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Industrial robots are relatively new electromechanical devices that are beginning to change the appearance of modern industry. 工业机械人是相对来讲较新的机电设备,它已经开始改变现代工业的面貌。
Industrial robots are not like the science fiction devices that possess human-like abilities and provide companionship to space traveler. 工业机械人不像科幻小说中的那个样子具有人一样的能力而且能与其它移动物成立友谊。
Research to enable robots to “see”,"hear",“touch",and "listen" has been underway for two decades and is beginning to bear fruit. 机械人能够看见听到触觉听的研究已经进行了20连年,此刻开始开花结果了。
However,the current technology of industrial robots is such that most robots contain Only an arm rather than all the anatomy a human possesses. 但是,通常所说的工业机械人技术是是大多数机械人只包括了一条臂而不是拥有人解剖学上的全数结构。
Current control only allows these devices to move from point to point in space,performing relatively
simple taskes. 通常的操纵只许诺这些机械人在空间上从点到点的移动,完成相对简单的工作。
The Robotics Institute of America defines a robot as “a reprogrammable multifun ction manipulator designed to move material,parts, tools,or other specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. ” 美国机械人学会概念机械人为“一个可再编程序,多功能的机械手,它通过各类可编程的运行来完成不同的任务,用于搬用原料、零件、刀具、和专用装置。
A NC machining center would qualify as a robot if one were to interpret different types of machining as different functions.若是以为不同类型的加工有不同的作用。
Most manufacturing engineers do not consider a NC machining center a robot,even though these machines hive a number of similarities. 大部份制造工程师以为数控加工中心不是机械人,尽管他们有很多相似的地方。
The power drive and controllers of both NC machines and robots can be quite similar. 数控机构和机械人的动力驱动和操纵十分相似。
Robots, like NC machines can he powered by electrical
motors,hydraulic systems,or pneumatic systems. 想数控机构一样机械人能够由发动机、液压系统、气压系统提供动力。
Control for either device can lye either open-loop or closed-loop. 两种设备都能由开环操纵或闭环操纵。
In fact,many of the developments used in robotics have evolved from the NC industry,and many of the
manufacturers of robots also manufacture NC machines or NC controllers. 事实上,许多应用于机械人进展技术由数控工业演变过来而且许多机械人制造商也制造数控机床和数控操纵器。
A physical robot is normally composed of a main frame (or arm) with a wrist and some tool-
ing (usually some type of gripper) at the end of the frame. 实际的机械人由带有腕(或称为臂)的主机身和机械端部的工具(一般是某些的支撑器)组成。
An auxiliary power system may also
be included with the robot. 机械人也可能有一个辅助动力系统。
A controller with some type of teach pendant,joy-stick. or key pad is also part of the system. I1
typical robotic system is shown in Fig. 5. 1.
Robots are usually characterized by the design of the mechanical system. 机械人特点通常由机械系统的设计表现,A robot whose main frame consists of three linear axes is called a Cartesian robot. 一个要紧框架包括三条移动轴的机械人称为笛卡尔机械人。
The Cartesian robot derives its name from the coordinate system. Travel normally takes place linearly in three-space. 笛卡尔机械人它的名字来源于笛卡尔坐标系沿三维空间的直线移动。
Some Cartesian robots are constructed like a gantry to minimize deflection along each of the axes. 一些笛卡尔机械人由龙门结构组成以便使沿每一个轴的误差最小。
These robots are referred to as gantry robots. 这些机械人称为龙门机械人。
Fig. 5. 2 shows examples of Cartesian robots. 图5.2展现了笛卡尔机械人,These robots behave and car, be controlled similarly to conventional three-axis IBC machines. 这些机械人的动作操纵都相似于传统的三坐标机床。
Gantry robots are generally the most accurate physical structure for robots. 龙门结构一样来讲是最正确的机械人实际结构。
Gantry robots are commonly used for assembly where tight tolerance and exact location are required.龙门机械人通经常使用于公差较小和位置度要求较高的装配中。
A cylindrical robot is composed of two linear axes and one rotary axis. This robot derives its name from the work envelope (the, space in which it operates)、which is This robot derives its created by moving the axes from limit to limit甲圆柱机械人由两个移动轴和一个旋转轴组成,这种机械人的名称来源自包围轨迹(它的功作范围),它由轴移动的极限位置组成。
