
高中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiUnit 21Human BiologySection Ⅴ单元语法突破课时训练Section Ⅴ单元语法突破Ⅰ.用动词(短语)的适当形式填空1.Thank you.Without your constant support,I (pull through) those hard times.答案:couldn’t have pulled through2.If we (take) the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting.答案:had taken3.The doctor suggested that you (swim) after eating a large meal.答案:(should) swim4.It is high time we (have) a rest now.答案:had/should have5.George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but I’d rather he (focus) more on its culture.答案:focused6.How I wish I (tell) you the news earlier!答案:had told7.It is a pity that he (fail) in the exam again.答案:should fail8.If you (follow) my advice,you would pass the examination now.答案:had followedⅡ.用恰当的情态动词填空1.Mark have hurried.After driving at top speed,he arrived an hour earlier.答案:needn’t2.You park here!It’s an emergency exit.答案:mustn’t3.Just be patient.You expect the world to change so soon.答案:can’t4.—I take the book out?—I’m afraid not.答案:May5.Lifting off at sunrise,the hot air balloon goes wherever the wind blow.答案:may6.—This dish is really delicious.you please say it in Chinese?—Sure,we call it “doufu”.答案:Could7.Johnny’s uncle promises that the boy get a nice president on Christmas Eve.答案:shallⅢ.单项填空1.(2012江苏高考,35)—Happy birthday!—Thank you!It’s the best present I for.A.should have wishedB.must have wishedC.may have wishedD.could have wished提示:考查情态动词。
北师大版高中英语选修7课件Unit 21 Human Biology 21.4(1)

Communication Workshop
预习导引 核核心心归归纳纳
活学活用 语法填空
1)We want our son to have the education that will equip him
2)The explorers were told to equip themselves with everything
2.Terri had fallen into a coma in 1990 when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen causing permanent harm. 1990年,特瑞的心脏病发作,大脑缺氧,从而造成永久性伤害,使她陷 入昏迷状态。 剖析 本句是一个复合句。when引导定语从句,修饰in 1990。 考点rob vt.使丧失;抢劫 The accident robbed him of his health. 那次事故使他失去了健康。 They robbed the bank of millions of dollars. 他们抢劫了那家银行几百万美元。
E.worrying about
答案:1~5 CEDBA
Communication Workshop
1.抢劫某人某物 rob sb.of sth.
at times
on top of
4.恢复正常 return to normal
decline ... ……通常认为病人康复的可能性会降低…… 剖析 本句是一个复合句。that在句中引导主语从句,it是形式主语。 考点decline vi. 下降 【高考典句】(2015·广东高考)After all,many older people don’t
高考英语复习北师大版课本同步课件:选修7 Unit21 Human Biology

6. fortune n. 大笔钱财, 巨款; 运气→_fo_r_t_u_n_a_t_eadj. 幸运的→_fo_r_t_u_n_a_t_e_ly_adv. 幸运地 7. submit vt. 提交→_s_u_b_m_i_s_s_io_n_n. 提交 8. extend v. 延长→_e_x_t_e_n_si_o_n_n. 延期 9. concern n. 担心; 担忧→_co_n__ce_r_n_e_d_adj. 关心的; 担忧的→_c_o_n_c_e_rn__in_g_prep. 关于; 有关
①at once
②right now/away
③straight away 立刻, 马上
④in no time 立刻, 马上
⑤in a flash 即刻
⑥in an instant 立即, 马上
高考质量提升是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面、各个维度,关键是要 抓住重点、以点带面、全面突破,收到事半功倍的效果。
Unit 21 Human Biology
距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高 考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理, 能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下 是本人从事10多年教学经验总结出的超实用新高考英语专题复习讲义希望可以 帮助大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成!
二是上好试卷讲评课。试卷讲评课是高三的主打课型,必须切实收到实效。首 先,要精确掌握考情。考试不过夜,打铁要趁热,每次考试以后,要对班级考 试情况了如指掌,充分了解易错点、易考点,这样讲评时,才能有所侧重,才 能有针对性地攻克重难点。其次,要规范讲评流程。针对错误率高或重点考察 的试题,教师引导出方法思路;再由学生个人进行自评自纠,小组讨论展示, 找出得分原因和失分原因,真正弄清楚解题思路。师生合作再对解题思路进行 再归纳总结,写到纸上记录下来,强化验证结果。三是克服“漏斗思维”。所 谓“漏斗思维”,就是:今天正在学,突然有事不继续了,明天已经忘记一大 部分,后天想起来,继续学,但是忘记的一大部分似乎又需要重新开始,周而 复始,积累数月,结果是仅仅只有一点点的内容,而且是在同一个地方循环往 复。对于常错、常考的知识点,要经常复习,要不就如同漏斗一样慢慢溜掉。 尤其是对于已经进行过的专题训练、变式训练,不能认为进行过一次、两次就 万事大吉,要每隔2周进行“回头看”,把学生的易错题重新编辑,归类整理后 附上分析讲解印发给学生,克服漏斗思维,反复夯实专题训练的知识点。
北师大版高中英语选修7 Unit21 单元单词考点总结

