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d2合成公式(D2 synthesis formula)
The same type of 3 Rune (below 10 grade) = 1 high level runs
3 El Runes - > 1 Eld Rune
3 Eld Runes - > 1 Tir Rune
3 Tir Runes - > 1 Nef Rune
3 Nef Runes - > 1 Eth Rune
3 Eth Runes - > 1 Ith Rune
3 Ith Runes - > 1 Tal Rune
3 Tal Runes - > 1 Ral Rune
3 Ral Runes - > 1 Ort Rune
3 Ort Runes - > 1 Thul Rune
For the above level 10 Rune invalid
3 perfect skull + 1 bright gold equipment + Jordan stone (Stone of Jordan) = hit a hole for this equipment
Bright gold equipment can only have 2 holes, you can not drill a hole has been equipped equipment
1 perfect skull + 1 bright gold equipment + Jordan stone (Stone of Jordan) = random this bright gold equipment (also improve
the level of this equipment)
Improve the equipment level in accordance with the formula: final ilvl = int (.66 * Clvl) + int (.66 * ilvl) that is to say, the final equipment level (final ilvl) for your character level (Clvl) multiplied by 0.66 (rounding), the original level of equipment plus (ilvl) multiplied by 0.66 (the same integer)
6 perfect skull + 1 bright gold equip = 1 random this bright gold equipment (also reduce the level of this equipment)
You can use this formula to create new attributes for bright gold equipment. Final ilvl = int (.4 * Clvl) + int (.4 * ilvl) this formula is invalid for equipment larger than 3x2
4 elixir of life (same type) + Ruby (the same type) + magic sword = magic sword with life attributes stolen
You can use this formula to produce a magic sword of the leech ilvl = "of the Leech will have 30" suffix sword (4-5% Life Stolen Per Hit) also have the prefix opportunity, sword type will also retain.
3 magic ring = 1 random magic necklace
Use 3 unwanted magic rings to create a low level magic necklace. Ilvl = int (.75 * Clvl) is a 65 level role, ilvl = 48. All 48 levels of affixes can be obtained. +2 all skills have a level of 90 affixes, that is to say, +2's necklace is not available
3 magic necklace = 1 random magic rings
Use 3 unwanted magic necklaces to create a low level magic ring. Ilvl = int (.75 * Clvl) is a 65 level role, ilvl = 48. All affixes below 51 rank are available
3 small elixir = 1 complete recovery Potion
3 of the same class of gems (below perfect) = 1, of the same type
This formula is often used for gem upgrades
2 crossbow bomb = 1 arrows
2 arrows = 1 crossbow bomb
1 + 1 = 1 javelin arrows spears
Spears of any type / rank can be used
1 axe + 1 dagger = flying axe
Any type / class of axes can be used
3 perfect gems (any type) + 1 magic equipment = 1 RANDOM MAGIC equipment of the same type
This formula allows you to get another magic device at the same probability, and the resulting ilvl is equal to the original ilvl. But don't confuse the "ilvl" as a fixed number in some formulas with the "synthetic equipment" and "ilvl" of the
equipment put in "here". So, if you want to synthesize a great talisman of + skills, you have to synthesize at least one of the large amulets dropped in the nightmare, and not be synthesized in drops of common blood and heath. You can use this formula to synthesize a necklace with +2 skills, but at least it'll take 84 to reach your role, and the chances are very small.
Strangulate Gas Potion + any type of treatment antidote potion = 1
6 perfect gems (1 for each type) + 1 Necklace (any quality) = triple Necklace
This formula combines all resistance necklaces. Ilvl = 50, the necklace generated by this formula always has the prefix (Prismatic) prefix (all resistance +16-20), and has the probability of obtaining the suffix
1 Magic Ring + 1 perfect emerald + 1 antidote = 1 Emerald Ring
This formula is always the emerald ring (Jade) prefix (+21-30%, and antitoxic) to obtain the probability of ilvl=30.
