VLT HVAC 变频器操作手册说明书
目录1 安全性3安全说明3一般警告4开始维修工作之前4特殊条件4避免意外启动5变频器安全停止5IT 主电源62 简介93 机械安装13开始之前134 电气安装19如何连接19主电源接线概述24如何连接电动机 - 前言29电动机接线概述31C1 和 C2 的电动机连接34C3 和 C4 的电动机连接35如何测试电动机和旋转方向。
425 如何操作变频器49有三种操作方法49如何操作数字式 LCP (NLCP)54提示与技巧596 如何为变频器编程61如何设置61快捷菜单模式62功能设置67参数列表980-** 操作/显示991-** 负载/电动机1012-** 制动1023-** 参考值/加减速1034-** 极限/警告1045-** 数字输入/输出1056-** 模拟输入/输出1078-** 通讯和选件1099-** Profibus111 10-** CAN 现场总线112 11-** LonWorks113 13-** 智能逻辑控制器114 14-** 特殊功能115 15-** 变频器信息116 16-** 数据读数118 18-** 信息和读数120 20-** FC 闭环121 21-** 扩展闭环122 22-** 应用功能124 23-** 基于时间的功能126 24-** 应用功能 2127 25-** 多泵控制器128 26-** 模拟输入输出选件 MCB 1091307 疑难解答133报警和警告133警告/报警列表1368 规格139规范139特殊条件149索引15111.1.1符号在此操作说明中使用的符号。
*表示默认设置1.1.2高压警告变频器和 MCO 101 选件卡与主电源连接时带有危险电压。
VLT HVAC 变频器编程指南说明书
目录1 简介3版权声明、责任限制和修订权利3认证4符号4缩略语5定义62 如何编程11本地控制面板11如何操作图形化 LCP (GLCP)11如何操作数字式 LCP (NLCP)16快捷菜单模式19功能设置22主菜单模式253 参数说明29参数选择29主菜单结构29主菜单 - 运行和显示 - 第 0 组30主菜单 - 负载和电动机 - 第 1 组45主菜单 - 制动 - 第 2 组56主菜单 - 参考值/加减速 - 第 3 组59主菜单 - 极限/警告 - 第 4 组67主菜单 - 数字输入/输出 - 第 5 组72主菜单 - 模拟输入/输出 - 第 6 组88主菜单 - 通讯和选件 - 第 8 组97主菜单 - Profibus - 第 9 组109主菜单 - CAN 现场总线 - 第 10 组118主菜单 - LonWorks - 第 11 组123主菜单 - 智能逻辑 - 第 13 组125主菜单 - 特殊功能 – 参数组 14139主菜单 - 变频器信息 - 第 15 组148主菜单 - 数据读数 - 第 16 组156主菜单 - 数据读数 2 - 第 18 组165主菜单 - FC 闭环 - 第 20 组167主菜单 - 扩展闭环 - 第 21 组180主菜单 - 应用功能 – 第 22 组193主菜单 - 时基功能 - 第 23 组208主菜单 - 应用功能 2 – -第 24 组221主菜单 - 多泵控制器 - 第 25 组229主菜单 - 模拟 I/O 选件 MCB 109 - 第 26 组2414 疑难解答251报警字255警告字256扩展状态字257故障消息2585 参数列表263参数选项263默认设置263 0-** 操作/显示264 1-** 负载/电动机265 2-** 制动265 3-** 参考值/加减速266 4-** 极限/警告266 5-** 数字输入/输出267 6-** 模拟输入/输出268 8-** 通讯和选件269 9-** Profibus270 10-** CAN 现场总线270 11-** LonWorks271 13-** 智能逻辑控制器271 14-** 特殊功能272 15-** 变频器信息273 16-** 数据读数274 18-** 信息和读数275 20-** FC 闭环276 21-** 扩展 闭环277 22-** 应用功能278 23-** 基于时间的功能279 24-** 应用功能 2279 25-** 多泵控制器280 26-** 模拟输入输出选件 MCB 109281索引28211本指南适用于软件版本为 3.3.x 的所有 VLT HVAC Drive 变频器。
TMEIC高压变频器MVG 中文样本-jz
20 94.7%
40 95.5% 96.6%
60 95.6% 96.7% 96.3%
80 95.7% 96.4% 96.4% 96.1%
100 95.8% 96.2% 96.4% 96.8% 97.1%
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采用变频器单元多级串联 最新的1700V的IGBT是可靠质量和高 效率的保证 二极管整流桥显著提高了功率因数 移相组变压器减低了高次谐波的成份 功率单元模块化可抽拉的设计使更换 时间最小化
参数 2路 ±10V或4~20mA 4路 ±10V或4~20mA 2路直流24~110V或交流48~120V;10路直流24V,可 扩展
Profibus-DP,ISBus,DeviceNet, TOSLINE-S20,或 Modbus RTU
生料磨机风机,除尘风机 预热风机,煤磨风机 研磨机 回转窑 高温风机
TMdrive-MVG 原理结构
TMdrive-MVG 主电路是由一个输入变压器和数个单相PWM变频单 元组成.对于6kV,每相6个变频单元能产生13电平的输出电压.
