M I T课程设置(总10页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--美国MIT EECS系本科生课程设置简介清华大学郑君里于歆杰研究美国MIT(麻省理工学院)EECS(电气工程与计算机科学)系的课程安排,可以给我们一些启示,供我国同类系科教学改革参考。
表2 EECS全体必修课程对EECS系全体学生划分为3个学习(与研究)方向,见表3。
表3 3个方向及其与我国情况对比与此同时,将全部课程划分为7个工程领域,见表4,每个学习方向的学生按照各自方向规定之原则从7个领域中选取不同课程做组合。
表4 7个工程领域涉及的主要课程下面给出3个方向限选课程的指导原则,并举出可能构成的选课实例,见表5,这里的5门限选课加上表2的5门必修课以及表1中限选数学1门和限选实验1门共计12门课,大约在2—3年级学完。
表5 3个方向的选课原则(从7个领域的许多课程中选5门)课程设置特点及其与我国情况比较:(1)统一、坚实的系级平台核心课:表2中的课程是本学科基础知识的精华,全系学生必修。
MIT 教授为博一新生讲授的Stata编程专题英文版---lecture5
• Lots of “if” and “in” commands could slow things down
• Create “1% sample” to develop and test code (to prevent unanticipated crashes after code has been running for hours)
Precision issues in Mata
Large data sets in Stata
• Computer architecture overview
– CPU: executes instructions – RAM (also called the “memory”): stores frequentlyaccessed data – DISK (“hard drive”): stores not-as-frequently used data
Precision issues in Mata
Precision issues in Mata
Mata r = c = 0 A = (1e10, 2e10 \ 2e-10, 3e-10) A rank(A) luinv(A, 1e-15) _equilrc(A, r, c) A r c rank(A) luinv(A) c’:*luinv(A):*r’ end
• This lecture is part wrap-up lecture, part “tips and tricks” • Focus is on dealing with large data sets and on numerical precision • Numerical precision
An important and easy-to-neglect issue in building the frame is the weight of the water it will need to support.One cubic foot of water contains about 71/2 gallons and weighs approximately 63 pounds [2]. For a pool of any reasonable size, this quickly adds up; for large volumes of water, careful structural analysis will be important to ensure that the frame will be able to hold the weight, especially if the pool is being recessed into a platform. One simple way to minimize the amount of water used and thus the amount of weight that must be supported is to make the pool less deep; this is often a very reasonable option since the actual depth of the pool will always not be obvious to the audience.The frame should then be covered with plywood (given the loads it will be sup-porting, something substantial like 3/4 ′′ plywood should be used. It then needs to be covered with a pond liner so that it can be filled with water. These are readily available from garden stores as waterproof plastic sheets, which can be cut to size and fit into the pool.The pool can then be filled with water. Once filled, it should be emptied or changed regularly — the last thing anyone needs on the stage is a place for bacteria and other unpleasant things to grow, and a stagnant pool of water fits that bill all too well. A pool treatment can also be useful here, though ones containing chlorine are not ideal due to their distinctive smell.3 Building the waterfallMany of the same techniques from building a pool of water apply to building a waterfall. Again, we will need to use a waterproof pond liner around a frame and support structure. The difference, of course, is that the waterfall will be a stream (albeit one that sometimes flows horizontally and sometimes flows vertically), so it will not have as much depth.This allows the support structure to be more lightweight.A common means for building streams is to construct a set of curved ribs, then lay a thin layer of plywood or lauan over it that conforms to the curve of the ribs. This should then be covered with the pond liner.The water should flow through the stream and down the waterfall into the pool, which serves as a reservoir. It then needs to be returned to the top of the waterfall; for this, a pump is required. A household sump pump, available from the Home Depot or similar hardware store in the $100 range, is probably the easiest option.ℵ0-2For especially large installations, a common pump may not suffice. One option is to obtain a larger pump; McMaster-Carr carries sump pumps up to 3/4 hp and effluent pumps up to 2 hp, though the latter may be a bit expensive for this purpose at over $700[3]. A simple alternative is to use multiple smaller pumps. Submersible pumps are best for this application: other types of pumps may allow the pump to be placed further away from the pool, reducing noise, but adding a drain to the pool requires creating and sealing a hole in the liner, which only adds complexity. Sump pumps may pump into a standard garden hose, which is certainly easy to find and easy to work with. However, the pump will be able to operate more efficiently if PVC pipe (usually or 11/2 ′′ , though it depends on the pump) is used.11/4 ′′The pressure created by a pump, especially a large one, may be rather high. This could lead to the unusual effect of the water spewing forcefully upward or in a powerful stream — which, while useful for a fountain, isn’t very realistic in a stream effect.The solution here is to increase the diameter of the pipe by using couplers with successively larger diameters. This causes the same amount of water to flow through a larger area, and thus with less force.Waterfalls and streams are generally rather noisy. The sound of water flowing down the stream and into the pool can be a rather pleasant one, and can be a helpful part of the sound design for creating the outdoor atmosphere. If, however, that doesn’t fit with the sound designer’s vision, it becomes the technical designer’s problem to fix.Reducing the velocity of the flowing water is an obvious solution with an obvious drawback.Adding rocks and similar objects to the stream will help reduce the volume of water that needs to flow, reducing the noise created (and also allowing a smaller, quieter pump to be used). It is also quieter to not have water fall directly from the waterfall into the pool; instead, it should flow onto a surface that slopes into the pool.References[1] M. Powers, “Pools, waterfalls, etc.” available at /howto/water/pools.htm.[2] P. Carter, Backstage Handbook, 3rd ed. Louisville, Kentucky: Broadway Press,1994.ℵ0-3[3] McMaster-Carr, Inc. /.ℵ0-4。
where c1 and c2 are constants greater than or equal to one which parameterize the disutility of effort. Assume that it is common knowledge that c2 is equal to one, but that c1 is known only to player 1, with player 2’s prior being that nature chooses c1 from the probability density function 2 5 x if x ∈ [2, 3] f (x) = 0 otherwise. Find the Bayesian Nash equilibrium of this game. 4. Consider the following strategic situation. Two opposed armies are poised to seize an island which is currently unoccupied. Each army’s general can choose either to “attack” or to “not attack”. In addition, each army is either strong or weak with its strength being known to its general alone. General 1’s prior is that army 2 is strong with probability 1 2 (and that this event is independent of army 1’s strength) and general 2’s prior is that army 1 is strong with independent probability 1 3 . These priors are common knowledge among the players. Suppose that the payoffs in the game are reflect additively both the benefit of capturing the island and cost suffered in fighting. Specifically assume that the island is worth M if captured, and that an army captures the island if and only if it attacks when its opponent does not or it attacks when its rival does also, but it is strong and its rival is weak. (Note that when two weak or two strong armies fight neither captures the island.) The cost of fighting is s if an army is strong and w if an army is weak (with s < w) regardless of the strength of the attacking rival army (with no fighting costs being incurred if one or both armies choose not to attack and there is no battle). Identify all of the pure strategy Bayesian Nash Equilibria of this game. 5. Glenn Ellison and Josh Angrist are trying to meet for lunch. At twelve o’clock each of them must go to one of two places: Florentina’s or the trucks behind the swimming pool. Because they need to talk about something, assume that each receives a benefit of 2 3 utils if they meet. Assume also that each incurs a disutility cost of w from waiting in line outside Florentina’s in the cold. Because Josh came in on the subway just before noon he knows how long the Florentina’s line is, i.e. he knows w, while Glenn’s prior is that w is distributed uniformly on [0, 1]. While it is common knowledge that Josh is completely indifferent between the food choices at each place, assume that Glenn incurs a disutility of 3d if he eats at the trucks. The strength of Glenn’s dislike for the trucks varies from day to day — assume that Glenn knows d while Josh’s prior is that d is distributed uniformly in [0, 1]. To summarize the payoffs, when the wait at Florentina’s is w and Glenn’s disutility from going to the trucks is d the payoffs in the game are (with Josh as player 1)
