Particles General Chapter Q4B 附录3(R1): 关于颗粒污染物测试:不溶性微粒 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 4A (R1):Microbiological Examination ofNon-SterileProducts: MicrobialEnumeration Tests GeneralChapterQ4B 附录4A(R1):非无菌药品的微生物检查:微生物计数试验 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 4B (R1):Microbiological Examination ofNon-Sterile Products Tests for Specified Micro-OrganismsGeneral ChapterQ4B 附录4B(R1): 非无菌产品的微生物检查—特定微生物 常规篇 2010.9.27Q4B Annex 4C (R1):Microbiological Examination ofNon-SterileProducts: AcceptanceCriteria for PharmaceuticalPreparations and Substancesfor Pharmaceutical UseGeneral ChapterQ4B 附录4C(R1): 非无菌产品的微生物检查:药物制备以及药物使用物质的接受标准 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 5 (R1):Disintegration Test General ChapterQ4B 附录5(R1):崩解试验 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 6 Uniformity of Dosage Units General Chapter Q4B 附录6: 统一剂量单位常规篇2013.11.13Q4B Annex 7 (R2): Dissolution Test General Chapter Q4B 附录7(R2): 溶出试验 常规篇2010.11.11Q4B Annex 8 (R1): Sterility Test General Chapter Q4B 附录8(R1): 无菌2010.9.27试验 常规篇Q4B Annex 9 (R1): Tablet Friability General Chapter Q4B 附录9(R1): 片剂易碎性 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 10 (R1):Polyacrylamide GelElectrophoresis GeneralChapterQ4B 附录10(R1): 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 常规篇2010.9.27Q4B Annex 11: Capillary Electrophoresis General Chapter Q4B 附录11:毛细管电泳 常规篇2010.6.9 Q4B Annex 12: AnalyticalSieving General ChapterQ4B 附录12:分析筛选 常规篇 2010.6.9Q4B Annex 13: Bulk Density andTapped Density of Powders General ChapterQ4B 附录13:粉末的堆密度和振实密度 2012.6.7Q4B Annex 14: BacterialEndotoxins Test GeneralChapterQ4B 附录14:细菌内毒素试验 常规篇2012.10.18Q5A - Q5E Quality of Biotechnological Products/生物技术产品质量 Q5A(R1): Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products Derived from Cell Lines of Human or Animal Origin Q5A(R1):人或者动物细胞系来源的生物技术产品的病毒安全性评估 1999.9.23Q5B: Analysis of the Expression Construct in Cells Used for Production of r-DNA Derived Protein Products Q5B: 关于重组DNA 来源的蛋白质产品生产所用的细胞中表达构建的分析1995.11.30 Q5C: Stability Testing ofBiotechnological/BiologicalProductsQ5C: 生物技术/生物产品的稳定性试验1995.11.3Q5D:Derivationand Q 5D: 用于生1997.7.16Characterisation of Cell Substrates Used for Production of BiotechnologicalBiological Products 产生物技术/生物产品的细胞底物的起源和特征描述Q5E: Comparability of BiotechnologicalBiological Products Subject to Changes in their Manufacturing Process Q5E: 基于不同生产工艺的生物技术产品/生物产品的可比较性2004.11.18 Q6A- Q6BSpecifications/规格 Q6A: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New Drug Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances Q6A: 质量规格:新原料药和药品的检验程序和可接收标准:化学物质 1999.10.6 Q6B: Specifications: TestProcedures and AcceptanceCriteria for Biotechnological/Biological ProductsQ6B: 质量规格:生物技术/生物产品的检验程序和可接收标准1999.3.10Q7 GoodManufacturingPractice/GMP Q7: Good ManufacturingPractice Guide for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Q7: 原料药GMP 指南 2000.11.1Q7 Questions and Answers Q7 问答部分2015.6.10Q8 Pharmaceutica l Development/药物研发 Q8(R2): Pharmaceutical DevelopmentQ8(R2): 药物研发 2009.8Q8, Q9 and Q10 Questions & Answers (R4) Q8/Q9/Q10问答部分(R4)2010.11.11Q9 Quality RiskManagement/质量风险管理Q9: Quality Risk ManagementQ9: 质量风险管理 2005.11.09Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System/药物质量体系Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System Q10: 药物质量体系2008.6.4Q11 Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances/化Q11: Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances (Chemical Entities and Q11:化学药品的研发与生产(化2012.5.1学药品的研发与生产 Biotechnological/BiologicalEntities)学实体以及生物科技/生物制品)Q11:Questions and AnswersQ11:问答部分 2016.10.132.2安全性(Safety Guidelines)编号英文题目 中文译文 发布时间S1A - S1C Carcinogenicity Studies/致癌性研究S1A: Need for Carcinogenicity Studies of Pharmaceuticals S1A: 药物致癌性的研究需求 1995.11.29 S1B: Testing forCarcinogenicity of PharmaceuticalsS1B: 药物致癌性测试1997.7.16S1C(R2): Dose Selectionfor Carcinogenicity Studies of PharmaceuticalsS1C(R2): 药物致癌性研究的剂量选择2008.3.11S2 GenotoxicityStudies/基因毒性研究S2(R1): Guidance on Genotoxicity Testing and Data Interpretation for Pharmaceuticals Intended for Human Use S2(R1): 关于人用药基因毒性试验和数据解读的指导原则2011.11.9S3A - S3BToxicokinetics andPharmacokinetics/毒代动力学和药代动力学S3A: Note for Guidance onToxicokinetics: TheAssessment of Systemic Exposure inToxicity StudiesS3A :毒理动力学指导原则说明:毒性研究中系统性暴露的评价1994.10.27S3A Implementation Working Group Questions and Answers S3A 实施工作组问答:毒代动力学指导原则说明:毒性研究中的全身暴露量评价集中于微量采样(中文版:征求意见稿)2016.1.19 S3B: Pharmacokinetics Guidance for Repeated Dose S3B :关于重复剂量组织1994.10.27TissueDistribution Studies分布研究的药代动力学指导原则 S4 ToxicityTesting/毒性试验S4: Duration of Chronic Toxicity Testing in Animals (Rodent and Non Rodent Toxicity Testing) S4:动物慢性毒性试验的持续时间(啮齿动物和非啮齿动物毒性试验)1998.9.2S5 Reproductive Toxicology/生殖毒性 S5(R2):Detection ofToxicity to Reproductionfor Medicinal Products &Toxicity to Male FertilityS5(R2): 检测药品的生殖毒性以及对雄性生殖能力的毒性 2000.11S6 Biotechnological Products/生物技术产品 S6(R1): Preclinical SafetyEvaluation ofBiotechnology-Derived PharmaceuticalsS6(R1): 生物科技来源药品的临床前安全性评价2011.6.12S7A - S7B Pharmacology Studies/药理学研究 S7A: SAFETY PHARMACOLOGY STUDIES FOR HUMAN PHARMACEUTICALS S7A :人用药的安全性药理学研究 2000.11.8 S7B: The Non-ClinicalEvaluation of thePotential forDelayed Ventricular Repolarization (QTInterval Prolongation) byHuman PharmaceuticalsS7B :人用药延迟心室复极化(QT 间期延长)潜力的非临床评价2005.5.12S8 Immunotoxicology Studies 免疫毒理学研究 S8: Immunotoxicity Studiesfor Human PharmaceuticalsS8:人用药免疫毒性研究2005.9.15S9 NonclinicalEvaluation forAnticancerPharmaceuticals/抗癌药物的非临床评价S9: Nonclinical Evaluation for Anticancer Pharmaceuticals S9:抗癌药物的非临床评价2009.10.29S9 Implementation Working Group Questions and Answers S9 实施工作组问答部分2016.6.8S10 Photosafety Evaluation/光安全性评价 S10: Photosafety Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals S10:药物的光安全性评价2013.11.132.3有效性(Efficacy Guidelines)编号英文题目中文译文发布时间E1 Clinical Safety for Drugs used in Long-Term Treatment/长期使用的药物的临床安全性 E1: The extent of PopulationExposure to Assess ClinicalSafety for Drugs Intended for Long-term Treatment of Non-life-threateningConditionsE1: 用于评估长期治疗非危及生命性疾病的药物临床安全性的人群暴露程度1994.10.27E2A - E2FPharmacovigilance/药物警戒性E2A: Clinical Safety DataManagement: Definitions and Standards for Expedited ReportingE2A: 临床安全性数据管理:快速报告的定义和标准(中文版:征求意见稿) 1994.10.27E2B(R3):ImplementationGuide for ElectronicTransmission ofIndividual Case SafetyReports (ICSRs) E2B(R3)Data Elements and MessageSpecificationE2B(R3):个例安全报告(ICSR )电子传输执行指导原则 E2B (R3)数据元素和信息规范元素(中文版:征求意见稿) 2016.11.10 E2B(R3) QA document_v2_1 E2B(R3) 问答文件(中文版:征求意见稿) 2017.6.1E2C(R2): Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report E2C(R2):定期获益—风险2012.12.17间评估报告E2C(R2) Implementation Working Group Questions & Answers E2C(R2)实施工作组问答部分2014.3.31E2D: Post-Approval SafetyData Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited ReportingE2D: 上市后安全性数据的管理:快速报告的定义和标准(中文版:征求意见稿) 2003.11.12E2E: Pharmacovigilance Planning E2E:药物警戒规性划2004.11.18E2F: Development Safety Update Report E2F: 研发安全性更新报告 2010.8.17E3 Clinical StudyReports/临床研究报告 E3: Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports E3: 临床研究报告的结构与内容 1995.11.30E3 Questions & Answers(R1) : Structure and Content of Clinical Study ReportsE3 实施工作组 问答部分2012.7.6E4 Dose-Response Studies/剂量反应研究 E4: Dose-Response Information to Support Drug Registration E4: 用于支持药物注册的剂量反应信息 1994.3.10E5 Ethnic Factors/种族因素E5(R1): Ethnic Factors in the Acceptability of Foreign Clinical Data E5(R1):国外临床数据可接受性的种族因素1998.2.5E5 Implementation WorkingGroup Questions & Answers(R1)E5 实施工作组 问答部分(R1)2006.6.2间E6 GCP/药物临床试验管理规范 E6(R1): Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R1):药物临床试验管理规范指导原则 1996.6.10E6(R2):Integrated Addendum to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) E6(R2):药物临床试验管理规范综合附录2016.11.9E7 Clinical Trials inGeriatric Population/老人中开展的临床试验E7: Studies in Support of Special Populations: GeriatricsE7: 特殊人群的支持性研究:老人病学 1993.6.24E7 Questions & AnswersE7 问答部分 2010.7.6E8 GeneralConsiderations for Clinical Trials/临床试验的一般性考虑 E8: General Considerations for Clinical Trials E8: 临床试验的一般性考虑1997.7.17E9 StatisticalPrinciples for Clinical Trials/临床试验的统计原则E9: Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials E9: 临床试验的统计原则1998.2.5E10 Choice of Control Group in Clinical Trials/试验中对照组的选择 E10: Choice of Control Group and Related Issues in Clinical Trials E10: 临床试验中对照组的选择以及相关问题2000.7.20E11 Clinical Trials inPediatric Population/儿童人群临床研究 