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·Research background and significance
In the new century, the rapid development of market economy and the acceleration of global economy have made the competition in the international market more and more obvious. A country’s competitive power depends largely on the competitive power of its domestic enterprises, while the levels of product and service costs are important factors for the competitiveness of an enterprise.
自从我国加入 WTO 以后,关税壁垒大幅度消除,中国市场的大门向国际市场敞开,我国企业面临的国际竞争会越来越激烈,尤其是国内大量的中小型企业。
Since China’s accession to the WTO, tariffs have been substantially eliminated. The Chinese market has opened its door to the international market. China’s enterprises, especially the small and medium enterprises, will face increasingly fierce international competition. Under the premise of rapid development of economic globalization and market economy, owners of small and medium enterprises
and their enterprises have gradually realized the importance of enhancing quality management and reducing manufacturing costs for the survival and development of the enterprise.
中小企业在我国国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,中小企业数量占全国全部工商注册登记企业总数的 99%。
中小企业在全国工业产值和实现利税分别占 60%和 40%左右,流通领域占全国零售网点的 90%以上,提供了大约 75%的城镇就业机会。
然而,据研究,约有 68%的企业在 5 年内倒闭,19%的企业可生存 6 -10 年,只有 13%的企业寿命可超过 10 年,而且我国仅有 3 成左右的中小企业具有一定成长潜能。
SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise) take a very important position in China national economy. They account for 99% of all the enterprises registered nationally. SMEs account for 60% and 40% of national industrial output value and profits & taxes respectively, account for 90% of national retail outlets in the circulation field, and provide about 75% of all employment opportunities in towns and cities. However, according to the research, some 68% of SMEs closed within 5 years, 19% of them can survive for 6-10 years and only 13% of them can survive for more than 10 years. And only 30% of China’s SMEs have some potential for growth. In order to be market-based, a new round of quality revolution has started in small and medium enterprises as the new century comes. They have gradually introduced advanced quality management concepts, such as total quality management and ISO 9000. But, in order to achieve the goal of “Beyond quality management system and pursue operational excellence”, they need more advanced quality management methods to reduce business costs, improve product quality and quickly improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
Six Sigma method is developed against this background. It is a popular method today and a effective way for enterprises to reduce the cost of business and improve quality rapidly. Six Sigma method was first proposed by Motorola. Then Texas Instruments Inc. and American Allied Signal Corporation, which followed Motorola, spread Six Sigma quality method comprehensively in their manufacturing processes respectively and achieved impressive results. But the company that really pushed Six Sigma method to its peak and formed Six Sigma management trend is the General Electric Company, which was then leaded by Jack Welch. In early 1996, GE started to fully implement the DMAIC model of Six Sigma in the company and Six Sigma quickly became popular in GE and the Six Sigma culture was then formed. It was just the implementation of Six Sigma management strategy that made General Electric Company full of vitality and gain substantial economic benefits. After that, Six Sigma has gradually turned from a quality management approach into a highly effective business process design, transformation and optimization technology and then the most important strategic measure of companies in pursuit of excellent management in the world. These companies soon applied Six Sigma management philosophy in their business management, which laid a solid management and leadership foundation for the success of them in the competition of globalization and information technology.
在以上的国际大型企业通过实施六西格玛战略获得成功之后,世界 500 强企业也纷纷引入六西格玛管理,由此掀起了六西格玛管理的浪潮。
另外六西格玛管理方法的应用已经不仅仅被国际大型企业应用到优化流程的设计上,而且其应用的范围在逐步扩大,甚至扩展到第三产业,如全球最大的 BZC 网站公司 ,美国最大的花旗银行等也成功地采用六西格玛战略来提高服务质量、维护客户忠诚度,所以六西格玛己不再是一种单纯的、面向降低制造性业务流程成本的质量管理方法,同时也是一种有效的降低服务性业务流程成本的管理方法和战略。
As the above-mentioned major international companies succeeded through the implementation of Six Sigma strategy, the world's top 500 companies also start to introduce Six Sigma management into their companies and thus set off a wave of Six Sigma management. .It is noteworthy that Japanese companies, which have been leading the world in product quality, including Sony, Toshiba, etc, also started to implement Six Sigma in the late 1990s. South Korea's many well-known companies begun to introduce Six Sigma management strategy, too. In addition to that, Six Sigma method is not only used in the design of optimization process by many large international enterprises but also in other fields, even the tertiary industry. For example, the world’s largest BZC website company , the largest U.S. Citibank, etc also successfully used Six Sigma strategy to improve service quality and maintain customer loyalty. Therefore, Six Sigma is no longer a pure quality management method aiming to reduce manufacturing business costs. It is now also an effective management method and strategy to reduce the cost of service business processes. And some government agencies are beginning to use Six Sigma methods to reduce the cost of government services and improve their service levels. There are already many companies that have realized how revolutionary and effective Six Sigma is in the reduction of costs and the improving of product quality and begun to promote Six Sigma method.
