
(推荐格式,实战比较节省时间)3.段落中出现的标点符号后面要有一个空格(注意引号和括号的前半部分可不必用空格,如I like the 'cute' girl.),这一点和中文的写作是截然不同的,引起注意。
4.引用别人的话要用引号,双引号比较正式,但是单引号也被接受,引用的时候要注意,中文的格式是XX 说:“……。
”但是英文的格式却是Mary says, “….” 注意一下冒号和逗号,空格分别在逗号和后半部分的引号后面。
6.破折号的用法三种:一种是按一下,就是我们传统说的hyphen, 一般用于复合名词;二种是按两下,就是我们英文说的en dashes,三种是按三下,就是我们英文说的em dashesinstances:well-educated ladyShe had --- how do you say it in English?--- that certain "I do not know what."10:00 A.M.--8:00 p.m.NewYork--Providence line7.Argu中常会出现很长的地名,有两种解决方案,第一用PP3中的cut和paste功能,第二是首字母缩写,用后者的时候我建议第一次出现该词请拼写完整,并用括号注明要缩写的形式如Mattulate (M) company,这样子比较稳妥。
常见语法错误1.You is(有意思)错误。

Introduction:Technology has been an integral part of our lives, evolving and advancing at a rapid pace. It has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. This essay aims to discuss the impact of technology on our lives, both positive and negative, and highlight the importance of adapting to these changes.Body:1. Communication:The advent of technology has revolutionized the way we communicate. With the advent of smartphones, social media, and instant messaging platforms, we can now connect with people from all over the world in real-time.This has not only brought us closer to our loved ones but has also opened up new opportunities for global collaboration and networking. However, excessive use of technology for communication can lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and a decline in social skills.2. Education:Technology has transformed the education sector by providing access to a vast array of resources and tools. Online learning platforms,educational apps, and digital textbooks have made education more accessible and personalized. Students can now learn at their own paceand explore a wide range of subjects. However, the reliance ontechnology in education has raised concerns about the decline incritical thinking skills and the potential for digital distractions.3. Healthcare:The healthcare industry has witnessed significant advancements due to technological innovations. From telemedicine and electronic health records to robotic surgeries and personalized medicine, technology has improved patient care and outcomes. However, the increased reliance on technology in healthcare has raised concerns about data privacy and security, as well as the potential for human error.4. Employment:Technology has changed the job market, creating new opportunities and displacing traditional jobs. Automation and artificial intelligence have led to the rise of new industries and job roles. While this has provided many people with better job prospects, it has also led to job insecurity and the displacement of workers in certain sectors. It is crucial for individuals to adapt to these changes and acquire new skills to remain competitive in the job market.5. Social Impact:Technology has both positive and negative social impacts. On one hand, it has brought people closer together, fostering a sense of global community. On the other hand, it has contributed to social isolation and mental health issues, particularly among young people. The excessive use of social media and digital devices has led to issues such as cyberbullying, addiction, and decreased face-to-face interactions.Conclusion:In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on our lives, transforming the way we communicate, learn, work, and interact with each other. While it has brought numerous benefits, it has also raised concerns about job displacement, privacy, and mental health. As technology continues to evolve, it is crucial for individuals and society as a whole to adapt and find a balance between embracing its benefits and mitigating its drawbacks.。

英语考试种类介绍一 CET简介二 GRE简介GRE由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,1937年首次由美国哈佛,耶鲁,哥伦比亚,普林斯顿四所大学联合举办,初期由卡耐基基金会Carnegic Foundation承办,1948年交由新成立的教育测试中心ETS负责。
GRE考试分两种:一是一般能力或称倾向性测验(General test 或Aptitude Test)二是专业测验或称高级测验(Subject Test 或Advanced Test)。
General testGRE常规考试主要是考察应试人的基本英语能力以及对英文方面知识所涉及的广度和深度第一部分:分析写作部分Analytical Writing(AW)。
1.Issue task:对一个问题发表你的观点。
2.Argument task:分析一个论点。
三 IELTS简介(雅思)IELTS,全称International English Language Testing System,国际英语水平测试系统,是为到英语主导教学语言国家的高等教育机构就读而设的语言测试制度,也用于测试赴英语母语国家(主要指英联邦国家)定居人士的英语水平。