3 shows typical cylindrical robot. Cylindrical robots are used for a variety of applications,but most frequently for material-handling operations.图5.3展现了典型的圆柱机械人。
In order for a device to qualify as a robot,it must be easily reprogrammable. 为了是设备具有资格作为机械人,它必需是容易可再编程的。
Nonprogrammable mechanisms,regardless of their potential flexibility by reassembly or rewiring,do not qualify as robots. 不可编程的机构,不管其通过从头装配或再接线可实现的潜在柔性有多大,也不能算坐机器人。
’A class of devices that
fits this category are fixed or variable-sequence robots. 许多这种设备是固定的或可变的序列机械人。
Many of these robots are pneumatically driven。
Rather than controlling the robot path. the device is driven to fixed stops or switches via some form of ladder logic. 这种机械人借助某种梯形逻辑图被驱动至一些固定的挡块活行程开关处,而不是操纵它的轨迹。
Although the ladder programming qualifies for the definition of a robot,the switches or stops must normally he physically moved in order to alter the tasks being performed. 尽管梯形图编程可知足机械人的运动要求,但行程开关和挡块必需正常的被整体移动,以改变所需执行的工作任务。
Drive actuators or motors are turned "on" or "off" de-pending on the desired sequence of tasks and switch states. 动力开动或发动机打开到“开”或“关”依据工序的要求和转换状态。
Robot operations for This type of system are normally limited to rather simple application机械人对这种系统操作通常局限于相当简单应用。
Programming of more conventional robots normally takes one of three forms:(I)wAk-
through or pendent teaching,(2)lead-through
leaching, or(3)Jfline programming. 传统机械人的程序通常采纳以下三个形式之一:(1)操作器编程(2)导入式程序(3)脱机程序。
Each robot normally comes with onf or more of these types of programming systems. Each has advantages and disadvantages depending on the application being considered每一个机械人通常具有一个或更多这种程序类型的系统。
Walk-through or pendant teaching or programming is the most commonly used robot programming procedure. 操作器编程最经常使用的机械人编程方式In this type of programming,a pendant that normally contains one or more Joysticks is used to move the -robot throughout its work envelope. 这种类型编程A pendant 通常包括几个用于使机械人在它工作范围移动的操作杆。
At the end of each teach point,the current robot position is saved. 在每一个工序的终点,机械人的位置被保留。
As was the case with NC machines, some robot allow the programmer the option of defining the path between points. 像数控机床一样,一些机械人许诺编程人员选择概念两点间线路。
Again, these robots are called continuous-path systems. 另外,这些
Systems that do not allow the user to specify the path taken are called point-to-point systems. 不许诺用户指定途径系统称为点到点系统。
Many continuous-path robots allow the user to define the path to be taken between successive points. 许多持续途径机械人许诺用户概念在两个要紧点之间连线的途径。
That is, the user may define a straight line, circular or
Joint-interpolated path. 那么,用户能够概念直线、圆弧的、指定某一名置的途径。
In a straight-line path, the robets move between successive points in a straight line in Cartesian space. 在直线途径中,机械人在笛卡尔空间中,以直线两两头点移动。
Circular moves, as the name implies take place in circulars ; along one of the major planes. 6顾名思义,圆弧运动确实是在某一主平面上沿圆弧运动。
The path that the robot takes using a joint-interpolation scheme is not always easy to determine. 机械人以插入某处方案执行线路很不容易确信。
In joint interpolation,each of the robot joints are moved at a constant rate so that all the axes start and stop at the same time. 在接点插补中,机械人的每一关节都以一恒定速度移动以保证所有的轴同时启动和停止。
Cartesian robots,straight-line and joint-interpolated-Lion schemes produce the same path. 关于笛卡尔机械人,直线和结点插补方案产生相同的途径。
For the other types of robot systems, this is not true. 关于其他类型机械人系统,这不成立。
Pendant programming systems normally have supplemental commands that allow the programmer to perform auxiliary operations such as close the end 一。
check the status of a switch or several switches。
