1-乙基-(3-二甲基 氨基丙基)碳化二 亚胺盐酸盐纯度
1-乙基-(3-二甲基氨基丙基)碳化二亚胺盐酸盐纯度1-乙基-(3-二甲基氨基丙基)碳化二亚胺盐酸盐(简称EPAH)是一种有机化合物,化学式为C9H19N2·4HCl,分子质量为288.99 g/mol。
它的溶解度在室温下大约为10 mg/mL。
EPAH具有较强的荧光特性,其荧光峰位在波长为427 nm左右,发出蓝色荧光。
编号日文名中文名GS码001 フシギダネ妙蛙种子082F043503A4E7ED 002 フシギソウ妙蛙草483E2A861BCE6E30 003 フシギバナ妙蛙花D2AEB9BC6D67A9B8 004 ヒトカゲ小火龙45764D46FFD611A9 005 リザード火恐龙270E4C82D4A0EA8A 006 リザードン喷火龙F451FABE23684D86 007 ゼニガメ杰尼龟BC5F4BC19E504314 008 カメール卡咪龟0643C214E99FD01B 009 カメックス水箭龟B3127F0459359295 010 キャタピー绿毛虫D86CD11895139F73 011 トランセル铁甲蛹F54A12F77B2099F5 012 バタフリー巴大蝴2AAC7F1DF6000594 013 ビードル独角虫1B88DA73E9F717CE 014 コクーン铁壳昆ECD014342D064460 015 スピアー大针蜂98498DB9B8EF3A96016 ポッポ波波6E93A2B7D174B891 017 ピジョン比比鸟71A4E4E126E92B3F 018 ピジョット比雕823812920DFDD282 019 コラッタ小拉达95F2785C6FC1B39B020 ラッタ拉达3D51D8904ED40E65 021 オニスズメ烈雀36CC9670F7B72D4F 022 オニドリル大嘴雀7ABA8A240B43D8B0023 アーボ阿柏蛇4E8EC670690E8BA5 024 アーボック阿柏怪F51E51FA6577292C 025 ピカチュウ皮卡丘ED186531EE2DC737 026 ライチュウ雷丘70AEB016B7A46A34027 サンド穿山鼠4F27932231109752 028 サンドパン穿山王92676644500CFFBD 029 ニドラン♀ 尼多兰803D970B3C4D48FF 030 ニドリーナ尼多娜B3B4E37E5A0953B4 031 ニドクイン尼多后CAE6B5418DBF002B 032 ニドラン♂ 尼多朗7CED4776C9BC5FFF 033 ニドリーノ尼多利诺637E912A7D26948D 034 ニドキング尼多王C91A7E975E30F8F1 035 ピッピ皮皮0C29B3E6E87A80D7 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ウツボット大食花96DE266F2184512A 072 メノクラゲ玛瑙水母22F15FD590E8F0BD 073 ドククラゲ毒刺水母04D90CDFC05A5514 074 イシツブテ小拳石0AA34327D6893732075 ゴローン隆隆石610329D74685888F076 ゴローニャ隆隆岩9BBA394BF03F9C85077 ポニータ小火马5F5000BA70E22EDA078 ギャロップ烈焰马C1F6A71D4D836334079 ヤドン呆呆兽81051F88DDEA905D080 ヤドラン呆河马EDF4DEB6A1CD3B43081 コイル小磁怪72C47D7FDA7497A8082 レアコイル三合一磁怪DEFBD36BEB91B231 083 カモネギ大葱鸭5274B2331C3AB5A9084 ドードー嘟嘟82E21AC20E5C5323085 ドードリオ嘟嘟利5A12018B1DBAE403086 パウワウ小海狮ECC827399FF61ED1087 ジュゴン白海狮8130BAEBD40F9B20088 ベトベター臭泥33FC175C38273B1D089 ベトベトン臭臭泥C8A3092E85ABF252 090 シェルダー大舌贝A0921CEE9B1435DF 091 パルシェン铁甲贝6E9B9A58CEA840E4092 ゴース鬼斯6F41ABE1874E212E 093 ゴースト鬼斯通CCC4429BA1AFE787094 ゲンガー耿鬼5A2C3F170F3C8E8D095 イワーク大岩蛇2CF19EE240C3A811096 スリープ素利普48F8962E040E4DD0 097 スリーパー素利柏5F68CE65571B24D7098 クラブ大钳蟹34A91C9B09D163F1 099 キングラー巨钳蟹C2FCE4DC1063A38F 100 ビリリダマ雷电球D7EDD4010B653DD6 101 マルマイン顽皮弹760D57F52D2FDECE 102 タマタマ蛋蛋534DC146108B2E58103 ナッシー椰蛋树4FD6DD8E43C42AE5 104 カラカラ可拉可拉FBE4E786112D8B22 105 ガラガラ嘎拉嘎拉4B3B9D02EE88FDF6 106 サワムラー沙瓦郎E942CCC5C5CC1B5A 107 エビワラー艾比郎8C72BA83E6ED40A1 108 ベロリンガ大舌头2BDEFE899CE3324F 109 ドガース瓦斯弹C0F811884C467FAB 110 マタドガス双弹瓦斯6DCBE85BA9FDBDB3 111 サイホーン铁甲犀牛FCEF8534EE8C31A3 112 サイドン铁甲暴龙1692A749C598C0C1 113 ラッキー吉利蛋79C0D7110F3CB283 114 モンジャラ蔓藤怪FDC8FD03BB1849E5115 ガルーラ袋龙72A6E419ACB9733F116 タッツー墨海马D34D0F32017EAC15117 シードラ海刺龙692936C6E0F03247 118 トサキント角金鱼E8BED70F5123881D 119 アズマオウ金鱼王A3C37E32F8421AAC 120 ヒトデマン海星星696000963AD8D3F6 121 スターミー宝石海星5BC4EEB96E96EFA5 122 バリヤード吸盘魔偶627452613EC2FFDE 123 ストライク飞天螳螂1EE17933164C6E7F 124 ルージュラ迷唇姐F3A9EC3C992834F6 125 エレブー电击兽F01E742CCE099315 126 ブーバー鸭嘴火龙C241F30DD8A85532 127 カイロス大甲3E597B183B3306E4 128 ケンタロス肯泰罗2E5B8430F18EE879 129 コイキング鲤鱼王99E0AA74F854F3D0 130 ギャラドス暴鲤龙DC48D07310002AE8 131 ラプラス乘龙1DE60C08620820A1132 メタモン百变怪F5F276806A896E85133 イーブイ伊布7E412C931CA2F132 134 シャワーズ水精灵C768CF5C2E57CFC4 135 サンダース雷精灵DD9AABAF6073EB75 136 ブースター火精灵39F6D058BDAC1E0F 137 ポリゴン3D龙5B0E30B7D44E55B6138 オムナイト 菊石兽 323788633ADA92C0 139 オムスター 多刺菊石兽 1EEFF7814DFC1293140 カブト 化石盔 CA61B3F1211C2582141 カブトプス 镰刀盔 51AAD0E24D35452F 142 プテラ 化石翼龙 706703EF10641042143 カビゴン 卡比兽 8A5767AF63429CB7144 フリーザー 急冻鸟 A41D0ACEFF8012A1 145 サンダー 闪电鸟 DDF12C1C65CEDB4C 146 ファイアー 火焰鸟 30E6775F95A264DE 147 ミニリュウ 迷你龙 3F9501D587B284BD 148 ハクリュー 哈克龙 4021C6C9E11E7AA9 149 カイリュー 快龙 B7B5DC94CD642A93150 ミュウツー 超梦 04213FE23BFBBB48151 ミュウ 梦幻 85D457A423876A92回复 引用举报离线高攻只看该作者 9楼 发表于: 2006-01-24152 チコリータ 菊草叶 055DF79CAEDC63E6 153 ベイリーフ 月桂叶 2858DEA02E895B发帖574帅气金钱2510在线时间0 小时注册时间2006-01-15 ∙加关注∙发消息28154 メガニウム大菊花A63AA02F660986F0155 ヒノアラシ火球鼠3B81E34E19F077AA156 マグマラシ火岩鼠7AC7F62E1680E1BE157 バクフーン火爆兽AA81FF5A264F354F158 ワニノコ小锯鳄3A24D35C5C34EFC3159 アリゲイツ蓝鳄A6E78325C594109D160 オーダイル大力鳄C03ED3C894BD6C1D161 オタチ尾立926D27E1675BF1C6 162 オオタチ大尾立9857BFC6C28A3DA7163 ホーホー咕咕7DB7CB2C21FC8D8B 164 ヨルノズク猫头夜鹰D615D168D59BA45B165 レディバ巴瓢虫FC1A579B9C7F875A166 レディアン安瓢虫BD9D2F2E3364AE3C167 イトマル线球68093FF912BF7D77 168 アリアドス阿利多斯F1AB3F439528E52B169 クロバット叉字蝠56599D12BDF50F2E170 チョンチー灯笼鱼3E8A50744277E337171 ランターン电灯怪001FDFFF21882F68172 ピチュー皮丘714D6B298BC6EC22 173 ピィ皮宝宝1F35494A1DCE6EDE 174 ププリン宝宝丁68CE86AFDDB75669175 トゲピー波克比9BE04CB6EB4A9965176 トゲチック波克基古AE05D51F3C251E59177 ネイティ天然雀0AE12087E4497B1E178 ネイティオ天然鸟A96C3FDD7387A1A8179 メリープ咩利羊BEACBE962568D1CE180 モココ绵绵05EB2EEA908D3FE5 181 デンリュウ电龙8142ACCA3E9521C9182 キレイハナ美丽花833055E891AFFAC1183 マリル玛力露A85CECECE6A8B050 184 マリルリ玛力露力0C6B34898965528E185 ウソッキー胡说树7F874B2BB9A4E769186 ニョロトノ牛蛙君3A1C188D9D317AD9187 ハネッコ毽子草D92133ABC22965D9188 ポポッコ毽子花E6E5C2C4B87E2217189 ワタッコ毽子棉3E3A1A4844B18551190 エイパム长尾怪手78E03E5BC1A6873C191 ヒマナッツ向日种子260461FCCEF855D9192 キマワリ向日花怪DE2CCF951521BDF2193 ヤンヤンマ阳阳玛B5A29AA795844206194 ウパー乌波75CE0975A57E63BC 195 ヌオー沼王DAF45ACC2DE4BE53 196 エーフィ太阳精灵26891F77B0BF1A6A197 ブラッキー月精灵5CB6CB2D968C4B64198 ヤミカラス黑暗鸦2EBA5B47D7F7C439199 ヤドキング呆兽王F7D72DA3BAFB25EE200 ムウマ梦妖5254BFFD294B828D201 アンノーンA未知图腾A723BEADF1411A322BC391B39201 アンノーンC未知图腾C94FEA989F6B4B04E201 アンノーンD未知图腾DBDC945D77111BF0E201 アンノーンE未知图腾EA572825E80AD79F2201 アンノーンF未知图腾FC2F5FA16733C7807201 アンノーンG未知图腾G8BE9D4DCA2F95FD6201 アンノーンH未知图腾H30EA5B87DCF75901201 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マグカルゴ熔岩蜗牛2AB43205FABC6FF5220 ウリムー小山猪CB0B64348D12FC36221 イノムー长毛猪54F6DC63EA15CACD222 サニーゴ太阳珊瑚11E07E0899B3CB223 テッポウオ铁炮鱼E8BA3E38409543FB224 オクタン章鱼桶C1DEAC4C64D851A5225 デリバード信使鸟B90C6ECB6BC2229B226 マンタイン巨翅飞鱼B3FFB0A666823D98227 エアームド盔甲鸟668AD40AE7BA8E4E228 デルビル戴鲁比53545F05FCDBBE8F229 ヘルガー黑鲁加0BCB0303DFF91E2D230 キングドラ刺龙王28E8D73C14B7B12F231 ゴマゾウ小小象FB7D5413967AA153 232 ドンファン顿甲6834E032DC77BB07 233 ポリゴン3D龙2 7A4E73E665C95482234 オドシシ惊角鹿68E60EAA3A91D7D3235 ドーブル图图犬1AFD8F3F08D85085236 バルキー巴尔郎61292A76CFD22B51237 カポエラー柯波朗40D79A22365A2A6D238 ムチュール迷唇娃BDEB47F4CB5EB6B8239 エレキッド电击怪399BABA7E2C0B2CD240 ブビィ小鸭嘴龙5E2FE0CC1A3120F4241 ミルタンク大奶罐9623903001C7BF60242 ハピナス幸福蛋CF930C385D5C75B6243 ライコウ雷公5782AA1383518AAC 244 エンテイ炎帝11BF55279E0ED4DA 245 スイクン水君BA3A82D5992149F4246 ヨーギラス由基拉E8747E3B65B231BA247 サナギラス沙基拉223B12243790D12E248 バンギラス班吉拉E6601D6D74A2F234249 ルギア洛奇亚B2417B603CEE43EC250 ホウオウ凤王17FF9CD47344A847251 セレビィ雪拉比A8FBA16EE5D92BC9回复引用举报离线高攻发帖574帅气只看该作者10楼发表于: 2006-01-24252 キモリ木守宫26FD6C0632F789E2253 ジュプトル森林蜥蜴7A30CB39018FD4EA254 ジュカイン蜥蜴王A086978C56076E69255 アチャモ火稚鸡AA0D5A4DD866D8DC金钱2510在线时间0 小时注册时间2006-01-15 ∙加关注∙发消息256 ワカシャモ力壮鸡574C1447BAD9D091257 バシャーモ火焰鸡08D073D31845BB05258 ミズゴロウ水跃鱼9DA259E119D91BCB259 ヌマクロー沼跃鱼8F063467E95EB6C5260 ラグラージ巨沼怪771DF2A2EF16293E261 ポチエナ土狼犬46D472F2FD7AF29C262 グラエナ大狼犬F0A7B4DF4BD58023263 ジグザグマ蛇纹熊2FC992E3212F1A17264 マッスグマ直冲熊3D705B62D7BC2FE0265 ケムッソ刺尾虫E796A028160AC07A266 