(89478) Effects of Coiled Tubing Curvature on Drag Reduction of Polymeric Fluids
第 12 卷第 12 期2023 年 12 月Vol.12 No.12Dec. 2023储能科学与技术Energy Storage Science and Technology基于分子动力学的熔盐热物性研究进展付殿威,张灿灿,娜荷芽,王国强,吴玉庭,鹿院卫(北京工业大学传热强化与过程节能教育部重点实验室,传热与能源利用北京市重点实验室,北京100124)摘要:熔盐作为高温传热蓄热介质,在太阳能光热发电、火电厂灵活性改造等场景中广泛应用。
关键词:熔盐;分子动力学;势函数;热物性doi: 10.19799/ki.2095-4239.2023.0708中图分类号:TK 512 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-4239(2023)12-3873-10 Review of the molecular dynamics of molten salt thermalphysical propertiesFU Dianwei, ZHANG Cancan, NA Heya, WANG Guoqiang, WU Yuting, LU Yuanwei(MOE Key Laboratory of Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, BeijingKey Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion, College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124, China)Abstract:As a high-temperature heat transfer and storage medium, molten salt is widely used for solar thermal power generation and the flexible transformation of thermal power plants.First, the potential functions of the molecular dynamics of molten salt were summarized and analyzed. This indicated that to reduce simulation errors, the Buckingham potential with coulomb force is more suitable for nitrate and the BMH potential is more suitable for carbonate and chloride salt. Second, an analysis of the thermal properties of molten salt indicated that the addition of Ca2+to solar salt decreased its melting point and increased its viscosity, and the specific heat capacity of nitrate decreased with increasing NO2- concentration. Increased收稿日期:2023-10-11;修改稿日期:2023-11-03。
➢ 主要存在真核细胞膜上,含量一般 不超过膜脂的1/3,植物细胞膜中 含量较少。
➢ 胆固醇主要提高双脂层的力学稳定 性,调节双脂层流动性,降低水溶 性物质的通透性。
脂质体(liposome) 是一种人工膜。 在水中,搅动后磷脂形成双层脂分子的球
➢含糖而不含磷酸的脂类,含量约占脂总量 的5%以下,在神经细胞膜上糖脂含量较高, 约占5-10%。 ➢糖脂也是两性分子,其结构与SM很相似。
Glu: Glucose Gal:Galactose GlcNAc:Nacetyglucosamine GalNAc:Nacetygalactosamine Fuc:Fucose
质膜的流动性是保证其正常功能的必要条件。 例如跨膜物质运输、细胞信息传递、细胞识 别、细胞免疫、细胞分化以及激素的作用等 等都与膜的流动性密切相关。当膜的流动性 低于一定的阈值时,许多酶的活动和跨膜运 输将停止,反之如果流动性过高,又会造成 膜的溶解。
同等条件下,不同的膜蛋白 (如在脂质体中)恢复呈不同 的趋势,为什么?
影响膜蛋白流动的因素的实验研究 单分子追踪(single-particle tracking,SPT)
➢ 细胞质膜下的骨架结构与膜整合蛋白结合限 制膜蛋白移动 ➢ 细胞外基质中的某些分子与膜整合蛋白结合 限制了膜蛋白的移动 ➢ 膜蛋白与另一细胞的膜蛋白作用限制了自身 的移动 ➢ 膜中其他不动蛋白限制了膜蛋白的移动
侧向扩散:同一平面上相邻脂分子交换位置。 旋转:围绕与膜平面垂直的轴进行快速旋转。 摆动:围绕与膜平面垂直的轴进行左右摆动。 伸缩震荡:脂肪酸链进行伸缩震荡运动。 翻转:膜脂分子从脂双层一层翻转到另一层。 旋转异构化:脂肪酸链围绕C-C键旋转。
大庆石油地质与开发Petroleum Geology & Oilfield Development in Daqing2024 年 2 月第 43 卷 第 1 期Feb. ,2024Vol. 43 No. 1DOI :10.19597/J.ISSN.1000-3754.202305001古龙页岩油高温高压注CO 2驱动用效果李斌会1,2,3 邓森1,2,3 张江1,2,3 曹胜1,2,3郭天娇1,2,3 徐全1,2,3 霍迎冬1,2(1.多资源协同陆相页岩油绿色开采全国重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆163712;2.中国石油大庆油田有限责任公司勘探开发研究院,黑龙江 大庆163712;3.黑龙江省油层物理与渗流力学重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆163712)摘要: 为了明确古龙页岩油高温高压注CO 2驱动用效果,首先根据页岩压汞和氮气吸附实验结果,给出页岩T 2值与孔喉半径转换系数,根据饱和页岩的T 2谱特征,将页岩孔隙分为小孔、中大孔和页理缝;然后通过计算页岩油采出程度,考察吞吐周期、闷井时间、裂缝对吞吐驱油效果的影响,并且分析吞吐后岩心孔隙结构的改变程度;最后对比页岩油CO 2吞吐和CO 2驱替的驱油效果,并给出最优的驱油方式。
关键词:古龙页岩油;孔隙结构;CO 2驱替;CO 2吞吐;高温高压;核磁共振中图分类号:TE357 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-3754(2024)01-0042-10Producing effect of CO 2 displacement injection at high temperature and high pressure for Gulong shale oilLI Binhui 1,2,3,DENG Sen 1,2,3,ZHANG Jiang 1,2,3,CAO Sheng 1,2,3,GUO Tianjiao 1,2,3,XU Quan 1,2,3,HUO Yingdong 1,2(1.National Key Laboratory for Multi⁃resource Collaborated Green Development of Continental Shale Oil ,Daqing 163712,China ;2.Exploration and Development Research Institute of Daqing Oilfield Co.,Ltd.,Daqing 163712,China ;3.Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Reservoir Physics & FluidMechanics in Porous Medium ,Daqing 163712,China )Abstract :In order to clarify the effectiveness of CO 2 injection at high temperature and high pressure for Gulong shale oil , the conversion coefficient between shale T 2 value and pore throat radius is firstly given based on the re⁃sults of shale mercury injection and nitrogen adsorption experiments. Shale pores are divided into small pores , medi⁃um -large pores and lamellation fractures based on T 2 spectrum characteristics of saturated shale. Then , through cal⁃收稿日期:2023-05-04 改回日期:2023-08-08基金项目:国家科技重大专项“大庆古龙页岩油勘探开发理论与关键技术研究”(2021ZZ10)。
Coupling model for carbon dioxide wellbore flow and heat transfer in coiled tubing drilling
Coupling model for carbon dioxide wellboreflow and heat transfer in coiled tubing drillingHongjian Ni a,Weiqiang Song b,*,Ruihe Wang b,Zhonghou Shen ba Research Institute of Unconventional Petroleum and Renewable Energy,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao266580,Chinab School of Petroleum Engineering,China University of Petroleum,Qingdao266580,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received22October2015 Received in revised form23February2016Accepted23February2016 Available online26February2016Keywords:Supercritical carbon dioxide Coiled tubing drillingHeat transferHydraulics calculationsPressure profile a b s t r a c tIn order to drill with carbon dioxide as the circulationfluid,a mathematical model was proposed to investigate theflowfield in both tubing and annulus.Based onfinite volume method,the closed model fully couples the hydraulics,heat transfer and physical properties of carbon dioxide.According tofield application,the model is solved and discussed with a case study.The results show that,the pressure is in positive correlation with well depth in both tubing and annulus.Thefluid temperature increases fast after liquid carbon dioxide is pumped into tubing and then the increasing rate slows down with increasing depth.Carbon dioxide changes into supercritical state when the depth equals780m.The pressure drop of bit jet is9.78MPa and the temperature difference between carbon dioxide and for-mation rock is12.11K at bottom hole.In the annulus,the temperature decreases as carbon dioxideflows upward and it is higher than geothermal temperature when depth is less than927m.The changes in physical properties are mainly dominated by temperature change in the tubing and by pressure change in the annulus.The density,viscosity and thermal conductivity all witness a constant decrease along the flow route,and the changing trends develop faster at shallow well section in the tubing.At bottom hole, the density is large enough to drive down-hole motors.The heat capacity changes little in the tubing and then increases rapidly whenflowing upward along the annulus.The capacity is much larger than that of air in wellbore.Carbon dioxide maintains in supercritical state in the annulus and provides advantages for reservoir exploitation.This study aims to lay theoretical foundation for practical application.©2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionGenerally,water or oil based mud is utilized as the drillingfluid to exploit oil reservoirs economically,however,they have some limitations for unconventional reservoirs and low bottom-hole pressure(BHP)gas reservoirs because of associated damages(e.g., mud leakage and formation damages)(Lage et al.,1996;Li et al., 2010).Meanwhile,increasing numbers of shale-gas reservoirs are being exploited to meet human's need for energy.Shale gas will certainly draw more interests worldwide in the future(Weijermars, 2013;Arora and Cai,2014),which introduces the need for lighter and formation-harmless circulationfluid in both drilling and frac-turefield to get enhanced recovery(Li et al.,2013;Tanmay,2014; Richard et al.,2015).Stable foam(Fraser and Moore,1987;Falk and McDonald,1995)and dry gas(e.g.,air and nitrogen)(Supon et al.,1987;Ford et al.,2011)were introduced as drillingfluid and they both have their advantages and limitations.Similar with brine, aqueous phase in foam could induce the hydration swelling of clay minerals in shale andflow restriction of gas.As one kind of dry gas drillingfluid,the feasibility and advantages of carbon dioxide have already been validated both in experiments andfield applications (Kolle,2000;Gupta et al.,2005).Drilling with carbon dioxide could get increased rate of pene-tration(ROP)by3.3times larger than general mud(Kolle,2000), other benefits include enhanced oil recovery(EOR)by mitigating formation damage and competitive adsorption with methane(Lim et al.,1992;Zhang et al.,2014).Researchers have investigated the impact of inclination,displacement and other engineering factors on cutting-transporting ability of carbon dioxide(Li et al.,2011), however the wellboreflowfield of carbon dioxide is still not well illustrated.Hypothermic liquid carbon dioxide is pressurized into tubing in drillingfield application,and then get heated by forma-tion rocks(Kolle,2000).It is nearly impossible to test and record the temperature and pressure along the whole wellbore during*Corresponding author.E-mail address:westrong0808@(W.Song).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering journal ho mep age:www.elsevier.co m/lo cate/jngse/10.1016/j.jngse.2016.02.0501875-5100/©2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering30(2016)414e420drilling,and the difficulties in mathematical calculation mainly lie in the compressibility of carbon dioxide.The physical properties of carbon dioxide(e.g.,density,viscosity and heat capacity)all change much with temperature and pressure(Peng and Robinson,1976; Boyle and Carroll,2001),and then they would furthermore lay great impact on temperature and pressure whenflowing in tubing and annulus.Wang and Ni(2013)have modelled the heat transfer in carbon dioxide coiled tubing drilling.Wang et al.(2014)have tested theflow friction coefficient of carbon dioxide in pipes at different Reynolds number through experiments.The preliminary results lay foundation for this study to some extent.This paper attempts to calculate the temperature and pressure distribution in tubing and annulus during carbon dioxide drilling.A fully coupled mathematical model was set up to calculate the temperature,hydrostatic pressure,properties of carbon dioxide andflow friction.The closed model has considered the impact of temperature change in sidewall surrounding rock on temperature distribution in annulus,and the mathematical model was then solved withfinite volume method.Finally,the calculation result of a case was analyzed and compared with former research to verify the reliability of the mathematical model.By this study,we aim to provide a theoretical foundation forfield application.2.Mathematical modelsIn the carbon dioxide drilling,hypothermic liquid carbon diox-ide is pumped from wellhead to bottom hole through coiled tubing, and then it carries cuttings upward along annulus(Kolle,2000; Song et al.,2015).Heat transfer is inevitable because of the tem-perature difference between formation rock and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide would get heated and then change from liquid state into supercritical state at certain depth,meanwhile sidewall sur-rounding rock would get cooled and then absorb thermal from formation rock far away from the annulus.The actual process could be illustrated with Fig.1.It willfinally reach heat balance as the circulation goes on.The temperature drop of sidewall surrounding rock was neglected in former research(Wang and Ni,2013)and it would lead to relatively higher temperature profile in the calcula-tion results.The mathematical models are based on the following assump-tions:1)the geothermal temperature increases with constant rate;2)the influence of cuttings on temperature and pressure distribu-tion is negligible;3)time effect is beyond the consideration because this study aims to reveal the steady state(when the heat balance is reached).erning equationsAs depicted earlier,the temperature and pressure inflowfield is coupled by influencing the properties of carbon dioxide.Eulerian method is one offinite volume method and it is suitable for illus-trating this compressibleflow model.Eulerian method is composed of the following equations.The simplified continuity equation for compressibleflow can be expressed asdi vðr v!