– 何时采样由触发事件决定
– 仅当触发值为真时趋势按照预定的周期采样
Exercise 1练习 9.1
趋势模板风格 (pg9-4)
Exercise 1练习 9.2
趋势标签 显示趋势
Process Analyst过程分析
Chapter 10
趋势标签 显示趋势
显示趋势 (pg 9-1)
是示不需要激活 需要建立趋势标签
趋势标签 (pg9-2)
Variable Tag
Trend Tag
Trend Tag Files
从变量标签建立趋势标签 创建趋势页
Trend Page
Vijeo Citect 环境
– Runtime System运行系统 – 配置环境
• Citect 浏览器 • 项目编辑器 • Citect 图形编辑器 • Cicode编辑器 • Vijeo Citect 帮助
最小硬件要求 过程分析 – 高图形负荷
– One or Two Tags (ANDed)1个 或两个标签(和的关系)
– Pre-configured in CitectHMI/SCADA system在 Vijeo Citect中已经预先配置好了
– Action on Cicode program 由 Cicode 程序触发报警
什么是过程分析? 过程分析ActiveX Control 过程分析属性 在过程分析中显示数据 显示趋势 显示报警
过程分析 (pg10-2)
(完整版)Vijeo Citect SCADA软件编程使用说明书
Schneider Vijeo Citect V7.1 SP2 SCADA软件编程使用说明书文件编号:__________________版本号:__________________发放编号:__________________持册人:__________________长沙华能自控集团SchneiderVijeo Ciect V7.1 SP2 SCADA软件编程使用说明书目录一、VIJEO CITECT V7.1简介 (1)二、VIJEO CITECT V7.1安装 (1)三、VIJEO CITECT V7.1使用 (6)(一)、启动V IJEO C ITECT 7.1程序 (6)(二)、新建工程 (7)(三)、集群定义 (8)(四)、网络地址配置 (8)(五)、I/O服务器定义 (10)(六)、通信设置 (11)1.板卡设置 (11)2.端口设置 (12)3.定义I/O设备 (12)(七)、建立标签 (13)1.变量标签 (13)2.局部变量 (15)3.趋势标签 (17)(八)、图形编辑器 (19)1.编辑页面 (19)2.标签定义 (20)⏹遥测标签定义 (20)⏹遥控标签定义 (21)⏹遥信标签定义 (21)3.精灵和超级精灵 (22)⏹创建一个新的精灵 (22)⏹使用精灵(在图形页面上粘贴一个精灵) (24)(九)C ICODE脚本编辑器 (25)1.编辑Cicode脚本 (26)2.调用Cicode脚本 (27)⏹按钮调用 (27)⏹报表调用 (27)⏹事件调用 (29)(十)编译工程 (30)(十一)配置文件 (30)(十二)计算机设置向导 (31)(十三)运行工程 (32)四、SQL SERVER2008 (32)(一)安装 (32)(二)配置SQLS ERVER2008 (35)。
Vijeo 标准培训
章节 4
Click to edit Master title style 建立通讯
通讯向导 通讯对话框 变量标签 表单 测试通讯 结构化变量标签名 利用 Excel 来增加标签变量
Click to edit I/O (pg4-2) Vijeo Citect Master title style
Click -to edit Master title style 日程 Day 1 (pg1-4)
SCADA简介 客户机配置 管理项目 建立通讯 图形
Click -to edit Master title style 日程 Day 2 (pg1-4)
精灵 弹出页面和超级精灵 OFS Server 设备 事件 报警
Page 3-10
Click to edit Master title style 包含项目 (pg3-13)
Hands-on Exercise
练习 3.4 包含项目
Page 3-14
Click to edit Master title style 管理项目
新建项目 计算机配置向导 备份和恢复项目 包含项目
运行程序 Vijeo Citect 内核 Cicode 诊断器
运行环境下 Vijeo Citect 通讯对象
I/O 设备 过程报警 符号
Click to edit Master title style Citect 浏览器 (pg 2-4)
自动启动和关闭项目编辑 器和图形编辑器 工程选择和管理 备份和恢复 启动其他应用程序
章节 3
Click to edit Master title style 管理项目
VLT HVAC 变频器应用手册说明书
目录1 如何阅读本手册3简介3安全说明5开始维修工作之前5特殊条件6避免意外启动7变频器安全停止7IT 主电源82 变风量通风系统9简介9安装11节能估计16变频器功能183 单区定风量通风系统21简介21风量控制21变频器的优势23节能25变频器功能274 冷却塔鼓风机控制29简介29鼓风机速度控制30节能31变频器功能325 冷凝器水泵送系统35简介35泵控制35变频器的优势37节能39变频器功能416 主/辅冷却水泵送系统的主泵43简介43主循环控制43节能46变频器功能497 主/辅冷却水泵送系统的辅泵51简介51循环泵控制51循环泵控制54传感器56节能57变频器功能608 变频泵送系统63简介63变速泵63传感器65节能潜力66变频器功能689 增压泵送系统71增压泵送系统71增压泵控制73选择75传感器75节能77节能79变频器功能8282索引84VLT®HVAC 变频器应用VLT®HVAC 变频器应用 1 如何阅读本手册11 1.1.1简介这些 HVAC 应用示例旨在帮助规划人员和技术人员构建具有不同功能的的 HVAC 设备。
文中介绍了 8 种典型的 HVAC 应用以及各自的节能潜力和变频器 (FC) 功能。
此外还对传统的解决方案与优化的 Danfoss VLT® HVAC 变频器解决方案进行了比较,并且介绍了后者的优势。
这些应用是:•变风量通风系统•单区定风量通风系统•冷却塔鼓风机控制•冷凝器水泵送系统•主/辅冷却水泵送系统的主泵•主/辅冷却水泵送系统的辅泵•变频泵送系统•增压泵送系统1.1.2可用文献-操作说明 MG.11.Ax.yy 提供了安装和运行该变频器所需的信息。
-设计指南 MG.11.Bx.yy 详细介绍了有关该变频器、用户设计和应用的所有技术信息。
-编程指南 MG.11.Cx.yy 提供了有关如何编程的信息,并且包括完整的参数说明。
VLT HVAC变频器编程指南说明书
