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The Chinese University of Hong Kong
University Library System
Reference Department
Information Guide
This guide introduces selected references on ANTHROPOLOGY in the University Libraries.
Follow these classification numbers on the shelves to find information on: Anthropology, General GN1-41
Anthropology – Study and teaching GN42-46
Archaeology CC1-175
Chinese culture GN635.C5; DS715-721 Culture HM101-126
Ethnic groups & races GN537-673
Ethnology, Social and Cultural Anthropology GN301-498
Evolution QH359-425
Feminism and gender studies GN479.65-479.7; HQ1190 Folklore GR1-975
Food habits GT2850
Hong Kong culture DS796.H7
Linguistic anthropology P33; P35; P40
Manner and customs GR71-7070
Medical anthropology GN296
Physical anthropology GN49-298
Prehistoric archaeology GN700-890
Psychological anthropology GN502-517
Urban anthropology HT101; GN395 REFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Dictionaries provide definition of terms; encyclopedias give a brief overview of a subject A Comprehensive dictionary of terms in anthropology,
sociology and allied disciplines UL/ GN11.C65 2003
A Dictionary of Anthropology NA/Ref GN11.D38 1972
A Dictionary of Archaeology UL/Ref CC70.D53 2002 Anthropological glossary UL/Ref GN11.P43 Dictionary of anthropology NA/Ref GN11.W5 1968
The Dictionary of anthropology UL/Ref GN307.D485 1997 Dictionary of concepts in cultural anthropology UL/Ref GN307.W56 Dictionary of concepts in physical anthropology UL/Ref GN50.3.S74 1991 International dictionary of anthropologists UL/Ref GN20.I48 Encyclopedia of anthropology UL/Ref GN11.E52 Encyclopedia of cultural anthropology UL/Ref GN307.E52 1996 Encyclopedia of food and culture UL/Ref GT2850.E53 2003 Encyclopedia of historical archaeology UL/Ref CC77.H5E53 2002 Encyclopedia of human evolution and prehistory UL/Ref GN281.E53 2000 Encyclopedia of Indian society and culture UL/Ref DS423.E54 2002 Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology UL/Ref GN307.E528 1996 Ethnic cultures of the world: a statistical reference UL/Ref GN495.4.P37 1997 History of physical anthropology UL/Ref GN50.3.H57 1997
Macmillan dictionary of anthropology NA/Ref GN11.M3
Oxford illustrated encyclopaedia of peoples and cultures UL/Ref GN11.O94 1992
¤HÃþ¾ÇÃã¨åNA/Ref GN11.J4
¤H¾Ç¤jÃã¨å NA/Ref BD450.J34 1995
¤å¤Æ¤HÃþ ¨Æ¨å UL/Ref GN307.B85
·í¥N¦è¤èªÀ·|¾Ç¡E¤HÃþ¾Ç·sµü¨å UL/Ref HM425.D364 2003 ¤¤°ê¤å¤Æ»y¨¥¾ÇÃã¨å CC/Ref P35.5.C5C5 1993
¤¤°ê¦Ò¥jµü¶× UL/ Ref DS715.C36 1989
-^º~¡Aº~-^¥Á±Ú¾Ç³N»y UL/Ref GN307.H75 1992 ¥Á±Úµü¨å UL/Ref GN11.M55
¤å¤Æ¾ÇÃã¨å UL/NA/Ref CB9.W46
·í¥N¦è¤è¤å¤Æ¬ã¨s·sµü¨å UL/Ref CB9.D365 2003
º~-^¤å¤Æ±Ð¨|µü¨å=A Chinese-English dictionary of
culture and education CC/Ref LB45.H3 2002
Handbooks provide short but detailed and complete information on a special subject. Careers in anthropology UL GN41.8.S83 2002
A Guide to careers in physical anthropology UL GN62.G85 2002 Forensic anthropology training manual UL GN69.8.B87 1999
The Student anthropologist’s handbook; a guide to UL/NA/Ref GN42.F7
training, and career
Abstracts and Review Articles
Review articles provide overviews on current issues, summaries of research, citations on Bibliographical references.
Abstracts in anthropology NA/Ref GN1.A15 Reviews in Anthropology UL/Periodical GN1.R48
¤¤°ê¥Á±Ú¦~Ų UL/Ref DS730.C46214 Bibliographies
Bibliographies classify and list writings of a special subject.
