







先建立框架,其实,图表类作文的框架很容易建立,一般在考题里的内容要点也会讲清楚,大致就是如下几部分:Part 1 介绍背景Part 2 描述图表信息Part 3 分析原因或描述评论图表反应的现象part 4 给建议(发表观点)有时,我们会把part 1 与part 2 放在一段,介绍背景与描述图表放一起。

有时,我们会把part 2 和part 3 放一起,描述图表并分析原因或其反应现象,这两种分层都可以。


Part 1 介绍背景这部分其实就是概括性地描述下图表的主要内容或其调查背景,比如2022年高考的“学生通过多途径在课外学习英语”,我市三练“劳动课的开设的内容选择” 等等,这里,我们都可以用一句话去开篇全文,比如:1 当今,随着...的(流行/受欢迎/发展...), 越来越多的... 选择/做了...Nowadays, with the ... of ..., an increasing number of ...2 It has been noticed that .... (形式主语)后面跟图表反映的主要内容Part 2 描述图表一般来说图表都是柱状图或扇形图,主要数据有四组,这里学生要做到的就是如何用简洁的两三句话,把图表的信息描述清楚,避免重复、啰嗦。



作文题型分析讲解一.专题知识梳理——图表作文、图片作文知识点1:图表作文一. 图表作文考查形式:1. 是以表格形式,将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。

2. 是以图形形式◆表示数据变化的曲线图;◆表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异的条形图;◆表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图。

二. 图表作文常用的写作模板参考模板一:As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table(graph/picture/pie/chart), ______ (作文题目的议题) has been on rise/ decrease (goes up /increases / drops / decreases),significantly /dramatically /steadily rising /decreasing from ______ in ______ to______ in ______. From the sharp/marked decline/ rise in the chart, it goes without saying that______.There are at least two good reasons accounting for ______. On the one hand, ______. On the other hand, ______ is due to the fact that ______. In addition, ______ is …参考模板二:According to the graph, ______ (图表结果). The ______ amount rises from _____ to______ while ______ climbs from ______ to ______(数据), both of which demand our prompt attention. As a citizen/student, my suggestions to ______ (点出主题)are listed as follows.To begin with, ______ (建议一). ______(观点). In addition, ______ (建议二). ______(观点). Thirdly, ______ (建议三). ______(观点).In a word, only if we pay much attention to our everyday behavior and take actions to _________(重申主题), can we make contributions to __________.(美好生活的向往)三. 图表写作常用句型及短语1.The data from the pie chart shows that _______ ranks first at 58%, which is followed by_____ at 33%. However, the least proportion goes to _________ at only 9%.(图表数据类文章第一段可能遇到的经典句型)2. The graph/chart/table above shows…3. From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that...4. As (正如) is shown in the graph, ...5. It has been shown from the table that…Facts1. There was a great /slight increase /rise in…2. There has been a sudden/slow/rapid fall/drop in…3. The rate dropped slightly from 38%in…to 31% in…4. By comparison with, it decreased/increased/fell from…to…5. Statistics show a 20% rise/reduction in traffic accidents compared with last year.6. The population owning mobile phones increased by 10% in 1999.Reasons:1. The reason why/for…is that…2. One may think of the change as a result of…3. The change in … largely results from the fact that…4. This brings out the important fact that…5. ... is the key factor (因素) in…6. There are several causes for this significant growth in….First,….Second,…总结归纳:1. in a word ,/ in short,(简而言之)/ generally speaking(总的来说)2. In summary, it is important…3. From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion (得出结论)that…4. Obviously/Apparently 很明显地), if we want to…, it is necessary…提出建议:1. There is no doubt that (毫无疑问) attention must be paid to…2. I suggest (建议)the government take effective measures to …3. Personally, I think(就我来看) the “golden week” should remain, for…逻辑过渡词:常用转折,对比及比较的词汇:While, but, on the contrary, however, compare with, in contrast to ,as…as, the same as, be similar to, more than, less than常用描写趋势变化的词汇:表示上升的动词increase, rise, go up,表示下降的动词reduce, drop, go down, fall,表示平稳及其他remain, slowly, slightly, gradually, sharply, rapidly, the number of…, from…to 及比较级,倍数句型等。


