The Philippines’Arbitration Pleading Bodes Ill for South China Sea Disputes

以下是一些适合学霸写作业时听的英文歌曲推荐:1.Classical Music古典音乐Ludwig van Beethoven:Moonlight SonataWolfgang Amadeus Mozart:Piano Concerto No.21Johann Sebastian Bach:Cello Suite No.12.Instrumental Tracks器乐曲Yiruma:River Flows in YouBrian Crain:Song for SiennaLindsey Stirling:Crystallize3.Ambient Music环境音乐Brian Eno:An Ending AscentStars of the Lid:Requiem for the UniverseAphex Twin:Rhubarb4.Lofi Hip Hop低保真嘻哈Nujabes:FeatherJ Dilla:LifeMadlib:Accordion5.Chillhop Music轻松嘻哈音乐Chillhop Essentials一个包含多种轻松嘻哈曲目的播放列表Lofi Study Beats适合学习时听的轻松节拍Late Night Jazz深夜爵士乐,适合深夜学习6.Nature Sounds自然声音Rainy Mood模拟雨天的声音Ocean Waves海浪声Forest Ambience森林环境声7.White Noise白噪声White Noise for Concentration帮助集中注意力的白噪声Brown Noise另一种类型的背景噪音,有些人可能更喜欢8.Binaural Beats双耳节拍Delta Waves for Deep Sleep虽然用于睡眠,但也可能有助于深度学习Alpha Waves for Meditation有助于冥想和放松9.Study Music学习音乐Baroque Music for Studying巴洛克音乐,据说有助于提高学习效率Upbeat Study Music节奏明快的学习音乐10.Movie Soundtracks电影原声带Hans Zimmer:Time from InceptionThomas Newman:Any Other Name from SkyfallJohn Williams:Hedwigs Theme from Harry Potter选择适合自己学习风格和喜好的音乐非常重要,因为音乐可以显著影响一个人的情绪和集中力。

如果你是个慢性子Smoke City - Underwater Love,用非洲的手鼓和嚎叫激起你的原始欲望,这曲电声New Age音乐很直接哦。
Misia - Everything时长6分59秒,可以酝酿出很多很多…可我说要是歌曲放到2分04秒的时候你还没有行动,那就赶紧去看医生吧。
都知道日本Rnb天后Misia 很酷,在这首冠军单曲里,你要让Misia充满感情的喊几声“you r everything”才会对身边的她有所表示呢?下一曲,Glenn Lewis - Fall Again,类似Blue感觉的contemporary RnB,没什么特别的,就是轻松,特别适合没心没肺的人听。
如果你是缠绵派al b sure, el debarge,Barry white - the secret garden,由quincy jones跨刀制作,soul历史上的天籁之作。
the isley brothers - make me say it again girl,让我能说什么?只有等着被这曲融化,是来自70年代Slow Jam名家的颠峰作品。
isley brothers - if you leave me now,老将30年后重出江湖、再战边缘之甜腻煽情的上品。
如果你是SM系列beastie boys vs herbie hancock - intergalactic (soulwax remix),上这个mix融入的是fushion Jazz大师hancock的rockit,两股毫不相干的mix结合,编成了一把结实的鞭子。
Fat Boy Slim –(if you)Can Can Can,来自《红磨房》的主题曲带来变换的色彩、刺激的画面,这个时候应该有点歇斯底里大家才会都满意。
Chris Su - Need U Tonight,很强的Drum & Bass基调,配合缥缈女声,今晚不容错过的最佳疯狂音乐。

I will always love you • • • • • If I should stay. 如果我留下来。 I would only be in your way. 我会成为你的羁绊。 So I'll go. 所以我离去。 But I know. 但我知道。 I'll think of you every step of the way. 我每迈出的一步都会想着你。 • And I will always love you ! 于是我将永远爱你! • I will always love you ! 我将永远爱你! • You,my darling you ! 你,我亲爱的宝贝!
• Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂和你相遇,你愿意握住我的手吗? • Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂与你再见,你愿意搀扶我起来吗? • I'll find my way, through night and day 再给我一些日子,我会找到我的方向, • 'Cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven 因为我知道我还不属于天堂。
tears in heaven • Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗? • would it be the same if I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂与你重逢,我们还能像从前一样吗? • I must be strong, and carry on 我必须学会坚强,勇敢支持下去, • 'Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven 因为我知道我还不属于天堂。
Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书

使用手冊版本 1.3目錄開始 (6)包裝盒內物品 (6)為智慧手環充電 (6)設定 Inspire 3 (8)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (9)解鎖 Fitbit Premium (10)佩戴 Inspire 3 (11)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (11)慣用手 (12)將 Inspire 3 佩戴在夾扣上 (12)夾扣位置 (13)佩戴與保養技巧 (14)更換錶帶 (14)移除錶帶 (14)安裝錶帶 (15)基本資訊 (16)導覽 Inspire 3 (16)基本導覽 (16)快速設定 (17)調整設定 (19)顯示設定 (19)靜音模式 (20)其他設定 (20)查看電池電量 (21)調整「螢幕常亮」 (21)關閉螢幕 (22)錶面和應用程式 (23)變更錶面 (23)開啟應用程式 (23)尋找手機 (24)2手機通知 (25)設定通知 (25)查看傳入通知 (25)管理通知 (26)關閉通知 (26)接聽或拒接來電 (27)回覆訊息 (Android 手機) (28)計時 (29)設定鬧鐘 (29)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (29)使用計時器和碼錶 (30)活動與健康 (31)查看統計資料 (31)追蹤每日活動目標 (31)選擇目標 (32)追蹤每小時的活動 (32)追蹤您的睡眠 (32)設定睡眠目標 (33)深入瞭解長期睡眠行為 (33)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (33)管理壓力 (33)練習引導式呼吸 (33)查看壓力管理分數 (34)進階的健康指標 (34)運動和心臟健康 (35)自動追蹤您的運動 (35)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (35)GPS 要求 (35)自訂運動設定 (37)查看您的運動摘要 (38)查看您的心率 (38)預設心率區間 (39)自訂心率區間 (40)賺取活動區間分鐘數 (40)3接收心率過高通知 (41)檢視您的日常準備分數 (42)檢視心肺健康分數 (42)分享您的活動 (42)更新、重新啟動和清除 (43)更新 Inspire 3 (43)重新啟動 Inspire 3 (43)清除 Inspire 3 (44)疑難排解 (45)找不到心率訊號 (45)沒有 GPS 訊號 (46)其他問題 (46)一般資訊和規格 (47)感應器與元件 (47)材質 (47)無線技術 (47)觸覺反饋 (47)電池 (47)記憶體 (47)顯示幕 (48)錶帶大小 (48)環境條件 (48)瞭解詳情 (48)退貨政策和保固 (48)Regulatory and Safety Notices (49)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (49)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) atement (50)European Union (EU) (51)Argentina (53)Australia and New Zealand (53)Ghana (53)Indonesia (53)Israel (53)Japan (54)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (54)4Malaysia (54)Mexico (54)Morocco (55)Nigeria (55)Oman (55)Paraguay (55)Philippines (56)Serbia (56)Singapore (56)South Korea (56)Taiwan (57)Thailand (60)United Arab Emirates (60)United Kingdom (61)About the Battery (61)IP Rating (62)Safety Statement (62)Regulatory Markings (62)56開始瞭解 Inspire 3—這款智慧手環能幫助您找到動力,做您喜歡的事,展現最好的自己。
犯罪心理(Criminal minds)1-7季插曲全

Five for Fighting
Ending montage -- ensemble cast picks up the pieces after the case
Sara Bareilles
"Heaven's a Lie"
Lacuna Coil
"Gravity of Love"
This song in one version of the episode (probably TV?)
"When All is Said and Done"
Tyrone Wells
This song is in the other (DVD?).
(Warning this song is over 17 minutes long!)
Nine Inch Nails
While Gideon is held hostage at the beginning.
1x03"Won't Get Fooled Again"
"The Night We Nearly Got Busted"
At the end of the episode
2x07"North Mammon"
"Suddenly I See"
K.T. Tunstall
Polly, Brook, and Kelly drive to Kelly's house.
战争之王 中英文台词