唯有这种方式我们才能 steps to fight against…
➢ Only in this way can we enjoy fresh air and live
a healthy life.
• 1.近来环保已经引起了全球的关注。 Environmental protection has caused global concern recently.
1. 1.protect our environment
global concern
get worse and worse/
get from bad to worse/
get moreBiblioteka and more serious3.环境的破坏
the destruction of our environment
• 写作内容
• 以约30 词概括所阅读短文的主要内容;
• 以约120 词就“经济的可持续发展”发表看法,内容 包括:
请举例描述许多工厂或企业为了经济利益不顾环 保;
• 你对这些工厂或企业的看法;
• 请。就“发展经济不应以牺牲环境为代价”展开论述
• 写作要求
• 作以句文参子中照。可 阅使 读用 材自 料己的的内亲容身,但经不历得或直虚接构引的用故原事文,也中可的
2. prevent pollutions
• 1.意识到
• 2.太污染了以至无法使用
• 3.空气/水/土污染 • 4.污染严重 • 5.控制污染
• 6.在….方面给某人施压 • 7.排污 • 8.确保减少污染源 • 9.与污染做斗争
英语考试 GMATAWA模板

Argument时序性因果攻击Firstly, the author is engaged in ‘after this, therefore, because of this’ reasoning. The line of reasoning is that because A happened before B, the former caused the latter. However, this reasoning is fallacious unless other possible causal factors have been considered and ruled out. For example, perhaps C. As a result, any decision aimed at addressing the problem of B must be based on a more thorough investigation to gather data in order to narrow down and locate the actual cause of B.同时性因果攻击Secondly, the author’s solution rests on the assumption that A is the cause of B just because A coincided with B. However, a mere positional correlation does not necessarily prove a causal relationship. In addition, all other prospective causes of B, such as C and D, must be ruled out. Without detailed analysis of the real source of B, it would be groundless to attribute B to A.错误类比攻击Additionally, it is highly doubtful that strategies drawn from A are applicable to B. However, differences between these two clearly outweigh the similarities, therefore making the analogy much less valid. For example, C and D all affect A but virtually absent in B. Accordingly, we can see that A and B are so dissimilar that B is unlikely to experience the same consequenc e if it adopts A’s strategies.非此即彼攻击Last but not least, the author unfairly assumes that a reader must make a either-or choice. However, the argument fails to rule out possibility that adjusting A and B might produce better results. Moreover, if the author is wrong in the assumption that A and B are the only causes of the problem, thus the most effective solution might include a complex of other factors—such as C and D. In any event, the author provides no justification for the mutually exclusive choice imposed on the reader.必要性攻击In the first place, the author unfairly assumes that B was determined solely by A. While A is a seemingly important element in determining B, it is hardly the only or even necessarily required element. This assumption overlooks other crucial criteria in determining B—such as C, D. Without accounting for these potential factors, the author concludes too hastily that …is the best way to achieve goals.充分性攻击In the second place, the author’s solution rests on the assumption that A is sufficient to give birth to the desired goals. However, if it turns out that B is due to a combination of factors, some of which will remain unchanged in the future, such as C and D, only A might have no impact on B.选择性样本攻击A threshold problem is that the author provides no evidence to claim that the general group as a whole is of the same characteristic. The example cited, while suggestive of this trend, is insufficient to warrant that the sample is representative of the whole group. For example, I question that…Therefore, such evidence would be obviously unrepresentative. In fact, in face of such limitedevidence, it is fallacious for the author to draw any conclusion at all.(与“选择性样本攻击”较类似) 样本代表性攻击Moreover, a possible methodology problem in the argument is that it is of bias. The term ‘so many’ is too vague to be statistically meaningful. It is very possible that workers who were more interested in the survey might be likely to respond to the questionnaire. Lacking in the information about the number of workers surveyed and the number of respondents, it is impossible to assess the validity of the survey. For instance, if 1000 workers were surveyed but only 10 responded, the result should be highly suspect. Because the author fails to account for other interpretations, the survey would be useless in concluding that….其他理由忽略他因攻击Thirdly, the author has focused only on A. A more detailed analysis would reveal that other factors far outweigh the factor on which the author focuses. For example, C. Lacking a more comprehensive analysis of the causes, it is presumptuous for the author to claim that A solely determined B.因果倒置攻击At last, it is possible that the author has confused cause with effect. Perhaps A was a response to B. Since the author fails to account for this possibility, the claim that …is completely unwarranted.样本数量攻击Another problem that seriously weakens the logic of this argument is that the survey cited is based on too small a sample to be reliable. Offered in support of the argument, the only evidence is that…. Unless it can be shown that the sample is ty pical of all general group, the fact that … is groundless to claim that…Loaded question和诚实性攻击What’s more, the methodology of the survey is problematic for two reasons. For one thing, we are not informed whether the survey provided only 3 alternatives. If it did, the respondents, who might very well prefer another choice not provided in the survey, might be forced to give up their preferences. For another thing, we are not informed whether the survey responses were anonymous or confidential. The respondents might supply responses favored by their superiors who might conduct the survey. Both events would lead this survey unreliable, let alone draw the conclusion that…样本时效性攻击Last but not least, another flaw that significantly undermines this argument is that the author neglects to indicate how recently the survey was actually conducted. When used to generally claim a particular group, the samples should be close enough to support the generalization, in order to prevent historical changes from invalidating the generalization. All we know is that the survey is recently published. The less recent the survey itself, the less reliable the results to demonstrate that…差异概念攻击To begin with, we must establish the meaning of the vague concept A. If the term were synonymous with B, the evidence cited would strongly support the argument. However, A may be defined in other terms such as C and D. Accordingly, the author has drawn the conclusion too hastily due to the ignorance of other definitions of A.范围内推攻击What’s more, the most egregious reasoning error in this argument is that the author uses evidence pertaining to a general group on the basis of a particular B. Even if the reasoning may be sound in general sense, the particular situation in which B is involved may not be representative of the entire general group. It is possible that... If this is the case, the claim that… is ill founded.不随时变攻击Moreover, the author unfairly assumes that A will remain unchanged over the next decades. However, a mere recent one-year A is insufficient to claim that. Statistics from such limited anecdotal evidence is not a good indicator for this trend. In addition, it is possible that in the future, this trend would greatly fluctuate or even reverse, then the adoption o f the author’s proposal might give birth to B, however, it might also have a negative impact on C1 and, in turns, C2. Admittedly, this argument would be even weaker and weaker each day as time goes by.Issue把题目复述一下? To some extent, I agree with the author’s general assertion that if *** (即在作者的观点上,加上一些条件,有保留地赞同). However, the author unnecessarily extends this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme while overlooks other compelling factors that may affect this issue. On balance, my points of agreement and contention with the author involve the fundamental and deep analysis as discussed below.On the one hand, I would like to admit that this statement, although suffers from some obvious drawbacks, has some merits primarily in some special cases in which the implicit rationale behind it accords with common sense and our experience in daily life. Hence, it is partially indisputable. After all, …..Even if,In other words .Furthermore, . All these evidence demonstrates beyond any doubt that_____.(以上两段要找两个理由,来说明作者观点如何对)On the other hand, recognizing that a more applicable choice must incorporate different aspects of the issue as sufficient as possible, I have to point out that the author overstates ______’s comparative significance, and fail to take into account other essential factors. In short, this assertion is problematic in two aspects. The firstcircumstances it is partially appropriate(这里找两个理由说明在一些场合下,作者观点还是不成立的,因为不管什么论点,成立还是会有条件的。

