

31012709_Liebert NX 30kVA和40kVA UPS_V1.0_3.4用户手册

31012709_Liebert NX 30kVA和40kVA UPS_V1.0_3.4用户手册
1.若长时间存储或放置不使用,必须将本产品置于干燥、洁净和规定温度范围的环境中。 2.本产品应在适当的工作环境中使用(详见本产品手册环境要求章节)。 3.禁止在以下工作环境中使用本产品:
超出本产品技术指标规定的高温、低温或潮湿场所 有导电粉尘、腐蚀性气体、盐雾或可燃性气体的场所 有振动、易受撞的场所 靠近热源或有强电磁场干扰的场所
1.1 特点.........................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 设计思想.................................................................................................................................................................................1
与其它类型的大功率设备一样,UPS 及电池开关盒/电池柜内部带有高压。但由于带高压的元器件只有打开前门(有锁)才可 能接触到,所以接触高压的可能性已降到最小。本设备符合 IP20 标准,内部还有其它的安全屏蔽。 如果遵照一般规范并按照本书所建议的步骤进行设备的操作,将不会存在任何危险。
第一章 概述 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1

DMK 33UX264 相机技术手册说明书

DMK 33UX264 相机技术手册说明书

技术细节1.要件速览 42.尺寸图 6 2.1DMK 33UX264 带脚架适配器的C型接口 (6)2.2DMK 33UX264 不带脚架适配器的C型接口 (7)2.3DMK 33UX264 带脚架适配器的CS型接口 (8)2.4DMK 33UX264 不带脚架适配器的CS型接口 (9)3.I/O 连接器 10 3.112-pin I/O 连接器 (10)3.1.1TRIGGER_IN (11)3.1.2STROBE_OUT (11)4.光谱特征 124.1光谱灵敏度 - IMX264LLR-C (12)5.相机控制 13 5.1传感器读出控制 (13)5.1.1像素格式 (13) Monochrome (13)16-Bit Monochrome (13)分辨率 (14)5.1.3读出模式 (14)5.1.4帧速率 (15)5.1.5局部扫描偏移 (16)5.1.6图像翻转 (17)5.2图像传感器控制 (17)5.2.1曝光时间 (17)5.2.2增益 (18)5.2.3黑电平 (18)5.3自动曝光及增益控制 (18)5.3.1自动曝光 (19)5.3.2自动增益 (19)5.3.3自动参考值 (19)5.3.4强光缩减 (20)5.3.5自动曝光限制 (20)5.3.6自动增益限制 (21)5.4触发 (22)5.4.1触发模式 (22)5.4.2触发极性 (22)5.4.3软件触发 (22)5.4.4触发曝光模式 (23)5.4.5触发脉冲计数 (23)5.4.6触发源 (23)5.4.7触发重叠 (24)5.4.8IM X低延迟模式 (24)5.5触发定时参数 (24)5.5.1触发延迟 (24)5.5.2触发去抖时间 (25)5.5.3触发遮罩时间 (25)5.5.4触发噪声抑制时间 (25)5.6数字I/O (26)5.6.1通用输入 (26)5.6.2通用输出 (26)5.7频闪 (27)5.7.1频闪启用 (27)5.7.2频闪极性 (27)5.7.3频闪操作 (28)5.7.4频闪时间 (28)5.7.5頻閃延遲 (28)5.8图像处理 (28)伽玛 (29)查找表 (29)5.9自动功能感兴趣的区域 (30)5.9.1自动功能ROI启用 (30)5.9.2自动功能ROI预设 (30)5.9.3自动功能ROI自定义矩形 (31)5.10用户设置 (32)5.10.1用户设置选择器 (32)5.10.2加载用户设置 (32)5.10.3保存用户设置 (33)5.10.4默认用户配置 (33)5.11多帧输出模式启用 (33)5.11.1多帧输出模式启用 (33)5.11.2多帧输出模式帧计数 (34)5.11.3多帧输出模式曝光时间 (34)5.11.4多帧输出模式自定义增益 (34)5.11.5多帧输出模式增益 (34)6.R ev i s i o n H i story 361要件速览2尺寸图2.1DMK 33UX264 带脚架适配器的C型接口2.4DMK 33UX264 不带脚架适配器的CS型接口3I/O 连接器3.112-pin I/O 连接器相机后视图1开极闸M O S FET最大限制0.2A(I D)!2启动电流最低条件3.5 m A!3G:地O:输出 I:输入3.1.1T RI GGE R_I NTRIGGER_IN线可用于将曝光时间的开始与外部事件同步。

艾德姆衡器 Nimbus NBL Series 操作手册说明书

艾德姆衡器 Nimbus NBL Series 操作手册说明书

目录目录1天平 (1)2产品简介 (2)3产品规格 (3)4天平的包装 (9)5天平的放置 (9)6设置天平 (11)6.1天平的安装 (11)6.1.1天平的水平校准 (11)6.1.2预热时间 (11)6.2校准 (12)6.2.1手动校准 (12)6.2.2使用内校砝码校准(如果是内校型号) (12)6.2.3使用外部砝码校准 (12)6.2.4自动校准 (13)6.2.5校准误差 (13)7显示 (14)7.1符号和字符 (14)8按键面板 (15)8.1数字输入方法 (16)9输入/输出 (17)10操作 (18)10.1初始化 (18)10.2密码 (18)10.3称重 (19)10.4功能 (20)10.4.1零件计数 (21)10.4.2百分比称重 (22)10.4.3动态(动物)称重 (23)10.4.4密度测定 (25)11RS-232 接口 (27)11.1硬件 (27)11.2输出格式 (27)11.2.1单行输出格式 (27)11.2.2标准输出格式 (28)11.2.3自定义输出格式 (28)11.3使用远程键输入命令 (29)11.3.1无效输入命令: (29)12错误检查 (31)13管理员菜单 (32)13.1开启称重单位 (32)13.2开启称重模式 (32)13.3开启串行接口参数 (32)13.4自定义表单 FROMS #1和 #2 (33)13.5设定参数 (34)13.6校正设置 (35)13.7密码设置 (35)14外部设备 (可从您的配件供应商获得) (37)14.1密度测量套件(仅限0.0001g和0.001g) (37)14.2减震工作台 (37)14.3艾德姆打印机 (37)14.4底部称量挂钩 (37)14.5防湿保护罩 (37)14.6安全锁 (37)14.7远程显示器 (37)14.8防尘罩 (37)14.9ADAM DU - ADAM天平及电子称数据采集软件 (38)15安全和维护 (39)16故障检查 (40)16.1故障检查指南 (41)17替换零件和配件 (43)18服务信息 (44)19天平菜单结构 (45)20语言表格 (47)21保修声明 (48)1 天平感谢您选择艾德姆衡器的 Nimbus天平.本说明书会帮助您熟悉天平的安装,使用,基本保养等,并给您介绍各种应用。


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VCDS – 关于屏幕 .........................................................................................................78 附录 A: VC-Scope(VAG-Scope) ......................................................................................79 附录 B: TDI Graph 正时检查 .........................................................................................83 附录 D: VCDS 常见问题 FAQ .........................................................................................87 备注.......................................................................................................................... 100