カラサリス甲壳蛹C5F8FB45912FB5E9267 アゲハント狩猎凤蝶7E36341168F145D2268 マユルド盾甲茧C20A3807EF87AEA9269 ドクケイル毒粉蝶9E51BC0905A70261270 ハスボー莲叶童子B9C1BBB6FC720D8E271 ハスブレロ莲帽小童72B08A86061F7247272 ルンパッパ乐天河童E3A8FF7A55F168F6273 タネボー橡实果80DC79ABA6FC982C274 コノハナ长鼻叶B9ECD4DE32274ED3275 ダーテング狡猾天狗B92267207C9DB79F276 スバメ傲骨燕2B138A8666A36DEB 277 オオスバメ大王燕EEC121B6D9E1CC86278 キャモメ长翅鸥4FFE8E5A4450DAD279 ペリッパー大嘴鸥52B599F1D1730F71280 ラルトス拉鲁拉丝C23FD73A6C977E2E281 キルリア奇鲁莉安C503D6CF1414E015282 サーナイト沙奈朵DFA08776ABC77D44283 アメタマ雨蜘蛛C5838824C3885063284 アメモース雨翅蛾D8F1E0CDE359D5C5285 キノココ磨磨菇60996B96A203569C286 キノガッサ斗笠菇9040A99679E6CEB6287 ナマケロ懒人翁AD4DA1C69451E147288 ヤルキモノ过动猿3E4A6A0FCCDCF540289 ケッキング请假王CB75FF1D988594290 ツチニン土居忍士B4D9965E26D5FD3A291 テッカニン铁面忍者5C24C4544A14508A292 ヌケニン脱壳忍者E43838C9FC287259293 ゴニョニョ咕妞妞CC5895290250BC7E294 ドゴーム吼爆弹33AF2A790B7A8BDD295 バクオング爆音怪283029C7C68F3D07296 マクノシタ幕下力士24A5637EAB3BF86D297 ハリテヤマ超力王31B7B6EE0290C737298 ルリリ露利丽D9803312F502DF8D 299 ノズパス朝北鼻42E789203A4CC1B8300 エネコ向尾猫693A69EAC572F8EA301 エネコロロ优雅猫270D2F7D2524368E302 ヤミラミ勾魂眼17BEE25B0BAF9EB3303 クチート大嘴娃375CBB328FDB2217304 ココドラ可可多拉3BF239B00019AAD9305 コドラ可多拉59A68CFB65F0BE22 306 ボスゴドラ波士可多拉685A3CADB553EF33307 アサナン玛沙那1626A176D978292A308 チャーレム恰雷姆704F7DE89DFDAF18309 ラクライ落雷兽C4F99429CDBCA392310 ライボルト雷电兽2B6DED426397C1D2311 プラスル正电拍拍628EAB797167F1FA312 マイナン负电拍拍C5866EFD33783CBE313 バルビート电萤虫6D2D1306397C5C2E314 イルミーゼ甜甜萤008434132111FC29315 ロゼリア毒蔷薇D6247FACFB65D6EA316 ゴクリン溶食兽4EBCAA0A1739F6CE317 マルノーム吞食兽0E08514FB8739319318 キバニア利牙鱼18B8746A036C1E6D319 サメハダー巨牙鲨4022750CE8F057F8320 ホエルコ吼吼鲸84D9EBBCB663719B321 ホエルオー吼鲸王050A99F54D51AA4B322 ドンメル呆火驼CEDF2BF4CA1DB13C323 バクーダ喷火驼BAD607A4F5891F69324 コータス煤炭龟FD359CFA2A24CE91325 バネブー跳跳猪C959D2A1629D413B326 ブーピッグ噗噗猪79C9C5F2FDA6A748327 パッチール晃晃斑5B7DA1A1D117AE31328 ナックラー大颚蚁E6C80ACC795BCAEF329 ビブラーバ超音波幼虫DE135D22C45E8387330 フライゴン沙漠蜻蜓DF2A0FD888BC2E75331 サボネア沙漠奈亚18251670BA16FB6D332 ノクタス梦歌奈亚0E2CCE670DA344A5333 チルット青绵鸟5472CAC94650012E 334 チルタリス七夕青鸟5DAB14D1B537335 ザングース猫鼬斩C4DA6D6231AD75FC336 ハブネーク饭匙蛇96627B82DF65071D337 ルナトーン月亮岩0EDB8C7D021998D5338 ソルロック太阳岩DB6AA0B3D431B769339 ドジョッチ泥泥鳅A03665B7013FBFE8340 ナマズン鲶鱼王45C4744BE9031995341 ヘイガニ龙虾小兵9CAFBE2B769A21D1342 シザリガー铁蛰龙虾60A42196D054DFF5343 ヤジロン天秤偶405B381FDBD9C36F344 ネンドール念力土偶F64C71EAA2B7530D345 リリーラ触手百合BC7D76FB55C42346 ユレイドル摇篮百合887043A8B8EC4946347 アノプス太古羽虫92E64A19C1BD729E348 アーマルド太古盔甲718599796E681E92349 ヒンバス笨笨鱼44BC0D8B9AD3088A350 ミロカロス美纳斯44E29572FBE304B1351 ポワルンN天气小子-NF908E2B3C7F3701E351 ポワルン雪天气小子-雪AD18A7F5C2E2C4DA351 ポワルン晴天气小子-晴39DDA991C0DF7F2C351 ポワルン雨天气小子-雨106ADA657A3A588A352 カクレオン变隐龙79147956EB198A93353 カゲボウズ怨影娃娃B23B4138EE9A354 ジュペッタ诅咒娃娃6E2E71321DB15A51355 ヨマワル夜骷颅AF58E2CDB653E103356 サマヨール夜巨人8E1AF731F0EBC2EF357 トロピウス热带龙B2BA7076E0EECAAD358 チリーン风铃铃4DE969C7F9DC2D44359 アブソル阿勃梭鲁ED9357EC6FE8BFFE360 ソーナノ小果然翁76DA159FDC0A8624361 ユキワラシ雪童子E0A25F6EFA55310F362 オニゴーリ冰鬼护747C81BB12DACA11363 タマザラシ海豹球AB8FE43FDC5FEB2D364 トドグラー海魔狮199214359B61ADC0365 トドゼルガ帝牙海狮0BBAF430E8C01FD6366 パールル珍珠贝D625EFD8DF530001367 ハンテール猎斑鱼5EAE2E7AC4F14B22368 サクラビス樱花鱼FC7B272674C4DE3E369 ジーランス古空棘鱼CD40F306CF518736370 ラブカス爱心鱼B3007792C81144E6 371 タツベイ宝贝龙FA1C246CB983F569 372 コモルー甲壳龙8C163D6987E2D49E373 ボーマンダ暴蝾螈060E1B5A7CEE0C60374 ダンバル铁哑铃35FCC7F4ECFCFCF5375 メタング金属怪0ED95265094CC839376 メタグロス巨金怪B806EAEC97888965377 レジロック岩神柱E2DC36AE689E7303378 レジアイス冰神柱754FF88E0D2EF9CC379 レジスチル钢神柱BAC6AB87BC0FB157380 ラティアス拉帝亚斯6962C2C7745159D0381 ラティオス拉帝欧斯B3548E6E7AF634A8382 カイオーガ海皇牙7AA6D8B631408F4C383 グラードン古拉顿156740D3616812C8384 レックウザ裂空座12F6790F8F516F07385 ジラーチ吉拉祈E1EDAFC3FA066DCE386 デオキシスN迪欧西斯-NA7A2484E732D7FF7201 アンノーン!未知图腾!193150295AC4B710201 アンノーン?未知图腾?9790B4D865BFB479386 デオキシスA迪欧西斯-A3F27B08DF76A8786386 デオキシスD迪欧西斯-D7444B05CFD75DF60386 デオキシスS迪欧西斯-SFCEC686558F4DDE9。
【精品】GMA甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯的中文MSDS 物料安全技术说明书 The Dow Chemical Company 产品名称: Glycidyl Methacrylate发行日期: 18.01.2010 Glycidyl Methacrylate 打印日期: 19 Jan 2010 The DowChemical Company 鼓励并期望用户认真阅读并领会本物料安全技术说明书的全部内涵,物料安全技术说明书的每一章节均有与安全有关的重要信息。
1. 产品和企业标识产品名称 Glycidyl MethacrylateGlycidyl Methacrylate 公司识别信息 The Dow Chemical Company 2030 Willard H.Dow Center Midland MI 48674 USA 客户信息电话号码: 800-258-2436 应急电话号码 24 小时紧急联络方式: 989-636-4400 当地应急联系号码: 86 532 8388 9090 2. 成分/组成信息成分 CAS 含量2-甲基-2-丙烯酸环氧乙烷基甲基酯 106-91-2 99.0 -100.0 3. 危害特性紧急情况概述颜色: 无色物理状态: 液体气味: 强烈RTM陶氏化学公司或其附属公司的商标 P. 1产品名称: Glycidyl Methacrylate 发行日期: 18.01.2010Glycidyl Methacrylate产品危害性: 危险~可燃液体和蒸汽。
本文编写是以中华人民共和国国家标准《文献著录总则》(GB3792.1)、《普通图书著录规则》(GB3792.2)为依据,同时参照了《国际标准书目著录》(ISBD)相关内容及《中国文献编目规则》(广东人民出版社 1996年出版)等文献。
2.4 Flyback green features
Valley switching for minimum switching losses (NXP patented) Frequency reduction with adjustable minimum peak current at low-power operation to maintain high efficiency at low output power levels
3 ofductors
HV start-up flyback controller with integrated PFC controller
5. Block diagram
3)&'5,9(5 3)& GULYHU
HV start-up DCM/QR flyback controller with integrated DCM/QR PFC controller
Rev. 3 — 24 August 2012 Product data sheet
1. General description
The TEA1753T is the third generation of green Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller ICs. The TEA1753T combines a controller for Power Factor Correction (PFC) and a flyback controller. Its high level of integration allows the design of a cost-effective power supply with a very low number of external components. The special built-in green functions provide high efficiency at all power levels. This efficiency applies to quasi-resonant operation at high-power levels, quasi-resonant operation with valley skipping, as well as reduced frequency operation at lower power levels. At low-power levels, the PFC switches off to maintain high efficiency. During low-power conditions, the flyback controller switches to frequency reduction mode and limits the peak current to an adjustable minimum value. This mode ensures high efficiency at low-power and good standby power performance while minimizing audible noise from the transformer. The controller is switched to the power-down mode for no-load operation. In this mode, the controller is shut down for very low standby power applications. The TEA1753T is a Multi-Chip Module, (MCM), containing two chips. The proprietary high-voltage BCD800 process which makes direct start-up possible from the rectified universal mains voltage in an effective and green way. The second low voltage Silicon On Insulator (SOI) is used for accurate, high-speed protection functions and control. The TEA1753T enables the design of highly efficient and reliable supplies with power requirements of up to 250 W using the minimum number of external components. Remark: All values provided throughout this data sheet are typical values unless otherwise stated.
