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%Under the background of our country' s reform in education, Hubei University of Arts and Science brings out the "211" Talents Training mode. To meet the need of new talents training mode, ideological and po- litical theory course should realize the combination of teaching content and its object, national uniform require- ments and local specific requirements, and ideological and political course professional course. New reform con- cepts should be implemented, such as interdisciplinary branch of science, training of students in large category, the obscuring of major, enhancing
of interactive, encouraging creativity, etc, in ideological and political theory course. All - around educational reforms in aspects of talents training concepts, planning, reform of teaching methods, course construction and
ability assessment make contribution to a successful educational reform in ideo- logical and political theory course in colleges and universities of our country, which is full of fundamentality and generality characterized by the locality.
1.高校思政课教学改革之探索--以兰州文理学院思政课教学改革为例 [J], 蔡静;王妮
2.坚持问题导向,把高职思政课教育教学改革落到实处r——以湖北工业职院思政课"问题导向"教学模式改革为例 [J], 付海龙
3.坚持问题导向,把高职思政课教育教学改革落到实处——以湖北工业职院思政课“问题导向”教学模式改革为例 [J], 付海龙;
4.新形势下高校思政课实践教学体系的构建路径探析——评《新时代高校思政课实践教学改革研究》 [J], 季君
5.应用型人才培养模式下艺术实践类课程教学改革研究与实践——以湖北文理学院音乐与舞蹈学院《儿童音乐剧排练》课程为例 [J], 冯妮娜