Some of China's large enterprises, such as Aucma, Glanz, Gree and so on, also have begun to learn the management experience of foreign companies. A wave to learn and explore the essence of Six Sigma method also appeared just as expected. But for the vast majority of Chinese enterprises, especially those SMEs which urgently need to enhance their competitiveness, Six Sigma still stays at the level of theoretical cognition. For SMEs, the key of the application of Six Sigma management and also the most important stage is the introduction stage. Based on
the above-mentioned realities, the dissertation chooses Yunjie Company, which is a small enterprise, as the platform and applies Six Sigma management method in that small enterprise to reduce its production costs and improves the product quality.
·Purpose of the Research
There are many large enterprises in China that have implemented Six Sigma management, such as Haier, TCL, Lenovo, and China Mobile, and they have achieved good results. But China's SMEs still has no awareness of the implementation of Six Sigma management, which is mainly due to the errors in their understanding of Six Sigma management. Six Sigma is first a method to improve production process, and then a starting point to locate internal problems of small and medium enterprises. There are production processes within SMEs involved in manufacturing and therefore it is possible to implement Six Sigma in the enterprises.
本文将六西格玛管理方法运用到运杰公司,该公司是一家小型企业,希望通过六西格玛 DMAIC 模型的运用,找到影响运杰公司服装生产成本的主要因素(包括个人因素和组织因素),建立起六西格玛管理在该公司运行的系统,该系统将更有助于发现公司流程当中所存在的问题,改善公司的生产流程,降低公司生产成本,提高产品质量,此系统是一种持续改进的系统。
This dissertation applies Six Sigma management method to Yunjie Company, which is a small enterprise, hoping that major factors influencing its costs of clothes manufacturing (including personnel factors and organizational factors) can be found through the application the DMAIC model of Six Sigma management. It also attempts to establish Six Sigma
management system for the operation of that company, which will further help indentify existing problems in that com pany’s process, improve the production process, reduce the production costs and improve the product quality. The system will be a kind of continuously-improving system. It is specially formed for that company. The author hopes that finally the Six Sigma management philosophy can be introduced into the management practices of small enterprises with production processes.
·Research Method
The major research methods included in this dissertation are empirical research method, case study method, and the research method that combines theories and practices.
·Contents of the Research
The dissertation is divided into the following parts:
The introduction part describes the background, significance, methods, purpose and contents of the research.
Chapter 1 is the literature review. It covers the current research status of Six Sigma in its reduction of business cost, improving of product quality and the enhancing of enterprise competitiveness. The review covers two aspects, namely the theoretical research of Six Sigma management and the practical research of Six Sigma management.
Chapter II is the basic theory for Six Sigma management. It discusses the emergence and development of Six Sigma, Six Sigma research methods model: DMAIC, and the basic ideas of Six Sigma, which provides theoretical support for the application of Six Sigma's application in the Yunjie Company.
Chapter III is the profile of the Yunjie's Company and the feasibility analysis of the application of Six Sigma management method.
Chapter IV is the application of Six Sigma management method in the Yunjie Company. This part can serve as a Six Sigma application case in small enterprises.
The final part of the dissertation is the conclusion.
The relationships between all the chapters are shown in Figure I.