目录1. 简介32. 如何编程5本地控制面板5快捷菜单模式13功能设置19主菜单模式223. 参数说明27参数选择27主菜单 - 操作/显示 - 第 0 组28主菜单 - 负载和电动机 - 第 1 组41主菜单 - 制动 - 第 2 组52主菜单 - 参考值/加减速 - 第 3 组54主菜单 - 极限/警告 - 第 4 组61主菜单 - 数字输入/输出 - 第 5 组65主菜单 - 模拟输入/输出 - 第 6 组80主菜单 - 通讯和选件 - 第 8 组88主菜单 - Profibus - 第 9 组95主菜单 - CAN 现场总线 - 第 10 组103主菜单 - LonWorks - 第 11 组108主菜单 - 智能逻辑 - 第 13 组109主菜单 - 特殊功能 – 参数组 14118主菜单 - 变频器信息 - 第 15 组126主菜单 - 数据读数 - 第 16 组133主菜单 - 数据读数 2 - 第 18 组140主菜单 - FC 闭环 - 第 20 组142主菜单 - 扩展闭环 - FC 100 - 第 21 组152主菜单 - 应用功能 - FC 100 - 第 22 组160主菜单 - 时基功能 - FC 100 - 第 23 组173主菜单 - 变频器旁路 – 参数组 24187主菜单 - 多泵控制器 - 第 25 组193主菜单 - 模拟 I/O 选件 MCB 109 - 第 26 组2054. 疑难解答215报警和警告215报警字218警告字219扩展状态字220故障消息2215. 参数列表225参数选项225默认设置225 0-** 操作/显示226 1-** 负载/电动机228 2-** 制动229 3-** 参考值/加减速230 4-** 极限/警告231 5-** 数字输入/输出232 6-** 模拟输入/输出234 8-** 通讯和选件236 9-** Profibus238 10-** CAN 现场总线239 11-** LonWorks240 13-** 智能逻辑控制器241 14-** 特殊功能242 15-** 变频器信息243 16-** 数据读数245 18-** 信息和读数247 20-** FC 闭环248 21-** 扩展闭环249 22-** 应用功能251 23-** 基于时间的功能253 24-** 应用功能 2254 25-** 多泵控制器255 26-** 模拟输入输出选件 MCB 109257索引2591.1本设计指南适用于软件版本为 2.7x 的所有 HVAC 变频器。
v7.20安装和配置指南2010 年 10 月法律声明免责条款Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty. Ltd. 不对本手册以及法律所允许的最大延伸做任何陈述或担保,将其因违反任何可能默示的保证之责任,明确限制为对本手册予以更换。
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2010 年 10 月版, Schneider Electric (Australia) Pty. Ltd.手册修订版本 7.20。
MARKVI培训教材 -中英文-2011年10月10日
Nigeria Omotoshi 4×9E Simple-Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant ProjectSPEEDTRONIC™MARK VI TRAINING MANUALCONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (2)1. 概述 (2)2. CONTROL SYSTEM HISTORY (3)2. 控制器的发展历史 (3)3. CONTROL SYSTEM FUNCTIONS (6)3. 控制系统功能 (6)4. Gas turbine GEN. set protective (20)4. 燃机发电机组的保护 (20)5. SPEEDTRONIC MARK VI ARCHITECTUR (23)5. SPEEDTRONIC MARK VI 配置 (23)6. Network (58)6. 网络 (58)1. INTRODUCTION1. 概述The SPEEDTRONIC TM Mark VI Gas Turbine Control System is the latest derivative in the highly successful SPEEDTRONIC TM series. Preceding systems were based on automated turbine control, protection and sequencing techniques dating back to the late 1940s. The main functions of the MARK VI turbine control system are as follows:SPEEDTRONIC TM Mark VI燃机控制系统是最新推出的、最成功的SPEEDTRONIC TM系列的过程控制系统。
Victron GX产品系列介绍说明书
Victron GX product rangeIntroductionGX products are Victron's state-of-the-art monitoring solution. The family consists of the different GX products, and their accessories.The GX-device lies at the heart of the system - providing monitoring, and operating as the communication-centre of your installation. All the other system-components - such asinverter/chargers, solar chargers, and batteries - are connected to it. Monitoring can be carried out locally and remotely - via our free-to-use Victron Remote Management portal (VRM). The GX-device also provides Remote firmware updates and allows inverter/charger settings to be changed remotely.The GX Family consists of these models:Cerbo GX - Our newly released GX product.Color Control GX - Our first released GX product, the CCGX has a display and buttons.Venus GX - The Venus GX has more analog and digital IO, no LCD and is more cost effectivethan the CCGX.CANvu GX - The CANvu GX is best for harsh environments - when its IP67 rating and touch LCD is a must.Octo GX - The Octo GX is particularly suited to medium size installations which have many MPPT Solar Chargers, as it has 10 VE.Direct ports.Maxi GX - Compared to the other GX devices, the Maxi GX has most CPU power and mostVE.Direct ports: 25. This is the GX device to use for large systems with many VE.Direct MPPT Solar Chargers.Lastly, there is a GX device built into our MultiPlus-II GX and EasySolar-II GX Inverter/chargers. Available accessoriesGX Touch 50 - Touch screen display accessory for the Cerbo GXGX GSM - A cellular modem. It connects