1 Magic Ring + 1 perfect Ruby + 1 explosive potion = 1 crimson ring
The ring of this formula always has a crimson (Garnet) prefix (fire +21-30%) and has the probability of getting a suffix ilvl=30
1 magic rings + 1 perfect Topaz + 1 potion = 1 coral rings
The ring of this formula always has the prefix (Coral) of the coral (+21-30%) and has the probability of obtaining the suffix ilvl=30
1 Magic Ring + 1 perfect sapphire + 1 melting potion = 1 cobalt ring
The ring of this formula always has a cobalt (Cobalt) prefix (anti ice +21-30%) and has the probability of obtaining the suffix ilvl=30
1 magic shield (any type) + 1 mace (any type) +
2 skeletons (any level) = magic shield spikes
Ilvl=30 the shield of this formula always has the spike "of Spikes" suffix (attacker 4-6) and also gets the prefix for the organic rate
Diamond (any type) + 1 long stick (any type / class) + 1 wave knife (any type) + 1 belt (any type / class) = barbaric long pole type weapon
IVL = 50, this long arm weapon always has a Savage prefix (66-80% damage enhancement), and also has the chance of getting a suffix
White legs + return city book = secret cow pass
You can only use this formula at the Act I's Rogge camp, and you must complete the current difficulty
3 Thul (#10) + 1 fragmentation Topaz = Amn (#11)
3 Amn (#11) + 1 fragmentation Amethyst = Sol (#12)
3 Sol (#12) + 1 fragmentation sapphire = Shael (#13)
3 Shael (#13) + 1 fragmentation Ruby = Dol (#14)
The following is only to upgrade the rune formula of single, open or ladder game player is valid.
3 Dol (#14) + 1 fragmentation emerald = Hel (#15)
3 Hel (#15) + 1 fragmentation diamond = Io (#16)
3 Io (#16) + 1 cleaved Topaz = Lum (#17)
3 Lum (#17) + 1 cleaved violet gem = Ko (#18)
3 Ko (#18) + 1 cleaved sapphire = Fal (#19)
3 Fal (#19) + 1 cleaved Ruby = Lem (#20)
3 Lem (#20) + 1 split emerald = Pul (#21)
2 Pul (#21) + 1 cleaved diamonds = Um (#22)
2 Um (#22) + 1 Topaz = Mal (#23)
2 Mal (#23) + 1 purple gem = Ist (#24)
2 Ist (#24) + 1 sapphire = Gul (#25)
2 Gul (#25) + 1 Ruby = Vex (#26)
2 Vex (#26) + 1 emerald = Ohm (#27)
2 Ohm (#27) + 1 Diamond = Lo (#28)
2 Lo (#28) + 1 flawless Topaz = Sur (#29)
2 Sur (#29) + 1 flawless Amethyst = Ber (#30)
2 Ber (#30) + 1 flawless sapphire = Jah (#31)
2 Jah (#31) + 1 flawless Ruby = Cham (#32)
2 Cham (#32) + 1 flawless emerald = Zod (#33)
3 healing potion + 3 Mana Potion + 1 fragmentation gem = 1 Potion
3 healing potion + 3 mana elixir + 1 ordinary gem = 1 full recovery Potion
3 common gems + 1 punching weapons (any type) = 1 punching magic weapons (the same type)
The original property will disappear,
Regenerate the magic weapon ilvl = 30 with 1-2 holes
3 chipped gems + 1 magic weapons = punching magic weapons
The original property will disappear and regenerate the magic weapon. Ilvl = 25 has 1-2 holes
3 flawless jewel + 1 magic weapon = punching magic weapon
The original property will disappear and regenerate the magic weapon. Ilvl = 30 has 1-2 holes
1 Tal (#7) + 1 Thul (#10) + 1 perfect yellow topaz + base armor = the same type of perforated armor
The equipment must be base and nonporous, of low quality or super strength. Equipment will randomly generate 1-4 holes, but subject to the equipment itself maximum hole number and ilvl restrictions. For example, if the device itself has at most 2 holes, there is a probability that the 5/6 has 2 holes, and the probability of 1/6 has 1 holes
07+ Rune Rune 11+1 perfect Ruby + common hole shield shield - >
1 Ral (#8) + 1 Amn (#11) + 1 perfect violet + base weapons = the same type of stiletto weapon
The equipment must be base and nonporous, of low quality or super strength. Equipment will randomly generate 1-4 holes, but subject to the equipment itself maximum hole number and ilvl restrictions. For example, if the device itself has at most 2 holes, there is a probability that the 5/6 has 2 holes, and the probability of 1/6 has 1 holes
1 Ral (#8) + 1 Thul (#10) + 1 perfect sapphire + base helmet = the same type of perforated helmet