Figure I Framework of the Dissertation
Chapter I Literature Review
Foreign Research
在这样的背景下,摩托罗拉公司的一位工程师开始了他对世界著名的质量先驱—戴明(Edwards Delning)理论的实践。
他就是六西格玛的创始人—麦克尔哈里先生(Mikel Harry)。
Currently, with the proceeding of economic globalization and the advent of the knowledge economy era, the problem of quality has become a strategic problem for economic development. As the famous quality management expert Juran had predicted, the gaining of efficiency through the improving of quality is the greatest choice of human after entering into the 21st century. The successes of the world's top businesses like General Electric (GE) Company show the world the charm of the development path of economic management of product quality. Six Sigma management has played an invaluable role in the development processes of the world's top businesses. In the 1970s and 1980s, Motorola sold its TV business to Japanese companies because of poor management; it then lost its stereo business in front of Japanese competitors; shortly after that, the PC market also began to decline. In this context, an engineer at Motorola started his practice of the theories of world-renowned quality pioneer - Deming (Edwards Deming). He is the founder of Six Sigma - Mikel Harry. Michael started from Deming’s theory tha t "process fluctuations are the source of producing undesirable factors and the improvement of quality and reduction of defects requires scientific methods" and explored a set of methods to reduce process fluctuations. As this method uses statistical knowledge and technology, he called it "Six Sigma
methodology." [2]
麦克尔的实践引起了摩托罗拉公司当时的CEO鲍博·盖尔文 (Bob Galvin)的注意。
自从采取六西格玛管理后,该公司平均每年提高生产率12.3%,由于质量缺陷造成的费用消耗减少了84%,运作过程中的失误率降低99.7%,摩托罗拉公司因此取得了巨大成功,成为世界著名跨国公司,并于 1998年获得美国波多里奇国家质量管理奖。
Michael's practice got the attention of Motorola's then-CEO, Bob Galvin. Under Galvin’s support, all the departments of Motorola’s started to use this method to continuously improve product quality and continuously improve the method in practice. A lot of valuable experience was gained in this process. Since the adaptation of Six Sigma, the company's average annual productivity increase reached 12.3%, the cost due to quality defects reduced by 84%, and the error rate in the operation process dropped by 99.7%. Motorola achieved great success and became a world's leading multinational company. In 1998, it was honoured with the U.S. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Management Award. In 1992, Bossidy introduced Six Sigma to Allied Signal and pointed out "we not only have to give people the objective but also have to provide them with the right tools and methods." Six Sigma has changed the management and operation modes of Allied Signal. The company's performance began to grow rapidly. The company's earnings increased from 3420 million US dollars in 1991 to 1.17 billion US dollars in 1997. And the company's share price increased by 8 times.
通用电气 (GE)CEO杰克·维尔奇 (Jack Welh)在公司全面实施六西格玛模式并取得了辉煌业绩之后。
通用电气(GE)公司自1995年开始引进六西格玛管理模式,此后由该管理模式所产生的效益每年呈加速度递增,每年节约的成本为:1997年3亿美元、1998年7.5亿美元、1999年15亿美元; 1996一2000年六西格玛收益30亿美元,到2001年超过50亿美元,绿带占员工人数的98%,黑带占员工人数3.5%。
GE公司总裁杰克·维尔奇 (Jack Welh) 因此说: “六西格玛是GE公司历史上最重要、最有价值、最盈利的事业。
However, what made Six Sigma really famous happened in the late nineties. After General Electric (GE) CEO Jack Welh (Jack Welh) fully implemented Six Sigma model in the company and achieved brilliant performance, General Electric (GE) started to introduce Six Sigma management model since 1995. Then the economic benefits brought by that management model started to rise at an increasing annual speed. The costs saved every year are: $ 300 million for 1997, $ 750 million for 1998 , $1.5 billion for 1999; from 1996 to 2000 Six Sigma gains $ 3 billion and that number exceeded $ 5 billion in 2001 with Green Belt accounting for 98% of all employees and Black Belt accounting for 3.5% of all employees. Profit margin increased from 13.6% in 1995 to 16.7% in1999. CEO of GE, Jack Welh, therefore said: “Six Sigma is the most important, most valuable and most profitable business in the history of GE .Our goal is to become a Six Sigma company, which would mean zero defects for the company's produ cts, services and trades.” The trials of Six Sigma at Motorola and GE had an immediate effect and that gradually attracted attention from European and the United States companies. Many major companies started to follow GE and Motorola’s suit and introduc e and implement Six Sigma quality management, which set off a worldwide “Six Sigma Management "wave.
Starting from the electronics industry, Six Sigma has now entered the general manufacturing industry, the aerospace industry, chemical industry, metallurgy industry, as well as banking and insurance services, and e-commerce industry. Recently, the strong development trend of Six Sigma has crossed borders and reached to the entire world. It has, first as an American legend, extends to Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and Asia countries such as Japan, Korea, China and India and so on. Nowadays, many Fortune 500 companies have been promoting Six Sigma management, such as Allied Signal, ABB, Ford, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Toshiba, Whirlpool, Samsung, LG, Siemens, Ericsson,
Intel, Microsoft and so on.