E11: Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population E11:儿科人群药物临床试验 2000.7.20E11(R1): Addendum: Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the Pediatric Population E11(R1): 儿科人群药物临床试验补充2017.8.18 E12 Clinical Evaluation by Therapeutic Category/根据治疗类别进行临床评价 E12: Principles for Clinical Evaluation of New Antihypertensive Drugs E12: 新型抗高血压药物的临床评价原则2000.3.2间E14 Clinical Evaluationof QT/QT 临床评价E14: The Clinical Evaluation of QT/QTc Interval Prolongation and Proarrhythmic Potential for Non-Antiarrhythmic Drugs E14:非抗心律失常药物QT/QTc 间期延长及致心律失常潜力的临床评价2005.5.12E14 Implementation Working Group Questions & Answers (R3) E14 实施工作组 问答部分(R3)2015.12.10 E15 Definitions in Pharmacogenetics/Pharmac ogenomics/药物基因组学以及遗传药理学相关定义 E15: Definitions for Genomic Biomarkers, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmac ogenetics, Genomic Data and Sample Coding Categories E15: 基因组生物标志物、药物基因组学、遗传药理学、基因组数据以及样本编码分类的定义2007.11.1 E16 Qualification of Genomic Biomarkers/基因组生物标志物的合格条件 E16: Biomarkers Related to Drug or Biotechnology Product Development: Context, Structure and Format of Qualification Submissions E16:与药物或生物制品研发相关的生物标志物:资质提交材料的背景、结构以及格式2010.8.20 E17 Multi-Regional Clinical Trials/多地区临床试验 E17: General principle on planning and Designing Multi-Regional Clinical Trials E17:计划和设计多地区临床试验的一般性原则2016.5.6 E18 Genomic Sampling/基因组取样 E18: Genomic Sampling and Management of Genomic Data E18:基因组采样和基因组数据管理指导原则(中2015.12.10间文版:征求意见稿)2.4多学科(MultidisciplinaryGuidelines)编号 英文题目中文译文 发布时间M1 MedDRA Terminology 监管活动医学词典 MedDRA Data Retrieval and Presentation: Points to Consider MedDRA 数据检索与呈现: 考虑要点(中文版:征求意见稿) 2017.9.1 MedDRA Term Selection: Points to Consider MedDRA 术语选择: 考虑要点(中文版:征求意见稿)2017.9.1 M2 Electronic Standards 电子标准 ICH M2 EWG Work Plan M2专家工作组工作计划2017.3.27 M2: ElectronicStandards for the Transfer of Regulatory Information Final Concept PaperM2监管信息转移的电子标准终版概念文件1994.10.27 ElectronicTransmission of Individual Case Safety Reports Message Specification个例病例安全性报告的电子传输信息规范 2000.11.9 ICH M2 EWG The eCTDBackbone File Specification for Study Tagging FileseCTD 研究标签文件主文件规范2008.6.3 Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) General Recommendation -Procedure监管信息转移的电子标准一般性建议—程序 2015.6.11 Electronic Standards for the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) General Recommendation – ESTRI 监管信息转移的电子标准一般性建议—ESTRI 网关 2015.6.11Gateway Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) File Format Recommendation – PDF监管信息转移的电子标准文件格式建议—PDF2011.4.5Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) File Format Recommendation – XML监管信息转移的电子标准文件格式建议—XML2005.11.10 Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) File Format Recommendation – PDF/A监管信息转移的电子标准文件格式建议—PDF/A2014.6.2Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) File Format Recommendation – DOCX监管信息转移的电子标准文件格式建议—DOCX2015.6.11Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer ofRegulatory Information (ESTRI) Controlled Vocabularies Recommendation -Genericode监管信息转移的电子标准控制词汇建议—代码2015.6.11Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) Information Transfer Recommendation – EDIINT AS1/AS2监管信息转移的电子标准信息转移建议—EDIINT AS1/AS22010.6.10Electronic Standardsfor the Transfer of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) File Integrity – MD5监管信息转移的电子标准文件完整性—MD52010.6.10Electronic Standards for the Transfer of 监管信息转移的电子标准文件完2015.6.11Regulatory Informaation (ESTRI) File IntegrityRecommendation - SHA-256整性建议—SHA-256M2 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations M2术语和简写词汇表2015.6.11 ICH M2 File Format Criteria M2文件格式标准 2014.11.10Use of OIDs & UUIDs in ICH Messages OIDs & UUIDs 在ICH 信息中的使用2015.6.11 M3 Nonclinical Safety Studies 非临床研究 M3(R2) Questions and Answers (R2)M3(R2)问答 (R2) 2012.3.5 M3(R2): Guidance onNonclinical Safety Studies for the Conduct of Human Clinical Trials and Marketing Authorization for PharmaceuticalsM3(R2):关于实施药物人体临床试验以及上市批准非临床安全性研究的指导原则2009.6.11M4 : The Common Technical Document 通用技术文件 M4 (R4): Organization of the Common Technical Document for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human UseM4(R4):人用药物注册通用技术文档的组织(中文版:征求意见稿) 2016.6.15 M4 Implementation Working Group Questions & Answers (R3) M4执行工作组问答(R3)(中文版:征求意见稿) 2004.6.10 The Common Technical Document for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: Quality – M4Q(R1)M4Q (R1):人用药物注册通用技术文档:药学部分(中文版:征求意见稿) 2002.9.12 M4Q Implementation Working Group Questions & Answers (R1) M4Q 执行工作组问答(R1)(中文版:征求意见稿)2003.7.17 The Common Technical Document for the M4S (R2):人用药物注册通用技2002.12.2Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use: Safety – M4S(R2)术文档:安全性部分(中文版:征求意见稿)M4S Implementation Working Group Questions & Answers (R4) M4S 执行工作组问答 (R4)(中文版:征求意见稿)2003.11.11 Efficacy- M4E(R2) M4E (R2):人用药物注册通用技术文档:有效性部分(中文版:征求意见稿)2016.6.15M4E Implementation Working Group Questions & Answers (R4) M4E 执行工作组问答(R4)(中文版:征求意见稿)2004.6.10 M5 Data Elements and Standards for Drug Dictionaries 药物词典的数据要素和标准 The Re-development ofthe Standard forE2B(R3) and the Development of Standards for the Identification of Medicinal Products(IDMP)(ICH M5)ICH M5:E2B(R3)标准的再制定及医药产品鉴定标准的制定2010.11.1 ICH E2B(R3)Implementation Working Group ICH E2B(R3) Guideline: Electroni c Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs) E2B(R3)实施工作组个例病例安全报告的电子传输问答部分 2016.11.10 Appendix I (B) to theImplementation Guide for Electronic Transmission of Individual Case SafetyReports (ICSRs)个例病例安全报告的电子传输实施指南附录 I (B) 2016.11.10 Appendix I (G) to theImplementation Guide for Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety个例病例安全报告的电子传输实施指南附录 I (G)2016.11.10Reports (ICSRs) Implementation Guidefor Electronic Transmission of Individual Case Safety Reports(ICSRs)个例病例安全报告的电子传输实施指南 2016.11.10 M6 Gene Therapy 基因治疗 Final Concept Paper M6: Guideline on Virus and Gene Therapy Vector Shedding and TransmissionM6: 病毒和基因治疗载体的脱落和传播终版概念文件 2009.8.26 General Principles to Address Virus and Vector Shedding 解决病毒和基因治疗载体脱落的基本原则 2009.6An inventory of shedding data from clinical gene therapy trials临床基因疗法试验脱落数据目录2007.7.30 Final Business Plan M6: Guideline on Virus and Gene Therapy Vector Shedding and TransmissionM6: 病毒和基因治疗载体的脱落和传播终版业务计划 2009.8.27 M7 Genotoxic Impurities 遗传毒性杂质 M7: Assessment and Control of DNA Reactive (Mutagenic) Impurities in Pharmaceuticals to Limit Potential Carcinogenic Risk M7:评估和控制药物中的DNA 活性(致突变)杂质以限制潜在的致癌风险 2014.6.23 M7(R1): Addendum to M7: Assessment and Control of DNA Reactive (Mutagenic) Impurities in Pharmaceuticals to Limit Potential Carcinogenic RiskM7(R1): 评估和控制药物中 DNA 反应性(致突变)杂质以限制潜在的致癌风险(中文版:征求意见稿) 2017.3.31 M8 Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) 电子通用技术文件 Electronic Common Technical Document Specification V3.2.2电子通用技术文件规范 V3.2.2 2008.7.16 M8 : Electronic Common M 8: 电子通用2015.12.9Technical Document Concept Paper 技术文件概念文件ICH M8 EWG/IWG Work Plan M8: 电子通用技术文件工作计划2017.3.13 Support Documentation for M8: eCTD EWG eCTD v4.0 Implementation Package v1.2 M8:eCTD 专家工作组eCTD v4.0实施包 v1.2 支持性证明文件2016.11 Orientation Material forM8: eCTD EWG eCTD v4.0 Implementation Package v1.2 M8:eCTD 专家工作组eCTD v4.0实施包 v1.2 培训材料2016.11 ICH Electronic CommonTechnical Document (eCTD) v4.0 Implementation Guidev1.2ICH eCTD v4.0 实施指南 v1.2 2016.11.10 eCTD v4.0 Implementation Package v1.2eCTD v4.0 实施包 v1.2 USFDA eCTD v4.0 Implementation Package History v1.1 美国FDA eCTDv4.0 实施包历史 v1.1USFDA Module 1Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) v4.0 ImplementationGuide v1.1美国FDA 模块1 eCTD v4.0 实施指南 v1.1 2017.2.20 ICH eCTD v4.0 Requirements ICH eCTD v4.0 要求ICH M8 Expert WorkingGroup Specification for Submission Formats for eCTDeCTD 提交格式规范 2016.11.1Change Control Process for the eCTD eCTD 变更控制过程2017.4 Request for change 请求变更表M9 Biopharmaceutic s Classification System-based M9: Biopharmaceutics Classification System-based Biowaivers Final M9:基于生物药剂学分类系统的生物豁免业务计2016.10.7Biowaivers 基于生物药剂学分类系统的生物豁免 endorsed Business Plan划ICH M9 EWG Work Plan M9 专家工作组工作计划2017.2.9 M9: Biopharmaceutics Classification System-based Biowaivers Final endorsed Concept PaperM9:基于生物药剂学分类系统的生物豁免概念文件 2016.10.7 M10 Bioanalytical Method Validation 生物样品分析的方法验证 M10: Bioanalytical Method Validation Final endorsed Business Plan M10: 生物样品分析的方法验证业务计划 2016.10.7ICH M10 EWG Work Plan M10: 专家工作组工作计划 2017.3.10 M10: Bioanalytical Method Validation Final endorsed Concept Paper M10: 生物样品分析的方法验证概念文件2016.10.7文章来源:龙腾整理。



