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Answers to Unit One
Part I Reading Guidelines
Reading Practice 1
The first sentence.
Reading Practice 2
Reading Practice 3
One of the newly and rapidly developing telecommunication technologies, the Internet, is bringing a new form of communication: intercultural computer-mediated communication to many people around the world.
Reading Practice 4
Reading Practice 5













Part II Selected Reading
Text A
Comprehension Check
Understanding subject
1. (3) Nonverbal misinterpretations.
(4) The presence of preconceptions and stereotypes.
(5) Tendency to evaluate.
(6) High anxiety (tension/stress).
2.…ther e are sufficient similarities among peoples of the world to make
communication easily and being human and having common requirements of food, shelter and so on makes everyone alike. It’s comforting to believe that ―people are people‖ and ―deep down we’re all alike.‖
3.The worst one is clinging to just one meaning of a word or phrase in the new
language, regardless of connotation or context.
4.People from different cultures inhabit different sensory realities. They see, hear, feel
and smell only that which has some meaning or importance to them. That is, they interpret nonverbal signs and symbols through the frame of reference of their own culture and this will most likely lead to misunderstandings.
5.On the one hand, stereotypes help reduce the threat of the unknown by making the
world predictable and in this way stereotypes increase our feeling of security when we are in a foreign country. On the other hand, stereotypes interfere with objective viewing of stimuli and are therefore a stumbling block in intercultural communication.
6.We need to be open-minded and examine attitudes and behaviors from the other’s
point of view, rather than approve or disapprove of the statements and actions of the other person or group based on our own culture and way of life.
7.When going abroad we are attacked by verbal, nonverbal, physical and
psychological stimuli often very different from the stimuli we are used to. This causes us to have stress and anxiety.
8.This question requires a personal response.
9.This question requires a personal response.
10.This question is intended for discussion.
Examining technique and style
1.The title gives a good indication of what the article is about: the six stumbling
blocks in intercultural communication.
2.The opening paragraph serves as an introduction.
3.The italicized lines at the beginning of paragraph 2, 8, 9, 11, 14 and 17 function as
subheadings, which reveal the theme, the main idea or the message the author is going to convey in the following paragraph or paragraphs.
4.The example gives the reader an immediate idea of how serious it will be if one
fails in the nonverbal channel in intercultural communication.
5.The last paragraph severs as the conclusion part of the article. The quotation in the
last paragraph not only well establishes the author’s credi bility or trustworthiness and authority with the reader, but also enhances the author’s own idea of how to be an effective intercultural communicator, and the appropriate use of quotation here also reveals one of the key characteristics of an effective writing, particularly an argumentative writing.
Reflection Pond
1. This question requires a personal response.
2.Ethnocentrism refers to the tendency to see your own culture as the center of the universe, the one and only true reality. You use your own group and your own customs as the standard for all judgments. For example, when people who don’t eat pork first encounter people who grow up in cultures where everyone considers eating pork normal, the tendency of the former will assume that it is wrong and disgusting to eat pork, rather than to look at it objectively as a custom that is simply different. The communication strategy most appropriate to avoid being ethnocentric is empathy, to
see things from the point of view of others so that you can better know and adjust to the other people.
3. This question requires a personal response.
4. (1)F (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T (6)F (7)F (8) T
6.This question requires a personal response.
7.This question requires a personal response.
Text B
Comprehension Check
Understanding subject
1.In this essay, George Orwell explains the direct relationship between politics and
the use of language in a community.
2.(1) Dying metaphors: worn out clichés that originally were fresh metaphors.
(2) Verbal false limb: wordy phrases that could be single words.
(3) Pretentious diction: wraps what could be clarified in a hazy vagueness.
(4) Meaningless words: abstractions that are so open to interpretation that they
don’t say anything precise anymore, although once they might ha ve.
3.The speaker giving a lifeless, imitative style speech on the platform talks like a
machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed making over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church.
4.It refers to the gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns as it were
instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.
Political language, for example, is often used in a dishonest way to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
5.What is above all needed is to let the meaning choose the words and not the other
way round. And we can follow six pieces of simple advice given by Orwell: 1) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print. 2) Never us a long word where a short one will do. 3) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. 4) Never use the passive where you can use the active. 5) Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. 6) Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.
6.(1) corrupted (2) political
(3) simpler (4) inaccurate
(5) cycle (6) degeneration
(7) simplicity (8) particular
(9) expressing (10) blindness
Reflections on the author’s ideas
1~4. These questions require personal responses.
