西方恋爱婚恋观western view of love and marriage
中西方爱情观的差异 英语版

based on self-sufficient agriculture
harmony between the heaven and human
· estern countries W based on acient Greek business culture 以古希腊商业文化为基础 expanding outward 向外扩张
Reasons for different views
China:it has been formed at the old society.
women have a low social status and they must obey the three obediences and the four virtues and have little freedom in choosing thier husbands. Western countries: women play leading roles in families and enjoy a wide range of freedom
Comparisons Of Chinese And Western Views On Love
toward pursuing love of expressing love
toward sex for different views
Chinese: pay more attention to the inner beauty. Like, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. They have been together for three years and in the dailiy contact.,Zhu Yingtai was attracted by his talent and connotation and fell in love with him Westerners: pay more attention to the external beauty. Just as Romeo and Juliet ,they fell in love with each other just at the first sight.

目录1中西方不同的爱情观 (1)2中国人的爱情:含蓄 (2)3西方人的爱情观:爱情至上 (3)参考文献 (4)中西方爱情观的不同摘要:爱情在一个人的一生中,占有极其重要的地位。
Comparisons Of Chinese And Western Views On LoveDefinition and place of loveWestern countries:•Love is the first, and men in love can sacrifice(牺牲)everything, and the woman in love also will give up everything.•In western literature(文学)love is a kind of irresistible(不可抵制的)power. •The admired(羡慕,赞美)is a perfect angel.China: Chinese people pay attention to marriage and despise(轻视)love。
love is more than the relationship of two persons.even if the special felling disappeared between them ,there is still a greatchance that they choose to live togethertheir relationship is not just about themselves, but the whole family includingthe child, parent, relatives, etcThe choice of marriage partnerWestern countries:•The choice of the sexes and marriage partner is based on love, regardless of background(背景), family, age, social status and other considerations. •With emotion(情感,情绪)get close together. Without it ,they are divided (分裂的).China : Many factors are consideredEg:•The Romance of Western Bower(西厢记)•Impressive Plot(情节): Zhang Junrui had to meet secretly with Yingying, who was waiting for the moon over the Western Bower, by climbing over thewall into the garden. yingying is the daughter of a rich businessman ,however,zhang is a poor intellectual.•Their love was enthusiastic(热烈的)and sincere(真诚的,诚实的), but unacceptable.Love collide(碰撞)Western countries:•Westerners pay more attention to the external beauty, namely the “lust”(欲望)in human nature.Example: Romeo and JulietRomeo and Juliet falling in love at first sight is based on both sides of the beauty. They don’t have deep communications. They make judgments according to the impressions(观感)of the opposite(对面的)person’s looks.China:The Oriental(东方人的)pay more attention to the inner beauty, namely “passion"(激情,热情)side in human nature.Example: Liang Shanbo and Zhu YingtaiLiang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have quite a long time for communications such as three years’classmates reading. In daily contact, Zhu Yingtai was attracted by Liang’s talent and connotation(内涵)and gave him her heart.The expressions of loveWestern countries: Direct and straightforward(坦率的)frankly、open、romantic 、egardless(不注意的)of everything Eg:'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.'‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。

西方婚俗作文英文In the Western world, wedding customs vary greatly from country to country and even within different regions. Each culture has its own unique traditions and rituals that make weddings special and memorable.One common aspect of Western weddings is the exchanging of vows. This is when the couple publicly declares their love and commitment to each other. It is a heartfelt moment where they promise to support and cherish one another for the rest of their lives.Another important element of Western weddings is the presence of bridesmaids and groomsmen. These are close friends and family members who stand by the couple's side throughout the ceremony and reception. They often play a significant role in the planning and execution of the wedding, ensuring that everything runs smoothly.In many Western countries, the bride traditionallywears a white wedding dress. This symbolizes purity and innocence. The groom typically wears a suit or tuxedo, looking dapper and sophisticated. The couple's attire is carefully chosen to reflect their personal style and taste.Wedding receptions in the Western world are known for their lively celebrations and delicious food. Guests are treated to a variety of dishes and drinks, often including a multi-tiered wedding cake. There is usually music, dancing, and laughter as everyone comes together to celebrate the newlyweds.One popular tradition in Western weddings is the throwing of the bouquet. The bride tosses her bouquet into a crowd of single women, and it is believed that the one who catches it will be the next to get married. This tradition adds an element of fun and excitement to the event.In some Western cultures, the father of the bride gives a speech or toast during the reception. This is a heartfelt moment where he expresses his love and best wishes for hisdaughter and her new spouse. It is a touching gesture that brings tears to the eyes of many guests.Overall, Western wedding customs are diverse and rich in tradition. They are a celebration of love, commitment, and the coming together of two families. Whether it's the exchanging of vows, the presence of bridesmaids and groomsmen, or the throwing of the bouquet, each element adds to the joy and beauty of the occasion.。

