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How can HIV prevention efforts be made more effective? 艾滋病病毒预防措施如何才能变得更有效?
Focus on MSM, but with application to other marginalized populations 重点放在与 同性发生性关系的男性,但也需应用至其 他边缘人群
working among American MSM?
Incidence is a rigorous measure of epidemic control 发病率是控制流行病的一项严格施
Literature often uses proxy measures of HIV incidence, such as STI incidence rates, prevalence of risk-taking behaviors, changes in HIV prevalence rates to gauge HIV prevention success. 文献通常使用艾滋病发病率的替代衡量方法(例如性病 发病率、高感染危险性行为的流行状况以及艾滋病发病 率的变更)来衡量艾滋病预防措施是否有效。
– Theory based 基于理论
– Group discussions 分组讨论
– Multiple (4+) message delivery methods 多种(4 种以上)信息传递方法
– Interpersonal skill building 社交技能培养
Excluded studies that did not report annualized HIV incidence rates and/or annual sample sizes 未公布年度艾滋病发病率及/或年度样本量的研究排除在外
Estimates coded by continent, sampling strategy for MSM, year of incidence estimate and method of determining incident HIV infection. 各大洲估计值、与同性发生性关系的男性抽样调查策略、发病 率估计年份及测定艾滋病病毒感染的方法
Herbst, J. et al., JAIDS 2019 39(2):228-241. Johnson, W., et al, AIDS: E&P 2019 17(6): 568-590.
Conclusion: HIV Behavioral
Interventions Reduce Risk 结论:艾滋病毒行为干预显著降 低危险 Interventions worked better if:
We will present a weighted mean estimate of HIV incidence rates for US men who have sex with men from 2019 through 2019. 我们将给出 2019 年至 2019 年美国与同性发生性关系的 男性艾滋病发病率的加权平均估计值。
Individual, Contextual and Structural Factors that Drive the HIV Epidemic Among Men Who Have Sex with Men
促使与同性发生性关系的男性中艾滋病流 行的个体、环境与结构因素
Ron Stall University of Pittsburgh
美国匹兹堡大学 Pittsburgh USA
Presentation Goals 演讲目的
To address three main questions: 解决三个主要问题:
Is HIV prevention efficacious? 艾滋病病毒预防措施是否有效?
Are HIV prevention efforts working among American MSM? 美国与 同性发生性关系的男性是否采取了艾滋病预防 措施?
Summarizing Incidence
Estimates among MSM 概述与同性发生性关系的男性发
Two independent literature reviews : Google Scholar, PubMed, Index Medicus and Ovid (HIV incidence, MSM, Gay Men, HIV seroconversion) 两份独立文献评论:Google Scholar、PubMed、Index Medicus 以及 Ovid(艾滋病发病率、与同性发生性关系的男性、男同 性恋者、艾滋病病毒血清转化)
– Greater intervention exposure 更高的行为干预曝光率
HIV interventions can work if they are well funded and well fielded.
Are HIV prevention efforts
Is HIV Prevention Efficacious Among MSM?
艾滋病预防措施对与同性发生性关系的男 性是否有效?
2 recent meta-analyses of published RCT trials 近期针对公开的 RCT 试验进行过 2 次元分析
Herbst (2019) review reported a: Herbst (2019) 评论表明: – 23% decrease in UAI UAI 下降 23% – 15% decrease in numbers of sex partners 性伴侣数量减少 15% – 61% increase in protected AI 保护性 AI 增加 61%