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19世纪末的法国已确立起资本主义制度。 在世界上她拥有的殖民地面积仅次于英国。 但法国的工业革命远远落后于英国。 为什么会这样呢?
At that time the French was busy with the Napoleonic Wars and revolution.
Flying shuttle 飞梭
Handlom weaver using Kays flying shuttle
Jersey Wheel
In the 1860’s the industry revolution began in the cotton industry. 十九世纪六十年代工业革命首先从棉纺织领域开始
Power was provided by water 动能由水力提供
James Watt’s steam engine 瓦特的蒸汽机
Cottage Industry
In the 1840’s , the factory system took the place of the cottage Industry system. That’s the end of the Industry revolution
How to transport the numerous goods?
如何把堆积如山 的商品运输出去?
Horse Drawn Carriage
马 车
In the USA ,Robert Fulton made the first steamboat
In England,George Stephenson made the first locomotive 英国人史蒂芬孙制成火车机车
Prerequisite The set up of capitalism system
Conditions Process
Trade with the east
殖民贸易Biblioteka Slavetrade
Slave trade
资 本
Enclosure Acts
James Hargreves’ spinning Jenny
Drawing of Arkwright’s water frame 阿克莱特的水力织布机
Crompton’s Spinning Mule 克隆普顿的骡机
Edmund Carwright’s Powered loom 卡特莱特的水力织布机
Lacking the money that needed , The rich men were reluctant to invest in the industry. They prefer to Lend money for high interest.
The existing of petty agriculture led to the lacking of manpower and the small domestic market. 小农经济大量存在导致劳动力的缺少和时常的狭小。
Discussion(讨论) Say something about The Industry Revolution in America.
the Pacific Ocean
the Atlantic Ocean
Emigrants from Latin America
Watch part of the film< Modern Time>
The Industrial Revolution 革 命 工业
Which country was the birth place of the industrial revolution? Why?
Because she had the ideal economic and political conditions
19世纪40年代, 工厂取代了手工作坊。 第一次工业革命结束。
Power Loom Factory
In the 1840’s ,the factory system took the place of the cottage Industry system. That’s the end of the Industry revolution
这是发明 水力织布机的 阿克莱特当他 在1792年去世 的时候他的个 人财产已达 50万镑。
This is Arkwright, when he died in 1792 he was worth over 500,000 Pounds.
At the same time the workers were living in filth, working unthinkable hours and being paid very little. 与此同时工人的生活条件极差, 他们的工作时间长所得工资极少。
Industrial Revolution in England
Prerequisite The set up of capitalism system
Conditions Process
Minds Money Manpower Market
Industrial Revolution in England
Conditions(条件) Process(经过)
Glorious Revolution 光荣革命
权 利 法 案
<the Declaration of Right>
Industrial Revolution in England
Women workers 女 工
Children labor 童 工
Nations that manufacture large amounts of goods need raw materials and market. In the 19th century England, French, Germany,and other countries began to search for colonies.
America had almost everything needed to start an economic revolution. She had coal from her coal mines which could drive the steam engines. She had the vast domestic market Emigrants came from all over the world could work for the factories. Wars rarely happened in America.
At the middle of 19th century, the industry revolution finished in the north part of America.
Effects of industry revolution Productivity was greatly improved. Mass production began.
Cities came into being. 城市出现了
The whole society divided into two economic groups:labor and management.
The capitalists made a great amount of money.
Compared with the carriage the capability of transportation of train greatly improved
The industry revolution took place mainly in England. Soon she became known as the “workshop of the world” because she supplied foreign countries with goods continuously. Then the industry revolution and factory system spread to the United States and the rest of Europe.
第一次工业革命主要发生在英国,她被称为“世界工厂”。 接着工业革命推向美国和欧洲的其它地区。
Say something about the industry revolution in French 说一说关于法国工业革命的情况。
By the end of the 19th century, French had set up the Capitalism System . She had vast colony which was only second to England.But French’s industry revolution was far behind England. How did this happen?