西方爱情作文英文英文:Love is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. As a Westerner, I believe that love is a complex and multi-faceted emotion that can take many different forms. From the passionate, all-consuming love of a new romance to the deep, abiding love of a long-term partnership, there are countless ways to experience and express love.One of the defining characteristics of Western love is the emphasis on individualism. In the West, we tend to value personal autonomy and independence, even in our romantic relationships. This can sometimes lead to a focus on self-expression and self-fulfillment, rather than on the needs and desires of our partner.Another aspect of Western love is the importance placed on communication. We believe that open and honestcommunication is essential for a healthy relationship, and we often encourage couples to talk through their problems and work together to find solutions.Of course, Western love is not without its flaws. Wecan sometimes be too focused on our own needs and desires, and we may struggle to truly understand and empathize with our partner's perspective. However, I believe that Western love has much to offer, and that it can be a powerful force for good in the world.中文:爱情是一种超越文化和语言障碍的普遍语言。

中西方爱情观的差异(英文版)范文第一篇:中西方爱情观的差异(英文版)范文Comparisons Of Chinese And Western Views On Love Definition and place of love Western countries: • Love is the first, and men in love can sacrifice(牺牲)everything, and the woman in love also will give up everything.• • In western literature(文学)love is a kind of irresistible(不可抵制的)power.The admired(羡慕,赞美)is a perfect angel.China: Chinese people pay attention to marriage and despise(轻视)love。
love is more than the relationship of two persons.even if the special felling disappeared between them,there is still a great chance that they choose to live togethertheir relationship is not just about themselves, but the whole family including the child, parent, relatives, etcThe choice of marriage partner Western countries: • The choice of the sexes and marriage partner is based on love, regardless of background(背景), family, age, social status and other considerations.• With emotion(情感,情绪)get close together.Without it ,they are divided(分裂的).China : Many factors are considered Eg:• The Romance of Western Bower(西厢记)• Impressive Plot(情节): Zhang Junrui had to meet secretly with Yingying, who was waiting for the moon over the Western Bower, by climbing over the wall into the garden.yingying is the daughter of a rich businessman,however,zhang is a poor intellectual.• Their love was enthusiastic(热烈的)and sincere (真诚的,诚实的), but unacceptable.Love collide(碰撞)Western countries: • Westerners pay more attention to the external beauty, namely the “lust”(欲望)in humannature.Example: Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet falling in love at first sight is based on both sides of the beauty.They don’t have deep communications.They make judgments according to the impressions(观感)of the opposite(对面的)person’s looks.China: The Oriental(东方人的)pay more attention to the inner beauty, namely “passion"(激情,热情)side in human nature.Example: Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai have quite a long time for communications such as three years’ classmates reading.In daily contact, Zhu Yingtai was attracted by Liang’s talent and connotation(内涵)and gave him her heart.The expressions of loveWestern countries: Direct and straightforward(坦率的)frankly、open、romantic、egardless(不注意的)of everything Eg:'I loved you.I never shall.That's the truth, Roy.I never shall.' ‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。



课程名称:跨文化交际课程作业院(系):文学院专业班级:英语1002班姓名:王成栋学号:1011102062011 年12 月23 日浅谈中西方不同的爱情观先从电影《花样年华》谈起,《花样年华》是香港著名导演王家卫的第七部作品,该作品曾在多个国际电影上获奖,并在第64届戛纳国际电影节上被评为最美爱情片之一。