Þ¼0(1)Where density r is in kg/m3;v!stands forflow velocity vector,m/s.The modified momentum equation is given bydivðr v i v!ÞÀr v!,gradðv iÞ¼0(2) where v i represents the component of v!on i axis,m/s.The energy equation for steadyflow with low velocity is rep-resented asX3i¼1vðr v i hÞv x iÀdivðk grad TÞÀS h¼0(3)where specific enthalpy h can be achieved by h¼c p T;c p is isobaric heat capacity,J/(kg K);T represents temperature,K;k stands for thermal conductivity,W/(m k);S h is the heat generating rate in everyflow unit.The governing equations should also include turbulence equa-tions and state equations to make them closed and solvable.The Standard k-3model is introduced to illustrate turbulence,which is suitable for compressibleflow.8>>>>><>>>>>:vv x jr u jv kv x jÀðmþm tÞv kv x j!¼t tij S ijÀrεþQ kvv x jr u jεÀmþm t1:3vεv x j!¼1:45εkt tij S ijÀ1:92f2rε2kþQε(4)where t tij¼2m t(S ijÀS nn d ij/3)À2r k d ij/3,and m t represents eddy vis-cosity and is expressed as m t¼0.09f u r k2/ε.The near wall attenua-tion functions are calculated by f u¼eðÀ3:4=ð1þ0:02Re tÞ2Þand f2¼1À0:3eðÀRe2tÞ,where Re t¼r k2mε.The wall terms are given as Q k¼2m vffiffikpÞv y!2and Qε¼2m m t r v2mεv y2!2.S ij stands for the mean-velocity strain-rate tensor,and d ij is the Kronecker delta.As the density,viscosity and thermophysical properties all change much with temperature and pressure,the state equations should include them all rather than involving densityonly.Fig.1.Physical model offlowfield.H.Ni et al./Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering30(2016)414e4204152.2.State equationsThe physical properties of carbon dioxide change much with changing temperature and pressure,and the phase change of car-bon dioxide could also be re flected by changes in physical proper-ties.The phase diagram of carbon dioxide is given in Fig.2.The American National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)cites the Span and Wagner (1996)model to accurately calculate the density and isobaric heat capacity of carbon dioxide with changing temperature and pressure.The implicit equations are presented asP ðd ;t Þ¼r RT À1þdF r dÁ(5)Where the dimensionless reduced density is given as d ¼r /r c and t ¼T c /T is the inverse reduced temperature.Dimensionless F r d is the partial derivative of the Helmholtz energy F (d ,t ).The equation for isobaric heat capacity of carbon dioxide is given byM ,c p R ¼Àt 2Àf o tt Àf rrr ÁþÀ1þdf r d Àdtf r dt Á21þ2df r d þd f r dd(6)In finite elements,numerical algorithms are used to calculate the density r and heat capacity c p when the pressure P and tem-perature T are obtained.Fenghour and Wakeham (1998)modi fied Vesovic and Wakeham (1990)equations for thermal conductivity and viscosity of carbon dioxide to get enhanced accuracy,the modi fied model is also cited by NIST.The viscosity can be calculated based onh ðT ;r Þ¼h 0þD h ðT ;r ÞþD h c ðT ;r Þ(7)where the zero-density viscosity h 0is in units of m Pa.s.h 0ðT Þ¼1:00697T 1=2G *h ðT *Þ(8)The reduced effective cross section G *h ðT *Þis represented byempirical Equation (9),where T *¼T /251.196K,dimensionless.ln G *hÀT *Á¼X 4i ¼0Àa i ln T *Ái(9)The excess viscosity is expressed as the following explicit formD h ðr ;T Þ¼d 11r þd 21r 2þd 64r 6T *3þd 81r 8þd 82r 8T *(10)The equations for thermal conductivity is in similar form withthat of viscosityl ðT ;r Þ¼l 0þD l ðT ;r ÞþD l c ðT ;r Þ(11)3.Solution procedureBoth sidewall surrounding rocks and coiled tubing are involvedin the heat transfer process,and they should be treated as thermal boundaries of flowing carbon dioxide for Equation (3).To make the governing equations solvable and understandable,the heat transfer can be divided into three parts (Fig.1),that is Q cs ,Q sa and Q ap respectively.Where Q cs stands for the heat transferred from constant-temperature layer to sidewall surrounding rocks,J,Q sa represents the heat transferred from sidewall surrounding rocks to carbon dioxide in the annulus,J,Q ap is the heat transferred from carbon dioxide in the annulus to that in pipe,J.Q cs ¼T c ÀT s 12pl rlln r cr s (12)Where T c is the temperature of formation rock and it keeps constant during heat transfer,K.T s represents the temperature of sidewall surrounding rock,K.l r stands for the thermal conductivity coef fi-cient of rock,W/(m $K).r c is the diameter of constant-temperature layer and r s is the diameter of sidewall surrounding rocks,m.l is the length of finite units,m.Actually,the formation rock is actually divided into many thin layers radially to get enhanced accurate,and heat conductivity is dominant in the heat transfer among rock layers.Obviously,the thermal convection dominates the heat transfer when carbon dioxide flow around the hotter rocks,and the Q sa can be calculate byQ sa ¼T s ÀT a12p h zr s l(13)Where T a is the temperature of carbon dioxide in the annulus,K.e ~hrepresents the convective heat transfer coef ficient between rock and carbon dioxide,W/(m 2$K).Both thermal conductivity and convection are involved in Q apQ ap ¼T a ÀT p12p h _r i lþ12pl tlln r o r i þ12p h __r o l(14)where T p is the temperature of carbon dioxide in pipe,K.h _repre-sents the convective heat transfer coef ficient between the inner wall of the pipe and carbon dioxide,and h __is that between the outer wall and carbon dioxide,W/(m 2$K).l t is the thermal con-ductivity coef ficient of pipe,W/(m $K).r i stands for the inner diameter of pipe,and r o is outer diameter of pipe,m.As radiation is negligible and it does not include any heat resource in the heat transfer,S h equals zero in Equation (3).After the heat transfer is modelled,the temperature change in a certain finite cell would be calculatedbyFig.2.Phase diagram of carbon dioxide.H.Ni et al./Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 30(2016)414e 420416D T ¼Q c p m(15)where m represents the mass in an in finitesimal unit,kg.Equation (15)is suitable for both carbon dioxide and rocks.In hydraulics calculations,the route loss of carbon dioxide flow could be obtained according to formula Darcy-Weisbachh f ¼ll v 2(16)where l is the flow friction coef ficient of carbon dioxide in pipe or annulus,dimensionless.d represents the equivalent diameter,m.g is the gravity and it equals 9.81,m/s 2.Based on formula Darcy-Weisbach,Wang et al.(2014)have tested the flow friction coef ficient of carbon dioxide in pipes through experiments.In the experiments,the pressure range is 3.5MPa e 40MPa,and the largest temperature is 423.15K.Both temperature change and pressure change would finally be included in changing Reynolds number.When the Reynolds number is larger than 3400,the flow friction coef ficient is given by1ffiffiffilp ¼À2:34Âlg ε1:72d À9:26Re Âlgε29:36d 0:95þ18:35Re1:108!!(17)The throat effect of bit jet is modelled and expressed asm ¼AP 2ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2k R s T 1ðk À1Þ" P 2P 1 2ÀP 2P 1k þ1#v uu t (18)D T j ¼ÀZ P 2P 1m JT dP(19)where A is the section area of the jet,m 3.P 1and P 2are the pressureof the jet inlet and outlet,Pa.D P j represents the pressure drop of bit (D P j ¼P 1-P 2).T 1is the temperature of the jet inlet,K.Isentropic coef ficient k ¼1.28,speci fic gas constant R s ¼0.1889kJ/(kg K),andthrottle coef ficient m JT ¼1C P h T v V v TPÀV i .According to field application,the boundary conditions includeinlet mass flow rate,inlet temperature and surface back pressure (applied by annuls chock).As the heat transfer involves carbon dioxide in both pipe and annulus,the flow fields in the pipe and annulus is coupled and must be solved at the same time.To make the governing equations solvable,the inlet pressure and outlet temperature are assumed at first and finally obtained after the iteration reaches convergence.In the divided units,the tempera-ture and pressure are regard as constant so that the properties of carbon dioxide,the heat transfer and flow friction can be calculated according to Equations (1)e (17).4.Results and discussionsThe results and discussions are based on the following example (Table 1),where the equivalent diameter and length of bit jet are both set as 2cm,and the standoff distance is 2times that of equivalent diameter.The chock pressure is mainly determined by the requirement of well control and it is given as 9MPa in the example (Gupta et al.,2005).The displacement (or flow rate)is highly relevant with wellbore cleanout and it is set as 25kg/s for the compressible gas flow.It is assumed the temperature is 293.15K at surface and the geothermal gradient is constant at 0.028K/m.The temperature of carbon dioxide at inlet is given as 253.15K.Based on rectangular coordinate system,the geometric model was founded and then divided into 1567843tetrahedral cells based on ANSYS platform,where the meshes nearby drill bit were re fined.The pressure e velocity coupling calculation was conducted with SIMPLE method and the spatial discretization of pressure was conducted with standard method,other spatial discretization were based on second order upwind method to get enhanced accuracy.4.1.Analysis of pressure pro fileEngineers would pay much attention to the pressure pro file to avoid downhole complications.As presented in Fig.3,the pressure in the tubing increases fast at first and then the increasing trend slows down to some extent with increasing depth.When carbon dioxide flows through the bit jet,the pressure drops abruptly at about 9.78MPa.The pressure increases at about 4.03MPa as carbon dioxide flows from jet outlet towards bottom rock along the sym-metry axis of bit jet.The reason lies in the energy conversion from kinetic energy to pressure energy.The distance between the center of bottom-bore and the center of annulus is 8.575cm,thus the pressure pro file (Fig.3),the density pro file (Fig.4)and the viscosity pro file (Fig.5)all witness a gap at bottom-hole.In the annulus,the pressure is approximately in linear correlation with depth,which is in good agreement with Wang's study (Wang et al.,2015).The pressure pro file in well bore is highly coupled with density