一、总结的基本原则1. 简明扼要:总结应该简短明了,不偏离文章的主题,突出文章的中心思想。
2. 概括要点:总结时要抓住文章的重点和亮点,避免刻意扩大或缩小内容。
3. 不另加评论:总结应该客观客观,不加入个人情感或评论。
二、总结的常用句式1. In conclusion, the article argues that…(这篇文章认为…)三、总结的步骤1. 阅读整篇文章,理解文章的主题和中心思想。
2. 提取文章的要点和关键信息,做好笔记。
3. 将要点按逻辑顺序进行整理,构建文章的逻辑结构。
4. 选择合适的总结句式,将要点和结论串联起来,形成一篇完整的总结。
四、总结的注意事项1. 避免直接复制粘贴文章的原文内容,要用自己的语言和句式进行总结。
2. 不可歪曲作者原意,总结要客观中立。
3. 要保持上下文的逻辑连贯,避免断章取义。


(1 ) 称呼文中已给出:按照文中要求写。
文中未给出:Dear Sir or Madam,Dear M r President/Professor/Editor,( 2 ) 正文第一段:自我介绍+ 写作目的自我介绍:文中已经给出:按照要求写。
如:Iamastaffinauniversity.I a m a senior from the department of a/the university.写作目的:I a m writing the letter, to be frank, in order to...注意:in order to 后面的内容提纲中一定已经做出要求,基础好的同学就把文中给出的内容稍微改写一下,基础差的同学直接抄写文中给出的内容。
比如:to begin with,in addition,last but not least。
文中未做出要求:表示感谢+ 期待回信。
赫感谢:My thanks to you for your generous assistance are beyond words.Words fail me when I desire to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind consideration for my requirement/application/complaint.I take the opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for your generous assistance you rendered me.期待回信:I am looking forward to your reply.I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience.Your prompt attention to my…would be highly appreciated.当然也可以按照我们前面应用文不同书信类型的常用表达来写第三段,这样更具有针对性。

