* tip
各部骨数目 各骨数目分开记 记住位置就容易 脑面颅骨二十三 躯干总共五十一 四肢一百二十六 全身骨头基本齐 还有六块体积小 藏在中耳鼓室里
长骨long bone
不规则骨irregular bone
Articular surface
含气骨pneumatic bone
bone marrow 骨髓: red marrow 红骨髓 yellow marrow 黄骨髓
板障diploe:颅盖骨内 外板之间的松质。
Hale Waihona Puke chemical components:
physical characteristics:
颈椎cervical v. 7
胸椎thoracic v. 12
腰椎lumbar v.
骶椎sacral v.
尾椎coccygeal v. 3~4
骶骨1 尾骨1
Vertebrae 椎骨
椎弓根 横突 棘突
椎孔 关节突
※ 椎管vertebral canal:(围成、内容) ※ 椎间孔intervertebral foramina (围成、内容)
骨干 diaphysis
籽骨 sesamoid bone
骺线 epiphysial line
骺 epiphysis 短骨short bone
扁骨flat bone
Bony substance 骨质: compact bone骨密质 spongy bone骨松质
解剖学英文单词(节录)anatomy 解剖学locomotor system 运动系统osteology 骨学bone 骨cartilage 软骨bone marrow 骨髓vertebra 椎骨c e r v i c a l v e r t e b r a e颈椎t h o r a c i c v e r t e b r a e胸椎l u m b a r v e r t e b r a e腰椎s a c r u m骶骨c o c c y x尾骨r i b肋costal bone 肋骨sternum 胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角cranium, skull 颅orbit 眶p a r a n a s a l s i n u s鼻旁窦f r o n t a l s i n u s额窦m a x i l l a r y s i n u s上颌窦s p h e n o i d a l s i n u s蝶窦e t h m o i d a l s i n u s筛窦pterion 翼点c r a n i a l f o n t a n e l l e s颅囟c l a v i c l e锁骨h u m e r u s肱骨s c a p u l a肩胛骨r a d i u s桡骨u l n a尺骨c a r p a l b o n e s腕骨metacarpal bones掌骨phalanges 指骨/趾骨hip bone 髋骨i l i u m髂骨i s c h i u m坐骨p u b i s耻骨acetabulum 髋臼femur 股骨patella 髌骨t i b i a胫骨f i b u l a腓骨tarsal bones 跗骨metatarsal bones 跖骨arthrology 关节学fibrous joint 纤维连结artilaginous joint 软骨连结s y n o s t e o s i s骨性结合j o i n t,a r t i c u l a t i o n关节v e r t e b r a l c o l u m n脊柱i n t e r v e r t e b r a l d i s c椎间盘t h o r a c i c c a g e胸廓temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节s h o u l d e r j o i n t肩关节e l b o w j o i n t肘关节r a d i o c a r p a l j o i n t/w r i s t j o i n t桡腕关节p u b i c s y m p h y s i s耻骨联合p e l v i s骨盆h i p j o i n t髋关节k n e e j o i n t膝关节a n k l e j o i n t踝关节m e n i s c u s半月板mycology 肌学m u s c l e肌肉t e n d o n肌腱a p o n e u r o s i s腱膜f a s c i a筋膜t r a p e z i u s m.斜方肌l a t i s s i m u s d o r s i m.背阔肌e r e c t o r s p i n a e m.竖脊肌sternocleidomastoid m. 胸锁乳突肌p e c t o r a l i s m a j o r m.胸大肌s e r r a t u s a n t e r i o r m.前锯肌i n t e r c o s t a l m.肋间肌d i a p h r a g m膈inguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带i n g u i n a l c a n a l腹股沟管i n g u i n a l t r i a n g l e腹股沟三角d e l t o i d m.三角肌b i c e p s b r a c h i i m.肱二头肌t r i c e p s b r a c h i i m.肱三头肌g l u t e u s m a x i m u s m.臀大肌s a r t o r i u s m.缝匠肌quadriceps femoris m .股四头肌a d d u c t o r m a g n u s m.大收肌1t r i c e p s s u r a e m.小腿三头肌splanchnology 内脏学alimentary system 消化系统digestive tube/digestive tract消化管o r a l c a v i t y口腔p a l a t e腭t o n g u e舌c h e e k颊t o o t h牙t o n s i l扁桃体s a l i v a r y g l a n d s唾液腺s u b l i n g u a l g l a n d舌下腺p a r o t i d g l a n d腮腺submandibular gland 下颌下腺p h a r y n x咽e s o p h a g u s食管s t o m a c h,g a s t e r胃c a r d i a贲门p y l o r u s幽门s m a l l i n t e s t i n e小肠d u o d e n u m十二指肠j e j u n u m空肠i l e u m回肠c a e c u m盲肠v e r m i f o r m a p p e n d i x阑尾c o l o n结肠s i g m o i d c o l o n乙状结肠r e c t u m直肠a n a l c a n a l肛管a n u s肛门l i v e r,h e p a r肝p o r t a h e p a t i s肝门g a l l b l a d d e r胆囊p a n c r e a s胰r e s p i r a t o r y s y s t e m呼吸系统n o s e鼻n a s a l c a v i t y鼻腔l a r y n x喉t r a c h e a气管bronchus 支气管l u n g肺p l e u r a胸膜p l e u r a l c a v i t y胸膜腔p l e u r a l r e c e s s e s胸膜隐窝costodiaphragmatic recess 肋膈隐窝m e d i a s t i n u m纵隔u r i n a r y s y s t e m泌尿系统k i d n e y肾u r e t e r输尿管u r i n a r y b l a d d e r膀胱u r e t h r a尿道r e p r o d u c t i v e s ys t e m生殖系统t e s t i s睾丸e p i d i d y m i s附睾d u c t u s d e f e r e n s输精管s p e r m a t i c c o r d精索p r o s t a t e/p ro s t a t e gl a n d前列腺s e m i n a l v e s i c l e精囊s c r o t u m阴囊p e n i s阴茎o v a r y卵巢u t e r i n e t u b e输卵管u t e r u s子宫v a g i n a阴道m a m m a,b r e a s t乳房p e r i n e u m会阴p e l v i c d i a p h r a g m盆膈urogenital diaphragm 尿生殖膈p e r i t o n e u m腹膜g r e a t e r o m e n t u m大网膜o m e n t a l b u r s e网膜囊m e s e n t e r y肠系膜s u b p h r e n i c s p a c e膈下间隙angiology 脉管学cardiovascular system 心血管系统lymphatic syatem 淋巴系统h e a r t心c a r d i a c a t r i u m心房c a r d i a c v e n t r i c l e心室t r i c u s p i d v a l v e三尖瓣m i t r a l v a l v e二尖瓣c o n u s a r t e r i o s u s动脉圆锥p u l m o n a r y o r i f i c e肺动脉口a o r t i c s i n u s主动脉窦i n t e r a t r i a l s e p t u m房间隔interventricular septum 室间隔s i n u a t r i a l n o d e窦房结a t r i o v e n t r i c u l a r n o d e房室结at ri o v ent ri cul a r bu ndl e房室束c o r o n a r y a r t e r y冠状动脉p e r i c a r d i u m心包2p u l m o n a r y t r u n k肺动脉干a r t e r i a l l i g a m e n t动脉韧带common carotid a. 颈总动脉internal carotid a. 颈内动脉f a c i a l a.面动脉superficial temporal a. 颞浅动脉s u b c l a v i a n a.锁骨下动脉a x i l l a r y a.腋动脉b r ac h i a l a.肱动脉u l n a r a.尺动脉r ad i a l a.桡动脉superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓t h o r a c i c a o r t a胸主动脉a b d o m i n a l a o r t a腹主动脉c oe l i a c t r u n k腹腔干l ef tg a s t r i c a.胃左动脉common hepatic a. 肝总动脉splenic a. 脾动脉right gastroepiploic a. 胃网膜右动脉superior mesenteric a. 肠系膜上动脉c o m m o n i l i a c a.髂总动脉e x t e r n a l i l i a c a.髂外动脉f e m o r a l a.股动脉p o p l i t e a l a.腘动脉posterior tibial a. 胫后动脉peroneal a. 腓动脉dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉uterine a. 子宫动脉superior vena cava 上腔静脉brachiocephalic vein 头臂静脉internal jugular v. 颈内静脉c eph al i c v. 头静脉b a s i l i c v.贵要静脉median cubital v. 肘正中静脉a z yg o s v.奇静脉g r e a t s a ph e n o u s v.大隐静脉p o r t a l v.门静脉p a r a u m bi l i c a l v.附脐静脉t h o r a c i c d u c t胸导管superficial inguinal lymph nodes腹股沟浅淋巴结s p l e e n脾t h y m u s胸腺s e n s o r y o r g a n s感觉器v i s u a l o r g a n s视器e y e眼c o r n e a角膜s c l e r a巩膜i r i s虹膜p u p i l瞳孔c i l i a r y b o d y睫状体c h o r o i d脉络膜r e t i n a视网膜o p t i c d i s c视神经盘m a c u l a l u t e a黄斑a q u e o u s h u m o r房水l e n s晶状体v i t r e o u s b o d y玻璃体c o n j u n c t i v a结膜l a c r i m a l a p p a r a t u s泪器o p h t h a l m i c a.眼动脉e a r耳t y m p a n i c m e m b r a n e鼓膜t y m p a n i c c a v i t y鼓室a u d i t o r y t u b e咽鼓管v e s t i b u l e前庭c o c h l e a耳蜗s e m i c i r c u l a r c a n a l半规管peripheral nervous system周围神经系统s p i n a l n e r v e脊神经s p i n a l g a n g l i a脊神经节c e r v i c a l p l e x u s颈丛b r a c h i a l p l e x u s臂丛m e d i a n n.正中神经musculocutaneous n. 肌皮神经i n t e r c o s t a l n.肋间神经l u m b a r p l e x u s腰丛o b t u r a t o r n.闭孔神经s a c r a l p l e x u s骶丛s c i a t i c n.坐骨神经t i b i a l n.胫神经common peroneal n. 腓总神经cranial n. 脑神经o l f a c t o r y n.嗅神经o p t i c n.视神经o c u l o m o t o r n.动眼神经t r o c h l e a r n.滑车神经t r i g e m i n a l n.三叉神经o p h t h a l m i c n.眼神经m ax i l l a r y n.上颌神经m a n d i b u l a r n.下颌神经3a b d u c e n t n.展神经f a c i a l n.面神经vestibulocochlear n. 前庭蜗神经glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经v a g u s n.迷走神经accessor y n.副神经h y p o g l o s s a l n.舌下神经c h o r d a t y m p a n i鼓索autonomic nervous system自主神经系统s y m p a t h e t i c n e r v e交感神经parasympathetic nerve 副交感神经central nervous system中枢神经系统s p i n a l c o r d脊髓g r a y m a t t e r灰质cortex 皮质nucleus 神经核white matter 白质medulla 髓质fasciculus 纤维束ganglion 神经节reticular formation 网状结构spinal cord脊髓anterior horn前角posterior funiculus 后索anterior white commissure fasciculus gracilis 薄束fasciculus cuneatus 楔束spinothalamic tract 脊髓丘脑束corticospinal tract 皮质脊髓束corticonuclear tract 皮质核束b r a i n,e n c e p h a l o n脑b r a i n s t e m脑干m e d u l l a o b l o n g a t a延髓p y r a m i d锥体pyramidal decussation 锥体交叉p o n s脑桥midbrain, mesencephalon 中脑red nucleus 红核substantia nigra 黑质c e r e b e l l u m小脑d ie n c e p h a l o n间脑t h a l a m u s丘脑h y p o t h a l a m u s下丘脑o p t i c c h i a s m a视交叉medial geniculate body 内侧膝状体t e l e n c e p h a l o n端脑lateral ventricle侧脑室c h o r o i d p l e x u s脉络丛i n t e r n a l c a p s u l e内囊c o r p u s c a l l o s u m胼胝体c o r p u s s t r i a t u m纹状体c e r e b r a l c o r t e x大脑皮质hippocampal formation 海马结构limbic system 边缘系统extrapyramidal system 锥体外系c e r e b r a l d u r a m a t e r硬脑膜c a v e r n o u s s i n u s海绵窦e p i d u r a l s p a c e硬膜外隙subarachnoid space蛛网膜下隙s p i n a l p i a m a t e r软脊膜c e r e b r o s p i n a lf l u i d脑脊液e n d o c r i n eg l a n d s内分泌腺th y r oi d g l a n d甲状腺p a r a t h y r o i d g l a n d甲状旁腺s u p r a r e n a l g l a n d肾上腺h y p o p h y s i s垂体p i n e a l c o r p u s松果体4。