pro file (Fig.4)and viscosity pro file (Fig.5).In the tubing,the density of carbon dioxide is much larger at shallower well section than that at bottom-hole,thus it results in the faster increase in pressure pro file at shallower section.As the viscosity of carbon dioxide and then the flow friction are also larger at shallower section,the increasing rate of pressure is not that large with that ofTable 1Parameters of well structure.L ¼1500m r s ¼0.108m r c ¼5.0543mr i ¼0.0543mr o ¼0.635mFig.3.Pressure pro file in well bore.H.Ni et al./Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 30(2016)414e 420417density.At bottom hole,the density is larger enough to drive mo-tors,which validates the feasibility of drilling with carbon dioxide as circulation fluid to some extent (Gupta et al.,2005).As carbon dioxide flows upward along the annulus,the fluid density de-creases faster at shallower section and the viscosity decreases approximately linearly with decreasing depth.The density pro file and viscosity pro file would provide engi-neers convenience to calculate the optimum displacement to clean out the cuttings during drilling (Doan et al.,2000).Apparently,it is most dif ficult to transport cuttings at bottom hole for both density and viscosity are smallest.Based on Span and Wagner (1996)model and Fenghour and Wakeham (1998)model,increasing pressure (or depth)would result in increasing density and viscosity in both tubing and annulus.Obviously,both the density pro file and vis-cosity pro file do not change in the mentioned method in the tubing,the reasons lie in the different changing trend of temperature (Fig.6)in the tubing and annulus.4.2.Analysis of temperature pro fileAs depicted in Fig.6,the temperature of carbon dioxide in the tubing increases faster at shallower section because of its larger difference with geothermal temperature.The increasing trend oftemperature slows down with increasing depth.When the depth reaches 780m,the temperature increases to 304.19K in this example,and then the carbon dioxide changes into supercritical state.The changing trend of temperature is quite similar to that in earlier result (Wang and Ni,2013),but the critical depth is larger than earlier value (450m).The reason lies in that,the temperature change of sidewall surrounding rock is considered in this study.Obviously,this model is more similar to actual heat transfer process and improves calculation accuracy.The temperature drop of bit jet equals 11.7K and then the temperature would also increase when flowing from jet outlet to-wards bottom rock.In the annulus,the temperature difference between carbon dioxide and formation rock is 12.11K.The decreasing rate of temperature increases as carbon dioxide flows upward and the fluid maintains in supercritical state in this example.Drilling with supercritical carbon dioxide would provide advantages in rock-breaking,reservoir protection and EOR (Gupta et al.,2005).The density and viscosity would both decrease with increasing temperature (Span and Wagner,1996;Fenghour and Wakeham,1998).Obviously,the changing rate of temperature in the tubing is larger than that in the annulus (Fig.6).Consequently,the tem-perature change dominates the changing density and viscosityinFig.4.Density pro file in wellbore.Fig.5.Viscosity pro file in wellbore.Fig.6.Temperature pro file in wellbore.Fig.7.Thermal conductivity pro file in well bore.H.Ni et al./Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 30(2016)414e 420418the tubing and both density and viscosity decrease with increasing depth(Figs.4and5).On the contrary,the changing pressure dominates the change of density and viscosity in the annulus,thus the mentioned profiles witness constant increase with increasing depth.Besides the temperature difference between carbon dioxide and formation rock,the thermal conductivity and capacity of carbon dioxide also exert great influence on temperature profile.In the tubing,thermal conductivity presents constant decrease with increasing depth(Fig.7),and its value is much larger at shallower section because of lower temperature,which will enhance heat transfer and increase the changing rate of conductivity further-more.As conductivity increases with increasing pressure,the conductivity is in positive correlation with depth in the annulus because of larger influence of pressure change than that of tem-perature change.Generally,the Heat capacity of carbon dioxide increases with increasing temperature or decreasing pressure.As is shown in Fig.8,the capacity change is quite insignificant overall in the tubing.The capacityfirstly increases at shallow section because of large temperature increase,and then it is dominated by pressure change in deeper section and is in negative correlation with pres-sure.Due to the relatively smaller temperature change in the annulus,the capacity increases with decreasing pressure as carbon dioxideflows upward.When the temperature is323.15K and the pressure is25MPa (near the bottom hole),the capacity of carbon dioxide (2.30Â103kJ/(kg$K))is1.83times that of air(1.26Â103kJ/(kg$K)). When the temperature is308.15K and the pressure is10MPa(near the choke),the capacity of carbon dioxide(5.63Â103kJ/(kg$K))is 4.85times that of air(1.16Â103kJ/(kg$K))and is even larger than that of water(4.15Â103kJ/(kg$K)).Large capacity helps to explain why the temperature in annulus is smaller than that in tubing at bottom hole and temperature in annulus is higher than geothermal temperature at shallow section when depth is less than927m (Fig.6).5.ConclusionsA fully coupled model is proposed to explore theflowfield with carbon dioxide as drillingfluid.The results present the pressure profile,temperature profile,and physical properties profiles in both tubing and annulus,aiming to lay theoretical foundation forfield application.Based on the results and discussions,this study can achieve the following conclusions:(1)The mathematical model couples physical properties of car-bon dioxide(density,viscosity,thermal conductivity and capacity),hydraulics calculation and heat transfer to achieve enhanced accuracy.(2)The pressure in both tubing and annulus are in positivecorrelation with well depth,and the pressure drop of bit jet is9.78MPa in this example.The temperature increases fast atshallow well section and then the increasing rate slows down with increasing depth.Carbon dioxide changes into super-critical state when the depth equals780m.The temperature difference between carbon dioxide and formation rock is12.11K at bottom hole.In the annulus,the temperature de-creases as carbon dioxideflows upward and it is higher than geothermal temperature when depth is less than927m.Carbon dioxide maintains in supercritical state in the annulus and provides advantages for reservoir exploitation.(3)The changes in physical properties are mainly dominated bytemperature change in the tubing and pressure change in the annulus.The density,viscosity and thermal conductivity all witness a constant decrease along theflow route.The density is large enough to drive down-hole motors.The heat capacity changes little in the tubing and then increases rapidly when flowing upward along the annulus.The capacity is much larger than that of air in wellbore.AcknowledgmentsThefinancial supports from the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China(2014CB239202),the national natural science foundation of china(51504281)and the Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education(20120133110011and 20130133110006)are highly appreciated.We sincerely thank our colleagues at the Water Jet Research Centre in China University of Petroleum(East China)for helping with the theory research,and special thanks are due to ANSYS,Inc.for the FLUENT code. Nomenclaturer density,kg/m3vflow velocity vector,m/sv i the component of v on i axis,m/sT temperature,Kc p isobaric heat capacity,J/(kg.K)h specific enthalpy,J/kgk thermal conductivity,W/(m$k)d reduced density,dimensionlesst inverse reduced temperature,dimensionlessM molecular weight,kg/molR universal gas constant,R¼8.314Pa m3KÀ1$molÀ1P pressure,Pah0zero-density viscosity,m Pa$sDh excess viscosity,m Pa$sT*T/251.196K,dimensionlessl0thermal conductivity,W/(m$K)Q cs heat transferred from constant-temperature layer to sidewall rocks,JQ sa heat transferred from sidewall rocks to carbon dioxide in the annulus,JQ ap heat transferred from carbon dioxide in the annulus to that in pipe,Jl r thermal conductivity of rock,W/(m$K)r c diameter of constant-temperature layer,mFig.8.Heat capacity profile in well bore.H.Ni et al./Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering30(2016)414e420419。
导管架过渡段大直径法兰正造焊接技术孙敏锋 缪海琴上海振华重工(集团)股份有限公司 上海 200125摘 要:海上风电场导管架是将风机稳固在海上的重要结构件,法兰作为连接风机与导管架之间支撑整个风机的关键部件,既承载着整个风机质量,同时还承载着风力作用的交变载荷,法兰与导管架过渡段的装焊质量,直接影响风机安全可靠运行。
文中选择目前装机容量较大、直径7 m的法兰,打破常规法兰反造焊接的思维方式,将法兰正态装配至过渡段筒体上,使法兰处于自由状态下,仅依靠法兰焊接过程中对定位焊、加温方式、整体焊接顺序、焊接参数、碳刨量、内外侧焊接填充量、等焊接工艺要素的控制,最终焊后法兰的整体平整度、内倾量、椭圆度等关键尺寸要素均符合要求,无校火、无返修,解决了导管架建造中最具有挑战性的技术难题,减少了过渡段结构的翻身以及大型设备使用次数,提高安全指数,降低成本。
关键词:导管架法兰;超大直径;正造法;焊接技术中图分类号:TG47 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-0785(2022)1-0085-05Abstract: Jackets of offshore wind farm are important structural components to firmly install the wind turbine at sea. The flange connecting the wind turbine and jacket is the key component to support the whole wind turbine. It not only bears the whole wind turbine weight, but also bears the alternating loading caused by wind. Therefore, the welding quality of the transition section between the flange and jacket will directly affect the safe operation of the wind turbine. The flange with a large installed capacity and a diameter of 7 m is selected. Instead of conventional upside-down method welding, the flange is assembled on the transition section cylinder with the upright method, so that the flange is in a free state, and only controlled through processes such as tack welding, heating mode, overall welding sequence, welding parameters, carbon gouging amount, internal and external welding filling amount, etc. Finally, the key dimensions of the welded flange such as overall flatness, inward inclination amount and ovality are all in line with requirements, without fire calibration or repair, resolving the most challenging technical problems during jacket erection, the turnover of transition section structure and the use of large equipment are reduced, the safety is improved and the cost is reduced.Keywords: jacket flange; oversized diameter; upright method; welding technique0 引言导管架作为海上结构的基础,承载着海工产品的整个结构质量,法兰是海工产品上部结构与导管架连接的重要部件,其尺寸精度、焊接强度对项目的建造起到关键作用。
生化分离工程第4讲 膜分离技术
Enka/AKZO,Gambro,Asahi Chemical
血液渗析、工业 废液等
Amicon Corp.,Koch Eng.Inc., 制药工业、乳品
Nittl Denko
Permea/Air Prod.,Ube Ind., Hoechst/Celanese
医疗、燃烧过程 等
➢ 在常温下进行 ➢ 有效成分损失极少,特别适用于热敏性物质,如抗生素等医药、果汁、酶、蛋白的分离与浓缩
➢ 无相态变化 保持原有的风味,能耗极低,其费用约为蒸发浓缩或冷冻浓缩的1/3-1/8
➢ 无化学变化 典型的物理分离过程,不用化学试剂和添加剂,产品不受二次污染
➢ 选择性好 可在分子级内进行物质分离,具有普遍滤材无法取代的卓越性能
10. 亲和膜分离技术概念及特点 • 11 . 电渗析的工作原理 • 12.膜的污染与处理?
