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大众TL 227CHN 2011中文

大众TL 227CHN 2011中文

大众汽车集团标准TL 2272011年11月版分类号:50221关键字:抗腐蚀,表面防护,油漆,阴极泳漆,锌镀锌金属表面单层涂漆表面防护技术要求旧版本TL 227: 1980-11, 1986-12, 1992-07, 1995-12, 1996-07, 2004-04变更相对于TL 227: 2004-04版本作了如下变更:——标题更改——第2章说明作更改——引进新的表面保护类型——添加了对毛边的要求——章节3.8涂层厚度更改——章节3.12化学药物抗性更改——引用文件更新1 范围本标准(TL)为热镀锌及电解镀锌零件有机涂层(单层湿法涂漆或阴极泳漆)规定了表面防护技术要求,防护方法是:Ofl-x632,用于单件镀锌Ofl-x632,用于由镀锌半成品制成的零件Ofl-x640,用于热镀锌零件及电解镀半成品售后服务注:铝制半成品部件表面阴极电泳涂漆见TL 1782标记方法按大众标准 VW 13750,第二章原则上必须使用阴极电泳涂漆,若无特殊规定,附加湿法涂漆。

例如:Ofl-x6323技术要求首次供货和更改的批准按 VW 011 55避免有害物质按 VW 911 013.1基本技术要求零件在镀锌之后不得直接涂漆(例如从镀锌车间发送到涂漆车间),不得进行磷化处理或其他保护层密封处理,必须满足 TL 217 标准规定的防护方法,Ofl-c310, Ofl-c340, or Ofl-c330 等等。

镀锌零件是否需要运输防护或存放防护,例如,涂抹润滑油以保护表面,一定要与油漆车间进行协商,若在大众公司车间施漆时,运输防护和存放防护都必须符合质量规范 QP A 001.零件毛边程度至少需符合VW 01088规定的制造精度一次完整的试验需8个零件3.2预处理如果采用风干涂漆和/或普通涂漆方法,在不升高的温度(>60℃ )情况下进行烘烤,则构件在试验之前应在 60℃情况下进行预处理 24 h,紧接着在室温(18 ~ 28) ℃中进行冷却。



2011年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle viewed laughter as“a bodily exercise precious to health.”But ---_____some claims to the contrary,laughing probably has little influence on physical filness Laughter does _____short-term changes in the function of the heart and its blood vessels,____heart rate and oxygen consumption But because hard laughter is difficult to____,a good laugh is unlikely to have_____benefits the way,say,walking or jogging does.____,instead of straining muscles to build them,as exercise does,laughter apparently accomplishes the____, studies dating back to the1930’s indicate that laughter.muscles,Such bodily reaction might conceivably help____the effects of psychological stress.Anyway,the act of laughing probably does produce other types of______feedback,that improve an individual’s emotional state. ______one classical theory of emotion,our feelings are partially rooted_______physical reactions.It was argued at the end of the19th century that humans do not cry______they are sad but they become sad when te tears begin to flow.Although sadness also_______tears,evidence suggests that emotions can flow_____muscular responses.In an experiment published in1988,social psychologist Fritz Strack of the University of würzburg in Germany asked volunteers to____a pen either with their teeth-thereby creating an artificial smile–or with their lips,which would produce a(n)_____expression.Those forced to exercise their enthusiastically to funny catoons than did those whose months were contracted in a frown,_______that expressions may influence emotions rather than just the other way around____,the physical act of laughter could improve mood.1.[A]among[B]except[C]despite[D]like2.[A]reflect[B]demand[C]indicate[D]produce3.[A]stabilizing[B]boosting[C]impairing[D]determining4.[A]transmit[B]sustain[C]evaluate[D]observe5.[A]measurable[B]manageable[C]affordable[D]renewable6.[A]In turn[B]In fact[C]In addition[D]In brief7.[A]opposite[B]impossible[C]average[D]expected8.[A]hardens[B]weakens[C]tightens[D]relaxes9.[A]aggravate[B]generate[C]moderate[D]enhance10.[A]physical[B]mentl[C]subconscious[D]internal11.[A]Except for[B]According to[C]Due to[D]As for12.[A]with[B]on[C]in[D]at13.[A]unless[B]until C]if[D]because14.[A]exhausts[B]follows[C]precedes[D]suppresses15.[A]into[B]from[C]towards[D]beyond16.[A]fetch[B]bite[C]pick[D]hold17.[A]disappointed[B]excited[C]joyful[D]indifferent18.[A]adapted[B]catered[C]turned[D]reacted19.[A]suggesting[B]requiring[C]mentioning[D]supposing20.[A]Eventually[B]Consequently[C]Similarly[D]ConverselySection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing[A],[B],[C]or[D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(40points)Text1The decision of the New York Philharmonic to hire Alan Gilbert as its next music director has been the talk of the classical-music world ever since the sudden announcement of his appointment in2009.For the most part,the response has been favorable,to say the least.“Hooray!At last!”wrote Anthony Tommasini,a sober-sided classical-music critic.One of the reasons why the appointment came as such a surprise,however,is that Gilbert is comparatively little known.Even Tommasini,who had advocated Gilbert’s appointment in the Times,calls him“an unpretentious musician with no air of the formidable conductor about him.”As a description of the next music director of an orchestra that has hitherto been led by musicians like Gustav Mahler and Pierre Boulez,that seems likely to have struck at least some Times readers as faint praise.For my part,I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one.To be sure,he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions,but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall,or anywhere else,to hear interesting orchestral music.All I have to do is to go to my CD shelf,or boot up my computer and download still more recorded music from iTunes.Devoted concertgoers who reply that recordings are no substitute for live performance are missing the point.For the time,attention,and money of the art-loving public,classical instrumentalists must compete not only with opera houses,dance troupes,theater companies,and museums,but also with the recorded performances of the great classical musicians of the20th century.There recordings are cheap,available everywhere,and very often much higher in artistic quality than today’s live performances;moreover,they can be“consumed”at a time and place of the listener’s choosing.The widespread availability of such recordings has thus brought about a crisis in the institution of the traditional classical concert.One possible response is for classical performers to program attractive new music that is not yet available on record.Gilbert’s own interest in new music has been widely noted:Alex Ross,a classical-music critic,has described him as a man who is capable of turning the Philharmonic into“a markedly different,more vibrant organization.”But what will be the nature of that difference?Merely expanding the orchestra’s repertoire will not be enough.If Gilbert and the Philharmonic are to succeed,they must first change the relationship between America’s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hops to attract.21.We learn from Para.1that Gilbert’s appointment has[A]incurred criticism.[B]raised suspicion.[C]received acclaim.[D]aroused curiosity.22.Tommasini regards Gilbert as an artist who is[A]influential.[B]modest.[C]respectable.[D]talented.23.The author believes that the devoted concertgoers[A]ignore the expenses of live performances.[B]reject most kinds of recorded performances.[C]exaggerate the variety of live performances.[D]overestimate the value of live performances.24.According to the text,which of the following is true of recordings?[A]They are often inferior to live concerts in quality.[B]They are easily accessible to the general public.[C]They help improve the quality of music.[D]They have only covered masterpieces.25.Regarding Gilbert’s role in revitalizing the Philharmonic,the author feels[A]doubtful.[B]enthusiastic.[C]confident.[D]puzzled.Text2When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August,his explanation was surprisingly straight up.Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses,he came right out and said he was leaving “to pursue my goal of running a company.”Broadcasting his ambition was“very much my decision,”McGee says.Within two weeks,he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named him CEO and chairman on September29.McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run.It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations.And McGee isn’t alone. In recent weeks the No.2executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post.As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure,executives who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on.A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold,deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net.In the third quarter,CEO turnover was down23%from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had,according to Liberum Research.As the economy picks up,opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:”I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly.Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age,saying she wanted to be a CEO.It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in2005with ambitions to be a CEO.He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers.The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one.“The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are, but that’s been fundamentally inverted,”says one headhunter.“The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.”26.When McGee announced his departure,his manner can best be described as being[A]arrogant.[B]frank.[C]self-centered.[D]impulsive.27.According to Paragraph2,senior executives’quitting may be spurred by[A]their expectation of better financial status.[B]their need to reflect on their private life.[C]their strained relations with the boards.[D]their pursuit of new career goals.28.The word“poached”(Line3,Paragraph4)most probably means[A]approved of.[B]attended to.[C]hunted for.[D]guarded against.29.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that[A]top performers used to cling to their posts.[B]loyalty of top performers is getting out-dated.[C]top performers care more about reputations.[D]it’s safer to stick to the traditional rules.30.Which of the following is the best title for the text?[A]CEOs:Where to Go?[B]CEOs:All the Way Up?[C]Top Managers Jump without a Net[D]The Only Way Out for Top PerformersText3The rough guide to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for.No longer.While traditional“paid”media–such as television commercials and print advertisements–still play a major role, companies today can exploit many alternative forms of media.Consumers passionate about a product may create“owned”media by sending e-mail alerts about products and sales to customers registered with its Web site.The way consumers now approach the broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media.Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products.For earned media, such marketers act as the initiator for users’responses.But in some cases,one marketer’s owned media become another marketer’s paid media–for instance,when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site.We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment.This trend,which we believe is still in its infancy, effectively began with retailers and travel providers such as airlines and hotels and will no doubt go further. Johnson&Johnson,for example,has created BabyCenter,a stand-alone media property that promotes complementary and even competitive products.Besides generating income,the presence of other marketers makes the site seem objective,gives companies opportunities to learn valuable information about the appeal of other companies’marketing,and may help expand user traffic for all companies concerned.The same dramatic technological changes that have provided marketers with more(and more diverse) communications choices have also increased the risk that passionate consumers will voice their opinions in quicker,more visible,and much more damaging ways.Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media: an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers,other stakeholders,or activists who make negative allegations about a brand or product.Members of social networks,for instance,are learning that they can hijack media to apply pressure on the businesses that originally created them.If that happens,passionate consumers would try to persuade others to boycott products,putting the reputation of the target company at risk.In such a case,the company’s response may not be sufficiently quick or thoughtful,and the learning curve has been steep.Toyota Motor,for example,alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign,which included efforts to engage with consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.31.Consumers may create“earned”media when they are[A]obscssed with online shopping at certain Web sites.[B]inspired by product-promoting e-mails sent to them.[C]eager to help their friends promote quality products.[D]enthusiastic about recommending their favorite products.32.According to Paragraph2,sold media feature[A]a safe business environment.[B]random competition.[C]strong user traffic.[D]flexibility in organization.33.The author indicates in Paragraph3that earned media[A]invite constant conflicts with passionate consumers.[B]can be used to produce negative effects in marketing.[C]may be responsible for fiercer competition.[D]deserve all the negative comments about them.34.Toyota Motor’s experience is cited as an example of[A]responding effectively to hijacked media.[B]persuading customers into boycotting products.[C]cooperating with supportive consumers.[D]taking advantage of hijacked media.35.Which of the following is the text mainly about?[A]Alternatives to conventional paid media.[B]Conflict between hijacked and earned media.[C]Dominance of hijacked media.[D]Popularity of owned media.Text4It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful,provocative magazine cover story,“I love My Children,I Hate My Life,”is arousing much chatter–nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling,life-enriching experience.Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable,Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness:instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy,we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition.Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard,Senior writes that“the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week.There are also stories about newly adoptive–and newly single–mom Sandra Bullock,as well as the usual“Jennifer Aniston is pregnant”news.Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom,or mom-to-be,smiling on the newsstands.In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation,is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing?It doesn’t seem quite fair,then,to compare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children.Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn’t have had kids,but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world:obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.Of course,the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic,especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock.According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples,single parents are the least happy of all.No shock there,considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on;yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it,raising a kid on their“own”(read:with round-the-clock help)is a piece of cake.It’s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous:most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut.But it’s interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free,happiness-enhancing parenthood aren’t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience,in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting“the Rachel”might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring[A]temporary delight[B]enjoyment in progress[C]happiness in retrospect[D]lasting reward37.We learn from Paragraph2that[A]celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip.[B]single mothers with babies deserve greater attention.[C]news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.[D]having children is highly valued by the public.38.It is suggested in Paragraph3that childless folks[A]are constantly exposed to criticism.[B]are largely ignored by the media.[C]fail to fulfill their social responsibilities.[D]are less likely to be satisfied with their life.39.According to Paragraph4,the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is[A]soothing.[B]ambiguous.[C]compensatory.[D]misleading.40.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?[A]Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.[B]Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing.[C]Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.[D]We sometimes neglect the happiness from child rearing.Part BDirections:The following paragraph are given in a wrong order.For Questions41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G to filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs E and G have been correctly placed.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1.(10points)[A]No disciplines have seized on professionalism with as much enthusiasm as the humanities.You can, Mr Menand points out,became a lawyer in three years and a medical doctor in four.But the regular time it takes to get a doctoral degree in the humanities is nine years.Not surprisingly,up to half of all doctoral students in English drop out before getting their degrees.[B]His concern is mainly with the humanities:Literature,languages,philosophy and so on.These are disciplines that are going out of style:22%of American college graduates now major in business compared with only2%in history and4%in English.However,many leading American universities want their undergraduates to have a grounding in the basic canon of ideas that every educated person should posses.But most find it difficult to agree on what a“general education”should look like.At Harvard,Mr Menand notes,“the great books are read because they have been read”-they form a sort of social glue.[C]Equally unsurprisingly,only about half end up with professorships for which they entered graduate school.There are simply too few posts.This is partly because universities continue to produce ever more PhDs. But fewer students want to study humanities subjects:English departments awarded more bachelor’s degrees in1970-71than they did20years later.Fewer students requires fewer teachers.So,at the end of a decade of theses-writing,many humanities students leave the profession to do something for which they have not been trained.[D]One reason why it is hard to design and teach such courses is that they can cut across the insistence by top American universities that liberal-arts educations and professional education should be kept separate, taught in different schools.Many students experience both varieties.Although more than half of Harvard undergraduates end up in law,medicine or business,future doctors and lawyers must study a non-specialist liberal-arts degree before embarking on a professional qualification.[E]Besides professionalizing the professions by this separation,top American universities have professionalised the professor.The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process: federal research grants rose fourfold between1960and1990,but faculty teaching hours fell by half as research took its toll.Professionalism has turned the acquisition of a doctoral degree into a prerequisite for a successful academic career:as late as1969a third of American professors did not possess one.But the key idea behind professionalisation,argues Mr Menand,is that“the knowledge and skills needed for a particular specialization are transmissible but not transferable.”So disciplines acquire a monopoly not just over the production of knowledge,but also over the production of the producers of knowledge.[F]The key to reforming higher education,concludes Mr Menand,is to alter the way in which“the producers of knowledge are produced.”Otherwise,academics will continue to think dangerously alike, increasingly detached from the societies which they study,investigate and criticize.”Academic inquiry,at least in some fields,may need to become less exclusionary and more holistic.”Yet quite how that happens,Mr Menand dose not say.[G]The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas:Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree.They may then decide to go elsewhere.For something curious has been happening in American Universities,and LouisMenand,a professor of English at Harvard University,captured it skillfully.G→41.→42.→E→43.→44.→45.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET2.(10points)With its theme that“Mind is the master weaver,”creating our inner character and outer circumstances,the book As a Man Thinking by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.(46)Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.Because most of us believe that mind is separate from matter,we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless;this allows us to think one way and act another.However,Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind, and(47)while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone,in reality we are continually faced with a question:“Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire,Allen concluded:“We do not attract what we want,but what we are.”Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external achievement;you don’t“get”success but become it.There is no gap between mind and matter.Part of the fame of Allen’s book is its contention that“Circumstances do not make a person,they reveal him.”(48)This seems a justification for neglect of those in need,and a rationalization of exploitation,of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.This,however,would be a knee-jerk reaction to a subtle argument.Each set of circumstances,however bad,offers a unique opportunity for growth.If circumstances always determined the life and prospects of people,then humanity would never have progressed.In fat,(49)circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us and if we feel that we have been“wronged”then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation.Nevertheless,as any biographer knows,a person’s early life and its conditions are often the greatest gift to an individual.The sobering aspect of Allen’s book is that we have no one else to blame for our present condition except ourselves.(50)The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us;where before we were experts in the array of limitations,now we become authorities of what is possible.SectionⅢWritingPart A51.Directions:Write a letter to a friend of yours to1)recommend one of your favorite movies and2)give reasons for your recommendationYour should write about100words on ANSWER SHEET2Do not sign your own name at the end of the er“LI MING”instead.Do not writer the address.(10points)Part B52.Directions:Write an essay of160---200words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should1)describe the drawing briefly,2)explain it’s intended meaning,and3)give your comments.Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20points)2011年考研英语真题答案解析Section I Use of English1.【答案】[C]【解析】语义逻辑题。