SAE J2602_2 Conformance Test

SAE J2602_2 Conformance Test

E-mailing, copying and internet posting are prohibited VEHICLEMMRECOSAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2005 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.SAE J2602-2 Issued SEP20055.7 Mandatory Node Configuration Requests (ref. LIN 2.0 Diag and Config Specification) (14)5.7.1General Configuration Requirements (14)5.7.2NAD and Message ID Assignment (15)5.7.3Targeted Reset (21)5.7.4Broadcast Reset Slave Response (21)5.8 Master and Slave Message Format (23)5.8.1Checksum (ref. Section 2.1.5, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (23)5.8.2Signal Consistency (ref. Section 1.2, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (23)5.8.3Signal Encoding Types (ref. Section 1.1, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (23)5.8.4Signal Management (23)5.8.5Unused Bits in the Data Field (ref. Section 2.3, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (23)5.8.6J2602 Slave Status Byte (23)Types (23)5.9 Message5.9.1Availability of Unconditional Frames (ref Section 2.3.1, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (23)5.9.2Event Triggered Frames (ref. Section 2.3.2, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (23)5.9.3Identifier Assignment (J2602-1 Requirement resulting from Event Triggered FrameAnomaly) (23)6.J2602 API Requirements (24)6.1 Master Node Configuration API (24)6.2 Diagnostic Transport Layer API (24)7.J2602 Bus Operation (24)7.1 Normal Communication Mode and Transmission Rate (24)7.1.1Master Node Bit Time Measurement (24)7.1.2Slave Node Bit Time Measurement (26)7.2 Sleep/Wake Mode in Master and Slave (28)7.2.1Wake-up of Master and Slave (ref. Section 5.1, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (29)7.2.2Go To Sleep (ref. Section 5.2, LIN 2.0 Protocol Specification) (30)7.3 LIN Controller Clock Tolerance (30)7.4 Bus Electrical Parameters (31)7.4.1LIN Bus Signals and Loading Requirements (31)7.5 Master / Slave LIN Data Link (UART) Requirements (40)7.5.1Sample Point (40)7.5.2Synchronization (44)7.5.3Transmit Message Buffering (44)7.6 LIN ECU Requirements (44)7.6.1ECU Circuit Requirements (44)7.6.2Board Layout Requirements (45)Topology (45)7.7 Network7.7.1Loss of ECU Ground at Master or Slave Node (45)7.7.2Loss of ECU Battery (46)7.7.3Bus Electrical Load Distribution (46)7.7.4Bus Wiring Topology Configurations (47)7.7.5Bus Wiring Constraints (47)7.7.6Bus Wiring Practices to Improve EMC Performance (47)7.7.7Bus Wiring Harness and ECU Connectors (47)7.8 Master / Slave ESD Immunity (47)7.9 Master / Slave EMC Testing Requirements (47)SAE J2602-2 Issued SEP2005Modes (47)7.10 FaultTolerant7.10.1ECU Power Loss – Master / Slave (48)7.10.2Bus Wiring Short to Ground – Master / Slave (49)7.10.3Bus Wiring Short to Battery (50)7.10.4Short / Open in Other Circuits (52)7.11 Ground Offset Voltage (52)7.12 Operating Battery Power Voltage Range (52)7.12.1Normal Battery Voltage Power Operation (52)7.12.2Battery Power Over-Voltage Operation (54)7.12.3Low Battery Voltage Operation (55)7.12.4Battery Offset Voltage (56)7.12.5Reverse Battery Blocking Diode (56)7.13 EnvironmentalRequirements (56)7.13.1Transmit Operating Conditions (56)ForewordThe objective of this document is to define a standard conformance test for J2602-1 devices.The goal of this document is to define a basic conformance test for J2602-1 Master and Slave nodes that can be used to determine the suitability of devices for use. This is not a complete Qualification test. This does not replace the individual suppliers’ IC and/or module qualification.1.ScopeThis document covers the tests to be performed on all J2602-1 defined Master and Slave nodes. Tests described in this document will ensure a minimum standard level of performance to which all compatible ECUs and media shall be designed. This will assure full serial data communication among all connected devices regardless of supplier.The goal of SAE J2602-2 is to improve the interoperability and interchangeability of LIN devices within a network by verifying the devices pass a minimum set of tests.To allow for easy cross-reference, this document is arranged such that the conformance test for a given section in J2602-1 is in the same section in J2602-2.This document is to be referenced by the particular vehicle OEM component technical specification that describes any given EC U in which the LIN data link controller and physical layer interface is located. Primarily, the performance of the physical layer is specified in this document. ECU environmental and other requirements, when provided in the component technical specification, shall supercede the requirements of this document.The intended audience includes, but is not limited to, EC U suppliers, LIN controller suppliers, LIN transceiver suppliers, component release engineers and vehicle system engineers.SAE J2602-2 Issued SEP20051.1Mission/ThemeThis serial data link network is intended for use in applications where high data rate is not required and a lower data rate can achieve cost reductions in both the physical media components and in the microprocessor and/or dedicated logic devices (ASICs) which use the network.1.2OverviewLIN is a single wire, low cost, C lass A communication protocol. LIN is a master-slave protocol, and utilizes the basic functionality of most Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) or Serial Communication Interface (SCI) devices as the protocol controllers in both Master and Slave devices. To meet the target of “Lower cost than either an OEM proprietary communications link or CAN link” for low speed data transfer requirements, a single wire transmission media based on the ISO 9141 specification was chosen. The protocol is implemented around a UART/SCI capability set, because the silicon footprint is small (lower cost). Many small microprocessors are equipped with either a UART or SC I interface (lower cost), and the software interface to these devices is relatively simple to implement (lower software cost). Finally, the relatively simplistic nature of the protocol controller (UART/SCI) and the nature of state-based operation, enable the creation of Application Specific Integrated C ircuits (ASIC s) to perform as input sensor gathering and actuator output controlling devices, in the vein of Mechatronics.All message traffic on the bus is initiated by the Master device. Slave devices receive commands and respond to requests from the Master. Since the Master initiates all bus traffic, it follows that the Slaves cannot communicate unless requested by the Master. However, Slave devices can generate a bus wakeup, if their inherent functionality requires this feature.The “LIN Consortium” developed the set of LIN specifications. The Consortium is a group of automotive OEMs, semiconductor manufacturers, and communication software and tool developers. The LIN specification set is “released” by the LIN Steering C ommittee, a closed subset of the members. Associate Consortium members contribute to the formation of the specifications through participation in LIN Work Groups; however, the direction of the Work Groups and the final released content of the specifications is the responsibility of the LIN Steering Committee.The LIN C onformance Test Specification contains tests for the Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Node Configuration and Network Management, and EMC.1.3Relationship to the LIN Conformance Test SpecificationThe LIN C onformance Test Specification Package, version 1.0 dated August 1, 2004, consists of four documents:1.3.1LIN OSI L AYER 1–P HYSICAL L AYERThe LIN OSI Layer 1 – Physical Layer Test Specification describes the tests to be performed on the physical layer characteristics, including operating voltage range, signal threshold values, slope control, propagation delay, power and ground voltage shifts, fault conditions, etc.SAE J2602-2 Issued SEP20055.8Master and Slave Message Format5.8.1C HECKSUM (REF.S ECTION 2.1.5,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION)If this is not correct, no other messaging would work correctly. The tool shall check the checksum in every message sent by the DUT. If the checksum is not correct an error shall be logged.5.8.2S IGNAL C ONSISTENCY (REF.S ECTION 1.2,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION)Not a requirement.5.8.3S IGNAL E NCODING T YPES (REF.S ECTION 1.1,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION)Recommended messaging, not verifiable.5.8.4S IGNAL M ANAGEMENTVerified by review of the applicable NCF (Slave ECU) or LDF (Master ECU).5.8.5U NUSED B ITS IN THE D ATA F IELD (REF.S ECTION 2.3,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION) Informational, not a requirement.5.8.6J2602S LAVE S TATUS B YTE5.8.6.1Error Field DefinitionVerified proper use of Error Field Definition in Section Information FieldVerified by component/system level testing by the OEM/Tier 1 Supplier.5.9Message Types5.9.1A VAILABILITY OF U NCONDITIONAL F RAMES (REF S ECTION 2.3.1,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION) This is a guideline.5.9.2E VENT T RIGGERED F RAMES (REF.S ECTION 2.3.2,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION)Verified by component/system level testing by the OEM/Tier 1 Supplier. Assignment (J2602-1 Requirement Resulting from Event Triggered Frame Anomaly) Verified by component/system level testing by the OEM/Tier 1 Supplier.SAE J2602-2 Issued SEP20055.9.3S PORADIC F RAME (REF.S ECTION 2.3.3,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION)Verified by component/system level testing by the OEM/Tier 1 Supplier.6.J2602 API Requirements6.1Master Node Configuration APINot externally verifiable, requires a software review.6.2Diagnostic Transport Layer APINot a requirement.6.3Additional API RequirementsNot externally verifiable, requires a software review.7.J2602 Bus OperationThe physical layer is responsible for providing a method of transferring digital data symbols (1’s and 0’s) to the communication medium. The physical layer interface is a single wire, vehicle battery referenced bus, with low side voltage drive.7.1Normal Communication Mode and Transmission Rate7.1.1M ASTER N ODE B IT T IME M EASUREMENTThis test verifies the bit time of the Master DUT is within the specified range under maximum and minimum bus loading conditions.SAE J2602-2 Issued SEP2005Section 3.5.3 Test:1. The DUT is made to send a wake-up request.2. The LIN tool sends TST_FRAME_2 after the first wake-up request. After that TST_FRAME_6 is sentby the LIN tool.Section 3.5.3 Verification:1. The DUT must send the Wake Up Request according to Section 5.1, LIN2.0 Protocol Specification.2. The DUT must stop transmission of the wake-up request and must answer TST_FRAME_6.7.2.2G O T O S LEEP (REF.S ECTION 5.2,LIN2.0P ROTOCOL S PECIFICATION)Test according to LIN C onformance Test Specification Node C onfiguration / Network Management Version 1.0 of August 1, 2004 Section 3.1.Verification:1. The DUT(Master) must send the frame without failure and the first data byte must be 0x00.2. The DUT must not send any more messages. Observe the DUT for one complete message tablecycle time or 1 second, whichever is longer. Node SleepTest according to LIN C onformance Test Specification Node C onfiguration / Network Management Version 1.0 of August 1, 2004 Sections 3.2 and 3.6.Section 3.2 Verification:1. The DUT (Slave) current draw must decrease to the quiescent level as specified in the componentspec within 10 seconds unless otherwise specified in the component spec.Section 3.6 Verification:1. After a minimum of 4 seconds without any message traffic, the DUT (Slave) current draw mustdecrease to the quiescent level as specified in the component spec within 60 seconds if the default operation is the sleep state. Otherwise, the component may continue to activate outputs, etc. as defined by the component spec.2. In addition, the tool shall send TST_FRAME_2 followed by TST_FRAME_6 followed by the Header ofTST_FRAME_2. The slave shall have the same behavior as described above.3. Additionally, the tool shall send TST_FRAME_2 followed by TST_FRAME_6 followed by the Headerof TST_FRAME_2 and the first data byte. The slave shall have the same behavior as described above.7.3LIN Controller Clock ToleranceSee data sheet and clock divide error.FIGURE 14—LOGIC LEVEL VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT DESCRIPTIONSlave Node V oh and V ol Levels MeasurementSAE J2602-2 Issued SEP20057.7.4B US W IRING T OPOLOGY C ONFIGURATIONSFYI.7.7.5B US WIRING CONSTRAINTSGuaranteed by system design.7.7.6B US W IRING P RACTICES TO I MPROVE EMC P ERFORMANCEGuaranteed by system design.7.7.7B US W IRING H ARNESS AND ECU CONNECTORSShall be guaranteed by the connector supplier.7.8Master / Slave ESD ImmunityDUT circuit should be as specified in J2602-1 Figure 3 (Slave) or Figure 4 (Master).The ECU LIN Bus I/O pin shall withstand the following electrostatic discharges without any damage to the ECU when subjected to the Ford EMC Test – Electrostatic Discharge Immunity test (Section 19). Use the requirements in Table 8 of J2602-1 unless otherwise specified in the CTS.7.9Master / Slave EMC Testing RequirementsDUT circuit should be as specified in J2602-1 Figure 3 (Slave) or Figure 4 (Master).Testing using the below listed Ford EMC series of tests shall be used to assess the EMC performance ofa LIN physical layer design. Required testing methods include the following EMC test specifications.1. Test per Section 7.0 Radiated RF Emissions: RE3102. Test per Section 10.3 RF Immunity Requirements 1 – 400 MHz: RI112, level 1.3. Test per Section 10.4 RF Immunity Requirements 400 – 3100 MHz: RI114, level 1.7.10Fault Tolerant ModesThe Network shall meet the requirements as defined per the following failure modes:。



