


合同中英对照Contract in Chinese and English合同中英文对照Party A: [Name], [Address], [Phone], [Email]甲方:[姓名],[地址],[电话],[电子邮箱]Party B: [Name], [Address], [Phone], [Email]乙方:[姓名],[地址],[电话],[电子邮箱]1. Basic Information基本信息Party A and Party B hereby enter into this contract on [Date] for [Purpose].甲方和乙方于[日期]签订本合同,用于[目的]。

2. Identity of the Parties各方身份Party A represents [Company/Name] and has the authority to enter into this contract.甲方代表[公司/姓名]并具有签订本合同的权利。

Party B is [Company/Name] and has the authority to enter into this contract.乙方为[公司/姓名]并具有签订本合同的权利。

3. Rights and Obligations of the Parties各方权利和义务3.1 Party A's Rights and Obligations甲方的权利和义务3.1.1 Party A agrees to provide [Service/Products] to Party B in accordance with the terms of this contract.甲方同意按照本合同的条款向乙方提供[服务/产品]。

3.1.2 Party A shall perform its obligations in a timely and professional manner and will ensure the quality of the [Service/Products] delivered.甲方应及时、专业地履行其义务,并确保所提供的[服务/产品]的质量。



国际贸易合同中英对照International Trade Contract (English-Chinese Comparison)Introduction:国际贸易合同,作为国际贸易中不可或缺的一环,扮演着规范交易双方行为、维护权益、确保交易平稳进行的重要角色。


1. 合同条款/Contract Clauses1.1 Particulars of the parties involved合同当事方的具体情况English:The International Trade Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into on [date] between [Party A], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its principal place of business at [address], and [Party B], a company organized and existing under the laws of [country], with its principal place of business at [address].Chinese:国际贸易合同(以下简称“合同”)于[日期]由[甲方全称],一家根据[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,主要办事处位于[地址],以及[乙方全称],一家根据[国家]法律组织和存在的公司,主要办事处位于[地址]签署。

1.2 Product description and specifications产品描述和规格English:The goods to be traded under this Contract are as follows:- Product 1: [Description and specifications]- Product 2: [Description and specifications]- ...Chinese:本合同涉及的货物如下:- 产品1:[描述和规格]- 产品2:[描述和规格]- ...1.3 Quantity and pricing数量和定价English:The quantity of each product, unit price, and total amount payable under this Contract are as follows:- Product 1: [Quantity], [Unit price], Total: [Amount]- Product 2: [Quantity], [Unit price], Total: [Amount]- ...Chinese:本合同涉及的每款产品的数量、单价和应支付的总金额如下:- 产品1:[数量],[单价],总计:[金额]- 产品2:[数量],[单价],总计:[金额]- ...1.4 Delivery terms交货条款English:Delivery shall be made according to the following terms:- Place of delivery: [Address]- Delivery date: [Date]- Mode of transport: [Air/Sea/Road/Rail]- ...Chinese:交货将按照以下条款进行:- 交货地点:[地址]- 交货日期:[日期]- 运输方式:[航空/海运/公路/铁路]- ...1.5 Payment terms付款条款English:The payment terms for this Contract are as follows:- Currency: [Currency]- Method of payment: [Wire transfer/Letter of credit/Cash] - Payment schedule: [Details of installment payments]- ...Chinese:本合同的付款条件如下:- 币种:[货币]- 付款方式:[电汇/信用证/现金]- 付款计划:[分期付款详情]- ...1.6 Inspection and acceptance检验和验收English:Inspection and acceptance of the goods shall be conducted according to the following provisions:- Inspection agency: [Name of inspection agency]- Inspection criteria: [Specifications, quality standards]- Acceptance period: [Number of days]- ...Chinese:货物的检验和验收将按照以下规定进行:- 检验机构:[检验机构名称]- 检验标准:[规格、质量标准]- 验收期限:[天数]- ...2. Conclusion结论以上仅为国际贸易合同中的一些典型条款,根据实际情况,各种合同具体内容可能存在差异。






编号(No.):*****签约地(Signedat):****日期(Date):*****卖方(Seller):**********地址(Address):**********电话(Tel):*****传真(Fax):***电子邮箱(E-mail):*********买方(Buyer):**********地址(Address):**********电话(Tel):*******传真(Fax):*电子邮箱(E-mail):*********买卖双方经协商同意按下列条款成交:******TheundersignedSellerandBuyerhaveagreedtoclosethefollowingtransactionsacc ordingtothetermsandconditionssetforthasbelow:1.货物名称、规格和质量(Name,SpecificationsandQualityofCommodity):2.数量(Quantity):3.单价及价格条款(UnitPriceandTermsofDelivery):(除非另有规定,“FOB”、“CFR”和“CIF”均应依照国际商会制定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS1990)办理。

)Theterms"FOB""CFR"or"CIF"shallbesubjecttothe"InternationalRulesfortheInt erpretationofTradeTerms"(INCOTERMS1990)providedbyInternationalChamberofC ommerce(ICC)unlessotherwisestipulatedherein.)4.总价(TotalAmount):5.允许溢短装(MoreorLess):*%。



采购合同模板(中英对照)Contract for Procurement (Chinese and English)甲方(采购方): [Company A (Purchaser)]地址: [Address of Company A]联系方式: [Contact Information of Company A]乙方(供应商): [Company B (Supplier)]地址: [Address of Company B]联系方式: [Contact Information of Company B]根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚信的原则基础上,就甲方购买乙方产品事宜,达成如下协议:1. 产品名称及规格: [Product Name and Specifications]甲方同意购买乙方生产的 [Product Name] ,具体规格如下: [Specifications]2. 数量: [Quantity]甲方同意购买的 [Product Name] 数量为: [Quantity]3. 单价及总价: [Unit Price and Total Price]乙方提供的 [Product Name] 单价为: [Unit Price]甲方应支付的总价为: [Total Price]4. 交货期限: [Delivery Time]乙方应在 [Delivery Time] 内将货物送达甲方指定地点。

5. 质量标准: [Quality Standard]乙方应保证所供产品的质量符合以下标准: [Quality Standards]6. 包装要求: [Packaging Requirements]乙方应按照甲方的要求对产品进行包装,具体要求如下: [Packaging Requirements]7. 交付及验收: [Delivery and Acceptance]乙方应按照约定时间将货物送达甲方指定地点,甲方进行验收。

中国公民 英文合同 条款-概述说明以及解释

中国公民 英文合同 条款-概述说明以及解释

中国公民英文合同条款-范文模板及概述示例1:Title: Chinese Citizens and Terms in English ContractsIntroduction:International business transactions often involve the drafting and signing of contracts. In today's globalized world, English is the dominant language in international commerce, making it crucial for all parties involved, including Chinese citizens, to understand the terms and conditions outlined in English contracts. This article aims to explore some important considerations regarding the use and interpretation of English contract terms for Chinese citizens.Understanding English Contracts:English contracts typically follow a standardized format and structure, comprising various clauses that define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the parties involved. However, language barriers can pose challenges for Chinese citizens when deciphering these contractual provisions. It is therefore important to address the potential pitfalls and provide guidance on navigating English contract terms effectively.Considerations for Chinese Citizens:1. Language Barrier: Chinese citizens must be aware of the language differences between Chinese and English contract terms. Terms that may seem straightforward in Chinese can have different nuances and legal implications in English. Engaging the assistance of a professional interpreter or translator can help guarantee a more accurate understanding of the terms and conditions.2. Ambiguity and Interpretation: Contracts written in English often employ specific legal terms and jargon. Chinese citizens should exercise caution when interpreting these terms to prevent misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Seeking legal advice or consulting with experienced professionals may be prudent to grasp the precise meaning and implications of the provisions.3. Jurisdiction and Governing Law: Chinese citizens should pay close attention to clauses that define the jurisdiction and governing law governing the contract. These provisions specify the legal system under which any disputes or breaches will be resolved. Understanding and evaluating the implications of these clauses is of utmost importance before signing any English contract.4. Contractual Obligations and Liabilities: Chinese citizens should carefully assess the rights, obligations, and liabilities imposed by English contracts. A clear understanding of these terms and conditions is essential to ensure compliance and to minimize any potential legal risks or negative consequences.Conclusion:In an increasingly interconnected world, Chinese citizens engaging in international business dealings must navigate English contracts effectively to protect their interests and comply with legal obligations. By understanding the language differences, seeking professional assistance, and being diligent in interpreting contractual provisions, Chinese citizens can confidently enter into English contracts and ensure clarity and fairness in their business transactions.示例2:Topic: Chinese Citizens and Clauses in English ContractsIntroduction:In today's globalized world, Chinese citizens are increasingly involved in international business transactions. As a result, theyoften encounter English contracts, which can be quite different from the contracts used in their domestic market. This article aims to explore the challenges faced by Chinese citizens when dealing with English contracts, with a particular focus on key clauses commonly found in such agreements.1. Language Barrier:One of the major challenges for Chinese citizens when dealing with English contracts is the language barrier. English is not their native language, and technical legal terms and complex sentence structures can pose difficulties in understanding the contract's content accurately. This language barrier can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of contractual obligations.2. Choice of Law and Jurisdiction:Chinese citizens need to pay close attention to the choice of law and jurisdiction clauses in English contracts. These clauses determine which country's laws will apply and where any legal disputes will be resolved. It is crucial for Chinese citizens to fully comprehend these clauses to ensure they understand their rights and obligations under the contract.3. Force Majeure:Force majeure clauses are another important aspect of English contracts. These clauses provide safeguards for unexpected events that may prevent one or both parties from fulfilling their contractual obligations. Chinese citizens must carefully review and negotiate force majeure clauses to understand the circumstances under which they can be excused from performance or seek compensation.4. Intellectual Property Rights:For Chinese citizens engaging in business activities involving intellectual property, it is crucial to understand the clauses related to intellectual property rights in English contracts. These clauses may address the ownership, licensing, and protection of intellectual property. Chinese citizens should ensure that the contract clearly defines their rights and obligations regarding intellectual property to avoid any disputes or infringement issues.5. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure:Confidentiality and non-disclosure clauses are common in English contracts, particularly in business agreements involvingsensitive information. Chinese citizens must carefully read and comprehend these clauses to understand the extent of their obligations to maintain confidentiality and avoid any breaches that could result in legal consequences.Conclusion:Chinese citizens engaging in international business transactions often come across English contracts. Understanding the key clauses commonly found in these contracts is vital to protect their rights and interests. While the language barrier poses a significant challenge, careful attention to choice of law, force majeure, intellectual property rights, confidentiality, andnon-disclosure clauses can help Chinese citizens navigate the complexities of English contracts more effectively.示例3:中国公民英文合同条款中国公民在与外国人或外国公司签订英文合同时,需要注意以下条款:1. 合同主体与目的:明确合同的双方当事人,包括中国公民以及外国人或外国公司的名称和住所。