It is apparent that the traditional way of study that students read books and take notes in pen is still the choice by most students.(改为简单句:2. ________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________) As far as I am concerned, if used properly, all these means of study can benefit us.
Wemade a survey in ourschool last week and I’dlike to tell yousomething about the results.
As is shown in the chart, using papers to study occupies 47%, followed by the percentage of 38% students in my school, whoget used to(用高级词汇替换:1.________________________) using all the three means of study. 11% of the students surveyed prefer to use computers.Students who thinksmart phones canhelp their study account for the rest of 4%.



【常用句式】 1.点明主题
①I have recently made/conducted/carried out a survey about...among... ②Last week,we made/conducted/carried out a survey on... ③A survey has been made/conducted/carried out on...
3.发表看法/提出建议 ①Personally/In my opinion/As far as I’m concerned/From my point of view... ②It is high time that we...
Recently a survey has been done to find out ________ (所要表达的主题).As is shown in the pie chart ________ (表中的内容一),________ (表中的内容二), ________ (表中的内容三) and ________ (表中的内容四).
2.呈现数据/分析原因 (1)呈现数据 ①The above table/chart/graph shows that... ②As can be seen from the pie chart... ③From the table/chart/graph we can see... (2)分析原因 ①There are several reasons that account for this phenomenon. ②A number of factors account for (contribute to/lead to/result in) the change (phenomenon/increase). ③The main reason for such a change is...



我早早的睡下了,使尽全力的想沉睡。终于失败。我试图不要去想那些烦人心的问题。可有些时候,你越试图不去接触它,它到对你缠绵不休了。我在被窝里不停的翻来覆去。有几次,也差点解脱,却 总被惊醒。一整夜总是被那个碰触心灵的问题而绵绵不休。优游 / 已经是凌晨两点多了,我仍未能安稳入梦。思想再度的活跃起来。我想到了许多已过往的事情,想到了我这十多年来的奋斗史。我在次在心里问我自己:这些年你这样机械的奋斗着,你感到快乐吗?我 一遍两遍的回答着不尽相同的答案,或快乐,或不快乐。此刻,我感觉我的心理就像巴金笔下的汪文宣,多怀凝,多摇摆不定。我渺然一身沉沦在自己的黑暗中苦苦挣扎,摒弃了时间与空间的观念,寄 宿在思想的皇城里。 看到了我在为中考而拼搏,为高考而挑灯夜战,我看到了母亲那祥和的面庞,父亲那期望的眼光,还有邻里们嘲笑的境况 我不停的用力奔跑,不知要向何处去,却不曾停下。我迷茫,没有方向,更没有快乐而言。我像个机器,每天重复着自己的努力。我感觉好是累人,却不能放弃。我没有想到过快乐,从来没有问过自己 这样做你快乐吗?我总是以做事而做事,却不曾快乐的做事。 泪水模糊了我的眼角,不知什么时候我慢慢睡去了。然而我知道我没有入睡。梦中我不断的在向自己呐喊:你快乐吗? 清晨的空气略带清爽,睁开朦胧睡眼,舍友们都在笑话我。我却不知为何缘故。 后来有一舍友告诉我说,你今早说梦话了。我想我自己从未说梦话,追问他,我说了什么了?舍友回答说,你在睡梦中连续大喊了好几声不快乐。