AK 98
AK98™Dialysis Machine操作手册程序版本1.xx订单号:MHCZHCN12626-02/15HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx©2014Gambro Lundia AB。
商标商标Gambro、AK 98、BiCart、CleanCart、Diascan、SoftPac、U 9000、Polyflux、Revaclear 和Evodial 都属于Gambro 集团。
商标Dialox 属于Air Liquide 集团。
商标HASTELLOY 属于Haynes International Inc。
制造商Gambro Lundia ABBox 10101Magistratsvägen 16SE-22010LUNDSweden电话:+4646169000销售代表联系信息(如果有):如对本手册有任何意见或建议,请联系当地销售代表或制造商。
Operators handbook1用前须知 (1)2机器说明 (17)3操作血液透析装置 (39)4血液透析-双针治疗 (57)5血液透析-单针治疗 (85)6单纯超滤 (93)7图形预制功能 (97)8测量血压(选件) (105)9检查清除率(选件) (111)10消毒和清洁 (117)11对AK98™血液透析装置和WRO系统进行消毒 (131)12维护和操作 (135)13技术数据和规格 (141)14当地法规登记号(如果有) (161)Alarm handbook1报警 (1)2关注信息 (55)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx目录1用前须知 (1)1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项 (2)1.1.1关于本操作手册 (2)1.1.2安全定义 (2)1.1.3值和设置 (2)1.1.4按钮 (2)1.1.5关于屏幕 (2)1.1.6符号 (4)1.2使用前的一般警告和注意事项 (6)1.2.1使用前的一般注意事项 (6)1.2.2责任与免责声明 (8)1.2.3漏电和等电位连接 (8)1.2.4治疗地点 (9)1.2.5中心静脉导管 (9)1.2.6外部电气设备连接 (9)1.2.7如何移动AK98血液透析装置 (9)1.2.8安全须知 (9)1.3预期用途 (10)1.3.1预期用途 (10)1.3.2培训 (11)1.3.3消毒和功能检查 (11)1.3.4进水要求 (11)1.3.5中央输送系统的卫生质量 (11)1.3.6配制透析液 (11)1.4附件 (12)1.4.1浓缩液、化学消毒剂、附件和消耗品 (12)1.4.2浓缩液 (12)1.4.3化学消毒剂 (13)1.4.4血液管路 (13)1.4.5附件 (13)1.4.6超滤器(选件) (13)1.4.7透析器 (14)1.4.8血压测量附件 (14)1.5术语 (15)1.5.1术语 (15)2机器说明 (17)2.1血液部分 (18)2.1.1血液部分的部件 (18)2.1.2血液部分部件详细信息 (19)2.2液体部分 (26)2.2.1液体部分的部件 (26)2.2.2液体部分组件详细信息 (27)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx2.3背面的部件 (32)2.3.1背面的部件 (32)2.3.2背面部件详细信息 (33)3操作血液透析装置 (39)3.1操作员位置 (40)3.1.1操作员位置 (40)3.2打开和关闭血液透析装置 (40)3.2.1主开关 (40)3.2.2开/关按钮 (40)3.3指示灯和按钮 (40)3.3.1指示灯 (40)3.3.2操作员面板上的按钮 (41)3.4屏幕 (42)3.4.1屏幕概述 (42)3.4.2静脉和动脉压力控制(1,2) (43)3.4.3机器状态指示灯(3) (43)3.4.4时间(4) (43)3.4.5血液路径(5) (44)3.4.6液体流路(6) (44)3.4.7旁路路径 (44)3.4.8血压区(7,8)(选件) (44)3.4.9清除率区(9,10)(选件) (44)3.4.10治疗浏览(11–15) (44)3.4.11报警选项卡(16) (45)3.4.12信息选项卡(17) (45)3.4.13信息字段(18) (45)3.4.14预冲按钮(19) (45)3.4.15回血按钮(20) (45)3.4.16消毒按钮(21) (46)3.4.17血液按钮(22) (47)3.4.18液体按钮(23) (48)3.4.19液体旁路按钮(24) (50)3.4.20超滤按钮(25) (51)3.4.21治疗历史记录页面(26) (51)3.4.22状态栏(27) (51)3.4.23服务菜单 (51)3.5浓缩液待命模式 (52)3.5.1关于暂停透析液 (52)3.5.2手动暂停透析液的配制 (53)3.5.3恢复透析液的配制 (53)3.5.4自动暂停透析液配制 (53)3.6在电源故障期间操作机器 (53)3.6.1在有备用电池的情况下出现电源故障 (53)3.6.2在没有备用电池的情况下出现电源故障 (53)3.6.3手动为病人回血 (54)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx3.7在治疗过程中更换透析器和血路管 (54)3.8超滤控制 (55)4血液透析-双针治疗 (57)4.1基本功能 (58)4.2开始双针治疗 (58)4.2.1治疗前检查事项 (58)4.2.2开始功能检查 (58)4.2.3设置血液透析装置 (59)4.2.4连接动脉血液管路 (61)4.2.5连接静脉血液管路 (66)4.2.6连接肝素注射器 (71)4.2.7预冲透析循环 (73)预冲说明 (73)手动预冲 (73)辅助预冲 (75)4.2.8预冲选项 (76)额外预冲 (76)再循环 (76)4.2.9设置治疗时间 (77)4.2.10设置超滤量 (77)4.2.11设置肝素值 (78)4.2.12连接病人 (79)4.2.13开始治疗 (81)4.3结束双针治疗 (82)4.3.1结束治疗 (82)4.3.2确认断开病人 (83)4.3.3机器后期处理 (83)5血液透析-单针治疗 (85)5.1基本功能 (86)5.2准备 (86)5.3连接病人 (89)5.4开始治疗 (90)5.5结束单针治疗 (91)6单纯超滤 (93)6.1基本功能 (94)6.2处理单纯超滤 (94)6.2.1启用单纯超滤 (94)6.2.2如何再添加一个单纯超滤量 (94)6.2.3停止单纯超滤 (95)6.3其他信息 (95)6.3.1肝素 (95)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx7图形预制功能 (97)7.1一般信息 (98)7.2钠和碳酸氢盐浓度曲线 (98)7.3超滤率曲线 (98)7.4图形预制功能设置/启用 (101)7.5无预设模型的图形预制功能 (102)7.5.1无预设模型的超滤图形预制功能 (102)7.5.2无预设模型的钠图形预制功能 (103)7.5.3无预设模型的碳酸氢盐图形预制功能 (103)7.6设置和启用带预设模型的图形预制功能 (104)8测量血压(选件) (105)8.1血压监测仪(BPM) (106)8.2血压袖带 (106)8.3直接血压测量 (107)8.4间隔时间血压测量 (108)8.5测量历史记录 (108)8.6设置报警限值 (109)8.7血压测量期间的病人护理 (109)8.7.1所有病人 (109)8.7.2高血压病人 (110)8.7.3心律不齐的病人 (110)9检查清除率(选件) (111)9.1清除率测量(Diascan™)如何工作 (112)9.2清除率测量检查内容 (112)9.3检查K和Kt (112)9.4检查Kt/V (113)9.5测量历史记录 (114)9.6设置Kt/V目标值 (114)9.7设置K或Kt/V过低的报警 (115)9.8影响测量的因素 (115)10消毒和清洁 (117)10.1消毒和清洁–一般信息 (118)10.2启动前的检查事项 (118)10.3加热消毒 (119)10.3.1加热消毒说明 (119)10.3.2清洁和脱钙 (119)10.3.3启动加热消毒 (119)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx10.3.4启动使用CleanCart™清洗棒的加热消毒 (120)10.3.5启动使用液体柠檬酸的加热消毒 (120)10.3.6启动使用液体柠檬酸的短时间加热消毒 (120)10.3.7整合加热消毒 (121)整合加热消毒 (121)安排加热消毒方案 (121)关闭已安排的方案 (122)10.3.8使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (122)使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (122)10.4化学消毒 (122)10.4.1有关化学消毒 (122)10.4.2启动化学消毒 (123)10.4.3启动中央化学消毒 (123)10.4.4对WRO单元执行化学消毒方案 (124)10.4.5消毒剂残留物检测 (124)10.4.6消毒历史记录 (124)10.4.7关于化学消毒剂 (125)10.5冲洗和排水 (125)10.5.1启动冲洗或排水 (125)10.5.2安排冲洗方案 (125)10.5.3关闭特定天的冲洗方案 (126)10.6存放灌有化学消毒剂的机器 (126)10.6.1在血液透析装置中灌注化学消毒剂 (126)10.6.2开始使用灌有化学消毒剂的血液透析装置 (127)10.7参考 (127)10.7.1消毒剂、脱钙剂和清洁剂-特征 (127)10.7.2清洁和消毒安排 (128)10.7.3流量路径 (129)11对AK98™血液透析装置和WRO系统进行消毒 (131)11.1一般说明 (132)11.2使用WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒 (132)11.2.1对WRO300H单元进行整合加热消毒的说明 (132)11.2.2安排整合加热消毒 (132)11.2.3手动启动整合加热消毒 (132)11.3对WRO单元执行中央化学消毒方案 (133)11.3.1对WRO单元执行中央化学消毒方案的说明 (133)11.3.2启动WRO单元的中央化学消毒 (133)11.4冲洗设置 (134)11.4.1冲洗设置 (134)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx12维护和操作 (135)12.1维护 (136)12.2血泵转子 (136)12.2.1血泵转子的维护 (136)12.2.2清洁血泵转子 (136)12.3清洁漏血探测器 (137)12.4进水管 (137)12.5吸液管 (137)12.6表面和顶部托盘 (138)12.7更换超滤器 (138)12.8存放 (139)12.9服务 (139)12.10丢弃 (139)13技术数据和规格 (141)13.1性能和规格-控制系统 (143)13.1.1预冲 (143)13.1.2血流控制 (143)13.1.3肝素泵 (143)13.1.4血压 (144)13.1.5血压监测仪(BPM) (144)13.1.6透析液准备 (144)13.1.7超滤控制 (145)13.1.8超滤保护 (146)13.1.9图形预制功能 (146)13.1.10Diascan™(选件) (146)13.1.11消毒和清洁-化学消毒 (146)13.1.12消毒和清洁–加热消毒 (147)13.1.13自动加热消毒 (148)13.1.14加热消毒方案(包括WRO300H) (148)13.1.15消毒和清洁-冲洗/排水 (148)13.1.16消毒和清洁-外部清洁 (148)13.1.17供水 (148)13.1.18电源 (149)13.1.19外部设备连接 (150)13.1.20备用电池 (150)13.2性能和规格-监控系统 (150)13.2.1血压监控 (150)13.2.2空气探测 (151)13.2.3因凝血造成的体外血液流失 (151)13.2.4透析液准备 (151)13.2.5超滤控制系统 (151)13.2.6漏血探测 (152)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx13.3报警声压 (152)13.3.1报警声压 (152)13.4物理数据 (152)13.4.1尺寸和重量 (152)13.4.2输液支架 (152)13.5与透析液、浓缩液和水接触的材料 (152)13.5.1聚合物 (152)13.5.2金属 (153)13.5.3其它材料 (153)13.6环境数据 (153)13.6.1中国RoHS声明表 (153)13.6.2操作 (153)13.6.3运输和储存 (154)13.6.4电磁环境 (154)13.6.5预期使用寿命 (157)13.6.6能耗 (157)13.7标准 (158)14当地法规登记号(如果有) (161)HCZHCN12626修订02.2015程序版本1.xx1用前须知1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项 (2)1.1.1关于本操作手册 (2)1.1.2安全定义 (2)1.1.3值和设置 (2)1.1.4按钮 (2)1.1.5关于屏幕 (2)1.1.6符号 (4)1.2使用前的一般警告和注意事项 (6)1.2.1使用前的一般注意事项 (6)1.2.2责任与免责声明 (8)1.2.3漏电和等电位连接 (8)1.2.4治疗地点 (9)1.2.5中心静脉导管 (9)1.2.6外部电气设备连接 (9)1.2.7如何移动AK98血液透析装置 (9)1.2.8安全须知 (9)1.3预期用途 (10)1.3.1预期用途 (10)1.3.2培训 (11)1.3.3消毒和功能检查 (11)1.3.4进水要求 (11)1.3.5中央输送系统的卫生质量 (11)1.3.6配制透析液 (11)1.4附件 (12)1.4.1浓缩液、化学消毒剂、附件和消耗品 (12)1.4.2浓缩液 (12)1.4.3化学消毒剂 (13)1.4.4血液管路 (13)1.4.5附件 (13)1.4.6超滤器(选件) (13)1.4.7透析器 (14)1.4.8血压测量附件 (14)1.5术语 (15)1.5.1术语 (15)1.1阅读操作手册时的重要事项1.1.1关于本操作手册这本操作手册提供了正确使用AK200SAK200ULTRA SAK96AK98NewayPrismaflex血液透析装置所需的说明。
SAE J581-1998
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 5.Tests5.1SAE J575—The following test procedures in SAE J575 are a part of this report with the modifications indi-cated:5.1.1V IBRATION T EST5.1.2M OISTURE T EST5.1.3D UST T EST—(Dust test shall not be required for sealed units.)5.1.4C ORROSION T EST5.1.5W ARPAGE T EST—(Devices produced from plastic components.)5.1.6 A P HOTOMETRIC T EST5.1.6.1The photometric tests for bulb replaceable units shall be made at a distance of at least 18.3 m (60 ft) fromthe photometer to the lamp. Aim—A lamp or sealed beam unit, which is designed to be aimed mechanically, shall be centered onthe photometric axis with the aiming planes normal to that axis. A lamp or sealed unit, not designed to be aimed mechanically, shall be photoelectrically aimed so that the test points in Figure 1 designated by the squares have equal intensity and those designated by triangles have equal intensity.FIGURE 1—TEST POINTS ON A SCREEN A T 7.6 m5.2Color Test—SAE J578 is a part of this report.6.Requirements6.1Performance Requirements6.1.1SAE J575—A device when tested in accordance with the test procedures in Section 5, shall meet the following requirements in SAE J575, with the modifications indicated: Test on Devices with Plastic Components6.1.1.6Photometry—The lamp under test shall meet the photometric requirements contained in Table 1.6.2Color—The color of the emitted light shall be white as defined in SAE J578.6.3Plastic Materials—The plastic materials used in optical parts shall meet the requirements in SAE J576.7.Guidelines7.1The photometric design guidelines for auxiliary driving lamps, when tested in accordance with 5.1.6 of this document, are contained in T able 2.TABLE 1—PHOTOMETRIC REQUIREMENTSTest Point Degrees (1)1. A tolerance of ±1/4 degree in location may be allowed atany test point.Candela, cd2U—3R and 3L 1600 min 1U—3R and 3L4000 minH—V 20 000 min and 60 000 maxH—3R and 3L 8000 min 1D—6R and 6L 2960 min 2D—6R and 6L1600 min 4D—V6000 maxTABLE 2—PHOTOMETRIC DESIGN GUIDELINESTest Point Degrees (1)1. A tolerance of ±1/4 degree in location may be allowed atany test point.Candela, cd2U—3R and 3L 2000 min 1U—3R and 3L5000 minH—V 25 000 min and 50 000 maxH—3R and 3L 10 000 min 1D—6R and 6L 3700 min 2D—6R and 6L2000 min 4D V5000 max7.2These guidelines apply to the device as used on the vehicle and are not a part of the laboratory testprocedures and requirements.7.3Lamp Aim—The lamp aim adjustments on the vehicle should be with mechanical aimers, if possible. Set themechanical aim to 0-0, reference SAE J599.7.4Other Aiming Procedures—If the vehicle mounting or lamp design precludes mechanical aiming, the lampshall be aimed photometrically (see, or visually aimed. The correct visual aim is with the high intensity zone of the beam symmetric about and 38 mm (1.5 in) below the H-V axis of the lamp on an aiming screen at7.6 m (25 ft).8.Notes8.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE ROAD ILLUMINA TION DEVICES STANDARDS COMMITTEERationale—The Title on this document has changed. This Document has changed to comply with the new SAE Technical Standards Board format. Definitions have changed to Section 3. All other Section numbers have changed.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.Application—This SAE Standard provides test procedures, performance requirements, and guidelines for auxiliary driving lamps.Reference SectionSAE J575—Tests for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and ComponentsSAE J576—Plastic Materials for Use in Optical Parts Such as Lenses and Reflectors of Motor Vehicle Lighting DevicesSAE J578—Color SpecificationSAE J599—Lighting Inspection CodeSAE J759—Lighting Identification CodeDeveloped by the SAE Road Illumination Devices Standards Committee。