to GX device via USB, and takes a simcardWiFi USB sticksEnergy Meters - Measures PV Inverter Output where PV Inverters cannot be read-out directly.Also used as a grid meter in an Energy Storage System (ESS).VE.Can resistive tank sender adapter Allows a standard resistive tank-level sender to beconnected to the GX device.Comparison tableAppearanceDisplayGX Touch 50optional touchdisplay (16)800×480480 x 272 LCDDisplay & 7buttonsno display no display4.3“ touch-screen2×16 character displayRemote Console yesBuzzer yes yes yes no yes no Documentation Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX Manual Cerbo GX manual CCGX manual VGX manual OGX manual CANvu manualMaxi GXmanualMultiPlus-IIGX manual Product detailpagepage page page page page page pageVictron comm.portsCerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX(12)Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX VE.Direct ports(always isolated) 3(1) 2 (1)10 (1) 3 (1)251 VE.Bus(always isolated)2 paralleled RJ45 sockets 1 RJ45 socket2 paralleledRJ45 sockets VE.Can yes - non isolated 2 paralleled RJ45 sockets – isolated no (14)OthercommunicationCerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX USB 3 USB Host ports 2 USB Host ports 1 USB Host portEthernet10/100 RJ45 socket - isolated except shield1 port.isolation?(12)10/100 RJ45 socket WiFi built-in optional (2)built-in, butsee (3)built-in,externalantenna (11)optional (2)no built-inBluetooth Smart yes (17)noMicro SDcardslot SDHC cards up to max. of 32GB.(5)no yes no Second CAN-busport(also featuresBMS-Can (18))no noyes - non-isolatedyes - non-isolatedno no no BMS-Can port (15)yes no yes (14)Built-in RS485no no noyes - non-isolatedno noIO Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX(12)Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGX Programmablerelay (7)2 x NO/NC (8) 1 x NO 1 x NO/NC (8)1x NO / NC2x NO / NC (8)n/a Resistive tanklevel inputs 4(9)no 3 (9)noTemperaturesense inputs 4(10)no 2 (10)noDigital Inputs4no5314noThird party compatibility Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GXMultiPlus-IIGX andEasySolar-IIGXCanbus-BMSbatteriesMany battery brands. See here for details Fronius PVInvertersSee here for detailsSMA PV Inverters See here for detailsABB PV Inverters See here for detailsSolarEdge PVInvertersSee here for detailsMarine MFD AppSupportGeneric MFD Manual, Navico, Garmin, RaymarinePerformance Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GX MultiPlus-IIGX and EasySolar-IIGXCPU dual core single core quad core RAM1GB256MB512MB512MB256MB512MB512MB Max. VE.Directdevices (1)tbd - 15 orso561042525Other Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GX MultiPlus-IIGX and EasySolar-IIGXSupply voltage8 - 70 VDC8 - 32 VDC32 - 70 VDCpowered internally, no externalsupplyMounting Wall or DIN rail(35mm)(19)PanelIntegrationWall mountingDIN Rail(35mm)PanelWall mountIP65Built-inOuter dimensions ( h x w x d )78 x 154 x 48mm130 x 120 x 28mm45 x 143 x 96mm61 x 108 x 90mm?600 x 380 x210 mmOperatingtemperature-20 to +50°C-20 to +70°C-20 to +50°C Batterybackupped clockyes no yes yes 5V output no 1 A (13)noStandards Cerbo GX CCGX Venus GX Octo GX CANvu GX Maxi GX MultiPlus-IIGX and EasySolar-IIGXSafety tbd EN 60950???EMC tbd EN 61000-6-3, EN 55014-1, EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-1, EN 55014-2 Automotive tbd E4-10R-053535In progress??noNotesThe