颈曲 Cervical curvature 胸曲 Thoracic curvature 腰曲Lumbar curvature 骶曲 Sacral curvature
环转 circumduction
单轴关节 屈戌关节 车轴关节 椭圆关节
双轴关节 鞍状关节 多轴关节 球窝关节
第二节 中轴骨连结 Joint of the axial skeleton
➢ 脊柱 vertebral column ➢ 胸廓thorax
颅骨的连结 ➢ 颅的直接连结 ➢ 颅骨的滑膜关节
运动系统 Locomotor System
Chapter 2 关节学 Arthrology
★ Department of Anatomy Qiqihar medical university
掌握:关节的基本结构和辅助结构。椎间盘的形态结构,前 纵韧带、后纵韧带的位置和功能。脊柱的构成、生理性弯曲及运 动。胸廓的构成、胸廓上口和胸廓下口的形态及围成。颞下颌关 节的组成、结构特点及运动。肩关节、肘关节、桡腕关节、拇指 腕掌关节的组成、结构特点及运动。骨盆的组成、骨盆上、下口 的围成。骨盆的性别差异。坐骨大、小孔的围成。髋关节、膝关 节、距小腿关节的组成、结构特点和运动。足弓的构成及功能。
熟悉:椎弓之间的连结。 了解:骨连结的定义和分类;脊柱的运动 。上下肢其它关 节的形态和运动。
3. 骨性结合
常由软骨连结骨化而成,如骶骨 成人的髋骨
㈡ 间接连结----关节(articulation)
关节的分类按关节面的形态、运动轴和运动方式划分。 (1)单轴关节 屈戌关节
(2)双轴关节 椭圆关节 鞍状关节 (3)多轴关节
关节面的形态、面积差,关节囊的厚薄与紧张,关节 周围的肌肉强弱,都影响关节的稳定性与灵活性。如肩 关节与髋关节,其灵活性与稳定性就有所不同。
下 一 页
2. 肩锁关节 由肩胛骨的肩峰与锁骨的肩峰端构成,性属微动关节。
上 一 页
二、肩关节(shoulder joint)
构成:由关节盂和肱骨头构成 ▼
㈠ 结构特点包括: 1.关节盂小,肱骨头大。 2.关节囊薄而松驰,但关节的前部、后部和上部有肌腱或韧带等 加强,只有下部没有,因而肩关节易向下方脱位。 3.关节囊内有肱二头肌长头腱通过。 ▼ ▼
(一)肋与胸椎、胸骨的连结 后端与胸椎的连结有两个关节: 前端与胸骨的连结: 1--7与胸骨的连结情况(直接与胸骨相连) 8--10与胸骨的连结 (间接与胸骨相连)
肋弓:第8--10肋的肋软骨依次连于上位肋软骨,形成肋 弓,是重要的体表标志。
《系统解剖学》教学资料 section 3 joints of limbs
◆ Clinical application
2.Knee joint 膝关节 1)Composition:
lower end of femur, upper end of tibia and patella
(3)Pelvic cavity (4)Pubic arch, subpubic
subpubic angle
骨盆形状 窄而长 宽而短
骨盆上口 呈心形 椭圆形
骨盆下口 狭小 宽大
骨盆腔 呈漏斗形 圆筒形
骶骨 窄长, 宽短,
曲度大 曲度小
骶骨岬 突出 突出
明显 不明显
耻骨下角 70º~ 75º 90º~
◆ Feature: Type of joint: compound joint
Capsule: thin and loose anteriorly and posteriorly.
1.Radial collacteral ligament 桡侧副韧带
2. Ulnar collacteral ligament 尺侧副韧带
3.Coracoacromial ligament喙肩韧带 Coracoacromial arch 喙肩弓
Coracoid process
Ⅱ)Joints of free upper limb
1.Shoulder joint 肩关节 (ball-and-socket)
◆ Composition: head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula
解剖学英文单词anatomy 解剖学locomotor system 运动系统osteology 骨学bone 骨cartilage 软骨bone marrow 骨髓vertebra 椎骨cervical vertebrae 颈椎thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae腰椎sacrum 骶骨coccyx 尾骨rib 肋costal bone 肋骨sternum 胸骨ster na l a ngle 胸骨角cranium, skull 颅orbit 眶paranasal sinus 鼻旁窦frontal sinus 额窦maxillary sinus 上颌窦sphenoidal sinus 蝶窦ethmoidal sinus 筛窦pterion 翼点cranial fontanelles 颅囟clavicle 锁骨humerus 肱骨scapula 肩胛骨radius 桡骨ulna 尺骨carpal bones 腕骨metacarpal bones掌骨phalanges 指骨/趾骨hip bone 髋骨ilium 髂骨ischium 坐骨pubis 耻骨acetabulum 髋臼femur 股骨patella 髌骨tibia 胫骨fibula 腓骨tarsal bones 跗骨metatarsal bones 跖骨arthrology 关节学fibrous joint 纤维连结cartilaginous joint 软骨连结synosteosis 骨性结合joint, articulation 关节vertebral column 脊柱intervertebral disc 椎间盘thoracic cage 胸廓temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节shoulder joint 肩关节elbow joint 肘关节radiocarpal joint/wrist joint桡腕关节pubic symphysis 耻骨联合pelvis 骨盆terminal line 界线sarotuberous ligament骶结节韧带sarospinous ligament骶棘韧带greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔hip joint 髋关节knee joint 膝关节ankle joint 踝关节transverse tarsal joint跗横关节meniscus 半月板mycology 肌学muscle 肌肉tendon 肌腱aponeurosis 腱膜fascia 筋膜trapezius m. 斜方肌latissimus dorsi m. 背阔肌erector spinae m. 竖脊肌sternocleidomastoid m.胸锁乳突肌pectoralis major m. 胸大肌serratus anterior m. 前锯肌intercostal m. 肋间肌diaphragm 膈obliquus externus abdominis m.腹外斜肌inguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带sheath of rectus abdominis腹直肌鞘linea alba 腹白线inguinal canal 腹股沟管inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角deltoid m. 三角肌biceps brachii m. 肱二头肌triceps brachii m. 肱三头肌gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌sartorius m. 缝匠肌quadriceps femoris m.股四头肌adductor magnus m. 大收肌triceps surae m. 小腿三头肌splanchnology 内脏学alimentary system 消化系统digestive tube/digestive tract消化管oral cavity 口腔palate 腭tongue 舌cheek 颊tooth 牙tonsil 扁桃体salivary glands 唾液腺sublingual gland 舌下腺parotid gland 腮腺submandibular gland 下颌下腺pharynx 咽esophagus 食管stomach, gaster 胃cardia 贲门pylorus 幽门small intestine 小肠duodenum 十二指肠jejunum 空肠ileum 回肠caecum 盲肠vermiform appendix 阑尾colon 结肠sigmoid colon 乙状结肠rectum 直肠anal canal 肛管anus 肛门liver, hepar 肝porta hepatis 肝门gall bladder 胆囊pancreas 胰respiratory system 呼吸系统nose 鼻nasal cavity 鼻腔larynx 喉trachea 气管bronchus 支气管lung 肺pleura 胸膜pleural cavity 胸膜腔pleural recesses 胸膜隐窝costodiaphragmatic recess肋膈隐窝mediastinum 纵隔urinary system 泌尿系统kidney 肾renal hilum 肾门renal pedicle 肾蒂ureter 输尿管urinary bladder 膀胱urethra 尿道reproductive system生殖系统testis 睾丸epididymis 附睾ductus deferens 输精管ejaculatory duct 射精管spermatic cord 精索prostate/prostate gland前列腺seminal vesicle 精囊bulbourethral gland 尿道球腺scrotum 阴囊penis 阴茎ovary 卵巢uterine tube 输卵管uterus 子宫vagina 阴道mamma, breast 乳房perineum 会阴pelvic diaphragm 盆膈urogenital diaphragm尿生殖膈peritoneum 腹膜greater omentum 大网膜omental burse 网膜囊mesentery 肠系膜subphrenic space 膈下间隙rectovesical ponch直肠膀胱陷凹rectouterine pouch直肠子宫陷凹angiology 脉管学cardiovascular system心血管系统lymphatic syatem 淋巴系统heart 心cardiac atrium 心房cardiac ventricle 心室tricuspid valve 三尖瓣mitral valve 二尖瓣conus arteriosus 动脉圆锥pulmonary orifice 肺动脉口aortic sinus 主动脉窦interatrial septum 房间隔interventricular septum 室间隔sinuatrial node 窦房结atrioventricular node 房室结atrioventricular bundle房室束coronary artery 冠状动脉pericardium 心包pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干arterial ligament 动脉韧带common carotid a.颈总动脉carotid glomus 颈动脉小球internal carotid a. 颈内动脉facial a. 面动脉superficial temporal a.颞浅动脉subclavian a. 锁骨下动脉axillary a. 腋动脉brachial a. 肱动脉ulnar a. 尺动脉radial a. 桡动脉superficial palmar arch 掌浅弓thoracic aorta 胸主动脉abdominal aorta 腹主动脉coeliac trunk 腹腔干left gastric a. 胃左动脉common hepatic a. 肝总动脉splenic a. 脾动脉right gastroepiploic a.胃网膜右动脉superior mesenteric a.肠系膜上动脉common iliac a. 髂总动脉external iliac a. 髂外动脉femoral a. 股动脉popliteal a. 腘动脉posterior tibial a. 胫后动脉peroneal a. 腓动脉dorsal artery of foot 足背动脉uterine a. 子宫动脉superior vena cava 上腔静脉brachiocephalic vein头臂静脉internal jugular v. 颈内静脉cephalic v. 头静脉basilic v. 贵要静脉median cubital v. 肘正中静脉azygos v. 奇静脉great saphenous v. 大隐静脉portal v. 门静脉paraumbilical v. 附脐静脉thoracic duct 胸导管superficial inguinal lymph nodes腹股沟浅淋巴结spleen 脾thymus 胸腺sensory organs 感觉器visual organs 视器eye 眼cornea 角膜sclera 巩膜iris 虹膜pupil 瞳孔ciliary body 睫状体chor oid 脉络膜retina 视网膜optic disc 视神经盘macula lutea 黄斑aqueous humor 房水lens 晶状体vitreous body 玻璃体conju n ctiva结膜lacrimal apparatus 泪器ophthalmic a. 眼动脉ear 耳tympanic membrane 鼓膜tympanic cavity 鼓室auditory tube 咽鼓管vestibule 前庭cochlea 耳蜗semicircular canal 半规管peripheral nervous system周围神经系统spinal nerve 脊神经spinal ganglia 脊神经节cervical plexus 颈丛phrenic n. 膈神经brachial plexus 臂丛median n. 正中神经musculocutaneous n. 肌皮神经intercostal n. 肋间神经lumbar plexus 腰丛obturator n. 闭孔神经sacral plexus 骶丛sciatic n. 坐骨神经tibial n. 胫神经common peroneal n. 腓总神经cranial n. 脑神经olfactory n. 嗅神经optic n. 视神经oculomotor n. 动眼神经trochlear n. 滑车神经trigeminal n. 三叉神经ophthalmic n. 眼神经maxillary n. 上颌神经mandibular n. 下颌神经abducent n. 展神经facial n. 面神经vestibulocochlear n.前庭蜗神经glossopharyngeal n. 舌咽神经vagus n. 迷走神经accessory n. 副神经hypoglossal n. 舌下神经chorda tympani 鼓索autonomic nervous system自主神经系统sympathetic nerve交感神经parasympathetic nerve副交感神经central nervous system中枢神经系统spinal cord脊髓gray matter灰质cortex 皮质nucleus 神经核white matter 白质medulla 髓质fasciculus 纤维束ganglion 神经节reticular formation 网状结构spinal cord脊髓anterior horn前角posterior funiculus 后索anterior white commissure白质前连合fasciculus gracilis 薄束fasciculus cuneatus 楔束spinothalamic tract脊髓丘脑束corticospinal tract 皮质脊髓束corticonuclear tract 皮质核束brain, encephalon 脑brain stem脑干medulla oblongata延髓pyramid锥体pyramidal decussation锥体交叉pons脑桥midbrain, mesencephalon中脑red nucleus 红核substantia nigra 黑质cerebellum小脑diencephalon间脑thalamus丘脑hypothalamus 下丘脑optic chiasma 视交叉medial geniculate body内侧膝状体telencephalon端脑lateral ventricle侧脑室choroid plexus脉络丛internal capsule 内囊corpus callosum 胼胝体corpus striatum 纹状体cerebral cortex 大脑皮质hippocampal formation海马结构limbic system 边缘系统extrapyramidal system锥体外系cerebral dura mater 硬脑膜cavernous sinus海绵窦epidural space 硬膜外隙subarachnoid space蛛网膜下隙spinal pia mater 软脊膜cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液endocrine glands 内分泌腺thyroid gland 甲状腺parathyroid gland甲状旁腺suprarenal gland肾上腺hypophysis垂体pineal corpus松果体。