混合芳烃材料安全数据表(SHELL MSDS中文翻译)
材料安全数据表(MSDS)混合芳烃版本:第1.5版出具日期:2015年9月16日1. 化学品及企业鉴定1.1. 产品鉴定标识材料名称:混合芳烃化学名称:Naphtha (petroleum), catalytic reformed石脑油(石油)催化重组油化学物质(CAS)登记号:68955-35-1同义字(词):Light Reformate, Heavy Reformate, Reformat, Platformat Combine, Reformat, / Platformat, Reformaat, LPF(Light Powerformate), HPF(Heavy Powerformate)。
轻重整油、重重整油、重整油、高辛烷值汽油整合油等1.2.相关化学物质或混合物鉴别用途和用途建议主要用途分类:工业用途、专业用途特殊用途:燃料、燃料组分、化工原料、其他:见本材料安全数据表后附列表1.3. 本材料安全数据表制造商/供应商信息公司:Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd(壳牌东方贸易私人有限公司)地址:09 NORTH BUONA VISTA DRIVE#07-01 TOWER 1, THE METROPOLISSINGAPORE, 138588 SINGAPORE电话:+65 6384 80001.4. 紧急联系电话紧急联系电话:+44(0) 151 350 45952. 危害鉴别2.1. 化学物质/混合物分级2.1.1. 根据Regulation(EU)1272/2008分类CLP等级:根据Regulation(EC)1272/2008,该产品被分类为危险品。
Flam. Liq. 1:H224Skin Irrit. 2:H315Muta. 1B:H340Carc. 1B:H350Repr. 2:H361fdSTOT SE 3:H336Asp. Tox. 1:H304Aquatic Chronic 2:H4112.2. 标签元素2.2.1. 根据Regulation(EC)1272/2008标记危险图示:信号词:Danger(危险)危险说明:H224-极易燃液体和蒸汽。
ICS 29.120.60DB32 K 31备案号:20951-2007江苏省地方标准DB32/T989—2007低压电气装置规程Regulations on Low-voltage Electric Apparatus2007-07-01发布2007-09-10实施江苏省质量技术监督局发布DB32/T989—2007目次前言 (Ⅱ)1范围 (1)2规范性引用文件………………………………………………………………………………………3 术语和定义………………………………………………………………………………………………4 总则………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 接户装置……………………………………………………………………………………………………6 进户装置……………………………………………………………………………………………………7 电能计量及配电装置………………………………………………………………………………………8 高层建筑配电……………………………………………………………………………9 室内外配线装置……………………………………………………………………………10 电气照明装置……………………………………………………………………………11 通用用电设备装置……………………………………………………………………………12 电动机及其附属设备……………………………………………………………………………13 移相电容器装置……………………………………………………………………………14 起重运输设备电气装置……………………………………………………………………………15 自备应急电源和双电源电气装置………………………………………………………………………16 建设工程施工现场(临时性用电)电气装置………………………………………………………………17 电涌保护装置……………………………………………………………………………18 接地装置……………………………………………………………………………附录A 各种规格的导线截面根数、直径及近似英规的对照表………………………………………………附录B 导线穿管的管径选择表……………………………………………………………………………附录C 熔丝额定电流表……………………………………………………………………………附录D 用电设备电流计算公式表……………………………………………………………………………附录E 功率因数的计算和补偿……………………………………………………………………………附录F 架空铝绞线送电距离参考表……………………………………………………………………附录G 铜芯、铝芯导线及电缆(三相380V)每1A一km的电压损失(%)……………………………………附录H 36V及以下安全低电压线路负荷计算表………………………………………………附录I 高层建筑物分类表………………………………………………附录J 爆炸和火灾危险环境电气设备防爆结构选型表………………………………………………附录K 母线搭接螺栓的拧紧力矩………………………………………………附录L 综合布线电缆与电力电缆的间距………………………………………………附录M 剩余电流保护装置接线方式………………………………………………附录N 一般民用公共建筑物电涌保护系统可靠性等级的典型评估……………………………………附录O 三相SPD电涌能量承受能力………………………………………………附录P 第一支持物规格………………………………………………IIDB32/T989—2007前言为规范我省电力用户低压电气装置的设计﹑安装,贯彻执行国家技术经济政策,确保人身安全,提高用户安全用电水平,防止用电事故的发生,根据现行国家标准﹑规范和行业标准,制定本规程,作为我省低压电气装置设计、安装和验收的依据。
SIGMA-ALDRICH MES hydrate M8250说明书
SIGMA-ALDRICH SAFETY DATA SHEETVersion 4.8Revision Date 08/02/2016Print Date 11/14/2016 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION1.1 Product identifiersProduct name : MES hydrateProduct Number : M8250Brand : SigmaCAS-No. : 1266615-59-11.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses : Laboratory chemicals, Synthesis of substances1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheetCompany : Sigma-Aldrich3050 Spruce StreetSAINT LOUIS MO 63103USATelephone : +1 800-325-5832Fax : +1 800-325-50521.4 Emergency telephone numberEmergency Phone # : +1-703-527-3887 (CHEMTREC)2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION2.1 Classification of the substance or mixtureNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.2 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statementsNot a hazardous substance or mixture.2.3 Hazards not otherwise classified (HNOC) or not covered by GHS -none3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS3.1 SubstancesSynonyms : 4-Morpholineethanesulfonic acid2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acidFormula : C6H13NO4S · xH2OMolecular weight : 195.24 g/molCAS-No. : 1266615-59-1No components need to be disclosed according to the applicable regulations.4. FIRST AID MEASURES4.1 Description of first aid measuresIf inhaledIf breathed in, move person into fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration.In case of skin contactWash off with soap and plenty of water.In case of eye contactFlush eyes with water as a precaution.If swallowedNever give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Rinse mouth with water.4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedThe most important known symptoms and effects are described in the labelling (see section 2.2) and/or in section 11 4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNo data available5. FIREFIGHTING MEASURES5.1 Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing mediaUse water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.5.2 Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureNo data available5.3 Advice for firefightersWear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.5.4 Further informationNo data available6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES6.1 Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresAvoid dust formation. Avoid breathing vapours, mist or gas.For personal protection see section 8.6.2 Environmental precautionsDo not let product enter drains.6.3 Methods and materials for containment and cleaning upSweep up and shovel. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.6.4 Reference to other sectionsFor disposal see section 13.7. HANDLING AND STORAGE7.1 Precautions for safe handlingProvide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed.For precautions see section Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place.Keep in a dry place.7.3 Specific end use(s)Apart from the uses mentioned in section 1.2 no other specific uses are stipulated8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION8.1 Control parametersComponents with workplace control parametersContains no substances with occupational exposure limit values.8.2 Exposure controlsAppropriate engineering controlsGeneral industrial hygiene practice.Personal protective equipmentEye/face protectionUse equipment for eye protection tested and approved under appropriate government standards such asNIOSH (US) or EN 166(EU).Skin protectionHandle with gloves. Gloves must be inspected prior to use. Use proper glove removal technique (withouttouching glove's outer surface) to avoid skin contact with this product. Dispose of contaminated gloves afteruse in accordance with applicable laws and good laboratory practices. Wash and dry hands.Full contactMaterial: Nitrile rubberMinimum layer thickness: 0.11 mmBreak through time: 480 minMaterial tested:Dermatril® (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)Splash contactMaterial: Nitrile rubberMinimum layer thickness: 0.11 mmBreak through time: 480 minMaterial tested:Dermatril® (KCL 740 / Aldrich Z677272, Size M)datasource:KCLGmbH,D-36124Eichenzell,phone+49(0)665987300,******************,testmethod:EN374If used in solution, or mixed with other substances, and under conditions which differ from EN 374, contact thesupplier of the CE approved gloves. This recommendation is advisory only and must be evaluated by anindustrial hygienist and safety officer familiar with the specific situation of anticipated use by our customers. Itshould not be construed as offering an approval for any specific use scenario.Body ProtectionChoose body protection in relation to its type, to the concentration and amount of dangerous substances, andto the specific work-place., The type of protective equipment must be selected according to the concentrationand amount of the dangerous substance at the specific workplace.Respiratory protectionRespiratory protection is not required. Where protection from nuisance levels of dusts are desired, use typeN95 (US) or type P1 (EN 143) dust masks. Use respirators and components tested and approved underappropriate government standards such as NIOSH (US) or CEN (EU).Control of environmental exposureDo not let product enter drains.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES9.1 Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesa) Appearance Form: powderColour: whiteb) Odour No data availablec) Odour Threshold No data availabled) pH No data availableNo data availablee) Melting point/freezingpointf) Initial boiling point andNo data availableboiling rangeg) Flash point No data availableh) Evaporation rate No data availablei) Flammability (solid, gas) No data availableNo data availablej) Upper/lowerflammability orexplosive limitsk) Vapour pressure No data availablel) Vapour density No data availablem) Relative density No data availablen) Water solubility No data availableNo data availableo) Partition coefficient: n-octanol/waterp) Auto-ignitionNo data availabletemperatureNo data availableq) Decompositiontemperaturer) Viscosity No data availables) Explosive properties No data availablet) Oxidizing properties No data available9.2 Other safety informationNo data available10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY10.1 ReactivityNo data available10.2Chemical stabilityStable under recommended storage conditions.10.3 Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo data available10.4 Conditions to avoidNo data available10.5 Incompatible materialsStrong oxidizing agents10.6 Hazardous decomposition productsHazardous decomposition products formed under fire conditions. - Carbon oxides, Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Sulphur oxidesOther decomposition products - No data availableIn the event of fire: see section 511. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION11.1Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityNo data availableInhalation: No data availableDermal: No data availableNo data availableSkin corrosion/irritationNo data availableSerious eye damage/eye irritationNo data availableRespiratory or skin sensitisationNo data availableGerm cell mutagenicityNo data availableCarcinogenicityIARC: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.ACGIH: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by ACGIH.NTP: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogen by NTP.OSHA: No component of this product present at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcinogen by OSHA.Reproductive toxicityNo data availableNo data availableSpecific target organ toxicity - single exposureNo data availableSpecific target organ toxicity - repeated exposureNo data availableAspiration hazardNo data availableAdditional InformationRTECS: Not availableTo the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION12.1ToxicityNo data available12.2Persistence and degradabilityNo data available12.3Bioaccumulative potentialNo data available12.4 Mobility in soilNo data available12.5Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentPBT/vPvB assessment not available as chemical safety assessment not required/not conducted12.6Other adverse effectsNo data available13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS13.1 Waste treatment methodsProductOffer surplus and non-recyclable solutions to a licensed disposal company.Contaminated packagingDispose of as unused product.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT (US)Not dangerous goodsIMDGNot dangerous goodsIATANot dangerous goods15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA 302 ComponentsNo chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting requirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.SARA 313 ComponentsThis material does not contain any chemical components with known CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis) reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313.SARA 311/312 HazardsNo SARA HazardsMassachusetts Right To Know ComponentsNo components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Pennsylvania Right To Know Components2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid hydrate CAS-No.1266615-59-1Revision DateNew Jersey Right To Know Components2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid hydrate CAS-No.1266615-59-1Revision DateCalifornia Prop. 65 ComponentsThis product does not contain any chemicals known to State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or any other reproductive harm.16. OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS RatingHealth hazard: 0Chronic Health Hazard:Flammability: 0Physical Hazard 0NFPA RatingHealth hazard: 0Fire Hazard: 0Reactivity Hazard: 0Further informationCopyright 2016 Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC. License granted to make unlimited paper copies for internal use only.The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge and is applicable to theproduct with regard to appropriate safety precautions. It does not represent any guarantee of the properties of the product. Sigma-Aldrich Corporation and its Affiliates shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from handling or from contact with the above product. See and/or the reverse side of invoice or packing slip for additional terms and conditions of sale.Preparation InformationSigma-Aldrich CorporationProduct Safety – Americas Region1-800-521-8956Version: 4.8Revision Date: 08/02/2016Print Date: 11/14/2016。
10.5 不兼容的材料
10.6 危险的分解产物
11 毒理学资料
11.1 毒理学影响的信息
急性毒性 半致死剂量(LD50) 经口 - 大鼠 - 2,000 mg/kg 半致死浓度(LC50) 吸入 - 大鼠 - 4 h - 1641 ppm 备注: 感觉器官和特殊感觉(鼻、眼、耳和味觉):眼:流泪。 行为的:运动失调症
2.2 GHS 标记要素,包括预防性的陈述
信号词 危险申明 H226 H302 H312 H314 H331 H402 警告申明 P261 P280 P305+P351+P338
P310 P301+P312 P301+P330+P331 P303+P361+P353
P304+P340 P403+P233 P501 RS Hazard symbol(s) R-phrase(s) S-phrase(s)
GHS02:易燃物; GHS05:腐蚀性物质; GHS06:急毒性物质; 【危险】
易燃液体和蒸气。 如果吞食有害健康。 皮肤接触有害健康。 引起严重的皮肤灼伤,以及眼睛损伤。 吸入将中毒。 对水生生物有害。
避免吸入粉尘/烟/气体/烟雾/蒸汽/喷雾。 戴防护手套/防护服/护眼/防护面具。
SOT−23 (Pb−Free)
SOT−23 (Pb−Free)
Shipping† 3000/Tape & Reel 3000/Tape & Reel
10,000/Tape & Reel
BC807−25LT1 BC807−25LT1G
BC807−25LT3 BC807−25LT3G
(IC = −500 mA, IB = −50 mA) Base −Emitter On Voltage
BC807−16 BC807−25 BC807−40
Current −Gain − Bandwidth Product (IC = −10 mA, VCE = −5.0 Vdc, f = 100 MHz)
H E 2.10
MIN 0.035 0.001 0.015 0.003 0.110 0.047 0.070 0.004 0.014 0.083
NOM 0.040 0.002 0.018 0.005 0.114 0.051 0.075 0.008 0.021 0.094
3 1
5xx M G G
5xx = Device Code xx = A1, B1, or C
2M/4M-BYTE 3 V-ONL Y FLASH MINIATURE CARDThe Fujitsu Flash Miniature cards conform to “Miniature Card Specification” pubulished by MCIF; Miniature Card Implementers Forum.The Fujitsu Flash Miniature cards are small form factor Flash memory cards targeted various markets; digital pho-tography, audio recording, hand held PCs and other small portable equipments. Miniature cards’ high performance, small size (38 mm × 33 mm × 3.5 mm), low cost and simple interface are ideal for portable applications that require high speed flash disk drives or eXecute In Place (XIP).The Flash Miniature cards are 5 V-only operational and allow the users to use as ×8 or ×16 organization on low power at high speed.•Small size: 33.0 mm (length) × 38.0 mm (width) × 3.5 mm (thickness)•+3.3 V power supply program and erase•Command control for Automated Program/Automated Erase operation•Erase Suspend Read/Program Capability•128 KB Sector Erase (at ×16 mode)•Any Combination of Sectors Erase and Full Chip Erase•Detection of completion of program/erase operation with Data# Polling or Toggle bit.•Ready/Busy Output with BUSY#•Reset Function with RESET# pin•Write protect function with WP switch•Low VCC Write Inhibit•AIS (Attribute Information Structure) is available from the address “0000H” of Lower Byte.2MB98D81123/81223-15s PACKAGEs DESCRIPTIONDIFFERENCESMB98D81123MB98D81223 Density 2 MB 4 MB Memory Device8 M bit8 M bit Quantity24 Read 1 B unit←Program 1 B unit←Chip Erase 1 MB unit 1 MB unit Sector Erase64 KB unit←Number of Sectors3264 Erase Suspend Read Yes Yes Erase Suspend Program Yes Yes Address A0 to A19A0 to A20 RESET#Yes Yes BUSY#Yes Yes(CRD-60P-M02)MB98D81123/81223-15s PAD ASSIGNMENTSPad No Symbol Pad No Symbol Pad No Symbol Pad No Symbol 1A1816N.C.31A1946CD#2A1617N.C.32A1747N.C.3A1418OE#33A1548BUSY#4N.C.19D1534A1349WE#5CEH#20D1335A1250D146A1121D1236RESET#51RFU7A922D1037A1052D118A823D938VS1#53VS2#9A624D039A754D810A525D240N.C.55D111A326D441A456D312A227N.C.42CEL#57D513A028D743A158D614N.C.29N.C.44N.C.59N.C.15N.C.30N.C.45N.C.60A20 *EX 1V CC EX 2GND EX 3CINS#* :A20 is “N.C.” for MB98D81123.34MB98D81123/81223-15s PAD DESCRIPTIONS* :T ake notice that those pads are connected internally.s PAD LOCATIONSSymbol I/O Pad Name Symbol I/O Pad Name A0 to A20I Address Input BUSY#O Ready/BusyD0 to D15I/O Data Input/Output CD#O Card Detect *CEL#I Card Enable for Lower Byte VS1#, VS2#O Voltage Sense CEH#I Card Enable for Upper Byte N.C.—Non Connection OE#I Output Enable V CC—Power SupplyWE#I Write Enable GND—GroundRESET#I Hardware Reset CINS#OCard InsertionMB98D81123/81223-15s BLOCK DIAGRAMMB98D8112356MB98D81123/81223-15 MB98D812237MB98D81123/81223-15s CHIP AND SECTOR DECODINGERASE SECTOR DECODING TABLESector Address (SA)A 19A 18A 17A 16Sector 151111Sector 141110Sector 13111Total 16 sectors per 1 chip••••••••••••••••Sector 20010Sector 10001Sector 08MB98D81123/81223-15s CHIP CONFIGURATIONThe miniature cards use 2 or 4 pcs of Flash Memory.•2 pcs of Flash Memory are operated simultaneously at 16 bit mode and even number of chip is applied to lower byte and odd number of chip is applied to upper byte.At ×8 bit mode, even address and odd address are selected with CEL# and CEH#.× 16 bit mode1CEL# = “L”, CEH# = “L”::Odd Number of Chip + Even Number of ChipOdd Number of Chip + Even Number of ChipOdd Number of Chip + Even Number of ChipOdd Number of Chip + Even Number of ChipD15 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D0003h002h001h000h2× 8 bit modeCEL# = “H”, CEH# = “L”::odd Number of Chipodd Number of Chipodd Number of Chipodd Number of ChipD15 • • • •D8003h002h001h000hCEL# = “L”, CEH# = “H”::even Number of Chipeven Number of Chipeven Number of Chipeven Number of ChipD7 • • • • •D0003h002h001h000hMB98D81123/81223-15s FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS1.Read ModeThe data in the common can be read with “OE#=VIL” and “WE#=VIH”. The address is selected with A0-A20.And CEL# and CEH# select output mode.2.Standby Mode–CEL# and CEH# at “VIH” place the card in Standby mode. D0-D15 are placed in a high-Z state independent of the status “OE#” and “WE#”.3.Output Disable Mode–The outputs are disabled with OE# and WE# at “VIH”. D0-D15 are placed in high-Z state.4.Write Mode1) Common Memory Write–The card is in Write mode with “OE#=VIH” and “WE# and CE#=VIL”.