Bye Bye Beautiful(Dark Passion Play,2007) —————————————————————————————Finally the hills are without eyes最后,那座小山离开了视线They are tired of painting a dead man's face red With thei r own blood他们再也不愿用自己的鲜血去红润一个以死之人的脸.They used to love having so much to lose过去他们相爱,拥有太多可以挥霍的的情感Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins眨眼间这一切都已毁灭Did you ever hear what I told you我对你说的你听吗Did you ever read what I wrote you我写给你的你看了吗Did you ever listen to what we playe你可曾倾听我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾接受这整个世界劝说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们一起走过漫长之路难道只是为了感受到你的恨吗Did we play to become only pawns in the game难道我们在游戏中就只能扮演卒子?How blind can you be, don't you see你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗You chose the long road but we'll be waiting是你选择这样一条漫长的路,但我们依然会在这里等待着你Bye bye beautiful再见,美丽Jacob's ghost for the girl in white Blindfold for the blind请赐予这白衣女孩雅各之灵,并蒙上她那以被蒙蔽的双眼Dead siblings walking the dying earth让这已死的姐妹在这垂死的土地上蹒跚而去Noose around a choking heart Eternity torn apart缠绕在窒息心灵的套索将被永远的解开Slow toll now the funeral bell现在让那解脱的死亡之钟缓慢地敲响"I need to die to feel alive"我需要死亡来感受我的存在Did you ever hear what I told you我对你说的你听吗Did you ever read what I wrote you我写给你的你看了吗Did you ever listen to what we playe你可曾倾听我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾接受这整个世界劝说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们一起走过漫长之路难道只是为了感受到你的恨吗Did we play to become only pawns in the game难道我们在游戏中就只能扮演卒子?How blind can you be, don't you see你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗You chose the long road but we'll be waiting是你选择这样一条漫长的路,但我们依然会在这里等待着你Bye bye beautiful再见,美丽It's not the tree that forsakes the flower这不是树木抛弃了花朵But the flower that forsakes the tree而是花朵背叛了树木Someday I'll learn to love these scars Still fresh from th e red-hot blade of your words但终有一天,我会学会爱上这些被你那烧的红热的言语之刃割的鲜血淋漓的伤痕....How blind can you be, don't you see...你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗...that the gambler lost all he does not have...就象一个连不曾拥有之物都已失去的赌徒Did you ever hear what I told you我对你说的你听吗Did you ever read what I wrote you我写给你的你看了吗Did you ever listen to what we playe你可曾倾听我们的演奏Did you ever let in what the world said你可曾接受这整个世界劝说Did we get this far just to feel your hate我们一起走过漫长之路难道只是为了感受到你的恨吗Did we play to become only pawns in the game难道我们在游戏中就只能扮演卒子?How blind can you be, don't you see你感觉不到你是多么的盲目吗You chose the long road but we'll be waiting是你选择这样一条漫长的路,但我们依然会在这里等待着你Bye bye beautiful再见,美丽鲜血淋漓的伤痛中带着一丝希望,就象漫天乌云中她的歌声一样. 我的nightwish.。