仿佛在一夜之间,春风驱散了最后一丝的寒流,春夜的黑幕中,压抑已久的绿色的生机悄然勃发,迎春花绽放,浓烈的迎接着迟到的春色。 清晨,大地氤氲中染上一层绿色,目光所及之处,蛰伏着的生机,在每个角落都萌发着生命的力量。鸟儿鸣叫着穿梭在含苞的枝头,渲染着春天的多姿多彩,飞过山峦、树林、花丛,空气中清香的味道 随风流淌。 经历了冬雪与严寒洗礼的田野中,麦苗在春风的召唤中,开始用鲜艳的浓绿装点世界。枯黄、褐色的土地上,春雨用沾满新绿的淅沥沥的细雨,展现化干枯为神奇的魔力,传递着从远古到今天都不曾改 变的春天的美丽。
前几天,终于下了一场细细的雨,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。盛放了十多天的桐花开始凋落了,啪嗒啪嗒,宛若清脆的雨点,打在蜿蜒湿滑的山道上。一朵朵,一片片,寂寂然铺了一地,让人绝望而忧伤的 美丽。伴游网 https:// 看着看着,心,蚀骨地疼。 今天傍晚,再次走过山路,那些桐花已全部凋零。高大的桐树上,再也看不到一串串清朗饱满的紫色花朵在薄暮里默默守望了。 没了这绽放万里的桐花,春天也就即将渐行渐远了。 独自走进山林。四周愈来愈浓的绿意,绸缎一般地流淌着,却不见锦上的繁花,不禁微微地惆怅。 都说最美人间四月天。很多地方,各色花儿开得正灿烂,春天才开始展示她最迷人最美丽的容颜。可在这座高原小城,竟已经开到荼蘼花事了。 布谷布谷,密林深处,忽然传来一阵鸟鸣,此起彼伏,如花朵一般缓缓绽放。 哦,后天就是谷雨,该播种了。 布谷声里,这个春天随飘逝的桐花迅速隐退。
Hale Waihona Puke








二是以图形形式:A 表示数据变化的曲线图;B 表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异的条形图;C 表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图。



_________________________________________________________________________________________ 2)美国高中生没有中国高中生那么依赖父母。

_________________________________________________________________________________________ Para 3:____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.选用恰当的连接词及过渡句,以使文章更有连贯性和逻辑性。



























比如说,“2010 年的人口是 200 万,比 2005 年增加了 50 万,增长幅度达到了 333%。



云朵儿的第三本畅销书,就是以她的人生经历为原型写的,当年创造了一个发行量的奇迹,短短一年的时间就在全国各地销售十万册!那一年云朵儿很忙,前往各地召开现场售书会,接受记者采访, 去电视台录节目。一系列有关残疾人云朵儿的报道,雪花般的在这片土地上飘落下来。云朵儿每一次接受记者采访时重复着一句话:人生有三万多个日日夜夜,行走的路或者平坦,或者坎坷,或者荆棘 密布,或者星光满天,我却把这些苦难做为人生的一场场修行。无论明天怎样?我莫问结果,只在意我跪着走路的坚持。
宅男午夜在线看黄 生活不负强者,云朵儿的努力终于让上天给予了她人生一道美丽的彩虹。谁的人生不是负累前行,有时候抱怨只能让自己作茧自缚,云朵儿用自己的实际行动,诠释了一个经典的哲理:爱拼才会赢。
输给了爱情和婚姻这不可怕,毕竟爱情不是活着的唯一,当云朵儿在几年的时间里把她变成几家杂志特约撰稿人,并出版了好几本长篇都市爱情畅销书后,在一次去商场购物的时候,已经按上假肢拐可 以走路的云朵儿,在楼梯口碰到了前夫,他的现任挽着他的胳膊一幅小鸟依人的靠在他的肩上,见到云朵儿的一霎那,前夫愣了半天,嘴巴嗫嚅着没有说出话,云朵儿很潇洒的说,“真是有缘啊,你的 妻子很漂亮,祝福你们。”说完就洒脱的转



纵向对比: 从1990到2020年,经过有效的措施,世界总贫困人口 和中国贫困人口一直在下降。 From 1990 to 2020, through effective
measures, the total number of poor people
both in the world and in China has been
Excitedly, China sucessfully got rid of absolute poverty in 2020.
As far as I am concerned, China has set a good example for the world.The Chinese people are living a better and better life. I am proud of China. Hopefully, the total number of poor people in the world will come to an end in the future.
countries pay high attention to the issue of
China has been taking effective measures
to solve the problem of poverty. According to
范文一:Chinas Achievement in Ending Absolute Poverty
As we all know, poverty is one of the
biggest i s s u e s a r o u n d t h e w o r l d fective measures adopted by the government, all of the poor people across China have been lifted out of absolute poverty by the end of 2020. China has made such amazing achievements that gives the world a hope that ending poverty is possible.



