


客户需求分析 业务介绍
这部分讲的是我们发现了哪个市场空白点。 大的市场环境、业务规模、潜力、
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
竞争格局及优势 融资计划及预期营收
要说清楚竞争格局什么样,即便没有竞争对手,潜在的/现有 的解决方案都可能是。 我们的竞争优势是什么。
说清预计需要投入的钱数。 有了钱,做下简单的财务分析,有了钱干吗,一年甚 带来回报多少。也可以有个长期规划。


明确指出目标客户群体,如年龄段、 性别、职业、消费水平等,以便制定 更有针对性的营销策略。
根据市场规模、消费需求等因素,确 定企业在目标市场中的定位,如高端 、中端或低端市场。
对主要竞争对手进行详细分析,包括产品、价格、渠道、品牌等方面,以找出 自身优势和不足。
经过详细的市场分析、产品定位和营销策略,本商业计划书认为项目具有可行性和良好 的市场前景。通过实施本计划,预计在未来三年内实现销售收入和利润的稳步增长。
确保产品质量、加强品牌宣传、拓展销售渠道以及优化供应链管理是实现项目成功的关 键因素。
包括原材料成本、生产成本、人工成本等直接与生产产品或提供服 务相关的成本。
包括管理费用、销售费用、财务费用等间接成本,这些费用与日常 运营和管理活动相关。
服务内容:提供XXX产品的技术支持和售 后服务
XXX行业市场规模不断扩大,竞争激烈,但仍有 较大的发展空间。



商业计划1. 引言商业计划是一份详细描述企业目标、策略和实施步骤的文档。



2. 企业概述在此部分,我们将介绍企业的背景信息、使命和愿景。

2.1 背景信息在这里,我们将提供有关企业的基本信息,如成立日期、所在地和法律地位。


2.2 使命和愿景在这一部分,我们将确定企业的使命和愿景。


3. 产品或服务描述在这一部分,我们将详细描述您的产品或服务。


3.1 核心特点在这里,我们将列出产品或服务的核心特点。


3.2 优势在这一部分,我们将介绍您的产品或服务相对于竞争对手的优势。


3.3 市场需求在这一部分,我们将描述目标市场的需求和趋势。


4. 市场分析在这一部分,我们将对目标市场进行更详细的分析。


4.1 市场细分在这里,我们将确定目标市场的细分。


4.2 竞争分析在这一部分,我们将描述目标市场的竞争态势。


4.3 市场营销策略在这里,我们将介绍您的市场营销策略。


5. 组织和管理在这一部分,我们将描述企业的组织结构和管理团队。

5.1 组织结构在这里,我们将介绍公司的组织结构。


5.2 管理团队在这一部分,我们将详细介绍管理团队的成员和背景。


6. 营销和销售策略在这一部分,我们将详细说明您的营销和销售策略。



商业计划书(Business Plan)什么是商业计划书商业计划书,英文名称为Business Plan,是公司、企业或项目单位为了达到招商融资和其它发展目标,在经过前期对项目科学地调研、分析、搜集与整理有关资料的基础上,根据一定的格式和内容的具体要求而编辑整理的一个向投资者全面展示公司和项目目前状况、未来发展潜力的书面材料。












对市场的分析应由大入小,从宏观到微观,以数据为基础,深刻的描述公司/ 项目在市场中将争取的定位。


至于管理团队,应从各人的背景及经验分析其对公司/ 项目中不同岗位的作用。



4.4 The problem need to face and solution
• With the development of • Tthhee bciatry,inthtehebar industry
dcoowmnpteotwitnioanrweail,lbboetchoimne tmheorbeuasinndesms oardevainntteangsee,. and in the fierce market competition disadvantages.
5.3Marketing Strategy
5.3.1Using WeChat to implement marketing strategy
The registered public WeChat platform, qr code scanning. All printing products printing qr code, regarding the public platform as a "fishpond" . The customers who scan the qr code will become a fish in the pond. Any activity is played at the bar would be put out through WeChat public platform.All people scanned qr code can receive the message. This saves a lot of manpower, financial resources and time consumption.
• After have a certain



商业计划书(Business Plan)什么是商业计划书商业计划书,英文名称为Business Plan,是公司、企业或项目单位为了达到招商融资和其它发展目标,在经过前期对项目科学地调研、分析、搜集与整理有关资料的基础上,根据一定的格式和内容的具体要求而编辑整理的一个向投资者全面展示公司和项目目前状况、未来发展潜力的书面材料。












对市场的分析应由大入小,从宏观到微观,以数据为基础,深刻的描述公司/ 项目在市场中将争取的定位。


至于管理团队,应从各人的背景及经验分析其对公司/ 项目中不同岗位的作用。

商业计划书Business Plan

商业计划书Business Plan

商业计划书(Business Plan)什么是商业计划书商业计划书,英文名称为Business Plan,是公司、企业或项目单位为了达到招商融资和其它发展目标,在经过前期对项目科学地调研、分析、搜集与整理有关资料的基础上,根据一定的格式和内容的具体要求而编辑整理的一个向投资者全面展示公司和项目目前状况、未来发展潜力的书面材料。