Republic of the PhilippinesCongress of the PhilippinesMetro ManilaFourteenth CongressThird Regular SessionBe gun and he ld in Me t ro Manila, on Monday, t he t we nt y-se ve nt h day of July, t wo t housand nine.[REPUBLIC A CT NO. 9829]AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE PRE-NEED CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:CHA PTER IGENERA L PROV ISIONSSECTI ON 1. Title. – Th is A ct s h all be k n own as th e “P re-Need Code of th e P h ilippin es”SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – I t is th e policy of th e State to regulate th e es tablis h men t of pre-n eed compan ies an d to place th eir operation on s oun d, efficien t an d s table bas is to deriv e th e optimum adv an tage from th em in th e mobilization of s av in gs an d to prev en t an d mitigate, as far as practicable, practices prejudicial to public in teres t an d th e protection ofplan h olders.Th e State s h all h ereby regulate, th rough an empowered agen cy, pre-n eed compan ies bas ed on pruden tial prin ciples to promote s oun dn es s, s tability an d s us tain able growth of th e pre-n eed in dus try.SEC. 3. Construction. – A n y doubt in th e in terpretation an d implemen tation of an y prov is ion in th is Code s h all bein terpreted in fav or of th e righ ts an d in teres ts of th e plan h older.SEC. 4. Definition of Terms. – W h en ev er us ed in th is Code, th e followin g terms s h all h av e th eir res pectiv e mean in gs:(a) “Commis s ion” refers to th e I n s uran ce Commis s ion.(b) “P re-n eed plan s” are con tracts, agreemen ts, deeds or plan s for th e ben efit of th e plan h olders wh ich prov idefor th e performan ce of future s erv ice/s, pay men t of mon etary con s ideration s or deliv ery of oth er ben efits at th e time of actual n eed or agreed maturity date, as s pecified th erein, in exch an ge for cas h or in s tallmen t amoun ts with or with out in teres t or in s uran ce cov erage an d in cludes life, pen s ion, education, in termen t an d oth er plan s, in s trumen ts, con tracts or deeds as may in th e future be determin ed by th e Commis s ion.(c) “P re-n eed compan y” refers to an y corporation regis tered with th e Commis s ion an d auth orized/licen s ed to s ellor offer to s ell pre-n eed plan s. Th e term “pre-n eed compan y” als o refers to s ch ools, memorial ch apels, ban k s, n on ban k fin an cial in s titution s an d oth er en tities wh ich h av e als o been auth orized/licen s ed to s ell or offer to s ell pre-n eed plan s in s ofar as th eir pre-n eed activ ities or bus in es s are con cern ed.(d) “P lan h older” refers to an y n atural or juridical pers on wh o purch as es pre-n eed plan s from a pre-n eed compan yfor wh om or for wh os e ben eficiaries’ ben efits are to be deliv ered, as s tipulated an d guaran teed by th e pre-n eed compan y. Th e term in cludes th e as s ign ee, tran s feree an d an y s ucces s or-in-in teres t of th e plan h older.(e) “Ben eficiary” refers to th e pers on des ign ated by th e plan h older as th e recipien t of th e ben efits in th e pre-n eed plan.(f) “Con tract price” refers to th e s tipulated price in th e pre-n eed plan.(g) “Ben efits” refers to th e pay men t of mon etary con s ideration s an d/or performan ce of future s erv ices wh ich th epre-n eed compan y un dertak es to deliv er eith er to th e plan h older or h is ben eficiary at th e time of actual n eed or agreed maturity date, as s pecified in th e pre-n eed plan.(h) “Sales coun s elors” refers to n atural pers on s wh o are en gaged in th e s ale of, or offer to s ell, or coun s el ofpros pectiv e plan h olders for th e purpos e of s ellin g, wh eth er or n ot on commis s ion bas is, pre-n eed plan s upon th e auth ority of th e pre-n eed compan y.(i) “A ffiliate of, or affiliated with, a s pecified pers on” refers to a pers on th at directly or in directly, th rough on e(1) or more in termediaries, con trols, or is con trolled by, or is un der common con trol with, th e pers on s pecified.Exercis in g con trol ov er a legal en tity s h all mean an y on e of th e followin g: (1) own in g eith er s olely or togeth er with affiliated pers on s more th an twen ty-fiv e percen t (25%) of th e outs tan din g capital s tock of a legal en tity;an d (2) bein g an officer or director of s uch legal en tity.(j) “Trus t fun d” refers to a fun d s et up from th e plan h olders’ pay men ts to pay for th e cos t of ben efits an ds erv ices, termin ation v alues pay able to plan h olders an d oth er cos ts n eces s ary to en s ure th e deliv ery of ben efits or s erv ices to plan h olders as prov ided for in th e con tracts.(k) “P re-n eed res erv e liabilities” refers to th e meas ure of th e liabilities of th e pre-n eed compan y for its in-force plan s or laps ed plan s as of v aluation date.(l) “Liquidity res erv e” refers to a portion of th e trus t fun d s et as ide by th e trus tee to cov er ben efits due toplan h olders for th e en s uin g y ear.(m) “Fixed v alue plan s” refers to pre-n eed plan s wh os e ben efits an d cos ts are fixed an d predetermin ed at th e in ception or purch as e of th e plan.(n) “I n-force plan” refers to a plan for wh ich th e pre-n eed compan y h as an outs tan din g obligation for th edeliv ery of ben efits or s erv ices or pay men t of termin ation v alue.(o) “Laps ed plan” refers to a plan th at is delin quen t in pay men t of in s tallmen ts prov ided for in th e con tract, th edelin quen cy of wh ich exten ds bey on d th e grace period prov ided for in th e plan or con tract.(p) “Can celled plan” refers to a plan th at can n o lon ger be rein s tated by reas on of delin quen cy in th e pay men t ofin s tallmen ts for more th an two (2) y ears or a lon ger period as prov ided in th e con tract, coun ted from th e expiryof th e grace period prov ided for in th e plan or con tract.(q) “Sch eduled ben efit plan s” refers to plan s th e date of av ailmen t of th e ben efits of wh ich is s et at th ein ception or purch as e of th e plan.(r) “Con tin gen t ben efit plan s” refers to plan s th e timin g of th e prov is ion of th e ben efits of wh ich is con dition alon th e occurren ce of th e con tin gen cy.(s) “R is k-bas ed capital” refers to a meth od to meas ure th e min imum amoun t of capital th at a pre-n eed compan yn eeds to s upport its ov erall bus in es s operation. I t is us ed to s et capital requiremen ts, con s iderin g th e s ize an ddegree of ris k tak en by th e pre-n eed compan y.(t) “BSP” refers to “Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas”Th e terms n ot oth erwis e defin ed un der th is Code s h all be con s trued in th eir us ual an d common ly un ders tood trade,bus in es s, commercial or in v es tmen t mean in g.CHA PTER IIA U THORITY OF THE COMMISSIONSEC. 5. Supervision. – A ll pre-n eed compan ies, as defin ed un der th is A ct, s h all be un der th e primary an d exclus iv es uperv is ion an d regulation of th e I n s uran ce Commis s ion. Th e Commis s ion is h ereby auth orized to prov ide for itsreorgan ization, to s treamlin e its s tructure an d operation s, upgrade its h uman res ource compon en t to en able it to effectiv elyan d efficien tly perform its fun ction s an d exercis e its powers un der th is Code.A ll pos ition s of th e Commis s ion s h all be gov ern ed by compen s ation an d pos ition clas s ification s y s tems an d qualification s tan dards approv ed by th e Commis s ion bas ed on a compreh en s iv e job an aly s is an d audit of actual duties an dres pon s ibilities. Th e compen s ation plan s h all be comparable with th e prev ailin g compen s ation plan in th e Ban gk o Sen tral n g P ilipin as (BSP) an d oth er gov ern men t fin an cial in s titution s an d s h all be s ubject to periodic rev iew by th e Commis s ion n o more th an on ce ev ery two (2) y ears with out prejudice to y early merit rev iews or in creas es bas ed on productiv ity an defficien cy. Th e Commis s ion s h all, th erefore, be exempt from laws, rules an d regulation s on compen s ation, pos itionclas s ification an d qualification s tan dards. Th e Commis s ion s h all, h owev er, en deav or to mak e its s y s tem con form as clos ely as pos s ible with th e prin ciples un der th e Compen s ation an d P os ition Clas s ification A ct of 1989 (R epublic A ct No. 6758, as amen ded).Th e s alary an d allowan ces or pers on al s erv ices expen s e of th e employ ees of th e I n s uran ce Commis s ion s h all bes ourced from th e retain ed amoun t of th e fees, ch arges an d oth er in come deriv ed from th e regulation of pre-n eed compan iesan d from th e I n s uran ce Fun d un der Sec. 418 of th e I n s uran ce Code of th e P h ilippin es (P.D. No. 612 as amen ded) an d Sec. 286 of th e Nation al I n tern al R ev en ue Code. I f th e pers on al s erv ices expen s e can n ot be cov ered by th e retain ed amoun t an d th eI n s uran ce Fun d, it s h all be appropriated in th e G en eral A ppropriation s Fun d.SEC. 6. Powers and Functions of the Commission. – Th e Commis s ion s h all, at all times, act with tran s paren cy an d dis patch an d s h all h av e, amon g oth ers, th e followin g powers an d fun ction s:(a) A pprov e, amen d, ren ew or den y an y licen s e, regis tration or certificate is s ued un der th is Code;(b) Fix an d as s es s fees an d/or ch arges as it may fin d reas on able in th e exercis e of regulation;(c) R egulate, s uperv is e an d mon itor th e operation s an d man agemen t of pre-n eed compan ies to en s ure complian ce with th e prov is ion s of th is Code, exis tin g laws, rules an d regulation s in cludin g, but n ot limited to:(1) R ev ok in g or n ullify in g in v es tmen ts made an d/or en tered in to by a pre-n eed compan y or a trus teewh ich are con trary to exis tin g laws, rules an d regulation s;(2) D eman din g for th e con v ers ion of th e in v es tmen ts made by th e trus tee to cas h or oth er liquid as s etsto protect th e in teres t of th e plan h olders; an d(3) R egulatin g, in v es tigatin g or s uperv is in g activ ities of pre-n eed compan ies, th eir officers, employ ees,s ales coun s elors, con s ultan ts or agen ts;(d) I s s ue ceas e an d des is t orders to prev en t fraud an d in jury to th e in v es tin g public;(e) I s s ue subpoena duces tecum an d ad testificandum, order th e examin ation, s earch an d s eizure of documen ts, papers, files, tax return s, book s of accoun ts an d oth er records, in wh atev er form, of an y en tity or pers on un derin v es tigation;(f) P un is h for con tempt of th e Commis s ion, both direct an d in direct, in accordan ce with th e pertin en t prov is ion s of an d pen alties pres cribed by th e R ules of Court;(g) I mpos e s an ction s, in s titute cas es an d/or pros ecute offen ders for v iolation of th is Code, related laws, rules, regulation s an d orders is s ued purs uan t th ereto;(h) Sus pen d or rev ok e licen s es;(i) En lis t th e aid an d s upport of an d/or deputize an y an d all en forcemen t agen cies of th e gov ern men t in th e implemen tation of its powers an d in th e exercis e of its fun ction s un der th is Code;(j) Tak e ov er pre-n eed compan ies wh ich fail to comply with th is Code, related laws, rules, regulation s an d orders is s ued purs uan t th ereto, eith er th rough th e appoin tmen t of a con s erv ator, receiv er or liquidator;(k) P repare, approv e, amen d or repeal rules, regulation s an d orders, an d is s ue opin ion s an d prov ide guidan ce onan d s uperv is e complian ce with s uch rules, regulation s an d orders;(l) Formulate policies an d recommen dation s on is s ues con cern in g th e pre-n eed in dus try, in cludin g propos edlegis lation s;(m) R etain an d utilize, in addition to its an n ual budget, an amoun t up to On e h un dred million pes os(P100,000,000.00) of th e fees, ch arges an d oth er in come deriv ed from th e regulation of th e pre-n eed compan ies; an d(n) Exercis e s uch oth er powers as may be prov ided by law as well as th os e wh ich may be implied from, or wh ich are n eces s ary or in ciden tal to carry out th e expres s powers gran ted th e Commis s ion to ach iev e th e objectiv es an d purpos es of th e law.CHA PTER IIIORGA NIZA TION, LICENSING A ND MA NA GEMENTOF PRE-NEED COMPA NIESSEC. 7. Prerequisites to Incorporation. – Except upon fav orable recommen dation of th e Commis s ion, th e Securities an d Exch an ge Commis s ion (SEC) s h all n ot accept or approv e th e articles of in corporation an d by laws of an y pre-n eed compan y.A foreign corporation may be allowed to en gage in a pre-n eed bus in es s in th e P h ilippin es: Provided, Th at it s h all comply with th e pertin en t laws, rules an d regulation s.SEC. 8.Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. – A men dmen ts to th e articles of in corporation an d by laws of a pre-n eed compan y, in cludin g merger, con s olidation an d dis s olution, s h all n ot be approv ed by th e SEC with out th efav orable recommen dation from th e Commis s ion.SEC. 9.Paid-up Capital. – A pre-n eed compan y in corporated after th e effectiv ity of th is Code s h all h av e a min imum paid-up capital of On e h un dred million pes os (P100,000,000.00). Exis tin g pre-n eed compan ies s h all comply with th e followin gmin imum un impaired paid-up capital:(a) On e h un dred million pes os (P100,000,000.00) for compan ies s ellin g at leas t th ree (3) ty pes of plan;(b) Sev en ty-fiv e million pes os (P75,000,000.00) for compan ies s ellin g two (2) ty pes of plan; an d(c) Fifty million pes os (P50,000,000.00) for compan ies s ellin g a s in gle ty pe of plan.Exis tin g pre-n eed compan ies with tradition al education plan s s h all h av e a min imum un impaired paid-up capital of On e h un dred million pes os (P100,000,000.00).Th e Commis s ion may adopt ris k-bas ed prin ciples on capital adequacy bas ed on in tern ation ally accepted s tan dards. I n th e exercis e of its auth ority un der th is paragraph, th e Commis s ion may pres cribe a h igh er min imum un impaired paid-upcapital for pre-n eed compan ies.SEC. 10.Licensing of Pre-Need Companies. – No pers on s h all operate as a pre-n eed compan y or en gage in th e bus in es s of a pre-n eed compan y un les s licen s ed by th e Commis s ion in accordan ce with th is Code.Th e licen s e un der th is Section s h all expire on e (1) y ear from th e time of th e regis tration. I t may be ren ewed upon complian ce with th e pres cribed requiremen ts of th e Commis s ion. Such ren ewal s h all be deemed approv ed if n ot acted uponwith in th irty (30) day s from th e time of filin g of th e application for ren ewal.SEC. 11.Qualification and Disqualification of Directors and Officers. – To main tain th e quality of man agemen t of pre-n eed compan ies an d afford better protection to plan h olders an d ben eficiaries, th e Commis s ion s h all pres cribe, pas s upon an d rev iew th e qualification s an d dis qualification s of in div iduals elected or appoin ted directors or officers of pre-n eed compan ies,in cludin g its actuaries, an d dis qualify th os e foun d un fit. Th e Commis s ion may dis qualify, s us pen d or remov e an y director or officer wh o commits or omits an act wh ich ren ders h im un fit for th e pos ition.I n determin in g wh eth er an in div idual is fit an d proper to h old th e pos ition of a director or officer of a pre-n eedcompan y, regard s h all be giv en to h is in tegrity, experien ce, education, train in g an d competen ce. Th e followin g pers on s, an dth os e determin ed by th e Commis s ion to be un fit, s h all in n o cas e be allowed to s erv e or act in th e capacity of an officer, employ ee, director, con s ultan t or s ales coun s elor of an y pre-n eed compan y:(a) A n y pers on con v icted of an y crime in v olv in g an y pre-n eed plan, s ecurity or fin an cial product;(b) A n y pers on con v icted of an offen s e in v olv in g moral turpitude or in v olv in g fraud or embezzlemen t, th eft,es tafa or oth er fraudulen t acts or tran s action s;(c) A n y pers on wh o, by reas on of an y mis con duct, is en join ed by order, judgmen t or decree by an y court, quas i-judicial body or admin is trativ e agen cy of competen t juris diction from actin g as a director, officer, employ ee,con s ultan t, agen t or occupy in g an y fiduciary pos ition;(d) A n y pers on foun d by th e Commis s ion to h av e willfully v iolated or willfully aided, abetted, coun s eled,comman ded, in duced or procured th e v iolation of th is Code, th e I n s uran ce Code, th e Securities R egulation Codeor an y related laws an d an y rules or orders th ereun der;(e) A n y pers on judicially declared to be in s olv en t or in capacitated to con tract; an d(f) A n y pers on foun d guilty by a foreign court, regulatory auth ority or gov ern men t agen cy of th e acts orv iolation s s imilar to an y of th e acts or mis con duct en umerated in th e foregoin g paragraph s: Provided, Th atcon v iction in th e firs t in s tan ce s h all be con s idered as s ufficien t groun d for dis qualification.SEC. 12.Independent Directors. – P re-n eed compan ies s h all h av e at leas t two (2) in depen den t directors or twen ty percen t (20%) of th e members of th e board, wh ich ev er is h igh er. For th is purpos e, an “in depen den t director” s h all refer to a pers onoth er th an an officer, employ ee or an y pers on h av in g a fiduciary relation to th e pre-n eed compan y, its paren t or s ubs idiaries, or an y oth er in div idual h av in g a relation s h ip th erewith, wh ich may in terfere with th e exercis e of in depen den t judgmen t in carry in g out th e res pon s ibilities of a director.SEC. 13. Investment Restrictions of Directors and Officers. – No director or officer of an y pre-n eed compan y s h all, after h is election or appoin tmen t as s uch, directly or in directly, for h ims elf or as th e repres en tativ e or agen t of oth ers, h av e anin v es tmen t in exces s of Fiv e million pes os (P5,000,000.00) in an y corporation or bus in es s un dertak in g in wh ich th e pre-n eed compan y’s trus t fun d h as an in v es tmen t in or h as a fin an cial in teres t with. No relativ es of directors or officers of th e pre-n eed compan y with in th e fourth degree of con s an guin ity or affin ity s h all, directly or in directly, h av e an in v es tmen t of more th an Fiv e million pes os (P5,000,000.00) in an y corporation or bus in es s un dertak in g in wh ich th e pre-n eed compan y’s trus t fun d h as an in v es tmen t in or h as a fin an cial in teres t with durin g th e in cumben cy or term of th e director or officerin v olv ed.CHA PTER IVREGISTRA TION OF PRE-NEED PLA NSSEC. 14. Registration of Pre-need Contracts/Plans. – W ith in a period of forty-fiv e (45) day s after th e gran t of a licen s e todo bus in es s as a pre-n eed compan y, an d for ev ery pre-n eed plan wh ich th e pre-n eed compan y in ten ds to offer for s ale to th e public, th e pre-n eed compan y s h all file with th e Commis s ion a regis tration s tatemen t for th e s ale of pre-n eed plan s purs uan t to th is Code. Th e Commis s ion s h all promulgate rules gov ern in g th e regis tration of pre-n eed plan s an d th e required documen ts wh ich in clude, amon g oth ers, th e v iability s tudy with certification, un der oath, of a pre-n eed actuary accredited by th e Commis s ion, an y in formation broch ure, a copy of th e pre-n eed plan, an d in formation an d documen ts n eces s ary to en s ure th e protection of plan h olders an d th e gen eral public. Said rules s h all furth er s et forth th e con dition s un der wh ich s uchregis tration may be den ied, rev ok ed, s us pen ded or with drawn, an d th e remedies of pre-n eed compan ies in s uch in s tan ces.SEC. 15. Registration Requirements. – Th e Commis s ion s h all s et forth th e requiremen ts for regis tration of pre-n eed plan s an d s h all require th e followin g documen ts, amon g oth ers:a) D uly accomplis h ed R egis tration Statemen ts;b) Board res olution auth orizin g th e regis tration of applican t's pre-n eed plan s;c) Opin ion of in depen den t coun s el on th e legality of th e is s ue;d) A udited fin an cial s tatemen ts;e) V iability s tudy with certification, un der oath, of pre-n eed actuary accredited by th e Commis s ion s;f) Copy of th e propos ed pre-n eed plan; an dg) Sample of s ales materials.Such regis tration s tatemen ts an d s ales materials required un der th is Section s h all con tain th e appropriate ris k factors as may be determin ed by th e Commis s ion.SEC. 16.Accreditation of Actuary. – Th e Commis s ion s h all h av e th e power to s et s tan dards for th e accreditation of actuaries directly res pon s ible for th e preparation an d certification of th e v iability s tudy of th e pre-n eed plan s ubmitted byth e pre-n eed compan y for regis tration or amen dmen t with th e Commis s ion. I t s h all furth er h av e th e power to defin e th e obligation s an d liabilities of actuaries accredited by it. No actuary en gaged by a pre-n eed compan y s h all at th e s ame time be a s tock h older or s erv e as a director of th e board, ch ief executiv e officer or ch ief fin an cial officer of th e compan y or an y s uchpos ition th at th e Commis s ion may determin e to h av e an in h eren t con flict of in teres t to th e pos ition of an actuary.SEC. 17.Approval of Contract Forms. – A ll forms, in cludin g amen dmen ts th ereto, relatin g to th e pre-n eed plan s s h all be approv ed by th e Commis s ion. No pre-n eed con tracts or certificates s h all be is s ued or deliv ered with in th e P h ilippin es un les s in th e form prev ious ly approv ed by th e Commis s ion.SEC. 18.Pre-need Advertising Rules. – P re-n eed plan s s h all be adv ertis ed an d s old in an appropriate n on-mis leadin gman n er in accordan ce with th e rules to be pres cribed by th e Commis s ion.I t s h all be un lawful for an y pre-n eed compan y to adv ertis e its elf or its pre-n eed plan s un les s th e Commis s ion h as approv ed s uch adv ertis in g material. Th e Commis s ion s h all h av e a period of ten (10) work in g day s to approv e or den y th eadv ertis in g material an d failure to act with in th e s aid period s h all caus e th e adv ertis in g material to be approv ed. For purpos es h ereof, th e Commis s ion s h all h av e th e power to defin e th e s cope of its adv ertis in g rules to appropriately cov er adv ertis in g or oth er commun ication s to th e public.A n y pers on wh o s ells or offers to s ell an y pre-n eed plan or con tract by an y mean s or in s trumen ts of commun icationin v iolation of th is s ection s h all be liable to th e pers on purch as in g s uch pre-n eed con tract wh o may s ue to recov er th econ s ideration paid for s uch pre-n eed con tract with in teres t th ereon. I n addition h ereto, th e Commis s ion s h all h av e th e power to purs ue th e errin g pre-n eed compan y in an admin is trativ e or crimin al proceedin g.A fin e of On e h un dred th ous an d pes os (P100,000.00) s h all be impos ed on an y pre-n eed compan y foun d to h av ev iolated th is Section: P rov ided, Th at a s econ d v iolation of th is Section s h all, in addition to th e fin e impos ed, res ult in th es us pen s ion of th e licen s e of th e pre-n eed compan y.SEC. 19.Disclosures to Prospective Planholders. – No regis tered pre-n eed plan s h all be s old to pros pectiv e plan h oldersun les s an in formation broch ure, wh ich h as been filed with th e Commis s ion, h as been prov ided to th e purch as er. Th ein formation broch ure s h all con tain an explan ation of th e prin cipal features of th e pre-n eed plan, a s tatemen t th at th eplan h older may av ail of a default or rein s tatemen t period with in wh ich to rein s tate h is laps ed plan, an d th e con dition s ofth e s ame an d th e rates of return for s ch eduled ben efit plan s an d illus trativ e y ields for con tin gen t ben efit plan s, an d s uchoth er in formation th at th e Commis s ion s h all require by rule.CHA PTER VLICENSING OF SA LES COU NSELORS A ND GENERA L A GENTSSEC. 20.Licensing of Sales Counselors. – No s ales coun s elor s h all be allowed to s olicit, s ell or offer to s ell pre-n eed plan s un der th is Code with out bein g licen s ed as s uch by th e Commis s ion. No licen s e s h all be is s ued un les s th e followin g qualification s h av e been complied with:(a) Th e applican t mus t be of good moral ch aracter an d mus t n ot h av e been con v icted of an y crime in v olv in gmoral turpitude;(b) Th e applican t h as un dergon e a train in g program approv ed by th e Commis s ion an d s uch fact h as been certifiedun der oath by a duly auth orized repres en tativ e of a pre-n eed compan y; an d(c) Th e applican t h as pas s ed a written examin ation admin is tered by th e Commis s ion: Provided, Th at th eadmin is tration of th e examin ation may be delegated to an in depen den t organ ization un der th e s uperv is ion ofth e Commis s ion.Such licen s e s h all automatically expire ev ery th irtieth (30th) day of J un e or s uch date of ev ery y ear as may be fixed by th e Commis s ion an d may be accordin gly ren ewed.SEC. 21. Denial, Suspension, Revocation of License. – A n application for th e is s uan ce or ren ewal of a licen s e to act as s ales coun s elor may be den ied, or s uch licen s e, if already is s ued, s h all be s us pen ded or rev ok ed bas ed on th e followin g groun ds :a) materially mis repres en ted s tatemen ts in th e application requiremen ts;b) obtain ed or attempted to obtain a licen s e by fraud or mis repres en tation;c) materially mis repres en ted th e terms an d con dition s of pre-n eed plan wh ich h e s old or offered to s ell;d) s olicited, s old or attempted to s olicit or s ell a pre-n eed plan by mean s of fals e or mis leadin g repres en tationan d oth er fraudulen t mean s;e) termin ated for caus e from an oth er pre-n eed compan y;f) s imilar groun ds foun d in Section 11 of th is Code;g) willfully allowin g th e us e of on e’s licen s e by a n on-licen s ed or barred in div idual; an dh) an alogous circums tan ces.SEC. 22. Licensing of General Agents. – I f th e is s uer s h ould con tract th e s erv ices of a gen eral agen t to un dertak e th es ales of its plan s, s uch gen eral agen t s h all be required to be licen s ed as s uch with th e Commis s ion, in accordan ce with th e requiremen ts impos ed by th e Commis s ion.CHA PTER V IDEFA U LT A ND TERMINA TION BY PLA NHOLDERSSEC. 23. Default; Reinstatement Period. – Th e pre-n eed compan y mus t prov ide in all con tracts is s ued to plan h olders a grace period of at leas t s ixty (60) day s with in wh ich to pay accrued in s tallmen ts, coun ted from th e due date of th e firs tun paid in s tallmen t. Non pay men t of a plan with in th e grace period s h all ren der th e plan a laps ed plan. A n y pay men t by th e plan h older after th e grace period s h all be reimburs ed forth with, un les s th e plan h older duly rein s tates th e plan. Th eplan h older s h all be allowed a period of n ot les s th an two (2) y ears from th e laps e of th e grace period or a lon ger period asprov ided in th e con tract with in wh ich to rein s tate h is plan. No can cellation of plan s s h all be made by th e is s uer durin g s uch。

