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adjust v. 调整;调节
assumption n. 假定;假设
attempt n. 企图;试图;尝试
attitude n. 态度;看法
client n. 委托人;当事人
clinical adj. 临床的;临床诊断的
complex a. 复杂的 n. 综合体;情结conformity 从众
despondent a.绝望的
diagnosis n. 诊断;(问题原因的)判断experimental adj. 科学实验的;科学试验的hostile a.地方的,有敌意的
hypothesis n.假设,前提
majority 多数人
mental 心理的
mentality n. 智力;精神;心理,思想情况minority 少数人
negative adj. 消极的;负面的;缺乏热情的pattern n. 范例;典范;榜样;样板physical 身体的,物质的,物理的positive adj. 自信的;积极乐观的precisely adv. 准确地;恰好地
prediction n. 预言;预测;预告preparedness n.准备状态
query v.提出疑问
respondent n. 回答问题的人;(尤指)调查对象
reveal v. 揭示;显示;透露
spiritual 心灵的
statement n. 说明;说法;表白;表态
stiff a.僵硬的
stiffening n.(使衣服等)变硬的材料
subject 受实验对象
suicidal a. 自杀(性)的;有自杀倾向的temptation n. 诱惑,诱惑物
terrify vt. 使恐怖,使惊吓
threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断unconscious adj. 无知觉的;昏迷的;不省人事的
vanity n. 空虚;虚荣
verification n. 确认;证明;核实
wrinkle v.起皱
adult (continuing) education 成人教育advance 优势
alumni 校友
assignment of graduates 毕业生分配awareness n. 知道;认识;意识;兴趣behaviour n. 表现,行为
bothersome v.引起麻烦的,令人困扰的brainstorming n. 集思广益, 头脑风暴campus culture校园文化communication 交流
compulsory education 义务教育conclusive a.结论性的
concrete adj. 确实的,具体的
course n. 课程
criticize v.批评
curiosity n.好奇心
curriculum 课程(总称)
desirable adj. 渴取的,想要的
didactic 教诲的说教的
discipline v.训练,惩罚
discipline 学科,管理
distance education 远程教育
domain 领域
dominate v.主宰,支配,控制
double degree 双学位
edify 陶冶教化
educated a. 受过教育的
educator 教育家
effort n.努力
egocentric adj. 以我为中心的;自私自利的elective system 选课制度
emphasized adj. 强调的
encourage v. 鼓励
enlighten 启发,开导
establish v.建立,发表
examination-oriented education 应试教育expectation n. 预料;预期;期待experience v.经历
extracurricular activities 课外活动
faculty 全体教员
higher education 高等教育
hypothesis n. 假说,假设
inadepuacy n.不充分,不足
industry n. 勤奋,勤劳
inferiority n.劣势,低劣
initiate 启蒙
instance n. 例子;事例;实例
intellectual adj. 知性的,知识的/n.学者interactive 互动
inter-disciplinary talent 复合型人才invertory 清单,库存,盘点
labortory n. 实验室
learn by rote 死记硬背
lecturer n.讲师,导师miscommunication n. 误传
moral character 道德品质
non-resident student 走读生
occur v. 出现,发生
offer 提供
outweigh v. 得不偿失
pathology n.病理学
perform 执行,行使,办理performance n. 表现
professional a. 职业的/n.专业人员profound 深奥的深渊的prosperous a. 繁荣的,旺盛的quality-oriented education 素质教育recognition n. 认识,识别
redirect v.重新使用,重新定向
rely 依赖
resident student 寄宿生
self-taught examination 自学考试sermon 说教
technology 技术
theoretical adj. 理论上的
turning point 转折点
two-way selection 双向选择
1.Can D ream I nterpretation S ave Your L ife? L earn W hy t he M eaning of D reams H elps Y ou F orever
I was a neurotic and depressed literature writer, ignorant and very young, when I found salvation through dream interpretation. Fortunately, I discovered that the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung is the only correct one.
Jung’s method is very complicated, time consuming, and tiring. I had to re-read his books many times in order to understand his complicated work. Once I got used to his method, I verified that he did manage to discover the hidden meaning behind dreams.
Carl Jung proved his statements many times by curing many people through dream therapy. However, how many people in this world have the patience to follow his complicated method?
You are very lucky because I continued his research. I not only simplified his method; I discovered a lot more.
Jung showed me how to understand the language of the wise unconscious mind; that produces dreams and works like a natural doctor. The unconscious mind cured my neurosis before it would become schizophrenia.