2012年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同 (中英文)

2012年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同 (中英文)

2012年中国足球超级联赛俱乐部运动员工作合同 (中英文) 2012’s ATHLETE EMPLOYE CONTRACT OF CHINESE SUPER LEAGUE甲方:足球俱乐部 Party A: soccer club乙方:运动员 athlete(国籍nationality 出生birth date of day month year 年月日)甲、乙双方本着自愿、平等的原则,经过协商一致,签订本合同,以使共同遵守。

Parties hereto,abiding by principles of equality, voluntariness and reaching unanimity through consultation, conclude and inter into this contract for observance .第一条合同期限Clause I TERM LINMIT OF CONTRACT合同期限为壹个赛季,从2012 年1 月1 日至2012 年12 月31 日止。

Term limit of contract is one season which from the date of 1 January, 2012 till 31 December, 2012.(注:合同期限最短为1个赛季,最长为5个赛季)Notice: the minimum term limit is one season and maximum term limit is five seasons.第二条工作安排CLAUSE II CONTENT OF WORK1、甲方安排乙方在俱乐部一队从事训练、比赛和其他活动。

1. Party A make and enable Party B engage in training, game and other activity.2、甲方有权根据俱乐部的需要及乙方能力、表现和状态,在俱乐部一队及预备队之间调整工作岗位。



合同的中文与英文版本对照Contract Chinese-English Version Comparison协议书/合同编号:[编号]Agreement/Contract Number: [Number]甲方:[甲方名称]Party A: [Name of Party A]乙方:[乙方名称]Party B: [Name of Party B]一、目的1. Purpose根据甲乙双方当事人的协商一致,为了明确各自的权益和义务,双方达成如下统一意见,以便达成本协议。

In accordance with the mutual agreement of the Parties, in order to clarify respective rights and obligations, the Parties have reached the following unanimous agreement for the purpose of this Agreement.二、合同内容2. Contractual Content根据双方协商,本合同约定以下条款:In accordance with mutual negotiations, this Contract stipulates the following terms:2.1 合同目的和范围2.1 Purpose and Scope of Contract甲方同意向乙方提供如下服务:[具体服务内容]Party A agrees to provide the following services to Party B: [Specific details of services]2.2 合同期限和终止2.2 Duration and Termination of Contract本合同自[date]起生效,至[date]止,双方可以书面协商决定是否延期。



中国大学与外国大学英文合同4篇篇1Contract for Cooperation between Chinese and Foreign UniversitiesThis agreement is entered into by and between [Name of Chinese University] (hereinafter referred to as "the Chinese University") and [Name of Foreign University] (hereinafter referred to as "the Foreign University").WHEREAS, both parties recognize the importance of international cooperation in education and are committed to promoting academic exchange and collaboration;NOW, THEREFORE, the Chinese University and the Foreign University agree to the following terms and conditions:1. PurposeThe purpose of this agreement is to establish a framework for cooperation in the areas of academic exchange, joint research, faculty and student exchange programs, and other activities that will enhance the academic reputation and quality of both institutions.2. DurationThis agreement shall remain in effect for a period of [insert duration] years, unless terminated earlier by either party with written notice.3. Academic ExchangeBoth parties agree to facilitate the exchange of faculty, researchers, and students between the two institutions. The exchange programs may include short-term visits, joint seminars, research collaborations, and other activities that will promote academic exchange and enrich the learning experience of participants.4. Joint ResearchThe Chinese University and the Foreign University may collaborate on joint research projects in areas of mutual interest. Both parties agree to contribute resources, expertise, and support to ensure the success of these projects. Any intellectual property resulting from joint research projects shall be shared in accordance with the terms of a separate research agreement.5. Faculty and Student Exchange ProgramsBoth parties agree to establish faculty and student exchange programs that will provide opportunities for faculty and studentsto study and conduct research at the partner institution. The exchange programs may be reciprocal or one-way, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the participants.6. Funding and ResourcesBoth parties agree to allocate resources and funding to support the activities outlined in this agreement. The Chinese University and the Foreign University may seek external funding from government agencies, foundations, or other sources to support joint research projects, academic exchange programs, and other collaborative activities.7. Intellectual Property RightsBoth parties agree to respect and protect the intellectual property rights of the other institution. Any intellectual property developed or produced as a result of collaboration between the Chinese University and the Foreign University shall be owned jointly by the two institutions, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved through amicable negotiation between the parties. If a resolution cannot be reached, either party may seek theassistance of a mutually agreed-upon mediator or arbitrator to resolve the dispute.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Chinese University and the Foreign University have caused this agreement to be duly executed by their authorized representatives as of the date first written above.[Signature of authorized representative of the Chinese University][Name of authorized representative][Title][Date][Signature of authorized representative of the Foreign University][Name of authorized representative][Title][Date]This agreement represents a commitment by both parties to work together to promote academic exchange, collaboration, and mutual understanding between the Chinese University andthe Foreign University. By signing this agreement, both institutions affirm their shared values and goals in education and pledge to uphold the spirit of cooperation and partnership outlined in this document.篇2Title: Contract between Chinese University and Foreign UniversityIntroduction:In recent years, the collaboration between Chinese universities and foreign universities has been increasing rapidly. To formalize this collaboration and ensure the benefits for both parties, a contract is usually signed between the two institutions. This contract outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including academic exchanges, joint research projects, and student exchange programs. In this article, we will discuss the key components of a typical contract between a Chinese university and a foreign university.1. Agreement to Collaborate:The contract begins with a statement of mutual interest and commitment to collaborate. Both parties agree to work together towards the common goals of promoting academic research,cultural exchange, and educational excellence. This section also outlines the specific areas of collaboration, such as joint research projects, faculty exchanges, and student exchange programs.2. Scope of Collaboration:The contract defines the scope of collaboration between the two universities. This includes detailed descriptions of the activities to be undertaken, the duration of the partnership, and the resources to be allocated for each project. The scope of collaboration may also include any restrictions or limitations on the activities to be conducted by either party.3. Responsibilities of Each Party:The contract outlines the specific responsibilities of each party in the collaboration. This includes the duties of the faculty members involved in the partnership, the administrative support required for the projects, and any financial commitments or contributions to be made by either party. The responsibilities of each party are clearly defined to ensure that all aspects of the partnership are properly managed and implemented.4. Intellectual Property Rights:One of the key concerns in any collaboration between universities is the protection of intellectual property rights. Thecontract includes provisions for the ownership and use of any intellectual property created during the partnership, such as research findings, publications, and inventions. Both parties agree to respect each other's intellectual property rights and to negotiate in good faith any disputes that may arise.5. Funding and Resource Allocation:The contract outlines the financial commitments and resource allocations for each project within the collaboration. This includes details on the funding sources, budget allocations, and any in-kind contributions to be made by either party. The financial aspects of the partnership are carefully negotiated to ensure that all projects are adequately funded and resourced to meet their objectives.6. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms:In the event of any disagreements or disputes between the two universities, the contract includes mechanisms for resolving such issues. This may include arbitration procedures, mediation processes, or other means of resolving conflicts in a fair and timely manner. The dispute resolution mechanisms are designed to maintain the integrity of the partnership and to ensure that all parties are treated fairly in the resolution of any disputes.7. Termination and Renewal:The contract includes provisions for the termination and renewal of the partnership between the two universities. This includes the conditions under which the partnership may be terminated, such as breach of contract, failure to meet obligations, or changes in circumstances that make the collaboration untenable. The contract also outlines the process for renewing the partnership, including any required reviews, evaluations, or renegotiations of the terms and conditions.Conclusion:In conclusion, a contract between a Chinese university and a foreign university is a critical document that formalizes the collaboration between the two institutions. The contract outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the scope of collaboration, responsibilities of each party, intellectual property rights, funding and resource allocation, dispute resolution mechanisms, and termination and renewal provisions. By carefully negotiating and drafting a comprehensive contract, both parties can ensure the success and sustainability of their partnership for years to come.篇3A contract between a Chinese university and a foreign university is a formal agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between the two institutions. This document serves as a binding agreement that governs the collaboration, exchange programs, joint research projects, and other activities between the two universities. In this article, we will explore the key components of a typical contract between a Chinese university and a foreign university.1. IntroductionThe contract should start with an introduction that states the names of the two universities entering into the agreement and the purpose of the partnership. This section should also include the effective date of the contract and the duration of the agreement.2. Scope of CollaborationThe contract should clearly outline the scope of collaboration between the two universities. This may include exchange programs for students and faculty, joint research projects, academic publications, cultural exchanges, and other activities. Both parties should agree on the specific areas of collaboration and the responsibilities of each party.3. Financial ArrangementsFinancial arrangements are a crucial component of the contract between a Chinese university and a foreign university. This section should include details about the funding sources for the collaboration, the allocation of resources, and the financial responsibilities of each party. It should also outline any financial benefits or royalties that may result from joint projects or collaborations.4. Intellectual Property RightsIntellectual property rights are an important consideration in any partnership between universities. The contract should clearly outline how intellectual property rights will be managed, including who owns the rights to any innovations or discoveries made during the collaboration. Both parties should agree on how intellectual property will be protected and shared.5. ConfidentialityConfidentiality is another important consideration in a contract between universities. This section should outline the obligations of both parties to keep confidential information secure and to not disclose sensitive information to third parties.It should also include provisions for handling confidential data and protecting intellectual property.6. Termination and Dispute ResolutionThe contract should include provisions for termination and dispute resolution. This section should outline the circumstances under which the agreement can be terminated, the procedures for terminating the agreement, and the resolution of any disputes that may arise between the two universities. Both parties should agree on a fair and efficient process for resolving conflicts.7. Governing Law and JurisdictionThe contract should include a governing law and jurisdiction clause that specifies the laws that will govern the agreement and the jurisdiction in which any disputes will be resolved. This clause is essential for ensuring that the contract is enforceable and legally binding in both China and the foreign country.8. SignaturesFinally, the contract should include signatures from authorized representatives of both universities to indicate their agreement to the terms and conditions of the partnership. Thesignatures should be dated and witnessed to ensure the validity of the contract.In conclusion, a contract between a Chinese university and a foreign university is a formal agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of their partnership. By including the key components outlined above, both universities can establish a clear and mutually beneficial collaboration that promotes academic excellence, cultural exchange, and international cooperation.篇4China University and Foreign University English ContractThis contract is made and entered into on [date] by and between [China University], located at [address], China, and [Foreign University], located at [address], [country]. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions under which the two universities agree to establish and maintain a partnership for academic and research collaboration.1. Purpose of Collaboration:The purpose of this collaboration is to promote academic exchanges, research cooperation, and cultural understanding between the two universities. The parties agree to work togetherto enhance their academic programs, facilitate student and faculty exchanges, and support joint research projects.2. Duration of Agreement:This agreement shall be in effect for a period of [number] years from the effective date of [date]. Both parties agree to review the agreement annually and may extend or terminate it by mutual agreement.3. Responsibilities of Each Party:- [China University] agrees to provide support and assistance to facilitate the exchange of students and faculty with [Foreign University].- [Foreign University] agrees to provide support and assistance to facilitate the exchange of students and faculty with [China University].- Both parties agree to collaborate on joint research projects, academic conferences, and other academic activities.4. Student and Faculty Exchange:- Both parties agree to encourage and facilitate the exchange of students and faculty between the two universities.- Students and faculty participating in the exchange program will be responsible for obtaining any necessary visas, travel documents, and health insurance.- Both parties agree to provide support and assistance to visiting students and faculty, including housing, academic advising, and cultural orientation.5. Joint Research Projects:- Both parties agree to collaborate on joint research projects in their respective areas of expertise.- The parties will establish a joint review committee to evaluate and approve proposals for joint research projects.- Both parties agree to share any research findings and publications resulting from joint research projects.6. Intellectual Property Rights:- Each party shall retain ownership of any intellectual property created or developed by its own students or faculty.- Any intellectual property created or developed jointly by students and faculty from both universities shall be jointly owned and managed according to a separate agreement.7. Financial Considerations:- Each party shall be responsible for covering the costs associated with its own students and faculty participating in the exchange program.- The parties agree to explore opportunities for joint funding of research projects and academic activities.8. Confidentiality:- Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information shared during the course of collaboration.- The parties shall ensure that any confidential information is protected from unauthorized disclosure or use.9. Dispute Resolution:- Any disputes arising from this agreement shall be resolved amicably through mutual consultation and negotiation.- If a resolution cannot be reached, the parties agree to seek mediation or arbitration by a mutually agreed-upon third party.10. Termination of Agreement:- Either party may terminate this agreement by providing written notice to the other party at least [number] days before the effective date of termination.- The parties agree to fulfill any obligations and commitments made under this agreement before its termination.This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between [China University] and [Foreign University] regarding their collaboration. Any amendments or modifications to this agreement shall be made in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the date first above written.[China University][Foreign University]Date: [date]Date: [date]。