2 综述 ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5.1. 主串口............................................................................................................................. 34
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MV Agusta发布2011款Brutale 920

MV Agusta发布2011款Brutale 920

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级 的选 择 。c n10 今 年开 始 陆续 停产 , 前 生 Io .l在 此 产此车 型的 国家主 要是 印尼与 泰 国。 该车使 用一 台
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G o] o推 出专 业 极 限运 动 摄 影 机 P R
美 国 GOP O推 出 最 新 极 限 运 动 摄 影 机 , R GOP RO有 着 轻 巧 的 迷 你 外型 , 高 分 辨 率 18 P 专业 影 像 , 国外 深 受 最 00的 在 极 限 运动 迷 的喜 爱 。 GOP O8 体 积 只有 73X67x .c , R 9 . . 47m 可 提 供 拍 照 、间 接 录 像 、连 续 录 像 等 五 种 模 式 , 大 分 辨 率 最 1 :、18 P 9 0x1 8 , 持 S 记 忆 卡 , 69 0 0 、12 0 0 支 D GOP O有 分2 R 种 不 同的 版 本 , 一种 是 HD Moo p r H R ts ot E O版 , 用 摩 托 车 动 适 态摄影 , 配件 有 : 水 外 壳 、 防 多角 度 万 向吸 盘 、 电池 、 出 线 输 组、 M黏贴片 ; 3 另一 种 是 HD S F HE O版 , 用 海 滩 UR R 适 中 浪 、 中活 动 摄 影 , 件 有 : 水 外壳 、 浪 板 吸盘 、 池 、 水 配 防 冲 电 输 出线 组 、 M粘 贴 片 。皿 3