Prof. SmithGUIDELINES FOR PREPARING A SCHOLARLY ESSAYDue date: April 14First, the choice of topic is up to you. The subject may be a biography of a famous inventor (e.g. Thomas Edison, Elmer Sperry, Edwin Land, John Bardeen, et al.), an influential engineer or system builder (e.g. Vannevar Bush), the development of an important invention, improved design, and/or innovation (e.g. the DC-3 airplane, the laser, industrial research lab), the development of a technological system (e.g. telephony, electric power, telegraphy, the “American system of manufacturing”), a medical advance (e.g. penicillin, the artificial heart), or it can be about broader subjects like depiction of technology in art, literature, and/or modern advertising, technology and the advent of “consumer society” . . . and so on.Whatever topic you choose, remember that you are expected to address it from three angles of vision and analysis: the technical “nuts and bolts” aspect of the subject (technology as knowledge, if you will), the subject’s impact on society (technology as social force), and how the subject reflected the society, politics, and culture in which it emerged and/or existed (technology as social product).Second, once you have decided on a subject, you must clear it either with Professor Smith or Shane Hamilton. If you have trouble identifying a topic, Professor Smith and Shane Hamilton are willing to help you do so.Third, the paper you write should be a footnoted scholarly essay. The text should be 1112 pages long, double-spaced. Like the book review, it should be an example of your best work. Remember to proof-read and correct your paper before handing it in. The paper should go through at least three drafts before you give it to us. Doing so will save a lot of extra work later on.If you need help with writing the paper, remember that Jessica Weintraub is available for consultation.Fourth, the paper will be graded on four levels: content, organization, insight/perception, and writing style. Each student will receive two grades, one for the first submission; a second for the revised submission.Fifth, source materials. Whatever topic you select, you must consult at least four source materials beyond the required textbooks for this class. In other words, some basic research is required before you write the paper. Books, articles from scholarly journals, newspaper and magazine articles are acceptable sources. The use of primarymanuscript/archival sources is encouraged but not required. Encyclopedias like the World Book do not count, nor will special websites unless they are discussed first and approved by Professor Smith or Shane Hamilton. Your use of source materials will be taken into account by the instructors and will comprise part of the grade assigned for the “content” portion of the essay. You are strongly encouraged to consult with Shane Hamilton about finding good sources. Oftentimes the best materials are tucked away in publications that are very hard to find. Shane is ready and willing to help you with your search.Finally, footnoting. The purpose of a footnote is to indicate to the reader where you acquired the information you are using. You don’t have to footnote everything. However, direct quotations must always be footnoted. So should important pieces of information that are critical to your argument, as should anything you believe the reader might want to know more about upon reading your essay. In other words, footnotes should be used to document your essay and to point the reader to the sources you are using in case s/he wants to check your facts and/or consult them for further information. Some example footnotes follow.Example FootnotesBooksBook by a Single Author, First Edition:1. Donald N. McCloskey, Enterprise and Trade in Victorian Britain:Essays in Historical Economics (London: George Allen and Unwin,1981), 54.Book by a Single Author, Later Edition:2. Donald N. McCloskey, The Applied Theory of Price, 2nd ed. (NewYork: Macmillan, 1985), 24.Book by Two or Three Authors:3. Donald A. Lloyd and Harry R. Warfel, American English and ItsCultural Setting (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1956), 12.[If there is a third author, follow this example: James Smith, Donald Marc,and Jack Jones.]Book by More than Three Authors:4. Martin Greenberger et al., eds., Networks for Research and Education:Sharing of Computer and Information Resources Nationwide(Cambridge: MIT Press, 1974), 50.Book by an Unknown Author:5. College Bound Seniors (Princeton: College Board Publications, 1979),1.Book with Both an Author and an Editor or Translator:6. Helmut Thielicke, Man in God's World, trans. and ed. John W.Doberstein (New York: Harper and Row, 1963), 12.An Anthology:7. Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, ed. E. de Selincourt and H.Darbishire, 2nd ed., vol. 2 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1952), 10.Chapter in an Edited Collection:8. Ernest Kaiser, "The Literature of Harlem," in Harlem: A Community inTransition, ed. J. H. Clarke (New York: Citadel Press, 1964), 64.Reprinted Book:9. Gunnar Myrdal, Population: A Problem for Democracy (Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1940; reprint, Gloucester, MA: Peter Smith,1956), 9.ArticlesArticle in a Journal:10. Louise M. Rosenblatt, "The Transactional Theory: AgainstDualisms," College English 54 (1993): 380.Book Review:11. Steven Spitzer, review of The Limits of Law Enforcement, by HansZeisel, American Journal of Sociology 91 (1985): 727.Newspaper Article:12. Tyler Marshall, "200th Birthday of Grimms Celebrated," Los AngelesTimes, 15 March 1985, sec. 1A, p. 3.["p." is used to make clear the difference between the page and sectionnumbers.]OtherGovernment Document:13. Congressional Record, 71st Cong., 2nd sess., 1930, 72, pt.10:10828:30.Unpublished Material (Dissertation or Thesis):14. James E. Hoard, "On the Foundations of Phonological Theory" (Ph.D.diss., University of Washington, 1967), 119.Interview by Writer of Research Paper:15. Charles M. Vest, interview by author, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1December 1992.For more examples see:Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996).Dewey Library - Reference Collection | LB2369.T929 1996Humanities Library - Reference Collection | LB2369.T929 1996Humanities Library - Ready Reference Collection | LB2369.T929 1996Rotch Library - Reserve Stacks | LB2369.T929 1996Science Library - Reference Collection | LB2369.T929 1996。
De nition A tree is a connected n-node graph with exactly n ; 1 edges.
The vertices in a tree can be classi ed into two categories. Vertices of degree at most one are called leaves, and vertices of degree greater than one are called internal nodes. Trees are usually drawn as in Figure 1 with the leaves on the bottom. Keep this convention in mind otherwise, phrases like \all the vertices below..." will be confusing. (The English mathematician Littlewood once remarked that he found such directional terms particularly bothersome, since he habitually read mathematics reclined on his back!) Trees arise in many problems. For example, the le structure in a computer system can be naturally represented by a tree. In this case, each internal node corresponds to a directory, and each leaf corresponds to a le. If one directory contains another, there there is an edge between the associated internal nodes. If a directory contains a le, then there there is an edge between the internal node and a leaf. There are several ways to describe trees that are equivalent to the preceding de nition.
Final Project Assignment17.871Spring 2002Assignment summaryYou will make two oral presentations, of 15 minutes in length, and turn in a final research paper, 15–20 pages long.PresentationsGeneral considerations. Both presentations will be limited to fifteen minutes, followed by five minutes of response from me and others in the class. We will therefore start on time (at 5 minutes past the hour) and I will cut you off when 15 minutes have elapsed, precisely. Fifteen minutes go faster than you imagine. The best presentations will be those that have been practiced beforehand. Remember: you will be graded on the quality of your presentations. (Indeed, you will be graded more on the presentation itself than on whether you actually found anything interesting in your research.) To improve presentation quality and to save time, you should have handouts ready to distribute and/or have overheads ready to project. Make sure you have taken care of the technical aspects of the presentation before the class time begins.When you are not presenting, you are participating by listening and giving feedback. You must be present for all the presentation sessions.First presentation. The first presentation should inform us of your subject, how you intend to pursue it, the data you plan to use, and any special problems you think you will encounter.Inform us of your subject: What is the substantive issue you intend to pursue? To whom would the issue be of interest? Have others researched this area before? If so, what have they found?How do you intend to pursue the subject: What “unit of analysis” will you be studying? (That is, will you be studying individuals, counties, countries, etc.?) Will this be a time series analysis? Cross-sectional? A combination?Your data: What would the ideal data be to do this project? If you can’t get your ideal data, what data can you get your hands on? Tell us actual sources. It would also be good at this point to report descriptive statistics of your data set, graphs that show simple, basic relationships, etc. Special problems. Perhaps there’s a crucial variable that will be difficult or impossible to measure directly, or some regression assumption will be violated. Quantitative analysis is rarely straightforward, so tell us any wrinkles you’ve encountered thus far, or anticipate encountering over the next month.Second presentation. The second presentation should summarize the basics of your first presentation and then report your findings. The summary of the first presentation should be very brief, focusing on reminding us of the subject you are pursuing, your basic approach, and the source(s) of your data. Your findings should be reported in much the way we learned data analysis in this subject. First, present your data. Identify the variables in your analysis: how are they measured, what