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1.电磁炉代码大全2.各品牌电磁炉故障代码表威力WL-18A-E3,WL-20A_E3,WL-18A-k 3电磁炉故障代码E;--------无锅具E1:------电压干扰保护E2:------电压超过260VE3;------电压低于170vE4:-----锅低温度过高E5:------IGBT温度过高E6:------炉面热敏电阻开路或短路E7;-------功率管热敏电阻开路或短路威王电磁炉故障代码E0 无锅具或锅具不适用E1 炉面温度传感器开路E2 IGBT温度传感器开路E3 电压过高E4 电压过低E5 炉面传感器超温E6 IGBT温度传感器超温龙子电磁炉故障代码1、电磁炉按键短路时,显示屏显示E02、电磁炉主传感器开路时,显示屏显示E13、电磁炉主传感器短路时,显示屏显示E24、电磁炉散热片传感器开路时,显示屏显示E35、电磁炉散热片传感器短路时,显示屏显示E46、电磁炉工作电压过低时,显示屏显示E57、电磁炉工作电压过高时,显示屏显示E68、电磁炉主传感器高温时,显示屏显示E7青蜓牌电磁炉故障代码青蜓牌电磁炉故障代码:E0 检锅电路,E1 电源电压底于160UE2 电源电压高于270UE3 机内温度过高E4 电源不符合要求E5 线圈盘上感温器坏E6 散热片上感温器坏E7或E8 内部线路故障万利达电磁炉故障代码E1 过压E2灶面温度检测E3IGBT温度检测E4过载检测E5欠压爱庭电磁炉维修方案第一部分为电压测试点,第二部分为故障显示代码,第三部分为故障维修要点。