The English—Chinese Basic Glossary of Human Anatomy英汉人体解剖学基本词汇systematic anatomy系统解剖学regional anatomy(topographic anatomy)局部解剖学anatomical position解剖学姿势superior上inferior下anterior前posterior后medial内侧lateral外侧superficial浅deep深internal 内external外proximal近侧distal远侧vertical axis垂直轴sagittal axis矢状轴coronal axis(frontal axis)冠状轴(额状轴)sagittal plane矢状面coronal plane(frontal plane)冠状面(额状面)horizontal plane(transverse plane)水平面(横切面)I.Locomotor System运动系统1.Bony System (Osteology)骨学long bone长骨short bone短骨flat bone扁骨irregular bone不规则骨sesamoid bone籽骨compact bone(dense bone)骨密质cancellous bone(spongy bone)骨松质diploe板障periosteum骨膜bone marrow骨髓(1)Bones of Trunk躯干骨vertebrae椎骨cervical vertebrae颈椎thoracic vertebrae胸椎lumbar vertebrae腰椎sacrum骶骨coccyx尾骨axis枢椎vertebra prominens隆椎sternum胸骨rib肋骨costal cartilage肋软骨(2)Skull颅frontal bone额骨ethmoid bone筛骨sphenoid bone蝶骨parietal bone顶骨temporal bone颞骨occipital bone枕骨maxilla上颌骨zygomatic bone颧骨palatine bone腭骨nasal bone鼻骨lacrimal bone泪骨inferior nasal concha下鼻甲vomer犁骨mandible下颌骨hyoid bone舌骨(3)Bones of Upper Limb上肢骨clavicle锁骨scapula肩胛骨humerus肱骨ulna尺骨radius桡骨scaphoid bone手舟骨lunate bone月骨triquetral bone三角骨pisiform bone豌豆骨trapezium bone大多角骨trapezoid bone小多角骨capitate bone头状骨hamate bone钩骨metacarpal bones掌骨phalanges指骨(4)Bones of Lower Limb下肢骨hip bone髋骨ilium髂骨ischium坐骨pubis耻骨femur股骨tibia胫骨fibula腓骨talus距骨calcaneus跟骨navicular bone足舟骨medial cuneiform bone内侧楔骨intermediate cuneiform bone中间楔骨lateral cuneiform bone外侧楔骨cuboid bone骰骨metartarsal bones跖骨phalanges of toes趾骨2。
一、总论(一)解剖学分类(Classification of Anatomy) anatomy 解剖学human anatomy, anthropotomy 人类解剖学systematic anatomy 系统解剖学regional (topographic) anatomy, topology 局部解剖学gross (macroscopic) anatomy 大体解剖学,巨视解剖学microscopic anatomy 显微解剖学macro-microscopic anatomy 巨-微解剖学sectional anatomy 断面解剖学pathological (morbid) anatomy 病理解剖学neuroanatomy 神经解剖学chemical neuroanatomy 化学解剖学developmental anatomy 发生(或发育)histologic anatomy 组织解剖学histology 组织学embryology 胚胎学anthropology 人类学(二)一般解剖学术语(General Anatomical Terms) dissection,dissect (v.) 解剖,解剖标本normality,normal (a.) 正常abnormality , abnormal 异常variation 变异deformity, malformation 畸形specimen 标本model 模型(三)方位术语(Positional Terms)1. anatomical position 解剖学姿势2. 方位术语(terms of direction)superior, upper 上inferior, lower 下anterior 前侧posterior 后侧ventral (dorsal) 腹(背)侧medial (lateral) 内(外)侧intermediate 中间internal, interior, inner, inside 内external, exterior, outer, outside 外superficial 浅deep, profound 深proximal (distal) 近(远)侧ulnar (radial) 尺(桡)侧tibial (fibular) 胫(腓)侧palmar 掌侧plantar 足底left 左right 右middle 中median 正中3. 轴和面(Axes and Planes)axis (pl. axes),axial (a.) 轴vertical (perpendicular) axis, longitudinalaxis 垂直轴, 纵轴coronal (frontal) axis 冠(额)状轴sagittal axis 矢状轴plane (平)面horizontal (transverse) plane 水平面,横平面coronal (frontal) plane 冠(额)状面sagittal plane 矢状面median sagittal plane 正中矢状面transverse section 横切面longitudinal section 纵切面(四)人体的分部和分区(Toponym and Zonation of the Human body) 1. 头(Head)head头(的)Skull,craniun,cranial (a.) 颅front, frontal, region 额区perietal region 顶区occiput, occipital region 枕区Face, facial (a.) 面orbit, orbital region 眶区nose, nasal region 鼻区mouth, oral region 口区chin, mental region 颌区ear, auditory region 耳区2. 颈(Neck)neck, collum, cervical & jugular (a.) 颈anterior region of neck, anterior of neck 颈前区carotid triangle 颈动脉三角muscular triangle 肌三角,肩胛舌骨肌气管三角sternocleidomastoid region 胸锁乳突肌区supraclavicular triangle 锁骨上三角posterior region of neck, nuchal region 颈后区,项区nape, nucha, nuchal (a.) 项root of neck 颈根部3. 躯干(Trunk)trunk, truncus 躯干Median anterior line 前正中线sternal line 胸骨线parasternal line 胸骨旁线midclavicular line 锁骨中线anterior (posterior) axillary line 腋前(后) 线midaxillary line 腋中线scapular line 肩胛线median posterior line 后正中线Back, dorsal 背vertebral region 脊柱区sacral region 骶区scapular region 肩胛下区lumbar region 腰Chest, thorax, thoracic (a.) 胸sternal region 胸骨(前)区infraclavicular fossa 锁骨下窝Abdomen, abdominal (a.) 腹Hypochondriac 季肋区epigastric region 腹上区lateral region of abdomem 腹外侧区umbilical region 脐区inguinal region, iliac region, 腹股沟区,髂区inguinal triangle 腹股沟三角,海氏三角pubic region, hypogastric region 耻区,腹下区Pelvis,pelvic(a. ) 盆部Perineum,perineal (a.) 会阴anal region 肛区urogenital region 尿生殖区4. 四肢(Limbs)limbs, extremities 四肢Upper limbs (extremities) 上肢Shoulder 肩axilla, axillary region 腋区Free upper limb 自由上肢arm,brachial (a.) 臂anterior (posterior ) brachial region 臂前(后)区elbow, cubital, (a.) 肘forearm, antebrachial (a.) 前臂anterior (posterior ) antebrachial region 前臂前(后)区hand, manual (a.) 手wrist, carpal (a.) 腕palm, palmar, metacarpal (a.) 掌back (palm) of hand 手背(掌)finger, digital (a.) 手指thumb 拇指index finger 示指middle finger 中指ring finger 环指little finger 小指Lower limb 下肢hip, coxal (a.) 髋buttock, gluteal region 臀区Free lower limb 自由下肢anterior (posterior) region of thigh 股前(后)区femoral triangle 股三角medial region of thigh 股内侧区knee, geniculate (a.) 膝anterior (posterior) region of knee 膝前(后)区leg, crural (a.) 小腿anterior (posterior) crural region 小腿前(后)区foot, pedal (a.) 足dorsum of foot 足背sole, planta (pl. plantae) 足底toes 足趾great toe 足母趾二、各章解剖学词汇* (一) 运动系统(Locomotor System) 1.骨学(Osteology )(1)概述osteology 骨学* bone,bony 骨skeleton,skletal (a.) 骨骼long (short,flat) bone 长(短,扁)骨irregular bone 不规则骨pneumatic bone 含气骨sesamoid bone 籽骨,shaft,diaphysis 骨干,骨体bony(osseous)substance 骨质compact(spongy)bone 骨密(松)质trabeculae 骨小梁periosteum (外)膜endosteum 骨内膜medullary 髓腔red(yellow)bone marrow 红(黄)骨髓(2)中轴骨骼(Axial Skeleton)躯干骨(Bones of Trunk)* Vertebral(spinel)column 脊柱* vertebral canal 椎管intervertebral foramen 椎间孔cervical (thoracic, lumbar, sacral) curvature 颈(胸,腰,骶)曲vertebra ( pl. vertebrae) 椎骨vertebral body (arch) 椎体(弓)pedicle of vertebral arch 椎弓根lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板vertebral foramen 椎孔spinous process 棘突transverse process 横突superior (inferior) articular process 上(下) 关节突cervical vertebrae 颈椎atlas 寰椎axis 枢椎prominent vertebrae 隆椎thoracic vertebrae胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎sacrum,sacral bone 骶骨coccyx 尾骨thoracic cavity 胸腔superior (inferior) aperture of thorax 胸廓上下口costal arch 肋弓intercostals space 肋间隙infrasternal angle 胸骨下角* ribs ,costa(costae) 肋* sternum 胸骨Sternal manubrium 胸骨柄Sternal angle (body) 胸骨角(体) Xiphoid process 剑突颅骨(skull)cerebral cranium 脑颅cranial cavity颅腔calvaria 颅盖pterion 翼点jugular foramen颈静脉孔internal surface of base of skull 颅底内面anterior (middle,posterior) cranial fossa 颅前中,后)窝facial cranium 面颅orbit 眶bony nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔piriform aperture,anterior nasal aperture 梨状孔,鼻前孔posterior nasal aperture鼻后孔bony septum of nose 骨鼻中隔superior (middle, inferior) meatus of nose 上(中,下)鼻道temporal fossa 颞窝zugomatic arch 颧弓infratemporal fossa 颞下窝pterygopalatine fossa 翼腭窝cranial fontaelles 颅囟anterior (posterior) fontanelle 前(后)囟anterolateral (posterolateral) fontanelle 前(后)外侧囟cranial bones 脑颅骨occipital bone 枕骨large foramen of occipital bone 枕骨大孔external occipital protuberance枕外隆凸superior (inferior) nuchal line 上(下)项线sulcus for transverse sinus, transversesulcus 横窦沟sphenoid bone 蝶骨hypophyseal fossa 垂体窝optic canal 视神经管round (oval,spinous)foramen 圆(卵圆,棘) 孔temporal bone 颞骨petrous part 岩部mastoid process 乳突carotid canal 颈动脉管tympanic tegmen 鼓室盖arcuate eminence 弓状隆起trigeminal impression 三叉神经压迹internal acoustic pore (port) 内耳门internal acoustic meatus (canal) 内耳道jugular fossa 颈静脉窝styloid process 茎突stylomastoid foramen 茎乳孔facial canal 面神经管external acoustic pore (canal ) 外耳门(道) parietal,parietal bone 顶骨parietal tuber (foramen) 顶结节(孔)frontal bone 额骨frontal squama (tuber) 额鳞(结节) superciliary arch 眉弓supraorbital notch (foramen) 眶上切迹fossa for lacrimal gland 泪腺窝ethmoid bone 筛骨cribriform plate (foramen) 筛板(孔)facial bones 面颅骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲lacrimal bone 泪骨nasal bone鼻骨vomer梨骨* maxilla上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨zygomatic bone 颧骨* mandible 下颌骨ramous(angle) of mandible 下颌支(角) masseteric tuberosity 咬肌粗隆coronoid process 冠突condylar process 髁突hyoid bone 舌骨(3)附肢骨骼(Appendicular skeleton) shoulder girdle 上肢带骨,肩带骨scapula 肩胛骨acromion 肩峰superior(medial,lateral)border 上(下,外侧) 缘coracoid process 喙突superior (inferior, lateral) angle上(下,外侧) 角glenoid cavity 关节盂* clavicle 锁骨bones of free upper limb 自由上肢骨* Humerus 肱骨head of humerus 肱骨头anatomical(surgical)neck 解剖(外科)颈greater(lesser)tubercle 大(小)结节crest of greater(lesser)tubercle 大(小)结节嵴sulcus (groove)for radial n. 