My father was schizophrenic, but he was rich and powerful. Crazy people don’t show their absurdity to everyone. They hide it very well because they are excellent actors. They know that they are absurd. They know that they have to hide this fact from many eyes. Of course, there are also times when their absurdity is visible. However, most people’s mental illness is never diagnosed.
This is why many schizophrenics like my father have very important social positions today. Craziness can be hidden and justified through many ways in a world ruled by violence, immorality, hypocrisy, and greed. Fortunately, the unconscious mind that produces our dreams provides us with psychotherapy in the dream messages. The unconscious psychotherapy cures all mental illnesses and mental disorders. At the same time, it cures physical diseases, because mind and body are connected.
Dream interpretation can save your life, the same way it saved my life, and the lives of many other people who have followed Jung’s method. I have successfully cured many people through dream therapy for two decades. This was the main reason why I had to transform Jung’s complicated method into a fast method of instant translation from images into words.
The unconscious mind will show you in your dreams all the mistakes you are making because you are an under-developed primate. The biggest part of your brain belongs to the anti-conscience, which is your primitive conscience.
Your anti-conscience is violent, and it can destroy your life. You have no idea about how much your thoughts are influenced by your dangerous wild side. The unconscious
psychotherapy will help you save your mental stability.
Through dream translation you’ll discover that even the human side of your conscience is absurd, because it is based on only one psychological function. In other words, you are either rational or sentimental. You cannot be both together because you don’t pay attention to the psychological functions you dislike, even if you believe that you are balanced. You have to learn how to use all your psychological functions. If you have many vivid dreams, nightmares, or recurring dreams, you need psychotherapy without delay. The unconscious mind will show you in dreams everything you are doing wrong, and how to correct your mistakes. All your dreams help you get rid of your animal nature, and develop your intelligence.
You have to become a wise and sensitive human being. This is how you’ll live peacefully and happily, instead of making mistakes and constantly suffering. You’ll also have the protection of dream warnings forever. They will protect yourself, your family, and your friends from all dangers.
2.Psychology a nd C lassroom Management
There are different fields of psychology each assuming a study of different aspect of human behaviour as it relates to social, mental, emotional and developmental issues. Whilst clinical psychology looks at diagnosing and treating disorders of the brain, emotional disturbances and behaviour problems, child psychology looks at the mental and emotional development of the child and is also a part of developmental psychology which takes into consideration the study of change in behaviour that occurs throughout the lifespan of the child.
Cognitive psychology looks at how the human mind receives and interprets impressions and ideas while social psychology examines how the actions of others influences the behaviour of an individual (Webster’s New World Medical Dictionary).Consequently there are several schools of thought on the subject and countless tests, assessments and research have been carried out in these different branches of psychology, each addressing issues and causes as they relate to human behaviour. The branch of psychology relating to the child however has seen a great deal of interest over the years. Understanding the mystery that is the child has been the subject of endless studies and debate. Out of this has emerged a great spotlight on the family hence greater recognition is placed on the impact of various family related factors on the overall development and social interaction of the child. Some of these factors include the roles of parents or guardians, spousal separation. Children are seen as vulnerable beings who are therefore easily affected by changes to their
‘familiar’. Since these impacts so greatly on the child, quite a lot of children enter the school system each year plagued with varying behavioural issues. These issues as we will come to see later on can have dire consequences for the child as well as those having responsibility for the child.
The idea that children are extremely complex individuals is brought out in the emphasis that psychologists place on childhood studies.On the one hand are those children who are anxious and afraid while on the other are the ones with aggression and deceit. However there are also those who do not fall into either of these groupings. From some of the highlighted studies carried out in different parts of Britain, it was found that the percentages of school age children who are considered as having behaviour problems is quite high with some studies showing as high as 33% in combined levels of behaviour difficulties. These problems are as varying in types and levels as they are in root causes among which are gender and class. Some of these problems are seen
from quite an early age and while some children will grow out of it others will continue to display difficult traits for quite some time. This may to a great extent depend on the cause of the problem. It becomes obvious that the role of the teacher can offer a situation that in itself can be quite a complex and daunting task especially for an individual who has no understanding of psychology as it relates to the child.
Having the knowledge of how and why children react the way they do to certain situations,and understanding how and why they are influenced by the people and situation created by their environment, will undoubtedly assist the classroom practitioner in assessment of and planning to meet the needs of these children. An understanding of how the classroom situation may offer challenges particularly to younger children is crucial to helping children adjust to and consequently enjoy their school life.