listed maximum on the `Performance` section in above table is the total connected 1.VE.Direct devices such as MPPT Solar Charge controllers. Total means all directly connected devices plus the devices connected over USB. The limit is mostly bound by CPU processing power. Note that there is also a limit to the other type of devices of which often multiple areconnected: PV Inverters. Up to three or four three phase inverters can typically be monitored ona CCGX. Higher power CPU devices can monitor more.2.Though the CCGX has no built-in WiFi that functionality can easily be added by attaching a USB-WiFi dongle. See CCGX Manual, section 1.4.2 for details.3.The built-in WiFi in the Venus GX has a very low signal strength - unfortunately. It is strong enough to connect to a phone, tablet or laptop in order to access setup and monitoring. But to connect the Venus GX to the internet either use the built-in Ethernet port or add a USB-WiFi dongle. See CCGX Manual, section 1.4.2 for details. Make sure the Venus GX is running v2.06 or later - early shipments of Venus GX units ran v2.05.4.The hardware of the Venus GX and Octo GX includes a built-in Bluetooth Smart chipset which hasn't proved satisfactory. Bluetooth Smart for GX devices is coming soon but will not use built-in chipsets.5.Larger SD memory cards (SDXC) are not supported. SD cards can be used for two purposes: 1.Logging data, see this section in the ccgx manual for details.2.Updating firmware, see this section in the ccgx manual for detials.6.The second CANbus port is accessible via the GND, CAN-H and CAN-L terminals. Note that the port is not Isolated. See Settings → Services for configuring that port.7.The programmable relay can be set to act as an alarm relay, automatic genset start stop, or an on/off switch, and is controlled via the GUI and/or ModbusTCP.8.In the Venus GX hardware there are two relays - at present only one of them is available for use.The tank level inputs are resistive and should be connected to a resistive tank sender. Victron 9.does not supply tank senders. The tank level ports can each be configured to work with either European (0 - 180 Ohm); or US tank senders (240 - 30 Ohm).The Cerbo GX has four temperature terminals, and the Venus GX has two. They can be used to 10.measure & monitor all kinds of temperature-inputs. Temperature senders are not included. The required sensor is ASS000001000 - Temperature Sensor QUA/PMP/Venus GX. (Note that this is not the same as the BMV temperature accessory.)11.Octo GX comes with a small Wifi antenna. You may remove and replace it with any other Wifiantenna having an RP-SMA connector.12.Requires the CANvu GX IO Extender and wiring kit13.The 5V output on the Venus GX can be used to power, for example, a USB hub. Note that its output is not current limited or otherwise protected, and it shares the internal power supply in the Venus GX: overdrawing from it will result in shutdown(s) of the Venus GX. It isrecommended to install a fuse for prevention.14.Though some early batches of the Maxi GX, MultiPlus-II GX and EasySolar-II GX all have a dual set of RJ-45 sockets labelled VE.Can, this port is actually a BMS-Can port. It can only be used to connected to managed batteries such as Freedomwon, BYD, Pylontech, BlueNova, MG Energy Systems and others, at 500kbps. The hardware does not meet the