4. 盖茨堡演讲词亚伯拉罕.林肯










5. IP (Internet Address)
FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)
WWW (World Wide Web)
MUD (Multi-User-Dungeon)
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
TIA (Thanks in Advance)
BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems)
BRB (Be Right Back)
BTW (By the Way)
AFK (As Far As I Know)
ASAP (as soon as possible )
IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)
IC (I See)
TA (Thanks Again)
IM (Instant Message)
PM (Private Message)
CU (See You)
>:-( Anger
:O Shocked
:) Smile
:( Frown
:-9 Delicious/Yummy
|-I Alseep
:( ) Can’t Stop Talking
:-6 Exhausted
^ Thumbs Up
:’ Crying
Vocabulary Exercises
Vocabulary Exercise A
Choose the appropriate word or phrase from the list to complete the following sentences.
his/her behaviour according to this preconception, whether or not the reason for the behaviour is what we think it.
2.According to Dr. Helfand, Pakistan built nuclear weapons as a ______ against India.
India wanted them as a ______ against China.
3.The European ______ Committee assesses the legal and/or political importance of
each EU document, decides which EU documents are debated, monitors the activities of UK Ministers in the Council, and keeps legal, procedural and institutional developments in the EU under review.
4. A major _____ in handling criticism is that we believe the criticism to be unfair and
untrue and that we should defend ourselves against such criticism.
5.Many Americans who are learning Chinese think tha t the term ―Lao Wai‖ is
somehow an insult, and in fact the term ―Lao Wai‖ doesn’t have a negative _______ in Chinese.
6.China has no plan to change its ______ treatment policies for foreign investment in
the near future in order to reassure foreign investors who have been worried that China might cancel its ________ policies and give foreign investors the same national treatment as their domestic counterparts now that the country is in the WTO.
7.Restorative yoga is especially helpful for anxiety-_______ people because it allows
the nervous system to rest and heal.
8.Students should develop the ability to weigh evidence without bias,
tolerate________, and use ethical principles in their academic and personal lives. 9.Members slated for peacekeeping duties over 180 days are eligible for up to 15
days of rest and ______.
10. The norms of our own culture are not necessarily wrong-often they are very good
-but we should learn not to judge other culture’s ways of acting and thinking _____ only because they differ from our own. Vocabulary Exercise B
Fill in the blanks with the best choice.
1._______implies an active choice to cling to something, not passively being carried
along out of inability to imagine anything else.
A. Tenancy
B. Tenacity
C. Tendency
D. Tenure
2.In Egypt, I saw the pyramids and the damaged face of the Sphinx, smiling a
(an)_______ smile. An amazing journey!
A. inscrutable
B. sweet
C. incredulous
D. incurious
3.The elimination of ________ was believed to be a prerequisite for any successful
intercultural exchange.
A. generalizations
B. judgments
C. doubts
D. stereotypes
4.The Pentagon was planning to launch a 24-hour satellite television channel based in
Baghdad to make it easier to ________ the news media ―filter‖ that Bush Administration officials believe is misleading the public by emphasizing bad news about the occupation of Iraq.
A. circumnavigate
C. circumvent
D. curriculum
5.This class will provide you as a parent with age appropriate songs and activities to
enjoy music at home with toddler that will develop coordination, balance and ________ relationship skills as well as communication and cooperation.
A. scrutiny
B. spacious
C. stereotype
D. spatial
6.It is a _____ to say that the women who teach in India must know the language, the
religion, superstitions and customs of the women to be taught in India. It ought to be the very same case for England.
A. truism
B. genuine
C. tenacity
D. similarity
7. The ______ of ―white‖ in Chinese includes something unhappy. At funerals, Chinese
pay respect to the dead and express their sorrow by wearing white and writing elegiac couplets in white paper. In the West, however, white is the traditional color for the bride at weddings, and to wear white at funerals would be offensive.
A. configuration
B. conjunction
C. connotation
D. connection
8. The just-concluded election in Pakistan is simply a _____for continuing military
rule, according to Selig Harrison, a leading US authority on South Asia, Afghanistan and the region.
A. inflection
D. fabrication
9. As television, and to an extent the internet have _____further through our society,
the effects are perhaps more significant than even we realize.