are their means and dispersions? Second, present the most important bivariate relationships. This may be done either with a correlation matrix or with a series of well thought-out graphs. Third, present your multivariate analysis. Draw to our attention the core results and whether they confirm or disconfirm your orginal conjectures. Discuss any cases that appear to be poorly described by your analysis and what might be done to correct this. Fourth, tell us what you conclude about your subject from the analysis you’ve done.Research paperThe logic of exposition in your research paper should roughly parallel the second presentation. The one section you should add at the beginning of the paper that you won’t want to talk too much about in the second presentation is a discussion of previous research. While you don’t have to do a comprehensive search of the literature, you need to do a little library work to see if anyone has written about your topic before and (if they did) what they found. Don’t worry if you’ve found that someone has previously done something identical to your project. Replication of others’ results is an important part of normal science.Journal articles in political science (which is the model your write-up should follow) often follow this outline:I.IntroductionSummarize your paper, providing the reader with a roadmap. Do not hide yourconclusions. Rather, state what your question is, why it's important, the generalstrategy you used to answer your question, what you found, and what theimplications of your findings are. Usually 2–3 pages.II.Literature reviewSummarize past research on the topic. Sometimes this will be research onprecisely topic you're writing on. Other times it will be research on a relatedtopic. The point is to place the current research into the context of past researchand the larger set of questions that research in this field has been pursuing.Usually 2–3 pagesIII.Overview of the empirical researchHow do you propose to address the broad question that you introduce in theintroduction? Usually this amounts to stating something to the effect that "inorder to understand X, we need to gather data Y and test to see if Z is true."Related to this, you should identify the basic moving parts of your empiricalanalysis, including the unit of analysis and the independent and dependentvariables. This can usually be done in 2–3 pages.IV.DataWhere did you get your data and how did you measure you variables? Thisusually takes 1–2 pages. It is also usually helpful at this point to include a tablethat summarizes all your variables. Usually there are three (or four) columns: (1) concept, (2) indicator, (3) coding, and (4) actual data source. (The actual number of columns may be less if, for instance, all the data come from the same datasource or if there's a particularly close correspondence between concepts andindicators [i.e., measurement ambiguity isn't really a problem].VI.ResultsA.Preliminary results (simple relationships and a first cut at multivariateanalysis)Start with the simple, straightforward analysis that is implied in SectionIII. Sometimes one or two simple bivariate graphs are useful to illustratethe more sophisticated multivariate analysis.B.Sensitivity analysis and other searches for anomaliesCheck to make sure that your results aren't driven by problems with data ormeasurement. For instance, if you believe that the result may be mostly aconsequence of a single outlying observation (e.g., you've included theDistrict of Columbia in a study of American states and you worry that DCis such an outlier that it alone is determining the results), report in the textthe consequence of removing the outlying observation and re-running theanalysis. Likewise, check to see if the fit is improved when you allow fornon-linearities in relationships.C.Re-estimation; further analysisDepending on what happens in the previous step, you may iterate to amore refined analysis. Run that analysis and report those results.The Results portion of the paper should be around 4–8 pages long.VII.Discussion of results from a substantive perspectiveIn some ways, this is just a continuation of the "Results" section and can often be profitably integrated with that section. The point here is to make sure you thinkabout your results in substantive terms. For instance, don't just report that "thecoefficient of the regression of Gore thermometer on Clinton thermometer is0.67." Rather try to see if you can gauge whether that number is "big" or "small"in substantive terms. (In the group project on this topic, the group eventuallyconcluded that this number, when applied in a certain way, implied that Gorewould have won had Clinton been as well-liked in 2000 as he had been in 1996.That's what I mean by discussing your results from a substantive perspective.)This section can add another page or two, depending if it's integrated with theprevious section.VIII.ConclusionSummarize what you've done. In this section you can be more speculative. It isfrequently the case that in the conclusion you make statements to like "based onthe results in this paper, X's claims about Y are supported" or "based on the resulsin ths paper, Z needs to be further understood." Another 1–2 pages.The first page (after the title page) must have an abstract of no more than 250 words that summarizes your project and findings. The abstract page must contain your name and the title of your paper.The paper should be about 20 pages long, including text, graphs, figures, appendices, and bibliography. There is no hard and fast page limit for the final page. Write succinctly. Edit. Hone. Eschew verbiage. Make the text flow. If there’s a particularly long, involved methdological problem that you attend to, consider moving it to an appendix and only make reference to it in the body of the paper.Read Kate Turabian’s style book (A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations) before you write your final draft. In addition, look at recent editions of the American Political Science Review or the American Journal of Political Science for ideas about how tables that report regression results should be formatted. Follow this style book. In addition, there are some mechanical issues that you must attend to in writing ths paper. (Indeed, you should always attend to these issues when writing for the social sciences.) If you do not follow these strictures, your paper will be returned to you for rewriting, possibly resulting in your receiving an I for the subject. When you turn in your final paper, you will need to include a check-list indicating that you have made sure it meets these criteria.Double-space everything, except footnotes and tables.Use footnotes, not endnotes.Use the author-date form of citation. (Use footnotes only for brief asides that wouldinterrupt the flow of the text and for complicated citations that defy the author-date form.) For instance, in the text: “Stewart (1993) discovered that members of Congress who were the most loyal to their party got the best committee assignments.” Then include the fullcitation of Stewart (1993) in the citation list at the end of the paper.Properly number the pages.Don’t use fancy fonts.. Make sure the font size is no smaller than 10pt and no larger than12pt. Never use bold face.Use a constant 1" margin on each page.Tables and figures should be self-explanatory. If you cannot figure out how to embedtables and figures in your paper such that they stay with the text that describes them and do not get cut in half by page breaks, put the tables and figures at the end of the paper.1Staple the paper in the upper left-hand corner. Don’t use a report cover.Also, please adhere to the following conventions of writing in political science:Write in the active voice.Make sure all your tables and figures are numbered and titled. Make sure that all of your display text is self-explanatory, but also make sure that the main text of the paperexplains the most important elements of the tables and figures.What you will hand inAccording to the regulations of the faculty, all final papers are due on the last day of this class. That means by 5pm. Any extensions must be approved beforehand. Unlike previous years, you may e-mail the papers to me, so long as they are in the following formats: Word [sigh], WordPerfect, pdf.To receive a grade in this class you must produce the following:An electronic version of the paper, e-mailed to me by 5:00pm on the last day of this class or two copies of your paper, handed in at my office by 5pm on the last day of this class. I will grade one of the papers and return it to you, if you wish. I will keep the second copy (if you turn in a physical copy), as an example to people who take the class in the future.Make sure you have another copy for yourself.Completed checklist form.1Most of you will write your paper using Microsoft Word. Keep in mind that MS Word was developed to produce very simple, unsophisticated papers. It was not developed to write academic papers and, in fact, is terrible for writing academic papers. If you are serious about an academic career, I'd recommend you get a serious writing program (like WordPerfect or even LaTex) and learn how to use it. The main problems with Word include the difficulty in making formatting changes, the fact that many of the defaults (like with spacing, justification, and margins) are non-standard, and that footnotes are regularly not printed on the proper page. Other problems abound. In any event, failure to abide by the