requirements for a VE.Can port; and thus it is not possible to use to port to connect Victron products such as theSmartSolar VE.Can MPPT product range. Note that for a while Venus OS firmware did allow to select the VE.Can function and other baudrates. The result will be unreliable, and therefor they have been updated to lock into BMS-Can only at 500kbps.15.A BMS-Can port is a port dedicated to be used for connecting managed batteries, such asFreedomwon, BYD, Pylontech, BlueNova, MG Energy Systems and others, only. It is not possible to connect Victron VE.Can products to that port. To connect such managed battery, use our special cables, and see documentation here. Connect the side labelled 'VE.Can' into the BMS-Can/VE.Can port on the GX Device. And connect the other side to the battery. The baudrate of a BMS-Can port is fixed to 500kbps.16.The GX Touch 50 connects to the Cerbo GX using a single cable; fixed permanently to the GX Touch 50, which on the other end splits into a USB and a connector for the video signal. Bothneed to be inserted into the Cerbo GX, taking one of the three USB ports. The USB part of the cable is used to power the GX Touch 50. The cable is 2 meters in length; and can not beextended in length.17.The Bluetooth feature of the Cerbo GX allows to configure its WiFi and Ethernet settings from within VictronConnect.18.The secondary CAN port, available on some GX devices as per table above, can be configured to be used as a BMS-Can port, as well as other profiles. For details, see manual.DIN rail mounting requires additional accessory - DIN35 Adapter.19.。
10−1 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 VF (V)
(1) Tamb = 150 °C (2) Tamb = 85 °C (3) Tamb = 25 °C (4) Tamb = −40 °C
Fig 1. Forward current as a function of forward voltage; typical values
repetitive peak forward
non-repetitive peak
forward current
Ptot Per device
total power dissipation BAV99 BAV99S BAV99W
square wave tp = 1 μs tp = 1 ms tp = 1 s
Max Unit
715 mV
855 mV
1.25 V
30 nA
0.5 μA
30 μA
50 μA
1.5 pF
1.75 V
Product data sheet
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers.
Rev. 07 — 14 April 2010
© NXP B.V. 2010. All rights reserved.
4 of 14
NXP Semiconductors
BAV99 series
High-speed switching diodes
12 1-800-735-6200VI-J00MiniModDC-DC Converters 25 to 100 WattsProduct HighlightsThe VI-J00 MiniMod family establishes a new standard in component-level DC-DC converters. This “junior” size complement to the higher power VI-200family offers up to 100W of isolated and regulated power in a board mounted package. At one-half the size and twice the power density of previous 100W modules, and with a maximum operating temperature rating of 100˚C, the MiniMod opens new horizons for board-mounted (distributed) power architectures. Utilizing Vicor’s “zero-current-switching” forward converter technology,proven by an installed base of over 8 million units, the MiniMod family combines state of the art power density with the efficiency, low noise and reliability required by next generation power systems.Packaging OptionsSlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - JXX - XX - SFinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:VI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - JXX - XX -F2, 1.00" heightConverter Selection ChartVI-JMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(1)50W 50W 10A (2)75W 100W 20A (3)100W 100W 20AMax. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs(4)75W 75W 15A (5)50W 75W 15A (6)50W 75W 10AFeaturess Up to 50W/Cubic Inchs UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT s CE Markeds Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)s Remote Sense and Current Limit s Logic Disables Wide Range Output Adjust s ZCS Power Architecture sLow Noise FM ControlMechanical Drawing(7,6) Min.(3,0).12.30*Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.Rev 3 1 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 12 1-800-735-620073Converter Specifications(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)VI-J00 E-GradeVI-J00 C-, I-, M-GradePARAMETERMIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.UNITSTEST CONDITIONSs Input Characteristics Inrush charge60x10-660x10-6100x10-6CoulombsNominal lineInput reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%I INNominal line, full load Input ripple rejectiondB 120 Hz, nominal line dB2400 Hz, nominal lineNo load power dissipation 1.3521.352Wattss Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1.0%2.0%0.5% 1.0%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation1.0%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift°C Over rated temperatureLong term drift 0.020.02%/1K hoursOutput ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 200100150mV20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%0.75%1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 150%110%50%110%V NOM Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg Current limit105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restartShort circuit current 105%140%105%130%I NOMs Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance 103103Ohms Gate in high threshold 66Volts Use open collectorGate in low threshold 0.650.65Volts Gate in low current 66mAs Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthedOutput to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500V RMSs Thermal Characteristics Efficiency78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.40.4°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 04308s Mechanical Specifications Weight3.0 (85) 3.0 (85)Ounces (Grams)110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range.For product compliance with agency standards please refer to pages 67 - 69.25+20Log( Vin Vout30+20Log ( VinVout20+20Log ( Vin)Rev 3 2 of 2For the latest Vicor Product Information: 。
第一章Velocity简介1. Velocity是什么?Velocity是一个基于java的模板引擎(template engine)。
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12 1-800-735-6200
DC-DC Converters 25 to 100 Watts
Product Highlights
The VI-J00 MiniMod family establishes a new standard in component-level DC-DC converters. This “junior” size complement to the higher power VI-200family offers up to 100W of isolated and regulated power in a board mounted package. At one-half the size and twice the power density of previous 100W modules, and with a maximum operating temperature rating of 100˚C, the MiniMod opens new horizons for board-mounted (distributed) power architectures. Utilizing Vicor’s “zero-current-switching” forward converter technology,proven by an installed base of over 8 million units, the MiniMod family combines state of the art power density with the efficiency, low noise and reliability required by next generation power systems.