The equipment must be base and nonporous, of low quality or super strength. Equipment will randomly generate 1-4 holes, but subject to the equipment itself maximum hole number and ilvl restrictions. For example, if the device itself has at most 2 holes, there is a probability that the 5/6 has 2 holes, and the probability of 1/6 has 1 holes
1 Eld (#2) + 1 fragmentation gem + low quality weapon = ordinary mass type weapon
Ilvl = 1, that is, no matter what the number of ilvl that was previously equipped, is set to 1
1 El (#1) + 1 chipped gems + low quality armor = general quality of the same type of armor
1 Ral (#8) + 1 Sol (#12) + perfect emerald + common superior version 1 unique weapons = the unique weapons
This formula can be the basis of equipment unique equipment into superior version of it, is more clear for weapons is to increase the damage of armor is increasing defense, the original attribute is the same. This formula is also valid for invisible equipment, and also invisible after conversion, and will be retained if the equipment is originally inlaid with jewelry.
1 Tal (#7) + 1 Shael (#13) + superior version 1 perfect diamond + normal unique armor = this unique armor
This formula can be the basis of equipment unique equipment into superior version of it, is more clear for weapons is to increase the damage of armor is increasing defense, the original attribute is the same. This formula is also valid for invisible equipment, and also invisible after conversion, and will be retained if the equipment is originally inlaid with jewelry.
1 Lum (#17) + 1 Pul (#21) 1 + perfect emerald + unique weapons = this unique weapons essence Version (only ladder game player)
This formula can be transformed into superior equipment unique equipment and its essence version, more clear is the weapon is to increase the damage of armor is increasing defense, the original attribute is the same. This formula is also valid for invisible equipment, and also invisible after conversion, and will be retained if the equipment is originally inlaid with jewelry.
1 Ko (#18) Lem (#20) + 1 + 1 + unique perfect diamond armor = this unique armor essence Version (only ladder game player)
This formula can be transformed into superior equipment unique equipment and its essence version, more clear is the weapon is to increase the damage of armor is increasing defense, the original attribute is the same.
This formula is also valid for invisible equipment, and also invisible after conversion, and will be retained if the equipment is originally inlaid with jewelry.
1 Ort (#9) + 1 Amn (#11) + 1 perfect sapphire + ordinary bright gold weapon = superior bright gold weapon
Upgrade device type
1 Ral (#8) + 1 Thul (#10) + 1 perfect purple gem + common bright gold armor = superior bright gold armor
Upgrade device type
1 Fal (#19) + 1 Um (#22) + 1 perfect sapphire + superior bright gold weapon = essence bright gold weapon
Upgrade device type
1 Ko (#18) + 1 Pul (#21) + 1 perfect Amethyst + superior bright gold armor = essence bright gold armor
Upgrade device type
1 Ort (#9) + weapons = fully restored this weapon
This formula cannot be used to repair invisible equipment
1 Ral (#8) + = completely repair this armor armor
This formula cannot be used to repair invisible equipment
1 Hel (#15) + return volume + optional hole = = Remove inlaid gems
Note: using this formula, insert any gem hole, etc. the rune will disappear
1 Ort (#9) + 1 chipped gems (any type) + weapons = fully repaired and re charged for equipment magic
This formula cannot be used to repair invisible equipment
1 Ral (#8) + 1 split gems (any type) + armor = complete repair and equipment re filled with magic
This formula cannot be used to repair invisible equipment
Orange equipment is a handicraft. The English name is Craft items
There are 3-4 definite attributes of handicrafts
In addition to their fixed attributes, they also have 1-4 basic rare or magical prefixes and suffixes
When you make a handicraft, the object loses its original magic prefix / suffix, or set, unique attributes. Just like creating a task reward, a brand new thing will be created.
