On the finite generation of a family of Ext modules

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ON THE FINITE GENERATION OF A F AMILY OF EXT MODULES TONY J.PUTHENPURAKAL Dedicated to Prof.L.L.Avramov on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday Abstract.Let Q be a Noetherian ring with finite Krull dimension and let f =f 1,...f c be a regular sequence in Q .Set A =Q/(f ).Let I be an ideal in A ,and let M be a finitely generated A -module with projdim Q M finite.Set R (I )=L n ≥0I n ,the Rees-Algebra of I .Let N =L j ≥0N j be a finitely generated graded R (I )-module.We show that M j ≥0M i ≥0Ext i A (M,N j )is a finitely generated bi-graded module over S =R (I )[t 1,...,t c ].We give two applications of this result to local complete intersection rings.1.introduction Let A be a Noetherian ring.Let I be an ideal in A and let M be a finitely gener-ated A -module.M.Brodmann [4]proved that the set Ass A M/I n M is independent of n for all large n .This result is usually deduced by proving that Ass A I n M/I n +1M is independent of n for all large n .Some Generalizations of Brodmann’s result Fix i ≥0.The following sets are independent of n for all large n .1(L.Melkerson and P.Schenzel)[10,Theorem 1](a)Ass A Tor A i (M,I n /I n +1).(b)Ass A Tor A i (M,A/I n ).2(same argument as in 1(a)).Ass A Ext i A (M,I n /I n +1).3(D.Katz &E.West;[8,3.5])Ass A Ext i A (M,A/I n A ).
An example of A.Singh [12]shows that
Ass A lim →Ext i A (A/I n
,M )need not be finite.
So in this example
n ≥1
Ass A Ext i A (A/I n ,M )is not even finite .
We state some questions in this area which motivated me.
(1)(W.Vasconcelos:[13,3.5])Is the set
i≥0Ass A Ext i A(M,A)finite?
(2)(L.Melkerson and P.Schenzel:[10,page936])Is the set
i≥0 n≥0Ass A Tor A i(M,A/I n)finite?
The motivation for the main result of this paper came from a Vasconcelos’s ques-tion.The author now does not believe that Vasconcelos’s question has a positive answer in this generality.However he is unable to give a counter-example.Note that if A is a Gorenstein local ring then Vasconcelos’s question has,trivially,a positive answer.If we change the question a little then we may ask:if M,D are twofinitely generated A-modules then is the set
i≥0Ass A Ext i A(M,D)finite?
This is not known for Gorenstein rings in ing Melkerson and Schenzel’s question as a guidepost the questions I was interested to solve was Let(A,m)be a local complete intersection of codimension c.Are the sets
(a) i≥0 j≥0Ass A Ext i A(M,D/I j D)finite?
(b) i≥0 j≥0Ass A Ext i A(M,I j D)finite?
In Theorem5.9we prove that(b)holds.I have been unable to verify whether(a) holds.
The main result in this paper is the following regardingfinite generation of a family of Ext modules.Let R(I)= n≥0I n t n be the Rees algebra of I. Theorem1.Let Q be a Noetherian ring withfinite Krull dimension and let f= f1,...f c be a regular sequence in Q.Set A=Q/(f).Let M be afinitely generated A-module with projdim Q Mfinite.Let I an ideal in A and let N= n≥0N n be a finitely generated R(I)-module.Then
E(N)= i≥0 n≥0Ext i A(M,N n)
is afinitely generated bi-graded S=R(I)[t1,...,t c]-module.
An easy consequence of this result is that(b)holds(by taking N= n≥0I n D); see Theorem5.1.A complete local complete intersection ring is a quotient of a regular local ring mod a regular sequence.So in this case(b)holds from Theorem 5.1.The proof of(b)for local complete intersections in general is a little technical; see Theorem5.9
We next discuss a surprising consequence of Theorem1.Let(A,m)be a local complete intersection of codimension c.Let M,N be twofinitely generated A-modules.Define
cx A(M,N)=inf b∈N|n b−1<∞
ON THE FINITE GENERATION OF A FAMILY OF EXT MODULES3 In this section6we prove,see Theorem6.1,that
(†)cx A(M,I j N)is constant for all j≫0.