return a complete status to a machine,etc. 编程人员使机械人走过要求完成一项工作的必要步骤,保留每一中间步骤和辅助的信息The programmer walks the robot through the necessary steps required to perform a task,saving each intermediate step along with the auxiliary information.。
The teach pendant used :o program the FanucM1 robot is shown in Fig. 5. 4,用于给fanuc M1机械人编程的操作器,如图5.4所示。
Lead-through programming is one of the simplest programming procedures used to programa robot. 导入式程序是最简单的机械人程序设计进程之一。
the name implies the programmer simply physically moves the robot through the required sequence of motions. 顾名思义,编程人简单实际的是机械人沿着线路轮廓移动。
The robot controller records the position and speed。
、the programmer leads the robot through the (:peration. The power is normally shut down while the t)rogrammer is leading the robot through the necessary moves,so that the robot will not generate anyglitches"that might injure the operator. 当编程人员负责引导机械人完成必要动作时,动力降低以便机械人不产生损害操作人员。
Although lead-through programming is the easiest programming method to learn,it does introduce some severe limitations to the robot's application.
For instance, when the robot is being led through the operation,the operator carries the weight of the robot. 尽管导入式编程是最容易学的程序语言,但它也反映了一些
The gears, motor and lead screw may introduce a false resolver reading,so that when the weight of the robot,and perhaps a part,must be supported by the system the actualend-effector position may be significantly different from the position taught to the robot. `齿轮,电动机和丝杠会引入错误的运算读数值,如此当机械人的重量,或许是工件的重量必需由系统承担时,端部执行器的实际位置可能与机械人的训练位置有专门大不同。
Another problem with this method is that since the position and speed are recorded as the robot is toeingled through the desired path,a significant amount of data is generated. This data must be storedarid later recalled. Storage and retrieval space and time can cause the programrner problem,甲Ye:一
haps the major problem associated with lead-through programming is that the human who leadsthe robot through the process is capable of only finite accuracy and may introduce inconsistenciel,into the proce二甲Human-indured errors and inaccuracies eliminate some of the major advantagesof using robots. 这种方
Offline programming for robots is a relatively new technology that provides several advantages over both lead-through and teach programming.
The principles of offline programming are similar to using an offline language such as APT for NC programming.
Several languages have been developed at major universities as well in industry throughout the U.S.
Examples of these languages include VAL created
by Unimation ,AR-Basic by American Robot Corp. ARM-BASIC by Microbot , Inc. and AMI. by IBM.
这些语言要紧有Unimation的VAL,美国机械人协会的AR-Basic, Microbot的ARM-BASIC和IBM的AMI。
To illustrate offline programming, AR-Basic will be used. AR-Basic allows the user to:
---Define the position of the robot;
---Control the motion of the robot;
---Input and output control data;
AR-Basic is an interpretive BASIS system that employs many of the same functions as the familiar BASIC programming language.
In AR-Basic, points and tools are defined as a set of primitive data.
Points are defined using the conventions:
X, Y, Z, R, P, Y
X, Y, Z, R, P, Y
Where X, Y, and Z are the Cartesian space occupied by the end-effector, and R, P, and Y are the roll, pitch and yaw of the tool.
X, Y, Z表示由端部执行器占据笛卡尔空间,R, P, Y表示刀具旋转进给和偏移.
Each of the point definitions can be specified as either absolute or relative points(again defined in a similar manner as for NC machines).
Tool-definition commands are used to define the location of any tooling that might be required for an operation. 刀具概念命令经常使用于概念操作要求的所有刀具的位置。
The tool definition specifies the midpoint of the robot’s faceplate, and consists of the same six data used to describe a point.