A. perpetuated
B. pervasive
C. permanent
D. permeated
10There’s this new girl coming to my school, and I like her a lot. I want to _____ our friendship before I start a serious relationship.
A. cement
B. lime
C. clay
D. concrete
Vocabulary Exercise
2.deterrent; deterrent
4.stumbling block
6.preferential; preferential
1 B 6. A
2 A 7. C
3 D 8. B
4 C 9. D
5. D 10.A
Answers to Unit Three
Part I Reading Guidelines
Reading Practice 1
Reading Practice 2
Reading Practice 3
Reading Practice 4
Reading Practice 5
Chinese Translation:




Part II Selected Reading Text A
Comprehension Check
Understanding subject
1. (2) Food Processor.
(3) Microwave.
(4) Pressure Cooker.
(5) Tossed.
Blender: They believe the family members from both sides can be simply blended together into a smooth mixture. (In cooking, blender is something that blends, especially an electrical appliance with whirling blades for chopping, mixing, or liquefying foods. It simply mixes everything together.) Food Processor: They attempt to instantly combine all ingredients with rapid speed. They wish the other family could forget their past and start the love for the new family in a short time.( In cooking, food processor is an appliance consisting of a container housing interchangeable rotating blades and used for preparing foods, as by shredding, slicing, chopping, or blending. It emphasizes on changing the form of each ingredient and nothing remains whole.)
Microwave: They resent being called a stepfamily, refuse to admit the difference between a stepfamily and a biological family, and hope to make a nuclear family in a rapid way. ( In cooking, microwave is a high-frequency electromagnetic wave. It can quickly heat the food and remain the form of each ingredient intact from appearance. In other words, the food looks much alike before and after it is processed in a microwave stove, while it actually has changed.) .
Pressure Cooker: They are having too high expectations for melding the stepfamily together, hoping to satisfy every one. In this case, the family is under great pressure, and may explode some day. (In cooking, pressure cooker is an airtight metal pot that uses steam under pressure at high temperature to cook food quickly. The lid often blows off the pot when the pressure is too high.)
Tossed: The stepfamily members are not showing enough respect or consideration to each other. They sometimes take things for granted without thinking too much about the consequence. This would hurt the feelings of the one who believes not to be respected. (―Toss‖ means to throw lightly or casually or with a sudden slight jerk; to mix (a salad) lightly so as to cover with dressing. When it’s done casually, one has no idea where each ingredient might fall.)
11.As the author indicates in the article, this is the use of ―pun‖ (similar sound of different words),
referring to ―Nuclear‖ family. Nuclear family is a family unit consisting of a mother and father and their children. The author
purposely uses ―nuke-lier‖to indicate the fast integrated stepfamily would exist a lot of hidden conflicts. (―nuke‖ means nuclear weapons; ―lier‖, things or people that lie down.)
3. Crockpot: (trademark) an electric cooker that maintains a relatively low temperature.
Stepfamilies choosing this style understand that time and low heat make for an effective
combination. Ingredients are thrown together in the same pot, but each is left intact, giving
affirmation to its unique origin and characteristics. Slowly and with much intention, the
low-level heat brings the ingredients into contact with one another. As the juices begin to flow together, imperfections are purified, and the beneficial, desirable qualities of each ingredient are added to the taste. The result is a dish of delectable flavor made up of different ingredients that give of themselves to produce a wondrous creation. The author recommends this style because he believes this style with time and low heat works better than other styles.
4. time and low heat
5. The cardinal rule of relationship development with stepchildren: Let the stepchild set the pace for
the relationship. If the child is r eceiving of you, then openly return the child’s affections. If she remains distant or standoffish, find ways of managing rules and getting through life. But don’t insist
a child automatically accept your authority or physical affection. (open discussion)
6.―Mini-family activity‖means the stepfamily needn’t always work as a whole. The biological
parents can spend more time with their children without the step relations present.
Advantages of such an activity: it helps children get uninterrupted time with their biological parent and siblings, honoring their need for attention from the ones they love most. It also affirms to children that they have not completely lost access to their parent.
7. Open discussion
Examining technique and style
1.The title gives a good indication of what the article is about: to manage a stepfamily well is just
like cooking a good dish. Whether or not the dish you cook is delicious depends on your culinary skills. You are supposed to get some instructions about the more appropriate ways of keeping a stepfamily harmonious.