We now describe in brief the contents of this paper.In section one we give a module structure to E(N)over S(as in Theorem1).We also discuss a few preliminaries.The local case of Theorem1is proved in section2while the global case is proved in section3.In section4we prove our results on asymptotic primes. In section5we prove(†).
Acknowledgements:The author thanks Prof.L.L.Avramov and Prof.J.Herzog for many discussions regarding this paper
2.module structure
Let Q be a Noetherian ring and let f=f1,...f c be a regular sequence in Q. Set A=Q/(f).Let M be afinitely generated A-module with projdim Q Mfinite. We will not change M throughout our discussion.Let I an ideal in A and let N= n≥0N n be afinitely generated R(I)= n≥0I n t n-module.Set
E(N)= i≥0 n≥0Ext i A(M,N n).
In this section we show E(N)is a bi-graded S=R(I)[t1,...,t c]-module.We also discuss two preliminary results that we will need later in this paper.
2.1.Let F:···F n→···F1→F0→0be a free resolution of M as a A-module.
Let t1,...t c:F(+2)→F be the Eisenbud-operators[6,section1.]Then
(1)t i are uniquely determined up to homotopy.
(2)t i,t j commute up to homotopy.
2.2.Set T=A[t1,...,t c]with deg t i=2.
In[7]Gulliksen shows that if projdim Q M isfinite then i≥0Ext i A(M,L)is a finitely generated T-module.
2.3.Let N= n≥0N n be a f.g module over R(I).Let u=xt s.The map
N n u−→N n+1yields
Hom(F,N n)
Hom(F,N n)(+2)
Hom(F,N n+s)(+2)
Taking homology gives that
E(N)= i≥0 n≥0Ext i A(M,N n)is a bi-graded S=R(I)[t1,...,t c]-module. Remark2.4.1.For each i,we have n≥0Ext i A(M,N n)is afinitely generated R(I)-module.
2.For each n,we have i≥0Ext i A(M,N n)is afinitely generated A[t1,...,t c]-module.
We state two Lemma’s which will help us in proving Theorem1.
(1)Let N= n≥0N n be a graded R(I)-module.Fix j≥0.Set
N≥j= n≥j N n.
E(N≥j)is naturally isomorphic to the submodule
E(N)≥j= i≥0 n≥j E(N)ij
of E(N).
(2)If A→A′is a ring extension and if D is an A-module then set D′=D⊗A A′. Notice that if D isfinitely generated A-module then D′is afinitely generated A′-module.
(3)Set S′=S⊗A A′.Notice S′is afinitely generated bi-graded A′-algebra.Let U= i≥0 n≥0U i,n be a graded S-module.Then
U′=U⊗A A′= i≥0 n≥0U′i,n
is a graded S′-module.
Lemma2.6.If E(N≥j)is afinitely generated S-module then E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
Proof.Set D=E(N)/E(N≥j)We have the following exact sequence of S-modules
Using Gulliksen’s result it follows that D is afinitely generated T=A[t1,...,t c]-module.Since T is a subring of S,we get that D is afinitely generated S-module. Thus if E(N≥j)is afinitely generated S-module then E(N)is afinitely generated S-module Lemma2.7.[with notation as in2.5(3)]Let A→A′be a faithfullyflat extension of rings and let U= i≥0 n≥0U i,n be a graded S-module such that U i,n is afinitely generated A-module for each i,n≥0.If U′is afinitely generated S′-module.then U is afinitely generated S-module.
Proof.Choose afinite generating set L of U′.Suppose deg i u≤a and deg n u≤b for each u∈L.For0≤i≤a and0≤n≤b choose afinite generating set C i,n of U i,n.Set
i=0b n=0C i,n.
Set C′={u⊗1|u∈C}.Let V be the submodule of U generated by C.By construction C′generates U′.So U′=V′.Thus(U/V)⊗A A′=0.Since A′is a faithfullyflat A-algebra we get U=V.So U is afinitely generated S-module.