As a kind of business strategy, Six Sigma was first formed in the quality management field. It has borrowed and utilized a number of quality management concepts and tools in its development and is closely linked with quality management theories:
(1) 流程管理思想
Process Management
Business processes and process management are not new concepts. The oldest process philosophy can be traced back to Frederick Taylor's scientific management era. The first one of Taylor's four principles of management pointed out: "to propose scientific methods of work for the basic components of each worker’s job." He suggested making systematic analysis of the work processes, which has become a major industrial engineering idea. In the field of industrial engineering, process refers to the production process, the focus of which is a particular activity of a function in the process. The analysis and design of the process follow the principle of division of labour.
70年代以日本为先导的全面质量管理 (TQM) ,把流程改善的思想运用在更广泛的企业管理中。
Process improvement and the process idea have their origin in the
quality movement. In the 1940s, the quality expert at Bell Labs first proposed the "quality control" concept. The concept includes rigorous analysis and control of the manufacturing process for product manufacturing. The object of it is simply the manufacturing process. Later, the "quality control" concept has been spread with objects used extended from the manufacturing process to all processes of products and services that affect the quality. In the 1970s, the total quality management (TQM) of which Japan is the forerunner, applied the idea of process improvement in a wider range of business management. Japanese quality experts thought: the product and service quality outputted by good process must be good. TQM pursues process continuity and incremental improvement. The approaches it adopted are mainly flow chart, flow statistical measurement and so on. At the same time, the customer was placed at the focus of process operation, aiming to meet the needs of customers through continuous performance improvement. [3]
When it comes to the mid and late 1980s, many world-class companies, especially those in United States and Europe, began to suspect that this kind of continuous improvement is not enough to meet the changing needs of enterprises. The development of information technology offers the possibility for a radical improvement of the process with "value chain", "design for the manufacturing", "concurrent engineering" and other ideas generated. The shared characters of this idea are the expansion of focus from a certain function to all functions’ processes, the use of information technology and organizational changes to promote the process changes, and the pursuit of a substantial process performance improvement.
(2) 朱兰(Joseph H· J uran) 与全面质量管理
Juran (Joseph H · Juran) and Total Quality Management (TQM)
(Management Breakthrough)和《质量计划》 Quality Planning)是他的经典之著。
由朱兰博士主编的((质量控制手册》 (Qual1ty Control Handbook)被称为当今世界质量控制科学的名著,为奠定全面质量管理(TQM)的理论基础和基本方法做出了卓越的贡献。
性 (Fitness for use)是指使产品在使用期间能满足使用者的需求。
As the one of the world's leading experts in quality management, Dr. Juran has many ideas and writings which not only make great contributions to the development of quality but also provide valuable references for other areas of business activity. Total quality management, Pareto principle application and the quality loop theory, in particular, have a significant impact on the formation and development of Six Sigma management theory. Juran's "quality plan, quality control and quality improvement" is called "Juran Trilogy."He was the first to introduce the Pareto principle into quality management. Management Breakthrough and Quality Planning are his classic books. Qual1ty Control Handbook, of which Dr. Juran is the chief editor, is known as a world famous work on quality control science, which makes outstanding contribution to the laying of the foundation for basic theories and methods of total quality management (TQM). Dr. Juran thinks that quality is a kind of fitness for use and the so-called fitness for use refers to that products can meet the demands of users during its service period.
质量环 (Quality loop),也称为质量螺旋 (Quality spiral)。
Dr. Juran proposed the "breakthrough process", composed by the following seven links: the management must demonstrate the urgency of breakthroughs; highlight a few key projects, to use of Pareto principle in the analysis to highlight the critical few and then concentrate on the priorities: to seek breakthroughs in knowledge; to conduct analysis and experiment to find out the real reason; to decide how to overcome resistance of change; to change; to establish monitoring systems. Quality ring (Quality loop) is also known as quality spiral. In this theory, Dr. Juran thinks that to get product usability, a series of work are needed. In other words, "product quality is formed in the whole process which covers market research, development, design, procurement, production, control, inspection, sales, service, feedback, etc. At the。