1748 1827
Abbe Nollet Dutrochet
水能自发地穿过猪膀胱进入酒精溶液,发生 渗透现象
J.V.Mitchell 气体透过橡胶膜的研究
初次成功使用了人工肾 合成膜的研究,发明了电渗析,微孔过滤和血液透析等 分离工程 相转化法制出了非对称反渗透膜 发明了液膜 制出了界面反应聚合复合膜
分离过程 年代
微滤 电渗析 反渗透
渗析 超滤 气体分离 渗透汽化
1925 1960 1965 1965 1970 1980 1990
新型双幅板压制滑轮及其制造技术陈创业 朱国和上海振华重工(集团)股份有限公司长兴分公司 上海 201913摘 要:文中针对原有技术存在的不足,通过理论分析和现场型式试验,自主研发开发了一种新型双幅板压制滑轮,并形成了独特的双幅板压制滑轮制造技术。
关键词:起重机;滑轮;压制;双幅板中图分类号:TG457. 25 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1001-0785(2023)13-0077-04Abstract: Considering the shortcomings of the original technology, through theoretical analysis and field type test, a new type of double-plate pressed pulley was independently developed, and a unique manufacturing technology of double-plate pressed pulley was developed. The flange of pressed pulley is formed by cold working, which avoids the inevitable surface oxidation and decarbonization in hot working, such as casting, forging and hot rolling pulley manufacturing. Surface oxidation and decarbonization will directly affect the surface hardness and service life of pulley flange, and the pressed method is simple and the manufacturing cost is low, with unique advantages. The research results show that this new type of double-plate pressed pulley has the characteristics of reasonable structure and design, good strength and stiffness, light weight, long service life of wheel groove wear resistance and so on, and can completely replace the conventional hot rolling pulley. Pulleys manufactured with this technology have been applied and verified in many projects, which has brought good economic and social benefits. Therefore, this new double-plate pressed pulley has a good development prospect and a broad market prospect.Keywords:crane; pulley; suppress; double plate0 引言滑轮作为承载部件之一,广泛应用在各种起重运输机械中。
Embury和Fisher 早期绘制的珠光体机制图表明,Hall-Petch在单相金属晶粒细化加强模型也适用于有作为阻碍距离的界面间隔的双相材料。
更多最近的研究,例如Embury-Hirth,Anderson等,Chu和Barnett和Nix 表明在纳米级多层膜的力学行为可能受单个位错行为(Orowan的层间位错弯曲模型),而不是逆着界面的堆积位错。
1 连续油管水井除垢工艺的提出注水井结垢会给注水井带来严重的危害,降低注水系统效率,增加修井次数,腐蚀注水管线,使注水压力不断上升,缩短注水井的免修期,同时会给注水井调配、验封、测试等作业带来困难。
“连续油管水利旋转喷砂工具”的径向分布着一系列直径2mm的喷嘴,液体射流产生的反作用力带动喷头旋转冲击,平均射流速度达到150m/ s以上,这些喷嘴分布在垂直于连续油管除垢工具中心线的一系列平面上,喷嘴的喷射方向与连续油管除垢工具的内径相切,使得喷射出的液体犹如剃刀般能轻易地清除掉原井注水管及工具内壁上的沉积物,达到疏通原井注水管柱,恢复注水通道的目的。
2 工艺的实验应用情况2016年,连续油管水井除垢工艺在青海油田共试验应用了200井次,连续油管除垢成功162井次,成功率81.0%,除垢后测试成功率69.5%。
3 未成功原因分析连续油管除垢时工具中途遇阻未通过原因分析:1)油管变型严重:原井注水管柱扭曲或由于长期高压注水致使管柱错裂等原因都有可能造成管柱变形严重,除垢时遇阻除垢工具是无法疏通的。
New flow boilling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating
New flow boiling heat transfer model and flow pattern map for carbon dioxide evaporating inside horizontal tubesLixin Chenga,b,Gherhardt Ribatski a ,Leszek Wojtan a ,John R.Thomea,*aLaboratory of Heat and Mass Transfer (LTCM),Faculty of Engineering Science (STI),E´cole Polytechnique Fe ´de ´rale de Lausanne (EPFL),CH-1015Lausanne,SwitzerlandbInstitute of Process Engineering,University of Hannover,Callinstraße 36,30167Hannover,GermanyReceived 8June 2005;received in revised form 24March 2006Available online 5June 2006AbstractA new flow boiling heat transfer model and a new flow pattern map based on the flow boiling heat transfer mechanisms for horizontal tubes have been developed specifically for CO 2.Firstly,a nucleate boiling heat transfer correlation incorporating the effects of reduced pressure and heat flux at low vapor qualities has been proposed for CO 2.Secondly,a nucleate boiling heat transfer suppression factor correlation incorporating liquid film thickness and tube diameters has been proposed based on the flow boiling heat transfer mechanisms so as to capture the trends in the flow boiling heat transfer data.In addition,a dryout inception correlation has been developed.Accord-ingly,the heat transfer correlation in the dryout region has been modified.In the new flow pattern map,an intermittent flow to annular flow transition criterion and an annular flow to dryout region transition criterion have been proposed based on the changes in the flow boiling heat transfer trends.The flow boiling heat transfer model predicts 75.5%of all the CO 2database within ±30%.The flow boiling heat transfer model and the flow pattern map are applicable to a wide range of conditions:tube diameters (equivalent diameters for non-circular channels)from 0.8to 10mm,mass velocities from 170to 570kg/m 2s,heat fluxes from 5to 32kW/m 2and saturation temper-atures from À28to 25°C (reduced pressures from 0.21to 0.87).Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Model;Flow boiling;Heat transfer;Flow map;Flow patterns;Flow regimes;CO 21.IntroductionCarbon dioxide (CO 2or R744)has been receiving renewed interest as an efficient and environmentally safe refrigerant in a number of applications,including mobile air conditioning,heat pump systems and hot water heat pumps in recent years [1–4].Due to its low critical temper-ature (T crit =31.1°C)and high critical pressure (p crit =73.8bar),CO 2is utilized at much higher operating pres-sures compared to other conventional refrigerants.The higher operating pressures result in high vapor densities,very low surface tensions,high vapor viscosities and lowliquid viscosities and thus yield flow boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow characteristics that are quite different from those of conventional refrigerants.High pressures and low surface tensions have major effects on nucleate boiling heat transfer characteristics and previous experi-mental studies have suggested a clear dominance of nucle-ate boiling heat transfer even at very high mass velocity.Therefore,CO 2has higher heat transfer coefficients than those of conventional refrigerants at the same saturation temperature and the available heat transfer correlations generally underpredict the experimental data of CO 2.In addition,previous experimental studies have demonstrated that dryout may occur at moderate vapor quality in CO 2flow boiling,particularly at high mass velocity and high temperature conditions.Significant deviations for the flow patterns of CO 2compared with the flow pattern maps that0017-9310/$-see front matter Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2006.04.003*Corresponding author.Tel.:+41216935981;fax:+41216935960.E-mail addresses:lixincheng@ (L.Cheng),john.thome @epfl.ch (J.R.Thome)./locate/ijhmtInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49(2006)4082–4094were developed for otherfluids at lower pressures have been observed as well.In order to design evaporators for these thermal systems effectively,it is very important to understand and predict theflow boiling heat transfer and two-phaseflow charac-teristics of CO2inside horizontal tubes.A lot of studies onflow boiling and two-phaseflow of CO2have been car-ried out in recent years to explore the fundamental aspects with respect to the characteristics of heat transfer and two-phaseflow of CO2.Thome and Ribatski[5]have recently given a review offlow boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow of CO2in the literature.The review addresses the extensive experimental studies on heat transfer and two-phaseflow in macro-channels[6–15]and micro-channels [12,16–25],macro-and micro-scale heat transfer prediction methods for CO2[12–14,26]and comparisons of these methods to the experimental database.In addition,the study of CO2two-phaseflow patterns[13,14,22,23,25]are summarized and compared to some of the leadingflow pat-tern maps in their review.Taking into account the lack of a well-established criterion to identify macro-and micro-scale channels,Thome and Ribatski[5]arbitrary adopted a hydraulic diameter of3mm to segregate the databases and heat transfer models.They found that the prediction methods by[12–14]failed to predict most of macro-scale experimental data while the method proposed by Thome and El Hajal[26]for CO2predicted reasonably well the macro-scale database of CO2at low vapor qualities.They also found that small diameter data were poorly predicted by either micro-scale or macro-scale predictive methods. Based on the results for macro-scale diameters,Thome and Ribatski suggested that the method of Thome and El Hajal should be further updated to include CO2effects on the annular to mistflow in order to more accurately pre-dict heat transfer coefficients at moderate/high vapor qual-ities.Based on this recent and comprehensive review that is recommended as a reference study,a section describing the previous studies was judged as unnecessary in this paper and the literature concerning CO2studies is presented in this text just when required to the development of the heat transfer model.In the present study,the objectives are to develop a new general heat transfer prediction method and a newflow pattern map especially for CO2,which covers channelNomenclatureCo Confinement number[r/g(q LÀq V)D2]1/2c p specific heat at constant pressure,J/kg KD internal tube diameter,mD eq equivalent diameter,mD h hydraulic diameter,mD th threshold diameter,mFr Froude number[G2/(q2gD)]G total vapor and liquid two-phase mass velocity,kg/m2sg gravitational acceleration,9.81m/s2h heat transfer coefficient,W/m2Kk thermal conductivity,W/m KM molecular weight,kg/kmolPr Prandtl number[c p l/k]p pressure,Pap r reduced pressure[p/p crit]q heatflux,W/m2Re H homogeneous Reynolds number[(GD/l V) [x+(1Àx)(q V/q L)]]Re V vapor phase Reynolds number[GxD/(l V e)]S nucleate boiling suppression factorT temperature,°CWe Weber number[G2D/(qr)]x vapor qualityY correction factorGreek symbolsd liquidfilm thickness,me cross-sectional vapor void fraction e average deviation,%j e j mean deviation,%l dynamic viscosity,N s/m2h angle of tube perimeter,radq density,kg/m3r surface tension,N/m;standard deviation,% Subscriptscb convection boilingcrit criticalde dryout completiondi dryout inceptiondry drydryout dryout regionexp experimentalIA intermittentflow to annularflowL liquidmist mistflownb nucleate boilingpred predictedsat saturationstrat stratifiedflowtp two-phaseflowV vaporwavy wavyflowwet on the wet perimeterL.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40944083diameters found in most of CO2flow boiling applications. Experimental conditions of studies onflow boiling of car-bon dioxide covered by this study are summarized in Table 1.It includes experimental results obtained for mass veloc-ities from80to570kg/m2s,heatfluxes from5to32.06kW/ m2,saturation temperatures fromÀ28to25°C(the corre-sponding reduced pressures are from0.21to0.87)and tube diameters from0.8to10.06mm.All those experiments were conducted in horizontal tubes.Therefore,at this point,one very important issue must be clarified about the distinction between macro-and micro-channelsfirst.Although a uni-versal agreement to distinguish between macro-and micro-channels is not as yet clearly established,the present study covers both macro-and micro-(mini)-channels according to various criteria[27,28].Based on engineering practice and application areas,Kandlikar[27]proposed using the following threshold diameters:conventional chan-nels,D h>3mm;minichannels,D h between200l m and 3mm;and micro-channels,D h between10l m and 200l m.Based on the confinement of bubble departure sizes in channels,Kew and Cornwell[28]proposed an approxi-mate physical criterion for macro-to micro-channel thresh-old diameter as follows:D th¼4rgðqLÀq VÞ1=2ð1ÞWhen hydraulic diameters are larger than the threshold diameter,the channels are defined as macro-scale channels. When hydraulic diameters are smaller than the threshold diameter,the channels are defined as micro-scale channels. The test conditions of the present selected database(see Table1)are compared to these two criteria in Fig.1. Unlike thefixed values for the threshold diameters defined by Kandlikar,the threshold diameters based on Confine-ment number decrease with increasing reduced pressure and they vary from2.3mm at low reduced pressures toTable1The database offlow boiling heat transfer of CO2Data source Channel configurationand material D h(mm)T sat(°C)p r G(kg/m2s)q(kW/m2)Data points HeatingmethodKnudsen and Jensen[7]Single circular tube,stainless steel 10.06À280.21808,1316Heated bycondensingR22vaporYun et al.