桡神经沟deltoid tuberosity 三角肌粗隆trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车olecranon (coronoid, radial) fossa 鹰嘴(冠突,桡) 窝medial (lateral) epicondyle 内(外)上髁sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟* radius 桡骨head (neck) of radius 桡骨头(颈)articular circumference 环状关节面radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆interosseous border 骨间缘styloid process 茎突ulnal notch 尺切迹carpal articular surface 腕关节面* uana 尺骨olecranon 鹰嘴coronoid process 冠突ulnal tuberosity 尺骨粗隆trochleal(radial)notch 滑车(桡)切迹head of ulna 尺骨头bones of hand 手骨carpal bones 腕骨scaphoid bone 手舟骨lunate bone 月骨triangular bone 三角骨pisiform bone 豌豆骨trapezium bone 大多角骨trapezoid bone 小多角骨capitate bone 头状骨hamate bone 钩骨hamulus (hook) of hamate bone钩骨钩Metacarpal bones 掌骨phalanges(bones) of fingers 指骨proximal (middle, distal) phalanx 近(中,远) 指(或趾)骨下肢骨(Bones of lower limb)pelvic girdle 下肢带骨,盆带骨* hip bone 髋骨acetabulum 髋臼acetabular fossa (notch) 髋臼窝(切迹)obturator foramen 闭孔* Ilium 髂骨body (ala) of ilium 髂骨体(翼)arcuate line 弓状线iliac crest 髂嵴Tubercle 髂结节Anterior superior (inferior) iliac spine 髂前上(下) 棘Posterior superior (inferior) iliac spine髂后上(下)棘Iliac fossa 髂窝Auricular surface 耳状面Iliac tuberosity 髂粗隆* Ischium 坐骨Greater (lesser) sciatic notch 坐骨大(小)切迹* Pubis 耻骨Symphsial surface 耻骨联合面superior (inferior) ramus of pubis 耻骨上下支ililopubic eminence 髂耻隆起pecten of pubis 耻骨梳bones of free lower limb 自由下肢骨* femur 股骨fovea of femoral head 股骨头凹head (neck) of femur 股骨头(颈)greater (lesser) trochanter 大小转子intertrochanteric line 转子间线intertrochanteric crest 转子间嵴linea aspera,rough line of femur 粗线pectineal line 耻骨肌线gluteal tuberosity 臀肌粗隆popliteal surface腘面medial (lateral) condyle 内(外)侧髁adductor tubercle 收肌结节intercondylar fossa 髁间窝medial (lateral) epicondyle 内外上髁patella 髌骨* tibia 胫骨intercondylar eminence 髁间隆起shaft (tuberosity) of tibia 胫骨体粗隆soleal line 比目鱼肌线medial (lateral) malleolus 内外髁Fibula,perone 腓骨bones of foot 足骨tarsal bones 跗骨talus 距骨calcaneus 跟骨navicular bone 足舟骨medial cuneiform bone内侧楔骨lateral cuneiform bone 中间楔骨intermediate cuneiform bone 内侧楔骨cuboid bone 骰骨metatarsal bones 跖骨phalanges (bones) of toes 趾骨2.关节学(arthrology)(1)概述synosteology 关节学,关节解剖学articulation 连结,关节joint 关节,连结synovial joints 滑膜关节fibrous 纤维连结syndesmosis 韧带连结suture 缝cartilaginous joints 软骨连结synchondrosis (pl. synchondroses) (透明软骨) 结合symphysis (pl.symphyses)(纤维软骨)联合synostosis (pl. synostoses synosteosis) 骨性结合articular surface (cavity) 关节面(腔)articular disk 关节盘articular labrum 关节唇articular capsule 关节囊fibrous layer (membrane) 纤维层,纤维膜synovial layer (membrane) 滑膜层,滑膜synovial fold (villi) 滑膜襞synovial fluid 滑液ligament (lig.) 韧带extracapsular lig. 囊外韧带intracapsular lig. 囊内韧带Action 动作,作用flexion,flexor (m.),flex (v.) 屈extension,extensor (m.), extense (v.) 伸adduction,addutor (m.), adduct (v.) 收abduction,abdutor (m.), abduct (v.) 展Medial (lateral) rotation 旋内(外)pronation,pronator (m.), pronate (v.) 旋前supination, supinator(m.), supinate(v.) 旋后circumduction 环转运动(2)中轴骨骼的连结(Joints of the Axial Skeleton) vertebral joints 椎骨连结yellow lig. 黄韧带ionterspinous lig. 棘间韧带intertransverse lig. 横突间韧带supraspinous lig. 棘上韧带Intervertebral symphysis 椎间联合interverbral discs 椎间盘Fibrous rings 纤维环Pulpiform nucleus 髓核Anterior longitudinal 前纵韧带Posterior longitudinal 前后韧带Zygapophysial joint 关节突关节Lumbosacral joint 腰骶连结Costovertebral joints 肋椎关节Joint of costal head 肋头关节Costotransverse joint 肋横突关节Sternocostal joints 胸肋关节Cranial suture 颅缝Coronal (sagittal) suture 冠矢状缝Lambdoid suture 人字缝Synchondroses of cranium 颅结合Temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节(3)附肢骨骼的连结(Joints of the Appendicular Skeleton) joints of shoulder girdle 上肢带连结coracoacromial lig. 喙间韧带Coracoclavicular lig. 喙锁韧带Acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节Sternoclavicular joint 胸锁关节Joints of free upper limb 自由上肢连结Shoulder joint 肩关节Elbow joint 肘关节Humeroulnar joint 肱尺关节Humeroradial joint 肱桡关节Joints of hand 手关节Radiocarpal joint ,wrist joint 桡腕关节,腕关节Intercarpal joints 腕骨间关节Carpometacarpal joints 腕掌关节Carpometacarpal joint of thumb 拇指腕掌关节Intermetacarpal joints掌骨间关节Metacarpophalangeal joints 掌指关节Interphalangeal joints of hand 指骨间关节Joints of pelvic girdle 下肢带连结Pubic symphysis 耻骨联合Interpubic disc 耻骨间盘Obturator membrane 闭孔膜Sacroiliac joints 骶髂关节Sacrotuberous lig. 骶结节韧带Greater (lesser) sciatic foramen 坐骨大(小)孔Pelvis 骨盆Terminal line 界线Greater (lesser) pelvis 大小骨盆Superior (posterior) pelvic aperture 骨盆上下口Pubic arch 耻骨弓Subpubic angle 耻骨下角Pelvic cavity 骨盆腔Joints of free lower limb 自由下肢连结Hip joint 髋关节Transverse acetabular lig. 髋臼横韧带Ligament of head of femur 股骨头韧带Knee joint 膝关节Medial (lateral) meniscus 内外侧半月板Transverse lig.of knee 膝横韧带Anterior cruciate lig. 前交叉韧带Posterior cruciate lig. 后交叉韧带Fibular (tibial) collateral lig. 腓(胫)侧副韧带Ligament of patella 髌韧带Tibiofibular joint 胫腓关节Tibiofibular syndesmosis 胫腓连结Crural interosseous membrane 小腿骨间膜Joints of foot 足关节talocrural joint, ankle joint 距小腿关节,踝关节intertarsal joints 跗骨间关节subtalar joint, talocalcaneal joint 距下关节,距跟关节transverse tarsal joint 跗横关节talocalcaneonavicular joint 距跟舟关节tarsometatarsal joint 跗跖关节intermetatarsal joints 跖骨间关节metatarsophalangeal joint 跖趾关节interphalangeal joints of foot 跖骨间关节arch of foot, tarsometatarsal arch 足弓,跗跖弓medial (lateral) longitudinal arch 内(外) 侧纵弓transverse arch 横弓3. 肌学(myology)(1)概述muscle (m.) 肌肉cardiac muscle 心肌smooth muscle 平滑肌skeletal muscle 骨骼肌long (short, broad, flat) muscle 长(短,阔,扁) 肌orbicular muscle 轮匝肌sphincter 括约肌dilator, dilatator 开大肌venter (belly) 肌腹tendon 腱aponeurosis 腱膜origin 起点,固定点insertion 止点,动点accessory (subservient) structure 辅助结构tendinous sheath 腱鞘synovial sheath of tendon 滑膜腱鞘fascia 筋膜superficial (deep) fascia 浅(深)筋膜synovial bursa 滑膜囊subcutaneous tissue (fat) 皮下组织(脂肪)(2)躯干肌(Muscles of Trunk)muscles of back 背肌trapezius m. 斜方肌broadest m. of back 背阔肌erector spinal m. 竖脊肌muscles of neck 颈肌platysma m. 颈阔肌sternocleidomastoid m. 胸锁乳突肌anterior (middle, posterior) scalene m. 前中后斜角肌scalene fissure 斜角肌suprahyoid muscles 舌骨上肌群infrahyoid muscles 舌骨下肌群thoracic m. 胸肌greater (lesser) pectoral m. 胸大(小)肌anterior serratus m. 前锯肌thoracic proper m. 胸固有肌external intercostal m. 肋间外肌internal intercostal m. 肋间内肌external (internal) intercostals membrane 肋间外(内)膜transverse m. of thorax 胸横肌intimate intercostal m. 肋间最内肌* diaphragm 膈central tendon 中心腱aortic hiatus 主动脉裂孔esophageal hiatus 食管裂孔hiatus of vena cave 腔静裂孔abdominal m. 腹肌abdominal rectus m., straight m. of abdomen 腹直肌sheath of rectus m. 腹直肌鞘external (internal) oblique m. of abdomen 腹外(内) 斜肌inguinal lig. 腹股沟韧带superficial (deep) inguinal ring 腹股沟浅环transverse m. of abdomen 腹横肌inguinal canal 腹股沟管(2)头肌(Muscles of Head)Facial m. 面肌epicranial m. 颅顶肌occipitofrontal m. 枕额肌frontal(occipital)belly 额(枕)腹epicranial aponeurosis,galea aponeurotica 帽状腱膜orbicuaal m. of eye 眼轮匝肌orbicular m. of mouth 口轮匝肌buccinator,buccinator m.颊肌masticatory m.咀嚼肌masseter m.咬肌(3)上肢肌(Muscles of Upper Limb)muscles of shoulder girdle上肢带肌,肩带肌deltoid m.三角肌muscles of arm 臂肌brachial biceps (triceps) m. 肱二(三)头肌anconeus m. 肘肌round pronator m.旋前圆肌radial (ulnar)flexor m. of wrist 桡(尺)侧腕屈肌long palmar m.掌长肌superficial (deep)fleaor m. of fingers 指浅(深)屈肌long flexor m, of thumb 拇长屈肌quadrate pronator m. brachioradialis 旋前方肌brachioradial m., brachioradialis 肱桡肌long (short)radial extensor carpal m. 桡侧腕长(短)伸肌extensor m. of fingers指伸肌extensor m. of lesser finger 小指伸肌ulnar extensor m. of wrist尺侧腕伸肌supinator m. 旋后肌long abductor (extensor) m. of thumb拇长展(伸)肌short extensor m. of thumb 拇短伸肌extensor m. of index finger 示指伸肌muscles of hand 手肌short abductor (flexor ) m. of thumb 拇短展(屈)肌opposing m. of thumb拇对掌肌abductor (opposing) m. of little finger小指展(对掌)肌lumbrrical m. 蚓状肌palmar (dorsal)interosseous m.骨间掌(背) 侧肌(4)下肢肌(muscles of lower limb)muscles of hip髋肌iliopsoas m.髂腰肌iliac m.髂肌greater psoas m.腰大肌greatest (middle, least) gluteal m.臀大(中,小)肌tensor m. of broad fascia阔筋膜张肌pririform m.梨状肌internal obturator m.闭孔内肌external obturator m.闭孔外肌quadrate m. of thigh股方肌muscles of thigh 大腿肌sartorius m. 缝匠肌quadriceps m. lf thigh股四头肌pectineal m. 耻骨肌slender m. gracile m股薄肌.long(short)adductor m.长短收肌great adductor m.大收肌biceps m. of thigh股二头肌semiterninous m. 半腱肌semimembranous m.半膜肌muscles of leg 小腿肌anterior (posterior)tibial m.胫骨前后肌long extensor m. of digits趾长伸肌long estensor m. lf great toe拇长伸肌long (short)peroneal 腓骨长短肌triceps m. of calf 小腿三头肌gastrocnemius m.腓肠肌soleus m.