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关键词:宋代 笔墨 色彩 青绿重彩 水墨山水
Color is an important part of the painting language. The world needs to brilliant colors to express, and so does human spiritual needs. However, compared with the excellent Literati ink, the lose of color in traditional Chinese painting is really a great pity, especially for the landscape paintings. With the changing of times, the way of people’s life and the ideology has undergone tremendous change, which resulted in the updating in the concept of visual and aesthetic experience, effectively."Ink should always follow with the times" - then it is the painters' task to match landscape art with the spirit of the times. For the painting artistic, one of the important innovation tendencies of modern Chinese painting landscape is advocating of the coloring.
rather directly use the ink lines outline than use chunks of colors to depict the boneless landscape. " this paper will give demonstration in the following part.
A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master
Candidate:Gao Wen Supervisor:Prof. Han Xianzhong
Hainan Normal University Haikou, China
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引 言 .....................................................................................................................................................................1
Thus, the author proposes "the relationship between color and ink painting in Song can be divided into two types: one is the combination color and ink, which showed greater emphasis on traditional heavy green, merging the color and ink, the two complementing each other, ink-based, supplemented with color and to help the ink color in Qianjiang landscape; another is the separation of color and ink, which manifests as the direct abandon the traditional colors, simply using cracked, rub, point dyed of ink to show ink landscape and
从整体来看中国山水画是沿着两条脉络发展演变的:一个是注重色彩表现的青绿山 水,一个是注重笔墨表现的水墨山水。纵观整个中国山水画的色彩与笔墨的关系与地位, 宋代可谓是中国山水画色彩与笔墨关系发生转换的一个重要转折点。即青绿山水的主导 地位逐渐被水墨山水所取代。也是在宋代浅绛山水得到了极大地发展,宋代画家,通过 不断的探索和实践,将之前的青绿重彩山水与当时得到充分发展的注重笔墨表现的水墨 山水巧妙融合,为后世留下了大量运用浅绛山水的表现手法绘出的经典之作。这充分证 明了宋代山水画在整个中国山水画史中承前启后的重要转折地位。
In the author's opinion: one of the major tendencies of modern Chinese painting innovation is the reconstruction of the status of color in landscape painting, to serve this purpose, how to handle the relationship between ink and color should be taken into consideration at first . So for the peak of traditional Chinese landscape painting ------ Song Dynasty, the research of the relationship between color and ink in landscape painting of this period is clearly necessary.
Chinese landscape painting from the whole evolves along two paths: one is focused on the expression of the green landscape, another focus is emphasis on the ink landscape. Throughout the relationship and the status of the ink and colors in Chinese painting , Song Dynasty can be described as an important turning point . That is, the ink landscape dominant the green landscape gradually. Also, in Song, Qianjiang landscape painting has been greatly developed, and the painters in Song Dynasty, through constant exploration and practice, combined the previous green landscape and then fully developed ink landscape, leaving a lot of classic woks made by Qianjiang for the future generations, which proves an important turning point in Chinese landscape painting in entire history.
Key words: Song Dynasty,Ink,Color,Heavy Green, Ink Landscape.

要 ............................................................................................................................................................... I


色彩是绘画语言的重要组成部分。绚丽的世界需要色彩来表现,多彩的心灵需要色 彩来表达。然而在中国传统绘画,尤其是山水画中,色彩,作为绘画的要素的地位的逐 渐式微与水墨文人画的登峰造极形成鲜明对照,这不得不说是中国画史上的一大憾事。 然而随着时代的变迁,我们无论从生活方式到观念形态都发生了巨大改变,也因此造成 了文化和审美经验的急剧更新。如果“笔墨当随时代”是变革之道的话,它就向山水画 家提出了如何将山水画艺术与时代精神相匹配的任务。而笔者认为:近现代中国画坛创 新的重要倾向之一,就是山水画艺术中对于色彩的地位的重建。山水画艺术中对于色彩 的地位的重建的过程中首先要考虑的就是如何处理好笔墨与色彩的关系的问题。那么对 于中国传统山水画艺术的高峰时期------宋代,这一时期山水画色墨关系的研究显然是必 要的。
因而,笔者提出“宋代山水画的色墨关系可以分为两种:一种是色墨结合的关系。 表现为传统的较为注重色彩表现的青绿重彩山水和将色彩与笔墨相互融合,互相补充, 以墨为主,以色为辅,以墨补色,以色助墨的浅绛山水。另外一种就是色墨分离的关系。 表现为直接舍弃了传统的色彩,单纯用水墨的皴、擦、点、染来表现的水墨山水和不用 墨线勾勒直接以大块色彩来描绘山水景物的没骨山水。”并给予论证。
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□ 本论文为指导教师指导下,本人独自完成。本人独自享有本论文的全部著作权。


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作者姓名 学科专业 研究方向 指导教师 申请学位类别 提交日期
高雯 美术学 中国画 韩显中 艺术学硕士 二○一五年四月
The Relations Between Ink Wash And Color In Song Dynasty Landscape Painting