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“学而优则贾”是常家发达并绵延上百年的重要因素。当时常家以商立家,同时 十分注重对子孙后代进行教育。明弘治十三年,常仲林由太谷惠安迁往榆次车辋定居, 从此常氏在这片土地上落地生根。常家从常仲林至六世都以务农为生,七世时常家子 孙开始从事商业活动。常威北上千里,到张家口贩布营生,逐渐积累资金,建立了常 家的商号。此后常威和他的儿子们又凭借地域优势和政府政策发展对外贸易,特别是 对俄贸易,经过艰苦奋斗,使常家成为了对俄贸易中的佼佼者。同时,常家也积极发 展国内贸易,商业活动遍及全国,先后建立几十个商号、票号,成为明清时期晋商的 代表家族之一。随着家族经济实力的发展,常家更加注重也更有条件着重于家族的教育, 各家开办家塾,重金聘请知名的儒者为子弟授课,置办诸多经史诸子之书供子弟研读。 常家希望通过教育使其子孙后代成人成才,从而不断巩固家族事业的发展。
学位授予单位 山西师范大学 学位授予日期 2014 年 6 月
答辩委员会主席 郝志军 研究员
评阅人 魏峰教授 郭芬云副教授
2014 年 5 月 11 日
本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得的研究成果,学位论文的知识产权属于山西师范大学。除了文中 特别加以标注的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成 果,也不包含为获得山西师范大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的 材料。本声明的法律后果将完全由本人承担。
This thesis will make a comprehensive analysis on the formation of moral education of Chang family,expound the content of this moral education in detail by collecting and arranging relevant literatures. The thesis is divided into five parts, the main contents are as follows: Preface will explain the study of the origin, purpose and significance of the research and literature as well as at home and abroad;The second part is a brief introduction of the development and achievement in business and education,and with describing Chang's representatives and eminent persons;The third part will analyzesthe political, economic and cultural background of moral education of Chang’S. The fourth, fifth part is the full text of the focus.They will elaborate the contents and methods of moral education.The contents of moral education concentrate on diligence, thrift, personal loyalty,honesty, harmony, and moderation six sections. The main methods of moral education involve poetry cultivating, ancestor worship, environmental influence, peer
trade with Russia. throughing hard work.At the same time, Chang family also actively developed domestic trade.It’s business activity was throughout the country with founding dozens of shops and ticket numbers.Chang family becomed one of the representatives of the Shanxi merchants in Ming and Qing Dynasties . With the development of the economy of the family, Chang family was better to focus on family-oriented education, They establish- hde many private schools and offered large amount of money to hire famous Confucian scholars.In addition, Chang’S collected a number of books for children's reading . They hoped the future generations with a brilliant futures through education, so as to continuously consolidate the family business development.
【关 键 词】明清 晋商 常氏家族 德育思想 【论文类型】基础研究 【基金项目】山西省哲学社会科学基金①
① 基金项目:本文为山西省 2013 哲学社会科学课题成果之一,受山西省哲学社会科学基金项目(编号:604292)资 助。
Title:Research on Moral Education Idea of Chang Family of Shanxi Merchants in Ming and Qing dynasties
supervision, Role model and genealogy six areas, which inherited the common experiences of implementing moral education, but also reflects Chang's culture.

作者签名: 导师签字:
签字日期: 签字日期:
专 业:教育史
硕 士 生:郭鑫鑫
明清时期是中国资本主义的萌芽时期,这一时期商品经济得到了进一步的发展, 社会产生了一些地域性的商帮。其中晋商势力之大,财力之雄厚是除了徽商之外其他 商帮不可比拟的。在众多势力强大的晋商家族中,常氏家族最具商业和文化特色。
本学位论文作者完全了解山西师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规 定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许 论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权山西师范大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分 内容编入有关数据库进行网络出版,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手 段保存、汇编学位论文。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)。
分类号: UDC:
密 级: 无 单位代码:10118
明清晋商常氏家族德育思想研究 郭鑫鑫
指 导 老 师 张迎春 副教授 山西师范大学教师教育学院
申请学位级别 教育学硕士
专业名称 教育史
论文提交日期 2014 年 4 月 8 日 论文答辩日期 2014 年 5 月 9 日
Major:History of Education
Name: Guo Xinxin
Supervisor:Zhang Yingchun Signature:
Ming and Qing dynasties are the sprouting of capitalism in China, the development of commodity economy during this period has been further improved, society has had some local merchants,of which the Shanxi merchants is the most powerful in addition to Huizhou merchants.In a multitude of Shanxi Merchants,Chang’S has a distinctive business and cultural characteristics, which not only created the commercial achievements, also cultivated a lot of writers and scholars.
Chang family of Shanxi Merchants developed and stretched for hundreds of years excellent learning and trade was an important factor for hundreds of years’development.Chang’s lived in business and attached great importance to education for future generations.In Ming dynasty,Chang Zhong Lin moved from Taigu to Chewang and was in putting down roots in this land. Chang family had been living on land, until the seventh generation started to engaging in commercial activities. Chang Wei went northward for miles to make a living in Zhangjiakou.By selling cloth,Chang Wei accumulated funds and established a regular family firm. Then, Chang Wei and his sons with the advantages of geography and government policies developed foreign trade, particularly traded with Russia, became a leader in the
本文通过收集整理相关文献资料,对常氏家族明清时期德育思想及形成进行了系统 研究。全文共分五部分。主要内容如下:绪论部分阐述了研究的缘起,研究的目的和意 义以及国内外相关的研究概述;第二部分对常氏家族进行简单的介绍,陈述常家在商业 和教育方面的发展和成就,介绍常家的代表人物和杰出者;第三部分分析了常氏家族在 明清时期德育思想形成的政治、经济和文化背景;第四、第五部分是文章的重点部分, 分别对常家德育的内容和方法进行了系统阐述。文中指出常家的德育内容集中体现为贵 而能勤,富而能俭、以细行律己、持义如崇山、杖信如介石、满而不盈、致中和六个部 分;德育方法则主要有诗歌陶冶、言传身教、环境熏陶、祭祖感化、朋辈督导、族谱教 化六个方面。这些方法体现了常家的家族文化,在培育常家弟子方面起到了重要的作 用。