TL 52388_2011 汽车内饰用聚丙烯 材料要求 英文

TL 52388_2011 汽车内饰用聚丙烯 材料要求 英文

Polypropylene for Vehicle Interiors Material Requirements8 types: without Index, A, B, C, D, E, F, G Warning notice on usage of this standardThis draft Standard is presented for examination and comment.This draft Standard is applicable only if expressly so agreed since its terms may differ from those of the final Standard.Comments may be submitted to the department having technical responsibility or to the Standards Department on or before 2011-06-01.Previous issuesTL 52388: 1991-12, 1994-01, 1995-04, 2001-06, 2002-05, 2005-03ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with TL 52388: 2005-03:–Type G changed to 10% talc-reinforced (was mineral-reinforced)–Characteristics in Table 1 updated, tests as per Test Specifications PV 1306, PV 3966, andPV 3974 added–Section 5.4 "Notched impact strength" and Section 5.5 "Impact strength": specimen dimensionscorrected–Section "Other applicable documents" updatedGroup StandardTL 52388Draft 2011-05Class. No.:55121Descriptors:polypropylene, PP, trim, passenger compartment, door, tray area, pillar, vent insert, center console, door trim panel, rear window frame, scuff plate, dashboardVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 9Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2010-08fQ U E L L E : N O L I SScopeThis Technical Supply Specifications (TL Standard) specifies the material requirements for polypropy‐lene in passenger compartment trims.Areas of application:–TL 52388 e.g. pillar trims and door pockets–TL 52388-A e.g. tray areas and molded parts with increased toughness –TL 52388-B e.g. vent inserts–TL 52388-C e.g. pillar trims with textile fiber appearance –TL 52388-D e.g. door side trim panels–TL 52388-E e.g. pillar trims and rear window frames–TL 52388-F e.g. center console, dashboard, door trim panel, pillar trims and scuff plates –TL 52388-G e.g. center console, dashboard, door trim panel, pillar trims and scuff platesDescriptionSample designation for polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced for center console:Polypropylene as per TL 52388-FRequirements General requirementsApproval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen Standard VW 01155.Emission behavior as per VW 50180.Colorimetric evaluation as per VW 50190.Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.5 finished parts are required for complete testing.Types–TL 52388polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, modified to be more impact-resistant and talc-reinforced –TL 52388-A polypropylene copolymer–TL 52388-B Polypropylene-copolymer, talc-reinforced–TL 52388-C polypropylene copolymer, modified with approx. 1% carbon fiber, talc-rein‐forced–TL 52388-D polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, modified to be more impact-resistant and talc-reinforced–TL 52388-E polypropylene copolymer, modified with approx. 1% carbon fiber, talc-rein‐forced–TL 52388-F polypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, modified to be more impact-resistant and talc-reinforced–TL 52388-Gpolypropylene copolymer, talc-reinforced; optionally polypropylene, modified to be more impact-resistant and talc-reinforced1 23 3.13.2 Page 2Draft TL 52388: 2011-05MaterialSee Section 5.1, according to type.Marking as per VDA 260–TL 52388> PP/PE-TD20 < or > PP+EPDM-TD20 <–TL 52388-A > PP/PE <–TL 52388-B > PP/PE-TD20 <–TL 52388-C > PP/PE-TD20 <–TL 52388-D > PP/PE-TD15 < or > PP+EPDM-TD15 <–TL 52388-E > PP/PE-TD16 <–TL 52388-F > PP/PE-TD20 < or > PP+EPDM-TD20 <–TL 52388-G> PP/PE-TD10 < or > PP+EPDM-TD10 <Evaluating the measurement resultsThe required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.3.3 3.4 3.5 Page 3Draft TL 52388: 2011-05P r o p e r t i e sS e e T a b l e 1.T a b l e 14 P a g e 4D r a f t T L 52388: 2011-05P a g e 5D r a f t T L 52388: 2011-05P a g e 6D r a f t T L 52388: 2011-05Notes on testing MaterialThe identity test is performed by infrared spectroscopy.Yield stressTensile test as per DIN EN ISO 527-2, specimen 5A, test rate v = 50 mm/min ± 10%.Bending modulus of elasticity3-point bending test: measurement in standard climate or at -40 °C in constant-temperature chamber.Specimen: 50 mm x 10 mm x product thickness (up to max. 4 mm); support separation: 40 mm.Notched impact strengthIf for reasons of equipment and/or specimen shape and size a test according to Table 1, con‐sec. no. 6 cannot be performed, the following procedure may be used as a substitute:Impact resistance test (broadside impact) as per DIN EN ISO 179-1; except that the specimen devi‐ates as follows: length: (50 ± 1) mm; width: (6 ± 0,2) mm; thickness according to finished part thickness (up to max. 4 mm); support separation: 40 mm; test apparatus: pendulum impact tester 4J. (e.g. type 5102 by Zwick)A 0,8 mm-wide U-shaped notch is made on the broad side of the specimens. The notch depth is 1/3of the specimen thickness. The edges outlining the notch root must have a curvature radius of < 0,1 mm.Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or paint are to be notched on the grained or painted side and placed on the support in such a way that the center of the notch is exactly in the center of the striking plane and the notch is turned away from the direction of impact.However, the component supplier must agree to this with the appropriate laboratory.Impact strengthIf for reasons of equipment and/or specimen shape and size a test as per Table 1, consec. no. 8cannot be performed, the following procedure may be used as a substitute:Impact resistance test (broadside impact) as per DIN EN ISO 179-1; except that the specimen devi‐ates as follows: length: (50 ± 1) mm; width: (6 ± 0,2) mm; thickness according to finished part thickness (up to max. 4 mm); support separation: 40 mm; test equipment: 4 J pendulum impact tester. (e.g.type 5102 by Zwick)Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or paint must be placed on the supports of the pendulum impact tester in such a way that the grained or painted side faces the direction of impact.However, the component supplier must agree to this with the appropriate laboratory.5 7Draft TL 52388: 2011-05Aging at elevated temperatureContinuous forced-air aging at (+150 ± 1) °C. The test is preferably performed on whole finished parts. It is permissible to perform it on sections of finished parts. Brittling is reached when the spec‐imen exhibits signs of disintegration typical for decomposed PP at any point (material starts to crumble).Low-temperature behaviorLow-temperature aging of at least one finished part.Aging temperature: (-30 ± 2) °C, aging duration: (22 + 2) h.Other applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of German terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminological inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 1303Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Com‐ponentsPV 1306Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test for Determining the Tackiness of Polypropylene PartsPV 3905Organic Materials; Ball Drop TestPV 3952Plastic Interior Components; Testing of Scratch Resistance PV 3966PP Components; White Cracking Properties (Ball Drop Test)PV 3974Kunststoff-Innenraumbauteile; Bestimmung der Schreibfestigkeit von spritzblanken Oberflächen im FahrzeuginterieurTL 1010Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material Requirements VW 01155Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and Changes VW 50180Components in Passenger Compartment; Emission Behavior VW 50190Interior Trim Components; Metrological Evaluation of Color and Gloss Level; Visual Evaluation of Chrome SurfacesVW 91101Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operating Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous SubstancesDIN EN 20105-A02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colourDIN EN ISO 1172Textile-glass-reinforced plastics - Prepregs, moulding compounds and laminates - Determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content;calcination methodsDIN EN ISO 1183-1Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method5.6 5.76Page 8Draft TL 52388: 2011-05Page 9Draft TL 52388: 2011-05DIN EN ISO 178Plastics - Determination of flexural propertiesDIN EN ISO 179-1Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non-instru‐mented impact testDIN EN ISO 3146Plastics - Determination of melting behaviour (melting temperature ormelting range) of semi-crystalline polymers by capillary tube and polariz‐ing-microscope methodsDIN EN ISO 527-2Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions formoulding and extrusion plasticsVDA 260Components of motor vehicles; marking of material。

