《海明威短篇小说赏析》Unit2 Short stories of Hemingway

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❖ 《在我们的时代里》(1925年)(in our time; In Our Time)
❖ 《没有女人的男人们》(1927年)(Men Without Women)
❖ 《赢家一无所有》(1933年)(Winner Take Nothing)
❖ 《尼克·亚当斯故事集》(1972年)( The Nick Adams Stories )
❖ A Natural History of the Dead 一篇有关死者的博物学论著 Wine of Wyoming The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio 赌徒、修女和收音
Fathers and Sons 两代父子
❖ PART II Short Stories Published in Books or Magazines Subsequent to "The First Fortynine" One Trip Across The Tradesman's Return The Denunciation
❖ The Dangerous Summer (1985)
❖ Dateline: Toronto (1985)
❖ True at First Light (1999 memoir)
❖ On Paris (On) (2008)
❖ Film adaptations:
❖ A Farewell to Arms (1932)
A Canary for One An Alpine Idyll 阿尔卑斯山牧歌
A Pursuit Race
❖ Today Is Friday 今天是星期五 Banal Story Now I Lay Me 我躺下 After the Storm 暴风雨后
❖ A Clean, Well-Lighted Place 一个明净的地方 The Light of the World 世上之光 God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen 先生们,祝你们快乐 The Sea Change 大转变 A Way You‘ll Never Be 你们决不会这样 The Mother of a Queen 一个男同性恋者的母亲 One Reader Writes Homage to Switzerland A Day’s Wait 一天的等待
❖ 堪比中国书画中计白当黑的创作观念,空白也是 一种表现手段;太湖石:瘦、露、透、皱。
❖ 海明威说:“用字越少越好,这可保持动
“《老人与海》本来可以长达一千多页, 把村里每个人都写进去,包括他们如何谋 生、怎样出生、受教育、生孩子等等。” 但《老人与海》最终成稿时只有二万多字。
❖ 英国著名的评论家赫·欧·贝茨认为海明威是一个 拿着板斧的人,力求砍去遮住读者视线的一切障 碍,把并不代表大树本身的叶子砍去,给读者一 个基本枝干的清爽面目。这样可以把作者、读者 和描写对象三者之间的距离缩短到最低限度。
❖ 反对19世纪风行文坛的精雕细琢、不厌巨细的巴 尔扎克式描写方式,主张以少驭多,语言力求简 洁、明晰。
Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
❖ Novels: ❖ The Torrents of Spring (1926) ❖ The Sun Also Rises (1926) ❖ A Farewell to Arms (1929) ❖ To Have and Have Not (1937) ❖ For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940) ❖ Across the River and into the Trees (1950) ❖ The Old Man and the Sea (1952) ❖ Islands in the Stream (1970) ❖ The Garden of Eden (1986) ❖ Under Kilimanjaro (2005)
War (1969) ❖ The Nick Adams Stories (1972) · ❖ The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway
(1987) ❖ The Collected Stories (1995)
❖ Plays:
❖ A Short Happy Life (1961)
❖ The Butterfly and the Tank
❖ Night Before Battle
❖ Under the Ridge
❖ Nobody Ever Dies
❖ The Good Lion
❖ The Faithful Bull
❖ Get a Seeing-Eyed Dog
❖ A Man of the World
❖ 海明威风格成因:
❖ 记者生涯,文字简约的职业习惯,削减稿件,助风格形 成
❖ 从《圣经》学会了用词生动形象、语句精简流畅、直截 明快
❖ 马克·吐温的作品,对形容词“若犹豫不决务必删除” ❖ 斯泰因教会他描写“集中”,运用“重复遣词(字)法” ❖ 庞德教会 “不用多余的词,不用不揭示任何意义的形
容词,不能抽象含混,不用装饰”。海明威领悟到 “描写不是创作”。 ❖ 对绘画艺术手法的借鉴
❖ Short story collectio海n明s:威的作品 ❖ Three Stories and Ten Poems (1923) ❖ In Our Time (1925) ❖ Men Without Women (1927) · ❖ Winner Take Nothing (1933) ❖ The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1936) ❖ The Fifth Column and the First Forty-Nine Stories (1938) ❖ The Essential Hemingway (1947) ❖ The Hemingway Reader (1953) ❖ The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil
❖ PART I "The First Forty-nine"第一部 首辑 四十九篇
Preface to "The First Forty-nine" The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber弗朗西斯-麦康伯短促的幸福生 活(1936年) The Capital of the World The Snows of Kilimanjaro乞力马扎罗的雪 (1936年) Old Man at the Bridge Up in Michigan在密歇根州北部(1938年) On the Quai at Smyrna Indian Camp印第安人营地 The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife医生夫妇 The End of Something 了却一段情 The Three-Day Blow三天大风
❖ The Undefeated In Another Country在异国 Hills Like White Elephants白象似的群山 The Killers杀手 Che Ti Dice La Patria? 祖国对你说什么? Fifty Grand五万元 A Simple Enquiry简单的询问 Ten Indians十个印第安人
❖ 他净化了浮华的文风,将形象和读者的距 离缩到最小限度。“冰山”风格是海明威
的一种艺术追求,一种艺术境界。难以复 制。
❖ The Killers (1956)
❖ The Sun Also Rises (1957)
❖ A Farewell to Arms (1957)
❖ The Old Man and the Sea (1958)
❖ Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man (1962)
❖ The Killers (1964)
❖ For Whom the Bell Tolls (1965)
❖ Islands in the Stream (1977) ·
❖ The Sun Also Rises (1984)
❖ In Love and War (1996)
❖ The Old Man and the Sea (1999)
❖ Summer People度夏的 人们 The Last Good Country 最后一方清净地 An African Story
❖ PART III Previously Unpublished Fiction
❖ A Train Trip
❖ The Porter
❖ Black Ass at the Cross Roads
❖ Landscape with Figures
❖ I Guess Everything Reminds You of Something
❖ Great News from the Mainland
❖ The Strange Country
❖ 海明威在“午后之死”中论及作家创作时 曾说:“如果一位散文家对于他想写的东 西心里很有数,那么他可以省略他所知道 的东西,读者呢,只要作者写得真实,会 强烈地感觉到他所省略的地方,好像作者 已经写出来似的。冰山在海里移动很是庄 严宏伟,这是因为它只有八分之一露在水 面上。这就是海明威作品始终贯穿着的 “冰山原理”。作者在作品中只需描写 “冰山”露出水面的“八分之一”,至于 沉在水下“八分之七”,应该让读者通过 文本中的提示去想象和补充。
❖ A Moveable Feast (1964)
❖ By-Line: Ernest Hemingway (1967)
❖ Ernest Hemingway: Cub Reporter (1970)
❖ Ernest Hemingway Selected Letters 1917–1961 (1981)
❖ For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943)
❖ To Have and Have Not (1944)
❖ The Killers (1946)
❖ The Macomber Affair (1947)
❖ The Breaking Point (1950)
❖ The Snows of Kilimanjaro (1952)

❖ 叙事模式以退为进
❖ 省略精当、重叠叙述手法、草蛇灰线技法
❖ 日常词汇、口语为主、鲜活叙述语言
❖ 善用双关;共核词汇的多义性
❖ 典故、《圣经》故事
❖ “省略是作家有意的一种手法,省略是积 极的,不是消极的。”;Байду номын сангаас话体小说
❖ “冰山”贯穿整个创作思想、创作风格和 审美观念、所有作品的立意、构思、主题 表现、情节结构、背景描写、人物刻画中; 对生活的日常观察、与朋友的书信中。
❖ The Hemingway Hero (1967)
❖ Poetry:
❖ 88 Poems (1979)
❖ Non-fiction:
❖ Death in the Afternoon (1932)
❖ Green Hills of Africa (1935)
❖ Hemingway, The Wild Years (1962)
❖ The Battler拳击家 A Very Short Story小小说 Soldier's Home士兵之家 The Revolutionist革命党人 Mr. and Mrs. Elliot艾略特夫妇 Cat in the Rain 雨中的猫 Out of Season禁捕季节、不合时宜 Cross-Country Snow越野滑雪 My Old Man Big Two-Hearted River: Part I 大双心河 (第一部) Big Two-Hearted River: Part II 大双心河 (第二部)