计量经济学导论:ch07 多元回归分析:虚拟变量
d j系数含义可解释为:保持其他因素不变,信用等级为j
级的城市和信用等级为零级的城市之间在MBR上的差异。 其中,j 1, 2,3, 4。
例7.7 相貌吸引力对工资的影响
在劳动力市场中,除了存在性别歧视之外,还 可能存在相貌、身高等歧视。如果将样本相貌 分为三类:一般水平、低于一般水平、高于一 般水平,并以一般水平组作为基组,分别对男 人、女人估计方程得:
y = b0 + d0d + b1x + u
This can be interpreted as an intercept shift
If d = 0, then y = b0 + b1x + u If d = 1, then y = (b0 + d0) + b1x + u
The case of d = 0 is the base/benchmark group
虚拟变量与非虚拟变量之间也有交互作用,使 得出现不同的斜率。
female 0,男性组截距是b0,受教育的斜率是b1; female 1,女性组的截距是b0 d0,受教育的斜率是b1 d1。
我们关心的两个假设: ➢ 男性和女性受教育的回报是相同的。
H0:d1 0
➢ 受教育水平相同的男性和女性的平均工资相同。
将式7.13中的调整R 平方与把排名作为一个单独变量得到
的调整R 平方比较,前者是0.905,后者是0.836。所以,式
7.13 增加了回归的灵活性。 另外,式 7.13中所有其他变量都变得不显著了,联合显著性
©The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003
Two hidden characteristics problems
• Adverse selection • Misrepresentation
©The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003
Example: Dental insurance
Decision to accept
©The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003
Example: Insurance
X: Expected benefit or claim payment to buyer
V: Value from risk reduction of insurance
R Decision to accept 0 0 Payoff principal Payoff agent
0 -7
0 -3
©The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003
Nash equilibrium
Principal: {4,8} Agent of type 3: Yes Agent of type 7: Yes Notice that both types buy insurance
©The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003
There are 5 types of families
Outlays (in euros)
Percentage of population
400 600 800 1000
20 20 20 20
Average annual dental outlays for families is 600 euros.
五、编码结构:1.物料编号总格式:大类.小类.物料特征码.流水号2.大类编码原则如下(如有增加项目往后依次加):大类代码类别PC PCB板CA电容RE电阻DE LED贴片灯、二极管TD三极管MS MOS管IN电感CR晶振KA继电器BU蜂鸣器TR变压器MA磁珠CH芯片、FLASH、LDO、MCU、ICKE按键XS插座SW开关DS显示屏XJ插件后焊物料AS组装配件PA包装材料LMM成品PCB半成品LA工程低值易耗品LB办公劳保类低值易耗品LC销售类低值易耗品GA生产设备GB办公用具3.小类编码XX:小类编码用于表示细分的产品小类4.物料特征码XXXX:物料特征码用来表示识别该类物料的特征代码。
GigaSPEED XL 3071E-B ETL Verified Category 6 U UTP
GigaSPEED XL® 3071E-B ETL Verified Category 6 U/UTP Cable, lowsmoke zero halogen, white jacket, 4 pair count, 1000 ft (305 m) length,reelProduct ClassificationRegional Availability EMEAPortfolio SYSTIMAX®Product Type Twisted pair cableProduct Brand GigaSPEED XL®General SpecificationsProduct Number3071EANSI/TIA Category6Cable Component Type HorizontalCable Type U/UTP (unshielded)Conductor Type, singles SolidConductors, quantity8Jacket Color WhitePairs, quantity4Separator Type BisectorTransmission Standards ANSI/TIA-568.2-D | CENELEC EN 50288-6-1 | ISO/IEC 11801 Class E DimensionsCable Length304.8 m | 1000 ftDiameter Over Insulated Conductor 1.041 mm | 0.041 inDiameter Over Jacket, nominal 5.918 mm | 0.233 inJacket Thickness0.559 mm | 0.022 inConductor Gauge, singles23 AWG13Page ofCross Section DrawingElectrical Specificationsdc Resistance Unbalance, maximum 5 %dc Resistance, maximum7.61 ohms/100 m | 2.32 ohms/100 ftDielectric Strength, minimum2500 VdcMutual Capacitance at Frequency 5.6 nF/100 m @ 1 kHzNominal Velocity of Propagation (NVP)70 %Operating Frequency, maximum300 MHzOperating Voltage, maximum80 VRemote Powering Fully complies with the recommendations set forth by IEEE 802.3bt (Type4) for the safe delivery of power over LAN cable when installed accordingto ISO/IEC 14763-2, CENELEC EN 50174-1, CENELEC EN 50174-2 or TIATSB-184-ASegregation Class cMaterial SpecificationsConductor Material Bare copperInsulation Material PolyolefinJacket Material Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH)Separator Material PolyolefinPage of23Mechanical SpecificationsPulling Tension, maximum11.34 kg | 25 lbEnvironmental SpecificationsInstallation temperature0 °C to +60 °C (+32 °F to +140 °F)Operating Temperature-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Acid Gas Test Method EN 50267-2-3EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Fire Performance B2caEN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Smoke Rating s1aEN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Droplets Rating d0EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Acidity Rating a1Environmental Space Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH)Smoke Test Method IEC 61034-2Packaging and WeightsCable weight38.097 kg/km | 25.6 lb/kftPackaging Type ReelRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCENELEC EN 50575 compliant, Declaration of Performance (DoP) availableCHINA-ROHS Below maximum concentration valueISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management system REACH-SVHC Compliant as per SVHC revision on /ProductCompliance ROHSCompliantPage of33。
ch07 数字音频工作站、调音台
数字音频技术数字音频工作站、调音台1610639528@文字内容来源于网络,如有侵权请联系邮箱内容概要•数字音频工作站功能与特点构成与分类•概念•数字音频工作站(Digital Audio Workstation,简称DAW)是一种用来处理、交换音频信息的计算机系统。
•如在采样频率为44.1MHz,量化精度为20bit时,10G 的硬盘可记录20多小时,而DAT(Digital Audio Tape 数码音频磁带技术)记录时间一般为2小时。
I/O端⼝功能表———————————————————————————I/O地址 功能、⽤途———————————————————————————0 DMA通道0,内存地址寄存器(DMA控制器1(8237))1 DMA通道0, 传输计数寄存器2 DMA通道1,内存地址寄存器3 DMA通道1, 传输计数寄存器4 DMA通道2,内存地址寄存器5 DMA通道2, 传输计数寄存器6 DMA通道3,内存地址寄存器7 DMA通道3, 传输计数寄存器8 DMA通道0-3的状态寄存器0AH DMA通道0-3的屏蔽寄存器0BH DMA通道0-3的⽅式寄存器0CH DMA清除字节指针0DH DMA主清除字节0EH DMA通道0-3的清屏蔽寄存器0FH DMA通道0-3的写屏蔽寄存器19H DMA起始寄存器20H-3FH 可编程中断控制器1(8259)使⽤40H 可编程中断计时器(8253)使⽤,读/写计数器041H 可编程中断计时器寄存器42H 可编程中断计时器杂项寄存器43H 可编程中断计时器,控制字寄存器44H 可编程中断计时器,杂项寄存器(AT)47H 可编程中断计时器,计数器0的控制字寄存器48H-5FH 可编程中断计时器使⽤60H-61H 键盘输⼊数据缓冲区61H AT:8042键盘控制寄存器/XT:8255输出寄存器62H 8255输⼊寄存器63H 8255命令⽅式寄存器64H 8042键盘输⼊缓冲区/8042状态65H-6FH 8255/8042专⽤70H CMOS RAM地址寄存器71H CMOS RAM数据寄存器80H ⽣产测试端⼝81H DMA通道2,页表地址寄存器82H DMA通道3,页表地址寄存器83H DMA通道1,页表地址寄存器87H DMA通道0,页表地址寄存器89H DMA通道6,页表地址寄存器8AH DMA通道7,页表地址寄存器8BH DMA通道5,页表地址寄存器8FH DMA通道4,页表地址寄存器93H-9FH DMA控制器专⽤0A0H NM1屏蔽寄存器/可编程中断控制器20A1H 可编程中断控制器2屏蔽0C0H DMA通道0,内存地址寄存器(DMA控制器2(8237))0C2H DMA通道0, 传输计数寄存器0C4H DMA通道1,内存地址寄存器0C6H DMA通道1, 传输计数寄存器0C8H DMA通道2,内存地址寄存器0CAH DMA通道2, 传输计数寄存器0CCH DMA通道3,内存地址寄存器0CEH DMA通道3, 传输计数寄存器0D0H DMA状态寄存器0D2H DMA写请求寄存器0D4H DMA屏蔽寄存器0D6H DMA⽅式寄存器0D8H DMA清除字节指针0DAH DMA主清0DCH DMA清屏蔽寄存器0DEH DMA写屏蔽寄存器0DFH-0EFH 保留0F0H-0FFH 协处理器使⽤100H-16FH保留170H 1号硬盘数据寄存器171H 1号硬盘错误寄存器172H 1号硬盘数据扇区计数173H 1号硬盘扇区数174H 1号硬盘柱⾯(低字节)175H 1号硬盘柱⾯(⾼字节)176H 1号硬盘驱动器/磁头寄存器177H 1号硬盘状态寄存器1F0H 0号硬盘数据寄存器1F1H 0号硬盘错误寄存器1F2H 0号硬盘数据扇区计数1F3H 0号硬盘扇区数1F4H 0号硬盘柱⾯(低字节)1F5H 0号硬盘柱⾯(⾼字节)1F6H 0号硬盘驱动器/磁头寄存器1F7H 0号硬盘状态寄存器1F9H-1FFH保留200H-20FH游戏控制端⼝210H-21FH扩展单元278H 3号并⾏⼝,数据端⼝279H 3号并⾏⼝,状态端⼝27AH 3号并⾏⼝,控制端⼝2B0H-2DFH保留2E0H EGA/VGA使⽤2E1H GPIP(0号适配器)2E2H 数据获取(0号适配器)2E3H 数据获取(1号适配器)2E4H-2F7H保留2F8H 2号串⾏⼝,发送/保持寄存器(RS232接⼝卡2) 2F9H 2号串⾏⼝,中断有效寄存器2FAH 2号串⾏⼝,中断ID寄存器2FBH 2号串⾏⼝,线控制寄存器2FCH 2号串⾏⼝,调制解调控制寄存器2FDH 2号串⾏⼝,线状态寄存器2FEH 2号串⾏⼝,调制解调状态寄存器2FFH 保留300H-31FH原形卡320H 硬盘适配器寄存器322H 硬盘适配器控制/状态寄存器324H 硬盘适配器提⽰/中断状态寄存器325H-347H保留348H-357H DCA3278366H-36FH PC⽹络372H 软盘适配器数据输出/状态寄存器375H-376H 软盘适配器数据寄存器377H 软盘适配器数据输⼊寄存器378H 2号并⾏⼝,数据端⼝379H 2号并⾏⼝,状态端⼝37AH 2号并⾏⼝,控制端⼝380H-38FH SDLC及BSC通讯390H-393H Cluster适配器03A0H-3AFH BSC通讯3B0H-3B H MDA视频寄存器3BCH 1号并⾏⼝,数据端⼝3BDH 1号并⾏⼝,状态端⼝3BEH 1号并⾏⼝,控制端⼝3C0H-3CFH EGA/VGA视频寄存器3D0H-3D7H CGA视频寄存器3F0H-3F7H 软盘控制器寄存器3F8H 1号串⾏⼝,发送/保持寄存器(RS232接⼝卡1) 3F9H 1号串⾏⼝,中断有效寄存器3FAH 1号串⾏⼝,中断ID寄存器3FBH 1号串⾏⼝,线控制寄存器3FCH 1号串⾏⼝,调制解调控制寄存器3FDH 1号串⾏⼝,线状态寄存器3FEH 1号串⾏⼝,调制解调状态寄存器3FFH 保留2.2.1 I/O端⼝和寻址2.2 I/O端⼝寻址和访问控制⽅式2.2.1 I/O端⼝和寻址CPU为了访问I/O接⼝控制器或控制卡上的数据和状态信息,需要⾸先指定它们的地址。