西方现代婚姻英文作文Modern Western marriage is a complex and evolving institution. It is no longer just about two people coming together for love and companionship, but also about shared responsibilities, financial stability, and personal growth.In today's society, marriage is often seen as a partnership between equals, where both partners have their own careers, interests, and aspirations. This means that traditional gender roles are being challenged, and couples are negotiating new ways of dividing household and parenting duties.The concept of marriage has also expanded to include same-sex couples, who are now able to legally marry in many Western countries. This has brought about a shift in the understanding of marriage as a union between a man and a woman, and has opened up new possibilities for love and commitment.At the same time, divorce rates have been on the rise, leading to a more pragmatic and cautious approach to marriage. Many couples are choosing to cohabit or havelong-term partnerships without getting married, while others are opting for prenuptial agreements to protecttheir assets in case of a divorce.Despite these changes, marriage continues to be a significant social institution in Western societies, and many people still value the idea of finding a life partner and building a family together. The meaning and practice of marriage may be evolving, but its importance in people's lives remains strong.。

中西方婚恋观差异英语作文In Western culture, love and marriage are often seen as a personal choice, based on individual feelings and compatibility. People believe in finding a soulmate and marrying for love, rather than for practical reasons or family obligations.In contrast, traditional Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on family approval and social status whenit comes to marriage. Arranged marriages were common in the past, and even today, many Chinese people still consider their parents' opinion when choosing a partner.Westerners tend to value independence and personal freedom in relationships. They believe in open communication, equality, and mutual respect between partners. Divorce is also more socially acceptable in Western societies, as people believe in the importance of personal happiness and fulfillment.On the other hand, Chinese culture values harmony and stability in relationships. Confucian values such as filial piety and loyalty play a significant role in shapingpeople's attitudes towards marriage. Divorce is often frowned upon, as it is seen as a failure to uphold family values and responsibilities.In terms of gender roles, Western societies have made significant progress towards gender equality in relationships. Women are encouraged to pursue their own careers and interests, and both partners share responsibilities in the household.In China, traditional gender roles are still prevalent in many aspects of society. Men are often expected to be the breadwinners, while women are responsible for taking care of the family and children. However, there is a growing trend towards gender equality in urban areas, as more Chinese women are prioritizing their own careers and independence.。

1. 个体主义:西方人更加强调个体的追求和个人发展,相对较为重视自由和独立。
2. 平等关系:西方人倾向于追求平等和公正的爱情关系。
3. 自由选择:西方人更加重视个人的自由选择权,包括选择自己的伴侣和爱情关系的形式。
4. 稳定性与开放性的平衡:尽管西方人追求个人自由和多样性,但他们也重视爱情关系的稳定性和信任。
5. 爱情至上:西方人普遍认为爱情是生活中最重要的事情之一,他们相信爱可以带来幸福和满足。

中外恋爱差异英语作文Love is a universal language, but the way people express their love can vary greatly across different cultures. In this essay, I will explore some of the differences between Western and Eastern approaches to love and relationships.In Western cultures, love is often associated with passion and romance. People are encouraged to follow their hearts and pursue their desires. The concept of "love at first sight" is common, and many people believe that there is one perfect soulmate out there for them. Westerners tend to value individualism and independence, and they often prioritize their own happiness and fulfillment over the needs of their family or community.In contrast, Eastern cultures tend to view love and relationships as a more practical matter. Marriage is often seen as a way to strengthen family ties and ensure social stability. Parents and other family members play asignificant role in arranging marriages, and the couple's compatibility is often judged based on factors such associal status, education, and financial stability. Easterners tend to value collectivism and interdependence, and they prioritize the needs of their family and community over their own individual desires.These cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts in cross-cultural relationships. For example, a Westerner who values personal freedom and spontaneity may feel stifled by theexpectations and obligations of an Eastern partner's family. On the other hand, an Easterner who values tradition and stability may feel frustrated by a Western partner's tendency to prioritize their own happiness over the needsof the relationship.Despite these differences, there are also many similarities between Western and Eastern approaches to love. Both cultures value loyalty, honesty, and communication in relationships. Both cultures also recognize the importanceof compromise and sacrifice in maintaining a healthy andhappy partnership.In conclusion, the way people approach love and relationships can vary greatly depending on their cultural background. While there are certainly differences between Western and Eastern approaches, there are also many similarities. Ultimately, the most important thing is to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, and to work together to build a relationship that is fulfilling and satisfying for both of you.。