101 - ross和rach 各自在窗边看雨时的插曲【Sky Blue and Black】歌手Jackson Browne 专辑I'm Alive.104 - 男生们去看冰球比赛的插曲【Charge】是一首很老的歌经常在美国棒球和冰球比赛中播放107 - 停电时菲菲joey 和mon一起唱的歌(此时ross和rach在窗外和猫搏斗)【Top of the World】歌手The Carpenters.109 - joey的VD广告到处贴的背景音乐【Don't Stand So Close To Me】歌手The Police (菲比是他们的fan哈哈)ross对着carol的肚子唱的歌【Hey, Hey, We're the Monkeys】歌手The Monkeys110 - party刚开始时的背景音乐【Shiny Happy People】by R.E.M., from the album Out of Time.- 菲菲和david告别【Into Your Arms】by Lemonheads.111 - mon和菲菲照顾昏迷男【My Guy 】by Mary Wells.112 - 六个人一起哼的歌【The Odd Couple】- ross继续哼另外5个人不哼了的歌【I Dream of Jeannie.】115 - ross邀请bug lady(喜欢dirty talk的妞)去他家约会被猴子抓头发时的背景音乐【Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon】by Neil Diamond.117 - 菲菲到达party之前的背景音乐【What's the Frequency, Kenneth?】by R.E.M.- ross和marcel在医院【New York Minute】by Don Henley of The Eagles118&212 - marcel的最爱歌曲【The lion sleeps tonight】又名Mbube, by Soloman Linda.119 - louisa用麻醉枪打marcel是电视剧"Shaft.的主题曲121 - marcel被带走【You're a Big Boy Now】by John Sebastian.124 - rach在机场等待ross【Take a Bow】by Madonna, from her album, Bedtime Stories.【第二季】201 --ross和rach在阳台上聊天背景音乐是老友主题曲i'll be there 4 u 的乐器变种版204 --ross和julie上床的第二天早上ross在街上手舞足蹈【Singing in the Rain,】by Gene Kelly. 是同名电影的主题曲205 --monchanross三人去看演唱会的开场曲【 I Go Blind.】206 --Stephanie 在酒吧唱的歌(菲比在街上捣乱)【 Angel of the Morning,】 by The Pretenders客串stephanie的Chrissie Hynde就是这个乐队的成员207 --mon强迫chan和她一起锻炼【 Macho Man】by The Village People.--ross和rach第一次kiss本来制作人打算在这里用208的u2 song with or without you 但是来不及买版权了囧。
外国经典影视歌曲100首 (2)