第二部分:故障代码:数码型电磁炉故障显示无数码型电磁炉故障显示报警声故障原因备注E0:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)所有档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒内部电路故障短时间可恢复E1:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)一档档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒无锅或锅具不适合可恢复E2:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)二档档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒 IGBT过热或热敏故障不可恢复E3:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)三档档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒过压可恢复E4:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)四档档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒欠压可恢复E5:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)五档档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒炉面热敏开路不可恢复E6:功能灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)五档档位灯闪(亮0.5秒灭0.5秒)响0.3秒停0.7秒炉面超温不可恢复一、内部电路故障( 显示代码:E0)由于该点故障涉及面比较广,主要原因是PWM驱动脉冲送不到IGBT-G脚,引起此类故障的主要几点是:① IGBT损坏,导致PWM驱动信号被短路。



xx各部位基本尺寸测量表示法上衣的尺寸:一,身长(Body Length)4_0x/[5?:S#Z1,一般上衣的衣长:#{&U!a t5?$r$e(1)从后领中量至下摆(From CB Neck to bottom edge of hem)。

(2)从肩高点量至下摆(From HPS to bottom edge of hem)。

%j'S0S1Z,d;s/y4W2,特殊上衣的衣长:(1)后长(Back Length):在大多数情况下,是记作:后中量(from CB),在服装的后身,量取后领中至下摆的距离。

但是也有可能要求其他的测量位置线,例如肩高点量(from HPS)。

(2)前长(Front Length):在大多数情况下,是记作:肩高点量(from HPS),在服装的前身,量取肩高点至下摆的距离。

9G$u0f!B.t!h但是也有可能要求其他的测量位置线,例如从前领中量(from C.F.Neck)。

3H3q*X5S,K9D!Q5E%L二,胸围(Chest Width)在大多数情况下,测量位置点是在袖笼下1英寸,从一侧的侧缝水平地量到另一侧,在客户的尺寸表上记作:at 1”belowthe AH。

三,腰围(Waist Width)1,上衣腰围:一般在客户的尺寸表上会注明一个测量位置点,指出是在肩高点下多少距离测量,记作“X”down from HPS。




%P5U$K-_#B N7s四,下摆围(Bottom Width)从下摆的一侧量到另一侧。


五,下摆罗纹宽(Rib/Bottom Hem Height)从下摆罗纹起头的一侧量到下摆罗纹结束处。

ICH 生物技术生物制品在生产工艺变更前后的可比性 Q5E

ICH 生物技术生物制品在生产工艺变更前后的可比性 Q5E




目录1.前言1.1指导原则的目的 11.2背景 11.3范围 11.4基本原则 22.指导原则 22.1可比性试验应考虑的问题 32.2质量的考虑 32.2.1分析技术 42.2.2鉴定 42.2.3检定规程 52.2.4稳定性72.3生产工艺的考虑72.4开发过程中可比性的验证82.5非临床和临床的考虑102.5.1在设计非临床和临床研究中应考虑的因素102.5.2研究类型113.术语114.参考文献12生物技术/生物制品在生产工艺改变前后的可比性1.前言1.1指导原则的目的本文件的目的是提供一个指导原则,用于评估原液或药物制剂的生物技术/生物制品生产工艺变更前后的可比性。









文/山东 刘春晖2022款奥迪Q5 e-tron纯电动汽车空调与热管理系统(一)上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron是上汽奥迪基于纯电MEB平台的中大型豪华纯电SUV,它设计成3排座,有6座、7座车型可以选择。

Q5 e-tron也是奥迪专门为中国打造的第一款电动汽车。

上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron是奥迪与上汽合资生产的第二款奥迪车型,上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron在中国生产并仅在中国销售,因此上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron对于奥迪在中国的电气化战略实施具有重要作用。