Last week, we had a survey among 2600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. The survey shows that 50% of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, 18% of the girls choose “great figures”, that is, the percentage of the boys is the same as that of the girls. My mother is my idol, because she not only gave birth to me, has brought me up and loves me but also supports our poor family.
Bar Char地点明本图表所反映的主题 常使用的词汇有:table, chart, figure, graph, describe// tell, show, represent等
常用句型: 1.The graph/chart/table above shows … 2. From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that... 3. As is shown in the graph, ... 4.The chart/table shows the differences between…

新高考英语写作精讲+写作模板: 图表类写作 (解析)

新高考英语写作精讲+写作模板:   图表类写作   (解析)












参考词汇:大学本科生Undergraduate 大学专科生Junior college students硕士生Master studentPersonnel Composition of an EnterpriseNowadays, with the high demand of skills in the enterprise, there is an increase in the advanced workers with a higher diploma.________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________【答案】Personnel Composition of an EnterpriseNowadays, with the high demand of skills in the enterprise, there is an increase in the advanced workers with a higher diploma.As is shown in the pie chart, the percentage of workers with high diplomas is the main formation of the enterprise. Undergraduates cover 28% of the whole staff. Also, there are respectively 33% master students and 39% junior college students.As far as I’m concerned, it is a trend that in the near future, people with no advanced knowledge can not find their dream work, since with the development of science and technology, there are critical demands for workers. For us students, it is our duty to study more knowledge and skills to meet the needs of society. Only when we are equipped with enough knowledge and more abilities can we get on well in society.【简要分析】本篇书面表达属于图表类写作。



到北京是12点半,没在火车上吃午饭,也没在北京南站吃。不全是为了省钱,我饿着肚子赶到酒店,在它门口那家包子铺买了三个芸豆猪肉包,站在风中一口气吃光。芸豆包子,上海家那边没人卖 的,这家的味道,跟娘包的有点像。会议算是成功吧,歪打正着那种,失之东隅收之桑榆。一个供应商请客吃饭,我挑了家普通酒店,或许菜确实太便宜了,那哥们点起来我怎么都劝不住。最终,当最 后那半只烤鸭上来时,我俩一个就吃了一筷子。实在吃不动了,毕竟,我是下午1点半才吃了三个大包子,而刚才又陪他吃了一大锅卤煮,一盘爆肚和一盘烙饼卷带鱼。好像还有别的菜,记不清了。我 让他打包,他坚决不干,也就算了,毕竟他是开大奔来的。离开老家这么多年了,见到浪费我心里还是不舒服,那不全是钱的事,多少人想吃而吃不到啊。第二天晚上的那两个饭局,我都推了,当然, 不是因为浪费,是因为要去二姑家。二姑见了我很开心,一直催着朵朵给我表演幼儿园的舞蹈,我跟二姑父怎么劝都劝不住。最终,孩子总算是没跳舞,但她上蹿下跳玩地太猛,吐了。“吃这么点东西, 都吐了。”表弟苦笑着说:“药也吐了,感冒药还好,抗生素都不知道该不该补”。“你再能啊。”姑父边给她换下吐脏的裤子边凶了孩子一句。二姑在沙发上讪讪地说:“不是我跟她玩的啊。”小家 伙静静看着电视不说话,过了一会儿,她真又发烧了,于是,又给她吃了点美林。娱乐吧

(课标通用)高考英语一轮复习 专题27 图表作文教学案-人教版高三全册英语教学案

(课标通用)高考英语一轮复习 专题27 图表作文教学案-人教版高三全册英语教学案

专题27 图表作文考纲展示命题探究1 命题特点图表作文要求将图表形式的信息转化成段落文字信息。



2 写作步骤(1)开门见山,点明主题根据题干中的文字说明及图表所表达的主要信息,点明图表所反映的主题。








3 写作素材(1)常用词汇①点明图表所反映的主题时常用的词汇:table表格,chart图表,diagram 图解/示意图,figure图形/数字,describe描述,tell告诉,show说明,represent描绘/展示,indicate显示。