2011 Techtextil展会简介

2011 Techtextil展会简介

高。 主要 集中于产业技 术 、 动化 、 自 建筑结构 、 家居应用、 防护
器材 、 织物生 产和医 疗用品。 有来 自1 7 国家 和地 区的约 共 0个 24 万人员参观。 . 5 技术 纺织品和非织造生产 已进 入现代化 发展
32兰精Tn e在汽车生产中的新应用 . ecl
兰精公司生 产的 T n e材料在汽车展现 新面貌方面具 有 e cl
电极 , 防止非正常放 电具 有重要作用。 该 公司开发了新一代轻 克重地毯L t fo。 ur lr 由可 回收再生 a
操纵 近红 外光的反射和透 过, 或简化太 阳能 的利用途 径。
公司还展示 了热控纺 织品 、 日晒帐 篷、 车座 椅和可折 防 汽
短纤维制 成的纺粘非 织造材质 , 不用任何 粘结剂 , 耐磨性 好。
是驾驶 员还是 乘客座 椅都能 保持 干爽 的小气候环 境。 总之 ,
Tne 纤维在汽车生产中到处可以应用, ecl 从电器器材、 空调设
施 到声控、 油和燃料 的过 滤等, 几乎无处 不在 , 无所不能。
31S n lr . a de的建筑和汽车智能化材料
33 Fe d n e g q 产品 . ru e b r ̄敲
全与卫生管理 局 ( S A) O H 对含血病 菌的要求 。 茄克衫重量轻 、
抗飞溅 , 样式舒适 , 并提供粉蓝 、 蓝、 天 淡桃红色和紫色 四种颇
具活力的颜色 。
( 从南 ) 王
2 ehet 展会简介 0 T c t i 1 1 xl
反 映技 术纺 织产品 、 纺织工 艺流程和 纺织材料方 面创新
3 o a i ̄麻 高技术产品 . N rfn 4

TL 和 常用命令说明

TL 和 常用命令说明

TLQ7/8常用命令说明说明:本文档适用于TongLINk/Q 和各个平台的server端。





启动命令:tlq停止命令:tlq -cstop -y强制停止:tlq -cabort –y2.查看TLQ节点License信息命令:tlqstat –lic执行之后显示信息:[License Information]:License Version =[]License Type =[trial]Active Date =[2011-05-09 00:00:00]Expire Date =[2011-08-09 00:00:00]Customer =[测试用户]Project Name =[测试项目]Contract Number =[]Product Name =[TongLINK/Q]Max QCUs =[100]Max Applications=[100]Max Thin Clients=[100]Max Connections To Send =[100]Max Connections To Recv =[100]3.查看TLQ有几个QCU的命令命令:tlqstat -qcu执行之后显示信息:4.查看TLQ各个队列中的消息数命令:tlqstat -qcu qcu名-c执行之后的结果:具体更详细的说明,请参考文档《系统管理手册_系统工具》5.查看一个指定的Qcu的所有发送连接状态信息即看指定QCU中主动发起的和其它Qcu的连接状态,如果和其它Qcu处理断开状态,那就可以判断对方的Qcu没有启动或者网络有问题。

命令:tlqstat -snd qcu名 1 -ct 1其中,如果不带-ct 1则会循环显示,直到按Ctrl +C中断。



Adhesive Foam Tape, Adhesive-Coated on Both SidesMaterial Requirements5 types: A, B, C, D, EPrevious issues TL 52018: 1976-05, 1977-05, 1979-01, 1984-03, 1991-01, 1992-08, 1993-02, 1996-05Changes The following changes have been made compared with TL 52018: 1996-05:–Section 1 "Scope" changed –Section 3.2.2 "Shelf life" changed –Section 3.3 "Notes on the selection of adhesive tapes" changed –Section 3.5 "Design requirements for the process-reliable and functionally reliable use of adhe‐sive tapes" added–Section 4.2 "Bond between adhesive tape and add-on part" and Section 4.3 "Bond betweenpainted panel and add-on part": required values corrected –Table 2 changed –Section 5.2 "Heat and humidity aging" changed –Section 5.4 "Determining the relative peel strength" supplemented –Standard restructured Scope The adhesive foam tape described herein serves to fasten plastic add-on parts such as, e.g., sideprotective bumper strips made of > EPDM+PP < to painted body surfaces.These Technical Supply Specifications (TL) describe the requirements placed on the adhesive tapesas well as on the adhesive bonds produced with them. The specified values relate to adhesive bonds1 Group Standard TL 52018Issue 2011-03Class. No.:55125Descriptors:adhesive foam tape, foam, adhesive tape, adhesive-coated on both sides, plastic, bodyVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 9Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Groupmember.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2010-08f双面泡沫胶带材料要求之前版本更改较TL 52018:1996-05版,作如下更改:范围此处泡沫胶带用于绑扎塑料附件,如把侧保护保险条(材料为EPDM+PP)粘附到已喷漆的车身表面。



大众汽车团队标准TL 82166Issue 2011-01团队编号: 8MD00叙述语:EMC,电磁兼容性,干涉免疫性汽车电子部分的电磁兼容辐射干涉引语在图像, 技术供应规格(TL 标准), 或者其他文档中,与电磁兼容性的测试相比较,电子装配的评估与释放作为附加测试是有必要的。

为了去达成目的, 大众汽车AG的可靠的电磁兼容部门会在消音室,自由场或在实验室开展测试。

先前问题TL 82166: 1986-04, 1993-08, 1998-02, 2003-03, 2004-10, 2009-05变化下面的一些变化是已经和TL 82166:2009-05作比较所得出的;–频率的峰值改变至3 000 MHz–为测试汽车测量值的力量在适合的30MHZ以上–频率范围适合目录页数范围 (2)标志和缩写 (2)普通测试情况 (2)功能执行状态类别(FPSC) (2)试验文件材料 (4)成分测试 (4)在使用之前确定你拥有最新的文档标准电子产生标准没有署名是可信的是正当的英语翻译是相对精准德。

假设存在错误, 德国人德版本是单独权威是可控制的。

数字符号符合ISO 规定可信任. 保留所有权利。


这标准能通过B2B供应厂商平台单独与合同当事人联系.© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2010-08e6.1 BCI测试 (6)6.2 天线法 (8)6.3 带状线 (9)7 汽车完全测试 (11)7.1 干涉免疫性测试(长远场) (11)7.2 车辆外天线的移动无线电测试 (14)7.3 车辆内部的移动无线电测试,使用轻便的移动无线电单元 (16)7.4 自由场的额外测量值 (17)8 其他可使用的文档 (18)附录A (19)A.1 服务的概述 (19)A.2 BCI测试的严重水平测试 (19)A.3 μA 到mA 的转换 (20)1 范围这个标准包含了电子装配的电磁兼容性(EMC)的要求和测试并遵从辐射电磁冲突连接车辆的供给和信号回路和(或)在装配里。