V1 960° 10 g 15 g 2g 4g
V1 960° 8g 15 g 2g 4g
3 25 32
3 32 40
D2N 系列接触器
用于电动机控制 6 ~ 32A (AC3) 用于配电电路控制 25 ~ 40A (AC1) 控制电路: 交流
交流控制线圈 单个接触器
LC 1 - D
线圈类型 常闭触点数 常开触点数 额定电流
AC-3 类 50/60Hz 三相电动机的特性 额定功率值
0.8 2.5
1.5/6 1.5/6 1/6 1/4 1.5/6 1.5/6
1.25 3.2
1.5/10 1.5/6 1/6 1/4 1.5/6 1.5/6
N.m 1.2
(1) 在最恶劣的情况下,接触器不改变状况 (线圈支持 Ue )。
特性 (续)
0.505 0.505
LC1-D06pp*5N LC1-D09pp*5N LC1-D12pp*5N LC1-D18pp*5N LC1-D25pp*5N LC1-D32pp*5N


UltraCamL 中幅面数码航摄仪 ...................................................... 25
概述.................................................................................................................................................... 25 UltraCamL 特性 ................................................................................................................................ 26 UltraCamL 技术参数......................................................................................................................... 26 UltraCamL 影像产品展示................................................................................................................. 29
UltraCamXp WA (wide-angle) 广角大幅面数码航摄仪 .................................................................. 20
概述.................................................................................................................................................... 20 UltraCamXp WA ............................................................................................................................... 21 特性.................................................................................................................................................... 21 UltraCamXp WA 技术参数............................................................................................................... 21 UltraCamXp WA 影像产品展示....................................................................................................... 24

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 模拟数字信号处理器DSP 先入先出FIFO逻辑 军品指南

TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 模拟数字信号处理器DSP 先入先出FIFO逻辑 军品指南
Overview and Product Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16
enhanced products (EP) in plastic pack温度范围和耐辐射性能。产品的复杂性范 ages and full military-class ceramic 围涵盖从低电压单运算放大器到一个完整 (QML) packages with extended 的片上系统。 operating-temperature ranges. We offer an expanding portfolio of QML Class Q and V (qualified to MIL-PRF- TI HiRel的目标是在军用和航天市场中成为 38535) product lines with extended 世界领先的半导体产品及服务供应商,通 temperature and radiation-tolerant 过标准的和有差异性的集成电路提供创新 operating ranges. Complexity ranges 性的解决方案,不断的满足客户需求。 from a low-voltage single op amp to a complete system on a chip. It is TI HiRel’s vision to be the world’s leading supplier of semiconductorbased products and services to the defense and aerospace markets, achieving customer satisfaction by providing innovative solutions through standard and differentiated integrated circuits. In order to meet this aggressive goal, we must continue to both meet and exceed customer expectations.

爱ixon 187806 爱ixon Moeller系列 xEffect - FRCmM-125型号

爱ixon 187806 爱ixon Moeller系列 xEffect - FRCmM-125型号

Eaton 187806Eaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM-125 Type B, Bfq and B+ RCCB. Residual current circuit-breaker, all-current sensitive, 80 A, 4p, 30 mA, type BGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xEffect - FRCmM-125 Type B, Bfq and B+ RCCB187806401508185490590 mm 80 mm 75 mm 0.48 kg RoHS conformIEC/EN 62423 IEC/EN 61008FRCMM-80/4/003-BProduct NameCatalog Number EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications Model CodeFour-poleShort time-delayed80 A10 kA with back-up fuse 30 mAAll current sensitive3 kA (8/20 μs) surge-proof 240 V AC / 415 V AC240 V440 V4 kV0.03 A0.03 A50 Hz100 A (max. admissible back-up fuse) B800 A80 A gG/gL10 kA3 kA184 V AC - 440 V AC24000 operationsApplicationNumber of polesTripping timeAmperage RatingRated short-circuit strength Fault current rating Sensitivity typeImpulse withstand current Type Voltage rating (IEC/EN 60947-2)Rated operational voltage (Ue) - maxRated insulation voltage (Ui)Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) Rated fault current - minRated fault current - maxFrequency ratingShort-circuit ratingLeakage current typeRated residual making and breaking capacity Admissible back-up fuse overload - max Rated short-time withstand current (Icw) Surge current capacityTest circuit rangePollution degreeLifespan, electricalSwitchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applicationsxEffect - Switchgear for industrial and advanced commercial applicationsFRCmMResidual current circuit breakersType B45 mm470 mm (4 SU)77.5 mmQuick attachment for top-hat rail IEC/EN 60715 DIN railAs requiredIP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureIP20Toggle-center postitionTwin-purpose terminals1.5 mm² - 16 mm² (2x)1.5 mm² - 50 mm²1.5 mm²50 mm²1.5 mm² - 16 mm² (2x)1.5 mm² - 5 mm²1.5 mm²16 mm²Finger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Red / green 80 A0 W22.5 W0 W0 W-25 °C75 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to beFrameWidth in number of modular spacingsBuilt-in width (number of units)Built-in depthMounting MethodMounting positionDegree of protectionStatus indicationTerminals (top and bottom)Terminal capacity (solid wire)Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max Terminal capacity (stranded cable)Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max Terminal protectionContact position indicator color Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependentEquipment heat dissipation, current-dependentStatic heat dissipation, non-current-dependentHeat dissipation capacityAmbient operating temperature - minAmbient operating temperature - max10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies0.8 mm - 2 mm 20000 operations 25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Additional equipment possible Residual current circuit breaker eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdf eaton-xeffect-frcmm40-80-type-b-rccb-catalog-ca003021en-en-us.pdfBusbar material thickness Lifespan, mechanical Climatic proofing10.4 Clearances and creepage distances 10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components 10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections 10.8 Connections for external conductors 10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength 10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage 10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material 10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical functionFeaturesFitted with:Application notesCataloguesEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaInterlocking deviceFRCmMType BResidual current circuit breakers eaton-xeffect-frcmm-125-rccb-catalog-ca003020en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_FRCmeaton-circuit-breaker-xeffect-frcmm-125-rccb-dimensions.jpg eaton-frcm-dimensions.jpgdfs_4.dwgdfs_4.stpeaton-xeffect-frcmm-125-rccb-wiring-diagram-003.jpgeaton-xeffect-frcmm-125-rccb-wiring-diagram.jpgSpecial features Used with Certification reports DrawingsmCAD model Wiring diagramsCurrent test marks as per inscriptionMaximum operating temperature is 75 °C: Starting at 40 °C, the max. permissible continuous current decreases by 1.2% for every 1 °C。