I/O设备 图1.1 微型计算机的系统组成
微处理器子系统 存储器 I/O设备和I/O接口 系统总线
总线是指传递信息的一组公用导线 总线是传送信息的公共通道 微机系统采用总线结构连接系统功能部件 总线信号可分成三组
地址总线AB:传送地址信息 数据总线DB
并行打印机接口LPT2 串行通信接口COM2 并行打印机接口LPT1 SDLC通信接口 BSC通信接口 单色显示/打印机适配器 彩色图形适配器CGA 软盘适配器 串行通信接口COM1
DMA控制器1 中断控制器1 定时计数器 并行接口电路 DMA页面寄存器 中断控制器2 DMA控制器2 15 协处理器
BX称为基址寄存器(Base address Register)
DX称为数据寄存器(Data register)
第2章:2. 指令指针寄存器
IP(Instruction Pointer)为指令指针寄存 器,指示主存储器指令的位置 随着指令的执行,IP将自动修改以指示下一 条指令所在的存储器位置 IP寄存器是一个专用寄存器 IP寄存器与CS段寄存器联合使用以确定下 一条指令的存储单元地址
二进制数用B或b结尾 十进制数可不用结尾字母,
也可用D或d结尾 十六进制数用H或h结尾
PC 机内部设备接口引脚定义 (硬盘、软驱、SCSI 接口等)
ESDI 是 Enhanced Small Device Interface 的缩写,早在 1980 年由 Maxtor 公司开发,是老式硬盘的接口,它的电缆由 两部分组成,ESDI 接口在接口卡侧的外观为 34 脚和 20 脚公插针:
在硬盘侧为 34 脚的控制信号和 20 脚数据信号:
3 A1 Address Bit 1
4 GND Ground
5 n/c Not connected
6 GND Ground
7 n/c Not connected
8 GND Ground
9 n/c Not connected
10 GND Ground
11 n/c Not connected
12 GND Ground
ATA 44 电缆外观为:
引脚定义 ATA 44 接口的 1-40 脚的定义同 ATA,41-44 的定义为: Pin Name Dir Description
41 +5VL 42 +5VM 43 GND 44 /TYPE
+5 VDC (Logic) +5 VDC (Motor) Ground Type (0=ATA)
PC 机内部设备接口引脚定义 (硬盘、软驱、SCSI 接口等) PS/2 键盘接口为 6 针母插,外观为:
Pin Name Dir Description
Key Data
2 n/c -
Not connected
Power , +5 VDC
REACH SVHC-CHIMEI 一般级产品_20230919_签核版 (1)
The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATUREEffective Date: September 19, 2023Validity period: 12 monthsStatementTo the best knowledge of CHIMEI CORPORATION (“CHIMEI”) as of the date hereof, CHIMEI hereby represents that the resins listed below which directly supplied by CHIMEI (“Products”) do not contain more than 0.1%(w/w) of 235 substances of Very High Concern(SVHCs) identified on the REACH Candidate List (last updated: July 14, 2023).POLYLAC ® ABS (J01, J04, A01, A03)PA-704LRP , PA-707, PA-709, PA-709P , PA-709S, PA-717C, PA-726, PA-726M, PA-727, PA-737, PA-746, PA-746H, PA-746M, PA-747, PA-747F , PA-747H, PA-747R, PA-747S, PA-756, PA-756H, PA-756S, PA-757, PA-757 AB, PA-757F , PA-757G J08, PA-757H, PA-757N, PA-763, PA-764, PA-764B, PA-764G, PA-797, PA-777B, PA-777D, PA-777E, PA-77BS, PA-77NBPOLYLAC ®MABS PA-703TRP , PA-758, PA-758RKIBISAN ® SAN PN-106, PN-107 (FG), PN-117, PN-117C, PN-117H FG, PN-127 (FG), PN-127H, PN-137H POLYREX ® PS PH-55Y , PH-88, PH-888G, PH-88SACRYREX ® PMMA CM-205(G, M, N), CM-207(G), CM-211(G), CM-220HT ACRYSTEX ® SMMA PM-500G (F01), PM-600WONDERLITE ® PCPC-108U, PC-110(L, U), PC-110P , PC-115(L, U), PC-115P , PC-115P F17111C1, PC-122(U), PC-122P , PC-140LTU, PC-145K, PC-175, PC-616LS, PC-681U, PC-6321, PC-6500, PC-6600 (J01), PC-6610 (J01), PC-6700, PC-6710, PC-6715VT , EG-8410, EG-8420, EG-8430WONDERLOY ® PC Alloy (J01) PC-345, PC-365, PC-385, PC-510, PC-540, PC-540A,PC-540H, PC-541, PC-545, PC-860, PC-990, PC-6015, PC-992 KIBITON ® TPEPB-511, PB-575, PB-585, PB-587, PB-5301, PB-5302, PB-5502KIBITON® Q-resin PB-5903KIBIPOL® LBR/SSBR/HBR PR-040, PR-040G, PR-050, PR-060, PR-255, PR-303, PR-1205 ACRYPOLY®CM-205B, CM-205X, PM-500XKIBILITE®DM-601M, DS-551A, DS-601YKIBILAC® ASA (J01) PW-957, PW-978B, PW-978D, PW-978W, PW-997, PW-997S Ecologue TM Bio Products The Bio Products in Ecologue TM series with the namesconsisting of the above listed product names and “B%%”,such as PA-757 B50.The “%%” represents the bio contents of products.*The above suffix “J01” and “J04” denote the black col or grade.*The above suffix “A01” and “A03” denote the white color grade. Sincerely Yours,_________________________Jones KuoVice President of Research and Development Head DivisionThe above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATUREThe above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE Substance NameCAS No.EC numberSubstance Name CAS No. EC numberCadmium 7440-43-9 231-152-8 4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear , ethoxylated [substances with a linear and/or branched alkyl chain with a carbon number of 9 covalently bound in position 4 to phenol, ethoxylated covering UVCB- and well-defined substances,polymers and homologues, which include any of the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof]Ammoniumpentadecafluorooctanoate(APFO)3825-26-1 223-320-4 Pentadecafluorooctanoic acid(PFOA)335-67-1 206-397-9 Dipentyl phthalate (DPP)131-18-0205-017-9Cadmium oxide 1306-19-0 215-146-2Triethyl arsenate 15606-95-8 427-700-2 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)117-81-7204-211-0Anthracene120-12-7 204-371-1 Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) and all majordiastereoisomersidentified: Alpha-hexabromocyclododecaneBeta-hexabromocyclodod ecaneGamma-hexabromocyclododecane25637-99-4and 3194-55-6(134237-50-6)(134237-51-7)(134237-52-8)247-148-4and 221-695-9─ ─ ─4,4'-Diaminodiphenylmethane(MDA)101-77-9 202-974-4 Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)84-74-2 201-557-4 Cobalt dichloride7646-79-9231-589-4Diarsenic pentaoxide 1303-28-2 215-116-9 Alkanes, C10-13, chloro(Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins)85535-84-8287-476-5 Diarsenic trioxide1327-53-3215-481-4 Bis(tributyltin)oxide(TBTO)56-35-9200-268-0 Sodium dichromate 7789-12-0 234-190-3 Lead hydrogen arsenate 7784-40-9 232-064-2 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro-m-xylene (musk xylene)81-15-2201-329-4 Benzyl butyl phthalate(BBP)85-68-7201-622-7Anthracene oil90640-80-5292-602-7 Zirconia Aluminosilicate,Refractory Ceramic Fibres── Anthracene oil, anthracenepaste, distn. lights91995-17-4295-278-5 