对市场的分析应由大入小,从宏观到微观,以数据为基础,深刻的描述公司/ 项目在市场中将争取的定位。


至于管理团队,应从各人的背景及经验分析其对公司/ 项目中不同岗位的作用。

business plan商业计划书

business plan商业计划书

商业计划书1. 简介商业计划书是一份详细描述商业活动的文件,用于规划和管理企业的发展。


2. 项目概述在此部分,我们将介绍商业计划书所涉及的具体项目。


2.1 项目名称给出项目的名称,并解释其含义和背后的理念。

2.2 目标市场描述目标市场的特征,包括人口统计数据、消费习惯、市场规模等。


2.3 产品或服务详细描述产品或服务的特点和功能。


2.4 竞争优势列举并分析竞争对手,并说明本项目相对于竞争对手的优势。


3. 市场分析在此部分,我们将深入研究目标市场的细节,包括市场规模、增长趋势、竞争格局等。

3.1 市场规模通过研究市场数据和行业报告,估计目标市场的规模。


3.2 增长趋势分析目标市场的增长趋势,包括过去几年的增长率和未来几年的预测。


3.3 竞争格局调查竞争对手的数量、规模、市场份额等。


4. 营销策略在此部分,我们将阐述如何推广和销售产品或服务,并吸引目标市场的客户。

4.1 定位策略确定产品或服务在目标市场中的定位。


4.2 渠道策略描述产品或服务的销售渠道,如线上销售、线下零售或经销商渠道。


4.3 促销策略说明如何进行促销活动,包括广告、促销活动、公关等。


5. 经营模式在此部分,我们将介绍项目的经营模式和运营方式。

5.1 生产/服务流程描述产品或服务的生产或提供流程。


5.2 成本结构列举和分析项目的各项成本,包括固定成本和变动成本。

商业计划书英文模版(BUSINESS PLAN)(可编辑)

商业计划书英文模版(BUSINESS PLAN)(可编辑)