Making handicrafts is like drawing a lottery, because attribute awards are random, you don't know what you'll get, but chances of getting good gear are greater than the chances of finding and gambling.
The following formula requires that the raw material must be
made of blue (the product of the invisible blue material is also tangible), while the jewelry is not required.
Combat system
6# (Ith) + perfect sapphire + jewelry + Giant helmet
+ (25-50) Defense vs. Missiles
(+ (25-50) ranged attack defense)
5%, Chance, To, Cast, Level,, Frost, Struck, Nova, When
(5% chance to release the rank 4 Frost Nova every time hit)
Attacker, Takes, Damage, of (3-7)
(damage bounce (3-7))
8# (Ral) + perfect sapphire + jewelry + Chain Boots
(25-60) Defense, vs., Melee
+ (25-60) close combat defense)
5%, Chance, To, Cast, Level,, Frost, Struck, Nova, When
(5% chance to release the rank 4 Frost Nova every time hit)
Attacker, Takes, Damage, of (3-7)
(damage bounce (3-7))
9# (Ort) + perfect sapphire + jewelry + Chain Gloves
(shock retreat)
5%, Chance, To, Cast, Level,, Frost, Struck, Nova, When
(5% chance to release the rank 4 Frost Nova every time hit)
Attacker, Takes, Damage, of (3-7)
(damage bounce (3-7))
7# (Tal) + perfect sapphire + jewelry + heavy belt (snow clash, 3 button)
(5-10)% Damage, Goes, to, Mana
(5-10)% damage converted to mana)
5%, Chance, To, Cast, Level,, Frost, Struck, Nova, When
(5% chance to release the rank 4 Frost Nova every time hit)
Attacker, Takes, Damage, of (3-7)
(damage bounce (3-7))
5# (Eth) + perfect sapphire + + Gothic jewelry (shield) (5-10%)的机会增加,阻断
4 #(NEF)+完美蓝宝石+珠宝+实战铠甲
10 #(苏勒)+完美蓝宝石+珠宝+项链
击中使怪物逃跑[ 5 ] %
11 #(AMN)+完美蓝宝石+珠宝+戒指
3 #(TIR)+完美蓝宝石+珠宝+棍棒/连枷等钝器
8 #(RAL)+完美红宝石+珠宝+轻钢盔
5 #(ETH)+完美红宝石+珠宝+轻型金属靴补充生命(+ 5-10)
4 #(NEF)+完美红宝石+珠宝+重手套
7 #(TAL)+完美红宝石+珠宝+腰带(夜雾,2扣)开放性伤口(5-10)%
6 #(i)+完美红宝石+珠宝+刺盾
10 #(苏勒)+完美红宝石+珠宝+盔甲(圣堂武士外袍)+(1-3)每恶魔杀死生命
11 #(AMN)+完美红宝石+珠宝+项链
5-10 %更快的跑/走
12 #(SOL)+完美红宝石+珠宝+戒指+(1-5)强度
9 #(ORT)+完美红宝石+珠宝+斧头+(35-60%)增强伤害
4 #(NEF)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+头盔(面具/电传头盔)(命中)每击命中%
10 #(苏勒)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+飞龙皮靴(地狱阔步)增加Maximum Mana
9 #(ORT)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+皮手套(巨毒之抓)+(1-3)每击法力
6 #(i)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+轻腰带(穿刺腰带)5%快投速
5 #(ETH)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+小护盾+(5-10)%几率增加阻塞
7 #(TAL)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+法师铠甲+(1-3)每击法力
8 #(RAL)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+项链(5-10)%更快的浇铸速率
11 #(AMN)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+戒指+(1-5)能量
3 #(TIR)+完美紫宝石+珠宝+杖
增加Maximum Mana(1-5)%
6 #(i)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+头盔(年纪)+(10-30)%强化防御
9 #(ORT)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+金属重靴(腐肉骑士)+(10-30)%强化防御