formatting instructions because you can't figure out how to do something in Word (or any other word processing package) is an insufficient excuse.If you ever want to see your paper alive again, bring by my office a self-addressedenvelope capable of holding our paper. (If the envelope is addressed to go off campus, I will happily supply the postage.) I will discard all graded papers that are notaccompanied by a self-addressed envelope.An extra copy of your abstract, which I will keep. (Again, only if you hand in a physical paper.)Your data and the STATA code capable of reproducing the results you report. See below for further instructions about this.If any of these elements is missing, you will receive an I.How to turn in your dataFor the benefit of future students in 17.871, to assist me in giving you feedback, and in the interest of scentific replication, you are required to turn in the data you use to produce the results in your paper, plus the computer code used to generate the results. Here’s what you have to produce.Data.If you gather the data yourself, you must make available to me the computer file of that data. You must also make available a “codebook” that identifies the variables: (1) variable name, (2) data source, (3) column location of the variable in the file, and (4) any coding rules you used to create the variable. If you used a data set produced by someone else, such as an ICPSR data set, you must tell me the full citation of the data set. If it is not an ICPSR data set, and it is not available through the MIT-Harvard Data Center, we will treat it like you gathered the data yourself.STATA code. You must save the STATA code from the “.do files” that produced the results you report in your paper. Give the code a file name that corresponds with the results reported in your paper (e.g.,, will then copy the data and the STATA code into your Athena ~/Public directory for me and Steve to retrieve. Also, send Steve and me e-mail (millman@, cstewart@) describing which files correspond with your project, along with a little description of each.17.871 Final Paper ChecklistThis check-list must accompany your paper if you turn in a physical copy. If you e-mail your paper to me, you must include a declaration in the e-mail message that you have followed all of these guidelines, point-by-point.'Double-spaced, except footnotes and tables.'Footnotes used, not endnotes'Author-date citation form used'Page numbers properly used'Proper font.'Either 10pt or 12pt.'Italics or underscore used for emphasis.'Bold is never used.'Courier or Times/Times New Roman typeface.'Constant 1" margin on each page'Paper stapled in the upper left-hand corner. No report covers.'Coefficients and other statistics in tables (like regression coefficients and standard errors) have no more than 3 significant digits.'No STATA output dumped into the text of the paper.。
21w.777 BOOKS FOR BOOK REVIEW ASSIGNMENT (Essay 5)Marcia Bartusiak. Einstein’s Unfinished Symphony: Listening to the Sounds of Space-Time.Science Library - Stacks | QC173.59.S65.B39 2000 249 p.Won the 2001 American Institute of Physics Science Writing Award.“A new generation of observatories, now being completed worldwide, will give astronomers not just a new window on the cosmos but a whole new sense with which to explore and experience the heavens aboveus. . . . These vibrations in space-time--or gravity waves--are the last prediction of Einstein's generaltheory of relativity yet to be observed directly. They are his unfinished symphony, waiting nearly a centuryto be heard . . .”Greene, Brian. The elegant universe. Approx. 400 p. Science Library – Stacks QC794.6.S85.G75 1999. A well received discussion of superstring theory.Evelyn Fox Keller. The Century of the Gene. Humanities Library - Stacks | QH428.K448 2000Makes an argument about how the concept of the gene has shaped research in recent decades andsuggests limits of that concept.Stephen Hall. Invisible Frontiers: the race to synthesize a human gene. 334 p.Humanities Library - Stacks | TP248.6.H35 1987“From the spring of 1976 to the fall of 1978, three laboratories competed in a feverish race to clone ahuman gene for the first time, a feat that ultimately produced the world's first genetically engineered drug--the life-sustaining hormone insulin. Invisible Frontiers gives us a behind-the-scenes look at the threemain groups at Harvard University, the University of California-San Francisco, and a team of upstartscientists at Genentech, the first company devoted to the use of genetic engineering in the creation of pharmaceuticals.”James Watson. The double helix: a personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA approx. 300 p.Science Library - Stacks | Q143.W339.A3 1981& other locationsA classic, this book is available in a Norton Critical edition, which includes reviews and a bibliography.Richard Dawkins. The selfish gene352 p.Science Library - Stacks | QH437.D38 1989“A genetics classic.” “Dawkins shows that the selfish gene is also the subtle gene. And he holds out thehope that our species - alone on earth - has the power to rebel against the designs of the selfish gene.This book is a call to arms.”Edward O. Wilson. The future of Life.229 p. Humanities Library - Stacks | QH75.W535 2002Author of Sociobiology and The Ants; honorary curator at Harvard MuseumNatalie Angier. Woman: an intimate geography. 398 p. Humanities Library – Women’s Studies Reading Room. QP38.A54 1999. “ Written with whimsy and eloquence, [Angier’s] investigation intofemale physiology draws its inspiration not only from scientific and medical sources but also frommythology, history, art, and literature, layering biological factoids with her own personal encounters andarcane anecdotes from the history of science.” (from a review)Roger Lewin. Bones of Contention: controversies in the search for human origins348p. Humanities Library - Stacks | GN281.L487 1987“a behind-the-scenes look at the search for human origins. Analyzing how the biases and preconceptionsof paleoanthropologists shaped their work, Roger Lewin's detective stories about the discovery ofNeanderthal Man, the Taung Child, Lucy, and other major fossils provide insight into this most subjectiveof scientific endeavors. The new afterword looks at ways in which paleoanthropology, while becomingmore scientific in many ways, remains contentious.”Clifford Stoll. Silicon snake oil: second thoughts on the information highway249 p.Humanities Library - Stacks | QA76.9.C66.S88 1996“the first book that intelligently questions where the Internet is leading us. Stoll looks at our network as itis, not as it's promised to be.”Gleick, James. Isaac Newton. 272 p.Humanities Library - Stacks | QC16.N7.G55 2003Well-received biography of the great scientist.Contents: 1. What imployment is he fit for -- 2. Some philosophical questions -- 3. To resolve problems by motion -- 4. Two great orbs -- 5. Bodys & senses --6. The oddest if not the most considerable detection --7. Reluctancy and rection -8. In the midst of a whirlwind --9. All things are corruptible -- 10. Heresy, blasphemy, idolatry -- 11. First principles --12. Every body perseveres -- 13. Is he like other men -- 14. No man is a witness in his own cause -- 15.The marble index of a mind.Kanigel, Robert. The man who knew infinity: A life of the genius Ramanujan. approx. 400 p. Humanities Library – Stacks; and Science Library – Stacks. QA29.R3.K36 1991 Biography of the Indian mathematician Ramanujan (1887-1920), who was “discovered” by the English mathematician G.H. Hardy and came to England to study. Considered one of the finest books ever written about mathematics.Barry Mazur. Imagining Numbers (Particularly the square root of minus fifteen). 288 p. "A clear, accessible, beautifully written introduction not only to imaginary numbers, but to the role of imagination in mathematics." (from a review). (Not in MIT library)Atul Gawande. Complications: a surgeon's notes on an imperfect science269 p.Humanities Library - Stacks | RD27.35.G39.A3 2002Gawande wrote up his experiences and observations as a young surgeon in training in a series ofarticles, some of which originally appeared in the New Yorker. He is especially compelling on the way surgeons respond to and learn from errors.Simon Winchester. The Map that Changed the World: William Smith and the Birth ofModern Geology. 329 p. Humanities Library - Stacks | QE22.S6.W55 2001“the fascinating story of William Smith, a 19th-century engineer who became the father of moderngeology by discovering the various fossil layers under the earth and creating the world's first map of the various strata. Before he could receive any such acclaim, however, he was forced to overcome alandslide of adversity . . .”Stephen Jay Gould. Time's arrow, time's cycle : myth and metaphor in the discovery of geological time. 222 p. Humanities Library - Stacks | QE508.G68 1987“In [this book], Gould has turned to the history of geology, a field very close to his main concerns as a paleontologist. He offers a revisionist historical account of the discovery of geological time.”John McPhee. Basin and range215 p.Humanities Library - Stacks | QE79.M28 1981Geology of the American West, by a great writer.Thomas Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.Science Library - Stacks | Q175.I612 v.2 no.2 1970 & Dewey & HumanitiesA seminal work whose influence is everywhere visible today; changed the way we look at scientific discovery, emphasizing the importance of cultural context and introducing the concept of the paradigminto everyday speech.Henry Petroski. Invention by Design: How Engineers Get from Thought to Thing. 242 p. Dewey Library - Stacks | TA174.P4735 1996“case studies of engineers who, by dint of ingenuity and persistence, have created important newstructures or devices. Whether designing something as small as a pencil or as large as the World Trade Center, successful engineers must not only devise new technology but also find a way to situate that technology within the existing economic, social, and ecological order.”---.Remaking the World: Adventures in Engineering. 256 p. [n.i.B.]A collection of magazine essays. “Petroski dismantles the image of the engineer as an analyticalautomaton . . . as less important than the pure scientist.” Pieces cover such topics as the Panama Canal,the Ferris Wheel, and the Hoover Dam.Krogh, David. Smoking: The Artificial Passion. [not catalogued in Barton]。