比目鱼肌tendon of heel跟腱long flexor m. of toe趾长伸肌long flexor m. of great toe 拇长屈肌muscles of foot 足肌broad fascia 阔筋膜iliotibial tract 髂筋束adductor tendinous opening, adductor hiatus 收肌腱裂孔adductor canal 收肌管muscular lacuna 肌腔隙iliopectineal arch 髂耻弓vascular lacuna 血管腔隙femoral triangle(sheath) 股三角(鞘)femoral canal(ring) 股管(环)saphenous hiatus, oral fossa 隐静脉裂孔,卵圆窝malleolar canal 踝管二、内脏学(Splanchnology)* (一)消化系统(Digestive System)digestive system ,alimentary system 消化系统internal organ ,splanchna ,viscera 内脏splanchnology 内脏学digestive apparatus 消化器digestive canal 消化管1. 上消化道Superior Digestive TractMouth 口Oral cavity ,mouth cavity 口腔Hard (soft) palate 硬(软)腭Gum 牙龈Sublingual caruncle 舌下阜Sublingual fold 舌下襞Papilla of parotid duct 腮腺管乳头Oral glands 口腔腺Major salivary glands 大唾液腺Sublingual gland舌下腺Major(minor)sublingual duct 舌下腺大(小)管Submandibular gland下颌下腺Submandibular duct下颌下腺管* Parotid gland 腮腺Parotid duct 腮腺管Tooth牙Incisor teeth incisor切牙Lateral (second) incisor侧切牙Canine teeth 尖牙Premolor teeth 前磨牙molor teeth磨牙* tongue, lingua 舌apex (dorsoum,root,body) of tongue 舌尖(背,根,体) lingual mucous membrane 舌黏膜frenulum of tongue 舌系带papillae of tongue,lingual papillae舌乳头filiformpapillae 丝状乳头fungiform papillae 菌状乳头vallate papillae 轮廓乳头foliate papillae叶状乳头terminal sulcus 界沟foramen cecum of tongue 舌盲孔muscles of tongue 舌肌genioglossus m 颏舌肌* pharynx咽isthmus of fauces, fauces咽峡palatine velum腭帆palatine uvula,uvula腭垂,悬雍垂palatoglossal arch腭舌弓palatopharyngeal arch腭咽弓palatine tonsil腭扁桃体tonsillar fossa扁桃体窝cavity (fornix) of pharynx 咽腔nasopharynx鼻咽eustachian cushion, tubal torus咽鼓管圆枕tonsillar ring扁桃体环pharyngeal recess咽隐窝oropharynx口咽laryngopharynx喉咽piriform recess梨状隐窝* esophagus 食管,食道cervical (thoracic, abdominal) part ofesophagus 食管颈(胸,腹)部* stomach胃greater curvature of stomach胃大弯lesser curvature of stomach胃小弯angular (gastric) notch角切迹cardia, cardiac orifice贲门cardiac part 贲门部fundus (body) of stomach 胃底cardiac notch (incisure) 贲门切迹pylorus,pyloric orifice幽门pyloric part (canal, antrum) 幽门部(管,窦)* small intestine小肠solitary lymphatic follicles孤立淋巴滤泡aggregated lymphatic follicles集合淋巴滤泡* duodenum十二指肠ampulla,duodenal bulb十二指肠球major(minor)duodenal papilla十二指肠大(小)乳头duodinojejunal flexure十二指肠空肠曲suspensory m.of duodenum十二指肠悬肌2. 下消化道(Inferior Digestive Tract)* jejunum 空肠* ileum回肠* large intestine大肠c(a)ecum盲肠ileocecal valve(orifice)回盲(瓣)口* vermix,vermiform appendix阑尾* colon结肠ascending (transverse, descending) colon升(横,降)结肠right colic flexure,hepatic flexure 结肠右曲,肝曲left colic flexure,splenic flexure 结肠左曲,脾曲sigmoid colon乙状结肠haustra of colon结肠袋colic lig结肠带epiploic appendices肠脂垂* rectum直肠sacral(perineal)flexure骶(会阴)曲anal canal(column,sinus,valves肛管(柱,窦,瓣) anorectal line肛直肠线dentate line,anocutaneous line齿状线,肛皮线anal pecten,hemorrhoidal ring肛梳anus肛门internal sphincter m. of anus肛门内括约肌3. 消化腺(Digestive Glands)* liver肝diaphragmatic surface膈面visceral surface脏面sulcus for vena cava腔静脉沟fossa for gallbladder胆囊窝round lig.of liver肝圆韧带venous lig. (duct) 静脉韧带door of liver肝门hepatic pedicle肝蒂left (right) lobe左(右)叶quadrate (caudate) lobe方(尾状)叶bile duct胆管extrahepatic duct肝外胆道common hepatic duct肝总管left (right) hepatic duct肝左右管* gallbladder胆囊fundus (body,neck) of gallbladder胆囊底(体,颈) cystic duct胆囊管common bile duct胆总管hepatopancreatic ampulla肝胰壶腹sphincter m.of hepatopancreatic ampulla肝胰壶腹括约肌* pancreas胰uncinate process钩突head(body,tail)of pancreas胰头(体,尾)pancreatic duct胰管accessary pancreatic duct副胰管(二)* 呼吸系统(Respiratory System)respiratory apparatus(organ) 呼吸器superior (inferior) respiratory tract 上(下) 呼吸道nose 鼻external nose 外鼻root (back,apex,wing )of nose鼻根(背,尖,翼) nasolabial groove鼻唇沟nasal cartilage鼻软骨naris (pl.nares )鼻孔posterior nasal apertures, choanae鼻后孔nasal septum鼻中隔nasal vestibule鼻前庭proper nasal cavity固有鼻腔sphenoethmoidal recess蝶筛隐窝superior (middle, inferior )meatus of nose上(中,下)鼻道* paranasal sinuses鼻旁窦maxillary sinus上颌窦sphenoidal (frontal, ethmoidal)sinus蝶(额,筛)窦* larynx喉laryngeal cartilages喉软骨thyroid cartilage甲状软骨cricoid cartilage环状软骨arytenoid cartilage勺状软骨epiglottic cartilage会厌软骨laryngeal m.喉肌cricothyroid m.环甲肌laryngeal cavity喉腔laryngeal aperture喉口epiglottis会厌vestibule of larynx喉前庭vestibular fold (slit ) 前庭襞(裂)intermediate cavity of larynx喉中间腔ventricle of larynx喉室glottis声门slit of glottis声门裂vocal fold 声带,声襞infraglottic cavity声门下腔elastic cone弹性圆锥cricothyroid membrane环甲膜vocal lig.声韧带* trachea气管cervial (thoracic )part颈(胸)部tracheal cartilages气管软骨bifurcation of trachea气管杈carina of trachea气管隆嵴bronchus (pl.bronchi )支气管left (right ) principal bronchus左(右)主支气管lobar bronchi肺叶支气管segmental bronchi肺段支气管* lung 肺apex (base) of lung肺尖(底)costal (medial, diaphragmatic) surface肋(内侧,膈)面cardiac notch of left lung 左肺心切迹lingula of left lung左肺小舌hilus (root)of lung 肺根(门)oblique fissure斜裂horizontal dissure of right lung 右肺水平裂bronchopulmonary sehments支气管肺段superior (middle, inferior)lobe上(中,下)叶thoracic (pleural)cavity胸(胸膜)腔pleura胸膜cupula of pleura,cervical pleura胸膜顶visceral (parietal)pleura脏(壁)胸膜mediastinal (costal,diaphragmatic)pleura 纵隔(肋,膈)胸膜pleural recesses胸膜隐窝costomediastinal recess肋纵隔隐窝Mediastinum纵隔Superior (inferior)mediastinum上(下)纵隔Anterior (middle,posterior)mediastinum前(中,后)纵隔(三)* 泌尿系统(Urinary System)urogenital system泌尿生殖系统urinary organs泌尿器* kidney肾renal hilus (sinus,pedicle)肾门(窦,蒂)renal fascia肾筋膜fatly (adipose) capsule脂肪囊fibrous capsule纤维囊renal cortex (medulla)肾皮(髓)质renal pyramid肾锥体renal papilla 肾乳头papillary foramen乳头孔renal columns (pelvis)肾柱(盂)renal calices肾盏major (minor) renal calices肾大(小)盏* ureter输尿管* bladder,urinary bladder膀胱apex(body,fundus,neck)of bladder膀胱尖(体,底,颈) trigone of bladder,vesical trigone膀胱三角interureteric ridge输尿管间襞orifice of ureter输尿管口internal urethral orifice尿道内口female urethra女尿道(四)* 生殖系统(Reproductive System) reproductive system,genital system生殖系统male(female)genital organs男女性生殖器internal(external)genital organs内(外)生殖器1. 男性生殖器(Male Genital Organs)testicle,testis睾丸* epididymis附睾deferential (spermatic)duct输精管ejaculatory duct射精管seminal vesicle精囊精囊腺spermatic cord精索cremasteric m. 提睾肌prostate前列腺apex (base,body, sulcus) of prostate前列腺尖(底,体,沟) bulbourethral gland尿道球腺penis 阴茎prepuce of penis阴茎包皮bulb of urethra尿道球male urethra男尿道prostatic part前列腺部seminal colliculus精阜membranous part膜部subpubic curvature耻骨下弯prepubic curvature耻骨前弯scrotum阴囊dartos coat,dartos肉膜2. 女性生殖器(female Genital Organs)* ovary卵巢* uterine tube,oviduct输卵管* Womb, uterus 子宫Fundus of uterus 子宫底(体)Isthmrs of uterus 子宫峡(角)Neck of uterus, cervix子宫颈Orifice (cavity) of uterus 子宫口(腔)Canal of cervix of uterus 子宫颈管Round (broad ) lig. Of uterus 子宫圆(阔)韧带Cardinal lig. Of uterus 子宫主韧带Sacroluterine lig. 骶子宫韧带Vagina 阴道Female pudendum, vulva 女阴Mons pubis 阴阜Greater (lesser ) lip of pudendum 大(小)阴唇Vaginal vestibule 阴道前庭Vaginal orifice阴道口3. 乳房,会阴(Mamma and perineum)Mamma(pl.mammae). breast乳头Mammary gland 乳腺Perineum 会阴Pelvic diaphragm盆膈Urogenital diaphragm 尿生殖膈Sphincter m. of urethra尿道括约肌(五)腹膜(Peritoneum)Parietal(visceral) peritoneum壁(脏)腹膜Abdominal cavity腹腔Peritoneal cavity,greater sac 腹膜腔,大囊Omenta bursa, lesser sac 网膜囊,小囊Omental foramen, epiploic foramen网膜孔Mesentery肠系膜Lesser omentum小网膜Inguinal trigone 腹股沟三角rectouterine pouch 直肠子宫陷凹vesicouterine pouch膀胱子宫陷凹rectovesical pouch 直肠膀胱陷凹四、* 脉管系统(Vascular system)(一)概述vascular system, angiological system 脉管系统angiology 脉管学circulatory system循环系统cardiovascular system心血管系统* heart 心blood血液vessel 管,脉管blood vessel 血管arteriole 小动脉arteriolovenular anastomsis 小静脉vein (v.) 静脉cutaneous v. 皮静脉superficial(deep) v. 浅(深)静脉accompanying v. 伴行动脉venule 小静脉venous valve 静脉瓣venous plexus(rete)静脉丛(网)capillary 毛细管(二)心血管系统(Cardiovascular system) systemic circulation,greater circulation 体循环,大循环pulmonary (lesser) circulation肺循环,小循环fetal circulation 胎血循环1. 心(heart)cardiac apex(bace) 心尖(底)cardiac apical incisure 心尖切迹sternocostal(diaphragmatic) surface 胸肋(膈)面pulmonary surface 肺面right border 右缘left border, obtuse margin 左缘,钝缘inferior border, acute margin 下缘,锐缘anterior (posterior) interventricular groove 前(后)室间沟coronary sulcus 冠状沟atrioventricular junction 房室交点atrioventricular septum 房室膈* cardiac ventricle 心室interventricular septum 室间隔muscular (membranous ) part 肌(膜)部* cardiac atrium 心房left (right) auricle of heart 左(右)心耳interatrial (interauricular) septum 房间膈left(right)atrioventricular orifice左(右)房室口cardiac m. 心肌pectinate m.梳状肌carbeous trabeculae 肉柱papillary m. 