商业计划书英文模版(BUSINESS PLAN)BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATE BUSINESS PLAN[My Company]123 Main StreetAnytown, USA 10000123-4567[Your Name][DATE]TABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary 1 Management 2[Company] History 6[Product/Service] Description 8 Objectives 10Competitors 11Competitive Advantages 12 Innovation 14Pricing 15Specific Markets 16Growth Strategy 17Market Size and Share 18 Targeting New Markets 19Location 20Manufacturing Plan 21Research & Development 22 Historical Financial Data 23 Proforma Financial Data 24 Proforma Balance Sheet 27Cost Control 28Effects of Loan or Investment 29Attachments 30Executive Summary[My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months.[I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study.The basic components of this plan are:Competitive pricingExpand the marketsIncreased advertisingLower our unit costs,Thereby achieving higher profits.Sign contractsIncreased advertisingIncrease office staffTo this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].Financial GoalsYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales $1,000,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 Net Income $25,000 $250,000 $375,000 Earnings per share .01 .12 .14Management[Name][Title][Experience]Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.Led market in market share - 30%.Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.Pioneered new distribution channels.Established national sales force.Established national repair & service centers.Brought new and innovative products to the market.Designed point-of-purchase materials.[EducationUniversity of BostonBoston, MAB.A. - Computer SciencesShort BiographiesPresidentJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He has hadexperience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh Wisconsin , from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987. Mr. Doe has held a sales position with U S West Inc. since then. Mr. Doe graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. Mr. Doe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Chief Financial OfficerRichard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Director. Mr. Roe joined Random Excess, Inc. in December 1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1989. Mr. Roe was appointed Treasurer and a Director in July 1990. He served as corporate controller of XYZ Lumber Company from August 1981 to December 1988. Mr. Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting. Since 1979 he has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Roe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentJoe Dokes, Secretary, Executive Vice President andDirector. Mr. Dokes supervises the company’s sales and implementations to its largest corporate customers, including US West, Great West Life Insurance, etc. Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice President of Operations from February 1988 to December 1988, President of the Company from December 1988 to January 1990 and Vice President of Contract Sales since January 1990. He has been involved since 1986 with the private company originally formed as Random Excess, Inc., where his duties included managing the purchasing and sales department. From November 1984 to May 1986 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Systems, Inc. From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams County, Colorado, School District 50. Mr. Dokes attended Oklahoma State University in 1980 and 1981 and Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colorado in 1981 and 1982. He did not receive a degree from either university. Mr. Dokes is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Vice PresidentSally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Ms. Seaugh has been the Company’s Vice President of Marketing since November 1988. From September 1986 to October 1988 she was involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of AuroraColorado . From February 1980 to August 1986 she was self-employed as an independent oil and gas landman. Ms. Seaugh graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in Education. She is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.ResponsibilitiesJohn Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for entire operation. Oversees management function and all other executives.Salary - $60,000.Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financial operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors, investor relations. Salary - $40,000Joe Dokes, Executive Vice President - Responsible primarily for sales and sales support.Salary - $35,000Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Responsible for marketing, human resources and training.Salary - $30,000.Total Executive Compensation$165,000.[This Page is for an Organization Chart, if applicable.] [Company] HistoryIn [Month, Year] [I/we] formed a [Product/Service] company that manufactured start-of-the-art complex widgetry. This company was located in [City, State]. [I/we] formed this company as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation]. Others involved in this business were: [names].The main goal of this company was to [explain].Financing was arranged through [home equity loans, savings, venture capital, friends and family, etc.] [Explain terms, rates and ability to repay.]This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, but was not effective in achieving profitability. The main reason for this was the amount of actual overhead experienced. This overhead was not initially anticipated by me at the beginning of that venture. Items including credit checking, warranty program management, extensive travel, maintaining warehouse stock and the management and expense of a national sales force were expenses not originally forecast or expected. With this level of overhead, it was mathematically impossible to achieve profitability.or:This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, as well as effective in achieving profitability. This was due to the following reasons: [Reason 1[Reason 2][Reason 3]OR:[My Company] was recently conceived and is still in the beginning stages. To this point the following has been accomplished:A team consisting of [list names and primary responsibility.i.e John Doe - Marketing has been formed.A prospective [customer/client] list has been drawn up.Strategy meetings are being held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.This business plan has been drawn up.[Now link the past to the future - why a former company will lead into this one or how your present company and history will lead into any future plans. A short paragraph should suffice.] We are now able to adequately address the markets we have targeted. We have adjusted our staff, redirected ouradvertising and sales force, and have added the products necessary to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.[Product/Service] Description[My Company] intends to offer [product/service]. This [product/service] offers our customers the best possible solution as it:Offers the lowest price on the marketIs the most technically advancedOffers more useful featuresSaves them time and moneyOffers our users better value per dollar spentProvides an alternative way to achieve a similar task.Provides a service which is not presently available in this area.Is strengthened by a team with combined experience of XX years.Saves them time and moneyProvides an alternative, cost effective way for them to realize a similar goal.We have a [copyright, service mark, trademark] or[exclusive agency, marketing rights] for this [product/service]. This agency will last until XXX at which time it may be extended for XX years or terminated. This agency agreement is cancelable upon XX days written notice.The [product/service] has a useful life of XX years. To distribute this product so that it remains usable for our customers, we must use the following methods of storage and transportation:Overnight deliveryCold storageIncorporate preservativesShipment within two weeks to distributors.Specially padded boxcars.Even though the technology used to create this product is new, we expect that others will be able to substantially reproduce our patented results within XX years. To remain on the leading edge of this product, we will need to devote approximately XX% of revenues toward research and development. Also due to the fast changing nature of this industry, we will need to retrofit these machines within XX years at customer expense. Our manufacturing plan has considered this.[If general service to be offered is not obvious, such as carpet cleaning, sales rep, lawn care, consulting, etc. explain what service is. Then give a detailed description of your particular service and its uniqueness.]Short Examples:1. Our carpet cleaning machinery is state-of-the-art.2. Our consulting practice will address these specialized areas: [list]3. We will only rep these specific product lines. [list]Even though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketplace, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services. We will meet this challenge by:Hiring staff specialized in these new areas.Increase our continuing education and training expense.Adding complementary lines.Make regular investments in new equipment.ObjectivesLong Term[My Company] believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence. To secure a stablefuture for all those connected with [My Company] we have set the following long term goals:Present market is estimated at $XXX. Our goal for market share is XX%.We want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenced by:Trade industry awardsHigh end of scale in financial ratiosMajor market shareTechnical excellence awards, honors, etc.Community involvement Rotary, United Way, etc.Short TermMarket share goals -First Year XX%Second Year XX%Third Year XX%Fourth Year XX%[Decrease, Maintain] costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. Increase productivity by investing in employee training and education.Budget for complete computer training for appropriate applications.Set up, Maintain] employee benefit program for continuing college education.Budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specific education.Maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for careful tracking.Monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the industry.Aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in the industry.Support company involvement in various local and national charity events.CompetitorsNameAddressCity, StateStrengths:Location - next door to supplier factory, on major artery, close to terminal, etc.Pricing - Low cost producer, known for aggressive pricing policy.Delivery - ships overnight to anywhere in the world.Management - Everyone has an MBA from Harvard.WeaknessesService - takes more than 3 months to receive spare parts.Dedication - If it’s sunny, they’re on the golf course or ski slope.Machinery - Slowly approaching obsolescence unless replaced within six months.Overhead - Spend lavishly on corporate dining room, limousines and champagne.Competitive AdvantagesThe distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:Experience in this market. [I/we] have XXX years of hands-on experience in this industry.Sophistication in finance and distribution. This results in my being the low cost supplier in these price sensitive markets.The philosophy of [My Company] is to price not just according to our costs, but also according to what the market will pay.Our targeted minimum gross profit margin for a category must be XX%.By pricing to the market, [I/we] will achieve higher sales and therefore increase my buying power. As the amounts of my purchases increase, my per unit costs of shipping decrease and [I/we] will achieve higher discount levels from my suppliers. Through these economies of scale, many items currently on the market can be sold with lower prices, yet a higher net profit.Product pricing will include a range of quantity discounts as well as an early payment discount.Rather than being strictly regional, [I/we] will expand into the national market.To control foreign exchange risks, [I/we] will monitor the markets and hedge accordingly. [I/we] will also use overseas bank accounts.With those companies with which [I/we] have established a relationship or are known to be financially secure, [I/we] will work on a pre-pay basis. This allows me greater discounts.A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow me to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.A quarterly direct mail campaign directed at both current customers and prospective new customers consisting of an informative newsletter.A toll-free national 800 number will be used for customer orders and inquiries.