合同中英文对照Contract English-Chinese Comparison合同中英文对照Party A: ________________________________甲方: ________________________________Party B: ________________________________乙方: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________地址: ________________________________ Representative: ________________________________ 代表人: ________________________________ Contact: ________________________________联系方式: ________________________________ Party A's Identity: ________________________________ 甲方身份: ________________________________ Party B's Identity: ________________________________ 乙方身份: ________________________________Rights and Obligations:权利和义务:A. Party A's Rights and Obligations:甲方权利和义务:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________B. Party B's Rights and Obligations:乙方权利和义务:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________3. ________________________________________ 3. ________________________________________ Performance Method:履行方式:A. Party A's Performance Method:甲方履行方式:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________B. Party B's Performance Method:乙方履行方式:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________ Term:期限:A. Term of Contract:合同期限:1. Duration of Contract: _____________________________ 1. 合同期限: _____________________________2. Renewal Option: _____________________________2. 续约选项: _____________________________B. Term of Performance:履行期限:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ Default Liability:违约责任:A. Party A's Default Liability:甲方违约责任:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________B. Party B's Default Liability:乙方违约责任:1. ________________________________________1. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________2. ________________________________________Legal Compliance:法律合规:The parties shall comply with China's relevant laws and regulations.各方应遵守中国相关法律法规。



中外合作经营合同英文版7篇篇1COOPERATION CONTRACTThis Cooperation Contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract”) is entered into by ___________ (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and ___________ (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”), in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China, on the basis of equality, mutual trust, and mutual benefit.I. CONTRACTING PARTIESParty A: ___________ (Full Name)Address: ___________ (Address)Party B: ___________ (Full Name)Address: ___________ (Address)II. COOPERATION OBJECTIVEThe parties agree to jointly establish a cooperative business entity for the purpose of ___________.III. COOPERATION PERIODThe cooperation shall be effective from the date of signing this Contract and shall continue for a period of ________ years. After the expiration of this period, unless otherwise agreed by both parties, the Contract shall be automatically renewed.IV. SCOPE OF COOPERATION1. The parties shall jointly invest and establish a business entity with Party A contributing _______% of the total investment and Party B contributing _______%.2. The business entity shall be primarily engaged in __________ (business scope).3. The parties shall jointly determine major business decisions, management policies, and share profits and risks in accordance with their respective shares in the investment.V. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS AND MANAGEMENT1. The total investment of the business entity shall be determined by both parties upon joint negotiation.2. Party A shall contribute _______% of the total investment in cash/kind within _______ days from the date of signing this Contract. Party B shall contribute its share in accordance with the agreed proportion and terms.3. The management of the business entity shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and the articles of association approved by both parties.VI. PROFITS AND LOSSES1. Profits and losses generated during the cooperation shall be shared by both parties in proportion to their respective shares in the investment.2. After-tax profits shall be distributed to both parties based on their respective shares after deducting necessary expenses for the operation and expansion of the business entity.VII. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND CONFIDENTIALITY1. Both parties shall not engage in any activities that are in conflict with the interests of the business entity during the term of this Contract.2. Any confidential information related to the business entity shall be kept confidential by both parties, and neither party shalldisclose such information to third parties without the consent of the other party.VIII. CONTRACT TERMINATION AND DISPOSITION OF ASSETS1. In case of termination of this Contract due to any reason, the remaining assets of the business entity shall be disposed of in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and the agreed terms of both parties.2. Any disputes arising from the termination of this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation or legal means.IX. MISCELLANEOUS1. Both parties shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies during the implementation of this Contract. Any changes to relevant laws, regulations, or policies that affect the implementation of this Contract shall be notified to the other party in a timely manner.2. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit the dispute to the court with jurisdiction over the place where the business entity is located for litigation resolution.3. This Contract is made in both Chinese and English languages with equal validity. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.4. This Contract shall be subject to approval by relevant authorities before its effectiveness if so required by law or regulation.5. This Contract is executed in ____ copies, with both parties holding equal number of copies each bearing equal validity and legal force from the date of signing by both parties concerned hereby confirmed by an authorized representative on behalf of each party.. 签署地点:____________ 日期:____________For Party A: (盖章)For Party B: (盖章)(以下空白留双方代表签字及盖章用)(以下空白留双方代表签字及盖章用)(Signature)(Signature)(Stamp)(Stamp)(Name)(Name)Title: _________________________ Title: _________________________ (双方代表签字及盖章处)(双方代表签字及盖章处)篇2Sino-Foreign Cooperative Operation ContractThis Sino-Foreign Cooperative Operation Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by andbetween [Company Name of China] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and [Company Name of Foreign Country] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").Article 1: Contract ObjectiveThe objective of this Contract is to establish a cooperative operation between Party A and Party B for the purpose of [specify the purpose of the cooperation, such as production, distribution, marketing, technology cooperation, etc.]Article 2: Terms of Cooperation1. The cooperation shall be implemented in accordance with the principles of mutual benefit, equality, fairness, and good faith.2. Party A and Party B shall contribute resources, technologies, expertise, and other necessary elements for the successful operation of the project.Article 3: Capital Contribution1. Party A shall contribute [specify amount or percentage] of the total capital required for the project.2. Party B shall contribute [specify amount or percentage] of the total capital required for the project, which may include foreign currency or technologies.Article 4: Operation Management1. The cooperative operation shall be managed by a Joint Management Committee composed of representatives from both parties.2. The Committee shall be responsible for overseeing the daily operations, making strategic decisions, and resolving any disputes that may arise during the course of cooperation.Article 5: Profit Distribution1. Profits generated from the cooperative operation shall be distributed in accordance with the capital contributions of both parties.2. Additional profit distribution arrangements shall be agreed upon by both parties in writing.Article 6: Risk SharingAny risks encountered during the operation shall be shared by both parties in accordance with their respective contributions and responsibilities.Article 7: Contract Duration1. The duration of this Contract shall be [specify duration].2. There shall be options for renewal upon expiration of the Contract as agreed by both parties.Article 8: Intellectual Property Rights1. Any intellectual property rights arising from the cooperative operation shall be owned by both parties in accordance with their respective contributions.2. Each party shall be responsible for safeguarding the other party's intellectual property rights.Article 9: ConfidentialityBoth parties shall maintain confidentiality of all information related to the cooperative operation that is not intended for public disclosure.Article 10: TerminationThis Contract may be terminated by either party in the event of a breach of Contract by the other party that is not rectified within a reasonable period.Article 11: Miscellaneous1. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiations between both parties.2. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [specify applicable law].3. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no modifications shall be made to it unless agreed upon by both parties in writing.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract by their respective duly authorized representatives on _________. The original text of this Contract shall be made in both Chinese and English languages, with equal legal effects. Any discrepancies shall be resolved by reference to the Chinese version.篇3Sino-Foreign Cooperative Operation ContractThis Sino-Foreign Cooperative Operation Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by and between [Name of Chinese Party] (hereinafter referred to as the "Chinese Party") and [Name of Foreign Party] (hereinafterreferred to as the "Foreign Party"), through friendly negotiation and mutual understanding, in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.Article 1: ObjectiveThe purpose of this Contract is to establish a cooperative operation between the Chinese Party and the Foreign Party for the purpose of jointly developing, manufacturing, and marketing ___[describe the product/service合作经营的项目]___ in China.Article 2: Scope of Cooperation1. The parties shall cooperate in the areas of research, development, production, and sales of ___[产品/服务].2. The specific details of cooperation, including investment, profits distribution, risk sharing, management structure, and operation mode shall be further defined in subsequent agreements.Article 3: Term of CooperationThe term of this Contract shall be ___[Contract duration, e.g., "ten years"], commencing on the date of signing this Contract and expiring on the date specified.Article 4: Investment1. The Chinese Party shall contribute land, buildings, and other assets as its investment.2. The Foreign Party shall contribute technology, equipment, and cash as its investment.3. Details of investment structure, proportion, and timing shall be clearly defined in a separate investment agreement.Article 5: Management1. A joint management committee shall be established to oversee the operation and daily management of the cooperative enterprise.2. The committee shall consist of representatives from both parties and shall have equal decision-making power.3. Major decisions, such as changing the purpose of cooperation, major investments, and appointment of senior management personnel require the approval of both parties.Article 6: Operation and Management1. The cooperative enterprise shall conduct its business activities in accordance with the laws and regulations of China.2. The operation and management rules shall be formulated by the joint management committee based on agreed principles.3. The enterprise shall establish a sound management system to ensure the smooth operation of its business activities.Article 7: Profit Distribution and Risk Sharing1. Profits generated by the cooperative enterprise shall be distributed in accordance with the agreed proportion between the parties.2. Risks associated with the operation of the enterprise shall be shared by both parties in accordance with their respective contributions to the enterprise.Article 8: Intellectual Property1. The Foreign Party shall assign or license all intellectual property rights related to the technology it provides to the cooperative enterprise.2. The parties shall protect each other's intellectual property rights and take necessary measures to prevent any infringement of such rights.Article 9: Contract Termination1. In case of any breach of contract by either party, the other party may terminate this Contract in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.2. Upon termination of this Contract, all assets and rights related to the cooperative enterprise shall be disposed in accordance with agreed principles.Article 10: Miscellaneous1. This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.2. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between the parties. If no settlement can be reached, such disputes may be submitted to ___ [specify dispute resolution mechanism, e.g., "the court having jurisdiction over the place where the cooperative enterprise is located"] for resolution.3. This Contract is made in both Chinese and [Foreign language], with the Chinese version being the official version. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.4. This Contract is effective as of the date of signing by both parties and shall be registered with relevant authorities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.The parties have read and fully understand this Contract, and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.Chinese Party: _________ [Signature]Foreign Party: _________ [Signature]Date: _________ [Contract signing date]篇4Sino-Foreign Cooperative Operation ContractThis Sino-Foreign Cooperative Operation Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made by and between [Party A Name], a legal entity duly organized under the laws of [Party A's Country], and [Party B Name], a legal entity duly organized under the laws of the People's Republic of China, through friendly negotiation and mutual understanding on the basis of equality and mutual benefit and in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.Article 1: Contract ObjectiveThe objective of this Contract is to establish a cooperative operation between the two Parties for the purpose of [specify the purpose or industry, e.g., manufacturing, distribution, technology cooperation, etc.] in China.Article 2: Scope of CooperationThe scope of cooperation shall include but not be limited to [list specific areas of cooperation, e.g., product development, technology transfer, market expansion, etc.].Article 3: Term of CooperationThe term of this Contract shall be for a period of [specify duration, e.g., twenty years], commencing on [start date] and expiring on [end date].Article 4: Investment and Capital Contribution1. Party A shall contribute [specify amount or percentage] as investment, which may include [specify, e.g., cash, technology, equipment, etc.].2. Party B shall contribute [specify amount or percentage] as investment, which may include [specify, e.g., land, buildings, working capital, etc.].Article 5: Management StructureThe cooperative enterprise shall establish a management committee consisting of representatives from both Parties. Decision-making shall be based on mutual consultation and agreement.Article 6: Operation and ManagementThe cooperative enterprise shall be operated and managed in accordance with laws and regulations of China, and the operational activities shall be conducted based on the agreed management structure.Article 7: Profit DistributionProfits shall be distributed in accordance with the agreed ratio between the two Parties. Details shall be specified in the Supplementary Agreement.Article 8: Intellectual PropertyAll intellectual property arising from the cooperative activities shall be owned by the cooperative enterprise or used under license from either Party, as agreed upon by both Parties.Article 9: Risk SharingBoth Parties shall share risks in accordance with their respective contributions to the enterprise.Article 10: Contract TerminationThis Contract may be terminated upon agreement by both Parties or in cases of force majeure leading to permanent inability to perform the Contract. Termination shall be subject to the provisions of the Supplementary Agreement.Article 11: Miscellanea1. This Contract shall be subject to laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.2. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both Parties. If no settlement can be reached, either Party may submit such disputes to [specify arbitration institution] for arbitration.3. This Contract shall be made in both Chinese and English languages, with equal validity. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.4. This Contract is effective as of the date when it is signed and approved by both Parties.Party A (China): [Name of Party A]Authorized Representative: [Signature] Date:XX-XX-XXXX篇5SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATION CONTRACT甲方:__________(以下简称中方)Party A: __________ (hereinafter referred to as the Chinese Party)乙方:__________ (以下简称外方)Party B: __________ (hereinafter referred to as the Foreign Party)鉴于甲方拥有独特的资源和技术优势,乙方拥有先进的国际管理经验和资金实力;经充分友好协商,双方就共同开展合作经营活动事宜,达成共识,并签订本合同。