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 204-450-0 Anthracene oil, anthracenepaste, anthracene fraction91995-15-2295-275-9 Diisobutyl phthalate 84-69-5 201-553-2 Anthracene oil,anthracene-low 90640-82-7292-604-8 Lead chromate7758-97-6231-846-0 Anthracene oil, anthracenepaste90640-81-6292-603-2Lead chromate molybdatesulphate red (C.I. Pigment Red 104)12656-85-8235-759-9The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE Coal tar pitch, high temp. 65996-93-2 266-028-2 Lead sulfochromate yellow (C.I. Pigment Yellow 34) 1344-37-2 215-693-7 Acrylamide79-06-1201-173-7Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 115-96-8 204-118-5 Aluminosilicate RefractoryCeramic Fibres──Ammonium dichromate7789-09-5 232-143-1 Potassium dichromate 7778-50-9 231-906-6 Boric acid10043-35-3 (1113-50-1) 233-139-2 (234-343-4) Sodium chromate7775-11-3231-889-5 Disodium tetraborate,anhydrous1330-43-4 215-540-4Tetraboron disodiumheptaoxide, hydrate12267-73-1235-541-3 Potassium chromate 7789-00-6 232-140-5 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 201-167-4 Cobalt(II) sulphate 10124-43-3 233-334-2 Chromium trioxide 1333-82-0215-607-8Cobalt(II) dinitrate 10141-05-6 233-402-1 Acids generated fromchromiumCobalt(II) carbonate 513-79-1 208-169-4 trioxide and theiroligomers:Cobalt(II) diacetate 71-48-7 200-755-8 Chromic acid 7738-94-5 231-801-5 2-Methoxyethanol 109-86-4 203-713-7 Dichromic acid 13530-68-2236-881-52-Ethoxylethanol110-80-5203-804-1 Oligomers of chromic acidand dichromic acid2-Ethoxyethyl acetate 111-15-9 203-839-2 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 872-50-4 212-828-1 Strontium chromate 7789-06-2 232-142-6 1, 2, 3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4202-486-11, 2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, di-C7-11-branched and linear alkyl esters68515-42-4271-084-6 1, 2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8-branched alkyl esters, C7-rich 71888-89-6 276-158-1Hydrazine 302-01-2 (7803-57-8) 206-114-9 Calcium arsenate 7778-44-1 231-904-5 Pentazinc chromate octahydroxide49663-84-5 256-418-0 Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether111-96-6203-924-4 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol140-66-9 205-426-2 Potassiumhydroxyoctaoxodizincatedich romate11103-86-9234-329-8 Formaldehyde, oligomeric reaction products withaniline25214-70-4 500-036-1 Lead dipicrate 6477-64-1 229-335-2 Bis(2-methoxyethyl)phthalate117-82-8 204-212-6 N,N-dimethylacetamide127-19-5 204-826-4 Lead diazide, Lead azide13424-46-9 236-542-1 Arsenic acid 7778-39-4 231-901-9 Lead styphnate15245-44-0 239-290-0 2-Methoxyaniline;o-Anisidine 90-04-0 201-963-1 2,2'-dichloro-4,4'-methylenedianiline 101-14-4 202-918-9 Trilead diarsenate 3687-31-8 222-979-5 Phenolphthalein 77-09-8 201-004-7 1,2-dichloroethane107-06-2203-458-1Dichromium tris(chromate)24613-89-6246-356-2The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE [4-[4,4'-bis(dimethylamino) benzhydrylidene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammoniumchloride(C.I. Basic Violet 3)548-62-9208-953-6 Lead(II)bis(methanesulfonate)17570-76-2 401-750-5α,α-Bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-4(phenylamino)naphthalene-1-methanol (C.I. Solvent Blue4)6786-83-0 229-851-8 Formamide75-12-7 200-842-0N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-4,4'-methylenedianiline (Michler’s base)101-61-1202-959-2 [4-[[4-anilino-1-naphthyl ][4-(dimethylamino) phenyl]methylene]cyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene]dimethylammoniumchloride(C.I. Basic Blue 26) 2580-56-5 219-943-61,3,5-tris[(2S and 2R)-2,3- epoxypropyl]-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-(1H,3H,5H)-trione(β-TGIC)59653-74-6423-400-0 1,2-dimethoxyethane; ethylene glycol dimethylether (EGDME) 110-71-4 203-794-9Diboron trioxide1303-86-2215-125-8 1,3,5-Tris(oxiran-2-ylmethyl)-1,3,5-triazinane-2,4,6-trione(TGIC) 2451-62-9 219-514-31,2-bis(2-methoxyethoxy)et hane (TEGDME; triglyme) 112-49-2 203-977-3 4,4'-bis(dimethylamino)b enzophenone (Michler’sketone)90-94-8 202-027-54,4'-bis(dimethylamino)-4''- (methylamino)trityl alcohol 561-41-1 209-218-2 Pyrochlore, antimony leadyellow8012-00-8232-382-16-methoxy-m-toluidine(p-cresidine)120-71-8 204-419-1 Henicosafluoroundecanoicacid2058-94-8 218-165-4Hexahydromethylphthalicanhydride25550-51-0 247-094-1 Cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride85-42-7 201-604-9Hexahydro-4-methylphthalic anhydride19438-60-9 243-072-0 cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride13149-00-3 236-086-3Hexahydro-1-methylphthalic anhydride48122-14-1 256-356-4 trans-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride14166-21-3 238-009-9Hexahydro-3-methylphthalic anhydride57110-29-9 260-566-1 Dibutyltin dichloride (DBTC) 683-18-1 211-670-0Leadbis(tetrafluoroborate)13814-96-5 237-486-0 Lead dinitrate 10099-74-8 233-245-9 Silicic acid, lead salt11120-22-2 234-363-3 4-Aminoazobenzene 60-09-3 200-453-6Lead titanium zirconiumoxide12626-81-2 235-727-4 Lead monoxide (lead oxide) 1317-36-8 215-267-0 o-Toluidine95-53-4202-429-0The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE 3-ethyl-2-methyl-2-(3-methylbutyl)- 1,3-oxazolidine143860-04-2 421-150-7 Silicic acid (H 2Si 2O 5), barium salt (1:1),lead-doped68784-75-8 272-271-5 Trileadbis(carbonate)dihydroxide1319-46-6215-290-6Furan110-00-9203-727-3N,N-dimethylformamide 68-12-2 200-679-54-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbut yl)phenol, ethoxylated [covering well-definedsubstances and UVCB substances, polymers andhomologues]──4-Nonylphenol, branched andlinear── 4,4'-methylenedi-o-toluidine838-88-0212-658-8 Diethyl sulphate 64-67-5 200-589-6 Dimethyl sulphate 77-78-1 201-058-1 Lead oxide sulfate 12036-76-9 234-853-7 Lead titanium trioxide 12060-00-3 235-038-9 Acetic acid, lead salt, basic 51404-69-4 257-175-3 [Phthalato(2-)]dioxotrilead69011-06-9273-688-5 Bis(pentabromophenyl) ether(decabromodiphenyl ether; DecaBDE) 1163-19-5214-604-9N-methylacetamide 79-16-3201-182-6Dinoseb(6-sec-butyl-2,4-dinitrophen ol) 88-85-7201-861-7 1,2-Diethoxyethane629-14-1 211-076-1Tetralead trioxide sulphate 12202-17-4 235-380-9 N-pentyl-isopentylphthalate776297-69-9─ Dioxobis(stearato)trilead12578-12-0235-702-8 