[I/we] will print complete four-color catalogs on a yearly basis. Price lists will be updated as needed. [I/we] intend to be aggressive in trade magazine advertising.Consideration will also be given to attending trade shows around the country.With this level of capitalization, should an unexpected downturn occur, [I/we] will be able to continue operations on a positive scale.Innovation. [I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]The distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:Experience in this market. [I/we] have XX years of hands on experience in this industry.Sophistication in management and finance. We are able to run an efficient and lean structure, yet still provide quality service to our clients and customers.Because of the nature of this industry, we will be able to rent office space in more moderately priced buildings.As a unique service company, we will be able to keep our margins high, allowing us to provide internal financing for growth possibilities.A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow [me/us]to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.Our initial marketing campaign will allow us to book a sufficient amount of business so that we can implement our telephone customer service support program.Innovation[I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]SummaryThrough [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby increasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business. Because of our pricing policy, more people will purchase our merchandise thus increasing the size of the market and we will be increasing our market share. What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques. This will allow us the following options:increase serviceincrease advertisingreduce pricesincrease profitsincrease selectionThrough [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby ncreasing the amountof profit to be retained in the business. What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques. This will allow us the following options:increase customer serviceincrease advertising expendituresincrease profitsincrease selection of services offeredThis plan will give us tremendous flexibility to use any of these options or a mix of them to effectively attack our target markets and meet our long term goals. This combination of experience, sophistication, capitalization and innovation will assist [My Company] as it strives to reach its sales, profit and return objectives.PricingBefore [I/we] set the price for my complex widgets, [I/we] determined on a unit basis what my costs were going to be. [I/we] then determined what the market price was for the normal widget. At this price it was determined that for all but the lowest sales projections, this product would turn a profit at this price. However, since our complex widgets offer additional features, we felt that we could price it approximately 50% above simple widgets.To test this price, we called a database of 50 large users of simple widgets. We first questioned them about the desirability of our extra features and then asked them directly if this price would be acceptable if such a product were available. We found that 75% of those polled would be interested in this product. Of this 75%, we received 10 firm orders representing approximately 30% of this group.OR:We have determined that the market price is $ XX per unit. This will equal a margin of XX%.OR:Our unit cost has been figured at $XX. We need a marginof XX% to pay our overhead and earn a sufficient profit. Therefore, our selling price will be $XX.Before [I/we] set the price for our [service], [I/we] forecast what our fixed monthly costs were going to be. [I/we] then determined what the market rate for comparable services were. At this rate it was determined that for all but the lowest billing projections, this [Service] would turn a profit at this rate.[Optional, if applicable]However, since our service is unique and demands a higher level of expertise, we felt that we should bill above other comparable rates.Specific MarketsMarket #1General HistoryThe first widget was introduced into the market in 1036. Widgets remained much as the original production until well into the 20th century when computer modeling showed that there could be some enhancements made to the basic widget. The market for widgets has been generally steady with market growth closely following the typical population growth. At this time there are approximately 1,500 companies worldwide making comparable simple widgets.Lawn care companies have enjoyed a period of steady growth over the past twenty years. This demand is due to many factors, not the least of which is the advance of lawn care technology. In our proposed marketing area, there are 25 lawn care services.Entry StrategyOur widget has been designed by the latest in computer aided design. We are able to manufacture our complex widgets on computer driven assembly lines using the latest in roboticsmanufacturing. This gives us a tremendous price advantage.We intend to market our complex widget through all the normal channels available to simple widgets. These include retail, wholesale, and OEM. To penetrate this market efficiently and swiftly, we intend to initially use commission sales representatives strategically located throughout the USA. We also will start a national advertising campaign targeting the end user in various national publications and on national TV commercials.Our sales representatives will be chosen based on their own experience in the marketplace. It is our intention to hire the best and the brightest among those currently available. Our marketing tests included many of the reps we initially would like to hire.Over the past few years, we have noticed an increase in demand for full lawn care services - not just grass cutting and snow removal. Our computerized office allows us to track our clients needs and schedule house calls on one hours notice.We intend to attack this market very aggressively through the use of:1. A pool of 10 telemarketers.2. House-to-house visits to neighbors of present clients.3. Advertisements in upscale magazines.4. Radio advertisements on weekends.5. Sales calls on real estate management companies.As we are offering a unique service, informing the public of our capabilities is of utmost importance.Growth StrategyAfter having successfully introduced the complex widget into the American market, our expansion will be in two separate areas: increasing sales in the USA and entering various foreign markets.After we have reached our first year sales goals, we intend to offer our sales reps the opportunity to sell our products exclusively by joining our company. We expect that a small percentage will desire to remain independent and these will have to be replaced with our own sales force. We intend to develop further sales reps from within by hiring and training them in our own sales methods. We will increase national advertising and begin targeting smaller accounts and specialty outlets. Additionally, we will conduct in house seminars forvarious OEM’s demonstrating how the inclusion of complex widgetry into their own products will increase the value of their products.After having successfully completed this entry phase into this market in the geographical are we have chosen, we will then expand our market by doing the following:1. Expand telemarketing pool to 20.2. Increase number of direct sales reps.3. Expand into neighboring cities.Market Size and ShareThe American market for [product/service] is estimated at $8 Billion annual sales based on data furnished by XYZ Survey. We estimate that we can achieve XX% market share within XX years.Marketing data for other markets is in the process of collection.Other MarketsUse the same format for additional markets.Targeting New MarketsTo continue our growth, we will be using the following methods to expand our markets and to increase our new areas of doing business:Customer contact - find out their needsLook for complementary productsTrade showsWorld Trade Center “Network”U.S. Government trade leadsState Government trade leadsOn-line computer prospecting and qualification DIALOG, D&B, etc.Market surveysResearch & developmentLocationRETAIL EXAMPLE:This business will be operated at 123 Any Street. This location is desirable because:The traffic flow has been rated at high.The rent is below marketThe building has the necessary facilities to operate this business.The location is convenient for our customers.We are renting this building on a XX year lease. We will have renovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.OTHER SAMPLE:This business will be operated at 123 Any Street. This location is desirable because:The building is structurally compatible for our use.The rent is below marketThe building has the necessary facilities to operate this business.The location is convenient for our freight companies, suppliers, clients and employees.Possibility of expansion in the area.We are renting this building on a XX year lease. We will have renovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates. The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.Manufacturing PlanSAMPLE:We will be using a conventional assembly line method of construction of our complex widgets. Our main supplier of component parts will be DEF Manufacturing of Fort Lee, NJ. In the event that they are not able to ship according to our specifications our secondary supplier will be MNO Amalgamated located in Charlotte, NC. These parts will be shipped to us by motor freight.The actual machinery used in the production line will be manufactured by A&M Machine Tools of Arlington, Texas. They also will be doing maintenance under a service contract. This design of machine and assembly will allows us to produce 24 hours a day as the entire assembly process is fully automated with state-of- the-art robotics of American manufacture.With robotics our labor costs and therefore our production costs will be the lowest in the industry. To maintain our advantage we have established lines of communication with all of our potential machinery suppliers. Most importantly wehave an ongoing relationship with several universities and are actively participating in various studies and experiments relating to production methods.These machines also incorporate quality checking by lasers. All products must come within XX% of specifications. Also, at regular intervals we will be using human inspection of products and machines.We do not anticipate generating any toxic materials at this time for these products. However, we will be closely monitoring all production to determine if any hazardous materials are being generated. We have contracted with an environmental engineering company to advise us on any possible problems as well as solutions including legal disposal of all hazardous wastes.We anticipate the following outlays for this capital equipment:A&M Machines $XXXService Contract $XXXResearch & DevelopmentSAMPLE:We have already spent a considerable amount of time in researching and developing our complex widgets. We have a verysimple laboratory equipped with the basic research equipment we need. We have thus far been able to discover lighter materials and several cost cutting manufacturing methods. The largest achievement to date is the discovery of a water based lubricant that does not disintegrate in rainstorms. We have called this lubricant “H2Ocus-Pocus”.Presently our research is being supervised by our Technical Director, John Q. Public. He will continue in this capacity. Having been the researcher involved with all our activities to this point, he is well qualified to continue our research efforts.Our next research project will center around using this new lubricant in our manufacturing processes and testing of a new material that has come to our attention.To this point, our research has paid for itself as we have been keying on bringing this new product to market. However, now that we are becoming more experimental in our research efforts such a continued success ratio can not be maintained.We have been investigating several potential government both state and federal funding sources. Our present program of joint research with the local university has b proven very beneficial.。