–Commands can be written at the Write mode.–Two types of the Write mode, “WE# control” and “CE# control” are available.mand Definitions–User can select the card operation by writing the specific address and data sequences into the command register. If incollect address and data are written or improper sequence is done, the card is reseted to read mode. See “COMMAND DEFINISION T ABLE”.6.Automated Program Capability–Programming operation can switch the data from “1” to “0”.–The data is programmed on a byte-by-byte or word-by-word basis.–The card will automatically provide adequate internally generated programming pulses and verify the pro-grammed cell margin by writing four bus cycle operation. The card returns to Common Memory Read mode automatically after the programming is completed.–Addresses are latched at falling edge of WE# or CE# and data is latched at rising edge of WE# or CE#. The fourth rising edge of WE# or CE# on the command write cycle begins programming operation.–We can check whether a byte (word) programming operation is completed successfully by sequence flug with BUSY#, Data# Polling or Toggle Bit function. See “WRITE OPERATION STATUS”.–Any commands written to the chip during programming operation will be ignored.7.Automated Chip Erase Capability–We can execute chip erase operation by 6 bus cycle operation. Chip erase does not require the user to program the chip prior to erase. Upon executing the Erase command sequence the chip automatically will program and verify the entire memory for an all zero data pattern prior to electrical erase. The system is not required to provide any controls or timing during these operations.–The card returns to Common Memory Read mode automatically after the chip erasing is completed.–Whether or not chip erase operation is completed successfully can be checked by sequence flug with BUSY#, Data# Polling or Toggle Bit function. See “WRITE OPERATION STATUS”.–Any commands written to the chip during programming operation will be ignored.910MB98D81123/81223-158.Automated Sector Erase Capability–We can execute the erase operation on any sectors by 6 bus cycle operation.–A time-out of 50 µs (typ.) from the rising edge of the last Sector Erase command will initiate the Sector Erase command(s).–Multiple sectors in a chip can be erased concurrently. This sequence is followed with writes of 30H to addresses in other sectors desired to be concurrently erased. The time between writes 30H must be less than 50 µs, otherwise that command will not be accepted. Any command other than Sector Erase or Erase Suspend during this time-out period will reset the chip to Read mode. The automated sector erase begins after the 50µs (typ.) time out from the rising edge of WE# pulse for the last Sector Erase command pulse. Whether the sector erase window is still open can be monitored with D3 and D11.–Sector Erase does not require the user to program the chip prior to erase. The chip automatically programs “0” to all memory locations in the sector(s) prior to electrical erase. The system is not required to provide any controls or timing during these operations.–The card returns to Common Memory Read mode automatically after the chip erasing is completed.–Whether or not sector erase operation is completed successfully can be checked by sequence flug with BUSY#, Data# Polling or T oggle Bit function. The sequence flug must be read from the address of the sector involved in erase operation. See “WRITE OPERATION STA TUS”.9.Erase Suspend–Erase Suspend command allows the user to interrupt the sector erase operation and then do data reads or program from or to a non-busy sector in the chip which has the sector(s) suspended erase. This command is applicable only during the sector erase operation (including the sector erase time-out period after the sector erase commands 30H) and will be ignored if written during the chip erase or programming operation. Writing this command during the time-out will result in immediate termination of the time-out period. The addresses are “don’t cares” in wrinting the Erase Suspend or Resume commands in the chip.–When the Erase Suspend command is written during a Sector Erase operation, the chip will enter the Erase Suspend Read mode. User can read the data from other sectors than those in suspention. The read operation from sectors in suspention results D2/D10 toggling. User can program to non-busy sectors by writing program commands.–A read from a sector being erase suspended may result in invalid data.10. Intelligent Identifier (ID) Read Mode–Each common memory can execute an Intelligent Identifier operation, initiated by writing Intelligent ID com-mand (90H). Following the command write, a read cycle from address 00H retrieves the manufacture code, and a read cycle from address 01H returns the device code as follows. To terminate the operation, it is necessary to write Read/Reset command.11. Hardware Reset–The Card may be reset by driving the RESET# pin to VIL. The RESET# pin must be kept High (VIL) for at least 500 ns. Any operation in progress will be terminated and the card will be reset to the read mode 20 µs after the RESET# pin is driven Low. If a hardware reset occurs during a program operation, the data at that particular location will be indeterminate.–When the RESET# pin is Low and the internal reset is complete, the Card goes to standby mode and cannot be accessed. Also, note that all the data output pins are High-Z for the duration of the RESET# pulse. Once the RESET# pin is taken high, the Card requires 500 ns of wake up time until outputs are valid for read access.–If hardware reset occurs during a erase operation, there is a possibility that the erasing sector(s) cannot be used.12. Data Protection–The card has WP (Write Protect) switch for write lockout.–To avoid initiation of a write cycle during V CC power-up and power-down, a write cycle is locked out for V CC less than 3.2 V. If V CC < V LKO, the command register is disabled and all internal program/erase circuits are disabled.Under this condition the device will reset to the read mode. Subsequent writes will be ignored until the V CC level is greater than V LKO.It is the users responsibility to ensure that the control pins are logically correct to prevent unintentional writes when V CC is above 3.2 V.–If V CC would be less than V LKO during program/erase operation, the operation will stop. And after that, the operation will not resume even if V CC returns recommended voltage level. Therefore, program command must be written again because the data on the address interrupted program operation is invalid. And regarding interrupting erase operation, there is possibility that the erasing sector(s) cannot be used.–Noise pulses of less than 5 ns (typical) on OE#, CE# or WE# will not initiate a write cycle.s FUNCTION TRUTH TABLEH : “H” level, L : “L ” level , X : “H” or “L ”Note:*1.WPSW = Write Protect Switch, NP = NON-PROTECT, P = PROTECTMode RESET#CEH#CEL#OE#WE#WPSW *1Data Input/Output D8 to D15D0 to D7Hardware ResetLX X X X P or NP High-Z High-Z Standby H H H XXP or NPHigh-Z High-Z Read (×8 bit)H L LHP or NPHigh-Z DOUT L H DOUT High-Z Read (×16 bit)L L DOUT DOUT Write (×8 bit)H L HLNPHigh-Z DIN L H DIN High-Z Write (×16 bit)L L DIN DIN Output DisableHL P High-Z High-Z L H High-Z High-Z LLHigh-ZHigh-Zs COMMAND DEFINITION TABLECommand Table for 8-bit ModeNote:CA:Chip Address.(address in chip selected by A20 for MB98D81223)SA:Sector Address (address in 64 KB selected by A16, A17, A18, A19 and A20)P A:Program Address (address to be programmed)RA:Read Address (address to be read)IA:Intelligent ID read address (Manufacture Code 0000H, Device Code 0001H)PD:Programming data RD:Read dataID:Intelligent Identifier (ID) CodeCommandBusCycle 1st Bus Write Cycle 2nd BusWrite/Read Cycle 3rd BusWrite Cycle 4th BusWrite/Read Cycle5th BusWrite Cycle 6th Bus Write CycleRead/Reset 12Write Read CAF0HRARDRead/Reset 24Write Write Write Read CAAAHCA55HCAF0HRARDRead Intelligent ID Codes 4Write Write Write Read CAAAHCA55HCA90HIAIDByte Program4Write Write Write Write CAAAHCA55HCAA0HPAPDSector Erase 6Write Write Write Write Write Write CAAAHCA55HCA80HCAAAHCA55HSA30HChip Erase 6Write Write Write Write Write Write CAAAHCA55HCA80HCAAAHCA55HCA10HSector Erase Suspend 1Write CAB0HSector Erase Resume 1Write CA30HCommand Table for 16-bit ModeNote:CA:Chip Address.(address in chip selected by A20 for MB98D81223)SA:Sector Address (address in 128 KB selected by A16, A17, A18, A19 and A20)P A:Program Address (address to be programmed)RA:Read Address (address to be read)IA:Intelligent ID read address (Manufacture Code 0000H, Device Code 0001H)PD:Programming data RD:Read dataID:Intelligent Identifier (ID) CodeCommandBusCycle 1st Bus Write Cycle 2nd BusWrite/Read Cycle 3rd BusWrite Cycle 4th BusWrite/Read Cycle5th BusWrite Cycle 6th Bus Write CycleRead/Reset 12Write Read CAF0F0HRARDRead/Reset 24Write Write Write Read CAAAAAHCA5555HCAF0F0HRARDRead Intelligent ID Codes 4Write Write Write Read CAAAAAHCA5555HCA9090HIAIDByte Program4Write Write Write Write CAAAAAHCA5555HCAA0A0HPAPDSector Erase 6Write Write Write Write Write Write CAAAAAHCA5555HCA8080HCAAAAAHCA5555HSA3030HChip Erase 6Write Write Write Write Write Write CAAAAAHCA5555HCA8080HCAAAAAHCA5555HCA1010HSector Erase Suspend 1Write CAB0B0HSector Erase Resume 1Write CA3030Hs WRITE OPERATION STATUSHardware Sequence Flag Table(1): Erase Suspended Sector (2): Non-Erase Suspended SectorNotes:*1.Performing successive read operations from the erase-suspended sector will cause D 2, D 10 to toggle.