英文合同相关翻译对照Contract 与Agreement的有无区别在英语中,合同一般称为Contract,协议一般称为Agreement。

何谓“contract”?1999年中国《合同法》第二条对contract定义为:A contact in this Law refers to an agreement establishing, modifying and terminating the civil rights and obligations between subjects of equal footing, that is, between natural persons, legal persons or other organizations”。


,Steven H. Gifts编著的“Law Dictionary”中将contract 定义为“contract is a promise, or a set of promises, for breach of which the law gives remedy, or the performance of the which the law in some way recognize as a duty.”根据这一定义,合同是一种承诺,违反承诺可以得到法律救助,某种意义上法律将履行该承诺看做是一种补偿。

L.B Curzon 在其编撰的字典“A Dictionary of Law”给contract的定义:“Contract is a legally binding agreement”根据这一定义,合同就是有法律约束力的协议。

综合起来,有一个相同点,就是“Contract is an agreement”,即可将合同说成是“An agreement which binds the parties concerned”或者说合同说成是“An agreement which is enforceable by law”,也可以说:Contracts are promises that the law will enforce。



We'll have the contract ready for signature. 我们应准备好合同待签字。

We signed a contract for medicines. 我们签订了⼀份药品合同。

Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import & Export Corporation. 张先⽣代表中国丝绸进出⼝总公司在合同上签了字。

A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中国化⼯进出⼝总公司已经和⽇本⼀家公司签订了⼀份新合同。

It was because of you that we landed the contract.因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。

We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract. 由于我们报价低,他们和我们签了合同。

Are we anywhere near a contract yet?我们可以(接近于)签合同了吗? We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.(“principals” refers to the “seller” and the “buyer”) 当我们作为货主时都要签订合同。

(这⾥的“货主”指合同中的卖⽅和买⽅) I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. 我们知道我们(卖⽅)应该拟出⼀份合同,买⽅必须签署合同。

We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton. 我们同时签两个合同,⼀是⽜⽺⾁的销售(出⼝)合同,另⼀个是等额的棉花购买(进⼝)合同。



国际贸易合同中英文对照版International Trade Contract - Chinese and English Version1. IntroductionInternational trade contracts play a crucial role in facilitating trade relations between companies from different countries. These contracts provide a framework for conducting business transactions, ensuring the rights and obligations of all parties involved. In this article, we will present a Chinese and English version of an international trade contract, aimed at promoting clarity and understanding between the parties involved.2. Contract Parties2.1 Party A: [Name of Company/Individual]Address: [Complete Address]Contact Person: [Name]Telephone: [Phone number]Email: [Email address]2.2 Party B: [Name of Company/Individual]Address: [Complete Address]Contact Person: [Name]Telephone: [Phone number]Email: [Email address]3. Contract Terms3.1 Scope of ContractThis contract pertains to the following products/services: [Provide detailed description]3.2 Quantity and QualityParty A agrees to supply Party B with [quantity] of [product/service] within the agreed-upon timeframe. The quality of the products/services shall meet international standards and specifications as mutually agreed upon.3.3 Pricing and Payment TermsThe price for the products/services shall be [amount] per [unit]. Party B shall make the payment in [currency] to Party A within [number] days of receiving the invoice. Payment shall be made via [preferred payment method].3.4 Delivery TermsThe products/services shall be delivered to the designated location as specified by Party B. The delivery shall be completed by [date]. Any delays in delivery must be communicated in writing and agreed upon by both parties.3.5 Force MajeureIn the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of either party, such as natural disasters, war, or government regulations, that prevent the execution of this contract, both parties shall be exempt from any liability and will make reasonable efforts to minimize the impact on the contract.4. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes or disagreements arising from this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If the parties fail to reach a resolution, the dispute shall be submitted to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) for arbitration, in accordance with its rules and procedures.5. ConfidentialityBoth parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or confidential information exchanged during the course of this contract. Such information shall not be disclosed to any third parties without prior written consent.6. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any disputes regarding this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Country].7. TerminationThis contract may be terminated by either party in the event of a material breach by the other party. Notice of termination must be given in writing, specifying the reasons for termination and providing a reasonable timeframe for the other party to rectify the breach.8. Entire AgreementThis contract constitutes the entire agreement between Party A and Party B and supersedes any prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter herein.9. LanguageThis contract is prepared in both Chinese and English languages, with both versions having equal validity. In case of any discrepancies or conflicts between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.10. SignaturesParty A: ___________________ Date:___________________Party B: ___________________ Date:___________________Please note that this sample international trade contract is for reference purposes only. It is recommended to seek legal advice and adapt the contract to specific needs and requirements before use.。