[9]Single circular tube,stainless steel 650.54170,240,34010,15,2053Electricalheating 100.61Yoon et al.[14]Single circular tube,stainless steel 7.3500.4731812.5,16.4,18.6127Electricalheating50.54100.61150.69200.78Koyama et al.[16]Single circular tube,stainless steel,26032.0636Electricalheating 100.6110.90.62Pettersen[20]Multi-channel with25circular channels,aluminium 0.800.47190,280,380,5705,10,15,2046Heated bywater 100.61200.78250.87Yun et al.[21]a Multi-channels withrectangle channels 1.14(2.7)50.54200,300,40010,15,2056Electricalheating 1.53(3.08)1.54(3.21)a Material is not mentioned in the paper and the values in the parentheses are equivalent diameters.4084L.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40940.7mm at high reduced pressures.According to Kandli-kar’s criteria,the test conditions include both conventional and mini-channels but not micro-channels.According to the criteria based on Confinement number,Co,the test conditions mostly include macro-channels with a few micro-channels.Here,it is important to highlight the fact that the macro-to-micro transition should be identified by distinction in the heat transfer,pressure drop andflow pat-terns behaviors instead offixed tube diameter ranges defined according to the applications.Therefore,the fact that,according to the available transition criteria,the proposed model covers both macro-and micro-(mini)-channels is perfectly reasonable since a threshold diameter based on the analysis of the heat transfer behavior of the present database was not identified.In the present study,a new general heat transfer model and a newflow pattern map physically related to the heat transfer mechanisms based on a selected database from the literature were developed specially for CO2.As the starting point,the model developed by Wojtan et al. [29,30]which is an updated version of the Kattan–Thome–Favratflow pattern map andflow boiling heat transfer model[31–33]was used.The new proposed predic-tion method includes new correlations for the nucleate boil-ing heat transfer and the suppression factor based on CO2 experimental data.In addition,a dryout inception vapor quality correlation was proposed for CO2and accordingly the heat transfer correlation in the dryout region was obtained.Based on the heat transfer mechanisms,a new flow patterns map was proposed and thus can physically explain the heat transfer phenomena according to theflow regimes defined by the newflow map.2.CO2flow boiling heat transfer database and comparisons 2.1.Selection of CO2flow boiling heat transfer dataSix independent experimental studies from different lab-oratories have been carefully selected to form the present database forflow boiling heat transfer of CO2.They are the experimental data of Knudsen and Jensen[7],Yun et al.[9],Yoon et al.[14],Koyama et al.[16],Pettersen [20]and Yun et al.[21].The detailed test conditions of the database are summarized in Table1.The test channels include single circular channels and multi-channels with circular and rectangle channels at a wide range of test con-ditions,by electrical heating orfluid heating.The data were taken from tables where available or by digitizing the heat transfer graphs in these publications to extract the plotted heat transfer coefficients.All together,334heat transfer data points including heat transfer data in the dryout region were obtained.In order to develop a generalflow boiling heat transfer prediction model,extensive comparisons of the data avail-able in the literature have been made.However,some of the data available have not been selected due to various reasons.For example,the data of Bredesen et al.[6]for a 7mm inside diameter tube have been excluded because they differ significantly from comparable data for6mm and10.06mm inside diameter tubes in two other studies and also because there is a large scatter among their data. Hwang et al.[34]also noted an anomaly in the[6]data at a mass velocity of300kg/m2s when correlating them.Yet, since their tests were run with the same rigor as the other tests,it is not clear where these problems come from. Also,the data of Huai et al.[17]have been excluded because the available correlations overpredict their data as indicated in their study,which contradicts the general conclusion that the available correlations underpredict experimental CO2data.It is unclear why they obtained the opposite trend.In the present study,the physical properties of CO2have been obtained from REFPROP of NIST[35].For non-cir-cular channels,equivalent diameters rather than hydraulic diameters were ing equivalent diameter gives the same mass velocity as in the non-circular channel and thus correctly reflects the mean liquid and vapor velocities, something using hydraulic diameter does not.2.2.Analysis of theflow boiling heat transfer data in the databaseAlthough some anomalous data have already been excluded as pointed out earlier,the heat transfer data in the database show still some different behaviors at similar test conditions.Fig.2(a)shows two opposite heat transfer characteristics with saturation temperature in the studies of Pettersen[20]and Yoon et al.[14].The heat transfer coef-ficients increase with the increasing saturation tempera-tures in the study of Pettersen while they decrease in the study of Yoon et al.The only big difference between the two studies is the diameters of the test channels as indicated in Fig.2(a).Fig.2(b)shows the comparison of the heat transfer coefficients of Pettersen[20]to those of Koyama et al.[16].The biggest difference between them is that in Koyama et al.the heatflux is32.06kW/m2while in Petter-sen is10kW/m2.The heat transfer coefficients fall offat the vapor quality of about0.7in the study of Pettersen while the heat transfer coefficients increase even at qualities lar-ger than0.7in the study of Koyama et al.It is difficult to explain why the heat transfer coefficients fall offat the lower heatflux in one study while they still increase at the higher heatflux in the other study.This could be an effect of the heating methods or multi-channel vs.single-channel data.However,these heat transfer data of Koyama et al.at higher vapor qualities seem to be unrea-sonable since they should correspond to the dryout region and their trend contradicts in general with the other results. Another example of anomaly was found in the experimen-tal data of Yun et al.[21].According to their results,a heat transfer coefficients up to80%higher was obtained with a very little change of hydraulic diameters from1.53mm to 1.54mm at equal test conditions.Those authors have not explained why there is such a big difference even at nearlyL.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40944085the same test conditions.In all,the experimental data from different studies show somehow different heat transfer behaviors and thus will affect the accuracy of the new heat transfer model and the newflow pattern map to be devel-oped for CO2in the present study since no conclusive rea-sons for the contradicting trends could be found and it is not possible to say which study is right either.3.New CO2flow pattern mapThe newflow pattern map for CO2is developed accord-ing to the corresponding heat transfer mechanisms in var-iousflow regimes.Based on the heat transfer data in the database,the intermittentflow to annularflow(I–A)and the annularflow to dryout region(A–D)transition criteria in theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.[29]have been modified tofit the experimental data of CO2.The newflow pattern map is intrinsically related to the corresponding heat transfer mechanisms of CO2.To reflect the real mass flow velocities,equivalent diameters are used for non-circu-lar channels.Other transition criteria are the same as that of Wotjan et al.Thus,based on the fact that the original publications can be easily found,the otherflow patterns transition criteria by[29]will not be described here.3.1.Modifications to theflow pattern map for CO2Flow patterns at diabatic conditions are intrinsically related to the correspondingflow boiling heat transfer characteristics.Theflow patterns can be used to explain physically the heat transfer mechanisms and characteris-tics.Vice versa,the heat transfer mechanisms and charac-teristics can be used to backout the correspondingflow patterns.CO2reveals strong nucleate boiling heat transfer characteristics in intermittentflow at low vapor quality due to its physical properties.The distinction between intermit-tentflow and annularflow was indicated by the sharp fall-offof heat transfer coefficients between the twoflow regimes.The onset of dryout inception was also observed by a sharp drop in heat transfer.Therefore,the distinction between annularflow and dryout region can be bining with the heat transfer model for CO2 (in Section4),the I–A and A–D transition boundaries pro-posed by Wotjan et al.[29]were further modified so as to fit the heat transfer characteristics.Based on the experi-mental data,the following I–A and A–D transition criteria are proposed for CO2as1.The I–A transition boundary is calculated with the newcriterion as follows:x IA¼½1:81=0:875ðq V=q LÞÀ1=1:75ðl L=l VÞÀ1=7þ1 À1ð2Þ2.The A–D transition boundary is calculated with the newcriterion as follows:G dryout¼10:67ln0:58xþ0:52!Dq V rÀ0:17(Â1gD q Vðq LÀq VÞ!À0:348qVq LÀ0:25qqcritÀ0:7)0:965ð3Þ4086L.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–4094which is extracted from Eq.(15)(in Section4)for the dry-out inception of CO2.In this equation,q crit is calculated according to Kutateladze[36].For non-circular channels, equivalent diameters are used.parison of the newflow pattern map for CO2to experimental dataFig.3(a)shows the comparison of the newflow pattern map for CO2and theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.to the experimental data of Yun et al.