②分析数据差异及变化趋势时常用的词汇:a.表示上升或增加的:rise, increase, go up。

b.表示下降或减少的:decrease, fall, reduce, decline, drop, go down。

③表示变化特点的:sharply急剧地,quickly迅速地,rapidly快速地,dramatically 戏剧性地,slowly缓慢地,gradually逐渐地。

④表示比较的:pared to/with..., in contrast to, the same as, similar to, different from, difference between, while, but, on the contrary, however, as... as..., more than, less than。




常用词汇:table, chart, figure, graph, describe, tell,show, represent等2.分析数据差异及趋势或者描写数据代表内容。


常用词汇:rise,increase, drop, reduce, decrease, fall. but, on the contrary, however, the same as, be similar to, be different from 等3.归纳总结或发表自己看法。

常用词汇:in a word, in short, to sum up, We candraw the conclusion that……等。

重点句子:一.引入话题1.It can be seen from the table that….2.As is indicated in the chart,….3.From the sharp rise (上升n.) / decline (下降n.) in the chart, it goes withoutsaying that….(不用说…)4.It has gone up(上升) / fallen / dropped(下降) considerably in recent years.二.描述变化或原因1.表示递进what’s more, besides, in addition, furthermore, to makematters worse, what’s worse (更糟糕的是)2.表示解释account for , that is to say, mean, in other words3.表示变化---快速上升rise (increase / go up ) sharply (quickly, rapidly)Eg: The number sharply went up.---缓慢下降decrease (reduce/ come down/ decline/ drop/ fall) slowly---表示对比compare with , contrary to, on the contrary4.描述多重原因---There are several reasons behind the situation reflected in the above table. First of all, ……; More importantly,…….; Most importantly,……..;---There are at least two good reasons accounting for this phenomenon. On one hand,…….; On the other hand,………; In addition,…. is responsible for….三.总结或评论1.Personally speaking, in a word, in conclusion,2.It can be concluded that….(可以得出结论,)3.From the above discussion, we have enough reasons to predict what will happenin the near future.4.The trend described in the table will continue for quite a long time if necessarymeasures are not taken.5.As far as I’m concerned, I hold the view that……6.I’m sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. (既合理又理由充分)写作模版:1.分析图表数字代表内容Ascan be seen from the chart, _____________________(话题).Different people hold different opinions on this matter.Obviously, the majority of the people believe that ______________. However, others (20%) consider that_______________. Besides, another 5% hold the view that_______________.As far as I am concerned, we should pay more attention to __________. On one hand, ________________. On the other hand, __________________.2.分析数字反映的原因As can be seen from the chart, ____________________(话题). Different people hold different opinions. About 60% of the people ____________, while 25% of the people ______________.The least people, accounting for 15%, _______________.Various reasons are responsible for their different choices. To begin with, ___________. What’s more, ______________.Besides, _____________.As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the view that_____________. I believe that ___________________.或As far as I am concerned, despite such problems, I hold the view that we should ________________. Only in this way can we _______________.图表类作文实战1:下面的图表显示了你们学校高三学生周末放假的学习生活情况。