学术英语写作总结分析解析(精选5篇)第一篇:学术英语写作总结分析解析专业英语写作考点总结Part ІAcademic English Writing(专业英语写作)Chapter 1 Six Considerations in Academic Writing1、Academic writing is a product of many consideration : audience, purpose and strategy ,organization, style, flow and presentation.(学术写作六要素:写作对象,目的,组织结构,文体特征,表达连贯和宣讲或宣读)。
2、Organization usually has the following four parts : 问题-解决方法包括四个部分(1)description of a situation(描述情况)(2)Identification of a problem(甄别问题)(3)Description of a solution(描述解决方法)(4)Evaluation of the solution(评估解决方法)3、Formal Grammar Style:(正规的语法风格)(1)Generally avoid contractions(一般来讲避免使用略缩词)例:won’t改为will not(2)Use the more appropriate formal negative forms(使用更为适宜的正规的否定形式)例:not...any改为nonot...much改为littlenot...many改为few(3)Limit the use of “run-on” expressions, such as and so forth and etc.(限制使用多个词连用的表达法)例:句子内不能出现and so forth和etc.出现时应将省略的部分扩展出来。

英语作文写作总结(精选)(一)段首句1. 关于……人们有不同的观点。
一些人认为……There are different opinions among people as to ____ .Some people suggest that ____.2. 俗话说(常言道)……,它是我们前辈的经历,但是,即使在今天,它在许多场合仍然适用。
There is an old saying______. It"s the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.3. 现在,……,它们给我们的日常生活带来了许多危害。
Today, ____, which have brought a lot of harms in our daily life. First, ____ Second,____. What makes things worse is that______.4. 现在,……很普遍,许多人喜欢……,因为……,另外(而且)……。
Nowadays,it is common to ______. Many people like ______ because ______. Besides,______.5. 任何事物都是有两面性,……也不例外。
Everything has two sides and ______ is not an exception,it has both advantages and disadvantages.6. 关于……人们的观点各不相同,一些人认为(说)……,在他们看来,……People’s opinions about ______ vary from person to person. Some people say that ______.To them,_____.7. 人类正面临着一个严重的问题……,这个问题变得越来越严重。
英文写作-Lecture 15 Argumentation Structure of AW

Argumentation is all around you (1)
Big issues Should English be taught as one of the compulsory
subjects at all primary schools? Politics should be cancelled in the National Entrance
Should young people be encouraged to buy apartments of their own at an early age, e.g. 27, much earlier than those of other countries?
Should university students be encouraged to read (more) classical works, rather than on-line fiction?
Examinations for Graduate Programs. (?) What is the purpose of university education? For
turning out skillful workers or for transforming people into citizens with integrity? China should continue tightening its monetary policy. Or should she not? Is real estates contributing to or undermining China’s economy?
What is argumentative writing?

开头万能公式:1.开头万能公式⼀:名⼈名⾔有⼈问了,“我没有记住名⾔,怎么办?尤其是英语名⾔?”,很好办:编!原理:我们看到的东西很多都是创造出来的,包括我们欣赏的⽂章也是,所以尽管编,但是⼀定要听起来很有道理呦!⽽且没准将来我们就是名⼈呢!对吧?经典句型:A proberb says, “ You are only young once.” (适⽤于已记住的名⾔)It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适⽤于⾃编名⾔)更多经典句型:As everyone knows, No one can deny that…2.开头万能公式⼆:数字统计原理:要想更有说服⼒,就应该⽤实际的数字来说明。
所以不妨试⽤下⾯的句型:According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation.看起来这个数字⽂邹邹的,其实都是编造出来的,下⾯随便⼏个题⽬我们都可以这样编造:Honesty根据最近的⼀项统计调查显⽰,⼤学⽣向⽼师请假的理由当中78%都是假的。
Travel by Bike根据最近的⼀项统计调查显⽰,85%的⼈在近距离旅⾏的时候⾸选的交通⼯具是⾃⾏车。
Five-day Work Week Better than Six-day Work?根据最近的⼀项统计调查显⽰,98%的⼈同意每周五天⼯作⽇。

这些词其实在间接讨论A类判断词,即“B类词干什么才是A 类词(教育干什么才是对的,法律干什么才是有效的……)”,由此确定判别一个事物该做什么的标准,才能在全文中讨论题目说的此事物做的东西是否正确。