Tetraethyllead 78-00-2201-075-4 Pentalead tetraoxide sulphate 12065-90-6 235-067-7 Pentacosafluorotridecanoic acid72629-94-8276-745-2 Tricosafluorododecanoic acid307-55-1206-203-2 Heptacosafluorotetradecanoic acid376-06-7206-803-4 1-bromopropane (n-propylbromide)106-94-5203-445-0 Methoxyacetic acid 625-45-6 210-894-6 4-methyl-m-phenylenediamine (toluene-2,4-diamine)95-80-7202-453-1 Methyloxirane (Propyleneoxide)75-56-9 200-879-2 Trilead dioxide phosphonate 12141-20-7 235-252-2 o-aminoazotoluene 97-56-3 202-591-2 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, dipentylester , branched and linear84777-06-0284-032-2 4,4'-oxydianiline and itssalts 101-80-4 202-977-0 Orange lead (lead tetroxide) 1314-41-6215-235-6 Biphenyl-4-ylamine 92-67-1 202-177-1 Diisopentylphthalate605-50-5210-088-4 Fatty acids, C16-18, leadsalts 91031-62-8 292-966-7 Diazene-1,2-dicarboxamide(C,C'-azodi(formamide))123-77-3204-650-8 Sulfurous acid, lead salt,dibasic62229-08-7263-467-1Lead cyanamidate 20837-86-9244-073-9The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE Disodium3,3'-[[1,1'-biphenyl]-4,4'-diy lbis(azo)]bis(4-aminonaphth alene-1-sulphonate) (C.I.Direct Red 28) 573-58-0 209-358-4 Disodium4-amino-3-[[4'-[(2,4-dia minophenyl)azo][1,1'-biphenyl]-4-yl]azo]-5-hydroxy-6-(phenylazo)naphthalene-2,7-disulpho nate (C.I. Direct Black 38)1937-37-7 217-710-3Cadmium sulphide 1306-23-6 215-147-8 Dihexyl phthalate 84-75-3 201-559-5 Lead di(acetate) 301-04-2 206-104-4 Imidazolidine-2-thione; (2-imidazoline-2-thiol) 96-45-7202-506-9 Trixylyl phosphate 25155-23-1 246-677-8 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dihexyl ester , branchedand linear68515-50-4 271-093-5 Sodium perborate; perboric acid, sodium salt ─ 239-172-9; 234-390-0 Cadmium chloride10108-64-2 233-296-7 Sodium peroxometaborat7632-04-4 231-556-4 Cadmium fluoride 7790-79-6 232-222-0 Cadmium sulphate 10124-36-4; 31119-53-6 233-331-6 2-benzotriazol-2-yl-4,6-di-te rt-butylphenol (UV-320)3846-71-7223-346-62-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-ditertpentylphenol(UV-328) 25973-55-1247-384-82-ethylhexyl10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate (DOTE)15571-58-1239-622-4 reaction mass of 2-ethylhexyl10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-ox o-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stan natetradecanoate and2-ethylhexyl10-ethyl-4-[[2-[(2-ethylh exyl)oxy]-2-oxoethyl]thio ]-4-octyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stannatetradeca noate (reaction mass ofDOTE and MOTE) ─ ─1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-10-alkyl esters; 1,2-benzenedicarboxylicacid, mixed decyl and hexyland octyl diesters with ≥ 0.3% of dihexyl phthalate (ECNo. 201-559-5)68515-51-568648-93-1271-094-0 272-013-15-sec-butyl-2-(2,4-dimet hylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl)-5-methyl-1,3-dioxane [1], 5-sec-butyl-2-(4,6-dimet hylcyclohex-3-en-1-yl)-5-methyl-1,3-dioxane [2] [covering any of the individual stereoisomers of [1] and [2] or any combination thereof] ─ ─1,3-propanesultoneG1120-71-4 214-317-9 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(5-chl orobenzotriazol-2-yl)phenol (UV-327)3864-99-1 223-383-8Nitrobenzene98-95-3202-716-0 2-(2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4-(tert-butyl)-6-(sec-butyl)phen ol (UV-350)36437-37-3253-037-1 Perfluorononan-1-oic-acid and its sodium and ammonium salts 375-95-121049-39-8 4149-60-4206-801-3Benzo[def]chrysene 50-32-8200-028-5The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE 4,4'-isopropylidenediphenol 80-05-7201-245-84-Heptylphenol, branchedand linear[substances with a linear and/or branched alkyl chain with a carbon number of 7 covalently bound predominantly in position 4 to phenol, covering also UVCB- and well-defined substances which include any of the individual isomers or a combination thereof]─ ─Nonadecafluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and its sodium andammonium saltsNonadecafluorodecanoic acidAmmoniumnonadecafluorodecanoateDecanoic acid,nonadecafluoro-, sodium salt335-76-23108-42-73830-45-3206-400-3 221-470-5─p-(1,1-dimethylpropyl)phenol80-46-6201-280-9Perfluorohexane-1-sulphonicacid and its salts ── Chrysene 218-01-9 205-923-4 Benz[a]anthracene 56-55-3 200-280-6 Cadmium hydroxide 21041-95-2 244-168-5 Cadmium nitrate 10325-94-7233-710-6Cadmium carbonate 513-78-0208-168-91,6,7,8,9,14,15,16,17,17,18,18-Dodecachloropentacyclo[,9.02,13.05,10]octadeca-7,15-diene (“Dechlorane Plus”TM) [covering any of itsindividual anti- and syn-isomers or any combination thereof]── Reaction products of 1,3,4-thiadiazolidine-2,5-dithione, formaldehyde and 4-heptylphenol, branched and linear (RP-HP) [with ≥0.1% w/w 4-heptylphenol, branchedand linear ─ ─Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane(D4)556-67-2209-136-7 Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5)541-02-6 208-764-9 Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6)540-97-6208-762-8 Lead7439-92-1 231-100-4 Disodium octaborate 12008-41-2 234-541-0 Benzo[ghi]perylene 191-24-2 205-883-8 Terphenyl hydrogenated 61788-32-7 262-967-7 Ethylenediamine (EDA) 107-15-3 203-468-6 Benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylicacid 1,2 anhydride (trimellitic anhydride) (TMA)552-30-7209-008-0Dicyclohexyl phthalate(DCHP)84-61-7201-545-91,7,7-trimethyl-3-(phenylmethylene)bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one 3-benzylidene camphor;3-BC15087-24-8 239-139-9 2,2-bis(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-4-methylpentane6807-17-6 401-720-1Benzo[k]fluoranthene 207-08-9205-916-6 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 201-581-5 Pyrene129-00-0;1718-52-1204-927-3Fluoranthene206-44-0; 93951-69-0205-912-4The above statement is based on our current level of knowledge and covers the Products directly supplied by CHIMEI during the validity period. CHIMEI makes no warranties, whether express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of above information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, CHIMEI shall in no event be held obligated or liable for any claims due to or arising from (i) any customer provided, consigned, materials and/or parts, which are incorporated or adopted in the Products; (ii) any combination of the Products with material not provided or authorized by CHIMEI; (iii) any modifications to the Products which are made or directed by customer; (iv) CHIMEI’s compliance with the specifications, instructions, and/or designs provided by customer; (v) any anti-trust, unfair competition and/or other unlawful actions effected by customer; or (vi) any defects, infringement, breach and/or violation which are arising out of customer’s faults or otherwise not solely and directly attributable to CHIMEI. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER PROVISION HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL CHIMEI BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT , SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY , PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OF ANY NATURE 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-(heptaf luoropropoxy)propionic acid, its salts and its acyl halidescovering any of their individual isomers and combinations thereof ── Tris(4-nonylphenyl,branched and linear) phosphite (TNPP) with ≥0.1% w/w of4-nonylphenol, branchedand linear (4-NP) ─ ─2-methoxyethyl acetate 110-49-6 203-772-94-tert-butylphenol 98-54-4 202-679-0 Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid(PFBS) and its salts ── Diisohexyl phthalate 71850-09-4 276-090-2 2-methyl-1-(4-methylthiophenyl)-2-morpholinopropan-1-one71868-10-5400-600-6 2-benzyl-2-dimethylamin o-4'-morpholinobutyrophenone 119313-12-1 404-360-3 Dibutylbis(pentane-2,4-dionato-O,O')tin 22673-19-4245-152-0 butyl 4-hydroxybenzoate94-26-8202-318-7 2-methylimidazole 693-98-1211-765-71-vinylimidazole 1072-63-5 214-012-0Bis(2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl)ether143-24-8205-594-7 Dioctyltin dilaurate, stannane, dioctyl-, bis(coco acyloxy) derivs., and any other stannane,dioctyl-, bis(fatty acyloxy) derivs. wherein C12 is thepredominant carbon number of the fatty acyloxy moiety──Glutaral111-30-8203-856-5 Orthoboric acid, sodiumsalt13840-56-7237-560-2Medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP) UVCB substances consisting of more than or equal to 80% linear chloroalkanes with carbon chain lengths within the range from C14 to C17── Phenol, alkylation products (mainly in para position) with C12-rich branched alkyl chainsfrom oligomerisation, covering any individualisomers and/ or combinations thereof(PDDP)──2,2-bis(bromomethyl)propane1,3-diol (BMP);3296-90-0;36483-57-5;1522-92-5;96-13-9221-967-7; 253-057-0; 202-480-94,4'-(1-methylpropylidene)bisphenol77-40-7201-025-12,2-dimethylpropan-1-ol,tribromoderivative/3-bromo-2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-1-propanol(TBNPA);2-(4-tert-butylbenzyl)pro pionaldehyde and its individual stereoisomers─ ─2,3-dibromo-1-propanol(2,3-DBPA)1,4-dioxane123-91-1 204-661-8。
2020年《单片机与接口技术》试题库158题(含参考答案)一、单选题1.单片机8051的XTAL1和XTAL2引脚是 D 引脚。
A.外接定时器B.外接串行口C.外接中断D.外接晶振2.MCS-51单片机CPU的主要组成部分为 A 。
A.运算器、控制器B.加法器、寄存器C.运算器、加法器D.运算器、译码器3.能将A按位取反的指令是 A 。
A.CPL AB.CLR AC.RL AD.SWAP A4.在MCS-51指令中,下列指令中 C 是无条件转移指令。
A.LCALL addr16B.DJNZ direct,relC.SJMP relD.ACALL addr115.MCS-51单片机定时器外部中断1和外部中断0的触发方式选择位是 C 。
A.工作寄存器R0~R7B.专用寄存器SFRC.程序存储器ROMD.数据存储器256字节范围7.8051单片机的V SS(20)引脚是 B 引脚。
A.主电源+5VB.接地C.备用电源D.访问片外存贮器8.MCS-51单片机的P1口的功能是 A 。
A.可作通用双向I/O口用C.可作地址/数据总线用9.寻址方式就是 C 的方式。
A.查找指令操作码B.查找指令C.查找指令操作数D.查找指令操作码和操作数10.对定时器控制寄存器TCON中的IT1和IT0位清0后,则外部中断请求信号方式为A 。
A.低电平有效B.高电平有效C.脉冲上跳沿有效D.脉冲负跳有效11.启动定时器1开始定时的指令是 D 。
A.CLR TR0B.CLR TR1C.SETB TR0D.SETB TR112.执行下列程序后,累加器A的内容为 B 。
ORG 0000HMOV A, #00HADD A, #02HMOV DPTR, #0050HMOVC A, @A+DPTRMOV @R0, ASJMP $ORG 0050HBAO: DB 00H,08H,0BH,6H,09H,0CHENDA.00HB.0BHC.06HD.0CH13.单片机上电复位后,PC的内容和SP的内容为 B 。
扩展 I/O单元
注: 1.CPM1A/CPM2A最多只可以连1台CPM1A-AD041和1台其它的扩展单元或扩 展I/O单元。
项目 输入点数 输入信号范围
MOV 指令
写入量程控制字 读出转换数据
通道(n+1) 通道(n+2) 通道(m+1) 通道(m+2) 通道(m+3) 通道(m+4)
模拟量输入1 转换数据
模拟量输入2 转换数据 模拟量输入3 转换数据
模拟量输入4 转换数据
‘m’为分配给CPU单元或前一个扩展单元或扩展I/O 单元的最后一个输入通道,‘n’为分配给CPU单元或 前一个扩展单元或扩展I/O单元的最后一个输出通道
2.一旦设定好量程控制字,在CPU单元上电期间不能再改变设定。如需改 变设定,必须将CPU单元断电后重新上电。
3.对于不使用的输入,将输入通道设置为OFF,并且将电压输入端子VIN 和COM短路。
模拟输入设备的配线 CPM1A-AD041端子排列
189C(6300) 1770(6000)
-0.25 V
5 V 5.25 V
1~5 V
1~5V的电压输入对应于十六进制数0000~1770(0000~6000)。完整的数据输出范围是FED4~189C (-300~6300)。输入电压在0.8到1V之间时使用补码来表示转换数据。如果输入的电压小于0.8V时,断线检测功 能将被激活并且转换的数据为8000。
统计 习题课件 CH07
两独立样本设计资料 t 检验的功效
: Zβ =
|δ | Zα 1 1 + n1 n2
其 中 , n1 , n 2 分 别 为 两 样 本 的 样 本 含 量 , 其 余 符 号 含 义 同 上 .
第五节 假设检验的功效
三,应用假设检验需要注意的问题 对服从正态分布资料进行t检验,不是 看样本均数间差别的大小,而是推断两个 总体均数是否相等(或其中一个大于另一 个);类似地,对服从二项分布资料或 Poisson分布资料进行Z检验,目的也是对 相应的总体参数大小进行推断.
(二)两独立样本设计资料的 Z 检验 独立样本设计资料的 设计 检验统计量: 检验统计量: | p1 p2 | 1 1 pc (1 pc )( + ) n1 n2 | p1 p2 | 0.5( 或 Z= 1 1 + ) n1 n2 1 1 pc (1 pc )( + ) n1 n2
其中, n1 , n2 分别为两样本的样本含量;
3. 随机将 20 只雌体中年大鼠均分为甲,乙两组,乙组中的每只大鼠接受 3mg/kg 的内毒素,甲组作为对照组,分别测得两组大鼠的肌酐(mg/L)如下: 甲(对照)组: 6.2 乙(处理)组: 8.5 3.7 6.8 5.8 11.3 2.7 3.9 9.4 9.3 6.1 7.3 6.7 7.8 3.8 7.2 6.9 8.2
当 n 不太大时, 需作如下的连续性校正: | X n π 0 | 0 .5 n π 0 (1 π 0 ) | p π0 | 0 .5 n π 0 (1 π 0 ) n
Z =
Z =
其中,π0 为已知的总体概率(一般为理论值,标准值或经过大量观察所得的稳 X 定值等) p = , . n
3.MSC-51系列单片机中,片内无ROM的机型是 8031 ,有4KB ROM的机型是_8051_,而有4KB EPROM 的机型是 8751 。
4.-32的补码为 B,补码B代表的真值为_-38__D。
6.100的补码=_64_H,-100的补码= 9C H7.在8031单片机内部,其RAM高端128个字节的地址空间称为特殊功能寄存器或SFR 区,但其中仅有_21_个字节有实际意义。
8.通常单片机上电复位时PC=_0000_H,SP=_07_H,通用寄存器则采用第_0_组,这一组寄存器的地址范围是从_00 H~_07_H。
12.在微机系统中,CPU是按照程序计数器PC 来确定程序的执行顺序的。
17.8位机中的补码数80H和7EH的真值分别为_-128__和_127 。
18.配合实现“程序存储自动执行”的寄存器是_PC_,对其操作的一个特别之处是每取完一字节指令后PC内容会自动加1 。