Assignment on Bejar & Massam (1999)24.951, Fall 2003, Oct 17Due Date: Oct 31This assignment deals with Bejar & Massam (1999), and how their ideas integrate with the discussion on case in class. Read the paper carefully before you start answering. Note: The questions are very specific and demand concise answers. The assignment must not exceed 5 pages!(1) Discuss whether B&M's proposal can (be extended to) account for Marantz's"Ergative case generalization" [6] and the "morphology-bound version" of Burzio's generalization as presented by Marantz (see, e.g., [31] in Handout dated 10/15/03).(2) Discuss whether B&M's proposal can (be extended to) account for the Japaneseand Icelandic data [11,15-16] that Marantz presents as evidence against the Case-Filter ("Case-drives-movement") framework.(3) Single out one specific aspect of B&M's data that is most problematic toMarantz's proposal regarding the morphological realization of case. Illustrate with one piece of data from B&M's paper and state the nature of the challenge. (4) Unlike Korean, no language examined by B&M exhibits case-stacking. Thepossibility remains, therefore, that the A-chains they consider all bear a single case. Single out the specific features of the data in B&M’s paper that nonetheless support MCC (Multiple Case Checking); i.e., what aspects of the data are particularly problematic for an MCC-denier.(5) Suppose that case-stacking in Korean genuinely falls under MCC (contra B&M’sfn. 2). What problems does it raise for B&M’s analysis, and for the typology in[19]? How can the analysis/typology be modified to accommodate Korean? Note:Some modifications may be consistent with B&M’s analysis, others not. Be explicit about the implications of whatever you propose.(6) Similarly, suppose that Farsi and Tongan, discussed by Yoon (1996, ex. 37, 38),are genuine cases of MCC. What problems do they raise for B&M, and how can the system be modified to accommodate these languages.。
17.874, Spring 2004Problem Set 51. Dummy Variables. Dummy or indicator variables in regression are analogous to di®erences of means. Here you will do some algebraic manipulations and simulations to explore this idea.a. Consider the regression:y i = ®+ ¯X i + ² i;where X i is a dummy variable. Suppose there are n observations total, and n1 and n0 in the groups X = 1 and X = 0, respectively. Denote the mean of Y when X = 1 as¹Y 1 and the mean of Y when X = 0 as Y¹0. Show that the least squares estimator ofb is identical to the di®erence between the group means. Show that the least squaresestimator a is identical to the group mean Y¹0 .b. Show that the variance of b equals the variance of the di®erences of means.Now let us introduce another variable, Z. The regression then is:y i = ®+ ¯X i + °Z i + ²i;Assume ² is normal with mean 0 and variance 1. Let ®= :5, ¯ = :1 and ° = 1. In STATA, set the number of observations equal 435. Generate random values of Z from the normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. Let X = 1 for the ¯rst 326 percent of cases and 0 for the remaining cases. (Use the commands set x= 0; set x = 1 if n<327).c. Regress y on X and regress y on X and Z. How do your estimates di®er? Is there a biaswhen Z is not included? Which is more e±cient?d. Now, we construct a slightly di®erent dataset where X and Z are correlated. Let X = ¡1if Z + u< ¡:25 and let X = +1 if Z + u> :25, where u is a normally distributed random variable with standard deviation .2. (In STATA, use, for instance, gen X = -1 if z + (.2*invnorm(uniform()) < -.25). Now, regress y on X and regress y on X and Z. How do your estimates di®er from part (c)? Is there a bias when Z is not included? Is there a gain in e±ciency?2. Simulation of Instrumental Variables.Generate data that ¯t the following structure. There are 500 observations. Z and X1 are independently and normally distributed (mean 0, variance 1 is ¯ne). X2 depends on X1 and Z as follows:X2 = :5X1 ¡:5Z+ u;where u is normal with mean 0 and variance 1. Y depends on X1 and X2 plus an error.a. Regress Y on X1 and X2.b. Regress Y on X1, X2, and Z.c. Regress Y on X2 ommitting X1.^d. Regress X2 on Z. Generate the predicted values, X2 (use the command predict).^Regress Y on X2. Report the coe±cients and standard errors.e. The last regression is an implementation of instrumental variables, but gives the wrongstandard errors. Implement the right IV estimates in STATA using the command reg y X2 (Z).)f. Using the formulas from class and the variances and covariances, calculate the correctV (b IV).g. Comment on the analyses you have done. How does IV work? How does it correct forbias? How much loss of e±ciency is there?。
定义:矩阵A的 逆矩阵是矩阵B, 使得AB=BA=I
性质:矩阵A的逆 矩阵是唯一的,且 A的逆矩阵也是方 阵
计算方法:使用高 斯-约旦消元法、 克莱姆法则等方法 计算矩阵的逆
应用:求解线性方 程组、求矩阵的秩、 求矩阵的逆等
定义:矩阵的行列 式是一个数值,表 示矩阵的体积或面 积
定义:向量空间中的子集,满足加法和数乘运算 性质:子空间中的向量线性组合仍然是子空间中的向量 例子:二维平面上的直线、三维空间中的平面 应用:线性方程组的解空间、矩阵的秩和零空间
定义:一组线性无关的向量,且向量之间的内积为零 性质:正交向量组是线性无关的,且向量之间的内积为零 应用:正交向量组可以用来求解线性方程组,以及进行矩阵分解 例子:二维平面上的单位向量组(1,0)和(0,1)是正交向量组
计算方法:通过行 列式的计算公式进 行计算
性质:矩阵的行列 式与矩阵的转置行 列式相等
应用:矩阵的行列式 在求解线性方程组、 特征值和特征向量等 方面有广泛应用
线性变换是一种特 殊的函数,它满足 线性性质
线性变换可以将一 个向量映射到另一 个向量
线性变换可以用矩 阵来表示,矩阵的 每一行代表一个基 向量的变换
定义:两个矩 阵A和B相似, 如果存在一个 可逆矩阵P,使
性质:相似矩 阵具有相同的 特征值和特征
应用:相似矩 阵可以用来简 化矩阵的运算
例子:对角矩阵 和单位矩阵是相 似的,因为它们 的特征值和特征 向量都是相同的。
6.837Introduction to Computer GraphicsAssignment4:Grid AccelerationDue Wednesday October15,2003at11:59pm This week,you will make your ray tracer faster using a spatial-acceleration data structure.You will implement grid acceleration,using fast ray marching. To convince yourself of the efficiency of your acceleration,you will analyze a set of statistics about your computation.In order to test your grid structure before using it for acceleration,you will implement the grid as a modeling primitive.Volumetric modeling can be implemented by affecting a binary opaqueness value for each grid cell.This is the equivalent of the discrete pixel representation of2D images.Each volume element(or voxel)will be rendered as a solid cube.You can very easily rasterize simple primitives in a grid;for example,to rasterize a sphere,simply test the distance between the center of a voxel and the sphere center.After your grid modeling primitive is implemented and debugged,you will use it for acceleration.As a preprocess,you will insert all scene objects in the cells of the grid that they span.In order to test your object insertion code,you will render cells that contain one more more objects as opaque.Then,you will modify your ray tracer to use the grid for fast ray casting. You will use your ray marching code and intersect all the objects stored in each traversed cell.You must pay attention to intersections outside the cell and implement early rejection to stop marching when you have found an appropriate intersection.For this assignment,you may assume that no transformations are used.This way you may effectively ignore the group hierarchy and insert all primitives by scanning the scene in a depth-first manner.1Ray Tracing StatisticsUse the provided RayTracingStats class to compute various statistics including the number of pixels,the number of rays cast,the number of ray/primitive intersections,the number of cells in the grid,the number of grid cells traversed with the ray marching technique,and the total running time.Add the following timing and counter increment functions provided in the RayTracerStatistics class to your code:1• Call RayTracingStats::Initialize(int width,int height,int num_x,int num_y,int num_z,const Vec3f&min,const Vec3f&max)before beginning computation,• Call RayTracingStats::IncrementNumNonShadowRays()for each non-shadow ray(a call to RayTracer::TraceRay()),• Call RayTracingStats::IncrementNumShadowRays()for each shadow ray,• Call RayTracingStats::IncrementCellsTraversed()for each cell traversed(a call to MarchingInfo::nextCell()),• Call RayTracingStats::IncrementNumIntersections()for each ray/primitive intersection(not groups and transforms),and• At the end of your main loop,print the various statistics by callingRayTracingStats::PrintStatistics().From these numbers we can compute the average number of rays per pixel, intersections per ray,grid cells per ray,rays per second,etc.Verify that the statistics are reasonable for simple test scenes.To verify that the number of rays cast is correct,add a-no_shadows command line argument to your program. Test this part of the assignment with examples from last week.2GridDerive from Object3D a Grid class for an axis-aligned uniform grid.Initially a Grid will simply store whether each cell(voxel)is occupied so it can be rendered opaque or transparent.The constructor takes