business plan商业计划书

business plan商业计划书

Business Plan商业计划书概述本商业计划书旨在提供一个全面的、详细的和深入的了解所提出的商业计划,以满足市场需求,并实现持续的商业增长。

1. 项目背景在本节中,我们将讨论该项目的背景、目标和目的,以及与项目相关的市场趋势和机会。

1.1 背景简要介绍项目的背景信息。


1.2 目标和目的明确项目的目标和目的。


1.3 市场分析在此部分中,提供有关所针对市场的详细信息,包括市场规模、增长趋势、竞争对手和潜在机会等方面的分析。

2. 产品/服务描述在本节中,详细描述产品或服务的特点、功能和优势。


2.1 产品特点描述产品或服务的关键特点和功能,并解释其优势和价值。

2.2 产品生命周期讨论产品或服务的生命周期,包括研发、引入市场、成长和成熟阶段等方面的信息。

2.3 高级产品路线图提供产品或服务的高级路线图,描述未来发布的版本和功能。

3. 市场策略在本节中,讨论市场策略和推广计划,以确保产品或服务在目标市场中取得成功。

3.1 目标市场确定和描述目标市场,并提供与该市场相关的详细信息,例如市场规模、增长率等。

3.2 市场定位描述如何在目标市场中定位产品或服务,并解释为什么选择这种定位策略。

3.3 渠道策略解释产品或服务的分销策略,包括直销、代理商、在线渠道等。

3.4 品牌建设讨论品牌建设计划,包括品牌定位、品牌推广和品牌保护等方面的信息。

3.5 市场推广描述市场推广策略,并提供详细的市场推广计划,包括广告、促销、公关和市场活动等。

4. 组织与管理在本节中,讨论组织结构、管理团队和人力资源计划,以确保项目的有效管理和运作。

4.1 组织结构提供项目的组织结构图,并解释各个职能部门的角色和职责。

4.2 管理团队介绍管理团队的成员及其背景信息,包括专业知识、经验和技能。

business plan商业计划书

business plan商业计划书

business plan商业计划书



1. 公司概述:包括公司的名称、注册地、经营范围、公司规模等基本信息。

2. 市场分析:对目标市场进行深入的分析,包括市场规模、竞争情况、消费者需求等。

3. 商业模式:详细阐述公司的商业模式,包括产品或服务的定位、核心优势、盈利模式等。

4. 营销策略:制定详细的营销策略,包括市场推广、品牌建设、渠道拓展等。

5. 财务计划:包括收入预测、成本核算、资金需求等方面的计划。

6. 团队介绍:介绍公司的核心团队成员,包括学历背景、工作经历、技能特长等。

1. 简洁明了:商业计划书应该简洁明了,避免过于复杂和冗长的句子。

2. 客观专业:商业计划书应该客观专业,避免过于主观和夸大其词的内容。

3. 真实可信:商业计划书应该真实可信,避免虚假和夸大其词的内容。

4. 图文并茂:商业计划书应该图文并茂,通过图表和图片来更好地展示数据和信息。

5. 注重细节:商业计划书应该注重细节,避免错别字和格式错误等低级错误。



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Business-plan-template 全英商业计划书模板