商务英语翻译第8章 商务合同的翻译

商务英语翻译第8章 商务合同的翻译

第一节商务合同的种类BrainstormingTranslate the following into Chinese1.Contracts for International Sale of Goods国际货物销售合同2.Contracts for International Technology Transfer国际技术转让合同3.Contracts for Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures中外合资经营企业合同4.Contracts for Sino-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures中外合作经营企业合同5. Contracts for International Engineering Projects国际工程承包合同Part V Practical trainingTranslate the following English expressions into Chinese 1. Contract of Purchase购买合同2. Purchase Confirmation购买协议书3. International Loan Agreement国际借贷合同4. Labor Service Contract劳务合同5. Exclusive Sales Agreement包销协议6. Forwarding Agency Agreement货运代理合同7. Outsourcing Agreement外包合同8. Service Agreement服务合同9. Share Transfer Agreement股权转让协议10. International Technical Consultancy Service Contract国际技术咨询服务合同Translate the following contract into ChineseORIGINAL Sales Contract NO.Date:The sellers. CHINA NATIONAL MINERALS IMPORT &EXPORT CORPORATION Erh Li Glou, Beijing Cable Address: MINERALS BEIJINGTelex: 22773 MINERALS BEIJING22774 MIMET CN 22190 MIMET CNFax: 8315079The buyers. Cable Address:Telex:The Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms and(5) Time of Shipment:(6) Port of Loading:(7) Port of Destination:(8) Insurance: To effected by the Sellers for 110% of invoice value covering(9) Terms of Payment:By confimed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible Letter of Credit in favour of the Sellers payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents in China, with partial shipments and transshipments allowed. The covering Letter of Credit must reach the Sellers 45 days before the contracted date of shipment and remain valid in the above loading port until the 15thday after shipment, failing which the Sellers reserve the right to cancel the contract without further notice and to claim against the Buyers for any loss resulting therefrom.(10) Documents:The Sellers shall present to the negotiating bank, Clean On Board Bill of Lading, Invoice, Quality Certificate issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau or the Manufacturers, Survey Report on Quantity / Weight issued by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, and Transferable Insurance Policy or Insurance Certificate when this Contract is made on CIF basis.(11) Terms of Shipment:1. The carrying vessel shall be provided by the Sellers. Partial shipments and transshipmentare allowed.2. After loading is completed, the Sellers shall notify the Buyers by cable of the contractnumber, name of commodity, quantity, name of the carrying vessel and date of shipment.(12) Quality / Quantity / weight Discrepancy and Claim:In case the quality and / or quantity/ weight are found by the Buyers to be not in conformity with the Contract after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyers may lodge claim with the Sellers supported by survey report issued by an inspection organization agreed upon by both parties, with the exception, however, of those claims for which the insurance company and / or the shipping company are to be held responsible. Claim for quality discrepancy should be filed by the Buyers within 30 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination, while for quantity / weight discrepancy claim should be filed by the Buyers within 15 days after arrival of the goods at the port of destination. The Sellers shall, within 30 days after receipt of the notification of the claim, send reply to the Buyers.(13) Force Majeure:In case of Force Majeure, the Sellers shall not be held responsible for late delivery ornon-delivery of the goods but shall notify the Buyers by cable. The Sellers shall deliver to the Buyers by registered mail, if so requested by the Buyers, a certificate issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or related competent authorities.(14) Arbitration:All disputes in connection with this Contract or the execution thereof shall be settled by negotiation between two parties. If no settlement can be reached, the in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration in the country of defendant in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the arbitration organization of the defendant country. The decision made by the arbitration organization shall be taken as final and binding upon both parties. Thearbitration expenses shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded by the arbitration organization.(15) Remarks:Sellers: Buyers:CHINA NATIONAL MINERALSIMPORT &EXPORT CORPORATION正本合同合同号:日期:卖方中国矿产进出口公司北京二里沟电报挂号买方双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:(5)装运期限:(6)装运口岸:(7)目的口岸:(8)保险:由卖方按发票金额110%投保(9)付款条件:凭保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期信用证在中国见单付款。

中外合资经营公司合同 (中英文对照)

中外合资经营公司合同 (中英文对照)

中外合资经营公司合同CONTRACT OF CHINESE FOREIGN EQUITY JOINT VENTURES1.1.1所依据的法规条文Applied Laws and Regulations1. 依照《中外合资经营企业法》批准在中国境内设立的中外合资经营企业(以下简称合营企业)是中国的法人,受中国法律的管辖和保护。

1. Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures (hereinafter referred to as joint ventures) established within Chinese territory upon the approval in accordance with the Law on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures are Chinese legal persons, who shall be governed and protected by Chinese law.2. 在中国境内设立的合营企业,应当能够促进中国经济的发展和科学技术水平的提高,有利于社会主义现代化建设。


2. Joint ventures established within Chinese territory shall be able to promote the development of the economy and the enhancement of the science and technology of China and facilitate China’s socialist modernization.Industries in which the establishment of joint ventures is encouraged, permitted, restricted or prohibited by the State shall be determined in accordance with provisions of the State in the Regulations on Foreign Investment Guidelines and the Guideline Catalogue of Foreign Investment Industries.3. 在中国境内设立合营企业,必须经中华人民共和国对外贸易经济合作部(以下简称对外贸易合作部)审查批准。



中外合作经营合同英文版8篇篇1SINO-FOREIGN COOPERATIVE CONTRACT中方合作伙伴(以下简称甲方):[合作伙伴名称](甲方主体全称及授权签署人)Foreign Partner (hereinafter referred to as Party A): [Name of Partner] (Full name of the Party A and authorized signer)外方合作伙伴(以下简称乙方):[合作伙伴名称](乙方主体全称及授权签署人)Local Partner (hereinafter referred to as Party B): [Name of Partner] (Full name of the Party B and authorized signer)鉴于甲乙双方依据中华人民共和国有关法律法规的规定,本着平等互利的原则,经过友好协商,同意共同投资合作经营本合作项目,特订立本合同。


WHEREAS, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Party A and Party B, through friendly consultation, agree to jointly invest in and operate the cooperative project on the principles of equality and mutual benefit, hereby make and conclude this Contract. This Contract is to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties and ensure the smooth progress of cooperation.一、合同合作双方基本情况I. Basic Information of Both Parties详细列出甲乙双方的公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人、授权签署人等基本企业信息。



中英文合同介绍中英文合同(Chinese-English Contract)是指对涉及中英两国或者海外国家之间交易事宜,需要采用中英文双语编写的合同。

















Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture Contract中外合资经营企业合同——华译网翻译公司提供翻译版本请注意:这个是英文译文,中文版原文文件请见另外一个文件:中外合作经营企业合同中文原文.doc。