西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书

西门子 NXGPro+ 控制系统手册_操作手册说明书

单元通讯的协议 ............................................................................................................ 36
NXGpro+ 高级安全 .......................................................................................................37
功率拓扑 ......................................................................................................................34
控制系统概述 ...............................................................................................................35
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统手册
NXGPro+ 控制系统简介

honda element 2003-2011

honda element 2003-2011

1. 概述本文内容本文将就Honda Element 2003-2011进行详细介绍。

Honda Element是一款具有独特外观和实用性的多功能车型,亦是本田公司在北美市场推出的一款车型。


2. 外观设计Honda Element的外观设计极具个性,其方正的车身、独特的侧面开启式后门以及宽大的车轮造型,使得这款车型在外观上具有鲜明的特色。



总体来看,Honda Element的外观设计给人一种硬朗、实在的感觉,符合年轻用户对车辆外观的个性需求。

3. 性能表现Honda Element搭载了本田公司的经典K系列发动机,提供了可靠的动力支持。



传动系统方面,Honda Element提供了手动和自动变速箱两种选择,满足了不同用户的需求。

4. 内部空间虽然Honda Element的外观显得较为方正,但其内部空间设计却非常合理。


Honda Element的后备厢设计独特,可根据需要进行灵活调整,满足用户对不同空间需求的灵活运用。

5. 安全配置在安全配置方面,Honda Element配备了全方位的安全气囊系统和稳定控制系统,提供了扎实的 passiv and active safety。



6. 改款与后续发展Honda Element在2003年发布并开始销售,经过几次改款之后,于2011年停产。




Woodward-MotoTron (美国):

Rinehart Motion System (美国)

Wineman Technology Inc (美国):

Accurate Technology Inc (美国):

Vector CANtech (美国):

Dearborn Group (美国):
Copyright © 2010 Eontronix Co., Ltd.
4 或8 个差分电压输入通道 测量范围: ± 0.5 V, ± 10 V, ± 20 V, ± 60 V(可配置)
分辨率:16 bit
精度: ± 0.05 % 工作环境:-40℃到125℃ 采样率:1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000 Hz (可配置) 传感器供应电压 5 V, 8 V, 10 V, 12 V, 15 V, 或无 通道间绝缘性好,防水、防尘、防油设计(IP65) 电压输入通道有两种形式:LEMO和BNC
• 在- 50°C 到+ 205°C范围内为1°C • 在- 25°C 到+ 1250°C范围内为5°C
• 全程范围内为1°C
LCD可及时报告传感器出现故障的通道 目前国内主要用户:UAES, Delphi CTC, SGM, Siemens VDO, 长城汽车,
Copyright © 2010 Eontronix Co., Ltd.
基本测量系统的组成 CSM分布式测量技术及其数据采集设备概述 CSM数据采集设备技术规格介绍 CSM数据采集设备与ATI Vision系统的匹配应用 CSM数据采集设备与ETAS INCA系统的匹配应用