上汽奥迪Q5e-tron的定位与奥迪新品牌战略非常匹配,在上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron上,新的渐进式设计语言将“生活进步”的愿景付诸实践。

上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron体现了新的奥迪品牌特色:它系统地注重情感美学、智能、性能、现代对立美学与个性化技术,以满足目标群体需求。

上汽奥迪Q5 e-tron这款车作为上汽奥迪旗下的首款电动汽车,集成了多项先进的智能配置,目前共有4款车型,入门版售价为39.55万元,顶配版售价为51万元。

在配置方面,奥迪Q5 e-tron配备座椅气动按摩、带净化功能的三区自动空调、“B&O”3D环绕音响系统、AR-HUD增强现实抬头显示系统、MMI触控反馈系统、奥迪在线服务、远程车辆控制、V2X智能交通交互技术。

在驾驶辅助方面,奥迪Q5 e-tron凭借全方位的传感系统,具备前后防碰撞预警、全速域自适应续航、车道居中保持辅助、智能自动泊车系统、变道辅助、全景可视泊车辅助系统等功能。

在动力系统方面,奥迪Q5 e-tron为消费者提供后置单电机以及双电机四驱两种不同的版本,其中搭载后置单电机作为驱动的版本输出功率为204马力(1马力=735.5瓦(W))+310N·m;采用双电机四驱版本的车型输出功率为306马力+460N·m,动力输出更加强劲。

奥迪Q5 e-tron全系车型均搭载83.4kWh容量的电池组,最高续航里程分别为560km和520km。

Keysight ENA-L 射频网络分析仪配置指南说明书

Keysight ENA-L 射频网络分析仪配置指南说明书

是德科技ENA-L 射频网络分析仪E5061A 300 kHz 至1.5 GHzE5062A 300 kHz 至3 GHz配置指南引言本配置指南描述了ENA-L 射频网络分析仪的标准配置、选件、附件和外设。

如欲了解ENA-L 射频网络分析仪的完整描述和技术指标,请访问我们的网站以查看ENA-L 技术资料: /find/enaENA-L 订购指南本指南旨在帮助用户完成订购过程。


●必须且仅选择一项■选择任意组合在步骤2 到步骤9 中,要想订购E5062A 选件,需使用E5062A (例如E5062A-XXX) 替代E5061A第1 步: 选择频率范围●300 kHz 至1.5 GHz,选择E5061A●300 kHz 至3 GHz,选择E5062A第2步:选择测试仪配置●T/R 测试仪50 Ω,选择选件E5061A-150●T/R 测试仪 75 Ω,选择选件E5061A-175●S 参数测试仪 50 Ω,具有扩展的功率范围,选择选件E5061A-250●S 参数测试仪 75 Ω,具有扩展的功率范围,选择选件E5061A-275第3 步:如果您选择T/R 测试仪,您是否希望扩展功率范围(-45 dBm 至10 dBm) ?●是,选择选件E5061A-1E1●否第4步: 您是否希望添加故障定位和结构回波损耗分析?●是,选择选件E5061A-100●否,第5 步: 您喜欢使用触摸屏吗?●是,选择选件E5061A-016●否,选择选件E5061A-015第6 步:您是否需要机架安装附件?■仅机架安装套件,选择选件E5061A-1CM■仅前把手套件,选择选件E5061A-1CN■机架安装套件和前把手套件,选择选件E5061A-1CP第7 步: 您愿意添加附件吗?■添加键盘,选择选件E5061A-810■添加鼠标,选择选件E5061A-820第8 步:选择手册语言并指定数量■添加英文手册,选择选件E5061A-ABA 并指定数量■添加日语手册,选择选件E5061A-ABJ 并指定数量第9 步:您是否希望得到包含测试数据的商业校准证书(ISO17025 标准)?●是,选择选件E5061A-1A7●否ENA-L 是集成式射频网络分析仪,包括测试仪和合成射频源、10.4 英寸彩色LCD 以及软盘和硬盘驱动器。








