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甲乙双方经过充分协商,就甲方委托乙方开发 FC-2/3 车型零部件(详见附表B.1)达成共识,并制定本开发技术协议:
Through sufficient consultation, with respect to Party A’s entrusting Party
B to develop components for FC-2/3 vehicle model (for details, see schedule B.1)
Party A and Party B reach agreement and enter into the agreement on development of technology as follows:
Article 1 Premise of conclusion of the Agreement
1 乙方愿意按产品开发协议(或试制协议)的条款和甲方技术文件所规定的技术要

Party B is willing to perform according to the terms of product development agreement (or trial manufacturing agreement) and technology requirements
specified in technical documents of Party A.
2 乙方必须具备相应的技术开发及技术服务能力和一定的开发试验手段。

Party B must have corresponding technology development and technology service capability and a certain development testing means.

The Agreement does not involve product development expenses.
Article 2 Technical information involved herein and its disposal
1 按设计或试制要求,甲方提供给乙方如下技术资料:
According to design or trial manufacturing requirements, Party A provides Party B with the following technical information:
a) FC-2/3开发推进总体日程计划书;
Overall schedule plan for development pushing of FC-2/3
Function requirement and peripheral mathematical model of antenna amplifier system;
Document format of product drawing and mathematic model;
d) JL-PPAP程序文件的相关文件模版;
Relevant document template of JL-PPAP procedure;

Conformity questionnaires of relevant environment protection regulations of EU.
2 按设计或试制要求,乙方在接到甲方所提供的资料后应认真消化制定试制方案和实施措施,并按要求及时反馈给甲方以下资料:
Party B shall carefully digest and establish trial manufacturing scheme and implementation measures according to design or trial manufacturing requirement after receipt of the information provided by Party A and promptly feed back the following information to Party A pursuant to the requirements:
a) 产品图样和数学模型(图样为CATIA V5R14、AutoCAD 2006、Pro/E 2001软件绘制的二维图纸,数学模型为软件CATIA V5R14所绘制的三维数模);
Product drawings and mathematical model (drawings are two dimensional drawings drawn with CATIA V5R14, AutoCAD 2006 and Pro/E 2001 software, mathematical model is 3D model drawn with CATIA V5R14 software);
b) 技术条件及执行的标准;
Technology conditions and standards to be implemented;
c) 检验规范及试验标准;
Inspection criteria and test standards;
d) 检查基准书;
Examination benchmark;
e) 尺寸检验报告(对于曲面件应提供三维数据及各安装孔位座标);
Specification inspection report (for curve part, 3D data and coordinates for each installation hole shall be provided)
f) 材料检测报告;
Material inspection report;
g) 性能试验报告及型式试验报告;
Performance test report and type test report;
h) 可靠性台架试验报告(对于功能件而言);
Reliability bench test report (for the purpose of functional component)
i) 环保认证所需报告;
Report required for environment protection certification.
j) PPAP(按GLP10的等级要求提交,默认等级3级)。

PPAP (to be submitted according to level requirements of GLP10, default level is level 3)
3 试制程序:
Trial manufacturing procedure:
a) 产品材料的认可(如使用与图样要求材料不同时);
Approval of product material (in case material different from that required by drawings is used);
b) 用非工装样件(如快速成形)检定安装尺寸的正确性;
Correctness of installation size shall be examined with non-tooling samples (such as fast shaping);
c) 用工装样件完成全部规定试验;
All specified tests shall be completed with tooling samples.
d) 强制检验项目必须由国家认可的检测中心检试;
Mandatory inspection items must be inspected by inspection center approved by the State;
e) 合格样件给研究院封样(及转制造公司);
Conforming samples shall be submitted to the institute for sealing (and forward to manufacturing company);
f) 设计和制造检具二套,经研究院确认后其中一套提供给研究院(转给制造公司),

Two sets of inspection tools shall be designed and manufactured, upon confirmation of the institute, one set thereof is provided to the institute (and
forward to manufacturing company) while the other set is for self inspection of the supplier.
4 技术要求:
Technology requirements:
5 特殊要求:
Special requirements:
a) 乙方有义务向甲方提供本协议所涉及零部件在欧洲市场的适应性分析报告。

Party B shall be liable to provide Party A with report on suitability analysis of the components involved in the Agreement at European market;
b) 对于国内和欧洲市场要求不同的零部件或性能要求,乙方在开发阶段必须同时另行

Where domestic component or performance requirements are different from those at European market, Party B must develop separately according to design
requirements at the same time at the stage of development.
c) 涉及到出口车型零部件需满足当地投产当时法律、法规、环保和安全要求。

Components involved in exported vehicle model shall conform to local legal, statutory, environment protection and safety requirements then.
6 设计责任:
Design responsibility:

Party A is responsible for space layout of complete vehicle and boundary conditions; Party B is responsible for concrete structure design and guaranteed performance of product.
7 乙方提供的成品图样、数学模型、技术文件只有经甲方转化、审核、批准后方可作

Drawings, mathematical model and technical documents of finished products provided by Party B could only be used as the basis of trial manufacturing upon conversion, review and approval by Party A.
8 甲方保留对所有技术文件的修改、确认权限,具体见《产品设计更改控制程序》。

Party A reserves the authority of amendment and confirmation of all technical documents and for details, see Procedure for Control of Change to Product Design.
9 甲方所认为需修改的与本协议相关的技术文件,甲方应以《数模/图纸变更通知单》

For technical documents in connection with the Agreement which shall be changed in the opinion of Party A, Party A shall notify Party B in the form of Notice of Change to Mathematical Model/Drawing or Notice of Change to Technical Documents as soon as possible.
10 对于联合开发的产品,甲方提供技术参数和控制参数,乙方负责设计,其总成图及

For the products to be jointly developed, Party A shall provide technical parameters and control parameters while Party B is responsible for design, assembly drawings, parameters of peripheral relevant sizes and mathematical models, which shall only be implemented upon conversion, approval and release by Party A.
11 甲、乙双方必须保证所提供的全部技术文件的保密,未经双方同意,任何一方不得向第三方泄漏和转让。

Party A and Party B must ensure confidentiality of all technical documents provided, and without consent of the other party, neither party shall disclose and transfer to a third party.
12 甲方在乙方要求下或在适当的时候,对乙方进行产品技术检查落实与技术服务工作(但不限于此),乙方应及时真实地将试制中出现的问题反馈给甲方。

Upon request of Party B or when appropriate, Party A will carry out check of product technology and technology service work (but not limited to this) for Party B and Party B shall feed back problem
s occurring in trial manufacturing to Party A promptly and truthfully. 妙文上海翻译公司版权所有