It is however in understanding the behaviour and more importantly the root cause of it that any individual can begin to address it in the appropriate context. Barnes proposes two contrasting perspective on behaviour as it relates to children with difficulty.The first from a medical point of view where the child’s behavior is inherent while on the other hand the problems are borne out of the social situation of which the child is a part. Whether or not either of these models is in fact correct is not very relevant but presents the idea that difficulty in children can be borne out of various contributing factors. Also, he highlights the idea that a “difficult” child can be something of a perception on what difficulty is. For one individual a child may be problematic while for another who is able to identify certain traits and characteristics, the child is perfectly normal and manageable.
The term difficult is quite relative. Difficulty in children will therefore manifest itself in different ways / forms and to different individuals. In this respect one might question whether this is indeed a difficult child or is it rather that the child is relating to different situations and individuals in a different way, testing the boundaries perhaps? An individual who is firm and set certain boundaries for the child may find it far easier to deal with that child than one who is more relaxed and does not set clear boundaries. Then again there are those children who because of some of the factors mentioned before, will display difficult behaviour.This behaviour will manifest itself in different ways. While some troubled children are withdrawn and shy others will act out their insecurities in a totally different way often being boisterous and angry, refusing to conform to requirements. Some of the common factors that often manifest itself in school age children are tantrums, withdrawal, and refusal to conform among others.
It is in understanding the groupings children’s behavior is generally classified into that the teacher will be able to cope in the classroom. One of the key roles of the teacher apart from the ability to teach is the ability to maintain class control which involves managing behaviour in the classroom. As mentioned before, classroom behaviour will manifest itself in different ways. This involves children who refuse to do as asked, including completing tasks, children who are constantly out of their seats disturbing others, consistent talking and even bullying. Ultimately the teacher has to be able to deal with and understand difficult children. This task can prove quite challenging. Pupils come to school from all types of backgrounds and situations and consequently with all types of issues.
With the focus of the Education system today so result driven, teachers are placed under extreme pressure to ensure that students achieve often unrealistic targets. Schools are often also guilty of placing expectations on pupils based on school type, region and age rather than focus on the individual child and his/her circumstances. Therefore they are seen as problematic when their behaviour falls outside the acceptable range of tolerance and age appropriateness. In order for all students to achieve their maximum potential the classroom atmosphere must be free of any and all situations which may be stressful to both the pupils and the teacher, for there to be a consistent approach to learning and teaching in the classroom it is important that the teacher be armed with a lot more than an excellently drafted lesson plan. This awareness begins with the process of the entire school understanding key issues in child development and child psychology. While most schools today have a behaviour policy and generally they do try to enforce this, it is more important for schools to focus on child development issues in order to understand and deal effectively with behavior in children. What teachers need most therefore are not so much insets on enforcing the behaviour policy but looking more closely at understanding the causes of the behaviour.
Some schools of thought believe that schools should develop a ‘consistent’ Behaviour Management Plan that incorporates different techniques. These techniques together should enable the schools to deal with the most common classroom behaviours. This involves the teacher’s ability to develop and apply different strategies that will address behaviour in the classroom. This encourages the use of a fixed set of rules.The problem with this however is that as we have mentioned before no two children are alike and similarly no child’s problems are the same. Assuming however that the teacher has got grounding in psychology as it relates to children, this model can in effect be quite instrumental and effective. It is
however important that key issues are addressed. Some of these will include consideration given to the stage and development of the children in question, ensuring that the child is treated with respect and fairness, considering whether it will enable the child to meet targets and achieve goals and whether it allow for continuity outside of the classroom. However to conform to this school of thought without taking into consideration the above issues associated with that child could possibly lead to further problems for the teacher and ultimately the child.
A teacher who is armed with the psychological facts is undoubtedly in a good position to be able to understand and therefore cope effectively with children displaying difficult behaviour. Being aware of the fact that a child with temper tantrums may only be craving attention, other children behaving out of sort or acting up in class may simply be rebelling against the inability to express themselves at home. Expressions of fears and mistrust in others may stem from deeper more disturbing causes either imminent or suffered at an earlier stage in their development. Problems at home, in their society, within their peer groups, childhood development and socialization, parental bonding or lack of it, sibling rivalry, peer pressure, molestation are only a few of the issues that children come to school with. The teacher is not just a facilitator but a confidant and often has to deal with issues that students will confide in them. It is aslo important therefore that the teacher be aware of certain protocols governing student’s confidentiality issues and how to proceed in identifying the right channel through which to direct the child. Since the child spends a much greater part of the day in the care of the teacher, the teacher is in a good position to spot inconsistencies and changes in a child’s behaviour patterns. This is where being able to identify and put a name to symptoms might prove crucial to helping a child going through a difficult situation.