Chapter 1 General ProvisionsJoint Venture Company of XXXXXAAAAAA Industry and Commerce Co., ltd and BBBBBB International Co., ltd. agree to invest jointly in southwestern region to establish a joint venture company. For this purpose, on the basis of the principle of equality and mutual benefit the two parties conclude this contract through friendly negotiation between two parties and in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and other relevant Chinese laws and regulations.Chapter 2 Party A and Party B of the Joint Venture CompanyArticle 1: Parties to the contract are as follows:Party A: Joint Venture Company of XXXXX AAAAAA Industrial and Commercial Co., Ltd , approved by the People’ Government of XXXXX and registered by Industrial and Commercial Bureau of XXXXX.Legal domicile: 4th F of the Bureau of Communications, XXXXX Town, XXXXX CountyLegal representative:XXXX, the Chairman of the Board of Directors and general managerParty B to the contract: BBBBBB International Co., Ltd of USALegal representative: XXXXLegal domicile: XXXXX#,XXXXX XXXXX Avenue, New York, USAChapter 3 The establishment of Joint Venture CompanyArticle 2The both parties agree to establish the Joint Venture Company in China, the name of which is Sino-U.S. XXXXX XXXXX Metal Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as JVC).Article 3 The name of JVC is 中美合资XXXXX有色金属开发〔in Chinese〕. The name in English is Sino-U.S. XXXXX XXXXX Metal Co., Ltd.The legal domicile of the JVC: 4#, 4th Building, XXXXX Garden, XXXXX, China.Article 4All activities of JVC shall comply with laws, decrees and relevant regulations of PRC.Article 5 The JVC is a Limited Liability Company. The parties shall be responsible for their debts respectively according to their contribution to the investment. Each party shares the profits and bears the risks and damages in proportion to the registered capital.Chapter 4 Purpose, Business Scope and Scale of the JVCArticle 6The purpose of the JVC is to strengthen the survey, exploitation, choice, smelting, to increase import and export sales, to adopt advanced and suitable technology and scientific business management methods, to improve the quality of exploitation and develop new technology and to enhance the competitive ability in the field of quality, price etc in international market so as to increase economic results and make both parties gain satisfactory interests.Article 7 The business scope of the JVC is as follows:survey, exploitation, choice, smelting, import and export salesArticle 8 The productive scale of the JVC is as follows:1.The JVC improve the construction project and managerial systems rapidly.2.The JVC makes great efforts to innovate high technology with the development ofproduction and business and the expansion of the productive scale.Chapter 5 Total amount of Investment and Registered CapitalArticle 9The total amount of investment for the projects under the JVC is $120,000,000.Article 10The total amount of the registered capital is $ 29,880,000.Party A shall pay $ 7,470,000, amounting to 61,630,000 RMB, accounting for 25%;Party B shall pay $ 22,410,000 amounting to 184,883,000 RMB, accounting for 75%.Article 11 The two parties make their contributions as follows;Party A makes an investment of $ 7,470,000 in cash, amounting to 61,630,000 RMBParty B makes an investment of $ 22,410,000 in the form of ready bill of exchange, amounting to 184,883,000 RMBArticle 12 the two parties in proportion to their respective investment by one stage in two months shall pay the registered capital of the JVC.Article 13 Either party intends to assign all or part of his investment to a third party, consent should be obtained from the other party and approved by the original examination and approval authority (when one party to the JVC assigns all or party of its contribution, the other party has preemptive right to purchase under the same conditions.Chapter 6 The responsibilities of the parties to the JVCArticle 14 The two parties shall take responsibility to finish the issues as follows: The responsibilities of party A include:A. Making the appliance for approval, registration and receiving business license etc from the responsible authority of the People’s Government of China for the establishment of the JVC.B. Taking charge of going through the reporting formalities for the import of capital for the project in China.C. Taking charge of all the issues required by the concerning governmental document on the exploitation, choice, smelting of the XXXXX in XXXXX county, Ganzi prefecture of Southwestern Region.D. Taking charge of the purchase and rental of equipments, materials, raw materials, office appliances, means of transportation, equipments for energy equipments,accommodation and office buildings etc in China.E. Taking charge of the employment of the local Chinese personnel for business and management, technical personnel, working personnel and other needed personnel of the JVC.F. Assisting the foreign workmen in going through the formalities of receiving the needed entry visa, work license etc.G. Taking charge of other issues entrusted by the JVC.The responsibilities of party B include:A. Taking charge of the investment for the XXXXX metals and high technology project offered by party A.B. Taking charge of the guidance of the huge investment for the large-scale projects, which was offered by party A and was given an official reply by the nation.C. Taking charge of the accurate and due arrival of all the capital for the medium projects offered by approved by the concerning departments of party A and the Chinese Government.D. Paying the fee of purchasing equipments by party A.E. Taking charge of other issues of the JVC.Chapter 7 The Board of DirectorsArticle 15 The board of directors is composed of 7 directors, of which 5 shall be appointed by party A, 2 by party B. The president of the board shall be appointed by party B, and the vice-president by party A. The term of office for the directors, president and vice-presidents is four years; their term of office may be renewed if continuously appointed by the relevant party.Article 16 The board of directors is the supreme authority of the JVC, decide all major issues of JVC. The major issue shall be implemented in accordance with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures and Article 36 of its implementing Rules.Article 17 The executive president is the legal representative of the JVC. In case of absence of the president, vice-president and other directors shall be authorized to be the temporary representative.Chapter 8 Business and Management OrganizationArticle 18 The JVC shall set up business and management organization to take charge of the daily business and management work of the JVC. The business and management organization shall employ a general manager recommended by party A and 4 deputy general managers recommended by party B. The board of directors shall employ the general manager, deputy general manager and general engineer whose office term shall be 4 years.Article 19 The functions and powers of the general manager are to carry out decisions of the board of directors, organize and guide the daily business and management work. The deputy manager assists the general manager.The business and management organization can employ several department managers, to take charge of the work of various department of the JVC, to handle the issues entrusted by the general manager and deputy general manager and to be responsible for the general manager and deputy general manager.Article 20 In case of graft or serious dereliction of duty on the part of general manager and deputy general manager, the board of directors shall have the power to dismiss them at any time.Chapter 9 Purchasing equipmentsArticle 21 Office buildings communications, traffic tools and office appliance etc needed by the JVC shall be first purchased.Article 22If the JVC entrusts the party B with the purchase of equipments in foreign markets, members of party A shall be invited to engage in it.Chapter 10 Preparation and ConstructionArticle 23 During the period of preparation and construction, preparatory office will be set up under the leadership of the board of directors. The preparatory office is composed of 4 members of whom one is appointed by party a, three by party B. The preparatory office shall have one director recommended by party A and one deputy director recommended by party A and one deputy director recommended by party B. The director and deputy director are appointed by the board.Article 24 The preparatory office takes charge of examining the design of projects. signing the construction contract, organizing the purchase and acceptance of the concerning equipments, materials etc, formulating the general schedule of the construction of projects, work out the fund-expending plan, controlling the financial payment of projects and final accounts of projects formulating the concerning management system, and preserving the documents, drawing, file and materials for the construction of projects and sorting them out etc.Article 25 The two parties designate several technical staffs to form technical group, which under the leadership of the preparatory office, is responsible for design, the quality of projects, equipments and materials and the examination, supervision and performance test of the import technologies etc.Article 26 The payment of the staff and the fee for the preparatory office are enlisted in the financial budget plan of projects after agreement is reached by two parties.Chapter 11 Labor ManagementArticle 27 Based on the plan formulated by the board of directors after study, labor contract covering the employment, dismissal and resignation, wages, labor insurance, labor safety, welfare, rewards, penalties and other matters concerning the staff and workers of the JVC shall be drawn up by the board of directors in accordance with the Regulation s of the People’s Republic of China on Labor Management in Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venture and its implementing Rules. And with the approval of the local labor management department, the labor contract shall be signed between the JVC and the trade union of the JVC as a whole or individual employee. Article 28 The appointment, wages, social insurance, welfare and standard of allowances for business trip of the high rank management personnel recommended by both parties shall be discussed and determined by the board of directors.Chapter 12 Tax, Finance, Audit, and foreign ExchangeArticle 29 The staff and workers of the JVC shall pay all items of taxation according to the relevant laws and regulations of China.Article 30 The staff and workers of the JVC draw the reserve funds, developmentfunds, bonus and welfare funds in accordance with the regulations of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures. The annual drawing proportion shall be discussed and determined by the board of directors according to the business situation of the JVC.Article 32The fiscal year of the JVC shall be from January 1 to December 31. All vouchers, receipts, statistic statements, reports, and account books shall be written in Chinese.Article 33The JVC shall appoint a Chinese registered accountant to conduct financial audit and to report the results to the board of directors and general manager. If party B intends to appoint foreign auditors to verify the annual finance, consent shall be given by party A. party B shall bear all the fees accordingly.Article XXXXX Within the first three months of each fiscal year, the general manager shall prepare the previous years balance sheet, profits and loss statement and the disposal of profits and submit them to the board of directors for adoption.Article 35 All the foreign exchange matters of the JVC shall be handled in accordance with provisions of the Regulations on Foreign Exchange control of PRC and relevant regulations.Article 36 The JVC shall open accounts of RMB and foreign exchange with the Bank of China or other banks approved by the National Foreign Exchange Control Administration.Chapter 13 Corporation PeriodArticle 37The corporation period of the JVC is 20 years. The establishment date of the JVC shall be the date on which its business license is issued. An application for the extension of the duration, proposed by one party and unanimously adopted by the board of directors, shall be submitted to the External Commercial and Trade Ministry (or any entrusted examination and approval authority by it) for approval six months prior to the expiry date of the JVC.Chapter 14 The Disposal of Assets at the expiration of the DurationArticle 38 In case of the expiration of duration or termination of the contract aheadof time, the JVC shall conduct liquidation according to the net value in the account books in a legal way. The surplus in the account books shall be given priority to the debts and liquidation fees and then distributed between the two parties in proportion to their investmentChapter 15 InsuranceArticle 39 All insurance items of the JVC shall be insured by the People’s Insurance Company of China. The insurance types, the insurance value and the insurance period shall be discussed and determined by the board of directors of the JVC in accordance with the regulations of the People’s Insurance Company of China.Chapter 16 The Amendment, Modification and Termination of the ContractArticle 40 The amendment to this contract and its appendixes shall not be valid unless a written agreement is reached and signed by the two parties and submitted to the original examination and approval authority for approval.Article 41 Under the circumstances that the contract cannot be implemented due to the force majeure of the JVC have no ability to continue its business due to the continuous loss, the JVC, with the unanimous approval of the board of directors and the original examination and approval authority, may terminate the contract ahead of time.Article 42 Any failure to observe or perform the obligations regulated by the contract and articles or any serious breach of the provisions of this contract and articles which cause the failure of the business of the JVC or the impossibility of realizing the business purpose prescribed by the contract, shall be regarded as the unilateral termination of this contract by the party in default. Besides claim for compensation, the other party shall have the right to terminate this contract with the approval of the original examination and approval authority. If the two parties agree to continue its business, the party in default shall compensate for the economic loss of the JVC.Chapter 17 Liability for breach of contractArticle 43 If either party fails to make all its contribution on schedule in accordance with provisions of the chapter V of this contract. From the first month in delay, the party in default shall pay one percent of investment as default fine to the contract-abiding party, in addition to the claim for the payment of five percent of investment as default fine, shall have the right to terminate this contract according to article 55 of this contract and to demand the party in default to compensate for the loss.Article 44 Any fault, which leads to the failure of performance and full performance of this contract and its appendixes, shall be the liability of the party who cause the fault. If the parties are both responsible for the fault, the both parties shall be fined according to the liability for breach of this contract in view of the actual situation. Article 45In order to guarantee the performance of this contract and its appendixes, party A and party B shall offer bank guarantee for the performance of this contract each other.Chapter 18 Force MajeureArticle 46 In the event of any circumstances occur which are beyond the estimation and reasonable control of the two parties, (including earth quake, typhoon, flood, fire, war and other disasters, which have the effect of severely impairing the performance or making the parries fail to comply with any provisions of this contract, the party if affected by the circumstances of the above force majeure shall promptly notify the other by telegram. And within 15 days after the disaster, the reports of reasons for failing to perform or fully perform and the request for suspension of the operation shall be submitted to the other party by written notice. Notary authority of the area in which the disaster occurs shall offer these identification documents. According to the extent to which the performance of the contract is affected, it is decided through negotiation by the two parties to dissolve the contract or partially exempt the affected party from the liability of this contract or suspend the performance of this contract.Chapter 19 Application of the LawArticle 47 The formulation, validity, interpretation, implementation of this contractand the settlement of dispute shall be governed by the laws of PRC.Chapter 20 The settlement of DisputesArticle 48Any dispute occurring in the implementation of this contract and concerning this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation, it shall be submitted to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Committee and be arbitrated in accordance with the Interim Arbitral Rules of Procedure of this committee. The decision of the arbitration is final decision and is binding on both parties.Article 49 In the process of arbitration, this contract, in addition to the parts which is controversial and being arbitrated, this contract shall be implemented continuously.Chapter 21 LanguageArticle 50 This contract is written both in Chinese and in English. The two versions shall be equally authentic. In case of discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall be the standards.Chapter 22 The validity of the contract and othersArticle 51 The accessory agreements concluded according to the principles regulated by this contract include the survey, exploitation, choice, smelting and the import and export sale which are composing parts of this contract.Article 52This contract and its appendixes shall be approved by the External Commercial and Trade Ministry of PRC (or other entrusted examination and approval authority) and take effect from the date on which they are approved.Article 53Any issue involving the right and obligations of the parties, if notified by telegraph, communications, shall be notified later by party B with written correspondence. The legal domicile of party A and party B in the contract is the address for correspondence of party A and party B.Article 54 This contract have 8 copies of the same form, of which 4 copies are submitted to the responsibly governmental bodies. Either party holds one copy in Chinese version. The contract takes effect after it is signed and sealed by the twoparties. And the two parties shall be legally liable for this contract. If there is any defect in this contract, the supplementary agreement contracted by two parties shall be equally authentic.Article 55 This contract is signed by the authorized representatives of the two parties on December 8, 2002, in XXXXX, Sichuan, China.Party A: The Joint Venture Company of XXXXX AAAAAA Industrial and Commercial Co., Ltd.Legal Representative:Telephone:Fax:Address: 4F of the Communication Bureau, XXXXX Toun, XXXXX county, XXXXX, China.Party B: Menglong International Co., Ltd of USALegal Representative:Representative:Telephone:Fax:Address: XXXXX#, XXXXX XXXXX Avenue, New York, USASino-U.S. XXXXX XXXXX Metal Co., Ltd。