Packaging Options
SlimMods™, high power density,flangeless packages and FinMods™,featuring integral finned heatsinks.SlimMod: Option suffix: - S Example: VI - JXX - XX - S
FinMod: Option suffix: - F1and - F2Examples:
VI - JXX - XX -F1, 0.75" height VI - JXX - XX -F2, 1.00" height
Converter Selection Chart
Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs
(1)50W 50W 10A (2)75W 100W 20A (3)100W 100W 20A
Max. Output For 5V Outputs > 5V Outputs < 5V Outputs
(4)75W 75W 15A (5)50W 75W 15A (6)50W 75W 10A
s Up to 50W/Cubic Inch
s UL, CSA, TÜV, VDE, BABT s CE Marked
s Up to 90% Efficiency s Size: 2.28" x 2.4" x 0.5"(57,9 x 61,0 x 12,7)
s Remote Sense and Current Limit s Logic Disable
s Wide Range Output Adjust s ZCS Power Architecture s
Low Noise FM Control
Mechanical Drawing
(7,6) Min.
*Brownout 75% of rated load; transient voltage for 1 second.
Rev 3 1 of 2
For the latest Vicor Product Information:
12 1-800-735-6200
Converter Specifications
(typical at T BP =25°C, nominal line and 75% load, unless otherwise specified)
VI-J00 E-Grade
VI-J00 C-, I-, M-Grade
s Input Characteristics Inrush charge
Nominal line
Input reflected ripple current – pp 10%10%
Nominal line, full load Input ripple rejection
dB 120 Hz, nominal line dB
2400 Hz, nominal line
No load power dissipation 1.352
s Output Characteristics Setpoint accuracy 1.0%
2.0%0.5% 1.0%V NOM Load/line regulation 0.5%0.05%0.2%V NOM LL to HL, 10% to Full Load Load/line regulation
1.0%0.2%0.5%V NOM LL to HL, No Load to 10%Output temperature drift
%/°C Over rated temperature
Long term drift 0.020.02%/1K hours
Output ripple - pp: 2V, 3.3V 200100150mV
20 MHz bandwidth 5V 5%2%3%20 MHz bandwidth 10-48V 3%
1.5%20 MHz bandwidth Trim range 1
50%110%50%110%V NOM Total remote sense compensation 0.50.5Volts 0.25V max. neg. leg Current limit
105%135%105%125%I NOM Automatic restart
Short circuit current 105%
s Control Pin Characteristics Gate out impedance 5050Ohms Gate in impedance 103103
Ohms Gate in high threshold 6
6Volts Use open collector
Gate in low threshold 0.65
Volts Gate in low current 6
s Dielectric Withstand Characteristics Input to output 3,0003,000V RMS Baseplate earthed
Output to baseplate 500500V RMS Input to baseplate 1,5001,500
s Thermal Characteristics Efficiency
78-88%80-90%Baseplate to sink 0.40.4
°C/Watt With Vicor P/N 04308
s Mechanical Specifications Weight
3.0 (85) 3.0 (85)Ounces (Grams)
110V, 12V and 15V outputs, standard trim range ±10%. Consult factory for wider trim range.
For product compliance with agency standards please refer to pages 67 - 69.
( Vin Vout
30+20Log ( Vin
20+20Log ( Vin
Rev 3 2 of 2
For the latest Vicor Product Information: 。