乳头肌tendinous cord 腱索fibrous skeleton 纤维支架left fibrous trigone 左纤维三角架right fibrous trigone, central fibrous body 左纤维三角left (right) fibrous ring 左(右)纤维环endocardium 心内膜right atrium 右心房limiting sulcus, terminal groove 界沟terminal crest 界嵴sinus of vena cava 腔静脉窦oval fossa (foramen)卵圆孔border of ovalo fossa卵圆窝缘orifice of superior 上(下)腔静脉口valve of inferior vena cava 下腔静脉瓣orifice(valve)of coronary sinus冠状窦口right ventricle 右心室right atrioventricular valve, tricuspid valve 右房室瓣supraventricular crest室上嵴arterial cone动脉圆锥pulmonary orifice(valve) 肺动脉口(瓣)nodules of semilunar valves半月瓣小节septomarginal trabecula 隔缘肉柱left atrium 左心房orifice of pulmonary v. 肺静脉口left ventricle 左心室left atrioventricular valve, vicuspid valve 左房室瓣,二尖瓣aortic orifice (valve) 主动脉口(瓣)conduction system of heart 心传导系统sinoatrial node 窦房结hinternodal tract 结间束atrioventricular node 房室结atrioventricular bundle 房室束left (right) bundle branch 左(右)束支right coronary a. 右冠状动脉Left coronary a. 左冠状动脉anterior interventricular branch 前室间支circumflex branch , 旋支cardiac v. 心静脉coronary sinus 冠状窦great cardiac v. 心大静脉middle cardiac v. 心中静脉small cardiac v. 心小静脉* pericardium 心包fibrous pericardium 纤维心包serous pericardium 浆膜心包parietal layer 壁层visceral layer , epicardium 脏层,心外膜cavity of pericardium 心包腔2. 动脉(Artery)* pulmonary trunk 肺动脉干bifurcation of pulmonary trunk 肺动脉叉left (right) pulmonary 左(右)肺动脉arterial duct (lig.) 动脉导管(韧带) * aorta 主动脉ascending aorta 升主动脉* brachiocephalic trunk 头臂干* common carotid a. 颈总动脉carotid sinus (bodies) 颈动脉窦(小球) * internal carotid a. 颈内动脉* external carotid a. 颈外动脉superior thyroid 甲状腺上动脉lingual (facial) a. 舌(面)动脉occipital a. 枕动脉posterior auricular a. 耳后动脉superficial temporal a. 颞浅动脉maxillary a. 上颌动脉middle meningeal a. 脑膜中动脉subclavicular a. 锁骨下动脉vertebral a. 椎动脉axillary a. 腋动脉thoracoacromial a. 胸肩峰动脉lateral thoracic a. 胸外侧动脉brachial a. 肱动脉radial a. 桡动脉deep palmar arch 掌深弓。
《人体解剖学与组织胚胎学》 (16)
(4)手骨 腕骨(8块)
近侧:手舟骨、月骨、三角骨、豌豆骨 远侧:大多角骨、小多角骨、头状骨、钩骨
股骨 髌骨 胫骨 腓骨 足骨
第一节 骨学
第一节 骨学
1.下肢带骨 髋骨位于盆部,属不规则骨,由髂骨、坐骨和耻骨构成。
第二章 运动系统
运动系统(locomotor system)由骨、关节和 骨骼肌组成,对人体起运动、支持和保护作用。
全身各骨借关节形成骨骼,构成人体的 活动支架,在运动过程中,骨起杠杆作用,关 节是运动的枢纽,骨骼肌是运动的动力。
第二章 运动系统
第一节 骨学
骨(bone)是一种器官,外被骨膜,内含骨髓,有丰富的血管、淋巴管 和神经,能不断进行新陈代谢和生长发育,并具有修复、改建和再生的能力。
第二节 关节学
3.关节的运动形式 (3)旋转
第一节 骨学
1.上肢带骨 (2)肩胛骨
2.自由上肢骨 (1)肱骨
肱骨是臂部的长骨,分为 一体两端。
第一节 骨学
2.自由上肢骨 (2)桡骨
(3)尺骨 尺骨位于前臂内侧,分
第一节 骨学
第一节 骨学
概述 躯干骨 颅骨 四肢骨 全身主要骨性标志
第一节 骨学
一、总论(一)解剖学分类(Classification of Anatomy)anatomy 解剖学human anatomy, anthropotomy 人类解剖学systematic anatomy 系统解剖学regional (topographic)anatomy, topology 局部解剖学gross (macroscopic)anatomy 大体解剖学,巨视解剖学microscopic anatomy 显微解剖学macro—microscopic anatomy 巨-微解剖学sectional anatomy 断面解剖学pathological (morbid) anatomy 病理解剖学neuroanatomy 神经解剖学chemical neuroanatomy 化学解剖学developmental anatomy 发生(或发育)histologic anatomy 组织解剖学histology 组织学embryology 胚胎学anthropology 人类学(二)一般解剖学术语(General Anatomical Terms)dissection,dissect (v。
)解剖,解剖标本normality,normal (a.) 正常abnormality , abnormal 异常variation 变异deformity, malformation 畸形specimen 标本model 模型(三)方位术语(Positional Terms)1。
anatomical position 解剖学姿势2. 方位术语(terms of direction)superior,upper 上inferior,lower 下anterior 前侧posterior 后侧ventral (dorsal)腹(背)侧medial (lateral)内(外)侧intermediate 中间internal, interior, inner, inside 内external,exterior,outer,outside 外superficial 浅deep,profound 深proximal (distal)近(远)侧ulnar (radial)尺(桡)侧tibial (fibular) 胫(腓)侧palmar 掌侧plantar 足底left 左right 右middle 中median 正中3. 轴和面(Axes and Planes)axis (pl。
和医疗相关的英语词汇Medical Terminology.Introduction.Medical terminology is the language of healthcare professionals. It is essential for clear and precise communication about medical conditions, procedures, and treatments. This article will provide an overview of some of the most common medical terms, organized by anatomical system.Musculoskeletal System.Arthrology: The study of joints.Myology: The study of muscles.Osteology: The study of bones.Anatomy The study of physical structure.Biopsy A procedure to remove a small tissue sample for examination.Cartilage A connective tissue found in joints and other parts of the body.Ligament A band of tissue that connects bones.Muscle A tissue that can contract to produce movement.Tendon A band of tissue that connects muscle to bone.Nervous System.Neurology: The study of the nervous system.Central nervous system (CNS): The brain and spinal cord.Peripheral nervous system (PNS): The nerves thatconnect the CNS to the rest of the body.Autonomic nervous system (ANS): The part of the PNS that controls involuntary functions such as breathing and digestion.Cerebrum The largest part of the brain involved in higher-level functions such as thought and language.Cerebellum A part of the brain that controls coordination and balance.Medulla oblongata A part of the brainstem responsible for vital functions such as breathing and heart rate.Neuron A nerve cell.Synapse The junction between two neurons.Cardiovascular System.Cardiology: The study of the heart and blood vessels.Artery: A blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart.Capillary: The smallest type of blood vessel.Heart: The organ that pumps blood throughout the body.Vein: A blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart.Aorta The largest artery in the body.Atrium A chamber of the heart that receives blood.Ventricle A chamber of the heart that pumps blood out.Blood pressure The force of blood against the walls of the arteries.Cholesterol A type of fat found in blood.Pulmonology: The study of the lungs and respiratory system.Bronchus: A large airway in the lungs.Diaphragm: The muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.Larynx: The voice box.Lung: An organ that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the blood.Pharynx The throat.Pleura A membrane that lines the lungs and chest cavity.Trachea The windpipe.Gastroenterology: The study of the digestive system.Esophagus: The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach.Liver: An organ that produces bile and filters blood.Pancreas: An organ that produces digestive enzymes and hormones.Small intestine: The part of the digestive tract where most digestion and absorption occurs.Stomach: An organ that produces stomach acid and enzymes to begin digestion.Colon The large intestine.Rectum The final part of the large intestine.Anus The opening at the end of the digestive tract.Urinary System.Nephrology: The study of the kidneys.Bladder: An organ that stores urine.Kidney: An organ that filters waste products from the blood and produces urine.Ureter: A tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder.Urethra The tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.Endocrine System.Endocrinology: The study of hormones and the endocrine system.Adrenal gland: A gland that produces hormones that regulate stress and blood pressure.Hormone: A chemical messenger that travels through the bloodstream to target cells.Pancreas An organ that produces hormones such as insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood sugar levels.Pituitary gland A gland that produces hormones that control other endocrine glands.Thyroid gland A gland that produces hormones that regulate metabolism and growth.Integumentary System.Dermatology: The study of the skin.Dermis: The layer of skin beneath the epidermis.Epidermis: The outer layer of skin.Hair: A thin, thread-like structure that grows from the skin.Nail: A hard, protective covering on the fingertips and toenails.Sebaceous gland A gland that produces oil to lubricate the skin and hair.Sweat gland A gland that produces sweat to cool the body.Reproductive System.Gynecology: The study of the female reproductive system.Andrology: The study of the male reproductive system.Cervix: The lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina.Fallopian tube: A tube that carries eggs from the ovary to the uterus.Ovary: An organ that produces eggs and hormones.Prostate gland A gland in males that surrounds the urethra and produces fluid that nourishes sperm.Testis: An organ in males that produces sperm and hormones.Uterus An organ in females that carries a developing fetus during pregnancy.Other Medical Terms.Diagnosis: The identification of a disease or condition.Etiology: The cause of a disease or condition.Epidemiology: The study of the distribution and patterns of health and disease in a population.Pathology: The study of disease processes.Prognosis: The predicted course and outcome of a disease or condition.Symptom: A subjective experience of a disease or condition, such as pain or nausea.Treatment: The management and care of a disease or condition.中文回答:与医疗相关的英语词汇。