3.The local case
In this section we prove Theorem1when(Q,n)is local.Let m be the maximal ideal of A.Set k=A/m.Let I be an ideal in A.Set F(I)=R(I)⊗A k= n≥0I n/m I n thefiber cone of I.
ON THE FINITE GENERATION OF A FAMILY OF EXT MODULES5 3.1.Assume N= n≥0N n is afinitely generated R(I)-module.Notice
F(N)=N⊗A k= n≥0N n/m N n
is afinitely generated F(I)-module.Set
spread(N):=dim F(I)N/m N the analytic spread of N.
Proof of Theorem1in the local case.
Case1.The residuefield k=A/m is infinite.
We induct on spread(N).
First assume spread(N)=0.This implies that N n/m N n=0for all n≫0. By Nakayama Lemma,N n=0for all n≫0;say N n=0for all n≥j.Then E(N≥j)=0and it is obviously afinitely generated S-module.By2.6we get that E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
When spread(N)>0then there exists u=xt∈R(I)1which is N⊕F(N)-filter regular,i.e.,there exists j such that
(0:N u)n=0and(0:F(N)u)=0for all n≥j.
Set N≥j= n≥j N n and U=N≥j/uN≥j.Notice we have an exact sequence of R(I)-modules
For each n≥j the functor Hom A(M,−)induces the following long exact sequence of A-modules
0−→Hom A(M,N n)u−→Hom A(M,N n+1)−→Hom A(M,U n+1)
−→Ext1A(M,N n)u−→Ext1A(M,N n+1)−→Ext1A(M,U n+1)
−→Ext i A(M,N n)u−→Ext i A(M,N n+1)−→Ext i A(M,U n+1)
Using the naturality of Eisenbud operators we have the following exact sequence of S-modules
By construction
By induction hypothesis E(U)is afinitely generated S-module.Therefore by Lemma3.2we get E(N≥j)is afinitely generated ing2.6we get that E(N)isfinitely generated S-module.
Case2.The residuefield k isfinite.
In this case we do the standard trick.Let Q′=Q[X]n Q[X].Set A′=A⊗Q Q′. Notice A′=Q[X]m Q[X]is aflat A-algebra with residuefield k(X)which is infinite. Set I′=IA′and M′=M⊗Q Q′=M⊗A A′.Notice projdim Q′M′isfinite.Set R(I)′=R(I′)the Rees algebra of I′.Notice that N′=N⊗A A′is afinitely generated R(I)′-module.Also note that E(N′)=E(N)⊗A A′.
By Case1we have that E(N′)is afinitely generated S′-module.So by Lemma 2.7we get that E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
The next Lemma is a bi-graded version of Lemma2.8(1)from[11].
Lemma 3.2.Let R be a Noetherian ring(not necessarily local)and let B= i,j≥0B i,j be afinitely generated bi-graded R-algebra with B0,0=R.Set
B x= i≥0B(i,0)and B y= j≥0B(0,j).
Let V= i,j≥0V i,j be a bi-graded B-module such that
(1)V i,j is afinitely generated R-module for each i,j≥0.
(2)For each i≥0,V i= j≥0V i,j isfinitely generated as a B y-module
(3)For each j≥0,V j= i≥0V i,j isfinitely generated as a B x-module
(4)There exists z∈B(r,0)(with r≥1)such that we have the following exact
sequence of B-modules
where D is afinitely generated bi-graded B-module.
Then V is afinitely generated B-module
Proof.Step1.We begin by reducing to the case whenψis surjective.
Notice D′=imageψis afinitely generated bi-graded B-module.Ifψ′:V→D′is the map induced byψthen we have an exact sequence
Thus we may assumeψis surjective.
Step2.Choosing generators:
2.1:Choose afinite set W in V of homogeneous elements such that
is a generating set for D.
2.2:Assume all the elements in W have x-co-ordinate≤c.
2.3:For each i≥0,by hypothesis V i is afinitely generated B y-module.So we may choose afinite set P i of homogeneous elements in V i which generates V i as a
B y-module.
G=W c i=0P i .
Clearly G is afinite set.
Claim:G is a generating set for V.