two Vec3f s describing the minimum and maximum coordinates of the grid,three integers describing the number of cells along the three axes,and a Material*.Grid::Grid(Vec3f min,Vec3f max,int nx,int ny,int nz,Material*m);An array of nx×ny×nz bool s stores whether each voxel is opaque or transparent.Implement the Grid::rasterizeSphere(Vec3f center,float radius) method that sets the opaqueness of each voxel by testing whether its center is inside the sphere described by center and radius.Test your sphere-rasterization routine on a small grid(e.g.,4x4)by printing the values of the array.23Fast Ray Marching with3DDDATo implement fast ray marching using3DDDA,you will need a place to store the information for the current ray and the current grid cell.Implement a MarchingInfo class that stores the current value of tmin;the grid indices i,j and k for the current grid cell;the next values of intersection along each axis (t next_x,t next_y,and t next_z);the marching increments along the three axes (dt x,dt y,dt z),and sign x,sign y,and sign z.To render the occupied grid cells for visualization you will also need to store the surface normal of the cell face which was crossed to enter the current grid.Write the appropriate accessors and modifiers.The intersection of a ray with a Grid will use two helpers to initialize the march and to move to the next cell.3.1InitializationFirst write:void Grid::initializeRayMarch(MarchingInfo&mi,const Ray&r,float tmin)const;This function sets the increments and the information relative to thefirst cell traversed by the ray.Make sure to treat all three intersection cases:when the origin is inside the grid,when it is outside and the ray hits the grid,and when it is outside and it misses the grid.Test your routine with a very simple grid,for example a4x4grid from(-2,-2,-2)to(2,2,2).Use simple rays for which you can manually test the result. For example,initialize the cell march for a ray with origin(0.5,0.5,0.5),or for a ray with origin(-2.5,0.5,0.5)and direction(1,0,0).Also test more general cases.3.2Marching stepNext,implement:void MarchingInfo::nextCell();This update routine choose the smallest of the next t values(t next_x,t next_y, and t next_z),and updates the corresponding cell index.Test your ray marching code using the same strategy as for initialization. For example,use a ray with origin(-3,-2,0.5)and directions such as(5,2, 0).Note that the problem reduces to a2D grid because the z component is0. Manually compute the marching sequence,and print the steps taken by your code.Try other origins and directions to make sure that your code works for all orientations(in particular,test both positive and negative components of the direction).33.3Putting it all togetherFinally,use these two helpers in your main grid-ray intersection routine.If the new cell is opaque,return the appropriate normal depending on which axis you advanced last.Test cases to visualize a simple sphere rasterization on your grid are provided.4Reducing the Number of IntersectionsIn order to use the grid as an acceleration structure,we must insert the scene primitives(but not groups and transforms)into the appropriate cells of the grid.First add two Vec3f s to your Object3D class to store the axis-aligned bounding box of each object.Add code to each subclass to compute these bounds(including Group and Transform).Verify that the computed scene bounding box is correct for various inputs.Next modify the Grid class to also store pointers to the objects whose bounding box overlaps the cell.You may use the provided Object3DVector class to store an arbitrary number of objects per cell.Finally,use the grid as a spatial acceleration for your ray caster.Implement two ray casting methods,RayCast(loops through all the objects in the scene as in previous assignments)and RayCastFast(uses the spatial acceleration data structure).Update your command line parsing so that the grid size may be specified at the command line: e.g.,-grid555.If no grid dimensions are provided,use the non-accelerated ray casting method.Pay attention to objects overlapping multiple cells—don’t incorrectly return intersections outside of the current cell.5What to Turn InFor each test scene,try different grid sizes and report the choice yielding the fastest time,and discuss the effect of this parameter on the running time.Provide a README.txtfile that discusses any problems you encountered,how long it took to complete the assignment,any extra credit work that you did and how we can test the new features.6Ideas for Extra CreditExperiment with other acceleration data structures(recursive/nested grid,octree,non-nested grid,bounding volume hierarchy,etc.);Supersampling;Other distribution ray tracing effects;Flatten a scene graph which contains transformations by concatenating nested transformations;Compute a tight bounding box for each transformed triangle primitives by transforming the vertices;Test if the plane of the triangles intersects the grid cells;Volumetric rasterization4of other fun primitives;Use marking to prevent multiple intersections with a primitive that overlaps multiple cells;etc.7OtherObject3DVector(object3dvector.h)Stores an arbitrary number of Object3D pointers.You may use STL (Standard Template Library)instead if you prefer.Ray Tracing Statistics(raytracing_stats.h&raytracing_stats.C)A class of static member variables to store and compute various ray tracingstatistics.Parsing inputfiles(scene_parser.h,and scene_parser.C) The SceneParser class has been extended to rasterize a sphere on a grid to help you debug your Grid class.New command line arguments-no_shadows(don’t cast any shadow rays)-grid555(dimensions for the spatial acceleration data structure)-visualize_grid(render the grid cells opaquely)-visualize_grid_count(OPTIONAL:render the grid cells opaquely,and use color to indicate cells which contain more objects)5。
The Emergence of Modern America21H.102 Spring 2003Discussion Leading SignupsEach of the topics that we are examining raises more issues and brings up more material than we could possibly cover in one class. During almost every class this semester, one or two students will take charge of discussion and present additional material for our discussion. Your assignment is to be prepared to lead discussion for the class during the day on all aspects of the readings, and also to present to the class one original historical document, other than those that we study in class, that you think relates to that day’s readings and the themes of the class. Pretty much anything goes, as long as you use an original historical source that sheds light on the class material. In your presentation, tell us about the historical background of the work, and then describe its significance, in no more than three minutes. (That means, if you write out your presentation, that it would be about one double-spaced page.) I can help you with suggestions for documents. If is a short document or a visual image, you should bring a copy to class or send it to me so that I can post it on the class website. You should choose a document that will connect with the themes of the class discussion that day, and be prepared to make connections between the readings and the document over the course of the class period.Class #3The Politics of Reconstruction Class #5The New Industrial Society Class #7The Emergence of Consumer Culture Class #8Immigrants Remake America Class #9The Wars of 1898 Class #10In Search of Progressivism Class #12War, Revolution, and the Flapper Class #13The Great Depression Class #15The Legacies of War Class #16The Cold War as a Political Crisis Class #17The Cold War as a Cultural Crisis Class #19What the Civil Rights Movement Did Class #20Why Were We in Vietnam? Class #21The Sixties and Its Legacies Class #22The Seventies: From Watergate to Disco Class #23The Reagan Revolution Class #24A Changing America [immigration] Class #25 The American Dream in a Global Age。
1.252Assignment #5Transportation at MITTHE TASK: You are assigned to teams of five, to discuss issues as a group, with each student responsible for the research and write-up of one of five problem areas. The task is to make a recommendation to the President of MIT which includes both substantive recommendations and recommendations for process. The five specific issues are:1) Appropriate re-design of Massachusetts Avenue. In particular, consider the properdesign at Mass Ave and Vassar Street, Mass Ave and Memorial Drive, and at 77 Mass Ave, including consideration of depressing Mass Ave to achieve a pedestrian connection similar to that at Harvard near the Law School.2) Appropriate re-design of the Vassar Street railroad corridor, including intersections atMemorial Drive/BU Bridge, Mass Ave and Main Street.3) Appropriate re-design of Memorial Drive, including the Kendall Square area, sailingpavilion, Mass Ave., Vassar Street/BU Bridge location.4) Appropriate re-design of Kendall Square, including the intersection at Main andCambridge, Sloan School expansion, and other land use issues.5) Cross-cutting issues, such as parking policy, transit pass policy, transit service, attitudetowards Urban Ring, bicycle policy, housing, classroom, laboratory, and architectural policies.APPROACH: Walk the areas and observe them, review information you can access, define the primary issues that should be addressed and a process for dealing with them.You can get information at the MIT website () There is a link to "Evolving Campus" which includes "MIT Building Projects". You can also access "Cambridge/Boston" from the Evolving Campus site and get the "Town/Gown" report. Also, traffic studies done for I.P.O.P. projects are on file at Broadway (an annex of Cambridge City Hall). Several MIT projects (Stata, undergraduate residences, Media Lab) looked at issues at Vassar, Mass Ave, and Kendall Square areas.You are free to swap groups if it is more convenient. Each paper should be 5-10 pages.。