The robot is set into motion using a set of motion control commands. The motion commands allows the programmer to:
Define the type of path to tack (straight-line,circular,or joint-coordinated)概念采取的途径类型(直线,圆弧,结点插补)
Define the end of tooling speed
Define the frame of reference
Describe the current tool tip
AR-Basic also allows the programmer to input and output data to any device to witch the robot is interfaced.analog and digital data can be sent to A/D converters,D/A converters,parallel,or serial I/O ports. AR-Basic也许诺程序编译人员输入或输出数据到与机械人连接的设备,模拟的数字信号能够传送到模—数转换转换器并行的或串行的I/O口。
Table 5-1 contains Point and Tool definition examples.Table 5-2 contains AR-Basic example for motion control.表5—1是点和刀具概念的例子。
Unit 6
Group Technology
Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy that involves identifying and grouping components having similar or related attributes in order to tack advantage of their similarities in the design and/or manufacturing phases of the production cycle.组成技术是一个制造业的哲学概念,它涉及到具有相似或相关属性零件的标识和分组,如此能够利用产品相似性这种特点,吧这种技术应用于产品生产的设计制造进程中。
Historically,this novel principle first came into being here in the United States in 1920,when Frederick Taylor supported the idea of grouping parts that required special operations.(历史上,那个新颖的理论是在1920年被第一次提出的,Frederick Taylor支持将需要特殊加工的零件成组)He was followed by the Jones and Lamson Machine Company in the
early 1920s,which used a crude form of group technology to build machine tools.(在1920年初期,Jones and Lamson公司继承他的思想,他们用粗糙的成组技术组成生产工具)Their manufacturing approach involved such principles as departmentalization by product rather than by process and minimizing the routing paths.(他们利用这一原理的生产方式确实是以产品来划分部门,而不是以工艺或缩短途径来划分部门)Today, group technology is implemented through the application of well-structured classification and coding systems and supporting software to take advantage of the similarities of components.(此刻,成组技术进一步被运用通过运用结构分类、代码系统和支持软件来利用相似零件的优点)
Reasons for Adopting Group Technology
Modern manufacturing industries are racing a lot of challenges caused by growing international competition and fast-changing market demands. These challenges, which are exemplified in the following list, have been and can be successfully met by group technology:
There is an industrial trend toward low-volume production (small lot sizes) of a wider variety of products in order to meet the rising demand for specially ordered products in today’s affluent societies. In other words, the share of the batch-type production in industry is growing day after day, and it is anticipated that 75 percent of all manufactured parts will be in small lot sizes.
As a result of the first factor, the conventional shop organization (i.e., departmentalization by progress) is becoming very inefficient and obsolete because of the wasteful routing paths of the products between the various machine tool departments.
(作为第一个因素的结果,传统的车间机构变得愈来愈低效和过时,因为产品在不同的工具部传送的时候浪费时刻)There is a need to integrate the design and
manufacturing phases in order to cut short the lead time, thus winning a competitive situation in the international market.