Let U be the B-submodule of V generated by G.It suffices to prove that U i,j=V i,j for all i,j≥0.By construction we have that for0≤i≤c
(*)U i,j=V i,j for each j≥0
Let be the lex-order on X=Z≥0×Z≥0.It is well-known that is a total order on X.So we can prove our result by induction on X with respect to the total order .
The base case is(0,0).
In this case U0,0=V0,0by(*).
Let(i,j)∈X\{(0,0)}and assume that for all(r,s)≺(i,j);we have U i,j=V i,j.
By(*)we have U i,j=V i,j.
Let p∈V i,j.By construction,note that there exists w1,...,w m∈W⊆C such
l=0h lψ(w l)where h i∈B.
We may assume that deg h l w l=(i,j)for each l Set p′= m i=0h i w i∈V i,j.Notice
1.p′∈U i,j.
p−p′=z•q where q∈V(i−r,j).
If q=0then p=p′∈U i,j.
Otherwise note that(i−r,j)≺(i,j).So by induction hypothesis q∈U(i−r,j).It follows that p∈U i,j.
Thus V i,j⊆U i,j.Since U i,j⊆V i,j by construction it follows that U i,j=V i,j. The result follows by induction on X.
4.The global case:
We need quite a few preliminaries to prove the global case.See4.2for the difficulty in going from local to the global case.Note that in the local case we proved the result by inducting on spread(N).This is unavailable to us in the global situation as there are usually infinitely many maximal ideals in a global ring.Most of this section we will discuss two invariants of a graded R(I)-module N= n≥0N n.We will use these invariants to prove Theorem1by induction.
4.1.Notation and Conventions:We take dimension of the zero module to be−1. We define the zero-polynomial to have degree−1.
Let P∈Spec Q.If P⊇f then set p=P/f.If P f then any A-module localized at P is zero.So assume P⊇f.Notice
(1)R(I)p∼=R(IA p)and S p∼=R(I)p[t1,...,t c]
(2)M p=M P hasfinite projective dimension as a Q P-module.
(3)E(N)p∼=E(N p).
4.2.The difficulty in going from local to global:
For each p∈Spec A it follows from4.1that E(N p)is afinitely generated A p-module. Usually Supp A E(N)will be an infinite set.So we cannot apply the local case and conclude.
The situation when Supp A E(N)is afinite set will help in the base step of our induction argument to prove Theorem1.So we show it separately.
Lemma4.3.If Supp A E(N)is afinite set then E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
Proof.We may choose afinite subset C of E(N)such that its image in E(N)p generates E(N)p for each p∈Supp A E(N).Set U to be thefinitely generated submodule of E(N)generated by C.
Set D=E(N)/U.Notice that D p=0for each p∈Spec A.So D=0.Therefore E(N)=U is afinitely generated A-module.
4.4.First Inductive device:
Since N is afinitely generated R(I)-module we have ann A N i⊆ann A N i+1for all i≫0.Since A is Noetherian it follows that ann A N n is constant for all n≫0. Call this stable value L N.This enables us to define Limit dimension of N.
limDim N=lim
dim A N n=dim A/L N.
Since A hasfinite Krull-dimension we get that limDim N isfinite.
4.5.Let P be a prime in ideal in A.If D is afinitely generated A-module then
ann A
P D P=(ann A D)
=(ann A D)A P.
(L N)P=L N
4.6.Note that if limDim(N)=−1then N j=0,say for all j≥j0.So E(N≥j
)=0. Using2.6it follows that E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.Thefirst non-trivial case is the following
Proposition4.7.If limDim(N)=0then E(N)is afinitely generated A-module. Proof.This implies that A/L N is Artinian.Say dim N n=0for n≥r.Clearly Supp A E(N≥r)⊆Supp A A/L N afinite set of maximal ideals in A.
It follows from4.3that E(N≥r)is afinitely generated ing2.6we get that E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
4.8.higher degreefilter-regular element
We do not havefilter regular elements of degree1in the global situation.However we can do the following:
Set E=N/H0R
+(N).Assume E=0.As H0R
(E)=0there exists homogeneous
u∈R+such that u is E-regular,[5,1.5.11].Say deg u=s.Since E n=N n for all n≫0it follows that the map N i→N i+s induced by multiplication by u is injective for all i≫0.We will say that u is a Nfilter-regular element of degree s.