TL 52682 PA66, Glass Fiber-Reinforced, for Finished Parts Carrying Coolant

TL 52682   PA66, Glass Fiber-Reinforced, for Finished Parts Carrying Coolant

Group standardTL 52682Issue 2015-10Class. No.:55121Descriptors:PA66, polyamide 66, glass fiber-reinforced, reservoir, coolant pipe, thermostat housingPA66, Glass Fiber-Reinforced, for Finished Parts Carrying Coolant Material RequirementsPrevious issuesTL 52682: 2009-08, 2010-03, 2011-05ChangesThe following changes have been made to TL 52682: 2011-05:–Section 6.7 revised–Section 6.12 "Internal test pressure" amended by the text in parentheses ScopeThis Technical Supply Specification (TL) defines the material requirements for glass fiber-rein‐forced polyamide 66 (PA66) used in components carrying coolant. Volkswagen standardVW 50133 applies to components made of PA66-GF30 that do not come in contact with coolant.DesignationDesignation example for a coolant pipe made of PA66-GF30:PA66-GF30 as per TL 52682, blackRequirements General requirementsApproval of first supply and changes as per VW 01155.Emission behavior as per VW 50180.123 3.1Always use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 8All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of one of the Volkswagen Group’s Standards departments.© Volkswagen AktiengesellschaftVWNORM-2014-06a-patch5Q U E L L E : N O L I SPage 2TL 52682: 2015-10Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.The tests must be carried out on specimens from finished parts.Approx. 24 parts are required for complete testing.PropertiesThe surface and inside of the finished parts must be free of flaws and processing defects (voids,cracks, cold shuts, etc.) that have a negative effect on strength, service life, and the required ap‐pearance.Sink marks in the area of the ribs, stiffening elements, and fittings are only permissible if they do not have a negative impact on installability or function. The parts must permit flawless assembly.The glass fibers must be evenly distributed in the material to such an extent that the glass fiber content of specimens taken at three different points on a finished part does not differ by more than 1.0%.ManufactureInjection molding or a related process (water injection technology)ConditioningBefore testing, the specimens must be conditioned in the VW 50554–23/50-2 (23 °C, 50% relative humidity, class 2) standard atmosphere for at least 48 h.Evaluation of the measurement resultsThe required numerical values apply to each individual measurement.Marking as per German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) standard VDA 260> PA66-GF30 <Materials requirements MaterialSee section 6.1.Polyamide 66, glass fiber-reinforced, heat-stabilized, resistant to hydrolysis Glass fiber content as per German Institute for Standardization (DIN) standard DIN EN ISO 1172The glass fiber content is determined gravimetrically and must be (30 ±2) weight percent.Moisture content in the as-received condition (drying at 100 °C until constant weight is reached)The moisture content in the as-received condition at the installation location must be (1.0 to 3.0) weight percent. 3TL 52682: 2015-10 The moisture content is determined by weighing before and after drying. Constant weight is reached once the weight of the specimen deviates less than 0.2% from the previous weight after a drying cycle.5Required propertiesSee table 1.Table 1Page 4TL 52682: 2015-10a)The requirements apply to new sample inspections and initial sample inspections (basic material suitability test). The purchaser re‐serves the right to use these for the evaluation of series production deliveries as well.Requirements table 1, consec. no. 14 and table 1, consec. no. 15 do not apply to reservoirs. In‐stead, the requirements of TL 874 apply.Notes on testing MaterialThe identity test can be performed by infrared spectroscopy.Ball indentation hardnessMeasurements must be taken on at least three (20 × 20) mm specimens (2 measurements per specimen). On specimens that have been taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or a paint finish, the grain or paint must be removed using a surface grinding machine. The flat surface created in this way serves as the contact surface. The measurements are taken on the untreated back surface of the specimen.Flexural strengthDetermination of the flexural stress under a maximum load as per DIN EN ISO 178, but with a specimen length: (50 ±1) mm; width: (6 ±0.2) mm; thickness matching the product's thickness (up to max. 4 mm); distance between supports: 40 mm; test speed: 14 mm/min.Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or a paint finish must be placed on the test machine support in such a way that the grained or painted side faces the loading edge.6 5TL 52682: 2015-10Impact strengthImpact strength test as per DIN EN ISO 179-1, but with a specimen length: (50 ±1) mm; width:(6 ±0.2) mm; thickness matching the product's thickness (up to max. 4 mm); distance between supports: 40 mm; test equipment: 4 J pendulum impact tester.Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or a paint finish must be placed on the supports of the pendulum impact tester in such a way that the grained or painted side faces the pendulum hammer edge.Notched impact strengthNotched impact strength test (broadside impact) as per DIN EN ISO 179-1, but with a specimen length: (50 ±1) mm, width: (6 ±0.2) mm, thickness matching the product's thickness (up to max.4 mm); distance between supports: 40 mm; test equipment: 4 J pendulum impact tester.A 0.8 mm-wide U-shaped notch is made on the broad side of the specimens. The notch depth is 1/3 of the specimen thickness. The edges outlining the notch root must have a curvature radius of < 0.1 mm.Specimens taken from molded parts with one-sided graining or a paint finish are notched on the grained or painted side.Low-temperature behaviorAging of at least 2 finished parts at (-40 ±1) °C for (22 ±2) h.Processing qualityA minimum of 3 whole finished parts must be aged in coolant as per TL 774-G without added wa‐ter.Aging duration 48 h at an aging temperature of (135 ±1) °C.Aging must be performed in a covered container filled with the test medium and equipped with tem‐perature control (e.g., Lauda Ultra thermostat, U12 model, by Messgerätewerk, Dr. Wobser KG).The test parts must be heated to 135 °C together with the test fluid. After coolant aging, the test parts must be rinsed with tap water and then dried for 3 h at 70 °C in a forced-air oven. They are then evaluated.LightfastnessTesting as per PV 1303 If the number of periods of exposure is not defined in the drawing, the fol‐lowing rule applies:3 periods of exposure for components in areas with indirect solar radiation5 periods of exposure for components in areas with direct solar radiation (e.g., door waist rail).10 periods of exposure for components in areas subject to maximum solar radiation (e.g., rear shelf).Leak tightness testLeakage on the component is not permissible.The following methods may be used for the leak tightness test:6.4 6TL 52682: 2015-10VacuumThe following parameters apply to the vacuum test:Test medium:AirTest temperature:(23 ±5) °CTest pressure:0.03 bar absolute Hold time after reaching the test pressure: 5 sCriterion for leak tightness:0.001 bar maximum pressure increase within the hold timeOverpressureThe following parameters apply to the overpressure test:Test medium:AirTest temperature:(23 ±5) °CTest pressure:2.5 bar overpressure, unless otherwise specified in the drawingHold time after reaching the test pressure: 5 s Criterion for leak tightness:No air bubbles rising to the surface when the pressur‐ized component is submerged in water for at least 5 s.Resistance to coolantIn order to determine hydrolysis stability, injection-molded test specimens (1A, DIN EN ISO 527-2)are aged for 500 h and 1 000 h at (135 ±2) °C in a coolant (as per TL 774)/water mixture (cool‐ant/water 50:50) in a suitable autoclave.Following the aging processes, flexural strength is determined, as per DIN EN ISO 178, at room temperature on the undried specimens after 1 h.The residual flexural strength after aging for 1 000 h at 135 °C as per DIN EN ISO 178 must be ≥ 25 N/mm 2.Pressure pulse testThe components (number of test parts = 8) are integrated into a test bed pressure circuit and sealed with series-production quick connectors.Test conditions:Test medium: 100% of the current coolant additive as per TL 774Media temperature: (135 -5) °C (component incident flow temperature)Test chamber temperature: (85 +5) °C Pressure cycle frequency: (1.0 ±0.5) HzPressure pulse range: 0.1 bar overpressure to 2.4 bar overpressure, (1.25 ±1.15) bar overpressure Test duration: Stop after 250 000 load cycles or if there are any leaks/through-cracks Mean value formula:6.9.1 6.9.2 6.106.11Page 7TL 52682: 2015-10(1)Standard deviation formula:(2)Requirement: See table 1, consec. no. 14.Static long-term testThe components (number of test parts = 4) must be filled with test medium and must be deaerated. The fittings must be hermetically sealed with plugs and series-production clips. Air may flow through the test parts if this is necessary to ensure a constant temperature. The maximum flow rate per test part must be agreed upon with the appropriate department before starting the test and must be documented using examples.Erosion within the test part caused by airflow is not permitted.Test medium: 100% of the current coolant additive as per TL 774: water = 60:40Test chamber temperature: (135 -5) °CInterior test pressure: 2 bar overpressure (controlled over the entire test duration)Procedure:Heating cycle: Heat the pressurized parts to 135 °C. After 170 h at 135 °C, cool the components down to room temperature and let them rest for 1 h at room temperature. Replace the used test medium with fresh test medium and heat the components to 135 °C; then check the leak tightness. Repeat the heating cycle until the part has been exposed for a total of 1 500 h.Afterwards, determine the residual loading capacity as per the pressure pulse test in section 6.11, but with the following deviating specifications:Test duration: Stop after 60 000 load cycles or if there are any leaks/through-cracks Requirement: See table 1, consec. no. 15.Applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of Ger‐man terms in such documents may differ from those used in this standard, resulting in terminologi‐cal inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 1303Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Com‐ponentsTL 774Ethylene Glycol-Based Coolant Additive; Materials Requirements6.127Page 8TL 52682: 2015-10TL 874Radiator; Functional RequirementsVW 01155Vehicle Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesVW 50133PA66 for Finished Parts Outside the Vehicle Interior; Requirements onMaterialsVW 50180Components in the Vehicle Interior; Emission BehaviorVW 50185Vehicle Parts; Resistance to Open-Air WeatheringVW 50554Standard Atmospheres and Room Temperatures; Requirements onStandard AtmospheresVW 91101Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, Operat‐ing Fluids; Avoidance of Hazardous SubstancesDIN 53497Testing of Plastics; Hot Storage Test on Mouldings Made of Thermo‐plastic Moulding Materials without External Mechanical StressingDIN EN 20105-A02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessingchange in colourDIN EN ISO 1172Textile-glass-reinforced plastics - Prepregs, moulding compounds andlaminates - Determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content;calcination methodsDIN EN ISO 1183-1Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics -Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration meth‐odDIN EN ISO 178Plastics - Determination of flexural propertiesDIN EN ISO 179-1Plastics - Determination of Charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non-instru‐mented impact testDIN EN ISO 2039-1Plastics - Determination of hardness - Part 1: Ball indentation method DIN EN ISO 527-2Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions formoulding and extrusion plasticsISO 11357-3Plastics - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) - Part 3: Determinationof temperature and enthalpy of melting and crystallizationVDA 260Components of motor vehicles - Marking of material。



