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·� ''j 王p ta 雪
9丛-已A 口咖A 略二听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,选择正确答案。



5. What is Bob reading?
A. A leuc『.
B. A book.
6. Where will Bob stud y in the future ? A. In En g land.
8. ln China 请听一段对话,回答第7至第8小题。

7. Where does the man want to g o ?
A. To a cinema.
B. To a theatre.
8. How lon g will it take the man to g et there b y bus ?
A. 20 minutes.
B. 30 minutes. 9. What is Mr. White doin g at the moment ?
A. He is s l ee p i n g . 8. He is havin g l un c h. 10. What will the man tell Mr. White to do
? A. To visit a friend. 8. To call back. 请听一段对话,回答第11至第13小题。

11. \Vhat does the man want to bu y ? A.A p 印·of g las沁s.8. A p 狐of trousers. 12. What's the s i ze ?
A. Size 6. 8. Size 7.
ll. How much will the man p a y ? A. 50 dollars.
8. 25 dollars. 请听一段独白,回答第14至第16小题。

14. What is the s peak er talkin g about ?
A. A famous wnter.
B. A famous re po rter. 15. How lon g did Thomas Keefe sta y in the arm y ? A. One y ear. B. Two y ears. 16. What is he writin g about now ?
C. A news p a pe r C. In Amenca. C. To a lib rary C. 60 minutes. C. He is havin g a meetin g . C. To g o home.
C. A p air of shoes. C. Size 8. C. 15 dollars. C. A famous teacher. C. Three y ears.
A. California culture.
B. California g eo grap h y .
C. California histo ry . 三听对话,记录关键信息,在相应的位置上作答。



Information About the Robber
A ge: ... y o皿g,about 17.
Hei gh t:18.
over six feet Clothes : 19.
trousers and a brown J acke t Somethin g unusual: He was weann g 20.
从下列各题所给的A 、B 、C D 四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳选项。

21.-W o ul d y ou like to g o for a walk w心
?一Sure ,I'd l ove to. A. I B. mine
C. my 22. The Shanghai Expo opened May 1,2010.
B. in
D. at。