Document Version: 0.0 Date: 2008/1/30Product Specifications 26.0” WXGA Color TFT-LCD Module Model Name: T260XW02 VM(*) Preliminary Specifications () Final SpecificationsCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 0/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0ContentsNo ITEM COVER CONTENTS RECORD OF REVISIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION ABSOLUTION MAXIMUM RATINGS ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS INTERFACE CONNECTIONS SIGNAL TIMING SPECIFICATIONS SIGNAL TIMING WAVEFORMS COLOR INPUT DATA REFERENCE POWER SEQUENCE for LCD POWER SEQUENCE for INVERTER OPTICAL SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS Front view Rear view RELIABILITY INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS SAFETY EMC Green PACKING PRECAUTIONS1 2 3 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 4 5 5-1 5-2 6 7 7-1 7-2 7-3 8 9Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 1/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0Record of RevisionVersion Date 0.0 2008/ 1/7 No Old Description New Description Remark First releaseCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 2/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.01. General DescriptionThis specification applies to the 26.0 inch Color TFT-LCD Module T260XW02. This LCD module has a TFT active matrix type liquid crystal panel 1366x768 pixels, and diagonal size of 26.0 inch. This module supports 1366x768 XGA-WIDE mode (Non-interlace). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arranged in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the brightness of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot. The T260XW02 has been designed to apply the 8-bit 1 channel LVDS interface method. It is intended to support displays where high brightness, wide viewing angle, high color saturation, and high color depth are very important.* General Information Items Active Screen Size Display Area Pixel Pitch Outline Dimension Driver Element Display Colors Number of Pixels Pixel Arrangement Display Mode BL Structure Surface Treatment Green Specification26.0 575.769 (H) x 323.712(V) 0.4215 626.0 (H) x 373.0 (V) x 47.2(D) a-Si TFT active matrix 16.7M 1366 x 768 RGB vertical stripe Normally Black 6 U-Lamps AG, Haze=11%, 3H RoHS complianceUnitinches mm mm mm Colors PixelNoteWith inverterCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 3/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.02. Absolute Maximum RatingsThe following are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the unit.ItemLogic/LCD Drive Voltage LVDS Option Control Voltage BLU Input Voltage External Analog Dimming Control Voltage On/Off Control Voltage Internal PWM Dimming Control Voltage Operating Temperature Operating Humidity Storage Temperature Storage HumidityNote 1: Duration = 1 secSymbolVCC VLVDSOPT VDDB VDIM VBLON VDIM TOP HOP TST HSTMin-0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 0 10 -20 10Max13.2 3.6 27.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 +50 90 +60 90Unit[Volt] [Volt] [Volt] [Volt] [Volt] [Volt] [oC] [%RH] [oC] [%RH]Condition sNote 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 1 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2 Note 2Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 4/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed℃Note 2: Maximum Wet-Bulb should be 39and No condensation.◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.03. Electrical SpecificationThe T260XW02 requires two power inputs. One is employed to power the LCD electronics and to drive the TFT array and liquid crystal. The second input power for the BLU is to power inverter. 3-1 Electrical CharacteristicsParameterSymbolValues Min. Typ. Max. 10.8 12 0.42 4.8 13.2Unit V A Watt A mV mVNotesLCD: Power Supply Input Voltage Vcc Power Supply Input Current Icc Power Consumption Pc Inrush Current IRUSH LVDS Interface: Differential Input High Threshold VTH Voltage Differential Input Low Threshold VTL Voltage Common Input Voltage VCIM CMOS Interface: Input High Threshold Voltage VIH(High) Input Low Threshold Voltage VIL(Low) Backlight Power Consumption Life TimeNote :3.0 +1001 1 2-100 1.10 1.25 1.40V Vdc Vdc Watt Hours2.4 3.3 0 0.7 79.4 50,000 60,0003 42. Vcc rising time = 470 µs , Vcc=12.0V3. VDDB=24V, VDIM=3.3V, PDIM=100%, test in the whole period from VDDB power on to power off. 4. The performance of the Lamp in LCM, for example: lifetime or brightness, is extremely influenced by the characteristics of the DC-AC Inverter. So all the parameters of an inverter should be carefully designed so as not to produce too much leakage current from high-voltage output of the inverter. When you design or order the inverter, please make sure unwanted lighting caused by the mismatch of the lamp and the inverter (no lighting, flicker, etc) never occurs. When you confirm it, the LCD Assembly should be operated in the same condition as installed in your instrument. 5. Do not attach a conducting tape to lamp connecting wire. If the lamp wire attach to conducting tape, TFT-LCD Module have a low luminance and the inverter has abnormal action because leakage current occurs between lamp wire and conducting tape.brightness of CCFL will drop and the lifetime of CCFL will be reduced. Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 5/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution AllowedT260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0℃℃greater than 40, the wet bulb temperature must not exceed 39. When operate at low temperatures, the℃6. The relative humidity must not exceed 80% non-condensing at temperatures of 40℃1. Vcc=12.0V, Fv=60Hz, Fclk= 85.0 MHz , 25. , Test Pattern : White Patternor less. At temperatures◎3-2 Interface Connections LCD connector (CN1): Starconn 093G30-B0001A-1 or JAE FI-X30SSL-HFNote: 1. All GND (ground) pins should be connected together and should also be connected to the LCD’s metal frame. All Vcc (power input) pins should be connected together. Pin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Symbol VCC VCC VCC VCC GND GND GND GND LVDS Option Reserved GND RIN0RIN0+ GND RIN1RIN1+ GND RIN2RIN2+ GND RCLKRCLK+ GND RIN3RIN3+ GND Reserved Reserved GND GND Description +12V, DC, Regulated +12V, DC, Regulated +12V, DC, Regulated +12V, DC, Regulated Ground and Signal Return Ground and Signal Return Ground and Signal Return Ground and Signal Return Low/Open for Normal (NS), High for JEIDA Open or High Ground and Signal Return for LVDS LVDS Channel 0 negative LVDS Channel 0 positive Ground and Signal Return for LVDS LVDS Channel 1 negative LVDS Channel 1 positive Ground and Signal Return for LVDS LVDS Channel 2 negative LVDS Channel 2 positive Ground and Signal Return for LVDS LVDS Clock negative LVDS Clock positive Ground and Signal Return for LVDS LVDS Channel 3 negative LVDS Channel 3 positive Ground and Signal Return for LVDS Open or High Open or High Ground and Signal Return Ground and Signal Return DefaultCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 6/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0LVDS Option = H (3.3V)JETDA FormatCurrent Cycle Next CyclePrevious CycleClockRIN0+ RIN0-R3R2G2R7R6R5R4R3R2G2RIN1+ RIN1-G4G3B3B2G7G6G5G4G3B3RIN2+ RIN2-B5B4DENANAB7B6B5B4DERIN3+ RIN3-R1R0NAB1B0G1G0R1R0NALVDS Option = L (GND) or N.C.Previous CycleNS FormatCurrent Cycle Next CycleClockRIN0+ RIN0-R1R0G0R5R4R3R2R1R0G0RIN1+ RIN1-G2G1B1B0G5G4G3G2G1B1RIN2+ RIN2-B3B2DENANAB5B4B3B2DERIN3+ RIN3-R7R6NAB7B6G7G6R7R6NACopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 7/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0BACKLIGHT CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGURATION1. Electrical specificationNo ITEM 1 Input Voltage Input Current 2 (Turn on Condition) Input Power 3 (Turn on Condition) Input Current 4 (Stable Condition) 5 Input Power (Stable Condition) 6 Input inrush current, 20ms 7 Output Frequency 8 ON/OFF Control Voltage 9 ON/OFF Control Current 10 Dimming Control Voltage 11 Dimming Control CurrentNote1: Condition: VDDB=24V (Ta=25±5SYMBOLVDDB IDDB PDDB IDDB PDDB IRUSH FBL VBLON ON OFFCONDITION--VDDB=24V VDIM=3.3V VDDB=24V VDIM=3.3V VDDB=24V VDIM=3.3V VDDB=24V VDIM=3.3V VDD=24V VDIM=3.3V VDD=24V VDD=24V VDD=24V VDD=24V VDD=24V VDD=24V VDD=24VMIN21.6TYP MAX UNIT24.0 3.7 26.4 V A W 3.31 79.4 6 60 5.0 0.8 1.5 ----1.5 A W A kHz V V mA V V mANote1 1 1 1--3.01 72.2 --56 2.0 0.0 -1 -------88.8 3.16 75.8 --58 3.3 ----3.3 0.0 ---or Open or OpenIBLON MAX VDIM MIN IDIM MIN, Turn on for 45minutes), PWM=100%Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 8/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution AllowedT260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0℃(Ta=25±5)℃◎2.Input specificationPin NoPin No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11SymbolSymbol VDDB(main power) VDDB(main power) VDDB(main power) VDDB(main power) VDDB(main power) GND GND GND GND GND Panel DET Description DC input 24V VDC DC input 24V VDC DC input 24V VDC DC input 24V VDC DC input 24V VDC Ground Ground Ground GroundDescriptionDefault24V 24V 24V 24V 24V GND GND GND GND GND -12VBLON13VDIM (LCD Bright)14PDIM (LCD Bright)Ground Panel status detect Inverter OK: Low/GND (0-0.8V) Inverter NG: open collector BL on-off : high/open(3.3 ~ 5V) for BL on, low(GND) for BL off VDIM: Internal PWM Dimming control signal input (DC 0~3.3V) (3.3V : Maximum brightness, 0V min brightness) < NC ; when External PWM > PDIM: External PWM Dimming control signal input (AC 0~3.3V, Duty: 20%~100%) < NC ; when internal PWM >---CN1: CI0114M1HR0-LF (Civilux) CN2: CP042EP1MFA-LF (Civilux)Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 9/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.03-3 Signal Timing Specifications This is the signal timing required at the input of the User connector. All of the interface signal timing should be satisfied with the following specifications for its proper operation. * Timing Table DE only Mode Vertical Frequency Signal Item Symbol Period Tv Vertical Active Tdisp(v) Section Blanking Tblk (v) Period Th Horizontal Active Tdisp(h) Section Blanking Tblk (h) LVDS Frequency Fclk (1/Tclk) Clock Vertical Frequency Fv Frequency Horizontal Frequency Fh FrequencyMin. 784 16 1414 48 60 47 43Typ. 806 768 38 1648 1366 282 80 60 48Max. 1015 247 1700 334 85 63 53Unit Th Th Th Tclk Tclk Tclk MHz Hz kHz*1) Display position is specific by the rise of DE signal only. Horizontal display position is specified by the falling edge of 1st Clock right after the rise of DE, is displayed on the left edge of the screen. Vertical display position is specified by the rise of DE after a “Low” level period equivalent to eight times of horizontal period. The 1st data corresponding to one horizontal line after the rise of DE is displayed at the top line of screen. *2) If a period of DE “High” is less than 1366 Clock or less than 768 lines, the rest of the screen displays black. *3) The display position does not fit to the screen if a period of DE “High” and the effective data period do not synchronize with each other.Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 10/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0Tv Tdisp(v) ThDERGB Data 768 Line Invalid Data 1 Line2 Line3 Line4 Line768 LineInvalid DataCLK Th Tdisp(h)TclkDERGB DataPixel 1366Invalid DataPixel 1Pixel 2Pixel 3Pixel 4Pixel 5Pixel 6Pixel 1366Invalid DataPixel 1Pixel 2Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 11/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed3-4 Signal Timing WaveformsT260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0◎3-5 Color Input Data Reference The brightness of each primary color (red, green and blue) is based on the 8 bit gray scale data input for the color; the higher the binary input, the brighter the color. The table below provides a reference for color versus data input.COLOR DATA REFERENCE Input Color DataMSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Black 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Red(255) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Green(255) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Basic Blue(255) Cyan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Color Magenta 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yellow 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 White 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RED(000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(001) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED ---RED(254) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RED(255) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(001) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN ---GREEN(254) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GREEN(255) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUE(000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BLUE(001) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ------BLUE BLUE(254) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 BLUE(255) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 RED GREEN BLUEColorCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 12/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.03-6 Power Sequence for LCDParameter t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7Min. 0.4 0.1 200 10 0.1 300Values Typ. -Max. 30 50 50 300 -Units ms ms ms ms ms ms ms(1) Apply the lamp voltage within the LCD operation range. When the back-light turns on before the LCD operation or the LCD turns off before the back-light turns off, the display may momentarily become abnormal screen.Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 13/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.03-7 Power Sequence for InverterParameter T1 T2 T3 T4 T5Min. 20 10 0 50 0Values Typ. -Max. -Units Ms Ms Ms Ms MsCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 14/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.04. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’ and stable for approximately 45 minutes in a dark environment at 25℃. The values specified are at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φ and θequal to 0° Signal generator used for . measurement is “Chroma 2913” and signal setting follows the typical value shown in page 13 with vertical frequency range A (fv=60Hz). Meanwhile, dimmer is 3.3(V) for its maximum setting. Fig.1 1 presents additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method.Parameter Contrast RatioSymbolValuesMin. Typ. Max.UnitsNotes 1CR20002500 450 1.3 6.5 72 0.63 0.33 0.28 0.59 0.15 0.05 0.28 0.29 88 88 88 88 ms % cd/㎡Surface Luminance, LWH 360 white Luminance Variation δWHITE 9 p Response Time (G to G) Tγ Color Gamut NTSC Color Coordinates RX RED RY GX GREEN GY Typ.-0.03 BX BLUE BY WX WHITE WY Viewing Angle x axis, right(φ=0° ) θr x axis, left(φ=180° ) θl y axis, up(φ=90° ) θu y axis, down (φ=0° ) θd2 3 4Typ.+0.03Degree Degree Degree Degree6Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 15/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0Note: 1. Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically as:Surface Luminance of Lon1 Contrast Ratio= Surface Luminance of Loff12. Surface luminance is luminance value at point 1 across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white. From more information see FIG 2. When VDDB = 24V, IDDB = 3.5A. LWH=Lon1Where Lon1 is the luminance with all pixels displaying white at center 1 location. 3. The variation in surface luminance, δWHITE is defined (center of Screen) as:δWHITE(9P)= Maximum(Lon1, Lon2,…Lon9) / Minimum(Lon1, Lon2,…,Lon9)4. Response time Tγ is the average time required for display transition by switching the input signal for five luminance ratio (0%,25%,50%,75%,100% brightness matrix) and is based on fv=60Hz to optimize.5. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD surface. For more information see FIG4.FIG. 2 LuminanceVH/2123456H78H/6V/6V/2Copyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 16/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0FIG.3 Response Time The response time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “any level of gray(bright) “ and “any level of gray(dark)”.100% 90%Optical Responsen a n c e10% 0 TrDFIG.4 Viewing angleCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 17/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution AllowedT260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.0)ettiihW( llevell yarg retthgiirb ynA )e hW( eve yarg re hg rb ynA )ettiihW( llevell yarg retthgiirb ynA )e hW( eve yarg re hg rb ynATrR)kcalB( yarg rekrad ynA)ettiihW( llevell yarg retthgiirb ynA )e hW( eve yarg re hg rb ynA )ettiihW( llevell yarg retthgiirb ynA )e hW( eve yarg re hg rb ynATime◎5. Mechanical CharacteristicsThe contents provide general mechanical characteristics for the model T260XW02. In addition the figures in the next page are detailed mechanical drawing of the LCD. Horizontal Vertical 626.0mm 373.0mm 47.2mm(w/i inverter& Shielding) Depth 30.2mm(w/o inverter) Horizontal 580.8mm±0.5mm Vertical 328.8mm±0.5mm Horizontal 575.769mm Vertical 323.712mm 4500g (Typ.) AG, Haze=11%, 3HOutline DimensionBezel Area Active Display Area Weight Surface TreatmentCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 18/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.05.1Front ViewCopyright AU Optronics, Inc. January, 2003 All Rights Reserved. 19/26 No Reproduction and Redistribution Allowed◎T260XW02 VM - Spec. Ver0.05.2 Rear View6. ReliabilityEnvironment test conditionTest Items Q'ty Conditions1 High Temperature Stroage 3 60℃300 hrs2 Low Temperature Stroage3 -20℃, 300 hrs3 High Temperature Operation 3 50℃, 300 hrs4 Low Temperature Operation 3 -5℃, 300 hrs5 Vibration (non-operation) 3 (10 ~ 300Hz/1.5G/11min SR, XYZ 30min/axis) Vibration level : 1.5G RMS, Bandwidth :10-300HzDuration: X, Y, Z 30min,6 Shock (non-operation) 3 Shock level: 50GWaveform: have sine wave, 11ms Direction: ±X,±Y, ±Z One time each direction7 Vibration (With carton) 3 Random wave (1.5 Grms 10~200Hz) 30mins / Per each X.Y.Z axes8 Drop (With carton) 3 Height: 46cm1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfaces (ASTMD4169-I)7. International Standard7-1. Safety(1) UL1950 Third Edition, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Jan. 28, 1995Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment Including electrical BusinessEquipment.(2) CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 950-95 Third Edition, Canadian Standards Association, Jan. 28, 1995Standard for Safety of Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical BusinessEquipment.(3) EN60950: 1992+A2: 1993+A2: 1993+C3: 1995+A4: 1997+A11: 1997IEC 950: 1991+A1: 1992+A2: 1993+C3: 1995+A4:1996European Committee for Electro technical Standardization (CENELEC)EUROPEAN STANDARD for Safety of Information Technology Equipment Including Electrical Business Equipment.(4) EN600657-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-VoltageElectrical and Electrical Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40GHz. “American Nationalstandards Institute(ANSI), 1992.b) C.I.S.P.R “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics ofInformation Technology Equipment.” International Special committee on Radio Interference.c) EN 55022 “Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interface Characteristics ofInformation Technology Equipment.” European Committee for Electro technicalStandardization. (CENELEC), 1998.7-3. GreenGreen Mark Description:a) For Pb Free products, AUO will add for identification.b) For RoHS compatible products, AUO will add for identification.Note. The Green Mark will be present only when the green documents have been ready by AUO Internal Green Team. (The definition of green design follows the AUO green design checklist.)8.PackingLabel sampleTW5A01100005-ZMA00*TW5A011: Production lot (T-Taiwan, 5-year, 1~C-month) 00005: Panel serial numberZMA: AUO internal codeManufactured 05/43: 2005 week 43Carton LabelCarton Size 722(L) mm*325(W) mm*469(H) mm5pcs ModulesCushion set1pcs Module/ESD Bag9. PRECAUTIONSPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1 MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS(1) You must mount a module using holes arranged in four corners or four sides.(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) isnot applied to module. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect thepolarizer. Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable becausethe former generates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass, tweezers or anything harderthan HB pencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment. Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth. (Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other softmaterials like chamois soaks with petroleum benzene. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/ rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer.(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizercauses deformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2 OPERATING PRECAUTIONS(1) The device listed in the product specification sheets was designed and manufactured forTV application(2) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than followingvoltage: V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(3) Response time depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes longer..)(4) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.) And inlower temperature, response time (required time that brightness is stable after turned on)becomes longer.(5) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change. Condensation makes damageto polarizer or electrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot willoccur.(6) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(7) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagneticinterference shall be done by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods maybe important to minimize the interface.9-3 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4 PRECAUTIONS FOR STRONG LIGHT EXPOSUREStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5 STORAGEWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light.Keep the temperature between 5℃ and 35℃ at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object. It is recommendedthat they be stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS FOR PROTECTION FILM(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape. When the protectionfilm is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer. This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes thereremains a very small amount of flue still on the Bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the Bezel or its vestige isrecognized, please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.。

