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1. 学⽣很笨
直⾔:The student is obtuse.
婉⾔:He is a bit slow for his age. (他反应较慢。

He seems to be mentally retarded.(他看来智能较弱。

2. 学⽣懒惰
直⾔:The student is lazy.
婉⾔:I'm afraid he has to exert himself in his study.(恐怕他在学习上对⾃⼰得施加压⼒。

Probably he has to devote himself more diligently to his studies. (可能他要在学习上更勤奋些。

He is sure to go far if he can use his resources fully.(如果他能充分利⽤其智⼒,他⼀定能学得更好。

He needs to raise his ambition level a bit. (他需要增加⼀点雄⼼。

He'd better take his lessons more seriously. (他更加严肃地对待他的功课。

3. 学⽣吵架
直⾔:The student is noisy.
婉⾔:He needs to develop quieter habits of communication. (他需要培养更加安静的交流习惯。

4. 学⽣说谎
直⾔:He lies.
婉⾔:He is likely to embroider the truth a bit. (他往往会修饰⼀下事实。

He has difficulty distinguishing between imaginary and factual information. (他对区别假想的还是真实的信息有困难。

5. 学⽣作弊
直⾔:The student cheats.
婉⾔:He needs help in learning to adhere to rules and standards of fair play. (在学会遵守光明磊落、条件均等的规则和标准⽅⾯他需要帮助。

6. 要学⽣改邪归正
直⾔:He must be taught right from wrong. (Or: He must mend his ways.)
婉⾔:He needs to be brought back into the mainstream. (他需要重返主流。

7. 学⽣恃强凌弱、横⾏霸道
直⾔:The student is a bully. He is quarrelsome and browbeats, frightens or hurts smaller or weaker pupils.
婉⾔:He needs help in learning to use his leadership qualities democratically. (他需要学会以民主的⽅式发挥⾃⼰的领导才能。