叶子带天天出发时是下午两点,那天阳光很好。天天恋恋不舍地威胁我:“爸爸,你不陪我们回金山,我要罚款五万元。”我摸了摸他的头,做了个夸张的表情冲他说:“啊?这么多?你这个奸 商!”他哈哈笑着,让我给他讲奸商的故事,虽然这个故事昨天晚上刚给他讲过。可惜没时间了,叶子让他赶紧下楼。我和叶子拎着大包小包,天天背着他的小书包,一起下楼去,只有我没戴口罩。 “阳台上的花都浇过了,这几天不用浇水了。”叶子提醒我说。我点头应下,然后意识到,我总得有一年没给花浇过水了。行李在后备箱和后座放好,天天在后座宝宝椅上坐下,熟练地扣上安全带,叶 子发动了汽车。“你给他拿两本书放边上。”叶子提醒我说。我应着,拉开车门,从天天书包里取出两本故事书,放在他手够得着的地方,然后冲天天做了一个鬼脸。小家伙乐了,拉下口罩反击,然后 车子开走了。半一盘技巧
回到楼上,坐在阳台的躺椅上晒太阳。窗外晾衣杆上晒着被子,眼前是盛开的水仙花,身边有甘蔗和瓜子,还有一杯苦丁茶。至于我昨天说的玻璃瓶里的水仙,有朋友提醒我了,其实不是,是风信 子。我看着那玩意儿,心说,装蒜也就罢了,还装水仙。隔窗望去,小区里几乎看不到人,安静地让我有些不适应。掏出手机,在网上各个群里找人聊天。聊着聊着,却就又开始想天天了。晚上我用酸 菜、大白菜、油渣、五花肉和肉皮炖了一大锅,就着中午剩下的米饭把肚子吃得滚圆,然后躺床上给天天视频。“爸爸,我现在就开始想你了。”刚洗完澡的他冲我说。“我早就开始想你了。”我笑着 告诉他。“我比你还早。”小家伙不服气。聊了几句,他要看动画片了,才挂断。我又跟老家的亲戚们通了一圈电话,问候一下,确认彼此安好,就开始动工,写一篇单位上需要的文案。不知道为什么, 晚上有点儿失眠,直到1点才睡去。或许是因为吃得多,动得少吧,而且,我睡眠一向很一般,睡得时间还行,但总是睡不沉。

高考英语写作题型全面突破专题30 图表作文详细指南-讲义

高考英语写作题型全面突破专题30 图表作文详细指南-讲义





写作时需要介绍图表中数据有什么变动,反映了哪些问题和趋势,并分析问题或数据背后的原因, 结合自己的看法谈谈解决措施或给出观点。



II.三步成文第一步:开门见山,点明图表所反映的现象第二步:分析图表所示内容的原因或进行评论第三步:归纳总结或发表评论,提供建议等语料赋能1.图表类型graph 曲线图figure 几何图形pie chart 饼状图bar chart 柱状图diagram 平面图、示意图table 表格2.数据表达50% of...../fifty percent of .... ...的百分之五十Half of the ... 一半A quater of 四分之一3 quaters of 四分之三Nine out of ten / nine in ten 十个中有九个The majority of ... 大多数the minority of 少数Account for 70 percent 占百分之703.常用句型开头:1.As can be indicated in the table... 正如表格所表明2.As is revealed in the table... 如图所示3.According to the figures given in the table... 根据表中的数据4.This chart shows that... 图表表明5.As is clearly shown by the graph... 正如图像所示6.It can be seen/concluded from the statistics that... 从数据可知7. from the chart , we can see that...主体:(数据描述)1.A is by far the largest... A是目前最大的.....2.The figure has nearly doubled/tripled, as against that of last year. 与去年相比,数据几乎翻了两倍/三倍3.There is a slight/slow/steady/rapid rise in population. 在人口方面有轻微的/缓慢的/稳定的/迅速的增长.4.As is shown/demonstrated in the graph , great changes have taken place in... 如图所示,....发生了巨大变化5.Sth.be on the increase//rise/decline/ decrease ....正在增长/减少6.It has decreased /increased by 30% compared with last year. 与去年相比,已经增长了30%。

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高考英语题型解析---图表作文(教案)I. 理论依据:《课程标准》八级写作目标1、能根据所读文章进行转述或写摘要;2、能根据文字或图表提供的信息写短文或报告;3、能写出语意连贯且结构完整地范文,叙述事情或表达观点和态度;4、能在写作中做到文体规范、语句通顺。

II. 教学内容:复习图标作文的写作方法和思路。


III. 图表作文的几种形式:A表格形式,将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。

B图形形式C表示数据变化的曲线图;D 表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异的柱状图;E表示总体内部结构变化的扇形图IV. Presentation1.【例析1】请你根据下表提供的信息写一篇题为Changes in Chinese People‘s Diet 的短文。

短文可分为三小节:1) state the changes in people's diet in the past five years;2) explain the changes and give possible reasons;3) draw your own conclusions.注意: 1. 尽可能少引用数据; 2. 词数120—150左右。