Business-plan-template  全英商业计划书模板

Business plan for a new businessThe business plan consists of a narrative and several financial worksheets. The narrative template is the key to the business plan. It contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections. Omit any questions that do not apply to your type of business. When you have finished writing your first draft, you will have a collection of small essays on the various aspects of the business plan. The next stage is to edit them into a smooth-flowing narrative.The real value of creating a business plan is not in having the finished plan in your hand; rather, the value lies in the process of researching and thinking about your business in a systematic way. The act of planning helps you to think things through thoroughly, study and research if you are not sure of the facts, and look at your ideas critically. It takes time now, but will help avoid costly, perhaps disastrous, mistakes later.This business plan is a specific model suitable for high-tech businesses. Before you begin, look at the 1st section Tailoring the plan. It has tips for fine-tuning your plan to make an effective presentation to investors. If this is why you’re creating your plan, pay particular attention to your writing style. You will be judged by the quality and appearance of your work as well as by your ideas.It typically takes several weeks to complete a good plan. Most of that time is spent in researching and revising your ideas and assumptions. But this is the value of the process. So make time to do the job properly. Those who do so never regret the effort. And finally, be sure to keep detailed notes on your sources of information and on the assumptions underlying your financial data.Tailoring the planThe generic business plan presented should be modified to suit your specific type of business and the audience for which the plan is written.For raising capitalFor investorsInvestors have a different perspective. They are looking for dramatic growth, and they expect to share in the rewards:o Funds needed short-termo Funds needed in two to five years’ timeo How the company will use the funds, and what this will accomplish for growtho Estimated return on investmento Exit strategy for investors (buyback, sale or IPO)o Proportion of ownership that you will give up to investorso Milestones or conditions that you will accepto Financial reporting to be providedo Involvement of investors on the board or in managementFor type of businessHigh-tech companiesEconomic outlook for the industryWill the company have information systems in place to manage rapidly changing prices, costs and markets?Will you be on the cutting edge with your products and services?What is the status of research and development? And what is required to:o Bring product/service to market?o Keep the company competitive?How does the company:o Protect intellectual property?o Avoid technological obsolescence?o Supply necessary capital?o Retain key personnel?High-tech companies sometimes have to operate for a long time without profits and sometimes even without sales. If this fits your situation, a banker probably will not want to lend to you. Venture capitalists may invest, but your case must be very good. You must do longer-term financial forecasts to show when profit take-off is expected to occur. And your assumptions must be well documented and well argued.Business planOWNERSYour Business NameDateE-MailWebpageTable of contents1.Executive summary (6)2.Introduction to the Company and its Management (7)2.1Company Overview (7)2.2Organisational Structure (7)2.3The Management Team (7)2.4Advisory Board (7)2.5Proposed Management Compensation (7)2.6Headcount Forecast (7)3.Products and Services Description (9)3.1Products and Technologies Introduction (9)3.2Detailed Development Plan (9)3.2.1Product Roadmaps (9)3.2.2Development Stages (9)3.3Future Applications (9)4.Marketing Analysis (10)4.1Market Trend (10)4.2Market Segmentation (11)4.3Market Gap (Unique Selling Point) (11)4.4Competitive Analysis (11)5.Business Model (13)5.1Core Competence (13)5.2SWOT Analysis (13)5.3Marketing Plan (13)5.4Sales Forecast (16)5.4.1Realistic Scenario (16)5.4.2Optimistic Scenario (16)5.4.3Pessimistic Scenario (16)6.Risk Analysis and Management (17)6.1Technical Risk (17)6.1.1Technology Safety (17)6.1.2Product Quality (17)6.1.3Delay (17)6.2Competition Risk (17)6.3Management of Growth (18)6.4Market Risk (18)7.Financial Plan (19)7.1Summary of Assumptions (19)7.1.1Revenue (19)7.1.2Direct Variable Costs (19)7.1.3Fixed Asset Investment (19)7.1.4Human Resources (19)7.1.5Services Rendered by 3rd Party (19)7.1.6Infrastructure and Operational Costs (19)7.1.7Marketing (19)7.1.8Tax (19)7.2Break-Even Position (19)7.3Projected profits (20)7.4Investment and Return (20)7.5Financial Statements (20)8.Business Feasibility and Impact in the UK and China (21)9.References (22)10.Appendices (23)1.Executive summaryWrite this section last.We suggest that you make it no more than two pages long.Include everything that you would cover in a five-minute interview.Explain the fundamentals of the proposed business: What will your product be? Who will your customers be? Who are the owners? What do you think the future holds for your business and your industry?Make it enthusiastic, professional, complete and concise.If proposing for an investment, state clearly how much you want, precisely how you are going to use it, and how the money will make your business more profitable, thereby ensuring repayment.Paragraph headings can be used if they identify the purpose of each paragraph. (example below)Company and Management(Team)Product/Service DescriptionMarket AnalysisCompany StrategyRisk AnalysisFinancial PlanInvestment Proposition2.Introduction to the Company and its Management2.1Company OverviewWhat business will you be in? What will you do?Mission Statement: Many companies have a brief mission statement, usually in 30 words or fewer, explaining their reason for being and their guiding principles. If you want to draft a mission statement, this is a good place to put it in the plan.2.2Organisational StructureIf you’ll have more than 10 employees, create an organizational chart showing the management hierarchy and who is responsible for key functions.Include position descriptions for key employees. If you are seeking loans or investors, include resumes of owners and key employees.2.3The Management TeamWho will manage the business on a day-to-day basis? What experience does that person bring to the business? What special or distinctive competencies? Is there a plan for continuation of the business if this person is lost or incapacitated?2.4Advisory BoardList members of management advisory board and their short resume/CV.2.5Proposed Management CompensationIf the management team are willing to reduce their compensation in the first year of business2.6Headcount ForecastNumber of employees of each departments and the total in the next 5 years. (tables preferred)3.Products and Services Description3.1Products and Technologies IntroductionDescribe in depth your products or services (technical specifications, drawings, photos, sales brochures and other bulky items belong in the Appendices).What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.What are the cost, fee or commission structures of your products or services?Don’t forget to include the current Patent Status.3.2Detailed Development Plan3.2.1Product RoadmapsList and describe product type and service of all categories, what they do, when they are available, and the timeline of design, prototype, sample promotion etc. (tables and figures are encouraged)3.2.2Development StagesWrite down the stages used to measure the stepping successes (deliverables, milestones) of the whole company according to the development plan.3.3Future ApplicationsList and describe