General Overview
·Westerners attach importance to amativeness and think love is foremost.However,chinese value marriages despise love. ——
·Westerners they pursue true love boldly and love indepence and freedom
Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer’d; Beauty’s ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and death’s pale flag is not advanced there.----Romeo and Juliet 死虽然已经吸去了你呼吸中的芳蜜,却还没有力量摧残你的美貌;你 还没有被他征服,你的嘴唇上、面庞上,依然显着红润的美艳,不曾 让灰白的死亡进占。死亡,即使能夺走爱人的生命,却永远也不能消 灭恋人间不渝的爱情。
before getting married and children are the link of couples Westerners they think it is commom for lovers to have sexual relations and sex is just a physiological needs
status of women and degree of social opening

中西方婚恋观英语小作文English:In Western culture, romantic love is often considered the foundation of a successful marriage, with individuals encouraged to follow their hearts and choose their own partners based on feelings of love and compatibility. Marriage is viewed as a partnership between equals, with both parties sharing responsibilities and making decisions together. Divorce is seen as a solution when the relationship is no longer fulfilling, and many Western countries have laws that make the process relatively simple and accessible. In contrast, traditional Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on filial piety and family harmony, with marriage often seen as a union between families rather than just individuals. Arranged marriages were common in the past, and even today, parents' opinions and approval still carry a lot of weight in the decision-making process. Divorce is a last resort, and there is a societal pressure to maintain the family unit even if the relationship is strained. Despite these differences, both Western and Chinese societies are experiencing changes in their attitudes towards marriage and relationships, with more young people opting for love matches and seeking greater autonomy in their personal lives.中文翻译:在西方文化中,浪漫爱情常被视为成功婚姻的基石,个人被鼓励跟随内心选择基于爱和相容性的伴侣。