(有必要把设计和制造的时期集成在一路能够减少定货至交货的时刻,如此能够在国际化市场上具有竞争力)Benefits of Group Technology
(1)Benefits in product design.(在产品设计的优势)Concerning design of products, the principal benefit of group technology is that it enables product designers to avoid "reinventing the wheel", or duplicating engineering efforts. (关于产品的设计,成组技术最要紧的益处在于能够避免重复发明和复制工程功效)In other words, it eliminates the possibility of designing a product that was previously designed because it facilitates storage and easy retrieval of engineering designs.(换句话说,由于它存储方便,而且相关的工程设计很容易被掏出,因此排除发明以前就存在的产品) When an order of a part is released, the part is first coded, and then existing designs that match that code are retrieved from the company's library of designs stored in the memory of a computer, thus saving a large amount of time in design work. (一旦要求设
计某一个零件,那个零件第一被编码,然后检索存储于计算机存储器中的该公司的设计库,找出与那个编码相匹配的已有设计,如此即可节省大量的重复设计时刻)If the exact part design is not included in the company's computerized files, a design close enough to the required one can be retrieved and modified in order to satisfy the requirements,(若是在公司运算机存储器中没有完全吻合的设计,那就找出与之最相似的设计,修正后能够知足要求) A further advantage of group technology is that it promotes standardization of production tools and work-holding devices.(另外,成组技术能够增进生产工具和工件夹持装置的标准化)
(2)Standardization of tooling and setup. (加工和装配的标准化)Since parts are grouped into families, a flexible design for a work-holding device(jig or fixture)can be made for each family in such a manner that it can accommodate every member of that family, thus reducing the cost of fixturing by reducing the number of fixtures required.(因为工件被分成了类别,对工件夹持装置的灵活设计能够应用于每一个类的所有零件,如此能够减少所需要的夹持件的数量,从而减少了夹持装置的费用)Also, it is obvious that a machine setup
can bemade once for the whole family(because of the similarities between the parts of a family)instead of a machine setup for each of the individual parts.(而且,很显然一次的机械装配能够用于此类的所有零件,而不是只对单个零件适用)
(3)More efficient material handling. (更高效的物料输送)When the plant layout is based on the group technology principles, i. e, dividing the plant into cells, each consisting of a group of different machine tools and wholly devoted to the production of a family of parts, material handling is more efficient because of the minimal routing paths of parts between machine tools achieved in this case. (基于成组技术原理计划工厂布局,即把工厂分为单元,每一个单元由一组用于生产同一族零件的各类机床组成,这时原材料的传送是很有效的,因为这种情形下的零件在机床间的移动途径最短。
)This is in contrast with the "messy" flow lines in the case of the conventional departmentalization-by-process layout. That comparison is clearly illustrated in Fig.6.1,which indicates both cases.(这与传统的按工序分部门的很乱的布局形成了对照!)
(4)Improving economies of batch-type production.(提
高分批式生产的经济效益)Usually, batch-type production involves a wide variety of nonstandard parts, seemingly with nothing in common. (通常,分批式生产包括各类各样的不标准零件,貌似它们没有共性)Therefore, grouping parts(and processes)in families enable to achieve economies that are obtainable only in mass production.(可是,分组技术只有在大量生产时才能够取得经济效益)
(5)Easier scheduling.(更易安排)Grouping the parts into families facilitates the task of scheduling, since this work will be done for each family instead of for each part.(将工件分族能够降低安排任务的难度)
(6)Reduced work-in-process and lead time.(减少在制品和定货至交货的时刻)Reduced work-in-process(WIP)and lead time result directly from reduced setup and material-handling time. (WIP源于减少了安装和原材料处置的时刻)In other words, parts are not redundantly transferred between machining departments, since material handling is carried out efficiently within each of the individual cells. (换句话说,由于在每一个单元之间高效的物料输送,零件在加工部门传送地一点都不冗余)This is in contrast to the production in a
typical plant with a process-type layout, where a piece that requires only a few minutes of machining may spend days on the shop floor. (这与本来一个工件能够几分钟加工完的却用了几天的基于进程布局的车间的生产形成了对照,)This latter situation involves increased WIP, which adversely affects the inventory turuover and the cash-flow cycle. (后一种情形下需要较多的在制品,这对库存换新率及现金的周转率产生不利的阻碍)Also, lead time for a product manufactured in a plant designed according to group technology principles is far shorter than that of a product manufactured in a plant with a process-type layout.(而且,基于成组技术的车间产品的定货至交货的时刻比基于进程的车间快得多)