potential applications.4.Marketing AnalysisNo matter how good your products and services are, the venture cannot succeed without effective marketing. This begins with careful and systematic research. It is very dangerous to assume that you already know about your intended market. You need to do market research to make sure you are on track. Use the business planning process as your opportunity to uncover data and to question your marketing efforts. Your time will be well spent.There are two kinds of market research: primary and secondary.Secondary research means using published information such as industry profiles, trade journals, newspapers, magazines, census data, and demographic profiles. This type of information is available in public libraries, industry associations, chambers of commerce, from vendors who sell to your industry, and from government agencies.Primary research means gathering your own data. For example, you could do your own traffic count at a proposed location, use the yellow pages to identify competitors, and do surveys or focus-group interviews to learn about consumer preferences. Professional market research can be very costly, but there are many books that show small business owners how to do effective research themselves.In your marketing plan, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all-important sales projection.4.1Market TrendDescribe your industry. Is it a growth industry? What changes do you foresee in the industry, short term and long term? How will your company be poised to take advantage of them?Facts about your industry:What is the total size of your market?What percent share of the market will you have? (This is important only if you think you will bea major factor in the market.)Current demand in target market.Trends in target market—growth trends, trends in consumer preferences, and trends in product development.4.2Market SegmentationShow the understanding of the market segments (sizes, volume growth, revenue growth)4.3Market Gap (Unique Selling Point)Analyze the current market and identify and explain that there might be a gap, a weak/missing segment of the market for your particular product. And describe growth potential and opportunity for a business of your type and size.4.4Competitive AnalysisWhat products and companies will compete with you?List your major competitors:Will they compete with you across the board, or just for certain products and customers or in certain locations?Will you have important indirect competitors? (For example, video rental stores compete with cinemas, although they are different types of businesses.)How will your products or services compare with the competition?You can use the Competitive analysis table below to compare your company with your two most important competitors. The first column lists key competitive factors. Since these vary from one industry to another, you may want to customize the list of factors.In the column labeled Me, state honestly how you think you will be perceived in customers' minds. Then check whether you think this factor will be a strength or a weakness for you. Sometimes it is hard to analyse our own weaknesses. Try to be very clear here. Better yet, get somebody else to assess you. This can be a real eye-opener. And remember that you cannot be all things to all people. In fact, trying to be causes many business failures because their efforts become scattered and diluted. You want an honest assessment of your firm's strong and weak points.Now analyse each major competitor. In a few words, state how you think they compare with you.In the final column, estimate the importance of each competitive factor to the customer. 1 = critical; 5 = not very important.Table 1: Competitive analysisNow, write a short paragraph stating your competitive advantages and disadvantages.5.Business ModelHow will you develop your company, through alliance and co-development or …?List and explain them step by step.5.1Core CompetenceDescribe your most important company strengths and core competencies. What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?5.2SWOT AnalysisStrength: Cost, size, energy saving, eco-friendly, robustness, future development…Weakness: Immature, suppliers…Opportunities: Political Opportunities, market opportunities, co-operation opportunities.Threats:Competitors, Intellect Property, supplier chain.5.3Marketing PlanNow outline a marketing strategy that is consistent with your niche.Marketing strategies according to the 4P theories, namely Product, Price, Promotion and Place. (The 5th P –People is the whole reason for the services industry to be doing very well OR even for improving the service experience in a Product industry is because they all target 'People'.)Product StrategyList all of your major products or services.For each product or service:Describe the most important features. What is special about it?Describe thebenefits. That is, what will the product do for the customer?Note the difference between features and benefits, and think about them. For example, a house that gives shelter and lasts a long time is made with certain materials and to a certain design; those are its features. Its benefits include pride of ownership, financial security, providing for the family, and inclusion in a neighborhood. You build features into your product so that you can sell the benefits.What after-sale services will you give? Some examples are delivery, warranty, service contracts, support, follow-up, and refund policy.PricingExplain your method or methods of setting prices. For most small businesses, having the lowest price is not a good policy. It robs you of needed profit margin; customers may not care as much about price as you think; and large competitors can under price you anyway. Usually you will do better to have average prices and compete on quality and service.Does your pricing strategy fit with what was revealed in your competitive analysis?Compare your prices with those of the competition. Are they higher, lower, the same? Why?How important is price as a competitive factor? Do your intended customers really make their purchase decisions mostly on price?What will be your customer service and credit policies?PromotionHow will you get the word out to customers?Advertising: What media, why, and how often? Why this mix and not some other?Have you identified low-cost methods to get the most out of your promotional budget?Will you use methods other than paid advertising, such as trade shows, catalogs, dealer incentives, word of mouth (how will you stimulate it?), and network of friends or professionals?What image do you want to project? How do you want customers to see you?In addition to advertising, what plans do you have for graphic image support? This includes things like logo design, cards and letterhead, brochures, signage, and interior design (if customers come to your place of business).Should you have a system to identify repeat customers and then systematically contact them?Promotional BudgetHow much will you spend on the items listed above?Before startup? (These numbers will go into your startup budget.)Ongoing?