PC 机部设备接口引脚定义(硬盘、软驱、SCSI 接口等)PS/2 键盘接口为 6 针母插,外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description1DATA Key Data2n/c-Not connected3GND Gnd4VCC Power , +5 VDC5CLK Clock6n/c-Not connected8 "软驱接口定义8 " 软驱现在找都找不到,不知此档案有没有用,驱动器的接口引脚定义为:Pin Name Dir Description2/REDWC Reduced Write Current4n/c-Reserved6n/c-Reserved8n/c-Reserved10/FD2S Disk is two sided12/DCG Disk has been changed/door open14/SIDE Side select16/DLOCK Door lock18/HLD Head load20/INDEX Index Pulse22/READY Ready24n/c-Not connected26/SEL1Select Drive 128/SEL2Select Drive 230/SEL3Select Drive 332/SEL4Select Drive 434/DIR Direction36/STEP Step38/WDAT Write data40/WGAT Write gate42/TR00Track 00 (Zero)44/WPROT Write protect46/RDATA Read data48n/c-Not connected50n/c-Not connected软驱接口3.5" 软驱和 5" 软驱连线,外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description2/REDWC Density Select4n/c Reserved6n/c Reserved8/INDEX Index10/MOTEA Motor Enable A12/DRVSB Drive Sel B14/DRVSA Drive Sel A16/MOTEB Motor Enable B18/DIR Direction20/STEP Step22/WDATE Write Data24/WGATE Floppy Write Enable26/TRK00Track 028/WPT Write Protect30/RDATA Read Data32/SIDE1Head Select34/DSKCHG Disk ChangeIDE 接口IDE 是 Integrated Drive Electronics 的缩写,由 Compaq 和 Western Digital 公司开发,新版的 IDE 命名为ATA 即 AT bus Attachment,IDE 接口在设备和主板侧的外观为 40 脚插针:IDE 电缆外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description1/RESET Reset2GND Ground3DD7Data 74DD8Data 85DD6Data 66DD9Data 97DD5Data 58DD10Data 109DD4Data 410DD11Data 1111DD3Data 312DD12Data 1213DD2Data 214DD13Data 1315DD1Data 116DD14Data 1417DD0Data 018DD15Data 1519GND Ground20KEY-Key21n/c-Not connected22GND Ground23/IOW Write Strobe24GND Ground25/IOR Read Strobe26GND Ground27IO_CH_RDY28ALE Address Latch Enable29n/c-Not connected30GND Ground31IRQR Interrupt Request32/IOCS16?IO ChipSelect 1633DA1Address 134n/c-Not connected35DA0Address 036DA2Address 237/IDE_CS0(1F0-1F7)38/IDE_CS1(3F6-3F7)39/ACTIVE Led driver40GND GroundATA 44 接口ATA 是 AT bus Attachment 的缩写,由 Conner, Seagate 和 Western Digital 公司开发,是新版的 IDE 接口,ATA 44 接口是 ATA 接口再加上电源等线,主要用于便携式计算机用 2.5" 硬盘,在设备和主板侧的外观为 44 脚插针:ATA 44 电缆外观为:引脚定义ATA 44 接口的 1-40 脚的定义同 ATA,41-44 的定义为:Pin Name Dir Description41+5VL +5 VDC (Logic)42+5VM+5 VDC (Motor)43GND Ground44/TYPE Type (0=ATA)ESDI 接口ESDI 是 Enhanced Small Device Interface 的缩写,早在 1980 年由 Maxtor 公司开发,是老式硬盘的接口,它的电缆由两部分组成,ESDI 接口在接口卡侧的外观为 34 脚和 20 脚公插针:在硬盘侧为 34 脚的控制信号和 20 脚数据信号:引脚定义34 脚的控制信号:20 脚的数据信号:16GND Ground17NRZ Read Data+18NRZ Read Data-19GND Ground20GND GroundMitsumi CD-ROM 接口Mitsumi CD-ROM 在光驱和接口卡侧的外观为 40 脚插针:连接电缆外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Description1A0Address Bit 02GND Ground3A1Address Bit 14GND Ground5n/c Not connected6GND Ground7n/c Not connected8GND Ground9n/c Not connected10GND Ground11n/c Not connected12GND Ground13INT Interrupt14GND Ground15REQ Data request For DMA16GND Ground17ACK Data Acknowledge For DMA18GND Ground19RE Read Enable20GND Ground21WE Write Enable22GND Ground23EN Bus Enable24GND Ground25DB0Data Bit 026GND Ground27DB1Data Bit 128GND Ground29DB2Data Bit 230GND Ground31DB3Data Bit 332GND Ground33DB4Data Bit 434GND Ground35DB5Data Bit 536GND Ground37DB6Data Bit 638GND Ground39DB7Data Bit 740GND GroundPanasonic CD-ROM 接口Panasonic CD-ROM 在光驱和接口卡侧的外观为 40 脚插针:连接电缆外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Description1GND Ground2RESET CD-Reset3GND Ground4GND Ground5GND Ground6MODE0Operation Mode Bit 0 7GND Ground8MODE1Operation Mode Bit 1 9GND Ground10WRITE CD-Write11GND Ground12READ CD-Read13GND Ground14ST0CD-Status Bit 015GND Ground16n/c No Connection17GND Ground18n/c No Connection19GND Ground20ST1CD-Status Bit 121GND Ground22EN CD-Data Enable23GND Ground24ST2CD-Status Bit 225GND Ground26S/DE CD-Status/Data Enable 27GND Ground28ST3CD-Status Bit 329GND ground30GND ground31D7CD-Data 732D6CD-Data 633GND ground34D5CD-Data 535D4CD-Data 436D3CD-Data 337GND ground38D2CD-Data 239D1CD-Data 140D0CD-Data 0Sony CD-ROM 接口Sony CD-ROM 在光驱和接口卡侧的外观为 34 脚插针:连接电缆外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Description1RESET Reset2GND Ground3DB7Data Bit 74GND Ground置SCSI卡接口(单端信号方式)SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,在控制器和设备侧的接口外观为 50 针公插座:连接电缆为 50 针母插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description2DB0Data Bus 04DB1Data Bus 16DB2Data Bus 28DB3Data Bus 310DB4Data Bus 412DB5Data Bus 514DB6Data Bus 616DB7Data Bus 718PARITY Data Parity (odd Parity) 20GND Ground22GND Ground24GND Ground26TMPWR Termination Power28GND Ground30GND Ground32/ATN Attention34GND Ground36/BSY Busy38/ACK Acknowledge40/RST Reset42/MSG Message44/SEL Select46/C/D Control/Data48/REQ Request50/I/O Input/Output置SCSI卡接口(差分信号方式)SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,在控制器和设备侧的接口外观为 50 针公插座:连接电缆为 50 针母插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description01GND Ground02GND Ground03+DB0+Data Bus 004-DB0-Data Bus 005+DB1+Data Bus 106-DB1-Data Bus 107+DB2+Data Bus 208-DB2-Data Bus 209+DB3+Data Bus 310-DB3-Data Bus 311+DB4+Data Bus 412-DB4-Data Bus 413+DB5+Data Bus 514-DB5-Data Bus 515+DB6+Data Bus 616-DB6-Data Bus 617+DB7+Data Bus 718-DB7-Data Bus Parity719+DBP+Data Bus Parity (odd Parity) 20-DBP -Data Bus Parity (odd Parity) 21DIFFSENS????22GND Ground23res-Reserved24res-Reserved25TERMPWR Termination Power26TERMPWR Termination Power27res-Reserved28res-Reserved29+ATN+Attention30-ATN-Attention31GND Ground32GND Ground33+BSY +Bus is busy34-BSY-Bus is busy35+ACK+Acknowledge36-ACK-Acknowledge37+RST+Reset38-RST-Reset39+MSG +Message40-MSG-Message41+SEL+Select42-SEL-Select43+C/D+Control or Data44-C/D-Control or Data45+REQ+Request46-REQ-Request47+I/O+In/Out48-I/O-In/Out49GND Ground50GND Ground25针外置SCSI接口SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式 25 针接口为扫描仪等低速设备使用,接口外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为 25 针公插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description1GND Ground2DB1Data Bus 13DB3Data Bus 34DB5Data Bus 55DB7Data Bus 76GND Ground7/SEL Select8GND Ground9TMPWR Termination Power10/RST Reset11C/D Control/Data12I/O Input/Output13GND Ground14DB0Data Bus 015DB2Data Bus 216DB4Data Bus 417DB6Data Bus 618PARITY Data Parity19GND Ground20/ATN Attention21/MSG Message22/ACK Acknowledge23BSY Busy24/REQ Request25GND Ground外置SCSI接口(单端信号方式) SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式 50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为 50 针公插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description1-25GND Ground26DB0Data Bus 027DB1Data Bus 128DB2Data Bus 229DB3Data Bus 330DB4Data Bus 431DB5Data Bus 532DB6Data Bus 633DB7Data Bus 734PARITY Data Parity (odd Parity)35GND Ground36GND Ground37GND Ground38TMPWR Termination Power39GND Ground40GND Ground41/ATN Attention42n/c-Not connected43/BSY Busy44/ACK Acknowledge45/RST Reset46/MSG Message47/SEL Select48/C/D Control/Data49/REQ Request50/I/O Input/Output外置SCSI接口(差分信号方式) SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式 50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为 50 针公插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description01GND Ground02+DB0+Data Bus 003+DB1+Data