This section provides a detailed list of lecture topics and links to selected lecture notes. Introduction to 6.973Lecture 1. Welcome to 6.973 - Organic Optoelectronics ( PDF)From Molecules to AggregatesLecture 2. Organic Molecules - Structure and Nomenclature ( PDF) •Determining the Structure of Organic Compounds•Carbon•Covalent Bond {Lewis Structure Formalism)•Molecular Geometry (Bond Length, Bond Angle)•Electronic Structure of Atoms and Molecules {1st pass)•Sigma and Pi BondsLecture 3. Organic Molecules - Cyclic and Conjugated Molecules•Cyclic Compounds•Aromatic Hydrocarbons (C-?) Benzene•Determining the Structure of Organic Compounds (Spectroscopy)Lecture 4. Organic Molecules - Energy Levels•Spectral Properties•Einstein Transition Probabilities•Raman Processes•Born-Oppe nheimer Approximation•Frank-Condon ShiftLecture 5. From Molecules to Aggregates•Singlets and Triplets•Born-Oppe nheimer Approximation•Frank-Condon Shift•AggregatesLecture 6. Excited States of Aggregate Films•Van der Waals Bonding•Hydrogen Bon ding•Dimers•Excimers•Generation of ExcitonsLecture 7. Excitons - Types, Energy Transfer ( PDF) •Wannier Exciton•Charge-transfer Exciton• Frenkel Exciton•Exciton Diffusion•Exciton Energy Transfer (F? rster, Dexter)Lecture 8. Exciton Diffusion ( PDF )•Exciton Energy Transfer•Exciton Diffusiono Photoluminescence Measuremento Photocurrent MeasurementPhotocurrent, Photodetectors, Solar CellsLecture 9. Photovoltaics and Photodetectors - Part I ( PDF ) •Photogeneration•Organic Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cell•Organic Multilayer PhotodetectorLecture 10. Photovoltaics and Photodetectors - Part II ( PDF) •Organic Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cell•Organic Multilayer PhotodetectorLecture 11. Photovoltaic Cells and Photodetectors - Part III •Blended Polymer Photovoltaics and Photodetectors•Organic/Nanorod Photovoltaics•Gratzel Electrochemical CellGrowing and Pattering Thin Organic FilmsLecture 12. Growing and Pattering Thin Organic Films - Part I•Purifying Organic Materials•Growth Techniques:•Spin- ono Evaporati ono Langmuir-Blodgeto Chemical Vapor Phase Depositiono Ink-Jet Printingo Self AssemblyLecture 13. Measuring the Energy Structure of Thin Films: Growing and Pattering Thin Organic Films - Part II•Measuring the Energy Structureo Photoemission Spectroscopyo In verse Photoemissi on Spectroscopyo Cyclic Voltametryo Dipoles at the Organic Thin Film InterfacesPatterning Techniqueso Soft Lithographyo Chemically Selective Depositiono Cold WeldingOrganic Light Emitting DevicesLecture 14. Organic LEDs - Part I•How Do We Perceive Color•Basic OLED Properties and PerformanceLecture 15. Organic LEDs - Part II: Electrical Current in Organic Thin Films•Charged Carrier T ran sport•Ohmic•Space Charge limited•Trap-limited Space-charge Conduction•Display Driving SchemesLecture 16. Organic LEDs - Part III•Conventional (OLED)•Tran sparent (TOLED)•Inverted (OILED)•Metal-Free (MF-TOLED)•Flexible (FOLED)•Stacked (SOLED)•Organic LED DisplaysLecture 17. Organic LEDs - Part IV (Guest lecture by Professor Marc Baldo) ( PDF) •OLED Efficiency•Spin•En ergy Tra nsfer•Organic Phosphors•Singlet/Triplet Ratios•Phosphor Sensitized Fluoresce nee•Endothermic Triplet Energy TransferLecture 18. Organic LEDs - Part VExtracting Light Out of OLEDsTime Sequeneed OLED BacklightsFlexible OLEDsLecture 19. Organic LEDs - Part VI (PDF)Exciton Recombination Region in Organic LEDsWhite OLED• Flexible OLEDs•Solvation Effect• Solid State SolvationLecture 20. Organic LEDs - Part VII { PDF)•Solvation Effect ・ Review•Solid State SolvationLecture 20b. Organic LEDs - Part VII ( PDF)•Exciton Dynamics in Disordered Organic Thin Films•Quantum Dot LEDsLasing Action in Organic Thin FilmsLecture 21. Organic Semiconducting Lasers - Part I•Lasing Process•Optically Pumped Lasing StructuresLecture 22. Orga nic Semic on ducting Lasers - Part II, and Organic Thin Film Tran sistors - Part I •Optically Pumped Organic Lasers 一Potential Ben efits, Towards Electrical Pumping of Organic, Lasers, OTFTs - OFETsOrganic Field Effect TransistorsLecture 23. Organic Thin Film Transistors - Part II and The Edge of Nano•OFETs: Materials, Contacts, Applications, Display Drivers, Chemical Sensing, Single Molecule Memory, Nanotube Transistors, Nanotube Growth in Porous Alumina。
(1)ais$a b'z$'k* herne(< herna + *?)Aisha bizike(f.) bought'Aisha bought the bizike (I saw it happen)'(2)ais$a b'z$'k* herna(< herna + a?)Aisha bizike(f.) bought-EV'Aisha bought the bizike (it's reported)'(3)ais$a non herna(< herna + Ø?)Aisha bread(m.) bought'Aisha bought the bread (I saw it happen)'(4)ais$a non herno(< herna + o?)Aisha bread(m.) bought-EV'Aisha bought the bread (it's reported)'Evidential forms seem to be characterized by agreement with the Absolutive argument that's like the adjective-introducing Ezafe vowel, or the morpheme that shows up where you'd expect a present-tense copula. Non-evidential forms have agreement suffixes that look like the suffixes on attributive adjectives (or, equivalently, on nominative nouns).(5)ali ne w*s$ bi or ali bi ne w*s$Ali un- well was Ali was un- well'Ali was sick (I saw)'(6)ali bio ne w*s2Ali was-EV un- well'Ali was sick (I hear)'(7)ali bi bi ne w*s$Ali was was un- well'Ali had been sick'?(8)ais$a b'z$'k* pot bi biAisha bizike(f) cook was was'Aisha cooked the bizike in the distant past'?...or maybe just a pluperfect? The absence of agreement with the object is surprising--maybe I mistranscribed this one.(9)ali bekiya s$*r*b s$'m'toAli maybe wine drank-EV'Maybe Ali drank the wine'(10) #ali bekiya s$*r*b s$'m'tAli maybe wine drank (non-EV)Failure to use evidential form with an adverb like bekiya 'maybe' is odd, since it suggests that you witnessed the event yourself and thus ought to know for sure.(11)ali ya s$*r*b s$'m't, yaki qawa s$'m't*(or yaz$i, instead of yaki)Ali either wine(m.) drank or coffee(f.) drank'Ali either drank wine or drank coffee'(12)ali s$*r*b s$'m't(*o), m' b' c$'mane xo diAli wine drank (*EV) I with eyes-EZ self's saw'Ali drank wine, I saw it with my own eyes'(13)A:s$a nd* se bi?last.night how was'What happened last night?'B:ais$a h*s*n pac$i ky*rdAisha Hasan kissed'Aisha kissed Hasan'A:heya, *z inam ky*na k* ina z$u mini pac$i ky*rd...yes I-NOM belief do that they-OBL each.other kissed'Yes, I believe that they kissed each other...'...hama t' zuri kena. to e ne di.but you-NOM lie do you-OBL them-NOM not saw'...but you're lying. You didn't see them.'t' uz$a ne there not were'You weren't there.'(14)layiki c$'ver ya ky*rd=ya yaki da=j$aboy-OBL door or did=open or gave=place'the boy maybe opened the door or closed it...'...hama *z ne zana [e c$' k*rd]but I-NOM not know [he-OBL what did'...but I don't know what he did'(15)layiki ya k'tab w*nd yaki s$*r*b s$'m'tboy-OBL or book read or wine drank'The boy either read a book or drank wine'(16)ewre tai c$i* x'rabi bitoday some things bad-PL were(17)ewre c$u o d* x'rab bitoday thing-EZ that bad was(18)domani berbaichildren-NOM cried(19)ya m*h*medi kutike xo k*rd vindi,or Muhammad-OBL dog-EZ self's did lostyaki ais$a fis$t ane xo k*rd q'ler'nor Aisha dress-EZ self's did dirty'Either Muhammad lost hs dog, or Aisha ruined her dress' (20)layiki ya c$'ver k*rd=ya, yaki da =j$aboy-OBL or door did=open or gave=place'The boy either opened the door or closed it'(21)ya layiki c$'ver k*rd=ya, yaki da =j$aor boy-OBL door did=open or gave=place'Either the boy opened the door, or closed it'(22)ya layiki c$'ver k*rd=ya, yaki c$*n*k*or boy-OBL door did=open or girl'Either the boy opened the door, or the girl did'(23)waxto k* ali ne w*s$ bi, e Cy*r* do b's$'m'ten*time-EZ that Ali un well was he-OBL must salty.yogurt.drink drink-PAST.INFI actually didn't get this one straight; does it mean:'When Ali was sick, he had to drink do', or'When Ali was sick, he should have drunk do (but didn't)'?(INF is probably a misnomer for an irrealis mood, or something, but I'll just keep calling it INF. The second 'in b's$'m'ten* has a tendency to drop, but I'll consistently write it) (24)layik ya c$a i yaki do s$'m*noboy or tea or do drinks(25)layik ya c2a i s$'m*no yaki do (s$'m*no)boy or tea drinks or do drinks(26)ya layik c$a i yaki do s$'m*noor boy tea or do drinks(27)ya layik c$a i s$'m*no yaki do (s$'m*no)or boy tea drinks or do drinks(28)ya layiki c$a i s$'m't yaki do (s$'m't)or boy-OBL tea drank or do drank(29)c$a i b's$'m*!tea drink-IMP.2SG'Drink the tea!'(30)Cy*r* layiki ya c$a i yaki do b's$'momust boy-OBL or tea or do drink-INF'The boy has to drink either tea or do'(31)Cy*r* layiki ya c$a i yaki do b's$'m'ten*(...hama ne s$'m't)must boy-OBL or tea or do drink-PAST.INF but not drank'The boy should have drunk either tea or do(...but he didn't)'(32)Cy*r* layiki ya c$a i b's$'m'ten* yaki domust boy-OBL or tea drink-PAST.INF. or do(33)Cy*r* ya layiki c$a i b's$'m'ten* yaki do (b's$'m'ten*)must or boy-OBL tea drink-PAST.INF. or do drink-PAST.INF.(34)ya Cy*r* layiki c$a i b's$'m'ten* yaki do (b's$'m'ten*)or must boy-OBL tea drink-PAST.INF. or do drink-PAST.INF.