西方婚恋观——以及对于跨国婚姻的思考西方婚恋观——以及对于跨国婚姻的思考很多人幻想找个美国丈夫或者欧洲丈夫(以下简称老外),以为能够从此改变命运,再也不用辛苦的工作,可以过着锦衣玉食的幸福浪漫生活.从明星到普通女性, 近年来, 跨国婚姻已经越来越多, 幸福的少, 结局不好的总是多数.笔者的朋友里就有曾经尝试或者正在进行的跨国婚姻, 有过得很幸福的, 也有些伤痕累累. 爱情应该不分肤色人种,国籍,可是如果你的婚姻动机不纯,把太多的物质因素或者虚荣心考虑进去的话,大多会以失败告终;另外一些人是的确遇到了爱情,可是由于不了解彼此的文化差异,最终分手也难免.笔者看过一个访谈,采访的都是最后离婚的几对夫妇(都是跨国婚姻).其中一个是因为女方太爱钱,觉得丈夫太小气;另外一个是完全不了解西方尊重个人隐私的文化,经常私自拆她丈夫的信,查看手机,一接到找自己丈夫的电话,就会刨跟问底的问对方的情况;还有一个是男的是美国的一个教授,女的是中国一个大学的英语教师,是个硕士,他们没有以上的问题,但是男的对婚姻的要求很高,他对经济,文化都很感兴趣,尤其是中国的孔孟,庄,道,他希望能够与妻子交流,但是他的妻子除了熟悉许国章的<新概念英语>外,对其它一切经济文化领域都不知道,包括我们自己的文化,而且她也没有兴趣学,美国丈夫觉得没有精神交流的婚姻太没有深度,就想离婚,女方怎么都不离婚,她觉得她又没有外遇,也没有做错事情,为什么要被抛弃呢?拖了很久后,还是离婚了.幸福的也有,我妹妹的一个大学同学,我朋友的一个同事也嫁给了一个美国人,结婚好几年了,都还过得很幸福.笔者觉得,如果要接受跨国婚姻,一定要理解中西方文化差异,而这些差异不像教科书写的那么简单,笼统.首先,西方人的婚姻恋爱观点就和我们不一样.他们更重视交流, 精神上,爱好上是否合得来,去看看他们的征婚广告就知道了,他们的广告里都是自己的兴趣爱好,性格,少有提到自己的经济能力,学历的.而我们似乎比较在意对方的工作,学历,自己是个博士,怎么都得找个本科或硕士生(老实说,我也是这样),希望对方的工作比较体面; 也对外在的一些东西看得比较重要些,比如相貌,身高.我们似乎希望爱情的结合是数学上的排列组合,我的综合分是90分 ,所以希望你至少不能低于85分; 或者拿到天平上去称一下,我是八两,那你不能轻于七两五, 很在意是否”相配”( 我也是这样),否则就觉得很亏,很多女孩子择偶的标准是:”三高男, 高学历,高收入,高个子”. 看看国内报上的征婚广告,大多围饶着这些外在的因素.大致说来,他们更喜欢有内容的, 知识面广,有趣的,即使对方的容貌在我们看来实在是不漂亮;我们更喜欢”条件好的”,喜欢年轻的,漂亮的. 在国内时就听过一个名言,四五十岁的成功男士的理想就是先离婚,再找个和女儿年龄差不多的! 但是在国外,你想仅仅凭着年轻漂亮找婚姻,成功概率小,即使成功,离婚可能性大.其次:中国的夫妻,情侣之间依赖关系更重(精神和经济上都如此),他们可以分享彼此的一切. 很多女性甚至用对方是否愿意给她花大笔钱来判断对方爱她的程度,甚至很多广告也在鼓励这种”爱”的表达方式. 很多男孩子省吃俭用的供女方上学,或者满足她的物质爱好,有钱的送贵重物品,珠宝,车子, 房子等都不吝惜;外国人是不可能自己节省来满足女朋友的物质爱好的.你家里的,工作上的许多事情,中国丈夫也会全力解决,而且很多男性似乎对女方的家庭更为照顾.一般来讲,你什么事情都可以依赖对方.美国夫妻情侣间较为独立(你甚至可以认为他们无情) .他们从来不认为爱一个人就要付出多少金钱,他们更在意的是两个人在一起是否快乐幸福,所以他们会很小气,他不会送给你什么贵重礼物,有的还会和你AA制! 另外一方面,西方的女性从小到大接受的教育也是独立,自己靠自己,所以大多数人也不会用对方花钱的多少来衡量感情. 至于你家里的,工作上的许多事情,他们本着独立和尊重的观念,所以你也就不会看到你的另一半会不遗余力的帮助你.生活上:中国人更注重物质享受;西方人更注重精神享受.在国内,许多家庭省吃俭用的买大房子,大电视,所以很多的男孩子谈恋爱会送女方贵的衣服,化妆品,首饰,甚至房子汽车;而美国人也许一个月花一千美元买音乐,电影的CD,DVD, 而三十块一件的衬衣他们都觉得贵.第三:对待父母的方式也不同. 嫁中国丈夫,就意味着基本上你的父母就是他的父母,无论是从经济上还是精神关心上,你都可以依靠你的丈夫.而外国人,他们对自己的父母都没有赡养责任,所以他们不会像中国丈夫一样要哄你的父母高兴,更谈不上照顾.美国人回馈父母的方式就是简单的节日问候,一点礼物,没有照顾,也没有赡养---虽然美国是福利比较好的社会,老人基本也由国家来承担,但是这是笔者最不认同美国文化的一点.第四:美国人尊重隐私,即使是夫妻你也不能想当然的阅读他的信件,翻他的手机,包括你要帮他洗衣服,也最好先问问他的意见,总之他的事情你都需要尽量尊重他的意见.中国夫妻间更为亲近, 他的就是她的, 虽然上面偷看信件的事本来也是错的,可是中国丈夫的反应会温和得多.第五:比较成熟的美国人是不会轻易结婚的,他们要真正找到自己很喜欢的人,才会给对方承诺. 当然这其中也因为离婚后,通常男方要付女方赡养费,有钱人还会被分掉一部分财产. 和你约会半年,一年,也不表明对方就要和你结婚,所以一定要珍重自己,爱惜自己.我们更追求理想和高尚的爱情,即使对方不喜欢自己,也要一味付出,觉得爱情不应该讲道理很公平;可是西方人比较实际,追求公平,外国人是不会对一个人单方面付出的,那个人不喜欢他,他想想难过一下也算了,会马上重新开始.第六:中国人喜欢崇尚贤妻良母,外国人喜欢有主见的,有自己的生活和爱好的女人,如果你自己牺牲一切去为这个家,那么你的婚姻也就失败了.这是和我们的文化仅仅联系在一起的,从古代起,中国的女性就要三从四德,这样才能赢得丈夫和家人以及社会的认可和尊重,很多女性习惯了牺牲自己成就丈夫和孩子,连晚上吃什么东西,都要先依着对方(当然现在在城市里,好多女性已经不这样了).而在美国,是绝对的个人主义, 每个人都很在意自己的感受,他们决不会委屈求全.所以尽量的说"不”是要上的第一堂文化课!然后一定要有自己的爱好和生活,不能把你的整个人生都围绕着他转动!第七:分手---美国人更理智更坚决,他们认为每个人都应该有随时重新出发的准备和勇气.在国内常听见同事或者朋友闹离婚,一方不想离婚的,很多女的大哭大闹,或者上演假自杀,我在中行的时候,我们有个同事因为考虑到和女朋友分居两地,也许还有其它考虑,就试图和她女朋友分手,结果她女朋友割腕自杀,吓得他再也不敢提分手了,乖乖结了婚.但是如果你找的是外国丈夫,他们不会那么心软的, 这一套不但没有用,还会让他更坚决,因为你连自己都不爱了,谁还会爱你呢?他们的文化是无论工作还是感情都应该有随时放弃和重新开始的勇气.最后一条很重要:中西方的思维方式不同,中国人的恋爱,表达更含蓄,有什么要求想法,很多时候并不会直接说;而西方人是简单的,直接的,所以不论任何问题你都最好直接提出来,让对方猜测,他也猜不着.当然客观的看,外国人也有他们的长处,他们比较尊重女性,不管是婚前还是婚后,绝对不会勉强你做任何你不想做的事情,你也用不着牺牲什么;他们也比较浪漫,追求高质量的婚姻生活(精神上的追求更多一些).美国人结婚以后会很重视家庭,美国本来应酬就很少,所以大多数人下班以后就是回家很家人呆在一起;事业成功的人即使娶了不漂亮的老婆绝对不会觉得没有面子带她出去,他们相信,自己的就是好的.总的说来, 如果你刚好遇到了跨国恋情,或是你执意要寻找国际婚姻,一定要充分的了解,理解和尊重对方的文化,然后尽量做到求同存异.如果你不是个精神和经济独立的女性或者你都没有想要做个独立女性的勇气和能力, 而幻想凭借国际婚姻过上优裕富足的生活, 从此改变命运,笔者敢大胆预测,即使你运气好找到了,失败的可能性远远大于成功!最重要的, 笔者认为不要抱着婚姻致富,改变命运的想法,而是自己先做个精神上经济上独立的想法(邓文笛等确实通过婚姻彻底改变了命运,但是她们本身就是个经济和精神独立的女性). 我们不需要成为女强人,但是至少要能够养活自己,成为有知识的(笔者指的知识不是你的学历;而是具备良好的谈吐和知识,而不是让别人觉得你是苍白的知识面狭窄的惊人的)有修养的女人, 你才有基础遇见有知识的有修养的男人, 这样的女人在爱情的面前才不会委曲求全,在不喜欢的时候能够转身就走,可以随时出发, 我相信不管是找中国人还是外国人,你都会过得很幸福.注:笔者这里写的是中美或者中欧婚姻.。

AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Yang Ling, my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and useful suggestions on my thesis. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Second, I am also greatly indebted to all the other tutors and teachers for their direct and indirect help to me.Last, my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who give me their help and time in helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.AbstractThere are more different views on love between Chinese and western, which reflected in literatures and films. love is the enduing theme of human beings, which is the peculiar character and one of the best behaviors for human beings. Meanwhile, the love words are considered to be the most beautiful words of human beings. But because of different traditional culture, different mode of thinking, different racial character, Chinese and Westerners have so many different points on love. Through comparison, discuss the similarities and differences of Chinese -Western view on love in the Hawthorn Love and Titanic.Key words: Culture difference, Chinese and Western views on love摘要中西方爱情观有极大不同,这在文学作品和影视作品得到了反映。

Let us see the love features of Chinese and westerners
Chinese features: Situation 1. It's hard to say"I love you"directly.Then they choose... Situation 2. You have a good freind,one day you find yourself falling in love with him. What would you do? You may be hide this feeling and act as nothing has happened.
四月里迎风初开 —罗伯特彭斯)
Sit immoral to have sex with someone before getting married and children are the link of couples. Westerners they think it is common for lovers to have sexual relations,and sex is just a phsiological needs.
For Chines lovers,they hope that the girl or the boy they beloved cherish their feelings for a life or for ten thousand years or the end of the world. While the western lovers,if they lost feelings to each other they would leave or divoerce.