一、ICH. 质量部分(Quality)Q1: Stability稳定性1.Q1A(R2): Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验2.Q1B: Photostability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products新原料药和制剂的光稳定性试验3.Q1C: Stability Testing for New Dosage Forms新剂型的稳定性试验4.Q1D: Bracketing and Matrixing Designs for Stability Testing of DrugSubstances and Drug Products原料药和制剂稳定性试验的交叉和矩阵设计5.Q1E: Evaluation of Stability Data稳定性数据的评估6.Q1F: Stability Data Package for Registration Applications in Climatic ZonesIII and IV在气候带III和IV,药物注册申请所提供的稳定性数据Q2: Analytical Validation分析验证7.Q2(R1): Validation of Analytical Procedures: Text and Methodology分析程序的验证:正文及方法论Q3A - Q3D: Impurities 杂质8.Q3A(R2): Impurities in New Drug Substances新原料药中的杂质9.Q3B(R2): Impurities in New Drug Products (Revised Guideline)新制剂中的杂质10.Q3C(R5): Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents杂质:残留溶剂指南11.Q3C(R6): Impurities: Guideline for Residual Solvents附录13 ICH地区使用的药典正文评估和建议粉末的松密度与紧密度12.Q4B ANNEX 14 Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Textsfor Use in the ICH Regions on Bacterial Endotoxins Test General Chapter 附录14 ICH地区使用的药典正文评估和建议细菌内毒素检测通则Q5A - Q5E: Quality of Biotechnological Products 生物技术制品质量13.Q5A(R1): Viral Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology Products Derived fromCell Lines of Human or Animal Origin来源于人或者动物细胞系的生物技术产品的病毒安全性评估14.Q5B: Quality of Biotechnological Products: Analysis of the ExpressionConstruct in Cells Used for Production of r-DNA Derived Protein Products 生物技术产品的质量:rDNA衍生蛋白质产品生产细胞的表达构建体分析15.Q5C: Quality of Biotechnological Products: Stability Testing ofBiotechnological/Biological Products生物技术产品的质量:生物技术产品/生物制品的稳定性试验16.Q5D: Derivation and Characterization of Cell Substrates Used forProduction of Biotechnological/Biological Products用于生产生物技术产品/生物制品的细胞基质的来源和鉴定17.Q5E: Comparability of Biotechnological/Biological Products Subject toChanges in Their Manufacturing Process生产工艺变更后生物技术产品/生物制品的可比性Q6A- Q6B: Specifications质量标准18.Q6A: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for New DrugSubstances and New Drug Products: Chemical Substances (includingdecision trees)规范:新原料药和新制剂的检测方法和可接收标准:化学物质(包括决定过程)19.Q6B: Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria forBiotechnological/Biological Products规范:生物技术产品/生物制品的检验方法和可接收标准Q7: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)良好的生产质量管理规范20.Q7A: Good Manufacturing Practice Guide for Active PharmaceuticalIngredients药物活性成份的GMP指南Q8: Pharmaceutical Development 药物开发21.Q8(R2): Pharmaceutical Development药物开发Q9: Quality Risk Management 质量风险管理22.Q9: Quality Risk Management质量风险管理Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System 药物质量体系23.Q10: Pharmaceutical Quality System药物质量体系Q11:Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances 原料药的开发与制造24.Q11:Development and Manufacture of Drug Substances (Chemical Entitiesand Biotechnological/Biological Entities)原料药的开发与制造(化学实体与生物技术/生物制品实体)二、ICH.安全性部分(Safety)S1A - S1C: Carcinogenicity Studies致癌试验1.S1A: Guideline on the Need for Carcinogenicity Studies of Pharmaceuticals药物致癌试验的必要性2.S1B: Testing for Carcinogenicity of Pharmaceuticals药物致癌试验3.S1C(R2): Dose Selection for Carcinogenicity Studies of Pharmaceuticals药物致癌试验的剂量选择S2 Genotoxicity Studies遗传毒性4.S2(R1) : Guidance on Genotoxicity Testing and Data Interpretation forPharmaceuticals Intended for Human Use人用药物的遗传毒性试验和数据分析指导原则S3A - S3B: Toxicokinetics and Pharmacokinetics毒物代谢动力学与药物代谢动力学5.S3A: Note for Guidance on Toxicokinetics: The Assessment of SystemicExposure in Toxicity Studies毒物代谢动力学指南的注释:毒性研究中全身暴露的评价6.S3B:Pharmacokinetics: Guidance for Repeated Dose Tissue DistributionStudies药物代谢动力学:重复给药的组织分布研究指导原则S4: Toxicity Testing毒性试验7.S4:Duration of Chronic Toxicity Testing in Animals (Rodent and NonRodent Toxicity Testing)动物体内慢性毒性持续时间的检验(啮齿类和非啮齿类毒性试验)S5: Reproductive Toxicology生殖毒性8.S5(R2) : Detection of Toxicity to Reproduction for Medicinal Products andToxicity to Male Fertility药品的生殖毒性检测及雄性生育力毒性S6: Biotechnological Products生物技术产品9.S6:Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biotechnology-Derived Pharmaceuticals生物技术药品的临床前安全性试验S7A - S7B: Pharmacology Studies 药理学研究10.S7A:Safety Pharmacology Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals人用药物的安全性药理研究11.S7B:The Non-clinical Evaluation of the Potential for Delayed VentricularRepolarization (QT Interval Prolongation) by Human Pharmaceuticals人用药延迟心室复极化(QT间期延长)潜在作用的非临床评价指导原则S8: Immunotoxicology Studies 免疫毒理学研究12.S8:Immunotoxicity Studies for Human Pharmaceuticals人用药品的免疫毒理学研究S9: Nonclinical Evaluation for Anticancer Pharmaceuticals抗癌药物临床前评价13.S9: Nonclinical Evaluation for Anticancer Pharmaceuticals抗癌药物的临床前评价S10: Photosafety Evaluation 光安全评价14.S10: Photosafety Evaluation of Pharmaceuticals药物的光安全评价三、ICH.临床部分(Efficacy)E1: Clinical Safety for Drugs used in Long-Term Treatment长期治疗药物的临床安全性1.E1:The Extent of Population Exposure to Assess Clinical Safety for DrugsIntended for Long-Term Treatment of Non-Life-Threatening Conditions对非危及生命的疾病的长期治疗药物进行临床安全性评估的人群暴露程度E2A - E2F: Pharmacovigilance药物警戒2.E2A:Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting快速报告的定义和标准3.E2C(R2):Periodic Benefit-Risk Evaluation Report上市药品定期风险效益评估报告4.E2D:Post-Approval Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standardsfor Expedited Reporting批准后安全性数据管理:快速报告的定义和标准5.E2E:Pharmacovigilance Planning药物警戒计划6.E2F: Development Safety Update Report 安全性更新报告E3: Clinical Study Reports 临床研究报告7.E3:Structure and Content of Clinical Study Reports临床研究报告的结构与内容E4: Dose-Response Studies 量效研究8.E4:Dose-Response Information to Support Drug Registration新药注册所需量-效关系的资料E5: Ethnic Factors 种族因素9.E5(R1):Ethnic Factors in the Acceptability of Foreign Clinical Data对国外临床研究资料的种族因素的可接受性E6: Good Clinical Practice药品临床研究规范10.E6(R1): Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guideline药品临床研究规范(GCP)一致性指导原则11.E6(R2): Integrated Addendum to ich E6(R1): Guideline for Good ClinicalPractice E6(R1)整合的附录:药品临床研究规范指南E7: Clinical Trials in Geriatric Population 老年人群的临床研究12.E7:Studies in Support of Special Populations: Geriatrics老年人群的临床研究E8: General Considerations for Clinical Trials 临床研究总则13.E8:General Considerations for Clinical Trials临床研究总则E9: Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials 临床研究的统计原则14.E9:Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials临床研究统计原则E10: Choice of Control Group in Clinical Trials 临床研究对照组的选择15.E10:Choice of Control Group and Related Issues in Clinical Trials临床研究对照组的选择及相关问题E11: Clinical Trials in Pediatric Population 儿童人群的临床研究16.E11:Clinical Investigation of Medicinal Products in the PediatricPopulation儿童人群的临床研究E12: Clinical Evaluation by Therapeutic Category 按治疗分类的各类药物临床评价17.E12: Principles for Clinical Evaluation of New Antihypertensive Drugs抗高血压新药的临床评价指导原则E14: Clinical Evaluation of QT QT临床评价18.E14: The Clinical Evaluation of QT/QTc Interval Prolongation andProarrhythmicPotential for Non-Antiarrhythmic Drugs非抗心律失常药物致QT/QTc间期延长及潜在心律失常作用的临床评价E15: Definitions in Pharmacogenetics / Pharmacogenomics 遗传药理学/药物基因组学的定义19.E15: Definitions for Genomic Biomarkers, Pharmacogenomics,Pharmacogenetics, Genomic Data and Sample Coding Categories基因组生物标记物、药物基因组学、遗传药理学、基因组数据和样本编码分类的定义E16: Qualification of Genomic Biomarkers 基因生物标记物的条件20.E16: Biomarkers Related to Drug or Biotechnology Product Development:Context, Structure and Format of Qualification Submissions与药物或生物技术产品相关的生物标记物研发: 申请资料的内容、结构和格式E17: Multi-Regional Clinical Trials多个地区临床试验21.E17: General principle on planning/designing Multi-Regional Clinical Trials规划多地区临床试验的一般原则E18: Genomic Sampling 基因组抽样22.E18: Guideline on Genomic Sampling and Management of Genomic Data基因组数据采集与管理的指导原则四、ICH.综合部分(Multidisciplinary)M1: MedDRA Terminology 医学术语M2: Electronic Standards 电子标准M3: Nonclinical Safety Studies临床前安全性研究1.M3:Guidance on Nonclinical Safety Studies for the Conduct of HumanClinical Trials and Marketing Authorization for Pharmaceuticals药物进行人体临床试验和上市许可申请的临床前安全性研究指导原则M4: Common Technical Document 通用技术文件2.M4(R3): Organisation of the Common Technical Document for theRegistration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use人用药物注册申请的通用技术文件组织结构3.M4E(R1): The Common Technical Document for Registration ofPharmaceuticals for Human Use Clinical人用药物注册申请的通用技术文件:临床4.M4E(R2): Revision of M4E Guideline on Enhancing Format and Structureof Benefit-risk Information in ICH EfficacyM4E指南修订,优化临床研究风险评估的格式与结构5.M4Q(R1): The Common Technical Document for the Registration ofPharmaceuticals for Human Use: Quality人用药物注册申请的通用技术文件:质量6.M4S(R2): The Common Technical Document for the Registration ofPharmaceuticals for Human Use: Safety人用药物注册申请的通用技术文件:安全性7.M4E(R1): The Common Technical Document for the Registration ofPharmaceuticals for Human Use: Efficacy人用药物注册申请的通用技术文件:有效性M5: Data Elements and Standards for Drug Dictionaries药品词汇的数据要素和标准M6: Gene Therapy 基因疗法M7: Genotoxic Impurities 基因毒性杂质8.M7: Assessment and Control of DNA Reactive (Mutagenic) Impurities inPharmaceuticals to Limit Potential Carcinogenic Risk为限制潜在致癌风险而对药物中DNA活性(诱变性)杂质进行的评估和控制M8: Electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) 电子通用技术文件。



2性能指标2.1安全要求2.1.1 诊断系统的安全要求应符合 GB 9706.1-2007、GB 9706.9-2008 和 GB 9706.15-2008 的规定;EMC 要求应符合 YY 0505-2012 和 GB 9706.9-2008 第 36 条规定。

2.1.2 声输出参数公布要求:设备的声输出必须按照 GB 9706.9-2008 和 GB/T 16846-2008 的规定检验,若声输出参数不能满足免于公布的条件,应以背景资料的形式予以公布,声输出公布应满足 GB 9706.9-2008 和GB/T 16846-2008 的要求。

2.2性能要求2.2.1诊断系统主机和配套的探头的下列技术指标应符合附录 C 表4 规定:a)探头标称频率,单位 MHz;b)侧向、轴向分辨力,单位 mm;c)盲区,单位 mm;d)探测深度,单位 mm;e)横向、纵向几何位置精度,(%)。




2.2.5切片厚度:切片厚度应满足附录C 表4 的要求,切片厚度的指标应在随机文件中公布。


2.2.7M 模式性能指标:具有 M 模式的探头,应进行 M 模式时间显示误差的性能测试。

M 模式时间显示误差应在 2%的范围之内。

2.2.8彩色血流成像模式性能要求a)在彩色血流成像模式下,各探头在其多普勒工作频率下的探测深度应不小于附录 C表 5 的要求。




2.2.9频谱多普勒模式性能要求a)在频谱多普勒模式下,各探头在其多普勒工作频率下的探测深度应不小于附录 C 表5的要求。

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great-drive vc5000e系列矢量变频器使用说明书

上海格立特电力电子有限公司地址:上海市武宁路505号 邮编:200063网址:http//上海格立特电力电子有限公司VC5000E系列矢量变频器使用说明书VC5000E版本V1.0生效2017年4月内容如有变动,恕不另行通知前 言首先感谢您购买VC5000E系列高性能矢量变频器。








