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a te program is seekin g superior andidates ith a reo rd of
ahie vement, Ch eri is anexellent h oie. She h as onsiste ntl demons trated anabilit torise to an hallengethat she m ust fae. T o onlude,I ould lik e to resta te m stron g remendat ion for Ch eri Jakson. If ou ha ve an furt her questi ons regard ing Cheri’s abilit o r this rem endation,please donot hesita te to onta t me using the infor mation onthis lette rhead. Sin erel, Prof essor Will iam Dot 示例3:
真诚的,威廉教授点Sampl e 4: To Wh om It Ma C onern: Thi s letter i s to serve as m form al remenda tion for A ndre Fulle r. Andre h as been mdiret assi stant forseveral ea rs. He has been inte rested inobtainingan MBA deg ree for so me time no and I fee l that heould be an exellentandidate f or our est eemed prog ram. Durin g his time here, And re has ons istentl de monstrated a strongork ethi a nd
a dedia tion to su ess. His e fforts hav e produedhigh quali t resultstime and t ime again. Last ear, Andre dev eloped and suessfull implement ed a planto streaml ine our pr odution
de partment.The plan a s a majorundertakin g, requiri ng a great deal of t hought and effort on Andre’s b ehalf. Tho ugh Andreis m assis tant, he i s also inan unoffii al leaders hip role.Man of his o-orkersseek his a dvie and s upport. An dre is ala s there fo r them and is quitefortable i n the role. I feel h is budding leadershi p abilitie s ill beeeven moreeffetive i n a busine ss shool s etting. Fo r these re asons, I h ighl remen d Andre Fu ller as aandidate f or our MBA program.If ou have an questi ons regard ing Andreor this re mendation,please on tat me. Si nerel, Joh n Thomas O perationsManager Tr i-State Di retories示例4:敬启者:
真诚的,约翰·托马斯运营经理三态目录 To hom it ma one rn, At Mis s *** requ est for areferene,I presentm highestremendatio n of her a ndida foradmissionto our est eemed
grad uate progr am. Servin g as Miss*** tutor s ine 201X,I have had a first-h and opport unit to ob serve Miss***ampuslife. Shestepped in to m sight as a girl ho as hig hl motivat ed and
inn ovative. S he talkedith me her plan forstuding ab road hen s he as onla freshman. I oftenfind her s ubmergingherself in the libra r, reading the lates t internat ional jour nals to ke ep abreast of the ut ting-edged developme nts in the field ofaounting a nd finane.She alsodisplas astrong abi lit in rit ial thinki ng. For ex ample, she made a pr ofound and prehensiv e analsison China’s booming s tok market in 201X a fter saing “Good be” to the fo rmer “Drag ging Bear”. Due to h er great e nthusiasmand onsist ent effort s, she enj oed an inr easing GPA trend and obtainedsholarship s for four onseutive ears. Inm ourse in ternationa l investme nt, she go t an exell ent mark o f 96, rank ing in the top 5%. A s ell as b eing extre mel gifted XXdemiall, Miss Zha ng Yi demo nstrates a high degr ee of
lead ership apa it and org anizationa l skills.As a seret ar of ourshool’s st udent unio n, she arr anged vari ous it-ide ativities.
I rememb ered thatshe organi zed our sh ool team t o take par t in the d ebating pe tition amo ng apitalsho debate r. She too k harge of free deba te and sum mar remark s that ere ver impor tant in th e petition. To m sur prise, Mis s xxx fini shed the t ask ver
ex ellentl th anks to he r agile mi nd and qui k analsisabilit. Mi ss xxx lea rl analzed the oppos ite side’s eaknesses,
simultan eousl; she also onqu ered man m ittee memb ers. Beaus e of their good perf ormane and ooperatio n, the fin all obtain ed outstan ding resul t. Miss xx x as XXrde d the hono r of “TheBest Debat er”. Apart from herintelligen e, Miss xx x as an
in dependentand energe ti girl ho took part in man
la rge-sale a tivities e nthusiasti all. I fou nd that xx x took par t in mostof the ati vities and did a nie job. In 201X she to ok part in the badmi nton petit ion and go t the hamp ion of ome n's do ubles. Bes ides, Miss xxx had g ood teamor k spirit a nd ooperat ed ith the shoolmate s taitl. B ased on mappreiatio n of
suh a n ambitiou s studentho reeives the halle nge bravel, I strong l supportShe’s deis ion of hig her XXdemi pursuit i thout rese rvation. A nd I siner el hope mremendatio n ill reei ve our fav orable ons ideration. Yours Hon estl,xxx要敬启者,于小姐
英文信范文D ear Sir: It is m pl easure toremend Mr.Fuping Wa ng for his appliatio n to gradu ate studie s in our s hool. Mr.Wang has b een m rese arh assist ant of the NationalSiene
Coun il's p rojet- The United St ates and t he United
Nations' Finania l Crisis:The Role o f U.S. Con gress sine September9
7. H is major r esponsibil ities inlu de informa tion ollet ing, analz ing and tr anslating.He is anenthusiast i and prog ressive ou ng man ith extremelhigh poten tialit. Mr. Wang isnot onl qu ik at lear ning and g ood at sol ving diffi ult proble ms, but al so ith a l ogial mind that enab les him to effetivel analze di ffiulties. All the o rk handedto him aspleted sat isfatoril. Atuall, h e is so re liable tha t I assign him ith h eav respon sibilities. With his help, I h ave been a ble to spe nd more ti me in riti ng the res earh paper. I reallonsider ms elf ver fo rtunate to have suha apable a ssistant.I am ertai n his dili gene, oupl ed ith a g ood
petene and pleas ant person alit, illassure him of XXdemi ahievemen ts in hisfuture XXd emi pursui ts. I stro ngl remend his admis sion ithou t an reser vation. S inerel our s, ChungWeikuo Res earh Fello and Profe ssor The I nstitute o f European and Ameri an Studies第二部分、对该信的分析您觉得这封信怎样呢?如果这是一封为秘书介绍新工作的信,那还可以接受;不过对于申请研究生院来讲,就似乎不太够力度了。