[21]at the indicated test conditions(in theflow pattern map,A stands for annular flow,D stands for dryout region,I stands for intermittent flow,M stands for mistflow,S stands for stratifiedflow and SW stands for stratified-wavyflow.The stratified to stratified-wavyflow transition is designated as S–SW,the stratified-wavy to intermittent/annularflow transition is designated as SW–I/A,the intermittent to annularflow transition is designated as I–A and so on.).Arrow1shows the change of I–A transition boundaries and arrow2shows the change of A–D transition boundaries from theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.to the newflow pattern map for CO2.Arrow3shows the changes of the S–SW/ Slug+SW transition boundaries that are automatically changed due to the change of I–A and A–D transition boundaries.Other transition boundaries are the same. Fig.3(b)shows the corresponding comparison of the pre-dicted heat transfer coefficients with the heat transfer model of Wojtan et al.and the new heat transfer model for CO2(in Section4)to the experimental data at the same conditions as that in Fig.3(a).Obviously,theflow pattern map of Wojtan et al.cannot reflect the corresponding CO2heat transfer characteristics correctly and the heat transfer model of Wojtan et al.predicts poorly the experimental heat transfer coefficients of CO2.The new CO2flow pattern map reflects the heat transfer mechanisms well in the corre-spondingflow regimes and the CO2heat transfer model predicts the corresponding CO2experimental heat transfer coefficients well.The heat transfer coefficients start to fall in the A–D transition due to the inception of dryout at the top of the tube and then fall offsharply in the dryout region.The predicted and the experimental heat transfer coefficients are in good agreement in theseflow regimes. It should be mentioned here that there are only two studies offlow visualization of CO2flow boiling[23,24]in the lit-erature.Unfortunately,neither contains the corresponding study of heat transfer characteristics which should be related to the observedflow patterns.In addition,in the study of Yun et al.[23],the maximum mass velocity reaches1500kg/m2s,which is much higher than the max-imum value570kg/m2s in the present database and their heatflux is100kW/m2,which is also much higher than the maximum heatflux32kW/m2in the present database. In the study of Pettersen[24],it is difficult to interpret some of his observations by his definitions of theflow regimes in ourflow pattern map.It is also difficult to judge some of hisflow regimes so as to compare to the newflow pattern map.4.Newflow boiling heat transfer model for CO2It is a formidable task to develop a generalflow boiling heat transfer model for CO2because of the diversities of the heat transfer trends in the database.To develop a gen-eral prediction method,it is important that the method isL.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer49(2006)4082–40944087not only numerically accurate but that it captures correctly the trends in the data.Most importantly,the heat transfer mechanisms should be related to the corresponding flow patterns and be physically explained according to flow pat-tern transitions.Accordingly,a new general heat transfer model is proposed here using the Wojtan et al.[30]model as our starting point.Equivalent diameters are used for non-circular channels.4.1.Brief description of the flow boiling heat transfer model of Wojtan et al.Wojtan et al.[30]extended the Kattan–Thome–Favrat [31–33]heat transfer model to include dryout region and mist flow heat transfer methods and improved the heat transfer prediction in stratified-wavy flows.The Kattan–Thome–Favrat general equation for the local heat transfer coefficients h tp in a horizontal tube ish tp ¼h dry h V þ2p Àh dry ÀÁh wet ÃÂ2pð4Þwhere h dry is the dry angle as shown in Fig.4.The dry angledefines the flow structures and the ratio of the tube perim-eters in contact with liquid and vapor.In stratified flow,h dry equals the stratified angle,h strat ,which is calculated according to Thome and El Hajal [37].In annular and intermittent flows,h dry =0.For stratified-wavy flow,h dry varies from zero up to its maximum value h strat .Wojtan et al.subdivided the stratified-wavy flow into three sub-zones (slug,slug/stratified-wavy and stratified-wavy).Based on the fact that the high frequency slugs maintain a continuous thin liquid layer on the upper tube perimeter,h dry is defined equal to 0in the slug zone.The dry angles in the slug/stratified-wavy and stratified-wavy regions are cal-culated according to equations developed by Wojtan et al.[30]based in exponential interpolations giving smooth transition in the determination of dry angle between respective zones and also a smooth transition in the heat transfer coefficient from zone to zone.The vapor phase heat transfer coefficient on the dry perimeter h V is calculated with the Dittus–Boelter [38]cor-relation assuming tubular flow in the tube:h V ¼0:023Re 0:8V Pr 0:4V ðk V =D Þð5Þand the heat transfer coefficient on the wet perimeter is cal-culated with an asymptotic model that combines the nucle-ate boiling and convective boiling contributions to the heattransfer by the third power:h wet ¼½ðh nb Þ3þh 3cb1=3ð6ÞIn this equation,the correlation proposed by Cooper [39]multiplied by a fixed boiling suppression factor of 0.8is used to calculate the nucleate boiling contribution.The convective contribution is calculated with the following correlation assuming a liquid film flow:h cb ¼0:01334G ð1Àx Þd l L ð1Àe Þ 0:69Pr 0:4Lk Ld ð7Þwhere the term in the bracket is the liquid film Reynoldsnumber.In this equation,the void fraction is determined with the Rouhani and Axelsson [40]drift flux model (as in [29–33])and the liquid film thickness is calculated as suggested by El Hajal et al.[41].The heat transfer coefficient in mist flow is calculated as follows [30]:h mist ¼0:0117Re 0:79H Pr 1:06V YÀ1:83ðk V =D Þð8Þwhere Re H is the homogeneous Reynolds number and Y is the correction factor originally proposed by Groeneveld [42]and given byY ¼1À0:1½ðq L =q V À1Þð1Àx Þ0:4ð9ÞThe heat transfer coefficient in the dryout region is calculated by proration as [30]h dryout ¼h tp ðx di ÞÀx Àx dix de Àx di½h tp ðx di ÞÀh mist ðx de Þð10Þwhere h tp (x di )is the two-phase flow heat transfer coefficient calculated from Eq.(4)at the dryout inception quality x di and h mist (x de )is the mist flow heat transfer coefficient calcu-lated from Eq.(8)at the dryout completion quality x de .If x de is not defined at the considered mass velocity it is assumed that x de =0.999.For more details about the flow boiling heat transfer model and flow patterns map pro-posed by Wotjan et al.[29,30],we suggest to consult the original papers.4.2.Modifications in the new flow boiling heat transfer model for CO 2Like any other flow boiling heat transfer model,both the Kattan–Thome–Favrat model and the modified model of Wojtan et al.drastically underpredicts the heat transfer coefficients for CO 2,particularly at low and intermediate vapor qualities as shown in Fig.3(b).Moreover,CO 2at high saturation pressures gives a trend of a monotonic decrease in heat transfer coefficient versus vapor quality in intermittent and annular flows,which is the exact oppo-site of the trend for other refrigerants such as R-134a at low pressures [8,9].The nucleate boiling contribution is much larger than the convective boiling contribution for CO 2while the opposite is true for R-134a.Hence,Fig.4.Schematic diagram of annular flow with partial dryout.4088L.Cheng et al./International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49(2006)4082–4094。
Journal of Oil and Gas Technology 石油天然气学报, 2019, 41(5), 21-24Published Online October 2019 in Hans. /journal/jogthttps:///10.12677/jogt.2019.415072Study on Fatigue Life Analysis Method ofCoiled TubingZhongjian Yi, Jing Li, Wei Nie, Hongbao Tang, Rongrui Jia, Jixian YangDownhole Operation Branch, Bohai Drilling Engineering Company, CNPC, Renqiu HebeiReceived: Apr. 5th, 2019; accepted: May 25th, 2019; published: Oct. 15th, 2019AbstractIn this paper, the failure classification of coiled tubing was introduced according to different damage modes and damage forms, and the commonly used fatigue life analysis methods of coiled tubing are described. The life prediction models based on Miner linear accumulation theory, strain parameter criterion and three-parameter power function energy method were mainly in-troduced. Finally, based on the above fatigue life analysis method, the development trend and re-search direction of modern life prediction model are proposed.KeywordsCoiled Tubing, Fatigue Life, Prediction Model仪忠建 等连续油管疲劳寿命分析方法研究仪忠建,李 进,聂 伟,唐宏宝,贾容锐,杨继现渤海钻探工程有限公司井下作业分公司,河北 任丘作者简介:仪忠建(1979-),男,高级工程师,现主要从事油气田勘探开发方面的工作。
基于PIV测量的柔性壁减阻试验顾建农;晏欣;张志宏;赵昕【摘要】为了解不同性能的柔性壁对湍流边界层的减阻效果,利用粒子图像测速技术( PIV)对刚性壁面与4种材料的柔性壁面的湍流边界层流向速度分量进行测量.从边界层速度分布求得壁面切应力的分布,并由此得到柔性壁与刚性平板的平均摩擦阻力系数.实验结果表明,柔性壁面的边界层速度分布在对数律上有所平移,具有特定性能的柔性壁具有一定的减阻作用.%For understanding the effect of compliant walls on drag reduction in turbulent boundary layer,the velocity profile in turbulent boundary layer over a rigid wall and six compliant walls is measured with the particle image velocimetry( PIV) . First,the shear stress profile alone the wall is calculated from the velocity profile in bounday layer, then the average skin friction coefficient of the rigid wall and compliant wall is calculated from the shear stress profile. The experimental result shows that, in boundary layer of turbulent flows over a compliant wall, compared with that over a rigid wall, the velocity profiles in log law region is extended further away from the wall. The experimental result confirms the effect of drag reduce for the special compliant coating surface of turbulent boundary layer.【期刊名称】《舰船科学技术》【年(卷),期】2012(034)011【总页数】5页(P82-85,121)【关键词】减阻;柔性壁;PIV;边界层【作者】顾建农;晏欣;张志宏;赵昕【作者单位】海军工程大学理学院,湖北武汉430033;海军工程大学理学院,湖北武汉430033;海军工程大学理学院,湖北武汉430033;武汉大学水利水电学院,湖北武汉430021【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O3571 概述柔性壁减阻的设想最早是由 Kramer[1](1957)提出的,其减阻原因通常被解释为粘弹性材料的柔性壁可以提高层流边界层的稳定性,从而推迟边界层的转捩。
关键词:围护结构;热工缺陷;红外热成像;传热系数;检测DOI :10.3969/j.issn.2095-1493.2023.07.020Analysis of thermal defect inspection of peripheral structures in building LI BoTechnical Supervision Center of Daqing Oilfield Co .,Ltd .Abstract:Analysis of thermal defect inspection of peripheral structures in building[J].Abstract:The building energy conservation inspection is an important means to ensure the quality of energy conservation building projects and to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction,mainly including the technical performance of building materials,construction quality and the actual ef-ficiency of the building and the monitoring during use.At present,as to thermal performance of wall materials,building doors and windows,curtain wall and heat transfer coefficient,the thermal defect of peripheral structures and other inspection projects have been carried out by energy conservation tech-nology monitoring and evaluation center.Additionally,the inspection and evaluation methods of thermal defect inspection of peripheral structures in building and the precautions of field inspection are analyzed,which plays a guiding and normative role in the thermal defect inspection of peripheral struc-tures in new buildings and existing buildings.Most importantly,in field inspection,the combination of infrared thermal imaging and heat transfer coefficient inspection can be effectively and accurately re-flect the defect area of peripheral structures,the impact degree of thermal insulation performance on build structure and energy conservation effect .Keywords:cladding structure;thermal defect;infrared thermal imaging;heat transfer coefficient;inspection作者简介:李波,工程师,2006年毕业于黑龙江科技学院(自动化专业),从事节能测试与评价工作,138****3357,***************.cn,黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区西宾部552号大庆油田技术监督中心,163000。