4.9.The second inductive device:
We now discuss a global invariant of N which patches well with local ones.
4.10.The local invariant
Let(A,m)be local and let W= n≥0W n be afinitely generated R(I)-module. For convenience we assume that L W=ann A W n for all n≥0.Let a⊆L W be an ideal.Fix j≥0.Set
d a(W,j)= 0,if dim W j<dim A/a,
e(m,W j);otherwise.
Note that W j is an A/a-module and that d a(W,j)is the modified multiplicity function on the A/a-module W j.
Remark4.11.Notice if dim W j=dim A/a then
d a(W,j)=d L
Letµ(D)denote the minimal number of generators of an A-module D. Lemma4.12.The function d a(W,−)is polynomial of degree≤µ(I)−1.
Proof.We may assume that the residue field of A is infinite.Set T =R (I )/a R (I )= n ≥0T n .Notice T 0=A/a .Let x =x 1,...,x r be a minimal reduction of m (A/a ).So e (m ,−)=e (x ,−),cf.[5,4.6.5].Then by a result due to Serre,cf.,[5,4.7.6],we get that e (x ,W j )=
r i =0
(−1)i ℓ(H i (x ,W j ))Notice H i (x ,W )= j ≥0H i (x ,W j )is a finitely generated T/x T -module.Notice (T/x T )0=A/(a +x )is Artinian.Furthermore (T/x T )1is a quotient of R (I )1and so can be generated by µ(I )elements.Therefore the function j →ℓ(H i (x ,W j ))is polynomial of degree ≤µ(I )−1.The result follows. Definition 4.13.θ(a ,W )=degree of the polynomial function d a (W,−).
Clearly θ(a ,W )is non-negative if and only if limDim W =dim R/a and is −1otherwise.
4.14.The global invariant
Let A be a Noetherian ring with finite Krull dimension.Let I =(x 1,...,x s )be an ideal in A .Let W = n ≥0W n be a finitely generated R (I )-module.For convenience we assume that L W =ann A W n for all n ≥0.Let a ⊆L W be an ideal.
C (a )={m |m ∈m-Spec(A ),m ⊇a &dim(A/a )m =dim A/a }.
Let I =(x 1,...,x s ).If m ∈C (a )then note that (a)W m = n ≥0(W n )m .
(b)L W m =(L W )m .So a m ⊆L W m (c)θ(a m ,W m )≤s −1.
θ(a ,W )=max {θ(a m ,W m )|m ∈C (a )}.
By (c)above we get that θ(a ,W )is defined and is ≤s −1.
5.Properties of θ(a ,W ).
We describe some properties of θ(a ,W )we need for the proof of global case of Theorem 1.Let I =(x 1,...,x s ).
(i)θ(a ,W )≤s −1.
This is clear.
(ii)If L W =A then θ(L W ,W )≥0.
It suffices to consider the local case.Note that then d L W (W,j )>0for all
j ≥0.It follows that θ(L W ,W )≥0.
(iii)θ(a ,W )=−1if and only if limDim W <dim A/a .
This follows from the following four facts:
(a)By definition of C (a )we have that
dim A/a =dim(A/a )m for each m ∈C (a ).
(b)If θ(a ,W )=−1then θ(a m ,W m )=−1for all m ∈C (a ).This is equivalent
to saying that limDim W m <dim(A/a )m for all m ∈C (a )
(c)Note that since a ⊆L W we get that
limDim W =max {limDim W m |m ∈C (a )}
(iv)Ifθ(a,W)≥0thenθ(L W,W)≤θ(a,W).
By previous item we get that limDim W=dim A/a.By hypothesis we also have a⊆L W.Since dim A/a=dim A/L W it follows that C(L W)⊆C(a).
Using4.11it follows thatθ(L W,W)≤θ(a,W).
(v)u∈R(I)+be homogeneous of degree b.Assume u is W-filter regular.Set E=W/uW.Then
θ(L W,E)≤θ(L W,W)−1.