国内签订英文合同范本Contract for Domestic Transactions in English[This contract is written in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevl.] Contract No.: ___________Date of Execution: ___________[Party A's Name][Party A's Address][Party A's Representative][Party B's Name][Party B's Address][Party B's Representative]WHEREAS,Party A (hereinafter referred to as "Supplier") is a legally established entity engaged in the supply of [Specify Product/Service], andParty B (hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser") is a legally established entity desiring to purchase [Specify Product/Service] from Supplier;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Definitions1.1 "Contract" refers to this Domestic Contract for the supply of [Specify Product/Service] between Supplier and Purchaser.1.2 "Products" refers to the [Specify Product/Service] to be supplied Supplier to Purchaser as specified in Schedule A attached hereto.1.3 "Delivery Date" refers to the date specified in Schedule B attached hereto, on which the Products shall be delivered to Purchaser.1.4 "Purchase Price" refers to the price for the Products as specified in Schedule A attached hereto.2. Supply of Products2.1 Supplier agrees to supply and deliver to Purchaser the Products in accordance with the specifications, quantities, and Delivery Dates set forth in Schedule A attached hereto.2.2 Supplier warrants that the Products supplied under this Contract shall be of merchantable quality, fit for the purpose for which they are intended, and ply with all applicable laws and regulations.3. Payment Terms3.1 Purchaser agrees to pay Supplier the Purchase Price for the Products in accordance with the payment terms specified in Schedule A attached hereto.3.2 Payment shall be made in the currency specified in Schedule A, and shall be made wire transfer to the bank account designated Supplier.4. Delivery and Shipment4.1 Supplier shall deliver the Products to the delivery location specified Purchaser in accordance with the Delivery Dates set forth in Schedule B attached hereto.4.2 The risk of loss and to the Products shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery at the specified delivery location.5. Inspection and Acceptance5.1 Upon receipt of the Products, Purchaser shall have the right to inspect the Products to confirm their conformity with the specifications set forth in Schedule A attached hereto.5.2 If the Products do not conform to the agreed specifications, Purchaser shall notify Supplier in writing within five (5) business days of receipt of the Products. Supplier shall, at its sole discretion, either replace the non-conforming Products or refund the Purchase Price for such non-conforming Products.6. Warranties6.1 Supplier warrants that the Products supplied under this Contract shall be free from any defects in material and workmanship for a period of [Specify Warranty Period] from the date of delivery.6.2 In the event of any defect or non-conformity with the warranties specified in this Contract, Supplier shall, at its sole discretion, either repr orreplace the defective or non-conforming Products or refund the Purchase Price for such Products.7. Confidentiality7.1 Each party agrees to keep confidential and not to disclose to any third party any confidential information obtned from the other party in connection with this Contract, except as required law.8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution8.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Specify Jurisdiction].8.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Specify Arbitration Institution], and the decision of the arbitrator(s) shall be final and binding upon the parties.9. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Party A's Signature][Party A's Representative][Party B's Signature][Party B's Representative]。



合同合同号:APP 164591签署日期:27/11/2003签署地点:此合同系由按中华人民共和国法律设立和存在的浙江嘉化投资发展有限公司(在此指买方)做为一方和按法国法律设立和存在的CARBONE LORRAINE EQUIPEMENT GENIE CHIMIQUE(在此指卖方)作为另一方经双方友好协商达成的,具体条款如下:第1条货物,规格,数量和单价具体供货范围在合同的附件1中规定第2条原产地和制造商原产国:欧盟和中国制造商:CARBONE LORRAINE EQUIPEMENT GENIE CHIMIQUE第3条合同价格3.1 合同总金额是USD480,000(美金四十八万元整)3.2 合同金额按贸易条款CIP(INTERCOMES 2000)上海自由贸易区(保税区)计算。

第4条付款条件4.1 所有买方付给卖方的货款通过买方银行和卖方银行以信用证的方式来支付。



4.2 在第3条中所列明的合同总金额买方应按以下的方式用信用证支付给卖方:4.2.1 合同总金额15%的货款即USD72,000,应该在买方的银行收到卖方银行下列合格的单证后,买方应在15天内付给卖方。



C.一正五副手签15%合同总金额的商业发票D.二份即期汇票4.2.2 合同总金额75%的货款即USD360,000,应该在买方的银行收到卖方银行下列合格单证后,根据信用证的条款由买方付给卖方:A.从上海自由贸易区签发的以买方为受益人的一份正本提货单。

