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1 【正确答案】 Competence refers to the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language, while performance refers to the actual realization of the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.
【试题解析】 (考查语言能力与语言运用)
2 【正确答案】 Hypotactic language means in the language, the dependent or subordinate constructions and relationship of clauses are connected and shown by connectives, for example, English, while paratactic means in this language, clauses are arranged one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them, for example, Chinese.
【试题解析】 (考查从属语言和并列语言)
3 【正确答案】 Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community, and it is the linguistic competence of the speaker, while parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.
【试题解析】 (考查语言和言语)
4 【正确答案】 The standard dialect is a particular variety of a language in that it is not related to any particular group of language users, but it is the variety which any member of a speech community can possibly use regardless of his social and geographical backgrounds, his gender and age.
【试题解析】 (考查标准方言)
5 【正确答案】 Immediate constituents are constituents immediately, directly, below the level of a construction, which may be a sentence like Poor John ran away, a word group like poor John or a word and a word may also be analyzed into its immediate constituents, morphemes.
【试题解析】 (考查直接成分)
6 【正确答案】 Binary analysis of word meaning means that in meaning analysis, if a word has the semantic feature A, then we can mark this word as[+ A]; if it does not have this semantic feature, then we can mark it as[-A]. For example, we can mark the following words as man(+ Male, + Adult, + Human), woman(-Male, + Adult, + Human)and boy(+ Male, -Adult, + Human).
【试题解析】 (考查对分法)
7 【正确答案】 When the meaning of a word narrows toward an unfavorable meaning, it is called degradation or degeneration or pejorative change. Some words once respectable may become less so and others once neutral in meaning may acquire a pejorative connotation. A "villain" , for example, was originally a man who worked on a farm or villa. At first, it was a term implying no contempt, and came to be a term of reproach. Other words like this are churl(once a man), boor(once a farmer)and so on.
【试题解析】 (考查词义的降格)
8 【正确答案】 Analogy is a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor, which usually concentrates on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that several common qualities of points of resemblance. For example; The sunflowers are shaking their heads and smiling. The broomcorn seems to be teams of Young Pioneers.
【试题解析】 (考查类比)
9 【正确答案】 In componential analysis, the small components dissected from the lexical meaning of a word, such as + MALE, + HUMAN, and + ADULT, are called semantic components or semantic properties.
【试题解析】 (考查语义特征)
10 【正确答案】 It refers to that words of different sets or classes may permit, or require, the occurrence of a word of another set or class to form a sentence or a particular part of a sentence. For instance, what can precede a noun(dog)is usually the determiners and adjectives, and what can follow it when it takes the position of subject will be predicators such as bark, bite, run, etc.
【试题解析】 (考查共现关系)
11 【正确答案】 workaholic; work + a + holic; -holic, now used as suffix, evolves from the word " alcoholic" .
12 【正确答案】 spam; "spam" originates from "Spam".
13 【正确答案】 telethon; television + thon; tele- comes from "television" , while -thon from "marathon".
14 【正确答案】 modem; "modem" is the combination of "modulator" and "demodulator".
15 【正确答案】 bit; "bit" evolves from "bitten".
16 【正确答案】 brunch; "brunch" is the combination of "breakfast" and "lunch".
17 【正确答案】 transistor: " transistor" is the combination of " transfer" and " resistor".
18 【正确答案】 motel; "motel" is the combination of "motor" and "hotel".
19 【正确答案】 glimmer: "glimmer" originates from "glam".
20 【正确答案】 medicare; "medicare" is the combination of "medical" and "care".
21 【正确答案】 In cross-cultural communication, when people have some trouble and do not know how to behave correctly, they tend to turn to their source culture for help.(1 point)This is a strategy often used by communicators in a new cultural setting. Convenient as it is, this strategy may not always work well. Far too many bad stories can be told to illustrate this point. This is because people from different communities think, behave, and speak differently. If we are not ready for this difference, we may run into trouble.(2 points)Therefore, a principle that cross-cultural communicators should follow is to understand the target culture by transcending the source culture. Put alternatively,
try to do as the Romans do when in Rome.(2 points)




22 【正确答案】 Semantic triangle is a theory proposed by Ogden and Richards in The Meaning of Meaning, which argues that the relation between a word and a thing it refers to is not direct. It is mediated by concept. In a diagram form, the relation is represented as follows;(2 points)
This triangle cannot refer to the abstract concepts. Leech also uses sense as a briefer term for his conceptual meaning and we can say his conceptual meaning has two sides; sense and reference. To some extent, we can say every word has a sense, but not every word has a reference. What is more, it is not convenient to explain the meaning of a word in terms of the thing it refers to.(2 points)
This theory can not explain everything. Though we can say every word has a sense, not every word has a reference, which means they don't always refer to something. Grammatical words like but, if, and do not refer to anything.(1 point)


23 【正确答案】 Speech act theory originated with the British philosopher John Austin in the late 1950's. It is a philosophical explanation of the nature of linguistic communication. According to this theory, we are performing various kinds of acts when we are speaking. A speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking: locutionary act, illocutionary act and perlocutionary act.(1 point)
The first sense is that when we speak we move our vocal organs and produce a number of sounds, organized in a certain way and with a certain meaning. In this sense, when somebody says " Morning!" , he produced a sound, word or sentence " Morning!" The act performed in this sense is called a LOCUTIONARY ACT. Within this act, however, Austin suggests that there is another act. "In performing a locutionary act we shall also be performing such an act as; asking or answering a question, giving some information or an assurance or a warning, announcing a verdict or an intention, pronouncing sentence, making an appointment or an appeal or a criticism, making identification or giving a description and so on". For example, to the above question "What did he do?" We could perfectly well say "He offered a greeting. "(3 points)
In other words, when we speak, we not only produce some units of language with certain meanings, but also make clear our purpose in producing them, the way we intend them to be understood, or they also have certain forces. In the example of "Morning!" we can say it has the force of a greeting, or it ought to have been taken as a greeting. This is the second sense in which to say something is to do something, and the act performed is known as an ILLOCUTIONARY ACT.(2 points)
The third sense in which to say something can mean to do something concerns the consequential effects of a locution upon the hearer. Telling somebody something the speaker may change the opinion of hearer on something, or mislead him, or surprise him, or induce to do something, etc. Whether or not these effects are intended by speaker, they can be regarded as part of the act that the speaker performed. This act is called a PERLOCUTIONARY ACT.(2 points)
For example, by saying " Morning!" , the speaker has made it clear that he wants to keep friendly relations with the hearer. This will definitely have effects on the hearer. When the two interlocutors are on normal terms, the effect may be negligible. But if there were any tensions between them, a simple " Morning!" from one side may bring about great changes in their relationship. The other may accept his show of friendship, and be friends with him again. On the other hand, the hearer may take his friendliness an instance of hypocrisy. As a result, the speaker's greeting may lead their relationship from bad to worse. Though this effect is not at the speaker had originally intended, it is still a perlocutionary act performed by him.(2 points)





