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【摘要】目的探讨预负荷输注胶体液联合小剂量腰硬联合麻醉对剖宫产产妇术中心血管系统稳定性的影响.方法选择2017年1~3月在北京市上地医院行剖宫产术的产妇200例为研究对象,采用随机数表法将患者分为晶体液预负荷联合腰麻组(A 组)、胶体液预负荷联合腰麻组(B组)、晶体液预负荷联合小剂量腰硬联合麻醉组(C 组)和胶体液预负荷联合小剂量腰硬联合麻醉组(D组),每组50例.比较四组产妇的麻醉效果、心血管系统不良反应发生率、麻黄素使用量、新生儿出生后Apgar评分、脐动脉血气分析结果.结果四组产妇的麻醉效果比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术中低血压不良反应发生率A组最高,其次依次为C组、B组、D组,心律失常发生率A组最高,其次为B组、C组,D组最低,恶心呕吐发生率A组最高,其次为C组,B组与D组最低,麻黄素用量A组最大,其次为B组、C组、D组最低,以上各项指标比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)四组新生儿Apgar评分及脐动脉血气分析结果比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论使用胶体液预负荷联合小剂量腰硬联合麻醉能够达到较好的麻醉效果,且对患者的心血管系统稳定性影响小.%Objective To discuss the effect of preload infusion of colloid solution combined with low dose combined spinal epidural anesthesia on stability of cardiovascular system in cesarean section.Methods A total of 200 cases for cesarean section from January 2017 to March 2017 in Beijing Shangdi
Hospital were selected as study objects. All cases were divided into group A(preload infusion of crystalloid fluid combined with lumbar anesthesia), group B (preload infusion of colloid solution combined with lumbar anesthesia), group C (preload infusion of crystalloid fluid combined with low dose combined spinal epidural anesthesia),group D(preload infusion of colloid solution combined with low dose combined spinal epidural anesthesia) according to random number table method, with 50 cases in each group. The effect of anesthesia, the incidence of adverse cardiovascular reactions, ephedrine usage,Apgar score after birth,and umbilical artery blood gas analysis of the four groups were compared.Results There was no significant dif-ference among the four groups in the effects of anesthesia(P>0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions during intraopera-tive hypotension in group A was
highest,followed by group C,group B and group D,and the differences were signifi-cant(P<0.05).The arrhythmia rate in group A was
highest,followed by group B,group C,and group D,which showed significant difference (P<0.05). The incidence of nausea and vomiting in group A was highest, followed by group B, group C,and group D,which showed significant difference(P<0.05).The ephedrine dosage in group A was the largest,fol-lowed by group B,group C,and group D,which showed significant difference(P<0.05).The Apgar score and umbilical ar-tery blood gas analysis showed no significant difference among the four
groups(P>0.05).Conclusion Preload infusion of colloid solution combined with low dose combined spinal epidural anesthesiain cesarean section can
achieve better anes-thesia effect,with little effect on the stability of cardiovascular system.
1.预充胶体液或晶体液对剖宫产手术腰硬联合麻醉下血液循环影响的对比观察 [J], 杨秀娟;周东梅
2.预静脉滴注晶体液和胶体液对腰硬联合麻醉下行剖宫产产妇低血压预防效果的对比研究 [J], 王景义;刘伟亚
3.胶体液预扩容联合预注小剂量血管活性药对剖宫产腰-硬联合麻醉后产妇血流动力学的影响 [J], 魏晓永;王涛;李黎;董正华;徐一鸣;李战飞
4.小剂量多巴胺联合羟乙基淀粉预输注在剖宫产腰硬联合麻醉中的临床研究 [J], 王颖; 庞兆; 刘丽文; 李长红; 吴妮
5.胶体液预扩容联合预输注不同小剂量血管活性药物对蛛网膜下腔阻滞下行二次剖宫产术产妇和新生儿的影响 [J], 洪蕾;罗文杰;张琳玲;李玉莲