单元单词考点总结1. circulate vi. 循环经典例句The blood circulates round the body so that we can get oxygen.血液在体内循环, 因此,我们能够得到氧气。
考点聚焦1)派生词:circulation n. 循环, 流通;circulative adj. 循环的, 促进循环的2)近义词:recycle v. 使再循环3)circulate vi. 循环,环流。
如:The ocean water circulates in the same way every year.海水每以相同的方向流动。
4)circulate vi. 散布;流传;扩散。
如:Rumors circulated rapidly.谣言迅速散布开来。
5)circulate vi. 随意地到处走动。
如:The prince circulated from group to group at the party.王子在宴会中穿梭于人群之间。
6)常用短语:circulate about 在……附近流传circulate among 在……中流传circulate around 环绕……旋转circulate . . . through 使……在……中循环2. digest vt. 消化经典例句You should allow a little time after a meal for the food to digest.饭后你应该留点时间让食物消化。
考点聚焦1)派生词:digestible adj. 易消化的,易理解的;digestion n. 消化。
如:Humans cannot digest plants such as grass.人不能消化像草一样的植物。
3)digest vt. 领会,领悟。
如:I have digested most of the important points in the book.我领悟了书中大部分要点。
北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 21《Human Biology》4课件

n. 装备
答案:equip;equipment 答案:fortune;fortunate;fortunately 答案:enquiry;enquire
n.提交;呈递 n. 嫉妒 adj. 担心的;担忧的
答案:submit;submission 答案:jealous;jealousness 答案:concern;concerned
Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board
基础导练 导学互动 写作指导 思路点拨 素材积累 实战成篇
2.Terri had fallen into a coma in 1990 when a heart attack robbed her brain of oxygen causing permanent harm.(Page 40,Lines 13-14) 1990 年,特瑞心脏病发作,大脑缺氧,造成永久性伤害,陷入昏迷状态。 rob vt. 使丧失;抢夺;盗取 The accident robbed him of his health. 那次事故使他丧失了健康。 While he was away,his house was robbed. 他外出时,他家被盗了。 They robbed the bank of thousands of dollars. 他们抢走了那家银行几千美元。
Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board
北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 21《Human Biology》(Lesson 4)课件

提示: 句意为: “ 那辆红色轿车的价格从 10 万降到了 9. 8万 元。” increase“ 提高” ; assess“ 评估” ; outline“ 概述, 概括” 。 答案: C
4. equip vt.使有准备(Page 121) Your training will equip you for your future job. 你的训练使得你能够胜任将来的工作。 We equip our children with a good education. 我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。 Travelling has equipped him to be sociable with all sorts of people. 因为旅行, 他得以和形形色色的人交往。 In my opinion, the course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing. 依我看, 此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。
提示: 考查动词辨析。句意为: “ 小心你的包, 有人骑摩托车抢劫路人。” 由题干中的骑摩托车可知, 不是偷(steal)也不是欺骗(cheat, deceive)而是 抢劫( rob) 。 答案: D
3.. . . it is generally agreed that a patient������ s chances of recovery decline. . . (Page 40, Lines 23- 24) ……通常认为病人康复的可能性下降了…… decline v. & n. 下降; 衰败; 衰落; 拒绝 The arts of China have not declined in spite of the Western influence. 虽有西方影响, 中国的艺术并未因此而衰落。 There are many reasons for the decline of movies. 电影的衰落原因很多。 The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year. 去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了 10% 。 I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 我主动邀请他们搭车, 但他们谢绝了。
2020-2021学北师大版高中英语选修7教案:Unit21 Human Biology 含解析