*2.Performing successive read operations from any address will cause D 6, D 14 to toggle.*3.Reading the byte address being programmed while in the erase-suspend program mode will indicatelogic ‘1’ at the D 2, D 10 bit. However, successive reads from the erase-suspended sector will cause D 2,D 10 to toggle.D7, D15 (Data# Polling)The card features Data# Polling as a method to indicate to the host that the Program/Erase Operation are in progress or completed. During the program operation an attempt to read the program address will produce the compliment of the data last written to D 7/D 15. Upon completion of the program operation, an attempt to read the program address will produce the true data last written to D 7/D 15. During the erase operation, an attempt to read the program address will produce a “0” at the D 7/D 15 output. Upon completion of the erase operation an attempt to read the device will produce a “1” at the D 7/D 15 output.For Chip Erase, the Data# Polling is valid after the rising edge of the sixth WE# pulse in the six write pulse sequence. For sector erase, the Data# Polling is valid after the last rising edge of the sector erase WE# pulse.Even if the device has completed the operation and D 7/D 15 has a valid data, the data outputs on D 0 to D 6/D 8 to D 14 may be still invalid. The valid data on D 0 to D 7/D 8 to D 15 will be read on the successive read attempts.The Data# Polling feature is only active during the programming operation, erase operation, sector erase time-out, Erase Suspend Read mode and Erase Supend Program mode.D6, D14 (Toggle Bit I)The card also features the “Toggle Bit” as a method to indicate to the host system that the Program/Erase Operation are in progress or completed.During an Program or Erase cycle, successive attempts to read (OE# or CE# toggling) data from the card will result in D 6/D 14 toggling between one and zero. Once the Program or Erase cycle is completed, D 6/D 14 will stop toggling and valid data will be read on the next successive attempts. During programming, the Toggle Bit is valid after the rising edge of the fourth WE# pulse in the four write pulse sequence. For chip erase, the Toggle Bit is valid after the rising edge of the sixth WE# pulse in the six write pulse sequence. For sector erase, the Toggle Bit is valid after the last rising edge of the sector erase WE# pulse. The Toggle Bit is also active during the sector time out.Either CE# or OE# toggling will cause the D 6/D 14 to toggle.Status D 7, D 15D 6, D 14D 5, D 13D 3, D 11D 2, D 10BUSY#InProgressProgramming D 7#, D 15#Toggle 0010Erasing0Toggle 01Toggle 0Erase Suspend Read(1)1100Toggle *11(2)Data Data Data Data Data 1Erase Suspend Program D 7#, D 15#T oggle *200*1, *30Exceeded Time LimitsProgrammingD 7#, D 15#Toggle 1010Erasing 0Toggle 11N/A 0Erase Suspend ProgramD 7#, D 15#Toggle1N/AD5, D13 (Exceeded Timing Limits)D5/D13 will indicate if the program or erase time has exceeded the specified limits (internal pulse count). Under these conditions D5/D13 will produce a “1”. This is a failure condition which indicates that the program or erase cycle was not successfully completed. Data# Polling is the only operating function of the card under this condition.If this failure condition occurs during sector erase operation, it specifies that a particular sector is bad and it may not be reused, however, other sectors are still functional and may be used for the program or erase operation.The chip must be reset to use other sectors. Write the Reset command sequence to the chip, and then execute Program or Erase command sequence. This allows the system to continue to use the other active sectors in the chip.If this failure condition occurs during the chip erase operation, it specifies that the entire chip is bad or combination of sectors are bad.If this failure condition occurs during the byte programming operation, it specifies that the entire sector containing that byte is bad and this sector may not be reused, (other sectors are still functional and can be reused).The D5/D13 failure condition may also appear if a user tries to program a non blank location without erasing. In this case the card locks out and never completes the card operation. Hence, the system never reads a valid data on D7/D15 bit and D6/D14 never stops toggling. Once the card has exceeded timing limits, the D5/D13 bit will indicate a “1”. Please note that this is not a device failure condition since the device was incorrectly used.D3, D11 (Sector Erase Timer)After the completion of the initial sector erase command sequence the sector erase time-out will begin. D3/D11 will remain low until the time-out is complete. Data# Polling and Toggle Bit are valid after the initial sector erase command sequence.If Data# Polling or the T oggle Bit indicates the card has been written with a valid erase command, D3/D11 may be used to determine if the sector erase timer window is still open. If D3/D11 is high (“1”) the internally controlled erase cycle has begun; attempts to write subsequent commands to the card will be ignored until the erase operation is completed as indicated by Data# Polling or Toggle Bit. If D3/D11 is low (“0”), the card will accept additional sector erase commands. T o insure the command has been accepted, the system software should check the status of D3/D11 prior to and following each subsequent sector erase command. If D3/D11 were high on the second status check, the command may not have been accepted.Refer to T able: Hardware Sequence Flags.D2, D10This T oggle bit, along with D6, can be used to determine whether the card is in the Erase operation or in Erase Suspend.Successive reads from the erasing sector will cause D2 to toggle during the Erase operation. If the card is in the erase-suspended-read mode, successive reads from the erase-suspended sector will cause D2 to toggle. When the card is in the erase-suspended-program mode, successive reads from the byte address of the non-erase suspended sector will indicate a logic ‘1’ at the D2 bit.D6 is different from D2 in that D6 toggles only when the standard Program or Erase, or Erase Suspend Program operation is in progress.BUSY#The card provides a BUSY# open-drain output pin as a way to indicate to the system that the program or erase operation are either in progress or has been completed. If the output is low, the card is busy with either a program or erase operation. If the card is placed in an Erase Suspend mode, the BUSY# output will be high.During programming, the BUSY# pin is driven low after the rising edge of the fourth WE# pulse. During an erase operation, the BUSY# pin is driven low after the rising edge of the sixth WE# pulse. The BUSY# pin will indicatea busy condition during the RESET# pulse.s PROGRAM/ERASE FLOWCHARTs ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS *1*1.Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functionaloperation should be restricted to the conditions as detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet.Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.s RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSs DC CHARACTERISTICSNotes:*1.This value does not apply to CEL#, CEH# and WE#.*2.This value does not apply to CD# and CINS#.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Supply Voltage V CC –0.5 to +5.5V Input Voltage V IN –0.5 to V CC +0.5V Output VoltageV OUT –0.5 to V CC +0.5V Temperature under Bias T A 0 to +60°C Storage T emperatureT STG–30 to +70°CParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit V CC Supply Voltage V CC 3.1353.30 3.465V GroundGND 0V Ambient T emperatureT A055°CParameterTest ConditionsSymbol ValueUnit MinTypMax Input Leakage Current *1V CC = V CC max., V IN = GND or V CCI LI ±10µA Output Leakage Current *2V CC = V CC max., V IN = GND or V CC I LO ±10µA Standby CurrentCEL#, CEH#,RESET# = V CC ±0.3 V I SB1—1070µA CEL#, CEH#, RESET# = V IHI SB2 5.0mA Active Read Current V CC = V CC max., CEL#, CEH# = V IL Cycle = 150 ns, I OUT = 0 mA I CC15080mA Program Current Program in progress (×16 mode)I CC260100mA Erase Current Erase in progress (×16 mode)I CC360100mA Input Low Voltage —V IL –0.5—0.6V Input High Voltage —V IH 0.7 V CC—V CC +0.5V Output Low Voltage I OL = 4.0 mA, V CC = V CC min.V OL 0.45V Output High Voltage I OH = –2.0 mA, V CC = V CC min.V OH 2.4V Low V CC Lock-out Voltage—V LKO2.3—2.5Vs CAPACITANCE (T A = 25°C, f = 1 MHz, V IN = V I/O = GND)Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Input Capacitance *1C IN40pF I/O Capacitance *2C I/O40pF Notes:*1.This value does not apply to CEL#, CEH# and WE#.*2.This value does not apply to VS1#, CD# and CINS#.s AC TEST CONDITIONS•Input Pulse Levels: V IH = 3.0 V, V IL = 0.0 V•Input Pulse Rise and Fall Times: 5 ns•Timing Reference LevelsInput: V IL = 1.5 V, V IH = 1.5 VOutput: V OL = 1.5 V, V OH = 1.5 VOutput Load: 1TTL +100 pFs PROGRAM AND ERASE PERFORMANCESParameter Min Typ Max Unit Byte Program Time *183600µs Chip Programming Time *18.4T.B.D.Sec. Sector Erase Time *2115Sec. Program/Erase Cycles100,000Cycles Notes:*1.Excludes system-level overhead.*2.Excludes 00H programming prior to erasure.s AC CHARACTERISTICS(Recommended operating conditions unless otherwise noted.)READ CYCLE *1Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Read Cycle Time t RC150ns Card Enable Access Time t CE150ns Address Access Time t ACC150ns Output Enable Access Time t OE75ns Card Enable to Output in Low-Z *2t CLZ5ns Card Disable to Output in High-Z *2t CHZ75ns Output Enable to Output in Low-Z *2t OLZ5ns Output Disable to Output in High-Z *2t OHZ60ns Output Hold from Address Change t OH0ns Ready Time from RESET#t RDY20µs Notes:*1.Rise/Fall time < 5 ns.