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T:Good morning,boys and girls.How is it going?
S:Fine,and you?
T:I am fine too,thank you.
T:Boys and girls,today,before our class,I want to do a survey about how often you use computers.You guys should fill in the questionnaire and present to me later.Now,here is the questionnaire.
T:Ok,my dear students,here is the data.Most of you use computers almost everyday.Yes,we know computer becomes indispensable in our daily life,we can’t work,even we can’t live without a computer, right?So,do you want to know more about computers? Ok,let’s start our new lesson.
T:Before you read the passage,can you have a prediction about the main idea according to the title given?You can have a free talk now.
S1:Maybe it talks about how computer has been invented...
S2:Maybe it talks about the development of computer...
Fast reading
T:Ok,guys,you all have your own point of view, so now you can read the passage very quickly to find out the main idea of the passage,at the same time,check if your prediction is right.5minutes for you,start.
T:Time is up.Who can tell me the general idea of the passage?Elena you please.
S:The passage tells us the development of computer in past years.
T:Very good Elena,I agree with you,the passage tells us the development of computer from it’s birth to its’rapid development.
Detailed reading
T:Now,we know the main idea of the passage,so this time,you should read the passage more carefully, here are two tasks.First,try to find out how many stages has the development of computer gone through and
what they are;second,in your reading,try to figure out the meaning of the underlined words in the passage. This task is rather difficult for you,so you can work in group of four,15minutes later,I will invite you to share your answer.Now,you can start preparing.
T:Time is up,first,which group wants to explain these three underlined words for us?Group3,you please.
T:Excellent group,you are so efficient.“Simply”is the verb form of“simple”,it means“make something simple”;and“technological”is adjective form of “technology”,it means“something concerning technology”.there is also another word“operator”, it refers to a person who operate something.Pay attention to it’s usage in this passage.
T:Ok,what about the details in passage,which group wants to tell us?Ok,the representative of group4, you please.
T:Well,you say the development of computer has
gone through5stages.First,In1642,computer was just a calculating machine in France;200years later,it was built as a analytical machine;then,in1936,it was made to work as a“universal machine”;and later in1940s,it becomes smaller and smaller,even as a PC.
T:Do you agree with them?Ok,very good,you are so clever,I an so proud of you.Actually,computer has gone through a very long time to become as smart and convenient as we see now.We’d better put it in good use.
T:Guys,since you all have understand the passage totally,so now,I want to ask you guys to have a retelling of the passage using your own words,you can do it according to the time line given on the blackboard. You have5minutes to prepare for it,now,you can start.
T:Time is up,who wants to have a try?Damon,you please.
T:Ok,very good,your pronunciation is so beautiful and your thinking is logical,good retelling.
T:Well,how time flies,it is almost the end of the class,today,we have learned the development of computer in past years and we know a lot about its’characteristics in each time,so after class,I hope you can write a short composition,imagine you are a computer,what do you want to say to the users,next class,we will have a sharing.Good bye.
高中英语《English around the world》试讲稿
Unit2English around the world
Good morning Judges!I am No.1candidate,applying for Senior high School English Teaching.It is really my honor to be here.Now,I will show my presentation.
Leading in
Good morning boys and girls!I am so glad to see you today.Did you watch any Olympic games last night?
Good.What kind of sport did you wait?Football game? Yes,who won the game at last?Spanish team?Did you enjoy it?Very good!Olympic games are always very exciting.
I would like to show you some pictures.Ok?How about the first one on the screen?What’s that?Yes, it’s very obvious that they are playing football.But do you know the other expression of football?Well,the boy near the window please.Is he right?Of course.We can also call it soccer.Here comes the next one.What can we tell from this picture?It’s very easy,right? Usually,we call it a flat.But do you know my question here?Very smart.The girl in the back please.Well done, flat is also called apartment.There are many English words that have two distinct expressions,both of which are accepted in English spelling and speaking.But do you know why there is such a difference?Any volunteer? The boy with black glasses please.I knew you could do it.The answer is that we have more than one English around the world.Apart from British English,we also have American English.So the topic we are going to
learn today is The Road to Modern English.
Firstly,I will play the recording to you,during which you will listen carefully to the recording and list the time-line of the development of the English and the new words.Is that clear?Ok,let’s begin.Time’s up.That’s all for the record.Who can share your time-line of the English development for us?Yes, Serena please.Are you sure?I will give you one more minute to think again.Ok,can you give me you second thought please?That’s right.There’s just one little mistake but that is ok.Next,did you find any new words in this passage?Yes,we have new words here:subway, elevator,petrol,gas,official,voyage,conquer, native.You can have a look at the English translation of these new words that I have given to you.I hope that it can help you to understand.Can you read the passage for the second time and fill the blank on page11?OK, I will give you another8minutes to finish this?Well. Let’s stop reading?Anyone who want to give us your answer?Yes,John please come to the stage and write down your answer on the blackboard.Good job.But I
think there is one mistake here,so anyone is going to help him?Ok,Jim please.Yes,that’s perfect then. How about you reading the passage carefully and answer my three questions?I hope that you can retell them in your own words.The three questions are as follows:what’s the development of English history;can you tell the differences between the ancient English and the modern English;can you tell the differences between the British English and the American English?Got it?OK, let’s try to read it again.Well,any volunteer wants to answer my first question?Yes,Lilei.Very good, excellent spoken English.How about the second question? Elizabeth please.Wow,fantastic.You have done great job.Then comes the last one.The girl beside you please. Well,also terrific.
There are some exercises on page11,can you finish that with your partner?Good!We got several important sentences here,for example:English is a language spoken all around the world;There are more than42 countries wher the majority of the people speak English.
Ok,guys.We have learned so much today?Who can help me to summarize what we have learned today?Yes, Lucy please.You are right!We have learned many new words and sentences.English is spoken all around the world,but do you know the reason for this?
After the class,will you think about this question? Key words and sentences are helpful for you so can you try to remember them?A short story of your own English learning is required before next lesson.Then let’s call it a day.。