欧美经典歌曲100首1、Michael Joseph Jackson我真不知道该选他什么歌贴在上面,如果贴也只能选几首不太喜欢的,然后其他全贴上。
2、Can't help falling in love 情不自禁坠入爱河Elvis aronpresley(猫王),一位现代流行音乐史上里程碑式的伟人,遥滚音乐史上不朽的象征,1957年7月5日他在孟斐斯录音棚里的一次演唱,被视为摇滚音乐的诞生日,当时只有19岁的他还只是一名卡车司机。
3,yesterday 昨天成立于1960年英国利物浦的TheBeatles(披头士)乐队,作为和猫王同时代齐名的音乐人,他们的出现冲击了美国音乐的基础,结束了当时世界流行乐坛的“猫王王朝”。
4、Seasons In The Sun 阳光季节也是一首被翻唱多次的歌曲,有很多故事在背后而且都很感人,歌曲版本流传最广的是爱尔兰音乐组合Westlife(西城男孩)所演唱的。
他们的好歌还有<Mylove>、<Flying without wings>、<If I let you go>、<You raise me up>都是冠军歌曲,可以欣赏一下。

They messed with my brain.他们以为已经得到了他们想要的Thought they knew what they get.但他们错了。
But they were wrong.他们不了解我。
They don't know me.我不知道接下来发生了什么,但我敢肯定:I don't know what happens next, but this I do know:如果你伤害了我,我会加倍奉还。
You hurt me, I hurt you worse.超脑48小时* C R I M I N A L *比尔波普中情局驻伦敦特工BILL POPE INTELLIGENCE AGENT CIA LONDON借过Excuse me.你好Hi there我的妻子上个星期在这订了一个棕色的达尔夫皮包My wife was here last week, insured a brown Daffle leather.先生,我们只进到了黑色款的那么她肯定会很失望We only have located in black colour, Sir. - Well, she will be very disappointed.好的非常感谢Right. OK. Thank you very much.嘿,吉尔爸爸,我是艾玛。
Hey Jilly. No, Daddy, it's Emma.- 我找不到我的宠物玩具 - 亲爱的,别担心,会找到的,让妈妈接电♥话♥I can not find Ellie. Hi! Baby, we'll find him. Give mommy...妈妈,爸爸的电♥话♥Mummy, it's daddy.嘿,比利。
- Hi, Billy. - Hi, Jilly.- 你什么时候回家? - 这就要看情况了。

Modern Beliefs
• In 2006, a physics professor at the University of Central Florida wrote a paper arguing that it is mathematically impossible for vampires to exist, based on geometric progression. According to the paper, if the first vampire had appeared on 1 January 1600, and it fed once a month (which is less often than what is depicted in films and folklore), and every victim turned into a vampire, then within two and a half years the entire human population of the time would have become vampires. The paper made no attempt to address the credibility of the assumption that every vampire victim would turn into a vampire.
Identifying vampires
• One method of finding a vampire's grave involugh a graveyard or church grounds on a virgin stallion—the horse would supposedly balk at the grave in question. Generally a black horse was required, though in Albania it should be white. Holes appearing in the earth over a grave were taken as a sign of vampirism.
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Prologue-The Stage of the Paris Opera, 1911 AUCTIONEER:Sold. Your number, sir? Thank you.Lot 663, then, ladies and gentlemen:a poster for this house's production of "Hannibal" by Chalumeau. PORTER:Showing here.AUCTIONEER:Do I have ten francs? Five then. Five I am bid.Six, seven. Against you, sir, seven.Eight. Eight once. Selling twice. Sold,to Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny.Lot 664: a wooden pistol and three human skullsfrom the 1831 production of "Robert le Diable" by Meyerbeer.T en francs for this. Ten, thank you.Ten francs still. Fifteen, thank you, sir Fifteen I am bid.Going at fifteen. Your number, sir?665, ladies and gentlemen:a papier-mache musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ. Attached,the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals. This item,discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order.PORTER:Showing here.AUCTIONEER:May I start at twenty francs? Fifteen, then?Fifteen I am bid. Sold, for thirty francs to the Vicomte de Chagny.Thank you, sir.RAOUL:A collector's piece indeed . . . every detail exactly as she said . . .She often spoke of you, my friend ....Your velvet lining, and your figurine of lead...Will you still play, when all the rest of us are dead?AUCTIONEER:Lot 666, then: a chandelier in pieces.Some of you may recall the strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera:a mystery never fully explained.We are told, ladies and gentlemen,that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster.Our workshops have repaired it and wired parts of it for the new electric light,so that we may get a hint of how it may look when reassembled.Perhaps we may frighten away the ghost of so many yearsago with a little illumination, gentlemen?HannibalCARLOTTA:This trophy from our saviours, from our saviours!From the enslaving force of Rome!GIRL'S CHORUS:With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet thevictorious throng, returned to bring salvation!MEN'S CHORUS:The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to ourstep on the ground!ALL:Hear the drums -- Hannibal comes!PIANGI:Sad to return to find the landwe love threatened once more by Roma's far-reaching grasp,REYER:Signor . . . if you please: "Rome".We say "Rome' not "Roma"PIANGI:Si, si, Rome, not Roma. Is very hard for me.LEFEVRE:This way, gentlemen, this way.Rehearsals, as you see, are under way, for a new production of Chalumeau's"Hannibal".Ladies and gentlemen, some of you may already, perhaps, have met M. Andre and M.Firmin ...REYER:I'm sorry, M. Lefevre, we are rehearsing. Ifyou wouldn't mind waiting a moment?LEFEVRE:My apologies, M. Reyer. Proceed, proceed ...REYER:Thank you, monsieur. "Sadto return..." Signor ...LEFEVRE:M. Reyer, our chief repetiteur. Rather a tyrant, I'm afraid.PIANGI:Sad to return to find the land we lovethreatened once more by Rome's far-reaching grasp.Tomorrow, we shall break the chains of Rome.Tonight, rejoice - your army has come home.LEFEVRE:Signor Piangi, our principal tenor.He does play so opposite La Carlotta.GIRY:Gentlemen, please! If you would kindly move to one side?LEFEVRE:My apologies, Mme. Giry.Mme. Giry, our ballet mistress.I don't mind confessing, M. Firmin, I shan't be sorry to be rid of the wholeblessed business.FIRMIN:I keep asking you, monsieur, why exactly are you retiring?LEFEVRE:We take a particular pride here in the excellence of our ballets.ANDRE:Who's that girl, Lefevre?LEFEVRE:Her? Meg Giry, Madame Giry's daughter.Promising dancer, M. Andre, most promising.GIRY:You! Christine Daa? Concentrate, girl!MEG:Christine . . . What's the matter?FIRMIN:Daa? Curious nameLEFEVRE:Swedish.ANDRE:Any relation to the violinist?LEFEVRE;His daughter, I believe.Always has her head in the clouds, I'm afraid.CHORUS:Bid welcome to Hannibal's guests -the elephants of Carthage!As guides on our conquering quests, Dido sends Hannibal's friends! CARLOTTA:Once more to my welcoming arms my love returns in splendour!PIANGI:Once more to those sweetest of charms my heart and soul surrender! CHORUS:The trumpeting elephants sound -- hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to their step on the ground -- hear the drums! Hannibal drums!LEFEVRE:Ladies and gentlemen - Madame Giry, thank you - may I have your attention, please? Asyou know, for some weeks there have been rumours of my Imminent retirement.I can now tell you that these were all true and it is my pleasure to introduce to you thetwo gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire, M. Richard Firmin and M. GillesAndre.Gentlemen, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons now. ANDRE:Of course, of course. I have experienced all your greatest roles, Signora.LEFEVRE:And Signor Ubaldo Piangi.FIRMIN:An honour, Signor.ANDRE:If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of "Hannibal".I wonder, Signora, if, as a personal favour, you would oblige us with a private rendition?Unless, of course, M. Reyer objects . . .CARLOTTA:My manager commands . . . M. Reyer?REYER:My diva commands. Will two bars be sufficient introduction?FIRMIN:Two bars will be quite sufficientREYER:Signora?CARLOTTA:Maestro.CARLOTTA:Think of me, think of me fondlywhen we've said goodbye ...Remember me, Every so often,Please promise me you'll try ...On that day, that not so distant day,when you are far away and free,if you ever find a moment, spare a thought for me ...Think of me, think of me...CHORUS:The Phantom of the Opera! He's with us, he's a ghost ...He's here! The Phantom of the Opera!LEFEVRE:Signora! Are you all right? Buquet! Where is Buquet? Get that man down here!Chief of the flies. He's responsible for this.Buquet! For God's sake, man, what's going on up there?BUQUET:Please monsieur don't look at me:as God's my witness,I was not at my post.Please monsieur, there's no one there:and if there is, well then, it must be a ghost . . .MEG:He's there; the Phantom of the Opera ...ANDRE:Good heavens! Will you show a little courtesy?FIRMIN:Mademoiselle, please ...ANDRE:These things do happen!CARLOTTA:Si! These things do happen! Well, until you stop these things happening, thisthing does not happen!Ubaldo! Andiamo!PIANGI:Amateurs!LEFEVRE:I don't think there's much more to assist you, gentlemen. Good luck.If you need me, I shall be in Frankfurt .ANDRE:La Carlotta will be back.GIRY:You think so, messieurs? I have a message, sir, from the Opera Ghost. FIRMIN:God in Heaven, you're all obsessed!GIRY:He merely welcomes you to his opera houseand commands you to continue to leave Box Five empty for his useand reminds you that his salary is due.FIRMIN:His salary?GIRY:Monsieur Lefevre paid him twenty thousand francs a month.Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomte de Chagny as your patron. ANDRE:Madame, I had hoped to have made that announcement myself.GIRY:。