Supposeθ(L W,E)=θ((L W)p,E p)for some p∈C(a).Since u is Wfilter regular;multiplication by u induces the following exact sequence
0→W j−b→W j→E j→0for all j≫0.
Localization at p yields an exact sequence
0→(W j−b)p→(W j)p→(E j)p→0for all j≫0.
(−,−)is an additive functor on(A/L W)p)-modules we get that Since d L
W p
θ((L W)p,E p)=θ((L W)p,W p)−1.
The result follows since
θ((L W)p,E p)=θ(L W,E)
andθ((L W)p,W p)≤θ(L W,W).
We now give a proof of our main result
Proof of Theorem1.We induct on limDim N.
If limDim N=−1,0then the result follows from4.7.
Assume limDim N≥1and assume the result holds for all R(I)-modules E with limDim E≤limDim N−1.Let x∈R(I)+be homogeneous and a N-filter regular element.Set D=N/xD.By Lemma2.6it suffices to assume the case when x is N-regular.
We now induct onθ(L N,N)Ifθ(L N,N)=0thenθ(L N,D)≤−1,by4.15(v). Using4.15(iii)we get that
limDim D<dim A/L N=limDim N.
By induction hypothesis(on limDim)the module E(D)isfinitely generated S-module.The short exact sequence of R(I)-modules
induces an exact sequence of S-modules
By Lemma3.2we get that E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
We assume the result ifθ(L N,N)≤i and prove whenθ(L N,N)=i+1.Let D be as above.Soθ(L N,D)≤i,by4.15(v).
Ifθ(L N,D)=−1then the argument as above yields E(N)to be afinitely generated S-module.
Ifθ(L N,D)≥0then by4.15(iv)we get thatθ(L D,D)≤θ(L N,D)≤i.So by induction hypothesis onθ(−,−)we get that E(D)is afinitely generated S-module. By an argument similar to the above we get that E(N)is afinitely generated S-module.
5.Application I
Asymptotic Associated primes
In this section we give a proof of our main motivating question Theorem5.9. We also give two proofs of Theorem5.1.
Theorem5.1.Let Q be a Noetherian ring withfinite Krull dimension and let f= f1,...f c be a regular sequence in Q.Set A=Q/(f).Let M be afinitely generated A-module with projdim Q Mfinite.Let I an ideal in A and let N= n≥0N n be a finitely generated R(I)-module.Then
n≥0 i≥0Ass Ext i A(M,N n)is afinite set.
Furthermore there exists i0,n0such that for all i≥i0and n≥n0we have
Ass Ext2i A(M,N n)=Ass Ext2i0
A (M,N n
Ass Ext2i+1
A (M,N n)=Ass Ext2i0+1
(M,N n
The following example shows that two set of stable values of associate primes can occur
Example 5.2.Let Q=k[[u,x]],A=Q/(ux).Let M=Q/(u),I=A and N=M[t](so N n=M for all n).
For i≥1one has
(M,M)=0Ext2i A(M,M)=k.
5.3.We now state special case of a result due to E.West[14,3.2;5.1].
Let R=A[x1,...,x r;y1,...y s]be a bi-graded A-algebra with deg x i=(2,0)and deg y j=(0,1).Let M= i,n≥0M(i,n)be afinitely generated R-module.Then
(1) i≥0 n≥0Ass A M(i,n)is afinite set.
(2)∃i0,n0such that for all i≥i0and n≥n0we have
Ass A M(2i,n)=Ass A M(2i
Ass A M(2i+1,n)=Ass A M(2i
First proof of Theorem5.1.The result follows from our main Theorem1and5.3.
For the convenience of the readers we give a self-contained second proof of Theo-rem5.1.We need the following exercise problem from Matsumara’s text(6.7,page 42)[9].
Fact5.4.Let f:A→B be a ring homomorphism of Noetherian rings.Let U be afinitely generated B-module.Then
Ass A U={P∩A|P∈Ass B U}
In particular Ass A U is afinite set.