Unit 21 Human Biology□supreme adj. □genetherapy□epidemic n. □sacred adj.□compulsory adj. □controversial adj. □empire n. □helmet n.□privileged adj. □dash n. □trial n. □institution n.□statistics n. □lame adj. □acute adj. □tentatively adv.□symptom n. □marathon n. □parallel n. □reverse vt.□terminal adj. □impulse n. □tissue n. □appendix n.□kidney n. □complicated adj. □mourn vi.&vt. □tractor n.□liver n. □miniature n. □carrier n. □jealous adj.□interval n. □soundtrack n. □prescription n.□spade n.□enhance vt. □identify vt. □tablet n. □aluminium n.□performance□emotion n. □systematic adj. □tin n.enhancing adj. □herb n. □coma vi. □skeptical adj.□doping n. □scan n. □numb adj. □belly n.1.(2020·浙江卷)These lights,known as adaptive signals,have led to significant declines in both the trouble and cost of travels between work and home.代价2.(2016·江苏卷)Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children,who are able from a young age to gather their own food.婉言拒绝[单词拼写·运用]核心单词语境运用1.abuse vt.滥用用所给词的适当形式填空。
2021年高中(北师大版)英语选修7课件:unit 21 section 4

英 语 ·D 选修7
Unit 21 Human Biology
课前 自主预习
课内 研析探究
2.教材原句:Even though doctors don’t fully understand comas and the process of recovery,it is generally agreed that a patient’s chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.
英 语 ·D 选修7
Unit 21 Human Biology
课前 自主预习
课内 研析探究
3.What he said is __a_b_su_r_d__(荒唐的);it goes against the general knowledge of science.
4.I know I can trust her in any _c_i_rc_u_m__st_a_n_c_e_s_(情况). 5.All of us are preparing for our___w_e_e_k_l_y__(每周一次的) examination. 6.Any __e_n_q_u_ir_y___(询问) about the problem is welcome.
英 语 ·D 选修7
Unit 21 Human Biology
课前 自主预习
课内 研析探究
Section Ⅳ Commun ·D 选修7
Unit 21 Human Biology
课前 自主预习
课内 研析探究
课前 自主预习
英 语 ·D 选修7

五、阅读课文,选择最佳答案 1.What would happen to Terri Schiavo when her life support machines were taken off? A A.She would die. B.She would become worse. C.She would come back to life. D.She would blame her husband. 2.What was Terri’s parents’ attitude to the court decision? C A.They were angry. B.They were satisfied. C.They didn’t know what to do. D.They had to take immediate action.
★考点 rob vt.使丧失;抢劫 ①The accident robbed him of his health. 那次事故使他丧失了健康。 ②While he was away,his house was robbed. 他外出时,他家被盗了。 ③They robbed the bank of thousands of dollars. 他们抢走了那家银行数千美元。
Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board
1.at any rate
sting only a short time;not permanent
2.equip b.a point in time by which sth.must be done
高中英语北师大版选修7课件 Unit21-Period Ⅴ

BS ·英语
People all over the world should get on with each other in peace.全世界人民应该和平相处。
课 堂 互 动 探 究
She is in great trouble,so she needs your advice. 她遇到很大的困难,所以需要你的建议。 He told me his plan of studying in detail. 他详细地把他的学习计划告诉了我。
菜 单
当 堂 双 基 达 标
BS ·英语
同义短语: concentrate on sth.集中(注意力、精力)于某事
课 堂 互 动 探 究
pay attention to 注意 put one's heart into sth.全神贯注于某事
She couldn't concentrate on a book very long. 她不能长时间专心读一本书。 Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
课 堂 互 动 探 究
The discussion focused on three problems. 讨论集中在三个问题上。 I focused the camera on her. 我把照相机的焦点对准她。 All their attention was focused on only one thing,how to solve the problem of water pollution.他们把所有的精力都集 中在一件事上,那就是如何解决水污染问题。
当 堂 双 基 达 标
北师大版高中英语选修7 Unit21 Language Awareness 6 and Cultur

Unit21 Language Awareness 6 and Culture Corner参考教案2 periodsTeaching Objectives:1. To learn the willpower of beating diseases from Armstrong2. To know the complement of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine3. To learn modal verbs “must”, “could, would, should,” as well4. To learn some useful phrasesTeaching Important & Difficult Points:To learn the use of modal verbs “must, could, would, should”Teaching Aids: computer, pictures, students’ booksTeaching Procedures:Step 1. Pre-readingWord study:rank, diagnose, chance, despair, operation, chemotherapy, throughout, medication, triumphantly, motivation, effective, for good, whereas, side-effect, acupuncture, ignorance, complementStep 2. While-readingGive Ss some minutes to read through the texts. Tell them not to pause on some unimportant words or expressions. Just quick over the texts to get the main ideas. Reading 1. The courage of a winnerReading 2. Traditional Chinese MedicineAsk Ss what the difference is between traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine.(Traditional Chinese medicine cures the cause of disease while the western medicine only cures part of the body.)Step 3. Brief Notes to the Language Points1. hear of 听说I hear she is laid off. 我听说她下岗了。
高中英语新北师大版版精品教案《北师大版高中英语选修7 Lesson 1 Super Athletes》41