8 #(RAL)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+臂铠(霜燃)
7 #(TAL)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+饰带(蛛网腰带)+(10-30)%强化防御
4 #(NEF)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+盾牌(暴风盾)+(10-30)%强化防御
5 #(ETH)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+胸甲(都瑞尔的壳)+(10-30)%强化防御
10 #(苏勒)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+项链
11 #(AMN)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+戒指
12 #(SOL)+完美绿宝石+珠宝+矛/标枪+(5-10%)增强防御
1 # EL艾尔+ 50 + 1 + 15命中率,光明度防御,光明度+ 1,11
2 # ELD艾德175%伤害力对不死系+ 50命中率对不死系,15%体力耗费减慢,提升抵挡,11
3 # TIR特尔每杀一个敌人+ 2玛娜,每杀一个敌人+ 2玛娜,每杀一个敌人+ 2玛娜,13
4 # Nef那夫震退敌人,对远距离攻击+ 30防御,对远距离攻击+ 30防御,13
5 # ETH爱斯- 25%目标防御,提升法力法力回复速度提升回复速度15%,15%,15
6# Ith +9 Islamic maximum damage, 15% damage to the mana conversion, 15% damage to Mana, 15
7# Tal +75 poison attack lasts 5 seconds, antivirus upgrade 30%, antivirus upgrade 35%, 17
8#, Ral, Lal, +5-30 fire damage, fire enhancement 30%, fire enhancement 35%, 19
9# Ort, +1-50 electrical injury, electricity increased by 30%, electricity increased by 35%, 21
10#, Thul, Shure, +3-14, ice damage, effect lasts 3 seconds, anti ice upgrade 30%, anti ice upgrade 35%, 23
11# Amn each steals 7% lives, the enemy gets 14 damage, and the enemy gets 14, 25
The minimum damage done by 12# Sol Thor +9 eliminates physical damage by 7 and counteracts physical damage by 7, 27
13# Shael. 20% increased attack speed 20%, fast recovery hit 20% against the rapid rate of 29.
14# Dol, Dole hit the scare monster after 25% probability, automatically restore life +7, automatically restore life +7, 31
15# Hel, Haier equipment requires -20%, equipment requirements -15%, equipment requirements -15%
16# Io most +10 activity, 35
17#, Lum, Luke, +10, energy, 37
18#, Ko, +10 agile, 39
19# Fal +10 strong, 41
20# Lem 75% lamb get extra money, get 50% extra money, 50% extra money, 43
21#, Pul, Poole, +75%, damage, demon, +100, hit rate, demon, 30%, defense, 30%, defense, 45
22# Um umm 25% probability caused the wound, four +15, four - +22, 47
23# Mal mal prevents monster healing spells by 7 and spells damage by 7 by 49
24# Ist 30% MF east art, 25% MF, 25% MF, 51
25# Gul 20% increased attack hit rate, +5% antivirus ceiling, +5% antivirus limit, 53
26# Vex Fairfax each hit steal 7% Mana, +5% fire +5% fire cap, cap, 55
27#, Ohm, ohm, +50% damage, +5% anti ice cap, +5% anti ice cap, 57
28# Lo lo 20% double hit probability, +5% anti power cap, +5% anti power cap, 59
29# Sur hit the target after his hit, raising the Mana limit by 5%, +50, Mana, 61
30# Ber 20% critical strike, counteracts physical damage by 8%, counteracts physical damage by 8%, 63
31# Jah Joe ignores target defense, increases life by 5%, +50 life, 65
32# Cham chamu frozen target +3, not frozen, not frozen, 67
33# Zod Sade never wears, 69。