2.Open discussion
3.(1) If you buy the hair dye named Happiness, your hair can become better and you’ll enjoy more
happiness in life. (different senses of the same word)
(2) Here ―sent‖has two indications: first, it means the perfume is like a gift sent by God.
Second, ―sent‖ has the same sound as ―scent’. It indicates the smell of the perfume is so nice
that can bring you the smell of heaven, even though you are not angels living in the paradise.
(same sound, different words)
(3) ―Ear‖ can mean the seed-bearing spike of a cereal plant, such as corn. ―from ear to ear‖ has
two meanings here: first, it means to eat the sweet corn one piece after another; second, it means when you are enjoying the sweet corn, you are so pleased that you laugh from ear to ear—laugh broadly. (different senses of the same word)
(4) If you buy and read the magazine—PEOPLE, you may get to know more people in your life.
(different senses of the same word)
(5) Coke is better than other drinks because it can refresh you, while no other drinks can overtake
it. ― Can‖ here also means ―tin‖. (different senses of the same word)
4. Open discussion
Text B
Comprehension Check
Understanding subject
1.―E mpty nest‖ means the home of parents whose children have grown up and moved out. For
example, Now that they had an empty nest, Jim and Jane opened a bed-and-breakfast. This
expression, alluding to a nest from which baby birds have flown, gave rise to such related ones
as empty-nester, for a parent whose children had moved out, and empty-nest syndrome, for the
state of mind of parents whose children had left. The middle-years people expect they can travel
and do some special things in life that they had been postponing while their children were
growing up. They want to make plans for their preretirement and retirement years.
2.See text B, paragraph 11.
3.Clarify the house rules.
Have a weekly family meeting.
Prepare a long-range financial plan.
Use available community programs and services.
Agree on a target date for departure for your young adult.
Respect one another’s privacy.
Take care of your own family, your marriage, and especially, take care of yourself.
4. It means people in mid-life also feel like pursuing their own goals and making plans for their
own life. But sometimes they cannot help but accept the arrangement of life and therefore put themselves under great pressure.
5. (1) Don’t neglect your own family to take care of your parent.
(2) Make caring for your parent a responsibility for the whole family.
(3)Make everyone in the family aware of any problems.
(4)If a parent moves into your home, that person should have his/her own room and phone.
(5)Take the time for self-renewal.
(6)Take the time for your marriage.
Open discussion
6. (1) dependence (2) respected (3) monetary (4) generations
(5) careers (6) interaction (7) emotional (8) satisfaction
(9) external (10) unwillingness
Vocabulary Check A
Choose the appropriate word or phrase from the list to complete the following sentences.
1.China is the first market for KFC to launch its new product. Targeting trendy young people,
KFC D&D features new flavors like the _______ series, crushed ice of different tastes and hot drinks like Hong Kong-style milk tea. It’s a wider choice of drinks and desserts than those on the regular KFC menu.
2.My sister Ellie, who recently lost 20 pounds, has been pressuring me to lose weight too. And
when I asked for a second helping of the low-fat _______she served for dinner the other night, she totally went off on me. 3.Most little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually _______ their mothers and fathers
until they get one. It is only when the sweet little thing has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on ―Rover‖ or ―Bonze‖.
4.Nigerian President Obasanjo said Sunday that he is not excluding _______ as the cause of last
Sunday’s bomb explosions at the Military Cantonment in Lagos, which led to the death of more than 1,100 people.
5.An obviously biased judge made derisive decisions throughout the trial. The strain of the trial
also placed Barrie’s marriage under______, which ultimately led to his wife divorcing him, and led to Barrie’s children being derided and physically attacked by their classmates.
6.The G.O.P. hopes to gain votes by attacking her as a radical feminist who prefers the boardroom
to the kitchen. But the ploy could ______by alienating working women.
7.Both Luo and Guang admit their drugs, while effective in combating AIDS and alleviating its
syndromes, may not be the final answer to solving the AIDS crisis. Rather, they believe, combined _______ is the likely ultimate answer. Luo said his drugs, when combined with Western medicine, such as the AZT, have shown double the effectiveness for treating AIDS patients.
8.This ______ TV programme is suitable for those half-educated people.
9.―John has no______. So when his parents passed away, he inherited everything from the
family-properties, bank savings, stocks and a big house. He’s really living on easy street.‖10.Anthropologist Dr. Edward T. Hall points out that, for two unacquainted adult male North
America ns, the comfortable distance to stand for private conversation is from arm’s length to about four feet apart. For as the South American moves in, the North American feels he’s being pushy; and as the North American backs off the South American thinks he’s being _______.