小功率电动机用换向器 中小型笼型三相异步电动机接线盒 电机和水轮机图样简化规定 可燃性粉尘环境用电气设备 第1部分:用外壳和限制表面温度保护的电气 设备 第2节:电气设备的选择、安装和维护 旋转电机 线端标志与旋转方向 旋转电机噪声测定方法及限值 第1部分:旋转电机噪声测定方法 旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定 成型绕组试验规程 50MVA、15kV及以下电 机绝缘结构电评定 旋转电机绝缘电阻测试 三相笼型异步电动机损耗和效率的确定方法 透平型发电机定子绕组端部动态特性和振动试验方法及评定 旋转电机整体结构的防护等级(IP代码)-分级 大型汽轮发电机非正常和特殊运行及维护导则 旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定散绕绕组试验规程 变更和绝缘组分替代的 分级 旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定成型绕组试验规程 50MVA、15kV及以下电机 绝缘结构热评定和分级 透平发电机转子气体内冷通风道 检验方法及限值 汽轮发电机绕组内部水系统检验方法及评定 量热法测定电机的损耗和效率 发电机液体内冷空心导线 第1部分:铜空心导线 电机用埋置式热电阻 第1部分:一般规定、测量方法和检验规则 电机用埋置式热电阻 第2部分:铂热电阻技术要求 中小电机用槽楔 技术条件 电机用刷握及集电环 电机用DQ系列滑动轴承 结构与尺寸 氢冷电机气密封性检验方法及评定 电机用钢质波形弹簧 技术条件 立式电机轴承用LYJH型油冷却器 电机用电加热器 第1部分:通用技术条件 电机用电加热器 第2部分:普通型翅片管电加热器 电机用电加热器 第3部分:防爆型翅片管电加热器 旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定 总则 旋转电机(牵引电机除外)确定损耗和效率的试验方法 透平发电机定子铁心、机座模态 水泵用小功率异步电动机 技术 高压交流电机定子线圈及绕组绝缘耐电压试验规范 罩极异步电动机通用技术条件 电气电子产品强制性认证实施规则 小功率电动机 大型交流电机集电环与刷架 水轮发电机用制动器 第1部分: 立式水轮发电机用制动器 电机用DQ系列端盖式滑动轴承 技术条件 电机用Z 系列座式滑动轴承 旋转电机绝缘结构功能性评定 散绕绕组试验规程 热评定与分级 水轮发电机用制动器 第2部分: 卧式水轮发电机用制动器 换向器和集电环的定义和术语 发电机锡焊接头检测方法

关于印发《学位授予和人才培养学科目录(2011年)》的通知 学位〔2011〕11号

关于印发《学位授予和人才培养学科目录(2011年)》的通知 学位〔2011〕11号

已有博 士 、 士学 位授 权点 应按 新 目录进 行 对应 调整 , 体办 法 另行 通知 。 硕 具
二 、自印 发之 日起 ,学 位授 权审 核及 学位 与研 究 生教 育质 量监 督 工作按 照新 目录进 行 。 三 、 究 生招 生~ 作2 1 年起 按新 目录进 行。 研究 生 的培 养和 学位 授予 工作 等 应尽 快转 人按 新 目录 研 r 02 =
学位 [ 0 1 2 1 ]l l
各省 、自治 、直辖 市 学 位委 员 会 教 育厅 ( ) 疆 生产 建 设兵 团 教育 局 ,有 关部 门 ( 位 ) ( 教委 ,新 单 教育 人 事 ) 局) 周人 民解 放军 学 位委 员会 ,中 共 中央党 校学 位评 定 委员 会 ,各学 位授 予 单位 : 司( ,中 根据 国 务院学 位 委员 会第 二 十六 次会议 的 有关 决 I 义.为适 应我 国经 济 、社 会 、科技 和 高等 教育 的发 展 ,国务 院学 位委 员 会 、教育 部启 动 r 科 目录 修订 工 作 .对学 科 目录设 置 与管 理 Q ̄ 制进 行 了改 革 。 学 gL J 新 修订 后 的 《 位 授予 和人 才 培养 学科 目 ( 1 年) 以下简 称新 目录) 国 务院 学位 委 员会 第二 十八 学 录 2 1 》( 0 已经
进 行。
附件 : 《 位授 予 和人 才培 养学 科 目录 》 学
国 务 院学位 委员 会 教 育部
二零 一一 年 =月八 日 i
l 01 年l 2 1
l 艺术 3
1 0
Hale Waihona Puke 10 基 01专业学位授予和人才培养目录
栅 嬲

Ar i ctr c o igt eFi tL v lPs i ie cht u eBe m n h r e e icpl e s n



从设计到制造,一条完整综合的 制作流程
从制造到装配,SHIMANO 的无与伦比的质量承诺延伸 到整个生产过程。
轮组目录 2011
我们运用尖端技术完成风洞试验,结果显示16辐条车轮的空气动力学性能 取得最佳表现。事实上,以48km/h的速度骑行一小时,使用16辐条轮组能 将时间缩短整整一分钟。我们还进行一系列试验以测量空气阻力和侧风的影 响。
SHIMANO 独有的冷锻技术实现平滑的 滚动并实现全世界认可的强度,性能和 可靠性。
与只能承受地面垂直方向应力的工厂制造轴承相比, SHIMANO 碗轴档轴承技术提供能够承受直行时的径向 载荷和转弯时的倾斜载荷的强度。骑行更快速,所需维 护更少,使用寿命更长。
载荷方向 载荷分布方向
为 提 高 空 气 动 力 性 能,SHIMANO 空 气 型 辐 条 采 用 椭圆形截面,而非圆形。
16 和 32 辐条的比较
与 32 辐条轮组相比,以 48km/h 速度骑行一小时,使用 16 辐条轮组能 将时间缩短整整一分钟。
48km/h 下的阻力
0.45 32辐条轮组
轮 组 目 录 2 0 1 1 02
所有 SHIMANO 轮组均符合世界知名零部件的质量 控制标准。
受过专门培训并持有相应资质证书的工匠手工制造出每一只 SHIMANO 车 轮。这些专家在工作中投入激情和专注,如一条不可或缺、倾注个人情感 的纽带,将 SHIMANO 工程师追求完美骑行的精神和全世界骑行者的终极 表现联系起来。SHIMANO 生产花鼓、辐条、轮圈和轴承。每一只车轮都由 SHIMANO 生产的零件装配而成,也同样符合世界知名零部件的质量控制标 准。并且,为满足日后完善追溯查询的需要,所有 SHIMANO 车轮都标有唯 一的序列号。对优秀品质的一贯追求是 SHIMANO 历史悠久、无与伦比的宝 贵传统。这是SHIMANO 价值所在。