We will also need the following
Lemma5.5.Let R=A[x1,...,x r;y1,...y s]be a bi-graded A-algebra with deg x i= (1,0)and deg y j=(0,2).Let D= i,j≥0D(i,j)be afinitely generated R-module. Set l=r•s.Then there exists i0,j0such that there exists inclusions
D(i,j)֒→D l(i+1,j+2)for all i≥i0&j≥j0
12TONY J.PUTHENPURAKAL Proof.Let R++= i≥1,j≥1R(i,j)be the irrelevant ideal of R.Set
It is easy to check that D(i,j)=E(i,j)for all i,j≫0.So if E=0then we have nothing to prove.
We consider the case when E=0.Notice that
(E)=0.So grade(R++,E)>0.
Now R++is generated by the l elements x i y j;where1≤i≤r and1≤j≤s. Notice also that deg x i y j=(1,2)for all i,j.Consider the map
d→x i y j d.
Since grade(R++,E)>0we get thatφis injective.Since E(i,j)=D(i,j)for all i,j≫0;the result follows. Second proof of Theorem5.1.Let S=R(I)[t1,...,t c].Then D=E(N)is a finitely generated S-module.
1.By5.4,it follows that Ass A E(N)is afinite set.Notice that
Ass A E(N)= n≥0 i≥0Ass Ext i A(M,N n).
2.By5.5it follows that we have inclusions
(M,N n+1)for all i,n≫0.
Ext i A(M,N n)֒→Ext i+2
It follows that
(M,N n+1)for all i,n≫0.
Ass A Ext i A(M,N n)⊆Ass A Ext i+2
Using1.we get the result.
To prove an analog of Theorem5.1for a local complete intersection we need the following result.
Lemma5.6.Let(A,m)be a Noetherian local ring.Let A be the completion of A with respect to m.Let B be afinitely generated A-algebra containing A.Let E be an A-module such that E⊗A A is afinitely generated B-module.Let D be any finitely generated A-module.Then
(a)Ass b
E⊗A A is afinite set.
(b)Ass A E⊗A A is afinite set.
(c)Ass A E=Ass A E⊗A A.In particular Ass A E is afinite set.
(d)Ass A D=Ass A D⊗A A.
To prove this result we need Theorem23.3from[9].Unfortunately there is a typographical error in the statement of Theorem23.3in[9].So we state it here. Theorem5.7.Letϕ:A→B be a homomorphism of Noetherian rings,and let E be an A-module and G a B-module.Suppose that G isflat over A;then we have the following:
(i)if p∈Spec A and G/p G=0then
aϕ(Ass B(G/p G))=Ass A(G/p G)={p}.
Remark5.8.In[9]Ass A(E⊗G)is typed instead of Ass B(E⊗G).
Proof of Theorem5.6.We consider the natural ring homomorphisms
α:A֒→ A
β: A֒→B
(a)We use the mapβand fact5.4to get our result.
(b)We use the mapγand fact5.4to get our result.
(c)On the spectrum of the rings we have:
Therefore using fact5.4we get
Ass A E⊗ A=aα(Ass b A E⊗ A)
E⊗ A}.
={P∩A|P∈Ass b
We consider theflat extensionα:A→ A.By Theorem5.7.(ii)(with G= A) we have
(*)Ass b
A E⊗A A = P∈Ass A E Ass b A A/P A.
Now A is faithfullyflat.So if P∈Spec A then A/P A=0.By Theorem5.7.(i)we get
aα Ass b A A
finitely generated B=R(I A)[t1,...t c]-algebra.By Lemma5.6we get that Ass A E is afinite set.Notice
Ass A E(N)= n≥0 i≥0Ass A Ext i A(M,N n)
2.Set E=E(N).By5.5we have injective maps
(*)E(i,n)⊗ A֒→ E(i+1,n+2)⊗ A l for all i,n≫0. Using Lemma5.6with B= A and E=E(i,n)we get that for each i≥0and n≥0
Ass A E(i,n)=Ass A E(i,n)⊗A A
The result follows from1.and(*).