Vocabulary Check B
Fill in the blanks with the best choice.
1. There was so much pain there, _______ caused by both sides over the years. I didn’t want to hurt them, nor they me, but the harm had been done and it was irreversible.
A. inappreciably
B. inadvertently
C. inarticulately
D. invisibly
2. Strengthening regional economic cooperation is a top priority for many Asian countries. Interdependence among these different countries is becoming stronger - thanks to the adoption of a more open economic model. And now, Asian countries are making efforts to promote regional________, and in turn realize common prosperity.
A. integration
B. diversity
C. competition
D. integral
3. When people can’t explain a new phenomenon using their knowledge, they will firstly try to understand the new phenomena using the logic reference of______.
A. comparison
B. analysis
C. counterpart
D. analogy
4. If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t ______about your mistakes, learn from them.
A. wonder
B. worried
C. whine
D. pester
5. The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually _______ it in a profitable direction.
A. adapt
B. control
C. install
D. steer
6. The introduction of gunpowder gradually made the bow and arrow _______, particularly in western Europe.
A. obscure
B. obsolete
C. optional
D. overlapping
7. From busy homemakers to professional people, many Americans enjoy the convenience of prepackaged meals that can be ready to serve in 10 minutes or less. On the other hand, many Americans recognize the value of _______ art.
A. cookie
B. culinary
C. cuisine
D. cook
8. The chairman of the board ______ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.
A. compelled
B. posed
C. pressed
D. tempted
9. I am not _______ with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live.
A. concerned
B. compatible
C. considerate
D. complied
10.A good education should train students to think for themselves. However, most of them are trained in the technique of examination under ______.
A. duly
B. duty
C. duress
D. obligation
V ocabulary Check A
V ocabulary Check B
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. C.
5. D
6. B
7. B
8. C
9. B
Answers to Unit Four
Part I Reading Guidelines
Practice 1
2. postindustrial
8.mashed potatoes
9.instant coffee 10. personal organizer
Practice 3
1. Food and Agriculture Organization
2. aircraft
3. headquarters
4. integrated circuit
5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
6. global positioning system
7. World Bank
8. multiple objective decision-making
9. Coast Guard
/doc/7650e4687e21af45b307a81d.html -Pacific Economic Cooperation Practice 4
9.B 10.A
Practice 5
(1) in favor of common market pro(supporting)+ common market
(2) students came to college a year earlier than freshman so they are wiser soph(wise)=more
(3) having or passing many stages of development poly(many/different)+morph(forms)
(4) the science of the use of liquids moving under pressure dydr(water)+ics(subject0
(5) people walking on foot ped(foot)+ian
(6) can be believed cred(believe) + able
(7)consisting many different kinds of people or things hetero(different)+ gene(information)+ous(adj
(8) to say or sing voc(call)+ize(verb suffix)
(9) a skin condition in which the skin becomes red, swollen and sore derm(skin)+tis(medical term)
(10) full of life or energy anim(life)+ ation( a state)
Part II Selected Reading
Text A
Compression Check
Understanding subject
1. Because the economic rate of return to physical capital is much greater.
2. Resources should flow to their most productive us
3.Because it is costly to acquire, like physical capital and pays off over time, like physical capital.
4.The concept stresses the importance of human beings.
5. It improves productivity.
6. (1) to increase in government expenditure in education
(2) to foster governmental cost to free up labor markets for human capital.
(3) to equalize regional and urban vs. rural rates of returns to human and physical capital
by permitting free capital and labor mobility
7. capital that is allowed to flow into specific areas and industries for the sake of investment; to permit working people to move across regions and industries easily
8. To pay skill what it worth and allow easy move across regions and industries.
9. Noncoastal China has enjoyed fewer privileges in the reform so that it has limited investment ability in some infrastructure including education, consequently its educational level is lower than the richer coastal areas.
10. Easier access to education means better education; better education leads to better working performance and better adaptability to new situations.
Examining technique and style
1. Similarities
(1)formal than fictional writing
(3)high percentage of professional terms
(4)supported with data, quotations, charts, diagrams, graphs etc.
(1)In academic lectures, sentences are shorter in simpler structures
(2)more common words are used
(3)higher percentage of repetitions
(4)occasional deviation from the subject matter
2. relationships between human capital and economic development.
(1) improve productivity。