城堡爱情英文故事Once upon a time, in a distant land nestled among rolling hills and ancient forests, there stood a magnificent castle. This castle, known as Whispering Oaks, was not just afortress of stone and mortar but a place steeped in legends of love and longing.At the heart of Whispering Oaks lived Lord Alexander, a nobleman of kind heart and gentle spirit. He had inherited the castle from his ancestors and was known throughout the realm for his wisdom and fairness. Yet, despite his stature, Lord Alexander harbored a secret—a longing for true lovethat had eluded him thus far.In a nearby village, there resided Lady Eleanor, renowned for her beauty and grace. She was the daughter of a humble merchant but possessed a spirit as fierce as any knight's. Eleanor had grown up hearing tales of Whispering Oaks and itsenigmatic lord. She often wondered about the man who dwelled within its walls, surrounded by mystery and intrigue.One fateful day, during the annual harvest festival, fate intervened. Lord Alexander, clad in his finest attire, rode into the village square amidst cheers and celebration. His eyes, as blue as the summer sky, caught sight of Eleanor amidst the throng of villagers. She stood there, a vision in emerald silk, her laughter ringing like silver bells.Their gazes locked, and in that moment, something shifted within both their hearts. Alexander approached Eleanor with a courtly bow, and she curtsied in return, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and curiosity."Lady Eleanor," Alexander began, his voice resonating with warmth and sincerity, "I have heard much about your beauty and charm. Might I have the honor of your company for this evening's festivities?"Eleanor's heart fluttered at his words, but she composed herself with grace. "It would be my pleasure, Lord Alexander," she replied, her voice steady despite the rapid beat of her heart.And so, amidst the music and revelry, Lord Alexander and Lady Eleanor danced under the starlit sky. They talked and laughed as if they had known each other for a lifetime, their souls drawn together by an invisible thread of destiny.As days turned into weeks and weeks into months,Alexander and Eleanor's bond deepened. They spent hourswalking in the castle gardens, sharing dreams and aspirations. Alexander found himself entranced by Eleanor's wit and intelligence, while Eleanor marveled at Alexander's kindness and generosity.However, their burgeoning love was not without challenges. Whispers of discontent among the courtiers and nobles reached Alexander's ears. They spoke of Eleanor's humble origins andquestioned her suitability as a match for the lord of Whispering Oaks. But Alexander's heart remained steadfast, his love for Eleanor unwavering.One stormy night, as lightning split the sky and rain lashed against the castle walls, Alexander sought solace in the chapel. There, illuminated by candlelight, he knelt before the altar, his thoughts consumed by Eleanor. He prayed for guidance, for the strength to overcome the obstacles that threatened to tear them apart.Suddenly, Eleanor appeared in the doorway, her eyes wide with concern. She had sensed his turmoil and had come tooffer him comfort. Without a word, she crossed the chapel and knelt beside him, taking his hand in hers."My love," Eleanor whispered, her voice barely audible over the roar of the storm, "together we can face any challenge. Our love is stronger than any adversity."Moved beyond words, Alexander gazed into Eleanor's eyes, seeing in them the reflection of his own deepest desires. In that moment, he knew that their love was a force that could withstand the tests of time and fate.From that day forward, Alexander and Eleanor faced the world united. They defied convention and expectation, forging their own path amidst the tapestries of history. Whispering Oaks became not just a castle but a symbol—a testament to the enduring power of love.And so, the legend of Lord Alexander and Lady Eleanor of Whispering Oaks spread far and wide, inspiring generations with its tale of passion and perseverance. For theirs was a love that transcended boundaries, a love that whispered through the corridors of time, echoing in the hearts of all who heard their story.。

期 间:美国与西班牙、英国所签订的三个国际条约规定了菲律宾的领土范围,其中不包括南沙群岛°这些条约的法 律效力一再得到菲律宾的确认。
1933年「九小岛事件”发生后,美国依据上 三个条约的规定,认为南沙群岛 不在菲律宾的领土范围之内,拒绝了菲律宾政要所提出的占领南沙群岛的要求;二战后期,美国在研究战后世界秩序的过程中,其官方研究报告和内部讨论多次明确指出南沙群岛不是菲律宾的领土。
在1 946年菲律宾独,菲律宾美国在南沙群岛问题上的帮助,但美国一直拒绝在 上 菲律宾°从一系 据 ,从美国的 ,南沙群岛不属于菲律宾。
关 南沙群岛 美国 菲律宾[中图分类号]D834.1[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1003-24792020)06-104-09AnAn a lysis of Irratio n ality of the Philipp i n e s ' Claim to the Spratly Isla n ds From the Perspective of U.S. Sta n eeLI GuangAbstract : Ever since 1898, the Philippines has maintained a very special relationship with the United States,b; which to a large extent its internal affairs and diplomacy have been controlled.During the period, the U.S. signed three treaties with Spain and the UK, which stipulated the territorial scope of the Philippines. According to the treaties, which was repeatedly confirmed valid by the Philippines,the Spratly Islands were not within the Philippines ' territory. In 1933, following the Nine-island Event, the U.S.believed the Spratly Islands were not within the territorial limits of the Philippines according to the treaties,therefore refused the request ofthe Philippine authoritiesto occupy the Spratly Islands.When studying the post-war order in the late period of the World War II, the American official research reports and internal discussions clearly pointed out that the Spratly Islands were not the Philippines ' territory. From 1946 when the Philippines became independent to the end of the Cold War, the Philippines has tried many times to gain support from the U.S. on the Spratly Islands, but has always been rejected on this issue. With a series of evidence, it can be concluded that the Spratly Islands was/is not the Philippines ' territory from the perspective of the U.S..Key Words : The Spratly Islands; The U.S.; The Philippinesoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo引言1898年,美国与西班牙之间爆发了一场战争。