1前 言第一章 安全及注意事项1.1 安全注意事项1.2 变频器使用注意事项1.3 电机使用注意事项1.4 关于质量保证第二章 产品确认与规范2.1 变频器型号和铭牌的确认2.2 产品规格2.3 产品技术规格第三章 安装3.1 使用环境3.2 安装方向与空间3.3 键盘及盖板的拆卸和安装3.4 产品外形和安装尺寸第四章 接线4.1 产品与外围器件的连接4.2 主回路外围器件的说明4.3 主回路外围器件的选型4.4 配线4.5 标准接线图4.6 变频器安装中EMC 及注意事项第五章 基本操作和运行5.1 键盘的说明目 录1356891113131417222323253435381813223825.2 相关设定及查看5.3 变频控制常用参数5.4 运行前的步骤5.5 接通电源和显示状态的确认5.6 自学习5.7 空载状态下的试运行5.8 实际负载试运行第六章 参数简表第七章 参数详解A 组 系统参数A1组 环境参数A3组 运行模式b 组 启停参数b1组 直流制动b2组 转速追踪b4组 DWELL 功能b5组 加减速时间b6组 S 字特性C 组 频率设定C1组 频率指令C2组 频率限制C3组 跳跃频率C4组 频率指令保持和UP/DOWN 功能C5组 偏置频率d 组 电机参数d1组 电机V/F 特性d2组 电机参数E 组 控制性能E1组 速度控制(ASR)E2组 前馈控制44454649495253949496999910010110210310410410610710810810910911111211211455943F 组 扩展控制F1组 转矩控制F2组 PID 控制H 组 端子功能H1组 多功能接点输入H2组 多功能接点输出H3组 多功能模拟量输入H4组 多功能模拟量输出H5组 Modbus 通信J 组 通用功能J1组 简易PLCL 组 专用功能L1组 纺织摆频功能n 组 保护功能n1组 电机保护功能n2组 瞬时停电处理n3组 失速保护功能n4组 频率检出n5组 故障重起n6组 过转矩/转矩不足检出n7组 转矩极限n8组 硬件保护o 组 选购卡o1组 编码器参数P 组 键盘P1组 键盘显示设定P2组 键盘多功能选择P4组 维护时期T 组 参数自学习T1组 电机1的自学习U 组 监视U1组 状态监视1141141151221221311401441461471471511511521521521541561571571591601611611611611631631641641641644U2组 故障记录U3组 维护监视U4组 应用程序监视U5组 用户监视第八章 故障诊断及对策8.1 故障内容及对策8.2 警告内容及原因8.3 操作故障内容及原因第九章 定期检查和维护9.1 检查与维护9.2 必须定期更换的器件9.3 储存与保管第十章 选购件10.1 制动单元10.2 制动电阻选用10.3 PG卡附录A Modbus通讯协议A1 MODBUS 通信的构成A2 与PLC进行通信的步骤A3 终端电阻的设定A4 MODBUS 通信设定参数A5 以MODBUS通信运行变频器A6 通信时机A7 信息格式A8 指令/响应时的信息示例A9 MODBUS 数据一览A10 ENTER指令A11 MODBUS通信的故障代码166 168 169 169170 175 177179 179 180181 181 182183 183 183 184 185 186 187 188 190 192 192 170 179 181 1831第一章 安全及注意事项本使用说明书的安全标记说明:危险:错误使用,极可能会导致火灾、死亡或重伤!警告:错误使用,可能会导致火灾、死亡或重伤,以及发生设备损坏。



基因工程产品的质量控制与传统生产方法所 得产品有本质的差别。可能会含有用传统生产 方法不可能存在的有害杂质。例如在细菌中表 达的产品可能有内毒素、致敏原,在动物细胞 中表达的产品可能有DNA杂质和病毒。
(1)化学物理鉴定的一致性 (2)污染物限度控制的重要性(热原、病毒、宿主细胞DNA) (3)全过程控制质量的必要性 (4)效价测定的重要性 (5)标准化的趋势
“细胞基质”是指微生物细胞或来自于人或动物的细胞系。 动物来源的细胞系是指所有后生动物,包括体外无限生长的传代
细胞系以及体外有限代次的二倍体细胞。 微生物的来源包括细菌、真菌、酵母和其他单细胞生物。
由于用的模型病毒不会与实际污染病毒相同,因此要根据 生产品种和知识加以判断。
去除或灭活病毒安全性指南 (Q5A)
6. 生物技术产品及生物制品的货架寿命一般在半年到5年之间。
如预定货架寿命在1年或1年以内,真实时间稳定性研究应为前3个月 每月进行一次,以后每3个月一次。
如预定货架寿命在1年以上,稳定性试验应在贮藏期的第一年每3个 月进行一次;第二年每6个月进行一次,以后每年进行一次。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告连江尚慈健康管理有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:连江尚慈健康管理有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分连江尚慈健康管理有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务;化妆品及卫生用品批发;化妆品及卫生用品零1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



基于蛋白质组学技术研究秦川牛肉宰后贮藏过程中肌红蛋白含量及其衍生物转化张杏亚1,杨 波2,李亚蕾1,*,罗瑞明1,阮振甜1,撒苗苗1,赵珺怡1(1.宁夏大学农学院,宁夏银川 750021;2.宁夏大学生命科学学院,宁夏银川 750021)摘 要:本实验采用4D-非标记蛋白质组学技术研究秦川牛肉贮藏过程中(0~8 d)肌红蛋白含量及其衍生物的转化情况,阐释冷却秦川牛肉中肌红蛋白含量及其衍生物转化的分子机制。

结果表明:贮藏过程中,肌红蛋白表达量在宰后0~4 d上升、4~8 d下降,利用非标记蛋白质组学技术鉴定出与肌红蛋白及其衍生物相关的差异蛋白14 种,具体包括代谢酶、氧化还原酶、过氧化物酶、伴侣蛋白4 类,这4 类蛋白的表达共同调控贮藏过程中肌红蛋白含量的变化及其3 种衍生物之间的转化,具体表现为贮藏过程中肌红蛋白表达量整体呈下降趋势,氧合肌红蛋白相对含量持续下降,脱氧肌红蛋白、高铁肌红蛋白相对含量逐渐增加,导致肉色发生褐变。


关键词:秦川牛肉;肌红蛋白;肌红蛋白衍生物;4D-非标记蛋白质组学;肉色Proteomics Studies on Myoglobin Content and Its Transformation into Derivatives in Muscle of Qinchuan Cattleduring Postmortem StorageZHANG Xingya1, YANG Bo2, LI Yalei1,*, LUO Ruiming1, RUAN Zhentian1, SA Miaomiao1, ZHAO Junyi1(1. School of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China;2. School of Life Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)Abstract: In this paper, 4D-label-free proteomics (4D-LFQ) was used to explore changes in the content of myoglobin and its transformation into derivatives in the Longissimus dorsi muscle in Qinchuan cattle during the first eight days of postmortem storage. The results showed that during storage from day 0 to day 4, the expression of the myoglobin had an upward trend, but then decreased. Totally 14 differentially expressed proteins related to myoglobin and its derivatives were identified, including metabolic enzyme, oxidoreductase, peroxidase and chaperone protein, which could together regulate the change in myoglobin content and the transformation between myoglobin and its three derivatives. Specifically, myoglobin expression showed an overall downward trend, and the relative content of oxymyoglobin continuously declined, while the relative contents of deoxymyoglobin and metmyoglobin gradually rose, resulting in browning in meat color. The results of this study will be useful for understanding the complex biochemical mechanism underlying color changes in the meat of Qinchuan cattle during storage.Keywords: meat of Qinchuan cattle; myoglobin; myoglobin derivatives; 4D-label-free proteomics; meat colorDOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20200315-239中图分类号:TS251.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-6630(2021)07-0226-06引文格式:张杏亚, 杨波, 李亚蕾, 等. 基于蛋白质组学技术研究秦川牛肉宰后贮藏过程中肌红蛋白含量及其衍生物转化[J]. 食品科学, 2021, 42(7): 226-231. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20200315-239. ZHANG Xingya, YANG Bo, LI Yalei, et al. Proteomics studies on myoglobin content and its transformation into derivatives in muscle of Qinchuan cattle during postmortem storage[J]. Food Science, 2021, 42(7): 226-231. (in Chinese with English abstract) DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20200315-239. 收稿日期:2020-03-15基金项目:国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目(31660442);宁夏回族自治区重点研发项目(2017BY068)第一作者简介:张杏亚(1995—)(ORCID: 0000-0001-5672-5826),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为畜产品加工与贮藏。








