Bus 104+DB2+Data Bus 205+DB3+Data Bus 306+DB4+Data Bus 407+DB5+Data Bus 508+DB6+Data Bus 609+DB7+Data Bus 710+DBP+Data Bus Parity (odd Parity) 11DIFFSENS????12res-Reserved13TERMPWR Termination Power14res-Reserved15+ATN+Attention16GND Ground17+BSY+Bus is busy18+ACK +Acknowledge19+RST +Reset20+MSG+Message21+SEL+Select22+C/D+Control or Data23+REQ+Request24+I/O+In/Out25GND Ground26GND Ground27-DB0-Data Bus 028-DB1-Data Bus 129-DB2-Data Bus 230-DB3-Data Bus 331-DB4-Data Bus 432-DB5-Data Bus 533-DB6-Data Bus 634-DB7-Data Bus Parity735-DBP-Data Bus Parity (odd Parity) 36GND Ground37res-Reserved38TERMPWR Termination Power39res-Reserved40-ATN-Attention41GND Ground42-BSY -Bus is busy43-ACK-Acknowledge44-RST-Reset45-MSG-Message46-SEL-Select47-C/D-Control or Data48-REQ -Request49-I/O -In/Out50GND Ground外置SCSI高密接口(单端信号方式) SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式高密 50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为 50 针公插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description1-25GND Ground26DB0Data Bus 027DB1Data Bus 128DB2Data Bus 229DB3Data Bus 330DB4Data Bus 431DB5Data Bus 532DB6Data Bus 633DB7Data Bus 734PARITY Data Parity (odd Parity)35GND Ground36GND Ground37GND Ground38TMPWR Termination Power39GND Ground40GND Ground41/ATN Attention42n/c-Not connected43/BSY Busy44/ACK Acknowledge45/RST Reset46/MSG Message47/SEL Select48/C/D Control/Data49/REQ Request50/I/O Input/Output外置SCSI高密接口(差分信号方式)SCSI 是 Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式高密 50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为 50 针公插头:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description01GND Ground02+DB0+Data Bus 003+DB1+Data Bus 104+DB2+Data Bus 205+DB3+Data Bus 306+DB4+Data Bus 407+DB5+Data Bus 508+DB6+Data Bus 609+DB7+Data Bus 710+DBP+Data Bus Parity (odd Parity) 11DIFFSENS????12res-Reserved13TERMPWR Termination Power14res-Reserved15+ATN+Attention16GND Ground17+BSY+Bus is busy18+ACK +Acknowledge19+RST+Reset20+MSG+Message21+SEL+Select22+C/D+Control or Data23+REQ+Request24+I/O+In/Out25GND Ground26GND Ground27-DB0-Data Bus 028-DB1-Data Bus 129-DB2-Data Bus 230-DB3-Data Bus 331-DB4-Data Bus 432-DB5-Data Bus 533-DB6-Data Bus 634-DB7-Data Bus Parity735-DBP -Data Bus Parity (odd Parity)36GND Ground37res-Reserved38TERMPWR Termination Power39res-Reserved40-ATN-Attention41GND Ground42-BSY -Bus is busy43-ACK-Acknowledge44-RST-Reset45-MSG-Message46-SEL-Select47-C/D -Control or Data48-REQ -Request49-I/O-In/Out50GND GroundATA 接口ATA 是 AT bus Attachment 的缩写,由 Conner, Seagate 和 Western Digital 公司开发,是新版的 IDE 接口,ATA 接口在设备和主板侧的外观为 40 脚插针:ATA 电缆外观为:引脚定义Pin Name Dir Description1/RESET Reset2GND Ground3DD7Data 74DD8Data 85DD6Data 66DD9Data 97DD5Data 58DD10Data 109DD4Data 410DD11Data 1111DD3Data 312DD12Data 1213DD2Data 214DD13Data 1315DD1Data 116DD14Data 1417DD0Data 018DD15Data 1519GND Ground20KEY-Key (Pin missing)21DMARQ?DMA Request22GND Ground23/DIOW Write Strobe24GND Ground25/DIOR Read Strobe26GND Ground27IORDY I/O Ready28SPSYNC:CSEL?Spindle Sync or Cable Select 29/DMACK?DMA Acknowledge30GND Ground31INTRQ Interrupt Request32/IOCS16?IO ChipSelect 1633DA1Address 134PDIAG?Passed Diagnostics35DA0Address 0 36DA2Address 2 37/IDE_CS0(1F0-1F7) 38/IDE_CS1(3F6-3F7) 39/ACTIVE Led driver 40GND Ground。
PC 机内部设备接口引脚定义 (硬盘、软驱、SCSI 接口等)
PC 机内部设备接口引脚定义(硬盘、软驱、SCSI 接口等)PS/2 键盘接口为6 针母插,外观为:DATA8 "软驱接口定义8 " 软驱现在找都找不到,不知此档案有没有用,驱动器的接口引脚定义为:软驱接口3.5" 软驱和5" 软驱连线,外观为:IDE 接口IDE 是Integrated Drive Electronics 的缩写,由Compaq 和Western Digital 公司开发,新版的IDE 命名为ATA 即AT bus Attachment,IDE 接口在设备和主板侧的外观为40 脚插针:IDE 电缆外观为:IO_CH_RDYATA 44 接口ATA 是AT bus Attachment 的缩写,由Conner, Seagate 和Western Digital 公司开发,是新版的IDE 接口,ATA 44 接口是ATA 接口再加上电源等线,主要用于便携式计算机用 2.5" 硬盘,在设备和主板侧的外观为44 脚插针:ATA 44 电缆外观为:ATA 44 接口的1-40 脚的定义同ATA,41-44 的定义为:/TYPEESDI 接口ESDI 是Enhanced Small Device Interface 的缩写,早在1980 年由Maxtor 公司开发,是老式硬盘的接口,它的电缆由两部分组成,ESDI 接口在接口卡侧的外观为34 脚和20 脚公插针:在硬盘侧为34 脚的控制信号和20 脚数据信号:34 脚的控制信号:20 脚的数据信号:Mitsumi CD-ROM 接口Mitsumi CD-ROM 在光驱和接口卡侧的外观为40 脚插针:连接电缆外观为:Panasonic CD-ROM 接口Panasonic CD-ROM 在光驱和接口卡侧的外观为40 脚插针:连接电缆外观为:Sony CD-ROM 接口Sony CD-ROM 在光驱和接口卡侧的外观为34 脚插针:连接电缆外观为:内置SCSI卡接口(单端信号方式)SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,在控制器和设备侧的接口外观为50 针公插座:连接电缆为50 针母插头:引脚定义内置SCSI卡接口(差分信号方式)SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,在控制器和设备侧的接口外观为50 针公插座:连接电缆为50 针母插头:25针外置SCSI接口SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式25 针接口为扫描仪等低速设备使用,接口外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为25 针公插头:TMPWRPARITY外置SCSI接口(单端信号方式) SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为50 针公插头:引脚定义PARITYTMPWR外置SCSI接口(差分信号方式) SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为50 针公插头:外置SCSI高密接口(单端信号方式) SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式高密50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为50 针公插头:PARITYTMPWR外置SCSI高密接口(差分信号方式) SCSI 是Small Computer System Interface 的缩写,外置式高密50 针接口的外观为母插座:连接电缆插头为50 针公插头:ATA 接口ATA 是AT bus Attachment 的缩写,由Conner, Seagate 和Western Digital 公司开发,是新版的IDE 接口,ATA 接口在设备和主板侧的外观为40 脚插针:ATA 电缆外观为:。
2024届高考化学一轮复习教案(人教版)第十一单元 有机化学 第4讲
1.醛(1)组成与结构醛是由01烃基(或氢原子)与02醛基相连而构成的化合物,官能团为03醛基(或—CHO),饱和一元醛的通式为04C n H2n O(n≥1)。
(5)1mol HCHO与足量银氨溶液充分反应,可生成2mol Ag。
603ev Programming
603ev Programming
What you will learn Learn : • The differences between the MPC860 programming model and the MPC603ev
603ev Programming
7-1Βιβλιοθήκη What is the 603ev Programming Model?
graphics access
1. The MSR for the 860 and the 603e are the same except on the 603e, bit 14 is the TGPR bit, Temporary GPR remapping. It is part of MMU exception processing.
ecowx rS,rA,rB External control out
External EAR - External Access Register Access E 0 0 0 0 0 0 Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
• EAR[E]= eciwx/ecowx instruction enable. If EAR[E]=0, these instructions act as no-ops. • EAR[RID] holds the Resource ID that goes out on the TBST and TSIZ0:2 pins to select the device. TT0:3 identify the accesses as eciwx (TT0:3=1110) or ecowx (TT0:3=1010). • eciwx rD,rA,rB The physical translation of (rA+rB) is sent to the device on the address bus and the device returns a word on the data bus to RD. • ecowx rS,rA,rB The physical translation of (rA+rB) is sent to the device on the address bus and the word in rS is sent on the data bus.