各种风格英文歌温暖,悠闲【Anaesthesia】Maximilian Hecker•【Summer Days In Bloom】Maximilian Hecker•!【Let's start from here】王若琳【Tommai mai rub sak tee】Lydia(泰语)【Disguise】Lene marlin【When You Say Nothing At All】Ronan Keating【valder fields】Tamas Wells柔。
【seven years】Norah Jones•。
【Gloomy Sunday】【Luar na Lubre】西班牙民谣【Pretty Boy】轻快【the saltwater room】Owl City•【do you know】Enrique Iglesias (The Ping Pong Son)【touch my body】Mariah Carey玛利亚凯莉,【I'm Yours】Jason Mraz; 我是你的,你的。
【Solo】Kate Havnevik一定要听,节奏不是很快。
【my lucky day】Lene marlin ‘Everything will be ok’……因为这句我喜欢上这首歌。
【Unforgivable Sinner】Lene marlin前奏是辽大澡堂之歌。
O(∩_∩)o…【Sitting Down Here】Lene marlin【whatever it takes】Lene marlin【7 days】Craig David这个是潘猴子介绍我的。
【Beautiful Girls】Sean kingston这个还有歌女声版本但还是喜欢这个版本。
【Force of Nature】Lenka【Whatcha Think About That】The 1900s【Lose You】Linda Sundblad【mary jane shoes】Fergie菲姬调调轻松明快。

For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone
•The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
Audrey Hepburn
----Angel in the
motal world
Audrey Hepburn was a famous musical show and film actress, served the United Nations children's fund (UNICEF) envoy in her old age . As one of the Hollywood's most famous actress, she with decorous temperament and tasteful wearing celebrated. In 1999, she was elected as the greatest actress third place in the latest 100 years by American Film Institude.
The Dutch seven lesson "still
In 1953, Audrey Hepburn and Hollywood star Gregory Parker filmed together in "Roman holiday" show in public. Hepburn played a role in it as a lovely princess Anne, showed the princess noble, elegant breath, appearance beautiful posture is lightsome and free from vulgarity, slim, a black short hair, sexy girl in the blonde faddish, and immediately attracted audience's attention. Especially shear Hepburn showed the innocence of head, make her success in winning majority person's appreciation, "Hepburn head" instantly became popular international hairdo. At that time, Hepburn became international celebrities, people said she was strengthened and the best actress after BaoMan. Many newspapers comments said: "a praise Hepburn new born!"