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肥模具产业园 , 是集生产 、 研发 、 综合服务于一体的综 塑料模具 、 精密冲压模具等模具产业为核心 , 五金 、 机 合工业 园区, 总计划投资 2 亿元 。整个园区分 3 5 5 ~ 年 电 、 电 、 车零部件 等相关产 业为支撑 , 生产加 家 汽 集
建设 , 建成后可形成年产值 3 亿元以上 , 0 税收 2 亿元 工 、 品展示销售 等功能为一体 的汽车零部件和模具 . 2 产
材料 , 对于按键区则使用柔性材料 。 多材料应用——可使用 O j 提供 的6 多种打印 bt e 0
Oj 在 3 be t D打印创新领 域可谓硕果 累累 , 不仅相继推 材料 , 用户能够从机械特性 、 使 热特性和物理特性各
出了适用于医疗及牙科用户新型生物相容性 3 打印 种材料 中灵活选择 , D 从刚性材料 ( h t eo O j r系列)橡 eV 、
设计 人员及工程师们可谓是完美 之选 。更值得一提 特别触感 的消费类设备原型。例如 , 可通过单次打印 的是 , 其小 巧外形及 安静的运作模式 , 使得它可 以被 作业精确地加 以制作手机模 型 , 对于外壳可使用 刚性
放置在办公室的任何角落 。 ”
O j 大 中华 区总经 理 汪祥 艮先 生称 ,2 1 年 bt e “0 1
据已经使用过 O jt20 C n e 3 b 6 onx D打印机 的客 以各种颜色和色调无缝结合在一起 。在模拟垫片 、 e 封 户称 ,它带给我们超越以往的打印体验 , “ 对于结构复杂 条 、 铰链 、 鞋底 、 轮胎及其他许多触感柔软的应用产品 的设计都可 以通过它来实现逼真外观和上佳触感 。作 时 , 这种功能有助于提供独一无二的用户体验。 为唯一能够模拟成 品不同材料特性 的打印系统 , be Oj t
安徽合肥投 资 2 亿打造汽车零部件和模 具产业集 群 5
规划 面积最大 、 动工速度最快 、 一次性签 约安 徽 具加工 区、 模具商贸区( 模具一条街)模具创业区( 、 模 省 内外 2 家汽车模具企业 的合肥模具产业园位于合 具企业 孵化器 )模具研发 区 、 6 、 综合服务 区( 含居住配
— —
中 昆 — 网址 : W slc m 国’ 山 — W W. j o t. t
O jt be携新 品 O jt2 0 C n e 亮 相 D 2 1 be 6 o n x MP 0 1
在 3 打 印快速成型和加工制造产品领域处于创 2 0 onx D 6 C n e 为最终带来拓展业务机会的极大优势。 ”
以上 。, 从 6 多家 申请 人 园 6 是 0 发展 ” 的战略 , 使这里成 为具有较 强实力 、 高起点 、 高 的企业 中精 选 出来 , 国内模 具行业 都具有一 定 的 在 标准 的模具产业链 。按照总体规划 , 整个 园区分为模 实 力 。 ①
对 于 O jt 2 0 C n e D打 印 机 , be E 伦 比的分辨率细节和专业精度 的模型 。 be 6 o n x 3 O jt C O
D v e 评 价道 ,O j 6 onx 我们 的高分 ai R i d s “ be 2 0 C ne 将 t 精密 3 打印——0 j 的喷墨式技术是唯一能够 D bt e 辨率 、 多材料 3 D打印系统 的易用性提升 到新 的水平 , 同时喷 出两种材料 的技术 。该技术帮助开拓一 系列 对 于严格要求精密高质原 型及最佳 仿真产 品展示 的 新 的 3 D打 印应用领域 , 包括组装 品精 确展示和要求
材料 ( E 60 )全系列 3 M D 1 、 D打印机材料 , 这些 3 D打 胶 材 料 ( be T no系 列 ) 清 晰 透 明 材 料 ( be O jt ag 、 O jt 印机 材料现 已拓展应用于更广 阔的 O jt3 b D打印机 V rCer ̄ A S e eo la)l B 级工 程 塑料 ( be R 5 6 一 M) J O jt GD 10 D , 产 品线及应用领域 , 更发布了此次在 D P M 展会上展 出 无一 不 可 。 最新 型多材料三 维打印机——0 j 6 onx 为 b t20 C n e, e 混合部件—— 用户能够打印出 由多达 l 种不 同 4 O j D打印家族 系列产品注入 了新 的活力 , be 3 t 相信它 材料 元素构成 的模型或 原型。此类 原型和模型可 以 的面世也推动了快速成型行业 的变革。 ” 包含柔软灵活的类橡胶元素 , 与透明元素或刚性元素
新领先地位 的O j 有限公 司于 2 1 年 1 月 1~ 9 be t 01 1 61 日 O jt2 0 C n e 带 有 一 个 2 0 2 0 2 0 be 6 o n x 6 x 6 x 0 mm托 参加 了第 1 届 东莞 国际模具及加工展 ( M 0 1 , 盘 , 3 D P 21) 并使用易插 易卸 的密封材料盒 。模 型在制造过程 携其 2 1 年 7 推 出的新 品 O j 6 onx 01 月 be 20 C ne 亮相 中进 行 固化 , t 在打 印之后 即可直接 处理 。该 系统 以 展会 , 与在场人士分享 3 D打印领域全新突破 。 1 m厚 的涂层进行打 印 , 6 从而可 以制造 出具有无 与
肥 长 丰 岗集 镇 的江 汽 配 件 工 业 园 内 , 规 划 面 积 套设施 )模具相关产业延伸 区等6 总 、 大功能区和一个培 3 0 亩, , 0 首期规划 面积 1 0 亩 , 目前 国内规划 面 训基地及一个管理委员会 。 7 ,0 是 0
积最大 的模具工业 园。这次在 岗集镇兴建 的安徽 合 园区建成后将形成一个 以汽车覆盖件模具 、 家电