45th Anniversary report: February 1941-December 1985 UL GN2.W425 Anthropological and cross-cultural themes in mental health UL/Ref ZWM105.F38
An Anthropological bibliography of South Asia CC/UL/Ref Z5115.F8, .K35 Anthropological fieldwork: An annotated bibliography NA/Ref Z5118.F44G7 Anthropological literature UL/Ref Z5112.A57 Anthropology journals and serials: An analytical guide UL/Ref Z5112.W54 1986 Anthropology in Indonesia: A bibliographical review UL GN635.I65K65 Anthropology in use UL/NA/Ref Z5118.A54V37 Anthropology of aging: a partially annotated bibliography UL/Ref Z7164.O4A55
The Asiatic society and anthropological studies in India UL GN46.I4A35 1994 Bibliographic guide to anthropology and archaeology UL/Ref Z5111.B47 1992 Bibliography of human behavior UL/Ref Z7201.C37 1993 Claude Levi-Strauss and his critics UL/Ref Z8504.35.L36 Cultural anthropology: A guide to reference and UL/Ref Z5111.K53 1991 information sources
Culture and society of Hong Kong: a bibliography UL/NA DS796.H75C85 1999 Fieldwork in the library: A guide to research in UL/Ref Z5111.W47 1994 anthropology and related area studies
Finding the source in sociology and anthropology: A UL/Ref Z7164.S68B75 thesaurus-Index to the reference collection
Folk classification: A topically arranged bibliography of UL/Ref Z5118.P5C65 1980 contemporary and background references through 1971:
Human rights and anthropology UL JC571.H86 International bibliography of anthropology 1999- UL/Ref Z7161.I593
International bibliography of social and cultural UL/NA/Ref Z7161.I593 anthropology. 1958-1998.
Introduction to library research in anthropology UL/Ref Z5111.W44 Register of theses in social anthropology accepted for NA/Ref Z5111.R43
higher degrees at British universities, 1975-1980
Resources for the teaching of anthropology CC/NA/Ref Z5111.M3 Serial publications in anthropology NA/Ref Z5112.L53 1973 Traditional medicine: implications for ethnomedicine … UL/Ref Z5118.M4H3
¤¤°ê¦Ò¥j¾Ç¤åÄm¥Ø¿ý 1949-1966,1983-1990 UL/Ref Z3108.A8Z55 2001 ¤¤°ê¥Á±Ú¾Ç»P¥Á«U¾Ç¬ã¨s½×µÛ¥Ø¿ý¡A1900-1994 UL/Ref DS730.C4646 1997 ¥ú´_¥H¨Ó¥xÆW¥Xª©¤HÃþ¾Ç½×µÛ¥Ø¿ýUL/NA/Ref Z5115.K83
45/93 UL/Ref Z5111.B79 1994 ¤å¤Æ¤HÃþ ¥»¥þ±¡³ø
, 1994-2001 UL/Ref Z5111.B792 2002 ¤å¤Æ¤HÃþ ¥»¥þ±¡³ø
Electronic Databases via Library Homepage (.hk)
JSTOR (/jstor/):
Go to Notable Collection of webpage E-Journals to search retrospective full-text Anthropology journals:
American Anthropologist 1888-1996
American Antiquity 1935-1998
American Ethnologist 1974-1996
Annual Review of Anthropology 1972-1998
Biennial Review of Anthropology 1959-1971(continued by Annual Review of
Anthropology Today 1985-1998
Cultural Anthropology 1986-1996
Current Anthropology 1959-1999
Ethnohistory 1954-1999
Ethos 1973-1996
Journal of American Folklore 1888-1998
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1995-1998
Man 1901-1994 (cont’d by J of Royal Anthropological Ins)
Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland 1872-1906
(cont’d by J of Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland) Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Medical Anthropology Newsletter 1968-1982 (cont’d by Medical Anthropology
Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1983-1996
Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
RAIN 1974-1984(continued by Anthropology Today)
Transactions of the Anthropological Society of Washington 1879-1885
(cont’d by American Anthropologist)
Yearbook of Anthropology 1955 (cont’d by Current Anthropology)
Archaeology journals:
American Antiquity 1935-1998
American Journal of Archaeology 1897-1998
American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts 1885-1896
(cont’d by American Journal of Archaeology)
Archaeological Reports 1954-1999
Britannia 1970-1998
Hesperia 1932-2000
Journal of Field Archaeology 1974-2000
Journal of Hellenic Studies 1880-1998
Journal of Roman Studies 1911-1998
World Archaeology 1969-2000
ProQuest Social Science Journal for current full-text journals:
Go to Library Homepage, Click Major Database, by Major Web Gateway to reach ProQuest and select Database Social Sciences
American Ethnologist (1992-2001)
Annual Review of Anthropology (1997- )
Anthropological Quarterly (1997- )
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (1992- )
Cultural Anthropology (1998- )
Current Anthropology (1996- )
Ethnic Cultures of America (1997- )
Ethnohistory (1997- )
Ethnology (1995- )
Human Biology (1994- )
Human Organization (1997- )
Journal of Comparative Ethnology (1996- )
Oceania (1994- )
EBSCOhost for current full-text journals:
Go to Library homepage, click Major Databases, by Major Web Gateway to reach EBSCOhost, then select Academic Search Premier, etc.