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INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HARMONISATION OF TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR REGISTRATION OF PHARMACEUTICALS FOR HUMAN USEICH H ARMONISED T RIPARTITE G UIDELINEC OMPARABILITY OF B IOTECHNOLOGICAL/B IOLOGICALP RODUCTS S UBJECT TO C HANGES IN THEIRM ANUFACTURING P ROCESSQ5ECurrent Step 4 versiondated 18 November 2004This Guideline has been developed by the appropriate ICH Expert Working Group and has been subject to consultation by the regulatory parties, in accordance with the ICH Process. At Step 4 of the Process the final draft is recommended for adoption to the regulatory bodies of the European Union, Japan and USA.Q5E Document HistoryFirst Codification History DateNewCodificationNovember2005Q5E Approval by the Steering Committee under Step 2 and release for public consultation.13November2003Q5ECurrent Step 4 versionQ5E Approval by the Steering Committee under Step 4 and recommendation for adoption to the three ICH regulatorybodies.18November2004Q5EC OMPARABILITY OF B IOTECHNOLOGICAL/B IOLOGICAL P RODUCTSS UBJECT TO C HANGES IN T HEIR M ANUFACTURING P ROCESSICH Harmonised Tripartite GuidelineHaving reached Step 4 of the ICH Process at the ICH Steering Committee meeting on 18 November 2004, this guideline is recommended foradoption to the three regulatory parties to ICHTABLE OF CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION (1)1.1Objectives of the Guideline (1)1.2Background (1)1.3Scope (2)1.4General Principles (2)2.GUIDELINES (3)2.1 Considerations for the Comparability Exercise (3)2.2Quality Considerations (4)2.2.1.Analytical Techniques (4)2.2.2Characterisation (5)2.2.3Specifications (7)2.2.4Stability (7)2.3Manufacturing Process Considerations (8)2.4 Demonstration of Comparability during Development (9)2.5Nonclinical and Clinical Considerations (10)2.5.1Factors to be Considered in Planning Nonclinical and Clinical Studies (10)2.5.2Type of Studies (11)3.GLOSSARY (11)4.REFERENCES (12)C OMPARABILITY OF B IOTECHNOLOGICAL/B IOLOGICAL P RODUCTSS UBJECT TO C HANGES IN T HEIR M ANUFACTURING P ROCESS1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Objectives of the GuidelineThe objective of this document is to provide principles for assessing the comparability of biotechnological/biological products before and after changes are made in the manufacturing process for the drug substance or drug product. Therefore, this guideline is intended to assist in the collection of relevant technical information which serves as evidence that the manufacturing process changes will not have an adverse impact on the quality, safety and efficacy of the drug product. The document does not prescribe any particular analytical, nonclinical or clinical strategy. The main emphasis of the document is on quality aspects.1.2 BackgroundManufacturers1 of biotechnological/biological products frequently make changes to manufacturing processes2 of products3 both during development and after approval. Reasons for such changes include improving the manufacturing process, increasing scale, improving product stability, and complying with changes in regulatory requirements. When changes are made to the manufacturing process, the manufacturer generally evaluates the relevant quality attributes of the product to demonstrate that modifications did not occur that would adversely impact4 the safety and efficacy of the drug product. Such an evaluation should indicate whether or not confirmatory nonclinical or clinical studies are appropriate.While ICH documents have not specifically addressed considerations for demonstrating comparability between pre-change and post-change product, several ICH documents have provided guidance for technical information and data to be submitted in marketing applications that can also be useful for assessing manufacturing process changes (see Section 4.0 References). This document builds upon the previous ICH guidelines and provides additional direction regarding approaches to:•Comparing post-change product to pre-change product following manufacturing process changes; and1For convenience, when the term “manufacturer” is used, it is intended to include any third party having a contractual arrangement to produce the intermediates, drug substance, ordrug product on behalf of the marketing authorisation holder (or the developer, if prior to market authorisation).2F or convenience, when the term “manufacturing process(es)” is used, it also includesfacilities and equipment that might impact on critical processing parameters and, thereby,on product quality.3F or convenience, when the term “product” is used without modifiers, it is intended to refer to the intermediates, drug substance, and drug product.4I mprovement of product quality is always desirable and encouraged. If the results of the comparability exercise indicate an improved quality suggesting a significant benefit in efficacy and/or safety, the pre- and post-change product may not be comparable. However,this result could be considered acceptable. The manufacturer is advised to consult the appropriate regional Regulatory Authority.Comparability of Biotechnological/Biological Products•Assessing the impact of observed differences in the quality attributes caused by the manufacturing process change for a given product as it relates to safety and efficacy of the product.1.3 ScopeThe principles adopted and explained in this document5 apply to:•Proteins and polypeptides, their derivatives, and products of which they are components, e.g., conjugates. These proteins and polypeptides are produced from recombinant or non-recombinant cell-culture expression systems and can be highly purified and characterised using an appropriate set of analytical procedures;•Products where manufacturing process changes are made by a single manufacturer, including those made by a contract manufacturer, who can directly compare results from the analysis of pre-change and post-change product; and•Products where manufacturing process changes are made in development or for which a marketing authorisation has been granted.The principles outlined in this document might also apply to other product types such as proteins and polypeptides isolated from tissues and body fluids. Manufacturers are advised to consult with the appropriate regional Regulatory Authority to determine applicability.Principles1.4 GeneralThe goal of the comparability exercise is to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of drug product produced by a changed manufacturing process, through collection and evaluation of the relevant data to determine whether there might be any adverse impact on the drug product due to the manufacturing process changes.The demonstration of comparability does not necessarily mean that the quality attributes of the pre-change and post-change product are identical, but that they are highly similar and that the existing knowledge is sufficiently predictive to ensure that any differences in quality attributes have no adverse impact upon safety or efficacy of the drug product.A determination of comparability can be based on a combination of analytical testing, biological assays, and, in some cases, nonclinical and clinical data. If a manufacturer can provide assurance of comparability through analytical studies alone, nonclinical or clinical studies with the post-change product are not warranted. However, where the relationship between specific quality attributes and safety and efficacy has not been established, and differences between quality attributes of the pre- and post-change product are observed, it might be appropriate to include a combination of quality, nonclinical, and/or clinical studies in the comparability exercise.To identify the impact of a manufacturing process change, a careful evaluation of all foreseeable consequences for the product should be performed. In consideration of this evaluation, appropriate criteria to define highly similar post-change product can be5This document applies to situations in which all three of the bulleted conditions are present.Comparability of Biotechnological/Biological Products established. Generally, quality data on the pre- and post-change product are generated, and a comparison is performed that integrates and evaluates all data collected, e.g., routine batch analyses, in-process control, process validation/evaluation data, characterisation and stability, if appropriate. The comparison of the results to the predefined criteria should allow an objective assessment of whether or not the pre- and post-change product are comparable.Following the evaluation of the quality attributes, the manufacturer could be faced with one of several outcomes, including:•Based on appropriate comparison of relevant quality attributes, pre- and post-change product are highly similar and considered comparable, i.e., no adverse impact on safety or efficacy profiles is foreseen;•Although the pre- and post change product appear highly similar, the analytical procedures used are not sufficient to discern relevant differences that can impact the safety and efficacy of the product. The manufacturer should consider employing additional testing (e.g., further characterisation) or nonclinical and/or clinical studies to reach a definitive conclusion;•Although the pre- and post-change product appear highly similar, some differences have been observed in the quality attributes of the pre-change and post-change product, but it can be justified that no adverse impact on safety or efficacy profiles is expected, based on the manufacturer’s accumulated experience, relevant information, and data. In these circumstances, pre- and post-change product can be considered comparable;•Although the pre- and post-change product appear highly similar, some differences have been identified in the comparison of quality attributes and a possible adverse impact on safety and efficacy profiles cannot be excluded. In such situations, the generation and analysis of additional data on quality attributes are unlikely to assist in determining whether pre- and post-change product are comparable. The manufacturer should consider performing nonclinical and/or clinical studies;•Differences in the quality attributes are so significant that it is determined that the products are not highly similar and are therefore not comparable.This outcome is not within the scope of this document and is not discussed further.2. GUIDELINES2.1 Considerations for the Comparability ExerciseThe goal of the comparability exercise is to ascertain that pre- and post-change drug product is comparable in terms of quality, safety, and efficacy. To meet this goal, the product should be evaluated at the process step most appropriate to detect a change in the quality attributes. This may entail evaluating the product at multiple stages of manufacture. For example, even though all process changes occurred in the manufacture of the drug substance, in cases where the drug product could be impacted by the change, it might be appropriate to collect data on both the drug substance and the drug product to support the determination of comparability. Comparability can often be deduced from quality studies alone (limited or comprehensive analysis, as appropriate), but might sometimes need to be supportedComparability of Biotechnological/Biological Productsby comparability bridging studies. The extent of the studies necessary to demonstrate comparability will depend on:•The production step where the changes are introduced;•The potential impact of the changes on the purity as well as on the physicochemical and biological properties of the product, particularly considering the complexity and degree of knowledge of the product (e.g., impurities, product- related substances);•The availability of suitable analytical techniques to detect potential product modifications and the results of these studies; and•The relationship between quality attributes and safety and efficacy, based on overall nonclinical and clinical experience.When considering the comparability of products, the manufacturer should evaluate, for example:•Relevant physicochemical and biological characterisation data regarding quality attributes;•Results from analysis of relevant samples from the appropriate stages of the manufacturing process (e.g., intermediate, drug substance, and drug product);•The need for stability data, including those generated from accelerated or stress conditions, to provide insight into potential product differences in the degradation pathways of the product and, hence, potential differences in product-related substances and product-related impurities;•Batches used for demonstration of manufacturing consistency;•Historical data that provide insight into potential “drift” of quality attributes with respect to safety and efficacy, following either a single or a series of manufacturing process changes. That is, the manufacturer should consider the impact of changes over time to confirm that an unacceptable impact on safety and efficacy profiles has not occurred.In addition to evaluating the data, manufacturers should also consider: •Critical control points in the manufacturing process that affect product characteristics, e.g., the impact of the process change on the quality of in-process materials, as well as the ability of downstream steps to accommodate material from a changed cell culture process;•Adequacy of the in-process controls including critical control points and in-process testing: In-process controls for the post-change process should be confirmed, modified, or created, as appropriate, to maintain the quality of the product;•Nonclinical or clinical characteristics of the drug product and its therapeutic indications (see section 2.5).Considerations2.2 Quality2.2.1. Analytical TechniquesThe battery of tests for the comparability exercise should be carefully selected and optimised to maximise the potential for detecting relevant differences in the qualityComparability of Biotechnological/Biological Products attributes of the product that might result from the proposed manufacturing process change. To address the full range of physicochemical properties or biological activities, it might be appropriate to apply more than one analytical procedure to evaluate the same quality attribute (e.g., molecular weight, impurities, secondary/tertiary structures). In such cases, each method should employ different physicochemical or biological principles to collect data for the same parameter to maximise the possibility that differences in the product caused by a change in the manufacturing process might be detected.It can be difficult to ensure that the chosen set of analytical procedures for the pre-change product will be able to detect modifications of the product due to the limitations of the assays (e.g., precision, specificity, and detection limit) and the complexity of some products due to molecular heterogeneity. Consequently, the manufacturer should determine:•Whether or not existing tests remain appropriate for their intended use or should be modified. For example, when the manufacturing process change gives rise to a different impurity profile in the host cell proteins, manufacturers should confirm that the test used to quantitate these impuritiesis still suitable for its intended purpose. It might be appropriate to modify theexisting test to detect the new impurities;•The need to add new tests as a result of changes in quality attributes that the existing methods are not capable of measuring. That is, when specific changesin quality attributes are expected as a result of a process change (e.g., following addition of a new raw material or modification of a chromatographic purification step), it might be appropriate to develop new analytical procedures, i.e., to employ additional analytical techniques above and beyond those used previously for characterisation or routine testing.The measurement of quality attributes in characterisation studies does not necessarily entail the use of validated assays but the assays should be scientifically sound and provide results that are reliable. Those methods used to measure quality attributes for batch release should be validated in accordance with ICH guidelines (ICH Q2A, Q2B, Q5C, Q6B), as appropriate.2.2.2 CharacterisationCharacterisation of a biotechnological/biological product by appropriate techniques, as described in ICH Q6B, includes the determination of physicochemical properties, biological activity, immunochemical properties (if any), purity, impurities, contaminants, and quantity.When a manufacturing process change has been made that has the potential to have an impact on quality attributes, a complete or limited (but rationalised) repetition of the characterisation activity conducted for the market application is generally warranted to directly compare the pre-change and post-change product. However, additional characterisation might be indicated in some cases. For example, when process changes result in a product characterisation profile that differs from that observed in the material used during nonclinical and clinical studies or other appropriate representative materials (e.g., reference materials, marketed batches), the significance of these alterations should be evaluated. Results of comprehensive characterisation of the material used in pivotal clinicial trials could provide a useful point of reference for subsequent comparability excercises.Comparability of Biotechnological/Biological ProductsEach of the following criteria should be considered as a key point in the conduct of the comparability exercise:Physicochemical PropertiesThe manufacturer should consider the concept of the desired product (and its variants) as defined in ICH Q6B when designing and conducting a comparability exercise. The complexity of the molecular entity with respect to the degree of molecular heterogeneity should also be considered. Following a manufacturing process change, manufacturers should attempt to determine that higher order structure (secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure) is maintained in the product. If the appropriate higher order structural information cannot be obtained, a relevant biological activity assay (see biological activity below) could indicate a correct conformational structure.Biological ActivityBiological assay results can serve multiple purposes in the confirmation of product quality attributes that are useful for characterisation and batch analysis, and, in some cases, could serve as a link to clinical activity. The manufacturer should consider the limitations of biological assays, such as high variability, that might prevent detection of differences that occur as a result of a manufacturing process change.In cases where the biological assay also serves as a complement to physicochemical analysis, e.g., as a surrogate assay for higher order structure, the use of a relevant biological assay with appropriate precision and accuracy might provide a suitable approach to confirm that change in specific higher order structure has not occurred following manufacturing process changes. Where physicochemical or biological assays are not considered adequate to confirm that the higher order structure is maintained, it might be appropriate to conduct a nonclinical or clinical study.When changes are made to a product with multiple biological activities, manufacturers should consider performing a set of relevant functional assays designed to evaluate the range of activities. For example, certain proteins possess multiple functional domains that express enzymatic and receptor mediated activities. In such situations, manufacturers should consider evaluating all relevant functional activities.Where one or more of the multiple activities are not sufficiently correlated with clinical safety or efficacy or if the mechanism of action is not understood, the manufacturer should justify that nonclinical or clinical activity is not compromised in the post-change product.Immunochemical PropertiesWhen immunochemical properties are part of the characterisation (e.g., for antibodies or antibody-based products), the manufacturer should confirm that post-change product is comparable in terms of the specific properties.Purity, Impurities, and ContaminantsThe combination of analytical procedures selected should provide data to evaluate whether a change in purity profile has occurred in terms of the desired product.If differences are observed in the purity and impurity profiles of the post-change product relative to the pre-change product, the differences should be evaluated to assess their potential impact on safety and efficacy. Where the change results in the appearance of new impurities, the new impurities should be identified and characterised when possible. Depending on the impurity type and amount, it might be appropriate to conduct nonclinical or clinical studies to confirm that there is no adverse impact on safety or efficacy of the drug product.Contaminants should be strictly avoided and/or suitably controlled with appropriate in-process acceptance criteria or action limits for drug substance or drug product. New contaminants should be evaluated to assess their potential impact on the quality, safety and efficacy of the product.2.2.3 SpecificationsThe tests and analytical procedures chosen to define drug substance or drug product specifications alone are generally not considered adequate to assess the impact of manufacturing process changes since they are chosen to confirm the routine quality of the product rather than to fully characterise it. The manufacturer should confirm that the specifications after the process change are appropriate to ensure product quality. Results within the established acceptance criteria, but outside historical manufacturing control trends, might suggest product differences that warrant additional study or analysis. Modification, elimination, or addition of a test (i.e., in the specification) might be indicated where data suggest that the previous test is no longer relevant for routine batch analysis of the post-change product. For example, the elimination of bovine serum from the cell culture process would remove the need for related analyses. However, a widening of the acceptance criteria is generally not considered appropriate unless justified. In some cases, additional tests and acceptance criteria on the relative amount of specific new impurities might be appropriate if the impurity profile is different following the manufacturing process changes. When evaluating both the test methods and acceptance criteria for the post-change product, it is important to consider the general principles for setting specifications as defined in Q6B, i.e., the impact of the changes on the validated manufacturing process, characterisation studies, batch analysis data, stability data, and nonclinical and clinical experience.2.2.4 StabilityFor certain manufacturing process changes, even slight modifications of the production procedures might cause changes in the stability of the post-change product. Any change with the potential to alter protein structure or purity and impurity profiles should be evaluated for its impact on stability, since proteins are frequently sensitive to changes, such as those made to buffer composition, processing and holding conditions, and the use of organic solvents. Furthermore, stability studies might be able to detect subtle differences that are not readily detectable by the characterisation studies. For example, the presence of trace amounts of a protease might only be detected by product degradation that occurs over an extended time period; or, in some cases, divalent ions leached from the container closure system might change the stability profile because of the activation of trace proteases not detected in stability studies of the pre-change product. Therefore, real-time/real temperature stability studies on the product potentially affected by the change should be initiated, as appropriate.Accelerated and stress stability studies are often useful tools to establish degradation profiles and provide a further direct comparison of pre-change and post-change product. The results thus obtained might show product differences that warrant additional evaluation, and also identify conditions indicating that additional controls should be employed in the manufacturing process and during storage to eliminate these unexpected differences. Appropriate studies should be considered to confirm that suitable storage conditions and controls are selected.ICH Q5C and Q1A(R) should be consulted to determine the conditions for stability studies that provide relevant data to be compared before and after a change.2.3 Manufacturing Process ConsiderationsA well-defined manufacturing process with its associated process controls assures that acceptable product is produced on a consistent basis. Approaches to determining the impact of any process change will vary with respect to the specific process, the product, the extent of the manufacturer’s knowledge of and experience with the process, and development data generated. The manufacturer should confirm that the process controls in the modified process provide at least similar or more effective control of the product quality, compared to those of the original process.A careful consideration of potential effects of the planned change on steps downstream and quality parameters related to these steps is extremely important (e.g., for acceptance criteria, in-process specification, in-process tests, in-process hold times, operating limits, and validation/evaluation, if appropriate). This analysis will help identify which tests should be performed during the comparability exercise, which in-process or batch release acceptance criteria or analytical procedures should be re-evaluated and which steps should not be impacted by the proposed change. For example, analysis of intermediates might suggest potential differences that should be evaluated to determine the suitability of existing tests to detect these differences in the product. The rationale for excluding parts of the process from this consideration should be justified.While the process will change and the associated controls might be redefined, the manufacturer should confirm that pre-change and post-change product are comparable. To support the comparison it is often useful to demonstrate, for example, that specific intermediates are comparable or that the modified process has the capability to provide appropriate levels of removal for process- and product-related impurities, including those newly introduced by the process change. To support process changes for approved products, data from commercial-scale batches are generally indicated.The process assessment should consider such factors as the criticality of the process step and proposed change, the location of the change and potential for effects on other process steps, and the type and extent of change. Information that can aid this assessment is generally available from several sources. The sources can include knowledge from process development studies, small scale evaluation/validation studies, experience with earlier process changes, experience with equipment in similar operations, changes in similar manufacturing processes with similar products, and literature. Although information from external sources is useful to some extent, it is within the context of the specific manufacturing process and specific product that the change should be assessed.。