(开门见山,言简意赅)There have been some changes in the diet of the Chinese people.第二步:观察图表中数据的增减总趋势,分类式阐明,并说明原因。

Grain, the main food of the most people in China, is now playing a less important role. The amount of fruit and vegetables on the average person's diet has also dropped by 1.5 percent from 2008 to 2012. The amount of milk and meat has increased.The changes in diet can be explained by several reasons. For one thing, with the development of economy, an increasing number of people can afford to buy better foods. For another, people have realized the importance of a balanced diet. Avoiding starvation is no longer the only purpose of eating.第三步:归纳总结并得出结论。

In a word, the changes are the signs of the improvement in people's lives. There is no doubt that there will be greater changes in people's diet in the future. 2.Conclusion:图表式作文写作分三步:第一、开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题经常使用的词汇有:table, chart, figure, graph, describe, tell, show, represent 等等。



经常使用的词汇有:rise, drop, reduce, increase, decrease, fall, while, but, on the contrary, however, compare... to/ with..., in contrast to, as...as, the same as, similar to, different from, differencebetween, among, more than, less than等等。


有时第三步可省略经常使用的词汇有:in a word, in short, generally speaking, It's clear from the chart that..., We can draw the conclusion that..., We can learn/know...等等。

激活练习:3. More practice某学校对中学生课余活动进行了调查,结果如下。



一、内容要点:1. 图表1中六项活动及所用时间2. 图表2中一个数据反映的情况3. 自己的看法二、说明:1. 内容要点可用不同方式表达。

2. 可以紧扣主题的适当发挥。



一、内容要点:1. 图表1中六项活动及所用时间2. 图表2中一个数据反映的情况第一步:本图表所反映的主题Key words1. the daily average amount of time, different after-class activities.The Chart shows the daily average amount of time the students spend on different after-class activities.第二步: 图表1中六项活动及所用时间On Chart 1, The students spend 93 minutes on their homework. And watching TV takes up 46 minutes. They put in about the same amount of time listening to music and working on the computer, 34 minutes and 30 minutes each. 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into housework.第三步:图表2中一个数据反映的情况及自己的一个看法Problem: little time for sportsSuggestions10% of the time is taken up with sports activities.We should encourage the students to do more exercise after class.One possible version:Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of time the students spend on different after-class activities. As Chart 1 shows,the students put most of their time -93 minutes-into their homework, and next in line is watching TV, which takes up 46 minutes. They spend about the same amount of time listening to music and working on the computer, 34 minutes and 30 minutes each. While 25 minutes is spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into housework.As is shown in Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities. I think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class. Just as a proverb goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So only when students strike a balance between studies and play, can they be healthier and more energetic. 4. 图表题中常见句子翻译:• 1. 从图表上可以看出这本书销售辆有两个高峰。

• 2. 从图表上可以看出62%的人愿意当志愿者。

• 3. 7月的数量是四月的两倍• 4. 与1,2月间的销售量相比,本书2月到7月间的销售额增加了两倍。

• 5. 正如你所看到的,整体呈下降趋势.• 6. 在前三个月车祸从数由一月22起上升到三月的32起.答案:1 From the graph, we can see that there were two peaks in the sales of the book2.As is shown by the graph that 62% of students like to be a volunteer3. The number in July doubled that in February.4. Comparing the sales of the book between January and February, we find that it increased 3 times.5. As you can see the general tendency is a declining.6. In the first three months car accidents increased from 22 in January to 32 in March.5. 图表作文中套用句式:1. As is shown by the graph/in the table that/ As we can see clearly from the chart above…(概述图表)2. The results of the survey seem to suggest that… (得出结论)3. … amount to … (数量总计)(add up to /come to /sum up to )4. … increase(rise/ fall/ drop )from … to … (数量增减)5.(be)three times as + 形容词+ aspar ed with … , …7.There is (was) a rapid rise in …8 The changes ….can be explained for several reasons.9. It is reported that 85% of…10 In recent years/during this years……11 … are also the reason why the number increasing so fast.12. From the increased number we can get that…。