Group standard TL 957Issue 2011-11 Class. No.:8FG00D Descriptors:silicate glass, vehicle window pane, glass pane, window glassSilicate Glass for Vehicle WindowsQuality RequirementsPrevious issuesTL 957: 1966-10, 1968-07, 1970-05, 1975-06, 1981-11, 1982-09, 1984-09, 1985-07, 1985-11, 1986-08, 1987-01, 1988-03, 1988-06, 1989-07, 1993-07, 1997-07, 1999-02, 2000-06, 2000-09, 2001-11, 2002-10, 2006-02, 2008-10, 2011-09ChangesThe following changes have been made to TL 957: 2011-09:–Typographical mistakes in section 12.2 "Testing of reflection optics on vehicle window glasses" corrected: Distance from the window glass to the camera now 3 m instead of 1,6 m.Page 1 of 36 Always use the latest version of this standard.This electronically generated standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Numerical notation acc. to ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.Page 2TL 957: 2011-11DContentsPageScope .........................................................................................................................4Description .................................................................................................................4Abbreviations .............................................................................................................5Requirements .............................................................................................................5General requirements ................................................................................................5Mandatory documentation ..........................................................................................5Official type approval ..................................................................................................5Specimen sections .....................................................................................................5Marking (glass labeling) .............................................................................................6Location of marking ....................................................................................................6Dimensions of markings .............................................................................................7Logo ...........................................................................................................................7Manufacturer's code, company name, or logo ...........................................................7ECE approval mark ....................................................................................................7USA registration .........................................................................................................7Date ............................................................................................................................7Additional marking ......................................................................................................7Line spacing ...............................................................................................................8Lettering color ............................................................................................................8Character spacing ......................................................................................................8Content of marking .....................................................................................................8Delivery ......................................................................................................................8Edge treatment ...........................................................................................................8Scratches and other general flaws .............................................................................9Dimensional requirements .........................................................................................9Material requirements for laminated safety glass .......................................................9Requirements for composite quality ...........................................................................9Connecting films .........................................................................................................9Aging behavior ...........................................................................................................9Special requirements ...............................................................................................11Chemical interaction .................................................................................................11Weathering behavior ................................................................................................11Lightfastness ............................................................................................................11Moisture resistance ..................................................................................................11Boiling test ................................................................................................................12Corrosion resistance of infrared reflecting laminated safety glass ...........................12Mechanical requirements .........................................................................................12Tempered safety glass .............................................................................................12Ball drop tests ..........................................................................................................12Ball drop test "ANSI" ................................................................................................12Ball drop test "ECE" .................................................................................................12Fracture tests ...........................................................................................................12Side and rear window glasses .................................................................................12Windshield ................................................................................................................12Impact test ................................................................................................................12Abrasion test ............................................................................................................12Laminated safety glass and laminated heat-strengthened glass .............................13Dart tests ..................................................................................................................13Ball drop test ............................................................................................................1312344. 3TL 957: 2011-11DBall drop test "ECE" .................................................................................................13Puncture resistance .................................................................................................13Puncture resistance "ANSI" .....................................................................................13Puncture resistance "ECE" ......................................................................................13Abrasion test ............................................................................................................13Optical requirements (windshield, side, and rear window glasses, sun/glasssun roofs) .................................................................................................................13Float structure ..........................................................................................................13Orientation of window glass .....................................................................................13Optical deflection ......................................................................................................13Optical deflection for diagonal transparency ............................................................15Optical deflection for optical focal line at bottom ceramic edge ...............................15Transmission optics of wire-heated laminated safety glass windshields .................15Transmission optics of wire-heated laminated safety glass rear windows ...............16Laminated safety glass float optics ..........................................................................16Transmission optics of side glass from continuous prestressing processes ............16Permissible ghost image angles ..............................................................................17Spectral transmission and color coordinates on vehicle window glass ....................17Light transmission T L ................................................................................................17Color coordinates .....................................................................................................17Specification of vehicle window glasses ..................................................................18Sun/glass sun roofs ..................................................................................................19Reflection optics on vehicle window glass and sun/glass sun roofs ........................20Test report ................................................................................................................20Pre-production testing ..............................................................................................20Complete test report .................................................................................................20Optical defects of screen printing .............................................................................22Light transmission ....................................................................................................22Full print, permissible defects in the printed image, all window glasses ..................22Door window glasses ...............................................................................................22Screen/decorative print ............................................................................................22Measurement of the screen print .............................................................................23Measurement instructions ........................................................................................23Specimen preparation ..............................................................................................23Special requirements ...............................................................................................23Silver printing on window glass ................................................................................23Adhesion of heating and/or antenna imprint ............................................................24Laminated safety glass ............................................................................................24Adhesion of the bond ...............................................................................................24Internal stresses .......................................................................................................24Tempered safety glass .............................................................................................25Determination of the surface compressive stress ....................................................25Stresses at window glass edge ................................................................................25Laminated heat-strengthened glass .........................................................................26Adhesion of the bond ...............................................................................................26Visual inspection ......................................................................................................26Determination of the surface compressive stress ....................................................26Stresses at window glass edge ................................................................................26Screen print resistance ............................................................................................27Evaluation of the baked ink porosity by means of an isopropanol wipe test ............27Optical test methods ................................................................................................ 4TL 957: 2011-11DTesting of reflection optics on vehicle window glasses ............................................28Test method for scratches and other general flaws .................................................28Determination of solar energy transmittance T UV .....................................................28Determination of light transmission T L ......................................................................28Determination of solar energy transmittance T E .......................................................29Determination of solar energy transmittance T IR ......................................................29Testing of color values .............................................................................................29Applicable documents ..............................................................................................29Bending technologies ...............................................................................................31Optics data sheet .....................................................................................................32Glass and aspect flaws ............................................................................................33Evaluation zones of glass and aspect flaws .............................................................33Type and description of glass defect ........................................................................33Chips ........................................................................................................................33Scratches and scrapes .............................................................................................33Hairline scratches .....................................................................................................33Film projection ..........................................................................................................34Punctiform defects/inclusions ...................................................................................34Foreign matter ..........................................................................................................34Inter-layer bubbles/dull spots ...................................................................................35Dot resolution ...........................................................................................................35Holes (36)12.212.312.412.512.612.712.813Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C C.1C.2C.2.1C.2.2C.2.3C.2.4C.2.5C.2.6C.2.7C.2.8C.2.9ScopeThis standard specifies requirements and tests for vehicle glass panes and sun roofs/glass sun roofs made of silicate glass.DescriptionQuality requirements according to TL 95712Page 5TL 957: 2011-11DAbbreviationsTSG Tempered safety glass WS WindshieldRWG Rear window glass Compr. pression bendingTB Transverse bending in vehicle longitudinal axis ROC Rate of change s DistanceSWG Side window glass Grav. b.Gravity bending t TimeT TemperatureDWG Door window glassHSG Heat-strengthened glass LSG Laminated safety glassRequirements General requirementsApproval of first supply and changes according to Volkswagen standard VW 01155.Environmental requirements according to VW 91100 must be fulfilled.Vehicle glass panes made of silicate glass must completely fulfill the applicable requirements specified in national regulations. The most important requirements are:USA US Regulation 571.205EuropeECE-R43For legally required tests, the current version of the law must always be applied.Mandatory documentationSections marked with a documentation bar are subject to mandatory documentation. The docu‐ments must be kept on file for 15 years.Official type approvalThe window glasses are type-specific; only the officially approved design must be manufactured for standard production. General type approval must be submitted to the department responsible for type approval as a supplement to the vehicle registration information.Specimen sectionsIf specimen sections are used, the quality must conform to the legal requirements for the finished part, and it must be ensured that the finished part also conforms to the legal requirements.Specimens must be produced from the same material as used in standard production and under 3 4 6TL 957: 2011-11DMarking (glass labeling)Legible from vehicle exterior in as-installed position. (see figure 1 and figure 2)The glass labeling must be legible and permanent.Marking example: Main label LSG with CCC. (figure 1)TSG with CCC and dark glass, see figure 2.Legend 1Logo2Company name in standard letter‐ing3USA registration number4European registration number 5CCC registration number (China)6Possible additional marking 7Date marking8Approval mark for China certifica‐tion9Country of registration, e.g., E1 for Germany10Marking according to ECE-R43,windshield as laminated safety glassFigure 1 – Windshield, green glassLegend 1Marking according to ECE-R43, light transmission <70% (dark glass)Figure 2 – Side window or rear window glass (tempered safety glass), dark glassLocation of marking4.54.5.1Page 7TL 957: 2011-11DTable 1 – MarkingWindow glass type Location Windshield Bottom right Rear window glass Bottom leftFixed side window glass Rear bottom Hinged windowTriangle window glass, front door Triangle window glass, rear door Sliding windowDoor crank window glass Dimensions of markingsHeight ≤24,5 mm Width ≤31 mmLogoVW 10514-C 6 as per VW 10514 or as per VW 10513Manufacturer's code, company name, or logoFont size 2 mmECE approval marka ∅ ≥ 8 mm, E a 2, font sizea3USA registration Font size 1,8 mmDateDateas per VDA 261Font size 1,8 mmAdditional markingA Laminated safety glass with acoustics function C Clear glassB Blue heat-insulating glass or dark glass G Gray heat-insulating glass or dark glassIR Laminated safety glass with infrared reflective coatingIR-HLaminated safety glass with heated infrared reflective coating┌┐ 8TL 957: 2011-11DLine spacingPermissible minimum dimension according to ECE-R43 of 1 mm Lettering colorColorBrilliant blackSee section 10.4.1 for color values.Character spacingClose-spaced lettering according to DIN 1451-4.Alternatively, according to DIN 1451-3, code letter E.Lettering size tolerance: +0,2 mm Content of markingAs per drawing and table 1.DeliveryThe window glasses must not exhibit soiling that would impair testing, performance, or further pro‐cessing.Particular packaging requirements must be agreed upon with the responsible engineering depart‐ment in each case.Edge treatmentEdges must generally be treated according to to SAE J673 Type 1.The following additionally applies to door crank window glasses (above the window slot strip):–Transition must not have sharp edges, i.e., the transition to the ground edge must be smooth.–Below the window slot strip (in the invisible area), SAE J673 Type 3 is permissible.For window glasses with flush injection point, edge treatment according to Volkswagen type 1 ap‐plies:–All around, fine finish, crowned edge, matte finish –Minimum radius = 2/3 of glass thickness –Maximum radius = 2 x glass thickness4. 9TL 957: 2011-11DScratches and other general flawsDull spots, soiled and discolored areas as well as chips are not permissible.Permissible aspect flaws: See appendix C.In the visible area, the window glasses must be free of bending fixture markings and edge spar‐kles.The following additionally applies to infrared glazing:If the window glass exhibits color inhomogeneities (spots, triangles, stripes), it must be rejected.Window glasses with rough gold spots and corona defects (also in string-of-pearl arrangements)must be rejected.The marked area of the coating (decoating) must be removed without residue and without visible machining traces.The test method for scratches is described in section 12.3.Dimensional requirementsChecking of the dimensions of fixed and lowerable window glasses must be performed as per the measuring method specified in the corresponding window glass drawing. Preferably, a measuring data set must be compiled with enveloping surface tolerance and specified RPS points and meas‐uring points. VW 01055 applies as the basis.A tolerance is defined for each measuring point. Waviness within the tolerance is restricted for a sequence of measuring points. Additionally, the angle deviation of measuring point sequences may be defined.Material requirements for laminated safety glass Requirements for composite quality Connecting filmsWithin the framework of technical engineering approval (BMG – German abbreviation) and/or first sample delivery, the product designations must be stated explicitly.–Film based on polyvinyl butyral (PVB)–Heat insulating film based on polyvinyl butyral/polyester (PVB/PET)Aging behaviorBehavior after aging in constant climates As per PV 2044:KL1300 h KL3300 h KL472 h567 7.1 10TL 957: 2011-11D–No delamination or blistering inside the laminated safety glass –No shrinking of the PVB film–No formation of waves in the PVB/PET film compositeSpecial requirementsRequirements after environmental cycle aging (KWL) 2 as per PV 2044Scope of testing 2 cycles–No hazing in the edge area after the last reconditioning in standard climate at +23 °C/50% rel‐ative humidity.–No delamination in the edge area of the laminated safety glassRequirements after constant-climate environmental aging KL3 as per PV 2044, with the following deviationsRecirculated air tem‐perature +50 °C Duration 300 h–Permissible hazing in the edge area after removal from humid aging at elevated temperature ≤ 3mm–No hazing in the edge area after reconditioning in standard climate at +23 °C/50% relative hu‐midity; duration 17 h–No delamination in the edge area of the laminated safety glassRequirement after short-term heat test at 120 °C, duration 2 h (testing is performed ≥7 days after manufacturing of the laminated safety glass).–No blistering in the edge area of the laminated safety glass –No formation of waves in the PVB/PET film compositeChemical interactionTesting according to PV 2503.Subjective evaluation: spread discolorations are not permitted (detectable especially in reflection).Yellowing of the edge is permissible.Permissible deviations measured at one point:ΔE* < 1,3 calculated with the formula defined in section 9.9.Weathering behavior3 year-cycles of artificial weathering according to PV 3929 and PV 3930, without complaint. Resist‐ance to open-air weathering according to VW 50185.LightfastnessAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.1For further requirements, see drawing specifications for laminated safety glass.Moisture resistanceAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 –┌7.3┐┌7.4┐Boiling testAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.4Corrosion resistance of infrared reflecting laminated safety glassTesting according to PV 2504.No delamination or color change permissible in the edge area of the laminated safety glass.Mechanical requirements Tempered safety glass Ball drop testsBall drop test "ANSI"According to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.6Ball drop test "ECE"According to ECE-R43 and DIN 52306Fracture testsSide and rear window glassesFracture test "ANSI"According to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.7Fracture test "ECE"According to ECE-R43WindshieldAccording to ECE-R43Impact testAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.8Abrasion testAccording to ECE-R43 and ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.18┌7.5┐ 7.68 8.1 8.1.1┌┐┌┐┌8.1.3┐8.1.4Laminated safety glass and laminated heat-strengthened glass Dart testsAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.9Ball drop testBall drop test "ANSI"According to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.12Ball drop test "ECE"According to ECE-R43Puncture resistancePuncture resistance "ANSI"According to ANSI Z26.1 – 5.26Puncture resistance "ECE"As per ECE-R43 and DIN 52306Abrasion testAccording to ANSI Z 26.1 – 5.18Optical requirements (windshield, side, and rear window glasses, sun/glass sun roofs)Float structureThe float structure is always parallel with the vehicle longitudinal axis.Orientation of window glassOrientation of the fire/outer side according to drawing or according to section 11.1.Changing of the orientation during standard production is only permissible in agreement with the responsible engineering department.Optical deflectionThe fields of view in the windshield are principally defined according to the drawing.If there is no data in the drawing for defining the fields of view, ECE-R43 applies.The area outside field of view B is defined as fields of view C and D.In this case, field of view C is next to and below field of view B, and field of view D is above field of view B.8.2 ┌8.2.1┐8.2.2┌┐┌┐┌8.2.4┐9 distortions must be measured in the as-installed position by vertical and horizontal light de‐flection (see PV 2501).For optical distortion/refractive power in windshields, the limits in table 2 apply.The limit of field of view A in table 2 applies to the optical distortion/refractive power for side win‐dow glasses; the limit of field of view B applies to rear window glasses.For rear window glass, separate fields of view with corresponding limits may be defined in the drawing.The refractive power D absolute = ΔαΔxis calculated using the difference in deflection angle from tworays separated by Δx = 12 mm (in deviation from ECE-R43).–| D max | and | D min | ≤ limit D absolute–D max - D min ≤ limit ROCThe refractive power is measured in the laboratory for pre-production testing and sample delivery, e.g., with the LABSCAN Screen2D measuring instrument of ISRA.Details are governed by PV 2501.If the supplier chooses an equivalent measuring system, proof of correlation with the LABSCAN-Screen2D measuring instrument must be provided. In addition, test equipment capability must be demonstrated on the basis of VW 10119. The setup instructions for the measuring system used must be agreed upon with the EGNM/O Department.The measurement parameters 4/5/12 and SAB 13 must be set, unless other specifications apply. The window glass must be aligned with respect to the axis of rotation of the LABSCAN Screen2D instrument according to the setup instructions. Setup instructions will be drawn up for each vehicle project in collaboration with the supplier and stored in the design data administration system (KVS – German abbreviation). For the refractive power and rate of change, the limits in table 2 apply. Agreements regarding the measurement procedure are also stated in the setup instructions and stored in KVS (see component number).Table 2 – Permissible refractive powerField of view D absolute inmdptROC in mdpt RequirementA≤ 75≤ 100Definition of field of view according to ECE-R43B≤ 100≤ 125Definition of field of view according to drawingC≤ 125≤ 125Definition of field of view according to drawingFocal line≤ 125≤ 150Focal lines at the bottom ceramic edge are measuredusing filter setting 4/5/0, SAB 6 at γ = 60°± 2°, ceramicedge detection must be ensuredD≤ 150≤ 175Definition of field of view according to drawingIf optical lenses with different algebraic signs are located at the edge of a field of view, then the "rate of change" limit of the more sensitive area applies. This also applies to the evaluation of the optical focal lines.The evaluation of the optical focal line at the bottom ceramic edge must be conducted in addition to the evaluation of the fields of view. In principle, however, optical focal lines must be measured in。