(These numbers will go into your operating plan budget.)Proposed Location/PlaceProbably you do not have a precise location picked out yet. This is the time to think about what you want and need in a location. Many startups run successfully from home for a while.You will describe your physical needs later, in the OperationalPlan section. Here, analyze your location criteria as they will affect your customers.Is your location important to your customers? If yes, how?If customers come to your place of business:Is it convenient? Parking? Interior spaces? Not out of the way?Is it consistent with your image?Is it what customers want and expect?Where is the competition located? Is it better for you to be near them (like car dealers or fast-food restaurants) or distant (like convenience-food stores)?Distribution ChannelsHow do you sell your products or services?Retail, Direct (mail order, Web, catalog), Wholesale, Your own sales force, Agents, Independent representatives, Bid on contracts5.4Sales ForecastNow that you have described your products, services, customers, markets, and marketing plans in detail, it’s time to attach some numbers to your plan. Use a sales forecast spreadsheet to prepare a quarter-by-quarter projection. The forecast should be based on your historical sales, the marketing strategies that you have just described, your market research, and industry data, if available.You may want to do two forecasts: 1) a "best guess", which is what you really expect, and 2) a "worst case" low estimate that you are confident you can reach no matter what happens.Remember to keep notes on your research and your assumptions as you build this sales forecast and all subsequent spreadsheets in the plan. This is critical if you are going to present it to funding sources.5.4.1Realistic Scenario5.4.2Optimistic Scenario5.4.3Pessimistic Scenario6.Risk Analysis and Management6.1Technical Risk6.1.1Technology SafetySafety issue involved in the technology used and proposed solutions.6.1.2Product QualityWhat are the quality issues proposed solutions6.1.3DelayWhat delays are likely to happen at which stage and proposed solutions.6.2Competition RiskWhat are the competition risks from existing and new comers and proposed solutions, such as IP protection, development of new technologies.What barriers to entry do you face in entering this market with your new company? Some typical barriers are:High capital costsHigh production costsHigh marketing costsConsumer acceptance and brand recognitionTraining and skillsUnique technology and patentsUnionsShipping costsTariff barriers and quotasAnd of course, how will you overcome the barriers?How could the following affect your company?Change in technologyChange in government regulationsChange in the economyChange in your industry6.3Management of GrowthHow will the company manage its own growth and problems resulted.6.4MarketRiskMarket risks (such as costfluctuation) and proposed solutions.7.Financial PlanYour financial will come from a sales forecast in which you forecast sales, cost of goods sold, expenses, and profit month-by-month for one year.Profit projections should be accompanied by a narrative explaining the major assumptions used to estimate company income and expenses.Research Notes: Keep careful notes on your research and assumptions, so that you can explain them later if necessary, and also so that you can go back to your sources when it’s time to revise your plan.Tables and figures are encouraged.7.1Summary of AssumptionsList assumptions made for financial projection.(break-even calculation)Below are the costs, revenue and investments for the cash flow.7.1.1Revenue7.1.2Direct Variable Costs7.1.3Fixed Asset Investment7.1.4Human Resources7.1.5Services Rendered by 3rd Party7.1.6Infrastructure and Operational Costs7.1.7Marketing7.1.8Tax7.2Break-Even PositionA break-even analysis predicts the sales volume, at a given price, required to recover total costs. In other words, it’s the sales level that is the di viding line between operating at a loss and operating at a profit.Expressed as a formula, break-even is:Breakeven Sales =Fixed Costs1- Variable Costs(%)(Where fixed costs are expressed in dollars, but variable costs are expressed as a percent of total sales.)7.3Projected profitsMany hi-tech business owners think of the 5 year profit and loss projection as the centerpiece of their plan. This is where you put it all together in numbers and get an idea of what it will take to make a profit and be successful.7.4Investment and ReturnExplain how the company will be financed, three rounds for example. Describe the targeted investors, how much is needed, how much share the company is willing to exchange (with conditions), and how the investment will be spent. (A table is normally used to summarize the proposal.)7.5Financial StatementsA balance sheet is one of the fundamental financial reports that any business needs for reporting and financial management. A balance sheet shows what items of value are held by the company (assets), and what its debts are (liabilities). When liabilities are subtracted from assets, the remainder is o wners’ equity.Use astartup expenses and capitalization spreadsheet as a guide to preparing a balance sheet at the end of each year for 5 years. Then detail how you calculated the account balances on your opening day balance sheet.8.Business Feasibility and Impact in the UK and ChinaYour ability to identify the viability of your business both in the UK and China are crucial to the success of your business.How can your business best leverage both the resources of the UK and China? Why would your business benefit from the current business climate in China and UK?What are the culture specific considerations of your technology/service?How will the technology/services benefit the UK and the Chinese society as a whole?China and the UK both have their own concerns and strengths. How the company is going to use China and UK’s strengths, not the weaknesses.China’s Demands (Gove rnment policy)China’s Strength (Manufacturing capability and market size)UK Demands (Government policy, concern on spending cuts etc.)UK Strengths (Research Ability, good IP protection, European market)9.References10.AppendicesInclude details and studies used in your business plan. For example:Brochures and advertising materialsIndustry studiesBlueprints and plansMaps and photos of locationMagazine or other articlesDetailed lists of equipment owned or to be purchasedCopies of leases and contractsLetters of support from future customersAny other materials needed to support the assumptions in this planMarket research studiesList of assets available as collateral for a loan我也始终相信,你每天的认真付出总会有回报,生命不息,努力不止,好运总会来!我不信命,因为我的命掌握在自己手中!。

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Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
non proident sunt
Servic Here
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love
Title Here
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve
your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.
Title Here
just do what you love and believe in,
and it will come naturally.
Text 2 Text 3 Text 4 Text 5 Text 6
0 Text 1
Add Your Title Here
Business Template
we are committed to providing the best service
Part One
Never put off what you can do today
4.3 4.3
Part Two
Never put off what you can do today
until tomorrow.
Text One
Add Your Title Here
Excepteur sint occaecat
Don't aim for success if you want it;
just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
and believe in, and it will come naturally. Don't aim for
success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
until tomorrow.
Our Projects
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
non proident sunt
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
non proident sunt
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve
your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.
4.5 4.5
2.5 2.5
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.
we did a great job
Add Your Title Here
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.
Excepteur sint occaecat
Don't aim for success if you want it;
just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Excepteur sint occaecat
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Excepteur sint occaecat
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.
Text Two
Don't aim for success if you want it;
we did a great job
Shang Dong
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.
Fu Jian
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.