典型英文作文总结1. I love spending time outdoors, whether it's hiking in the mountains, relaxing on the beach, or simply taking a walk in the park. Being surrounded by nature helps me feel refreshed and rejuvenated.2. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies because I enjoy experimenting with different ingredients and flavors. Trying out new recipes and creating delicious meals for my friends and family brings me a lot of joy.3. Traveling to new places is always an exciting adventure for me. I love immersing myself in different cultures, trying new foods, and exploring unique landmarks. Each trip leaves me with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for the world around me.4. Reading is a passion of mine that allows me to escape into different worlds and perspectives. Whether it's fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, I find solace andinspiration in the pages of a good book.5. Music has the power to uplift my spirits and transport me to another place. I enjoy listening to a wide range of genres, from classical to pop, and find that music can evoke a wide range of emotions within me.6. Spending time with loved ones is essential to my happiness. Whether it's a cozy night in with my family or a fun outing with friends, the laughter and connection shared with those closest to me bring warmth to my heart.7. Learning new things is a constant source of fulfillment for me. Whether it's picking up a new skill, studying a foreign language, or delving into a new subject, I find that growth and knowledge are key to a fulfilling life.。

英文文章总结怎么写英文文章总结怎么写如何写总结(How to write a summary)1、The author tells us the importance of self-learning for children. Not only should the teacher help the students to correct their mistakes, but also they should depend themselves to correct their own mistakes.2、This passage discusses the importance of self-learning for children. Students should have the chance to correct their own mistakes, learn-by-doing and learn from each other, not just the teacher.3、The article gives the view that teachers should let students correct their mistakes by themselves. students are able to correct their own mistakes and teachers’ frequent correction will make children unable to judge their own work.4、Some people think students’ mistakes should be corrected by themselves and it is wrong for the teachers to do it for them too often in school. It will make the children dependent on the teachers.The author (the passage) discussed the benefit of extracurricular activities including being a way to improve students’ health, widen their social circle and introduce them to new ideas and people.Reviews the most important points of the text. it should be brief (short). Furthermore, the summary should be written as much as possible in your own words. It contains only the main ideas and what the author talks about the topic but not include much explanation or examples.【范文】a month had gone, but i felt that my gains were very this month, i read some documents whose topics were labor relations, i found that a lot of were very similar, and some of them were so difficult that i could not understand them. at present, the labor relations in our country is not very harmonious, especially when the contract law had changed.i think the main problems the about labor relations are as follows: firstly, it is that the quality and legal awareness of the bosses and staffs were not very high, because of these a lot of disputes had happened. secondly, the laws in our country were not overall, as a result, the numbers of the contradictions were increased.thirdly, the government did not respect for the law enforcement, in some provinces, the government did not given the enterprises who had did some wrong things in order to their rapid economic development.i will spend a lot of time on them next this month, i got up at 6:40am and read english about an hour every morning. besides this, i spent more than an hour on listening to the new concept english .my english is very poor, i hope that i can improve my oral and listening english according to last, i think that i have not found a correct way to carry out my study, i must change this situation timely.。

•AWOR是Accelerate Writing, Optimize Reading的缩写,即加速写作,优化阅读。

以下小编为大家介绍英语文章的总结怎么写文章,仅供参考! 英语文章的总结怎么写一、认真审题,确定时态人称,同时关注题材格式。
例如:Thanks to the teachers, we have improved our English。

AW之issue篇语言表达之二Formal Writing正式书面语写作1.名词化趋势☐I don’t smoke.☐I am a nonsmoker.☐I don’t eat much.☐I am a light eater.☐He sleeps well.☐He is a good sleeper.Case study☐1)了解过去有助于我们把握明天☐A better understanding of the past leads to a firmer grasp of the future.☐2)人们越来越意识到…☐There is a growing awareness among people that…☐3)取得成功必须抓住身边的每一次机会.☐The surest path to success for anyone is to catch every chance that comes along.☐4)过多依赖技术必然会抑制人类思考的能力.☐More reliance on modern technology will surely inhibit the ability of human to think.2.无灵主语格☐I am hungry☐Hunger seizes me.☐I see a wall.☐A wall catches my attention.☐If you go from here for 5 minutes, you will see the Yellow Crane Tower.☐A five-minute walk may bring you to the Yellow Crane Tower.☐注意叠加使用☐e.g. 依然记得从你脸上滑过的泪伤心欲绝。
☐I still remember the heart-ripping tears are rolling down from your cheeks.☐The memory of your heart-ripping tears rolling down from your cheeks still lingers in my mind. ☐e.g. 我能想到的最浪漫的事就是和你一起慢慢变老。

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