The ability to differentiate between behaviour that is relevant to a child’s developmental stage as against behaviour that is distinctly caused by psychological disturbance, will be crucial to the early years teacher. But an understanding of when this behaviour is a normal attribute for a child of that age and when it is not, is key to pinpointing the emergence of a problem. Clinginess, bed wetting and tantrums are named as key traits among these young children. While these will be acceptable in very young children it becomes a concern if these traits continue into later stages of development. Certainly, an awareness of how children relate to environmental changes and routines will sometimes impact negatively on their behaviour.Some children may display different patterns of behaviour at home than at school. Then again acceptable behaviour will be relative to the expectations of
those making the judgment and also to each individual child.
Since one must first underpin the cause of the problem in order to be able to attempt to find a solution, the teacher who has no understanding of psychology will try to apply various conventional methods of discipline to remedy a child’s behaviour and in doing so may only worsen the situation. Some simple remedies can sometimes alter a child’s behaviour in a radical way. So a child who acts up because he/she lacks attention,given small ‘jobs’ or tasks of responsibility in the classroom can change so much of that child’s behaviour because the child now begins to feel self-worth and see
him/herself as being as good as or even better than other children. All that the child needed was a confidence boost.
3.Human B ehavior – L earn W hy Konrad L orenz W as a G enius
I will be forever grateful to the extraordinary German behaviorist and biologist Konrad Lorenz. After Carl Jung, who taught me the meaning of dreams and saved me from neurosis and a prominent schizophrenia, Konrad Lorenz is my second savior and big hero.
His detailed research, his conclusions and discoveries, and the valuable knowledge he provided to the world, saved me from the dangerous darkness of ignorance. Only because I studied his books with the same attention I studied Carl Jung’s books, could I trust the unconscious mind as much as I did. Lorenz received a Nobel Prize in 1974. However, until today the world didn’t recognize the importance of his discoveries. This is why until today many people believe that Charles Darwin’s conclusions about the evolution of the species was correct. Konrad Lorenz and his group of biologists have scientifically proven to the world that Darwin was wrong for believing that the evolutionary process of the animal species depended on their environment.
All animals are previously prepared in order to be able to survive in a dangerous environment before living. They find on Earth many enemies, and many difficult situations for their survival. If they were not previously prepared in order to be able to survive in these dangerous conditions, they would die before being able to learn how to survive. This means that their evolutionary process was already programmed as well. The animals’ evolution doesn’t depend on the environment they find because everything in their formation is already programmed.
All animal reactions are previously prepared in their cognitive mechanism. Their reactions follow chains, which form various behavioral patterns. The cognitive mechanism of all animals is already prepared to help them automatically act in their environment, independently of a learning process. The same happens with us, human beings.
Darwin was correct for discovering that we are primates. Of course his work is valuable, and it enlightened us in many ways. However, many scientific discoveries that happened after his death, like Konrad Lorenz’s discoveries, proved that the evolution of all species was a result of a very well organized plan. As a matter of fact, the entire nature of our planet is very well organized. All this organization cannot be a product of chance.
Lorenz concluded that practically all our reactions are previously prepared in our cognitive mechanism. These reactions start automatically working whenever we receive a specific stimulus from our environment. The same truth is observed in all animals. Their reactions are previously prepared and well organized, so that each
animal will follow a precise sequence of movements from the beginning to the end, depending on the stimuli of their environment. This sequence of movements and reactions forms a programmed behavioral chain, which creates a behavioral pattern. For example, all wild animals know how to kill their prey, and they are able to beat their prey in their first attempts, even before seeing any other animal of the same species doing so. Even animals kept in isolation, far from other animals of their species, were able to do the right movements, in the right sequence, and successfully kill their preys in their first attempts.
This fact proves that everything in the animal nature is previously prepared to follow a determined sequence of movements. Lorenz and his group of biologists give us many more explanations about this matter. I’m only giving you an idea about their research and discoveries. Lorenz concluded that since all our reactions are programmed and we act without thinking most of the time, we cannot talk about ‘human freedom’. The human being is an animal already programmed to behave in a certain way, the same way that all animals are. In other words, we don’t really ‘decide’ anything.