ae athete fater and tronger than i norma for human being, but it caue eriou heath in their ater ifeDoing i a fundamenta form of cheating Some athete were caught doe record remain doubtfuDoot ever itNew drug are achieved a the time and drug tet are often one teuce and increae Strength b changing an are againt the Om mar and conoidationBecaue of better equiance ________ ear after ear But recent, do for thoe who _____them Se reference about the cheating conduct in the eewor,下一节课再让学生做eter in 8 econd2 What’ our o adverar,but ou are not m enemFor our reitance give me trength,our wi give me courage,our eAnd though I aim to defeat ou,houd I ucceed I wi not humiiate ou;intead, I wi honor ouFor without ou, I am a eer man你是我的对手,但你不是我的敌人,由于你的竞争才激发了我的力量。
你的意志给我以勇气,你的精神令我由衷钦佩,我要尽力击败你,但即使我胜利了,也不会藐视你,相反,我将以你为荣,因为如果没有你,我依然还是渺小的自己ewor1Writing:在一张在网上迅速传播开来的自拍照片中,里约奥运会上的朝鲜体操运动员洪恩贞Hong Un-ong灿烂地微笑着,旁边的韩国选手,17岁的李恩珠Lee Eun-u拿着智能手机,为两人拍下相拥的照片。
北师大版高中英语选修七Unit 21《Human Biology》(Communication)课件

1. Rewrite the information below using these words and expressions to join the two sentences.
Although, even though, however, on the other hand, therefore Some people find the idea of taking people off life support machines terrible. Others don’t mind doing this if the patient doesn’t improve after many years.
Listening: A TV Programme
Look at the picture on the book. What kind of programme do you think it is?
a panel discussion
Listen and check your answers to the exercise above. Then put these topics in the order they are mentioned. • freezing dead bodies 2 • knowledge of the human brain 1 • long life 3
when you don’t.
• If you don’t have a clear opinion about
something, be honest, e.g. To be honest,
I haven’t really thought about that.

