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下面就让我们来看下今天的托福考题吧:综合写作=080809 CN 讨论关于bi rdsan ting这一习性的三种解释。
Readin g Listen ing
Thesis总论点Demons trate threetheori es to
explai n why birdshave the
habitof anting. Refute the threeexplan ation s mentio ned in readin g passag e.
Sub-point1 分论点1 Birdsuse anting to irriga te skin
during feathe r change in
It is just a coinci dence betwee n
the time of feathe r change and
bird anting.
Sub-point2分论点2 The acid releas ed during anting
by ants can help resist parasi tes
growin g on birds.
Anting cannot reduce the
growth of parasi tes on some
Sub-point3 分论点3 Anting is a way for birdsto feed
on thoseants.
Birdswill have otherthings to
rub themse lves, but they do not
tend to eat thosethings.
Sample answer:
The readin g and listen ing discus s aboutthepos sible explan ation s regard ingtothebird’sbehavi or of anting, whichis anacti vityto have ants rub on the birds’skin. The passag e mentio ns threet heori es to explai n the behavi or. Wherea s, the profes sor totall y refute s thethr ee presen ted in the passag e.
Firstl y, the profes sor rebuts the readin g’sideath at birdsuse anting to irriga te skin during the season of feathe r change insumm er. The profes sor claims that timing is the only suppor tingpointin thisth eory. Howeve r, it is just coinci dence betwee n the time of feathe r change andant ing. During summer, it is easier for birdsto find ants for anting and it isjust the righttime for birdsto change theirfeathe r. Thereis no causal relat ionsh ip betwee n the two behavi ors.
Second ly, the profes sor contra dicts readin g’sstate mentthat birdsuse this method to resist growth of parasi tes due to theaci d releas ed by ants during anting. The profes sor mentio ns that if the theory was rightin that case, then birdshaving the habitof anting wouldexperi encea reduce of parasi tes growth, compar ed with thosenot. Howeve r, no eviden ce canpro ve the hypoth esis.
At last, the passag e states that during anting,ants will releas e acid, whichmakesbirdsbetter feed on thoseants. Howeve r, thepro fesso r explai ns that otherthan ants, birdswill rub themse lveswith othert hings like cigare ttesand soap. And thosebirdswill not eat on such smallt hings. Theref ore, the explan ation of food prepar ation is not reason ablee ither.
作文题目:Do you agreeor disagr ee with the follow ing statem ent?
All univer sitystuden ts should be requir ed to take basicscienc e course s even if it
is not the fieldof theirstudy.
[重复2008.8.9 ML]
题型类别: 同意不同意型
相关旧题:2008.8.9 ML
相似的题目还有问是否有学习his tory、music、art等学科的必要性。
写作指导:Disagr ee:
范文指导:As the so-called cradle of knowle dge and talent s, univer sitie s are oftenplaced with too much expect ation as if they can reshap e a studen t into a person with
omnisc ience afteryearsof univer sitystudy. Factsalways go agains t the grain
howeve r. Then we can hear almost the same voicefrom the media,“weneeda
more compre hensi ve course struct ure to covereveryspot of how the world
functi ons”. Yet with a second though t, does the word really make sense, or does
the societ y really expect univer sitygradua tes to be in that way? Hopefu lly not.
Theref ore, I am fullyagains t the idea of introd ucing basicscienc e into univer sity
course system and advoca te a more practi cal senseto view univer sityeducat ion.
Firstof all, a reason abledefini tionof univer sityis a placewherepeople can get
profes siona l knowle dge in the fieldthey choose. For the firstday a studen t
enteri ng into the univer sity, s/he embrac es the dreamto become a specia listin a
specif ic area. With that goal rooted in mind, s/he select s majorrelate d course s,
attend s useful semina rs or worksh ops, does resear chesaboutcertai n topics, and
even readsall relati ve refere ncesin librar ies. S/he knowseveryminute counts.
Howeve r, just imagin e the studen t is requir ed to take the basicscienc e course in
the wholesemest er now. It is easy to see how frustr ateds/he will be sinceall
schedu les and plansare disrup ted, not to mentio n that s/he may be so indiff erent
aboutthe course.
Second, no one should undere stima te the powerof intere st during studyi ng,
especi allyin the stageof univer sity. The awaken ing of self-consci ousne ss long
accomp anies the way of educat ion, and people oftenrealiz e theirown intere sts
when they become colleg e studen ts. Though it is hastyto say no one wouldbe
fond of basicscienc e, it is really a smallportio n compar ed to the majorgroupof
studen ts. Forcin g a studen t who is not intere stedin this fieldto take the course
meansnothin g but an emotio n of resist anceand a high rate of absent eeism. As for
thosewho are into the worldof scienc e, the basiccourse seemsto be unsuit able
either, for it only scratc hes the surfac e.
Last but not least, any extracourse s will charge for additi onaltuitio n fees and
requir e an invest mentof teachi ng resour ces. For self-financ ed studen ts or
househ oldswith limite d budget s, tuitio ns have alread y become huge burden s. So
it is not rare to see compla intsaboutincrea singtuitio n fees. Undersuch
circum stanc e, course s like basicscienc e should then be select ive rather than
compul sory, whichhelpsto lowerthe pressu re a little bit. As for the teachi ng
resour ce, the univer sitywouldeither chaseafterqualif ied teachi ng fellow s at a
high expens e to fill the gap of teache r-studen t ratioor use the curren t teache rs
with the sacrif ice of classintera ction. And either way can possib ly achiev e a
win-win situat ion.
In a word, though we want to forese e youngpeople obtain more sophis ticat e
inform ation aboutthe world, it is theirrightto choose whichfieldto focuson.
Whilesome genera l course s like basicscienc e do provid e benefi ts to some extent,
specia lizat ion is what we need to emphas ize in higher educat ion as to ensure the
depthand effici encyof study.
词汇拓展:omnisc ience全知全能
everyminute counts分秒必争
go agains t the grain背道而驰
the awaken ing of self-consci ousne ss 自我意识的觉醒
scratc h the surfac e 浅尝辄止
absent eeism缺席。