椎间盘 intervertebral disc 前纵韧带 anterior longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带 posterior longitudinal ligament
椎 体 间 连 结
※ 椎间盘intervertebral(位置、组成)
黄韧带 Ligamenta flava 棘间韧带 Interspinal ligaments 棘上韧带 Supraspinal ligaments 项韧带 Ligaments nuchae 横突间韧带 Intertransverse ligaments 关节突关节 Zygapophysial joints
Their Joints
浙江大学医学部 凌树才 lingshucai
中轴骨骼 axial skeleton
• 躯干骨 • the bones of trunk • •颅 • skull •
躯干骨 the bones of trunk
椎骨(24) vertebrae 骶骨(1) sacrum 尾骨(1) coccyx
无机质 Inorganic material --- 约占 60~70 %
关节学 Arthrology
• 不动关节(直接连接) Synarthrosis • 纤维连接 fibrous joints • 软骨连接 cartilaginous joints • 骨性结合 synostoses
• 可动关节(间接连接) Diarthroses • 又称滑膜关节(synovial joint)
不动关节 Synarthrosis
纤维连接 Fibrous joints 缝 sutures 韧带连接 syndesmoses 嵌合 gomphosis
常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科ORTHOPEDICS1、概论INTRODUCTION*open fracture 开放骨折*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折*comminuted fracture 粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock 口.休克*deformity 口.畸形tenderness 口.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis 口.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection 口.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经*fat embolism脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction 骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus 口.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus 口.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability 口.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血*periosteum 口.骨膜tension 口.张力adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting 植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折gangrene 口.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation 口.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤HAND TRAUMAavulsion 口.撕脱"dislocation 口.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURY femur 口.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis 口.滑膜*spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column 口.椎体cervical column 颈椎"lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum 口.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATIONcongenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column 椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel 口.窦道drill hole 钻孑L*drainage n.弓|流10、骨与关节结核OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学HUMAN ANATOMY之运动系统LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM1、中轴骨AXIAL BONES*bone 口.骨*vertebrae 口.椎骨*cervical vertebrae 颈椎*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎*sacrum 口.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis 口.枢椎*sternum 口.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨*occipital bone 枕骨"temporal bone 颞骨*sphenoid bone 蝶骨"ethmoid bone 筛骨"mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer 口.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨"coronal suture 冠状缝*sagital suture 矢状缝"lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES "clavicle n.锁骨"scapula n.肩胛骨"humerus 口.肱骨"radius 口.桡骨"ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨"hip bone 髋骨"ilium 口.骼骨"ischium 口.坐骨"pubis n.耻骨"femur 口.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨*fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学ARTHROLOGY"articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带"flexion 口.屈"extension 口.伸"adduction 口.收"medial rotation 旋内"lateral rotation 旋外pronation n 旋前.supination 口.旋后circumduction n.环转"vertebral column 脊柱"thoracic cage 胸廓"intervertebral disc 椎间盘"temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节"shoulder joint 肩关节"elbow joint 肘关节"radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节"pelvis n.骨盆"hip joint髋关节"knee joint 膝关节"ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE "muscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis 口.腱膜"fascia n.筋膜"tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌"sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的"scalenus 口.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌"diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal 腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter 口.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii 肱二头肌*triceps brachii 肱三头肌*axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITIES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae小腿三头肌*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 月国窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学一一骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman, striangle骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann' s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl ’ s nodule施莫尔结节Shenton ’ s line 沈通氏线apophysis n.骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎bone island 骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影compacta n.骨密度cortical porosity皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella 空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebra 象牙椎marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification 口.骨化osteopathia striata 纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部periosteal reaction 骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa 骨气鼓spongiosa骨疏松woven bone编织骨*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带。
肩峰端 下面观(右侧)
内侧2/3凸向前, 外侧1/3凸向后。 全长可在体表扪及。
(二)肩胛骨 scapula
为三角形扁骨,贴于胸廓后外面,介于第 2 ~ 7 肋 骨之间。可分为两面、三缘和三个角。 前面——肩胛下窝 两面 冈上窝 后面 外侧缘——较厚 肩胛冈 三缘 内侧缘——较薄 冈下窝
锁骨clavicle 1 肩胛骨scapula 1
肱骨humerus 1 桡骨radius 1 自由上 尺骨ulna 1 肢骨 手骨 27
(一)锁骨 clavicle
呈横“ S ”形弯曲, 架于胸廓前上方。 内侧端粗大,为胸骨端, 有关节面与胸骨柄相关节。 外侧端扁平,为肩峰端, 有小关节面与肩胛骨肩峰 相关节。
属长骨,除拇指为 2 节指骨外,其余各指 均为 3 节,分别称: 近节指骨、 中节指骨、 远节指骨。
远节指骨 中节指骨 近节指骨
掌骨 钩骨 豌豆骨 三角骨 月骨 手舟骨
头状骨 小多角骨 大多角骨
下 肢 骨
下肢带骨:髋骨hip bone 1 股骨femur 髌骨patella 自由 胫骨tibia 下肢骨 腓骨fibula 足骨 1 1 1 1 26
肱骨滑车:肱骨下端内 侧份滑车状的突起,与 尺骨形成关节。 肱骨小头:肱骨下端外 侧份的半球形突起,与 桡骨形成关节。 尺神经沟 冠突窝:肱骨滑车前上 方的浅窝。 冠突窝 外上髁 肱骨小头 内上髁 肱骨 滑车
肱骨外上髁:肱骨小头 外上侧的突起。 肱骨内上髁:肱骨滑车 内上侧的突起。 尺神经沟:肱骨内上髁 后下方的浅沟,有尺神 经通过。 冠突窝 鹰嘴窝:肱骨滑车后上 方的深窝。 外上髁 肱骨小头
fibrous joint 纤维连结
fibrous membrane 纤维膜
fibular collateral ligament 腓 侧副韧带
flexion 屈
greater pelvis 大骨盆
hinge joint 屈戌关节
hip joint 髋关节
humeroradial joint 肱桡关节
posterior longitudinal ligament 后纵韧带
posterior talofibular ligament 距腓后韧带
pronation 旋前
proximal radioulnar joint 桡 尺近侧关节
pubic symphysis 耻骨联合 pubofemoral ligament 耻股 韧带
carpometacarpal joint 腕掌关 节
carpometacarpal joint of thumb 拇指腕掌关节
cartilage 软骨
cartilaginous joint 软骨连结
chondrocyte 软骨细胞
circumduction 环转
coracoacromial ligament 喙 肩韧带
atlantoaxial joint 寰枢关节
atlantooccipital joint 寰枕关 节
ball-and-xocket joint 球窝关 节
bifurcate ligament 分歧韧带
calcaneocubiod joint 跟骰关 节
calcaneofibular ligament 跟 腓韧带
第二章 关节学
chapter 2 Arthrology abduction 展 acetabular labrum 髋臼唇 acromioclavicular joint 肩锁 关节
a、韧带--连于相邻两骨之间的致密结缔组织,呈扁带 状、圆束状或膜状。
囊外韧带 囊内韧带
韧带的作 用?
b、关节盘 articular disc
关节盘的 作用?
C、关节唇 articular labrum
由纤维软骨构成的环,围在关节窝的周 缘,以加深关节窝,增加关节的稳固性。机 体内有关节唇的关节是:肩关节和髋关节
脑颅: 额骨、顶骨、枕骨、蝶骨、颞骨
面颅: 颧骨、上、下颌骨 颞窝 颞下窝
为额、顶、颞、蝶四 骨结合处,其内侧面 有脑膜中动脉前支通 过。
颧弓 外耳门
(6)颅前面观 a、眶 : 底:眶上孔(切迹)、眶下孔 尖 上壁 内侧壁 下壁 外侧壁
泪腺窝(外上方) 泪囊窝(内下方)
眶上孔或切 迹
颅前窝 颅中窝
鸡冠 筛板 筛孔
垂体窝 视神经管 眶上裂
圆孔 卵圆孔
枕骨大孔 枕内隆凸 乙状窦沟 颈静脉孔
卵圆孔 关节结节
下颌窝 外耳门
茎突 乳突 茎乳孔
牙槽弓 骨腭
破裂孔 舌下神经 管外口 颈动脉管外口 颈静脉孔
枕髁 枕骨大孔
颈静脉切迹 锁切迹
肋 切 迹
1) 构成:由12块胸椎、12对肋 和1块胸骨借骨连结连接形成。
2)胸廓上口:由第1 胸椎、 第1对肋与胸骨柄上缘围成
3)胸廓下口:由第12胸椎、 第12对肋、11对肋、左、右 肋弓与剑突共同围成,被膈 封闭
3. 关节运动
(1)冠状轴-屈和伸 flexion and extension (2)矢状轴-收和展 adduction and abduction (3)垂直轴-旋转 rotation 旋内 medial rotation 旋外 lateral rotation (4)环转 circumduction (5)移动 translation 系统解剖学
肋头关节 2)胸肋关节 胸段脊柱(水平切)
2. 胸廓的整体观及运动
胸锁关节 上口 下口 横径 胸肋关节 肋间隙 胸骨下角 肋 弓 第12肋
肋上抬 前后径增大 横径增大 助吸气 肋下降 前后径减小 横径减小 助呼气 系统解剖学
远节趾骨4 跖骨5
髂前上棘 坐骨棘 髋臼 闭孔 坐骨结节 耻骨结节 耻骨联合 骨盆上面观 系统解剖学 耻骨 坐骨
二、下肢骨连结 Joints of the lower limb (一)下肢带骨连结
1.骶髂关节 2.髋骨与脊柱间的韧带连结 3.耻骨联合 4.髋骨的固有韧带 5.骨盆 系统解剖学
腰曲形成 系统解剖学
屈 伸 侧屈 屈伸 侧屈 钩 椎 关 节 屈 伸 旋转
环转 椎间盘突出 骨 质 增 生 系统解剖学
Thoracic cage
