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Microsoft Dynamics
• 全局搜索可以很方便地在多个表中进行数据的搜 索 路径:基础数据——设置——数据爬网
场景:销售人员想看到与某个客户相关的几个表中的记 录,但他不想逐个表搜索。
Microsoft Dynamics
• 当用户关心的某些事件发生时,AX可以通过设定预警收 到通知
The Batch Framework
The Batch application framework creates batch entries in the Dynamics AX batch queue. These entries execute at time intervals specified by a user interacting with a dialog box provided by the framework. The RunBaseBatch framework extends the RunBase framework, and X++ classes that extend this framework can have their operations enlisted in the batch queue.
• The Operation Progress Framework

Microsoft Dynamics
• The Number Sequence Framework
• The Number Sequence application framework creates a new sequential number for uniquely identifying business transaction records in database tables. You can specify whether the numbers are sequential or allow gaps in the generated sequences. You can also specify the number format by using a specification string. The SysLastValue application framework stores and retrieves user settings or usage data values that persist between processes. You use this framework to save, retrieve, and delete a container of usage data. (生产/工序清单) The Application Integration Framework (AIF) sends business transactions to external applications and responds to requests from external applications. The framework comprises XML document classes, message queue management, Web services, and data mapping features.
• The RunBase application framework runs or batches an operation. An operation is a unit of work, such as the posting of a sales order or calculation of a master schedule. The RunBase framework uses the Dialog framework to prompt a user for data input. It uses the SysLastValue framework to persist usage data and the Operation Progress framework to show operation progress.(基本设置里的批处理)
Microsoft Dynamics
• 功能特色:
– 单一的数据库可供集团中的所有公司同时使用; – 在各个功能领域实现了高度的统一规划,例如原材料 采购、销售和生产; – 预测和生产主计划的可获得性; – 多币种和多语种的灵活性。
Microsoft Dynamics
• 开发环境特色
为您打造 制造业信息化
Microsoft Dynamics AX 技术培训
Microsoft Dynamics
1、AX系统功能概述 2、AX开发平台介绍 3、X++ 集成开发环境 4、X++开发语言介绍 5、数据字典(Data Dictionary) 6、数据操作(Fetch of Data) 7、From(窗体) 8、Class(类) 9、Report(报表) 10、Menus(菜单)
Microsoft Dynamics
• 通过文档管理可以为AX中的每条记录添加一个文 档说明。
场景:用户想为每个产品添加Word文档以便说明产品 信息,或者为每个销售订单添加合同的文本方便 查找。
Microsoft Dynamics
• 在AX正式上线之前需要导入一些数据,其中一些 主表的数据可以通过系统中提供的导入导出功能 来实现。
Microsoft Dynamics
• The Dialog Framework
• The Dialog application framework creates a dynamic dialog box that is not defined in the AOT. You can customize the dialog box by setting the caption and adding fields, field groups, menu items, text, and images. You would typically use the Dialog framework to create dialog boxes when data input is required from the user. The Operation Progress application framework displays a dialog box that shows the progress of a processing task. You can customize the framework by setting the total number of steps in the operation and by setting the dialog box caption and animation type. You control the progress by incrementing the progress value in derived classes. Best practices include setting the total step count only if it is known (or if it can be accessed rapidly), partitioning the process task into as many steps as possible, and insuring that steps have similar durations. If you use multiple progress bars, the first bar should show overall progress. The framework automatically calculates the time remaining for an operation.
• The SysLastValue Framework

• The Applicaபைடு நூலகம்ion Integration Framework

Microsoft Dynamics
• The Wizard Framework
• • The Wizard application framework helps users configure application features. You use the Infolog application framework when business transaction status logging is required. The information log form control displays the logged message. The Infolog framework is also the default exception handler, so any exception not caught by application code is caught by the Infolog framework. You can extend this framework to provide customized logging features.
• – MorphX是专为AX提供的一个集成开发环境平台; • – 提供了COM (The Component Object Model /组件对 象模型)组件接口,便于AX与第三方软件和WEB应用的集 成; • – 应用对象树(AOT) 提供了统一的、紧凑的设计框架和 知识库;. • – 许多设计功能都支持鼠标的拖拽操作; • – 项目有助于管理和跟踪客户化定制应用。
这些主表一般包括客户表,供应商表,物料表和会计科目 表。
• 也可以用导入导出功能一次性导出某些类型的数 据。
Microsoft Dynamics
• AX为满足企业ERP的各种技术性需求,提供了一套基础模型,利用 这些模型框架,可以便于用户集中精力于实现各个领域的需求,通过 现有的模型框架和新的技术特性提供给用户统一的用户体验。最常见 的框架模型有: • The RunBase Framework
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft AX
Microsoft Dynamics
本章主要介绍AX与具体业务模块没有直接关系的功能, 这些功能在实施项目的过程中一般会由技术顾问负责教授给 客户。 这部分内容以演示为主,通过演示可以对AX的使用有个 大概的认识,知道哪些技术特性在AX中已经实现,不需要另 行开发。
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics
• • • • • 查询和排序记录 全局搜索 预警的使用 文档管理 数据的导入导出
Microsoft Dynamics
• AX提供了方便的查询和排序记录的方式,可以方 便地查询出某条或者某些满足条件的记录 DEMO
• The Infolog Framework
Microsoft Dynamics
Microsoft Dynamics
• • • • 了解AX的优势 了解AX的主要开发原理 了解AX的层体系 了解AX的安全体系设置
• Microsoft Axapta is a customizable, multiple language, multiple currency enterprise resource planning or ERP solution with core strengths in manufacturing and e-business and strong functionality for the wholesale and services industries.