关键词:对流干燥; 微波干燥; 马铃薯; 复水; 缩水; 维生素C目录1.简介1.简介在微波加工进程中,食物品质是消费者关注的重要指标之一。
曾研究讨论了微波食物及其相关食料的作用阻碍,微波量子能在各能级范围内比其他形式的电磁能(X- 和γ-射线)能量都低,也就使得分子和化学集团彼此作用从而引发化学转变。
把热灵敏和水溶性的维生素C 、B1和B2作为指示器来定性分析化学转变。
1.非饱和含湿多孔介质在考虑毛细滞后影响时的传热传质理论 [J], 韩吉用;施明恒
2.毛细非饱和多孔介质液气相变传质特性数值模拟 [J], 杨牧沄;吴晋禄;黄洁洁;高峄涵;高乃平
3.多孔介质内自然对流驱动力与流动阻力关系的数值模拟 [J], 李绪萍;王宏伟;张树
4.矩形封闭腔内非饱和多孔介质的传热传质特性研究 [J], 黄晓明;刘伟;危日光;朱光明;杨昆;黄素逸
封闭螺旋输送机的体积性能对颗粒涡旋运动的影响A.W.罗伯茨固体粒子和颗粒技术,澳大利亚新南威尔士州,纽卡斯尔,卡拉汉2308译者:段理杰工程机械0901班 200921030129摘要:本文关注的是封闭螺杆输送机的体积性能对涡旋运动的影响。
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Copyright 2004, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 23–24 March 2004.This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.AbstractThis paper presents experimental results of the effects of coiled tubing curvature on the drag reduction behavior of polymeric fluids in turbulent flow. The experimental setup consists of a 10-ft section of ½-in. OD straight tubing and four coils of coiled tubing of the same diameter. Fluids investigated included water, guar, hydroxypropyl guar (HPG), and Xanthan fluids at various polymer concentrations. It is found that the coiled tubing curvature could reduce the drag reduction by 10 to 30% as compared with straight tubing, depending on the flow conditions. The curvature of tubing also delays the onset of drag reduction. The percentage drag reduction in coiled tubing may be improved if fluid is pumped at higher rates. The results of the present study were also verified with the previous full-scale experiments and are found to be representative of the drag reduction behavior of similar fluids under the field flow conditions.IntroductionFrictional pressure of fluids in tubing can be drastically reduced by adding drag-reducing additives such as certain long-chain polymers or surfactants to fluids pumped. This drag reduction property of fluids is more desirable in pumping operations through coiled tubing than through conventional straight tubing, since the flow rates through coiled tubing reels are often limited due to the small tubing diameter (coiled tubing should be small enough for the whole length of tubing string to be spooled on the reel drum). The tubing curvature will cause secondary flow, which further increases the frictional pressure drop in coiled tubing.Since the discovery of the drag reduction phenomenon of polymer solutions in pipe flow by Toms1 in 1948, there have been numerous studies on this fascinating and certainly important subject of fluids engineering. The papers by Lumley2, Hoyt3,4, Virk5, and Berman6 provide some extensive reviews on this topic. Comparatively, information on drag reduction of fluids in coiled tubing is very scarce. It would be quite logical to believe that the drag reduction behavior of polymer solutions in coiled tubing would be significantly different than in straight tubing. The centrifugal forces during fluid flow in coiled tubing will result in secondary flow in vortical forms in the cross-section of tubing.7,8 This secondary flow, superimposed on the main axial flow, will change the flow field and, for drag-reducing fluids, affect the drag reduction mechanisms.Most of the previous studies on fluid flow in coiled pipes have focused on the flow of Newtonian fluids.9 Only a few investigated the flow of non-Newtonian fluids in coiled pipes.10-13 In recent years, the rapid increase of coiled tubing applications in the oil and gas industry has driven research activities on coiled tubing hydraulics using full-scale experiments.14-16 Shah and Zhou16 investigated the drag reduction behavior using a full-scale coiled tubing test facility which was established for the Coiled Tubing Consortium supported by the industry. Useful observations on the effects of polymer concentration and coiled tubing curvature on drag reduction were provided. Note that the curvature ratios of the coiled tubing reels in the investigation were limited ― the combinations of tubing diameter and reel drum diameter resulted in a range of curvature ratio of 0.0113 to 0.0185. To include this important parameter into friction factor or drag reduction correlations, further investigation on fluid flow through coils with a wider range of curvature ratio is apparently desired. Based on this consideration, a lab-scale test loop was constructed using ½-in. OD stainless steel tubing. It consists of a 10-ft straight tubing section and four replaceable coils with curvature ratio of 0.01, 0.019, 0.031, and 0.076 respectively. This range of curvature ratio is believed to be able to cover the curvature ratios encountered in the field operations. Besides the saved costs of running the full-scale experiments, better quality controls can be achieved concerning the fluid preparation, fluid degradation as well as testing conditions with the present lab-scale tests.The objective of this paper is to present the new experimental results of coiled tubing curvature on the drag reduction behavior of polymeric fluids in coiled tubing.ExperimentalExperimental Setup. The experimental setup used in this study is illustrated in Fig. 1. The flow loop consists of the following components:• A 1000-gal polyethylene tank for fluid mixingand storage.SPE 89478Effects of Coiled Tubing Curvature on Drag Reduction of Polymeric FluidsY. Zhou, SPE, S.N. Shah, SPE, and P.V. Gujar, SPE, Well Construction Technology Center, University of Oklahoma2 SPE89478• A Moyno pump for pumping fluids.• A centrifugal pump was used to feed the Moyno pump.• A 10-ft straight tubing section and four replaceable reels of coiled tubing with different curvature ratios.Both the straight and coiled tubings are ½-in. ODstainless steel tubing. The ID is 0.435 in. Thedimensions of the four reels are given in Table 1.• MicroMotion flow meter. The MicroMotion® Elite Model CMF050 Sensor is capable of measuring flowrate in the range of 0 – 30 gal/min, fluid density withaccuracy of ± 0.0005 g/cc, and temperature withaccuracy of ± 1°C or ± 0.5% of reading in °C.• Pressure transducers for measurement of frictional pressure losses in the straight tubing section and in thecoils. The measurement range can be set up to work indifferent ranges between 0 to 100 psi.• An absolute pressure sensor to measure the working entry pressure of the system. The present flow loop hasa working pressure limit of 1200 psi.• A Fluke Hydra data logger system is used for data acquisition. The data collected is transmitted to apersonal computer in the control room and displayedlive on the computer screen. This helps the monitoringand quality control during the testing.Testing ProcedureFluid Preparation. The fluids were prepared and stored in the 1000-gal polyethylene tank. The mixing procedures recommended by polymer product suppliers were followed. Gel was allowed adequate time to hydrate in the mixing tank for proper gelation. Samples of fluid were collected and measured using a model 35 Fann viscometer to check fluid viscosity.After the polymer solution was prepared, water was first circulated through the flow loop to conduct system check. This will make sure the pressure transducer settings and the parameter settings of the data acquisition computer are set properly. Water was pumped through both straight and coiled tubing at various flow rates and corresponding pressure drop readings were recorded. The results of water tests will also be used as the baselines for gel flow analysis.Then, water in the flow loop was displaced by pumping the test fluid (gel). Once the system was filled with polymer fluid, the drain valve was closed and thus the fluid was pumped in the recirculation mode ― from tank to the pump, then through the straight and coiled tubing, and then back to the tank. The flow rate was set at a desired value and the steady state pressure drop data across straight and the coiled tubing were recorded at the corresponding flow rates. The flow rate was changed and corresponding pressure drops were recorded. This procedure was followed for various flow rates. At each flow rate, adequate flow time was allowed for the flow to reach steady state condition. This was achieved by monitoring the live display of measured flow rate and pressure drop signals.Fluid samples were collected from the mixing tank at the start of each test. Another sample was collected at the end of the test. The rheology of the samples was evaluated using the model 35 Fann viscometer. By comparing the samples taken before and after the test, any change in rheology due to polymer degradation and viscous heating can be detected.After testing with one coil was finished, the coil was replaced by another coil with different curvature ratio. The similar testing procedure was followed to obtain pressure drop data at various flow rates for all the four coils.In this study, we tested three types of polymer fluids, i.e., guar, hydroxypropyl guar (HPG), and Xanthan solutions at various polymer concentrations, as shown in Table 2.Results and DiscussionData Reduction and Analysis. The data recorded from the Fluke Hydra wireless loggers consist of flow rate, pressure drops across straight and coiled tubings, fluid density, and fluid temperature, etc. The transient data points due to flow rate change or due to purging operations are removed so that only the steady state data points are kept.The Fanning friction factor was calculated from the following relation:221Vf wρτ= (1)in which τw = the wall shear stress and is calculated from:Lpdw4∆=τ (2)where L is the tubing length of either straight tubing or coiled tubing.Drag reduction can be defined16 as:spffDR−=1 (3)where f p and f s are the Fanning friction factors of polymer solution and solvent respectively. Both can be calculated using Equations 1 and 2.The flow behavior of each fluid will be examined from plots of Fanning friction factor versus generalized Reynolds number which is determined as:12Re8−−=npnng KVdNρ (4)Water Test. Water test was performed with all the four coils as well as the 10-ft straight section. Since water was used as the base fluid or solvent, the result of water testing will be the basis for drag reduction analysis for polymer solutions.Figure 3 is a composite plot of Fanning friction factor versus Reynolds number (N Re) for the straight tubing and the four coils. During the testing, only the coils were replaced by one another, whereas the 10-ft straight section remained the same. It was found that the pressure drop readings of the straight section during the tests of different coils are close and exhibit very good reproducibility.SPE 89478 3As shown in Fig. 3, the friction factor of the straight tubing matches closely with the Drew17 correlation for straight pipe. All the coils show