His conclusions were very unpleasant for those who prefer to consider the human being as a
’superior creature’ who knows what he is doing. This is why until today Lorenz’s work is not taught everywhere. Cognitive therapy, where humans are shown to be able to think rather than just act on animal instincts has replaced behaviorism, even though Konrad’s discoveries were true. Many other scientific discoveries prove that Konrad’s statements were real because our capacity to think logically is too limited. However, these discoveries go against the interests of the world leaders, who would have to admit that human beings cannot be considered responsible for their actions in most circumstances.
There is a part of our brain that can learn, and we can control our behavior and make our own decisions. However, this part will work only if we won’t be automatically induced to behave according to the animal behavioral patterns that predetermine our behavior.
Konrad Lorenz helped me believe that the wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams and regulates the functioning of our body, really has a divine origin. I concluded that all the behavioral programs already prepared in our cognitive mechanism had to be prepared by a wise brain. The entire nature of our planet functions in a very well organized manner because it was organized by a superior brain. The same superior brain that created all behavioral programs (unconscious mind), sends us wise messages in dreams in order to save our mental stability.
I also noticed that the unconscious mind has saintly characteristics, which prove God’s existence. The unconscious words are like the
words of a priest, or better saying, like the words of a wise philosopher. When we translate the meaning of dreams according to Jung’s method of dream interpretation we are able to understand the unconscious messages, which really have a divine origin. These messages cure our psyche with their wisdom.
I simplified Jung’s complicated method of dream interpretation, and today everyone can finally understand the precious unconscious guidance contained in the meaning of their dreams. Jung’s method is too complex and time consuming. I transformed it into a fast translation from images into words.
We are absurd and under-developed primates. We must develop our intelligence if we want to become superior creatures, and stop being pre-conditioned animals who merely follow their wild nature. In other words, we must surpass the behavioral programs we inherit in our cognitive mechanism.
The biggest part of our brain remains in a primitive condition because it belongs to the anti-conscience, our wild conscience, which didn’t evolve like our human conscience. This part refuses to evolve. It doesn’t accept changing its behavior or transforming its personality. It is our wild and evil conscience, which leads us to terror, craziness, and despair.
We have to learn many things, and transform our behavior through learning. We should not be accommodated animals who merely follow their behavioral patterns. We must acquire more knowledge and more consciousness, so that we may transform the anti-conscience into a positive component of our human conscience. This is how we’ll become true human beings instead of being wild animals. This is also how we’ll find sound mental health, peace, happiness, and real freedom.
4.Change I s N OT F ound i n P ockets
I will be forever grateful to the extraordinary German behaviorist and biologist Konrad Lorenz. After Carl Jung, who taught me the meaning of dreams and saved me from neurosis and a prominent schizophrenia, Konrad Lorenz is my second savior and big hero.
His detailed research, his conclusions and discoveries, and the valuable knowledge he provided to the world, saved me from the dangerous darkness of ignorance. Only because I studied his books with the same attention I studied Carl Jung’s books, could I trust the unconscious mind as much as I did. Lorenz received a Nobel Prize in 1974. However, until today the world didn’t recognize the importance of his discoveries. This is why until today many people believe that Charles Darwin’s conclusions about the evolution of the species was correct. Konrad Lorenz and his group of biologists have scientifically proven to the world that Darwin was wrong for believing that the evolutionary process of the animal species depended on their environment.
All animals are previously prepared in order to be able to survive in a dangerous environment before living. They find on Earth many enemies, and many difficult situations for their survival. If they were not previously prepared in order to be able to survive in these dangerous conditions, they would die before being able to learn how to survive. This means that their evolutionary process was already programmed as well. The animals’ evolution doesn’t depend on the environment they find because everything in their formation is already programmed.
All animal reactions are previously prepared in their cognitive mechanism. Their reactions follow chains, which form various behavioral patterns. The cognitive mechanism of all animals is already prepared to help them automatically act in their environment, independently of a learning process. The same happens with us, human beings.
Darwin was correct for discovering that we are primates. Of course his work is valuable, and it enlightened us in many ways. However, many scientific discoveries that happened after his death, like Konrad Lorenz’s discoveries, proved that the evolution of all species was a result of a very well organized plan. As a matter of fact, the entire nature of our planet is very well organized. All this organization cannot be a product of chance.
Lorenz concluded that practically all our reactions are previously prepared in our cognitive mechanism. These reactions start automatically working whenever we receive a specific stimulus from our environment. The same truth is observed in all animals. Their reactions are previously prepared and well organized, so that each animal will follow a precise sequence of movements from the beginning to。