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CONTRACT FOR CHINESE-FOREIGN EQUITY JOINT VENTUREChapter 1 General ProvisionsIn accordance with the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint V enture” and other relevant laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “PRC”), _________Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party A) and ________Co.(hereinafter referred to as Party B) adhering to the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through friendly consultations, agree to invest in the setting up of a joint venture enterprise in _____, PRC. The contract hereunder is concluded.Chapter 2 Parties to the Joint V entureArticle 11.1Parties to this contract are as follows:(1)… (hereinafter referred to as Party A)Registered in: License No.:Legal address: Legal representative:(2) … (hereinafter referred to as Party B)Registered in: License No.:Legal address: Legal representative:Chapter 3 Establishment of the Joint V enture CompanyArticle 2In accorda nce with the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint V enture” and other relevant PRC. laws and regulations, Party A and Party B hereby agree to set up a joint venture limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as the Company).Article 3The name of the Company in Chinese is:The name of the Company in foreign language is:The legal address of the Company is:Article 4All activities of the Company shall be governed by the Joint V enture Law of the PRC. and other laws, decrees and relevant rules and regulations of the PRC..Article 5The organization form of the company is a limited liability company. The Company shall be liable for all its debts and obligations with its own property and assets, and the Company’s credito rs shall have no recourse to and of Parties A or B in respect of any debts of the Company.Each party to this contract is only liable to the company within the limit of the registered capitalsubscribed by it.The profits, risks and losses of the Company shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their respective contributions to the Company’s registered capital.Chapter 4 The Purpose, Scope and Scale of Production and BusinessArticle 66.1 The purpose for establishing the Company is:6.2 The scope of business of the Company is:Article 7The Company after being established shall attain a production scale of … the planned output is as follows:(a)1st production year: Target Output…(b)2nd production year: Target Output…The joint venture should reach complete independent production of both hardware and software of the Contract Products by the end of the fourth production year.Article 8The production scale may be increased up to ____ with the development of the production and operation. The product varieties may be developed into _____.Chapter 5 Total Amount of Investment and Registered CapitalArticle 9The total amount of investment of the Company shall be: …Article 1010.1 The registered capital of the Company shall be______ United States Dollars and shall be contributed by the Parties in the following proportions:Party A shall contribute ______which accounts for ___% of the registered capital, among which, cash_____, machinery and equipment_____, premises______, land use right _____, industrial property _____, others_____.Party B shall contribute _______which accounts for ___% of the registered capital, all in cash.10.2 The registered capital of the Company may be increased by the unanimous approval of all the Directors.Article 11The parties to this Contract shall make their respective contributions to the registered capital according to the time limit stipulated in the contract.Article 1212.1 Each party shall pay up the first installment of contribution to the registered capital of the Company within one (1) month from the date on which the business license of the Company is issued.12.2 The second installment of each party’s contribution to the registered capital of the Company shall be paid twelve months after the date of payment of the first installment.12.3 As soon as the party to the Contract has paid up in full its contribution to the registered capital of the Company, a Chinese registered accountant appointed by the Company shall verify such contribution and issue a Report of V erification. According to this Report of V erification, the Company shall issue to such party who has aid up its capital contribution a Certificate of Capital Contribution which shall include the following items:(Ⅰ) name of the Company;(Ⅱ) date of establishment of the Company;(Ⅲ) names of the joint venture parties and the capital contributed;(Ⅳ) date of contribution to the registered capital by such party;(Ⅴ) date of issuance of the Certificate of Capital Contribution.Article 1313.1 All parties of the Company agree in the initial five (5)years of operation not to assign or transfer its investment subscribed to a third party, except were any of the following circumstances apply to that party: merger, takeover, transfer to a subsidiary or affiliated company belonging to the same group of companies as that party.In case any party to this Contract wished to assign or transfer all or part of its investment subscribed to a third party, consent to such assignment or transfer must be obtained from the other parties to this Contract, and approval must be granted by the original examination and approval authority. The registration procedures for changes shall be dealt with at the original registration and administration office.13.2 When one party to this Contract wishes to assign or transfer all or part of its investment subscribed to a third party, the other party to this Contract shall have a preemptive right to purchase that party’s share of investment in the Company.Chapter 6 Responsibilities of Each Party to the Joint V entureArticle 14Party A shall be responsible for the following matters:(a)providing its investment in the registered capital on time:(b)responsible for assisting in the establishment of the Company’s fa ctory including:(Ⅰ) Obtaining all requisite approvals and authorizations form all relevant governmental departments and other authorities for establishing the business license for the Company;(Ⅱ) Assisting with the fitting out of the factory premises to be leased by the Company;(Ⅲ) During the initial period of the Joint V enture, assisting with the customs and import formalities for all items to be imported by the Company and assisting in the arrangement for the transportation the same within PRC.;(Ⅳ) Assisting the Company in purchasing or leasing equipment, materials, articles for office use, means of transportation and communication facilities etc. inside PRC.;(Ⅴ) Assisting the Company in obtaining the infrastructure facilities such as water, electricity and telecommunication lines etc.;(Ⅵ) Recommending suitable Chinese management personnel, technical personnel, engineers, workers and other personnel needed;(c)Assisting with applications to the PRC. authorities for tax concessions/exemptions andinvestment incentives which may be available to the Company under PRC. laws and regulations;(d)Assisting with all foreign personnel and staff in applying for entry visas, work licenses, andprocessing their traveling arrangements and recommending suitable accommodation;(e)Assisting with all other matter entrusted by the CompanyParty B shall be responsible for the following matters:(a)providing its investment in the registered capital on time;(b)Assisting the Company outside the PRC. with selecting and purchasing machinery andequipment required for its business;(c)Assisting with all other matters entrusted by the Company.Article 15Both party A and party B agree that a technology transfer agreement shall be signed between the joint venture company and party B so as to obtain advanced production technology needed for realizing the production and operation purpose and the production scale stipulated in Chapter 4 in the Contract, including products designing technology of manufacturing, means of testing, materials prescription, standard of quality and the training of personnel etc.Article 16Party B offers the following guarantees on the transfer of technology:1. Party B guarantees that the overall technology such as the designing, technology of manufacturing,technological process, tests and inspection of products provided to the joint venture company must be integrated, precise and reliable. It is to meet the requirement of the joint venture’s operation purpose, and be able to obtain the standard of production quality and production capacity stipulated in the Contract.2. Party B guarantees that the technology stipulated in this Contract and the technology transfer agreement shall be fully transferred to the joint venture company, and pledged that the provided technology should be truly advanced among the same type of technology of party B, the model, specification and quality of the equipment are excellent and it is to meet the requirement of technological operation and practical usage;3. Party b shall work out detailed list of the provided technology and technological service at various stages as stipulated in the technology transfer agreement to be an appendix to the Contract, and guarantee its performance;4. The drawings, technological conditions and other detailed information are art of the transferred technology and shall be offered on time;5. Within the validity period of the technology transfer agreement, Party B shall provide the joint venture company with the improvement of the technology and the improved information and technological materials in time, and shall not change separate fees;6. Party B shall guarantee that the technological personnel and the workers in the joint venture company can master all the technology transferred within the period stipulated in the technology transfer agreement.Article 17In case party B fails to provide equipment and technology in accordance with the stipulations in this Contract and in the technology transfer agreement or in case any deceiving or concealing actions are found, Party B shall be responsible for compensating the direct losses to he Joint V enture Company.Article 18The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties. The royalty rate shall be____% of the net sales value of the products turned out.The term for royalty payment is the same as the term for technology transfer agreement stipulated in Article 19 of this Contract.Article 19The term for the technology transfer agreement signed by Joint V enture Company and Party B is____ years. After the expiration of the technology transfer agreement, the joint venture company shall have the right to use, research and develop the imported technology continuously.Chapter 8 Selling of ProductsArticle 20The products of Joint V enture Company will be sold both on Chinese market and on overseas market, the export part accounts for ____%, ____% for domestic market.Article 21Products may be sold on overseas market through the following channels:The joint venture company may directly sell its products on the international market, which accounts for____%.The joint venture company may sign sales contract with Chinese Foreign trade companies, entrusting them to be the sales agencies or exclusive sales agencies, which accounts for ____%.The joint venture company may entrust Party B to sell its products, which accounts for _____%. Article 22The joint venture’s products to be sold in China may be handled by the Chinese materials and commercial departments by means of agency or exclusive sales, or may be sold by joint venture company directly.Article 23In order to provide maintenance service to the products sold both in China and abroad, the joint venture company may set up sales branches for maintenance service both in China and abroad subject to the approval of the relative Chinese department.Article 24The trade mark of the joint venture’s products is_____Chapter 9 The Board of DirectorsArticle 25The date of registration for the joint venture company shall be the date of the establishment of the board of directors of the joint venture company.Article 26The board of directors is composed of ___ directors, of which ____ shall be appointed by Party A, ____ by Party B. The chairman of the board shall be appointed by Party A, and its vice-chairman by Party B. the term of office for the directors, chairman and vice-chairman is four years, their term of office may be renewed if continuously appointed by the relevant party.Article 27The highest authority of the joint venture company shall be its board of directors. It shall decide all major issues concerning the joint venture company. Unanimous approval shall be required before any decision is made concerning major issues. As for other matters, approval by majority or a simple majorityshall be required.Article 28The chairman of the board is the legal representative of the joint venture company. Should the chairman be unable to exercise his responsibilities for some reasons, he shall authorize the vice-chairman or any other directors to represent the joint venture company temporarily.Article 29The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The meeting shall be called and preside over by the chairman of the board. The chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than one third of the total number of directors. Minutes of the meeting shall be placed on file.Article 30The board of directors shall establish a management office which shall be responsible for its daily management. The management office shall have a general manager, appointed by party ____; _____deputy general managers, ___by party ___; ____by party ____. The general manager and deputy general managers shall be invited by the board of directors whose term s of office is ____years.Article 31The responsibility of the general manager is to carry out the decisions of the board meeting and organize and conduct the daily management of the joint venture company. The deputy general managers shall assist the general manager in his work.Several department managers may be appointed by the management office, they shallBe responsible for the work in various departments respectively, handle the matters handed over by the general manager and deputy general managers and shall be responsible to them.Article 32In case of graft or serious dereliction of duty on the part of the general manager and deputy general manages, the board of directors shall have the power to dismiss them at any time.Chapter 11 Purchase of EquipmentArticle 33In its purchase of required raw materials, fuel, parts, means of transportation and articles for office use, etc., the joint venture company shall give first priority to purchase in China where conditions are the same. Article 34In case the joint venture company entrusts Party B to purchase equipment on overseas market, persons appointed by Party A shall be invited to take pert in the purchasing.Chapter 12 Preparation and ConstructionArticle 35During the period of preparation and construction, a preparation and construction office shall be set up under the board of directions. The preparation and construction office shall consist of ___persons, among which ___persons shall be from Party A, _____persons from Party B. the preparation and construction office shall have one manager recommended by Party ____, and one deputy manager by Party ____. The manager and deputy manager shall be appointed by the board of directors.Article 36The preparation and construction office is responsible fro the following works: examining the designs of the project, signing project construction contract, organizing the purchasing and inspecting relative equipment materials, etc., working out the general schedule of project construction, compiling the expenditure plans, controlling project financial payments and final accounts of the project, drawing up managerial methods and keeping and filing documents, drawings, files and materials, etc., during the construction period of the project.Article 37A technical group with several technical personnel appointed by Party A and PartyB shall be organized. The group, under the leadership of the preparation and construction office, is in charge of the examination, supervision, inspection, testing, checking and accepting, and performance checking fro the project design, the quality of project, the equipment and materials and the imported technology.Article 38After approved by both parties, the establishment, remuneration and the expenses of the staff of the preparation and construction office shall be covered in the project budget.Article 39After having completed the project and finished the turning over procedures, the preparation and construction office shall be dissolved upon the approval of the board of directors.Chapter 13 Labor ManagementArticle 40Labor contract covering the recruitment, employment, dismissal and resignation, wages, labor insurance, welfare, rewards, penalty and other matters concerning the staff and workers of the joint venture company shall be drawn up between the joint venture company and the Trade Union of the joint venture company as a whole or individual employees in accordance with the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Labor Management in Chinese-foreign Equity Joint V entures and its Implementation Rules.”Article 41The appointment of high-ranking administrative personnel recommended by both parties, theirsalaries, social insurance, welfare and the standard of traveling expenses etc. shall be decided by the meeting of the board of directors.Chapter 14 Taxes, Finance and AuditArticle 42Joint V enture Company shall pay taxes in accordance with the stipulations of Chinese laws and other relative regulations.Article 43Staff members and workers of the joint venture company shall pay individual income tax according to the “Individual Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China.”Article 44Allocations for reserve funds, expansion funds of the joint venture company and welfare funds and bonuses for staff and workers shall beset aside in accordance with the stipulations in the “Law of People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint V enture.” The annual proportion of allocations shall be decided by the board of directors according to the business situations of the joint venture company. Article 45The fiscal year of the joint venture company shall be from January 1 to December 31. all vouchers, receipt, statistic statements and reports, account books shall be written in Chinese. (Note: A foreign language can be used concurrently with mutual consent).Article 46Financial checking and examination of the joint venture company shall be conducted by an auditor registered in China and report shall be submitted to the board of directors and the general manager.In case Party B consider it necessary to employ a foreign auditor registered in other country to undertake annual financial checking and examination , Party A shall give its consent. All the expenses thereof shall be born by Party B.Article 47In the first three months of each fiscal year, the manager shall prepare previous year’s balance shee t, profit and loss statement and proposal regarding the disposal of profits, and submit them to the board of directors for examination and approval.Chapter 15 Duration of the Joint V entureArticle 48The duration of the Joint V enture Company is ____years. The establishment of the joint venture company shall start from the date on which the business license of the joint venture company is issued.An application for the extension of the duration, proposed by one party and unanimously approvedby the board of directors, shall be submitted to the original examination and approval authority six months prior to the expiry date of he joint venture.Chapter 16 The Disposal of Assets After the Expiration of the DurationArticle 49Upon the expiration of the duration or termination before the date of expiration of the joint venture, liquidation shall be carried out according to the relevant law. The liquidated assets shall be distributed in accordance with the proportion of investment contributed by Party A and Party B.Chapter 17 InsuranceArticle 50Insurance policies of the joint venture company on various kinds of risks shall be underwritten with the People’s Republic of China. Types, the value and duration of insurance shall be directed by the board of directors in accordance with the stipulations of the People’s Insurance Company of China.Chapter 18 The Amendment, Alteration and Discharge of the ContractArticle 51The amendment of the contract or other appendices shall come into force only after the written agreement signed by Party A and Party B and approved by the original examination and approval authority. Article 52In case of inability to fulfill the contract or to continue operation due to heavy loss in successive years as a result of force majeure, the duration of the joint venture and the contract shall be terminated before the time of expiration after unanimously agreed upon by the board of directors and approved by the original examination and approval authority.Article 53Should the joint venture company be unable to continue its operation or achieve the business purpose stipulated in the contract due to the fact that one of the contracting parties fails to fulfill the obligations prescribed by the contract and articles of association, or seriously violate the stipulations of the contract and articles of association, that party shall be deemed as unilaterally terminates the contract. The other party shall have the right to terminate the contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract after approved by the original examination and approval authority as well as to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B of the joint venture company agree to continue the operation, the party who fails to fulfill the obligations shall be liable to the economic losses thus caused to the joint venture company.Chapter 19 Liabilities for Breach of ContractArticle 54Should either Party A or Party B fails to pay on schedules the contributions in accordance with theprovisions defined in Chapter 5 of this contract, the breaching party shall pay to the other party ___% of the contributions starting from the first month after exceeding the time limit. Should the breaching party fails to pay after 3 months, ____% of the contribution shall be paid to the other party, who shall have the right to terminate the contract and to claim damages in accordance with stipulations in Article 53 of the Contract. Article 55Should all or part of the contract and its appendices be unable to be fulfilled owing to the fault of one party, the breaching party shall bear the responsibilities thus caused. Should it be the fault of both parties, they shall bear their respective responsibilities according to actual situations.Article 56I order to guarantee the performance of the contract and its appendices, both Party A and Party B shall provide each other the bank guarantees for the performance of the contract.Chapter 20 Force MajeureShould either of the parties to the contract be prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire and war and other unforeseen events, and their happening and consequences are un-preventable and unavoidable, the prevented party shall notify the other party by cable without any delay, and within 15 days thereafter provide the detailed information of the events and a valid document for evidence issued by the relevant public notary organization for explaining the reason of its inability to execute or delay the execution of all or part of the contract. Both parties shall, through consultations, decide whether to terminate the contract or to exempt the part of obligations for implementation of the contract or whether to belay the execution of the contract according to the effects of the events on the performance of the contract.Chapter 21 Applicable LawThe formation of this contract, its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of the disputes shall be governed by the related laws of PRC.Chapter 22 Settlement of DisputesArticle 59Any disputes arising from the execution of, or in connection with the contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties. In case no settlement can be reached through consultations, the disputes shall be submitted to _______Arbitration Organization in ____ for arbitration in accordance with its rules of procedure. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.Article 60The contract shall be written in Chinese version and in ____ version. Both languages are equally authentic. In the event of any discrepancy between the two aforementioned versions, the Chinese versionshall prevail.Chapter 24 Effectiveness of the Contract and MiscellaneousArticle 62The appendices drawn up in accordance with the principles of this contract are integral part of this contract, including: the project agreement, the technology transfer agreement, and the sales agreement. Article 63The contract and its appendices shall come into force beginning from the date of approval of the entrusted examination and approval authority.Article 64Should notices in connection with any party’s rights and obligations be sent by either Party A or Party B by telegram or telex, etc., the written letter notice shall also be required afterwards. The legal addresses of Party A and Party B listed in this contract shall be the posting address.Article 65The contract is signed in ____ of China by the authorized representatives of both parties on ____, 200___For Party A, For Party B(signature)(signature)。