African Studies (1999- )
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia (1998- )
Annual Review of Anthropology (1996- )
Anthropological Forum (1999- )
Anthropological Quarterly (1990- )
Anthropology and Archaeology of Euroasia (2001- )
Anthropology and Medicine (1998- )
Anthropology of South Africa (2002- )
Anthropology Today (1996- )
Antiquity (2001- )
Archaeology (1999- )
Archaeology in Oceania (2000- )
Archaeometry (2002- )
Arctic Anthropology (1993- )
Asian Ethnicity (2000- )
Asian Folklore Studies (2000- )
Asian Perspectives (2000- )
Australian Journal of Anthropology (1992- )
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (2001- )
Canadian Ethnic Studies (1990- )
Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology (1990- )
Chinese Sociology and Anthropology (2001- )
Cultural Studies (1998- )
Current Anthropology (1990- )
Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies (2000- )
Dig (2002- )
Ethnic and Racial Studies (1992- )
Ethnicity and Health (1996- )
Ethnohistory (1992- )
Ethnology (1990- )
Ethnos (2000- )
Ethos (2003- )
Ethos Annual (2000- )
Expedition (1996- )
European Journal of East Asian Studies (2001- )
Faces (1999- )
Folklore (1993- )
History and Anthropology (1998- )
Industrial Archaeology Review (2003- )
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies (2000- )
International Journal of American Linguistics (1993- )
International Journal of Comparative Sociology (1998- )
Journal of East Asian Archaeology (2000- )
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology (1997- )
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (1995- )
Mankind Quarterly (1979- )
Nationalities Papers (1999- )
Near Eastern Archaeology (2001- )
Norwegian Archaeological Review (1999- )
Oceania (1993- )
Oxford Journal of Archaeology (1998- )
Papers on Anthropology (2001- )
Passages: a journal of Transnational and Transcultural Studies (Global Studies) (1999- ) Positions: East Asian Cultures Critiques
Post-Medieval Archaeology (2003- )
Race, Ethnicity and Education (1999- )
Reviews in Anthropology (1997- )
South African Journal of Ethnology (1994-2001)
Southeastern Archaeology (1999- )
Symbolic Interaction (1981- )
World Archaeology (1998- )
Cambridge Journal Online
Go to Library Homepage, click Major Databases, by Major Web Gateway to reach
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Internet Database Service
Cambridge Archaeological Journal (2000- )
Social Anthropology: a journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists
Kluwer Online (/)
Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry (1997- )
Dialectical Anthropology (1997- )
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory (2000- )
Journal of Archaeological Research (2000- )
Journal of World Prehistory (1998- )
Science Direct (/)
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (1997-2003)
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology (1997- )
Journal of Archaeological Science (1997- )
Social Science and Medicine (1995- )
Social Science Citation Index (1975- ) Web of Science
Sociological Abstract (1963- ) Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Internet Database Service
Go to Library Homepage, click Major Databases, by Major Web Gateway to reach
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts and choose Sociological Abstract to search.
Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology Oxford Reference Online
(/views/BOOK_SEARCH.html?book=t102&subject=s11&authstatusc ode=202)
E-Books (.hk/information/netlib.htm)
Ethnic Groups Worldwide: a ready reference e-book NetLibrary
Subversions of international order: studies in the
political anthropology of culture NetLibrary
Individual E-Journals
American Journal of Human Biology (1997- )
Archaeological Prospection (1997- )
Evolutionary Anthropology (1997- )
European Journal of Archaeology (2000- )
Field Methods (1999- ) (/journals/browse/sage/j389)
Medical Anthropology (2002- )
Visual Anthropology (2002- )
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Internet Resources
American Anthropological Association /
The AAA’s Anthropology Resources on the Internet
AnthroGlobe /
AnthroNet /
Anthropological Index Online /AIO.html
Anthropology and Archaeology Sites /r7.html
Anthropology and Environment /ej/jpe/anthenv/internet.html Anthropology in the News /anthropology/news.html
Anthropology Review Database /anthropology/ARD/
ArchNet WWW Virtual Library Archaeology /
Asian/Pacific Studies Subject-Oriented Bibliographies
Association for Political and Legal Anthropology /apla/index.htm
Association for Asian Studies /
Association of Social Anthropologists /
Bibliography of Asia studies /b/bas/
Global consumer culture by Richard Wilk /~wanthro/
Internet Archaeology /
Human Relations Area Files /hraf/
LSMS (Living standards measurement study)
Overseas Chinese Collection, CUHK .hk/
Qualitative Research Websites /ssss/QR/web.html
Resources in Ethnographic Studies /folklife/other.html
The Society for Applied Anthropology /
The Society for Economic Anthropology /anth/sea/
Tennessee Archaeology Net Bibliographies: Bibliographies for Anthropological Research /~kesmith/TNARCHNET/Pubs/Res_Bib.html
U. Brit. Col. Subject resources for anthropology
UCSB anthropology web sites /links/pages/
WWW Virtual Library Anthropology /
The library location code before call number denotes:
UL=University Library NA=New Asia Library CC=Chung Chi Library Ref=Reference bk
Please feel free to ask for assistance at the Reference Counter to locate additional sources not listed in this information guide. REFERENCE/AC/0104。