(7)Faster and more rational process planning. 更快更理智的进程设计
Group technology paves the way for automated process planning. 成组技术为自动进程设计做好了预备This can be achieved through proper parts classification and coding system, where a detailed process plan for each part is stored under its code and thus can be easily retrieved.这能够通过合理的零件分类和编码系统来实现,详细的加工打算贮存在编码里面而且很容易被掏出
Factors preventing widespread application of group technology 阻碍成组技术普遍应用的因素
Problems associated with rearrangement of physical equipment.与物理器材的从头安排有关的问题
As we saw, group technology is always associated with the concept of cellular manufacturing. 正如咱们所见,成组技术老是相关的概念电话制造。
The latter necessitates rearrangement of the existing equipment (machine tools) to form the cells. 后者需要重排的现有设备(机床)形成的细胞。
This, in fact, involves costly and cumbersome work, which is sometimes difficult to justify. 这一点,事实上,涉及昂贵而笨重的工作,有时是很难证明的。
The large amount of up-front work needed. 大量的前期工作需要。
In order to implement group technology, it would seem that every single part in the inventory of the industrial corporation must be coded so that part families can be established. 为了实现重组技术,看起来,每一个参与存货的工业公司必需如此编码,这部份能够成立家庭。
This appears to be a big task, which creates a barrier to any tendency toward implementing group
technology. 这似乎是一项重大的任务,这就造成了障碍实施成组技术的任何偏向。
However, any manufacturing corporation actually deals with ordered an similar groups of parts because of the area specialty of that corporation and/or its product line. 但是,任何制造公司实际处置下令相似人群中的部份由于地域专业的公司和/或其产品线。
Accordingly, an appropriate approach for solving the problem of up-front work is to do that task gradually, by coding the blueprints released to the workshop. 因此,一个适当的方式解决问题的的前期工作是做那个任务,通过编码的蓝图慢慢释放到车间。
As a result, the number of truly new parts released to the workshop tends to be leveled out after a short period of time. 因此,真正的新零件的数量释放到车间往往是趋于平稳后很短的一段时刻。
Natural resistance to anything new.自然抗击新的东西。
We as human beings try to keep away from the risky unknown. 作为人,咱们尽可能远离任何不明白的风险。
This very reason makes many managers and administrators avoid adopting new concepts and philosophies such as group technology.这种特殊的缘故使得许多的精力和治理者尽可能不采纳新的哲学和概念。
Classification and coding of parts零件的分类编码
In order to implement a classification and coding system based on group technology principles successfully, parts must be classified according to suitable features; then a meaningful code is as assigned to reflect those features. 为了成功实现一个基于成组技术原理的分类和编码系统,部件必需依照适合的特点分类;然后是一个成心义的代码是被分派来反映这些特点。
The process of retrieving or grouping parts because of similar features therefore becomes a simple one零件的检索或分组的进程,由于类似的特性因此变得简单。
. As a matter of fact, ZIP codes exemplify the basic features of a classification and coding scheme. 作为一个事实,邮政编码诠释了大体特点分类和编码方案。
The ZIP code indicates a geographic location by progressively classifying it into subdivisions, starting with the state and proceeding to the county, city, neighborhood, and street. 邮政编码表示地理位置慢慢由分类成住宅小区,从州和继续到县、市、社区、街道。
Codes that are numerically close indicate locations that are, in reality, geographically close as well. 代码显示位置的数值接近,事实上,在地理上接近。
In fact, it is this
latter particular feature that enables the formation of a family of similar parts based on only codes, without the need for physically examining the parts or their drawings.事实上,它是后一种特定的功能,使一个家庭的形成类似零件的基于只有代码,而不需要躯体检查零件或他们的图纸。
Although many classification and coding systems have been developed all over the world, none of them as yet has become a universally standard one.尽管在全世界内有很多分类系统和编码系统已被开发,可是直到目前为止没有一个成为普遍的标准。
This is mainly because of the fact that a system must meet the specific needs of the organization for which it has been developed.这主若是由于每一个系统必需知足开发它的组织的多种多样需求。
It is, therefore, the right approach to develop a group technology classification and coding scheme based on the specific needs of the client or to tailor an existing turnkey system to meet those needs.因此,依照客户的具体需求去开发一组分类方案和编码方案或定制现有的整套系统来知足需求是正确的方式。
As previously mentioned, there are many benefits for group technology; these can fall within two main。