6.Application II
Support Varieties
Let(A,m)be a local complete intersection of codimension c.Let M,N be two finitely generated A-modules.Define
cx A(M,N)=inf b∈N|n b−1<∞
In this section we prove the following theorem
Theorem6.1.Let(A,m)be a local complete intersection,M,N twofinitely gen-erated A-modules and let I be a proper ideal in A.Then
cx A(M,I j N)is constant for all j≫0.
6.2.Reduction to the case when A is complete and residuefield of A is algebraically closed
6.3.Suppose A′is aflat local extension of A such that m′=m A′is the maximal ideal of A′.If E is an A-module then set E′=E⊗A A′.Notice I′∼=IA′and we consider it as an ideal in A′.By[1,
7.4.3]A′is also a complete intersection.It can be easily checked that
cx A′(M′,(I′)j N′)=cx A(M,I j N)for all n≥0.
We now do our reduction in two steps
By[3,App.Th´e or´e me1,Corollaire],there exists aflat local extension A⊆ A such that m=m A is the maximal ideal of A and the residuefield k of A is an algebraically closed extension of k.By6.3it follows that we may assume k to be algebraically closed.We now complete A.Note that A is aflat extension of A which satisfies6.3.
Thus we may assume that our local complete intersection A
(1)is complete.So A=Q/(f1,...,f c)where(Q,n)is regular local and f1,...,f c∈
n2is a regular sequence.
(2)The residuefield of k is algebraically closed.
Of course there exists many Q and f1,...,f c of the type as indicated above.We simplyfix one such representation of A
ON THE FINITE GENERATION OF A FAMILY OF EXT MODULES15 6.4.Let U,V be twofinitely generated A-modules.
Let E(U,V)= n≥0Ext n A(U,V)be the total ext module of U and V.We con-sider it as a(finitely generated)module over the ring of cohomological operators A[t1,...,t c].Since projdim Q U isfinite E∗(U,V)is afinitely generated A[t1,...,t c]-module.
6.5.Let C(U,V)=E(U,V)⊗A k.Clearly C(U,V)is afinitely generated T= k[t1,...,t c]-module.(Here degree of t i is2for each i=1,...,c).Set
a(U,V)=ann T C(U,V).
Notice that a(U,V)is a homogeneous ideal.
6.6.We now forget the grading of T and consider the affine space A c(k).Let
V(U,V)=V(a(U,V))⊆A c(k).
Since a(U,V)is graded ideal we get that V(U,V)is a cone.
6.7.By a result due to Avramov and Buchweitz[2,2.4]we get that
dim V(U,V)=cx A(M,N)
Lemma6.8.If I is an ideal in A then there exists j0≥0such that
V(U,I j V)=V(U,I j0V)for all j≥j0.
We give a proof of Theorem6.1assuming Lemma6.8.
Proof of Theorem6.1.By6.3we may assume that A is also complete and has an algebraically closed residuefield.The result now follows from6.7and6.8.
6.9.Let N= j≥0I j V.Set M=U.By hypothesis A=Q/(f1,...,f c)where (Q,n)is a regular local ring and f1,...,f c⊆n2is a regular sequence.
6.10.Set C(N)=E(N)⊗A k.By Theorem1E(N)is afinitely generated S= R(I)[t1,...,t c]-module.It follows that C(N)is afinitely generated,bi-graded, G=F(I)[t1,...,t c]-module.Recall that F(I),thefiber-cone of I,is afinitely generated k-algebra.So we may as well consider C(N)as a bi-graded R=k[X1,...,X m,t1,...t c]-module(of course here X1,...,X m are variables). Furthermore deg X l=(1,0)for l=1,...m and deg t s=(0,2)for s=1,...,c.Set T=k[t1,...,t c].
6.11.Advantages of coarsening the grading on C(N)
By forgetting the degree on t’s we may consider R=T[X1,...,X m].Notice that the correspondingly we obtain
C(N)= n≥0C(U,I j V)
We now give a
Proof of Lemma6.8.We make the constructions as in6.11.So C(N)is afinitely generated R=T[X1,...,X m]-module.Notice that R is N-standard graded.So there exists j0such that
ann T C(N)j=ann T C(N)j
for all j≥0.
The results follows.。
