7. 专业文章阅读之1

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无机化学着重于按化合的物性质分类。部分分 类着重于化合物中最重的元素在元素周期表中 的位置,部分则通过结构相似度来分类化合物 。
Coordination compounds Classical coordination compounds feature metals bound to “lone pairs” of electrons residing on the main group atoms of ligands such as H2O, NH3, Cl−, and CN−. In modern coordination compounds almost all organic and inorganic compounds can be used as ligands. The “metal” usually is a metal from the groups 3-13, as well as the translanthanides and trans-actinides, but from a certain perspective, all chemical compounds can be described as coordination complexes.

Hale Waihona Puke 以经典配位化学理论的角度来看,主族元素构 成的配体(如H2O、NH3、Cl−、CN−)向金属 原子贡献一对电子,形成配位键从而构成配位 化合物。而在现代的配位化合物中,几乎所有 无机和有机化合物都可以被作为配体。经典理 论中的“金属”在这里通常是3到13族元素,以 及镧系和锕系金属。从某种意义上,也可以将 所有的化合物都归到配位化合物的范畴中。

The simplest inorganic reaction is double displacement when in mixing of two salts the ions are swapped without a change in oxidation state. In redox reactions one reactant, the oxidant, lowers its oxidation state and another reactant, the reductant, has its oxidation state increased. The net result is an exchange of electrons. Electron exchange can occur indirectly as well, e.g. in batteries, a key concept in electrochemistry.
The first important man-made inorganic compound was ammonium nitrite for soil fertilization through the Haber process. Inorganic compounds are synthesized for use as catalysts such as vanadium(V) oxide and titanium(III) chloride, or as reagents in organic chemistry such as lithium aluminium hydride.
The bulk of inorganic compounds occur as salts, the combination of cations and anions joined by ionic bonding. Examples of cations are sodium Na+, and magnesium Mg2+ and examples of anions are oxide O2− and chloride Cl−. As salts are neutrally charged, these ions form compounds such as sodium oxide Na2O or magnesium chloride MgCl2. The ions are described by their oxidation state and their ease of formation can be inferred from the ionization potential (for cations) or from the electron affinity (anions) of the parent elements.

The stereochemistry of coordination complexes can be quite rich, as hinted at by Werner's separation of two enantiomers of [Co((OH)2Co(NH3)4)3]6+, an early demonstration that chirality is not inherent to organic compounds. A topical theme within this specialization is supramolecular coordination chemistry.
大部分的无机化合物以盐的形式出现,都是 阳离子和阴离子以离子键结合。因为盐是电 中性的,所以这些离子可以形成诸如Na2O, MgCl2等化合物。 离子可用它们的氧化态来描述,易形成何种 形态可从其元素的电离势(阳离子)或电子 亲和性(阴离子)来推断。

Important classes of inorganic compounds are the oxides, the carbonates, the sulfates and the halides. Many inorganic compounds are characterized by high melting points. Inorganic salts typically are poor conductors in the solid state. Another important feature is their solubility in e.g. water, and ease of crystallization. Where some salts (e.g. NaCl) are very soluble in water, others (e.g. SiO2) are not.
Specilaized English for Chemistry and Engineering
第7讲 专业文章阅读1 Readings of Chemical Engineering English
Lesson 1 Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the properties and reactions of inorganic compounds. This includes all chemical compounds except the many which are based upon chains or rings of carbon atoms, which are termed organic compounds and are studied under the separate heading of organic chemistry. The distinction between the two disciplines is not absolute and there is much overlap, most importantly in the sub-discipline of organometallic chemistry.

2. Descriptive inorganic chemistry
Descriptive inorganic chemistry focuses on the classification of compounds based on their properties. Partly the classification focuses on the position in the periodic table of the heaviest element (the element with the highest atomic weight) in the compound, partly by grouping compounds by their structural similarities. When studying inorganic compounds, one often encounters parts of the different classes of inorganic chemistry (an organometallic compound is characterized by its coordination chemistry, and may show interesting solid state properties).

Inorganic compounds are found in nature as minerals. Soil may contain iron sulfide as pyrite or calcium sulfate as gypsum. Inorganic compounds are also found multitasking as biomolecules: as electrolytes (sodium chloride), in energy storage (ATP) or in construction (the polyphosphate backbone in DNA).
Subdivisions of inorganic chemistry are organometallic chemistry, cluster chemistry and bioinorganic chemistry. These fields are active areas of research in inorganic chemistry, aimed toward new catalysts, superconductors, and therapies.

无机化学是一门研究无机化合物的性质和反 应的化学学科分支。无机化合物包含了除一 大类基于C链和C环之外的其他所有化合物。 这类与之相对的化合物称之为有机化合物, 属于有机化学独立研究范畴。但这二者界限 并不严格,之间有较大的重叠,有机金属化 学即是最重要的一例。

1. Key concepts

When one reactant contains hydrogen atoms, a reaction can take place by exchanging protons in acid-base chemistry. In a more general definition, an acid can be any chemical species capable of binding to electron pairs is called a Lewis acid; conversely any molecule that tends to donate an electron pair is referred to as a Lewis base. As a refinement of acid-base interactions, the HSAB theory takes into account polarizability and size of ions.