Tranexamic acid
ESI positive mode SIM (m/z 95) 0.2mm i.d. x 150 mm, 5 m A: 0.1% HCOOH, H2O, B: 0.1% HCOOH, CH3CN 90%B – 70%B (5 min) 250 L/min, 45 º C 0.5 L/injection
专利技术磷酸胆碱修饰型液相色谱填料及 HPLC方法设计中的资生堂解决方案
Applying the nanocoating technology
Conventional ODS stationary phase 一般色谱填料
Silica gel 硅胶 CAPCELL PAK
阿米替林死吸附 于填料表面
O O Si
核酸溶離挙動比較 HPLC conditions Column Column temp. Mobile phase Flow rate Detection Sample : 4.6 mm i.d. x 250 mm, 5 m : 40 º C : 10 mmol/L HCOONH4, CH3CN/H2O=90/10 : 1.0 mL/min : UV, 254 nm : a) Naphthalene 100 g/mL b) Thymine 50 g/mL c) Adenine 50 g/mL d) Cytosine 100 g/mL
1965年,中科院计算所研制成功第一台大型晶体管计算机109乙,之后推出109丙机,该机为两弹试验中发挥了重要作用;1974年,清华大学等单位联合设计、研制成功采用集成电路的DJS-130小型计算机,运算速度达每秒100万次;1983年,国防科技大学研制成功运算速度每秒上亿次的银河-I巨型机,这是我国高速计算机研制的一个重要里程碑;1985年,电子工业部计算机管理局研制成功与IBM PC机兼容的长城0520CH微机。
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7.2.3 中断矢量表(1)
• 中断矢量表是中断矢 量类型码与该中断类 型相对应的中断服务 程序的入口地址之间 的连接表。 • 位置:RAM 00000H— 003FFH的1K字节内。 参考教材P272
┇ 003FFH ┇
7.2.3 中断矢量表(1)
• 中断矢量表
中断类型0 0001 0002 IP偏移量 CS段基址
7.3.1 8259A的基本功能(3)
• 数据总线缓冲器 • 双向、三态8位缓冲器,用来连接8259A和系统数 据总线 • 用来传送控制字和状态信息。 • 读写控制逻辑 • 用来接受CPU的控制命令字或把8259A的状态传送 到数据总线上; • RD:读信号,用来通知8259A将IRR、ISR、IMR或 中断级的状态送到数据总线上; • WR:写信号,用来通知8259A从数据总线上接收控 制命令字
7.3.1 8259A的基本功能(3)
• 判优电路 • 确定寄存在IRR中的各个中断请求位的最高优先级。 • 在第一个INTA脉冲时,把最高优先级对应的ISR某 位置位。 • 中断屏蔽寄存器IMR • 对IRR起屏蔽作用; • 用来存放要屏蔽掉的中断线的某些位; • 该位置1,被屏蔽; • 被屏蔽了的较高优先级的中断请求,不影响较低 级的中断请求。
7.1.3 中断形式
• 多线中断 • CPU有多个中断请求输入端,每条线对应一个独立 的中断源。 • CPU能很快识别中断源,中断响应快,结构简单。 • 由于CPU引脚数目有限,中断请求输入线不能太多。 • 矢量中断 • CPU只有一个中断请求输入端,但中断源是通过接 口电路向CPU提供中断源的中断矢量码,CPU经过 处理后,将程序转向中断服务程序的入口地址执 行服务程序。 • 响应速度快;可有很多中断源 • 8086采用的中断形式。
7.3.2 8259A的工作方式
• 工作方式 • 中断嵌套方式:全嵌套方式、特殊全嵌套方式 • 中断结束方式:AEOI、EOI(非特殊EOI命令、特殊EOI 命令) • 数据缓冲方式:缓冲方式、非缓冲方式 • 中断请求触发方式:边沿触发方式、电平触发方式 • 中断屏蔽方式:正常屏蔽方式、特殊屏蔽方式 • 中断优先权循环方式:自动循环方式、特殊循环方式 • 中断查询方式 • 读8259A的状态 • 8259A的级联
7.3.1 8259A的基本功能(4)
• 读写控制逻辑 • CS:芯片选通信号,通常由地址总线A7-A1级 地址译码输出控制; • A0:与地址总线的最低位A0相连,用来选择 8259A内部的不同寄存器(一片8259A有两个 端口地址,一个为偶地址,另一个为奇地址)
• INT(中断请求信号) • 与8086CPU的中断请求输入端INTR相连, 用来向CPU请求中断。
7.1.4 中断判优
• 为什么要判优? • 当有多个中断源同时产生中断时,需要知 道哪个中断源优先权高,先行处理。 • 判优方法: –软件判优 • 程序查询(见教材P264) –硬件判优 • 中断向量法(8086中使用,后面介绍) • 链式判优电路(菊花链逻辑电路)
7.1.4 中断判优
7.2.4 中断响应顺序
• 注意: • 在中断服务程序中,通常要保护CPU内部 相关的寄存器的值,即保护现场; • 接着执行中断处理程序; • 执行完中断处理程序后就要恢复现场; • 最后,执行中断返回指令IRET。
7.3 可编程中断控制器8259A
• 8259A是一种可编程的中断控制器,用来实现中 断优先权管理、中断屏蔽、自动中断矢量转移 的功能; • 单级8259A可处理8级优先权的中断; • 级联8259A最多能控制64级中断请求; • 8259A用NMOS工艺,只用一组+5V电源。
7.1.2 中断系统功能 • 实现中断及返回 • 实现优先权排队 • 实现中断嵌套
7.1.3 中断形式
• 三种基本形式:单线中断、多线中断和矢量中断
• 单线中断: • CPU只有一个中断请求输入端,多个外设的中断请求 必须通过或门后再送到CPU的一条中断请求线上。 • CPU必须设法判断是哪一个中断源发出的中断请求。
7.3.1 8259A的基本功能(4)
• 级联缓冲/比较器 • 用于存贮并比较系统中所用的全部8259A芯片 的中断类型码数据。 • CAS2-CAS0:级联信号线,主8259A为输出, 从8259A为输入 • SP/EN:双功能信号。在缓冲方式,它作为输 出端,用作开启总线收发器;在非缓冲方式, 它作为输入端,用来确定8259A用作主片或从 片,当SP/EN=1时为主片,否则为从片; • INTA • 来自CPU的中断响应信号,在中断响应周期产 生两个INTA脉冲信号。中断优先方式与中断嵌套
• 中断优先方式 • 固定优先级方式 • 优先循环方式
• 固定优先级方式
7.3.1 8259A的基本功能(2)
• 中断服务寄存器ISR • 用来寄存由判优电路选中的当前正在被服务的 所有中断优先级。 • 在接到CPU送来的第一个总线响应期INTA脉冲时, ISR相应位就被置1。 • 当8259A处于自动结束方式时,则在收到第二个 INTA信号结束时,当前置位的ISR就被复位。 • 当8259A处于非自动结束方式时,则要等到CPU 执行完中断服务功能并发出中断结束命令时, 当前置位的ISR的对应值才被复位。
• INT n :(n x 4)(n x 4 + 1) (n x 4 + 2) (n x 4 + 3)
• 分三部分: • 0-4 :专用中断 • 系统保留或使用 • 用户中断区,由 INT n 引入。
7.2.3 中断矢量表(2)
7.2.3 中断矢量表(3)
7.2.4 中断响应顺序
• 取得中断类型码: • INTR • 当前指令执行完后,检测到INTR信号有效 时,且CPU处于开中断状态,则CPU转入两 个连续的中断响应总线周期INTA。 • 在第一个INTA的T2-T4,表示CPU响应这一 中断请求; • 在第二个INTA的T2-T3期间,8259A将中断 类型码送到数据总线D7-D0上, • CPU在T4状态前沿从数据总线上读取该中断 类型码。
微机原理及应用 多媒体课堂
第七章 8086中断系统
• • • •
目标: 掌握8086中断系统的组成原理 掌握8086中断系统的工作原理 掌握8279芯片的结构、工作原 理及使用方法。
第七章 8086中断系统
• 7.1 中断技术概述 • 7.2 8086中断系统 • 7.3 可编程中断控制器8259A
7.2.2 内部中断
• 内部中断是CPU根据软件中的某条指令或软 件对标志寄存器中某个标志的设置而产生的, 从内部中断的产生过程来说,完全和硬件电 路无关。 • 类型0-除法出错 • 类型1-单步中断 • 类型3-断点中断 • 类型4-溢出中断 • 其它:INT n
7.2.2 内部中断
• 内部中断具有的特点: • 中断类型码包含在指令中,或是预定的; • 不执行总线响应周期INTA; • 除单步中断外,内部中断都不可屏蔽; • 除单步中断优先权最低外,内部中断的 优先权都比外部中断的优先权高。
0 1 INTR
单步中断 8086/8088CPU内部逻辑
中断控 制器 8259A PIC
可 屏 蔽 中 断 请 求
7.2.1 外部中断
• 外部中断 • 非屏蔽中断(NMI) • 中断请求信号:NMI线上的信号是边沿有 效的,高电平的有效宽度必须大于两个 时钟周期。 • 中断请求不受标志位IF的影响,立即被 CPU锁存起来。 • 优先权最高 • 当前指令执行完后,CPU立即响应。中断 类型为2 • 不需要中断响应周期INTA
7.2.1 外部中断
• 可屏蔽中断 • INTR线上的中断请求信号是电平有效的, 高电平的有效信号必须保持到当前指令 结束。中断请求信号来自可编程中断控 制器8259A。 • CPU根据IF来决定它是否响应INTR。IF=1, 开放中断;IF=0,关闭中断。 • STI使IF=1,CLI使IF=0
7.1 中断技术概述
• 计算机在执行主程序过程中,当某个 事件发生时,CPU暂时停止正在执行 的程序,而转去执行相应的处理程序, 处理完该事件后,以返回原程序继续 执行,这个过程就叫中断。 • 中断源 • 中断系统功能 • 中断形式
7.1.1 中断源
• 外设:键盘,打印机等; • 机器内部故障引起的中断:电源掉 电、运算结果溢出等; • DMA操作; • 实时时钟及生产过程中要求与CPU进 行数据传送的中断; • 为调试程序而设置的中断源。
7.2.4 中断响应顺序
7.2.4 中断响应顺序
• NMI:CPU在当前指令执行完后,检测到NMI信 号有效时,CPU不需要上述两个中断响应总线 周期,而在内部自动产生中断类型2。 • 内部软件中断:中断类型码是规定好的,是 自动形成的。 • INT n:类型码由指令第二字节n 给定。
7.2.4 中断响应顺序
7.3.1 8259A的基本功能(5)
• 工作过程 • 当第一个INTA脉冲到来时,完成下列动作: • 使IRR的锁存功能失效。这样,在IR0-IR7线上的 中断请求信号就不予接收; • 使当前ISR中的相应位置1,以便为判优电路下一 次判优提供依据; • 使IRR相应位复位。 • 第二个INTA脉冲到来时,完成下列动作: • 使IRR的锁存功能有效; • 将中断类型码寄存器中的内容送到数据总线上, 供CPU读取; • 若8259A处于自动结束中断方式,则在该 脉冲结 束时,把当前ISR的相应位复位。
• 响应中断 • 8086在取得中断类型码后的处理过程是相同的,其顺 序为: • 把中断类型码乘4,作为中断矢量表的地址指针; • 把CPU的标志寄存器FR入栈保护(相当于执行指令 PUSHF); • 把陷阱标志TF的状态送到暂存器,接着使IF=0, TF=0,屏蔽新的INTR和单步中断; • 把主程序断点处的CS和IP值推入堆栈保护,先推入CS 值,后推入IP值; • 从中断矢量表中取中断服务程序入口地址的相应值, 先取CS值,后取IP值。 • CPU转向中断服务程序执行之。