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【摘要】目的:研究异甘草素诱导人黑色素瘤( A375)细胞凋亡及其初步机制。

方法采用硫氰酸盐B ( SRB)法测定异甘草素对 A375细胞生长的抑制效应, AO/EB 和Hoechst 33258荧光染色法观察细胞凋亡形态,流式细胞技术检测A375细胞凋亡率;荧光染料二乙酸-2’,7’-二氯荧光素(DCFH-DA)测定A375细胞内活性氧的变化。


结果异甘草素能抑制A375细胞的增殖,并呈浓度依赖性;在荧光显微镜下发现,异甘草素处理后的A375细胞出现明显的凋亡形态;细胞凋亡率随异甘草素浓度的增加而升高;异甘草素处理后的细胞内活性氧有明显上升趋势,细胞线粒体膜电位明显下降;异甘草素作用后胞内ATP含量下降( P<0.05或
P<0.01),培养液中的乳酸含量下降,葡萄糖含量上升(P <0.05或P<0.01)。



%Aim To evaluate the mechanism of apopto-sis induced by the isoliquiritigenin in A375 human ma-lignant melanoma cells. Methods Sulforhodamine B ( SRB) method was used to determine the A375 cell viability;acridine orange/ethidium bromide ( AO/EB) and Hoechst 33258 staining were used to observe the morphological changes of apoptotic
cells; flow cytome-try was used to detect A375 cell apoptotic rate;DCFH-DA was applied to determine the changes of total intra-cellular ROS in
A375 cells;JC-1 method was used to measure the changes of mitochondrial membrane poten-tial;the kits methods were used to determine the con-tent of ATP, lactic acid and glucose in A375 cell which was treated with different concentrations of isoliquiritigenin. Results Isoliquiritigenin could in-hibit A375 cell proliferation in a concentration-depend-ent manner;
A375 cells showed obvious apoptosis&nbsp;charateristics after treatment by isoliquiritigenin, and the apoptosis rate increased with increasing concentra-tion of isoliquiritigenin. The level of total intracellular ROS in
A375 cells increased obviously after dealing with different concentrations of isoliquiritigenin;in ad-dition, the mitochondrial membrane potential, the lev-els of intracellular ATP,lactic acid and the level of glu-cose uptake all declined. Conclusions These find-ings demonstrate that isoliquiritigenin can induce apop-tosis of A375 cells. The mechanism may be related to elevation of ROS level and reduction of aerobic glycoly-sis level.
【作者单位】石河子大学药学院,新疆特种植物药资源教育部重点实验室,新疆石河子 832002;石河子大学药学院,新疆特种植物药资源教育部重点实验室,新疆石河子 832002;滨州医学院,山东烟台 264005;滨州医学院,山东烟台264005;石河子大学药学院,新疆特种植物药资源教育部重点实验室,新疆石河
子 832002;石河子大学药学院,新疆特种植物药资源教育部重点实验室,新疆石河子 832002; 滨州医学院,山东烟台 264005
1.2-丁亚砜-1,4-萘醌诱导人恶性黑色素瘤A375细胞凋亡及其机制 [J], 徐宛婷;李雨;罗英花;刘畅;金成浩
2.β-榄香烯诱导人黑色素瘤A375细胞凋亡的研究 [J], 蒋革;吴艳华;罗锋;薛勇;李清
3.新狼毒素A诱导人黑色素瘤A375细胞凋亡的机制研究 [J], 丁杨芳;李德芳;陈小宇;任博雪;赵微;郑秋生
4.臭椿酮诱导人黑色素瘤A375细胞凋亡及其机制研究 [J], 陈小宇; 陈颖; 曲传俊; 李德芳; 郑秋生
5.麦冬皂苷B通过抑制PI3K/Akt/mTOR通路诱导人黑色素瘤A375细胞凋亡 [J], 胡惠清; 李静; 方坤; 卢彩红; 刘斌