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TL_496-EN 2011

TL_496-EN 2011

Door and Rear Side Trim Panel ASSYMaterial RequirementsPrevious issuesTL 496: 1974-07, 1988-08, 1989-11, 1995-10, 2001-06, 2003-02, 2010-07ChangesThe following changes have been made compared with TL 496: 2010-07:–section 3.13, requirements changed to ≥ grade 4ScopeThese Technical Supply Specifications (TL) define the material requirements for door trim panels and rear side trim panels ready for installation, including all add-on parts.DescriptionDoor trim panel as per TL 496Rear side trim panel as per TL 496Requirements General requirements Approval of first supply and changes as per Volkswagen Standard VW 01155.Emission behavior as per VW 50180 for Volkswagen and VW 50179 for Audi (if required in the draw‐ing).Avoidance of hazardous substances as per VW 91101.1 2 33.1 Group Standard TL 496Issue 2011-10Class. No.:55351Descriptors:door trim panel, rear side trim panel, trimVerify that you have the latest issue of the Standard before relying on it.This electronically generated Standard is authentic and valid without signature.The English translation is believed to be accurate. In case of discrepancies, the German version is alone authoritative and controlling.Page 1 of 7Confidential. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be provided to third parties or reproduced without the prior consent of the Standards Department of a Volkswagen Group member.This Standard is available to contracting parties solely via the B2B supplier platform .© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2011-08eFlammability as per TL 1010.The respective material TL standards are applicable to the materials of all add-on parts and individual layers of the ASSY.A minimum of five vehicle sets per trim color of door and side trim panels are required for complete testing. Quantities deviating from this are to be discussed with the responsible test laboratories.Conditioning Prior to testing, the specimens must be conditioned in the ISO 554 - 23/50 standard climate for at least 24 h.For adhesive bonds, details provided by the adhesive manufacturer about the curing time of the adhesive need to be taken into account. Testing can be started at the earliest after the curing time is over.AppearanceThe substrate of the ASSY parts must exhibit a structure of uniform density; flaking, chipping and soft areas are not permissible. Striae on injection-molding material (e.g., caused by previously damaged material or burner) are also not permissible.The surface of the substrate must be uniform, able to adhere durably to films and textile fabric, along with the option of high-frequency welding being possible, if required.Punched and trim edges must be clean and free of burs so that parts can be assembled properly ("fraying" and exfoliation is not permissible). The laminated trim panel parts must retain their dimen‐sional form and functionality during transport, storage, assembly, and subsequent use in the tem‐perature range from -30 °C to +90 °C (or + 100 °C for waist rail) as well as under climatic conditions of +55 ºC and 95% relative humidity. There must be no changes as compared to the initial condition.The surface must be free of any visible defects. Flaws in appearance, such as detached decorative material, mismatched or distorted decorative material, shiny areas and sink marks, adhesive bleed-through or wrinkling are not permissible.For composite material parts (e.g., adhesive and welded joints, multicomponent injection molding)compatibility of the materials must be ensured. If necessary, the materials must be matched to each other by means of pretreatments (e.g., surface pretreatment). This also applies to paint coatings.For components laminated with plastic film (e.g., PVC foam film on ABS) the increase in film surface must be restricted technologically to a maximum of 70%.Polyester PUR foam must be used for laminated/back injection molded PVC-foamed leatherette ver‐sions of inserts, armrests as well as waist rails!After pressure loading the decorative materials must not exhibit any permanent deformation (pressure marks).In the case of textile decorative materials, the design of the fabric must be such that individual threads cannot be pulled out during use.Color and grain The color is compared colorimetrically to the released original sample (color constancy as per VW 50190). The grain of the finished part is compared visually to the released original sample.3.2 3.3 3.4 Page 2TL 496: 2011-10Open-air weatheringThis test is not to be conducted by suppliers, but exclusively by Volkswagen AG!The following requirements must be met after one year of open-air weathering is completed:There must be no visibly perceptible changes as compared to as-received condition; e.g., blisters,distortions, twisting, flaking, bursting, warping of contours and radii, separation of composite material,changes in the gloss level and separation of add-on parts.Gray-scale level ≥ 4 is permisssible as per DIN EN 20105-A02, gray-scale level ≥ 3 as per DIN EN 20105-A02 for genuine leather versions; color shift is not permissible.Environmental and temperature resistanceAging procedures listed under this section are short tests conducted in correlation to open-air weath‐ering. These tests allow for the release to be granted already before open-air weathering of the parts.Parts will not undergo open-air weathering if these tests are not passed.Environmental cycle test Test: 50 cycles as per Test Specification PV 2005.There must be no visibly perceptible changes as compared to as-received condition; e.g., blisters,distortions, twisting, flaking, bursting, warping of contours and radii, separation of composite material,discoloration, changes in the gloss level and separation of add-on parts.For genuine leather versions gray-scale level ≥ 3 is permissible as per DIN EN 20105-A02. However,a color shift is not allowed.Environmental aging/heat agingSpecimens will be exposed to the following four aging conditions successively. Specimens are eval‐uated after every stage. Aging 3 will be started only after all the parts are dry.1.16 h at -30 °C 2.48 h at +55 °C and 95% relative humidity 3.16 h at +90 °C 4.16 h at +100 °C (only for evaluation of the waist rail area)There must be no visibly perceptible changes as compared to as-received condition; e.g., blisters,distortions, twisting, flaking, bursting, warping of contours and radii, separation of composite material,discoloration, changes in the gloss level and separation of add-on parts.For genuine leather versions gray-scale level ≥ 3 is permissible as per DIN EN 20105-A02. However,color shift is not allowed.For testing the bonding of decorative material, low-temperature aging (section 3.6.2, stage 1) may be cancelled in consultation with the responsible test laboratory.Heat aging500 h at +90 °C. This test must be performed for film-laminated parts only.Cracks, blisters or debonding of decorative layer are not permissible.3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3 Page 3TL 496: 2011-10Low-temperature aging 24 h aging at -30 °C, ball drop test as per PV 3905.There must be no visibly perceptible changes as compared to as-received condition; e.g., cracks,blisters, distortions, twisting, flaking, bursting, warping of contours and radii, separation of composite material, discoloration, changes in color or in the gloss level, and separation of add-on parts.In the ball drop test at -30 °C (500-g ball / ball drop height: 400 mm) no fractures, cracks or visible indentations may occur on the part. It must remain free of cracks or other damages after subsequent heating to room temperature.The ball drop height for loudspeaker grilles may be reduced to 230 mm in consultation with the lab‐oratories responsible for the test.Emission behavior All individual materials used and, if applicable, the composite material must be tested as per VW 50180 or VW 50179.Amine EmissionTesting as per PV 3937.There must be no visibly perceptible color change of the standard PVC film and no specific amine odor.This test can be dispensed with if the vehicle is not equipped with PVC films or leatherette or if the pigments contained in the films are sufficiently stabilized against a reaction with volatile amines in the vehicle interior.Colorfastness to lightTesting as per PV 1303. Test objects need to be removed from ASSY. Composite material (substrate with decorative layer) needs to be tested for laminated or painted parts.Color shift and formation of cracks is not permissible.Conditions for parts exposed to indirect sunlight only: 3 exposure periods (or as required in the draw‐ing), gray-scale level ≥ 4 as per DIN EN 20105-A02.Conditions for parts exposed to direct sunlight: 5 exposure periods (or as required in the drawing),gray-scale level ≥ 4, for genuine leather gray-scale level ≥ 3 as per DIN EN 20105-A02.Exposure to determine stickiness All talc-filled polypropylene surface area materials within the visible range need to be tested (or if requested in the drawing). Testing is performed as per PV 1306.The surface must not be sticky.Scratch resistance of surfaceScratch resistance of all synthetic surface materials within the visible range is to be tested. However,this is not needed for textiles, films, foamed leatherette, and genuine leather. Testing is performed as per PV 3952.ΔL ≤ 1,5 is required for a load of 10 N.3.6.4 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Page 4TL 496: 2011-10Abrasion resistance of decorative material Abrasion resistance (fastness to rubbing) must be tested on all surface materials. The test is to be performed as per PV 3906 using a crockmeter as per DIN EN ISO 105-X12. 500 crockmeter strokes against a dry and moist rubbing cloth (a rubbing cloth is considered "moist" when it has been placed in the respective medium for at least one minute and dabbed off with filter paper).On surfaces with artificially created grains, grain changes (e.g., flattening of the grain, deformation of grain tips) according to the released sample are permissible. For leather grains, grain changes are impermissible.Evaluation of the surface: Slight alterations as per released sample are permissible.Evaluation of rubbing cloth: Staining of rubbing cloth as per gray-scale level ≥ 4 as per DIN EN 20105-A03.Thread pullout behaviorThread pullout behavior is to be tested on all surface materials. Testing is be performed as per PV 3949 (stroke length: 100 mm).Requirement: ≥ grade 4.Resistance to cleaning agents (Staining)All surface materials are to be tested. A crockmeter in compliance with DIN EN ISO 105-X12 must be used.The surface must be resistant to the following agents:–Aqueous tenside solution (e.g., Pril ®, 3% solution)–Ammoniacal alcoholic cleaning liquid (z. B. Ajax ®, undiluted)–Isopropanol/n-heptane (mixture ratio 50:50)–Cleaner´s naphtha (special boiling point spirit as per DIN 51631)–Methylated spirit (not for genuine leather)Country-specific products must be used as cleaning agents in the individual test locations. The cleaning agent used must be specified in the test report.The rubbing cloth is placed for at least 1 min in the relevant medium and then briefly blotted with filter paper. Surface condition and rubbing cloth will be evaluated after 10 crockmeter strokes.Surface: Change in color and surface structure is not permissible. Changes in gloss level in com‐parison to the released sample are permissible. They must be stated if they cannot be removed with a wet cloth.Rubbing cloth: Staining of rubbing cloth according to gray-scale level ≥ 4 as per DIN EN 20105-A03.Cleaning behavior of the surface materialsTextile decorative material must be cleanable with an aqueous wetting agent solution and with con‐ventional solvents (e.g., cleaner´s naphtha) without formation of rings. No rings may be formed on a surface of approx. 50 cm 2 moistened with cleaning agent after evaporation of the fluid.Hereafter, a drop test needs to be conducted on all surface materials. Droplets of approx. 0,1 ml of the agent stated in section 3.14 are applied to the surface using a pipette. After 10 min of exposure 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 Page 5TL 496: 2011-10time at room temperature, specimens are dried in a forced ventilation oven for 30 min at +60 °C. The surface is evaluated 24 h later.Surface changes (e.g., color residues of dyed cleaning agents) are to be stated only if they cannot be removed with a wet cloth.Bonding of decorative materialOnly foam and compact film (e.g., slush skins or similar materials), textiles, genuine leather, foamed leatherette etc. fall into the category of decorative material in this TL. Paintwork does not fall into this category (painted parts are evaluated as per TL 226).Adhesion of decorative material is to be tested in a floating roller peel test as per PV 2034. Peel forces as per table 1 are to be reached.Table 1 – Adhesion of decorative materiala)The value of 15 N/5 cm only applies to a separation of the composite material between foam and face fabric. If during the floating roller peel test a structural break occurs in one of the components, the strength of the respective component must be evaluated. This value must not be below 10 N/5 cm. In any case, it must be ensured that the composite withstands the agings stated above without damage.Other applicable documentsThe following documents cited in this Standard are necessary to its application.Some of the cited documents are translations from the German original. The translations of German terms in such documents may differ from those used in this Standard, resulting in terminological inconsistency.Standards whose titles are given in German may be available only in German. Editions in other languages may be available from the institution issuing the standard.PV 1303Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test of Passenger Compartment Com‐ponents3.16 4 Page 6TL 496: 2011-10Page 7TL 496: 2011-10 PV 1306Non-Metallic Materials; Exposure Test for Determining the Tackiness ofPolypropylene PartsPV 2005Vehicle Parts; Testing of Resistance to Environmental Cycle TestPV 2034Non-Metallic Planar Materials; Floating Roller Peel TestPV 3905Organic Materials; Ball Drop TestPV 3906Non-Metallic Planar Materials; Testing of Abrasion BehaviorPV 3937Amine Emissions from PUR Flexible Foam; Indicator MethodPV 3949Upholstery Cover Materials; Snag TestPV 3952Plastic Components in the Passenger Compartment; Scratch ResistanceTestTL 1010Materials for Vehicle Interiors; Burning Behavior; Material Requirements TL 226Paint Coating on Materials; Used in the Vehicle Interior Trim; Require‐mentsVW 01155Vehicle Supply Parts; Approval of First Supply and ChangesVW 50179Emission Behavior of Components in the Vehicle InteriorVW 50180Components in the Passenger Compartment; Emission BehaviorVW 50190Interior Trim Components; Metrological Evaluation of Color and GlossLevel; Visual Evaluation of Chrome SurfacesVW 91101Environmental Standard for Vehicles; Vehicle Parts, Materials, OperatingFluids; Avoidance of Hazardous SubstancesDIN 51631Mineral spirits - Special boiling point spirits - RequirementsDIN EN 20105-A02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessingchange in colourDIN EN 20105-A03Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A03: Grey scale for assessingstainingDIN EN ISO 105-X12Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part X12: Colour fastness to rubbing ISO 554Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing; Specifications。