(35)ya Cy*r* layiki c$a i yaki do b's$'m'ten*or must boy-OBL tea or do drink-PAST.INF(36)ne zo (*ya) e s$'m't (yaki) ne s$'m'tun known? or he-OBL drank or not drank'We don't know if he drank it or not'(37)layiki ne qawa neki do s$'m'tboy-OBL neither coffee nor do drank'The boy drank neither coffee nor do'(38) *layiki ya qawa yaki do ne s$'m'tboy-OBL or coffee or do not drank(39)ya layiki yaki c$*n*k* dina ra z$u qawa ne s$'m't*or boy or girl them-DAT from one coffee not drank-FEM'Either the boy or the girl didn't drink coffee'This is sort of interesting in light of the facts we talked about the next week, where negation licenses NPIs in subject position. Apparently the subject is capable of scoping outside negation (since the positive polarity item ya...yaki can modify the subject here; (38) suggests that this is indeed a positive polarity item) but, since NPIs can also be in subject position, the subject can also scope inside negation. At least, that's one way of describing it. See (50-55) for more on scope...(40)ne layiki neki c$*n*k* qawa s$'m't*neither boy-OBL nor girl coffee drank-FEM(41)h*m layiki h*m(i)ki c$*n*k* qawa s$'m't*all boy-OBL all girl coffee drank-FEM'Both the boy and the girl drank coffee'I remember we had examples with three conjuncts, showing that h*m doesn't mean 'both', but I don't seem to have them written down.(42)ina h*m qawa s$'m't* h*m(i)ki c$a i s$'m'tthey-OBL all coffee drank-FEM all tea drank'They both drank coffee and drank tea'(43) ??h*m ina c$a i h*m(i)ki do s$'m'tall they-OBL tea all do drank(44)ali waz*no k* ya qawa yaki do b's$m oAli wants that or coffee or do drink-INF-3sg'Ali wants to drink coffee or do'(45)ali was$t en* k* ya qawa yaki do b's$'m'ten*Ali wanted that or coffee or do drink-PAST.INF(46)ya ali waz*no k* qawa yaki do b's$m o...or Ali wants that coffee or do drink-INF'Ali either wants to drink coffee or do...'(47)...hama *z ne zana o kDamj$i s$'m*no.but I not know he which will-drink(48)...hama *z ne zana o c$' waz*no b's$m o.but I not know he what wants drink-INF(49) *...hama *z ne zana o waz*no k* kDamj$i b's$m o.but I not know he wants thta which drink-INF(50)ali ne qawa neki c$a y waz*no b's$m oAli neither coffee nor tea wants drink-INFboth > not: 'Ali wants to drink neither coffee nor tea'(51)ali h*m qawa h*mki c$a y ne waz*no b's$m oAli all coffee all tea not wants drink-INFnot want > both: 'Ali doesn't want to drink both coffee and tea'you can also get both > not want reading, with a big pause after qawa.(52)ali ya c$a i yaki qawa waz*no b's$m oAli or tea or coffee wants drink-INF(53)ali ya c$a i waz*no b's$m o yaki qawaAli or tea wants drink-INF or coffee(54)h*m ali h*mki m*h*m*d c$a y ne waz*ne b's$m eall Ali all Mohammed tea not want-PL drink-INF.PLboth > not: 'Both Ali and Mohammed don't want to drink tea'(55)ne ali neki m*h*m*d (ne) waz*ne (k*) c$a y b's$m eneither Ali nor Mohammed (not) want-PL that tea drink-INF.PL(56)k'tabe m' *stobook-EZPOSS my exist-Masc'I have a book'(57)q*l*ma m' *stapen-EZ my exist-Fem'I have a pen'(58)q*l*ma to *stayour'You have a pen'(59)q*l*ma de *stahis'He has a pen'(60)q*l*ma da* *staher'She has a pen'(61)q*l*ma ma *staour'We have a pen'(62)q*l*ma s$'ma *stayour-PL'You (pl) have a pen'(63)q*l*ma dina *statheir'They have a pen'(64)k'tabe h*seni *stobook-EZ Hasan-OBL exist-Masc'Hasan has a book'(65)k'tabe to m' d* *stobook-EZ your me-OBL at exist-Masc'I have your book'(66)k'tabe to m' d*robook-EZ your me-OBL'I have your book'I've just written d*ro as one word, since it isn't yet clear whether the r is something specific to this postposition--looks like it might be.(67)q*l*ma to biy*pen-EZ your was-Fem'You had a pen'(68)q*l*ma m' to d*rapen-EZ my you-OBL'You have my pen'(69)k'tabe to bibook-EZ your was-Masc'You had a book'(70)k'tabei s$'ma bi(:)books-EZ your-PL was-PL'You-PL had books'Thought I heard the last vowel as long here, though I could be wrong.(71)k'tabei to *stebooks-EZ your are-PL'You have books'(72)kitabe to bi bibook-EZ your was was'You had a book a long time ago'(73)dinia d* zaf m*seli *steworld in many problems exist-PL'There are many problems in the world'(74)domani baxc$e ma d*rechildren yard-EZ our in.are'The children are in our yard'(can be an answer to 'Where are the children?')(75)baxc$e ma d* domani *steyard-EZ our in children exist-PL'There are children in our yard'(76)j$o baxc$e d*roJo yard'Joey is in the yard'(77) *baxc$e ma d* j$o *stoyard-EZ our in Jo exist-Masc(sounds like "Joey is an animal")(78)baEe magarden-EZ our'our garden'(79)zaf piyay / issan y i ami parti*many men people came party'Many men/people came to the party'(80)domane m' baxc$e d*rechildren-EZ my yard in.are-PL'My children are in the yard'(81)domani baxc$e d* n y iye / c$i nechildren yard in aren't-PL don't-exist-PL(later investigations suggested that niye is just ne plus the copula e, while c$i n- is the negative of *st-. So maybe the version with niye means something like '(the) children aren't in the yard', while the version with c$i ne means 'there aren't children in the yard')(82)j$o baxc$e d* n y iyoJo yard in'Joey isn't in the yard'(83) *j$o baxc$e d* c$i noJo yard in doesn't.exist-Masc(sounds like Joey 'is an animal or a plant')(84)tDas* baxc$e d* n y iyabowl yard in'you can say (this)...')(85)tDas* baxc$e d* c$i nabowl yard in doesn't.exist-Fem('...but this is more correct' (than (84)))(86) *baxc$e d* tDas* n y iyayard in bowl$e d* tDas* c$i nayard in bowl doesn't.exist-Fem(88)kuliye q*l*ma masa s*ra eall pencils-Obl table on are-Pl'All the pencils are on the table' ("You're not happy")(89)q*lemi kuli masa s*ra epencils all table on are-Pl(90)masa s*ra q*lemi *stetable on pencils exist-Pl'There are pencils on the table'(91)z$u y* d* k'taba masa s*ra c$i ne / niyeone even books-Obl table on don't.exist-Pl not-are-Pl'none of the books are on the table'(not > one, *one > not)(92)k'taba ra z$u y* d* xo masa s*ra c$i nobooks-Obl from one even self's table on doesn't.exist-Masc'none of the books are on the table'(93)k'taba ra z$u masa s*ra c$i nobooks-Obl from one table on doesn't.exist-Masc'one of the books isn't on the table'(one > not)(94)*z k'tab masa s*ra waz*nI book table on want'I want the book (to be) on the table'(95)k'tab Cy*r* masa s*ra bobook must table on be-Inf'The book must be on the table'(96)Cy*r* k'tab masa s*ra bomust book table on be-Inf(97)*z k'tab masa s*ra ne waz*nI book table on not want'I don't want the book (to be) on the table'(98)Cy*r* k'tab masa s*ra m* / ne bomust book table on Irr.Neg not be-Inf'The book must not be on the table'The other place we've seen m*, I think, is as the negation that shows up in imperatives. (99)t' Cy*r* xo d* aw* b*reyou must self on water carry-Inf'You must take water with you'The word for 'water' has the usual velar constriction/fricativization around the w, which I won't try to transcribe here.(100)*z xo d* aw* b*naI self on water carry'I will take water with me'(101)m' aw* berd*I-Obl water carried-Fem'I brought water'。
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Interactive and Non-Linear Narrative: Theory and Practice
21W.765J, 21L.489J, CMS.845
Assignment 5:
Read about 100 pages of one of the following works and do the following: -Analyze the non-linear structure of the narrative
-How does it engage the reader
-What are the textual mechanisms by which the text achieves engagement -Observe your own reading process. How do you get drawn into the narrative?
How do you construct the story during the reading process?
-Write up a short text (2 pages max.) about your text and post it to BSCW under Text Comments
-Be prepared to report about your text in class.
Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321. Purgatorio. Translated by John Ciardi. New York: Modern Library, 1996.
Joyce, James, 1882-1941. Finnegans Wake. New York: Viking Press, 1966. Calvino, Italo. The Baron in the Trees. Translated by Archibald Colquhoun. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.
Calvino, Italo. If On a Winter's Night a Traveler. Translated by William Weaver. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.
Perec, Georges, 1936-1982. 53 Days: A Novel. Edited by Harry Mathews & Jacques Roubaud; translated by David Bellos. Jaffrey, NH: David R. Godine, 2000.
Perec, Georges, 1936-1982. A Void. Translated by Gilbert Adair. London: Harvill, 1994.
Perec, Georges, 1936-1982. Life, a User's Manual. Translated by David Bellos. Boston: D.R. Godine, 1987.
Queneau, Raymond, 1903-1976. Exercises in Style. Translated by Barbara Wright. New York: New Directions, 1981.
Cortázar, Julio. Hopscotch. Translated by Gregory Rabassa. London: Harvill Press, 1998.
Hoffmann, E. T. A. (Ernst Theodor Amadeus), 1776-1822. The life and opinions of the Tomcat Murr : together with a fragmentary biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on random sheets of waste paper. Edited by E.T.A. Hoffmann; translated and annotated by Anthea Bell; with an introduction by Jeremy Adler. London: Penguin, 1999.
Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1899-1977. Pale Fire: a Novel. New York: Putnam, 1962.
Danielewski, Mark Z. Mark Z. Danielwski's House of Leaves, by Zampanò; with introduction and notes by Johnny Truant. New York: Pantheon Books, 2000.
Borges, Jorge Luis, 1899- Ficciones. Edited and with an introduction by Anthony Kerrigan. New York: Grove Press, 1962.
Paviç, Milorad. Dictionary of the Khazars: a lexicon novel in 100,000 words. Translated by Christina Pribiçeviç-Zoriç. New York: Knopf, 1988.
Paviç, Milorad. Last Love in Constantinople: a Tarot Novel for Divination. Translated by Christina Pribichevich-Zoriç. Chester Springs, PA: Dufour Editions, 1998.。