常用骨科医学专业英语词汇骨科ORTHOPEDICS1、概论INTRODUCTION*fracture n.骨折pathological fracture 病理骨折fatigue fracture 疲劳骨折*open fracture 开放骨折close fracture 闭合骨折*comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折compressed fracture 压缩骨折shock n.休克*deformity n.畸形tenderness n.压痛swelling n.肿胀ecchymosis n.瘀斑obstacle n.功能障碍*bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室综合征infection n.感染spinal cord injury 脊髓损伤surrounding nerve 周围神经*fat embolism 脂肪栓塞bedsore n.褥疮arthroclisis n.关节僵硬ischemic necrosis 缺血性坏死ischemic contraction 缺血性挛缩*traumatic arthritis 创伤性关节炎hematoma n.血肿*callus n.骨痂heal n.愈合*synovitis n.滑膜炎*ligament n.韧带*tendon n.肌腱* pyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎*reduction n.复位*bone traction 骨牵引*osteoporosis n.骨质疏松2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.锁骨*humerus n.肱骨*rotation n.旋转supracondyle n.髁上blister n.水疱pulsate n.搏动thrombus n.血栓*cancellous n.松质骨*epiphysis n.骨骺*injury n.损伤*joint n.关节stability n.稳定ulna n.尺骨radius n.桡骨metacarpal bone 掌骨bone graft 植骨hemostasis 止血*periosteum n.骨膜tension n.张力adhesion n.粘连*skin grafting 植皮*arthrodesis n.关节融合extrusion n.挤压gangrene n.坏疽pallor n.苍白、灰白*amputation n.截肢plaster n.石膏paralysis n.瘫痪bandage n.绷带2、手外伤HAND TRAUMAavulsion n.撕脱*dislocation n.脱位stiff adj.僵硬3、下肢骨折与关节损伤FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURYfemur n.股骨adduction n.内收separate v.分离cartilage n.软骨*synovialis n.滑膜*spinal column 脊柱5、脊柱及骨盆骨折FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIScolumn n.椎体cervical column 颈椎*lumber vertebra 腰椎sacrum n.骶椎sense n.感觉movement n.运动reflect v.反射*pelvis n.骨盆6、关节脱位ARTICULAR DISLOCATION congenital dislocation 先天性脱位pathological dislocation 病理性脱位*osteoarthritis n.骨关节炎*total hip replacement 全髋置换术7、运动系统慢性损伤CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEMstrain n.劳损*cystis n.滑囊*stenosed tenosynovitis 狭窄性腱鞘炎*ganglion n.腱鞘囊肿degenerative adj.退行性变multiply v.增生abnormal sense 感觉异常8、腰腿痛和颈肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINSstenosed column 椎管狭窄9、骨与关节化脓感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTIONchannel n.窦道drill hole 钻孔*drainage n.引流10、骨与关节结核OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSISbone tuberculosis 骨结核spinal cord compression 脊髓压迫11、骨肿瘤BONE TUMORbone tumor 骨肿瘤*osteochondroma n.骨软骨瘤*osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤chemotherapy n.化疗*synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤医学英语分科常用词汇人体解剖学HUMAN ANATOMY之运动系统LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM1、中轴骨AXIAL BONES*bone n.骨*vertebrae n.椎骨*cervical vertebrae 颈椎*thoracic vertebrae 胸椎lumbar vertebrae 腰椎*sacrum n.骶骨coccyx 尾骨atlas n.寰椎axis n.枢椎*sternum n.胸骨sternal angle 胸骨角sternal manubrium 胸骨柄xiphoid process 剑突*rib n.肋*thoracic cage 胸廓2、颅SKULL*skull n.颅*frontal bone 额骨*parietal bone 顶骨*occipital bone 枕骨*temporal bone 颞骨*sphenoid bone 蝶骨*ethmoid bone 筛骨*mandible n.下颌骨hyoid bone 舌骨vomer n.犁骨*maxilla n.上颌骨palatine bone 腭骨nasal bone 鼻骨lacrimal bone 泪骨inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲zygomatic bone 颧骨*coronal suture冠状缝*sagital suture 矢状缝*lambdoid suture 人字缝orbit n.眶cranial fontanelle 颅囟2、附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES*clavicle n.锁骨*scapula n.肩胛骨*humerus n.肱骨*radius n.桡骨*ulna n.尺骨carpal bone 腕骨metacarpal bone 掌骨phalanges n.指骨,趾骨*hip bone 髋骨*ilium n.髂骨*ischium n.坐骨*pubis n.耻骨*femur n.股骨patella n.髌骨*tibia n.胫骨*fibula n.腓骨tarsal bone 跗骨metatarsal bone 跖骨4、关节学ARTHROLOGY*articulation n.关节*ligament n.韧带*flexion n.屈*extension n.伸*adduction n.收*medial rotation 旋内*lateral rotation 旋外pronation n旋前.supination n.旋后circumduction n.环转*vertebral column脊柱*thoracic cage 胸廓*intervertebral disc 椎间盘*temporal-mandibular joint 颞下颌关节*shoulder joint 肩关节*elbow joint 肘关节*radiocarpal joint 桡腕关节*pelvis n.骨盆*hip joint 髋关节*knee joint 膝关节*ankle joint 踝关节5、肌肉系统MUSCULATURE(1)肌学系统INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle n.肌肉muscle belly 肌腹tendon n.肌腱aponeurosis n.腱膜*fascia n.筋膜*tendinous sheath 腱鞘(2)躯干肌TRUNK MUSCLEStrapezius n.斜方肌latissimus dorsi 背阔肌erector spinae 竖脊肌*sternocleidomastoid adj.胸锁乳突的*scalenus n.斜角肌pectoralis major 胸大肌intercostales n.肋间肌*diaphragm n.膈(肌)*inguinal canal 腹股沟管*sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘(3)头肌HEAD MUSCLESorbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌masseter n.咬肌*temporalis n.颞肌*deltoid n.三角肌*biceps brachii 肱二头肌*triceps brachii 肱三头肌*axillary fossa 腋窝(4)附肢肌MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES*gluteus maximus 臀大肌piriformis n.梨状肌*sartorius n.缝匠肌*quadriceps femoris 股四头肌triceps surae 小腿三头肌*femoral triangle 股三角popliteal fossa 腘窝医学英语分科常用词汇诊断学——骨关节系统OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM*Codman’striangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夹心椎体Scheuermann’s disease 绍尔曼病Schmorl’s nodu le 施莫尔结节Shenton’s line 沈通氏线apophysis n. 骺状突*arthrography n.关节造影basilar impression,basilarinvagination 颅底凹陷block vertebra 融合椎bone island 骨岛bursography n.泪囊造影compacta n.骨密度cortical porosity 皮质骨疏松症craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.颅骨陷窝*empty sella 空蝶鞍endosteal proliferation 骨内膜增生*epiphysis n.骨骺Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁内吸收ivory vertebra 象牙椎marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解melopheostosis n.蜡油骨症ossification n.骨化osteopathia striata 纹骨症*osteopenia n.骨质减少osteopetrosis n.石骨症osteopoikilosis n.斑骨症pars interarticularis 椎弓峡部periosteal reaction 骨膜反应physis n.骨生长端*pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折spina ventosa 骨气鼓spongiosa 骨疏松woven bone 编织骨*zone of provisional calcification 临时钙化带Carpal tunnel syntrome腕管综合征Osteoperia:骨质疏松Hallus vaglus:拇外翻常用解剖术语[anatomic terms] ænəˈtɔmik1、总论[Introduction]•superior[上] [sjuˈpiəriə]•inferior[下] inˈfiəriə•Cranial[头侧]•Caudal[尾侧] ˈkɔ:dl•anterior[前] ænˈtɪəri:ə•posterior[后] pɔˈstɪəri:ə•ventral[腹侧] ventrəl•dorsal[背侧] ˈdɔ:səl•medial[内侧] ˈmi:djəl•lateral[外侧] lætərəl•internal[内] inˈtə:nəl•external[外] eksˈtə:nl•superficial[浅] ˌsju:pəˈfiʃəl•profundal[深] prəˈfʌndəl•proximal[近侧] prɔksiməl•distal[远侧] distəl•ulnar[尺侧]•radial[桡侧] ˈreɪdi:əl•tibial[胫侧]•fibular[腓侧]运动系统[locomotor (kinetic) system]•vertebrae[椎骨] cervical vertebrae颈椎•cervical vevtebrae[颈椎]•thoracic vertebrae[胸椎] θɔ(:)ˈræsik•lumbar vertebrae[腰椎] lʌmbə•sacrum[骶骨] seikrəm•sternum[胸骨] ˈstə:nəm•clavicle[锁骨] klævikl•scapula (shoulder blade)[肩胛骨] skæpjulə•humerus[肱骨] ˈhju:mərəs•radius[桡骨] reidjəs•ulna[尺骨] ʌlnə•carpal bone[腕骨] ˈkɑ:pəl•metacarpal bone [掌骨] ˌmetəˈkɑ:pl•phalanges[指(趾)骨] fæˈlændʒi:z] Sequestrectomy ˌsi:kwesˈtrektəmi死骨切除(术)Sequestrectomy of humeral head to surgical neck肱骨头至外科颈死骨切除术Sequestrectomy of phalanges of foot足趾骨死骨切除术•hip bone[髋骨]•ilium[髂骨] iliəm•ischium [坐骨] iskiəm•pubis[耻骨]•femur [股骨] ˈfi:mə•patella[髌骨] pəˈtelə•tibia[胫骨] ˈtɪbi:ə•fibula [腓骨] fibjulə•articulation[关节] ɑ:ˌtikjuˈleiʃən•ligament[韧带] lɪgəmənt•flexion[屈] Full extension and full flexion should be assessed actively, along with pronation and supination.应该评估主动的完全伸直和完全弯曲,以及手臂内旋和外转•extension[伸] iksˈtenʃən•adduction[收] əˈdʌkʃən•abduction[展] əbˈdʌkʃən•medial rotation[旋内] rəʊˈteɪʃən The seasons follow each other in rotation.四季循环交替。
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1、肩关节 Shoulder joint
肱骨头 关节盂
肱二头肌 长头腱
关节盂 盂唇
2、膝关节 Knee joint 膝关节是最大最复 杂的关节
组成: 股骨下端 胫骨上端 髌骨
2、膝关节 Knee joint
股四头肌肌腱 髌骨
2、膝关节 Knee joint
后交叉韧带 前交叉韧带
2、膝关节 Knee joint
2、肘关节 elbow joint
肱尺关节(滑车关节) 桡
侧 副
尺 侧 副 韧 带
关节组成 肱骨下端、尺骨上端、桡骨上端
桡侧副韧带、尺侧副韧带、桡骨环 状韧带
关节的运动 屈伸(以肱尺关节为主)
关节的脱位 向后脱位,桡骨小头半脱位
运动:尺骨不动,桡骨 头原位旋转,桡骨下端 连同关节盘围绕尺骨头 旋转(旋前、旋后)
髋关节 膝关节
附肢骨连结 (一)下肢带连结
关 节
附肢骨连结 (一)下肢带连结
附肢骨连结 (一)下肢带连结
闭膜管 闭孔膜
2、膝关节 Knee joint
关节组成 关节类型 关节囊
股骨下端、胫骨上端、髌骨 屈戌关节 薄而松弛
髌韧带、腓侧副韧带、胫侧副韧带、腘 斜韧带、前交叉韧带、后交叉韧带
关节盘/唇 内侧半月板、外侧半月板
滑膜囊/襞 髌上囊、髌下深囊、翼状襞
关节的运动 屈伸、轻微旋转
桡腕关节 腕骨间关节 腕掌关节 掌骨间关节 掌指关节 指骨间关节
远侧 近侧
类型 椭圆关节
关节头 舟月三角3块骨的近 侧关节面
关节窝 桡骨的腕关节面和尺 骨头下方的关节盘
关节囊 松弛
韧带 前、后、两侧
类型 鞍状关节 组成 大多角骨、第1掌骨底 关节囊 厚而松弛 运动 屈伸,收展,环转,对掌
1、肩关节 肩峰
关节组成 肱骨头、关节盂
关节类型 球窝关节
关节盘/唇 有关节唇(盂唇)
滑膜囊/襞 关节的运动 关节的脱位
胫腓关节 小腿骨间膜 胫腓前、后韧带
屈伸沿矢状轴运动 收展沿冠状轴运动
掌指关节 指骨间关节
指 骨 间 关 节
手 关 节—X 线 片
附肢骨连结 二、下肢骨的连结
髋骨与脊柱间的韧带 耻骨联合
肢 骨 的
髋骨的固有韧带 骨盆
连 结 自由下肢骨连结
耻骨下角 运动系统Arthrology
1、髋关节 Hip joint
髋臼横韧带 运动系统Arthrology
1、髋关节 Hip joint
股骨颈囊内骨折 股骨颈囊外骨折
骨连结总论 中轴骨连结 附肢骨连结
附肢骨连结 一、上肢骨的连结
上 上肢带连结 肩锁关节
肢 骨
的 连
结 自由上肢骨连结 肘关节
手关节 运动系统Arthrology
附肢骨连结 (一)上肢带连结
附肢骨连结 (一)下肢带连结
骨盆 pelvis 由骶骨、尾骨、两侧髋骨
界线:骶骨岬向两侧 经弓状线、耻骨梳、 耻骨结节至耻骨联合 上缘围成的环行线
大骨盆 小骨盆(真骨盆)
附肢骨连结 (一)下肢带连结
骨盆 pelvis
小骨盆下口:尾骨 尖、骶结节韧带、 坐骨结节、坐骨支、 耻骨下支、耻骨联 合下缘围成
坐股韧带 耻股韧带
髋 关节
关节组成 股骨头、髋臼
关节类型 球窝(杵臼)关节
坚韧致密,前达转子间线,后包股骨颈 内侧2/3
股骨头韧带、髂股韧带、坐股韧带、耻 股韧带、轮匝带
关节盘/唇 髋臼唇
关节的运动 屈伸、收展、旋转、环转