Australia's premier city is the oldest settlement in Australia, the economic powerhouse of the nation and the country's capital, Canberra is everything but name. Built on the shores of the stunning Port Jackson, you would have to die and go to heaven before you see a more spectacular setting for a city. It's a vital, self-regarding metropolis, making itself a melting pot with people from all over the world. When to Go The best times to visit are of spring and autumn, especially around March to April or October to November. Sydney is blessed with a temperate climate. Sometimes torrential downpours often break the heat between October and March. Winters are cool rather than cold. Beach lovers unperturbed by the hazards of lizard-skin should come between December and February. Sydney Harbor The harbor is the defining characteristic of the city. Its multiple sandstone headlands, dramatic cliffs, rocky islands and stunning bays and beaches, make it one of the most beautiful stretches of water in the world. Officially called Port Jackson, the harbor stretches some 20km inland to join the mouth of the Parramatta River. The most scenic area is on the ocean side of the bridge. The Sydney Harbor National Park protects the scattered pockets of bushland around the harbour and offers good walking tracks. The best way to experience the harbour is to go sailing, but if you're lacking nautical skills there are plenty of ways to enjoy it. Try catching the Manly ferry, swimming at Nielsen Park, walking from Manly to Spit Bridge, having a drink at Watsons Bay, dining with a view at Rose Bay, Balmoral or Circular Quay, or cruising to the heads on the Bounty. Sydney Opera House Australia's most recognizable icon is dramatically situated on the eastern headland of Circular Quay. Its famous sail- and shell-like roofs were inspired by palm fronds, according to architect Jorn Utzon, but may remind you of turtles engaging in sexual congress. The Opera House is so unique that it has been photographed a zillion times, appears on an army of cheap t-shirts, every other Sydney postcard and decorates the frames of Dame Edna's dramatic glasses. It was built between 1959 and 1973, but plagued with construction delays and political difficulties which culminated in the resignation of Utzon in 1966. Although some visitors are disappointed by the interior, designed by a consortium of Australians after Utzon quit, it's a truly memorable place to see a performance or to sit at one of its outdoor cafes with a bottle of white wine and watch harbour life go by. The Opera House hosts theatre, classical music, ballet and film, as well as the seasonal opera performances. There is free music on the prow of the Opera House on weekends and a craft market on the forecourt on Sunday. The Rocks The Rocks is the oldest, quaintest part of Sydney. Today it is unrecognizable from the squalid, overcrowded and plague-ridden place it used to be. Reinvented by visionaries in the building industry and the trade union movement in the 1970s, the Rocks is now a sanitized, historical tourist precinct, full of cobbled streets, colonial buildings and stuffed koalas. If you ignore the kitsch, a stroll around the Rocks can be delightful. Attractions include the weekend market, the Earth Exchange geological and mining museum, and numerous craft shops and art galleries. But it's the old buildings, alleyways and historic facades that attract most visitors. Try exploring the less developed areas in the contiguous suburb of Millers Point, which has not sacrificed its community life to the tourist dollar. Check out the Lord Nelson Brewery Hotel and The Hero of Waterloo, two of Sydney's oldest pubs. Circular Quay Circular Quay is built around Sydney Cove and is considered by many to be the focal point of the city. The first European settlement in Australia grew around the Tank Stream which now runs underground into the harbour here. For many years this was the shipping centre of Sydney, but it's now both a commuting hub and a recreational space, combining ferry quays, a railway station and the Overseas Passenger Terminal with harbour walkways, restaurants, buskers, parks, the Museum of Contemporary Art and, of course, the Sydney Opera House. Macquarie Street Sydney's greatest concentration of early public buildings grace Macquarie St, many of them commissioned by Governor Macquarie and designed by the convict architect Francis Greenway. The most impressive are the elegant, two-storied Parliament House, Sydney Hospital, the Mint Building, the exquisite Hyde Park Barracks, St James Church and the voluminous State Library. The Barracks and the Mint are now museums, the library hosts exhibitions and there are tours of both the hospital and Parliament House. Macquarie St is the eastern boundary of the Central Business District and borders the Domain and the Royal Botanic Gardens. It runs from Hyde Park to Circular Quay. The Domain, Art Gallery & Botanic Gardens The Domain is a large grassy area east of Macquarie St which was set aside by Governor Phillip for public recreation. Today it is used by city workers for lunchtime sports and as a place to escape the bustle of the city. On Sunday afternoons,it's the gathering place for impassioned soapbox speakers, who do their best to entertain or enrage their listeners. It is also the venue for free events held during the festival of Sydney in January and the popular Carols by Candlelight at Christmas. The Art Gallery of New South Wales is in the northeast corner of the Domain. It has excellent permanent exhibitions of Australian, European, Japanese and tribal art, and has some inspired temporary exhibits. The Royal Botanic Gardens encompass Farm Cove, the first bay east of Circular Quay, and include the site of the colony's first vegetable patch. They contain a magnificent collection of South Pacific plant life, tropical displays in the Arc and Pyramid glasshouses, and a beautiful, old-fashioned formal rose garden. The spectacularly located gardens are a favoured spot for family picnics and wedding photographs. Darling Harbour This huge waterfront tourist and leisure park comprises walkways, gardens, museums, an aquarium, convention centre, casino, eateries and shops. It was once a thriving dockland area, but it declined to the level of an urban eyesore before being reinvented as Darling Harbour in the 1980s by a combination of vision, planning, politicking, forbearance and huge amounts of cash. The emphasis is on casual fun and enjoyment of the kind appreciated by families with small children and coach tourists. The highlights are the Sydney Aquarium, the Australian National Maritime Museum, the water sculpture, the Chinese Garden, the massive IMAX cinema, and the nearby Powerhouse Museum, Sydney's most spectacular museum. Bondi Beach Bondi Beach is the grand dame of Sydney's beaches with a magnificent sweep of sand and a never-ending series of majestic rollers crashing into the shallows. The suburb of Bondi Beach is an eclectic mix of ice cream parlours, designer cafes, greasy fish & chips joints, kosher shops and surf fashion stores. The seafront promenade and pavilion have been given a welcome facelift; car parking and fixing the offshore sewage outlets remain the only problems. Ku-Ring-Gai-Chase National Park Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park covers 150 sq km (60 sq mi) of sandstone bushland at the mouth of the Hawkesbury River, 24km (15mi) north of Sydney. The park has over 100km (60mi) of shoreline, plenty of forest and wildlife, a number of walking tracks and some magnificent Aboriginal rock art. Elevated parts of the park offer superb views across Pittwater towards the northernmost suburbs of Sydney. Royal National Park The Royal National Park, 35km (22mi) south of city, is the oldest gazetted national park in the world. The sea of low scrub which covered the sandstone plateau in the north of the park was devastated by the 1994 bushfires, but the forested river valleys and the beaches were unscathed. The park is dissected by the Hacking River and there are riverside picnic and boat hiring facilities at Audley. There's a spectacular 26km (16mi) coastal track stretching the length of the park, which is accessible from Bundeena. It passes the lovely lagoon beach at Wattamolla, and the popular surfing spot at Garie Beach. The best views are from the southern boundary of the park overlooking Bulli from the edge of the Illawarra escarpment. Most visitors to Sydney arrive at Kingsford Smith airport. Airfares to Australia are expensive - it's a long way from anywhere and flights are often heavily booked. The most pleasant way to get around in Sydney is by ferry. A trip on the Manly Ferry is the best way to experience the harbor if you can't charm someone into taking you sailing. Major roads from Sydney go north to Newcastle, west to the Blue Mountains, south to Melbourne and Canberra and down the south coast to Wollongong. Anyway, you will certainly find this trip to Sydney Australia one of your most memorable experiences in your life. The trip will leave you sweet memories that you would like to share with your family and your friends.。
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The Philippines’Arbitration Pleading Bodes Ill for South ChinaSea DisputesTHE Philippines submitted on March 30 a memorial to the arbitral tribunal at The Hague,urging it to invalidate China’s“nine-dash line”in the South China Sea. The Philippines first initiated arbitral proceedings against China over the South China Sea issue on January 22,2013. In blatant disregard of China’s strong opposition,the Philippines resorted to international jurisdiction to assert its claims to the relevant South China Sea islands,so exploiting the international community’s propensity to sympathize with the underdog. The Philippines’unilateral denial of China’s sovereignty over certain South China Sea islands and maritime areas takes no consideration of historical facts,and is consequently unacceptable to the Chinese government. On April 1,a spokesperson from China’s Foreign Ministry expressed China’s stance on the Philippines’arbitration request ?Cthat of non-acceptance,non-response,and non-participation. The Philippines’unilateral action will inevitably aggravate tensions as a whole arising from sovereignty disputes over islands and waters in the South China Sea.International Judicial Intervention Not the SolutionThe UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)came into effect in 1994. The same year,the UN established in Hamburg the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)that provides a judicial platform for settling disputes. As one of the UNCLOS contracting parties,China undertakes the relevant UNCLOS obligations and resolutely upholds the arbitral tribunal as constituted under UNCLOS Annex VII. The South China Sea disputes,however,are not applicable to international judiciary intervention.First,the disputes involve China,the Philippines,Vietnam,Malaysia,and Brunei,as well as the region of Taiwan. All have longstanding overlapping territorial and maritime claims in the South China Sea. On March 30,the Philippines submitted a 4,000-page memorial to the international tribunal that challenges China. However,the Philippines also has disputes with Vietnam,Brunei,and Taiwan over related islands and exclusive economic zones (EEZs)in the South China Sea. In disregarding the diverse disputes in this area and focusing its international lawsuit solely on China’s nine-dash line,the Philippines has violated theprinciple of consistency and non-discrimination under the general rule of law.China’s sovereignty claims in the South China Sea are mainly based on its historical rights and on international maritime laws. The nine-dash line as China’s demarcation line in the South China Sea can be traced back to 1948,when the national government of the Republic of China (1912-1949)justified its claims in the area. The People’s Republic of China,as the legitimate succeeding regime,asserted in 1958 its sovereignty and rights over the related islands and waters in the South China Sea,based on the nine-dash line and a declaration of its territorial waters. Since then,the Chinese government has been consistent in its campaign to safeguard the country’s legal rights in this controversial area,but has never discriminated against any country. Taiwan,meanwhile,is also an adamant supporter of the nine-dash line. Since the 1970s,neighboring countries in the South China Sea have successively taken advantage of turbulent domestic situations that have arisen in China by occupying most islands in the area. This has complicated South China Sea sovereignty disputes. In disregarding the fundamental facts of the matter,the Philippines’arbitration request against China reveals thecountry’s ulterior motive and also impedes resolution of the related disputes. The Philippines’assumption that defeating China through an international lawsuit will enable it to call the shots on the South China Sea issue,and thereby legitimately claim the Nansha Islands it has occupied,is naive.Unless the related parties in the South China Sea disputes agree to show goodwill through negotiation,sovereignty disputes over the area will remain unresolved,whether or not the international arbitral tribunal makes its judicial interpretation of the nine-dash line. The Philippine government is now trying to claim the moral high ground by filing for arbitration on the basis that,as a small country facing China,and all that this implies,it has no choice but to resort to the international tribunal to safeguard its rights. It has even gone so far as to assert that the lawsuit against China is a main contribution to the international maritime judicial system. A popular Chinese cyber phrase sums up the Philippines’stance as one that is “very foolish,very ingenuous.”The underlying motive is simply to legitimize the Philippines’occupation of China’s South China Sea islands by taking advantage of the U.S. rebalance strategy in the Asia-Pacific region while milking media sympathy from the international community.No More than a FarceThe Philippines has the right,according to the relevant UNCLOS regulations,to submit a pleading for international judicial arbitration on disputes over maritime territory and related rights and interests. The Chinese government has never denied the reasonableness of such actions. Solving territorial disputes between countries,however,calls more for reliance on the principles of cooperation and friendship than on international lawsuits. Promoting inter-state friendship and cooperation constitutes one of the three principles of the UN Charter. It is also the cornerstone of all international judicial systems. Yet in spite of the Chinese government’s solemn opposition,the Declaration on the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea that China and ASEAN countries signed in 2002,and the fundamental reality of the good-neighborly relationship between the two countries,the Philippines unilaterally submitted the Sino-Philippine dispute over jurisdictional rights in the South China Sea for international arbitration. All things considered,this is not a rational move.The Chinese government has always dealt with the South China Sea disputes in the spirit of good-neighborly friendship,mutual benefit,and cooperation with the neighboring ASEANcountries. In the early 1990s,Deng Xiaoping laid down the principles of “grasping sovereignty,shelving disputes and co-developing the resources.”Since 2000,China has emphasized the goal of creating an amicable,prosperous,and peaceful neighborly environment in its relationship with ASEAN. The China-ASEAN Free Trade Area was officially established in January 2012,and in 2013,bilateral trade of the two economies surpassed US $443.6 billion,up 10.9 percent over the previous year. In 2012,bilateral trade between China and the Philippines reached a record US$36.7 billion. Of the 10 ASEAN countries,the Philippines is China’s sixth-largest trading partner. Premier Li Keqiang said in September 2013 at the 10th China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning that bilateral trade between China and ASEAN should strive to surpass US $1 trillion by 2020. China and the Philippines also have broad prospects for economic and trade cooperation and joint development of South China Sea resources. Yet under this background of bilateral friendship and cooperation,the Philippine government had no scruples about making abusive comments about and displaying obnoxious behavior towards China. It thus seriously compromised the goodwill of the Chinese government and people,their friendship and bilateralfriendly cooperation. These actions moreover provoked misunderstanding and even hostility towards China among the people of the Philippines on the South China Sea issue,so souring friendship and cooperation that had existed in spite of the South China Sea disputes. To strengthen the reasonability of its international judicial arbitration claim against China,the Philippine government has in recent years incited other ASEAN members to join with it in suing China. Its apparent aim has been for the Philippines to represent ASEAN,in keeping with its interests,by raising the lawsuit on the association’s behalf. But no other ASEAN member expressed support on March 30,or opted to join the Philippines in suing China. Thus far,the Philippines has chosen unilaterally to submit the memorial for arbitration on the sovereign disputes in the South China Sea. In so doing it has isolated itself from other ASEAN members.The Declaration on the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea signed by China and ASEAN in 2002 is by far the most important document on the bilateral relationship of any in the South China Sea disputes. It explicitly states that China and ASEAN will conduct dialogues and discussion on South China Sea sovereignty and interests,so guaranteeing a peaceful andreasonable path to resolving the matter. In the ASEAN Regional Forum ministerial conference,Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi stated that the Chinese government would initiate negotiations on signing a binding Code of Conduct on the South China Sea in efforts to resolve the issue. So far,the two parties have completed three rounds of dialogues on how to achieve unanimity with regards to criteria for conduct in the South China Sea.No matter how serious the disputes are,if the two countries carry out negotiations within the China-ASEAN friendship and cooperation framework,there is no bridge that cannot be crossed,as the old Chinese saying goes. But Manila has adopted an aggressive stance. On one hand,it has strengthened military cooperation with Japan and the U.S.,and shown no compunction about reopening its Subic Bay naval and air military base in the South China Sea,so endeavoring to “contain”China;on the other,it has gone whining to the international arbitration court. These actions fundamentally violate the principle of negotiation applicable to the South China Sea disputes.Arbitration Won’t Force China into a CornerWhether provoking conflicts under the pretext of beingbullied by China or threatening China with international judicial arbitration,either way the Philippines is doomed to failure. The nine-dash line is the traditional line of demarcation whereby China deals with islands in the South China Sea and related waters. It has ample historical and legal basis. The Chinese government has adopted a position of “nonacceptance and non-participation”on the lawsuit. This is not due to intimidation,but rather with the aim of registering a firm response to the Philippines’coarse action that disregards the reality of China-ASEAN friendly cooperation,and which is contrary to the Declaration on the Code of Conduct on the South China Sea. Chinese people are not afraid of confronting the Philippines before a court of law. But with reason on our side,why should we follow where the Philippines leads?A review of the Philippine government’s previous actions is in order. In 1999,a Philippine landing vessel illegally grounded on Ren’ai Reef,claiming it had been stranded,so seizing the reef. In April 2012,Philippine warships stopped and searched Chinese fishing boats that had sailed into Huangyan Island waters. In June 2013,Philippine soldiers shot at a Taiwan fishing boat,killing a Taiwanese fisherman. These events imply that Manila should consider its past deeds and thereasons behind them.The Philippines’submission of a memorial for arbitration,however,has undoubtedly further complicated the situation in the South China Sea. The “factors from outside of the region”are growingly aggressive,and disputes over maritime territory in East Asia are becoming a major threat to regional security situation. In view of this negative trend of development,all the Asian-Pacific countries that hope for regional stability,cooperation and prosperity must maintain vigilance.。