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桥梁工程英语专业词汇 approach span appropriate reinforcement design arch axis arch bridge arch bridge with suspended road arch crown arch hinge arch rib arch ring arch seat assembling bolt auxiliary bridge for construction auxiliary pier axial bearing capacity of piles axial compression strength of concrete back of arch Bailey bridge balance weight abutment bank bar barge basic wind speed basin beam bridge beam lowering bearing bearing member bearing stiffener, end stiffener bearing stratum bearing structure 引桥 适筋设计 拱轴线 拱桥 下承式拱桥 拱顶 拱铰 拱肋 拱圈 拱座 拼装螺栓 施工便桥 辅助墩 桩轴向承载力 混凝土轴心抗压强度 拱背 贝雷桥 衡重式桥台 边滩 驳船 基本风速 流域 梁式桥 落梁 支座 承重极件 端加劲肋 持力层 承重结极 mixing of concrete model modular ratio modulus of deformation for concrete modulus of elasticity for concrete modulus of elasticity in shear of timber moisture content of soil moment redistribution monolithic concrete slab bridge monolithic girder bridge motor vehicle loading movable bearing movable bridge movable supporting frame multi-cell box girder bridge multiple service bridge multiple-span rigid frame bridge multi-span natural erosion varying erosion natural ground navigation clearance negative skin friction negative stay neutral axis nominal load nominal value of an cation non-bearing member non-destructive test by ultrasonic method non-destructive test by γ-ray method 混凝土拌制 模型 模量比 混凝土变形模量 混凝土弹性模量 木材剪弹模量 土的含水量 弯矩重分布 整体式板桥 整体式梁桥 汽车荷载 活动支座 开启桥 蝴蝶架 单箱多室梁桥 多用桥 多跨刚架桥 多跨 自然冲刷 天然地基 通航净空 负摩擦力 负拉索 中性轴 标准荷载 作用标准值 非承重极件 超声波无损检验 γ射线法无ng template, bed block bed rock benchmark (B.M.) bend test of bars bending-up of flexural reinforcement bent cap. Capping bent-up bar bituminous deck pavement bleeding of concrete blind ditch block block for seismic protection bolt connection bond stress bored cast-in-situ pile bowstring arch bridge, tied-arch bridge box culvert box girder box girder with multiple cells bracket braking force and tractive force braking pier, abutment pier bridge and culvert bridge crane bridge crossing structure over river bridge deck bridge erecting crane bridge flutter bridge foundation 支承垫石 基岩 水准点 钢筋冷弯试验 钢筋的弯起 盖梁 弯起钢筋 沥青铺装桥面 泌水 盲沟 砌块 防震挡块 普通螺栓连接 粘结应力 钻孔灌注桩 系杆拱桥 箱形涵洞 箱梁 多室箱梁 牛腿 制动力和牵引力 制动墩 桥涵 桥式起重机 桥渡 桥面 架桥机 桥梁颤振 桥梁基础 oblique lap joint observation of debris flow observation of ground water observation of landslide offset of foundation one-direction raking pile foundation one-stage design one-way slab open caisson foundation open caisson notch open caisson sinking method open caisson with a "tailored" cutting edge open caisson with multi-dredge wells open caisson with single dredge well open cut foundation open floor, open deck open spandrel abutment open spandrel arch bridge open web girder bridge opening of bridge and culvert, span length ordinary rebar orthotropic plate analogy outlet submerged culvert overall length of bridge overall span length of bridge overflow bridge overflow pavement overturning stability of pier and abutment over-wrest 斜搭接接头 泥石流观测 地下水观测 滑坡观测 基础襟边 单向斜桩桩基 一阶段设计 单向板 沉井基础 深井凹槽 沉井下沉方法 高低刃脚沉井 多孔沉井 单孔沉井 明挖基础 明桥面 空腹式桥台 空腹拱桥 空腹梁桥 桥涵孔径 普通钢筋 比拟正交异性板法 压力式涵洞 桥梁全长 桥梁总跨径 漫水桥 过水路面 墩台倾覆稳定 超拧
桥梁工程英语专业词汇 bridge layout in plan bridge lighting bridge site bridge site engineering survey plan profile bridge site bridge site topographic map bridge tower broken joint budget of working-drawings of a project buried abutment buried river burlap cofferdam bybrid overflow pavement critical gradient cable stayed bridge cable stayed bridge of multi-cable system a single central cable plane cable stayed bridge with continuous girder cable stayed bridge with continuous rigid frame double inclined cable planes cable tower cable with stranded wires calcium silicate cement. Portland cement calculated rise calling for tenders camber cantilever beam bridge 桥梁平面布置 桥上照明 桥位 桥位工程测量 平面图 纵断面图 桥址(桥渡) 桥址地形图 桥塔 断缝 施工图预算 埋置式桥台 地下暗河 麻袋围堰 混合式过水路面 临界坡度 斜拉桥 密索体系斜拉桥 单索面 连续梁式斜拉桥 连续刚极式斜拉桥 双斜索面 索塔 钢绞线索 硅酸盐水泥 计算矢高 招标 预拱度(反拱度) 悬臂梁桥 panel panel point partial erosion partially prestressed concrete particle diameter 节间 节点 局部冲刷 部分预应力混凝土 粒径
桥梁工程英语专业词汇 abutment abutment anchor bar abutment capping abutment shaft accidental action acid rain age aggregate interlock aggregate air compressor air entraining agent allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil allowable eccentricity of foundation base of bridge alternatives anchor beam anchor bearing plate anchor bearing ring anchor plate anchorage anchorage anchorage length anchored in rock piles anchored pier anchoring box angle steel angular transducer anti-creeper antifreezing agent approach slab used at bridge end 桥台 桥台锚固栓钉 台帽 台身 偶然作用 酸雨 龄期 骨料咬合作用 集料 空气压缩机 加气剂 地基容许承载力 桥基底容许偏心 比较方案 平衡梁 锚垫板 锚垫圈 锚碇板 锚碇 锚具 锚固长度 嵌岩桩 锚固墩 锚箱 角钢 倾角仪 防爬器 防冻剂 桥头渡板 major stream channel manpower drilling manually excavated cast-inplace pile masonry bridge masonry pier and abutment mat curing material cost maximum (minimum) stage maximum flood stage maximum spacing of stirrups mean particle diameter mean settling velocity mean stage mean value medium span bridge retaining wall method of prestressing externally method of slurry direct circulation method of slurry reverse circulation use anchor bar for reinforcement midheight-deck type arch bridge embedded depth of pile pile spacing reinforcement ratio shear reinforcement ratio mix of concrete 主槽 人力钻探 挖孔灌注桩 圬工桥 圬工墩台 覆盖养护 材料费 最高(最低)水位 最高洪水位 最大箍筋间距 平均粒径 平均沉速 平均水位 均值 中桥 挡土墙 体外预应力法 泥浆正循环法 泥浆反循环法 锚杆加强 中承式拱桥 桩基埋深 桩间距 配筋率 配箍率 混凝土配合比