*2.T ransition is measured at the point of ±500 mV from steady state voltage.PROGRAM/ERASE CYCLENotes:*1.These do not include the preprogramming time.*2.Not 100% tested.ParameterSymbol Min TypMaxUnit Write Cycle Time t WC 150ns Address Setup Time t AS 20ns Address Hold Time t AH 20ns Data Setup Time t DS 50ns Data Hold Timet DH 20ns Read Recovery Time (WE# control)t GHWL 10ns Read Recovery Time (CE# control)t GHEL 10ns Output Enable Hold Time t OEH 10ns Card Enable Setup Time t CS 0ns Card Enable Hold Time t CH 10ns Write Enable Pulse Width t WP 80ns Write Enable Setup Time t WS 0ns Write Enable Hold Time t WH 10ns Card Enable Pulse Widtht CP 100ns Duration of Byte Program Operation (/WE Control)t WHWH18µs Duration of Erase Operation *1 (/WE Control)t WHWH2115s Duration of Byte Program Operation (/CE Control)t EHEH18µs Duration of Erase Operation *1(/CE Control)t EHEH2115s V CC Setup Time *2t VCS 50µs Reset Pulse Width t RP 500ns Busy Delay Timet BSY90nss TIMING DIAGRAMREAD CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (WE# = V IH, RESET# = V IH)READ CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (continued) (WE# = V IH, RESET# = V IH)READ CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (continued) (WE# = V IH, RESET# = V IH)3132PROGRAM CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (WE# = CONTROLLED, RESET# = V IH)Notes:*1.See “FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE”.*2.PCMA1/PCMA2 = Command Address for Program, PA = Program Address, PD = Program Data. See “COMMAND DEFINITION TABLE”.PROGRAM CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (CE# = CONTROLLED, RESET# = V IH)Notes:*1.See “FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE”.*2.PCMA1/PCMA2 = Command Address for Program, PA = Program Address, PD = Program Data. See “COMMAND DEFINITION TABLE”.3334ERASE CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (WE# = CONTROLLED, RESET# = V IH)Notes:*1.See “FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE”.*MA1/CCMA2 = Command Address for Chip Erase, SCMA1/SCMA2 = Command Address for Sector Erase, SA = Sector Address. See “COMMAND DEFINITION TABLE”.ERASE CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (CE# = CONTROLLED, RESET# = V IH)Notes:*1.See “FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE”.*MA1/CCMA2 = Command Address for Chip Erase, SCMA1/SCMA2 = Command Address for Sector Erase, SA = Sector Address. See “COMMAND DEFINITION TABLE”.3536DATA# POLLING CYCLE TIMING DIAGRAM (RESET# = V IH)Notes:*1.VA = PA for Programming Cycle, VA = SA for Sector Erase, VA = CA for Chip Erase.*2.See “FUNCTION TRUTH TABLE”.*3.t EHEH1,2 for CE# Control.*4.Program/Erase operation is finished.。
台灣中油股份有限公司CPC Corporation, Taiwan 版本:5.2頁次:1/1石油產品規範Specification of Petroleum Products燃料類規範︰Petroleum Fuels Products頁次發行日期天然氣(1)規範(請洽天然氣事業部網站)Specification for Nature Gas (1) 1- 1 97.04 天然氣(2)規範(請洽天然氣事業部網站)Specification for Nature Gas (2) 1- 2 97.04 丙烷及丁烷規範(請洽液化石油氣事業部網站)Specification for Commercial Propane and Butane 1- 3 93.09 液化石油氣規範(請洽液化石油氣事業部網站)Specification for Liquefied Petroleum Gas 1- 4 93.09 混合丙丁烷規範(請洽液化石油氣事業部網站)Specification for Industry Use Mixture of C3 & C4 1- 5 93.09 車用無鉛汽油規範Specification for Motor Unleaded Gasoline 1- 6 98.081- 7煤油規範Specification for Kerosine 1- 8 90.03 環保燈油規範Specification for Clean Lamp Oil 1- 9 90.03 航空燃油JP-4及JP-5規範Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel JP-4 & JP-5 1-10 92.05 航空燃油JET A-1規範Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel JET A-1 1-11 97.04 航空燃油JP-8規範Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuel JP-8 1-12 94.07 車用柴油規範Specification for Automotive Diesel Fuel 1-13 97.07 海運柴油規範Specification for Marine Diesel Fuel 1-14 97.09 漁船用燃料油規範Specification for Fishing Boat Fuel 1-15 97.09 船用燃油規範Specification for marine Residual Fuels 1-16 94.03 低硫鍋爐用油規範(0.5 & 1.0%)Specification for Low Sulfur Boiler Fuel Oil 1-17 94.08 特級燃料油規範Specification for Navy Special Fuel Oil 1-18 94.03 低硫燃料油規範(0.5 & 1.0%)Specification for Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (0.5 & 1.0%) 1-19 96.04Motor Unleaded Gasoline 9808 車用無鉛汽油規範SPECIFICATION FOR MOTOR UNLEADED GASOLINE (92UL、95UL、98UL、95E3)(註1)版別:3.5 頁次:1/2一、產品編號(Product No.): 92無鉛汽油(92 Unleaded gasoline):113-F1209295無鉛汽油(95 Unleaded gasoline):113-F12095酒精汽油(95E3 Gasohol):113-F1229598無鉛汽油(98 Unleaded gasoline):113-F12098二、主要用途(For Use):本規範適用於排氣閥座經硬化處理之點火式汽車引擎用燃料或已加裝廢氣觸媒轉化器之汽車引擎用燃料。
此外,化工、造纸、橡胶、染料和纺织印染、焦化、石油化工、发酵、 医药与医疗及食品等行业排放的废水常含有有机磷化合物。
养殖废水磷的来源 ① 被养殖动物的试题残骸及其他形式的有机碎屑会迅速分解再生出有限磷,
动物的粪便、尿液也是磷的来源之一 ② 在畜禽饲料中大量添加的无机磷约75%为植酸磷,由于植酸磷不能被动
PX5+4H2O= H3PO4 +5HX 如果使五卤化磷和有限量的水作用,水解产物是氢卤酸和卤氧化磷(或卤 化磷先)POX3。:
PX5 +H2O = POX3+2HX
✓ 1.补充扩展了与磷相关的知识 ✓ 2.提高了文字信息整合的能力 ✓ 3.提高了PPT制作水平,尤其是像这类学术汇
报类PPT ✓ 4.锻炼了自己的表达能力
五、 参考资料
[1]去除磷污染药剂的使用方法及其作用.化工网 [2]周全来,蒋德明.沙地土壤磷循环研究[J].生态学杂志, 2015,28(10). [3]许文娟.自然界中磷循环研究的一些新动向综述[J].化工 矿产地质,2012,21(4):238-210 [4]全为民 ,严力蛟。农业面源污染对水体富营养化的影响 及其防 治措施[J].生态学报,2012,22(3) [5]水中的磷、内河磷污染来源的调查分析 ///rrr3210
密 度 2.2g/cm^3 闪 点 30ºC 应 用 红磷制造火柴、烟火及
磷化合物的原料还用于灭鼠药等, 白示方法
MSM9894AL8M-bit Serial Voice Flash MemoryGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MSM9894AL is a 8Mb flash memory that operates at 2.7 V to 3.6 V. Since backup is not needed, the number of pins is small, and the chip is contained in a small-package 32-pin TSOP, the MSM9894AL is a flash memory suitable for applications such as handy terminals. In combination with Oki's recording/playback IC (MSM9888L/MSM9889L), a solid-state recording/ playback system can be easily constructed.FEATURES•Small page size: 2,112 bits per page(one time write unit)•Configuration: 4096 pages ¥ 2112 bits•Power supply voltage: Single 2.7 to 3.6 V•Operating current: Supply current : Up to 35 mA: Stanby current : Up to 10 m A•Operating temperature: –10 to +70°C•Write Cycles: 10,000 cycles per page•Package:32-pin plastic TSOP(TSOPI32-P-820-0.50-K)(Product name: MSM9894ALTS-KT)PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)RESETPRTNCNCNCV DDGNDNCNCNCNCCSSCKDIDONC : No connection32-Pin Plastic TSOPPIN DESCRIPTIONSPin Symbol I/O Description15DI I Command, address, or data input pin.16DO O Data output pin.14SCK I Inputs the data transfer clock for the DI and DO pins.13CS I The device accepts the SCK pulse when CS is at "L" level and does not accept the SCK pulse when CS is at "H" level.1TEST O Output pin for test. Leave this pin open.3PRT I Prohibits flash memory programming at "L" level.2RESET I The device is reset when RESET is at "L" level.7V DD I Power supply pin (2.7 to 3.6 V)8GND I GND pin (0 V)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSParameter Symbol Condition Rating Unit Power Supply Voltage V DD Ta=25°C–0.3 to +7.0V Input Voltage V IN Ta=25°C–0.6 to V DD+0.6V Storage Temperature T STG—–55 to +150°CRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSParameter Symbol Condition Range Unit Power Supply Voltage V DD GND=0V 2.7 to 3.6V Operating Temperature T op—–10 to +70°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDC CharacteristicsParameter Symbol Min.Typ.Max.Unit.Operating Current Standby CurrentInput Leackage Current Output Leackage Current Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Output Low Voltage Output High Voltage I CC—1535mA I SB——10m A I IL——1m A I OL——1m A V IL——0.6V V IH 2.0——V V OL——0.4V V OH 2.0——VParameter Erase/Programming Cycle Data Retention Time Write Disturb *1)Min.Typ.Max.Unit——10,000Cycles——10Years——50,000Cycles——20,000Cycles——100,000Cycles SymbolC EPT DRC PDCondition——Bit error : 1bitBit error : nonBit error : 3bitsPROGRAMMING/ERASE CHARACTERISTICS*1)"Write Disturb" means a phenomenon that frequent write cycles executed to pages in Flash memory may cause a data error in another page to which write operations are not performed.For example, 20,001 to 50,000 write operations performed to pages other than page "n"may cause a 1-bit error in page "n".APPLICATION CIRCUITWRITE DISTURB"Write Distrub" means a phenomenon that the change from digital "0" to "1" may occur in a Flash memory page to which data is scarcely written.The above change can be avoided by refreshing Flash memory data with the DTRW command and WEND command of the MSM9888L/MSM9889L.q DTRW commandThis command moves some Flash memory page data to buffer.w WEND commandThis command programs buffer data to Flash memory.TIMING WHEN POWER IS ONRefer to the MSM9888L/MSM9889L Data Sheet. If the timing diagrams descrided in the MSM9888L/MSM9889L Data Sheet are not satisfied, errors such as "Recording is disabled" or "Recorded message is erased" may occur.Page "n"(Unit : mm)PACKAGE DIMENSIONSNotes for Mounting the Surface Mount Type PackageThe SOP, QFP, TSOP, TQFP, LQFP, SOJ, QFJ (PLCC), SHP, and BGA are surface mount type packages, which are very susceptible to heat in reflow mounting and humidity absorbed in storage. Therefore, before you perform reflow mounting, contact Oki’s responsible sales person on the product name, package name, pin number, package code and desired mounting conditions (reflow method, temperature and times).TSOP I 32-P-820-0.50-KPackage material Lead frame material Pin treatmentSolder plate thickness Package weight (g)Epoxy resin 42 alloySolder plating 5 m m or more 0.40 TYP.Mirror finishE2Y0002-29-11Printed in Japan。