制 品工 总涂 车 品 设 工

总 品 调财 产技 制

产 经质

造 管 务 装 成 体 管 备 务 管 理 保 达 务 设 术 技 环人

理 办证

部 部课 部部 部 部 课 课

公 部 部部 部部 部 室
上级专门职 专门三级 专门二级 专门一级 业务职 补助职
天津一汽丰田 人事体系介绍
2个工厂(西青、泰达) 1个中心(技术研发中心) 1个办公室(总经理办公室) 14个部 55个课 5个技术员室 (1个工会业经理

副总经理 大西 健一
副总经理 陈大鹏
党书记/工会主席 李伟
劳务派遣工 实习生
4B 4A级 3B 3A级 2B 2A级
1A级 1C 1B 1A级
晋升必要条件 1.每年1月为晋升月 2.按照课内人数比例 3.工作总结面谈/2次 4.参加晋升资格研修 5.领导评价为A或S 6.能够起到核心作用 7.班组内之间协调 8.自身综合能力
CL担负系内业 务全部责任
GL担负组内业 务全部责任
TL起连接组长和组员的作用 (针对异常的对应能力)
员工要领会上级的意图协助 生产(发现异常并报告)

大众TL 227CHN 2011中文

大众TL 227CHN 2011中文

大众汽车集团标准TL 2272011年11月版分类号:50221关键字:抗腐蚀,表面防护,油漆,阴极泳漆,锌镀锌金属表面单层涂漆表面防护技术要求旧版本TL 227: 1980-11, 1986-12, 1992-07, 1995-12, 1996-07, 2004-04变更相对于TL 227: 2004-04版本作了如下变更:——标题更改——第2章说明作更改——引进新的表面保护类型——添加了对毛边的要求——章节3.8涂层厚度更改——章节3.12化学药物抗性更改——引用文件更新1 范围本标准(TL)为热镀锌及电解镀锌零件有机涂层(单层湿法涂漆或阴极泳漆)规定了表面防护技术要求,防护方法是:Ofl-x632,用于单件镀锌Ofl-x632,用于由镀锌半成品制成的零件Ofl-x640,用于热镀锌零件及电解镀半成品售后服务注:铝制半成品部件表面阴极电泳涂漆见TL 1782标记方法按大众标准 VW 13750,第二章原则上必须使用阴极电泳涂漆,若无特殊规定,附加湿法涂漆。

例如:Ofl-x6323技术要求首次供货和更改的批准按 VW 011 55避免有害物质按 VW 911 013.1基本技术要求零件在镀锌之后不得直接涂漆(例如从镀锌车间发送到涂漆车间),不得进行磷化处理或其他保护层密封处理,必须满足 TL 217 标准规定的防护方法,Ofl-c310, Ofl-c340, or Ofl-c330 等等。

镀锌零件是否需要运输防护或存放防护,例如,涂抹润滑油以保护表面,一定要与油漆车间进行协商,若在大众公司车间施漆时,运输防护和存放防护都必须符合质量规范 QP A 001.零件毛边程度至少需符合VW 01088规定的制造精度一次完整的试验需8个零件3.2预处理如果采用风干涂漆和/或普通涂漆方法,在不升高的温度(>60℃ )情况下进行烘烤,则构件在试验之前应在 60℃情况下进行预处理 24 h,紧接着在室温(18 ~ 28) ℃中进行冷却。

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B 研发部门()是建设创新型国家的必由之路,也是提升城市竞争实力的重要途径。

B自主创新( )是影响区域竞争力的关键因素,是实现区域可持续发展的根本动力。


B 内企业家()能够使企业独享技术成果。







D 全面创新管理()以整个产业结构作为创新对象进行研究。


B 防卫型《继续教育证书》由()印制,区县(自治县)人事行政主管部门和市级有关行政主管部门、行业组织继续教育管理部门发放。


B 单位A按照技术变化量的大小,产品创新可以分成()和渐进的产品创新。


C技术创新产品生命周期理论是美国哈佛大学教授雷蒙德•弗农(Raymond Vernon)1966年在其()一文中首次提出的。




B 稳定.传统创新管理的战略性不明显,而全面创新管理()。


B 分权创新思路的信息来源,可来源于外部环境和()。




B 创新主体企业从()维度看,全面创新包括独立创新、合作创新。


B 发展战略从时间上看,()往往是自主创新必经的过渡阶段。






A 优秀对于()来说,在整个创新过程中产品创新与工艺创新的先后关系与A-U模型恰恰相反,发展中国家的做法一般是先集中于工艺创新,后集中于产品创新。

B 发展中国家对于注重自己在企业内部地位的内企业家,最好的奖励方式就是()。



B 市场份额G根本性创新(),或者是那些需要传递大量复杂的或者缄默知识的项目需要比较强的中央集权。


B 封闭式创新根据技术创新动力源的不同,人们将其分为技术推动模式、()以及两者的组合。

D 市场拉引模式管理者对正常的创新失败能够做到“善意的视而不见”,这是自主创新产生的()。







C 主题技术创新风险导致的失败结果是()改变的。


B 自愿技术的价值具有(),技术的发明和运用对人产生价值。

B 多维性技术中心是大的企业集团中从事重大关键技术和()的专门机构。



B 技术交互作用模型是()的深化。



B 人类行为的错误K克莱因和罗森伯格于()年提出链环—回路模型。



B 机会分析模糊前端的()是产品开发成功与否的分水岭。






B 技术战略的核心企业外部用于提高技术创新水平的投入,称为()。








B 知识共享为了确保技术中心的研究开发成果向生产部门顺利转移,生产以及销售部门的人员一般在研究开发()时就要选择一个适当的时机介入。


B 机械化X狭义的知识产权仅包括()和版权。


B 永久性的学习时间按(),也可转换成学分记载。

B 学时记载Y研发/发展界面管理有项目创造、过滤机制和()等3个职能.=====C转换一体化创新过程模型也叫()。

B 并行模型以下哪种情况属于互动()。


B 逆向工程影响企业选择集权还是分权的因素有()。


B 内企业由于本人未达到工作岗位学历要求而参加的学历学习,其学时()。


B 系统集成者作为研发协调者在()模式下,创新不再是某个部门或员工(如企业领导、技术部门或技术人员)的事,而是公司所有员工(从高层到基层)的事。


B 封闭式创新模式在产品开发过程中,创意的产生是新产品开发的最初动力,而模糊前端以()为标志。



B 成长期在全球化的今天,国家竞争力的核心在于()。




B 10专业技术人员参加全市统一组织的继续教育公需科目学习,经培训考试合格后按()学时认定。


B 可继续使用专业技术人员完成继续教育规定课时后,凭施教机构出具的有关(),向所在单位或代理其人事档案的人才交流机构申请记载、签证。


C 应及时补训资本节约型创新和劳动节约型创新以()为研究目标。



B 自身的研究开发二判断《继续教育证书》按高、中、初级专业技术人员实行分级管理。