higher friction than straight tubing. As the curvature ratio (a/R) increases from 0.01 to 0.076, the friction factor also increases. Published correlations18,19 were compared with the present results and it was found that the Ito18 correlation results in close agreement with the water data. The Ito18 correlation, when plotted on f vs. N Re plot, is dependent on the parameter of curvature ratio. The plot of Ito18 correlation shown in Fig. 3 was calculated using curvature ratio of 0.076. It matches well with the set of data points of coiled tubing with a/R = 0.076.Effect of Curvature Ratio on Drag Reduction. Figure 4 shows the plot of Fanning friction factor versus generalized Reynolds number for 15 lb/Mgal Xanthan fluid. The high generalized number indicates that the flow regime was turbulent. The drag reduction effect is evident in both straight tubing and coiled tubing since the data points of the straight tubing lie below the Drew17 correlation while the data points of coiled tubing are below the Ito18 correlation. For straight tubing, the first two points are close to the Virk5’s maximum drag reduction asymptote. As N Reg further increases, the data points deviate from the Virk’s asymptote line. For coiled tubing, friction factor increases with increasing curvature.Figure 5 shows the plot of percentage drag reduction versus generalized Reynolds number for 15 lb/Mgal Xanthan in the straight tubing and the four coils. Note that the percentage drag reduction for straight tubing is calculated using the straight pipe correlation for Newtonian fluid (such as Drew correlation) for f s in Equation 3. For coiled tubing, f s was estimated from coiled tubing correlation for Newtonian turbulent flow, i.e., the Ito correlation. The difference in drag reduction behavior between straight and coiled tubings is obvious.The drag reduction in coiled tubing is significantly lower than in straight tubing. At low generalized Reynolds number the difference could be as much as 30%. At high generalized Reynolds number, the difference is more than 10%. It is interesting to note that the plot for the straight tubing is relatively flat, implying that increasing pumping rate (therefore increasing generalized Reynolds number) will not result in additional drag reduction. As a matter of fact, the drag reduction decreases slightly as the generalized Reynolds number increases for this case. The behavior in coiled tubing is quite different. The percentage drag reduction increases as the Reynolds number increases. The practical implication would then be that if pumping conditions permit, the percentage drag reduction can be improved by pumping at higher rates.The Modified Drag Reduction Envelope for Coiled Tubing. When the data of friction factor and Reynolds number are plotted in the Prandtl-Karman coordinates, the drag reduction behavior of a fluid can be better revealed. As an example, Fig. 6 shows the plot of 20 lb/Mgal HPG gel. Similar plots for 10 and 30 lb/Mgal HPG and guar fluids are also made. This kind of plot can be called the modified drag reduction envelope since it is modified from the Virk’s drag reduction envelope which is useful for the analysis of drag reduction in straight pipes. In this case, the zero-drag reduction line (Prandtl-Karman law) was replaced with Newtonian turbulent correlation for coiled tubing such as Ito18 correlation. As is shown in Fig. 6, the data points for coiledand straight tubings all fall on straight lines. But, the data linefor straight tubing has greater slope and higher position. As curvature ratio increases, the data lines for coiled tubing become lower and the slopes are decreased slightly. The intersections of the zero-reduction line (the Ito correlation in Fig. 6) with the data lines or their extrapolations represent the onset conditions of drag reduction. Therefore, Fig. 6 also indicates that as the curvature ratio increases, the onset of drag reduction in coiled tubing is delayed. This confirms our observation in a previous full-scale experimental investigation.16Effect of Polymer Concentration. Figures 7 and 8 show the plots of percentage drag reduction for 10, 15, 20, and 30lb/Mgal Xanthan in straight tubing (ST) and coiled tubing (CT)with curvature ratio of a/R = 0.01 respectively. These plots reveal the different effects of polymer concentration on drag reduction for tubings with different curvature ratios. For straight tubing and at higher Reynolds number, 20 and 30lb/Mgal Xanthan produce higher drag reduction than 10 and15 lb/Mgal Xanthan fluids. Since the difference in drag reduction between the 20 and 30 lb/Mgal Xanthan fluids is small, the 20 lb/Mgal Xanthan fluid appears to have an optimum concentration.Figure 8 shows that for coiled tubing with a/R = 0.01, thedrag reduction is better for less concentrated polymer solution.This is probably because the turbulence intensity in coiled tubing is suppressed by curvature and more concentrated polymer solution has more adverse viscous effect on theflow resistance.Figure 9 shows the combined effect of polymer concentration and curvature ratio for the data of 15 and 30lb/Mgal Xanthan fluids. For straight tubing, both slopes and position of data lines are drastically affected by the polymer concentration. The slope of 30 lb/Mgal Xanthan has much greater slope. For coiled tubing, the vertical position of thedata lines are more or less dominated by the polymer concentration rather than the curvature ratio. The slope doesnot change as much as in straight tubing when polymer concentration is increased from 15 to 30 lb/Mgal.Comparison with Full-scale Test. In Fig. 10, the data of 20lb/Mgal Xanthan fluid from a previous full-scale study with 1-in. coiled tubing16 are plotted together with the data of 20lb/Mgal Xanthan fluid obtained from the present study. In thefull-scale experimental setup, there were two reels of 1-in. coiled tubing. One reel has 1000 ft and is spooled on a drumof diameter of 72 in. The other reel has 500 ft and is spooledon a drum of 48 in. diameter. The internal diameter of the 1-in. tubing is 0.81 in. Therefore, their curvature ratios are 0.0113and 0.0169 respectively. Fig. 10 indicates that the data of the present work represent the trend of the full-scale experimentaldata very well. The data points of ½-in. CT with a/R = 0.01 are close to the 1-in. CT with a/R = 0.0113 from the full-scale test. Similarly, the data points of ½-in. CT with a/R = 0.019 fallwell in line with the behavior of 1-in CT with a/R = 0.0169.4 SPE89478The significance of this close agreement is that the data obtained from the lab-scale tests can be applied to predict the drag reduction behavior of fluids in field-scale tubings. Besides providing data of coils with a wider range of curvature ratio, cost-saving is also one of the advantages of running the lab-scale tests.Conclusions1. The drag reduction of polymer fluids in coiled tubing canbe reduced by the coiled tubing curvature by as much as10 – 30% as compared with straight tubing.2. The percentage drag reduction of polymer fluids in coiledtubing can be improved by pumping at higher rates, while in straight tubing and within the flow rates tested, the drag reduction is not significantly affected by flow rate. In certain cases, the drag reduction may even decrease slightly as generalized Reynolds number increases.3. The modified drag reduction envelope is proved to be auseful tool for understanding the drag reduction behavior of polymer fluids in coiled tubing. It has been found that the data points of polymer fluids on the Prandtl-Karman coordinates fall more or less on straight lines. The tubing curvature increases the vertical position of the data lines and decreases slightly the slopes of these lines.4. It was also found that the tubing curvature delayed theonset of drag reduction in coiled tubing. This may be because the tubing curvature delayed the onset of turbulence. It may also be due to the secondary flow caused by the curved flow geometry.5. Comparison of drag reduction results of the present studyand a previous full-scale experimental investigation indicates that the data of the lab-scale experiments are representative of the drag reduction behavior observed in the full-scale tests. The new data of polymer fluids obtained from coils with wider range of curvature ratio will be useful for developing improved drag reduction correlations for flow in coiled tubing.Nomenclaturea = radius of coiled tubing, incha/R = curvature ratioCT = coiled tubingd = pipe diameter, inchDR = drag reduction (= 1 - f p/f s )HPG = hydroxypropyl guarf = Fanning friction factorK p = consistency index, lb f s n/ft2L = pipe length, ftn = flow behavior indexN Re = Reynolds number (=ρdV/µ)N Reg = generalized Reynolds number (=d n V2-nρ/K p8n-1)N Res = solvent Reynolds number (=ρdV/µs)p = pressure, psi∆p = pressure drop, psiR = radius of coiled tubing reel, inchST = straight tubingV = mean velocity, ft/sµ = fluid viscosity, cPµs = solvent viscosity, cPρ = fluid density, lb m/ft3τw = wall shear stressSubscriptsp = polymer solutions = solventw = wallAcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to acknowledge gratefully the research team, especially Joe Flenniken and Milt Bishop, of the Well Construction Technology Center for their help with the experiments. 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Engr., (1970) 48, Nos. 4-6, T156-T161.SI Metric Conversion Factor in. × 2.54* E-01 =cmft × 3.048*E-01 = m °F (°F-32)/1.8 =°C gal × 3.785412 E-03 = m 3 cP × 1.0* E-03 = Pa·s lb f × 4.448222 E+00 = N lb m × 4.535924 E-01 =kg Mgal × 3.785412 E+00 = m 3 psi × 6.894757 E+00 = kPa*Conversion factor is exact.6 SPE89478Table 1 Dimensions of CoilsTable 2 Polymer Concentrations of Fluids TestedFig. 1 Schematic of Flow LoopSPE 894787Fig. 2 Photograph of the Four Coils0.0010.010.11000100001000001000000Reynolds Number, N ReFanningFrictionFactor,fFig. 3 Friction Factor of Water8 SPE 89478100010000100000Generalized Reynolds Number, N RegFig. 4 Plot of Friction Factor vs. Generalized Reynolds Number for 15 lb/Mgal Xanthan Fluid01020304050607080100010000100000Generalized Reynolds Number, N RegD r a g R e d u c t i o n , %Fig. 5 Percentage Drag Reduction of 15 lb/Mgal Xanthan in Straight Tubing and CoilsSPE 89478 951015202530354010100100010000100000N Res f 1/2f(-1/2)Fig. 6 Drag Reduction of 20 lb/Mgal HPG Fluid in Prandtl-Karman Coordinates0102030405060708090100010000100000Generalized Reynolds Number, N RegD r a g R e d u ct i o n , %Fig. 7 Effect of Xanthan Polymer Concentration on Percentage Drag Reduction in Straight Tubing10 SPE 8947801020304050607080100010000100000Generalized Reynolds Number, N RegD r a g R e d u c t i o n , %Fig. 8 Effect of Xanthan Polymer Concentration on Percentage Drag Reduction in Coiled Tubing (a/R = 0.01)51015202530354010100100010000100000N Res f1/2f (-1/2)Fig. 9 Effects of Curvature Ratio and Polymer Concentration on Drag ReductionSPE 89478 111020304050607080901000100001000001000000Generalized Reynolds Number, N RegD r a g R e d u c t i o n , %Fig. 10 Comparison of Drag Reduction Data of 20 lb/Mgal Xanthan Fluid from Full-scale and Lab-scale Tests。