高中英语学习材料***鼎尚图文理制作***Unit 21Human Biology Section ⅢLesson 3EpidemicsExplained课时训练Section ⅢLesson 3EpidemicsExplainedⅠ.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,填写单词的适当形式1.Please (擦干) the table with a dry cloth.答案:wipe2.The film was a (彻底的) success.答案:thorough3.Strong (团队) is the foundation of our success.答案:teamwork4.How do you like the (日常的) work?答案:routine5.The minister issued a statement to the (新闻界).答案:press6.These two lines are (平行的).答案:parallel7.He was still m his brother’s death.答案:mourning8.It is hard to f what will happen in the future.答案:foresee9.The house was r after the fire.答案:rebuilt10.Smoking is p in the office building.答案:prohibitedⅡ.用括号内单词的适当形式填空1.He is (system) in his approach to work.答案:systematic2.I have been a (faith) reader of your newspaper for many years.答案:faithful3.She made a quick (adapt) to the new environment.答案:adaptation4.Pay attention to the (underline) words.答案:underlined5.We need to become a more (unite) team.答案:unitedⅢ.单项填空1.To prevent fires,smoking is strictly in the factory.A.preservedB.prohibitedC.ignoredD.tolerated提示:prohibit表示“禁止”,符合题意。
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高中英语学习材料(灿若寒星*制作整理)Unit 21Human BiologySection ⅣCommunicationWorkshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board课时训练Section ⅣCommunication Workshop,Language Awareness,Culture Corner & Bulletin BoardⅠ.根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填写单词的正确形式1.My house is being painted so I have to stay in a(临时的)one.答案:temporary2.My fingers were (麻木) with cold.答案:numb3.Parents love their children (无条件地).答案:unconditionally4.He (提交) his proposal to the city council.答案:submitted5.The parents are (担心) about their son.答案:concerned6.As one grows older,one’s memory d.答案:declines7.Your education will e you to earn a good living.答案:equip8.In normal c I would have taken my teacher’s advice.答案:circumstances9.He is always s about the truth of the murder case.答案:sceptical10.He made a f by begging.答案:fortuneⅡ.用方框内短语的适当形式填空rob...of...be equipped with at any rate be concerned about...be sceptical about...in no circumstance1.He his girlfriend’s safety at night.答案:is concerned about2.It is reported that the bank was $6000 000.答案:robbed of3.Never your ability.答案:be sceptical about4.All cars must parts to reduce emissions(排放物).答案:be equipped with5.,I’ll try my best to help you.答案:At any rate6.will you go to the forest at night.答案:In no circumstancesⅢ.单项填空1.Very generally,grammar is with the relations between words in sentences.A.regardedB.satisfiedC.concernedD.suited提示:句意:一般说来,语法是关于句子中词与词的关系的。
答案:C2.Although Jack has made good preparations for the match,he is still about his chance of winning.A.stubbornB.dynamicC.scepticalD.straightforward提示:句意为:尽管杰克对比赛做了精心的准备,他还是怀疑自己的获胜机会。
答案:C3.We have already ourselves for the travel.A.equippedB.fixedC.suppliedD.provided提示:equip侧重提供与技术有关的装备、设备或理论知识等;fix“安装,修理,固定”;supply为普通用词,指提供任何所需求的物品;provide强调人的深谋远虑,侧重用储备等方法作充分准备。
答案:A4.We have been told that under no circumstances the office telephone for personal affairs.A.may we useB.we can useC.we could useD.did we use提示:考查否定词组前置的倒装结构。
under no circumstances 置于句首,句子使用部分倒装,故首先排除B、C两项;另外,不能使用一般过去时。
答案:A5.The medicine is only to release the pain.pulsoryB.contradictoryC.temporaryD.contemporary提示:根据题意,此处用C项表示这种药只能暂时缓解疼痛。
答案:C6.The story that follows two athletes who have been accused of taking excitant.A.concernsB.statesC.relatesD.refers提示:句意:接下来的这个故事涉及两位被指控使用兴奋剂的运动员。
concern “涉及”;state “陈述”;relate “使联系”;refer “谈及”。
答案:A7.—How are you getting along with your business?—Not very well.The market for these products fast due to the financial crisis.A.was declinedB.was decliningC.is declinedD.is declining提示:句意:“最近生意如何?”“不太好。
”根据上文“How are you getting along with your business?”可知,这里应该用现在时态,“市场”和“减少”为主谓关系,故选D项。
答案:D8.Mother stressed again and again that I should not any important details while retelling the story.A.bring outB.let outC.leave outD.make out提示:句意:母亲反复强调,我在复述这个故事时不应该漏掉任何重要的细节。
bring out“拿出,生产”;let out“释放,泄漏”;leave out“遗漏,省略”;m ake out“辨认出,理解”。
答案:CⅣ.阅读理解(2011全国高考Ⅱ)“I didn’t hear them call my name,” explained Shelley Hennig to Active Teens(AT) as she talked about that exciting moment on national television when she won the honor of Miss Teen USA 2004.“Are you ready?” is what she heard.Then she said,“I shook my head no,and then they said ‘yes’ and it was announced again.”It was four days after that life changing moment for the seventeen-year-old high school student from Destrehan,Louisiana—she was still on cloud nine.“I was s o shocked! I never believed that it could actually really happen.” Present in the audience(观众) that day were:her mother and father,older brother,her friends,and her dance teacher.Understanding why members of her family and her friends would be there,AT asked why her dance teacher had traveled so far to see her compete(比赛).“She’s always been my role model.I’ve danced with her since I was six.She’s been throughso many difficulties and came through them all.I’ve learned to get over bad life’s experiences and learned how to move on because of her.”One of those bad life’s experiences for Shelley happened three years ago when her brother Brad was killed in a drunk driving accident.He was 18.She found writing helped her get through the rough days.She said,“I write a lot about my brother.I write a lot,a lot,a lot...”As Miss Louisiana Teen,she traveled around the state speaking to teens(青少年) about the dangers of drinking and driving.In her role as Miss Teen USA,Shelley will continue to speak to youth about safe driving,in addition to many other things to help the youth.When AT asked Miss Teen USA if she had any advice for our readers,she said,“Don’t let anyone change you.Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself.That way,it is easy to be yours elf.”1.What do the words “on cloud nine” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Frightened.B.Troubled.C.Very happy.D.Very angry.提示:词义猜测题。